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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [week 4]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Hey everyone I hope you are having a great day, it's almost Samhain/Halloween, I hope you all have a great Satanic Holiday!

I have a giant Baal Fire i'm going to light at midnight, and some rituals planned, I look forward to it!!

as a bonus,
Lets all Re-Read "Satanic Rituals and Spells"
If you don't have something planned it might give you some ideas for something to do this Samhain/Halloween ____________________________________________________________________________________


For those of us who are very close to Father Satan, we are all well aware that he
is fed up with all of the Judeo/Christian claims and statements concerning what
our religion is, how we celebrate, and worst of all WHAT THEY CLAIM HE IS ALL ABOUT.


For many of us, Halloween is a favorite holiday. I, myself love horror movies and
such. The point here is how these have been twisted to portray a false and
insulting image of Satan and the Original Gods [Now labeled as "Demons"].

Ask yourself how you would feel if people put on hideous masks and went out as
either you or a family member of yours or a loved one.

Father Satan should be respected on this date, not mocked by those who believe
in and honor whatever Christianity dictates he is. How long do you think
someone would last going out dressed as the Nazarene? Chances are, they
would be attacked by some fundie Christian.

Or, if Hollywood was to produce a movie depicting the Nazarene and his ilk as
hideous monsters.

Halloween is a great time for costumes, monsters, and ghouls, images of death
and such, a time to be creative and indulge. It is one of our major holidays, but
the negative images denigrating Father have to go.

He is tired of it and has let the clergy know he does not approve of these insults.
For far too long, too many Satanists have gone along with the Christian ideas of
Satan and his Demons; what the Christians allege them to be and what THEY
claim our religion is all about, instead of seeing Satan for WHO HE REALLY IS
without all of the Christian false and twisted overtones.

The holiday known as "Halloween" was originally called "Samhain" a Celtic word
meaning "Summer's End." In ancient times, religions were based upon nature,
where humanity lived in tune with the earth, the change of seasons and the
changes in the stars in the sky. This is the essence of Satanism; what is natural.

The major cycles of the year and the crops were important times for festivities,
rites and celebrations. Samhain was a time of harvest and the end of a year, a
time of preparation; storing crops and preparing for the dead of winter. The eve
of November 1st was the eve of the Celtic New Year.

This holiday was a time of harvest, a time of endings, death, and dying,
as plant life died and the cold set in.

Samhain was also a time of honoring the dead. The Druids built huge bonfires,
which they considered sacred, in honor of the Celtic New Year.

There was a prevailing belief in the existence of a Celtic God of the dead known
as 'Samhain". With extensive research and study accomplished by many
scholars, nearly all agree this God was non-existent.

Nearly all of the sources mentioning a deity of death known as "Samhain" are
CHRISTIAN and they have [as usual] NO legitimate references to back up their

Samhain was celebrated for centuries before the Christian takeover of Pagan
holidays. To the intruding Christian religion, any Gods of the old faith were
considered "evil" and therefore especially unwelcome at a time of "danger" for
the "soul of any good parishioner." This was why xians suppressed the deadly
rite and replaced it a day later with 'all soul's day.'"

Trick or treating originated in Ireland as beggars went door to door on October
31st, asking for handouts. The gifts were for "Muck Olla" a God who was said to
destroy the house of anyone who was not generous. Jack-O-Lanterns also had
their origin in Ireland; named for a man named "Jack." The story goes that Jack
was a miser and when he died, he was not allowed into heaven and he also
played jokes on the Devil, so he was not admitted into Hell either, but was
doomed to walk the Earth forever. He only had a little lantern to light his way and
this is why he came to be called Jack-O-Lantern. Of course, the spooks,
vampires, and ghouls were associated with this holiday because of the natural
human fear of death and Samhain was a holiday of death.


Here is this weeks Re-Read it Series

Article 1

Spiritual Satanism, The Root of the Tree
Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:27 am
By HP Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.
Paganism is something people have only recently conceptualized, and formalized into
this thing they call "Paganism".

According to the Jews, this is Satanism, and essentially, if we take the reality of the
Sumerian meaning of Satyan from which Satan was stolen off and placed in Hebrew, to
reverse the meaning to negative, back to it's positive and ancient meaning, we get what is
called "Truth-ism". As Satyam/Satyan/Satya means Truth in Sanskrit.
Spiritual Satanism is the spiritual, and actual striving of such objective of understanding
the Truth.

The enemy admits openly that not only we are Satanic at the Soul [The non Jews] but
also that Satanism [They call this Idololatry, Paganism, Satanism, Demonolatry etc, but
they simply mean Satanism] and not their own jewish alien filth, is our NATURAL state.
We are naturally inclined to be Satanists and Satan is in us since birth. The sacrament of
baptism is to rebuke the spirit of Satan from the person and force the spirit of "Jehovah"
or "Christ" into the child.

After we are beaten down to being "Goyim", we Gentiles become Christians, Muslims
and so forth. This is an unnatural and alien state for us, causing internal conflict and
depression, as this is merely the jewish will imposed on people that were otherwise meant
to be free from this and Satanic. The jews are in a constant fear that we will revolt against
them and destroy them for this, as subconsciously we know what happened to us, as
Marcus Eli Ravage has stated too, cultural replacement by forcible violence.

Pagans essentially have their own levels. Some are merely interested in the fables, and
living a virtuous life. It's a good striving to regenerate the old culture, but what Pagans do
as a mistake is what keeps them limited, is that they basically confine Paganism into a
jewish standard unconsciously. Paganism is merely a natural way of looking at the world
which many like to follow as a 'religion'.

They, for example, sometimes transverse Christian morality into Paganism, which is
wrong. The same goes when investigation into the primal Sumerian root of Satan is
called into the table, which leaves many of these people 'afraid', and leaves the people
with a spiritual sensor, at the very least, curious. Weaker elements of the so called
'Pagans' go into convulsion when they are exposed to Satan, and all their otherwise
'common sense' and 'inquiry' blows away.

Because unconsciously they are Christians still, that are afraid of this.
Even if this relates to Truth, spirituality, and many other great things in itself, they focus
on jewish propaganda on the term.

They are dabbling with Satan...They are just scared to admit it themselves as they think
this actually makes them fall into the jewish standard, but actually, this is exactly what
EXCLUDES THEM from the jewish standard of modern Paganism which is all about
ignorant and only looking at a recent history to lose the bigger picture.

This is actually funny, as essentially, they themselves are dabbling "Satanists" too, and
any Muslim, Christian or Jew would admit it. Because they knew for centuries more
about Paganism than the "Pagans" themselves. Since they eradicated the Pagan culture
after studying all of it, they decided to call them "Satanists" for VERY specific reasons.
This wasn't some sort of lucky pick.

Satan actual begins in Sumeria, in Ancient India, and in the places where the Aryan Race
has their beginning. These syllabes were always assosciated with their head God in their
otherwise polytheistic pantheons, which changed names. The enemy who has had access
for two thousand years to all of this material, knows this all too well.

The Pagans, who are left culture-less, didn't. But the Truth is now out, finally.
The jews didn't just pick up a random name to name their Arch-enemy of all they are and
do. Every character in the bible is stolen from a concept or more ancient character, most
of the time from Hinduism or any other specific Pre-Christian Civilization, and the
ancient Arch-Enemy is no different.

Ironically even in jewish tradition, Satan is the sensible, Satan is the civilizer, Satan is the
great, the brave, the one who stands for justice, and in general, the Lucifer who brings
light and knowledge into the world. All people of quality in Europe or in all parts of the
planet, always associated with Demons and flirted with Satan/Lucifer ideologically, be it
from musical geniuses to the black magician Adolf Hitler whom the enemy admits was
"The Anti-Christ" and the "Son of Satan".

Every representation of Satan is about perfection, manifestation of the world, the infinite
light, power, wisdom, heroic epics, the rebellion against tyranny, the eternal striving for
perfection and freedom, the fight of man against a corrupted 'god' who is the jewish
version of omnipotence etc, and generally it is very obvious that this character is
basically a form of something eternal concealed into an epithet that in Hebrew means
Adversary. Satan means "THE ADVERSARY" in Hebrew, with an emphasis on the
"THE". He is the head adversary of the Jews.

However, all the names of the Gods remain as EPITHETS, not simply 'names'. The
names of the Gods in all the Pagan sub-cultures have always been epithets. For those who
know by heart that they are real beings, which is what we know, one quickly understands
that the same entities and beings are cloaked into the same cloak in comparative

Satan fills in (and we have proved beyond any doubt) not only to be Shiva in Hinduism,
Sata in Egypt, Wodanaz (Satanas) in Norse Paganism and so forth, but Satan also is a
name that comes from the word meaning TRUTH (Satya) in Sanskrit.
We call Satan by an epithet, we invoke Truth, when we call this figure. This is why we
are Spiritual Satanists. In a world of massive jewish control and lying, it's normal for the
jews to have outlawed this being and wish the worst for it, and name the same being an

They also admit that this being has fathered all the Gentiles on Earth in separated racial
families, which the jews collectively call the "Goyim" and seek to destroy into a mixed
cattle. Satan is also the lord of racists and all those who oppose the jewish plans in everyway.
The jews can never be defeated by Pagans who merely pray to the Gods, and as far as we
respect it, we must understand a fundamental Truth that in the Ancient Pagan times, the
people who were at the top and running civilization (Not in the late Christian or
Byzantine Era, this ended roughly with Marcus Aurelius Historically) were parts of the
Mystery Schools.

The same goes for the Freemasons and all other Gentiles who advanced humanity,
irrespective on if the jews now have taken out all of them. In other words, what we coin
as Spiritual Satanism is the inner core of the whole thing, the tree which has everything in
it. In India this was called Sanatana Dharma, but this term fails us again largely as the
"Scholars" of it are more "Jesus Krishna" ass kissers of the jews, than they should be.
Sanatana-DHARMA hides however the name of Satana in an anagram again in it. And
Dharma means way. The way of Satana...The True Way.

