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Hey guys! It feels good to be back so I can do these rituals with you all. I had a nice dream yesterday where I met one of you and we were talking about doing more rituals and then I see immediately the day after we’re doing exactly that. Such a wonderful sign :lol: I love that we’re seeing more and more of the kikes being exposed, it’s only unfortunate we couldn’t make it happen sooner now that more people have gotten these putrid vaccines. But this is still amazing all that our people have accomplished.

As I’ve mentioned before, the work I was and still am doing is draining but I’m learning to manage my time better since I don’t have too much of it in between arriving and coming back home from work. Some things I needed to switch around and out, so there’s that. Glad to be back.

Ready for action.
Does anyone else picture all the jewish energys from everywhere, plus their grid going into the letters then blotting them out? It makes things much brighter outside... Stay safe family.

P.S. One time i did the RTR outside of a jewish temple as the ultimate eff you to them.. Just wanted to see what happened. I used my phone.

I thought because its a source of the jewish curses that i may have made a heavier impact. It is not the case. It doesnt matter where you do it, the jew bags are everywhere...

Hail Satan!
Hail Hitler!
Invictus said:
The jews are now hated worldwide. Pissraeli jews are now begging (in a demanding, self-entitled tone) that the US intervenes for them, except now, doing so would be a severely damaging move. The "woke" mob they raised around the world doesn't like pissrael.

Let's ensure this gets much, much worse for them.

Let us also not forget: The pandemic going out of control, being overblown, and all the humanity abuse on Covid Pass, Rights Violations, Great Reset = All made out of Israel. The same goes for the "Cohencidentally" ready vaccine also out of Israel.
These people have a plan to extinct not only Palestinians, but also everyone else in the region to create "Greater Israel". This has become well known, while years ago, it was "Crazy nutcase conspiracy theory".

Everyone feels terrible for what is happening, no question, but these people are monsters without any remorse for anyone. And unless the average people understand it and consider it NORMAL for everyone to stop them [Which things like they do to Gaza accelerates as an understanding] nobody will want to take a stand.

As I stated in the past I am not much in like about Iran's Islam or anything of the sort, this is a part evil on it's own, yet, Iran hasn't declared they want to wipe out all of human race and each Iranian owning 2800 slaves, nor Iran has organized a Great Reset, nor Iran wants to vaccinate people by force, or separate children from their families over false pretext of vaccination.

The fake mask of the enemy being good has completely dropped. Israel got away with everything because people thought they were "persecuted" and that everyone speaking against them was a "Nazi", and the same goes for the Holocaust meme that never really occurred.

Now people see that everything is a lie and that they are the abusers and bullies of this planet. Then people will want to deal with this, because it cannot go on forever.

Therealbornoffire666 said:
Ok no this is actuali exactly how you say it this is like they are making it bad for themselves .. digging ther own graves?looking like nothing but a big bully it’s bad how ther are still brainwashed individuals supporting them and saying ‘they stand with israel’ I can see ther is a lot protesting in USA for the end of this putting pressure now Biden is calling for a cease fire but pm of Israel basically just brushed him off saying it’s not gona stop he wants to degrade them completely oh well let’s see what happens ...Iran is quiet have they sold out?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel has all its reputation collapsing worldwide, and is shown as the large killer it is.

Nobody wants to engage for more Israeli blood. Engagement will mean x100 times worse for the Palestinians. The death toll and destabilization will reach the worst if this escalated with engagement.

The longterm battle is being lost for Israel. The damnation happening is the short term view of this.

Israel is achieving nothing now but murdering a few random people to lose all their reputation, power, and influence. Over just raging attacks against people over nonsense.

In the longterm this is a total failure for them. The whole globe watches them for the ghouls they are. This is the first stage for people to understand and later on take action.

Therealbornoffire666 said:
Israel is bombing the utter shit out of Palestine and no one does anything the USA is showing ther eternal devotion to Israel really now Israel has fucked the USA up how is Israel under siege?
serpentwalker666 said:
Manofsatan said:
I feel disappointed, because I have been waiting for this important update, but it has been moved till further notice. I'm still going to do the warfare as usual /even better. I just feel like I was told pineapples were coming and lost a little interest in the apples I had, only to hear keep eating the apples, I'll give you pineapples later on. Just made me hungry and did not satisfy the hunger. :cry:
Who doesn't like new things? I just have to say how I feel.

