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Hey everyone I hope you are having a great day, it's almost Samhain/Halloween, I hope you all have a great Satanic Holiday!
I have a giant Baal Fire i'm going to light at midnight, and some rituals planned, I look forward to it!!
as a bonus,
Lets all Re-Read "Satanic Rituals and Spells"
If you don't have something planned it might give you some ideas for something to do this Samhain/Halloween ____________________________________________________________________________________
For those of us who are very close to Father Satan, we are all well aware that he
is fed up with all of the Judeo/Christian claims and statements concerning what
our religion is, how we celebrate, and worst of all WHAT THEY CLAIM HE IS ALL ABOUT.
For many of us, Halloween is a favorite holiday. I, myself love horror movies and
such. The point here is how these have been twisted to portray a false and
insulting image of Satan and the Original Gods [Now labeled as "Demons"].
Ask yourself how you would feel if people put on hideous masks and went out as
either you or a family member of yours or a loved one.
Father Satan should be respected on this date, not mocked by those who believe
in and honor whatever Christianity dictates he is. How long do you think
someone would last going out dressed as the Nazarene? Chances are, they
would be attacked by some fundie Christian.
Or, if Hollywood was to produce a movie depicting the Nazarene and his ilk as
hideous monsters.
Halloween is a great time for costumes, monsters, and ghouls, images of death
and such, a time to be creative and indulge. It is one of our major holidays, but
the negative images denigrating Father have to go.
He is tired of it and has let the clergy know he does not approve of these insults.
For far too long, too many Satanists have gone along with the Christian ideas of
Satan and his Demons; what the Christians allege them to be and what THEY
claim our religion is all about, instead of seeing Satan for WHO HE REALLY IS
without all of the Christian false and twisted overtones.
The holiday known as "Halloween" was originally called "Samhain" a Celtic word
meaning "Summer's End." In ancient times, religions were based upon nature,
where humanity lived in tune with the earth, the change of seasons and the
changes in the stars in the sky. This is the essence of Satanism; what is natural.
The major cycles of the year and the crops were important times for festivities,
rites and celebrations. Samhain was a time of harvest and the end of a year, a
time of preparation; storing crops and preparing for the dead of winter. The eve
of November 1st was the eve of the Celtic New Year.
This holiday was a time of harvest, a time of endings, death, and dying,
as plant life died and the cold set in.
Samhain was also a time of honoring the dead. The Druids built huge bonfires,
which they considered sacred, in honor of the Celtic New Year.
There was a prevailing belief in the existence of a Celtic God of the dead known
as 'Samhain". With extensive research and study accomplished by many
scholars, nearly all agree this God was non-existent.
Nearly all of the sources mentioning a deity of death known as "Samhain" are
CHRISTIAN and they have [as usual] NO legitimate references to back up their
Samhain was celebrated for centuries before the Christian takeover of Pagan
holidays. To the intruding Christian religion, any Gods of the old faith were
considered "evil" and therefore especially unwelcome at a time of "danger" for
the "soul of any good parishioner." This was why xians suppressed the deadly
rite and replaced it a day later with 'all soul's day.'"
Trick or treating originated in Ireland as beggars went door to door on October
31st, asking for handouts. The gifts were for "Muck Olla" a God who was said to
destroy the house of anyone who was not generous. Jack-O-Lanterns also had
their origin in Ireland; named for a man named "Jack." The story goes that Jack
was a miser and when he died, he was not allowed into heaven and he also
played jokes on the Devil, so he was not admitted into Hell either, but was
doomed to walk the Earth forever. He only had a little lantern to light his way and
this is why he came to be called Jack-O-Lantern. Of course, the spooks,
vampires, and ghouls were associated with this holiday because of the natural
human fear of death and Samhain was a holiday of death.
Here is this weeks Re-Read it Series
Article 1
Spiritual Satanism, The Root of the Tree
Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:27 am
By HP Hoodedcobra666
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.
Paganism is something people have only recently conceptualized, and formalized into
this thing they call "Paganism".
