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RE: Sexuality, Relationship Advice, Authoritarianism and the Individual Versus the Collective.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor said:
I think the point here was that if it's something they agreed upon and mutual, then it's not cuckoldry but a group relationship. They mentioned that they discussed with each other that they wanted help from the Gods with their sexual issues, and after agreeing upon it they both asked for a Demon lover, at least if I remember correctly.
How many men in a (heterosexual) open relationship do you think agreed to it just so their wife wouldn’t leave them, or cheat on them without him knowing? 99% of these “open relationships” are one sided deals where the woman is getting gangbanged while he is in the corner like a cuck. The few times in an OR when the man brings back partners the woman becomes upset because in her mind it wasn’t part of the agreement and it turns into jealousy. They want to have their cake and eat it too by being with the Beta provider while being involved sexually with the alpha stud. It’s called the female dual-mating strategy.

Jrvan is not the rest of society’s men. I am not the rest of society's women. Can you not generalise bullshit about our sex life with crap that is irrelevant to us?

I have already explained to Jack all this nonsense if you care to take a stroll. Meteor touched on the rest above. You are not entitled to know the rest of the details of our personal life nor are you entitled to govern it just because you have a hang up about multiple partnerships.

We are not committing anything against SS or NS for having only a second partner each. There are Demons who are polyamorous for crying out loud.

Jrvan and I do not go behind each others backs about anything. When something is wrong we talk about it like normal fucking people.

I’m beginning to wonder if those like you are just having sour grapes and like to spit and cry calling jrvan a cuck because we defy what your ideas of a relationship should look like and according to you anything else must mean the people are unhappy. Sour over the fact that we are both dedicated to Satan and have a partnership, and you do not.

Eventually you’re going to have to suck it up that jrvan has an SS partnership and you do not yet. This goes to Jack as well. How about instead of trying to tear our relationship down because you can’t handle the thought of it and actually improve yourselves, hmm? That would be more productive, and just maybe you’ll get your dream mates one day because you didn’t waste your days screaming at others just for being a little different compared to the xtian world view norm.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Are you trying to imply that he is some sort of dangerous person? That would actually be a compliment because women LOVE serial killers and legitimate psychopaths like Ted Bundy.

:| wtf?
There is a good example of what a cucked man looks like from the tv show "Vikings" (terrible show, but whatever). The character Bjorn who was based on the Norse sagas had a wife named Porunn (Thor-un). In the show, she had a role model whom she looked up to. Her role model was a shieldmaiden (female warrior). Now, she was pregnant with Bjorn's child, but she still wanted to go with him sailing to a distant land to raid together. He tried to dissuade her, but eventually allowed it while not aware of her pregnancy. He trained her to fight so that she would be as safe as possible while they were away from home. Now, before a raid battle, Bjorn was trying to convince her to stay at the camp instead of heading to the battlefield with him, but she wouldn't have it. She wanted to be a shieldmaiden. I can't remember when exactly she revealed to him her pregnancy, but she ended up going out to battle with his kid in her belly. She barely escaped with her life while sustaining a slash injury to her face which left a nasty scar. Then she had a change of heart, and was devastated over her perceived lack of beauty. Apparently she wanted to be a warrior AND beautiful like her role model. She then got depressed, and neglected her duties to the tribe and ultimately ended up subsequently leaving Bjorn and their child. Her character was written exactly like a dumb radical feminist, and she lacked any sense of responsibility. This type of woman is stupid, and there hasn't been any disagreement on that. She totally cucked her husband, and shrank his will down to the point where he couldn't even impose himself even a little in order to stop her from doing something reckless not only for herself but also his kid in her belly.

Women here are not like that. The illusions in Jack's minds are out of touch with reality, and all he's done is misrepresent mine and Tabby's arguments.

Here's an anecdote. We were at the river the other day, and Tabby wanted to go wading through the river. For some reason she wanted to go upstream, and I thought that was a bad idea even though the water was shallow. I kept telling her that it was not wise, and indicated poor risk management and recklessness especially in the wild away from civilization. I got more and more stressed because I care about her, but she didn't see what the big deal was. She thought it was safe. Maybe it was, but I told her that moving upstream makes it harder to control the direction of your footstep compared to downstream. I was worried she might trip on one of the rocks by misstepping because the same thing has nearly happened to me in the past.

Because of her experience in hiking and rock climbing she was too comfortable in challenging herself to go upstream and said I wasn't listening to her because she didn't fully understand when I tried to explain that even though you feel confident with your body in nature, accidents can still happen and it's better to avoid the risk altogether especially when we are trying to save money. Overestimating one's level of safety just because of their body confidence is not wise, and taking unnecessary risks out in nature is doubly unwise.

She joked and made fun of me a little bit by saying that I was like a big bear getting stressed telling her she was going to die if she went in the river. We eventually compromised, and she found a branch to use for the rocks and agreed not to go too far through the middle, and would only wade back and forth from a certain point in the water. She exercised caution and safety. Afterwards she came to an understanding, and told me that she needs to practice better risk management especially when in a familiar environment. I compared it to teenagers thinking they know everything even when they don't, and they lack the life experience of their elders and slightly older contemporaries. And how they get mad at you when you say they're just a teenager so they don't understand yet only to find out years later that you were right, and then they look at other teenagers and cringe. She agreed with me. So the argument was resolved, an understanding was reached, and she was safe. We then made our way back home.

Totally a cuck, right?

I wasn't taking Tabby's will away, I wasn't forcing myself on her, but I wasn't letting her get hurt without informing her of the risks either, and pointing out where it was safer to walk. If it was someone less reasonable than Tabby then maybe more force of will would need to be exercised in certain situations. Women cucking their men and shrinking their will is not good. I don't know why my arguments have been misrepresented to suggest that I'm encouraging this.

On the other hand, women should not tolerate men who are irresponsible either. No woman should ever have to tolerate a drunken slob who won't take care of his family, or worse a man who abuses his family. That's unacceptable, and women should throw such men out on their ass and tell them to never come back. A man should never feel entitled to a family when he treats them like that.
jrvan said:
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity and that I am who I say I am. No one else has had to go through such efforts like I have, and it's totally unjust that I have had this level of suspicion thrown at me the whole time. Since it was SouthernWhiteGentile who started the whole meme of Tabby being my alt account and planted that in the minds of others, I think it's only fair that he be shown a similar level of suspicion since he was so insistent that I'm this mysterious stranger and subverter up to no good. I can easily point out that he has been following Jack around like a puppy for a long time now, and frequently has been there to jump to Jack's defense whenever I argued with him. He was the one who started the whole "cuck" meme about me after I started arguing with Jack over whether love exists as an emotion or not. He's always been there wherever Jack was, and always defending him and providing support. There just seems to be this weird connection that exists between them. One might even be forgiven for suspecting they might be the same person. Utilizing the same arguments, memes, words, and talking points. Being similarly obsessed with the Aryan race as a central point of their consciousness (why is this the case for an Indian like Jack?). Having similarly shallow worldviews. Both hating women who have a mind of their own, and constantly trying to diminish women and their value beyond being baby makers. Working to preserve each others' reputations. And more.

Do I think SouthernWhiteGentile is Jack's alt account? No. I don't care to speculate on something so pointless that is only a waste of time and diversion, and would only create problems and division within the forums. Fuck your memes, fuck your propaganda, and fuck you. I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't subverted anything. Not once have I been told by the High Priest that I'm a problem or that my contributions are poisonous or undesired. I have not been spoken to about the things I say so far. If you don't like polyamory just because you don't understand it then just don't comment on it. My sex life is none of your fucking business. The amount of insult I have tolerated is insane. No one else has gotten this level of suspicion when they didn't deserve it. If you want me gone then too bad, be disappointed, because Satan wants me here and Satan accepts me. I don't care what you ignorant fools think. Anyone who thinks I'm problematic can come out and say it to me in the open instead of hiding behind Jack like a wuss. Let everyone aligned with these mental midgets reveal themselves openly, or else stay in Jack's closet like the cowards you are.

Aryan doesn't just encompass the White Caucasian people. It also encompasses Persians (Iranians ) and Northern Indians who are literally the same race according to Genetics (both north Indians and Iranians are descendants of Steppe pastoralists in the Iran region some 4000 years ago). A lot of North Indians and Iranians look like exactly the same. All of these races came from a central root race that has diverged multiple times due to Race Mixing and invasions. The only "Pure" Aryans racially are those with Blonde hair and Blue eyes (which is a recessive trait that goes away after Race Mixing) . Aryan comes from the Root word Arya in Sanskrit meaning "A Person who is of High Moral character, following the way of the Sanatana Dharma. "

Even if a Japanese made my arguments, it would still be the same as well as if a Chinese made it. Infact the Japanese were called Honorary Aryans by the Germans. I personally dont have a problem with any issue created by the jews because I have good Gene's which made me tall and above average looking. So in that sense I don't have any problems with women in so far that I need an ideology of suppression of Women to get laid or married nor am I arguing for that. If tomorrow every incels worst nightmare of 80 20 was realized ,I would be in La La Land because I'm within the 20%. I would have more and more options because of that now that average men are invisible and all the women are competing for the tall,good looking men. I have had experiences with extreme feminists and traditional women and their attraction to me regardless of my views is consistent.

When I'm giving awareness , I'm not speaking due to personal issues but I'm speaking for the average man in any country that is having issues with women. With consumerism, social media every metropolitan city in every country is exactly the same as the west because you assholes imported this culture all around the world. Just because I'm not personally affected by it doesn't mean it isn't true for a vast majority of people. It doesn't matter to you because you are selfish and can't see beyond yourself at the greater good of all mankind. Your only concerned about how it makes you feel and how your personal actions reflect before a community.

Even if I was a BDSM enthusiast the arguments I would make about traditional values and morals would be better and true for a vast majority of people. Special people are exempt from the general rules of the public but that doesn't mean the general rule is in anyway incorrect.

We have seen what happens when giving the arguments of personal choice and preference ,the Capitalist countries are going towards destruction. This is fake idealism where they are manipulating you with an ideology that doesn't Exist. What has worked before instead is Authoritarianism and Information control and influence. The Elites must make the rules for the peasants like it should be. The things that I'm saying will help the vast majority of people all across the world develop strong healthy Families and Communities which will lead to the Nation's prosperity. What we have learnt from the last 100 years is that media influence can be used both for good and bad.

This is why your asinine arguments against reality doesn't stick (Reality is determined by elites which the majority of humanity follow, the biological reality is consistent throughout the history regardless of elite ideological indoctrination. Women continue to want to submit regardless of 60 years of hardcore feminist indoctrination.). If you're a secret tranny no one cares. But if you go on National television and say all the kids must decide their Gender as it's not fixed ,that is a problem. Your personal and hypothetical objections against the overall greater good doesn't hold weight.

If we had to kill millions of people in order to save billions or if we had to destroy the lives of thousands of people In order to save a nation or an entire race ,then the obvious choice is to take it. If people elect someone to run their Lives, they've chosen to defer responsibility that the person running things is capable and is able to hold responsibility and make tough decisions.

That is democracy. Adolf Hitler was elected by a majority women vote and no one batted an eye after he imposed total information control over the media through the propaganda ministry and started blasting pro natalist Pro wife propaganda towards women and making it harder for them to become more Economically independent by acquiring higher jobs.

And another asinine argument I saw was that Adolf Hitler was being forced to Take this stance because of Christianity. This is completely retarded because in that sense he couldn't have admitted openly Anti Christian people like Heinrich Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg to highest posts of the Government. Martin Bormann wrote a periodical announcing the Extermination of German Christianity. If the argument Of a Christian Germany was true then he would have never been able to do any of that. In fact Hitler says in his Table Talk that he prefers a woman become a mother and Housewife rather than a secretary to survive economically.

Even I'm not as hardcore as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. I'm simply saying that this American way of doing things that has been imported to every major country Is not working and the statistics show this for the Majority of the population.

I'm not saying that we need to forcibly remove Independence From women or forcibly take away their jobs. What I'm saying is we need to create the infrastructure and information network like the Jews have after the apocalypse and recreate propaganda like they did in Nazi Germany. And a result of this is the need to understand what happened until this point in time . That is simply what I'm saying because most if not all people will be happy when we return to Traditionalist roots, especially the women who have been suffering due to the lack of Male Guidance and direction. We can't Keep on going treating our Women and children like this.

The majority of people that will survive are hardened Nationalists who haven't taken the Covid Vaccine and they will inherit the world after the Apocalypse. What this means is that it will be extremely easy to resurrect the kind of society Adolf Hitler envisioned because most of the technology will also have to be recreated. Our world will be reset to a 100 years before after the enormous destruction and mayhem that will follow till 2040 and possibly further till 2060.

And we have seen that after extreme calamities people revert to traditionalist values as default. So what I'm saying is not only incontrovertible as can ideology, it is bound to happen one way of another regardless of what I or anyone else says or debates. The cycle of history will continue like it has.

It might change because of the elimination of the most persistent problems of the world. But immediately after the apocalypse after society regroups, it will be exactly like I'm saying. Infact we might see total equity between women and men beyond hardwired biological differences in the next century when we would have set the Sanatana Dharma as world religion and everyone's astral senses would be open. We would then be beyond our gender differences of the animal nature and possibly our prejudices will also go away. I don't know what's going to happen exactly, but I am sure that a lot of women are going to be leaders in the next century according to the vision of the future that I have had. But I can't in good conscience say anything will be different than what I have laid out till 2060 atleast.
jrvan said:
Back to the whole "love" doesn't exist argument, eh? Even Maxine said love exists just like hate and all other emotions.
HATE" By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Hatred, like love is a very powerful emotion. It is obvious with the Jewishinvented and promoted programs such as the New Age, Christianity [Jesus loves
you] and other related malignant deceptions, the Jews fear directed hatred and of
course, truth and justice. This reveals where they are weak and vulnerable. Their
programs keep on pushing the “love” “love” “love” ad nauseum. In addition, none
of these programs has anything to do with “love.” The word “love” in regards to
these nefarious programs is only a deception and a mask for extreme hatred of
I misused the quoting function here. It's supposed to be the title of the post by Maxine, but the formatting doesn't work that way. My bad. The post is titled:

By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Meteor said:
I realised the last part of my previous post might be a bit confusing, so I figured I should clarify what I meant in more detail. To be clear, I have never harbored any ill will towards Jack just because I disagree with him strongly. "Bloodlust" is what I undeniably would feel if I was forced to confront all of the things he has done that I'm morally unable to tolerate, but I have no difficulty detaching from it and discussing it in a way that doesn't make me feel anything whatsoever. So for the sake of keeping peace, that's what I do.

To further avoid confusion about what caused this, here is a list of his actions that are incompatible with my morals:

  1. He blamed a rape victim for being raped, which enraged me because it reminded me of the logic rapists use.
  2. He has made several delusional claims with unbefitting confidence and arrogance. These delusions include:
    • "Love does not exist." (He rejects other people's notion of love because he doesn't understand it.)
    • "Things that happen in America, don't stay in America." (As if the rest of the world will tolerate the same insanity.)
    • "The majority of vaccinated people is going to die within a few years." (This does not require clarification, only time.)
    • "Those who disagree with me on these basic things are delusional." (Failing to see his own misunderstandings.)
    The way he tries to promote his delusions by using insults to pressure others to believe him, reminds me of the tactics xians have used in the past to get away with their crimes. It mistakenly awakens my lust for vengeance against those who, throughout history, have twisted the truth for the sake of harming others. I don't believe Jack had any ill will, so my rage is misplaced.
  3. His preferences imply that he thinks women will be the happiest if they are masochistic cucks, which I find so utterly degenerate that hearing about it made my stomach turn. However, he's free to like whatever he wants regardless of my opinion.
  4. He mistakenly assumed tabby and jrvan are unhappy in their relationship, and insulted them for their preferences.
  5. He derailed a thread with a topic that would've been relaxing for women, specifically with topics that would upset most women.

While some of his actions briefly caused my emotions to come out, the things I felt were not directed towards him, but at his actions.

I'm a logical-minded person, and believe that I should not hold any ill will towards a fellow SS just for being insensitive, slightly delusional, and degenerate by proxy for being attracted to degenerates. As such, I never have felt any ill will towards him as a person. However, this put me in a state of cognitive dissonance. Can I really overlook all of his disgusting behaviour, just because he is SS? I even wondered if it would be better for me to leave the forums and make Spiritual Satanism more of a personal thing just so that I don't have to bother with people like him ever again, but that seemed like a waste since I do enjoy conversing with people here.

Then, I found the following answer:
"Who cares, he lives too far away anyway. Neither of us will ever have to agree with the other on anything. Ultimately only the truth will prevail, because everything else lacks foundation. He'll live in his own society with his own values, far away from me and my people."

That's all there is to it. I'm sorry for going off-topic, but I wanted to avoid a misunderstanding where people think I have ill will towards other SS. That is not the case at all. I wish him the best in his own world, and hope he finds happiness. Even if he hurts the feelings of others here on the forums, that can also teach them to grow thicker skin and stand up for themselves, so it's not always a bad thing. And he does share interesting articles and write sensible things from time to time. He even helped me understand the benefits of thinking of intuition as its own separate thing, rather than something that can ultimately be explained with logic.

Not everyone will get along, even in a perfect world. That's just common sense. That's why there's also no need to pretend you always agree with everyone. It's fine to speak your mind, even if it leads to arguments sometimes. And it's great if people can keep things civil, but it's only natural to show emotions too and have a sense of humor. At the end of the day we're all fighting to destroy the enemy, and that will always matter far more than any personal differences. That's how I see it.
My friend was accused of rape by a woman who he refused to marry. She went around the office telling everyone how he got her drunk at his house and raped her (never happened. ) His reputation was permanently tarnished and I walked him through how to get out of the predicament. He got the HR involved who directly confronted her to the point of getting the police involved.

Predictably the woman agreed everything was consensual and there was no rape. Hundreds of Thousands of men face similar False Rape accusations every year and have their Entire lives destroyed. This woman had no repercussions for making false claims that could have destroyed my friends life. The only reason he got saved is he had lovey dovey texts from that girl both before and after the alledged rape happened.

If you're saying that I'm bad for not believing ALL WOMEN on an internet forum where everyone is anonymous and can make up any number of false claims of any sorts of things (contact with the Gods included) ,then yes I am bad.

I have no way of verifying anything this woman says and anyone who is believing her on her word definitely doesn't have had much experience with women. False rape accusations is so common every man knows to never delete WhatsApp texts and record voice calls before and after sex.

This is similar to the user Sunrise who was claiming to help her ex boyfriend kill and bury someone and Azorm who accused Stormblood of cursing her.

I didn't even know that she was claiming to be a rape victim because I didn't even know who she was. Only after I told her that no one cares did I look at her posts and see what she was claiming.

But I will not apologize because of the things I said in the moment which seemed like she was just trolling with sob stories.

If she really was raped then she should take revenge against the perpetrators. It doesn't concern anyone else personally either way because no one else other than her can do those rituals for her.

Also the only reason I said Love didn't exist was meaning that it was different for everyone which is why it doesn't exist for everyone in the same way. I'm not saying that the feeling of love doesn't exist in of itself, just that its different for everyone.

And the other claims that I made will also come true as I've said. It's an inevitability as the Spike protein starts creating blood clots and other issues in critical systems across the body.

If you're disagreeing with Reality then yes, you are delusional. I don't involve my personal opinion unless its relevant to the conversation at hand. But everyone else is ignoring general trends and jumping to involve hypothetical situations, isolated instances, alleged phenomena and thoughts instead of actions. The only reason why anyone would argue like this is because their personal ego is connected with the argument they are making. This is how people with lack of understanding about the world operate. Always getting personally involved in their feelings about everything.

Even if I don't like something, I still accept reality as it is. There is no other way to exist other than constantly suffering mentally.