This is why we accept all Gentiles and we are Racialists and Tribalists. We also say it
openly the Gods are tribal, and some people depending on their race will get attracted to
certain Gods. Demon means God in the language of the term, and this comes from the
Sanskrit Deva and the Ancient Greek Daemon, which later became the evil notion of the
"Devil". "The Devil" is the second name of Satan, which means "THE" God, to show the
leadership and the head of the Gods.

All Races must remain separated and advance in their own blueprint, but at the same
time, we are one human larger tree, which many people pretend to brush off. This is a
reality, and the existence of the jew as an alien element that wants to exterminate ALL
OF US, should REMIND US of this fact.

The Ancients even in the time of Alexander the Great knew of this very thing. Even if
they maintained racial integrity or at least attempted to (except of the ignorant ones),
those at the top who were in the spiritual hierarchy, never waged spiritual wars, never
assimilated, and maintained belief and tenets of the same Gods, traditions that
communicated and that could be crossed.

The one core tradition we have named Spiritual Satanism, and this is to be shared by all
people. Through the root being re-planted, all people can grow their own race, culture,
and spiritual religion, and nothing is lost, so long the races are alive.
In other words, the source is what important for growth. Focusing on branches is
something others may be more comfortable about, but without a spiritual root, there are
no branches. Fixating on a branch doesn't lead to the root either, neither to an
understanding of the source of the tree.

This is what disappoints Pagans and they come to us. Many people who have started as
Pagans are actually here because they prayed to the Gods and they led them to our
"Spiritual University" so to say.

Modern Pagans seem to disregard the fact that Paganism came through the "Satanic
Heavy Metal" scene, that was all about Satan. Satan was speaking through the echoes of
what was left behind of our mass culture. We regenerated it completely and now it's
called Spiritual Satanism. Other branches like Paganism came out on their own later.
Therefore I see Pagans (those who really follow up with their tenets anyway) are part of
our own tree, but a specific branch. The same goes for others.

Spiritual Satanism encompasses everything, and cultivates everything good for humanity
at large, and humanity as a 'human race', but also of all the respective races within
humanity. This has always been the case and the Ancients who have built these similar
monuments, the ley lines, and the cultures that build on the same framework (That we
call Spiritual Satanism) but were influenced by their respective genetic and racial
expression, understood this well.

There has never been spiritual war onto this world on spiritual matters. There has also
been a many thousand years long cycle which was recorded in all cultures, the time of
"Paradise" or the Golden Age, where all people advanced towards the universe in their
own race karma and understanding. This would be the rule of what we call as "Spiritual

Only friendships, assimilation and alliances (without any necessity for racial
hybridization), and further in-depth understanding of the spirit happened in the Golden
Age; because Gentiles shared the same root. So the Tree naturally became bigger with all
it's branches, and the garden was flourishing.

It was only with the arrival of the jews, and negative universal forces, that humanity sank,
"Religious Warfare" was invented, and that there ever became a deadening of the spirit of
humanity. 'Humanity' was a project in the making, and it was interrupted, remaining
unfortunately incomplete.

The Gods have left the spiritual knowledge behind to finish this objective and become
"As the Gods" which was Satan's original 'promise', which Jehovah, a representation of
the jews and the forces behind them, tried to halt and objected about. This can be fixed as
we advance as a species in the future.

Spiritual Satanism must, and will solve this problem in all levels of existence. Spiritual
Satanism is for all Gentiles, and we seek to purge negativity and ignorance to all the
corners of the earth, so the whole of humanity can experience a Golden Age again.
Not in the sense of rainbow, new age filth, but a return to harmony, and equillibrium,
which needless to say will require spiritual cutthroat violence to be achieved where this
world has gone. Polluted parts of a tree poison and tree and bring it to death. We must be
ready to cut these infected parts.

I hope and look forward for people to understand this objective and stop looking at
Spiritual Satanists from the lenses our enemies have dictated from centuries. Stop seeing
'us' as a separate entity, and know that any true Spiritual Satanist has the best interests at
heart from themselves, the world and humanity. This is the True Way towards the Eternal

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 2
You are not "THEM"
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

(sorry no date for this one)

What you need to realize, is what you probably knew since a very young age. You are not "them", these
other people. Especially those of you that know the Truth or you have this innate tendency to go to it,
akin to a butterfly that tries to seek the sun. You are not like the masses of the zombies that are walking
outside, and you will never be. You may try to play along, but in the end of the day, you will never be

"These" people just aren't butterflies many of them are acting like worms, eventhough they have
potential to become something better. They are convinced by the enemy that they are worms, and
whatever they are, they lurk and exist as worms.

This is because you are in your Soul something Ancient no matter from where you are coming, and
nowadays we recognize this and name it as a Satanic Spirit. It doesn't have to be individual or at the
mercy of filling an ego, because its far greater than that and that's also because it is shared. The same
exact spirit the world tries to crush wherever they see it, be it in little toddlers and children (They
actually do sacraments to remove "Satan" from children) to actual teenagers with some real hopes and
dreams, the dreamers and idealists. Its the spirit of Truth and Life.

The Satanic Spirit is though ageless, nameless, and eternal. It can be found everywhere, it can leave
anywhere, and exist anywhere, but at the same time it also needs a correct person to carry and cultivate
this spirit.

There is no higher or lower adage, or title, anymore than this: What is the adage is how much you let
this spirit shine forth, or how much you let it shine less. That's the basis of who you are and also this is
internal, and at your control.

Therefore, stop judging yourself and putting yourself on the same pot as so many people outside. You
don't need their three cigs of weed to relax, and you don't need their ten pounds of 70% alcohol boose
to have fun, or any other insanity that is passed down as normalcy while its just abnormality. You just
need to ease up your mind, relax, and ease the heavy weights lingering at the Soul.

You sure as much don't need their slavers to guide you around, either. You are intelligent, and if you
devote yourself to find it out, you will understand this. On the other hand, be attentive and listen to
everything around you and learn, as we are always learners. Just keep it at learning, and don't assimilate
who you are into their nothingness. There is no worth to do so. You will always be depressed and
disappointed if you do this.

The correct and pleasant path may seem now hard, as our generation of Satanists is just laying a
foundation for others that will follow. Therefore those who build the bricks on this golden road may
have it very hard sometimes. However, what we do now will help many others to come. And we will also
enjoy the road we are now building by our deeds.

In the end of the day it doesn't matter what the rest of the billions did in the planet. Which mostly
consists of drinking, going to the bathroom, eating and sleeping. It matters what you do. This innate
individuality and Satanic Spirit is what can create change in the world. And you are here to grasp and
seize this opportunity. You don't need to waste it. Again, its "THEM" that they throw away decent and
beautiful opportunities to return to ignorance, only to find its death and not bliss.

Outside beyond smiles and anything else society is largely a society of Truth deprived, Soul deprived,
robotic machines. Who just display feeling and emotion here and there. And the rest of who they are is
what others made them, akin to a living computer program. Individuality begins when you start to exert
your own Will. Such is one of the reason Satanists are needed to dedicate to Satan. Whose name to us
means Truth Eternal, as it did to humans thousands of years prior. You need to dedicate to affirm your
living, conscious Will, and your conscious choice to go against the forces in this time and age that try to
crush it. It really is nothing new than what people thousands of years did before. Its the same thing, with
slightly altered names, times, and ways of affirming it.

Lastly, the enemy is the same enemy, but names and circumstances change. These are similar obstacles
that tried to keep beings from ascending to the ladder of the light and becoming a clean Soul, like Osiris,
or the Sun-Soul incarnate. Nothing has really ever changed in that essence. What has also not changed is
that you are not like "THEM". While "THEY" will sit down and take it, accept non-existence, you won't.
Resisting one's self is useless. If you found yourself down that block even by coincidence and you decide
to heed the call, you will shortly lose all faith in coincidences.

When you live your life, just know and be happy. You are not "Them". This isn't to raise you or denigrate
you, its just to show you that you are different. And to make you respect this, and follow through with
the being that you are. No guilt, no vain promises, just following the path that "THEY" will never be able
to even closely tread. You can change everything by changing your spirit and bringing it higher. Because
YOU are not THEM. And as the Ancient allegory goes. The world is not saved when its saved. Its saved
when YOU are saved.

Through trying to save the world, we are just trying to also save ourselves. Your own war to conquer
yourself will also be a sign to those who want to befall humanity in that no matter what, they have lost
and they are losing. Because you are NOT "THEM".
*(some pdf's I grab these articles from do not have a date)

Article 3

Dealing with Astral Entities: Past Life Memory and Race Soul
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our Family and Satanic People.

Well this deals with what the title says. I am writing this to clean up some particular things that may
have people confused.

Many people when they learn about past lives, they become highly interested in such. Depending on the
maturity of the person, they may look on what has come 'before' and see things ranging from Truth, to
absolute delusion, to some truths mixed with lies, and so forth.

This is why I always advise people to actually work a lot spiritually before they do this process. This is
because hangups, fears, insecurities, and wanting to fill one's self to compensate for lack of power and
success in this life can subvert a person. The subconscious of the untrained person can be tricky, and
filled with programmings that lead to this.

This is the reason many people who are new spiritually and are unfounded in observations, can suddenly
say things like, if they are Mexican, that they were the Great Montezuma, or other people can say they
were Lao Tzu, or "Me Wuz Napoleon" immediately. Now these things, sometimes have some reality in
them, but I will explain what is going on to rectify the situation. But this cannot be explained before I
explain some other things.

All races have a racial soul tree, so to say. This is like a massive pool of memories, understanding and
spiritual roots, to simplify this. All members of a race are connected through this tree, as such, we have
races and soul families. People who dabble and are spiritually inexperienced, can sometimes see
delusion, PLUS things from this tree if they are open, and sometimes get into memories of such tree.
Others are caught in complete astral delusion and just see their own delusions. The power and SATAN
has to rise in the soul (sense of understanding and wisdom) to see correctly. One should better of
remove hangups, so that they are not trapped in false observation.

If someone is something very great, it will show up in the natal chart, in the life, in the wisdom, and
everything else. It will be apparent in everything from a younger age. This is because this is carried from
the past life, given as passed down from the Race Tree, or both these things. Normally, these go
together. The more developed persons are in a fitting place in the race tree so to say.

