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You don't pay anything lol. You did just join I believe. We aren't the jewish version of Satanism which by the way is a fraud called laveyanism.

Father Satan doesn't demand any money, or anything else. You need to read and study the Joy of Satan   You'll find what I said there to be true if you look for yourself.
Hi. I dedicated my soul for Father Satan 5 months ago. I opened 7 main chakras, and I think that I opened additional chakras too. I admit that I don't do enough for develop my soul, beceause I haven't enough time. Often I did absorbtion of energy, cleanined my aura and I was programming my aura. Recently I do full chakras meditation and hatha yoga.
I developed my realtion with Satan. Few days ago I celebrated a ritual and I asked Father for 3 things. He met my petitions :) 
For few days I feel symptoms of waking up Kundalini. I feel hot, when other people feel cold, I feel pressure in a base of spine and I swinging around unconsciously. What I should to do?
I'm worried that I don't meet my Guard Demon so far. It's normal? What I should to do?
Sorry about my english, I'm Polish.
Ave Satan 
It seems normal to not yet meet your GD. Be patient and keep working.

I think mine might be Lord Besu but, I also feel drawn to numerous others.

I'm just gonna ask a general question out of curiosity. Are you really that bogged down? Also, Your Guardian shows themselves to you when the time is right. I haven't either and I have been around about... 7 months I think.
I was wonder if you can change a meditation to fit your need or there is set rule to do the way that JOS(joyofsatan) do?

For example: for aura cleaning, instead of imaging lights on your chakra even on chakras you can't see( crown,  back extension to all chakras beside crown, etc.) I was wondering can I visualize three balls with the current chakra color, for example root/base is red. The three balls are back extension, main chakra, and front extension of current chakra. Then visualize those three balls with with white light to clean them.

Original technique: This JOS version

Instead of visualizing light on your chakra. There will be some area you can't see (6 chakra and crown), but you just know it being clean with white light.

I try my best to find a way to explain this question, if you don't understand the question, I see if I can explain what I am trying to say more.

I pretty sure the answer is "no", but I had to get this out my head. It been buggy me for a few days.
@smphcat - Yes. Do it the way it works for you. Try to follow the guidelines but, since we're each a little different, you'll want to tweak it to fit you.

If i understand correctly, you want to visualize the chakras as balls or not visualize them at all and "know" they are clean?? What exactly do you mean "know"?
You know a chakra is properly visualized by feel. When you feel it getting empowered or you feel it getting spinned, have it mind as a correct way till you find a better one

I'm not a Satanist and Im not trying to be rude but I have a few questions :
1)On the website joyofsatan.org it says that once you open the door to Satan you can't close it back,why ?
2)I read the article on Magnum Opus and the author said that they strongly advice that you be out of puberty before you perform it,why ?
3)I read another article on the website and it says that Satan saves Satanic souls from the light which is the enemy, why not all souls ?
4) Does Satan physically manifest himself to his followers ? And if yes does he have a different appearance depending on the person he is appearing to ?
5)Does Satanism have any special
prayers/mantras to be said to Satan ?
6)Are demons equal to Satan ?
1. Once you are aware of the truth about the world, you cannot return to ignorance. Knowing the truth may be painful, however ignorance will destroy you.

2. The Magnum Opus involves obtaining spiritual and physical perfection so the body does not age. If someone is not yet out of puberty, their body and hormonal system are not fully developed yet. The body's hormonal system cannot be perfected if it not yet developed.

3. Many souls, such as heavy-duty christians, are tied in to enemy programs and are corrupted beyond repair. They are not worth the time and energy Satan and the Demons would have to put into saving them.

4. Satan can send signs of his presence in extremely varied ways. Signs can consist of feelings or coincidences and people who have opened their astral senses can talk with Satan. If Satan appears, he does not change his appearance depending on the person he is visiting. He appears as the tall, blonde being with a golden aura he is.

5. Satan does not demand slavish worship. If you want to have a relationship with Satan, the kind of relationship is determined between you and Satan.

6. Demons are allied beings under Satan. Satan is more powerful than the Demons.
1. He will guide you. Just as you do not wish your partner to betray youb, Satan expects loyalty from us.