One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?
Jack said:
jrvan said:
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity and that I am who I say I am. No one else has had to go through such efforts like I have, and it's totally unjust that I have had this level of suspicion thrown at me the whole time. Since it was SouthernWhiteGentile who started the whole meme of Tabby being my alt account and planted that in the minds of others, I think it's only fair that he be shown a similar level of suspicion since he was so insistent that I'm this mysterious stranger and subverter up to no good. I can easily point out that he has been following Jack around like a puppy for a long time now, and frequently has been there to jump to Jack's defense whenever I argued with him. He was the one who started the whole "cuck" meme about me after I started arguing with Jack over whether love exists as an emotion or not. He's always been there wherever Jack was, and always defending him and providing support. There just seems to be this weird connection that exists between them. One might even be forgiven for suspecting they might be the same person. Utilizing the same arguments, memes, words, and talking points. Being similarly obsessed with the Aryan race as a central point of their consciousness (why is this the case for an Indian like Jack?). Having similarly shallow worldviews. Both hating women who have a mind of their own, and constantly trying to diminish women and their value beyond being baby makers. Working to preserve each others' reputations. And more.

Do I think SouthernWhiteGentile is Jack's alt account? No. I don't care to speculate on something so pointless that is only a waste of time and diversion, and would only create problems and division within the forums. Fuck your memes, fuck your propaganda, and fuck you. I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't subverted anything. Not once have I been told by the High Priest that I'm a problem or that my contributions are poisonous or undesired. I have not been spoken to about the things I say so far. If you don't like polyamory just because you don't understand it then just don't comment on it. My sex life is none of your fucking business. The amount of insult I have tolerated is insane. No one else has gotten this level of suspicion when they didn't deserve it. If you want me gone then too bad, be disappointed, because Satan wants me here and Satan accepts me. I don't care what you ignorant fools think. Anyone who thinks I'm problematic can come out and say it to me in the open instead of hiding behind Jack like a wuss. Let everyone aligned with these mental midgets reveal themselves openly, or else stay in Jack's closet like the cowards you are.

Aryan doesn't just encompass the White Caucasian people. It also encompasses Persians (Iranians ) and Northern Indians who are literally the same race according to Genetics (both north Indians and Iranians are descendants of Steppe pastoralists in the Iran region some 4000 years ago). A lot of North Indians and Iranians look like exactly the same. All of these races came from a central root race that has diverged multiple times due to Race Mixing and invasions. The only "Pure" Aryans racially are those with Blonde hair and Blue eyes (which is a recessive trait that goes away after Race Mixing) . Aryan comes from the Root word Arya in Sanskrit meaning "A Person who is of High Moral character, following the way of the Sanatana Dharma. "

Even if a Japanese made my arguments, it would still be the same as well as if a Chinese made it. Infact the Japanese were called Honorary Aryans by the Germans. I personally dont have a problem with any issue created by the jews because I have good Gene's which made me tall and above average looking. So in that sense I don't have any problems with women in so far that I need an ideology of suppression of Women to get laid or married nor am I arguing for that. If tomorrow every incels worst nightmare of 80 20 was realized ,I would be in La La Land because I'm within the 20%. I would have more and more options because of that now that average men are invisible and all the women are competing for the tall,good looking men. I have had experiences with extreme feminists and traditional women and their attraction to me regardless of my views is consistent.

When I'm giving awareness , I'm not speaking due to personal issues but I'm speaking for the average man in any country that is having issues with women. With consumerism, social media every metropolitan city in every country is exactly the same as the west because you assholes imported this culture all around the world. Just because I'm not personally affected by it doesn't mean it isn't true for a vast majority of people. It doesn't matter to you because you are selfish and can't see beyond yourself at the greater good of all mankind. Your only concerned about how it makes you feel and how your personal actions reflect before a community.

Even if I was a BDSM enthusiast the arguments I would make about traditional values and morals would be better and true for a vast majority of people. Special people are exempt from the general rules of the public but that doesn't mean the general rule is in anyway incorrect.

We have seen what happens when giving the arguments of personal choice and preference ,the Capitalist countries are going towards destruction. This is fake idealism where they are manipulating you with an ideology that doesn't Exist. What has worked before instead is Authoritarianism and Information control and influence. The Elites must make the rules for the peasants like it should be. The things that I'm saying will help the vast majority of people all across the world develop strong healthy Families and Communities which will lead to the Nation's prosperity. What we have learnt from the last 100 years is that media influence can be used both for good and bad.

This is why your asinine arguments against reality doesn't stick (Reality is determined by elites which the majority of humanity follow, the biological reality is consistent throughout the history regardless of elite ideological indoctrination. Women continue to want to submit regardless of 60 years of hardcore feminist indoctrination.). If you're a secret tranny no one cares. But if you go on National television and say all the kids must decide their Gender as it's not fixed ,that is a problem. Your personal and hypothetical objections against the overall greater good doesn't hold weight.

If we had to kill millions of people in order to save billions or if we had to destroy the lives of thousands of people In order to save a nation or an entire race ,then the obvious choice is to take it. If people elect someone to run their Lives, they've chosen to defer responsibility that the person running things is capable and is able to hold responsibility and make tough decisions.

That is democracy. Adolf Hitler was elected by a majority women vote and no one batted an eye after he imposed total information control over the media through the propaganda ministry and started blasting pro natalist Pro wife propaganda towards women and making it harder for them to become more Economically independent by acquiring higher jobs.

And another asinine argument I saw was that Adolf Hitler was being forced to Take this stance because of Christianity. This is completely retarded because in that sense he couldn't have admitted openly Anti Christian people like Heinrich Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg to highest posts of the Government. Martin Bormann wrote a periodical announcing the Extermination of German Christianity. If the argument Of a Christian Germany was true then he would have never been able to do any of that. In fact Hitler says in his Table Talk that he prefers a woman become a mother and Housewife rather than a secretary to survive economically.

Even I'm not as hardcore as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. I'm simply saying that this American way of doing things that has been imported to every major country Is not working and the statistics show this for the Majority of the population.

I'm not saying that we need to forcibly remove Independence From women or forcibly take away their jobs. What I'm saying is we need to create the infrastructure and information network like the Jews have after the apocalypse and recreate propaganda like they did in Nazi Germany. And a result of this is the need to understand what happened until this point in time . That is simply what I'm saying because most if not all people will be happy when we return to Traditionalist roots, especially the women who have been suffering due to the lack of Male Guidance and direction. We can't Keep on going treating our Women and children like this.

The majority of people that will survive are hardened Nationalists who haven't taken the Covid Vaccine and they will inherit the world after the Apocalypse. What this means is that it will be extremely easy to resurrect the kind of society Adolf Hitler envisioned because most of the technology will also have to be recreated. Our world will be reset to a 100 years before after the enormous destruction and mayhem that will follow till 2040 and possibly further till 2060.

And we have seen that after extreme calamities people revert to traditionalist values as default. So what I'm saying is not only incontrovertible as can ideology, it is bound to happen one way of another regardless of what I or anyone else says or debates. The cycle of history will continue like it has.

It might change because of the elimination of the most persistent problems of the world. But immediately after the apocalypse after society regroups, it will be exactly like I'm saying. Infact we might see total equity between women and men beyond hardwired biological differences in the next century when we would have set the Sanatana Dharma as world religion and everyone's astral senses would be open. We would then be beyond our gender differences of the animal nature and possibly our prejudices will also go away. I don't know what's going to happen exactly, but I am sure that a lot of women are going to be leaders in the next century according to the vision of the future that I have had. But I can't in good conscience say anything will be different than what I have laid out till 2060 atleast.

Once again you are cleaning up your arguments after the fact. Why can't you just say something reasonable like this in the first place instead of being edgy to piss people off? This is not at all what you were saying before. Now you make this fine piece where only a few things are objectionable such as more scapegoating. Scapegoating Americans when we have the same ZOG that everyone else does. At least we still have guns. We're humanity's last defense right now.

Jack said:
I'm not saying that we need to forcibly remove Independence From women or forcibly take away their jobs.
I was really hoping you weren't. I keep telling you over and over that you need to work on your presentation so that people don't misunderstand because otherwise you sound like a crazy troll who just says edgy off the wall things to get a rise out of people.

Of course I agree that most people in society are supposed to be parents. The majority is meant to be the civilian base which bears children. This is normal, and necessary for the function of society. I also agree that an authoritarian figure is supposed to lead the masses just like we had monarchs for thousands of years. It's the best way to go. I absolutely agree. I disagree however that the elites determine reality. That is false, and counter to the foundational conception of Satanism. Reality reflects Eternal Truth and is ever unchanging. The first axiom of existence is Eternal Truth, and this is what never changes and eternally defines reality regardless of what human leaders think or say. Biden can try to prescribe a rewritten "reality" to me that guns are bad, men are evil, vaccines aren't a conspiracy theory, antifa is innocent, and trannies are the revolutionary harbingers of the culture of tomorrow, but none of that is consistent with reality. It's not real. And if we get good leaders who prescribe reality to the people which happens to be consistent with reality, that doesn't make it reality just because they say so. It's reality regardless if they say it or not, and it simply means they speak the Truth.

Jack said:
If we had to kill millions of people in order to save billions or if we had to destroy the lives of thousands of people In order to save a nation or an entire race ,then the obvious choice is to take it. If people elect someone to run their Lives, they've chosen to defer responsibility that the person running things is capable and is able to hold responsibility and make tough decisions.

The democrats would be applauding you for this rhetoric because they use it themselves right now. Well, Jack... the majority population of humanity subscribes to the so-called "Abrahamic" religions. Should we choose to kill off all of the enlightened minority and the Satanists fighting for the welfare of humanity so that we can preserve the billions of muslims and xians? That would be "saving a nation" or "saving billions at the cost of millions." Work on your presentation, or else you're going to keep making yourself sound like a rabbi. If only 100 Satanists survived and were the lone survivors of humanity then that would be better than saving billions of ignorant fools who pray for the destruction of their world and enslavement of humanity. Then the Satanists could repopulate the Earth, and the planet would be okay. This is an extreme example, and would only be good if the jews went down with the billions, but it is a good explanation of the basic point.

I also disagree with your arguments regarding technology and society. We only just rediscovered the application of electricity in 1900s. That's because the jews kept us away from such knowledge. All people had was candlelight. Now we have the knowledge again, and we can easily rebuild our technology. The resources exist in the world, and trade will be much easier to accomplish without the jews getting in the way or playing the middleman with trade. The upcoming Age of Aquarius is all about technology anyway so the future will have something to do with high technology no matter what. Aquarius rules technology.

The cycle of history will continue like it has.
You keep saying this, and it's one of the things I disagree with most. You even refute yourself on this point later in your comment when you talk about a Satanic society, and even say that you don't know what is going to happen. If you don't know what is going to happen then why say "the cycle of history will continue like it has" especially when history has been following jew patterns for thousands of years. We haven't had a society that isn't jewed for a very long time. This makes it hard to imagine what a Satanic society will actually be like because we haven't seen it. No one has recent memory of what a spiritual society is like, but it's definitely not like the shit we have now and it doesn't follow the same patterns. People make the society, and if people are spiritual then the society is better. Honestly why don't you just ask the Gods to show you a glimpse of what their societies look like in the Empire of Orion? They gave us society in the first place so it will obviously evolve to a point where it largely reflects that.

Why did you have to make such a fucking mess just to flip flop and churn out something that looks mostly reasonable? Do you know how frustrating that is? This doesn't look anything like what you were arguing before. You were saying women can't be leaders full stop. You were saying women can't make money full stop. You were saying women can't exercise their own freewill full stop. You can't say things like that, and then try to justify it later on with a more articulated and nuanced argument as if it was what you were saying all along. You kept saying women are slaves to their biology, and now you acknowledge that there is a distinction between lower animal instincts of people in a nonspiritual society and people who are more spiritual and cognitive. I acknowledge that the dance between the masculine and feminine is natural even in enlightened folk, and that is normal. Women do desire to be contained within the masculine energy, and it's nice for them to feel safe within that. Anyone who denies that obviously DOES have a problem with their own role of their biological sex, and I'm not arguing on their behalf.

That is simply what I'm saying because most if not all people will be happy when we return to Traditionalist roots, especially the women who have been suffering due to the lack of Male Guidance and direction. We can't Keep on going treating our Women and children like this.

You need to understand that "traditionalism" is a coined political term that is perceived in most peoples' minds to refer to America about 60-70 years ago. That was not a good time for women, and they were not happy. Advertisers were exploiting a marketed form of femininity for their own gain by promoting a very specific and very hard to achieve ideal of beauty that women were expected to conform to. High heels, makeup (toxic unnatural jew makeup), slender hourglass figure with the right proportions, a uniform height, etc... this made women feel like shit if they couldn't match up to the magazine appearance, and they became desperate to achieve the look by any means necessary. Try feeling like you have to match the appearance of Marilyn Monroe just to fit in and thrive in society. And women were barred from many fields of employment back then as well, and surviving without being on the arm of a man was extremely tough, nearly impossible. Xianity was the norm as well as child spanking/belting/hitting etc... Even the man spanking his wife was so normalized that it was depicted on magazine covers. It was considered normal and commonplace to spank the wife as a form of discipline. That's fucked up. Especially when the kids can see and hear it. No one wants to go back to this. You need to better define what you mean by traditionalism because this is what most people think of when you use the word.

As for Aryans. There seems to be some disagreement on that. The High Priest says that it comes from the name of the Greek God Ares, and means the race of fighters. I also remember a post where it was said that White people were called the children of Ares by the jews. I don't pretend to know the truth on this matter, but be aware there is some disagreement at least as far as I can see. If not then I hope the High Priest or someone else more knowledgeable than me can correct me on this. Either way, if you're not White then you shouldn't concern yourself so much about those outside your race. You didn't reveal whether or not you yourself are White.

I'm not speaking due to personal issues but I'm speaking for the average man in any country that is having issues with women.

The average man has issues with women for his own reasons. Maybe his psychology, inner issues, and aura all attract him to crazy women who are no good for him. That's one example. If you look for good women you will find them. If all you focus on is bad women then that is all you will find. You also say that the financial component of society is a myth, but that's simply not true. If money wasn't important then the jews wouldn't be doing everything they can to keep it away from us. I told you already that the financial unattractiveness of men will be remedied when we have our wealth back from jews when we are allowed to keep the fruits of our labor. Labor is wealth. Right now jews have designed society in a way that doesn't allow upward momentum and progress for the average person. It's a pyramid scheme essentially in design. The average joe does the work so that the average jew can reap the cash. Joe plants the seed, jew reaps the crop. And in fact, the jew makes Joe do the reaping as well only to hand it over to the jew because the jew is just that lazy.

I can't think of anything else to say right now. Maybe you will be open to a civil discussion now instead of yelling to the sky that I'm a cuck. I don't care either way because your credibility is still ruined in my mind, but I'll at least take a look at what you have to say.
jrvan said:
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity and that I am who I say I am. No one else has had to go through such efforts like I have, and it's totally unjust that I have had this level of suspicion thrown at me the whole time. Since it was SouthernWhiteGentile who started the whole meme of Tabby being my alt account and planted that in the minds of others, I think it's only fair that he be shown a similar level of suspicion since he was so insistent that I'm this mysterious stranger and subverter up to no good.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
And now I am the target of a baseless conspiracy. I had very probable cause for that suspicion about yourself/tabby because at the time these were 2 new accounts with no posts that came here and defended each other. You seriously think that I was the only one who believed this? Haha. But that’s who I am. I say what most people are thinking.
Did you really just "very fine people" me? I see you conveniently left out the latter half of my message. By the way, the proper phrase in this instance would be "conspiracy theory" not "conspiracy." I'm not conspiring against you nor am I inventing conspiracy theories about you. And it is not your job nor was it ever your job to police the newcomers. There's no way to justify your treatment of us back then. You and others have had this problem where you believe it's your Divine duty to root out the jews on the forums, and you lack all trust in your High Priest and moderators. You seem to think others don't have a mind of their own and can't think for themselves, or decide for themselves if someone is a troll or not. No, you have to do it for them because you're so much wiser than they are at age 18.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
You are to this day on my strings dancing like a marionette because I called you a cuck half a year ago, writing essays on your computer about me at 4am. This is just sad more than anything.

This proves that you think of this all as a political game like I said. Why do you want to have one of your brothers dancing like a marionette that you control? That's sick. Also you don't know anything about my life or my schedule so I don't see what a timestamp has to do with anything.

jrvan said:
He's always been there wherever Jack was, and always defending him and providing support. There just seems to be this weird connection that exists between them.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What a non-point. This would be like saying there is a weird relationship between you and tabby because you have each other’s backs.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
That was a one off comment that I originally thought nothing of, until I saw on that thread how upset you got over it. Then I realized that because of your extreme emotional response that it had to be true, and now we know that it is. I’m right again. Who would have thought?
Just like Jack, you think that people getting upset at you proves you right about them which is false. Another connection perhaps? :roll:

Go ride the short bus, kid. Psych 101 is calling, and they want their diploma back.

Here is the part of my message that was conveniently cropped out:
jrvan said:
Do I think SouthernWhiteGentile is Jack's alt account? No. I don't care to speculate on something so pointless that is only a waste of time and diversion, and would only create problems and division within the forums. Fuck your memes, fuck your propaganda, and fuck you. I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't subverted anything. Not once have I been told by the High Priest that I'm a problem or that my contributions are poisonous or undesired. I have not been spoken to about the things I say so far. If you don't like polyamory just because you don't understand it then just don't comment on it. My sex life is none of your fucking business. The amount of insult I have tolerated is insane. No one else has gotten this level of suspicion when they didn't deserve it. If you want me gone then too bad, be disappointed, because Satan wants me here and Satan accepts me. I don't care what you ignorant fools think. Anyone who thinks I'm problematic can come out and say it to me in the open instead of hiding behind Jack like a wuss. Let everyone aligned with these mental midgets reveal themselves openly, or else stay in Jack's closet like the cowards you are.
Meteor said:
tabby said:
Meteor said:

Like I tried saying to Jack. Polyamory is not for everyone, even having a Demon relationship is not for everyone. There are those like myself and jrvan who have been able to heal ourselves in ways we couldn’t alone.

What works for one partnership will not work for another. That’s part of discussing things with those you love so everyone in the relationship can understand what page everyone is on, and work out solutions that best suit their needs and desires. This comes back to not being afraid to express your emotions to your partner and not being afraid of the emotions of others. Some things will completely make someone not want to be with you anymore and I’ve seen that. It happens. That person has lines that they cannot personally have crossed and so the relationship fails, but a relationship shouldn’t fail just from trying to discuss something that the partner is struggling with. If the person you are with is refusing to hear you in order to find a solution that best works for you and them, then that is not a healthy partnership from the beginning.

If the communication is suffering in a relationship, no one is going to be happy because needs are not being met or heard or adequately expressed.

Neither jrvan or I went behind each others backs about it, and I was incredibly afraid of my own emotions. It’s a terrifying thing trying to tell your partner you need help with something so personal that affects you both and your gut is guiding you to something that could sound insane to them.

No one else is going to be involved in our lives because that is the agreement that was made, and we are happy. If something is ever wrong, it is discussed and worked through openly in our home.
I have to say I'm actually quite impressed with how you and jrvan handled it and how well it worked out. Most of the things I had heard about or experienced with polyamory so far by the time I joined these forums were disastrous (with one, two or in some cases all the people involved being unfulfilled and frustrated), or were little more than the fantasies of men who can't even get or keep one girlfriend, let alone two, and then go on to blame women for that fact. Combining this with my own tendency to form a pair and my deep fulfilment in that, I thought that the idea that polyamory could work for humans was just a greedy delusion of narcissists.

But when I shared that opinion here on the forums, people reminded me that there are also Gods and Goddesses who enjoy having casual sex and/or have multiple partners. I realised that even though there are Gods like that, none of Them ever told me that I was wrong for preferring to have only one partner who is only interested in me. Because of that, I started to realise that it's really just a very personal and individual thing, and that that's fine; that there's no "best" way to have a relationship that would work for everyone. I still wondered if a polyamorous relationship would really make anyone happy on the long run, but FancyMancy explained why some people might enjoy it. I started to realise that they're just different from me, or perhaps I'm just different from them.

Back when you mentioned your agreement, I was a bit shocked since I was still struggling to understand these things at the time. But I saw over time just how much the two of you care about each other and how well you work together. Thanks to you, I was able to see that it isn't always just a fantasy; that there really are people out there who want that kind of thing and can make it work, and don't try to tell others they are wrong for being the happiest with just one partner. Thank you for showing me that.

You found what works for you through being able to talk about it to your partner, and they expressed their boundaries and you figured out a solution that suits both your needs. That is really healthy. You discovered a boundary for yourself and learned more about yourself and your partner in the processes.

