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RE: Sexuality, Relationship Advice, Authoritarianism and the Individual Versus the Collective.

Jack said:
And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

Doing a double take here.

Firstly, what makes you believe that there will be an extreme scarcity of eligible men?
And secondly, I'm not interested in other human males so this has no relevance to me as to what you're doing in order to gain multiple human wives, or do you enjoy deliberately ignoring the fact that I have a Demon relationship and carrying on with your fake narrative that I'm fucking a horde of human men?

It's funny how smug your energy feels on this when it doesn't have any connection to me and my sex life.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Meteor said:
I have to say I'm actually quite impressed with how you and jrvan handled it and how well it worked out. Most of the things I had heard about or experienced with polyamory so far by the time I joined these forums were disastrous (with one, two or in some cases all the people involved being unfulfilled and frustrated), or were little more than the fantasies of men who can't even get or keep one girlfriend, let alone two, and then go on to blame women for that fact. Combining this with my own tendency to form a pair and my deep fulfilment in that, I thought that the idea that polyamory could work for humans was just a greedy delusion of narcissists.

But when I shared that opinion here on the forums, people reminded me that there are also Gods and Goddesses who enjoy having casual sex and/or have multiple partners. I realised that even though there are Gods like that, none of Them ever told me that I was wrong for preferring to have only one partner who is only interested in me. Because of that, I started to realise that it's really just a very personal and individual thing, and that that's fine; that there's no "best" way to have a relationship that would work for everyone. I still wondered if a polyamorous relationship would really make anyone happy on the long run, but FancyMancy explained why some people might enjoy it. I started to realise that they're just different from me, or perhaps I'm just different from them.

Back when you mentioned your agreement, I was a bit shocked since I was still struggling to understand these things at the time. But I saw over time just how much the two of you care about each other and how well you work together. Thanks to you, I was able to see that it isn't always just a fantasy; that there really are people out there who want that kind of thing and can make it work, and don't try to tell others they are wrong for being the happiest with just one partner. Thank you for showing me that.

We know and understand each other pretty well, so that definitely helped. Jrvan made the entire thing so much smoother than what I thought it was going to be, he was very patient and understanding, so yeah.

Xtianity wanted to control and destroy people's sex lives right down to masturbation. Now we can finally clean up the mess of that, and teach others it's ok to be different. There's suppose to be variety in sex and relationships, and one preference doesn't make the others wrong or invalid. Bonds between people are sacred, whatever that may look like, mono or poly or otherwise.

I'm glad we could help. It's a relief knowing good things can come from messy topics.

I remember reading my chart some time after I joined the forums, and seeing just how strongly my placements are in favour of monogamy and against casual sex. It seemed a bit over the top almost, but it really helped to make sense of things. Because of that I saw that I'm different from the norm in my own way, but that that isn't a "good" or a "bad" thing; it's just what I happen to be like. And likewise, there might be others who have placements that indicate the opposite. For them to prefer/dislike the same things I do would just be strange. It really helped to put things into perspective.

It's interesting, isn't it? Just how much astrology affects ones life. As jrvan already showed in a later comment, just the placement of Venus can affect how ones preferences end up being. I'd never really thought to read through other placements that weren't my own, so it opened up my own eyes to understand more just how much variety there is with preferences, even more than I thought there was.

I know what you mean. For me, being able to communicate clearly and solve any problem as soon as it appears has always been very important in relationships; to the extent that some of my past relationships were quite brief as glaring incompatibilities rapidly became apparent as I kept confronting them. And yet when it came to my sexual problems, I felt so torn internally that I didn't have the courage to bring it up until my emotions overwhelmed me and caused me to just blurt it out anyway. You mentioned as well how scary it was to feel that way, and to open up about it. I can relate to that, and I'm really glad it worked out for you and jrvan.

I think it's precisely because I was able to see that different things work well for different people that I'm so annoyed that Jack criticised you for having two partners, and your husband for being fine with that, when he himself has expressed that he wants to have two girlfriends and wants them to be happy about it. If anything, I'd expect that he, who wants such a similar thing, would be able to understand these things better than I, being fundamentally incompatible with it myself. And yet here we are. It's bizarre.

It still seriously confuses me how relationships where there's no communication or adequate communication can even function at all.

I feel ya. Before jrvan, I'd only known monogamy, so not only was there the fear of trying to be open to him about it, but also breaking the strictness in my mind regarding monogamy. Like you, I'd hear the horror stories, and didn't even know what poly was until late high school when I first began exploring sexuality. Back then I thought I had to be strictly monogamous because I didn't understand. I was so strict on myself about it to the point that with an ex, I couldn't leave them even though I could tell that the relationship was just not working and they weren't right for me. Breaking that with the agreement jrvan and I made, was like taking a weight off my shoulders and I learned that it was ok to feel the things I did. It was ok to need and want something different.

haha I mentioned this in my last comment to Jack, but when I first saw your comment here stating that he had also expressed about multiple partners for himself but was spitting on mine - oh boy was I angry. That level of hypocrisy does my head in. Whatever the reason for it, I'm just glad things are settling down now.
Btw, just to clarify there is not a single bit of hypocrisy in anything I've said. Throughout history women have shared high value men and most societies before the Advent of Christianity were Polygynous With a small percentage of High Value Men being able to marry multiple women and women being extremely happy to share him because of preselection. Men are biologically Polygynous by nature. This is fact proven by Biologists. The part of the brain that is responsible for Monogamy Doesn't exist In humans. Monogamy was created so that familial units would have better stability and the Society at large would prosper. Higher caste men always were exempt from society's Morals and had multiple wives. Where do you think the Islamic rule of "4 wives" comes from ? According To the ancient Aryan law ,A brahmin (who Is the most spiritually advanced can have upto 4 wives at a time.) I didn't write these laws.

What is unnatural and against nature is that a man will allow a woman to even entertain the possibility of having sex with other men. This is called Cuckoldry. It doesn't matter if it's new age poly crap or anything related its unnatural because a man is going Against his natural instinct of ensuring paternity. And the woman having already lost respect And love for the man because otherwise she wouldn't even be able to think about Other men. This is because pairbonding Hormone are released when a man and woman Have sex which causes pairbonding.

Men and women Are completely different biologically which is why men have always dominated leadership roles with Science, Philosophy, STEM etc while women being involved in Social Work and raising the Children and being involved in community work. This isn't a difference between IQ but about how our brains are wired differently to process information .

This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members. Currently the world's Majority population have been inculcated into a Vaccine CULT .

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

Man you sound totally like someone that treats women like garbage and there is plenty of you in the world. People don't need more of your kind and your traditional jewish stuff.

Our SS females deserve better, this is crazy. Preach your shit in church, not here.
jrvan said:
To Rabbi Jack:

It's like you have never heard of swingers, or orgies and group sex relationships. You're just going to have to accept that some people are different and like different things. A lot of it is astrological which is superior to your one-dimensional view of biology and biological mechanics where paternity is the be-all-end-all. What two or more people do in their own bedrooms is not up to you to decide. As long as it's not endangering anyone, it's consensual, it's the same race, doesn't involve animals, and doesn't involve children... then most things are just personalized. If I was the president, and some couples wanted to dress up as me to have sex - I might get a little bit of a chill and get creeped out a little, but it's their own roleplay/cosplay adventure and it's their business. Some people are into freaky shit. It's whatever. I can't really blame humans for being bored right now with the jewish slave grid.

If two men want to share one woman then what does it matter to you anyway? Why do you feel like you have such a huge stake in this? Swingers wouldn't be such a huge phenomenon if it was so unnatural. These people crave it in their souls because they are different, and you can't change them anymore than you can convince them that their "biology" demands something different from what they desire. You accept homosexuals as legitimate, but you draw the line at polyandry. B-b-bigot.

And yes I know swingers and polyamory are not the same thing. That's not the point.

By the way, if anyone takes issue with me calling him Rabbi Jack, please know that I'm not accusing him of being jewish. I'm simply expressing my contempt while at the same time suggesting that if he were jewish then he would be rabbi level with his ability to confuse, scapegoat and twist things. There's a part of me that's itching to wager on whether or not he would feel flattered by that. I've never seen someone reverse things to such a degree that they ended up literally talking about themselves as if they were making charges against their reflection while accusing others.
Ofcourse mentally deranged people have existed throughout history. That doesn't mean mental derangement is to be accepted as normal.

Psychologically damaged people who let their wives have sex with other men have existed for centuries, that doesn't mean I'm not going to clown cucks for being cucks.

Ofcourse you can do whatever you want in your own bedroom but that doesn't mean you're not going to be clowned for it in a public space.

Btw, there was one another person who was calling me rabbi in the past. It turned out that he was an actual jew and was swiftly banned. I hope that's not the case with you and your just stupid. Because we can ignore stupid people but we can't ignore jews.
jrvan said:
You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality.
This is the full mask off moment that everyone should be paying attention to and hopefully it will show why there is such a disagreement here.


If it hasn’t been blatant enough from his other posts, he does not like men with any self respect or pride. You must accept his browbeating or else you are muh soggy knee stick. He has effectively crafted a Holocaust-esque narrative that cannot be questioned unless you are a notsee terrorist. 6 million women were turned into soap by evil huwhite males so you must emasculate yourself at every turn for forgiveness. Wear the chastity cage and let other men fuck your wife because as a man you did something bad 600 years ago or something, so now you must pay for it by endless groveling and cuckholdry.

And like the Holocaust, none of it was real. There were no gas chambers, nor were there ever human farms with thousands of women chained up as baby making machines. There were never any mass graves with thousands of women that had been beaten to death by their husbands because no such thing ever occurred and it is ludicrous to say so. But I guess it was real in his mind so we just have to accept it as fact now.

Jrvan viscerally HATES the Aryan man.
tabby said:
Jack said:
And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

Doing a double take here.

Firstly, what makes you believe that there will be an extreme scarcity of eligible men?
And secondly, I'm not interested in other human males so this has no relevance to me as to what you're doing in order to gain multiple human wives, or do you enjoy deliberately ignoring the fact that I have a Demon relationship and carrying on with your fake narrative that I'm fucking a horde of human men?

It's funny how smug your energy feels on this when it doesn't have any connection to me and my sex life.
It doesn't matter if it's a demon relationship or a human relationship. Sexual exclusivity is being broken which means cuckoldry is taking place. Its unfaithfulness ,Period.

Human Females are not birds and are not Polygamous. They are hypergamous by nature and they have a natural pairbonding mechanism which gives sexual exclusivity to one Male. Going against this is going against natural instincts of jealousy, which makes it unnatural. These natural instincts are there for a reason.

Swingers and polyamory is similarly unnatural. The only situation where polyandy happens is in extreme situations where there are a severe scarcity of women which is noticed in certain Asian tribes.

There's nothing I have to change for because I'm the best version of myself and everything I believe in is by this time 100% correct. I would change if you showed me what I was saying was in anyway false,but as youve shown your incapable of critical debate .I've gone through different variations of views and ended up accepting the eventual results which could not be disproved further in any way. There is nothing wrong that I've done and I'm not going to apologize for anything because I've done nothing wrong.

You need to look for your own faults and rectify them which causes you to be with an inadequate male who can't satisfy you sexually and let's you have sex with other men. Your projecting your own hatred of women onto the general populace because you want everyone to be as miserable as you are.

I wouldn't take a cuck and his wife seriously even if it was the end of the world. This hilarious derangement syndrome has gone on for far too long.

If you want to continue to be retarded ,then please be my guest. But your going on the ignore list since nothing you or your husband have said within weeks has been of any significance and your just wasting my time at this point.

Ofcourse if we have to rectify a problem we have to look at a root cause - by studying how the jews destroyed the family unit and tanked the birthrate through female liberation. It's not nagging its dissecting and studying a problem. Just saying "Its the Jews" doesn't mean shit if you don't understand exactly what these jews have done. And in order to rectify it, we have to reverse it.

There is nothing liberating about a woman getting financially independent or working at a dead end job. She is liberated when a man is taking care of her, and her responsibility is only to her children. That is when she is always happy and the statistics show this.

I've had enough of stupid millennials with no real life experience who live in a fantasy land created by Jewish TV Shows refuse to accept hard facts of reality. If you can't that's okay. But I can't take this stupid conversation anymore where you refuse to accept basic facts of reality.
tabby said:

Meteor said:

jrvan said:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I've been reading all of this thread and all of the sewing thread and I've had enough. So I am just going to say what I think now.

Jack has derailed a couple of threads in the past with his attitude on women, then the thread on sewing got derailed and this thread already has 2 full pages too.
So at least 200 posts were made just to make him realize things.

At this point it sounds like he's just trolling and purposefully making us mad and making us waste our energy on this.
He's not even putting in the effort to take what we say and overthink it. It's all just 'my views are the absolute truth' kind of nonsense.

So I am going straight up ahead and say it. Jack you're an infiltrator and a Jew. You're trying to spread crap into the forums, spreading fear too.