HAIL SATAN [in a sad and low voice]

Lol. Keep your spirits up comrade. Patience. Things that are truly beautiful and amazing take time to address.

Hail Satan! We advance to our victory.

mercury_wisdom said:
I will do my absolute best with this schedule! Even with some privacy problems.


Hail Satan Forever!

Wow, if not for the JOS, I wouldn't have known this was happening or would see this happening. I'm here seeing events and conspiracy unfold and more is that I'm seeing the evil extinguished. And I understand destiny now. I'm happy to save humanity, now I understand how I'm an Elite of this world and how my life is more in my control.
I love your Hitler GIF below. When I was about 5 or 6 years of age, I saw a Hitler movie, well I don't know or remember everything and if it was against him, but I still remember how I fell in love with the Hitler's salute. And that we deep in my mind and stayed and from time to time I'll do it in front of my family as a kid. Later as I got to the age of 14, I would start drawing the swastika everywhere, in my books on the table, in school on the desk. The funny this is that I was deep in the Xian but I remember how I started becoming less interested in church. Until the Xian cloud took over, until by unseen means I got here. No human showed me the way. I know Satan Knew me. He wanted me, maybe one of his demons knew where I belonged. I never belong in my family, I always felt I was born of something special and different. I always felt I was special. Until recently, I understood what the special was and what my Destiny is[may be better later].
I am meant to be with Father Satan.

For those short on time, is it acceptable to do 3 repetitions for FRTR? Must it also be consistent throughout the schedule ?
Debo admitir, he disfrutado mucho este descanso, pero ahora que estoy comenzando a hacer mis rtr de nuevo, olvidaba lo catartico que es dejar ir toda mi furia con un buen rock de fondo mientras desvanezco su lamentable y putrefacto alfabeto
I must admit, I really enjoyed this break, but now that I'm starting to do my rtr again, I forgot how cathart it is to let go of all my fury with some good rock in the background as I fade away their nasty alphabet.
Wildfire ready to roast! :twisted:
mercury_wisdom said:
Ninja 666 said:
Aquarius said:
I grew 2 mustaches when I listened to that audio.

:D :lol:
So I just looked for this because I had to listen to HP HC's voice. :p

And damn... Not dissapointed. He sounds like a viking ready to conquer the world. :lol:

You can find it here btw. Although itsn't on the schedule currently:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r896fZbtFOM&list=PLK0QOxn85sT9qONoOybzXyG3e06ibWIYH&index=7

Oh, no! That's the wrong one!

I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
I uploaded the MP3 for the Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR:

Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable

(Remember to download for safe keeping and easy access if you don't have it. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
About reversing the curse on the goat ritual

• Jewish blame-shifting their crimes onto Gentiles has ceased to be effective
I was on a roll and then hit a brick wall with this grammar in the affirmation.

Shouldn’t it be: JEWS blame shifting their crimes onto gentiles has ceased to be effective. Instead of “Jewish”. Or even saying Jewish Blame shifting OF their crimes would be better.
Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR
The original old link, Web Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/1id_/http://josgreece.angelfire.com/N1526.mp3

Ninja 666 said:
I uploaded the MP3 for the Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR:

Reverse Torah Ritual: Holding the Enemy Accountable

(Remember to download for safe keeping and easy access if you don't have it. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
The blotting out feature for both FRTR and Tetra RTR is no longer functional on my laptop, not is the backup version. Is there any way I can get another option to using this feature? Thank you...
Ninja 666 said:
I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
These are the only 3 that I did not have the audio for. How can I download? I checked the links and there doesn't seem to be a way to download. I know how to download from youtube but not bitchute. Thanks :)
What I’m wondering is why Iran hasn’t stepped in to help Hammas we would think they would be the first to do so but a lot has been happening to Iran and who knows what deals they are making behind closed doors prior to this recent conflict with Israel and Palestine
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These people have a plan to extinct not only Palestinians, but also everyone else in the region to create "Greater Israel". This has become well known, while years ago, it was "Crazy nutcase conspiracy theory".

