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Reflection on the Air Element and Advancement

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
Expectancy of Behavioral Outcomes

By our nature and karma, we have ingrained habits and opinions within us.
Just look at any planetary placement, sign, or aspect within your chart, and this will show some sort of opinion, drive, desire, perception, and so on. Some of these placements will show extremes, and such extremes can exist by a variety of measures.

For example, we are aware of how Saturn and Pluto can be overly serious about things, yet wherever Mercury or Jupiter are found, these create degrees of lightheartedness and or possibly flippant behavior. Even in situations where this seems illogical, wrong, or obnoxious, the chart shows that this person's soul will act in this way, for better or worse.

It should be no surprise when someone with certain placements offers certain opinions, behaviors, or creates certain problems for themselves. As SS, we are more aware of reality than the average person. We know how these patterns of karma play out, and our knowledge here keeps us from being surprised from this.

In the same way you are not surprised when a tiger attacks a gazelle, you should not be surprised when the martial energies of a person's chart expresses itself aggressively. These are behaviors from the soul, which reflect in our DNA and therefore in our actions. This is why astrology accurately reflects our nature, as it maps our energies.


By being aware of this reality, we can get around negative elements of shame, disgust, fear, or other negative opinions and overreactions that result by a lack of understanding about the probable expression of such energy into reality. That is far from giving a free pass to poor behavior, but rather you should be able to deal with reality in a more competent and calm manner, setting the stage for growth.

This also affords us an element of compassion and patience, as we know why people act the way they do. We also know they can change, even if it takes time. This is why one mistake is not the death of things, nor should certain people be persecuted for this one mistake. However, it also means that everyone should have a degree of self-reflection and be actively trying to better themselves, because the options are here, as we will see below.


Adapting to Karma and Free Will

With the above ideas of karma in mind, it can be hard to not wonder how much free will we truly have. If my chart shows that I am going to attempt to either crush or deeply invite something into my soul, how much autonomy do I really have? Am I doomed to certain behaviors or thoughts?

Similarly, how do I tolerate all of these various expressions of energy, with other people or within the world? Is not my natal moon going to be disturbed by the signs which square or oppose it? If people act in certain ways by nature, then won’t I also be subject to stress from this, also by nature? How can I help reconcile this?

Many of you who have done freeing workings might already guess one such answer to this. When we look at the element of air, we see an energy which is able to analyze patterns, think logically, and ultimately adapt when it needs to. We see these actions reflected through Mercurial energies:
Mercury: "Rules the intellectual abilities and interests....Communications, writing, speech, words, education, neighbors, messengers, the mind, intellect, mentality, books, newspapers, magazines, coordination, manual dexterity..."

This is why Ansuz is commonly used for freeing workings, as its Mercurial-based energies allows it/us to seek new solutions. From this point, we are then able to engage the other aspects of our soul to implement these new solutions and ideas.


Ansuz: “Rune of the power of speech, destroys tyranny; “Your spiritual force sets you free” Order, the opposite of chaos, creative inspiration, magickal oratory ability and to persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind. Used in removing bindings.”

Instead of being stuck with something, we have found a new way to manifest/express it. This act of learning and adapting new ideas or ways is what helps someone who may severely repress or restrict something (like through Saturn) instead learn proper limits and ethics. The energy of Saturn has never left, but rather it has been advanced into a higher expression, freed from its past chains, now able to produce better outcomes in reality.


In this way, we do not have to totally fear the reality of Saturn, or other planet, being in a specific house or sign within a person's chart, because we know it can be modified as needed. Similarly, we should not be threatened by such things, as we know that there is both a learning and growth potential here.

While other aspects of our soul, such as Pluto, are what performed the act of transformation itself, it was the sensory and analytic elements of the upper chakras which were able to understand a solution was needed and plan how to implement this.

Specific to air, it is Mercury or Ansuz which was able to conceptualize the problem and its solution, as well as be open-minded and adaptable enough to change. For more on this, please see: “Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

Of course, this is not the only energy which promotes freedom. See more here: “Using Words of Power – Freeing the Soul


Restricted Mercury: Close-Mindedness; Inability to Relate

As we got done discussing the benefits of this adaptable ability and tool within reality, what do you think happens when this is missing within a person, or within a certain astrological house?

Sometimes we see that someone thinks about something so strongly, or with such rigidity, that they outright refuse to imagine any other solution or expression which may be possible. This can be the result of restricted air element itself, or it can another part of their chart which finds itself restricted in some manner, like a strong Saturn aspect, or presence of earth signs.