People have been banned for less than this.

If NOTHING is done, I will go and post pictures of depicting Jews on every single new topic and post that Jack makes.

This is where I draw the line.

IF Jack turns out to be truly a gentile, he must first prove himself otherwise. Until thats done he's a Jew to me.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

Don't tell Tabby who she is. You don't know anything about her. She's explained her points with reason and logic in a calm manner, even better than I did. You just don't want to admit it because she's female, and she's totally subduing you in an argument and you hate that. You fear that it makes your manhood smaller to lose an argument to a female. You're weak. It also shows that you don't have a valid argument. All the nonsense you're spouting is easily refuted. Even. By. A. Girl. Chew on that one you misogynistic joke.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

If you don't have fear period then you're lacking a basic emotion which means you're unhealthy and unbalanced. For example, if you had kids and you didn't harbor any fear whatsoever for their safety then that's potentially psychopathic in my opinion.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.
Nope. Not everyone is you, and not everyone sees the world the way you do. Nor do you have a claim on what absolute Truth of reality is. You're not Satan.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members.

More projection.

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

Yep. And most men who aren't weak also instinctively realize that taking care of their women doesn't mean they have to put shackles on them, or beat them up to get them to do what they want.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.
Nothing wrong with that. Why do you have a problem with certain women having two males to herself? You could just let it be instead of declaring war on the concept itself, and acting like you need to destroy it in order to have cosmic peace within yourself.

Oh wait. I know why. It's because you hate women. You think that wifebeaters never existed. And you think that battered women were just a myth. And that women never got tortured in the middle ages. And that mothers and their children were never abused by xian men. You think women have absolutely no cause whatsoever to be fearful of men. And most in society don't fear men thanks to xianity losing power, and wifebeaters not being tolerated in society. There's still a subset of women who are fearful of men though, and that's because there are some terrible people out there who abuse women and children. They used to be able to get away with it unchallenged in your glorified 50's and 60's.

You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality. You want to absolve the male sex of collective guilt so it never has to be dealt with even though there is nothing to absolve in the first place, and you weak males are getting defensive over nothing and just make things worse. Jews pushing radical feminism are going to get what they deserve. Males who abuse women and children are going to get their asses kicked and their women and children taken away, just like it should always be the case. Men who demean, slander, diminish, and scapegoat women collectively instead of blaming the jews - are going to be called out, ridiculed, and shamed by people who see through their bullshit.

Stop trying to act like women were the ones who put the invading illegal immigrants on the boats and buses. It was jews.
Ive never said that abuse didn't take place. I don't have the statistics so I can't say for sure what the percentage of abuse was. Maybe if you can find the statistics about Domestic Abuse in the 1950s we could talk about that.

But its definitely not the way your projecting. Not everyone was beating up their wives. That's ridiculous and deranged on another level. Wide beating became a criminal offense since 1920s and before that people were killed and punished for beating their wives.

The issue with you specifically is that you have unresolved issues with your mother. You need to go forgive her for whatever she has done to you ,which may release your mind to be more critical and separate yourself from your thoughts. Not everything revolves around you.

Just because your mother was beaten doesn't mean every mother was being beaten. My father never touched my mother or anyone in my family. I've never heard or seen anyone beat their girlfriends or their wives. Your doing an extreme projection of thinking that everyone must be beating their wives.

Even if most of these men were Christians (just like in Nazi Germany) they weren't most of the time obsessed with Christianity or take it too seriously. Religion for the majority of people is just a community thing. These men were also Gentiles and they weren't psychopathic. Why in the hell would a man beat their wife ? This is retarded.

Women were a hundred times more happier ,merrier and their lives had more meaning in the 1950s when they were mothers and community members and were dependent upon men for their finances. And there's nothing to depend upon because they were a unit which worked like lock and key.

You seem to have a serious issue with women's happiness where you don't want to or simply don't understand women's needs and their happiness which has drastically decreased as they've gotten financially independent and away from men. Just because in your isolated case this wasn't true doesn't mean in the majority of the population it isn't true.

Women didn't put the travelling immigrants into the boats and through the border. But since they didn't have kids while the immigrants did ,the country is now getting taken over. I don't blame women, period. Because I know as history is testament when faced with hard choices, it is the men who must lead. The major blame falls upon the men who allowed their women to make the choices that has destroyed the country. Men haven't protected their women from themselves and from the Jewish influence which is why all this is happening now.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Meteor said:
I have to say I'm actually quite impressed with how you and jrvan handled it and how well it worked out. Most of the things I had heard about or experienced with polyamory so far by the time I joined these forums were disastrous (with one, two or in some cases all the people involved being unfulfilled and frustrated), or were little more than the fantasies of men who can't even get or keep one girlfriend, let alone two, and then go on to blame women for that fact. Combining this with my own tendency to form a pair and my deep fulfilment in that, I thought that the idea that polyamory could work for humans was just a greedy delusion of narcissists.

But when I shared that opinion here on the forums, people reminded me that there are also Gods and Goddesses who enjoy having casual sex and/or have multiple partners. I realised that even though there are Gods like that, none of Them ever told me that I was wrong for preferring to have only one partner who is only interested in me. Because of that, I started to realise that it's really just a very personal and individual thing, and that that's fine; that there's no "best" way to have a relationship that would work for everyone. I still wondered if a polyamorous relationship would really make anyone happy on the long run, but FancyMancy explained why some people might enjoy it. I started to realise that they're just different from me, or perhaps I'm just different from them.

Back when you mentioned your agreement, I was a bit shocked since I was still struggling to understand these things at the time. But I saw over time just how much the two of you care about each other and how well you work together. Thanks to you, I was able to see that it isn't always just a fantasy; that there really are people out there who want that kind of thing and can make it work, and don't try to tell others they are wrong for being the happiest with just one partner. Thank you for showing me that.

We know and understand each other pretty well, so that definitely helped. Jrvan made the entire thing so much smoother than what I thought it was going to be, he was very patient and understanding, so yeah.

Xtianity wanted to control and destroy people's sex lives right down to masturbation. Now we can finally clean up the mess of that, and teach others it's ok to be different. There's suppose to be variety in sex and relationships, and one preference doesn't make the others wrong or invalid. Bonds between people are sacred, whatever that may look like, mono or poly or otherwise.

I'm glad we could help. It's a relief knowing good things can come from messy topics.

I remember reading my chart some time after I joined the forums, and seeing just how strongly my placements are in favour of monogamy and against casual sex. It seemed a bit over the top almost, but it really helped to make sense of things. Because of that I saw that I'm different from the norm in my own way, but that that isn't a "good" or a "bad" thing; it's just what I happen to be like. And likewise, there might be others who have placements that indicate the opposite. For them to prefer/dislike the same things I do would just be strange. It really helped to put things into perspective.

It's interesting, isn't it? Just how much astrology affects ones life. As jrvan already showed in a later comment, just the placement of Venus can affect how ones preferences end up being. I'd never really thought to read through other placements that weren't my own, so it opened up my own eyes to understand more just how much variety there is with preferences, even more than I thought there was.

I know what you mean. For me, being able to communicate clearly and solve any problem as soon as it appears has always been very important in relationships; to the extent that some of my past relationships were quite brief as glaring incompatibilities rapidly became apparent as I kept confronting them. And yet when it came to my sexual problems, I felt so torn internally that I didn't have the courage to bring it up until my emotions overwhelmed me and caused me to just blurt it out anyway. You mentioned as well how scary it was to feel that way, and to open up about it. I can relate to that, and I'm really glad it worked out for you and jrvan.

I think it's precisely because I was able to see that different things work well for different people that I'm so annoyed that Jack criticised you for having two partners, and your husband for being fine with that, when he himself has expressed that he wants to have two girlfriends and wants them to be happy about it. If anything, I'd expect that he, who wants such a similar thing, would be able to understand these things better than I, being fundamentally incompatible with it myself. And yet here we are. It's bizarre.

It still seriously confuses me how relationships where there's no communication or adequate communication can even function at all.

I feel ya. Before jrvan, I'd only known monogamy, so not only was there the fear of trying to be open to him about it, but also breaking the strictness in my mind regarding monogamy. Like you, I'd hear the horror stories, and didn't even know what poly was until late high school when I first began exploring sexuality. Back then I thought I had to be strictly monogamous because I didn't understand. I was so strict on myself about it to the point that with an ex, I couldn't leave them even though I could tell that the relationship was just not working and they weren't right for me. Breaking that with the agreement jrvan and I made, was like taking a weight off my shoulders and I learned that it was ok to feel the things I did. It was ok to need and want something different.

haha I mentioned this in my last comment to Jack, but when I first saw your comment here stating that he had also expressed about multiple partners for himself but was spitting on mine - oh boy was I angry. That level of hypocrisy does my head in. Whatever the reason for it, I'm just glad things are settling down now.
Btw, just to clarify there is not a single bit of hypocrisy in anything I've said. Throughout history women have shared high value men and most societies before the Advent of Christianity were Polygynous With a small percentage of High Value Men being able to marry multiple women and women being extremely happy to share him because of preselection. Men are biologically Polygynous by nature. This is fact proven by Biologists. The part of the brain that is responsible for Monogamy Doesn't exist In humans. Monogamy was created so that familial units would have better stability and the Society at large would prosper. Higher caste men always were exempt from society's Morals and had multiple wives. Where do you think the Islamic rule of "4 wives" comes from ? According To the ancient Aryan law ,A brahmin (who Is the most spiritually advanced can have upto 4 wives at a time.) I didn't write these laws.

What is unnatural and against nature is that a man will allow a woman to even entertain the possibility of having sex with other men. This is called Cuckoldry. It doesn't matter if it's new age poly crap or anything related its unnatural because a man is going Against his natural instinct of ensuring paternity. And the woman having already lost respect And love for the man because otherwise she wouldn't even be able to think about Other men. This is because pairbonding Hormone are released when a man and woman Have sex which causes pairbonding.

Men and women Are completely different biologically which is why men have always dominated leadership roles with Science, Philosophy, STEM etc while women being involved in Social Work and raising the Children and being involved in community work. This isn't a difference between IQ but about how our brains are wired differently to process information .

This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members. Currently the world's Majority population have been inculcated into a Vaccine CULT .

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

So as a woman idk wtf I would do with 2 men. One can already be a headache 2 would be a migraine.

I don't see anything wrong with a man having multiple wives as long as they're cool with it and as long as he's good to them and everyone's happy.

He can have as many as he pleases on those terms as far as I'm concerned as long as I'm not one as I personally am not one to share. It's not in my nature and never will be.

But don't we also have Goddesses who are polyamorous/polygamous?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I've been reading all of this thread and all of the sewing thread and I've had enough. So I am just going to say what I think now.

Jack has derailed a couple of threads in the past with his attitude on women, then the thread on sewing got derailed and this thread already has 2 full pages too.
So at least 200 posts were made just to make him realize things.

At this point it sounds like he's just trolling and purposefully making us mad and making us waste our energy on this.
He's not even putting in the effort to take what we say and overthink it. It's all just 'my views are the absolute truth' kind of nonsense.

So I am going straight up ahead and say it. Jack you're an infiltrator and a Jew. You're trying to spread crap into the forums, spreading fear too.

People have been banned for less than this.

If NOTHING is done, I will go and post pictures of depicting Jews on every single new topic and post that Jack makes.

This is where I draw the line.

IF Jack turns out to be truly a gentile, he must first prove himself otherwise. Until thats done he's a Jew to me.

If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

Lydia said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I've been reading all of this thread and all of the sewing thread and I've had enough. So I am just going to say what I think now.

Jack has derailed a couple of threads in the past with his attitude on women, then the thread on sewing got derailed and this thread already has 2 full pages too.
So at least 200 posts were made just to make him realize things.

At this point it sounds like he's just trolling and purposefully making us mad and making us waste our energy on this.
He's not even putting in the effort to take what we say and overthink it. It's all just 'my views are the absolute truth' kind of nonsense.

So I am going straight up ahead and say it. Jack you're an infiltrator and a Jew. You're trying to spread crap into the forums, spreading fear too.

People have been banned for less than this.

If NOTHING is done, I will go and post pictures of depicting Jews on every single new topic and post that Jack makes.

This is where I draw the line.

IF Jack turns out to be truly a gentile, he must first prove himself otherwise. Until thats done he's a Jew to me.

If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.
NakedPluto said:
Lydia said:
If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.

Yes it is clear but it keeps constantly being approved by the moderator, and he constantly posts his BS views on any topic that is only slightly positive for women.

As a woman and as a SS, and like other women have said, we do not feel comfortable, nor do we feel like we can speak freely if we're constantly met with these kind of disgusting comments and behavior. Not from our own women (bad comments about how men are all dicks) but especially not from the so called 'men' on the forum that are even protecting that bad behavior of their own.

I wonder how many men have actually commented on their own brothers that their views are incorrect. Because Ive read quite a few topics were things were said that were either supportive of what was said or in some other way not directly saying what was wrong with it.