Everyone feels terrible for what is happening, no question, but these people are monsters without any remorse for anyone. And unless the average people understand it and consider it NORMAL for everyone to stop them [Which things like they do to Gaza accelerates as an understanding] nobody will want to take a stand.

As I stated in the past I am not much in like about Iran's Islam or anything of the sort, this is a part evil on it's own, yet, Iran hasn't declared they want to wipe out all of human race and each Iranian owning 2800 slaves, nor Iran has organized a Great Reset, nor Iran wants to vaccinate people by force, or separate children from their families over false pretext of vaccination.

The fake mask of the enemy being good has completely dropped. Israel got away with everything because people thought they were "persecuted" and that everyone speaking against them was a "Nazi", and the same goes for the Holocaust meme that never really occurred.

Now people see that everything is a lie and that they are the abusers and bullies of this planet. Then people will want to deal with this, because it cannot go on forever.

Therealbornoffire666 said:
Ok no this is actuali exactly how you say it this is like they are making it bad for themselves .. digging ther own graves?looking like nothing but a big bully it’s bad how ther are still brainwashed individuals supporting them and saying ‘they stand with israel’ I can see ther is a lot protesting in USA for the end of this putting pressure now Biden is calling for a cease fire but pm of Israel basically just brushed him off saying it’s not gona stop he wants to degrade them completely oh well let’s see what happens ...Iran is quiet have they sold out?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel has all its reputation collapsing worldwide, and is shown as the large killer it is.

Nobody wants to engage for more Israeli blood. Engagement will mean x100 times worse for the Palestinians. The death toll and destabilization will reach the worst if this escalated with engagement.

The longterm battle is being lost for Israel. The damnation happening is the short term view of this.

Israel is achieving nothing now but murdering a few random people to lose all their reputation, power, and influence. Over just raging attacks against people over nonsense.

In the longterm this is a total failure for them. The whole globe watches them for the ghouls they are. This is the first stage for people to understand and later on take action.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Humanity will never have any peace or calm, or progress, with the enemy up there. Constantly humanity had to face the following: Nuclear threat, social collapse, wars, terror, economic takeovers or collapse, slavery, curses, now henceforth - biomedical terrorism, AI takeover, humanity becoming borg, the endless list goes and goes.

Recently, Israel has been under siege. Of course, we are coming out of a carefully, overblown Pandemic, done by the Jewish media. On top of this, the finances of the world have been brought at their limits, because of this overblown situation.

To add insult to injury, Israel has to pay some of it's negative returns with civil war, and it demands others fight it for it. "THE GOYIM MUST ALWAYS PAY FOR THE SINS OF THE JEW" for once more.

As if Iraq and Iran were not enough, we now have to go clean Israel's potty everytime the Jew is getting into trouble because they want to extinct the world. After we do this, our world will be ten feet lower in the grave, and Israel will be uplifted from it's fate of being in the graveyard as it deserved and sowed for itself.

Biden, within a week, from being their champion and best friend, is now a mortal enemy who has been an irresponsible president, simply because he didn't help Israel. This is just jewish bullying and extortion of the highest calliber taking place.

The media keeps lying, presenting false news, pampers lies about consistent CoVid mutations, economic collapse, this and that: it never ends. It is not supposed to end. We know this will only end when the enemy falls from now on. Many are going to falsely think that compliance is going to earn them freedom, but it will do the reverse. The great architects of global destruction are not fooling around.

And it will get worse as they are falling, because they will. Their fall creates a reverberating sound. So fasten your seatbelts and have faith in the Gods.

In the midst of all this chaos, many positive things are happening, but we are now seeing only the dust and the loud sounds. But as the dust settles down, more will be apparent. The enemy is on huge chaos and disarray, bleeding left and right.