Now, great men, women and souls in our racial tree, they are very influential in our racial unconscious.
We are connected in a genetic level and soul tree with these people. So when we meditate, we find our
'roots' and start feeling this tree. This is why we get to feel and seek our ancestors when we become
more conscious, so to say.
Some people are "RIGHT" that they are related to these great people, because they are. Now, the
distance in the tree ranges, and of course, that doesn't imply that one *IS* that person.

In a sense, part of them, racially wise, is in them, and theirs in them, but only in the racial unconscious.
As individual entities, people have their own future, so to say. If we meditate and advance, we also help
and correct our Racial Tree, and uplift all of it's members. We are making space also for ourselves. This is
on an astral level. Sometimes, people when they do past life regression, may see such powerful events
that happened in the tree of their race, rather than their individual memories from a previous lifetime or
such. This needs training.

From the above thing we have many unimportant people or young souls always saying they are 'Kangz',
Pharaohs, or that they were Tesla in a past life. They belong to the race tree of this people, they WISH
they were these people, and even that wish is actually a wish to point them to evolve THEMSELVES, and
become better. They are observing, in short, a bright example.

Believing you're Tesla or an Apache helicopter, will not make you either. Therefore it's better to stop
living in this subjective reality, because it keeps you back from your true potential. Additionally, the
presence of a Tesla or an apache helicopter (lol) in your Race line, shows that you have the potential to
get there. Let's not mix potential, with who we are in the present, and everything else.

All this fog is cleared by SATYAN - SATANAMA. The striving for Truth. When the soul leaves behind dross,
hangups and crap, it starts to see the light and accept reality joyously. You don't have to be a movie star
to advance, or someone 'famous'. Anyone can do this, and anyone can raise on higher levels. That's the
awesome thing about this. Spirituality is open for those who are after it, so to say.

Generally, it's not that great to mix the race trees (let's call these soul families), because this causes
internal spiritual confusion. This causes unexpected outcomes. This is not negative, but if done
incessantly, can have bad effects many generations down the line. As such the stupid saying that the
'sons and daughters' pay the 'sins of their parents'. This is perverted allegory of the jews, to hide this
very fact.

How one is today is tied into the effort of those that came before them and how they managed to
handle their time, if they decided to materially or spiritually advance, and such. No matter where one is,
one can evolve, advance, and continue existing until they reach the higher levels. The point of such is to

You will feel this as a drawing towards a particular civilization/past so to say. It will attract you, and also
it will be obvious in who you are, your temperament and so forth.

As explained before in the series, races have karma. To mix such karma can have strange, and
unexpected effects. If we have a spiritual family, they produce spiritual children, and so forth. To disrupt
this, can have any effects, with generations ranging from the bottom to whatever so to say. The whole
process of rectifying and raising one's soul to a higher level can become a mess. People reincarnate into
their race lines, to continue the process of spiritual advancing.

Lastly, see how bright individuals help their own people and the world in general, in more than one way.
This is actually why we say that the true potential of a race is not in the retards of such, but in the
people who made this EFFORT to get "UP THERE". Notably, the people in the high levels may have
absolutely no relation with the fallen leaves and the rotten branches of a tree, so to say.

The whole point of these spiritual teachings are to keep the trees of our races clean, pure, strong,
empowered, and to grow and become fruitful and plentiful. This was known to all Ancient civilizations,
and actively practiced. This is how the individuals of the Golden Ages came to be. Because the trees
were being cleaned, the rotten branches cut off, and the trees taken care of, so to say. One makes sure
to always lift one's self and the their race soul by advancing.

When one does regression, they have to be skilled, and better be clean spiritually- having
deprogrammed one's self from a need to see lies, and conditioned one's self, without guilt, to see facts.
This helps one raise in power.

I hope this clears up this issue in regards to Past Life regression and the Race Spiritual Tree.
I DO NOT WANT TO CONFUSE ANYONE. we are currently doing the FULL RTR, I am reposting this because I find the words motivating and filled with TRUTH.

* regarding all the dead links, they are our old rituals. if you want to take a look, plug in the URL to this website, wayback.archive.org. However remember we are currently only doing the FULL RTR, until further notice, these past Rituals have already done their work.

Article 4

IMPORTANT Update: Spiritual Warfare, "When does the War End?"
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.

Greetings to all our Comrades and Satanic Forces.

We are doing the enemy much damage and we should not stop at any and all
costs. Protect yourselves, do your daily meditations and never forget, that the
enemy is the central source of all this decay many are suffering. We are on a
Holy Spiritual War against the enemy and no steps will be taken back, no
matter what. Satan wants this done. Satan wants them gone and destroyed,
so we Gentiles can thrive and spiritually advance once again.

All of you above the intermediate level, you must do the MerKaBa daily. For
the warfare to be even stronger and more brutal, the MerKaBa helps, aside
with any other meditations you are doing. There are many ways one can fight
the enemy. You can give your sexual energy to Satan or Lilith, you can do the
most important Torah Reversal Rituals, or you can have a weekly program of
destroying the enemy spiritually. Always check the planetary hours. For
instance, to send energy to Satan or Lilith, the hours of the Sun or Jupiter are
good and ideal. When you are to do reverse Torah attacks, Saturn and Mars
or ideal, same with the Destruction Working against the jewish race.

My best advice is to do everything you possibly can. When you are giving in to
fight for Satan, Satan will also fight for you in many areas. I cannot count the
times where Satan has helped me and literally saved me from issues that
squashed many others like mosquitos or worse, literal disasters. The more
you do for Satan and the Gods, the more they will do for you in return. We are
here down on this Earth and we are waging spiritual war from within. In other
words, we can mortally harm and destroy the enemy. They will not be able to
surmount our Satanic Power and they are all well aware of this. The enemy
meditators, priests and filths of the enemy, they are onto their shit daily. For
closely 2000 years or more of human time.

They are onto this everyday. Given they are slime, they are weak, yet,
persistence is power in that case and look at what they have done. Though
since the Gods were freed and empowered from the enemy bindings and
since we have been fighting, we are runing them in less than 10-12 years of
time. This is literally destruction when it comes for them. Imagine if you build
something for 2000+ years and some "rebels" come and destroy it in 1/200th
of the time.

Trust in Satan and the Gods. They will take care of you. Those of us who are
giving the enemy a serious beating, we are on the first list when it is to receive
help, guidance and support from the Gods. You elevate yourself to this status
by fighting. Its your own choice. Warriors reap many rewards that others do
not. Contemplate for ONE, just ONE moment, how much suffering there is in
yourself, in the world, in your past. All this needless suffering was brought by
the enemy. All these ideas, thoughts, confusions, bad conditions are being
reinforced by the enemy.

All these horrors happening everyday, they are all rooted in the jewish
spiritual matrix of things and order. This must be blotted out at all costs. The
enemy is insane, evil, cutthroat and they will not give up. Whomever knows
the enemy, they know that they will attack even more ruthlessly as we go. We
are giving them serious beatings over and over again. The masses of the
people are waking up. The enemy is acutely aware than when they are found
out for all they have done and committed, for ALL their lies, they will be
destroyed totally. They are deathly afraid of such thing. They will attempt to do
anything, absolutely anything, to evade the consequences of their torturing
and enslavement to everyone else. But they cannot. They are bound to fail by
Satan's Might and Providence.

What the enemy does? They wake up, grab a bite they got from things stolen
from you and your families, through taxes, through economic parasitism or
anything else, and then start destroying all of you, that they call "Goyim"
[Animals in hebrew]. They endlessly curse your whole existence, consciously,
unconsciously, subconsciously. They bind your soul. They create false
thoughtforms, needs, desires and wants for everyone to suffer. They show off
at your face to make you feel horrible. They launch ALL sorts of insanity to
destroy you mentally. They rob your health, emotionally, spiritually and
physically. You are their host, their farm, or so they believe. They bind and
parasitize your pockets and your money.

They attack you ruthlessly in all ways, attack your states, attack your souls
and minds. For absolutely no reason other than they want to enslave you.
They go with dedication and pray their shitty "Torah" which infects this reality,
everyday more and more. They say bogus shit at churches, they lie in
televisions, they brainwash your progeny, they steal your children and they
butcher them for Jewish Blood Rituals every year, they push insane ideas and
other deathly mindsets for the populace. This is all they do. They destroy and
force suffering to everyone.

This means something simple. Unless they are done with and we weed them
out spiritually, they will weed out every and all people on the planet. That's
right. This is the very least that can be said. Countless historical paradigms of
their enslavement, cannibalism, atrocity and hatred testify to this. Only that it
will be the most brutal thing humanity has ever known if they succeed and
Gentiles do not stand against them. This is outright and straight up war of
"either-or". There is no "Tommorow" when we are where we are. Do not take
loans from the future. Seize what you have in front of you today. This war
ends not in anyday, but when its OVER and we have WON.

It could be 6 months, 2, 10, 20 or 50, or 150 years or never.

This mode of thinking must be blotted out. There is no "set" future. The future is like jelly
waiting to be shaped. The stronger forces that are given out and define this,
the more it is shaped. If the enemy is left to do their atrocities, they will own
this still. If we obliterate them and run them over, which we ARE and we
WILL, IT BELONGS TO US. We are STRONGER than the enemy, and our
STRENGTH has to meet continuous WORK and DEDICATION. Then this
parody is OVER for them. This belief that somehow everything will grow out of
itself, is xian bollocks. Jewish bollocks for the GOYIM. Meanwhile, the jews

You can't ask for such unicorn solutions when this infection has went on as it had.
On one hand, its in YOUR hands. Right here, where you stand. And why?
Because you KNOW how to put an END to this pestillence.
The responsibility lies in OUR hands. Have faith in yourself and us,
as Satan does, because this shows evidently we can
spiritually destroy the enemy. WE determine the times, the details and
everything else. You can't be sitting outside your burning house and waiting
for "the times to catch up" and the fire to subside. It will fucking burn your
house and you together too. You take the water and you extinguish the fire
and ACT. What is "being philosophical" or falsely pretending "SOMETHING

Everyone of you, you have the forces in your hands. Do not be afraid of this
responsibility, rejoice in it. Rejoice in that we have a choice and that we know,
but in that we will WIN through our efforts. We must act swiftly, orderly and
focused, right on the heart of the enemy problem. Nothing is given out freely
or without force, especially when the opposing force is so deadly as it is.
And what are you going to do? Will you reply or stay there and die, like a
miserable cockroach that is cannot raise a head, over an enemy that YOU
CAN DEFEAT? You obviously will reply. Violently, Spiritually, Intellectually
and above all, in a way that works. My honest opinion is to do all these, as
much as you can and keep the Number 3 of the destruction working up and at
all times, except of the time where a New Reversing Torah Ritual is up. This
means you can do everything, even daily, giving out your max, but for the day
a NEW Reversing Torah Ritual will come up, you stop doing anything else
spiritually and for that day, you focus ENTIRELY to this.

