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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 1]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Every week I will be posting old material for all of us to re read and refresh ourselves on.

This is very important for us all to do, information is the most valuable thing we have. With information, We Win this War. it is our job and our right to protect, and to master this information!

let us memorize these articles.

Article 1.

Accepting One's Self
Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:05 pm

Many people do not accept themselves on a fundamental level and always wish they were
someone or something else. Of course, since these problems are embedded deeply into a soul or
mentality, many people when they come to spirituality, they transfer this problem. Even worse,
many people do not seek to solve this problem.

This can start from many factors including harsh parents who want their kids to be 'something
else'. This can get into someone's mind. Also, friends, society etc, these can wage war on
someone simply because they are 'different'. There is not much acceptance for differences
almost anywhere anymore in any real level.

Aside this, many take the word 'change' in a negative fashion and try to enforce themselves to
'change', based on some random generated criteria. I have also noticed these people who are
too stuck on 'changing', they have been programmed by some source to assume that the
'perfect' is something specific, yet they ignore this fact. They believe they 'change' because it's
free will, but they essentially do not really shed their skin and change, but they try to terraform
themselves into something else. This rarely works. These people find out and get pissed off,
and can go as far as to blame spirituality, or they continue the same cycle of futility.

This is sort of like how many people do not like how they 'feel' and just keep shoving pills down
their throat, but never really pay too much attention or try to get to the bottom of the situation.
The Kundalini Serpent requires self acceptance, and many also neglect this very fact. As thus
they remain without progression in the Serpent. This is a very basic thing. Anyone who
experiences this will know this, you're going nowhere if you do not self accept.

If one does not accept themselves, and improve their individual self and soul, there is no actual
spiritual progress. To make matters worse, people can build power with spirituality, and misuse
it on already negative preconceptions and faults, and fatten these faults very much, until they
are eventually consumed from these.

Essentially what results from the above is these people who can change, or rather, change
coats, they never get really satisfied with what they are, nor at ease with themselves and their
own individuality. For example, gifts can be lost or remain underworked and overlooked, simply
to look into specific standards. I do not know how many times emotional people complain about
their emotional nature, and they wish they were less emotional. So instead of like, cleaning their
own water, they just try to drain their own water and passion, and become like a walking drone,
because 'All the cool people are not emotional, I saw this in an anime'.

Every passion or even every fault one has, this can be turned into something positive. People
however don't like to pay attention to this as this is more uphill and requires self acceptance to
do. So what is attempted is a total overhaul of their personality, which many find also impossible
to do, and this is for a reason, that nature demands beings have an individual self.

The other thing is being a copycat. You do not need to write like 'me', be like 'him/her', or do
things 'like this guy does it'. All you need to do is find your own pace and learn from others, and
develop your own self. The less you are at war with yourself, the less friction you will have in life
in general. Forcing "change" on people and on one's self never really has the desired results.
No positive advancement will come from giving in to fears, insecurities, and 'needs to change'
when these needs come from self guilt or all sorts of other mental issues, self inflicted most of
the time. This will not advance anyone, but the more they feed into these things, the more
dependent they will become.

Another presupposition I have seen is how many people assume they need to have 'all the
skills' there are. Imagine an animal that has all the traits of other animals. This would be an
abomination. "Completing" ones self isn't about having 'everything' perfect about you, but finding
your personal perfection on what you are on an individual level. There is also not enough time in
existence to develop 'everything', and nature by dictate doesn't want everything to be the same.
An example here for example is anxiety. Many people try to get rid of anxiety. However, in some
cases, your anxiety can alter you to danger. If one is on drugs and not feeling it, they may not
feel this necessary anxiety, and get destroyed because of this. The anxiety of a situation can
show you that you need to advance and make some necessary advancing for example. The
same goes for guilt and other emotions that people do not 'like to feel'.

Confidence can also be wrong, sometimes, way worse than lack of confidence. While the
person that is healthily and balanced in their confidence will have the ability to understand
mistakes, the person who has done years of workings for 'confidence' can work to their death
without even understanding this is the case. One can be a bag of shit and never really
understand what is going on. Here we have a curse.

There are many such aspects in natal charts who appear positive, but they are curses unto the
individual. There are people who are so bombastic that they are unable to understand any fault.
People see an opposition or a square in a natal chart and automatically assume this is for the
worst. One example here is the Neptune aspecting Uranus. While this can make for a lack of
focus of mind in some cases, it can also give a great imagination, which, if one did not have this
aspect, may not possess. Neptune is also opposing Mercury which many people call a bad
aspect, but actually, it can create musical genius, or genius of other kinds, such as imagination
that is vibrant, alive, and key to magick.

Of course, people do not see the other side of the coin. Everything has two sides, and there is
nothing good, evil, or uncool. It's all how the person uses these to advance. There are top
musicians who have Mercury Neptune.

One may also aspire to become 'like' someone, but notice here there is something self revealed.
This is 'like' someone. One cannot become someone else, they can only become 'like' someone
else. Nor one can escape their own karmic fate, but one can advance it. Humanity has lost track
of this very truth and as large it's depressed because people are constantly forced to be
'something else'. I have noticed the same thing people do with plastic surgery after plastic
surgery (without thinking), happening also by some "Satanists" (not from here but generally in
the craft) who pathologically try to get in contact with the Gods, and constantly invoke them to
attain x quality. This essentially wears off, if it even works.

What one needs to do to really change is at first, practice self acceptance, self forgiveness
even. This is when the lower chakras can open to facilitate higher and true change.
You're really cool when you're like yourself and original, but aim to improve. Being an imposter
of a 'leader', of an 'artist', of a 'scientist', of a 'cook', or of an 'athelete' is just a joke. Satan, the
Gods, and also the Serpent, really want us to be...us.

Article 2.
Adding more power to the Final RTR Postby High Priestess Maxine Dietrich » Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:24 am

This is optional. Azazel gave me this. This also really helps in clearing one's soul of Hebrew curses.

The Jews have been cursing Gentiles for centuries.

After reciting each of the letters, visualize the letter, or if there is more than one variation of the letter, visualize each one separately.

The letter should be white to grey on a black background. Visualize the letter disintegrating to nothing until the entire background is totally black. Then blot the letter/s out.

1. Recite the words for each letter 2. Visualize the letter or each letter in the case of more than one 3. Blot the letters out as usual

For those of us who have a second sight, we can see the letters. Some curl and die as they disintegrate, especially the crowns. Given the strength of the letter, some are more grey than others.

I noticed the dots would try to jump out. If so, drive them back in.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.org


article 3.

All the Proof in the World: The Refugee Crisis: ALL Jewish Behind This!!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Read this post and read this VERY carefully…This is very important and IMPERATIVE for all of us, no matter from where we are.

Satanists are the Spiritually Superior and its up to us to restore order, within our Races and within the World in General.

This is a War of the Jews against all Gentiles of this planet. When people realize this, things fall in place. It’s the Jews and their cohorts who create, force and CAUSE suffering in the world.

I seriously warn those with a weak stomach to NOT read to skim this sermon fast. There are gruesome, but very real, pictures. Some pictures are gore. It will expose the gruesome reality behind the whole “refugee” thing and also alarm people to things they have never imagined or even knew before. One though should take an uneasy stomach for the Truth. If you don’t have the “time” to read, the “patience” or you generally suck and you are a murderous slime that wants to throw away the responsibility of helping to set this whole thing straight, for ALL Humanity, then it’s none of my business. Don’t say you haven’t been presented with the information. With that being said…Let’s get going.

I will tell you what is really going on.

In the European Jewnion, policies and laws and the rest of the garbage produced are all in regards to the population is the most important factor. Turkey has 80 million population, while the European continent as a whole has around 320 million people. This is a very- very small number. If Turkey enters the EU with 80 and increasing million population, the Pisslamics keep taking ground and cities, towns and are given free money- they have children, they have the rights to elect their OWN people.

My comment: What is below will happen WAY sooner UNLESS THIS IS HALTED. When this process is done with, this world is DONE WITH. It will be over- forever.

Non-whites will be majority in US and Europe by 2050:

Migrants change UK forever: White Britons 'will be in minority by 2066':

They of course have done this over and over and not “all” of them are rotten, however- most of them are and they know where all this is going. They do this in unison with Jews. Merkel is behind this and Merkel is Jewish- Its all the plan of the Jew World Order:

Merkel is doing what Europe is supposed to do, leading this to the mission of her Ancestors. Wipe out the White Race and World Take Over.
Its well-known Merkel is a Communist Jewess.
This happens in unison with many, many other Jews:


As this process goes, more and more countries get infiltrated. The Jews push their fellows in high positions in order to execute orders. List of Muslims in high positions just in Britain. One doesn’t have to doubt that many of them are also, Racial Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_Muslims


After all the purpose of the European Jewnion is apparent and well known, as the Jews destroyed it deeply:

Want this to come in your country, or even city? If not, then it’s a good idea to defend the West and actually stop this disaster of Race Mixing and “Cultural Enrichment” that is creating horrific civilizations upon which both parties cannot really co-exist.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPHIBvUr17c Everyday life in Muslim States, Total Savagery:

ISIS and ISIL were created by the Jews http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic7348.html http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic8115.html

In addition to brutalizing innocents, the utter savagery towards women, the sodomizing and raping infants, Islam not only rapes, but brutalizes animals. This is CRIMINAL INSANITY!! DO YOU WANT THIS CRIMINALLY INSANE AND COMPLETELY DEPRAVED VERMIN IN *YOUR* COUNTRY??????

MURDERING, TORTURING AND HARMING INNOCENTS IS WHAT ISLAM IS ALL ABOUT!!!! This is what these people are in their majority and this is what they bring. Let the tears for the television and others who are naïve and IDIOTS. The Governments of the White people are against them. They are all the same Jewish Clique. We have proved this with many of our other posts.

As for the “refugees”, “liberals”, “feminists” and the list goes… Don’t buy the stories of “Muh Feels” and just get a good look around to see the Statistics. Crocodiles cry the loudest in this case and in all cases. The ones who rant and rave about “death”, “racism” and “violence” are the most violent, death bringing and racist people themselves. This includes the Jewish Race who is a well known, Criminal Race. We have covered this extensively. So while Alex ADL Jones and others blame the Nazis, or the supposed White “Supremacism,” wake up and realize its just normal to want to survive (whose sole crime is the defence of Jewish cultural assimilation).