I hope that makes the point and reason clear to you, NakedPluto.
Lydia said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I've been reading all of this thread and all of the sewing thread and I've had enough. So I am just going to say what I think now.

Jack has derailed a couple of threads in the past with his attitude on women, then the thread on sewing got derailed and this thread already has 2 full pages too.
So at least 200 posts were made just to make him realize things.

At this point it sounds like he's just trolling and purposefully making us mad and making us waste our energy on this.
He's not even putting in the effort to take what we say and overthink it. It's all just 'my views are the absolute truth' kind of nonsense.

So I am going straight up ahead and say it. Jack you're an infiltrator and a Jew. You're trying to spread crap into the forums, spreading fear too.

People have been banned for less than this.

If NOTHING is done, I will go and post pictures of depicting Jews on every single new topic and post that Jack makes.

This is where I draw the line.

IF Jack turns out to be truly a gentile, he must first prove himself otherwise. Until thats done he's a Jew to me.

If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

I knew that people would come out of the woodworks and attack me without any evidence.

Your just bitter because you got schooled earlier when after claiming to be a National Socialist, you were unaware of basic National Socialist writings and critiques.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:

Meteor said:

jrvan said:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I've been reading all of this thread and all of the sewing thread and I've had enough. So I am just going to say what I think now.

Jack has derailed a couple of threads in the past with his attitude on women, then the thread on sewing got derailed and this thread already has 2 full pages too.
So at least 200 posts were made just to make him realize things.

At this point it sounds like he's just trolling and purposefully making us mad and making us waste our energy on this.
He's not even putting in the effort to take what we say and overthink it. It's all just 'my views are the absolute truth' kind of nonsense.

So I am going straight up ahead and say it. Jack you're an infiltrator and a Jew. You're trying to spread crap into the forums, spreading fear too.

People have been banned for less than this.

If NOTHING is done, I will go and post pictures of depicting Jews on every single new topic and post that Jack makes.

This is where I draw the line.

IF Jack turns out to be truly a gentile, he must first prove himself otherwise. Until thats done he's a Jew to me.
I don't mind if you delete all my posts in that Sewing thread because it was truly unnecessary in that place and that time because that wasn't an appropriate place. So I'll apologize to everyone reading, that was very unnecessary.

I'll apologize for derailing that thread. But I won't apologize for espousing the views that I have because they are True.

There is no such thing as an absolute truth but looking at it from a statistical perspective, it is statistically true which is why I'm able to make blanket statements.

If you're getting mad that's your problem. There is nothing infiltration related that I've pushed. Everything I've said is the dissemination of knowledge that is already present.

I didn't write these books or collect these statistics. If you're mad then find the author's and ask them why they collected these statistics and did these studies.

No one is telling you to waste your time on these threads. You're wasting your own time thinking anything you say will change my views because it won't.

The days of banning for no reason are gone with Mageson.
NakedPluto said:
Lydia said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I've been reading all of this thread and all of the sewing thread and I've had enough. So I am just going to say what I think now.

Jack has derailed a couple of threads in the past with his attitude on women, then the thread on sewing got derailed and this thread already has 2 full pages too.
So at least 200 posts were made just to make him realize things.

At this point it sounds like he's just trolling and purposefully making us mad and making us waste our energy on this.
He's not even putting in the effort to take what we say and overthink it. It's all just 'my views are the absolute truth' kind of nonsense.

So I am going straight up ahead and say it. Jack you're an infiltrator and a Jew. You're trying to spread crap into the forums, spreading fear too.

People have been banned for less than this.

If NOTHING is done, I will go and post pictures of depicting Jews on every single new topic and post that Jack makes.

This is where I draw the line.

IF Jack turns out to be truly a gentile, he must first prove himself otherwise. Until thats done he's a Jew to me.

If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.
And what are you doing ?

You and Lydia both waited for an opportune time to see an opening and attack me ,pretending to be a psychologist.

I didn't even remember that thread about Suicide so I can know that youd bring that up after so many years now much, "mature" and "self worth" you have.

I don't personally know you, which is why I'm not going to make assumptions and call you blanket terms.

As I've said many a times in order to solve a problem you have to first understand what caused the problem. And this is exactly what I've been doing throughout my time.

If you don't care about the world or what happens to the general population and only care about spirituality then your viewpoint on anything other than that holds no merit.

If I was really employing marketing tactics, then you wouldn't really know that I was employing marketing tactics. Its only because I'm giving raw hard information devoid of any kind of manipulation why a lot of people have a hard time coming to terms with this.

If you don't care about what I'm saying, why involve yourself in this thread even ? Who are you to make assumptions on my character and my personal life ? Who are you to label me things ? I've never done this to you . Why would you do this to me ? I'm an immature and low worth person ? Or is it you, who waited all this time and attacked me at an opportune time where you saw an opening ?

Again, since I don't know anything about you other than you try your best to write in a way to appear smart while giving basic information like Mageson used to do,I'm not going to make assumptions.

If you don't like me, then put me on the ignore list. Trying to ban me because you personally don't like me is just a low blow ,which I didn't think you were capable of.
Again ,if you get mad, triggered ,sad, unhappy, etc by reading one of my posts,

Then put me on the "Ignore list". Its very simple. Just because you personally don't like me doesn't mean I should be banned to appease you.

Lunar Dance 666 said:

Meteor said:

Lydia said:
Jack said:
Again ,if you get mad, triggered ,sad, unhappy, etc by reading one of my posts,

Then put me on the "Ignore list". Its very simple. Just because you personally don't like me doesn't mean I should be banned to appease you.

Lunar Dance 666 said:

Meteor said:

Lydia said:

So you keep up your bad attitude, keep posting crap making new members feel inferior or whatever, behind our backs? Where there is no one that even says anything to make people think differently?

Hell no.

I will not put you on the ignore list.
Jack said:
NakedPluto said:
Lydia said:
If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.
And what are you doing ?

You and Lydia both waited for an opportune time to see an opening and attack me ,pretending to be a psychologist.

I didn't even remember that thread about Suicide so I can know that youd bring that up after so many years now much, "mature" and "self worth" you have.

I don't personally know you, which is why I'm not going to make assumptions and call you blanket terms.

As I've said many a times in order to solve a problem you have to first understand what caused the problem. And this is exactly what I've been doing throughout my time.

If you don't care about the world or what happens to the general population and only care about spirituality then your viewpoint on anything other than that holds no merit.

If I was really employing marketing tactics, then you wouldn't really know that I was employing marketing tactics. Its only because I'm giving raw hard information devoid of any kind of manipulation why a lot of people have a hard time coming to terms with this.

If you don't care about what I'm saying, why involve yourself in this thread even ? Who are you to make assumptions on my character and my personal life ? Who are you to label me things ? I've never done this to you . Why would you do this to me ? I'm an immature and low worth person ? Or is it you, who waited all this time and attacked me at an opportune time where you saw an opening ?

Again, since I don't know anything about you other than you try your best to write in a way to appear smart while giving basic information like Mageson used to do,I'm not going to make assumptions.

If you don't like me, then put me on the ignore list. Trying to ban me because you personally don't like me is just a low blow ,which I didn't think you were capable of.

You create a shitshow then you are wondering what it was all about and still being ignorant. I have to address you since now members want you banned. In my post I didn't attack you, I gave a balanced view on why should people ignore you rather than confront you and then ask for you to be banned. If I was to attack you, I could do that easily, also disprove your arguments and the whole ordeal of shitfest of "facts" and mismatched persona to the wrong table. I'm not taking sides with anyone here, I am here for the well-being of the whole SS people and the public eye, not for you and x. H.P. Cobra already put the nail on these matters addressing you directly.

Since Lydia said those things and Lunar, this takes things on a new level. So you are wondering why am I getting into the thread? Because I can give input as I already gave, in which you lowly dismissed it as basic advice, you lack the awareness that you need the basic advice to build ground upon.

People are calling you a jew, rabbi, not a Satanic soul, but oh vey NakedPluto said blabla, hurt my feeling, didn't expect that from you. In private meditation and in public view I've been supportive of you and mindful, understanding you. But all there is to this is being unrelentless blind to own persona, community health, and overall priorities in life. I'm not here to destroy delusions and clean the dross out of people. This comes from the inner incentives, as "Pluto" comes personally to clean things, might get messy and hurtful. This did not happen.

Jews are getting their tora ready every minute, but mighty Jack gets hard on "educating" people on external matters while blaming the internal, being dismissive, unsupportive, and an enactor of negative forces in the forum under the guise of good faith, while expecting the world to serve a bigger dish to him.

Where is your responsibility for the well-being of the forum, for the things you say, the way you say, and your priorities here? And don't compare me to magestein, remember I haven't called you a jew, but even gave you advice and tried to lessen the things and shitshow.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I wonder how many men have actually commented on their own brothers that their views are incorrect. Because Ive read quite a few topics were things were said that were either supportive of what was said or in some other way not directly saying what was wrong with it.
Myself and many other men have had debates with Jack over the years on his particular views. There was a point when there was a huge debate which many members chimed in including HP Cobra and Mageson. After Mageson was outed as a traitor, it seemed Jack, then 180d and went back to his same old views of men and women and used the fact that Mageson told him his views were wrong as evidence he must be right, as if because Mageson was a traitor, everything he said was false. Which isn’t true.

One thing I’ll say about observing humanity and deducing theories about human nature from observing, is you have to take into account the enemy influence on people. As an example, 20 years ago, rarely did people struggle with gender identity. Now everyone is gender fluid and non binary bla bla bla. This isn’t because it’s their nature but because of confusion and social conditioning. IMO Jacks, views come from observing certain groups of people and then generalizing the whole from those few. I’ve spent most of my adult life traveling all over and meeting people from all walks of life, all ages, races, ect. and it’s clear the stereotypes that are presented by Jack here don’t really hold up in reality. And in the cases where they do, it’s simply enemy programming that causes such insane dynamics between men and women, that clearly are unnatural.

Advice to Jack: Remove karma workings. Something is imprinted that is causing you to stubbornly hold these views. Reflect for a second, we have many many wise and intelligent members here, if over many years your views cause controversy, is it because you actually have superior divine wisdom that our advanced members can’t see? Or maybe are you connecting dots that aren’t really there? Just a thought.
NakedPluto said:
Jack said:
NakedPluto said:
To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.
And what are you doing ?

You and Lydia both waited for an opportune time to see an opening and attack me ,pretending to be a psychologist.

I didn't even remember that thread about Suicide so I can know that youd bring that up after so many years now much, "mature" and "self worth" you have.

I don't personally know you, which is why I'm not going to make assumptions and call you blanket terms.

As I've said many a times in order to solve a problem you have to first understand what caused the problem. And this is exactly what I've been doing throughout my time.

If you don't care about the world or what happens to the general population and only care about spirituality then your viewpoint on anything other than that holds no merit.

If I was really employing marketing tactics, then you wouldn't really know that I was employing marketing tactics. Its only because I'm giving raw hard information devoid of any kind of manipulation why a lot of people have a hard time coming to terms with this.

If you don't care about what I'm saying, why involve yourself in this thread even ? Who are you to make assumptions on my character and my personal life ? Who are you to label me things ? I've never done this to you . Why would you do this to me ? I'm an immature and low worth person ? Or is it you, who waited all this time and attacked me at an opportune time where you saw an opening ?

Again, since I don't know anything about you other than you try your best to write in a way to appear smart while giving basic information like Mageson used to do,I'm not going to make assumptions.

If you don't like me, then put me on the ignore list. Trying to ban me because you personally don't like me is just a low blow ,which I didn't think you were capable of.

You create a shitshow then you are wondering what it was all about and still being ignorant. I have to address you since now members want you banned. In my post I didn't attack you, I gave a balanced view on why should people ignore you rather than confront you and then ask for you to be banned. If I was to attack you, I could do that easily, also disprove your arguments and the whole ordeal of shitfest of "facts" and mismatched persona to the wrong table. I'm not taking sides with anyone here, I am here for the well-being of the whole SS people and the public eye, not for you and x. H.P. Cobra already put the nail on these matters addressing you directly.

Since Lydia said those things and Lunar, this takes things on a new level. So you are wondering why am I getting into the thread? Because I can give input as I already gave, in which you lowly dismissed it as basic advice, you lack the awareness that you need the basic advice to build ground upon.

People are calling you a jew, rabbi, not a Satanic soul, but oh vey NakedPluto said blabla, hurt my feeling, didn't expect that from you. In private meditation and in public view I've been supportive of you and mindful, understanding you. But all there is to this is being unrelentless blind to own persona, community health, and overall priorities in life. I'm not here to destroy delusions and clean the dross out of people. This comes from the inner incentives, as "Pluto" comes personally to clean things, might get messy and hurtful. This did not happen.

Jews are getting their tora ready every minute, but mighty Jack gets hard on "educating" people on external matters while blaming the internal, being dismissive, unsupportive, and an enactor of negative forces in the forum under the guise of good faith, while expecting the world to serve a bigger dish to him.