The media, or the information nerves of society, have been taken over by jews. We have seen how this worked in the Pandemic and in any other way. They give false messages on just about anything, causing spams and destruction to the body of the world.

We are faced with everything of the above: More media lies, more collapsation of society, more and more bullying by the jews. The situation as we have explained was bound to get far worse, and chaotic. And it is going this way, we knew for years this was unavoidable. But we also know that the end of this is not going to be the end the enemy anticipates.

For those of here who have been informed for years, none of this comes at a puzzle. We understand why these things happen. The average person would be scared right now. We know all that the enemy is, and does. We understand their methods and what they aim to do.

This should not worry people here, albeit it may all come as a shock. This is actually a great and ample opportunity for humanity to fight back and reclaim our freedom. As the enemy collapses, their system will shake tremendously.

Unfortunately, this system is a large part of our world, taken over by them as a neurological virus that when attempted to be removed, the body is going to shake uncontrollably. If this is not done, then the body will be gone forever. For this reason, the shaking must be looked for what it is: A more hopeful situation than the lack of it.

Before we go even further with new updates, below there will be a specific schedule to counteract the things the enemy has been doing recently and turn it all back on them. It will be posted below. All of us have to participate, as the worst may be coming.

The enemy has some of the heaviest curses on the fact that if Israel goes under, the world goes under and similar things. This may sound impossible to people, yet, these curses need to be offset. They are seriously getting wounded and they are going to rally everything towards destruction.

We will prepare the ground for massive destruction of the enemy. This schedule will pave the way before a major update which will be a monumental step in our struggle for freedom.

Below the Rituals:

*FRTR Is always FRTR + Tetra

19. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
20. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
21. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
22. FRTR, Curse Israel, Returning Blood Sacrifices, Goat Reversal Ritual
23. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
24. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
25. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
26. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
27. FRTR, Right To Own Nations RTR, Terminating Jewish Financial And Global Control [all 3 parts]
28. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
29. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
30. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
31. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR
1. FRTR, Holding the Enemy Accountable RTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR

Below the Links:

Disarming the Enemy RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.htm
Holding Enemy Accountable RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/N1526.htm
Curse Israel: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.htm
Returning Blood Sacrifices: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.htm
Goat Reversal Ritual: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Lev_16_22.htm
Right To Own Nations RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.htm
Terminating Jewish Financial and Global Control RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/21817.html

Lydia said:
Ninja 666 said:
I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
These are the only 3 that I did not have the audio for. How can I download? I checked the links and there doesn't seem to be a way to download. I know how to download from youtube but not bitchute. Thanks :)

I searched on google for a bitchute downloader and managed to download the audio files using an online tool. You could do the same or you can download them from my MEGA folder i made for this schedule. I have uploaded those 3 audio files and everything else needed. Here you go

Sub folder with the audio files for the jewish rule and domination

Main folder with everything needed for this schedule
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Here is a MEGA folder i made with all the rituals with mp3s and everything else needed for this schedule.


**the audio file for financial and global control is missing. I couldn't find it anywhere. Its not on the Magenta 666 channel either. If anyone has the mp3 or a link to it, please do share.

Youtube took them down :roll:
I just uploaded on BitChute
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OXEvznK56gjx/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sgkZ3H5kaHGh/
Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uqoHMdo7ZwKg/
Manofsatan said:
mercury_wisdom said:
I will do my absolute best with this schedule! Even with some privacy problems.


Hail Satan Forever!

Wow, if not for the JOS, I wouldn't have known this was happening or would see this happening. I'm here seeing events and conspiracy unfold and more is that I'm seeing the evil extinguished. And I understand destiny now. I'm happy to save humanity, now I understand how I'm an Elite of this world and how my life is more in my control.
I love your Hitler GIF below. When I was about 5 or 6 years of age, I saw a Hitler movie, well I don't know or remember everything and if it was against him, but I still remember how I fell in love with the Hitler's salute. And that we deep in my mind and stayed and from time to time I'll do it in front of my family as a kid. Later as I got to the age of 14, I would start drawing the swastika everywhere, in my books on the table, in school on the desk. The funny this is that I was deep in the Xian but I remember how I started becoming less interested in church. Until the Xian cloud took over, until by unseen means I got here. No human showed me the way. I know Satan Knew me. He wanted me, maybe one of his demons knew where I belonged. I never belong in my family, I always felt I was born of something special and different. I always felt I was special. Until recently, I understood what the special was and what my Destiny is[may be better later].
I am meant to be with Father Satan.

