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RTR Rituals Now More Than Ever

Weassel said:
Artanis said:
And because of this reason too! :lol: :lol:

Those bastards are so insane and full of hate that even an entire political group was not enough to satisfy their need for soylent dominance so they turned on each other, LEL.

When you have countless "protected" classes then eventually it'll all fall apart within. Look at how in Europe the Muslims are protesting the LGBT forced classes in school. They've stopped taking their kids their. Everywhere the left is one big joke.

slyscorpion said:
hailourtruegod said:
Excellent points. Aside from those who get complacent or worse, lazy, this post also is directed to people might get demotivated from constantly seeing all the stupid in the world. I have had the thought in the back of my head at times where I see so many people who are without just being stupid. Sounds like I'm being harsh but hoooooly crap some people out there are just..... I don't even know how to describe it. All the devout xians/muslims to the lefties who cling on to socialist/communistic ideals. It just gets to the point the thought that comes to mind is "you know what, fuck it, find then suffer your poor future. I don't want to help you." Fortunately that thought never last more than a few seconds though. What pushes me everyday is knowing that my contribution helps and is helping the innocent who suffer from the hands of the enemy especially the ones currently going thru the most horrific experineces. My motivation has been that the most I do and the more constant I am the faster these innocents will be saved and also stop from others from ever falling into that evil. Those thoughts have always stopped me from giving up my part in this war and will continue to motivate me. And now with your post it has made me realize things I haven't thought of and fueled me EVEN MORE to constantly fight hard.

Thank you.

Hail Satan!!

I would agree with you and as much as I would love to see some of those people suffer on their own from their stupidity remember this. We too are part of this planet if it all goes down as far as I know we die with it and go down or become slaves as well. I don't think any of us want that fate. Since none of us are likely at a level we can incarnate somewhere else (even any of the other Earth like human like civilizations ) we are stuck here. So yes we have to keep doing this and trying no matter how dumb some people are. We can't give up.

Also wouldn't it be great to watch those idiots fail at the new world that we create and laugh about it too. While they are all freaked out cause they miss their master the Jews. Think like this it will cheer you up. We have to fight keep up the good work.

Thanks for the feedback brother/sister.
LightAlgur said:
I do one final a day.

But I make sure it’s very loud.

I like it spicy,

Carolina reaper style.
Excellent! I like mine xxxtra Booming and creamy with Hitler Ice Creamz
I love that!

Let me get my microphone

and do an RTR around town in your hotcar.

Gotta be real authentic.

This is gonna be fun.

Hotcar said:
LightAlgur said:
I do one final a day.

But I make sure it’s very loud.

I like it spicy,

Carolina reaper style.
Excellent! I like mine xxxtra Booming and creamy with Hitler Ice Creamz
Hello, this message was intended to be sent to all moderators of this forum, however I cant send it to you guys privately due to the contact button now working for me for some reason...
My name is Sam and I have been a dedicated satanist for a little over four years now! I owe a lot to this forum, and am grateful for the guy that showed it to me, when I was going to the Christian youth group at my church, every time we would pray to the cursed jew Nazarene, he would be invoking his much more powerful energy in the opposite direction. Anyway, this isn't being written to tell you about myself... instead it is aimed at a key topic that is missing from all JOS related websites. Here goes nothing!
In order for people to experience any of the meditations and Yoga as Satan has intended for them to be experienced, they must decalcify their pineal glands! The pineal gland is the "seat of the soul", as written about by many philosophers, as well as Tesla having said "I am only a transmitter to cosmic knowledge". I am pretty sure the moderators of this forum already know how powerful, and crucial, the pineal gland is to achieving any spiritual power. In that case, why hasn't this been talked about on the forums or website? I feel like we need to push healthy living and avoiding fluoride, mercury, vaccines etc... in order for our members to be able to produce more energy to fight the enemy.
Here is a link to a VERY powerful article describing the most effective ways of removing these neurotoxins and poisons from our systems. https://www.academia.edu/28630251/PINEAL_OSSIFICATION_PDF.pdf
Kunda said:
Hello, this message was intended to be sent to all moderators of this forum, however I cant send it to you guys privately due to the contact button now working for me for some reason...
My name is Sam and I have been a dedicated satanist for a little over four years now! I owe a lot to this forum, and am grateful for the guy that showed it to me, when I was going to the Christian youth group at my church, every time we would pray to the cursed jew Nazarene, he would be invoking his much more powerful energy in the opposite direction. Anyway, this isn't being written to tell you about myself... instead it is aimed at a key topic that is missing from all JOS related websites. Here goes nothing!
In order for people to experience any of the meditations and Yoga as Satan has intended for them to be experienced, they must decalcify their pineal glands! The pineal gland is the "seat of the soul", as written about by many philosophers, as well as Tesla having said "I am only a transmitter to cosmic knowledge". I am pretty sure the moderators of this forum already know how powerful, and crucial, the pineal gland is to achieving any spiritual power. In that case, why hasn't this been talked about on the forums or website? I feel like we need to push healthy living and avoiding fluoride, mercury, vaccines etc... in order for our members to be able to produce more energy to fight the enemy.
Here is a link to a VERY powerful article describing the most effective ways of removing these neurotoxins and poisons from our systems. https://www.academia.edu/28630251/PINEAL_OSSIFICATION_PDF.pdf