The methods to fight them are therefore, for the time being as listed:

1. Educating the masses in internet warfare and Yourselves in personal
study . When you are educated and aware, you can hardly be deceived.
When you can't be deceived, you can't be damaged easily. This is the same
thing as having your senses removed. When you understand, you can make
others understand. The internet is the perfect place for that. Leaving
somewhere anti-tracts and helping people find the Truth and Father Satan,
but also learn about the accursed and eternally BOUND jewish race. Many
posts and organized actions will make the enemy have serious problems. The
enemy pays millions of dollars simply for internet trolls, to keep their ideas,
thoughts and their enslavement programs alive. We can undo them in this
department too.

topic2592.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic2592.html

2. Sending energy to Satan and Lilith. Satan and Lilith will guide this
energy as they see fit, so that we will get rid of the enemy.

topic3345.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic3345.html

*Our current warfare program as of 10/30/2020 demands us to focus on the FULL RTR, the FULL RTR is more powerful*

3. Doing the Destruction of the Jewish Race spiritual Working

CHANT VAV, VAV, VAV [Pronounced Vahhv]

-Vibrate Thurisaz x9. [Pronounced THHHHH-UUUUU-RRRR-EEEEE-SSSSAAAA-ZZZZ]
Then affirm Once with intent-
"Israel and all the jewish race of peoples are permanently and completely
destroyed in every and all levels of existence."
CHANT VAV, VAV, VAV [Pronounced Vahhv]
CHANT VAV, VAV, VAV [Pronounced Vahhv]
Then affirm 9 Times with Emotion and with serious and BOLD intent-
"Israel and all the jewish race of peoples are permanently and completely
destroyed in every and all levels of existence."
CHANT VAV, VAV, VAV [Pronounced Vahhv]
[You can multiply 9 vibrations and do this, like x18 Thurisaz or x18 Hagalaz.]
[An Alternate affirmation would be as following: "Israel and the jewish race as
a whole are now being permanently and completely destroyed, in every and
all levels of existence."]
4. Reverse Torah Rituals [older and ones upcoming] [Thanks to those
who put the links]

*The Rituals:
topic9562.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic9562.html
topic6532.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic6532.html
topic4796.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic4796.html
post32985.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post32985.html
post31500.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post31500.html
post23626.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post23626.html
post22948.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post22948.html
post18463.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post18463.html
post15794.html > http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post15794.html
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 5
Dealing with Astral Entities: Past Life Memory and Race Soul
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our Family and Satanic People.

Well this deals with what the title says. I am writing this to clean up some particular things that may
have people confused.

Many people when they learn about past lives, they become highly interested in such. Depending on the
maturity of the person, they may look on what has come 'before' and see things ranging from Truth, to
absolute delusion, to some truths mixed with lies, and so forth.

This is why I always advise people to actually work a lot spiritually before they do this process. This is
because hangups, fears, insecurities, and wanting to fill one's self to compensate for lack of power and
success in this life can subvert a person. The subconscious of the untrained person can be tricky, and
filled with programmings that lead to this.

This is the reason many people who are new spiritually and are unfounded in observations, can suddenly
say things like, if they are Mexican, that they were the Great Montezuma, or other people can say they
were Lao Tzu, or "Me Wuz Napoleon" immediately. Now these things, sometimes have some reality in
them, but I will explain what is going on to rectify the situation. But this cannot be explained before I
explain some other things.

All races have a racial soul tree, so to say. This is like a massive pool of memories, understanding and
spiritual roots, to simplify this. All members of a race are connected through this tree, as such, we have
races and soul families. People who dabble and are spiritually inexperienced, can sometimes see
delusion, PLUS things from this tree if they are open, and sometimes get into memories of such tree.
Others are caught in complete astral delusion and just see their own delusions. The power and SATAN
has to rise in the soul (sense of understanding and wisdom) to see correctly. One should better of
remove hangups, so that they are not trapped in false observation.

If someone is something very great, it will show up in the natal chart, in the life, in the wisdom, and
everything else. It will be apparent in everything from a younger age. This is because this is carried from
the past life, given as passed down from the Race Tree, or both these things. Normally, these go
together. The more developed persons are in a fitting place in the race tree so to say.

Now, great men, women and souls in our racial tree, they are very influential in our racial unconscious.
We are connected in a genetic level and soul tree with these people. So when we meditate, we find our
'roots' and start feeling this tree. This is why we get to feel and seek our ancestors when we become
more conscious, so to say.

Some people are "RIGHT" that they are related to these great people, because they are. Now, the
distance in the tree ranges, and of course, that doesn't imply that one *IS* that person.

In a sense, part of them, racially wise, is in them, and theirs in them, but only in the racial unconscious.
As individual entities, people have their own future, so to say. If we meditate and advance, we also help
and correct our Racial Tree, and uplift all of it's members. We are making space also for ourselves. This is
on an astral level. Sometimes, people when they do past life regression, may see such powerful events
that happened in the tree of their race, rather than their individual memories from a previous lifetime or
such. This needs training.

From the above thing we have many unimportant people or young souls always saying they are 'Kangz',
Pharaohs, or that they were Tesla in a past life. They belong to the race tree of this people, they WISH
they were these people, and even that wish is actually a wish to point them to evolve THEMSELVES, and
become better. They are observing, in short, a bright example.

Believing you're Tesla or an Apache helicopter, will not make you either. Therefore it's better to stop
living in this subjective reality, because it keeps you back from your true potential. Additionally, the
presence of a Tesla or an apache helicopter (lol) in your Race line, shows that you have the potential to
get there. Let's not mix potential, with who we are in the present, and everything else.

All this fog is cleared by SATYAN - SATANAMA. The striving for Truth. When the soul leaves behind dross,
hangups and crap, it starts to see the light and accept reality joyously. You don't have to be a movie star
to advance, or someone 'famous'. Anyone can do this, and anyone can raise on higher levels. That's the
awesome thing about this. Spirituality is open for those who are after it, so to say.

Generally, it's not that great to mix the race trees (let's call these soul families), because this causes
internal spiritual confusion. This causes unexpected outcomes. This is not negative, but if done
incessantly, can have bad effects many generations down the line. As such the stupid saying that the
'sons and daughters' pay the 'sins of their parents'. This is perverted allegory of the jews, to hide this
very fact.

How one is today is tied into the effort of those that came before them and how they managed to
handle their time, if they decided to materially or spiritually advance, and such. No matter where one is,
one can evolve, advance, and continue existing until they reach the higher levels. The point of such is to

You will feel this as a drawing towards a particular civilization/past so to say. It will attract you, and also
it will be obvious in who you are, your temperament and so forth.

As explained before in the series, races have karma. To mix such karma can have strange, and
unexpected effects. If we have a spiritual family, they produce spiritual children, and so forth. To disrupt
this, can have any effects, with generations ranging from the bottom to whatever so to say. The whole
process of rectifying and raising one's soul to a higher level can become a mess. People reincarnate into
their race lines, to continue the process of spiritual advancing.

Lastly, see how bright individuals help their own people and the world in general, in more than one way.
This is actually why we say that the true potential of a race is not in the retards of such, but in the
people who made this EFFORT to get "UP THERE". Notably, the people in the high levels may have
absolutely no relation with the fallen leaves and the rotten branches of a tree, so to say.

The whole point of these spiritual teachings are to keep the trees of our races clean, pure, strong,
empowered, and to grow and become fruitful and plentiful. This was known to all Ancient civilizations,
and actively practiced. This is how the individuals of the Golden Ages came to be. Because the trees
were being cleaned, the rotten branches cut off, and the trees taken care of, so to say. One makes sure
to always lift one's self and the their race soul by advancing.

When one does regression, they have to be skilled, and better be clean spiritually- having
deprogrammed one's self from a need to see lies, and conditioned one's self, without guilt, to see facts.
This helps one raise in power.

I hope this clears up this issue in regards to Past Life regression and the Race Spiritual Tree.
article 7

Satanic Civilizers of Light
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our Satanic Comrades and Family!

This is a very important thing that I think many of you..."tend" to regret. I will start from the beginning. First
of all though, I have to state something. There are many, in the thousands, very serious and important people
who are in the Joy of Satan. For reasons that anyone can understand, these people are more distant and they
take serious care of their privacy.

Aside from anything else, these people and anyone who walks or has walked this path, they do know one
Truth: Satanism is for Winners. For Warriors from all walks of life. Satanism is NOT for losers, or quitters, or
slobs, or anyone like that. The religions of losers, uncivilized beings and people with no dignity or respect in
general, lie elsewhere.

One just needs to see the whole of Gentile History, to see the bright civilizers, geniuses and other people who
have really shaped history. Ranging from Adolf Hitler, who was a known Satanist, to Abraham Lincoln, to
Mark Twain, Isaac Newton and all other..."Satanic" and "Evil" personalities, these people have had one thing
in common. They were followers of Lucifer, Satan, whose name is Truth. They projected His messages as
much as their own self and external circumstances would allow. They were in some respects, identical to all
of us, as Children of Truth and Satan. People like George Washington, Satanic Mason.

The jew, eternally behind their back, lying about them, trying to destroy their work, subverting it, trying to
remove all bricks that these people placed to make this World from a Jungle, to a place where to live is worth
it. Still the eternal jew with his...hammer and sickle, attempting to destroy all this legacy. Onto the same work
over all the Centuries, while all these people of Satan, onto the same work over the Centuries. A battle that
goes on...And Will go on, until the inevitable defeat of the jewish curse that has fallen upon Humanity.