As about Feminism, Feminism is a Jewish Construct to begin with. Its mission, same as many other agendas, is to pacify the White people, destroy the bonds of unity between families, cultures and anything else, and feminism builds up exactly on what Christianity has sowed : Lack of Culture, bad relations between men and women, bleeding households. Then the "revolt" against these Jewish patriarch values in the Jewish bible, becomes a massive revolution towards Jewish Feminism. Both cases are equally perverted, sick and imbalanced- both are created by the Jews, with the same purpose: Pacify, destroy and control the White Race.

for Social Marxism going on in countries, which is the major reason on why people are actually ingesting all this "immigration" filth, same as "Christianity" which gives the "Love your enemies" values and promotes pacifism and "One mankind, one Human Race", again, these are Jewish Programs. These are intended to destroy the White Race completely. In the Jew Marx's words, about the "Revolution" of Communism the Jews want to push:

As for how Social Marxism works, the KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov explains it clearly. There is a *PLAN OF SUBVERSION and BRAINWASHING* done by the enemy for DECADES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX3EZCVj2XA

There is a *PLAN OF SUBVERSION* done by the enemy. This shapes the road for Communism. One Race, One Culture, One Global Civilization- All under Jews. The "Kingdom of the Jewson Earth". Part of this is assimilation and destruction of borders, races, identities, cultures and all bonds that separate and keep people different. All humans must first become one "Race" in order to be sickly, dumb and easily controllable.

The biggest criminals are the biggest victims. You just need to put people in a range of their “victim” complex, which evokes “mercy”, in order to understand what is up. Mercy is the means through which the weak, just weaken down the strong, in order to destroy them. To evoke someone’s mercy is an act of hatred and it shows a sign of aggression all in itself. All “mercy” the enemy has created is a generated, fake contextual thing that doesn’t really exist. It just exists for the weak, incapable, lazy, disgusting beings that take down civilizations and decay anything. These are the only people that actively and professionally ask for mercy. The Jew asked for the Gentile Mercy for centuries. All Gentiles got from it are billions of piles of corpses, parasitism and endless slavery. Nothing as absolutely rotten has ever befallen Humanity.

“Mercy” also implies that you see the other being as a useless, crap and excrement. In fact mercy is based on the pre-recognition that the other person inherently sucks and they can’t really do anything about the misery, so “strong you”, must help them. This is underhanded in that it makes the “giver” feel superior and through this blinding superiority, the one who asks for the “mercy” (like a Jew or Rapefugee) is getting the necessary time and means to sharpen their deadly dagger. Most people don’t really want to accept this, but this is how reality is and this is the reality of matters.

The most major instance of "Mercy" being abused for power, domination and endless amounts of money, except of Christianity and the recent religion of Rapefugee Idiot Worship, is actually the Holohoax:
http://web.archive.org/web/20150603001921/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/THE_ REAL_HOLOCAUST.pdf

Going back to the rapefugees... To name very few articles…Of the literal THOUSANDS of rapes happening everyday at this point.



Part of this “Transformation” is death, Rape and Slavery of European Women, Children, even infants.

Whites are merely being murdered by non-Whites all the time. This is GENOCIDE!! Despite of the media propaganda, this should be evident. The Jew has pulled genocide and slavery into all the other Races and they are constantly fanning the flames of racial hatred. Everyone is allowed to love their “heritage” and “protect” it, except of Whites, who are labelled as “Racist” or always get complaints if they do. A Jew is a Jew everywhere, a black is a black everywhere, but as for Whites, this doesn’t apply or they are Racists, Nazis, Bigots and evil monsters. All this understanding, “philosophy”, reality and anything else is produced by the Jews for centuries.

Here are those who do this “labelling:” The Jewish press has done decades of work to make things as they are today. Weren’t it for Whites and decent people who have had “White Morals”, most neighborhoods would be like the one above and life would turn into a party of the Jews, who envision that all of theirs must own 2800 Goyim (non Jewish), Slaves.

To their own word also, Whites must grow extinct in order for this to happen. If one merely even questions, then I will bring you some information in front of your eyes of what we are “bringing” in our countries and what ideas flow into their “midst”. Certainly, these are not the great Arabs or the good Blacks who are like a minority even to their own people.

We are bringing in murderous people with intentions of wiping us out. The people who are sane and noble and they belong to these Races and are with the Noble Side, they will not even testify against this as they know firsthand and they are DISGUSTED by this behavior. I know many of you can testify here. However, let’s take one lengthy look.

With Open Gates: The forced collective Suicide of European Nations : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vzMNG2fZc

ISLAM IN EUROPE AND USA SHOCKING MUST WATCH : اپورا و اکیرما مالسا https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv05D3Yeg_k

Sharia Law: The Silent Take Over of Europe And America - Immigration Crisis 2016 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58xKnZq-1sM

How Arab and African Immigrants are Destroying Europe : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhsQXYJkU4Y

The Islamic Invasion of Europe: https://youtu.be/akx2cacH1gM


Illegal immigrants and truck drivers (Emigrant vs. Drivers & EUROPA) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3SntAG9iQU

Disregard the Xian/Jewish crap in the videos, as all of you know the Truth about the Jew and what they do.

The kikes push “Islam Vs Christianity” meme all along, to win both sides and again, pay for nothing of what they cause.

The Jews created Islam, Christianity, from the root of JUDAISM. This is the root of decay. As for Arabs, Arabs hated Jews for many centuries before even Islam came in place. This hate has still carried on for territorial and other reasons. Arabs have been in their majority, turned into depraved and criminally insane beasts by the Jewish program of Islam.

I will post a link from “Radio Islam”, but this has nothing to do with Pisslam. The article itself shows amassed evidence of the Jews controlling the Internet: https://www.radioislam.org/islam/english/jewishp/internet/jews_behind_internet.htm

As for Islam in general, one can see here:

The kikes are on the telephone, as a global entity, to cover up their tracks.

The internet has made this impossible for them: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/09/27/angela-merkelcaught-on-hot-mic-pressing-facebookceo-over-anti-immigrant-posts.html

Of course, the Jews try to pretend that they are good and innocent like any other time, and that Arabs are somehow worse. The Jews made Arabs worse than they ever were. They are aware they created everything that destroyed all these people and now they also want to get on top and reap benefits. This is a common Jewish tactic.

The Jews know they have a bandit state, they know they are murderers, war criminals and filthy garbage- on the top level they know and they reveal their “Alien” existential mission as well.

The Jews want to destroy all healthy world powers that can potentially stand in the way of that. The basis of any Nation or State is Racial. By destroying this base, they destroy everything that can oppose them or has the decent intelligence to go against this.

The Jews did 9/11 in order to get help from the Americans in destroying and wiping out people in the Middle East, and create the “Greater Israel”. Part of this is to expand Israel so when they make the “Great March” into the Globalist Society, (With their appointed Jewish Leader as “Messiah”), the “World State Capital” will be in “Greater Israel”. They need ground expansion and survival place, until the rest of the work is done by their cousins abroad. Israel is the headquarters for most of these things.

New York is called “Baby Israel” and most people know this.


Arabs who are Gentiles of course need to be used and then, after they serve the Jews, they will also need to die:

The Jews started all these problems to begin with, and their loyal slaves follow. Their slaves are from all Races, some more willingly some less, some oblivious. One cannot divide hair right now and place feelings over facts. It is what it is. It has been so for a long, long time. Wishful thinking does NOT change this. Neither placating emotions nor sugar-coating the excrement. Things are what they are for all parties. All parties, for better or for worse, have to see the Jewish enemy and destroy them to the last one. Only then everyone involved has a chance to actually advance. Knowing the weaknesses, stupidities, pitfalls and other issues of one’s Race, ties into this.

HOWEVER THE PEOPLE DOING THESE AND EXECUTING THEIR ORDERS ARE *NOT* VICTIMS AND THEY DO *NOT* DESERVE ANYONE’S MERCY OR RESPECT. Even their own people deny them, why should Whites even bother? Always Whites and others pay the price of what the Jews do.

Those who see these criminals and state destroyers as something friendly, just think that they have destroyed their Race, their own homeland and anything else. They are anything but poor and helpless refugees. They are actual male troops with the mission of out-breeding and destroying the White Race. Other Races will of course follow later, like the poor Palestinians and others who have been wiped out by the enemy Jew firsthand.

Before I go into this, I want to completely debunk the “Black Myth”. Blacks are not a “warrior race”, they do not possess a very high IQ as a normal, and neither do they all have the big genitalia many are convinced through porn to believe they do. The Jews own the porn industry and weak Black Slaves of theirs follow the paradigm, yet the Jews know the Truth about all of that. They in fact reap endless benefits from it, so don’t believe in their crocodile tears.

Here is a video on the matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC9SkFDJGg4 Most unworthy blacks who are inferior to the best people of their Race, love this system. It even pushes the best blacks on the bottom, while promoting mindless apes and Jewish slaves on the top, like everywhere else. They are after all “Entitled”, and they are “Equal” to everyone else. Only the Jews are a bit more equal than others, while all others are “equal” in the wanna-be, “Entitlement” melting pot- until they all die.

These are cultural lies created by the enemy Jews, who want to turn blacks into empty creatures and whites into deceived slaves that are frail and sickly- ready to die.

The creation of most of these myths have been based on porn, race traitor housewives (many of which are Jewesses, masking and parading as “White Women”) and others. The whole “interracial is fun” thing is a huge hoax. It never was and it will never be. No longterm society has survived the test of time, being multicultural.

Every Ancient civilization, once they had issues with Race mixing, they started to perish and degenerate. The Jews know this entirely well and they accept no Black Jews in Israel, even if they are mixed. They consider them a real problem to their survival. For cultural, mental, spiritual and even physical differences, this not only isn’t fun, but this practice could only survive into a Jewdized, disgusting and destroyed civilization such as the present one. It’s an act against nature, health and anything else. Not even the Jews have such aims for their state or country.

Where the situation is right now, even in the west, many of these people have unprotected sex, carry diseases that aren’t even obvious and the general reality is far uglier than most can even comprehend. Most find out only too late. Even Black women can testify on the fact that the accounts of men impregnating them and leaving them on their own, or living parasitically off of them, are insane. This phenomenon is widely practiced in the east and Pisslamics do this too. Women are property and animals, after all- that’s their mindset. The severing of the Clitoris, beating women senseless everyday even without reasons, subjecting women and enslaving them are all “refugee” country practices.

So enough of words. One just needs to take a look around to find pictures like the ones I will post below. These are very, very disturbing but people need to wake up to reality. Many of them are fake as well and the people in the pictures aren’t even “impregnated”. There is a hobby amongst the “Black Ghetto Community” in impregnating “White Bitches” and leaving them pregnant, or even spreading all sorts of other malignant shit to them. These below are created from pro-black and "Pan-African" blogs. Obviously the Jews have their own hand in this as well, same as the Jewish porn industry and black savage porn industry and the list goes. Nothing beautiful about it. Only ugliness indeed.