Xtianity has programmed many to think a relationship especially marriage is one size fits all between only a man and a woman. But just as humans are very obviously not one size fits all, neither are relationships. Everyone has a natal chart, everyone has a unique make up of energies that express in specific ways from person to person, and everyone has a different set of needs and desires. So naturally different relationships will fit better for some and not for others. Some are homosexual, some are polyamorous, some are polygamous, some like to have fun experimenting with threesomes or healthy orgies and others just don’t. These things are not wrong when they are healthy and not forced and all of the partners involved are in willing agreement with consent.
I remember reading my chart some time after I joined the forums, and seeing just how strongly my placements are in favour of monogamy and against casual sex. It seemed a bit over the top almost, but it really helped to make sense of things. Because of that I saw that I'm different from the norm in my own way, but that that isn't a "good" or a "bad" thing; it's just what I happen to be like. And likewise, there might be others who have placements that indicate the opposite. For them to prefer/dislike the same things I do would just be strange. It really helped to put things into perspective.

You need to have communication and openness with your partner. But to do that both parties need to be willing to listen to each other and work together, and have a decent level of understanding of their partner.

I have met a number of people who have been afraid to face things in a relationship that are clearly not ok or wrong. Afraid to acknowledge or admit that something is just not working. Some fear abandonment, some fear not being enough for their partner and change who they are to their core in order to please them even if they slowly suffer long term for it. Relationships are a union between people. If one is afraid to face the things that frighten them and work things out with their partner, the relationship is going to suffer and fall apart. People are still people after all, regardless of what is between their legs.

I know what you mean. For me, being able to communicate clearly and solve any problem as soon as it appears has always been very important in relationships; to the extent that some of my past relationships were quite brief as glaring incompatibilities rapidly became apparent as I kept confronting them. And yet when it came to my sexual problems, I felt so torn internally that I didn't have the courage to bring it up until my emotions overwhelmed me and caused me to just blurt it out anyway. You mentioned as well how scary it was to feel that way, and to open up about it. I can relate to that, and I'm really glad it worked out for you and jrvan.

I think it's precisely because I was able to see that different things work well for different people that I'm so annoyed that Jack criticised you for having two partners, and your husband for being fine with that, when he himself has expressed that he wants to have two girlfriends and wants them to be happy about it. If anything, I'd expect that he, who wants such a similar thing, would be able to understand these things better than I, being fundamentally incompatible with it myself. And yet here we are. It's bizarre.

I was actually the one who opened up the conversation in the first place, and encouraged Tabby to explore it. We had been looking at the pages about Succubi/Incubi, and thought it was really interesting.

I guess it's because I'm just the ultimate cuck, you know?

I have so many psychic placements in my natal chart that it's crazy, and I sensed her emotions before she did. I knew it was hard because my sex drive was completely gone for years after the damage to my sacral chakra. I couldn't get aroused, not even if I saw a hot Nordic woman in a red dress walking down the street. I just had this permanent erection thing going on where it would be painfully erect beyond my control which could last hours, and it wouldn't have any sexual feeling of arousal to go with it. My lust was gone, my pleasure was gone, everything to do with my sexuality was broken. It was such a miserable state of existence for me. I could still perform, but I would usually give up on my own pleasure because it was pointless. By the way, this is also how I know just how much the chakras affect life and the body (to give credibility to what I said before about the base chakra). Anyway, I knew this wasn't fun for her with me always ignoring her sexual needs out of lack of interest. So I encouraged her to explore the idea of a Demon relationship. She's been having more fun than she ever has. Her own sexuality is through the roof. As for me, I wanted to experience a romantic relationship with a Demoness so I asked Father Satan. She's amazing, and keeps me company often. I love her so much. And I love Tabby, and I protect her in this world and keep her safe. My Demoness lover was disappointed sometimes that she couldn't get me off (yes the damage to my life force and sacral chakra was that bad), but she cuddles with me and I love feeling her energy and talking to her.

I also recognize the obvious truth that not all relationships extend beyond the current lifetime. One might not have the same marriage partner from life to life. But yeah omg I'm such a cuck. They were totally right and called it from the start. Such psychic prowess they must have! I've been totally shoah'd, oy gevalt. Holocaust 2.0 I tell you.

Well I'm glad we could inspire you positively. That's delightful to hear.
jrvan said:
I found this literature for your perusal.
I don’t see what you were trying to prove with this. Not one of those places is anything like the western clown society today so you cannot import that culture here and expect it to work.

Not that the article has anything to do with Tabby and I, but I wanted to show that your worldview is limited. Polyandry actually happens in nature too. As for humans, we're not limited to base instinct behavior like chimpanzees or lions killing their rival's children. Paternity is such a nonissue, and it only matters this much as an obsession to people who are stuck in lower instinct mode because of jew society. If you suspect your child isn't related to you then walk away. If you can't trust your partner then walk away. Easy as that. Usually the only people who don't walk away are losers who think they won't be able to get another girl, or the ones who are so in love with the partner they have that they don't want anyone else (love obsession, like Snape from Harry Potter). Yes most people want to be raising their own biological children, but you're projecting that onto people who don't give a shit. Did you know that Heinrich Himmler had an adopted son?
More extreme intellectual dishonesty, because adopting a child and being a part of some cuck commune where no one knows who the father is the same thing. WTF!? And I am going to do what you hate and say that 99% of men will completely disagree with your statement and also they will disagree with the cuck commune lifestyle you are promoting.

And it's not 99%, I hate it when you lie like that and invent statistics to imply that it's the whole or "statistical majority" of humanity when you haven't even met them all to know. You only judge based on what you've seen in the media and television. Well guess what, life exists outside of digital mediums, and a worldview constructed through digitalized "knowledge" intake and pop psychology is not actually representative of real life a lot of the time.
I apologize greatly for not being able to to talk to all 4 billion men on the planet and get their thoughts on this. I suppose we can’t make statistics or any generalizations until every man on earth has been spoken to. What a ridiculous thing to do.

You're also talking about situations where the couple didn't discuss anything. You're confusing polyamory with cheating. "female dual mating strategy" is verbatim MGTOW garbage. Everything you have learned from MGTOW philosophy is false. Women are not evil robots with a brain program that targets men like predators only to get what they want from the man. You and Jack actually think like this, and it's disgusting. It has no place here among enlightened people. Everything you believe from MGTOW is only their analysis of a sick and unspiritual society. You can't judge humanity based on the actions of ignorant unhealthy individuals who are in pain. If a man or a woman cheats on their partner then it is NOT representative of their entire sex and the behavior patterns of their sex. It just makes that individual a bad person with their own issues. Unless it's in cases where the woman wants to leave the relationship because she's unhappy and no longer wants to be with that man, and the man literally won't allow her to leave him or be open to such discussions, and effectively keeps her as a hostage in the relationship she doesn't want to be in - then I would condone cheating to end the relationship.
Again with this, do you realize that people that think like us are a very very small portion of the population? “You are talking about the unenlightened” yes because they are the 99%. I’m not going to tailor everything I say for the elite. Call it Mgtow or whatever you want, it is simply reality.

You're so detached from the actual human experience that everyone is going through, and it's because you bought into MGTOW garbage and started systematizing the genders. And don't even fucking deny that your worldview is infested with MGTOW "philosophy" because it shows, it fucking shows in your words and expressed beliefs. Even if you say "I'm not a MGTOW" you still have adopted their belief system so too bad, you can't avoid the brand. You and Jack are fucking MGTOWs with your worldview. You are. Don't you dare even try to deny it.
Stop projecting your views regarding sick people in a sick society onto healthy spiritual people. We don't fit the mold. The reason why MGTOW can analyse societal patterns in the first place is because everyone is getting raised in the same sick jew culture whether that's xianity or television. This makes people spiritually unhealthy, and unhealthy in general. It's systematic sickness. If you analyse a Satanic culture then you will notice totally different patterns, and not only that but you will probably observe a LOT more of these "statistically insignificant outliers" as you call them because not everyone is the same. You assume that the patterns will be the same even in a spiritual society because muh biology and muh statistics. Pseudo intellectuals you are.
What Satanic cultures are we observing? I didn’t know any currently existed, so we are back to looking at the unenlightened cultures, which we must generalize because they are too vast to not do such a thing. There’s no point in looking for the needle in a haystack. Something about bad apples..

Sarcasm? Or have you lost your mind?
Save the faux outrage. All it takes is a quick search about “serial killer fans” or something similar to come up with some interesting information.

Why Do Killers Like The 'Night Stalker' And Ted Bundy Attract So Many Fangirls?

Infamous Los Angeles serial killer Richard Ramirez numerous female admirers show up in court to support him, much like another notorious murderer, Ted Bundy.

Serial killer Richard Ramirez wasn't exactly a catch. After all, he molested children, raped women and was convicted of killing 13 people across the Los Angeles area from 1984 to 1985. And yet a small group of fangirls flocked to him in the same manner that women were once drawn to fellow serial killer Ted Bundy.

Netflix’s new docuseries “Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer” explores Ramirez's case, including how he gained the unlikely affection of certain women, several of whom were present during his trial and were on the receiving end of the murderer's flirty glances from across the room.

“I think he’s cute,” one admirer told KRON4 in San Francisco during his trial.

“I know that he’s a nice person,” another said.

The Los Angeles Times reported Ramirez had “apparent fans” at his 1989 sentencing hearing, including a woman wearing “skin-tight black spandex jumpsuit’ who “smiled and waved” at the killer. And, as the docuseries shows, he'd smile and wave back to his fans in the courtroom.

"In all my years of covering trials in Los Angeles, I never saw a defendant with more sex appeal than Richard Ramirez," Tony Valdez, a KTTV reporter said in the docuseries.

The phenomenon is nothing new.

Bundy received fan mail, including naked photos and marriage proposals, from women all over the world. Multiple women even showed up at the courthouse during Bundy's trial in the same manner that groupies show up for concerts. Several were dressed like his victims.

Dr. Scott Bonn, author and criminologist, tells Oxygen.com that “Ramirez certainly did have groupies and even married one of them.”

That would be Doreen Lioy, who began writing to Ramirez after seeing him on television following his arrest.

"He's kind, he's funny, he's charming," she told CNN in 1997. "I just believe in him completely. In my opinion, there was far more evidence to convict O.J. Simpson, and we all know how that turned out."

Philip Carlo, author of “The Night Stalker: The Disturbing Life and Chilling Crimes of Richard Ramirez,” told CNN that Lioy was one of up to 15 girlfriends that Ramirez had following his arrest.

“I think his fangirl appeal had to do with the dark, mysterious way he presented himself; including sunglasses, dark clothes and long dark hair and brooding features,” Bonn told Oxygen.com. “He was also very verbal, defiant and played to his audience.”

“Night Stalker: Hunt for a Serial Killer” showed the serial killer playing it up for the camera and the crowd. He'd look directly into the camera, making eyes with it. At his first court appearance, he raised a hand with a pentagram drawn onto it and proclaimed, “Hail, Satan.”

Sly enough to create his own image or not, the killer was known for, at times, reeking “like a goat” — as one witness in the docuseries put it — and having rotting teeth. What was the attraction?

“There were times he smelled terrible but once he was in court he got cleaned up and stayed clean,” Bundy expert and author Kevin Sullivan told Oxygen.com. “My feeling is what originally attracted the women is who he was. They are not smelling him or concentrating on his teeth. They are getting turned on or whatever because of who he is. Then they became more or less groupies around the court proceedings. Then they would see a more normal-looking man.”

He added the fact that Ramirez knew how to play up to the crowd helped.

But, why?

"Primate research finds that females prefer the larger, louder, more aggressive males who show clear markers of their maleness," she wrote. "In humans, then, certain women might sense in an aggressive male a larger-than-life companion who can deliver more than an ordinary man could. Through him, she subconsciously perceives, she gains status and protection."

Is that enough for you? Or we can talk about investigation discovery which is a network that entirely about sick murder shows, that women love.


Now, lest you think that Investigation Discovery is merely riding the crest of the current wave of true crime popularity, it’s important to provide some context for the existence of the cable television channel and the IDCON experience. ID, as it is commonly referred to, began its current iteration as a 24-hour showcase of true crime content in 2008 — years before “Serial” or Making a Murderer “legitimized” the genre. The channel was one of the first mainstream cable networks to see the appeal of crime for a female audience, and it’s currently the #1 network for women aged 25-54. Early on, ID embraced social media interaction, encouraging fans known as #IDAddicts to post on their social pages about binging shows like Wives With Knives, Poisoned Passions, and Momsters: When Moms Go Bad. ID wanted viewers to not only watch shows, but to also become a proud and outspoken member of a true crime community.

Just look at those titles. What mentally sound person would want to watch that all day? Women apparently.

Now, a few hours later, as I wander about, emboldened by the special status conferred upon me by my press badge, I decide to find out what Joe Kenda, the man of the hour, makes of the whole phenomenon of IDCON. I slip into the green room where I find, not Joe, but — even better — Joe’s wife, Kathy.

I am happy to report that Kathy Kenda is exactly as lovely as one would expect her to be. I ask her what she thinks about all the female attention her husband gets and she sidesteps the less savory implication of my question (What do you think about Joe’s thirsty fans?) with the grace and aplomb of a total pro.

[b“I always knew he’d have female fans,” she tells me. “When I was a little girl, my Mom always read True Crime magazine and Ellery Queen. Women love true crime.”[/b]

Here comes the unenlightened nonsense answer as to why this is the case.

Everybody has a grand unified theory about why true crime is so popular right now, especially among women. Some say it’s representative of the years of systemic misogyny we’ve endured and that claiming the narrative of crime — especially the crimes committed against women — is actually empowering. But ID seems a lot less concerned with examining the motivations and nuances of the genre. The fans may be #IDAddicts but they’re not true crime completists — the attendees I spoke with at IDCON hadn’t, for the most part, watched any of the most recent true crime documentaries on Netflix and few listened to popular true crime podcasts like “My Favorite Murder.”

I think you get the idea but it doesn’t matter. You’re just going to say “Jew society bad apple not the .1% xian feminist Jew programming blah blah blah” and whatever other words you choose to mash together to explain this biological reality.
Meteor said:
I realised the last part of my previous post might be a bit confusing, so I figured I should clarify what I meant in more detail. To be clear, I have never harbored any ill will towards Jack just because I disagree with him strongly. "Bloodlust" is what I undeniably would feel if I was forced to confront all of the things he has done that I'm morally unable to tolerate, but I have no difficulty detaching from it and discussing it in a way that doesn't make me feel anything whatsoever. So for the sake of keeping peace, that's what I do.

To further avoid confusion about what caused this, here is a list of his actions that are incompatible with my morals:

  1. He blamed a rape victim for being raped, which enraged me because it reminded me of the logic rapists use.
  2. He has made several delusional claims with unbefitting confidence and arrogance. These delusions include:
    • "Love does not exist." (He rejects other people's notion of love because he doesn't understand it.)
    • "Things that happen in America, don't stay in America." (As if the rest of the world will tolerate the same insanity.)
    • "The majority of vaccinated people is going to die within a few years." (This does not require clarification, only time.)
    • "Those who disagree with me on these basic things are delusional." (Failing to see his own misunderstandings.)
    The way he tries to promote his delusions by using insults to pressure others to believe him, reminds me of the tactics xians have used in the past to get away with their crimes. It mistakenly awakens my lust for vengeance against those who, throughout history, have twisted the truth for the sake of harming others. I don't believe Jack had any ill will, so my rage is misplaced.
  3. His preferences imply that he thinks women will be the happiest if they are masochistic cucks, which I find so utterly degenerate that hearing about it made my stomach turn. However, he's free to like whatever he wants regardless of my opinion.
  4. He mistakenly assumed tabby and jrvan are unhappy in their relationship, and insulted them for their preferences.
  5. He derailed a thread with a topic that would've been relaxing for women, specifically with topics that would upset most women.

While some of his actions briefly caused my emotions to come out, the things I felt were not directed towards him, but at his actions.

I'm a logical-minded person, and believe that I should not hold any ill will towards a fellow SS just for being insensitive, slightly delusional, and degenerate by proxy for being attracted to degenerates. As such, I never have felt any ill will towards him as a person. However, this put me in a state of cognitive dissonance. Can I really overlook all of his disgusting behaviour, just because he is SS? I even wondered if it would be better for me to leave the forums and make Spiritual Satanism more of a personal thing just so that I don't have to bother with people like him ever again, but that seemed like a waste since I do enjoy conversing with people here.

Then, I found the following answer:
"Who cares, he lives too far away anyway. Neither of us will ever have to agree with the other on anything. Ultimately only the truth will prevail, because everything else lacks foundation. He'll live in his own society with his own values, far away from me and my people."

That's all there is to it. I'm sorry for going off-topic, but I wanted to avoid a misunderstanding where people think I have ill will towards other SS. That is not the case at all. I wish him the best in his own world, and hope he finds happiness. Even if he hurts the feelings of others here on the forums, that can also teach them to grow thicker skin and stand up for themselves, so it's not always a bad thing. And he does share interesting articles and write sensible things from time to time. He even helped me understand the benefits of thinking of intuition as its own separate thing, rather than something that can ultimately be explained with logic.

Not everyone will get along, even in a perfect world. That's just common sense. That's why there's also no need to pretend you always agree with everyone. It's fine to speak your mind, even if it leads to arguments sometimes. And it's great if people can keep things civil, but it's only natural to show emotions too and have a sense of humor. At the end of the day we're all fighting to destroy the enemy, and that will always matter far more than any personal differences. That's how I see it.

Jack said:
My friend was accused of rape by a woman who he refused to marry. She went around the office telling everyone how he got her drunk at his house and raped her (never happened. ) His reputation was permanently tarnished and I walked him through how to get out of the predicament. He got the HR involved who directly confronted her to the point of getting the police involved.

Predictably the woman agreed everything was consensual and there was no rape. Hundreds of Thousands of men face similar False Rape accusations every year and have their Entire lives destroyed. This woman had no repercussions for making false claims that could have destroyed my friends life. The only reason he got saved is he had lovey dovey texts from that girl both before and after the alledged rape happened.

This is because the legal system has been manipulated and modified by jews so that unscrupulous women are able to engage in this behavior free of legal challenge. The system has allowed bad people to take bad actions, and so they do. This is not reflective of women on the whole. It's just that the conditions have been allowed for bad people to easily do that sort of thing. Not all men engage in rape, but some do. And those men with their lawyers in the previous manifestation of the legal system were able to bully their way through court, and convince people that the woman was asking for it. They would walk away scot free after turning the court against the woman and humiliating her. Getting justice for rape was extremely difficult. Even worse if you were a man who got overpowered by a deranged she-hulk, or just a woman trained in combat. The people would just laugh at you and say that a man can't get raped. There's no easy solution to this, and the only good one that I have thought of is to make very harsh penalties for lying about rape. But even that could be manipulated by jews. Best thing is to get rid of the court jews altogether and make it illegal for them to occupy positions to do with law and justice.

Jack_the_Bad_Guy said:
If you're saying that I'm bad for not believing ALL WOMEN on an internet forum where everyone is anonymous and can make up any number of false claims of any sorts of things (contact with the Gods included) ,then yes I am bad.

I have no way of verifying anything this woman says and anyone who is believing her on her word definitely doesn't have had much experience with women. False rape accusations is so common every man knows to never delete WhatsApp texts and record voice calls before and after sex.

Right, because some newcomer has everything to gain by venting and asking for support after being molested by her family members as a child. You have no fucking excuse. There was no reason to suspect her when she hadn't done anything wrong, and you're not the fucking forum police. She was taking peoples' advice and meditating and helping herself. You just wanted to bully her to feel power over her. Don't try to justify this because it only makes you look worse.

Jack said:
This is similar to the user Sunrise who was claiming to help her ex boyfriend kill and bury someone and Azorm who accused Stormblood of cursing her.
How!? How is it similar? You're insane. You sound progressively more stupid with each new comment.

Jack said:
I didn't even know that she was claiming to be a rape victim because I didn't even know who she was. Only after I told her that no one cares did I look at her posts and see what she was claiming.

But I will not apologize because of the things I said in the moment which seemed like she was just trolling with sob stories.

If she really was raped then she should take revenge against the perpetrators. It doesn't concern anyone else personally either way because no one else other than her can do those rituals for her.