One just needs to look to the Pharaohs, the Priests in Babylon, the Great Kings, the Ancient Heroes- all these
people were deep into the Mysteries which were today called Satanic, even Alexander the Great, or the
Sumerian Kings and people. All these people more or less, were the hand of the real God, who was nobody
else but Satan. They constructed, built, created.

The jew only came later, thirsty, hungry, sweating and jealous and tried to slay their way into their position.
The jews might have stolen the Robes of the Emperor, their Words and Deeds but they will never become
Emperors. They are nothing but what they always and eternally were, the lowest of excrement, proven by
nothing else but their murderous and subversive behavior against every other Race of Mankind. A Race to
destroy all Races, all Cultures and all the God-Men have created into being. The eternal race of the jew to
destroy all that has ever been created, only to rule the ruins that remain.
All people who have been really mysterious and really worth it, behind of themselves leaving a legacy, those
who really affected the History and its course, aiming for what was best, have been serious instances of
bringing highly contagious forms of Satanism with them. Inside their Soul lived the sworn enemy of all the
jewish people, all they are set here to destroy, was living inside these people. Vibrant and Proud. They were
naturally, anti-jewish. In heart, mind, word and deed. They opposed all that jews have done and are standing
for. Knowing more or less, they moved onto the same path.

Everything that has ever made life worth it, everything that makes life easier and beautiful, everything that
brings us higher in our existence, is by definition Satanic and has always been. Freedom, the end of slavery,
high art, culture, ethics, high civilization and spirituality, all these are "Satanic" trends and tenets. Even other
things which so many take as "granted' but took hundreds of thousands of years to develop, such as cooking
and all these beautiful arts and crafts which fill our life, shoemaking, clothing and whatever else you have
got. The highest sciences and the most ordinary everyday things. All these elevate Humanity, from the level
of an animal, to the level of the Gods. Who needs a jew in the clouds, but the jews, when you have all that?
Everything that is degenerating and bringing Humanity down, such as the programs of xianity, islam and
judaism, have been cripples and curses upon Humanity that made people fall into misery, affliction and in any
unnatural trend one can make up with their mind.

Geniuses like the famous "Satanic" Gallileo who rediscovered the Earth was not flat and Newton who
reinvented the calculus, or if one goes in the Ancient World, like Imhotep the Father of The Pyramid Building,
or other scientists like Aristotle, Plato, Anaxagoras, Iamvlichus, to the heroes of Renaissance like Voltaire, or
Rousseu (his ideas have been severely misinterpeted by Marxists), have all been treading the line with
"Lucifer" or "Satan" in some way. Pythia, Hypatea, Cleopatra and other notable women, notable mothers and
fair maidens, innovators and leaders. You can find such bright people in all Gentile cultures and the purpose
of such is not to name them all, but to get you to see the concept. Da Vinci and his occult art, Tartini, or
Wanger, Shakespeare, or the infamous Occulist Francis Bacon who used xianity only as a frontier of the
times, or all these "evil" and "Pagan" Most of these people, rightfully so, have been called the greatest
"Demons" or "Devils" of history and these are not understatements. These people have the "Demons" inside
them. And I let the enemy fill in the rest, all the sciences and all these things are of Satan and they come by
Satan. Or Lucifer. The Bringer of Light and Knowledge.

No matter under which enemy label you will find all the above people up, all were into the Occult, in the "Bad
side" and against Christianity, mostly even seeking to destroy it. All of them were against the christian or
muslim kinds of herds of their times, seeing into the Heavens and not into this slime that slowly came to
cover the minds and consciousness of Humanity. This testifies as to what "Spirit" was guiding them and
certainly, not the one of the jewish slaves.

As its well known, Demon comes from the Greek Daimon which is Knowledge, or He who Knows Well. Now,
knowledge in that sake comes from "Sophia", or Wisdom and this kind of knowing isn't attained by sole
studying, but rather, one's devling into the highest science, which is Meditation and Satanic Spirituality.
These people were the real freedom fighters, the real Warriors, the ones who went behind enemy lines and
advanced the planet in the ways they could. Everyone in their respective ability and office, orderly and with
understanding and respect of Natural laws. These people and countless of others who cannot even be
named, they are evidenly WINNERS. Even in ages when the enemy had total grip, these people lived on, did
as they would like and forced matters so that people of today can be free. Because f*ck the jews that's why.
Nobody cares about their "god" in reality.

The enemy is nothing but a lie and they will of course, always say lies. These are no different than how
"Satanism" is about "Evil" or "Darkness", or about doing non-worthwhile things, doing sensless or unlawful
activities, living purposelessly, or living for some sort of afterlife or whatever else of this jewish dialectic.
These are all jewish lies, made by jews as false oppositions, played by jews, lead by jews, to serve the jews,
from the jews, for the benefit of the jews and their religious hoaxes or bussinesses. And oh, to destroy the
Goyim (Gentile Animals in Hebrew) slaves who might possibly tread the "red" line with such things. Satanism
is about Truth, not lies and deceptions. You aren't expected to be anyone else, but yourself and to always
advance. All these lies were made on by jews to attract angry overreactive teenagers and profit from their
misery, or make Satan be a good excuse for all the evil His enemies are causing. You can have any style you
feel comfortable with, but let's just accept this is just a social norm and not some existential Truth. You are
free to do anything, but within you, you must never forget the real Satanic Legacy, over what is merely a
transient fashion of nowadays. This is about the Satanic Spirit. The Satanic Soul.

The old fairytale that Satanism ever had to do with evil...This has been dismantled though and when one
looks into the inner core of the Ancient and Satanic Religions, it all shines outright. Satanism is not only about
Darkness, but about Light. Satan's title as Lucifer is not just a coincidence, its a reality. The fact that Satan is
the Bringer of Truth and Light is a fact given out by His Name. Those deep in the path know of these
statements to be True. Also, as Beelzebub stated, Darkness is Light turned inside out. In order to know the
Light, one must also know the Darkness. The Golden Node between such is where Satanism really resides.
Darkness is not assosciated with Evil, but the unseen side of things, where Light is supposed to get and enlighten, to make these known.

There are reasons why these blood gore and such people fail into Satanism or never get anything concrete
such as personal enlightenment out of this. This is because they never ask Satan to actually come to them, or
they do not come really to Him. They stumble upon jewish lies and they are trying to look at the Eternal Sun
through broken jewish rose tinted glasses. This is not a path of subverting the ego by puffing it up, lying
about it, or advocating into a certain style to be accepted and "badass". Do not listen to jews, or what they
wrote, or what they lied about.

None of such are rules and regulations in Satanism, because there are none. One though must not mistake
fashion or the transient and mix it dogmatically with what is Eternal. But to discern this one must first
understand and this happens by moving from the finite, to the common-in-all-times and the infinite. At least,
in Spiritual Satanism, there are no such taboo's or stuck mindsets, dress codes, behavioral patterns,
whatever. We just do what Nature Dictates. When most hear about Nature they think of animalistic Nature,
but Man is not made to operate on such a level solely. Man is made for the Heavens and to become as the
Yet one has to understand what the Satanic Spirit really is. It doesn't come depending on any cloth, any
tattoo, any proclamation, or just from any rite. Its a lifestyle, more of an internal character. It comes from
deep and serious contemplation and real will to embrace the Inner Truth and let it shine through the
Individual self into the Whole. We are Spiritual Satanists because as the name says, we are Spiritually (by
Meditation), following Satan, whose name means literally, Eternal Truth. Its where you come naked, as you
are, within and without, expected to advance towards the Heavens.

This is like using Satanism as the means to a way, any way. But Satanism is NOT the MEANS to a way, it

Seperate the finite from the Infinite and what remains for ever, then this is Satanism.
This is close to what a Satanist can look like:

I mean no matter what, we are badass. We are rolling together in the Eternal Path of the Truth. And its really

Just look at this guy below and how useless he is. If anything he is the emptiest thing I have ever seen. Like,
how empty can this thing be? What legacy are these people leaving back? Of slaves and worthless sheep?
What is the good they do to Humanity? Numbing it to death and promoting endless Stupidity? What do they
represent? The death of Spirituality, Intelligence and Higher Human Spirit of course. Not only they do this in
word, but they have done it in deed and they are sitting over millions of dead bodies and tons of blood.

How socially, culturally and spiritually useful. Oh my.

Now aside from all of this which I know may sound too overly repeated, just go and be a Winner. Not Winner
nessescarily against others, but winner over every moment of your present self. The day you aren't better, is
a lost day. You have to look into yesterday and know that today, you are far ahead. Start setting goals put
around your decided talents, likes and what you want to do. Make these realistic and attainable. In the
meantime, work upon your Soul and empower yourself. You are in the way to become a Great Person. Not
really in terms of comparing to anyone else, but yourself. And no, Satanism isn't about sitting in the pub and
drinking all day, doing weed and destroying yourself. More suitable for such would be the "god" of slaves and
the worthless sheep, who wants them to hallucinate all day just to never see how stupid he is. Only if you are
high or burnout on drugs you can accept a jew as your universal lord and "savior". Its an unwise choice.

This is how the enemy wants people to see Satanism, because they are afraid of Satanists. Satanism is about
enlightenment, becoming a great civilizer, healing one's self and then the World, giving back and becoming a
beacon of Truth and Light for others to look at. Also, do not forget one thing. We are the strong ones.
Centuries upon centuries, all that Humanity has ever built, has been built upon Satan's Knowledge and with
Satanic Powers, which are inherent both inside us but also come from the Gods and their knowledge. All the
attempts of the enemy were to drag these into destruction and still they fail at this war. Do you think this is a
coincidence? Is it a coincidence that this world has been built around hiding and keeping away from the Truth
that you, yourself do now possess?

You just have to realize how much power and support is available, from within and from without you, when
you are into this path. Just be serious, but be serious about being joyous too. And keep walking the Path.
Evolve, advance and keep becoming better. Strive for excellency, strive to become the best you can ever be.
Maybe as you go you will find yourself amongst the stars one day soon...