According to the Jews, this is Satanism, and essentially, if we take the reality of the
Sumerian meaning of Satyan from which Satan was stolen off and placed in Hebrew, to
reverse the meaning to negative, back to it's positive and ancient meaning, we get what is
called "Truth-ism". As Satyam/Satyan/Satya means Truth in Sanskrit.
Spiritual Satanism is the spiritual, and actual striving of such objective of understanding
the Truth.
The enemy admits openly that not only we are Satanic at the Soul [The non Jews] but
also that Satanism [They call this Idololatry, Paganism, Satanism, Demonolatry etc, but
they simply mean Satanism] and not their own jewish alien filth, is our NATURAL state.
We are naturally inclined to be Satanists and Satan is in us since birth. The sacrament of
baptism is to rebuke the spirit of Satan from the person and force the spirit of "Jehovah"
or "Christ" into the child.
After we are beaten down to being "Goyim", we Gentiles become Christians, Muslims
and so forth. This is an unnatural and alien state for us, causing internal conflict and
depression, as this is merely the jewish will imposed on people that were otherwise meant
to be free from this and Satanic. The jews are in a constant fear that we will revolt against
them and destroy them for this, as subconsciously we know what happened to us, as
Marcus Eli Ravage has stated too, cultural replacement by forcible violence.
Pagans essentially have their own levels. Some are merely interested in the fables, and
living a virtuous life. It's a good striving to regenerate the old culture, but what Pagans do
as a mistake is what keeps them limited, is that they basically confine Paganism into a
jewish standard unconsciously. Paganism is merely a natural way of looking at the world
which many like to follow as a 'religion'.
They, for example, sometimes transverse Christian morality into Paganism, which is
wrong. The same goes when investigation into the primal Sumerian root of Satan is
called into the table, which leaves many of these people 'afraid', and leaves the people
with a spiritual sensor, at the very least, curious. Weaker elements of the so called
'Pagans' go into convulsion when they are exposed to Satan, and all their otherwise
'common sense' and 'inquiry' blows away.
Because unconsciously they are Christians still, that are afraid of this.
Even if this relates to Truth, spirituality, and many other great things in itself, they focus
on jewish propaganda on the term.
They are dabbling with Satan...They are just scared to admit it themselves as they think
this actually makes them fall into the jewish standard, but actually, this is exactly what
EXCLUDES THEM from the jewish standard of modern Paganism which is all about
ignorant and only looking at a recent history to lose the bigger picture.
This is actually funny, as essentially, they themselves are dabbling "Satanists" too, and
any Muslim, Christian or Jew would admit it. Because they knew for centuries more
about Paganism than the "Pagans" themselves. Since they eradicated the Pagan culture
after studying all of it, they decided to call them "Satanists" for VERY specific reasons.
This wasn't some sort of lucky pick.
Satan actual begins in Sumeria, in Ancient India, and in the places where the Aryan Race
has their beginning. These syllabes were always assosciated with their head God in their
otherwise polytheistic pantheons, which changed names. The enemy who has had access
for two thousand years to all of this material, knows this all too well.
The Pagans, who are left culture-less, didn't. But the Truth is now out, finally.
The jews didn't just pick up a random name to name their Arch-enemy of all they are and
do. Every character in the bible is stolen from a concept or more ancient character, most
of the time from Hinduism or any other specific Pre-Christian Civilization, and the
ancient Arch-Enemy is no different.
Ironically even in jewish tradition, Satan is the sensible, Satan is the civilizer, Satan is the
great, the brave, the one who stands for justice, and in general, the Lucifer who brings
light and knowledge into the world. All people of quality in Europe or in all parts of the
planet, always associated with Demons and flirted with Satan/Lucifer ideologically, be it
from musical geniuses to the black magician Adolf Hitler whom the enemy admits was
"The Anti-Christ" and the "Son of Satan".
Every representation of Satan is about perfection, manifestation of the world, the infinite
light, power, wisdom, heroic epics, the rebellion against tyranny, the eternal striving for
perfection and freedom, the fight of man against a corrupted 'god' who is the jewish
version of omnipotence etc, and generally it is very obvious that this character is
basically a form of something eternal concealed into an epithet that in Hebrew means
Adversary. Satan means "THE ADVERSARY" in Hebrew, with an emphasis on the
"THE". He is the head adversary of the Jews.