I could go on and on as these pictures are literally in the thousands or more. The meaning is the same. WIPE-OUT-WHITES. That's all there is to it. The Genius plan of these people are to exterminate us. Others don’t really get “exterminated” by this practice, but it waters them down. Have babies like below- what an aim… JENIUS babies, yes. This is exactly what the Jews want bred. Anything possibly with the IQ of a dead potato.

This is the reality of what the "hot" guys had as a cultural practice all along. Once you go ape black, you never go back- neither to civilization, to reality or anything. The Jew has won if they convince people otherwise.
The Reality for a lot of those who come to supposedly "enrich" the West, looks more like this:

Doesn't really seem like a worthwhile enrichment.

"An Orgy of Garbage & Feces of Unparalleled Proportions is Left Behind by Migrants in Austria": topic11443.html The act of Race mixing, from whichever angle, is an act of destruction of nature and all diversity there is on the planet. Race mixing constantly will in the end produce one last result of people that will be all the same and alike. The act of race mixing creates everything to be ONE and the SAME. No identity, no culture, no difference in the body, mind or even soul. Just one clump of repetitive, nothingness. Easily controllable, low IQ, empty and dull. Exactly what the Jews want. Making people turds, that's what's Race mixing is about.

It’s also easy to understand and everyone knows that the genes that are called “Dominant” come on top. Dominant is a tricky word and this is on purpose, again to impose the supposed television advertised pseudo “Dominance” of these people. There is no real dominance and this can be seen into the countries they create.

These people kill the good of their own like pesticide and the best of their own people want to live with Whites rather than this murderous excrement. Because Whites are not really the savages that many of these people are. As for the "Enrichers", they are not dominant and they haven’t ever been. Most of them are plagued by internal warfare for more than 1500 years, they haven’t really advanced any serious civilization unless if it comes from the West. The Jews put the icing on the cake with their programs to ensure these people will never seriously advance. This is evident in their present day civilizations as well.

Everything around these matters is to try to convince Whites into feeling inferior and historical cover ups.

We Whites however have been the civilizer Race, we have been the most Ancient Warrior Race of the planet and we are of the few Races that stand on the last ground for our own. All others are running from all directions, like the “male” rapefugees who are coming into our countries because they failed theirs, leaving their wives and children behind, in order to pretend to be the “Islamic Men” that will get laid with White Women. These people are very inferior in all ways and they are the worst excrement of the Arabic world. No decent creature leaves their own in order to get into a boat and freeload all their life. This is why “mercy” is utilized. They are not the Arabs of old, or the “brave people” many would call them falsely. They are actual deserters and idiots who let their own countries rot in civil war, their women to be raped behind and their children to die unjust deaths, if they had any.

They are a bunch of weak, beta idiots that are the absolute lowlife and excrement of their own people- violent murderers and rapists without any discretion. For the “good fruits” amongst their midst, one just has to wonder what is the fate of a good fruit, in the midst of other diseased and plagued fruits. Eventually, it will take its own way as well. Most of their people too consider them a disgrace, this is why the Saudi Arabia didn’t even bother taken any of these infidels inside. Even to these Arabs, they consider them a total disaster and mess.

These people are so Jewdized, they use “mercy” in the same way- to kill and destroy us. All of them are aware that our “genes” are “dominant” and they take satisfaction in that fact that they outbreed the evil west. Of course, they don’t have the manhood or decency to start any war, or anything like this, because everyone is afraid of the West, or decent Races like the Asians or the Japanese. As thus, they utilized and mimic Jewish methods in order to wipe us out slyly. With the eulogies of the Jews of course. Whites pay for their own death.

Why Christianity is a problem should be apparent. Love your enemies, give mercy to people who are going to wipe you out, self hatred, no spiritual awareness, which is total materialism, and makes people think of everyone as an “equal”, or self-hatred that makes people weak- this is all Christianity. Pay them, because you "OWE" something, you Evil Whitey. You always owe. To the Jewish god, to the "refugees" and the list goes. You owe always for things you NEVER committed.

Even the "Black Slave Trade" was JEWISH: topic145.html

Christianity and Islam are both Jewish programs. However, the West really struggles with Christianity and Christianity is what has opened the gates of decay, like in the times of Rome.

The Vatican, same as the Orthodox Church and Islamhood, are all Jewish Gangster religions meant to wipe out Europe and others:

http://web.archive.org/web/20160311144555/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Pope _Visits_Rome-_HP_MAGESON.pdf http://web.archive.org/web/20160530163632/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Pope _Tells_EU_Nations_to_Tear_Down_Migrant_Walls.pdf

http://see_the_truth.webs.com/ [Exposing Christianity.com]

This is the same about how sensitive and strong people deteriorate and weaken down themselves in order to align with the dumb masses. All Satanists here are away and far from this cancerous thinking. Only Satanism will save the White Race and other Races, from all of this decay. Satanism is the original form of Paganism. Like the Jews have Judaism, Gentiles have Paganism.

One has to see above feeling and cultural indoctrination to see the Truth. Just look at which societies are more peaceful, and how mad, depraved and insane they come to be after incessant Race mixing, cultural assimilation. Stupidity and materialism, and murder culture imposed by the Jews, become the norm.

You see nowadays a complete destruction of values. Christianity helped in this, weakened down civilizations and spiritually bound people- all ethics and spiritual understandings come from spiritual advancement. Christianity is the destroyer of values, power and freedom.

The lower this is, the lower the ethics of a civilization drop. Everything starts becoming colorless, empty materialism. The same thing has happened in our present civilization. People are too empty, stupid and weak to understand a lot of things in many places. Strength, a fighting and noble spirit, are hated values. The values that are coming to pass are values like Jewish servitude, being “average” and ignorance is bliss- of course, with the Jew at the top.

The Jew is behind endless promotion of criminality, Christianity which is a weakener and dumber of the Soul, that makes people have hang-ups, deprivations, emptiness and other existential problems that lead to murder and other social issues. You need to see a “Christian and Happily Married” couple to see this and it’s evident.

Due to inability for someone to be honest to one’s self, one’s society and one another, people make the wrong “choices”, they deny their nature and the materialistic society gives the final blow into killing what is innocent and good in Humanity. All this rhymes with the bottom line of Christianity. People are born like evil excrement, they are to be punished and even their supposed creator, hates them. Misery, fear, and ignorance are all welcomed. Supposedly this dogma is all about “humanity” and never has society been so inhumane, robotic, materialistic and mass brain controlled as it is today. You believe the Jews and this is what you are going to get.

The Jews hate any power Gentile Power. Power is not an evil thing. Emotionally powerful people don’t need to validate themselves by murder, crime, or any of these behaviors. They don’t need to be parasites, they don’t need to make anyone’s life worse just to feel they “Exist”. They are alive, and they don’t need a murder rush to escape from one moment from the siphoning of their own Soul by Christianity and its cohort puppets.

Humanity has grown so dead in some cases, that people actually invite suffering and selfmutilation (ethical, social or spiritual) in order to give a share or a color into their nasty and empty lives- all stolen by the Jews. The Jews steal their vitality, their labor, their workforce, everything- lastly, they too demand their Soul and to judge it. This is the life of the Goyim- the life of the living dead, the life of a totally enslaved servant.

People are being born into a cage. Since infancy, countless programming’s are passed into their heads.

Then, you have all the other filthy garbage of pacifism, weakness and its polar opposite- violence, crime and all the evil things.

The enemy has made life and survival so hard, which forces a lot of people down rotten routes.

Its about time life is reclaimed from the Jewish Enemy. Its about time people grow free.

The Jews will find us in front of them for once more:

When human hearts break and human souls despair, then from the twilight of the past, the great conquerors of distress and care, of shame and misery, of spiritual slavery and physical compulsion, look down upon them and hold out their eternal hands to despairing mortals. Woe to the people that is ashamed to grasp them! –Poem by Adolf Hitler

TAKE THEIR HAND!!! http://www.joyofsatan.org/ TAKE A STAND AND FIGHT!!!

article 4

The Ancient Lilith, Origins of the Goddess
Post Mon Aug 14, 2017 4:04 am
Hoodedcobra666 User avatar
Site Admin

Posts: 1701
Location: America

The enemy has made sure to defame Lilith more than any other female Goddess. This is typical of their creed. This will debunk these and purify her identity.

Lilith as with anything else that the enemy stole and perverted, came from the Far East. As we know the names of the Gods are aliases and sometimes they have had thousands or hundreds, but Lilith is particularly important as this reflects the clearer reflection of the feminine divine.

Lilith comes from the eastern LALITA, frequently also pronounced literally as LALITHA. Lalita is a title and name of the Goddess Lahksmi. Lalita means "playful one", and this is a divine term of the Shakti energy which she literally represents, such as Loki which as was stated by HP Don in some point, was actually Laki. And is the modern english word for LAKE.

In the Norse world, we have the lady of the lake, the Queen of the Arthurian Legend (Arthurian Legend has to do with the Godhead and the grail) as an allegory of the feminine, Shakti energy of the universe, represented by the waters or lakes. In some fables, Loki acts 'feminine' as well, with what can be stated as a playful nature, etc, showing this very role.

Lalita means "the playful one", simply because, the feminine energy is vibrant, alive and playful. Lalita is associated with the Crown chakra, the thousand petal lotus, and the blessings that come from opening such chakra. Lilith rules the crown, and Satan rules the base. Lalita is the personification of Shakti in her own form and nothing else, the face of the feminine Divine.

The other name of the Goddess Lalita, is the name Kamala, an epithet meaning Wisdom for Goddess Lahksmi. Which is another name for Lahksmi, the Hindu Goddess of spiritual and material prosperity. But Lalita is at the same time the representation of the Trine Power (Trinity) force, and therefore she is higher than any particular Goddess. Lalita Tripura Sundari is her name when she represents the Trine Force.

Kamala as it has been stated before, has been perverted to AMALEK or AMALAK from the enemy. Which is how they call the White Race, the children of Amalek.

In Ancient Greek, Alithea means Truth, non-forgetfullness, remembering the Truth. In the literal sense this means "The Reality of the Existence and the Existence of Reality". This is backhandedly admitting the linking with the Satya, which is Truth and Reality, and is just happens by some another huge coincidence to link Satan with Lilith together, again. This is a feminine word in nature.

Remember in the Jewish Kabbalah, the Soul of the "Goyim" or the Gentile has Lilith as their Mother, and Satan as the Father. Forming the union, and constituting the Goyim Soul. This is also known as the Klippotic tree which the jews are sworn enemy of. This is what the Messianic Chabad Rabbi has admitted, that the Gentiles are the seed of the Amalek, Satan and Lilith.