Well you can never be higher than Shiva, who as we know is alias of Satan, poor jew.

I mean, isn't it about time the Satanic people set the baseline again? You see the enemy jews have been
blinding you that they are somehow at the top, but if you go no further than 50 years ago you will see them
as the useless, uncivilized scum they already were. They might wear the robes of the emperor for a day, but
this never made them emperors. They were always the same losers and the same failures. Literally nothing
more is bred inside them, and its only by self deception and magickal deception by these beings that people
are moving back.

Satanists...Reclaim your thrones in the heights of the mountains. This world needs civilizers and only a few
centuries on and off, of jewish slaver "rule" in all aspects of life are guiding the world to destruction, whole
races into extinciton, the Earth into suffering and the Humanity as one entity in the lowest level it has ever
existed. Realize who you are, who Satan is, force out all xian and defiled mindsets. Realize you have
dedicated to the Most High and the Most Powerful God there is, that you have the brightest beings on your
side and that you yourselves are powerful beings and move on forward. Sensibly, with attainable steps,
towards the un-attainable, this is where Satanist must go.

The Satanic Civilizers of Light must Win the Struggle against the agents and forces of jewish doom and
Article 8, I'll make this my last repost. Till next week! Have a great Holiday Weekend!

Half Jews, Quarter Jews etc.
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Now I write this shortly to explain some purposeful (or due to mistakes) misconceptions that happen
amongst people in regards to the jews.

The art of infiltration consists of APPEARING as your enemy, and being behind their ranks and ruining
them from within. This is exactly what the enemy has done and what they did.

In their Torah, they have full guides in regards to this very thing. This is the proficiency of the jew. You
can't take over billions or millions of Goyim, when you are sick frailing lifeform that comes based on
warfare, moreso the Ancient races of old. But you can pretend and get in and ruin them from within
with occult means, now that's more possible.

Now many people try to misinterpret the jewish writings in order to make reasons as to why half jews
are less jewish and the list goes on. This is entirely untrue. Some even state the Nuremberg laws. Many
people do not understand...

Some of these 'jews' were just jews in religion, and additionally, these people were strictly monitored,
controlled, and forbidden from marrying with others. They were put in cages, so to say. The crackdown
did happen on 99% of jews. The 1% remaining would be weeded of exactly after that time. As
procreation was disallowed.

Unfortunately, when jews get too far in civilization (This is advice from the Torah) they gain positions
between a state that the state cannot survive without. Surgical incision is needed, brute force will not
always work.

The jews know internal mechanics of the soul. They know that the inner soul is inherited by the line of
the mother, and outward dealing of life and other factors are generated much by the father. They don't
seem to know all the details, but they know what they need to know for their job. However, make no
mistake: the soul and the genetics alike are one and there is no 'separation' in such things.

The "Cohen" gene, as I have heard some crap, CANNOT be removed either. It's in every cell, on every
strand, every molecule of their hair, and so forth. They are jews. You cannot change what you are. You
can change your appeareance, alter the DNA code, chop your face into pieces until you can't recognize
yourself, become a cyborg even- but this fundamental thing that is 'you' and makes you recognize
yourself, this 'damned sense of self' is actually jewish for the jew.

You cannot get this out with meditation or anything like that. The only thing that meditation made to
the jew is basically make them all the more dangerous and the first thing they did with spiritual
knowledge is weaponize it against the Goyim. Because this is who they are. Their mission is coded in
their very soul. There are no stupid or good samaritan reasons to ever accept the jews either. No reason
whatsoever. Let's stop acting like good goyim retards here.

I am well aware many people will skip these lessons and go and assosciate anyway. Like the person in
the groups two weeks before that said they had this jew they were doing weed with, so they didn't do
the RTR's because they were afraid it would hurt their smoking habit could be met with problems. I
mean seriously guys, who should do RTR's to save the planet from extinction while you can smoke a
plant and form a culture around it? I mean that's obviously superior than saving the planet from morbid
futuristic plans of a jewish oligarchy and shit like that.

"I just want my 10 minutes of kush induced mechanical relaxation and frying braincells and my front
cortex which gave me the curse to be able to judge and have self control, not to defeat any jews."
Now please let's just be serious...

Then they wrote later in the message how the jew brought them some strange 'kush' if I recall right,
which knocked them senseless and they felt like they were going insane. The jews love you Goyim. This
person knew firsthand. Who knows maybe the jew next time will bring some cyanide or rape them while
they are stoned. It may take a while until they get it. But this is the friendship of marijuana in the 21st
century. If you don't fight them, they STILL WILL fight you and want to exterminate you. It's really that
simple...You will not have peace because you're stupid or in conscious denial...

After all (((self-thinking))) comes with a price in these cases. Most people self-think only when it is, you
know, to do retarded shit such as smoke drugs. They want to exercise 'individuality' when it comes to all
the suicidal crap in the world, to prove they are an 'individual'.

Everyone knows better than this "Hooded Nut Cobra" and of course all these other people in the world
who tell them things like drugs are going to kill you or ruin you. Therefore to my little individual thinking
scientists who are always in for 'checking everything'.

I have a challenge for these people [Obviously this is...humor]: You might want to got to a Hasidic
neighborhood, and ask the jews there some questions, but why don't you go there? Ask them to read
some Torah and other things? And be a bit pressing on your questions because this is where you're
going to see them a bit agitated...Keep pressing with it...If you can come around alive, then you can tell
us your individual, self-thinking opinion. Because you have a feeling they may gun you down or kill you?
Why? We have to be 'individual thinkers' don't we?

Some others also argue: "Oh the non-Zionists do not do crimes". Well, they CAN'T. They are powerless,
and then again, how do YOU KNOW? I know their writings and their culture inside and out for a while
now, and I see they use occult warfare, lying, and many other things extensively. How do you know what
these people do at night so to say? Because they don't stab a knife in your stomach, that doesn't make
them good, and it doesn't imply they do not want it.

Needless to say, to accept reality, have spiritual sight, and enough cultural of the jews, shows you things
that can be disturbing. I never saw something more evil and deprived before.

The fact that the Rabbis reject these half or part jewish people, is because they are corrupted in
accordance to how jews need their people. In other words, this is nothing 'personal'. It's just what they
are commanded to do. They know the weaker people to inbreed, and the jews have did whatever they
could to maintain their jewishness.

If you look at Rabbis, there aren't many brown rabbis, or asiatic looking rabbis in Israel or close at the
top. They simply aren't going to allow lesser than sustained reptilians to run the show. So instead they
send these hybrids to infiltrate and do whatever they want really, OUTSIDE of their 'motherland'. They
confer them benefits and great lives, so long they wipe out their enemies such as many jews at
hollywood do. They simply don't care further however. Why should they? Is it like they have a
compassion even for their own?

The jews in Israel, they don't want, especially for the Rabbinical class or spiritualists, jews from the
father, simply because, the inner part of the soul is better and closer from the jewish mother. This
makes a jew, completely jewish in all levels. Now, when this is from the father, the job of these beings is
NOT to be in Israel and pollute it, but become infiltrators to other races of people and so forth. This is
just their job. Their external part is concealed for this exact purpose.

Many people do get confused on the jews. The purpose of hybridizing is this. The benefit of the doubt,
the 'confusion' and the 'tolerance' that may be given rise to the victims. It's through these hybrids and
through infiltration their greatest goals are accomplished. Indeed for jews, this need to 'intergrate' and
this need to procreate with their enemies is the fundamental savior of the jewish race. They are
programmed to think that way, while most other Gentiles needed propaganda to ever consider this fact.
A jew is always a jew. They can dress European, or African or anything else, even adhere to the 'cultures'
of their host, and in extreme cases, look and act like them, especially now with plastic surgeries. But as
Rabbi Laitman mentioned, at some point, they know for a fact that they are jews. They can never
disassociate this from their blood, behavior, and their soul. Mask it? Sure...For a while.

Especially if the circumstances help, or if people are blind, they can't be seen. Indeed even the jew can
neglect his own jewisheness. However when the time comes, they become exactly what they were all
along, like a latent parasitic organism. They just can't help it anymore than every race acts in accordance
to their behavior, which paints anything people do. Intergration of jews in another lands or places has
always ended up with Pogroms and expulsions over this very reason.

Jewish hybrids from the mother are completely jewish in all levels, same are from their father. As I told
you, it's only the behavior that may be different and how this is externalized. While the hybrid from the
mother is basically in the soul (inner feminine) and therefore is extremely obvious in their behavior, the
hybrid from the father is more internalized and as thus maybe less obvious at first glance. This can lead
people into confusion and the jews know it. This is their job. They are however the same thing in their
entirety. It's the method of operation that is different.

Lastly, when you understand the patterns of the jews and study the jewish soul, as in culture, religion,
behavior and anything else, you can thoroughly see that they are an alien species. Many people don't
know about them, and that is the problem. The way they perceive the world, their beliefs and
everything else are far from 'cultural'.

A jew can be raised in Mars and he will still materialize the same jewish culture and the same jewish way
of looking at the world. This is reflected in most jewish artists who may have even had a "Christian"
upbringing. Christianity is essentially judaism so it brings out the very same product even with zero

Culture is nothing but the expression of the biology of the jewish race upon itself. Nobody forced the
jews to believe what they do, but on the other hand, they forced the whole planet to adhere to their
lies, so to say.

Let's let this giant pill (pun intended for the post) be swallowed, if humanity is to be saved. It can cause
you six trillion gasses, which will kill a lot of parasites inside you, but that's all about it. If you however
take the jew pill, a non adventuresome death is guaranteed.
Ciao! Thanks for this work!
Just one little advice for you, please put the original link when you paste the context of Sermon. [link forum and if available, library too] because it makes me easy to go it, for read comments or for other reason (translate work), so we don't need wasting time to search where it is through the search box here in forum or in library.