Where is your responsibility for the well-being of the forum, for the things you say, the way you say, and your priorities here? And don't compare me to magestein, remember I haven't called you a jew, but even gave you advice and tried to lessen the things and shitshow.
The people who are against me can be counted on one hand. There is no shitshow. Its only the same individuals who have a problem with me. No one else is attacking me other than those who have been attacking me for years.

Let the public decide whatever side they choose or if they don't choose either or don't care. Let it flow organically and let them decide for themselves.

I do my RTRs and meditation every day and I'm well completing all my personal goals. I don't have any problems in my private life. I'm pretty well balanced in all respects.

If I was going to change my rhetoric, I would have already done so ,like I've done many times before. If I was doing something wrong, then Divine Providence would change me by showing me the path like it has always done and never failed me.

I'm putting out a worldview which I've settled upon. If you don't like it ,just ignore me.

I'll be here, bringing awareness like I always have done.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Lydia said:
If Jack were a woman and posting shit about men all the time, he would have been banned. So why is he allowed to stay? And yes, people have been banned for less, so why is he still here? Oh that's right, because it is still acceptable for men to be misogynists, but at the slightest hint of (((feminism))) that's where the line is drawn and pitchforks are drawn. I really wish HPS Maxine was still active here.

I don't think Jack is a jew, but he does act like one: he twists what people say, ignores what he can't answer and keeps harping on statistics and what he has already said, tries to mentally wear down people to influence them to give up, and so on. These are jewish tactics, so he probably has lawyers or brahmins in his family, as they study these tactics well. He is definitely not a Satanic soul and does not belong here. He only cares about pushing his own beliefs and winning arguments. This is the JOY OF SATAN, not the "joy of right-wingers taking over the world", as he has written before. And all his other bullshit, which does not belong in a Satanic forum.

And fyi, while I have been ignoring most of this, I have seen some beef between him and Jrvan. I just want to say, Jrvan is 666x the man Jack is. Jrvan is a Satanic soul, this is obvious.

To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.

Yes it is clear but it keeps constantly being approved by the moderator, and he constantly posts his BS views on any topic that is only slightly positive for women.

As a woman and as a SS, and like other women have said, we do not feel comfortable, nor do we feel like we can speak freely if we're constantly met with these kind of disgusting comments and behavior. Not from our own women (bad comments about how men are all dicks) but especially not from the so called 'men' on the forum that are even protecting that bad behavior of their own.

I wonder how many men have actually commented on their own brothers that their views are incorrect. Because Ive read quite a few topics were things were said that were either supportive of what was said or in some other way not directly saying what was wrong with it.

I hope that makes the point and reason clear to you, NakedPluto.

I haven’t commented because I know how Jack is. He acts like a MGTOW supporter. I understand some parts of their movement, but I don’t agree with all of it. Just like with the Feminist Movement. I don’t agree with all of it but I understand their concerns. Unfortunately Jack has posted constantly on something he hasn’t experienced nor will for that matter. We are SS, and if his projections are that of the enemy, ignore him as it is necessary and actually healthy to do so.

Jack, if you are truly a supporter of Spiritual Satanism, desist from your actions and act like an SS. Otherwise, silence yourself and advance without trying to input something that obviously you are still new to. You are creating a disturbance and that is not tolerated from any self respecting SS regardless of their gender.

Lunar Dance, I’ll say this, let us focus on ourselves and advance to raise our serpent. Whatever idiots want to keep up with their projections or projections of others, let them. They shouldn’t concern themselves.

That goes for you, Jrvan, Tabby, Lydia, NakedPluto, and anyone else who actually shows advancement. This topic was useful at first, but it turned haywire.

SoutherwhiteGentile, you of all people that you are just bandwagoning with Jack because he is ‘supposedly’ advanced. Get yourself together sir. You dare call yourself an Aryan and do idiotic things that you know very well we all don’t agree with it. Grow and advance brother, your just defeating yourself by going backwards.

Siege Heil.
Ramier108666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
NakedPluto said:
To add my opinion.

While I support the above to a personal degree (as in already fed up with pointless bullshit and alpha male wannabes), my question is, why does every one of you take at face value and personally what Jack's marketing tactics espouse.

It is very clear that Jack in question does not have too much experience with women, social life, and the actual psychology of the masses. He tries to make amends the limited rationality of statistics with the organic reality of life and interactions. He also doesn't understand how females in general and in specifics do not apply to the limited view of frustrated men, or the opposite types of men.

I will never understand the discussion on men and women, neither from a social or political standpoint, without the premise and actual problems deriving from lack of self-worth, lack of contemplation, and maturity or mental problems. He projects his own view from an ill standpoint of life regarding these matters as a form of supposed contribution and savior syndrome.

The above tactics and way to be was evidential in an argument I had with him on suicide as well: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=170937#p170937

The purpose of discussions is to help each other and be inspired by others. As Lydia said, this is a Satanic and Advancement-focused forum. Repeated focus on political and personal vendettas because the world doesn't fit you, and you don't understand a greater perceptive view is not on the table for others to be hurt by. Jack has been attacked also in the past, but I suggest for everyone to understand greater and actually get to know what makes a person do the above. To say it straight, Jack is in no authority to be listened to in these subjects, so why the focus on him. Same for the opposite.

The first thing that should've been understood in these matters, and in all matters is that SS's personal choices of relationship and sexual life is PERSONAL AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH MAXINE DESIRE OF EXISTENCE. Why have beef with that?

I don't understand why and how supposed long members have the time, liberty, and spiritual composition to create disputes and jewish vortexes of energy riping to all SS, because of their ego purposes needing validation. This is about community and the Satanic world, not your personal view of that. Your personal view and statistics have nothing to do here, as they are not needed. There was a problem to be solved here or what? Do Jack and other SS who do not meditate suddenly resolve the world problems in articles on the internet? Are they saviors of what? As far as I see it, there's only doomsday preaching.

Yes it is clear but it keeps constantly being approved by the moderator, and he constantly posts his BS views on any topic that is only slightly positive for women.

As a woman and as a SS, and like other women have said, we do not feel comfortable, nor do we feel like we can speak freely if we're constantly met with these kind of disgusting comments and behavior. Not from our own women (bad comments about how men are all dicks) but especially not from the so called 'men' on the forum that are even protecting that bad behavior of their own.

I wonder how many men have actually commented on their own brothers that their views are incorrect. Because Ive read quite a few topics were things were said that were either supportive of what was said or in some other way not directly saying what was wrong with it.

I hope that makes the point and reason clear to you, NakedPluto.

I haven’t commented because I know how Jack is. He acts like a MGTOW supporter. I understand some parts of their movement, but I don’t agree with all of it. Just like with the Feminist Movement. I don’t agree with all of it but I understand their concerns. Unfortunately Jack has posted constantly on something he hasn’t experienced nor will for that matter. We are SS, and if his projections are that of the enemy, ignore him as it is necessary and actually healthy to do so.

Jack, if you are truly a supporter of Spiritual Satanism, desist from your actions and act like an SS. Otherwise, silence yourself and advance without trying to input something that obviously you are still new to. You are creating a disturbance and that is not tolerated from any self respecting SS regardless of their gender.

Lunar Dance, I’ll say this, let us focus on ourselves and advance to raise our serpent. Whatever idiots want to keep up with their projections or projections of others, let them. They shouldn’t concern themselves.

That goes for you, Jrvan, Tabby, Lydia, NakedPluto, and anyone else who actually shows advancement. This topic was useful at first, but it turned haywire.

SoutherwhiteGentile, you of all people that you are just bandwagoning with Jack because he is ‘supposedly’ advanced. Get yourself together sir. You dare call yourself an Aryan and do idiotic things that you know very well we all don’t agree with it. Grow and advance brother, your just defeating yourself by going backwards.

Siege Heil.
If you're an SS then you also have to accept the National Socialist ir Hitlerlian view of Gender. You can't be a Nazi while also ignoring Adolf Hitler's views on Gender relations.

There is nothing MGTOW about what I have posted. This conversation isn't even vaguely related to the topics they talk about. MGTOWS have issues of not being able to attract women due to their inadequacies. Their Movement has nothing to do with Whites or Nationalism or Right Wingers. These things I'm saying have been corroborated by National Socialists (Nazis) German and American.l who formulated the viewpoints that I'm speaking about.

If you're claiming just to be a Spiritualist ,then that's okay because at that point you have no stake or say In a National political movement or with general people. I am not just a Spiritualist. I also accept Nazism as my personal belief system so of course I'm going to take facts and writings that support Nazism and its viewpoint and propagate them. If you don't want to get political just don't get involved.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality.
This is the full mask off moment that everyone should be paying attention to and hopefully it will show why there is such a disagreement here.


If it hasn’t been blatant enough from his other posts, he does not like men with any self respect or pride. You must accept his browbeating or else you are muh soggy knee stick. He has effectively crafted a Holocaust-esque narrative that cannot be questioned unless you are a notsee terrorist. 6 million women were turned into soap by evil huwhite males so you must emasculate yourself at every turn for forgiveness. Wear the chastity cage and let other men fuck your wife because as a man you did something bad 600 years ago or something, so now you must pay for it by endless groveling and cuckholdry.

And like the Holocaust, none of it was real. There were no gas chambers, nor were there ever human farms with thousands of women chained up as baby making machines. There were never any mass graves with thousands of women that had been beaten to death by their husbands because no such thing ever occurred and it is ludicrous to say so. But I guess it was real in his mind so we just have to accept it as fact now.

Jrvan viscerally HATES the Aryan man.

CNN, is that you? :eek:

Full quote:
jrvan said:
You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality. You want to absolve the male sex of collective guilt so it never has to be dealt with even though there is nothing to absolve in the first place, and you weak males are getting defensive over nothing and just make things worse. Jews pushing radical feminism are going to get what they deserve. Males who abuse women and children are going to get their asses kicked and their women and children taken away, just like it should always be the case. Men who demean, slander, diminish, and scapegoat women collectively instead of blaming the jews - are going to be called out, ridiculed, and shamed by people who see through their bullshit.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
To Rabbi Jack:

It's like you have never heard of swingers, or orgies and group sex relationships. You're just going to have to accept that some people are different and like different things. A lot of it is astrological which is superior to your one-dimensional view of biology and biological mechanics where paternity is the be-all-end-all. What two or more people do in their own bedrooms is not up to you to decide. As long as it's not endangering anyone, it's consensual, it's the same race, doesn't involve animals, and doesn't involve children... then most things are just personalized. If I was the president, and some couples wanted to dress up as me to have sex - I might get a little bit of a chill and get creeped out a little, but it's their own roleplay/cosplay adventure and it's their business. Some people are into freaky shit. It's whatever. I can't really blame humans for being bored right now with the jewish slave grid.

If two men want to share one woman then what does it matter to you anyway? Why do you feel like you have such a huge stake in this? Swingers wouldn't be such a huge phenomenon if it was so unnatural. These people crave it in their souls because they are different, and you can't change them anymore than you can convince them that their "biology" demands something different from what they desire. You accept homosexuals as legitimate, but you draw the line at polyandry. B-b-bigot.

And yes I know swingers and polyamory are not the same thing. That's not the point.

By the way, if anyone takes issue with me calling him Rabbi Jack, please know that I'm not accusing him of being jewish. I'm simply expressing my contempt while at the same time suggesting that if he were jewish then he would be rabbi level with his ability to confuse, scapegoat and twist things. There's a part of me that's itching to wager on whether or not he would feel flattered by that. I've never seen someone reverse things to such a degree that they ended up literally talking about themselves as if they were making charges against their reflection while accusing others.
Ofcourse mentally deranged people have existed throughout history. That doesn't mean mental derangement is to be accepted as normal.

Psychologically damaged people who let their wives have sex with other men have existed for centuries, that doesn't mean I'm not going to clown cucks for being cucks.

Ofcourse you can do whatever you want in your own bedroom but that doesn't mean you're not going to be clowned for it in a public space.

Btw, there was one another person who was calling me rabbi in the past. It turned out that he was an actual jew and was swiftly banned. I hope that's not the case with you and your just stupid. Because we can ignore stupid people but we can't ignore jews.

Thanks Rabbi. The world is such a better place now because you made me have my grand epiphany that I'm a cuck. I feel so wonderfully kosher now. You is messiah. I is saved.
Here is what Adolf Hitler, the prophet of Nazism and Satanism had to say on this topic,

Adolf Hitler :

“The slogan ’emancipation of women’ was invented by Jewish intellectuals, and its content was formed by the same spirit. In the really good times of German life, the German woman had no need to emancipate herself. She possessed exactly what nature had given her to administer and preserve; just as the man in his good times had no need to fear that he would be ousted from his position in relation to the woman.
Hitler here makes these points
There is no need for any emancipation of women. At that time Feminists were fighting for being able to get financial independence and being able to exist without being married. At that time the third wave or second wave feminism wasn't even born. Hitler is arguing that the current status of the German woman as being financially dependent upon her husband is what is natural and Female emancipation (the ability to be financially independent) is a Jewish invention.

