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[Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

Abyssos said:

It's puzzling to me that people think "lookism" as you call it is some bad thing. I don't appreciate the way that it's framed. It shouldn't even need a word like lookism to define it, since it's so simple. Men do the exact same thing with rating women on a 1-10 scale. Everyone knows this. But most of the time you don't see women despairing and complaining about men ignoring the ugly women, and only wanting the 10/10 girls. The only place you will see this whining nonsense mirrored by women is in retarded feminist camps full of clowns who dye their armpit hair for shock value. Elsewhere, this is considered such an elementary fact of life that hardly anyone talks about it. There's no "blackpill" about it. It's simply competition.

It's just a stupid double standard of men putting women under the microscope and obsessively reacting to anything they deem bad or unfair in their infinite male pettiness, all while pretending men are perfect by default. Unhappy that women avoid short men? Fine. Be consistent lads, and go chase the short women under 5 ft. Otherwise I don't want to hear it.

This isn't profound or insightful, and certainly not revolutionary. You're attempting to magnify something that is small and deserves to stay small.

Here's some advice. Take all of this time that you are managing to create, and pour it instead into spiritual practice. Meditate on more important matters. All of the time you invest into advancing your soul will pay off far more than any surgical modifications to your face, and you don't have to wait. You will be far better off in this life and the next ones than 90% of men. It's a golden opportunity that none of us had for many centuries. Make the most of it.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431478 time=1679278975 user_id=46372]

National eugenics programs are already part of the future. This is expected. In the meantime, spirituality will improve individual genetics.
Basic Yoga Changes Gene Expression
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431478 time=1679278975 user_id=46372]
Abyssos said:

It's puzzling to me that people think "lookism" as you call it is some bad thing. I don't appreciate the way that it's framed. It shouldn't even need a word like lookism to define it, since it's so simple. Men do the exact same thing with rating women on a 1-10 scale. Everyone knows this. But most of the time you don't see women despairing and complaining about men ignoring the ugly women, and only wanting the 10/10 girls. The only place you will see this whining nonsense mirrored by women is in retarded feminist camps full of clowns who dye their armpit hair for shock value. Elsewhere, this is considered such an elementary fact of life that hardly anyone talks about it. There's no "blackpill" about it. It's simply competition.

It's just a stupid double standard of men putting women under the microscope and obsessively reacting to anything they deem bad or unfair in their infinite male pettiness, all while pretending men are perfect by default. Unhappy that women avoid short men? Fine. Be consistent lads, and go chase the short women under 5 ft. Otherwise I don't want to hear it.

This isn't profound or insightful, and certainly not revolutionary. You're attempting to magnify something that is small and deserves to stay small.

...You're missing, like, a great chunk of science. The whole field of evolutionary psychology, for example. Heck, evolution in general.

The reason there appears to be a "double standard" is because of Briffault's Law (women dictate the existence of interactions), as well as Juggernaut's Law (female unattractiveness actually works towards her advantage). In layman's terms, neither do men's opinions in nature matter, nor can men "Juggernaut" the same way women do.

Also, it's well known that getting love/sex/etc is easy as a woman, you just need to accept any of the given thousands of requests at any point in applicable time.

Plus, Pareto's Law applied to evolutionary psychology states that, well, 80% of women at the bottom will only ever be with 20% of the men at the top, the top 20% of women are Goddesses in their own right in that matter. However, 80% of the men at the bottom will never see such things.

You're acting like men and women are biologically the same when that isn't the case. Yes, they can do any job a man can do and deserve equal legal and other rights. But that doesn't mean that there aren't entire fields of biology, as well.

Also, personality isn't inheritable. Looks are.

Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431478 time=1679278975 user_id=46372]
Abyssos said:
Here's some advice. Take all of this time that you are managing to create, and pour it instead into spiritual practice. Meditate on more important matters. All of the time you invest into advancing your soul will pay off far more than any surgical modifications to your face, and you don't have to wait. You will be far better off in this life and the next ones than 90% of men. It's a golden opportunity that none of us had for many centuries. Make the most of it.

Regardless of if men are equally as bad as women (as you finally admit Looks/Height/so forth = Only Criteria, A bad personality on men only makes them more "amplified" if they already have good looks/etc.), this nonetheless makes going for one a bad idea.

It's like saying, "Play Russian Roulette, the bullet will also be shattered if it hits, so it's only equal!", yeah, or we can be "equal" by not being shattered at all, how's about?

But I think it's time we come to a compromise. How about this?