From the glyph of Gemini, we can see that these are two items or people, united by something. In the context of communications, this can be the shared understanding that we have, as relate to others by words, symbols, and also social and culture context and goals.


Many times I see two people arguing, and it is obvious why. By categorizing their words into astrological expressions, we can see how the conflict arose:

Communication Breakdown
Person A: "You are going too fast! That is crazy!" (Earth expression)
Person B: "You are slow and old-fashioned!" (Air expression)

Then you look at their natal chart, at some later point, and figure out exactly why they said these things. Big mystery! Yet the argument quickly intensifies, ultimately devolving into a non-constructive shit-flinging contest, because obviously one person is 100% right and there is no other solution.

This is a violation of the glyph of Gemini, if we take this literally. Without a civil exchange of information, based on shared meaning, communication and therefore learning are not taking place, hence "close-mindedness".

As SS, we should be looking for success everywhere. So if you are having a communications breakdown with another SS, you should not fall prey to excuses or accept this as a shitty reality. There is always a better way to do things, regardless of the root of the energy or karma. It is only a matter of 'how', not 'if'.

You should be learning and receiving the opinions of others, whilst giving your own. While ultimately it is Saturn and time which shows us what works and what does not within a given situation, we can still learn how people approach various problems.

When I know how a certain person thinks or behaves, I may purposefully ask them their opinion, as I find it interesting to see their approach from their end of reality.


Advancement Itself: Transcended Air

Now that we know what Mercury can do, how do we place this within the nature of reality itself, or as it relates to our path? Sure, something can change, but that is not necessarily advancement, right? How do we know that something has changed for the better?

When we follow the air element along its pathway of transcendence, we get some clues to answer this:
Uranus: “Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and rules genius. Uranus rules: Electricity, meta-physics, occultism, revolution, rebellion, new and advanced methods, sudden changes, freedom, genius, independence, the original...”

The Dagaz rune, which also represents enlightenment and advancement, shows the combination of yin and yang within it, which create the X shape. As yin and yang are able to be fused, this shows how a new creation comes to exist. When we are doing our workings and our behaviors change, this occurs as a result of new realizations.


As a new realization occurs to us, we have our own spark of genius. It is called a “spark” because such a connection of yin and yang produces energy and emits light, which to me appears as advancement itself, such as the term “enlightenment”. This is why we see a light-bulb associated with brainstorming, as shown above.

While we refer now to realization within the mental realm, this is not the only area of life in which realizations can occur, as this can happen anywhere. The other obvious example of a “realization”, coming from a fusion of yin and yang (or female and male), is in the orgasm, and resultant creation of a child. This is shown by Kenaz, which also relates to skill and light.


As the zodiac wheel shows us 12 signs and 4 elements, and all sorts of possible combinations, we should not shy away from the logical ideas we can learn from them, as this will show future solutions. Looking at natal charts, we can visually see various connections, and easily imagine what new ones could exist.

Look at your own chart and ask yourself questions like "Where do I want to go slow, or where do I go fast?". "What sort of problems come with my approach to this, and how can I fix this?" Such questions map your existing behaviors and clue you into where new growth can occur, which you can then prioritize between.

We need to always be aware of how we can move upwards within reality, rather than trying to enforce ideas that hold only within this lower level of reality. You are not a slave to your beliefs or behaviors, nor should you pretend to be. This is especially true when people run headfirst into a problem, yet refuse to change.



Lastly, return to the top picture of DNA and notice it’s similarity between that and the Dagaz rune. Doesn’t the DNA look like many different individual fusions of yin and yang?

We are creatures of patterns, yet we also have the innate ability to create new patterns. The signs of this are around us, interwoven into reality itself. Our own God, Satan, relates to Uranus, along with the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn, which themselves are a yang and yin pair, respectively. We also know his virtue of Advancement and Evolution.

To advance requires an open-mind and willingness to seek out new realizations and means of advancement. This occurs as you do meditations, spiritual warfare, as well as full workings. It also occurs as you train, communicate, and study, and many other activities of life. We grow by Aquarius and the yang expressions, then harden ourselves through Capricorn and other yin expressions.

Now we can see a deeper meaning to what HPHC had just told us on "That Which Will Never Leave", such as his statements: "Unlocking this Truth is one of the highest accomplishments in life. It sets a human being apart from the path of degeneration...", and "...the grand plan of great evolution towards what will endure change without ending.", as the Gods reflect perfected beings, forged through this creative principle of Dagaz, yet also amongst all the elements of reality.