However, all the names of the Gods remain as EPITHETS, not simply 'names'. The
names of the Gods in all the Pagan sub-cultures have always been epithets. For those who
know by heart that they are real beings, which is what we know, one quickly understands
that the same entities and beings are cloaked into the same cloak in comparative
Satan fills in (and we have proved beyond any doubt) not only to be Shiva in Hinduism,
Sata in Egypt, Wodanaz (Satanas) in Norse Paganism and so forth, but Satan also is a
name that comes from the word meaning TRUTH (Satya) in Sanskrit.
We call Satan by an epithet, we invoke Truth, when we call this figure. This is why we
are Spiritual Satanists. In a world of massive jewish control and lying, it's normal for the
jews to have outlawed this being and wish the worst for it, and name the same being an
They also admit that this being has fathered all the Gentiles on Earth in separated racial
families, which the jews collectively call the "Goyim" and seek to destroy into a mixed
cattle. Satan is also the lord of racists and all those who oppose the jewish plans in everyway.
The jews can never be defeated by Pagans who merely pray to the Gods, and as far as we
respect it, we must understand a fundamental Truth that in the Ancient Pagan times, the
people who were at the top and running civilization (Not in the late Christian or
Byzantine Era, this ended roughly with Marcus Aurelius Historically) were parts of the
Mystery Schools.
The same goes for the Freemasons and all other Gentiles who advanced humanity,
irrespective on if the jews now have taken out all of them. In other words, what we coin
as Spiritual Satanism is the inner core of the whole thing, the tree which has everything in
it. In India this was called Sanatana Dharma, but this term fails us again largely as the
"Scholars" of it are more "Jesus Krishna" ass kissers of the jews, than they should be.
Sanatana-DHARMA hides however the name of Satana in an anagram again in it. And
Dharma means way. The way of Satana...The True Way.
This is why we accept all Gentiles and we are Racialists and Tribalists. We also say it
openly the Gods are tribal, and some people depending on their race will get attracted to
certain Gods. Demon means God in the language of the term, and this comes from the
Sanskrit Deva and the Ancient Greek Daemon, which later became the evil notion of the
"Devil". "The Devil" is the second name of Satan, which means "THE" God, to show the
leadership and the head of the Gods.
All Races must remain separated and advance in their own blueprint, but at the same
time, we are one human larger tree, which many people pretend to brush off. This is a
reality, and the existence of the jew as an alien element that wants to exterminate ALL
OF US, should REMIND US of this fact.
The Ancients even in the time of Alexander the Great knew of this very thing. Even if
they maintained racial integrity or at least attempted to (except of the ignorant ones),
those at the top who were in the spiritual hierarchy, never waged spiritual wars, never
assimilated, and maintained belief and tenets of the same Gods, traditions that
communicated and that could be crossed.
The one core tradition we have named Spiritual Satanism, and this is to be shared by all
people. Through the root being re-planted, all people can grow their own race, culture,
and spiritual religion, and nothing is lost, so long the races are alive.
In other words, the source is what important for growth. Focusing on branches is
something others may be more comfortable about, but without a spiritual root, there are
no branches. Fixating on a branch doesn't lead to the root either, neither to an
understanding of the source of the tree.
This is what disappoints Pagans and they come to us. Many people who have started as
Pagans are actually here because they prayed to the Gods and they led them to our
"Spiritual University" so to say.
Modern Pagans seem to disregard the fact that Paganism came through the "Satanic
Heavy Metal" scene, that was all about Satan. Satan was speaking through the echoes of
what was left behind of our mass culture. We regenerated it completely and now it's
called Spiritual Satanism. Other branches like Paganism came out on their own later.
Therefore I see Pagans (those who really follow up with their tenets anyway) are part of
our own tree, but a specific branch. The same goes for others.