We are aware of fluoridation for decades now. Please make sure to also meditate. Doing fancy treatments for your pineal gland won't do anything to help it compared to actually using it.

Like an atrophied organ, it required to be used.
I agree 100%, however the calcium shell around the pineal gland inhibiting the production of melatonin and DMT, greatly reduces the amount of these vital brain development chemicals supposed to be produced during such meditations, decalcifying and cleaning the brain from said intoxicants is in no way a replacement to meditation/yoga. However, if one is meditating everyday and still consuming Tobacco/Alchohol/Smoking fluoride pesticide sprayed Jew medical weed, You are simply taking a step forward and then shooting yourself in the foot. ONLY EAT ORGANIC FOODS, regular foods are sprayed with flouride pesticides/preservatives directly attacking your spiritual centres! Also, if you didn’t already know, we are 70-80% water. Therefore making it the most important part of our physical being. IF YOU ARE USING A CHEAP BRITA WATER FILTER, you are about as well off as drinking straight from the tap. All water drank must either be distilled, or reverse osmosis filtered in order for the toxic chemicals to be removed. Another tip, if possible buy fruits/vegetables from MEXICO, even organic foods are grown with fluoride Jew water in the US!!! Mexico doesn’t have the money to implement large scale fluoridation of water, therefore, they do it to salt, so no guacamole or other salted Mexican foods but fruits/veggies from South America are perfect. HAIL SATAN
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are aware of fluoridation for decades now. Please make sure to also meditate. Doing fancy treatments for your pineal gland won't do anything to help it compared to actually using it.

Like an atrophied organ, it required to be used.

This is exactly true. I just wanted to echo my two bits here. For all my worries and concern several years back about fluoridation (even though I live in a country where its not as bad as America right now), nothing compared to the effect I received that simple power meditation did. Really I almost let myself believe I was fucked, but the truth is, nothing else compares to meditations for this particular matter.

The issue with the message you just replied to from Kunda is that, well, for some younger members, exposure to such things, due to living in family households is currently unavoidable. It needs to be reiterated to anyone that read the image that you CAN counter the effects of such things, even with exposure, if you truly put the time and effort into power meditation. Even things like filters are nowhere near a guarantee due to the nature of the chemical. Telling people that meditation will simply not work because of this is irresponsible, because sometimes people will just have the "i'm fucked then so i wont bother" mentality.

Of course one should take whatever preventative measures they can in this issue, not saying that. But there's a lot of false claims regarding the pineal gland stemming from the newagers, like some of them claiming its fucked for good no matter what you do. Newagers are complete idiots and spread whatever memes they hear. I once saw one of those crystal healing type forums tell its new members to literally go stare directly at the sun to "fix their pineal gland" and ingest near lethal amounts of iodine.