So we should be not be fearing this process of advancement or change, nor assume that we are already at peak advancement and are therefore able to avoid any growth or new ways of doing something.
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Thank you for this most enlightening post, brother Blitzkreig. It gave me a wave of optimism, a feeling that I can change for the better, that I can do it. I just have to try hard, and if it doesn't work, change the methods and try again.

We should never give in to despair. That's not what the Gods want. The Gods want to see us succeed, they want to see us strong and happy. Let's do it.

Hail Satan!
As a fellow air sign, this is very well written and very helpful. Thank you.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=465101 time=1695975676 user_id=21286]
Expectancy of Behavioral Outcomes

By our nature and karma, we have ingrained habits and opinions within us. Just look at any planetary placement, sign, or aspect within your chart, and this will show some sort of opinion, drive, desire, perception, and so on. Some of these placements will show extremes, and such extremes can exist by a variety of measures.

For example, we are aware of how Saturn and Pluto can be overly serious about things, yet wherever Mercury or Jupiter are found, these create degrees of lightheartedness and or possibly flippant behavior. Even in situations where this seems illogical, wrong, or obnoxious, the chart shows that this person's soul will act in this way, for better or worse.

It should be no surprise when someone with certain placements offers certain opinions, behaviors, or creates certain problems for themselves. As SS, we are more aware of reality than the average person. We know how these patterns of karma play out, and our knowledge here keeps us from being surprised from this.

In the same way you are not surprised when a tiger attacks a gazelle, you should not be surprised when the martial energies of a person's chart expresses itself aggressively. These are behaviors from the soul, which reflect in our DNA and therefore in our actions. This is why astrology accurately reflects our nature, as it maps our energies.


By being aware of this reality, we can get around negative elements of shame, disgust, fear, or other negative opinions and overreactions that result by a lack of understanding about the probable expression of such energy into reality. That is far from giving a free pass to poor behavior, but rather you should be able to deal with reality in a more competent and calm manner, setting the stage for growth.

This also affords us an element of compassion and patience, as we know why people act the way they do. We also know they can change, even if it takes time. This is why one mistake is not the death of things, nor should certain people be persecuted for this one mistake. However, it also means that everyone should have a degree of self-reflection and be actively trying to better themselves, because the options are here, as we will see below.


Adapting to Karma and Free Will

With the above ideas of karma in mind, it can be hard to not wonder how much free will we truly have. If my chart shows that I am going to attempt to either crush or deeply invite something into my soul, how much autonomy do I really have? Am I doomed to certain behaviors or thoughts?

Similarly, how do I tolerate all of these various expressions of energy, with other people or within the world? Is not my natal moon going to be disturbed by the signs which square or oppose it? If people act in certain ways by nature, then won’t I also be subject to stress from this, also by nature? How can I help reconcile this?

Many of you who have done freeing workings might already guess one such answer to this. When we look at the element of air, we see an energy which is able to analyze patterns, think logically, and ultimately adapt when it needs to. We see these actions reflected through Mercurial energies:
Mercury: "Rules the intellectual abilities and interests....Communications, writing, speech, words, education, neighbors, messengers, the mind, intellect, mentality, books, newspapers, magazines, coordination, manual dexterity..."

This is why Ansuz is commonly used for freeing workings, as its Mercurial-based energies allows it/us to seek new solutions. From this point, we are then able to engage the other aspects of our soul to implement these new solutions and ideas.


Ansuz: “Rune of the power of speech, destroys tyranny; “Your spiritual force sets you free” Order, the opposite of chaos, creative inspiration, magickal oratory ability and to persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind. Used in removing bindings.”

Instead of being stuck with something, we have found a new way to manifest/express it. This act of learning and adapting new ideas or ways is what helps someone who may severely repress or restrict something (like through Saturn) instead learn proper limits and ethics. The energy of Saturn has never left, but rather it has been advanced into a higher expression, freed from its past chains, now able to produce better outcomes in reality.


In this way, we do not have to totally fear the reality of Saturn, or other planet, being in a specific house or sign within a person's chart, because we know it can be modified as needed. Similarly, we should not be threatened by such things, as we know that there is both a learning and growth potential here.

While other aspects of our soul, such as Pluto, are what performed the act of transformation itself, it was the sensory and analytic elements of the upper chakras which were able to understand a solution was needed and plan how to implement this.