If the man’s world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives?
Hitler says that a womans world is secluded within her family life while the man has to work and dedicate his life to the state.
No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.
Women and men have different roles which are lock and key with each other.
We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct. To the one belongs the strength of feeling, the strength of the soul. To the other belongs the strength of vision, of toughness, of decision, and of the willingness to act. In the one case this strength demands the willingness of the woman to risk her life to preserve this important cell and to multiply it, and in the other case it demands from the man the readiness to safeguard life.
Hitler says the role of the man is to lead and make hard decisions in the relationship(toughness of decisions, willingness to act ,strength of vision. ) The role of the woman is to support her man and hold it down (Strength of soul.)

The sacrifices which the man makes in the struggle of his nation, the woman makes in the preservation of that nation in individual cases. What the man gives in courage on the battlefield, the woman gives in eternal self-sacrifice, in eternal pain and suffering. Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her people. And both must therefore mutually value and respect each other when they see that each performs the task that Nature and Providence have ordained. And this mutual respect will necessarily result from this separation of the functions of each.
Hitler makes it very clear that women must sacrifice and create children dedicated to the nation.

It is not true, as Jewish intellectuals assert, that respect depends on the overlapping of the spheres of activity of the sexes; this respect demands that neither sex should try to do that which belongs to the sphere of the other. It lies in the last resort in the fact that each knows that the other is doing everything necessary to maintain the whole community. So our women’s movement is for us not something which inscribes on its banner as its program the fight against men, but something which has as its program the common fight together with men. For the new National Socialist national community acquires a firm basis, precisely because we have gained the trust of millions of women as fanatical comrades…
Hitler says Mens sphere of influence (work,politics) cannot overlap with the Womans sphere of influence

Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women’s movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist women’s movement has but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creature which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle.”
Hitler makes it abundantly clear that the greatest purpose of the woman is in giving children.

Hitler's policies in response to Employment of Women -
Women in employment

While the Nazis depicted German mothers as national heroes, single women and working women were treated as second-class citizens.

Hitler was full of scorn for women in paid employment. He called this a Marxist ploy, an attempt to clad women in overalls and work boots to strip them of their femininity.

This derision for single and working women was reflected in policy. Unmarried women were viewed by the law as Staatsangehoriger (‘subjects of the state’).

When the Nazis took power in 1933, there were 100,000 female teachers and 3,000 female doctors working in Germany. Most were eventually sacked, forced to resign or pushed into marriage and motherhood.

From 1936, women were prohibited from working as judges, lawyers, principals and a range of other professions. Women were also removed from high-ranking or influential positions in government agencies, charities, schools and hospitals, to be replaced by men. University and college places for women were restricted to a firm quota of 10 per cent.

Hitler didn't believe that women could be Judges ,Frontline Combat Soldiers, or lawyers or make hard decisions. Or be Political leaders.

Hitler says -

If I think to myself that a woman shall make an appearance at an adjudication (legal ruling or judgment) . When that would be a woman who would be close to me. And if I had to imagine, my mother would still be alive and has to sit in front of a murder in a court and decide the verdict.

Never! NEVER ! We don't want that !

I also don't want an uninformed police to walk around and run after scamps and criminals. These are all things we actually don't want. Naturally they come and promptly say "Excue me.But you don't let them inside the parliamens as well."

Certainly but because i am convinced that the parliament doesn't raise the value of a woman. But it would only degrade her. I removed the men from the parliamentary service as well.

In former times I was also told "Don't you think that if you got women into the reichstag ,the women would refine the manners of the reichstag and thereby, then ". I have no interest in refining the reichstag or refining its manners because if a honored, knighted or enobled is ranting or not that is entirely the same.

When I look at newspapers I see headlines such as this "A womans battalion in the Soviet union or a Women's grenadier battalion in Spain.

All I can say to the representatives of this kind of female equality Is :
I would not be a Man, If i were to tolerate such a thing.
The idea that a girl or a woman has to take upon herself ,I would have no respect for the German men then !.Either they take responsibility for this or they resign!

As long as we have a healthy male gender and we National Socialists will ensure there will be no female sharpshooters or grenadiers trained in Germany.

That's no equality but in reality inferior rights for women. Because it's harder for women than men. For her it's much more terrible than men. I would just say I'm arming children and sending them to war. We don't want that.

But before our eyes there is a vast expanse of job opportunities for women. Because for us, the woman has been the most faithful worker and life companion for the man ,at all times.

They always said
"You want to remove women from all professions. "
On the contrary I will only give her the chance to being able to get married and to assist her to give birth to her own family and to have children.

Because this is my conviction now -
Benefits our people the most Ofcourse.
For that is Clear !

And you have to understand it from me -
"If I had a female lawyer infront of me and it doesn't matter how much she has achieved and next to her is a mother of five, six ,seven children and they are in great health and well educated by her.

Then I have to say ,from the eternal point of view from the eternal value of our people ,the woman who has children and has raised them and thereby gave our people the ability to live in the future -
Has achieved more.

Why is Adolf Hitler so edgy and says that he doesn't care about a womans professional achievements and cares only about her being a mother ?

Why is Adolf Hitler removing women from jobs, capping universities attendees to 10% ,not allowing them to be in leadership positions ?

Why is he giving speeches saying that the only job he will allow women to do is to be a mother ?

Even I'm not arguing for removing the women from these jobs as he did.

Adolf Hitler certainly is very misogynistic, biased etc etc isn't he ?

Take some time to process this before saying its "Fake, the policies are fake, the quotes are fake, the speeches are fake."

It's all real. Adolf Hitler the prophet of Humanity, the CHOSEN ONE SAID AND DID ALL THIS.

These are not my words. This is Adolf Hitler's words.

These aren't my policies. This is Adolf Hitler's policies.

These are not my views. I have just accepted them from the Chosen one.

I trust 100% in Adolf Hitler and thus I trust everything that he has done or said. Most of Hitler's views and the reasoning behind them have been proven by Scientists since then.

And that is all that the studies show. Nothing more.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

Don't tell Tabby who she is. You don't know anything about her. She's explained her points with reason and logic in a calm manner, even better than I did. You just don't want to admit it because she's female, and she's totally subduing you in an argument and you hate that. You fear that it makes your manhood smaller to lose an argument to a female. You're weak. It also shows that you don't have a valid argument. All the nonsense you're spouting is easily refuted. Even. By. A. Girl. Chew on that one you misogynistic joke.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

If you don't have fear period then you're lacking a basic emotion which means you're unhealthy and unbalanced. For example, if you had kids and you didn't harbor any fear whatsoever for their safety then that's potentially psychopathic in my opinion.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.
Nope. Not everyone is you, and not everyone sees the world the way you do. Nor do you have a claim on what absolute Truth of reality is. You're not Satan.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members.

More projection.

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

Yep. And most men who aren't weak also instinctively realize that taking care of their women doesn't mean they have to put shackles on them, or beat them up to get them to do what they want.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.
Nothing wrong with that. Why do you have a problem with certain women having two males to herself? You could just let it be instead of declaring war on the concept itself, and acting like you need to destroy it in order to have cosmic peace within yourself.

Oh wait. I know why. It's because you hate women. You think that wifebeaters never existed. And you think that battered women were just a myth. And that women never got tortured in the middle ages. And that mothers and their children were never abused by xian men. You think women have absolutely no cause whatsoever to be fearful of men. And most in society don't fear men thanks to xianity losing power, and wifebeaters not being tolerated in society. There's still a subset of women who are fearful of men though, and that's because there are some terrible people out there who abuse women and children. They used to be able to get away with it unchallenged in your glorified 50's and 60's.

You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality. You want to absolve the male sex of collective guilt so it never has to be dealt with even though there is nothing to absolve in the first place, and you weak males are getting defensive over nothing and just make things worse. Jews pushing radical feminism are going to get what they deserve. Males who abuse women and children are going to get their asses kicked and their women and children taken away, just like it should always be the case. Men who demean, slander, diminish, and scapegoat women collectively instead of blaming the jews - are going to be called out, ridiculed, and shamed by people who see through their bullshit.

Stop trying to act like women were the ones who put the invading illegal immigrants on the boats and buses. It was jews.
Ive never said that abuse didn't take place. I don't have the statistics so I can't say for sure what the percentage of abuse was. Maybe if you can find the statistics about Domestic Abuse in the 1950s we could talk about that.

But its definitely not the way your projecting. Not everyone was beating up their wives. That's ridiculous and deranged on another level. Wide beating became a criminal offense since 1920s and before that people were killed and punished for beating their wives.

The issue with you specifically is that you have unresolved issues with your mother. You need to go forgive her for whatever she has done to you ,which may release your mind to be more critical and separate yourself from your thoughts. Not everything revolves around you.

Just because your mother was beaten doesn't mean every mother was being beaten. My father never touched my mother or anyone in my family. I've never heard or seen anyone beat their girlfriends or their wives. Your doing an extreme projection of thinking that everyone must be beating their wives.

Even if most of these men were Christians (just like in Nazi Germany) they weren't most of the time obsessed with Christianity or take it too seriously. Religion for the majority of people is just a community thing. These men were also Gentiles and they weren't psychopathic. Why in the hell would a man beat their wife ? This is retarded.

Women were a hundred times more happier ,merrier and their lives had more meaning in the 1950s when they were mothers and community members and were dependent upon men for their finances. And there's nothing to depend upon because they were a unit which worked like lock and key.

You seem to have a serious issue with women's happiness where you don't want to or simply don't understand women's needs and their happiness which has drastically decreased as they've gotten financially independent and away from men. Just because in your isolated case this wasn't true doesn't mean in the majority of the population it isn't true.

Women didn't put the travelling immigrants into the boats and through the border. But since they didn't have kids while the immigrants did ,the country is now getting taken over. I don't blame women, period. Because I know as history is testament when faced with hard choices, it is the men who must lead. The major blame falls upon the men who allowed their women to make the choices that has destroyed the country. Men haven't protected their women from themselves and from the Jewish influence which is why all this is happening now.

More xian apologist shit. Imagine my lack of surprise.

You're not my shrink, dude. I could reveal a dozen different things about myself right now besides my relationship with my mother which is actually healthy compared to what it used to be. Then you would try to use those new revelations against me as well because you don't have an argument, and you have to somehow discredit me so that you can consider yourself right by default. Not going to happen. My issues are not what you say they are, and you don't know me so don't pretend to. Everything you have used against me is things I voluntarily revealed myself which proves you don't have any psychic intuition because otherwise you would have picked up on other valid things about me which you have not. The picture of me that you have is the picture that I allow you to have. You can't obtain any other information about me because you're not spiritually powerful. In fact, you're quite weak.

You say you don't blame women period even though you just made a post with giant bold text font screaming about women's liberation, and you've been blaming women this whole time beforehand in all of your messages. You were giving them agency and responsibility before, but now you've retracted that. Now you're saying they don't have any agency, and it's all men's fault because women are their incapable little infants and they let them get away. You're blaming men now. You blame everyone except the jews. This is all happening now because the jews planned it for decades. This is happening because they keep our wealth and our spiritual knowledge from us, and constantly curse us.

You speak about root causes and whatnot. The root cause is the jews. You want to go around chasing the symptoms of the root cause. There's countless symptoms, and there will be countless more symptoms until the jews are eliminated because they keep shoveling the dirt on as soon as we clean it up a little. As for discussing those symptoms, everyone else, especially the Clergy, have revealed all of it much better than you have or ever could. It's all on the JoS. You're wasting everyone's time just because you want to kvetch about women collectively, and are bound and determined to lump all women in the same category of kosher shit. You also think biology is more imposing than the soul itself and the planets, and any astrologist could tell you otherwise.

Stop wasting everyone's time. You're like a child that has an insatiable need for attention. Grow up already.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

Doing a double take here.

Firstly, what makes you believe that there will be an extreme scarcity of eligible men?
And secondly, I'm not interested in other human males so this has no relevance to me as to what you're doing in order to gain multiple human wives, or do you enjoy deliberately ignoring the fact that I have a Demon relationship and carrying on with your fake narrative that I'm fucking a horde of human men?

It's funny how smug your energy feels on this when it doesn't have any connection to me and my sex life.
It doesn't matter if it's a demon relationship or a human relationship. Sexual exclusivity is being broken which means cuckoldry is taking place. Its unfaithfulness ,Period.

Human Females are not birds and are not Polygamous. They are hypergamous by nature and they have a natural pairbonding mechanism which gives sexual exclusivity to one Male. Going against this is going against natural instincts of jealousy, which makes it unnatural. These natural instincts are there for a reason.

Swingers and polyamory is similarly unnatural. The only situation where polyandy happens is in extreme situations where there are a severe scarcity of women which is noticed in certain Asian tribes.