Lalita and Amalek are both related to wealth, spiritual and material prosperity, and the riches bestowed on the spiritually wise. Amalek are known as the wealthy nations in jewish 'culture'. The enemy curses that and preaches impoverishment as a virtue. While they hoard all the wealth in the world possible. They hate this because wealth is a literal manifestation of the divine, same as is love and many other blessings. Lalita also rules love, materialized wealth, and all the pleasures of life, also sexual union. Which fall under the domain of the Divine and Giving mother, Shakti, which she represents in Goddess form.

Sri Lalita is also the creator of Mankind. Which the enemy also admits when it comes to the Gentiles. And is part of the most Ancient Vedic culture, representing the primordial Goddess in a pure form. She is queen of the whole universe, sustainer, and creator.

In the Joy of Satan webpage it's written that Lilith has said that she doesn't want to be summoned and she will only appear to those whom she chooses. This is also the case in Lalita, where Lalita chooses her worshipers and not the other way around in Hindu lore.

Lalita takes a major part in the war in Hindu epics against the corrupted forces of darkness and despair, and the Rabbis also are very afraid of her and mention in their kabbalistic texts that her name should better be going unsaid as she rules "MILLIONS OF DEMONS". These millions of demons can assault rabbis and kill them, assaulting them at night and causing them insanity and paranoia from which one cannot recover.

Lalitha or Lilith is actually the wife and consort of Shiva, and they are the representation of the Divine Sexual Union. As it has been stated before, Satan is Shiva. And Lalita is Lilith. Shiva and Shakti are the merging of the femine and masculine parts of the self. Bringing the union and the rising of the consciousness.

Satan is blasphemed as Amalek, the Father of the Aryan people, coming from the eastern Malek that means King. And Lalita is blasphemed as Lilith, the mother of the "Mixed Multitude" in the jewish texts. The name Lalita is also assosciated, like Lilith, with the word in English that still survives as Lilith.

Lolita, or a young prostitute (Which is an example of most jewish women who have invented all this ugly prostitution, write books about it, and promote it in all frontiers of civilization, equally so in feminism), is a word the jews use to define promiscuous women. The hate of the jewish spiritual feminine was externalized, guess where, on their enemies again.

Mistranslating with their reptilian brain (which will be blown to bits in the future), the playful essence of this energy, into 'whoredom', since as we know all the Gentiles or Goyim are born from fornication with whores, we are 'dogs' and we need to wash of our original sin in front of the jewish god. Because existing is a crime in the mind of the jews.

Additionally, the river of life, which is the adobe of the energy of Laki/Lalita/Divine Shakti, representing the Gentile generative power, abundance and wealth (Like the River Nile did which is cursed in the bible) is smitten, so they say that this was some sort of 'demon' that tried to steal their 'seed' or something, as the water represents also this energy.

The jews have shown their bottomless abuse to women and anything pertaining women, including their own, which are treated lower than cattle. For this reason the jews do not get nowhere spiritually, and are a race of ugly creatures. Those who replicate such myths are for a spiritual beheading and incessant cursing, now and for all time.

They also write some lies that deserve their hands to be severed, such as that "Lilith" comes from some sort of Akkadian small night Demon called Lilitu or something. Night "Demon" is associated with the Dark, Shakti energy.

Lilith has been 'demonized' by the jews because she is a key player in the destruction of the enemy. Lilith works and has been working for so long with the Joy of Satan clergy, and is one of the key Goddesses who work for the eradication of the jewish influences from the world.

She is the real Queen of heaven, in all her glory, power and wisdom.

Article 5.

SATAN Is The Original Name Of Godhead
by Mageson666 Thu Aug 03, 2017 8:40 pm

Satya is the original name of the ancient primordial religion.

In the original language of Sanskrit, SATA is the highest name of God. This is also spelled SATAN in Sanskrit which means 100 which is the number of the sun, existence, enlightenment and the crown chakra which is the God chakra in Hinduism, the crown chakra is called Guru meaning the remover of darkness, God, the enlightener. The opening of this center with this mantra SATANAMA in Kundalini yoga brings super conscious awareness. There are Hindu's that have SATAN as their spiritual surname in India. In Hindu tales there are powerful Siddha Yogi's who have the name Satan.

SATA is the name of the Logos, SATA is the original Name of God in the cosmic, universal sense. This is why SATANAMA is the highest mantra in Hinduism. Its paying homage to SATA the highest NAMA [Name] of God. Sat is fully spelled SATA in Sanskrit. The T letter has the A on the end. SATAN means Saviour in Sanskrit as well. The name of the serpent energy that transforms the soul into the gold thus perfecting the light body which is to be made whole or saved in the ancient teachings of serpent yoga.

Why SATAN is the highest name of God:

"From Sat [Sata] springs forth energy, which manifest itself in the form of an elementary vibration that can be compared to a primordial sound nada. It is from this vibration that the boundary point, bindu issues. -Sharadatilak1.7

This is describing the principals of existence for the entire Cosmos.

In the Hindu texts SA is the name of the element of sprit and the name of the Creator God, thus soul the breath of life or prana and the sound or vibration of the universe that as stated all the elements arise from. In the doctrine of the Word in Hinduism, TA is the divine mind the other half of the name of God. The two letters SA and TA come together to form the dual aspects of the Word....Divine mind which manifests as divine speech. Sound and form. Thought in English comes from Tat the ancient name of Thoth in Sanskrit. Which the Egyptians were a Vedic civilization like the Greeks. Ta or Tat is the divine mind in Egypt. The elements are called Tat...va. In Sanskrit for this principal.

"The process of the creative word is based on the analogy between the processes involved in the transformation of thought into word and sound vibration, and the process of divine thought, which becomes the substance of the word in the shape of energy vibrations."-While the Gods Play, Danielou

SATA is the SA vibrational or Shakti power of existence and TA is the consciousness or awareness of this the Shiva principal. This relates to the vibration the feminine as energy and the masculine as geometry forms the vibrational patterns which relate to number that forms the whole universe, all is number. It also relates to the left and right sides of the brain in the human and the electric and magnetic aspects of the soul. Including the male and female chakra's the upper three and lower three that meet at the heart. The connector of the soul. In later times like in Kashmir Shivaism with the Tantra period this became know as Shiva and Shakti.

SATAN is also the cosmic principal in which the entire Sanskrit alphabet of 54 letters issues from that forms the petals of the sound forms of the chakra's of which are the elements and which manifest the entire being into existence. This is why SATAN is the serpent because this is the body of the Devi or serpent in Hinduism the seven chakra's, their nadis and the flow of prana though them from what is called the body of the serpent. The light body. The literal Word made manifest. Which is SATAN made manifest in the original language.

The S letter in Sanskrit goes thought the three nadis that form the soul and serpent where they overlap a chakra or Tattva appears.

This is more then philosophical the SATAN is a mantra in Yoga which opens up the crown and third eye. That both sounds the N on the end forms the TAN or Than mantra that in Hinduism opens up the Ajna chakra, the third eye. N is the relation to the volting of the energy into the material aspect of existence by acting directly on the Bindu or chakra point to open the flow of energy into the body. Thus bringing the vibration of the SATA fully into the chakra's and opening then with the N on the end.

SATAN is the name of God in the macrocosm of the universe and within the Microcosm of the soul. SATAN is also the name of the physical God that as the Sumerian's stated created the Gentiles. The Sumerian's called ENKI, SATAN as well. This is why the Yezidhi's who were part of this civilization still call their God, SATAN. The Yezidhi's still practice rituals found on ancient Assyrian reliefs. The Yezidhi's also state they came out of India around three thousand years ago. And they still call the Sun, Shammash, the Sumerian, Babylonia name of the Sun God. Their calendar is seven thousand years old much older then the Jewish one. This proves again SATAN predates Judaism by thousands of years as God.

That is why the Jewish Rabbi's call Gentile's SATAN's, its because SATAN gave us our soul which is ethereal within the DNA of which we come from His blood as well. Its metagenetic.

This is why the Jews hate SATAN because they wish to exalt their false god Yahweh, which is just a magician's trick a servitor created and maintained by Rabbi's that has been infused to a major level of energy by criminal vampirism tactics. The Jews are an alien soul and naturally due to this hate us.

The reason the Rabbi's hate SATAN is simple they state it over and over again in their writings. SATAN refused to bow down to them and is more powerful then all of them put together. The Jews as Bobby Fisher confessed have a murderous hatred for anything or anyone that they can't control and that has more power them then. And seek to totally destroy it. They will even destroy each other in this insane hatred.

SATAN is God and as the Jews admit God of this earth, the original God and thus they wish to attack Him by attacking His children the Gentiles and wiping out all Gentiles off the earth as they state in their Torah and Kabala texts. And doing so having the whole planet to themselves as stolen property. Rav Laitman stated the Jews are alien and have come form another world to this one to wage war against it till they conqueror it and remake into their own ugly image.

SATAN the name of the energy of spirit that forms the elements forming all creation and the soul, is eternally and anciently.. Shown as the symbol of the.....

Which is the eternal banner of SATAN. The Swastika in ancient Egypt and Greece was also reformed to make a square and given the number 100 which is SATAN the number 100 in Sanskrit. The square is also the earth yantra which contains all the elements within and relates to the union of the soul and body. Of matter and sprit. SATAN is the God of the earth.

The Holy Science, Yukteswar
The Enlightenment of Vairocana. Wayman, Taijma
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
While the Gods Play, Danielou


article 6 (continuation of the above)

Jewish Rabbi's Admit Satan Is God Of The Gentiles
Post Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:18 pm
Mageson666 Site Admin

Posts: 5564
Jewish Rabbi's Admit Satan Is God Of The Gentiles

The Jews openly state Satan is the Father of the Gentiles and that our cultures are from Satan and that the Gentiles are to be destroyed, totally. The soul and blood are one the soul is the etheric DNA.

As show here Satan is the original Sanskrit [the oldest language on earths] name of God:
topic20376.html (article 5, above)

The Sumerian's called ENKI, SATAN as well. This is why the Yezidhi's who were part of this civilization still call their God, SATAN. The Yezidhi's still practice rituals found on ancient Assyrian reliefs. The Yezidhi's also state they came out of India around three thousand years ago. And they still call the Sun, Shammash, the Sumerian, Babylonia name of the Sun God. Their calendar is seven thousand years old much older then the Jewish one. This proves again SATAN predates Judaism by thousands of years as God.

When the Jews state in their writings that Amalek is to be blotted out and destroyed they are referring literally to Satan. But also to the Gentiles who came from Satan's bloodline as the Jews state in their Torah. The Goyim are from the seedline of Satan. Where the Jews are from Yahweh. The Jews wish to exterminate the Gentiles to usher in the Jewish Messianic age. In which only the Jews will inherit the earth.

