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RTR Offensive Co-Ordinator - New Era For Spiritual Warfare [Apps Updated]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

Over the last months, many of our own have underwent considerable savage attacks, mostly because we have been winning and the enemy has been getting rather rabid. There is however no way from them to reverse the whole situation they have been going down to anymore. Some of their most major plots have not only been exposed, but the information made it so far and wide, that now they are facing an irreversible situation of resistance. Deliberate plans of decades have backfired, and the jewtrix that they have been building for hundreds and thousands of years, has been experiencing plucked holes.

From there on everything relies on our Spiritual Warfare and this accelerates the striving towards victory. The exposure the enemy has got on the last two months was unprecedented in decades.

Due to the escalating situation which will take place in the next years, we have to keep doing the Spiritual Warfare and work with the tools that are given to us, loyally and without failing.. The enemy has been losing major battles. Out of all the "Coronavirus" first phase craze, they have lost 9 out of 10 battles, the faith globally into them has been shook, and plans that were being created for decades have been revealed and therefore the conspiracy behind them is now rivaled to the point that it may struggle and fail completely in it's implementation.

However the rest 1 in 10 consists of very serious eggs this pandemic has left behind, such as oppressive legislation, rule of fear, and many other things that, if warfare is not done, will plague humanity for the future. There is also a conversation going for more intensified lock downs in the future, and all sorts of other things. Whatever happens, if enough Final RTR is done, is only going to backfire in the end to the enemy and be in our sides benefit.

Spiritual warfare puts someone under Satan's protection, and also, this is personally empowering. One must also remain grounded. Keep the greater idea in mind, but do not let your footing be lost, because this is where you are going to fall. And anyone can kick a fallen man, and not many people give their hand to help one that has fallen. Each to their own, we have some trying circumstances to go through in the future, but we will do this together.

I have felt and experienced the plight of some of our own who have experienced financial and otherwise losses during this time, either through enemy warfare, or through physical implementations of policies that created unemployment. With Satan and the Gods you are not alone, and we will also do our part. Rituals will be incoming. Hang in there and be strong, steel your heart and mind.

There will be other incoming rituals soon for helping our own as there have been before. Everything will go as it's planned and to it's appropriate time. Planets are going to be favorable soon for this. Given how the enemy has been lately, this is only a re-affirmation of general success, so consider any attacks and all of what has been happening as positive feedback. So stay in the knowledge that things are changing for the better and they will change.

Now onward, to the little, but very huge surprise that was mentioned a few days ago.

I present to all of our SS Warriors, the Spiritual Satanist War Room-


It is time that something everyone will love is getting implemented.

From now on, there will be a universal co-ordinating timer, who will co-ordinate our warfare throughout the day. All people looking at the timer will see the same time, and every 2 hours, we will have the ability to co-ordinate an attack against the enemy. This way, you know that always, when you do an RTR, other people, from all over the world, are doing it with you.

There is no point to obsess over this timer or change your schedule. If you cannot fall on the timer that is alright, as some of us will have to fill in the gaps, so that we have a continuous wave going.

Just make sure to follow it when you can. Every 24 hours, there are 12 intervals on which the Final RTR can be done. So no matter your timezone, you can participate and do an RTR. Ideally, everyone should strive for at least one RTR a day, 2 is very good, and three is great. The Timer is set to work from the timezone of a symbolic Satanic city which played a central role of taking down the enemy the last time around. This is for now, as this later may change. This will not in anyway affect the function of the application, it's a technical matter only.

Also, I have developed a short Android Phone app that you can use directly from your phone in order to do RTR's. It contains the RTR Tools that were functional for the phone app, one from Brother Luminescence. It worked perfectly for getting implemented on the app itself, so you can use it offline.

Also, this app contains the ability to browse the forum [Through YOUR native phone, not through the app, google "Webviews" if you want to know more], an RSS feed for Clergy Posts, a complete JoS PDF so you can have it on your phone, and the current planets for those who may want to look where the moon is for example.

I have taken all precautions within my ability so that the app is secured and takes no communication to nowhere, except of the page for the RSS Feed that connects directly to the JoS site. When you use the RSS feed, a notification will pop up, saying the IP of the JoS website, and if you want to allow or block the feature. This is so you can get the RSS feed on your phone. This only happens manually and when you press it, and the app never works in anyway on the background.