There's nothing I have to change for because I'm the best version of myself and everything I believe in is by this time 100% correct. I would change if you showed me what I was saying was in anyway false,but as youve shown your incapable of critical debate .I've gone through different variations of views and ended up accepting the eventual results which could not be disproved further in any way. There is nothing wrong that I've done and I'm not going to apologize for anything because I've done nothing wrong.

You need to look for your own faults and rectify them which causes you to be with an inadequate male who can't satisfy you sexually and let's you have sex with other men. Your projecting your own hatred of women onto the general populace because you want everyone to be as miserable as you are.

I wouldn't take a cuck and his wife seriously even if it was the end of the world. This hilarious derangement syndrome has gone on for far too long.

If you want to continue to be retarded ,then please be my guest. But your going on the ignore list since nothing you or your husband have said within weeks has been of any significance and your just wasting my time at this point.

Ofcourse if we have to rectify a problem we have to look at a root cause - by studying how the jews destroyed the family unit and tanked the birthrate through female liberation. It's not nagging its dissecting and studying a problem. Just saying "Its the Jews" doesn't mean shit if you don't understand exactly what these jews have done. And in order to rectify it, we have to reverse it.

There is nothing liberating about a woman getting financially independent or working at a dead end job. She is liberated when a man is taking care of her, and her responsibility is only to her children. That is when she is always happy and the statistics show this.

I've had enough of stupid millennials with no real life experience who live in a fantasy land created by Jewish TV Shows refuse to accept hard facts of reality. If you can't that's okay. But I can't take this stupid conversation anymore where you refuse to accept basic facts of reality.

Now you spit on even Demon relationships. If you think I’m going to let you freely insult even HIS relationships without backlash, you truly are insane. You piece of shit.

You would rather paint me as some retarded slut just because of your stupid world views about women, instead of being a fucking respectable SS man.

It doesn’t take much to sense behind your eyes and see how much insanity and delusional energy is surrounding your sight.

You’re not a female, are you? Are you a qualified biologist/psychologist with a risen serpent? I highly doubt it. So what right do you have to claim as “hard fact” what’s natural for women or what makes women happy?

How far are you going to go to label everything else as wrong and you as completely utterly undoubtedly right? How far are you going to go cowering and lying just to get your way without consequences? How long will it be before you are satisfied with the amount of time you’ve stood on the soap box insulting and slandering our people? How many good things are you going to ruin before you’re pleased with yourself? How many of our personal lives are you going to weaponise before you get your shit together? How much advice are you going to be given by everyone who can see right through you before you do anything to improve yourself?

You of all the people here have argued the most illogically and emotionally and resorted to personal attacks when you’ve got nothing to fight back with. Go ahead and block the people who are pointing out your bullshit and continue to shrink-wrap yourself in your basement. At least then your toxicity will be contained.

I refuse to bow to your insanity, Jack. Keep gaslighting, making up a narrative to justify your shit, and attention whoring, it’s the only trick you’ve got. I didn’t deal with gaslighters and insane people for years to let those like you get so easily into my head and try convince me over and over that I’m “retarded”. You use other people’s arguments against you and twist it into your own as if you were the one who came up with it, and attempt to throw it back at them.

Many people with real life experience have showed you that a number of your claims are wrong, but it’s not good enough for you, and you have attacked every one of us who has tried and spoken out against your nonsense, except the HP. Good to know you’re not stupid enough to do that.

You can’t even answer back properly as to why you defended mine and jrvan’s relationships back then against SWG who was spouting crap that he was a cuck, and turn on us now. You’re a joke and a liar.

You want to be King but we are not your land to own and reap as you please.

I’m not even a millennial, you insensitive bible.
tabby said:
Jack_the_Polyamorous_One said:
And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

Doing a double take here.

Firstly, what makes you believe that there will be an extreme scarcity of eligible men?
And secondly, I'm not interested in other human males so this has no relevance to me as to what you're doing in order to gain multiple human wives, or do you enjoy deliberately ignoring the fact that I have a Demon relationship and carrying on with your fake narrative that I'm fucking a horde of human men?

It's funny how smug your energy feels on this when it doesn't have any connection to me and my sex life.
Jack said:
It doesn't matter if it's a demon relationship or a human relationship. Sexual exclusivity is being broken which means cuckoldry is taking place. Its unfaithfulness ,Period.

It's not unfaithfulness if it's consensual. She didn't cheat on me. A love relationship is contractual, and not all contracts are the same. Your tiny mind can't comprehend that so there's nothing to discuss, period.

Jack_the_(((Biologist))) said:
Human Females are not birds and are not Polygamous. They are hypergamous by nature and they have a natural pairbonding mechanism which gives sexual exclusivity to one Male. Going against this is going against natural instincts of jealousy, which makes it unnatural. These natural instincts are there for a reason.

She was mentioning animal species because you said that this sort of thing is unnatural. She was making the point that it does happen in Nature which provides a basis for it. It does occur. Saying that these things are unnatural and unholy is indicative of your own tiny bigoted mind. You're a fool.

Jack said:
Swingers and polyamory is similarly unnatural. The only situation where polyandy happens is in extreme situations where there are a severe scarcity of women which is noticed in certain Asian tribes.

Then why are you going to have two wives if it's so unnatural in humans? More flip-flopping.

Rabbi_Jack said:
There's nothing I have to change for because I'm the best version of myself and everything I believe in is by this time 100% correct. I would change if you showed me what I was saying was in anyway false,but as youve shown your incapable of critical debate .I've gone through different variations of views and ended up accepting the eventual results which could not be disproved further in any way. There is nothing wrong that I've done and I'm not going to apologize for anything because I've done nothing wrong.


Jack_the_Stud said:
You need to look for your own faults and rectify them which causes you to be with an inadequate male who can't satisfy you sexually and let's you have sex with other men. Your projecting your own hatred of women onto the general populace because you want everyone to be as miserable as you are.

I managed to make her squirt many times in the past even when I wasn't enjoying any of it, and I did that with a broken sacral chakra. ;)

Her Demon lover does it way better though. Like wow.

Jack_the_Comedian said:
This hilarious derangement syndrome has gone on for far too long.
Well, at least we agree on something.

Jack_the_Jewologist said:
Ofcourse if we have to rectify a problem we have to look at a root cause - by studying how the jews destroyed the family unit and tanked the birthrate through female liberation. It's not nagging its dissecting and studying a problem. Just saying "Its the Jews" doesn't mean shit if you don't understand exactly what these jews have done. And in order to rectify it, we have to reverse it.

Maxine has dissected all of that better than you ever could. She's a woman, and unlike you - she's not obstinately stupid.

Jack said:
There is nothing liberating about a woman getting financially independent or working at a dead end job. She is liberated when a man is taking care of her, and her responsibility is only to her children. That is when she is always happy and the statistics show this.

Well women need to survive, and a single paycheck just won't cut it anymore in this jewed economy. You say we should be like impoverished third worlders having ten babies to a household, but they'll take our kids away if we can't provide for them. You have no idea just how jewed society is. Parents don't have any options, we're literally living in a financial slave grid.

Jack's Nose said:
I've had enough of stupid millennials with no real life experience who live in a fantasy land created by Jewish TV Shows refuse to accept hard facts of reality. If you can't that's okay. But I can't take this stupid conversation anymore where you refuse to accept basic facts of reality.

Coming from the guy who thinks economics is a myth. Riiiiiight.
Ramier108666 said:
SoutherwhiteGentile, you of all people that you are just bandwagoning with Jack because he is ‘supposedly’ advanced. Get yourself together sir. You dare call yourself an Aryan and do idiotic things that you know very well we all don’t agree with it. Grow and advance brother, your just defeating yourself by going backwards.

Siege Heil.
How is this bandwagoning? I wouldn’t care if Jack is banned or disappeared I’ll still say what I believe in even if I stand alone. It seems there’s an opposite bandwagon going on actually. Take care.
Jack is simply saying the same things Neo Nazis and some xtian conservatives say. A lot of what he says sounds like what your told in church only replacing Jewsus or gawd with Satan whites and Hitler.

How long till he tries to tell us Jewsus exists and deserves a place in the section on Demons or something.

People should have seen this long ago I did but gave up on trying to comment on it cause no one believed me.
Jack said:
Ramier108666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Yes it is clear but it keeps constantly being approved by the moderator, and he constantly posts his BS views on any topic that is only slightly positive for women.

As a woman and as a SS, and like other women have said, we do not feel comfortable, nor do we feel like we can speak freely if we're constantly met with these kind of disgusting comments and behavior. Not from our own women (bad comments about how men are all dicks) but especially not from the so called 'men' on the forum that are even protecting that bad behavior of their own.

I wonder how many men have actually commented on their own brothers that their views are incorrect. Because Ive read quite a few topics were things were said that were either supportive of what was said or in some other way not directly saying what was wrong with it.

I hope that makes the point and reason clear to you, NakedPluto.

I haven’t commented because I know how Jack is. He acts like a MGTOW supporter. I understand some parts of their movement, but I don’t agree with all of it. Just like with the Feminist Movement. I don’t agree with all of it but I understand their concerns. Unfortunately Jack has posted constantly on something he hasn’t experienced nor will for that matter. We are SS, and if his projections are that of the enemy, ignore him as it is necessary and actually healthy to do so.

Jack, if you are truly a supporter of Spiritual Satanism, desist from your actions and act like an SS. Otherwise, silence yourself and advance without trying to input something that obviously you are still new to. You are creating a disturbance and that is not tolerated from any self respecting SS regardless of their gender.

Lunar Dance, I’ll say this, let us focus on ourselves and advance to raise our serpent. Whatever idiots want to keep up with their projections or projections of others, let them. They shouldn’t concern themselves.

That goes for you, Jrvan, Tabby, Lydia, NakedPluto, and anyone else who actually shows advancement. This topic was useful at first, but it turned haywire.

SoutherwhiteGentile, you of all people that you are just bandwagoning with Jack because he is ‘supposedly’ advanced. Get yourself together sir. You dare call yourself an Aryan and do idiotic things that you know very well we all don’t agree with it. Grow and advance brother, your just defeating yourself by going backwards.

Siege Heil.
If you're an SS then you also have to accept the National Socialist ir Hitlerlian view of Gender. You can't be a Nazi while also ignoring Adolf Hitler's views on Gender relations.

There is nothing MGTOW about what I have posted. This conversation isn't even vaguely related to the topics they talk about. MGTOWS have issues of not being able to attract women due to their inadequacies. Their Movement has nothing to do with Whites or Nationalism or Right Wingers. These things I'm saying have been corroborated by National Socialists (Nazis) German and American.l who formulated the viewpoints that I'm speaking about.

If you're claiming just to be a Spiritualist ,then that's okay because at that point you have no stake or say In a National political movement or with general people. I am not just a Spiritualist. I also accept Nazism as my personal belief system so of course I'm going to take facts and writings that support Nazism and its viewpoint and propagate them. If you don't want to get political just don't get involved.

You do know that National Socialist principles are rooted in being a Spiritual Satanist right? Secondly you are correct to a point about MGTOW, however it is also a point to note that it’s also regarded to how men feel about females, some of which is rooted with your generalized outlook on the female/male relationship. I am an SS if you are doubtful, surprising how you may think otherwise is not even worth looking into.

Regardless Jack, it matters little. your point and other points were made, it would be worthwhile to just keep advancing dude. This topic was as I said in another post useful, but it became a crackpot after ones ideals are posted as a whole. You are trying to convince and in a way conform an ideal that you still don’t understand deeply. You understand the superficial external side of it all my brother. That’s not all there is to it.

You use Nazism like that’s all. That’s why I don’t think you’ve advanced that much Jack. Your views haven’t changed for the better unless everyone is getting on your ass. Even then you keep those ideals rooted in you. Remember those White National Socialist were viewers and purveyors of the age that needed it the most. It is needed now but there is also the lack of spiritual knowledge that is keeping the full flourish of being a National Socialist/Spiritual Satanist. Otherwise it’s just counterproductive. You can’t just be one dimensional.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ramier108666 said:
SoutherwhiteGentile, you of all people that you are just bandwagoning with Jack because he is ‘supposedly’ advanced. Get yourself together sir. You dare call yourself an Aryan and do idiotic things that you know very well we all don’t agree with it. Grow and advance brother, your just defeating yourself by going backwards.

Siege Heil.
How is this bandwagoning? I wouldn’t care if Jack is banned or disappeared I’ll still say what I believe in even if I stand alone. It seems there’s an opposite bandwagon going on actually. Take care.

Your views coincide with his @SWG. These viewpoints are fine and well for the time they are needed, but it goes to far when it becomes a habit that can’t be applied all the time. Also it was the bandwagon of targeting Jrvan. We are resorting to targeting unnecessarily
Jack said:
Lydia said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Statistics are statistics, they have no importans to a singel Individual.

It is hard enouth, to really make a singel wimmen happy all the time, now imagine to treat 4 wimmen all equal without limiting them in any way, e.g. treating them bad and furfill thear desires, love, passion, ..., fully.