2. Because if you're not, your emotions and hormones will lash out on you.

3. Because Jews are not of Satan, they are of our enemy. Disgusting creatures I'd say.

4. Yes, he does, but when the time is right.

5. Tbh, you can just thank Satan by closing your eyes, visualizing his sigils and saying your thankfulness.

6. Every demon is different, high ranking gods take a lot of important matters, like for example: Thoth's name is used when opening your third eye.

While the lower order of demons take less important matters.

They might be higher and or lower in order, but they all are eqvuel(sp?) to each other as I have read and understood.
1. What does demons take in return for their favors? (Specific things?)

2. What do I need in order to "summon" a demon?

3. Can demons change personal things such as hair colour (permanently) or make tattoos?

4. Could anyone guide me when I'm doing the dedication ritual? Skype: fmj-Isak

5. At what age did you dedicate yourself and why?

Thanks for taking your time to read this, and I hope I didn't offend anyone somehow, since that is definitely not my purpose. And if I did, I'm sorry.

1: You can honor the demons by making a drawing for them, writing a poem dedicated to them, burn a candle in their honor, create an altar dedicated to Satan and place sigils of the demons you wish to honor there. 

Also one of the best ways to honor or thank the gods is to raise energy in ritual and send it to them. 
We can't give them much in return for what they do for us, which is upsetting, but they are simply so advanced there isn't anything we can give them that is equal to what they can give us. 

However the demons/gods of hell appreciate it greatly when you make something personal for them to glorify them or thank them. Something that you put in effort shows them great respect and they appreciate this. 

2: You don't need anything in order to summon a demon, but you must be dedicated before you can succesfully summon a demon. If you aren't dedicated yet the demon might now show up or he/she might not be very friendly or he/she might simply leave again after a quick visit. 

The gods of hell are very busy and they don't have time to go see people who have no intention to join the powers of hell. I did try to ask demons for guidance before I dedicated and I did recieve guidance, but they didn't have any time for me and they kept telling me I should dedicate first if I really wish to build a relationship with them, or if I wanted to speak with them more often. 

To summon a demon all you need to do is sit down and open your mind to the astral and then you can start talking to the demon you wish to summon or see. You can also sit down and vibrate their name, the demon will hear this and he/she will come to answer your questions, though if your astral senses aren't open yet then you won't be able to see or feel the demon even if he/she is standing right in front of you.

3: The demons generally don't change things for you in your life and they usually don't use their power to manipulate the physical in these ways. Though I wouldn't doubt the powers of hell and they are certainly capable of these things, it is not a good use of their time and they won't be using their powers for those reasons. 

If you want to change your hair color permanently then the demons can guide you to advance yourself untill the point you are able to change your own genes, but they won't feel inclined to do it for you. 

4: There are no mediators in Satanism, it is not for the weak and it is not for everyone. The dedication ritual is something very personal and nobody can guide you with it. It shows the gods your true desire and wish to join their cause and that is why you must do it alone or by yourself. 

When I dedicated I felt the pressence of Satan and the powers of hell. I was scared to do it at first because I hated to draw blood and so I was very reluctant to make the cut during the ritual. However I was calmed and guided by the gods during the ritual. 

Satanism is not about fear and you must make sure you are ready to perform the dedication. There is also no way back, as in, you can't reverse the ritual, though after you dedicate you woulnd't want to reverse it for any reason. After you know the truth there is no way you want to go back to ignorance. 

5: I dedicated a little over year ago because I felt that after searching for a long time I had finally found the truth I had been looking for. Everytime I studied the JoS website I felt such joy and power and it made me excited and happy to know that what I had long suspected and dreamed about was all true in some way. 

I always felt disconnected from the world around me and I couldn't stand the people around me, who were living like mindless slaves to what their government told them. Or who blindly listened to what their superiors told them. I had been told so many times throughout my life that I should not question what my parents say, or my teachers say, or what my boss says, or what my doctor says, or what my government says. Though I always questioned everything and I always thought for myself, I was seen as a delinquint and a problem child when I was little because I questioned what my teachers said at school.

I wanted to know the truth and I searched for the answers for a long time. I had been meditating a lot before I dedicated and I suffered greatly at the hands of the enemy throughout my life. The JoS was like a breath of fresh air, something that finally had the answers that I had been looking for. It had the truth that was withheld from me every step I set in my life. Things which I subconsciously knew were true, but never could find any proofs of were explained for the first time after I read HP Maxine's sermons. 