You are welcome here on the battlefield with your brothers and sisters.

Make father Satan proud! Keep learning! Keep advancing!

Hail Satan Forever!!
Enlightened.Serpent said:
The blotting out feature for both FRTR and Tetra RTR is no longer functional on my laptop, not is the backup version. Is there any way I can get another option to using this feature? Thank you...

You can try the link in my signature for it try a different browser if it doesn't work. Sometimes it doesn't work on certain browsers.
Ninja 666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Ninja 666 said:
So I just looked for this because I had to listen to HP HC's voice. :p

And damn... Not dissapointed. He sounds like a viking ready to conquer the world. :lol:

You can find it here btw. Although itsn't on the schedule currently:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r896fZbtFOM&list=PLK0QOxn85sT9qONoOybzXyG3e06ibWIYH&index=7

Oh, no! That's the wrong one!

I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
Maxine is also very hot. Her voice is strong and intense. It's like wisdom and knowledge were a sound.
Lydia said:
Ninja 666 said:
I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
These are the only 3 that I did not have the audio for. How can I download? I checked the links and there doesn't seem to be a way to download. I know how to download from youtube but not bitchute. Thanks :)

You can search up "download bitchute videos" in basically any search engine and pages to copy-paste the url into for download will show up.

If you're using a FireFox browser, you can download using the browser.

1) You either right click somewhere on the webpage > and choose [Page Info], or you click on [Tools] in the Menu Bar at the top of the FireFox window > and choose [Page Info].

2) Choose the "Media" tab in the window that pops up.

3) In the list there either click on "Type", or scroll down and search the list, until the "video" type shows up, > mark it with left click, then right click and choose [Copy] on that address.

4) Open a new tab in the Firefox browser, paste in the url and hit enter.

5) Right click on the video or MP3 player there, and choose "Save Video As..." or "Save Audio As..."

This should help :)
The page in Pt has all the dropbox links for download, just find "Áudio em Mp3 para este Ritual" for each part:


Lydia said:
These are the only 3 that I did not have the audio for. How can I download? I checked the links and there doesn't seem to be a way to download. I know how to download from youtube but not bitchute. Thanks :)
Manofsatan said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Manofsatan said:
I feel disappointed, because I have been waiting for this important update, but it has been moved till further notice. I'm still going to do the warfare as usual /even better. I just feel like I was told pineapples were coming and lost a little interest in the apples I had, only to hear keep eating the apples, I'll give you pineapples later on. Just made me hungry and did not satisfy the hunger. :cry:
Who doesn't like new things? I just have to say how I feel.

HAIL SATAN [in a sad and low voice]

Lol. Keep your spirits up comrade. Patience. Things that are truly beautiful and amazing take time to address.

Hail Satan! We advance to our victory.


What do we do in this major update anyways get rid of the Samson option thing.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Ninja 666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
So I just looked for this because I had to listen to HP HC's voice. :p

And damn... Not dissapointed. He sounds like a viking ready to conquer the world. :lol:

You can find it here btw. Although itsn't on the schedule currently:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r896fZbtFOM&list=PLK0QOxn85sT9qONoOybzXyG3e06ibWIYH&index=7

Oh, no! That's the wrong one!

I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
Maxine is also very hot. Her voice is strong and intense. It's like wisdom and knowledge were a sound.
It's weird to say this, but it's very true haha. :lol: :lol:
Israel has of course issued a ceasefire as they understood nobody is going to back them up in killing people as they always did and that the opinions of the globe are changing to the extent that nobody is going to back them up in carrying more genocide.

So for about "11 days" [major kabbalistic number they tried to plaster this time around], the only thing they ruined is their reputation and ties globally even more, and expose themselves for being murderous ghouls again.