Half Jews, Quarter Jews etc.
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

http://www.ancient-forums.com/.... (here you put LINK to that sermon)


Grazie and ciao
For anyone who wants to read more from the complete "Astral Entities" series-

Dealing With Astral Entities - Sermon Series by HP HoodedCobra (HC)
Ghosts [Part 1]:
Heredity/Race, Charts [Part 2]:
The Serpent [Part 3]:
Karma (1/2) [Part 4]:
Mass Karma (2/2) [Part 4]:
Dealing with the Alien Attacks of the Enemy [Part 5]:
Past Life Memory and Race Soul [Part 6]:
How do you find these sermons? I wonder if there is one talking about Sir Francis Bacon and New Atlantis.
Cfecit said:
Ciao! Thanks for this work!
Just one little advice for you, please put the original link when you paste the context of Sermon. [link forum and if available, library too] because it makes me easy to go it, for read comments or for other reason (translate work), so we don't need wasting time to search where it is through the search box here in forum or in library.

Half Jews, Quarter Jews etc.
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

http://www.ancient-forums.com/.... (here you put LINK to that sermon)


Grazie and ciao

all of these where taken from my personal files. so you can do a little work and find it yourself.
also some of these files are not on Satan's Library yet.

alot of these posts where from the previous forums,

I don't think you meant anything by it, might be "advice" but sounds like a demand.

If I didn't feel like people could spare a few seconds to type in a title and find something, or do a little research, then immediately get criticized and told what to do. My TIME is more better used for the FRTR.

I literally give you the entire title and entire article, it will take a lot more of MY TIME than it would yours. If i pull the article from a link Then i'll put the link there.

But i didn't, i pulled them from my OFFLINE files and pdf's i've made which contain no link, some contain dates. which would make it to where i have to go back and to the wayback machine and manually search, and let me remind you that the wayback has ALOT of our stuff. it would take me an extra 5 min per post, I have noticed some things from the last forum are not on the wayback.

i took me 40 minutes to gather the old content, put the pictures up and make sure everything is there and didnt deleted, then format with spaces so its easier to read, and you want me to double my time to make this post because YOU think your time is better than MINE?

If i have links i'll put them, but most links are dead and IM not going to go to every link and put it into the wayback machine, when you can do it yourself.

If you have trouble finding something then I will help, and teach you how i did it

you shouldn't be afraid to do a tiny bit of work, if something cannot be found because link is dead everywhere, then i'll see if i have an html copy somehwere, or help find it elsewhere.

there are no mentors in Satanism, I'm doing this because this is what I RE-READ and what I believe is a good Re-Read for everyone else.

Sad fact is more people will read these posts if I do, than if I do not.

instead of going back and re reading everything on ones own, maybe this will help everyone get into a habit of re reading,

I'm Doing this for Myself, for Satan, and for the Brothers and Sisters of Satan who enjoy this.

I never want Father Satan's knowledge and the knowledge of the Gods and our members to be forgotten.

So i will continue to repost, until i've reposted everything. because I plan to RE-READ everything, and I hope you ALL do too.

If i sounded angry and or upset, in all honesty this did rub me the wrong way. But im sure you meant nothing by it. IF i have a link i can easily obtain I will post it, but you all will have to do the work of going to the wayback if it's dead, you can always post below if you have difficulting finding it then I will help you and share with you the method i used to find it. Teach a man to fish.

Anyways. Thanks.
TopoftheAbyss said:
How do you find these sermons? I wonder if there is one talking about Sir Francis Bacon and New Atlantis.

everything i get is on my mega archive, it still needs to be sorted, and the pictures that are good got mixed with a lot of shit, which im currently trying to sort through so ignore them, but i have a lot of documents in there that where scraped from the old forums and that I turned into PDF's.

I think its in there i'll look for that one for next week. if i find it by then i'll post it for week 5

everyone has permission to download my archive and go through it, but remember the pictures got a lot of shit, so please unless you wanna see good posts > athiest posts which i need delete > posts that will make you rage, "jewish atrocities" and stuff that got scraped in there that don't even belong in any sense of the word, and things im currently debunking ect ect... I've sorted through a majority and will be reposting shortly the good memes.
to anyone reading this if you downloaded / scraped everything on Fourthreich666 old website *I forgot the name, if you know the name tell me i might be able to find it on the wayback and scrape there. * it was the website with all the National Socialist material good and bad, please share, I'll add it to my the archive, but there are things i need to re read from it for example national socialist propaganda and a lot more, that i want to read that i never got to read. Please if you got it share it.
SATchives said:

[Among Us mode on] You kinda sus. you jump to wrong conclusions and complaints. Yes i'm think you are imposter. I vote you! [Among Us mode off]

SATchives said:
If i sounded angry and or upset, in all honesty this did rub me the wrong way. But im sure you meant nothing by it. IF i have a link i can easily obtain I will post it, but you all will have to do the work of going to the wayback if it's dead, you can always post below if you have difficulting finding it then I will help you and share with you the method i used to find it. Teach a man to fish.
Anyways. Thanks.

Aside from the above joke, hope you have a sense of humor, anyway, maybe I can imagine how you feel, as a kind of disrespect and making your job seem useless, but actually, if you reread your post in third person, you will find that you contradict yourself.

You complain about the extra time, so I ask you a simple question, why don't you just put the link so you save the time from put text and images and so on? It will save you a lot of time. Title of the Sermon, link. That's all.
But as you said, if you just put only the link, fewer people are likely to read. So you put everything in a way that people "are forced" to read. It is the same thing that works with the evilgoy site. We humans tend to be lazy. So this my advice, it's not really advice or a request, it's just common sense. It's not a matter between you and me, as you thought, but to make everyone's work effective. You probably waste 1 minute adding the link, but you save the reader time to search...How many readers? 10? 100? 1000? You are in a position to give, so you have to think about the other side too, the receiver, from a collective perspective you have to think about the "optimization of the whole" to make everything functional for everyone, "efficiency" as said above. Otherwise it's like the mode "I write as the fuck I want and if others waste time for something that I can do in 1 minute, it's not my problem but their, bitches, I don't care!" Obviously that's not how you thought but I think you understood the example.
Making everyone's work efficient is the first reason from that my "request", but in reality there is also another reason, no less important but equally important, which is always connected to the first reason, which is the factor of authenticity, the "signature", because what you do is just a repost, an ill-intentioned one can change a phrase...so omitting the authentic source text can make your job Impostor easy. Obviously I don't think you are an impostor, I like your job and I hope you continue to more long the work of this reread weekends, just it's about transparency… no offense i hope!

Obv it's ok that you put link dead, because the important thing is to have a tangible medium (the link) and with a dead link I can easily go back to webarchive.

Grazie for understanding and ciao!
SATchives said:
to anyone reading this if you downloaded / scraped everything on Fourthreich666 old website *I forgot the name, if you know the name tell me i might be able to find it on the wayback and scrape there. * it was the website with all the National Socialist material good and bad, please share, I'll add it to my the archive, but there are things i need to re read from it for example national socialist propaganda and a lot more, that i want to read that i never got to read. Please if you got it share it.
Found it for you Brother, it was vague in my mind but I found it after some research.
TopoftheAbyss said:
How do you find these sermons? I wonder if there is one talking about Sir Francis Bacon and New Atlantis.

a quick search on the yahoo groups, using docfetcher found this,

you can do the same, download doc fetcher for either linux or windows, if you use windows you have to install java, and download the yahoo groups digest, here https://mega.nz/file/TgZgkJhY#2QNs4i18X7FFjouHS8qZL6MRdVS_8PqsQk16yEjOlM0, and then unzip, and afterwards, use docfetcher, set the folder to where you unzipped and you'll be able to search through everything. if you get confused on docfetcher, it's got simple easy to understand documentation
"From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 12:42:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Teens4Satan] The bible"

The old testament and where the jews stole and created their identity from:


The creation of the new testament in Alexandria


Shakespeare wrote the KJV its actually encoded in the book he is the author.

But Shakespeare was Sir Francis Bacon of whom King James put in charge of the project and final editing. Bacon created much of the English language we have today to do this. The reason Bacon wrote much of his most famed works as a ghost writer was because the themes in Shakespeare's work where sedious and in some cases illegal under church and state laws. His plays where propaganda against the church and monarch states. King James was a radical xian tryant and lost his head for it. Bacon was one of the greatest minds to have lived.

It was Bacon who created the ideal of the New Atlantis in America and was the philosophical founder of America as the Founding Fathers where carrying out his ideal in the creation of a higher civilization where people could obtain the highest spiritual freedom by the magnum opus and obtain knowledge, wisdom and express their true natures in a postive way without the churcho-monarchy system crushing them socially and physically.

The Founder all knew xianity was a scam on humanity. The original Masons and their Templar fathers all knew this too.



Founder Fathers and the proof they where Satanists is all over the Nation, even in the Capitol building:


Bacon was the Grand Master of the Rose Cross Order and one of the most powerful men in the English Court.

Bacon did something that still pisses those in the know of the enemy off. Understanding the power of the church was too strong in his day. He put somethings in the KJV bible to help break the spell on the minds of the believers and allow certain knowledge to be passed onto initiates in the lodges by way of cipers to decode and or adepts who knew the codes. This way even if the major texts where destroyed or corrupted by the enemy, the source knowledge would live on.

Bacon used the enemies book against them as a Trojan Horse. Sadly the jews still subverted the lodges with the illumanit and now its a mixtured of xianity, hebrew occultism and communistic doctrine. The lodges are all bagel houses. But he still won as the effects of his liberation struggle for humanity are being seen today in society with xianity falling apart.

The enemy so hated England during the period of the Stuart Court they sent a literal Catholic Crusade across the channel in 1588 to attempt to crush them. They failed but the jew slipped back in under Cromwell sadly as the jew was banned from England for 300 years for its evil behaviour. This is why the jew media always shows King Edward I as a villian character because he was the English King who told them to hit the road. For the same evil shit they still do today, such as ritual murder[which sparked at least one riot in York in the past and one case was record in 1144 the murder of William of Norwich] and dishonet business practices. Up till this time the jews had been well protected by the crown and church in England and not been subjected to the laws of the common people of the realm which allowed them to jew away like crazy.