So I dedicated as soon as I felt ready, because I had finally found truth in a world filled with lies and deceit.
It took me a while after my dedication to fully grasp the scope of what Satanism really is and that is something that you must find out yourself after your dedication, nobody can give you the answers, you must find them yourself, though we and especially the gods of hell will guide you to the answers you seek and guide you thoughout your journey in Satanism so you can become a true warrior of hell and eventually join the gods as one of them. 
What is your opinion on cern. I am confused on that topic. Are they with father Satan or are they claiming they are of Satan andx working with reptilians? 
Last thing is where did the pacific islanders originate from? what race do they belong to? 
Any information regarding these topics is appreciated. HAIL SATAN
Personally, I believe Cern is something that should not be going on. They are messing with things they shouldn't.

And all gentile races can come to Father Satan. Just not any jooz.

Hail Satan!


On Wed, 8/10/16, monstermiller1997@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Questions
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2016, 3:39 AM


What is your opinion on cern. I am confused
on that topic. Are they with father Satan or are they
claiming they are of Satan andx working with
Last thing is
where did the pacific islanders originate from? what race do
they belong to? 
information regarding these topics is

appreciated. HAIL SATAN

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Hello, I am going to sacrifice going to  college and will be a NEET to serve satanas, or to do a 6 month program, I am still thinking of the logistics, father satan has influenced my parents and I thank him for that. It's just that I really wanted to like a Masters in Science and get a PhD in some area of either engineering or physics, so much potential. Nonetheless, it is for greater good of humanity. I just want someone to talk to, to keep me company in my serving, a friend as I'll have to cut off all connections with my former friends, another sacrifice. I'll be a god, I just need an internet connection and my wife. I definitely want a succubi wife, and some demon friends to keep me company. 
1. When will the Golden Age begin, when will Satan come to Earth?2. What is going to happen in the future in terms of America?
Hello. I just wanted to know, does Satan actually talk to us? Because I was thinking about how I was such a bad person and how everybody hates me when I heard a voice say, "I will always love you." Was that Satan or my imagination.
Satan and His Demons (our Guardians), the Gods and Goddesses of Hell, do telepathically talk to us in words, feelings, images, visions, etc. One just has to be open, aware and able to discern if it was an enemy entity or the Powers of Hell. This comes with experience and over time. However, the enemy entities do like to cause interference, even if the Demon/ess in question is standing right next to you. I believe the Powers of Hell allow interference so we can better discern for ourselves what is from Them, and what is of the enemy.

On Monday, August 22, 2016 3:51 PM, "onmu4ng3lw1ngs@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello. I just wanted to know, does Satan actually talk to us? Because I was thinking about how I was such a bad person and how everybody hates me when I heard a voice say, "I will always love you." Was that Satan or my imagination.

So how much more effective will the sync RTRs be if we would do them in sync? Cause i stress that i MUST do them at those times, but then i stress so much, that i wont be able to do them. So how much more effective will the RTRs be if we would do them in sync?

Also, i dont really see or hear the effects of our current RTR. Could someone send some information or news of the effects? I just hope that if there are no results now, i would hope that there would be a GIGANTIC result somewhere in the near future, like next month or maybe a month after that.
Does Hitler come to Earth before 2024 when Satan maybe comes to Earth? Also does Both of them come in their current forms or do they come here in some other form like in some other body?
Is the fall of the economy LITERALLY impossible to stop? I remember Maxine or someone saying that Satan has stated that it WILL happen.
How many members have we been having in a week? Yahoo isnt working right and just shows ", added in the last 7 days"
I'd like to hear others talk about this as well. My own opinion based on my study of economics and business is that there is no avoiding it. Every $ in circulation is based on debt and debt cannot go on for infinity. My question is what do we do to prepare? I have some silver but im not fort Knox. Do we stockpile cash, multiple currencies, silver, food etc? What will be a liquid asset in these times?
The economic crisis is something the jews use to keep the gentiles in check, it's a completely jew made phenomenon and they use their torah curses and the energies that are raised by the abrahamic trilogy of filth to make it manifest in reality for all gentiles. 

By keeping the world in an artificial crisis people can never get ahead of the jews and all wealth will simply trickle upwards to them at all times. There are literally trillions of dollars in the world economy but only a small fraction is actually circulated and the simply reduce the available amount of money untill there is a supposed crisis. 