Spiritual Satanism encompasses everything, and cultivates everything good for humanity
at large, and humanity as a 'human race', but also of all the respective races within
humanity. This has always been the case and the Ancients who have built these similar
monuments, the ley lines, and the cultures that build on the same framework (That we
call Spiritual Satanism) but were influenced by their respective genetic and racial
expression, understood this well.
There has never been spiritual war onto this world on spiritual matters. There has also
been a many thousand years long cycle which was recorded in all cultures, the time of
"Paradise" or the Golden Age, where all people advanced towards the universe in their
own race karma and understanding. This would be the rule of what we call as "Spiritual
Only friendships, assimilation and alliances (without any necessity for racial
hybridization), and further in-depth understanding of the spirit happened in the Golden
Age; because Gentiles shared the same root. So the Tree naturally became bigger with all
it's branches, and the garden was flourishing.
It was only with the arrival of the jews, and negative universal forces, that humanity sank,
"Religious Warfare" was invented, and that there ever became a deadening of the spirit of
humanity. 'Humanity' was a project in the making, and it was interrupted, remaining
unfortunately incomplete.
The Gods have left the spiritual knowledge behind to finish this objective and become
"As the Gods" which was Satan's original 'promise', which Jehovah, a representation of
the jews and the forces behind them, tried to halt and objected about. This can be fixed as
we advance as a species in the future.
Spiritual Satanism must, and will solve this problem in all levels of existence. Spiritual
Satanism is for all Gentiles, and we seek to purge negativity and ignorance to all the
corners of the earth, so the whole of humanity can experience a Golden Age again.
Not in the sense of rainbow, new age filth, but a return to harmony, and equillibrium,
which needless to say will require spiritual cutthroat violence to be achieved where this
world has gone. Polluted parts of a tree poison and tree and bring it to death. We must be
ready to cut these infected parts.
I hope and look forward for people to understand this objective and stop looking at
Spiritual Satanists from the lenses our enemies have dictated from centuries. Stop seeing
'us' as a separate entity, and know that any true Spiritual Satanist has the best interests at
heart from themselves, the world and humanity. This is the True Way towards the Eternal
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have a giant Baal Fire i'm going to light at midnight, and some rituals planned, I look forward to it!!
as a bonus,
Lets all Re-Read "Satanic Rituals and Spells"
If you don't have something planned it might give you some ideas for something to do this Samhain/Halloween ____________________________________________________________________________________
For those of us who are very close to Father Satan, we are all well aware that he
is fed up with all of the Judeo/Christian claims and statements concerning what
our religion is, how we celebrate, and worst of all WHAT THEY CLAIM HE IS ALL ABOUT.
For many of us, Halloween is a favorite holiday. I, myself love horror movies and
such. The point here is how these have been twisted to portray a false and
insulting image of Satan and the Original Gods [Now labeled as "Demons"].
Ask yourself how you would feel if people put on hideous masks and went out as
either you or a family member of yours or a loved one.
Father Satan should be respected on this date, not mocked by those who believe
in and honor whatever Christianity dictates he is. How long do you think
someone would last going out dressed as the Nazarene? Chances are, they
would be attacked by some fundie Christian.
Or, if Hollywood was to produce a movie depicting the Nazarene and his ilk as
hideous monsters.
Halloween is a great time for costumes, monsters, and ghouls, images of death
and such, a time to be creative and indulge. It is one of our major holidays, but
the negative images denigrating Father have to go.
He is tired of it and has let the clergy know he does not approve of these insults.
For far too long, too many Satanists have gone along with the Christian ideas of
Satan and his Demons; what the Christians allege them to be and what THEY
claim our religion is all about, instead of seeing Satan for WHO HE REALLY IS
without all of the Christian false and twisted overtones.
The holiday known as "Halloween" was originally called "Samhain" a Celtic word
meaning "Summer's End." In ancient times, religions were based upon nature,
where humanity lived in tune with the earth, the change of seasons and the
changes in the stars in the sky. This is the essence of Satanism; what is natural.
