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RTR Offensive Co-Ordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare [Apps Updated]

Excellent. If we can post some time before informing we'd be doing RTR within next hour, it would be VERY ENCOURAGING!
It would be nice if the Clergy did like HP Cobra in the post above. If one day you all agreed to let us know when you were going to do the Final RTR, so we all can get excited and hyped up about doing a RTR with the "the higher ups".

It would give the feeling of belonging and doing something were all are one group bashing the enemy in a coordinated strike.

Unfortunately I was unable to express this without sentimentality.
Just in time for the 11am one. Hatha yoga then 27x rtr. Thanks for your work on the timer cobra and everyone else who made the digital rtr.

Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,


It's time for a Great Counter-attack.



How cozy and warm this satanic room is ... I feel an orange lampshade with many soft pillows embroidered with silk. There is lavender incense and many red and black candles are burning there ....
I will seize my strength and devotion to Satan and Lilith and our dear Gods and will often be there.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hello, HP,
I loved this. But where are Bigot boy's and Young faith's tools?

I need to update the files and have some issues addressed and they will be put up there ASAP.

Both of them refused to work within the phone app, so I could not include them there.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have had to go into many of their buildings recently for my work. And every doorway and every window in the whole building, they have those shema scrolls glued to the wall. I thought those were just for doorways to the outside of the building, but it is every doorway within the entire building. On one floor of the building I was on, I saw probably 50 shema scrolls, they just had them everywhere.

When I saw this, it made me take it more seriously. All I could think when I saw it is to be impressed by their use of such an ancient and serious technology. An entire circuit, every shema scroll is part of the same circuit as every other one that there has ever been. I saw visions of ancient camp sites and small villages with these same shema scrolls posted around the perimeters. And I saw that it is the exact same shema from that camp site 5,000 years ago as all the ones that are in front of me now. Organized in the same way, in the same circuit, around the same perimeters. And it showed me much more about how seriously all of this really is. How serious of a technology that it is, and how seriously that jews have preserved and maintained the use of this technology for thousands of years continuously. They are very advanced and lucky in that way, that their culture got to keep this technology while our cultures lost ours.

I can feel the energy emanating from every shema scroll when I look at them. Looks like some kind of a small red light coming out from them. And I feel how each of those scrolls is both offensive and defensive. Defensive to not allow anything that would harm them to go past it through the doorway. But also offensive to project curses outward against anybody outside. And that red light, those curses and defenses, they are the same ones that were used in those camps and villages thousands of years ago, the energy has not gotten any older and has not changed it's form at all in all that time.

But I think that this circuitry, this technology of a web of projecting emitters where each one repeats the same energy around itself wherever it is placed. It's entire job is to Keep Satan Out and not let any part of Satan enter into their building. But I am a part of Satan and here I am right in the center of their building? I walked past all of them like they weren't even there, they never slowed me down and they never kept me out. And I see the hate in their eyes when most of them look at me, they know that I am part of Satan, but still they all talk very politely to me because they require the work that I am there to do. That showed me that all of their energy is now worthless. Satan walks directly through their security system like it doesn't even exist. So I was relaxed and paying very close attention to myself to feel if I could feel any curses going into me from them, because I know that is what they are made to do, but I could not feel anything bad happening to me, I felt strong.

I could see the red astral light that each shema was trying to emit, but they were very dim. I could feel that they used to be brighter, there was a time years ago when each one shined bright and blue like lightning, but now at this time when I am seeing them now they are only very dim. I felt like it is like there is a little AA 1.5v battery in each one that has lost all of it's charge months ago, so now it is only the most dim glow that is left.