Note they call Satan "The strange God".

From a site on jewish Kabala. Goyim means with strange Gods, meaning our Gods, the Demons. In the Zohar, Satan is called the strange God, the Serpent, Samal [Devil-Satan] who is the Father Of the Gentiles.. Its Samal the Jews place in the garden of Edin whom they say Cain is the descendent of the serpent seed line the Goyim came from. Where the Jews came from Eve via Adam who is Yahweh's creation only and thus have a special blood line the Goyim don't. We have Satanic genes and soul.

Simple Gematria of L'Goyim = (40) +(10) +(6) + (3) +(30) = 89

On the other hand, we can compute the "complex" Gematria of a word by summing the numeric values of the spelling of each letter of the word. For example, in the case of l'goyim, although its simple Gematria is 89, it's complex Gematria would be computed from the individual Gematriot of its five component letters as follows:

= (30) +(40) (4) = 74
= (3) + (40) + (30) = 73
= (6) + (6) = 12
= (10) + (6) + (4) = 20
= (40) + (40) = 80

Complex Gematria = 259

And this complex Gematria of 259 connects the word l'goyim (the Gentiles) to the word b'zarim ("with strange gods", also with a Gematria of 259), "

Our Gods are "Strange" to the Jews because the Jews are alien souls and alien to this world as Rav Laitman has stated.

"Samael in the Zohar is associated with Amalek, the god of the physical world. The text describes Samael as Amalek's occult name.... Also equates him with Satan."

Samel is a Sanskrit word and means SAM [soul] AL [God] The God of the Soul. The Jews acknowledge that Satan is the Father of our souls as well. The Sumerian's stated Satan [The Sumerians called EA, Satan] breathed the breath of life into the Gentiles as their creator. Hence why they openly call us Satanic Souls. However this also means in Kabala the Jews wish to destroy the Gentiles on the soul level as well. Which is what the Torah is created to accomplish with the god form the Rabbi's created with it. The Torah as the Jews state is their god. And its full of curses on the Gentile soul from Genesis and on. This is why the Torah tells the Jews to destroy the Gentiles and their cultures. And the symbol of the Jewish god which the Jews called Leviathan is the Yod letter which the whole Hebrew alphabet comes from. Which is 22 letters that make the god of the Hebrews and the Torah. The Leviathan the Jewish god form is depicted in kabala as serpent encircling and destroying the Gentiles of the world. This is there Torah. Jesus is openly called the serpent of Moses which is the Jewish Leviathan the Jewish god form. The goal of Christianity is to bring about the Messianic age of the Jews and destroy the Gentiles.

The Jewish Zohar volume one, pages 28b to 29a states:

"At that time the mixed multitude shall pass away from the world. The mixed multitude are the impurity which the serpent injected into Eve. From that impurity came forth Cain who killed Abel. For they are the seed of Amalek. Whom it said "thou shalt bolt out the memory of Amalek." Gentiles who are compared to the beasts of the field another from the mazikin [goblins] for the souls of the wicked are literally mazikin [goblins] of the world: and there is impurity from the side of the demons and evil spirits: and there is none so strange among them as Amalek who is the evil serpent "the strange God." He is the cause of all unchastity and murder and his twin soul is the poison of idolatry, the two together being called Samel.... This side of the serpent is accused above all."

In Kabala there is something important. The symbol of the Aleph letter. Its the letter which adds to 26 the number of their god YHVH. Its symbol is two Yod's between a Vav. This is the symbol of the Jewish god form being connected to the Jewish soul though the Torah, the Vav. That which connects them. And 26 adds to the Chet letter. Which is the letter of life and the soul in Kabala. The Baal Shem Tov, a Rabbincial Saddok, a high ranking leader of the Jewish people. Called the Aleph letter the most important of all the letters. Aleph in Kabala is showing the relation of the Torah.

The Jews call the Torah....The Water Of Life.

The way out of this is the Reverse Torah Rituals which the Jews show in their own texts with the Golem. The way to reverse a spell in Hebrew is by reversing the Hebrew letters. The Reverse Torah Rituals is the key to erasing the Jewish god totally from the astral....

The Aleph letter shows the Jewish soul and the Jewish god form is one. Erase the god form of the Jews from the astral with the Reverse Torah Rituals and what will happen to the Jews in the material world..... Jews are biological weapons of mass destruction like their Torah is a spiritual weapon of mass destruction against this whole planet.

The Jews openly state Satan is the Father of the Gentiles and that our cultures are from Satan and that the Gentiles are to be destroyed, totally. To worship the Jewish god, Yahweh in the form of Christ or another other is worshipping the Jews who wanted to exterminate you off the earth. The Jews even state this in their own texts.

Hi, so there's a video I've been searching for a while already that I know was on HP Hooded Cobra's old youtube channel. I've downloaded his old videos and I've also downloaded other archives from other brothers but that video is never there. If I remember correctly, it had an priest talking about how Jews are directly to blame for the "control" of the current world. For example, our principles and the teachings in schools. And how they warped our Natural way of life. He was speaking in the background while images would transition during the video. After he finished, the video moves on to a motivational Hitler montage. It's an extremely revealing video and personally one of my favorites. If anyone has it, a reply would be huge! I'm still going to continue looking so I know sooner or later I'm going to find it. Thank you :)
SATchives said:

I am glad you are willing to do this, as it necessary to revisit past info and reflect. There is an infinite amount of good wisdom in the Satan's library.

In this case, the 3rd article overshadowed the first two with all the images and its length. In the future, it would be better to put these separate, although I don't know how you plan to structure these sessions. It might be better to post smaller, more frequent threads, instead of 1 mega thread (which would make readers liable to just start scrolling through).
There was no point where a priest was talking on a video, though. This has to be something else you are reffering to.

Sungio13 said:
Hi, so there's a video I've been searching for a while already that I know was on HP Hooded Cobra's old youtube channel. I've downloaded his old videos and I've also downloaded other archives from other brothers but that video is never there. If I remember correctly, it had an priest talking about how Jews are directly to blame for the "control" of the current world. For example, our principles and the teachings in schools. And how they warped our Natural way of life. He was speaking in the background while images would transition during the video. After he finished, the video moves on to a motivational Hitler montage. It's an extremely revealing video and personally one of my favorites. If anyone has it, a reply would be huge! I'm still going to continue looking so I know sooner or later I'm going to find it. Thank you :)
Blitzkreig said:
SATchives said:

I am glad you are willing to do this, as it necessary to revisit past info and reflect. There is an infinite amount of good wisdom in the Satan's library.

In this case, the 3rd article overshadowed the first two with all the images and its length. In the future, it would be better to put these separate, although I don't know how you plan to structure these sessions. It might be better to post smaller, more frequent threads, instead of 1 mega thread (which would make readers liable to just start scrolling through).

From now on i will post one at a time.
Blitzkreig said:
SATchives said:

I am glad you are willing to do this, as it necessary to revisit past info and reflect. There is an infinite amount of good wisdom in the Satan's library.

In this case, the 3rd article overshadowed the first two with all the images and its length. In the future, it would be better to put these separate, although I don't know how you plan to structure these sessions. It might be better to post smaller, more frequent threads, instead of 1 mega thread (which would make readers liable to just start scrolling through).

I checked the preview several times. it was good on my end before i posted it. how unfortunate.

Every friday i'll post more articles, I don't want to flood the thread. we all need about a weeks time to read this and to refresh our selves.

And some only check the forums once a week.
Blitzkreig said:
SATchives said:

I am glad you are willing to do this, as it necessary to revisit past info and reflect. There is an infinite amount of good wisdom in the Satan's library.

In this case, the 3rd article overshadowed the first two with all the images and its length. In the future, it would be better to put these separate, although I don't know how you plan to structure these sessions. It might be better to post smaller, more frequent threads, instead of 1 mega thread (which would make readers liable to just start scrolling through).

I re read what you said, I misunderstood. you where speaking of the layout when you said, overshadowed, and not clipping. Yeah, I agree, it will look nicer if I post articles one by one.
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.

Your statement for "Trump", Trump never intended to help Whites, this was only a random meme generated by the same people that you think were smart for doing something like Charlotesville. It was a hoax.

And it wasn't going to solve anything. But you believe it for the same reasons you can't understand the general situation of things, so I'll have to rehash what has been said about a million times now.

People thinking like dumbasses is now the reason we lost all the battle that would be easily won based on what was going on. We needed about 5 years to have the enemy in a corner with how the information war was going in 2016 and 2017. The enemy was aware of this but had no power and excuse to stop this.

People thought that "Fighting" was essentially dressing up like a hooligan and going to Charlottesville. Some kikes online told them so and they did this. Now, enjoy 4 years later the eternal kvetching, new laws, and other destruction that has been heaped on the movement to where nobody can do anything.

Everyone had Youtube channels, websites, and a presence online. People like Varg, me, other channels in the hundreds of thousands. All this was removed entirely by Charlottesville. The same went for websites, and even "Alex Jones" and others who were sitting on the medium line and were nothing that much threatening. The enemy found the excuse and everything was gone within a couple months.

Now for example, these bright geniuses made sure that everyone is de-platformed from everywhere, because they wanted to go ape mode for one day following some shills into what they considered was a "Fight in the streets". This didn't have any outcome at all of course, as it was planned to by the shills and jews, who understand that the situation of defeating them is based on knowledge, public perception, and intelligence, and not about going into a pe mode once per year.

This thing accelerated us 10 years in the negative inside the hole with enemy legislations and public pressure. Trump, even if one is stupid enough to think that he wants to "Help Whites", cannot do anything now with the jews shouting "Charlottesville Charlottesville".

One also has to measure their words now online, or what happens simply, is one gets deplatformed. Every so called "Alt-right" site, all the way, got removed. Without the intellectual aspect, nothing can or will happen. It is the only way any saving can happen.

You also need to read history on if skinheads and anyone else has achieved anything by what you seem to define as a "fight". They have achieved nothing. That is wrong however, they have achieved something: To lose every single battle against the enemy and accelerate us exponentially in going extinct.

Everytime these idiots do something, there goes more legislation to make the situation worse, more policing, more media pressure, and more things that are "Justified" because of them.

In many cases, not even delaying the extinction of the White Race, but possibly even accelerating, because a strong portion of Whites hated this approach. Everyone has been rapidly moving towards extinction since 1950's with this method. America has broken records here.

The only way to win this war is by enlightenment and awakening the consciousness. It is the only thing so far that has been yielding results. This was the reason the enemy de-platformed everyone on Charlottesville, not because they were afraid of fatasses on on meth with a hoodie that cannot tie their shoelaces.