The righteous hatred the English people had as a result of suffering under their oppression was epic. Even the nobles hated them. So when the ban was made law they swept the jew out quickly and sent it packing. Then England entered into a golden age of advancement of all levels without the jew vampires around to hold them back and down. "
Cfecit, Sorry i've been more on edge lately, than normal. I did not mean to blow up. if anyone needs me to supply them with documents for translating purposes let me know i'll upload them and post them relative to the post.
SATchives said:
to anyone reading this if you downloaded / scraped everything on Fourthreich666 old website *I forgot the name, if you know the name tell me i might be able to find it on the wayback and scrape there. * it was the website with all the National Socialist material good and bad, please share, I'll add it to my the archive, but there are things i need to re read from it for example national socialist propaganda and a lot more, that i want to read that i never got to read. Please if you got it share it.
This is FourthReich’s old website:
SATchives said:
Cfecit, Sorry i've been more on edge lately, than normal. I did not mean to blow up. if anyone needs me to supply them with documents for translating purposes let me know i'll upload them and post them relative to the post.

Don't worry, this happen. I forget to add the third reason, that is what you said, about translation, we cannot use your text for reason no.2. In italian's subform we translators always put the original link when we do a translate from one Sermon so who read can compare or read the comments and so on. If the link from old forum or other doesn't exist, its suffice that you indicate where one can find it, i have files of old forum and other, i got it when one guy put here the link to download the context of it. example: this is from prophbbb, year and months, so we can find it easy than indovinate where it is, in yahoo or prophbb or here or other.
Grazie again and good work, happy halloween
SATchives said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
How do you find these sermons? I wonder if there is one talking about Sir Francis Bacon and New Atlantis.

a quick search on the yahoo groups, using docfetcher found this,

you can do the same, download doc fetcher for either linux or windows, if you use windows you have to install java, and download the yahoo groups digest, here https://mega.nz/file/TgZgkJhY#2QNs4i18X7FFjouHS8qZL6MRdVS_8PqsQk16yEjOlM0, and then unzip, and afterwards, use docfetcher, set the folder to where you unzipped and you'll be able to search through everything. if you get confused on docfetcher, it's got simple easy to understand documentation
"From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...>
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 12:42:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Teens4Satan] The bible"

The old testament and where the jews stole and created their identity from:


The creation of the new testament in Alexandria


Shakespeare wrote the KJV its actually encoded in the book he is the author.

But Shakespeare was Sir Francis Bacon of whom King James put in charge of the project and final editing. Bacon created much of the English language we have today to do this. The reason Bacon wrote much of his most famed works as a ghost writer was because the themes in Shakespeare's work where sedious and in some cases illegal under church and state laws. His plays where propaganda against the church and monarch states. King James was a radical xian tryant and lost his head for it. Bacon was one of the greatest minds to have lived.

It was Bacon who created the ideal of the New Atlantis in America and was the philosophical founder of America as the Founding Fathers where carrying out his ideal in the creation of a higher civilization where people could obtain the highest spiritual freedom by the magnum opus and obtain knowledge, wisdom and express their true natures in a postive way without the churcho-monarchy system crushing them socially and physically.

The Founder all knew xianity was a scam on humanity. The original Masons and their Templar fathers all knew this too.



Founder Fathers and the proof they where Satanists is all over the Nation, even in the Capitol building:


Bacon was the Grand Master of the Rose Cross Order and one of the most powerful men in the English Court.

Bacon did something that still pisses those in the know of the enemy off. Understanding the power of the church was too strong in his day. He put somethings in the KJV bible to help break the spell on the minds of the believers and allow certain knowledge to be passed onto initiates in the lodges by way of cipers to decode and or adepts who knew the codes. This way even if the major texts where destroyed or corrupted by the enemy, the source knowledge would live on.

Bacon used the enemies book against them as a Trojan Horse. Sadly the jews still subverted the lodges with the illumanit and now its a mixtured of xianity, hebrew occultism and communistic doctrine. The lodges are all bagel houses. But he still won as the effects of his liberation struggle for humanity are being seen today in society with xianity falling apart.

The enemy so hated England during the period of the Stuart Court they sent a literal Catholic Crusade across the channel in 1588 to attempt to crush them. They failed but the jew slipped back in under Cromwell sadly as the jew was banned from England for 300 years for its evil behaviour. This is why the jew media always shows King Edward I as a villian character because he was the English King who told them to hit the road. For the same evil shit they still do today, such as ritual murder[which sparked at least one riot in York in the past and one case was record in 1144 the murder of William of Norwich] and dishonet business practices. Up till this time the jews had been well protected by the crown and church in England and not been subjected to the laws of the common people of the realm which allowed them to jew away like crazy.

The righteous hatred the English people had as a result of suffering under their oppression was epic. Even the nobles hated them. So when the ban was made law they swept the jew out quickly and sent it packing. Then England entered into a golden age of advancement of all levels without the jew vampires around to hold them back and down. "
I'm on Android and my internet sucks so I can't do that but thanks for sharing.
Aquarius said:
SATchives said:
to anyone reading this if you downloaded / scraped everything on Fourthreich666 old website *I forgot the name, if you know the name tell me i might be able to find it on the wayback and scrape there. * it was the website with all the National Socialist material good and bad, please share, I'll add it to my the archive, but there are things i need to re read from it for example national socialist propaganda and a lot more, that i want to read that i never got to read. Please if you got it share it.
Found it for you Brother, it was vague in my mind but I found it after some research.

Academic Scholar said:
SATchives said:
to anyone reading this if you downloaded / scraped everything on Fourthreich666 old website *I forgot the name, if you know the name tell me i might be able to find it on the wayback and scrape there. * it was the website with all the National Socialist material good and bad, please share, I'll add it to my the archive, but there are things i need to re read from it for example national socialist propaganda and a lot more, that i want to read that i never got to read. Please if you got it share it.
This is FourthReich’s old website:

Thank you both for coming through!
Alright after some digging around i found the library!


I also found a domain in the source code thats still working http://viertreich666.weebly.com
This is on the Satan's Library, if you would read the post you would understand that Communism and Socialism are not the Same, Socialism in todays terms is a hijacked word, so in that recard it gets tied to communism, the jews did this on purpose, they want the gentile race to be as far from Gentile unification of people as possible.. Socialism in its roots. and uncorrupted. it is specifically the teamwork of gentile peoples. Thats why in National Socialism there is Socialism, and this post i shared because it does a good job to clarify it, but it seems like you didn't even read the post.
I wish all of our Brothers and Sisters would just take the time to read everything on Satan's Library atleast once. It would solve so much confusion. and the individual would advance so much faster.

I know it's a lot of reading but if you pace yourself you will be done in no time. if you read 1-3 articles a day you would be finished in no time.

this is RE-read it for a reason y'know.

I had a great halloween I hope everyone else did the same.
Okay then to help with translations, when i post, if i can easily get a link, even if just a wayback machine link. i'll post it along with it.
Okay then to help with translations, when i post, if i can easily get a link, even if just a wayback machine link. i'll post it along with it.
SATchives said:
This is on the Satan's Library, if you would read the post you would understand that Communism and Socialism are not the Same, Socialism in todays terms is a hijacked word, so in that recard it gets tied to communism, the jews did this on purpose, they want the gentile race to be as far from Gentile unification of people as possible.. Socialism in its roots. and uncorrupted. it is specifically the teamwork of gentile peoples. Thats why in National Socialism there is Socialism, and this post i shared because it does a good job to clarify it, but it seems like you didn't even read the post.
You should search HoodedCobra's posts with the keyword "socialism" and then you would understand that the sermon in the library is probabily a mistake.
SATchives said:
This is on the Satan's Library, if you would read the post you would understand that Communism and Socialism are not the Same, Socialism in todays terms is a hijacked word, so in that recard it gets tied to communism, the jews did this on purpose, they want the gentile race to be as far from Gentile unification of people as possible.. Socialism in its roots. and uncorrupted. it is specifically the teamwork of gentile peoples. Thats why in National Socialism there is Socialism, and this post i shared because it does a good job to clarify it, but it seems like you didn't even read the post.
one thing you got wrong:i DID read that pdf MONTHS ago out of plain curiosity and still got confused
anyway,at least you clarified it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
SATchives said:
This is on the Satan's Library, if you would read the post you would understand that Communism and Socialism are not the Same, Socialism in todays terms is a hijacked word, so in that recard it gets tied to communism, the jews did this on purpose, they want the gentile race to be as far from Gentile unification of people as possible.. Socialism in its roots. and uncorrupted. it is specifically the teamwork of gentile peoples. Thats why in National Socialism there is Socialism, and this post i shared because it does a good job to clarify it, but it seems like you didn't even read the post.
You should search HoodedCobra's posts with the keyword "socialism" and then you would understand that the sermon in the library is probabily a mistake.

I read his post, but i think it's not regarding this, If so I made a mistake and am confused myself, This post is only referring to "the socialism" in National Socialism, not the form of socialism which is what socialism is today. and I don't believe it's promoting Socialism its Promoting National Socialism as all the points in the post are of Natonal Socialist qualities. the Socialism today is practically a prelude to communism, both of which are ran by the jews. and im not promoting nor is this post promoting socialism, but simply the National "Socialism" part of National Socialism, the root word social, without the corruption of the jewish ism. i might be wrong like i said, I sure hope if I am, this can be clarified so I may better understand it myself, as well.
satanama666 said:
SATchives said:
This is on the Satan's Library, if you would read the post you would understand that Communism and Socialism are not the Same, Socialism in todays terms is a hijacked word, so in that recard it gets tied to communism, the jews did this on purpose, they want the gentile race to be as far from Gentile unification of people as possible.. Socialism in its roots. and uncorrupted. it is specifically the teamwork of gentile peoples. Thats why in National Socialism there is Socialism, and this post i shared because it does a good job to clarify it, but it seems like you didn't even read the post.
one thing you got wrong:i DID read that pdf MONTHS ago out of plain curiosity and still got confused
anyway,at least you clarified it

yeah my bad, I was an asshat.

I am going to add more, and more intense of an aura of cleaning and protection for myself, I've noticed lately I've been getting a lot more frustrated for No reason, taking things the wrongs way, and acting on emotions, which probably aren't even mine. my communication on here has been pretty shitty lately.
im glad I am a best friend of satan, and one of the natural order leaders of joy of satan, ive been getting the most money and media attention.. the biggest earner for satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