When I was a younger man I managed to successfully get my pineal gland producing its "nectar" on a nearly daily basis from working on it daily in spite of me having to live with family and be exposed to products that contain fluoride. To anyone reading this, just meditate on your pineal gland. Focus on it, try GAUM as a vibration. Even doing the RTR and also working on your 6th chakra should help it along. Your body encounters toxins, poisons and other ill effects on a daily basis, not just fluoride. Polluted air, food with pesticides, so on so forth. Spiritual work should be the first measure of defense. Minimize your exposure to negative things as much as you can, but don't think for a second spiritual work will only matter once you've somehow eliminated all negative exposures in your life. It should be done as soon as possible and no matter what.

From my research, the pineal gland calcifies and atrophies over time and aging BECAUSE of complete and total disuse by the general population. Its the same if your arm grew weak and skinny because you never used it for anything. Such products only accelerate the process further and further over time. If you actually use it however, this is a completely different story. The human body and soul can be truly amazing things. So do what you can to avoid such things, but nothing will ever compare to good, hard work and effort.

Sorry for the rant, I've just seen too many loonies shout doom and gloom to the sky, even if fluoride awareness is immensely important regardless. I know new members can easily start to panic and not believe in their workings if they're told no spiritual work can undo their exposure to it. I believe Maxine spoke of this several years ago, telling people to keep at it no matter what.
Arcadia said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are aware of fluoridation for decades now. Please make sure to also meditate. Doing fancy treatments for your pineal gland won't do anything to help it compared to actually using it.

Like an atrophied organ, it required to be used.

This is exactly true. I just wanted to echo my two bits here. For all my worries and concern several years back about fluoridation (even though I live in a country where its not as bad as America right now), nothing compared to the effect I received that simple power meditation did. Really I almost let myself believe I was fucked, but the truth is, nothing else compares to meditations for this particular matter.

The issue with the message you just replied to from Kunda is that, well, for some younger members, exposure to such things, due to living in family households is currently unavoidable. It needs to be reiterated to anyone that read the image that you CAN counter the effects of such things, even with exposure, if you truly put the time and effort into power meditation. Even things like filters are nowhere near a guarantee due to the nature of the chemical. Telling people that meditation will simply not work because of this is irresponsible, because sometimes people will just have the "i'm fucked then so i wont bother" mentality.

Of course one should take whatever preventative measures they can in this issue, not saying that. But there's a lot of false claims regarding the pineal gland stemming from the newagers, like some of them claiming its fucked for good no matter what you do. Newagers are complete idiots and spread whatever memes they hear. I once saw one of those crystal healing type forums tell its new members to literally go stare directly at the sun to "fix their pineal gland" and ingest near lethal amounts of iodine.

When I was a younger man I managed to successfully get my pineal gland producing its "nectar" on a nearly daily basis from working on it daily in spite of me having to live with family and be exposed to products that contain fluoride. To anyone reading this, just meditate on your pineal gland. Focus on it, try GAUM as a vibration. Even doing the RTR and also working on your 6th chakra should help it along. Your body encounters toxins, poisons and other ill effects on a daily basis, not just fluoride. Polluted air, food with pesticides, so on so forth. Spiritual work should be the first measure of defense. Minimize your exposure to negative things as much as you can, but don't think for a second spiritual work will only matter once you've somehow eliminated all negative exposures in your life. It should be done as soon as possible and no matter what.

From my research, the pineal gland calcifies and atrophies over time and aging BECAUSE of complete and total disuse by the general population. Its the same if your arm grew weak and skinny because you never used it for anything. Such products only accelerate the process further and further over time. If you actually use it however, this is a completely different story. The human body and soul can be truly amazing things. So do what you can to avoid such things, but nothing will ever compare to good, hard work and effort.

Sorry for the rant, I've just seen too many loonies shout doom and gloom to the sky, even if fluoride awareness is immensely important regardless. I know new members can easily start to panic and not believe in their workings if they're told no spiritual work can undo their exposure to it. I believe Maxine spoke of this several years ago, telling people to keep at it no matter what.

Agreed 100% and also I will repost this comment for people to read. All you say is very true.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When one thinks of future intervention, they should think that the war is here, is happening, and the enemy has power. A lot of power, unimaginable amounts. Even if not spiritually anymore, this is the case in influence and physically. Our efforts rival and our growth shrinks them, and vice versa.

One has to be a liar and an idiot to say that we have won on this current present. On the future, yes, but the future is coming actively and is not set in stone. The more we do, the more this is more clearly engraved in the stone, and the less that is done, the more stone remains without engraving.