Wars are won with the mind and not with troops and retards who write smart edgy comments online or dressing up with a flag pole and thinking this will do anything. Another example, because of these things, now the Golden Dawn in Greece is going to be imprisoned, which effectively, wiped out the whole party. This "Ape Mode" thing is simply not working, and when you understand it, you will take down much more of the enemy and be able to do far more work for Whites.

Of course, all the people above, are still about Whites, but one adjusts their weapons to what they have to fight. If you think you can fight airplanes with a spear, because you think a spear is smarter, then this makes one very dumb.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.

Your statement for "Trump", Trump never intended to help Whites, this was only a random meme generated by the same people that you think were smart for doing something like Charlotesville. It was a hoax.

And it wasn't going to solve anything. But you believe it for the same reasons you can't understand the general situation of things, so I'll have to rehash what has been said about a million times now.

People thinking like dumbasses is now the reason we lost all the battle that would be easily won based on what was going on. We needed about 5 years to have the enemy in a corner with how the information war was going in 2016 and 2017. The enemy was aware of this but had no power and excuse to stop this.

People thought that "Fighting" was essentially dressing up like a hooligan and going to Charlottesville. Some kikes online told them so and they did this. Now, enjoy 4 years later the eternal kvetching, new laws, and other destruction that has been heaped on the movement to where nobody can do anything.

Everyone had Youtube channels, websites, and a presence online. People like Varg, me, other channels in the hundreds of thousands. All this was removed entirely by Charlottesville. The same went for websites, and even "Alex Jones" and others who were sitting on the medium line and were nothing that much threatening. The enemy found the excuse and everything was gone within a couple months.

Now for example, these bright geniuses made sure that everyone is de-platformed from everywhere, because they wanted to go ape mode for one day following some shills into what they considered was a "Fight in the streets". This didn't have any outcome at all of course, as it was planned to by the shills and jews, who understand that the situation of defeating them is based on knowledge, public perception, and intelligence, and not about going into a pe mode once per year.

This thing accelerated us 10 years in the negative inside the hole with enemy legislations and public pressure. Trump, even if one is stupid enough to think that he wants to "Help Whites", cannot do anything now with the jews shouting "Charlottesville Charlottesville".

One also has to measure their words now online, or what happens simply, is one gets deplatformed. Every so called "Alt-right" site, all the way, got removed. Without the intellectual aspect, nothing can or will happen. It is the only way any saving can happen.

You also need to read history on if skinheads and anyone else has achieved anything by what you seem to define as a "fight". They have achieved nothing. That is wrong however, they have achieved something: To lose every single battle against the enemy and accelerate us exponentially in going extinct.

Everytime these idiots do something, there goes more legislation to make the situation worse, more policing, more media pressure, and more things that are "Justified" because of them.

In many cases, not even delaying the extinction of the White Race, but possibly even accelerating, because a strong portion of Whites hated this approach. Everyone has been rapidly moving towards extinction since 1950's with this method. America has broken records here.

The only way to win this war is by enlightenment and awakening the consciousness. It is the only thing so far that has been yielding results. This was the reason the enemy de-platformed everyone on Charlottesville, not because they were afraid of fatasses on on meth with a hoodie that cannot tie their shoelaces.

Wars are won with the mind and not with troops and retards who write smart edgy comments online or dressing up with a flag pole and thinking this will do anything. Another example, because of these things, now the Golden Dawn in Greece is going to be imprisoned, which effectively, wiped out the whole party. This "Ape Mode" thing is simply not working, and when you understand it, you will take down much more of the enemy and be able to do far more work for Whites.

Of course, all the people above, are still about Whites, but one adjusts their weapons to what they have to fight. If you think you can fight airplanes with a spear, because you think a spear is smarter, then this makes one very dumb.

Very good speech on a theoretical level, I'll give you that. Things like Charlottesville are indeed used by the enemy and maybe even planned. But in the end after listening to intellectual speeches about why people like me are retards, we come back to the reality where we waste hours talking with people, writing, making videos, sharing links (the onesthat still exist) doing spiritual warfare and while the discussion goes like some lawyer bullshit in which each one of us defends his "religion" whithout anyone swithcinhg sides/being convinced, meanwhile some 100 white women shit mixed kids. So watching reality with my own eyes, it is hard to believe educating all people will just happen eventually. And even if it happens, by the time it does you may find out we are 30% in our own countries, and I don't think you can deny that the other side (non whites) will think it is in their interest to leave. This would be a dangerous scenario. Hitler also made a peace treaty with the Soviets and eventually attacked them because the whole world was running out of time as we are now. I wouldn't fall for this "violence and fighting is for the weak minded" trap. The other side does not bother with such things. Of course the moment a white would dare to raise his hand the whole international press would scream for the extermination of the race, but later would be harder than in the present. My simple point, without wanting to sound like an intellectual (because I am sick of everyone labeling others as inferiorfor simply not believing a narrative) is that the white race is in a descending trend as a percentage and in case the education porcess fails, we may regret the majority we lost trough the years. Sometimes some tougher undesirable measures are taken due to the context, not for pleasure.

I am not sure some of us realize how deep the brainwashing goes. You tell people facts, and they lie to the obvius just so they do not admit the blatant truth. Example: some tell me how much anti immigrant and anti LGBT propaganda is being made when in reality (that thing that you don't justify BUT SEE WITH YOUR EYES) the smallest negative thing about non whites or LGBT is taken down in an instant. This also makes it extremly hard to deal with the "what proof can you offer?" leftist intellectual question. Well the proof was taken down. All the links you shared in that sermon and many others are gone. And you say this yourself on the daily basis, it's just the truth. It's hard to rationally convince people now since every scientific/official source is a hoax (ex: vitamin C does not help in treating Covid, an oximeter proves that masks do not decrease the oxigen levels, racemixing has no genetic, immune, iq disadvantages etc). In such a scenario the inner intuition and instincts are vital. That's just my opinion, I am not trying to start a revolution on this forum. I am doing my part daily. But I am pretty sure all this anger some few whites have is also due to the RTR having positive effects. I just don't wanna look back later in life at the fact that the RTR has produced some amazing results and we did not use them at that moment.
Just one last thing. Trump is in jewish chains and cannot help us racially. Probably has no intent to do so. But at the beggining he did say a few things that at least awakened some instincts in whites. Things like "islam problems", "Mexico is not sending their best", etc. Now he is almost as soft as Biden. Why I wish he wins is just because he will at least slow the detruction process, not reverse it. He also played some bullshit to seem like he attacked Syria, but in reality just threw a few bombs here and there, compared with the genocide Bush and Obama did.

In all honesty I hope you are right and I am wrong.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Ciao, i think it's a good thing that you write a new thread similar to what you wrote above, because it is an interesting read for those who still have confusions about how and what benefits (and in generally how it works) these white "puppets" bring to us. And if I'm not mistaken or remember badly, in Library there is not a Sermon that speaks of this question/modus operandi so..
Grazie and ciao
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:

In all honesty I hope you are right and I am wrong.

You are putting words in people's mouths that they never said. Nobody ever said or claimed half of what you state.

However I see you are undergoing a state of worry and/or dissatisfaction. This is justified because you are worried about our state and because I go through the same often, I understand. I see you are also trying to understand other methods of spreading propaganda, which do not have to rely on common sense. We have related this knowledge for it's use.

Therefore, might as well take the time to create some of these and not complain to me to waste our mutual time for things we already both know.

The reality is what I told you was practical reality and what works. What you tell me on the other hand is all based on idealism in that you think that something can happen with people doing what you think is idealistically better, such as going ape mode. None of this is feasible by reality. People think of a revolution in some very strict way that doesn't even happen that way.

Education on the other hand, works. The enemy is on a difficult situation, because of knowledge of the masses and individuals who stop their plans. It is not because some idiots shout and feel emotional gratification online or in a rally.

These things do not work in the present system, and the enemy uses muscle force to put down the little and worthless reactionaries that they put into acting in this way.

All your post is manifested out of impatience and probably a feeling that change is stagnating, which, is a justified feeling. Revolutions and especially so such demanding ones take a lot of time, sometimes, beyond the reasonable human lifespan. This makes some people feel that it pays no importance. Jews waited centuries to shift things.

Jews waited more than 1000 years in some cases. People here act like the world is lost because you have waited 2-3 and did the progress of 200 years in just 10. When the Gods make happen in 10 years what otherwise would take 500, I am thankful.

Many people have waited since before the Middle Ages to see change. Unfortunately, history goes that way. What you consider today to be small, is big in the future. A few alchemists wrote some pamphlets and died later, and then a hundred years later these put the seeds for the new world.

It took 1700 years to come out of the first pit the jews have put us into, and this time over, it almost has taken a little over 20 years to completely expose their whole thing. This is extremely accelerated as is, even for human lifespans.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Have some faith in people dude, we have survived thousands of years these and more assaults.

As for the jewish system, certainly so, many people do not have time. But when I saw that the readership of our sites went into x20 during the Coronavirus [and remains so to this day] this means that people are smart and knowledge is out there. I have seen numbers over these years which do certify that our knowledge has penetrated both the minds of extreme amounts of people, and even political offices.

What remains is this continues and is kept like this until people and individuals start taking action to this.

The Gods think in other timelines than we do. Many times I would throw a tantrum because of my perception of how fast we need to go, at them. I have thrown tantrums before on this. However coming out of this, I understand our timelines are vastly different.

We have done way better than we can see. The enemy disallows us from seeing because they control the press and media, and inflow of information. For example, I assumed that our views were way lower, until I saw the actual numbers.

The reason our sites are down is simple it's because the enemy knows this too and they try to remove us from the face of the earth. But this is not going to happen. However, we only see the surface of this.

I am certain the reality is even better, but we cannot really see all of it, because this takes the full mind of the Gods to do. But I remember how things were 10 and a little bit over this ago, and I only see we have been reshaping the planet. Other members more senior than I are definitely aware of this. HPS Maxine has seen the world change even more, especially so through our rituals.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There was no point where a priest was talking on a video, though. This has to be something else you are referring to.

Just to clarify, it was an EX-priest. And the recording of him saying these things wasn't like a live feed or anything like that. It was as if he was admitting these things in an interview long ago. He spoke English and I don't remember if there was a description posted on the YouTube video or in the video itself that stated this.
Necrorifter said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.
Not down. Www.satanslibrary.org
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.

Your statement for "Trump", Trump never intended to help Whites, this was only a random meme generated by the same people that you think were smart for doing something like Charlotesville. It was a hoax.

And it wasn't going to solve anything. But you believe it for the same reasons you can't understand the general situation of things, so I'll have to rehash what has been said about a million times now.