This debt is also not real. Debt has nothing to do with reality, it's simply money that the world governments owe the jewish banker and other rich jewish industrialists. 

In reality if all people would suddenly realize now the truth of this world they could easily stabalize their local economies and the people would never have to live in crisis anymore, but because everyone is relying on the jewish owned mega corps and banks to provide them with their daily needs to stay alive they are literally slaves to the jew since without the jewish owned mega corps the masses would not know how to live in the current state of the world... 

The economic crisis is simply a fabrication to keep the masses under control. 

With the RTR's it should be possible to prevent this or perhaps diminish this. Instead of governments "paying" their debts by taking money from the already poor gentile people's they could simply forfeit the debt and use their money to create a stable localized economy, develop their countries properly, create useful education programs and start some good development projects to create millions of jobs and well there you go... No more economic crisis. 

That is what Hitler did in germany when he came to power. He simply said NO to the filthy war reperations (essentially debt to the winning countries) and restabalized the economy in Germany in a couple of years. Germany at that time was suffering from a very bad economic recession, much worse than the economic recession in America in 1929 (which was also created by jews, note the date it took place oktober 29, just after yom kippur...)
Satan and the other Nordic gods had a big "fallout" when the mining operations ceased, because they wanted to destroy us.
There was a battle and Satan lost. He was put on the defensive and some of the Demons were "bound" and forced to serve the jooish sorcerers.
The Demons, with the help of Satanic priests, were released and have now joined with us to fight the enemy.
It is said (with some speculation) that Satan and most of the Demons have returned to Hell in the constellation of Orion. It has also been said, that some of the Demons remain here at secret locations underground (Himalayas, Gobi Desert) to help out with certain things, and they travel back and forth to their home planet in Orion.
Hope that shed some light on it!
Hail Satan!
On the Internet says that there is a congregation in Zimbabwe where a small group meets to learn more about Satan.
Do not get me wrong by my questions, I'm trying to learn more about our father Satan:
1 - Are there any congregations in Mozambique or South Africa?
2 - I want to make an altar at home for Satan. Can it be used as reference the satanic Bible of Anton LaVey?
3 - Does the Dogma and ritual of high magic serve as an extra teaching apart from JOS?

Hail Satan
We are NOT Lavey-an Satanists. They are atheist! We know and love our Father Satan
as a real, living God! We do not congregate in groups. Too dangerous. There are many
out there who would stop at nothing to harm or even kill us. If you want to learn more,
read and study the Joy of Satan website. Then, if you feel it is right for you, dedicate to
Father Satan. We know one another from the forum here. If you can't find your answers
on the website -- which is very extensive -- then you can ask your questions here.

Hope this helps.

Hail Father Satan!

On Mon, 10/16/17, mcrod2001@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Questions
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, October 16, 2017, 5:13 AM


On the Internet says that there is a congregation
in Zimbabwe where a small group meets to learn more about

Do not get me wrong by my questions, I'm trying to learn
more about our father Satan:

1 - Are there any congregations in Mozambique or South

2 - I want to make an altar at home for Satan. Can it be
used as reference the satanic Bible of Anton LaVey?

3 - Does the Dogma and ritual of high magic serve as an
extra teaching apart from JOS?

Hail Satan

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I already dedicated my soul to Satan few month ago and about Lavery, I searched in the net and they don't belive in Satan as a god (sorry if my English is wrong).
I do belive that Satan is the true God and our father, so after a saw that information I closed the page because I was wasting my time.

Hail Satan
Hello, concerning the Devil's Keys, does it have an order or it is recited as I please?Sorry, my English isn't the best.HAIL SATAN!
I'm a new member, and I see all this talk about Jews. Are Jews evil in Satanism?
Also, I bought a black candle today, any beginner rituals I can use it for? I have yet to perform a full-fledged ritual, so far I've just been meditating and directing my energy to help myself and others.
The Jews are against everything Satan stands for. Humanity is not nearly as advanced as we should be because of them. They curse Gentiles (non-Jews) daily by reading from their trash book the torah.
They've been using occult magic to curse humanity for ages.

I know it can sound far fetched for a newcomer, but here are some links and articles that can help you understand this.


Here's a post from the forums that might help

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