Ignorance is no excuse. And that's a lie. You told her that no one cares in the same message where you dug up her old post about it so that proves it was at the exact same time. How could you have dug up her old post and used it against her and telling her nobody cares, if you were ignorant? Liar.

The High Priest already spoke to you about this. He told you that she's not the only one who comes to the forums for support, and many come asking for advice which is normal. You singled her out for no fucking reason, and now you're trying to justify it which you can't. You look bad so deal with it. You did something shitty and people called you out for it. You're no longer Jack the Good Guy, and that's just tough. No one forced you to comment on her thread either, and you seem like the only troll in this case.

Jack said:
Also the only reason I said Love didn't exist was meaning that it was different for everyone which is why it doesn't exist for everyone in the same way. I'm not saying that the feeling of love doesn't exist in of itself, just that its different for everyone.
No, you said love doesn't exist full stop. You nearly gave an exact quote from Rick & Morty. Only later when questioned on it did you clarify. You said something edgy to gain a reaction, and then once you had the reaction you pretended that everyone was hysterical and simply misunderstanding you, and that the clarification was what you meant all along and everyone was just somehow supposed to know that because they can read your mind or something. You can't just conveniently edit what you've said after the first comment while pretending it was what you said all along. You are deliberately confusing people to provoke reactions (in fact you're PRAYING for the reactions so hopefully), and then you gaslight everyone by claiming that you never said that shit while claiming you said something different. This is your pattern. It's sick and it's disruptive. If you're this bored then find a hobby or do more RTR's.

Jack said:
And the other claims that I made will also come true as I've said. It's an inevitability as the Spike protein starts creating blood clots and other issues in critical systems across the body.

The High Priest and others disagree with you. I also don't believe for a second that you are a qualified doctor.

Jack said:
If you're disagreeing with Reality then yes, you are delusional. I don't involve my personal opinion unless its relevant to the conversation at hand. But everyone else is ignoring general trends and jumping to involve hypothetical situations, isolated instances, alleged phenomena and thoughts instead of actions. The only reason why anyone would argue like this is because their personal ego is connected with the argument they are making. This is how people with lack of understanding about the world operate. Always getting personally involved in their feelings about everything.

Even if I don't like something, I still accept reality as it is.

Not everyone else. You're the only one I see who has their ego attached to their arguments. You're so desperate to win this argument with your plea to statistics and whatever that you're more invested in it than anyone here. Everyone else is open to exploring what the Truth actually is while you are only interested in what you THINK the Truth is. How did your conversation with Satan go?

Jack said:
There is no other way to exist other than constantly suffering mentally.
Incoherent gibberish.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
I've had to fight an uphill battle since I arrived in order to prove my identity
It's always the same two people. I doubt that anybody else dislikes you.

Thanks, Aquarius. You're probably right. If anyone does dislike me and has genuine grievances or a problem in general with me or what I say then I won't respect them anyway unless they come out and say it. There's no healthy reason for anyone to keep that bottled up as far as I'm aware if they actually have that level of resentment towards me for any reason. It would be one thing if it was just a passing thing or something they disagreed with, but refusing to let go of it would be weird.
You all should really wise up and spend your time doing something more productive.
Coraxo said:
You all should really wise up and spend your time doing something more productive.

It's easy enough to say that as an outside spectator to the conversation. Nobody forced you to observe. I laugh at people who take this stance and have this mentality like they're so above drama. Then later on they find themselves caught in drama, and suddenly realize what it's like. Judge me if you want, but it's my choice what I do with my time. What's important to you won't be important to others and vice versa.

I get my meditations done every day. I get my exercise in every day. I cook and take care of my duties. It's not wrong to engage in a little bit of drama here and there. Or if you think it is wrong, or lowly, or to be frowned upon - then at the very least it's not forbidden. Arguments happen. It was a civil discussion that I was participating in until it was made personal, and that's when the heavier drama started.

Obviously since this is a recurring pattern, and Jack + SWG are resistant to growth and change, and I see the futility in it even if they put on a new mask and fake their maturity - I won't be engaging in this sort of thing again. I've learned my lesson. I would appreciate not being looked down upon for this if you can help it. You're free to judge how you feel though.

I believe this is also good for others to witness and learn from so it's not like there is no value in what happened here even if it makes some uncomfortable.
Master said:

One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?

Im half lebenese who share 95 percent of their DNA with the ancient phonecians so i can answer you.
Beelzebul and Astarte are some of their ancestral Gods. They were a mediterranian white population who also mixed with romans greeks and berbers. (also all medwhites) later some mixed with armenians and european crusaders, and arabs, (the muslims mostly) muslims will try to tell you they are arab..most xtians will say no we are phonecian.https://phoenicia.org/Canaanite-Phoenician-DNA-in-Modern-Lebanese.html


they were fairskinned and many had fair hair and eyes ranging to hazel my grandfather from tyre had blue eyes. my grandmother had reddish brown hair and my dad also had a bit of red hair in his beard and hair back in the day.

they come from the ancient canaanites who worshipped red and bloned haired blue eyed Gods. ancient canaan encompasses, lebanon, jordan, palestine and parts of syria. the xitans are mostly white and the marionite xtians specifically are the closest to the canaanites. the xtians especially the roman and latin caltholics have alot of roman and greek blood.
i am not sure about this theory but some say the phonecians originated with celtics, and that even most of aryan civilization comes from the phonecians. the furthark alphabet comes from their alphabet as have many others.

(quote from the above link)
.......the daring Phoenician pioneers were not "Semites" as hitherto supposed, but were Aryans in Race, Speech and Script. They were, besides, disclosed to be the lineal blood ancestors of the Britons and Scots -- properly so-called, that is, as opposed to the aboriginal, dark Non-Aryan people of Albion, Caledonia, Hibernia, the dusky small-statured Picts and kindred "Iberian" tribes. -- p. vi of "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons" (1924)

I have cousins from palestine that have haplogroups consistant with vikings. that either comes from crusaders or the ancient phonecians.


fuck you kikes. we are still here the hurt train is coming too and we are getting Canaan back! ALOT has been lied about and twisted about their history...THEY WERE NOT SEMITES.

ps. the ancient phonecians also used to drown kikes in the harbor in Jaffa
Master said:

One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?

sorry about that i forgot to also add this link in here:
phonecians have been found to have european DNA. many of their descendants also live on in spain and ibiza.

they were master shipbuilders and wood and metal workers. they ruled the world almost for thousands of years. One of the greatest civilizations in history.

this article was wrote by magesone btw but as Maxine and Cobra moderated pretty much everything he wrote and left what was good and valid, at least as far as i know, i will also leave this here:
If people really don't want to see drama then I propose this sort of discussion about gender issues and relations be considered light taboo from now on, or otherwise lightly discouraged when people go to talk about it. This is the one issue that the jews would even be able to divide us on and sew division over. It's been debated to death about a hundred times by now so anyone who has questions about this can review the various threads where there was fiery contention over it. We're strong on just about every other topic of discussion and have mostly solidarity. This topic about gender issues is our Achille's Heel. It's the only thing that can be used against us to divide us so successfully.

Just a suggestion. I don't believe in censoring anyone either. That's moderator territory which I don't touch.

As for myself on a personal level... I was invited to this thread via quote. I was participating in a civil manner until later it turned messy. I have every right to defend myself.
Do what you know you have to do, do what you feel you need to do. Meditation is an activity and daily essential, tapping in and on our power, is not only essential and addictive but of utmost importance for our advancement. THIS is the differential and where the truth will always be, in the Meditation and Advancement. Once started, why stagnate with the above mental turbulence - that becomes retardation at one point due to the spiritual war?

Leave out the noise of daily disturbances, pointless ego pursuits such as arguing for the sake of arguing. The truth is irrelevant when not understood, and ingested. Truth is also on a multi-dimensional scale - to be understood.
Micro leveling of the ego on the supposed stand of "facts" is still on the individual's expression of opinion. Opinions are fine, but every word and fact by an individual manifestation will have a shell of the individual's energy, character, and overall output of the mental activity. You cannot separate the objective from the subjective, and we don't even want to, neither desire that. It is by the subjective where the objective gets conquered and brought to the consciousness.

There are a lot of biases and personal preferences in any action, any justification. We don't need to justify a small thing by juxtapositioning a bigger truth, in any leveling the realities do not meet. This is an egotistical justification. A blown-out example is, I justify a death curse on a random individual for no reason but by the following truth: nature has death and creation possible for me. Does the above feel right? I am factual what is the problem with my thinking? The justification has no correlation, there are two different realities of thinking and conceptual pursuits, there are logical fallacies. On a more complex scale, this happens on a much more amplified part to spiritual pursuits. This is because of spiritual confusion.

All of the above is almost pointless to be stated, but being stated is with the aim to remember, and call out to the SS to Meditate. Stop being caught in the errors of the mind and in the complexity of life in itself. You have the backdoor to everything you are and life is. Use it and understand better. When you understand, you don't have to argue.

Jack you should let the marketing tactics and doomsday persona rest a little bit and try to understand that your pursuits and findings, 8 out of 10, don't involve SS and neither targets them. You have strong planets that need control and detachment, strong resistance to everything you say is normal to happen. No matter the subject.

More than a year ago I believe, while on the lookout to our SS people, I did had visions with some members. I then saw you delivering news and being inspired to do so. Do that, people know and notice this. You gather good data and select ones. My advice with the above is to keep it simple and to focus your time on advancement in spite of arguments on these subjects. You've also been given numerous pieces of advice in the past by others and HP. Use them.

About the other parties, I see no harm in defending and being honest about themselves and others. Discussion is allowed and even little arguments like these where anger and energy are used. But beware, everybody, these kinds of vortexes are the jews wet dream. They are happy about it. Then it's time wasted, grudges and turmoil developing. As stated before, no one is obliged to be friends here, but everyone is already family by the bond of Dedication. And that is enough said.
Why did I even bother with this argument? This is stupid, and I should have realized this way earlier. Proof that people are different: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/VENUS.html

Sex out of doors can be a thrilling experience and a turn on for them. Their personal freedom is important to them. They dislike possessiveness and displays of jealousy. They are brutally honest, and do not like lies or any phoniness. They will respect you for your honesty. They take romance lightly and love to flirt.
Kiss and massage the inner areas of their thighs, near the genitals. They get bored easily and are often the first to try a new position or method of sexual intercourse. The men often have a fetish for legs and buttocks. They like their women to wear stockings and high heels during sex. They like to have their loved ones think and believe the same as they do and will try to convert you.

These people are not especially passionate, as Aquarius is an intellectual air sign. They prefer to be cool. They get bored easily so try to be spontaneous. They like spur of the moment romance and the unexpected. Sex in public places where there is risk of being caught appeals to many of these people. They enjoy pairing up with someone from an entirely different background/status/religion, etc., as long as this person is entirely different, individual, and original. Venus in Aquarius could care less what others think. They enjoy shocking others.

Never try to dominate or control these people, as they need lots of space and personal freedom in a love relationship. Be a friend to them as well as a lover. The women are independent, value individuality and refuse to be dominated by men. Both sexes value intelligence, independence, and nonconformity in their partners. Venus in Aquarius can be cold in their love relationships.

Always be very well mannered. Don't use bad language, don't be overly loud, don't interrupt, or be crude in any way. Always be refined. These people hate to be alone and relationships are of extreme importance to them. Their lives are incomplete without a lover. They are very considerate lovers, putting their lovers' needs above their own and they usually treat their partners very well. Never leave them out of any activity or any thing else, they need to be a part and to do everything together. Leaving them out only will make them feel unwanted and rejected.

A lover/ partner can be physically unattractive, but he/she will be beautiful to the person with Venus in Libra. The men like their women to act like a perfect lady. The strong independent type of woman who is completely self-sufficient is a turn off to them. Both sexes take pride in their personal appearance and will go to great lengths to look good.

Both sexes enjoy having their buttocks caressed. Venus in Libra is romantic in the extreme. A lover's sexual pleasure is of the utmost importance to them. They are overly concerned whether you have a good orgasm and enjoy sex with them.

Here we have the person who can carry on two or more affairs at the same time and love each person for their own unique individuality. Venus in Gemini is the most inclined to cheat.

They are inconsistent in their emotions. Good talk, intelligence, and lots of interesting conversation will keep them interested. Venus in Gemini men love intellectual and intelligent women with whom they can communicate on nearly everything. These people like to brag to others about their sex lives [usually a close friend]; the enjoy talking about love. They can often lose interest as the years go on, as they get bored easily. They like to remain friends with their lovers even long after the relationship is over.

They enjoy kissing. Keep kissing them deeply while you're having sex. They get jealous, but they don't understand or tolerate jealous feelings in others. When they turn off sexually, the relationship is over with. They can be superficial in love, as their feelings don't run too deep, [Gemini is intellectual and an air sign], unless there are many water signs in their charts to offset this. Hold their hands, keep them guessing, indulge them in gossip; they love it. They like to experiment and appreciate variety in sex.

These people enjoy the chase. If the object of their affections comes to them too easily, they often lose interest. They desire outgoing athletic partners who can keep up with them, and who will actively share in their interests. Once they know they have completely conquered a lover, they lose interest, as they begin to take him/her for granted. Love is a contest with these people. They what you to make the first move, but don't do this. Let them make the first move, of which they will if they have any serious interest in you. They have a need for upsets in love, especially if Venus is in hard aspect to Mars. When things run smooth, they lose interest, so they start arguments and can do other things to shake up the relationship. They enjoy seeing their partners get jealous, but they themselves cannot handle jealousy. They can seriously overreact.

Those with Venus in Aries are selfish lovers. They are often concerned only with their own pleasure. Putting your arm around their neck, messing up their hair, kissing them on the ears and neck, running your finger across their lips; these moves turn them on. Some Venus in Aries women like their men with razor stubble, rubbing against their faces when kissing them. Some enjoy rough sex. Give it right back to them. Stand up to them. They lose interest when they know they can dominate you. Change yourself every so often to keep his/her interest, as they get bored easily. Venus in Aries people do not get on well with water signs who are sensitive, emotionally needy and must have security in their relationships. Venus in Aries can be very abrasive, unless there are a lot of planets in Pisces, Cancer, or other water signs.

Boom. Argument won. That was so easy.

I put in bold the parts that refute my arguments as well as support them to be fair. Everyone is different.
NakedPluto said:
Do what you know you have to do, do what you feel you need to do. Meditation is an activity and daily essential, tapping in and on our power, is not only essential and addictive but of utmost importance for our advancement. THIS is the differential and where the truth will always be, in the Meditation and Advancement. Once started, why stagnate with the above mental turbulence - that becomes retardation at one point due to the spiritual war?

Leave out the noise of daily disturbances, pointless ego pursuits such as arguing for the sake of arguing. The truth is irrelevant when not understood, and ingested. Truth is also on a multi-dimensional scale - to be understood.
Micro leveling of the ego on the supposed stand of "facts" is still on the individual's expression of opinion. Opinions are fine, but every word and fact by an individual manifestation will have a shell of the individual's energy, character, and overall output of the mental activity. You cannot separate the objective from the subjective, and we don't even want to, neither desire that. It is by the subjective where the objective gets conquered and brought to the consciousness.

There are a lot of biases and personal preferences in any action, any justification. We don't need to justify a small thing by juxtapositioning a bigger truth, in any leveling the realities do not meet. This is an egotistical justification. A blown-out example is, I justify a death curse on a random individual for no reason but by the following truth: nature has death and creation possible for me. Does the above feel right? I am factual what is the problem with my thinking? The justification has no correlation, there are two different realities of thinking and conceptual pursuits, there are logical fallacies. On a more complex scale, this happens on a much more amplified part to spiritual pursuits. This is because of spiritual confusion.

All of the above is almost pointless to be stated, but being stated is with the aim to remember, and call out to the SS to Meditate. Stop being caught in the errors of the mind and in the complexity of life in itself. You have the backdoor to everything you are and life is. Use it and understand better. When you understand, you don't have to argue.

Jack you should let the marketing tactics and doomsday persona rest a little bit and try to understand that your pursuits and findings, 8 out of 10, don't involve SS and neither targets them. You have strong planets that need control and detachment, strong resistance to everything you say is normal to happen. No matter the subject.

More than a year ago I believe, while on the lookout to our SS people, I did had visions with some members. I then saw you delivering news and being inspired to do so. Do that, people know and notice this. You gather good data and select ones. My advice with the above is to keep it simple and to focus your time on advancement in spite of arguments on these subjects. You've also been given numerous pieces of advice in the past by others and HP. Use them.

About the other parties, I see no harm in defending and being honest about themselves and others. Discussion is allowed and even little arguments like these where anger and energy are used. But beware, everybody, these kinds of vortexes are the jews wet dream. They are happy about it. Then it's time wasted, grudges and turmoil developing. As stated before, no one is obliged to be friends here, but everyone is already family by the bond of Dedication. And that is enough said.

Blown away by the insight. I agree totally. I see where I've gone wrong in this situation too.

The only thing I can say in regards to the drama is my personal motto that I subscribe to: Resolution through conflict. One of my goals throughout all of this was to sort out all of the issues, fog and whatnot to gain some sort of established clarity so we could finally put it all to bed. Common agreement, hashing out personal issues instead of tabling them, and elevation beyond such insignificant discussions. I wanted to resolve rivalries if possible as well because I don't like seeing that existing in Satan's house. I know it's a tall task, and perhaps one that I shouldn't have taken upon myself, maybe it wasn't even my place. Maybe it was too conceited of me. I hope I haven't caused more issues than I was trying to solve. I don't want to divide people even further on the forums. It's felt like I've been a magnet for this sort of thing since I first came to the forums and I was trying to be my natural self. Afterwards, I thought like I was playing some sort of role even though I didn't want it. It's not like I asked for the drama to happen, and for all of this antagonism to be directed towards myself. I'm just not sure anymore. I have probably lost sight of what's what. It always came from a genuine place of wanting to help though. To do what I can.
Jack said:
Aryan doesn't just encompass the White Caucasian people. It also encompasses Persians (Iranians ) and Northern Indians who are literally the same race according to Genetics (both north Indians and Iranians are descendants of Steppe pastoralists in the Iran region some 4000 years ago). A lot of North Indians and Iranians look like exactly the same. All of these races came from a central root race that has diverged multiple times due to Race Mixing and invasions. The only "Pure" Aryans racially are those with Blonde hair and Blue eyes (which is a recessive trait that goes away after Race Mixing) . Aryan comes from the Root word Arya in Sanskrit meaning "A Person who is of High Moral character, following the way of the Sanatana Dharma. "

Even if a Japanese made my arguments, it would still be the same as well as if a Chinese made it. Infact the Japanese were called Honorary Aryans by the Germans. I personally dont have a problem with any issue created by the jews because I have good Gene's which made me tall and above average looking. So in that sense I don't have any problems with women in so far that I need an ideology of suppression of Women to get laid or married nor am I arguing for that. If tomorrow every incels worst nightmare of 80 20 was realized ,I would be in La La Land because I'm within the 20%. I would have more and more options because of that now that average men are invisible and all the women are competing for the tall,good looking men. I have had experiences with extreme feminists and traditional women and their attraction to me regardless of my views is consistent.

jrvan said:
As for Aryans. There seems to be some disagreement on that. The High Priest says that it comes from the name of the Greek God Ares, and means the race of fighters. I also remember a post where it was said that White people were called the children of Ares by the jews. I don't pretend to know the truth on this matter, but be aware there is some disagreement at least as far as I can see. If not then I hope the High Priest or someone else more knowledgeable than me can correct me on this. Either way, if you're not White then you shouldn't concern yourself so much about those outside your race. You didn't reveal whether or not you yourself are White.

I found this:
BlackSun666 Forum
This group is for White Satanists.

It is Satan's intention that the races separate and evolve on their own. The purpose of this group is to educate, and enlighten our Aryan People who are direct descendants of the Nordic Gods. The Jewish communist world order, like their bible and nazarene, work to enforce race-mixing to destroy all racial and cultural identity, history and individuality so the Jews can take over the world with the goal of making slaves of all Gentiles.

I'm pretty sure Sanskrit came from the Nordics in the first place anyway. I looked up the whole thing about North Indians. There's a lot of different opinions about it. I would have to lean towards the idea of percentage of blood. I doubt North Indians have anywhere near as much White blood as me. I'm pretty much fully Irish/Germanic blend. Mostly Irish I think, perhaps a touch of Scottish but I don't remember. And if we go by the meaning of the Sanskrit language, you're already disqualified from being Aryan. "High moral character" my ass.
Jack said:

Jack, let's take a walk for a moment.

Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.
*quotes of statistics relating to birthrates*
*image of stats*

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

*image of trump*
Enjoy the Independence.

You became triggered over the fact she mentioned the word "independent" and "women" in the same comment. You made no remark to what she actually said about you until way way later. So you going on the insult train actually had nothing to do with what Lunar said about you specifically but about women's independence and Prez's trauma.

Jack said:

This first comment of yours to Prez is a perfect example of gaslighting. It's not ok to do this to others, you will not help people solve their problems by doing this.

And this is why society has collapsed in the Western world. And it won't change anytime soon. Women don't care about Statistics or the greater good related to their own nation. ...

First direct collective jab at women, making no distinction between SS women, normal women of society, and radical feminists led by jews or jewesses. According to you, women as a collective are the reason for societal collapse, not jews - this is false.

Jack said:
I'm going to just drop it because it's like beating a dead horse's skeleton after its been decomposed.

If you really wanted to drop this, you wouldn't still be going off on jrvan and I bringing our personal lives into this, even after your proclaimed "hiatus" post. Was that a legit post or were you just wanting attention? We told you a number of times to make a different thread to talk about this stuff instead of derailing the sewing thread so that this topic could be properly talked about and finally (maybe) resolved to a degree - which took you forever and a half to admit that you did actually derail it despite claiming in a huff at one point that you didn't. But instead both jrvan and Southern made threads for you, and continued to complain that this was like "beating a dead horse". You're the only one who keeps coming back to bring it up when the rest of us were just trying to discuss things.

Jack said:
*major denial and attacking moment*

Jack said:
Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.

Why are you trusting what a jew said about women's liberation? Of course the jews would want people to think that women being non-goys, non-slaves, and having a mind of their own would "destroy families" and create replacement of the population. They state a prophecy and do everything possible to make it happen so that everyone has this false belief that jews know the fate of the world in order to manifest their disgusting JWO and end Satan's people. This is predictive programming and not actually truth of reality. Women's natural state when liberated is not being degenerate sluts - that's the jews pulling puppet strings to have those like yourself start claiming things like "women liberation is a hoax". As I have stated before, Mother is the liberator of women. The freedom and rights of women is Satanic just as it is for men.

The jews hate women, they hate families and they hate children. Why not kill a hundred birds with one stone by turning the genders against each other? As if they're going to tell people that letting a woman come into her power would be beneficial to a race when it's not jews who are controlling them. It's the very thing they're afraid of happening and use misguided gentiles to prevent it through things like xtianity, islam, feminism and MGTOW.

Ever wondered why the jews targeted women so harshly of all things? They used things like xtianity to abuse women and take them away from their Gods and enforce distrust of their men, and then that trauma was reinforced with today's feminism and MGTOW. Using women as a tool to completely derail an entire nation just shows you how much power women have. Imagine if that power wasn't suppressed, properly directed by healthy men, and all came back on the jews? How shit scared do you think they would be?

Jack said:

You don't write fate, Jack. You're not a bible, so quit acting like one.

You claim you're not preaching but then continue to preach that you know exactly how everything is going to go, no questions asked. Dark times will happen but you make it sound like there's no hope whatsoever no matter what we do. Fear mongering is best saved for the jews.

jrvan writes about a point pretty well on this in the following comment if yourself or anyone wants to take a read/re-read:

jrvan said:

jrvan had attempted to divert the side topic you created under the sewing thread to another one instead. But it didn't stick. For whatever reason this one has, but this was the first attempt at trying to get things back on topic, and discuss things better elsewhere without the growing tension.

jrvan said:

Jack said:
tabby said:
*my second comment to Jack*
Also I stand behind my comments that women can't be leaders.
One of the core tenets of Feminist theory is that women should be Financially independent of their husbands and should not be dependent upon them. The direct consequence as opined by many Jewish sociologists and what was proven true in reality was that Women stopped having children and marrying or trying to find a partner, while being focused on their careers. ...

There's a difference between being independent "of" their husbands and just simply having a back up plan to support yourself with ready to go if something happened (which is what I was trying to have you understand). Most people can't go walking down to the nearest store and whip up some quick income to support themselves and their kids.

It wasn't women's ideas to let immigrants flood white countries.

Keep in mind those under the sewing thread including myself were trying to keep coming back to the original topic, however things continued instead of being shifted off to jrvan's side thread he made specifically to discuss these things. Things also escalated just simply because one girl desired to express herself. Przebiśnieg shared her thoughts and feelings regarding being on the forums because of the things you have stated over the course of time. She was not the only one who expressed this, and these were not attacks against you.

Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

*mocking meme image*

Prez hadn't said anything attacking towards you, Jack, but instead of remaining mature you bring out the first direct punch and mocking memes unnecessarily. Jrvan and I had not yet seen your comment to prez here yet, but once we had we were seriously pissed off and got angry so we made the harsh comments in defence of Prez. We "attacked" you because you unfairly attacked her first without good reason.

Jack said:
*continues with insults against Prez*
The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

You were never attacked, Jack. So your continuation of the insults were entirely uncalled for. You swung first in a really stupid way and naturally we came to our sister's defence and she defended herself as well, quite politely on her part. The backlash you have gotten is from your own actions, not because anyone attacked you. Then you proceeded to bring Prez's personal trauma (rape) into the fold and insult her with it in the following comment, which was a disgusting move on your part. Naturally people are going to get angry at you for this because most normal people don't go around using someone's rape trauma and how that affected them to try gain some kind of power stance over them.

You were a bully who attacked someone you perceived to be weaker using their life against them to belittle them. You're free to say what you want, but you are not free from the consequence of what you say because believe it or not, free speech is not your own personal right that no one else has. If you attack people, everyone else has the freedom to defend themselves and fight back.

First you say that it's the "feminist women" who want sexist men, implying unhealthy women want sexist men because feminists are not healthy people, then say in the same comment that the "data" shows that women overwhelmingly want sexist men. Keep it consistent. You wonder why people are saying you're lying, when you don't even know what your arguing points are and flip flop between them. Is it the unhealthy women, the jewed women, SS women, or all women? Because you can't seem to figure out which is which and expect people to just get what you're talking about.

If women were never suppose to be your audience, you just wasted all our time derailing a thread that was clearly picking up more female attention than male attention. You knew this, you were arguing to mostly women aside from jrvan and the HP. It was senseless venting if you are talking to people who are not your target audience.

Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Speaking of pity,
I hate being a women.

Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women?
*mocking meme imagine*
Sed lyf

When we saw your second attacking comment to Prez, and other crappy statements about her, and we decided we'd had enough and went on "the attack" so to speak. You were being an idiot and an asshole to an SS.

Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I was only defending myself against your Provocation. This is all your fault and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Let's re-track here. What you commented on regarding Lunar's first mention of you under the sewing thread was strictly women's independence and birthrates. You made no comment about Lunar provoking you in any way the whole time until it was convenient so don't pretend as if you were defending yourself from the start. You clearly didn't care about that, just about your issues with women. You never stated having a problem with anything else she said about you specifically when it actually happened in her first message regarding you. If what she said about you was really what brought you to begin attacking people, there wouldn't be a long list of other comments unrelated to sewing just having an argument about birthrates and women to fill in the space before this particular jab at Lunar.

Jack said:
Whenever they are held accountable for their actions or feel like they're being held accountable for their actions, they will attack you personally.
She needs to be held accountable for her actions and understand that just because she feels bad isn't anyone else's fault. You should be telling her to stop being a victim and take accountability for her actions.

It's not difficult to see what you tried to do here in this comment. Your character got called into question because you attacked an SS girl for no reason, and so tried to turn the tide onto us claiming we attacked first in order to justify your shit and avoid being held responsible. Follow the line of comments under the sewing thread and you can see that no one attacked you until you started attacking Prez.

You made a mistake and now you have to deal with what your free speech brought upon you. Jrvan has said it before, you can dish it out but you can't take it. You bring people's personal life into the fold of an argument and attack them with it, using it to discredit them over your perceptions of them being weak or crazy the moment you lose grip on logic, because you don't actually have a reasonable argument to use when faced with opposing views that mess with your sense of direction.

You firmly believe that women cannot be leaders, and we tried to show you why you were incorrect. Now in these new comments you change the story to make yourself appear more reasonable than you have been this past month. I hate to tell you, the internet keeps your mistakes on file and no amount of gaslighting is going to stop those like myself from going back through your comments and the bread crumbs of your foolishness, and come back to say you're changing your narrative to fit the bill that you couldn't pay for.

Jack said:
jrvan said:
If I'm mischaracterizes in a public space I'll have to defend myself. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. If you say something that is false or a mischaracterization of what I've said I'll have to confront you.

There's a big difference between people misrepresenting your character and you literally acting like an asshole to others.
Through this thread that Southern made, jrvan and I are doing exactly as you try to claim you did here. We are defending ourselves against your falsities and insults against us, but you refuse to leave us alone and go as far as to push your views of relationships to tear ours down. Meteor has now mentioned that you have actually yourself expressed a desire for multiple partners. I can't describe in a single comment how pissed I was to find out that you stated this for yourself publicly but attack someone else who does this healthily. I spent a decent time in the woods in order to calm down, and if had typed the long string of swear words that left my tongue in that moment, my current comments would look incredibly logical even to your mind compared to that.

You don't believe in turning the other cheek. Neither do we. You're not an authority or a HP. The people here are not yours to do with as you please, treat how you please, and to hold power over like some psychopathic tyrant as you please. We are NOT your so-called "wife" that you can chain and beat up, and except us to just submit to your "authority" with your grand prophesies and statistics. We are your SS family, Jack. Get that into your thick skull already.

Jack said:
When I'm painted in a bad light I have to present my view of the issue so that everyone reading gets a balanced view.

No offense, but you failed pretty terribly at presenting a balanced argument for this whole thing and have taken too much out of context yourself. People didn't start personally attacking you until you attacked Prez, and they didn't bring anything about your personal life to use as a weapon against you like the way you have done to us. Your personal beef with women doesn't make the original arguments we stated as an attack. You repeat like a broken record how all our views are delusional and we need to heal ourselves or whatever, and push this on others who are actually all doing very well in their own healing and were doing just fine before you felt like trying to be a big boy knight in shining armour "look at me, I'm so great because I'm telling people how to heal and saving them from despair!". But you fail to understand that your own views are horribly skewed and keep yourself in this crazy "hating women" state rather than actually listen to what we're telling you. We gave you many examples of why what you said was incorrect but continued to firmly state that your statistics and "facts" that had no relevancy to the people you were talking to were unquestionable.

I think it's time to start taking your own advice, Jack. People are doing fine in their progress without you butting in, so you've got all the free time to heal yourself. Now that I think about it, so far regarding myself, jrvan, Prez, and even ShadowCat (I don't remember who else), we were doing our own healing and doing great in our own time already working with munka and the like etc, but you felt an itch to come in and try tell us to do things we are already doing, why we feel the way we do and what we should do to heal even though you're input was not needed at all, and quite unnecessary.

This matches up with what you're trying to describe as your perfect partner, and how you want to treat her. Sometimes people don't need you, and you're going to have to get over that and not force yourself on others who are healing themselves just fine. You can guide people in other ways without crushing their will and imposing yourself on them negatively. As I've tried telling you before under this particular thread, your advice will not work for me because I know myself. You need to let go of the reins with having this utter need to be the total guider of someone else you feel is under you, because so far your advice would be more harmful than helpful and I would hope that is not something you actually want for others. You need to start realising that your advice is not always going to be good for people, you're not correct in everything you put out on JoS regarding others, and you need to not get defensive when your perceived role in someone's life is unmet.

And despite the fact that even the HP has had to talk to you multiple times now, you still seem to fail at making any changes to your behaviour and continue down this route of whining about women and now relationships that don't fit your mold.

It's also not difficult to see by the way you phrase things that you are afraid of being abandoned or having your heart taken advantage of. You want to tie your woman up and have her completely trust you to the point of total submission before you feel like you can trust her and be a provider to her, because in your mind if she's in total submission you won't have to deal with losing her. You're afraid that when you open yourself up to someone that they'll leave you, hurt you, betray you etc. Maybe you feel the same here on JoS after what happened with kikeson or with that past relationship you mentioned. But going around imposing your will and views on other SS about issues that do not apply to our people here, is not the way to go about it. Your fear will end up manifesting if you don't do something now to heal it. I'm trying as best as I can right now to soften this in the hopes you don't feel attacked, because I know what it's like when something like this is pointed out.

Enough of the bullying. Enough of the attacks and slander and avoiding taking responsibility. Time to start healing yourself instead of telling everyone else what they should be doing to heal, because everyone else is doing just fine. You keep coming back to this issue, and it's going to keep popping up if you do nothing to address it.

I think that's a good note to leave on for this comment.
Meteor said:
tabby said:

What you say about individual strength and encouraging each other to grow, simply by improving oneself and inspiring each other regardless of who takes the lead, is something I find very relatable. I actually wrote about it before when Jack and I were talking about different ways to express sexual dominance, with him liking to the idea of using bondage for it whereas I didn't see a point in that.

It's a bit bold, but the topic of this thread is sexuality anyway, so I might as well quote myself (along with the context):
Meteor said:
Jack said:
So when you see society you can see how few people are born to be chess players and others board pieces. I was born as a person who moves the pieces. I can offer someone advice and an ideology that will facilitate their growth or develop their belief in themselves and they can't do it themselves.

So you see how society as an organism preserves an equilibrium. A leader will be able to satiate the needs of the people who need the leader and as a group they are able to do things which they could never do alone. Just as the leader requires trust and obedience from his followers, the followers need the ideology and the leader to connect them to a higher cause.

So my role is to fix things, take responsibility and manage things and help people actualize their potential. And i need their belief to do that. And so in love, this externalizes as a need of trust and the woman giving herself up completely to me.

I will take care of her, i will direct her to achieve her potential and I will take responsibility for all of the problems that she faces. She will be able to deal with all the hurdles in life when im by her side. And so the act of tying her up and allowing me to have my way with her is just her affirming her undying devotion to me and so a way of externalization of the inner emotions and needs being fulfilled. My need for undying trust is fulfilled and now I can do my duty to take up responsibility for her pleasure and the making the life she needs.

Just as i have the need to take responsibility, she has the need to give up responsibility and so she needs me as i need her. Like a perfect key opening the lock. In essence i believe its about trust and undying belief in each other. And again I don't think it's common, probably very very rare.

I think I understand where you're coming from.

Personally, I prefer being tied down, and tying my partner down not with a rope, but by becoming addicted to each other. By striving towards perfection and and encouraging him to do the same as I draw out his full potential. Melding our minds and Souls together so that there are never any misunderstandings between us.
My fiancé has already reached the threshold where I can't take anyone else seriously as a potential partner anymore, and vice versa; nobody even comes close to the potential and compatibity I have with him.
And yet I want more. I give him my everything as I take his everything and amplify both, because I want more, and want to give him more. For there to be more, we just have to grow as we grow together, so we reward each other's growth by growing more and the growth itself is a reward as well; how could we not get addicted to that?

Tying each other up would only pointlessly restrict our movement and hold us back. If I chained him up, I would want him to break those chains and pin me down; I would do the same to him. We only need to look into each other's minds to see that we belong to each other, and we are always connected anyway. Not to mention that we provide each other with everything we need, which no one else could ever give us.

I'm probably not exactly normal either, but I think you might be able to relate in a sense, even if we're different in that you use a physical rope and violence to express it, and that I need a partner who is at least as dominant as I am in order to feel stimulated whereas you sound like you prefer someone who is completely submissive.

Either way, it was interesting for me to hear your perspective, so thank you for sharing it.

As you say, competing with your own partner is a great and exciting way to grow stronger individually, yet together. It's not about winning or losing; it's about how far you can get when you follow each other's lead as you keep trying to outdo yourselves, striving for yet greater heights. I think that is a beautiful thing.

I know there are also people who only seek to lead or serve. But those who only try to lead often overestimate themselves, and those who only want to serve often put too much trust in their leader and make naive mistakes because of it. I know that from experience as I've been on either side in my past relationships. In the end, I found that a symmetical relationship where both people stimulate, correct and encourage each other mutually is what I enjoy the most. It's nice to see that there are others who feel similarly.

Some people are into BDSM, and if that's your thing enjoy yourself, you know? As long as it's healthy and consensual there's no problem. That's one of the major reasons why I got mad that my sex life was being attacked so much when there's no need for it. Everyone's different. It's only a problem when you do something that stems from a place of ill-health but really that goes for pretty much everything.

I can understand the appeal of being at the mercy of your partner in the bedroom. Personally I couldn't fathom being tied up, I can't stand my body being restricted in that way, it drives me insane. Being pinned under hard muscle is really sexy though. I prefer being able to respond to my partner's movement with my body since it makes me feel closer to them, and being shown with that movement what I am and mean to them.

I hate weakness so I like having connections with people who can help me be even stronger, this goes for more than just relationships. If I can't learn and improve, and help my partner in some way to also grow, I feel like shit. And that's because I don't like doing nothing or not expanding myself.

Healthy partnerships makes my heart happy. So it's a joy hearing about how well yours is going also.
jrvan said:
Why did I even bother with this argument? This is stupid, and I should have realized this way earlier. Proof that people are different: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/VENUS.html

Sex out of doors can be a thrilling experience and a turn on for them. Their personal freedom is important to them. They dislike possessiveness and displays of jealousy. They are brutally honest, and do not like lies or any phoniness. They will respect you for your honesty. They take romance lightly and love to flirt.
Kiss and massage the inner areas of their thighs, near the genitals. They get bored easily and are often the first to try a new position or method of sexual intercourse. The men often have a fetish for legs and buttocks. They like their women to wear stockings and high heels during sex. They like to have their loved ones think and believe the same as they do and will try to convert you.

These people are not especially passionate, as Aquarius is an intellectual air sign. They prefer to be cool. They get bored easily so try to be spontaneous. They like spur of the moment romance and the unexpected. Sex in public places where there is risk of being caught appeals to many of these people. They enjoy pairing up with someone from an entirely different background/status/religion, etc., as long as this person is entirely different, individual, and original. Venus in Aquarius could care less what others think. They enjoy shocking others.

Never try to dominate or control these people, as they need lots of space and personal freedom in a love relationship. Be a friend to them as well as a lover. The women are independent, value individuality and refuse to be dominated by men. Both sexes value intelligence, independence, and nonconformity in their partners. Venus in Aquarius can be cold in their love relationships.

Always be very well mannered. Don't use bad language, don't be overly loud, don't interrupt, or be crude in any way. Always be refined. These people hate to be alone and relationships are of extreme importance to them. Their lives are incomplete without a lover. They are very considerate lovers, putting their lovers' needs above their own and they usually treat their partners very well. Never leave them out of any activity or any thing else, they need to be a part and to do everything together. Leaving them out only will make them feel unwanted and rejected.

A lover/ partner can be physically unattractive, but he/she will be beautiful to the person with Venus in Libra. The men like their women to act like a perfect lady. The strong independent type of woman who is completely self-sufficient is a turn off to them. Both sexes take pride in their personal appearance and will go to great lengths to look good.

Both sexes enjoy having their buttocks caressed. Venus in Libra is romantic in the extreme. A lover's sexual pleasure is of the utmost importance to them. They are overly concerned whether you have a good orgasm and enjoy sex with them.

Here we have the person who can carry on two or more affairs at the same time and love each person for their own unique individuality. Venus in Gemini is the most inclined to cheat.

They are inconsistent in their emotions. Good talk, intelligence, and lots of interesting conversation will keep them interested. Venus in Gemini men love intellectual and intelligent women with whom they can communicate on nearly everything. These people like to brag to others about their sex lives [usually a close friend]; the enjoy talking about love. They can often lose interest as the years go on, as they get bored easily. They like to remain friends with their lovers even long after the relationship is over.

They enjoy kissing. Keep kissing them deeply while you're having sex. They get jealous, but they don't understand or tolerate jealous feelings in others. When they turn off sexually, the relationship is over with. They can be superficial in love, as their feelings don't run too deep, [Gemini is intellectual and an air sign], unless there are many water signs in their charts to offset this. Hold their hands, keep them guessing, indulge them in gossip; they love it. They like to experiment and appreciate variety in sex.