The major cycles of the year and the crops were important times for festivities,
rites and celebrations. Samhain was a time of harvest and the end of a year, a
time of preparation; storing crops and preparing for the dead of winter. The eve
of November 1st was the eve of the Celtic New Year.
This holiday was a time of harvest, a time of endings, death, and dying,
as plant life died and the cold set in.
Samhain was also a time of honoring the dead. The Druids built huge bonfires,
which they considered sacred, in honor of the Celtic New Year.
There was a prevailing belief in the existence of a Celtic God of the dead known
as 'Samhain". With extensive research and study accomplished by many
scholars, nearly all agree this God was non-existent.
Nearly all of the sources mentioning a deity of death known as "Samhain" are
CHRISTIAN and they have [as usual] NO legitimate references to back up their
Samhain was celebrated for centuries before the Christian takeover of Pagan
holidays. To the intruding Christian religion, any Gods of the old faith were
considered "evil" and therefore especially unwelcome at a time of "danger" for
the "soul of any good parishioner." This was why xians suppressed the deadly
rite and replaced it a day later with 'all soul's day.'"
Trick or treating originated in Ireland as beggars went door to door on October
31st, asking for handouts. The gifts were for "Muck Olla" a God who was said to
destroy the house of anyone who was not generous. Jack-O-Lanterns also had
their origin in Ireland; named for a man named "Jack." The story goes that Jack
was a miser and when he died, he was not allowed into heaven and he also
played jokes on the Devil, so he was not admitted into Hell either, but was
doomed to walk the Earth forever. He only had a little lantern to light his way and
this is why he came to be called Jack-O-Lantern. Of course, the spooks,
vampires, and ghouls were associated with this holiday because of the natural
human fear of death and Samhain was a holiday of death.
Here is this weeks Re-Read it Series
Article 1
Spiritual Satanism, The Root of the Tree
Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:27 am
By HP Hoodedcobra666
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.
Paganism is something people have only recently conceptualized, and formalized into
this thing they call "Paganism".
According to the Jews, this is Satanism, and essentially, if we take the reality of the
Sumerian meaning of Satyan from which Satan was stolen off and placed in Hebrew, to
reverse the meaning to negative, back to it's positive and ancient meaning, we get what is
called "Truth-ism". As Satyam/Satyan/Satya means Truth in Sanskrit.
Spiritual Satanism is the spiritual, and actual striving of such objective of understanding
the Truth.
The enemy admits openly that not only we are Satanic at the Soul [The non Jews] but
also that Satanism [They call this Idololatry, Paganism, Satanism, Demonolatry etc, but
they simply mean Satanism] and not their own jewish alien filth, is our NATURAL state.
We are naturally inclined to be Satanists and Satan is in us since birth. The sacrament of
baptism is to rebuke the spirit of Satan from the person and force the spirit of "Jehovah"
or "Christ" into the child.
After we are beaten down to being "Goyim", we Gentiles become Christians, Muslims
and so forth. This is an unnatural and alien state for us, causing internal conflict and
depression, as this is merely the jewish will imposed on people that were otherwise meant
to be free from this and Satanic. The jews are in a constant fear that we will revolt against
them and destroy them for this, as subconsciously we know what happened to us, as
Marcus Eli Ravage has stated too, cultural replacement by forcible violence.
Pagans essentially have their own levels. Some are merely interested in the fables, and
living a virtuous life. It's a good striving to regenerate the old culture, but what Pagans do
as a mistake is what keeps them limited, is that they basically confine Paganism into a
jewish standard unconsciously. Paganism is merely a natural way of looking at the world
which many like to follow as a 'religion'.
They, for example, sometimes transverse Christian morality into Paganism, which is
wrong. The same goes when investigation into the primal Sumerian root of Satan is
called into the table, which leaves many of these people 'afraid', and leaves the people
with a spiritual sensor, at the very least, curious. Weaker elements of the so called
'Pagans' go into convulsion when they are exposed to Satan, and all their otherwise
'common sense' and 'inquiry' blows away.
Because unconsciously they are Christians still, that are afraid of this.
Even if this relates to Truth, spirituality, and many other great things in itself, they focus
on jewish propaganda on the term.