People thinking like dumbasses is now the reason we lost all the battle that would be easily won based on what was going on. We needed about 5 years to have the enemy in a corner with how the information war was going in 2016 and 2017. The enemy was aware of this but had no power and excuse to stop this.

People thought that "Fighting" was essentially dressing up like a hooligan and going to Charlottesville. Some kikes online told them so and they did this. Now, enjoy 4 years later the eternal kvetching, new laws, and other destruction that has been heaped on the movement to where nobody can do anything.

Everyone had Youtube channels, websites, and a presence online. People like Varg, me, other channels in the hundreds of thousands. All this was removed entirely by Charlottesville. The same went for websites, and even "Alex Jones" and others who were sitting on the medium line and were nothing that much threatening. The enemy found the excuse and everything was gone within a couple months.

Now for example, these bright geniuses made sure that everyone is de-platformed from everywhere, because they wanted to go ape mode for one day following some shills into what they considered was a "Fight in the streets". This didn't have any outcome at all of course, as it was planned to by the shills and jews, who understand that the situation of defeating them is based on knowledge, public perception, and intelligence, and not about going into a pe mode once per year.

This thing accelerated us 10 years in the negative inside the hole with enemy legislations and public pressure. Trump, even if one is stupid enough to think that he wants to "Help Whites", cannot do anything now with the jews shouting "Charlottesville Charlottesville".

One also has to measure their words now online, or what happens simply, is one gets deplatformed. Every so called "Alt-right" site, all the way, got removed. Without the intellectual aspect, nothing can or will happen. It is the only way any saving can happen.

You also need to read history on if skinheads and anyone else has achieved anything by what you seem to define as a "fight". They have achieved nothing. That is wrong however, they have achieved something: To lose every single battle against the enemy and accelerate us exponentially in going extinct.

Everytime these idiots do something, there goes more legislation to make the situation worse, more policing, more media pressure, and more things that are "Justified" because of them.

In many cases, not even delaying the extinction of the White Race, but possibly even accelerating, because a strong portion of Whites hated this approach. Everyone has been rapidly moving towards extinction since 1950's with this method. America has broken records here.

The only way to win this war is by enlightenment and awakening the consciousness. It is the only thing so far that has been yielding results. This was the reason the enemy de-platformed everyone on Charlottesville, not because they were afraid of fatasses on on meth with a hoodie that cannot tie their shoelaces.

Wars are won with the mind and not with troops and retards who write smart edgy comments online or dressing up with a flag pole and thinking this will do anything. Another example, because of these things, now the Golden Dawn in Greece is going to be imprisoned, which effectively, wiped out the whole party. This "Ape Mode" thing is simply not working, and when you understand it, you will take down much more of the enemy and be able to do far more work for Whites.

Of course, all the people above, are still about Whites, but one adjusts their weapons to what they have to fight. If you think you can fight airplanes with a spear, because you think a spear is smarter, then this makes one very dumb.

Can you tell me how the refugees will go back then?
They came to Europe to war. Do you think they're leaving in peace because they're ordered?
They will not leave, only by violence. This is the only way.
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.

we have always said they wanted to create a race war, and we always have said they want intermixing. because in truth they do both. and in truth jews are a hydra with many heads. to this date there are still programs being produced the have race mixing propaganda. and there are to this day, an incitement of riots for BLM with an angenda ultimately to start a racewar to end whitey, before a second leader like Hitler comes. They are freaking out.

in the middle east its their religious goal to breed us out of existence.

each one may have a different head, but they are all from the same body, doing the same thing. you think they enemy will take just one avenue? they attack us where we never excpected. and what they have done to our pagan soul is foreign warfare, thats why we got tricked so many times. but after two thousand years we have been duped we finally are seeing the truth.

our rtr's are winning us this war, they are devouring themselves like a swarm of paranas.

I understand your anger, i hate seeing my brethren and sisters of race do the things they do because some jew has brainwashed them.

but I don't get what bothers you.

This is a spiritual war foremost.

and I believe everyone here is doing their part.

Just because you do not see whites waking up doesn't mean they aren't.

Doubt about ones workings will take the power away. and make them not work, HPS Maxine wrote this. and it's very true.

It might be a year or two or even more, before people start seeing the truth in mass. I cannot see the future, but the war is now and has been going for thousands of years, and for thousands of years we had no one, and no one was awake. now we are luckier than a few, some civilizations never woke up before the enemy swallowed them alive, we have numbers far into the 10-100k who see the truth. I would not be surprised if we where way higher.

Are you upset because their isn't just one problem to face but many?

do you think ancient forums is soft?
Necrorifter said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.


Please let me know when you downloaded it because I will have to delete it from there. It's the MK pdf.
Necrorifter said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.
I would appreciate a copy as well, I heard the audio books. excellent read my brothers and sisters of lucifer.
Rising at the political order, then, you implement the actual meaningful force to get them out. Salvini almost made it for example.

This is the only realistic or possible way. The rest is gibberish that has no longterm application.

The mere election of a person like that will have half of them flying with the first airplane back to their lands.

Other methods include propaganda and marginalization, or creating a climate that simply tells these people to leave. This is an even more longterm solution. Think for example, race mixing becomes wrong in the moral conscience of the native people. Then nobody is willing to do anything with them. This is longterm, but more difficult to achieve, but a stronger safety valve.

Other parts here is motivating others like other parties and social circles to do what is necessary. This only yields partial results.

This all is complex but the above is a compressed comment on how this would be feasible.

Pooc said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.

Your statement for "Trump", Trump never intended to help Whites, this was only a random meme generated by the same people that you think were smart for doing something like Charlotesville. It was a hoax.

And it wasn't going to solve anything. But you believe it for the same reasons you can't understand the general situation of things, so I'll have to rehash what has been said about a million times now.

People thinking like dumbasses is now the reason we lost all the battle that would be easily won based on what was going on. We needed about 5 years to have the enemy in a corner with how the information war was going in 2016 and 2017. The enemy was aware of this but had no power and excuse to stop this.

People thought that "Fighting" was essentially dressing up like a hooligan and going to Charlottesville. Some kikes online told them so and they did this. Now, enjoy 4 years later the eternal kvetching, new laws, and other destruction that has been heaped on the movement to where nobody can do anything.

Everyone had Youtube channels, websites, and a presence online. People like Varg, me, other channels in the hundreds of thousands. All this was removed entirely by Charlottesville. The same went for websites, and even "Alex Jones" and others who were sitting on the medium line and were nothing that much threatening. The enemy found the excuse and everything was gone within a couple months.

Now for example, these bright geniuses made sure that everyone is de-platformed from everywhere, because they wanted to go ape mode for one day following some shills into what they considered was a "Fight in the streets". This didn't have any outcome at all of course, as it was planned to by the shills and jews, who understand that the situation of defeating them is based on knowledge, public perception, and intelligence, and not about going into a pe mode once per year.

This thing accelerated us 10 years in the negative inside the hole with enemy legislations and public pressure. Trump, even if one is stupid enough to think that he wants to "Help Whites", cannot do anything now with the jews shouting "Charlottesville Charlottesville".

One also has to measure their words now online, or what happens simply, is one gets deplatformed. Every so called "Alt-right" site, all the way, got removed. Without the intellectual aspect, nothing can or will happen. It is the only way any saving can happen.

You also need to read history on if skinheads and anyone else has achieved anything by what you seem to define as a "fight". They have achieved nothing. That is wrong however, they have achieved something: To lose every single battle against the enemy and accelerate us exponentially in going extinct.

Everytime these idiots do something, there goes more legislation to make the situation worse, more policing, more media pressure, and more things that are "Justified" because of them.

In many cases, not even delaying the extinction of the White Race, but possibly even accelerating, because a strong portion of Whites hated this approach. Everyone has been rapidly moving towards extinction since 1950's with this method. America has broken records here.

The only way to win this war is by enlightenment and awakening the consciousness. It is the only thing so far that has been yielding results. This was the reason the enemy de-platformed everyone on Charlottesville, not because they were afraid of fatasses on on meth with a hoodie that cannot tie their shoelaces.

Wars are won with the mind and not with troops and retards who write smart edgy comments online or dressing up with a flag pole and thinking this will do anything. Another example, because of these things, now the Golden Dawn in Greece is going to be imprisoned, which effectively, wiped out the whole party. This "Ape Mode" thing is simply not working, and when you understand it, you will take down much more of the enemy and be able to do far more work for Whites.

Of course, all the people above, are still about Whites, but one adjusts their weapons to what they have to fight. If you think you can fight airplanes with a spear, because you think a spear is smarter, then this makes one very dumb.

Can you tell me how the refugees will go back then?
They came to Europe to war. Do you think they're leaving in peace because they're ordered?
They will not leave, only by violence. This is the only way.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Necrorifter said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.


Please let me know when you downloaded it because I will have to delete it from there. It's the MK pdf.

Done, thanks you very much.
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Also the general psychology of Gentiles has not changed compared to the XX century. As Hitler said in Mein Kampf, it's easier to make a movement based on sentiment than on rational explanation. Only a few are capable to understand this. And this is from the version on Satan's Library, not some Christian Hitler BS from Amazon. People are tired and busy all the time under the jewish system therefore it is easier to understand feelings and instincts than read entire essays. We are we, this is what we do. We know thanks to the whole clergy the whole rational mechanism of all this and I am grateful for that. I guess it depends on how fast a movement is needed. Again, this is not for me to decide.

Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.
Not down. http://Www.satanslibrary.org

thank you very much. I tend to access my thing from main joyofsatan, so when it down for me, I couldn't access the library, much less so know where it is exactly. but thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rising at the political order, then, you implement the actual meaningful force to get them out. Salvini almost made it for example.

This is the only realistic or possible way. The rest is gibberish that has no longterm application.

The mere election of a person like that will have half of them flying with the first airplane back to their lands.

Other methods include propaganda and marginalization, or creating a climate that simply tells these people to leave. This is an even more longterm solution. Think for example, race mixing becomes wrong in the moral conscience of the native people. Then nobody is willing to do anything with them. This is longterm, but more difficult to achieve, but a stronger safety valve.

Other parts here is motivating others like other parties and social circles to do what is necessary. This only yields partial results.

This all is complex but the above is a compressed comment on how this would be feasible.
As an Italian I just want to say we (and I'm sure other Italian SS will say the same) do not trust Salvini that much. He is to enemy controlled. He made too many mistakes and they either are just because he is not that smart or he did them for the enemy. The reason we now have a leftist government now is because of him, he was in a government with another party (which is basically a leftist party or even worse but they made it seem they were against the left and the *powerful people* but in reality, they were not).