These people enjoy the chase. If the object of their affections comes to them too easily, they often lose interest. They desire outgoing athletic partners who can keep up with them, and who will actively share in their interests. Once they know they have completely conquered a lover, they lose interest, as they begin to take him/her for granted. Love is a contest with these people. They what you to make the first move, but don't do this. Let them make the first move, of which they will if they have any serious interest in you. They have a need for upsets in love, especially if Venus is in hard aspect to Mars. When things run smooth, they lose interest, so they start arguments and can do other things to shake up the relationship. They enjoy seeing their partners get jealous, but they themselves cannot handle jealousy. They can seriously overreact.

Those with Venus in Aries are selfish lovers. They are often concerned only with their own pleasure. Putting your arm around their neck, messing up their hair, kissing them on the ears and neck, running your finger across their lips; these moves turn them on. Some Venus in Aries women like their men with razor stubble, rubbing against their faces when kissing them. Some enjoy rough sex. Give it right back to them. Stand up to them. They lose interest when they know they can dominate you. Change yourself every so often to keep his/her interest, as they get bored easily. Venus in Aries people do not get on well with water signs who are sensitive, emotionally needy and must have security in their relationships. Venus in Aries can be very abrasive, unless there are a lot of planets in Pisces, Cancer, or other water signs.

Boom. Argument won. That was so easy.

I put in bold the parts that refute my arguments as well as support them to be fair. Everyone is different.

Ugh. Gemini venus is the worst at least for someone monogamous. They are either closet polys, players/whores or don't know how to emotionally engage. They tend to play with people's feelings yet will accuse you of doing such..I knew one who pumped and dumped someone and I found out much later how he lied about it...another was admitted he'd have to do something to not stray from a partner..sad..these are just a few examples however..and no having alot of water will not offset this esp If they have prominent air as it is.

Gemini venus or any major prominent air in the chart is a deal breaker unless it's libra. To be fair though venus in aries and sagg and Virgo no thanks either..lol.
Meteor said:
Jack said:
Meteor said:
My friend was accused of rape by a woman who he refused to marry. She went around the office telling everyone how he got her drunk at his house and raped her (never happened. ) His reputation was permanently tarnished and I walked him through how to get out of the predicament. He got the HR involved who directly confronted her to the point of getting the police involved.


Thank you for clarifying; I hope your friend is alright now. The same happened before to a friend of my brother. It's honestly terrifying what kind of atrocities people can get away with. I hope that they will all be met with justice in the end, or become better people.

Putting that aside, I'm unable to move past my disappointment for now. I think it's better for us to ignore each other. I'm sorry for bringing you up a lot in my recent points; I just needed to get the things off my chest that I'd been bottling up. I'll leave you be now unless others bring you up and I feel like replying to them. I suppose it's already clear by now, but I'm not looking for issues.

As for what's going to happen in society, I've looked extensively into the effects of covid and the vaccines, including what you mention about blood clots. I've concluded that less than 1% of young adults is going to die within the next several years, from any cause, regardless of whether or not they're vaccinated. As we've both stated, there is no point in further debating this as the outcome of the current situation is literally fact, and it is only a matter of time for it to become apparent. We can discuss it again in a few years.

What can't you overcome?
Shadowcat said:
Master said:

One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?

Im half lebenese who share 95 percent of their DNA with the ancient phonecians so i can answer you.
Beelzebul and Astarte are some of their ancestral Gods. They were a mediterranian white population who also mixed with romans greeks and berbers. (also all medwhites) later some mixed with armenians and european crusaders, and arabs, (the muslims mostly) muslims will try to tell you they are arab..most xtians will say no we are phonecian.https://phoenicia.org/Canaanite-Phoenician-DNA-in-Modern-Lebanese.html


they were fairskinned and many had fair hair and eyes ranging to hazel my grandfather from tyre had blue eyes. my grandmother had reddish brown hair and my dad also had a bit of red hair in his beard and hair back in the day.

they come from the ancient canaanites who worshipped red and bloned haired blue eyed Gods. ancient canaan encompasses, lebanon, jordan, palestine and parts of syria. the xitans are mostly white and the marionite xtians specifically are the closest to the canaanites. the xtians especially the roman and latin caltholics have alot of roman and greek blood.
i am not sure about this theory but some say the phonecians originated with celtics, and that even most of aryan civilization comes from the phonecians. the furthark alphabet comes from their alphabet as have many others.

(quote from the above link)
.......the daring Phoenician pioneers were not "Semites" as hitherto supposed, but were Aryans in Race, Speech and Script. They were, besides, disclosed to be the lineal blood ancestors of the Britons and Scots -- properly so-called, that is, as opposed to the aboriginal, dark Non-Aryan people of Albion, Caledonia, Hibernia, the dusky small-statured Picts and kindred "Iberian" tribes. -- p. vi of "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons" (1924)

I have cousins from palestine that have haplogroups consistant with vikings. that either comes from crusaders or the ancient phonecians.


fuck you kikes. we are still here the hurt train is coming too and we are getting Canaan back! ALOT has been lied about and twisted about their history...THEY WERE NOT SEMITES.

ps. the ancient phonecians also used to drown kikes in the harbor in Jaffa

Shadowcat said:
Master said:

One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?

sorry about that i forgot to also add this link in here:
phonecians have been found to have european DNA. many of their descendants also live on in spain and ibiza.

they were master shipbuilders and wood and metal workers. they ruled the world almost for thousands of years. One of the greatest civilizations in history.

this article was wrote by magesone btw but as Maxine and Cobra moderated pretty much everything he wrote and left what was good and valid, at least as far as i know, i will also leave this here:

So, the Phoenicians are not Arabs. I noticed this assimilation technique earlier in history and also today.

Britons are Celts, the only Celts left unassimilated and unmixed are the countries not assimilated by the Anglo-Saxons into Britain. The Anglo-Saxons are not Celts but Germanic, you can verify this in their language and other things.

The origin of the Germanic peoples is Sweden. The Scandinavians could also be the ancestors of the Russians but I can't find any information about the origins of the Russians because the jews have corrupted them too much.

The Celts are not native to Europe, their origins are in Asia and the Middle East. Before native and non-native Europeans expanded into Europe, the Celts invaded and occupied much of Europe but were defeated and assimilated by other peoples because they were too divided. Celts and other peoples must learn and not repeat such a mistake. Both division and unity are needed, but wisdom and balance are also needed.

This means that the Phoenicians are Celts. The history the jews speak of regarding the Semites is either a history and culture stolen from the Arabs or it is a jewish invention to infiltrate and exploit the Arabs. The jews will pay for deceiving and enslaving the Arabs, Celts, Romans, Greeks, Germans and other Gentiles.

The Celts are literally among the most beautiful peoples in this world, there is evidence of this from the Romans and the Greeks on the history of the Celts.

Thank you so much for helping me on my Phoenicians research. Please do not expose yourself and keep your privacy.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
Meteor said:

I was actually the one who opened up the conversation in the first place, and encouraged Tabby to explore it. We had been looking at the pages about Succubi/Incubi, and thought it was really interesting.

I guess it's because I'm just the ultimate cuck, you know?

I have so many psychic placements in my natal chart that it's crazy, and I sensed her emotions before she did. I knew it was hard because my sex drive was completely gone for years after the damage to my sacral chakra. I couldn't get aroused, not even if I saw a hot Nordic woman in a red dress walking down the street. I just had this permanent erection thing going on where it would be painfully erect beyond my control which could last hours, and it wouldn't have any sexual feeling of arousal to go with it. My lust was gone, my pleasure was gone, everything to do with my sexuality was broken. It was such a miserable state of existence for me. I could still perform, but I would usually give up on my own pleasure because it was pointless. By the way, this is also how I know just how much the chakras affect life and the body (to give credibility to what I said before about the base chakra). Anyway, I knew this wasn't fun for her with me always ignoring her sexual needs out of lack of interest. So I encouraged her to explore the idea of a Demon relationship. She's been having more fun than she ever has. Her own sexuality is through the roof. As for me, I wanted to experience a romantic relationship with a Demoness so I asked Father Satan. She's amazing, and keeps me company often. I love her so much. And I love Tabby, and I protect her in this world and keep her safe. My Demoness lover was disappointed sometimes that she couldn't get me off (yes the damage to my life force and sacral chakra was that bad), but she cuddles with me and I love feeling her energy and talking to her.

I also recognize the obvious truth that not all relationships extend beyond the current lifetime. One might not have the same marriage partner from life to life. But yeah omg I'm such a cuck. They were totally right and called it from the start. Such psychic prowess they must have! I've been totally shoah'd, oy gevalt. Holocaust 2.0 I tell you.

Well I'm glad we could inspire you positively. That's delightful to hear.

I can relate when you talk about being unable to find pleasure no matter what you try, and feeling like you have no choice but to give up on your own pleasure and just focus on keeping your partner pleased. Back in the day, I would just reluctantly get my partner off like once a week, just to get it over with and keep him from getting frustrated. It was so cold and detached in hindsight, and it was the same with my exes. I really thought there was nothing I could do, other than hoping my physical problem would be solved someday.

And yet nowadays, I want to do it almost every day (instead of never and only doing it reluctantly), make a conscious effort at times to get him in the mood as well (instead of being careful not to so he doesn't get frustrated as quickly), and get even more pleasure from it than he does despite it feeling way better for him too than it used to. It's amazing how things changed by involving spirituality.

For me the issue is mostly physical, and spirituality gave me a way to circumvent it. So to think that it's even worse for you despite only being a spiritual issue with your sacral chakra... It really puts into perspective just how important chakra health and meditation are, as well as that others don't always have it better or easier than me just because the root of their problem isn't physical.

I wish that your healing continues to proceed smoothly. Look at those nerds calling you a cuck when you're the one who's loved and trusted so deeply by not just one happy woman, but two! I never considered you a cuck, but I was worried if you could really still be as close if you both had someone else helping you with your sexual issues, instead of working it out alone; but it sounds like it only made the two of you even closer and happier, and that I was worried for nothing. I've said this already, but I'm really glad for both of you.

Thank you, Meteor. That means a lot to me. Indeed, a more enlightened perspective is a gift, and others bringing greater awareness through their own life experiences and discussion is such a beautiful thing with this forum. I think that ties in with the other comment you made so I will let this be a sort of partial reply to that as well.

My sexuality and life force being taken from me was one of the worst things that could have happened. I don't think I can put into words how big of a factor sex and pleasure was in my life. Everything is steadily improving though and the trend will continue until I'm back to my former strength and beyond. Thank you for the kind wishes. Sometimes I'm astounded at where I am now compared to only about a year ago when I dedicated my soul to Satan. If only I had saved the date then I could have celebrated my dedication anniversary each year. My mind was occupied with so much else back then. Is what it is I suppose.

Very happy for you that your own sexuality has improved as well. That's wonderful, and congratulations. Spiritual effort always pays off.
Meteor said:
Master said:
Meteor said:
Thank you for clarifying; I hope your friend is alright now. The same happened before to a friend of my brother. It's honestly terrifying what kind of atrocities people can get away with. I hope that they will all be met with justice in the end, or become better people.

Putting that aside, I'm unable to move past my disappointment for now. I think it's better for us to ignore each other. I'm sorry for bringing you up a lot in my recent points; I just needed to get the things off my chest that I'd been bottling up. I'll leave you be now unless others bring you up and I feel like replying to them. I suppose it's already clear by now, but I'm not looking for issues.

As for what's going to happen in society, I've looked extensively into the effects of covid and the vaccines, including what you mention about blood clots. I've concluded that less than 1% of young adults is going to die within the next several years, from any cause, regardless of whether or not they're vaccinated. As we've both stated, there is no point in further debating this as the outcome of the current situation is literally fact, and it is only a matter of time for it to become apparent. We can discuss it again in a few years.

What can't you overcome?

Are you referring to my inability to move past my disappointment, and that I don't think I can get along well with Jack?
I don't really want to keep dragging this out, so I'll try my best to explain clearly why it's impossible for me to get along with him.

There are several values that I've always held. I could say it's because of my chart, which would be correct, but I don't think that matters here. The point is that these are things that I've fundamentally believed in since my childhood and to this day. For me to change those convictions over a mere disagreement, would be completely unnatural and atrocious. The following are relevant here:
  1. Trying to bring innocent people down mentally through intimidation, manipulation and/or bullying is something that I've never been able to tolerate.
  2. When someone makes a mistake, that is an opportunity to learn. If the mistake is understood, one should apologise to those that were harmed by it. The inability to admit or show remorse for one's mistakes is something I've never been able to tolerate.
  3. Pressuring others to integrate false beliefs is something I've never been able to tolerate.

When I was little and not able to control my emotions well, seeing anything like that pissed me off so much that it caused me to have violent outbursts. I usually kept my composure and only inflicted as much pain as I felt was appropriate as retribution, but sometimes I was so enraged that I went berserk, for example when I beat up five boys my age at once after I saw them harassing a girl from my class and they refused to leave her alone, saying I couldn't stop them. That is not to brag, but to make it clear just how much these things matter to me. Nowadays, I'm able to detach from things and keep my emotions under control much better.

With that in mind, I'll explain in which ways some of Jack's actions are incompatible with those values, causing me to conclude that it's best if I don't interact with him much anymore. Directly interacting with him too much, especially when he is doing things I'm morally incompatible with (which has been often lately), would mean choosing not to detach. NakedPluto helped me realise recently that even just having violent thoughts about someone counts as cursing them; so far I've never had that kind of thought about Jack, but considering how overwhelming my sense of justice can be and that things add up, I really don't want to take any risks here. To think that way about a fellow SS who takes meditation so seriously, is something I would have a very hard time forgiving myself for.

He explained why he decided to mock and insult a teenage girl for being raped. I wasn't expecting him to ever apologise for it, and as I thought, he didn't. His explanation lets me know why he did it, and what he thought he was doing, but that doesn't change his actions. In this case, both what he said to that girl, and his conviction not to apologise for it, are things that I can't look past, because:

  • His thoughtless actions hit someone who is in the process of healing from a traumatic experience, where it hurts the most. The things he said are commonly said to rape victims by people who want to instill self-doubt in them in order to manipulate them so that it's easier for people to get away with raping them again. This is incompatible with value 1.
  • The extent or lack of ill will doesn't make a difference in his actions after the fact.
  • He at least admitted he made a mistake out of ignorance, but then refused to apologise for it. See value 2.

Regarding the debate about love back then: I think it's good that he has changed his stance, or the way he words it, to something more reasonable, at least for his own sake. But that doesn't change that he tried to convince others that they are wrong for believing that love exists. This is incompatible with value 3. I don't really care anymore about what he said about America being some kind of example for the world. The culture is just very different, and I understand why it would be difficult to see that when he doesn't know what it's really like to grow up in Europe. As for his apocalyptic fantasies, I have no issue overlooking that either.

Everyone here is trying to figure out important things in their own ways, so it's common for there to be delusions and misunderstandings here and there. However, calling other people delusional for disagreeing with him is somewhat incompatible with values 1 and 3, although I find it understandable from his point of view so I can overlook it. But it creates a bias in his views that makes it difficult to talk about societal trends in general (which is a topic that he brings up often), because he is going by the assumption that there is going to be a reset soon, and that people like him will seize control of the government and world. But even if I underestimated how different America is from the rest of the world and such a thing actually happened there, this still wouldn't affect the rest of the world as their military would be too unorganised after such a mess to succeed in enacting anything internationally.

For him to believe those things does not directly go against my values. However, it makes it pointless for me to debate such topics with him, as we're on a completely different page about what the future looks like, so any attempt at meaningful discussion would likely devolve into disagremeents on what we both consider to be basic facts.

I take back what I said about his sexual preferences disturbing me. I'm no longer bothered by it, thanks to tabby helping me understand sexual freedom even on an emotional level, meaning I no longer have to put up with a feeling of disgust just to be polite. It was rude of me to bring it up anyway, but it did genuinely bother me until now, so I'm glad I was able to get over that.

Misrepresenting reality (regarding a person or situation) by making far-fetched comparisons can be an effective way to bring people down mentally, while simultaneously manipulating them into integrating incorrect beliefs. This describes the way he worded things when he criticised tabby's and jrvan's relationships and incorrectly assumed that they aren't doing what would make them the happiest (failing to realise just how much their Demon partners have helped both of them, and how happy and fulfilled they are in that arrangement), and is incompatible with values 1 and 3. His attempts to dissuade them from standing up for themselves by incorrectly stating that the only reason they might want to do so is because they agree with him, were also incompatible with values 1 and 3.

He keeps saying he has all these good intentions behind his mistakes, yet he never seems to make any effort to learn from it or apologise if he did anything wrong. He hardly ever even admits it was a mistake. This is incompatible with value 2.

Putting aside the specifics of what he wrote in the thread about sewing, what happened there saddened me a lot. It was going to be such a positive and cheerful thread, mainly for women, to talk about a relaxing hobby and share tips. That's still what happened in-between, but Jack ruined almost everyone's mood by bringing up topics that are irrelevant to most SS, especially women. For him to so heavily pollute a thread that was made with me in mind, by someone I appreciate for always being so friendly, really hurt my feelings.

If perhaps there are people reading from the shadows, looking to villify me in their emails for villifying Jack, then please feel free to mock me for having emotions. I like that more than being mocked for struggling to express them. And it wasn't really my intention to make him seem like a bad person. It's just that I was asked to explain why I'm personally unable to move past this and get along with him. It ended up being a bit long, but at least writing this helped me understand my own morals better, so it's fine.

Anyway, I hope that answers your question. As I explained, his personality is incompatible with my sense of justice; but he is exempt from my righteous wrath by virtue of being SS, meaning there is no healthy outlet. I noticed when I tried to explain in multiple ways to him last year why I'm certain that love exists, that confronting him about anything that we disagree on or that bothers me will only cause both of us to double down, so there is no way to talk things out. As such, it's better to avoid contact.

I understand and agree. Your values are right and good. Don't waste your time and organise your time. Help those who need help and those who want to be helped. Those who do not want to learn cannot move forward and are destined to go backwards.
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Why did I even bother with this argument? This is stupid, and I should have realized this way earlier. Proof that people are different: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/VENUS.html

Boom. Argument won. That was so easy.

I put in bold the parts that refute my arguments as well as support them to be fair. Everyone is different.

Ugh. Gemini venus is the worst at least for someone monogamous. They are either closet polys, players/whores or don't know how to emotionally engage. They tend to play with people's feelings yet will accuse you of doing such..I knew one who pumped and dumped someone and I found out much later how he lied about it...another was admitted he'd have to do something to not stray from a partner..sad..these are just a few examples however..and no having alot of water will not offset this esp If they have prominent air as it is.

Gemini venus or any major prominent air in the chart is a deal breaker unless it's libra. To be fair though venus in aries and sagg and Virgo no thanks either..lol.

LMAO :lol: :lol:

I have Venus in Gemini though :cry: :lol:

My one air sign too haha

I sensed that but you and tabby are poly yes :3? In you guys case it's all good because youre open and honest about it.

I'm strictly monogamous and can get very jealous and possessive and I'm all or nothing with love.

Perhaps I should have clarified that there can be exceptions but this is unfortunately the general rule I've experienced and heard of first and second hand so far. Like I said for monogamous people I don't think it's ideal. It has just been my experience that gemini venus people who say they want monogamy are being dishonest with themselves and their prospective mates and will at the very least get bored easy because of wanting variety.

This is again fine in principle. But not while claiming to want and pursue monogamy. For the exceptions that are there, great. But all I'm saying is that I'm not going to risk looking for a needle in a haystack.

I have simply noticed patterns of astrological placements that are incompatible with me romantically and not just in venus signs. This also doesn't have to make them fundimentally bad people however. In other words also the more mature people with the venus placements I named may be different. But haven't met them yet :lol:

Honestly venus in any of the water signs is ideal. Mine is as well and both of my parents also have this in common and are water dominant as well. Taurus venus is also up there with libra. Those would be ideal. Aries sun would be alright for me personally as well as long as there isn't too much fire emphasis. Honestly a combination of earth and water in general in the chart with a hint of the rest is great.
Master said:
Shadowcat said:
Master said:
One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?