Specific to air, it is Mercury or Ansuz which was able to conceptualize the problem and its solution, as well as be open-minded and adaptable enough to change. For more on this, please see: “Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

Of course, this is not the only energy which promotes freedom. See more here: “Using Words of Power – Freeing the Soul


Restricted Mercury: Close-Mindedness; Inability to Relate

As we got done discussing the benefits of this adaptable ability and tool within reality, what do you think happens when this is missing within a person, or within a certain astrological house?

Sometimes we see that someone thinks about something so strongly, or with such rigidity, that they outright refuse to imagine any other solution or expression which may be possible. This can be the result of restricted air element itself, or it can another part of their chart which finds itself restricted in some manner, like a strong Saturn aspect, or presence of earth signs.

From the glyph of Gemini, we can see that these are two items or people, united by something. In the context of communications, this can be the shared understanding that we have, as relate to others by words, symbols, and also social and culture context and goals.


Many times I see two people arguing, and it is obvious why. By categorizing their words into astrological expressions, we can see how the conflict arose:

Communication Breakdown
Person A: "You are going too fast! That is crazy!" (Earth expression)
Person B: "You are slow and old-fashioned!" (Air expression)

Then you look at their natal chart, at some later point, and figure out exactly why they said these things. Big mystery! Yet the argument quickly intensifies, ultimately devolving into a non-constructive shit-flinging contest, because obviously one person is 100% right and there is no other solution.

This is a violation of the glyph of Gemini
, if we take this literally. Without a civil exchange of information, based on shared meaning, communication and therefore learning are not taking place, hence "close-mindedness".

As SS, we should be looking for success everywhere. So if you are having a communications breakdown with another SS, you should not fall prey to excuses or accept this as a shitty reality. There is always a better way to do things, regardless of the root of the energy or karma. It is only a matter of 'how', not 'if'.

You should be learning and receiving the opinions of others, whilst giving your own. While ultimately it is Saturn and time which shows us what works and what does not within a given situation, we can still learn how people approach various problems.

When I know how a certain person thinks or behaves, I may purposefully ask them their opinion, as I find it interesting to see their approach from their end of reality.


Advancement Itself: Transcended Air

Now that we know what Mercury can do, how do we place this within the nature of reality itself, or as it relates to our path? Sure, something can change, but that is not necessarily advancement, right? How do we know that something has changed for the better?

When we follow the air element along its pathway of transcendence, we get some clues to answer this:
Uranus: “Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury and rules genius. Uranus rules: Electricity, meta-physics, occultism, revolution, rebellion, new and advanced methods, sudden changes, freedom, genius, independence, the original...”

The Dagaz rune, which also represents enlightenment and advancement, shows the combination of yin and yang within it, which create the X shape. As yin and yang are able to be fused, this shows how a new creation comes to exist. When we are doing our workings and our behaviors change, this occurs as a result of new realizations.


As a new realization occurs to us, we have our own spark of genius. It is called a “spark” because such a connection of yin and yang produces energy and emits light, which to me appears as advancement itself, such as the term “enlightenment”. This is why we see a light-bulb associated with brainstorming, as shown above.

While we refer now to realization within the mental realm, this is not the only area of life in which realizations can occur, as this can happen anywhere. The other obvious example of a “realization”, coming from a fusion of yin and yang (or female and male), is in the orgasm, and resultant creation of a child. This is shown by Kenaz, which also relates to skill and light.


As the zodiac wheel shows us 12 signs and 4 elements, and all sorts of possible combinations, we should not shy away from the logical ideas we can learn from them, as this will show future solutions. Looking at natal charts, we can visually see various connections, and easily imagine what new ones could exist.

Look at your own chart and ask yourself questions like "Where do I want to go slow, or where do I go fast?". "What sort of problems come with my approach to this, and how can I fix this?" Such questions map your existing behaviors and clue you into where new growth can occur, which you can then prioritize between.

We need to always be aware of how we can move upwards within reality, rather than trying to enforce ideas that hold only within this lower level of reality. You are not a slave to your beliefs or behaviors, nor should you pretend to be. This is especially true when people run headfirst into a problem, yet refuse to change.



Lastly, return to the top picture of DNA and notice it’s similarity between that and the Dagaz rune. Doesn’t the DNA look like many different individual fusions of yin and yang?

We are creatures of patterns, yet we also have the innate ability to create new patterns. The signs of this are around us, interwoven into reality itself. Our own God, Satan, relates to Uranus, along with the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn, which themselves are a yang and yin pair, respectively. We also know his virtue of Advancement and Evolution.