The app will come in Two Versions:

1. Normal. Has a normal cool Cobra Icon, and a password, so people cannot get in. When you run it, you will be prompted. The Password is simply 666. Download link for this is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3f1kfwgpebknwr/SS%20War%20Room._hc.j.apk?dl=1

2. Privacy. This app does it's best to remain invisible and inaccessible on your phone. The Icon has been changed to a generic one, the name to a generic one. Other apps or the phone itself will not really know you are using this application at all. Password for the App is again 666. Download link for this is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xm4lx0dml1icxb/Settings_hc.l.apk?dl=1

For Iphone users, you can just use the link above, http://www.evilgoy.com and go directly from there. There is no way an app like this would end up in the appstore.

As always let me know of your feedback and thoughts.

It's time for a Great Counter-attack.



Greetings HP Hodded Cobra666

I had severe pains in my body for no reason.
I started doing the RTR and they disappeared completely.
Was I delivered from a spiritual attack by the enemy?
This can happen?

Save Satan!
Save Hitler!
Great post!
cat spirit said:
Geia sou Hellenic friend, I advise you to leave only Greece in the location information, it is better not to be too specific.
This morning I did not do the ritual that for me (in Italy) would have been at 9 so I can't answer your question. I suggest you to change version if this happens to you again, I don't think the same problem can happen, with all three versions linked in the War Room, at the same time.
cat spirit said:


Hi. I have not encountered any problems, but it may be a minor issue with the website or your browser. If it does not happen often, use the same browser. If it happens every time you do the RTR, try changing to another browser.

Also, I read your post about your whole family making a dedication. That is beautiful to hear. Know that you will always have people who are willing to help you on these forums. Peace.
Larisa666 said:
Attention everyone
Maxine Dietrich was Banned
She can no longer access the JOS Forum

Oy vey, nice try Troll 3/10 points,


Larisa 666
you are so great the enemy does create fake accs with your name slightly changed ;) .
Wotanwarrior said:
LOL! What is this? the new spam bot that the kosher trolls have taken out?

This is just botting software with some sort of shitty confusing message to try to take the forums offline, the forums are holding really well however. If you saw any lag it may have been less than one minute in total.

As for the garbage they write, the usual incoherent and unreal insanity. They don't care about truth, they just keep repeating lies as they did with xianity.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
LOL! What is this? the new spam bot that the kosher trolls have taken out?

This is just botting software with some sort of shitty confusing message to try to take the forums offline, the forums are holding really well however. If you saw any lag it may have been less than one minute in total.

As for the garbage they write, the usual incoherent and unreal insanity. They don't care about truth, they just keep repeating lies as they did with xianity.

Seriously just HOW fucking retarded are they? How could the ADMINISTRATOR herself be banned? :lol: :lol: How could she ban HERSELF? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I propose a solution for this: Every time a troll has been found, we do 2x the RTRs for that particular day. :twisted: Learn to accept your fucking place disgusting pieces of fucks! :twisted: :twisted:
But though, i must thank EVERY SINGLE troll out there for: Giving Us a reason/motivation to fight, PROVING that we DO have an Enemy, who tries to take Us out, PROVES that we are right and giving Us a laugh EVERY. SINGLE. DAY with their OWN expense. :)

To all the Trolls: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! You've helped Us more than you can even imagine! You're the best! ;) :D :D
Planets and stars tab and ancient forum tab from app will either show up as white blank or chain validation fails. Why? Everything else seem to be fine. Altogether I remember several weeks ago when timer was only thing that work on this app.
i downloaded the joy of satan pdf and noticed some outdated info.i emailed you about that.also,i found out that it gets black spots on dark mode
could you fix these issues?
Master said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Master said:
This is disrespectful. People should not abuse the names and images of the Gods. And they must not dictate their ignorance in the name of the Gods. Do you know what the word Gentile and the word Race means? And how racist are the Whites? Wanting to protect themselves? 1 out of 3 in France are black. The masses are very unaware and deceived by the Jews and being educated in reverse, they don't even want to learn and think that humanity is one race. The only thing left to people is mortal survival and single use and survival according to the will and needs of the enemy. Things are not going to settle down by themselves, just as they did not settle down by themselves in the present situation. There are hundreds of millions of Blacks and Arabs in Europe and they will not go away on their own, on the contrary, they will reproduce and want to expand and/or assimilate and replace the Whites. Blacks must return to Africa and Arabs to Asia. The Whites must not offer ass but must protect their own race and territory with all means. If Blacks, Arabs and others will knowingly trample the Whites on behalf of the Jews and for their own interests to rob and replace the Whites, then they will face justice like any other hostile and enemy being. But what does it mean that the Whites should not protect themselves to prevent the blacks from getting angry and starting a war? In reality it is the blacks who must stop invading Europe and must stop assimilating and replacing the Whites to avoid a war. We will settle things in a way that is beneficial to all non-Jews with the help of Our Gods. Jews and their superiors will pay for the endless injustices they have done to non-Jews and the Ancient and Eternal Gods.
Very good answer :!:
Thank you!