The fact that we will require intervention from the outside is not a good sign, but rather, a sign that we require external help. Our planet is not faring on a positive direction and if it did in it's entirety, there wouldn't be a need for us to be having duties to do and require external help.

It's important to understand the exactitude of the situation. When a military unit fights in the front-line on a region that is getting assaulted heavily [Our world in this case] during a brutal war, and the colonels receive information that we are going to have reinforcements coming in, we do not just drop our weapons, go lazy, and go Kumbaya, as there will be a bloodbath and everyone is going to go down.

Instead, you only get a higher morale and fight harder, and you want to ensure to do the best that you can and even fully sweep your enemy, so that when reinforcements arrive, you can proceed better and advance the war. It changes nothing in the outcome of it. As far as our planet is gone we are sitting in the middle of this despite at the larger scale of things.

All statements about help and the future are to show that we are supported and backed up, not that everything is going to happen by someone else. This if anything means "HOLD YOUR LINE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE RIGHT NOW". We will not get everything served on any platter. Do not expect external saviors or to be saved by coincidences, the "Age of Aquarius" or some fairydust of mercy by the future. This is either we do this thing ourselves or we don't.

The Final RTR has to be done mercilessly and daily, so that we are both at ease ourselves, we advance, and we also suffer less and less casualties as a planet. It takes one to only open the news to understand why. One example here is how China is becoming a dystopian place at rapid pace, tech will accelerate this. The plague of the enemy exists on the face of this world, and with their growth and handling, they are trying to undermine this world and gradually transfer all sorts of moral, mental, spiritual, and civilization based plagues in the midst of everyone on earth.

The enemy fights everyday, and they will do until the end. And they will try to do as much as they can. Plus, when reinforces arrive on one side, they may do also on the other.

Our Gods can see the future with clarity and they know what will come, but these estimates are provided we do our own end. If people drop their spiritual and activism efforts, and go to play video games all day, we are to ensure ourselves the begone of our planet and all our freedoms, without turning back.

There is no planet, no external entity, and nobody which can save or even help if people are just sleeping and pacifists. While the Gods have considerable influence in our history and have helped us, this has happened through great people who decided to do the daily work for these things. As such we live in a better world. And if these people did not exist or just deserted challenges, we would be still in some Middle Age slavery, despite of how many crafts hovered around the desolate cities in where people were locked in cages like animal serfs.

If we desert what we have to do now, when our reinforcements arrive, they will only find a wasteland and this is not intended in anyway. Our freedoms have to be supported on a daily basis, and the enemy undermines them every single day. Freedoms not defended are lost, and the same goes for attainments and every form of development.

As the enemy wakes up every morning and like a robot curses us, and curses the world and our planet, so must we, and with more loyalty, reverse these curses, and advance.

Soros will wake up just another morning in his 90's and pay more ads to fill Western nations with even more illegal people who will be used as slave labor by his tribe. Some Islamist Imam will wake up just another day to preach how the hand of a child has to be severed because they stole an apple, because this is what the "Quran" said. Another jew in Jerusalem will go about his usual day repeating again and again how all of the Gentiles are Goyim and read his amidah. Some fat leftist communist in Europe will go wake up another day to ensure that 3000 more foreigners per day are injected into Europe for the great Kalergi plan. More jew missionaries will go to Africa to preach more damnation to African people, and brainwash them as much as possible at the exchange for a few necessities for life.

And the enemy will do this whether this has an effect or not. Clearly, they have been found out, and their attempts are becoming less and less able, but this means only one thing for us: PUSH STRONGER!

And likewise, we have to do what we have to do everyday, because this is working on the highest level and the RTR puts all of the above for erasure and failure.

As a last note, keeping the problematic case of disappearance of progress aside - just think to yourself, what kind of a world we are going to have when the above is no more, and when humanity can finally advance. Both the above in conjunction are visions to have and that make it quite easy to drop any stupid thoughts aside and do what one has to do.

We have wonderful Gods, we have a wonderful world at the verge growing like a flower on a rock. The rock [enemy] can be removed, and we can plant the tree and watch it evolve in peace.