Im half lebenese who share 95 percent of their DNA with the ancient phonecians so i can answer you.
Beelzebul and Astarte are some of their ancestral Gods. They were a mediterranian white population who also mixed with romans greeks and berbers. (also all medwhites) later some mixed with armenians and european crusaders, and arabs, (the muslims mostly) muslims will try to tell you they are arab..most xtians will say no we are phonecian.https://phoenicia.org/Canaanite-Phoenician-DNA-in-Modern-Lebanese.html


they were fairskinned and many had fair hair and eyes ranging to hazel my grandfather from tyre had blue eyes. my grandmother had reddish brown hair and my dad also had a bit of red hair in his beard and hair back in the day.

they come from the ancient canaanites who worshipped red and bloned haired blue eyed Gods. ancient canaan encompasses, lebanon, jordan, palestine and parts of syria. the xitans are mostly white and the marionite xtians specifically are the closest to the canaanites. the xtians especially the roman and latin caltholics have alot of roman and greek blood.
i am not sure about this theory but some say the phonecians originated with celtics, and that even most of aryan civilization comes from the phonecians. the furthark alphabet comes from their alphabet as have many others.

(quote from the above link)
.......the daring Phoenician pioneers were not "Semites" as hitherto supposed, but were Aryans in Race, Speech and Script. They were, besides, disclosed to be the lineal blood ancestors of the Britons and Scots -- properly so-called, that is, as opposed to the aboriginal, dark Non-Aryan people of Albion, Caledonia, Hibernia, the dusky small-statured Picts and kindred "Iberian" tribes. -- p. vi of "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons" (1924)

I have cousins from palestine that have haplogroups consistant with vikings. that either comes from crusaders or the ancient phonecians.


fuck you kikes. we are still here the hurt train is coming too and we are getting Canaan back! ALOT has been lied about and twisted about their history...THEY WERE NOT SEMITES.

ps. the ancient phonecians also used to drown kikes in the harbor in Jaffa

Shadowcat said:
Master said:
One question Jack, do you know the origins and genetic characteristics of the Phoenicians?

sorry about that i forgot to also add this link in here:
phonecians have been found to have european DNA. many of their descendants also live on in spain and ibiza.

they were master shipbuilders and wood and metal workers. they ruled the world almost for thousands of years. One of the greatest civilizations in history.

this article was wrote by magesone btw but as Maxine and Cobra moderated pretty much everything he wrote and left what was good and valid, at least as far as i know, i will also leave this here:

So, the Phoenicians are not Arabs. I noticed this assimilation technique earlier in history and also today.

Britons are Celts, the only Celts left unassimilated and unmixed are the countries not assimilated by the Anglo-Saxons into Britain. The Anglo-Saxons are not Celts but Germanic, you can verify this in their language and other things.

The origin of the Germanic peoples is Sweden. The Scandinavians could also be the ancestors of the Russians but I can't find any information about the origins of the Russians because the jews have corrupted them too much.

The Celts are not native to Europe, their origins are in Asia and the Middle East. Before native and non-native Europeans expanded into Europe, the Celts invaded and occupied much of Europe but were defeated and assimilated by other peoples because they were too divided. Celts and other peoples must learn and not repeat such a mistake. Both division and unity are needed, but wisdom and balance are also needed.

This means that the Phoenicians are Celts. The history the jews speak of regarding the Semites is either a history and culture stolen from the Arabs or it is a jewish invention to infiltrate and exploit the Arabs. The jews will pay for deceiving and enslaving the Arabs, Celts, Romans, Greeks, Germans and other Gentiles.

The Celts are literally among the most beautiful peoples in this world, there is evidence of this from the Romans and the Greeks on the history of the Celts.

Thank you so much for helping me on my Phoenicians research. Please do not expose yourself and keep your privacy.

I am glad to have helped :).
Shadowcat said:
I sensed that but you and tabby are poly yes :3? In you guys case it's all good because youre open and honest about it.

I'm strictly monogamous and can get very jealous and possessive and I'm all or nothing with love.

Perhaps I should have clarified that there can be exceptions but this is unfortunately the general rule I've experienced and heard of first and second hand so far. Like I said for monogamous people I don't think it's ideal. It has just been my experience that gemini venus people who say they want monogamy are being dishonest with themselves and their prospective mates and will at the very least get bored easy because of wanting variety.

This is again fine in principle. But not while claiming to want and pursue monogamy. For the exceptions that are there, great. But all I'm saying is that I'm not going to risk looking for a needle in a haystack.

I have simply noticed patterns of astrological placements that are incompatible with me romantically and not just in venus signs. This also doesn't have to make them fundimentally bad people however. In other words also the more mature people with the venus placements I named may be different. But haven't met them yet :lol:

Honestly venus in any of the water signs is ideal. Mine is as well and both of my parents also have this in common and are water dominant as well. Taurus venus is also up there with libra. Those would be ideal. Aries sun would be alright for me personally as well as long as there isn't too much fire emphasis. Honestly a combination of earth and water in general in the chart with a hint of the rest is great.

Suppose so. Everybody has their own energies, and what is normal for one will seem completely out of this reality for someone else. For people who like rough sex, finding someone with Venus in Aries is going to be awesome for them. Love is literally a battlefield for them lol.

Maybe the reason why Venus in Gemini people are dishonest with themselves is because there's a strong culture of monogamy, and polygamy is generally not tolerated even legally in a lot of places. They still want to find a partner though so maybe fitting in and lying is necessary. Nature is still compelling them to breed so they have to do something, right? Honestly I don't know why I'm trying to make a defense for an astro type right now. I have literally no stake in this :lol: Oh well. That's my 2 cents anyway.
Meteor said:
I have to say I'm actually quite impressed with how you and jrvan handled it and how well it worked out. Most of the things I had heard about or experienced with polyamory so far by the time I joined these forums were disastrous (with one, two or in some cases all the people involved being unfulfilled and frustrated), or were little more than the fantasies of men who can't even get or keep one girlfriend, let alone two, and then go on to blame women for that fact. Combining this with my own tendency to form a pair and my deep fulfilment in that, I thought that the idea that polyamory could work for humans was just a greedy delusion of narcissists.

But when I shared that opinion here on the forums, people reminded me that there are also Gods and Goddesses who enjoy having casual sex and/or have multiple partners. I realised that even though there are Gods like that, none of Them ever told me that I was wrong for preferring to have only one partner who is only interested in me. Because of that, I started to realise that it's really just a very personal and individual thing, and that that's fine; that there's no "best" way to have a relationship that would work for everyone. I still wondered if a polyamorous relationship would really make anyone happy on the long run, but FancyMancy explained why some people might enjoy it. I started to realise that they're just different from me, or perhaps I'm just different from them.

Back when you mentioned your agreement, I was a bit shocked since I was still struggling to understand these things at the time. But I saw over time just how much the two of you care about each other and how well you work together. Thanks to you, I was able to see that it isn't always just a fantasy; that there really are people out there who want that kind of thing and can make it work, and don't try to tell others they are wrong for being the happiest with just one partner. Thank you for showing me that.

We know and understand each other pretty well, so that definitely helped. Jrvan made the entire thing so much smoother than what I thought it was going to be, he was very patient and understanding, so yeah.

Xtianity wanted to control and destroy people's sex lives right down to masturbation. Now we can finally clean up the mess of that, and teach others it's ok to be different. There's suppose to be variety in sex and relationships, and one preference doesn't make the others wrong or invalid. Bonds between people are sacred, whatever that may look like, mono or poly or otherwise.

I'm glad we could help. It's a relief knowing good things can come from messy topics.

I remember reading my chart some time after I joined the forums, and seeing just how strongly my placements are in favour of monogamy and against casual sex. It seemed a bit over the top almost, but it really helped to make sense of things. Because of that I saw that I'm different from the norm in my own way, but that that isn't a "good" or a "bad" thing; it's just what I happen to be like. And likewise, there might be others who have placements that indicate the opposite. For them to prefer/dislike the same things I do would just be strange. It really helped to put things into perspective.

It's interesting, isn't it? Just how much astrology affects ones life. As jrvan already showed in a later comment, just the placement of Venus can affect how ones preferences end up being. I'd never really thought to read through other placements that weren't my own, so it opened up my own eyes to understand more just how much variety there is with preferences, even more than I thought there was.

I know what you mean. For me, being able to communicate clearly and solve any problem as soon as it appears has always been very important in relationships; to the extent that some of my past relationships were quite brief as glaring incompatibilities rapidly became apparent as I kept confronting them. And yet when it came to my sexual problems, I felt so torn internally that I didn't have the courage to bring it up until my emotions overwhelmed me and caused me to just blurt it out anyway. You mentioned as well how scary it was to feel that way, and to open up about it. I can relate to that, and I'm really glad it worked out for you and jrvan.

I think it's precisely because I was able to see that different things work well for different people that I'm so annoyed that Jack criticised you for having two partners, and your husband for being fine with that, when he himself has expressed that he wants to have two girlfriends and wants them to be happy about it. If anything, I'd expect that he, who wants such a similar thing, would be able to understand these things better than I, being fundamentally incompatible with it myself. And yet here we are. It's bizarre.

It still seriously confuses me how relationships where there's no communication or adequate communication can even function at all.

I feel ya. Before jrvan, I'd only known monogamy, so not only was there the fear of trying to be open to him about it, but also breaking the strictness in my mind regarding monogamy. Like you, I'd hear the horror stories, and didn't even know what poly was until late high school when I first began exploring sexuality. Back then I thought I had to be strictly monogamous because I didn't understand. I was so strict on myself about it to the point that with an ex, I couldn't leave them even though I could tell that the relationship was just not working and they weren't right for me. Breaking that with the agreement jrvan and I made, was like taking a weight off my shoulders and I learned that it was ok to feel the things I did. It was ok to need and want something different.

haha I mentioned this in my last comment to Jack, but when I first saw your comment here stating that he had also expressed about multiple partners for himself but was spitting on mine - oh boy was I angry. That level of hypocrisy does my head in. Whatever the reason for it, I'm just glad things are settling down now.
Shadowcat said:
Master said:
Shadowcat said:
Im half lebenese who share 95 percent of their DNA with the ancient phonecians so i can answer you.
Beelzebul and Astarte are some of their ancestral Gods. They were a mediterranian white population who also mixed with romans greeks and berbers. (also all medwhites) later some mixed with armenians and european crusaders, and arabs, (the muslims mostly) muslims will try to tell you they are arab..most xtians will say no we are phonecian.https://phoenicia.org/Canaanite-Phoenician-DNA-in-Modern-Lebanese.html


they were fairskinned and many had fair hair and eyes ranging to hazel my grandfather from tyre had blue eyes. my grandmother had reddish brown hair and my dad also had a bit of red hair in his beard and hair back in the day.

they come from the ancient canaanites who worshipped red and bloned haired blue eyed Gods. ancient canaan encompasses, lebanon, jordan, palestine and parts of syria. the xitans are mostly white and the marionite xtians specifically are the closest to the canaanites. the xtians especially the roman and latin caltholics have alot of roman and greek blood.
i am not sure about this theory but some say the phonecians originated with celtics, and that even most of aryan civilization comes from the phonecians. the furthark alphabet comes from their alphabet as have many others.

(quote from the above link)
.......the daring Phoenician pioneers were not "Semites" as hitherto supposed, but were Aryans in Race, Speech and Script. They were, besides, disclosed to be the lineal blood ancestors of the Britons and Scots -- properly so-called, that is, as opposed to the aboriginal, dark Non-Aryan people of Albion, Caledonia, Hibernia, the dusky small-statured Picts and kindred "Iberian" tribes. -- p. vi of "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons" (1924)

I have cousins from palestine that have haplogroups consistant with vikings. that either comes from crusaders or the ancient phonecians.


fuck you kikes. we are still here the hurt train is coming too and we are getting Canaan back! ALOT has been lied about and twisted about their history...THEY WERE NOT SEMITES.

ps. the ancient phonecians also used to drown kikes in the harbor in Jaffa

Shadowcat said:
sorry about that i forgot to also add this link in here:
phonecians have been found to have european DNA. many of their descendants also live on in spain and ibiza.

they were master shipbuilders and wood and metal workers. they ruled the world almost for thousands of years. One of the greatest civilizations in history.

this article was wrote by magesone btw but as Maxine and Cobra moderated pretty much everything he wrote and left what was good and valid, at least as far as i know, i will also leave this here:

So, the Phoenicians are not Arabs. I noticed this assimilation technique earlier in history and also today.

Britons are Celts, the only Celts left unassimilated and unmixed are the countries not assimilated by the Anglo-Saxons into Britain. The Anglo-Saxons are not Celts but Germanic, you can verify this in their language and other things.

The origin of the Germanic peoples is Sweden. The Scandinavians could also be the ancestors of the Russians but I can't find any information about the origins of the Russians because the jews have corrupted them too much.

The Celts are not native to Europe, their origins are in Asia and the Middle East. Before native and non-native Europeans expanded into Europe, the Celts invaded and occupied much of Europe but were defeated and assimilated by other peoples because they were too divided. Celts and other peoples must learn and not repeat such a mistake. Both division and unity are needed, but wisdom and balance are also needed.

This means that the Phoenicians are Celts. The history the jews speak of regarding the Semites is either a history and culture stolen from the Arabs or it is a jewish invention to infiltrate and exploit the Arabs. The jews will pay for deceiving and enslaving the Arabs, Celts, Romans, Greeks, Germans and other Gentiles.

The Celts are literally among the most beautiful peoples in this world, there is evidence of this from the Romans and the Greeks on the history of the Celts.

Thank you so much for helping me on my Phoenicians research. Please do not expose yourself and keep your privacy.

I am glad to have helped :).

Sorry, I made a mistake. The Celts are native to Europe, from France to be exact. I haven't studied them very well and also I've studied the history of many peoples in Europe and Asia and thought they came from Asia and invaded and occupied Europe.
tabby said:
Meteor said:
I have to say I'm actually quite impressed with how you and jrvan handled it and how well it worked out. Most of the things I had heard about or experienced with polyamory so far by the time I joined these forums were disastrous (with one, two or in some cases all the people involved being unfulfilled and frustrated), or were little more than the fantasies of men who can't even get or keep one girlfriend, let alone two, and then go on to blame women for that fact. Combining this with my own tendency to form a pair and my deep fulfilment in that, I thought that the idea that polyamory could work for humans was just a greedy delusion of narcissists.

But when I shared that opinion here on the forums, people reminded me that there are also Gods and Goddesses who enjoy having casual sex and/or have multiple partners. I realised that even though there are Gods like that, none of Them ever told me that I was wrong for preferring to have only one partner who is only interested in me. Because of that, I started to realise that it's really just a very personal and individual thing, and that that's fine; that there's no "best" way to have a relationship that would work for everyone. I still wondered if a polyamorous relationship would really make anyone happy on the long run, but FancyMancy explained why some people might enjoy it. I started to realise that they're just different from me, or perhaps I'm just different from them.

Back when you mentioned your agreement, I was a bit shocked since I was still struggling to understand these things at the time. But I saw over time just how much the two of you care about each other and how well you work together. Thanks to you, I was able to see that it isn't always just a fantasy; that there really are people out there who want that kind of thing and can make it work, and don't try to tell others they are wrong for being the happiest with just one partner. Thank you for showing me that.

We know and understand each other pretty well, so that definitely helped. Jrvan made the entire thing so much smoother than what I thought it was going to be, he was very patient and understanding, so yeah.

Xtianity wanted to control and destroy people's sex lives right down to masturbation. Now we can finally clean up the mess of that, and teach others it's ok to be different. There's suppose to be variety in sex and relationships, and one preference doesn't make the others wrong or invalid. Bonds between people are sacred, whatever that may look like, mono or poly or otherwise.

I'm glad we could help. It's a relief knowing good things can come from messy topics.

I remember reading my chart some time after I joined the forums, and seeing just how strongly my placements are in favour of monogamy and against casual sex. It seemed a bit over the top almost, but it really helped to make sense of things. Because of that I saw that I'm different from the norm in my own way, but that that isn't a "good" or a "bad" thing; it's just what I happen to be like. And likewise, there might be others who have placements that indicate the opposite. For them to prefer/dislike the same things I do would just be strange. It really helped to put things into perspective.

It's interesting, isn't it? Just how much astrology affects ones life. As jrvan already showed in a later comment, just the placement of Venus can affect how ones preferences end up being. I'd never really thought to read through other placements that weren't my own, so it opened up my own eyes to understand more just how much variety there is with preferences, even more than I thought there was.

I know what you mean. For me, being able to communicate clearly and solve any problem as soon as it appears has always been very important in relationships; to the extent that some of my past relationships were quite brief as glaring incompatibilities rapidly became apparent as I kept confronting them. And yet when it came to my sexual problems, I felt so torn internally that I didn't have the courage to bring it up until my emotions overwhelmed me and caused me to just blurt it out anyway. You mentioned as well how scary it was to feel that way, and to open up about it. I can relate to that, and I'm really glad it worked out for you and jrvan.

I think it's precisely because I was able to see that different things work well for different people that I'm so annoyed that Jack criticised you for having two partners, and your husband for being fine with that, when he himself has expressed that he wants to have two girlfriends and wants them to be happy about it. If anything, I'd expect that he, who wants such a similar thing, would be able to understand these things better than I, being fundamentally incompatible with it myself. And yet here we are. It's bizarre.

It still seriously confuses me how relationships where there's no communication or adequate communication can even function at all.

I feel ya. Before jrvan, I'd only known monogamy, so not only was there the fear of trying to be open to him about it, but also breaking the strictness in my mind regarding monogamy. Like you, I'd hear the horror stories, and didn't even know what poly was until late high school when I first began exploring sexuality. Back then I thought I had to be strictly monogamous because I didn't understand. I was so strict on myself about it to the point that with an ex, I couldn't leave them even though I could tell that the relationship was just not working and they weren't right for me. Breaking that with the agreement jrvan and I made, was like taking a weight off my shoulders and I learned that it was ok to feel the things I did. It was ok to need and want something different.

haha I mentioned this in my last comment to Jack, but when I first saw your comment here stating that he had also expressed about multiple partners for himself but was spitting on mine - oh boy was I angry. That level of hypocrisy does my head in. Whatever the reason for it, I'm just glad things are settling down now.
Btw, just to clarify there is not a single bit of hypocrisy in anything I've said. Throughout history women have shared high value men and most societies before the Advent of Christianity were Polygynous With a small percentage of High Value Men being able to marry multiple women and women being extremely happy to share him because of preselection. Men are biologically Polygynous by nature. This is fact proven by Biologists. The part of the brain that is responsible for Monogamy Doesn't exist In humans. Monogamy was created so that familial units would have better stability and the Society at large would prosper. Higher caste men always were exempt from society's Morals and had multiple wives. Where do you think the Islamic rule of "4 wives" comes from ? According To the ancient Aryan law ,A brahmin (who Is the most spiritually advanced can have upto 4 wives at a time.) I didn't write these laws.

What is unnatural and against nature is that a man will allow a woman to even entertain the possibility of having sex with other men. This is called Cuckoldry. It doesn't matter if it's new age poly crap or anything related its unnatural because a man is going Against his natural instinct of ensuring paternity. And the woman having already lost respect And love for the man because otherwise she wouldn't even be able to think about Other men. This is because pairbonding Hormone are released when a man and woman Have sex which causes pairbonding.

Men and women Are completely different biologically which is why men have always dominated leadership roles with Science, Philosophy, STEM etc while women being involved in Social Work and raising the Children and being involved in community work. This isn't a difference between IQ but about how our brains are wired differently to process information .

This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members. Currently the world's Majority population have been inculcated into a Vaccine CULT .

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.
Meteor said:
You're right. I heard that HPS Maxine also often emphasized the importance of sexual freedom and letting people do what they enjoy. But when my instinctive reaction was to feel disgusted or creeped out by some things, I was quick to think maybe that meant it was an exception and that it was really wrong after all, and I would harshly label people as "degenerate". I regret doing that to Jack now.

Just now, I realised that just like I feel creeped out if someone says he/she wants to be tied up and slapped, people who prefer casual sex and don't like to commit might feel creeped out when I talk about how I want to meld with my partner's Soul for eternity. I can't even tell the difference anymore. I could say it's wrong for them to want their movement to be restricted and tolerate pain, but others could say it's wrong of me to want to tie someone down and be tied down metaphorically to such an extreme extent. But despite that criticism, it's still what I enjoy the most. Could it be the same for those I've critcised before out of a lack of understanding?