Only a happy mother can be a strong good mother for thear children, so the children can become thear best self, which will ultimatly lead to a better society/race.

I could only imagine if the wimmen involved are bisexual and are realy not jealous, this could work.

Also from the child perspective if most men would grow up seeing thear dad having 4 wifes, they would probably think if they don´t have also 4 wifes they are less of a men. Which is of course false.

From a satanic national socialist point of view the goal is to improve the race, if one men does this with one wife, it is fine, if a nother one can do this, with 4 wifes, this is equally fine, not better or somehow a greater achivement.

It is ok to read statistics, try to use science to improve the race, but if you present your results in ways, on its own creating problems for your inital goal to achive this is counterproductive.

If you Jack, are the best you, if you marry 4 wimmen, which you somehow manage to make happy, whithout them ripping each other apart, produce healthy offspring, it´s fine, but don´t try to say this is somehow a spiritual goal, a must have for all advanced men members.

Not much experienced men, tent to listen to the loudest alpha male. They change thear behavour, this does repell a suitabel good future wife, destroys a possibel good offspring.

That´s the reason some females here, don´t like your idears, they don´t want thear perfect, possibel compassionate monogamous future husband to go polygamous, have to share him because he is/thinks he is advanced.

They in a way protect the more shy men to stay the way they are. A shy men can be a equaly good father/men then someone who can manage 4 wimmen. If he can defend his wife and children.

We should have adressed the issue:
From a satanic national socialist point of view the goal is to improve the race, if one men does this with one wife, it is fine, if a nother one can do this, with 4 wifes, this is equally fine, not better or somehow a greater achivement/spiritual goal.

Made it clear, demanted changing future behaviour, not just ask for puplic executions/e.g. bans.

Lydia, as a astrologer you know people are different, these differences are the reason live is enjoabel the exact opposite to the enemy hive mind. We should continue to allow people to express thear opinions/idears and only step in to correct, if they opose the satanic/national socialist spirit/Orion Our Race Is Our Nation. Sometimes you are too involved in something so you write a rage-filled comment. I would never ask you to change this behavour, because this is just they way you are. But the same way Jack was wrong about 4 wifes is the ultimate spiritual goal along with MO, you are rong to demand a bann on someone, who only needed to realise what he is doing is bad for the satanic movement/races/him self.

The overbanning like with Mageson, causes people not express them in the way they want, which can lead to less knowledge chared on the forum along with a overal weaker opposition to the enemy.

We are not enemys, we are allys, let´s fokus our hate on the enemy and resort for our own to reasoning and understanding.
Meteor said:
Why are you blatantly misrepresenting him? Rather than a collective, he appears to be specifically addressing people who only put more fuel on the fire in regards to damaged relations between the sexes, and he didn't even mention anything about race. It seems that your dislike for him has caused you to misinterpret his words.
He blatantly talks about men as a collective of rapists and abusers that have never done any good while saying I do the same with women, when I rarely talk about it. His CRT certified racism is implied because he is talking about Europe, and he unsurprisingly deflected what I said.

Please reflect on your pointless attempt at in-fighting.
Please reflect on your pointless attempt at taking me down and learn to separate the message from the messenger. Don’t bark up my tree just because you enjoy washing the feet of this misandrist clique.
Jack said:
Here is what Adolf Hitler, the prophet of Nazism and Satanism had to say on this topic,

Adolf Hitler :

“The slogan ’emancipation of women’ was invented by Jewish intellectuals, and its content was formed by the same spirit. In the really good times of German life, the German woman had no need to emancipate herself. She possessed exactly what nature had given her to administer and preserve; just as the man in his good times had no need to fear that he would be ousted from his position in relation to the woman.
Hitler here makes these points
There is no need for any emancipation of women. At that time Feminists were fighting for being able to get financial independence and being able to exist without being married. At that time the third wave or second wave feminism wasn't even born. Hitler is arguing that the current status of the German woman as being financially dependent upon her husband is what is natural and Female emancipation (the ability to be financially independent) is a Jewish invention.

If the man’s world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives?
Hitler says that a womans world is secluded within her family life while the man has to work and dedicate his life to the state.
No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.
Women and men have different roles which are lock and key with each other.
We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct. To the one belongs the strength of feeling, the strength of the soul. To the other belongs the strength of vision, of toughness, of decision, and of the willingness to act. In the one case this strength demands the willingness of the woman to risk her life to preserve this important cell and to multiply it, and in the other case it demands from the man the readiness to safeguard life.
Hitler says the role of the man is to lead and make hard decisions in the relationship(toughness of decisions, willingness to act ,strength of vision. ) The role of the woman is to support her man and hold it down (Strength of soul.)

The sacrifices which the man makes in the struggle of his nation, the woman makes in the preservation of that nation in individual cases. What the man gives in courage on the battlefield, the woman gives in eternal self-sacrifice, in eternal pain and suffering. Every child that a woman brings into the world is a battle, a battle waged for the existence of her people. And both must therefore mutually value and respect each other when they see that each performs the task that Nature and Providence have ordained. And this mutual respect will necessarily result from this separation of the functions of each.
Hitler makes it very clear that women must sacrifice and create children dedicated to the nation.

It is not true, as Jewish intellectuals assert, that respect depends on the overlapping of the spheres of activity of the sexes; this respect demands that neither sex should try to do that which belongs to the sphere of the other. It lies in the last resort in the fact that each knows that the other is doing everything necessary to maintain the whole community. So our women’s movement is for us not something which inscribes on its banner as its program the fight against men, but something which has as its program the common fight together with men. For the new National Socialist national community acquires a firm basis, precisely because we have gained the trust of millions of women as fanatical comrades…
Hitler says Mens sphere of influence (work,politics) cannot overlap with the Womans sphere of influence

Whereas previously the programs of the liberal, intellectualist women’s movements contained many points, the program of our National Socialist women’s movement has but one single point, and that point is the child, that tiny creature which must be born and grow strong and which alone gives meaning to the whole life-struggle.”
Hitler makes it abundantly clear that the greatest purpose of the woman is in giving children.

Hitler's policies in response to Employment of Women -
Women in employment

While the Nazis depicted German mothers as national heroes, single women and working women were treated as second-class citizens.

Hitler was full of scorn for women in paid employment. He called this a Marxist ploy, an attempt to clad women in overalls and work boots to strip them of their femininity.

This derision for single and working women was reflected in policy. Unmarried women were viewed by the law as Staatsangehoriger (‘subjects of the state’).

When the Nazis took power in 1933, there were 100,000 female teachers and 3,000 female doctors working in Germany. Most were eventually sacked, forced to resign or pushed into marriage and motherhood.

From 1936, women were prohibited from working as judges, lawyers, principals and a range of other professions. Women were also removed from high-ranking or influential positions in government agencies, charities, schools and hospitals, to be replaced by men. University and college places for women were restricted to a firm quota of 10 per cent.

Hitler didn't believe that women could be Judges ,Frontline Combat Soldiers, or lawyers or make hard decisions. Or be Political leaders.

Hitler says -

If I think to myself that a woman shall make an appearance at an adjudication (legal ruling or judgment) . When that would be a woman who would be close to me. And if I had to imagine, my mother would still be alive and has to sit in front of a murder in a court and decide the verdict.

Never! NEVER ! We don't want that !

I also don't want an uninformed police to walk around and run after scamps and criminals. These are all things we actually don't want. Naturally they come and promptly say "Excue me.But you don't let them inside the parliamens as well."

Certainly but because i am convinced that the parliament doesn't raise the value of a woman. But it would only degrade her. I removed the men from the parliamentary service as well.

In former times I was also told "Don't you think that if you got women into the reichstag ,the women would refine the manners of the reichstag and thereby, then ". I have no interest in refining the reichstag or refining its manners because if a honored, knighted or enobled is ranting or not that is entirely the same.

When I look at newspapers I see headlines such as this "A womans battalion in the Soviet union or a Women's grenadier battalion in Spain.

All I can say to the representatives of this kind of female equality Is :
I would not be a Man, If i were to tolerate such a thing.
The idea that a girl or a woman has to take upon herself ,I would have no respect for the German men then !.Either they take responsibility for this or they resign!

As long as we have a healthy male gender and we National Socialists will ensure there will be no female sharpshooters or grenadiers trained in Germany.

That's no equality but in reality inferior rights for women. Because it's harder for women than men. For her it's much more terrible than men. I would just say I'm arming children and sending them to war. We don't want that.

But before our eyes there is a vast expanse of job opportunities for women. Because for us, the woman has been the most faithful worker and life companion for the man ,at all times.

They always said
"You want to remove women from all professions. "
On the contrary I will only give her the chance to being able to get married and to assist her to give birth to her own family and to have children.

Because this is my conviction now -
Benefits our people the most Ofcourse.
For that is Clear !

And you have to understand it from me -
"If I had a female lawyer infront of me and it doesn't matter how much she has achieved and next to her is a mother of five, six ,seven children and they are in great health and well educated by her.

Then I have to say ,from the eternal point of view from the eternal value of our people ,the woman who has children and has raised them and thereby gave our people the ability to live in the future -
Has achieved more.

Why is Adolf Hitler so edgy and says that he doesn't care about a womans professional achievements and cares only about her being a mother ?

Why is Adolf Hitler removing women from jobs, capping universities attendees to 10% ,not allowing them to be in leadership positions ?

Why is he giving speeches saying that the only job he will allow women to do is to be a mother ?

Even I'm not arguing for removing the women from these jobs as he did.

Adolf Hitler certainly is very misogynistic, biased etc etc isn't he ?

Take some time to process this before saying its "Fake, the policies are fake, the quotes are fake, the speeches are fake."

It's all real. Adolf Hitler the prophet of Humanity, the CHOSEN ONE SAID AND DID ALL THIS.

These are not my words. This is Adolf Hitler's words.

These aren't my policies. This is Adolf Hitler's policies.

These are not my views. I have just accepted them from the Chosen one.

I trust 100% in Adolf Hitler and thus I trust everything that he has done or said. Most of Hitler's views and the reasoning behind them have been proven by Scientists since then.

And that is all that the studies show. Nothing more.

We have to deal with the current times and economy. We can't achieve what the Fuhrer achieved right now because jews have control of our economy and society just like they did in Germany before Hitler took power. The jews have ensured that the conditions which led to Hitler's rise can't be recreated. That's what they meant when they started saying "NEVER AGAIN!" and "We must make sure this never happens again" in regards to the great shoah. "Never again" is their code word to each other to make sure that the conditions are never again met for another Hitler to rise out of their slave society and lead the people to liberation and Paganism. It's just jewish machine learning, and correcting their mistakes so they can do a better job of enslaving humanity.

Just because the Fuhrer said women shouldn't do these things, doesn't mean they are incapable of doing these things. Women have proven time and time again that when push comes to shove they can get shit done. It's just unfortunate that they ever get pushed to that point where they have to do the men's jobs for them.

For the moment, we need women to have financial freedom so they can survive. Many White men in society are so pathetic now that they won't even take care of their people, nor recognize their own race. It's getting harder and harder for people to survive financially, and it's even worse for those who don't have inherited family homes. It takes at least two paychecks for a lot of families to survive right now. Muslims come in and get free cars and social security checks while White people go to work and pay for it, and don't get to keep hardly any of their labor value. It all gets sucked up by jews and muslims. And trying to say that everyone should be like third worlders on the streets, and that economics is a fictional concept and doesn't exist, doesn't work because if you haven't noticed there's a war on homelessness. And if people are homeless then their kids will be taken away. Are you starting to understand the jewish game? It's one big kosher plot. Oh but yeah it's all women's fault. Or it's all men's fault for having their government occupied by jews and having their taxes stolen, and men totally just decided in some big meeting that concerned all males that they were going to abandon their women and their people. And it's all men's fault that their kids get brainwashed at school while they're working, and that they're too busy at work trying to just FEED their family that they don't have time to notice their family is getting brainwashed. That's what you're saying. And you can't figure out if it's men's fault or women's fault, but you know for damn sure that it's not the jews' fault. And you're a xian apologist to boot.

If the family is the sphere and domain of women then why are you, a male, trying to control that too, and to take it away from her? You don't want women to have any will whatsoever. Women should have a say in how their own kids are raised, and how her family and home life functions. If you don't like the way she does things then find a new woman and family, or be reasonable and work with her about it to come to an arrangement that you both like.

The fact also still stands that you have all along been applying all of these things to Spiritual Satanists. Someone who is actively working to become a God can do whatever the fuck they want and be however they want to be regardless of how society functions. As long as they don't oppose Satan. Stop telling us what to do and how to be. There's different classes of people. The Fuhrer was obviously talking about the civilian class which is most people in society. We are the spiritual class.

We already know what you're talking about here. There was never any need to convince anyone here of this. You should be spreading this kind of message elsewhere for internet warfare.
Jack said:
I'll apologize for derailing that thread. But I won't apologize for espousing the views that I have because they are True.