This was all a very strange experience for me, but it was important. It showed me a lot about how their circuit works, and the state of how strong and healthy the circuit is right now. It is almost gone, it is only very dim now and getting more dim every day. I was afraid at first to go deep into the center of hundreds or thousands of them where all of them live, I thought I would be tied up in their basement getting eaten for dinner, but Satan told me to not be scared because they don't know who I am. Satan told me that they know I am a goy, but they don't know how much Satan is in me. And they aren't going to hurt me because they are requiring the work I am there to do. I felt like I was on some other planet, hundreds of them all looking at me like I am an alien and me looking at hundreds of them the same way. But the lesson is that their entire web of energies is completely drained almost down to nothing at all. And there is nothing they can do to keep Satan out, Satan walks directly into the center of their camp without even slowing down. Most of them looked like they were not healthy.
Every so often Ill report. There is no higher ups when it comes to warfare, we are all one fist down here.

My aim is 3 times daily. I may not report every one due to constrained time online on the forums.

Every so often Ill make it a point to also add some sort of candy on that page, like a track or some sort of quote, poem or video.

Its in two minutes so...Let's go.

Ninja 666 said:
It would be nice if the Clergy did like HP Cobra in the post above. If one day you all agreed to let us know when you were going to do the Final RTR, so we all can get excited and hyped up about doing a RTR with the "the higher ups".

It would give the feeling of belonging and doing something were all are one group bashing the enemy in a coordinated strike.

Unfortunately I was unable to express this without sentimentality.
Gigipah666 said:
Sungio13 said:
To whoever finished the first one, did you guys feel it? Did you see the world in a Satanic embrace ridden of the enemy? Did you see their gray energy vortex decimating under our glorious Satanic light? The Gold to which truth is revealed and the beauty of our people restored?

This was by far one of the strongest most beautiful and at the same time most destructive rituals yet. My partner and I just finished a 27X ritual, gave the rest of the energy to Mother Astaroth and cleaned and protected our auras afterwards. The enemy has no idea how rapidly we're going to take them down and this ritual was just THE VERY FIRST ONE!! The first of many and I can't wait for the next one. At this point I can honestly say all my days have been made knowing that EVERY 2 HOURS there's going to be Satanists all around the world performing the F-RTR. I give you all a Satanic embrace and may you all succeed in the completion of your endeavors!


I’m new to SS, if you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by giving the rest of the energy? And I did feel ripples in the energy field around me.

Whenever you perform the F-RTR, if afterwards you ever feel like you still have a surplus of energy within yourself. It's always good to send this energy to Father Satan, the Gods or even your Guardian Demon. I usually breathe out the remainder of the extra energy into a sphere, then I affirm and program the energy to be of positivity, and finally I send it directly to the Sigil or the Demon of choice. They'll really appreciate the extra work it takes to do that and you always feel that you're giving them your absolute most.
Gigipah666 said:
Sungio13 said:
To whoever finished the first one, did you guys feel it? Did you see the world in a Satanic embrace ridden of the enemy? Did you see their gray energy vortex decimating under our glorious Satanic light? The Gold to which truth is revealed and the beauty of our people restored?

This was by far one of the strongest most beautiful and at the same time most destructive rituals yet. My partner and I just finished a 27X ritual, gave the rest of the energy to Mother Astaroth and cleaned and protected our auras afterwards. The enemy has no idea how rapidly we're going to take them down and this ritual was just THE VERY FIRST ONE!! The first of many and I can't wait for the next one. At this point I can honestly say all my days have been made knowing that EVERY 2 HOURS there's going to be Satanists all around the world performing the F-RTR. I give you all a Satanic embrace and may you all succeed in the completion of your endeavors!


I’m new to SS, if you don’t mind me asking, what do you mean by giving the rest of the energy? And I did feel ripples in the energy field around me.

Whenever you perform the F-RTR, if afterwards you ever feel like you still have a surplus of energy within yourself. It's always good to send this energy to Father Satan, the Gods or even your Guardian Demon. I usually breathe out the remainder of the extra energy into a sphere, then I affirm and program the energy to be of positivity, and finally I send it directly to the Sigil or the Demon of choice. They'll really appreciate the extra work it takes to do that and you always feel that you're giving them your absolute most.
THIS is amazing!!! I got so so SO excited when I saw this!!
Well, we all know that other SS are doing RTRs but... I don't know why, this method, this way, it just feels so much more.. how to say.. tangible?