They are dabbling with Satan...They are just scared to admit it themselves as they think
this actually makes them fall into the jewish standard, but actually, this is exactly what
EXCLUDES THEM from the jewish standard of modern Paganism which is all about
ignorant and only looking at a recent history to lose the bigger picture.
This is actually funny, as essentially, they themselves are dabbling "Satanists" too, and
any Muslim, Christian or Jew would admit it. Because they knew for centuries more
about Paganism than the "Pagans" themselves. Since they eradicated the Pagan culture
after studying all of it, they decided to call them "Satanists" for VERY specific reasons.
This wasn't some sort of lucky pick.
Satan actual begins in Sumeria, in Ancient India, and in the places where the Aryan Race
has their beginning. These syllabes were always assosciated with their head God in their
otherwise polytheistic pantheons, which changed names. The enemy who has had access
for two thousand years to all of this material, knows this all too well.
The Pagans, who are left culture-less, didn't. But the Truth is now out, finally.
The jews didn't just pick up a random name to name their Arch-enemy of all they are and
do. Every character in the bible is stolen from a concept or more ancient character, most
of the time from Hinduism or any other specific Pre-Christian Civilization, and the
ancient Arch-Enemy is no different.
Ironically even in jewish tradition, Satan is the sensible, Satan is the civilizer, Satan is the
great, the brave, the one who stands for justice, and in general, the Lucifer who brings
light and knowledge into the world. All people of quality in Europe or in all parts of the
planet, always associated with Demons and flirted with Satan/Lucifer ideologically, be it
from musical geniuses to the black magician Adolf Hitler whom the enemy admits was
"The Anti-Christ" and the "Son of Satan".
Every representation of Satan is about perfection, manifestation of the world, the infinite
light, power, wisdom, heroic epics, the rebellion against tyranny, the eternal striving for
perfection and freedom, the fight of man against a corrupted 'god' who is the jewish
version of omnipotence etc, and generally it is very obvious that this character is
basically a form of something eternal concealed into an epithet that in Hebrew means
Adversary. Satan means "THE ADVERSARY" in Hebrew, with an emphasis on the
"THE". He is the head adversary of the Jews.
However, all the names of the Gods remain as EPITHETS, not simply 'names'. The
names of the Gods in all the Pagan sub-cultures have always been epithets. For those who
know by heart that they are real beings, which is what we know, one quickly understands
that the same entities and beings are cloaked into the same cloak in comparative
Satan fills in (and we have proved beyond any doubt) not only to be Shiva in Hinduism,
Sata in Egypt, Wodanaz (Satanas) in Norse Paganism and so forth, but Satan also is a
name that comes from the word meaning TRUTH (Satya) in Sanskrit.
We call Satan by an epithet, we invoke Truth, when we call this figure. This is why we
are Spiritual Satanists. In a world of massive jewish control and lying, it's normal for the
jews to have outlawed this being and wish the worst for it, and name the same being an
They also admit that this being has fathered all the Gentiles on Earth in separated racial
families, which the jews collectively call the "Goyim" and seek to destroy into a mixed
cattle. Satan is also the lord of racists and all those who oppose the jewish plans in everyway.
The jews can never be defeated by Pagans who merely pray to the Gods, and as far as we
respect it, we must understand a fundamental Truth that in the Ancient Pagan times, the
people who were at the top and running civilization (Not in the late Christian or
Byzantine Era, this ended roughly with Marcus Aurelius Historically) were parts of the
Mystery Schools.
The same goes for the Freemasons and all other Gentiles who advanced humanity,
irrespective on if the jews now have taken out all of them. In other words, what we coin
as Spiritual Satanism is the inner core of the whole thing, the tree which has everything in
it. In India this was called Sanatana Dharma, but this term fails us again largely as the
"Scholars" of it are more "Jesus Krishna" ass kissers of the jews, than they should be.
Sanatana-DHARMA hides however the name of Satana in an anagram again in it. And
Dharma means way. The way of Satana...The True Way.