There is no such thing as an absolute truth but looking at it from a statistical perspective, it is statistically true which is why I'm able to make blanket statements.

No one is telling you to waste your time on these threads. You're wasting your own time thinking anything you say will change my views because it won't.

Sure. Did you forget that Father’s name means Eternal Truth? And did you also forget you said this not too long ago? (Refer to quoted comment below).

The statistics say Jack is flip flopping.

It’s either Jack-think or Wrong-think. How dare we free thinkers question Big Brother even when he contradicts his own arguments. How dare we question The-Man-Behind-The-Curtain. How dare we question you The Holy Prophet who insults his SS sisters and brothers for disagreeing and pointing out his shit. How dare we stand up for ourselves when The-One-Who-Is-Never-Wrong lays his authoritarian judgement upon our personal lives.

No point arguing with you logically anymore. Here’s what an “emotional woman” actually looks like when her buttons have been pushed by an idiot.

Jack said:
Nothing that I've said can be disproven in any way whatsoever.
I didn't derail this thread.
I had to respond by presenting my point of view that everything I was saying was correct.
I have not once gotten emotional. I've written everything from a purely rational, pragmatic perspective. I haven't once demeaned, insulted or personally attracted anyone. If anything the opposite is the case.
All you've shown is the inability to listen and agree with reality and immature behavior of personal attacks and insults and victim blaming.
Every single one of my points is based on facts and logic and reality. No matter what you personally have to say about reality, doesn't change reality.
Truth is Objective. Your appreciation of the Truth is Subjective. This is the delusional behavior of saying "my truth." There is no "my truth." Social behavior is judged based on Generalities and statistics of what the majority of people do, not what you personally believe is right and wrong.
Every single Pagan civilization follows the same route where Female Independence and Promiscuity immediately follows civilizational collapse.
Not a single one of my points is inaccurate or wrong and your debating methods prove my point that women are more emotional than men and are on a balance of probabilities incapable of critical thinking.

All you've proven is that everything I've said is correct and your refusal to accept that reality. Your Contrarian revolt against pertinent facts and evidence is another reason why women can't be leaders and politicians.
You're fighting me on every single point of fact that I'm presenting and making yourself look stupid because this is incontrovertible evidence. It doesn't matter what anyone's personal opinion is. The reality is the reality. Regardless of whether one is a SS "woman " or not ,you're still having the same points of contention across the board of all races who have been brought up by Feminism.
So everyone here who is arguing against me is in direct conflict with lived in reality and is arguing just to make a point.
It doesn't matter what I think is correct or wrong. Reality is reality, human biology is human biology.
Also ,I don't take responsibility for anything that I've said makes you feel any type of way. According to my Free Speech rights I can make any kind of incendiary and inflammatory speech that I like that doesn't involve specifics.
I never bring my personal opinion about topics related to Gender and Social issues because what I personally think don't matter.
Also I feel like I'm beating the skeleton of a dead horse that has decomposed and has since caught fire.
I'm just doing this because I want to present to men the image that they should never be ashamed or bullied for wanting to speak facts, just because women will say "How Dare you. "
No matter what anyone says a man must always defend himself and not bend before social pressure. We must offend, we must make incendiary and extremist statements. We must push the overtone window because we must always put our ideals before our emotions.
I've laid all the facts and logic which aren't up for debate across the table and I implore everyone reading to come to a conclusion from the lens of critical thinking.
Ideological positions must always be based on reality, not your personal view of the world.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality.
This is the full mask off moment that everyone should be paying attention to and hopefully it will show why there is such a disagreement here.


If it hasn’t been blatant enough from his other posts, he does not like men with any self respect or pride. You must accept his browbeating or else you are muh soggy knee stick. He has effectively crafted a Holocaust-esque narrative that cannot be questioned unless you are a notsee terrorist. 6 million women were turned into soap by evil huwhite males so you must emasculate yourself at every turn for forgiveness. Wear the chastity cage and let other men fuck your wife because as a man you did something bad 600 years ago or something, so now you must pay for it by endless groveling and cuckholdry.

And like the Holocaust, none of it was real. There were no gas chambers, nor were there ever human farms with thousands of women chained up as baby making machines. There were never any mass graves with thousands of women that had been beaten to death by their husbands because no such thing ever occurred and it is ludicrous to say so. But I guess it was real in his mind so we just have to accept it as fact now.

Jrvan viscerally HATES the Aryan man.

WTF, dude?

Now you’re just taking a gas truck and throwing it on our rather hot bonfire. What’s the point of this other than to show everyone how much you can’t stand to be in the same room as one guy who called you out? You made a good thread for people to talk about sex. Don’t complain that it’s being derailed after saying stupid shit like this.

Quick question, what is it with you and Jack that you can’t fathom Demon relationships so much so that you have to twist the story to mean I’m whoring with human men and jrvan is a cuck?

Because despite the attempts to correct you two, you still insist it’s wrong that we have other partners consensually, and bitch that a woman can’t share herself with any other men DESPITE THE FACT THAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT MY DEMON PARTNER and deliberately ignore that fact in order to keep being assholes.

My Demon partner is one person. ONE. Not a group of human men. You and Jack sound like little school boys gossiping in the toilets. You want to bitch and attack without getting into trouble is what’s going on here.
Meteor said:
A few days ago, I had a nightmare (presumably some kind of attack to instil doubt; it happened when there was an issue with my pineal gland as I'm adapting to the newly released meditation, which is going better now) where Cobra publically mocked me for things I'm very sensitive about, and criticised me for things I felt were misunderstandings. Then, many other people here reacted by saying they always had a strange feeling about me, and it devolved into some saying I was probably a jew based on my past behaviour, with Cobra agreeing in the end that I should be banned. Even though I know without a doubt that I'm a Gentile, by the time I woke up it had instilled a doubt in me about whether I really have a place to belong, or if I am just being wishful and naive. Fortunately, the next dream completely erased those doubts by showing me that the previous dream was a bunch of unrealistic nonsense, and reminding me of the people who really matter to me, who wouldn't care about rumours or my insecurities.

Based on that dream, I feel concerned for Jack. Right now, his mistakes (poor communication skills and picking fights with too many people) are being brought up and he is being scrutinized for it, even called a jew by those who feel that he crossed too many lines. Essentially, people are trying to bully him away from here and force Cobra into a decision of banning him. Thinking back to the nightmare I had, I thought I would be a hypocrite if I condoned this; but seeing the ways in which his own actions caused this, I could only hope that he would learn from his mistakes and find a way to appease the anger he caused and return peace. Even now, although I'm starting to wonder if I'm delusional, I still think he has the potential to do so; from my perspective it looks so incredibly simple, as everything was laid out in front of him by multiple people, including the High Priest. And yet I also know from that dream, that there are things that are so important to me that I would not be willing to change them even if (hypothetically) I was told to by Cobra, so I wonder if it's the same for him as well.

However, seeing how many people were truly affected by his absurd behaviour, I'm starting to wonder if I'm really a hypocrite for not standing up against him. I just really thought he could do so much better than this.

I don't know what to do with these mixed feelings, but I hope that in the end the well-being of the SS who use these forums is protected; hopefully in a way that doesn't involve so much bullying and name-calling. Although I understand it can't be helped, since it's in retaliation to the way this... possibly somewhat short-sighted individual... took the conversation himself.

I'm extremely disappointed in Jack, as I expected he had greater potential; but at the same time I feel guilty towards the others for putting so much faith in him despite the unrelenting extent of his mistakes and his own share of bullying. I feel like a hypocrite no matter what I do in this situation. Perhaps some meditation will help me feel better.

Hey, relax. No one said you have to take a stance on this either way. You're not going to be shunned or left behind depending on which way the winds blow. That's ridiculous. Look at everything Jack has done and said over the years. He's even broken forum rules at times which was looked past which I wasn't even aware of until the High Priest mentioned that. He's still around though. He's not banned. If he can make that many mistakes over the years then why would you be in trouble for choosing a side or remaining neutral. It doesn't matter what you do because this isn't a political game even if SWG thinks it is. People aren't going to think less of you, and they aren't going to look down their nose at you from a sort of moral high ground. You're making this out to be so much bigger than it really is.

Lydia and others aren't pressuring the High Priest to ban Jack. Even if they were, he wouldn't listen to that because he doesn't answer to them. He answers to Satan.

What I picked up on from Lydia's comment was that she was expressing rhetoric that if Jack was saying all of this about men like some radical feminist infiltrating the forums then he would have been banned by now. She's highlighting his hypocrisy because he bitches about women all day while criticizing infiltrators who bitch about men all day. The comment she made about Maxine wasn't a slight against the High Priest from what I could tell. Others have thrown that in his face maliciously before, but this is different. The way I interpreted it is that she suspects if Maxine were here then she would have a thing or two to say about Jack's attitudes and what he is saying, and could easily put him in his place. Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's how my mind understood it.

You don't have to be perfectly moral and justified on this. You don't even have to weigh in at all if you don't want to. Your moral fiber isn't being called into question, and you're not a hypocrite. Like I said, this isn't some dumb political game where we all have to take sides. Jack has pissed off a lot of people, and now he has to answer for it. He kept pushing the issue, and wouldn't drop it. He threw the first punch with insults and personal attacks so he's not getting bullied. I've just been returning serve. If it seems like he's getting dogpiled and mass bullied then just consider that that's how many people he pissed off with his incessant bullshit and jewish mind tricks. That's how many people are fed up with his shit.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
Why are you blatantly misrepresenting him? Rather than a collective, he appears to be specifically addressing people who only put more fuel on the fire in regards to damaged relations between the sexes, and he didn't even mention anything about race. It seems that your dislike for him has caused you to misinterpret his words.
He blatantly talks about men as a collective of rapists and abusers that have never done any good while saying I do the same with women, when I rarely talk about it. His CRT certified racism is implied because he is talking about Europe, and he unsurprisingly deflected what I said.

Please reflect on your pointless attempt at in-fighting.
Please reflect on your pointless attempt at taking me down and learn to separate the message from the messenger. Don’t bark up my tree just because you enjoy washing the feet of this misandrist clique.

I can hear a dog barking. It sounds like he really wants his balls back. You really want those balls, don't you, Southern? Well guess what? You can have 'em. They're right over there in THE SWAMP! Go get 'em!
Fuchs said:

Please don't talk down to Lydia. You have no idea how smart she is, and she deserves respect. She wasn't demanding a ban. If you read again more carefully what she wrote then you should be able to see that.
Jack said:
Again ,if you get mad, triggered ,sad, unhappy, etc by reading one of my posts,

Then put me on the "Ignore list". Its very simple. Just because you personally don't like me doesn't mean I should be banned to appease you.

Lunar Dance 666 said:

Meteor said:

Lydia said:

It's starting to move towards the direction of where it's not mere dislike of some individuals, but other functional issues which have been explained to you before. As far as I am concerned, this will be the 3rd time of explaining the same thing. Which you will of course, ignore.

Maybe you'll intellectualize your decision that this is part of being an "uncompromising man" or whatever MGTOW claims is the case. However, in reality all this is a feedback loop coming from others in just a manifestation of excessive colliding between you and basically everything here.

An example, is inaccurate titles to procure panic, and other similar things. While these methods of false flagging work to get people to buy supplements from Alex Jones, using them here and then one opens the article and finds it was taken a thousand miles south, is not a good projection. This is why the latest post was reduced.

Additionally, xian fundies and jews in general, promote recurring ideas that the world is doomed, lost and so on. Understandably, you copy past half of MGTOW and Anglin content here. Supposedly, to "wake up people".

Then, this also projects at this point a generally falsified idea of Hitler, no different than xians. However, in the case of xians and jews, it's clear that they do this to promote specific movements that go all the way back to them.

The whole idea of the "Apocalypse" preaching is also just reeking christianity. Yes, the world is going to change, but there will be no apocalypse.

Jack, you consecutively post low tier agitational propaganda that is meant for people of 75 IQ, that can only work based on fear, in a place where people are generally smarter. Despite your intentions, which as I clear above, can easily be thought of being coupled with the low tier intents explained above, that is wrong and considerably fruitless here.

Basically, this tier and mode of preaching about "Rights of men" or whatever, "Rights of Women" is a carefully manufactured way of making these appear repulsive to society and to women, turning them to the other direction than the ones the adherents claim to "intend".

Jack's weight of taking something seriously seems to have shifted a long time ago, and this is why this feedback is no longer considered even valid. Apparently maybe some sort of other purpose has come first in his mind, which he practically promotes here ad nauseum [as another parties before kept promoting Transexuals all day long], and considers this place a "Battlefield" of ideas.

I see no more any reason on why a Transexaulist or Feminist preacher should be banned while Jack remains unbanned at this point.

If the gravity focus of his whole existence on the forum has essentially shifted and he only cares to procure the above ideologies while canning them in another fashion, then this means he puts these above the undertaking here [or the effective communication of this], and therefore this leaves on conclusion.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