I haven't done an RTR in a long time... I'm not proud of this and I don't want to give any excuses.
But as I came back from work, the moment I saw this thing (I visited the site, since there's no download link yet) the timer said 6 minutes and I was like let's-fucking-do-this!!
It is very encouraging! Very motivational!!! Fuck yeah I can do at least 1 RTR a day!

Today I was feeling very excited for almost all day for no reason... Well now, here's a reason!

I'm very happy with this, thank you Commander Cobra!! :lol: :cool:

Also, I'd like to ask two little things... One is, I remember HP Maxine had said to visualize the letters being white and then going black (disappearing/being destroyed). I assume visualizing them red (as the images in the site show) and then being destroyed, it has the same effect? :)
Second thing, I noticed that a few letters were a bit distorted. I know I'm being a bit nitpicky now, but will the effect be the same? (more specifically, one image was a bit more vertical, or in another image, the letter had some of its "tails" cut off, or blend with the other tails and distorting it)

Sorry for being concerned about the small things!

I am TRULY excited with this!! I am very happy, honestly, thank you for creating it!!! This was an unimaginable booster for me!
This is very appreciated, thank you all! We are going to teach a lesson
Amazing idea HP, truly! I know the idea of coordinated strikes has been tossed around the forums in the passed, but now that it's actually happening this is exciting! Slightly over an hour until the next strike, enough time to have a decent breakfast and get prepared.

Also the app you made sounds fantastic, unfortunately as an iPhone user I can't test it - hell, I can't even use my own app, hahah!

If there are any issues with getting my tool working feel free to contact me, not sure if it's wise to share my email on here though...? But here was the more compressed html5 version in case you missed it: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1ppk2CkcAUH15pKafU4nqHYNH8Y2PWit6

Or you could just link http://www.liliths.top there as it does have links to the Android version, etc as well. Up to you! :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ansuz.Oss said:
This is amazing HP! Thank you so much! Obviously my thanks goes too to the other brothers for the RTR tools! :twisted:

It's awesome indeed, also, I was inspired to see the tools other SS created, so this is to inspire back.

We are entering a whole new era for SS Spiritual warfare now.

Everytime all who fight, will know that other SS are fighting by their side. SS Warfare is now a literal battalion going for invasions all day long, in organized units.


Thank you Cobra. I have been doing 1 a day, 2 if I'm lucky. This motivates me to do 3 a day. Next one in 22 minutes... pfft ofcourse.

This gets me excited to do it.

Hail to Satan and his CERTAIN VICTORY!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,


It's time for a Great Counter-attack.



This is an impressive great work, Definitely the victory will come faster due to synchronized RTR's
The Gods will surely reward you
Heil Final Victory
This is Great. now is the best time for me to start doing 9 RTRS daily as much as I can
Thank you HP Corbra your awesome :D
Fuck yes this is absolutely great! will definately try to time this from my part when i can especially with the hour of saturn from my end of the globe. The enemy is definately screetching hard, as i have also gone through a pretty bad attack again recently...i swear coming out of it makes you realize you are just getting out of a bad trip being under the influence of a drug. I think breathing in red energy helps with this personally, as well as doing an extra aura cleaning a day. lets all burn it down together :twisted:

Hail Satan!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have had to go into many of their buildings recently for my work. And every doorway and every window in the whole building, they have those shema scrolls glued to the wall. I thought those were just for doorways to the outside of the building, but it is every doorway within the entire building. On one floor of the building I was on, I saw probably 50 shema scrolls, they just had them everywhere.