Oy vey, nobody remembers the 6 oppressed gorillions anymore that gave the right to the jews to do anything they wanted on the planet and kill anyone because "muh oppression". Annuda shoah...
TopoftheAbyss said:
Ninja 666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
So I just looked for this because I had to listen to HP HC's voice. :p

And damn... Not dissapointed. He sounds like a viking ready to conquer the world. :lol:

You can find it here btw. Although itsn't on the schedule currently:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r896fZbtFOM&list=PLK0QOxn85sT9qONoOybzXyG3e06ibWIYH&index=7

Oh, no! That's the wrong one!

I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 1

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 3

It's part 2 and 3 that's responsible for the hair growth.


(Remember, if you don't have them, to download for easy access. Be careful if you're on a computer that's shared with others, etc... You know what to do...)
Maxine is also very hot. Her voice is strong and intense. It's like wisdom and knowledge were a sound.

Maxine must have something in Aries. I have Jupiter Aries my girl Mars Aries we both sometimes come across in the same way she does with some people and lack patience sometimes. It's interesting. She sounds like it too that often makes the voice more strong or deep in some way.

I do actually like that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel has of course issued a ceasefire as they understood nobody is going to back them up in killing people as they always did and that the opinions of the globe are changing to the extent that nobody is going to back them up in carrying more genocide.

So for about "11 days" [major kabbalistic number they tried to plaster this time around], the only thing they ruined is their reputation and ties globally even more, and expose themselves for being murderous ghouls again.

Oy vey, nobody remembers the 6 oppressed gorillions anymore that gave the right to the jews to do anything they wanted on the planet and kill anyone because "muh oppression". Annuda shoah...
Apparently, they're also getting assaulted and chased in the streets in the US and Europe :lol:
I remember someone here predicted that would happen.

If these alleged assaults are real, and not staged, the media will attempt to use it to try to gain pity from people. "PLEASE HELP US GOY! We're really sorry!" :lol:
Hello, I can't find the mp3 for holding the enemy accountable RTR, which link can I use to get the audio?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Israel has of course issued a ceasefire as they understood nobody is going to back them up in killing people as they always did and that the opinions of the globe are changing to the extent that nobody is going to back them up in carrying more genocide.

So for about "11 days" [major kabbalistic number they tried to plaster this time around], the only thing they ruined is their reputation and ties globally even more, and expose themselves for being murderous ghouls again.

Oy vey, nobody remembers the 6 oppressed gorillions anymore that gave the right to the jews to do anything they wanted on the planet and kill anyone because "muh oppression". Annuda shoah...

This is very motivating news.

Hopefully we're entering a new phase of the war were we get instant confirmation on our rituals. This should motivate all our people to line themselves up with the organized effort, and end this war as fast as possible!
Rising666 said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Here is a MEGA folder i made with all the rituals with mp3s and everything else needed for this schedule.


**the audio file for financial and global control is missing. I couldn't find it anywhere. Its not on the Magenta 666 channel either. If anyone has the mp3 or a link to it, please do share.

Youtube took them down :roll:
I just uploaded on BitChute
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OXEvznK56gjx/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sgkZ3H5kaHGh/
Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uqoHMdo7ZwKg/

Thanks :)
Ninja 666 said:
Oh, no! That's the wrong one!

I uploaded the three parts here:

Destroying Jewish Rule & Domination Part 2

Fucking pieces of shit.... "This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team."................... I listened to it with Tor browser though, thanks for uploading.

Rising666 said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Here is a MEGA folder i made with all the rituals with mp3s and everything else needed for this schedule.


**the audio file for financial and global control is missing. I couldn't find it anywhere. Its not on the Magenta 666 channel either. If anyone has the mp3 or a link to it, please do share.

Youtube took them down :roll:
I just uploaded on BitChute
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OXEvznK56gjx/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sgkZ3H5kaHGh/
Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uqoHMdo7ZwKg/

The videos weren't playing so I had to re-upload. Here are the updated links...
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sHLUX673ipHc/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oqxyTDTVA9qA/
Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/n6FrWalWPk2J/

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