This is why we accept all Gentiles and we are Racialists and Tribalists. We also say it
openly the Gods are tribal, and some people depending on their race will get attracted to
certain Gods. Demon means God in the language of the term, and this comes from the
Sanskrit Deva and the Ancient Greek Daemon, which later became the evil notion of the
"Devil". "The Devil" is the second name of Satan, which means "THE" God, to show the
leadership and the head of the Gods.
All Races must remain separated and advance in their own blueprint, but at the same
time, we are one human larger tree, which many people pretend to brush off. This is a
reality, and the existence of the jew as an alien element that wants to exterminate ALL
OF US, should REMIND US of this fact.
The Ancients even in the time of Alexander the Great knew of this very thing. Even if
they maintained racial integrity or at least attempted to (except of the ignorant ones),
those at the top who were in the spiritual hierarchy, never waged spiritual wars, never
assimilated, and maintained belief and tenets of the same Gods, traditions that
communicated and that could be crossed.
The one core tradition we have named Spiritual Satanism, and this is to be shared by all
people. Through the root being re-planted, all people can grow their own race, culture,
and spiritual religion, and nothing is lost, so long the races are alive.
In other words, the source is what important for growth. Focusing on branches is
something others may be more comfortable about, but without a spiritual root, there are
no branches. Fixating on a branch doesn't lead to the root either, neither to an
understanding of the source of the tree.
This is what disappoints Pagans and they come to us. Many people who have started as
Pagans are actually here because they prayed to the Gods and they led them to our
"Spiritual University" so to say.
Modern Pagans seem to disregard the fact that Paganism came through the "Satanic
Heavy Metal" scene, that was all about Satan. Satan was speaking through the echoes of
what was left behind of our mass culture. We regenerated it completely and now it's
called Spiritual Satanism. Other branches like Paganism came out on their own later.
Therefore I see Pagans (those who really follow up with their tenets anyway) are part of
our own tree, but a specific branch. The same goes for others.
Spiritual Satanism encompasses everything, and cultivates everything good for humanity
at large, and humanity as a 'human race', but also of all the respective races within
humanity. This has always been the case and the Ancients who have built these similar
monuments, the ley lines, and the cultures that build on the same framework (That we
call Spiritual Satanism) but were influenced by their respective genetic and racial
expression, understood this well.
There has never been spiritual war onto this world on spiritual matters. There has also
been a many thousand years long cycle which was recorded in all cultures, the time of
"Paradise" or the Golden Age, where all people advanced towards the universe in their
own race karma and understanding. This would be the rule of what we call as "Spiritual
Only friendships, assimilation and alliances (without any necessity for racial
hybridization), and further in-depth understanding of the spirit happened in the Golden
Age; because Gentiles shared the same root. So the Tree naturally became bigger with all
it's branches, and the garden was flourishing.
It was only with the arrival of the jews, and negative universal forces, that humanity sank,
"Religious Warfare" was invented, and that there ever became a deadening of the spirit of
humanity. 'Humanity' was a project in the making, and it was interrupted, remaining
unfortunately incomplete.
The Gods have left the spiritual knowledge behind to finish this objective and become
"As the Gods" which was Satan's original 'promise', which Jehovah, a representation of
the jews and the forces behind them, tried to halt and objected about. This can be fixed as
we advance as a species in the future.
Spiritual Satanism must, and will solve this problem in all levels of existence. Spiritual
Satanism is for all Gentiles, and we seek to purge negativity and ignorance to all the
corners of the earth, so the whole of humanity can experience a Golden Age again.
Not in the sense of rainbow, new age filth, but a return to harmony, and equillibrium,
which needless to say will require spiritual cutthroat violence to be achieved where this
world has gone. Polluted parts of a tree poison and tree and bring it to death. We must be
ready to cut these infected parts.
I hope and look forward for people to understand this objective and stop looking at
Spiritual Satanists from the lenses our enemies have dictated from centuries. Stop seeing
'us' as a separate entity, and know that any true Spiritual Satanist has the best interests at
heart from themselves, the world and humanity. This is the True Way towards the Eternal
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666