That is a great lesson we all could use. I experienced the same thing when I found Shema scrolls in doorways of "acquaintances" or "colleagues" who had them at there house. Though I don't recall ever being in a building with Shema scrolls on every one like you did. Its funny how whenever I've been invited to a jews house, other jews who were not aware of me always looked at me with ill will or would act strange. You can see it behind there gaze, its kind of like a fear. This is why they will smile and act like you are one in the same. They know that if you knew what they did and do you would slit there throats right then in there. Satan is powerful and puts us in the situation to learn and benefit.

Also one of my jewish colleagues said that his parents always encouraged him to recite the Shema whenever possible. Normally, they are encouraged to recite it before bed every night. I act like I am impressed with Judaism and Kabbalah so he will fill me in on tidbits from time to time. He was the first jew who ever admitted to me that Purim bread, along with others were flesh eating sacrificial rituals.
I never felt this excited to do an RTR before!! I just completed one and feel really good afterwards, because of the working and because I knew that my comrades where fighting at my same time!!
I don't feel so alone anymore :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every so often Ill report. There is no higher ups when it comes to warfare, we are all one fist down here.

My aim is 3 times daily. I may not report every one due to constrained time online on the forums.

Every so often Ill make it a point to also add some sort of candy on that page, like a track or some sort of quote, poem or video.

Its in two minutes so...Let's go.

Ninja 666 said:
It would be nice if the Clergy did like HP Cobra in the post above. If one day you all agreed to let us know when you were going to do the Final RTR, so we all can get excited and hyped up about doing a RTR with the "the higher ups".

It would give the feeling of belonging and doing something were all are one group bashing the enemy in a coordinated strike.

Unfortunately I was unable to express this without sentimentality.

Fuck I wasn't here. I've made a copy-paste of the timestamp to try to coordinate.

I was just joking around with "the higher ups" thing. Adding a little fun twist to you being clergy and having a large presence here. You have a lot of respect and admiration, and I believe especially among teenagers.

I remember being a part of an RTR group that I did some advertising for and you commented on it and offered to help. It was in regards to scheduling group rituals for doing RTRs or something similar. A teenager of the group went like this "Wow, HP Cobra is going to help us!" in a fit of ecstasy and admiration. That was what I was aiming for.

The candy will probably catch on. Quotes and poems add a nice feel to it.
Wooow! That's really an amazing thing Thank you so much cobra and thanks to all the members who gave their time to develop these wonderful tools!! I'm Fucking Proud of being part of this assault team that is JoS community!!
OH GODS!! This is so exciting. :D :D :D :D
This will burn so many reptilians in a single day, LOL

Hey jews, DEA** IS COMING
$ignificant$un said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have had to go into many of their buildings recently for my work. And every doorway and every window in the whole building, they have those shema scrolls glued to the wall. I thought those were just for doorways to the outside of the building, but it is every doorway within the entire building. On one floor of the building I was on, I saw probably 50 shema scrolls, they just had them everywhere.

That is a great lesson we all could use. I experienced the same thing when I found Shema scrolls in doorways of "acquaintances" or "colleagues" who had them at there house. Though I don't recall ever being in a building with Shema scrolls on every one like you did. Its funny how whenever I've been invited to a jews house, other jews who were not aware of me always looked at me with ill will or would act strange. You can see it behind there gaze, its kind of like a fear. This is why they will smile and act like you are one in the same. They know that if you knew what they did and do you would slit there throats right then in there. Satan is powerful and puts us in the situation to learn and benefit.

Also one of my jewish colleagues said that his parents always encouraged him to recite the Shema whenever possible. Normally, they are encouraged to recite it before bed every night. I act like I am impressed with Judaism and Kabbalah so he will fill me in on tidbits from time to time. He was the first jew who ever admitted to me that Purim bread, along with others were flesh eating sacrificial rituals.