To advance requires an open-mind and willingness to seek out new realizations and means of advancement. This occurs as you do meditations, spiritual warfare, as well as full workings. It also occurs as you train, communicate, and study, and many other activities of life. We grow by Aquarius and the yang expressions, then harden ourselves through Capricorn and other yin expressions.

Now we can see a deeper meaning to what HPHC had just told us on "That Which Will Never Leave", such as his statements: "Unlocking this Truth is one of the highest accomplishments in life. It sets a human being apart from the path of degeneration...", and "...the grand plan of great evolution towards what will endure change without ending.", as the Gods reflect perfected beings, forged through this creative principle of Dagaz, yet also amongst all the elements of reality.

So we should be not be fearing this process of advancement or change, nor assume that we are already at peak advancement and are therefore able to avoid any growth or new ways of doing something.

The very good post!
Thank you for the very useful material.

"Yes, and I want to thank the moderator for rejecting one of my posts" - "please delete everything I wrote here in quotes." "I think I am negatively affected by the planets, or I am being mentally attacked, I do not know what was going on with me," I will keep myself in hand and will be more attentive to what I write"
I had never really understood the emphasis of air in my chart. I absolutely hate small talk and i get anxious in those situations. I find approaching people and making conversation to be extremely difficult.
Outstanding post Blitzkreig. Thank you so much for this.

This is something I will definitely refer back to, as I have some strong elemental manifestations in myself, and this manifests in a few different ways in my life. Strong workaholic tendencies, obsessive interests, lack of adaptability and some unwillingness to change.
Coldness towards loved ones, practically everyone. All cold logic.

Not sure why this is how it manifests, but something I've become aware of.

I have a bad tendency to work at something until I am about to collapse, awiwhatever it may be.

This post highlights for me some things I'm trying to work on. Thank you.
Charlotte61903 said:
I had never really understood the emphasis of air in my chart. I absolutely hate small talk and i get anxious in those situations. I find approaching people and making conversation to be extremely difficult.
Even a tiger can be subjugated if placed in a cage.
Outstanding, Thank you Brother Blitzkrieg.
Hail Satan!
Great post!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=465101 time=1695975676 user_id=21286]

This is a very important post!

Knowledge of Astrology and the ability to apply them can make a person a manager of his destiny.
Without knowing Astrology, you can also control your destiny, but it will be more difficult to do!
This was an exhaustive, well documented and well formulated explanation, Blitzkreig, really enjoyed reading it. Thank you very much. :D
Charlotte61903 said:
I had never really understood the emphasis of air in my chart. I absolutely hate small talk and i get anxious in those situations. I find approaching people and making conversation to be extremely difficult.

This could occur if there are problems with sensitivity or even intimacy, depending on the situation. It depends where the air placements are, plus any aspects.
Absolute amzaing OP as usual from Blitz, can i ask a quick question on karma... I thought as SS we were not effected by this, im sure it was an article by HPS Maxine.

EnkiUK56 said:
Absolute amzaing OP as usual from Blitz, can i ask a quick question on karma... I thought as SS we were not effected by this, im sure it was an article by HPS Maxine.

We are able to transcend and advance past karma through our continued efforts, but we are not never effected, as karma is like a rule of the universe.

Karma is simply the pattern of expressions of energy and their result. Sometimes it is obvious, but other times it takes time to develop into larger events, which are not obviously seen until they occur (although more sensitive people can sense this).

As an easy example, your existing karma with your physical abilities defines how agile or powerful you are or aren't. Someone with terrible physical karma may be wheel-chair bound, or end up this way due to disease later in life. As SS, we know how to raise energy in order to heal or prevent this, but this has to be completed in order for us to be free from such disease.

If we never do the spiritual effort to advance ourselves, then we are not free from karma, just as someone who never trains their body is not free from "weakness karma", if that makes sense.

Keeping our soul clean and protected helps defend against negativity, but sometimes we need to do larger workings to treat specific problems, like planetary squares.
A million thank you for this helpful and enlightening article. What is your opinion about both Gemini and Virgo being ruled by Mercury, yet being so different with one another? Gemini is all about change, whereas Virgo prefers routine.
Or perhaps this is irrelevant to their planet? I know someone with these two planets being in prominent places in their chart, and they seem much more balanced and reserved than most Geminis. (Of course, I know that the entire chart must be taken into account, but the nature of those two signs are almost opossite, to begin with)
Yagami Light said:

Although Virgo is of the earth element, it is not so distinct from Mercury as you may perceive it. Similar to Gemini, it is also mutable, and also aids in analysis.