Necrorifter said:
CameronMatlock said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Wow man talk about spiraling and going off the deep end. Biggest schizoposter here.

All i am saying is we need the black race! Father Satan has created the black race on our satanist side we are all gentiles for us to DESTROY the jews
Father Satan only wants you to be racist against the jews NOT the blacks because the blacks are gentiles too we need them without them we will lose again

Hmm? Actually you cannot be racist to Jews because that implied they are different race of human but they were never human to begin with.

And I do not see anyone be racist to black, merely state the fact that if black race do not stand up and realized what is happening. They will be left behind and destroyed accord to natural laws. Black people have been doing this shit to themselves, dated back to when black captured other black and sell them to slave traders. Of course, Jews allow this and corrupt white to accept this. But it start with black doing this instead of working together against slave traders.

How can you expect black people to work together with other races if they are fine with destroying themselves.

We can only lend them a helping hand, but it up to them to grab it and lift themselves up instead of burning themselves down.

As HP says, responsibility to the responsible!

you know that most Christians who blaspheme against Father Satan are white ... you know, right?

Why don't you question saying that whites have to open their eyes?
KensouS said:
Necrorifter said:
CameronMatlock said:
All i am saying is we need the black race! Father Satan has created the black race on our satanist side we are all gentiles for us to DESTROY the jews
Father Satan only wants you to be racist against the jews NOT the blacks because the blacks are gentiles too we need them without them we will lose again

Hmm? Actually you cannot be racist to Jews because that implied they are different race of human but they were never human to begin with.

And I do not see anyone be racist to black, merely state the fact that if black race do not stand up and realized what is happening. They will be left behind and destroyed accord to natural laws. Black people have been doing this shit to themselves, dated back to when black captured other black and sell them to slave traders. Of course, Jews allow this and corrupt white to accept this. But it start with black doing this instead of working together against slave traders.

How can you expect black people to work together with other races if they are fine with destroying themselves.

We can only lend them a helping hand, but it up to them to grab it and lift themselves up instead of burning themselves down.

As HP says, responsibility to the responsible!

you know that most Christians who blaspheme against Father Satan are white ... you know, right?

Why don't you question saying that whites have to open their eyes?

Dude, what? We know that. That why we have rituals to help White Awakening. But we cannot step in and help Black if they don't want to help themselves. Same for us, Satanists, if we don't take knowledge and applied to ourselves, then Satan and the Demon wont help us because we don't help ourselves. Same for Black, they can help their race with the Black Awakening ritual.

We cant help those who only desire to destroy themselves. So if the Black race or the White race does not desire to help themselves, then they will be doom to extinction. That is why we are trying to promoting the Joy of Satan and even have upcoming rituals and duty to help this cause so Black, White, Asian races realized what is happening and take actions to prevent the downfall of their races.

The reason for this is because if you try to help others who do not want to be helped, then you are likely to get caught in their shit and lose more than gain. So back off and let them be and do what you can on a spiritual level and if we are fortunate, they will realize and united together against Jew, and only then can we help each other in defeating our common enemy. Until then, White is an enemy for Black as much as Jew is for them. They just don't realize that they are pit into this race war by Jews. The same goes for us, White, we must do our duty to make White people realized the truth behind Jews.

Also, because White people are closer to Satan, this makes the White Race the primary target of Jews, so we get to target the most. This is why most White people are Christians because we are target first and with the most effort on the Jew side. Even now, our HP stated that Jew wants to wipe out White people at all cost, then make a Hybrid race out of Asian and Black races.
I was looking for this app.
I don't know if it's just for me, but when I enter the app, my phone restarts, I don't know if it's a bug or if I need to make some changes in the settings.
How long should be vibrate the reverse letters in RTR

Is it short like the sample sounds or it's like the chakra opening mantras?

Nimrod33 said:
I've downloaded and transferred to my phone (a Samsung Galaxy) both versions of the App, but every time I've attempted to use it, they forced my phone to reset. Is there anything that i should do?
I have the same problem on other phone brands as well, so I think it's an App issue. I'll try to quote the High Priest.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