DISGUSTING!!! Time to bring them DESPAIR!!! :evil: :twisted:
Ahhhhh bloody fuck yes...
I think this is what Andras mentioned, though I took it as something I was supposed to work on :lol: facepalm... sometimes man.... thank you cobra! On top of the paintable rtr, this is fucking thrilling.
Is it more important to start all at the same time or to finish the Final RTR at the same time?

If all should start the same time then the timer is great.

But if all should finish at the same time well then it´s not.

Some people do 9 reps some do 27. ....

For me 9 is like 15- 20 min 27 is 45 min and 54 is like 1:10 -1:20 h.

I just wanted this to be confirmed. So we can have the best optimized RTR Offensive ;)
The time has come for us to push harder onto the enemy with vengeance. We are the ones who are against all odds, who were created with strength, power, with determination to survive. We have Satan, we have our gods, we have the RTR. We are connected now and join up with our attacks with precision and focus. Our victory is approaching and for this reason is why we continue to fight the enemy to the ground and destroy them spiritually. We are finishing this!
In the past 2 months since i started doing Rtr's regulary, some felt different from others, after doing one now i understand why ^^. Thank you so much HPHC and everey one else who helped you on this project, it is trully inspiring!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Ninja 666 said:
It would be nice if the Clergy did like HP Cobra in the post above. If one day you all agreed to let us know when you were going to do the Final RTR, so we all can get excited and hyped up about doing a RTR with the "the higher ups".

It would give the feeling of belonging and doing something were all are one group bashing the enemy in a coordinated strike.

Unfortunately I was unable to express this without sentimentality.


Thank you for the comments mein Bro. It's okay we will catch on the next one.
GG Allin said:
Is it more important to start all at the same time or to finish the Final RTR at the same time?

If all should start the same time then the timer is great.

But if all should finish at the same time well then it´s not.

Some people do 9 reps some do 27. ....

For me 9 is like 15- 20 min 27 is 45 min and 54 is like 1:10 -1:20 h.

I just wanted this to be confirmed. So we can have the best optimized RTR Offensive ;)

I would say starting time is more important. Like you said some people do more than x9 but no matter how many reps you do it’s the same start time for everyone.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...Ideally, everyone should strive for at least one RTR a day, 2 is very good, and three is great...

Does that mean you changed your opinion as the RTRs grew stronger over time? Since you mentioned 3 as great.

Before you mentioned this, above, you said 1 mandatory, 3-5 recommended with 36-to-45(4-5) being best for those who spam at a higher rep rate albeit there is always people who spam at higher reps even reaching past 10. Or those that spam niners rather than merged amount.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...coordination attack...

You mentioned twelve coordination dates per 24 hours.

On what time period is the coordinated hour done?

Hour of Saturn?
GG Allin said:
Is it more important to start all at the same time or to finish the Final RTR at the same time?

If all should start the same time then the timer is great.

But if all should finish at the same time well then it´s not.

Some people do 9 reps some do 27. ....

For me 9 is like 15- 20 min 27 is 45 min and 54 is like 1:10 -1:20 h.

I just wanted this to be confirmed. So we can have the best optimized RTR Offensive ;)

Doesn’t really matter you’ve got a about 15 minute window until the first person finishes. the energy will continue to pool until the last person finishes with the RTR I don’t know if you could feel it but at the last one felt like a storm cloud in the sky. really motivating :D
As a freelance software programmer, to what extent would it be a good idea if I programmed something to voice aloud my meditations, so even if I am asleep, at college, etc., something can always still hit where it matters?
Aldrick said:
Thank you Cobra. I have been doing 1 a day, 2 if I'm lucky. This motivates me to do 3 a day. Next one in 22 minutes... pfft ofcourse.

This gets me excited to do it.

Hail to Satan and his CERTAIN VICTORY!!!

Hmm you have cut back on FRTR's? Im quite happy to hear that you are taking better care of yourself. I also read that recently you had a visit from father Satan and he has shown you another way of living or something like that?

No offense but are you not soly running on hate anymore?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