I also just realised that a masochist's ability to endure pain could be considered strength in its own right, rather than weakness. It seems twisted to me, but no more twisted than some other people might consider me anyway, so is that really a problem? It may not be something that I ever want to do myself, but for me to consider them weak or degenerate over it was wrong after all. If they're doing what they enjoy the most with someone they trust, then what's the problem? There really is none after all. SWG's opening post in this thread made me think that maybe there really are some sexual preferences that are harmful, but after thinking about it more, that only applies to situations where there is a lack of consent or people are overly reckless. When there is consent and people go about whatever they want to do responsibly, then the individual usually knows what's best.

I used to be unsure how to feel about people with strange preferences, since I felt disgusted deep down but forced myself to be polite. But I don't feel that disgust anymore right now. It's not because I let go of my own preferences and boundaries, which I used to fear might happen if I let go of that disgust, but it's because I've realised it's harmless for people to like things that I consider strange. I feel as though I overcame something, and feel more at peace now. I think I was still scared deep down from the times some of my exes tried to force their preferences on me that I wasn't comfortable with, but that isn't going to happen anymore, let alone in this context.

I think this and one other are the only comments of yours that I haven't yet responded to (hopefully). I lost track.

Honestly, BDSM and being tied up during sex still frightens me. I can imagine how it would be sexy for others but the moment I see myself in the same position, my stomach drops. Everyone has different boundaries and knowing those boundaries makes things easier to figure out what people want and need in the bedroom. Communication is better when we know ourselves.

As for the criticism, it's quite possible. It's so difficult to make determinations about what's right and wrong or healthy in the bedroom, because we have our own ideas of what feels good to us and what would be intolerable, what looks healthy and normal to us, and not. Some like myself have completely adverse reactions whenever one may talk about being tied up during sex or hit, etc, but is BDSM inherently wrong just because I fear it? No. Laws are not being broken by the preference alone. It's how people use it.

As you state, some things are very obviously harmful and goes against some of our highest values (forced sex, abuse, pedos, etc). But I would hope there are enough people who are not insane, to know if what they're doing in the bedroom is something they should be doing or not.

I agree with you.

I know what you mean, it's so intimate when you can hold each other and respond to each other's movements. I love that too.

Your line here reminded me of something jrvan helped me understand. The relationships you have with people, not every single one of them needs to be deep the way you may choose to be with your partner. I personally hate shallow or fake relationships. I either want you so in my life that you know me maybe better than I know myself, or I keep you only on the surface and you never really know me at all - there's not really an in between with me. I have a bad habit of not being able to fully understand when I'm sharing too much during moments, because I like to be honest and known well enough by the people that I want close to me, even now I guess I'm ranting a bit. I forget there are enemies who watch the forums, but I have yet to ingrain that to when I think of SS who I feel are trustworthy, I want to be honest with them, like those like you, and form deeper bonds with my brothers and sisters, but that is just not safe.

Shallow is not a bad thing in and of itself. Shallow as a word has a few negative connotations, but not all relationships are supposed to be deep. Some simply can't be for safety reasons or just because you have things that have happened in your life that you would rather no body know. I use to have a lot of problems with shallowness, but I'm slowly accepting that that's just how things are sometimes, and it doesn't mean the other person is bad in any way. Sometimes the relationship is just not meant to be anything but a social relationship for fun and connections in that given situation.

I enjoyed hearing about you and jrvan too. It's amazing how much people can grow when they're with a partner that suits them well.

Ikr? I look back at myself from years ago compared to now with how jrvan has helped me, and knowing that I have someone in my life who isn't going to be my cheerleader just because they care about me. Who can and does help me to be better, points my shit and problems out when I fail to see them but doesn't make me feel stupid and little for it.
Master said:
Shadowcat said:
Master said:
So, the Phoenicians are not Arabs. I noticed this assimilation technique earlier in history and also today.

Britons are Celts, the only Celts left unassimilated and unmixed are the countries not assimilated by the Anglo-Saxons into Britain. The Anglo-Saxons are not Celts but Germanic, you can verify this in their language and other things.

The origin of the Germanic peoples is Sweden. The Scandinavians could also be the ancestors of the Russians but I can't find any information about the origins of the Russians because the jews have corrupted them too much.

The Celts are not native to Europe, their origins are in Asia and the Middle East. Before native and non-native Europeans expanded into Europe, the Celts invaded and occupied much of Europe but were defeated and assimilated by other peoples because they were too divided. Celts and other peoples must learn and not repeat such a mistake. Both division and unity are needed, but wisdom and balance are also needed.

This means that the Phoenicians are Celts. The history the jews speak of regarding the Semites is either a history and culture stolen from the Arabs or it is a jewish invention to infiltrate and exploit the Arabs. The jews will pay for deceiving and enslaving the Arabs, Celts, Romans, Greeks, Germans and other Gentiles.

The Celts are literally among the most beautiful peoples in this world, there is evidence of this from the Romans and the Greeks on the history of the Celts.

Thank you so much for helping me on my Phoenicians research. Please do not expose yourself and keep your privacy.

I am glad to have helped :).

Sorry, I made a mistake. The Celts are native to Europe, from France to be exact. I haven't studied them very well and also I've studied the history of many peoples in Europe and Asia and thought they came from Asia and invaded and occupied Europe.

Yes thats right. I have also theorised that many english and germanics have dark hair and med features also because of the spanish and romans during occupation. In Holland also for example and in England there are ruins and remnants of romans being there all around.
Jack said:
This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

Don't tell Tabby who she is. You don't know anything about her. She's explained her points with reason and logic in a calm manner, even better than I did. You just don't want to admit it because she's female, and she's totally subduing you in an argument and you hate that. You fear that it makes your manhood smaller to lose an argument to a female. You're weak. It also shows that you don't have a valid argument. All the nonsense you're spouting is easily refuted. Even. By. A. Girl. Chew on that one you misogynistic joke.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

If you don't have fear period then you're lacking a basic emotion which means you're unhealthy and unbalanced. For example, if you had kids and you didn't harbor any fear whatsoever for their safety then that's potentially psychopathic in my opinion.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.
Nope. Not everyone is you, and not everyone sees the world the way you do. Nor do you have a claim on what absolute Truth of reality is. You're not Satan.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members.

More projection.

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

Yep. And most men who aren't weak also instinctively realize that taking care of their women doesn't mean they have to put shackles on them, or beat them up to get them to do what they want.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.
Nothing wrong with that. Why do you have a problem with certain women having two males to herself? You could just let it be instead of declaring war on the concept itself, and acting like you need to destroy it in order to have cosmic peace within yourself.

Oh wait. I know why. It's because you hate women. You think that wifebeaters never existed. And you think that battered women were just a myth. And that women never got tortured in the middle ages. And that mothers and their children were never abused by xian men. You think women have absolutely no cause whatsoever to be fearful of men. And most in society don't fear men thanks to xianity losing power, and wifebeaters not being tolerated in society. There's still a subset of women who are fearful of men though, and that's because there are some terrible people out there who abuse women and children. They used to be able to get away with it unchallenged in your glorified 50's and 60's.

You and other men like you just want to pretend that problems never existed so that you never have to deal with the uncomfortable reality. You want to absolve the male sex of collective guilt so it never has to be dealt with even though there is nothing to absolve in the first place, and you weak males are getting defensive over nothing and just make things worse. Jews pushing radical feminism are going to get what they deserve. Males who abuse women and children are going to get their asses kicked and their women and children taken away, just like it should always be the case. Men who demean, slander, diminish, and scapegoat women collectively instead of blaming the jews - are going to be called out, ridiculed, and shamed by people who see through their bullshit.

Stop trying to act like women were the ones who put the invading illegal immigrants on the boats and buses. It was jews.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Meteor said:
Btw, just to clarify there is not a single bit of hypocrisy in anything I've said. Throughout history women have shared high value men and most societies before the Advent of Christianity were Polygynous With a small percentage of High Value Men being able to marry multiple women and women being extremely happy to share him because of preselection. Men are biologically Polygynous by nature. This is fact proven by Biologists. The part of the brain that is responsible for Monogamy Doesn't exist In humans. Monogamy was created so that familial units would have better stability and the Society at large would prosper. Higher caste men always were exempt from society's Morals and had multiple wives. Where do you think the Islamic rule of "4 wives" comes from ? According To the ancient Aryan law ,A brahmin (who Is the most spiritually advanced can have upto 4 wives at a time.) I didn't write these laws.

What is unnatural and against nature is that a man will allow a woman to even entertain the possibility of having sex with other men. This is called Cuckoldry. It doesn't matter if it's new age poly crap or anything related its unnatural because a man is going Against his natural instinct of ensuring paternity. And the woman having already lost respect And love for the man because otherwise she wouldn't even be able to think about Other men. This is because pairbonding Hormone are released when a man and woman Have sex which causes pairbonding.

Men and women Are completely different biologically which is why men have always dominated leadership roles with Science, Philosophy, STEM etc while women being involved in Social Work and raising the Children and being involved in community work. This isn't a difference between IQ but about how our brains are wired differently to process information .

This is also why after being faced with Hard incontrovertible fact ,your unable to accept reality. You are lost with no one to show you the way.

And I read your previous comments about me having fear of abandonment. I don't Have Fear ,period much less fear of abandonment. I don't fear Death or physical harm or Anything material that can happen to me. The only way I feel some kind of rise is when I'm extremely lose to danger anf that feeling is of exhilaration not fear. and You need to understand very clearly what I'm saying.

There is a reason why I'm absolutely certain of what I'm saying. If I wasn't certain , I would entertain middle ground. But there is no middle ground . Only after Deep Cleaning , multiple workings And extensive research and a plethora Of personal realizations did I solidify my views. Eventually everyone who is able to seek truth without attachment is going to end up with the exact same views that I have.

I might have to explain how to differentiate between Reality and Delusion in Detailed posts because it seems like the Average person even while being a Satanist can be too caught up in their own little world which they call " Their Truth". As the power of ones self rises it can strengthen the emotions and you might feel so strongly about something that's delusional and refuse to detach and see the truth. This is very common in Cult members. Currently the world's Majority population have been inculcated into a Vaccine CULT .

Men and women are very very different. Just like a woman is prejudiced to not view her children as completely capable of being on their own ,a man is prejudiced to view women as not being capable of being on their own . Just like different races are prejudiced against each other and against interracial couples. These are natural biologically ingrained conditioning from millennia of evolution that Jewish sociologists are calling "misogyny " or "racism". Instead of rejecting our humanity we must accept it, and embrace it.

And thankfully in the world where we're moving in there is going to be an extreme scarcity of eligible men and a lawyer friend of my showed me a loophole where I could marry two women. So that's going to be another thing to look forward to in the future where it will be completely acceptable (it already is) for a man to have multiple women.

Will you give it a rest already?

I find it funny how you avoided that comment of mine to you and only now speak up about it when I wasn't even quoting you here. Whenever I tell you that women's rights and liberation is Satanic, you shut down and don't respond to it. You only have to read up on the JoS page about Mother to know this. But still, you continue to think it's some hoax and a massive problem that we need to stop. It's not women we need to stop, it's the jews.

If you were not afraid of anything you would properly apologised to Prez instead of claiming you were "being a troll and didn't even read her post", which actually makes you look so much worse than if you had of just manned up and said sorry for being an ass in the first place. You never want to admit when you are wrong, you force feed "facts" down people's throats and piss on anyone who doesn't agree with you and points out your biases and backtracking, and rant on at every opportunity about how doom and gloom the world is without contributing anything productive to solve the problem, and never want to admit that you have some serious issues to address regarding women. You also only ever bitch on white women funny enough.

If a woman having multiples partners is unnatural it wouldn't be in natal charts or seen in history or even among some of the Demons. Why not look up Draupadi who had five husbands? Being a monogamous man or woman doesn't make you abnormal, Meteor has already presented that her natal chart placements are in favour of monogamy. Just because one woman has multiples partners doesn't mean all women are like this, just because you see an ungrateful slutty leftist brainwashed nut job hanging her ass out down the street doesn't mean all women behave and think like that woman does. You think we're all the same, and it's disgusting and demeaning.

If you actually observed nature instead of looking through the rosy shades of Jack-think, you would see the insane amount of variety in relationships, bonds, and sex. Wolves mate for life, but the bear will find a new partner every season to mate with and raise the cubs alone. The male lion will have a pride of females, while the Jacanas birds females will have multiple males.

Humans are no different in the variety of relationships. What happened in your life to cause you to think women are the reason for the world's problems, that certain preferences are "unnatural", and jump through logical back hoops and insults just to make your statements work in a world where they don't?

I wouldn't call listening to the kvetching of kikes, mudslimes, and xtians about women's liberation and relationships "hard incontrovertible fact". For someone claiming to be working on themselves, you have not changed in the last year and still ignore the advice of the HP and others. Last I remember you actually defended mine and jrvan's partnership against SWG when we first arrived despite knowing even back then - because I openly said it and you commented on it in a confused manner - that we both have Demon partners. Now what do you say? You claim it to be unnatural and insult me for it. Do you only ever defend people for political gain and moral climbing when you get caught in sticky moments on the forums?

Having multiple partners does not make one a cuck when it is agreed upon. I am not being unfaithful to jrvan by having a Demon relationship that he encourage and agreed to openly. I am not mating with other human men. Jrvan is not a weak or servile man. You just have a problem with me, because I am not your ideal woman despite having all the qualities needed to be a mother and a warrior. You have a problem with jrvan just because he has different preferences and cares more about the health of the people in his life than what you think is "unnatural".

You can stick your nose as high in the air at me as you want, mock me as you want, insult and ridicule, and spit on me. That doesn't change the fact that you are being an idiot who thinks he's Big Brother from 1984.
To Rabbi Jack:

It's like you have never heard of swingers, or orgies and group sex relationships. You're just going to have to accept that some people are different and like different things. A lot of it is astrological which is superior to your one-dimensional view of biology and biological mechanics where paternity is the be-all-end-all. What two or more people do in their own bedrooms is not up to you to decide. As long as it's not endangering anyone, it's consensual, it's the same race, doesn't involve animals, and doesn't involve children... then most things are just personalized. If I was the president, and some couples wanted to dress up as me to have sex - I might get a little bit of a chill and get creeped out a little, but it's their own roleplay/cosplay adventure and it's their business. Some people are into freaky shit. It's whatever. I can't really blame humans for being bored right now with the jewish slave grid.

If two men want to share one woman then what does it matter to you anyway? Why do you feel like you have such a huge stake in this? Swingers wouldn't be such a huge phenomenon if it was so unnatural. These people crave it in their souls because they are different, and you can't change them anymore than you can convince them that their "biology" demands something different from what they desire. You accept homosexuals as legitimate, but you draw the line at polyandry. B-b-bigot.

And yes I know swingers and polyamory are not the same thing. That's not the point.

By the way, if anyone takes issue with me calling him Rabbi Jack, please know that I'm not accusing him of being jewish. I'm simply expressing my contempt while at the same time suggesting that if he were jewish then he would be rabbi level with his ability to confuse, scapegoat and twist things. There's a part of me that's itching to wager on whether or not he would feel flattered by that. I've never seen someone reverse things to such a degree that they ended up literally talking about themselves as if they were making charges against their reflection while accusing others.
Meteor said:
Tell me about it... I still remember what xians did to me in my past lives for being different in ways that I couldn't even do anything about. What I went through was so horrible that for a long time I couldn't tell if I was different naturally, or if it had been caused somehow by the horrible karma looming over me. After more than a year of meditation, I finally realised that it was both; overcoming the karma surrounding it all helped me become more balanced, but deep down I still wanted the same things.

You remember trauma from past lives as well?

Knowing that I'm in line with my nature (even if that looks strange to others since my nature itself is unusual), really helped me accept myself more. And yet at the same time, I began to I realise that even if my nature had been more flexible, even if there was a simple way for me to become "not different" in the eyes of others, there's no reason why I should have to do that if it's not what I really want.

I'm starting to wonder why I even thought I needed an excuse, some kind of justification as to why I'm "different", just to be free. If I know deep down that I really want something, then why do I need to justify it just because it isn't "normal"? I began to recognise the hypocrisy in my own self-criticism. Satanism is truly a path of freedom, but it can take time to figure out what exactly freedom even is.

Every so often I like to check in with myself, and go through moments where I look back at as much of the influences in my life and try figure out what is really true to me. What were the things I was naturally drawn to as a child? What was influenced by others, and was that influence a detriment or a benefit? Does it make what I ended up enjoying because of those influences any less true to myself?

What's considered "normal" has been defined by the jews, xtians, and the bible for WAY too long. Things like this wouldn't have to be "justified" in order for those like us to simply live happily in a Pagan world, because the Ancients understood how important sex was. Just as you quoted from HPS Maxine. People are different, we're not suppose to be copies of each other. What will feel good for one person may not or will not feel good to someone else, and that's what's actually normal.

I'm glad you shared your thinking on all this, and about your personal experiences with monogamy. There needs to be variety in voices otherwise you develop a negative echo chamber.

It can be a bit eerie how accurate most of the descriptions on Azazel's Astrology for Satanists are.

In my case it's not just one placement, but four of them that work together to make me more inclined towards monogamy. Wanting to share eternity with someone felt so natural to me that for a long time I assumed everyone else was like that too deep down, and only behaved differently because they hadn't found someone who was right for them yet. But I managed to realise over time that some people just really prefer something more casual or want more than one partner, not because they're greedy, but because they appreciate a different kind of bond.

Yeah, you get new age weird crap with general stuff on astrology all over the internet, and then you read about the descriptions here that have so much pin-point accuracy and it just blows my mind every time. Being able to learn why you're like the way you are and you were never actually this weird freak who didn't fit into society has been quite the breath of fresh air.

Four? Wow. This makes me want to study astrology more and learn more about this. Looking at astrology is more than enough to understand how different people are.

I always thought it was a bit ironic that I've had so many partners despite monogamy being so important to me, while other people who aren't even naturally that inclined towards monogamy try so hard to make a relationship work no matter what. But I think perhaps in a way it also makes sense.

It's precisely because it's genuinely so important to me, that I refuse to settle for anyone who isn't perfect for me in every way. After all, wouldn't it just be horrible for both people involved to make an eternal commitment with someone they're not 100% compatible with? So whenever I found any problem in a relationship, I felt that it needed to be resolved as soon as possible. If my partner wasn't willing to cooperate with that, then I would break up the moment I found anyone who appeared to be better suited for me. Likewise, in cases where it was the other person that broke up with me, I felt heartbroken at first, but would recognize just a few months later just how bad we really were for each other after all, and that I was simply blind to it at the time.

Meanwhile, most people aren't really looking for anything eternal in the first place, and are only trying to force themselves to be monogamous in an artificial way. That means they stick with someone for longer than I would consider natural. Strange, right? But as you and your jrvan mentioned, much of that is due to societal pressures.

I hadn't thought of it like that. Curious. I'm not sure how it is for others who are poly but in my case, when I fall in love with someone and a relationship forms with them, it's like an all or nothing kinda situation. I love that person very deeply and do everything possible to give that person what they need even if I realise that they're not right for me as what happened with my ex. I will care for that person and be loyal to them until they tell me they don't want me anymore (with the exception of if they abuse me). For jrvan and my Demon, if I lost them it would feel like dying. Every person I choose to love I will love with every fiber of myself that I can give them because casual sex or love is not for me.

It certainly is horrible even in non-eternal partnerships when you're not compatible with your partner. That's one of the interesting differences between you and myself. As you've stated when there's a problem that your partner is unwilling to cooperate on, you say no and break it off when you find someone more suitable, whereas I try figure things out until something breaks. Neither of these are wrong, it's just how we are as people in the way we deal with relationships.

I guess this is a good example of how polyamory isn't strict on rules either, or completely opposite of everything that you would otherwise find in monogamous relationships. Polyamory is simply the act of having multiple partners - how that looks and how deeply or casually you engage with all the people involved is entirely dependent on the individuals. There's no rules for each preference, the only ones who make the rules are between yourself and your partner(s) because your personal rules in the bedroom with each other are the only ones that really matter (excluding non-consensual situations).

Something really cool is how if you put two monogamous relationships side by side, despite both being monogamous they will look entirely different from each other just because of the individuals involved. Same goes for other preferences.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