While Gemini compares directly between any two items, Virgo is more grounded in the sense that I believe it compares "between" air and earth, at least this is how I view it. Being in the 6th house, you can see that it is right on the border of "heaven and hell" on the natal chart, if the chart is split on the ASC-DSC axis.

Comparing Virgo to the other earth signs, it is not as stuck in routine as them. For example, Taurus is the most enduring and perpetuating, and Capricorn is the most disciplined and focused on survival within the big picture. For Virgo to be analytic and efficient, this requires aspects of change. For Virgo to be detailed, sometimes it forgets the big picture that Capricorn likes.

Virgo, to me, appears to like tinkering with procedures and operations, whereas Capricorn knows which operations to use for a broader goal. Compared to Gemini, Virgo is also mentally active, but it likes to apply this to the world around it, rather than the more open and chatty Gemini.

With Mercury in Virgo, the mind is still relatively witty and alive, whereas with Taurus or Capricorn it can be much slower, despite the unique wisdom that those signs bring.

Again, although Virgo is of the earth element, it is not as slow as its fellow signs. It is mutable, like Gemini, and thus it makes then for it to be ruled by Mercury, rather than another planet.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468675 time=1697853325 user_id=21286]
Yagami Light said:

Although Virgo is of the earth element, it is not so distinct from Mercury as you may perceive it. Similar to Gemini, it is also mutable, and also aids in analysis.

While Gemini compares directly between any two items, Virgo is more grounded in the sense that I believe it compares "between" air and earth, at least this is how I view it. Being in the 6th house, you can see that it is right on the border of "heaven and hell" on the natal chart, if the chart is split on the ASC-DSC axis.

Comparing Virgo to the other earth signs, it is not as stuck in routine as them. For example, Taurus is the most enduring and perpetuating, and Capricorn is the most disciplined and focused on survival within the big picture. For Virgo to be analytic and efficient, this requires aspects of change. For Virgo to be detailed, sometimes it forgets the big picture that Capricorn likes.

Virgo, to me, appears to like tinkering with procedures and operations, whereas Capricorn knows which operations to use for a broader goal. Compared to Gemini, Virgo is also mentally active, but it likes to apply this to the world around it, rather than the more open and chatty Gemini.

With Mercury in Virgo, the mind is still relatively witty and alive, whereas with Taurus or Capricorn it can be much slower, despite the unique wisdom that those signs bring.

Again, although Virgo is of the earth element, it is not as slow as its fellow signs. It is mutable, like Gemini, and thus it makes then for it to be ruled by Mercury, rather than another planet.
Hi, Blitzkrieg. When you mentioned Virgo being on the border of heaven and hell, you reminded me of the myth of Persephone, which some say represents virgo, who had to spend 6 months each year in the underworld and 6 in the overworld. Are you familiar with this myth? What's your interpretation of it?
existentialcrisis said:
Hi, Blitzkrieg. When you mentioned Virgo being on the border of heaven and hell, you reminded me of the myth of Persephone, which some say represents virgo, who had to spend 6 months each year in the underworld and 6 in the overworld. Are you familiar with this myth? What's your interpretation of it?

I am not familiar with this exactly, but it is definitely worth looking into. This concept of yin/yang finds itself in many forms, and I believe is crucial to our understanding of reality.

Looking back to HPHC's thread on numbers, see the following: "6. Material & Spiritual, connection, life, stability, habituation, karmic, marriage, macrocosmic/microcosmic, cleanliness, virginity ", which certainly sounds related to Virgo.
People would always prefer learning to be intuitive, creative and free flowing (Gemini), yet the world adopted a more Virgo approach of standardized tests and regimented learning. There’s a time and place for both.
People would always prefer learning to be intuitive, creative and free flowing (Gemini), yet the world adopted a more Virgo approach of standardized tests and regimented learning. There’s a time and place for both.
Standardized testing is not inherently bad, but it can be limiting by design. Furthermore, lots of material is taught in an abstract manner, leading to boredom or difficulty applying it.

Also, Gemini may be free flowing, but is not necessarily intuitive. This is more related to the power of water and its ability to observe and sense. This has been totally disregarded by the modern world, as we know, despite how it can operate in much quicker fashion in regards to learning.

We can only compute what we observe. Some people are very observatory, but may have difficulty generating conclusions from this, and vice versa.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