This government was not perfect but at least the immigration probelm was taken care off, the solution he had was not perfect but at least Italy gived off the message that illegal immigration was not accepted, then because he got very popular he made the choise to make his government end hoping we will go to election and he would be re-elected as firt party....this was not the case and everyone knew it was impossible and then we got this super-leftist government. This is just one motive of why he is not trusted.

Still I would choose him over anything else but in Italy we do have a party which is much much better and is called Fratelli D'Italia (Brothers of Italy) and the head of the party is an intelligent woman called Giorgia Meloni. She is much much better and much smarter than Salvini. Hopefully, they will become the firt party for when we go to election (hopefully soon because with this government it's a miracle if Italy does not become the slave of Europe :? ).

Italy is being held back by the Vatican nasty negative energy, I'm pretty sure of this. Even if the majority of people dislike this government and want a right-wing one, we still got this government. There are too many coincidence and I think it's the enemy magick. Hopefully, the F-RTR can help with this, I wonder when the enemy magick will stop have this effects in Italy, fucking Vatican.
Nobody can get elected today in this current system that has nothing to do, or doesn't fiddle around the enemy, at least in some way. If they want nothing to do with the enemy, then the enemy will want to do with them. Politics is what it is. The same case has been for hundreds of years now.

Jews harassed leaders or got them to slave for them. The degree of shilling and if this is complete or not does actually matter.

Reasons like the reason you speak of the Vatican is why I seldom concern with "politics" and thinking someone will solve matters "politically" [unless this is Hitler or some other being like that], and why I consider this conversation bullshit until we drag the enemy spiritually down and/or they are fully exposed.

There is not much people can do without a spiritual backbone. I mentioned Salvini's case as the example of a decent person that got close to power but couldn't get it because of curses and what have you, or misfortune.

Political change comes last, not first. People who think some politician is going to save them are deceiving themselves.

Even in Hitler's case, an amount of people remained mentally stuck, and therefore caused all sorts of issues both to Hitler and Germany, disallowing advancement, being traitors, giving info to jews, whatever that is the case.

We either go for full uprooting of the root of this or there will never be a tangible solution. Politics can help but it cannot solve the problem entirely on it's own. There is however, better and worse politics and better and worse politicians.

Thanks for letting me know about this other party, I had no clue about them even existing. Italy in general is a very hopeful country with a lot of "better" political activity. But the left is also rather powerful there and dictatorial. It has always been.

An example here, let's say Salvini took power and even kicked many of these out. Unless there is a social awakening in Italy, then they will elect Left again, and in will come the boats again, possibly double this time around.

The problems are to be solved deeper, this is what the JoS explains. We definitely need the political part, but it is one part of it. And IMO, the weakest link in this case. Fully necessary, but not what will ultimately save us in the end.

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rising at the political order, then, you implement the actual meaningful force to get them out. Salvini almost made it for example.

This is the only realistic or possible way. The rest is gibberish that has no longterm application.

The mere election of a person like that will have half of them flying with the first airplane back to their lands.

Other methods include propaganda and marginalization, or creating a climate that simply tells these people to leave. This is an even more longterm solution. Think for example, race mixing becomes wrong in the moral conscience of the native people. Then nobody is willing to do anything with them. This is longterm, but more difficult to achieve, but a stronger safety valve.

Other parts here is motivating others like other parties and social circles to do what is necessary. This only yields partial results.

This all is complex but the above is a compressed comment on how this would be feasible.
As an Italian I just want to say we (and I'm sure other Italian SS will say the same) do not trust Salvini that much. He is to enemy controlled. He made too many mistakes and they either are just because he is not that smart or he did them for the enemy. The reason we now have a leftist government now is because of him, he was in a government with another party (which is basically a leftist party or even worse but they made it seem they were against the left and the *powerful people* but in reality, they were not).

This government was not perfect but at least the immigration probelm was taken care off, the solution he had was not perfect but at least Italy gived off the message that illegal immigration was not accepted, then because he got very popular he made the choise to make his government end hoping we will go to election and he would be re-elected as firt party....this was not the case and everyone knew it was impossible and then we got this super-leftist government. This is just one motive of why he is not trusted.

Still I would choose him over anything else but in Italy we do have a party which is much much better and is called Fratelli D'Italia (Brothers of Italy) and the head of the party is an intelligent woman called Giorgia Meloni. She is much much better and much smarter than Salvini. Hopefully, they will become the firt party for when we go to election (hopefully soon because with this government it's a miracle if Italy does not become the slave of Europe :? ).

Italy is being held back by the Vatican nasty negative energy, I'm pretty sure of this. Even if the majority of people dislike this government and want a right-wing one, we still got this government. There are too many coincidence and I think it's the enemy magick. Hopefully, the F-RTR can help with this, I wonder when the enemy magick will stop have this effects in Italy, fucking Vatican.
Necrorifter said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Necrorifter said:
Can I ask for link to pdf of mein kramf from library, the site is down and I pretty sure one I have is Christian version.


Please let me know when you downloaded it because I will have to delete it from there. It's the MK pdf.

Done, thanks you very much.

You're welcome ;)
Weassel said:
Thank for the effort, sadly many of the links are nuked.

Did you try wayback or archive.is for the links?
SATchives said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
This is what bothers me the most about ancient-forums. Take the sermon about refugees. We used to say it is our turn to fight or else in 2050 byebye white race. In 2016-2018 the JoS narrative was the jews want to exterminate us trough mixing so let's fight back. Now it's: the jews wanna destroy us trough race war don't fall for this bait. Somehow the non whites will peacefully wake up and just leave for their very advanced countries. Even Trump is becoming softer because he needs the votes and:
1. The whites have not awaken enough
2. The white/non white proportion is changing for the worse.

we have always said they wanted to create a race war, and we always have said they want intermixing. because in truth they do both. and in truth jews are a hydra with many heads. to this date there are still programs being produced the have race mixing propaganda. and there are to this day, an incitement of riots for BLM with an angenda ultimately to start a racewar to end whitey, before a second leader like Hitler comes. They are freaking out.

in the middle east its their religious goal to breed us out of existence.

each one may have a different head, but they are all from the same body, doing the same thing. you think they enemy will take just one avenue? they attack us where we never excpected. and what they have done to our pagan soul is foreign warfare, thats why we got tricked so many times. but after two thousand years we have been duped we finally are seeing the truth.

our rtr's are winning us this war, they are devouring themselves like a swarm of paranas.

I understand your anger, i hate seeing my brethren and sisters of race do the things they do because some jew has brainwashed them.

but I don't get what bothers you.

This is a spiritual war foremost.

and I believe everyone here is doing their part.

Just because you do not see whites waking up doesn't mean they aren't.

Doubt about ones workings will take the power away. and make them not work, HPS Maxine wrote this. and it's very true.

It might be a year or two or even more, before people start seeing the truth in mass. I cannot see the future, but the war is now and has been going for thousands of years, and for thousands of years we had no one, and no one was awake. now we are luckier than a few, some civilizations never woke up before the enemy swallowed them alive, we have numbers far into the 10-100k who see the truth. I would not be surprised if we where way higher.

Are you upset because their isn't just one problem to face but many?

do you think ancient forums is soft?

I only hope enough wake up in due time to save the white race that is all. I understand the clergy's position on patience, but things are moving fast and this can create some worries. Working so hard on spiritual warfare and online information you expect to see some results around you as well not just in YT comments. But when you see close friends fucking with blacks after hours of talk about such subjects and all the rest of the work mentioned... this can create some bad feelings. The rest of the details have been covered in the previous comments on this subject. The best thing is to forget about the results and keep up the work. Whatever happens, happens.
I think Jordi El Niño Polla looks like Peter Wolodarski.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I understand, what you say makes sense. I do believe spiritual comes first right now and this is what will lead decent politicians to make good choices. I have to say I'm a bit scared about Italy, we have the worst government, they recently removed anything good Salvini did, so now illegal immigration is going to increase, for example, and much more. Hopefully, this time around things will change and we will elect a good government.

About Salvini, I would choose him over the left but as I said I think this other party is much better. For example, Salvini is known to not wear masks around people, this is something stupid because the leftist media wants exactly this, to make the right look stupid and he always gives this to them while this other party while still being critical of the left and Europe still can keep a mask on, even if they may not believe the full story they are not so stupid to give the leftist media what they want. In a way, I consider Salvini the Italian Trump both are decent but make stupid mistakes. This is just one example and there are many more. Most people view him as right-wing and all these stupid mistakes make the right looks stupid.

By the way, we do not have this leftist government because people voted for them, when the Salvini government ended (because of him :roll: ) what happened is without going to elections two parties (the Democratic Party and the 5 stars movement) become allied (even if before hated each other, which was probably fake as they are both very leftists in their own ways) and now we have this government. This is something that can happen with the law we have, it's barely legal but because the left seems to be preferred by the President of the Republic (Sergio Mattarella) it was somehow possible to do. They did not even let Italians decide what government they wanted, Salvini basically handed it down the left the opportunity to go into power again.
Hello, i am new at this... Can you point me on the direction to read and learn about "the war in the sky" and the begining of everything. So Satan is the creator of everything, what about the "green ones"? And our Father do not let them destroy humans but who protects our father. I realy want to learn more about the begining, what happened when Father was on earth. Can someone point me where can i find some information about that?
LenaConstantin said:
Hello, i am new at this... Can you point me on the direction to read and learn about "the war in the sky" and the begining of everything. So Satan is the creator of everything, what about the "green ones"? And our Father do not let them destroy humans but who protects our father. I realy want to learn more about the begining, what happened when Father was on earth. Can someone point me where can i find some information about that?

1. War in the sky or outer space means Spiritual War.
2. Not of everything. Creator of Humanity. Universe was not created by some being. It existed, exists and will forever exist and itnis ever expanding.
3. What do you mean by green ones?

4. Please study Joyofsatan and related sites.
5. About the beginning...we lived side by side with the Gods when they were on Earth.

I suggest you download The Revelation book by Hoodedcobra here is the direct link to the book : https://www.dropbox.com/s/bhz9murkntuo5qm/The_Satanic_Revelation_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666_White_Version.pdf?dl=1

This book will tell you everything , basically. On what happened, etc.

Please must study and read Joyofsatan.org and
Also download the full Joyofsatan
Encyclopaedia on Satan's library website.
I wanted to say gray. Like i tell in other question for me is a litle dificult to find the information. Even hours of searching in jos i cod not find this book of revelation.

I started to read and i have a question. Is it possible to Father have a conversation with me even if i did not do the ritual of commitment? I was very worried about how can i know for shure that i am not a jew blodline. Than i had this dream where father had a conversation with me about my daughter and this was very enlight and i was no longer worried obout her. Is this possible to be ttue or did i jest imagine?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