We must make this happen.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP HC I read your post on become a living God forum I love your posts on there it is so enlightening it's just your word combined with a picture of father Satan just is a wonderful energy and I know your words come directly from father. Of course the jews remove your account because oh vey muh evil goy is teaching other goy to be evil. And about opening my crown I had an experience after vibrating yaum multiple times I felt alot of energy in my crown then all of a sudden it reached the tip of the chakra and burst with sexual energy. Know does that mean my crown chakra is open. Sorry if I am wasting your time.
Brilliant! But what is a RTR can someone give me a link?
I am very new still trying to open my third eye and sixth chakra before I move onto my crown chakra
To be honest I am feeling low like will this actually work? I'm only on day one and i havent felt that blissful feeling though wheb u open your sixth chakra ... maybe that will happen day 7
If anybody would help me that would be great as I want to join the battle and be a warrior also! But right now I am a newbie and nothing is happening i dont feel any different :( just a little lightheaded
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As the enemy wakes up every morning and like a robot curses us, and curses the world and our planet, so must we, and with more loyalty, reverse these curses, and advance.

And likewise, we have to do what we have to do everyday, because this is working . . .


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For ALL who are unable to perform RTR's /meditations and work for the gods for any reasons for example strict parents or authority / your in a public place or under observation e.t.c . I strongly suggest you create a

Astral Temple : https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Temple.html
**IF YOU find it difficult to create or/and access your astral temple then begin practising
Astral Projection : https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Meditations_for_Astral_Projection.html

In the astral temple your free to spam as many RTR's as possible, talk to others and other forms of life i.e Lesser Demons and more, meditate, plan for evens, get privacy e.t.c the list goes on and on. Do not let the physical hold you down.
+you do all this in a relaxed state like sleeping!! its a win win

Hail all the Gods
Hail Satan
Fancy Slothz said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As the enemy wakes up every morning and like a robot curses us, and curses the world and our planet, so must we, and with more loyalty, reverse these curses, and advance.

And likewise, we have to do what we have to do everyday, because this is working . . .


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For ALL who are unable to perform RTR's /meditations and work for the gods for any reasons for example strict parents or authority / your in a public place or under observation e.t.c . I strongly suggest you create a

Astral Temple : https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Temple.html
**IF YOU find it difficult to create or/and access your astral temple then begin practising
Astral Projection : https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Meditations_for_Astral_Projection.html

In the astral temple your free to spam as many RTR's as possible, talk to others and other forms of life i.e Lesser Demons and more, meditate, plan for evens, get privacy e.t.c the list goes on and on. Do not let the physical hold you down.
+you do all this in a relaxed state like sleeping!! its a win win

Hail all the Gods
Hail Satan
Is this for real? Also what exactly is an astral temple is it a temple we create in after doing astral projection I am also a complete beginner in spirituality can I still do it? I think this is a great Idea to get a succubus if I don't have privacy.
I feel silly asking this, but...do I need to do the RTR alone? I mean NO PETS ALLOWED NEAR?
I was reading HP Maxine post about the energy workings, and during the RTR there is a lot of energy involved.
Thanks for answering.
kenny.meza said:
I feel silly asking this, but...do I need to do the RTR alone? I mean NO PETS ALLOWED NEAR?
I was reading HP Maxine post about the energy workings, and during the RTR there is a lot of energy involved.
Thanks for answering.
You can do the Rtr even if there are pets around. The only time that you need to be careful is when you are breathing in energy (when you do a breathing exercise or you are just breathing in energy) instead when you vibrare just a mantra or rune is fine. If you are cleaning your aura and chakra you should be careful too and make sure no pets or other people's are in your room.
I just noticed that on a few section of the RTR (4,11,12) the word "each" is missing. Is that an inadvertence or is that part of the Ritual?
kenny.meza said:
I feel silly asking this, but...do I need to do the RTR alone? I mean NO PETS ALLOWED NEAR?
I was reading HP Maxine post about the energy workings, and during the RTR there is a lot of energy involved.
Thanks for answering.
Energy workings are fine. You should avoid doing things like breathing exercises near pets, as well as things like Aura Cleaning and Black Magick. All the rest is fine, e.g. RTRs and general white-magick stuff. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