You accept all of the following:
  • Romantic love between men and women does not exist. Such should only be called "infatuation".
  • When searching for an infatuation on men they call "romantic love", women only search for The Three Absolutes, using The Three Amplifiers to subsearch if needed.
  • The Blackpill, whereas it deals with looks theory, lookism, and female nature, is completely valid.
  • Masculine Energies, representing The Sun which nourishes life and enlightenment, represents a fundamental moral good. Female Energies, representing The Moon which allows a shade for all sorts of criminalhood, represents a fundamental moral evil.
  • We must work towards a female-free future in a compassionate manner: I'm not asking to chain women to the kitchen. I'm asking that we first transfer all their good qualities into men, and then abolish their sex altogether by means of spirituality and technology replacing them. In turn, men must also remove any negative possibilities from masculinity. Ironically, women will be a great part of this: We need engineers, priests, and all sorts of skills. Women make up a great possible skillforce, and will therefore be invaluable to the replacement of their sex.

I will accept all of the following:
  • Men and women, as well as their energies, both have fundamentally positive and negative. It is foolish and wrong to call one "totally good" and the other "totally bad". Yes, there is a "fundamental", but that is only the basics, and doesn't cover the nuances of both in proper detail that either deserve.
  • Until we can achieve a female-free future, we must not disbalance from either energy: We must ensure a balance of male and female energy in us, such that our goals may be achieved.
  • Although women, and The Goddesses, represent an evil in basics, it is wrong to dismiss the worship of The Goddesses for this. If we must be in-tune and balanced with both energies, worship of Gods of both sexes is needed. In our journey present, we must not only understand Gods of both sexes and their energies, but study it in great detail, with undivided devotion.

Let's see that this deal may be accepted. I hope that the wisdom of The Gods imparts upon The Clerics and Laymen present, and that we may both come together for a better future. May Satan Guide Us.
RepSel1001 said:

This is getting ridiculous. I feel like I am talking to an alien. No, we don't have to accept any of this.

You claim to be operating from a position of reality, yet your conclusion is to remove 50% of humanity, through some unexplained dystopian nightmare. Next you will say that all left legs are evil, or whatever.

We are not going to deem women as evil just because human relationships have had obstacles at one point in history. We already explained how we can move past such obstacles, so there is no cause for concern. You recognize that men can build feminine qualities, but so too can women build masculine qualities, such as by chanting Sowilo or Surya.

You can continue to live in a cave if that is what you desire. The only essential part is that everyone does their Satanic meditations in order to better sense the truth of the world.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431499 time=1679297176 user_id=21286]
You can continue to live in a cave if that is what you desire. The only essential part is that everyone does their Satanic meditations in order to better sense the truth of the world.
This person is not here with personal development in mind, or even as a curiosity, but rather to propagate their andrapoda-level of thinking to us. Ironic, considering how his thinking is so below ours.
Abyssos said:
Short women want tall men. They have already tried pursuing short women, so your criteria is met and then some. This means that you can hear it. ;) The only thing they haven't tried is evolution through Spiritual Satanism, that's all.

I'm already doing yoga. I'm already doing spiritual practice. I intend to solve the problems, whether others like it or not.

Most people deny that "lookism" is a thing, or that looks as important as they are. Honestly, many people in the "Black Pill" sphere actually want to keep it a secret, so that they can looksmax and beat the competition at a game they don't even know they should be playing. While everyone else things personality matters, some people are putting everything into looks, and get results. I'm just being practical. Beauty is vital to our existence. I intend to solve the problems.

You would be interested in astrological synastry, as this can show energetic connections that amplify or subtract from the "base qualities" of a person. This is one way in which you can find unusual couples, as two souls may naturally connect in a stronger way than with others.

This is what we achieve when we seek ideal partners through Venus energy. Because the synastry connections are unique, an ideal partner will view you as uniquely attractive/funny/sexual/charming/beautiful, etc combinations, even if conventional standards for attraction are not met.

This "hidden" energetic interaction can explain a lot beyond looks, including emotional attraction or other aspects of personality.
Abyssos said:
Short women want tall men. They have already tried pursuing short women, so your criteria is met and then some. This means that you can hear it. ;) The only thing they haven't tried is evolution through Spiritual Satanism, that's all.

I'm already doing yoga. I'm already doing spiritual practice. I intend to solve the problems, whether others like it or not.

Most people deny that "lookism" is a thing, or that looks as important as they are. Honestly, many people in the "Black Pill" sphere actually want to keep it a secret, so that they can looksmax and beat the competition at a game they don't even know they should be playing. While everyone else things personality matters, some people are putting everything into looks, and get results. I'm just being practical. Beauty is vital to our existence. I intend to solve the problems.

I'm glad to hear you are doing spiritual practice. That's wonderful.

You may be interested to learn that beauty and Truth are strongly interconnected. The less in alignment one is with Truth, the less beautiful they become, and vise versa. Those who fill themselves with lies become ugly. The xians and jews are living proof of that.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431499 time=1679297176 user_id=21286]
RepSel1001 said:

This is getting ridiculous. I feel like I am talking to an alien. No, we don't have to accept any of this.

You claim to be operating from a position of reality, yet your conclusion is to remove 50% of humanity, through some unexplained dystopian nightmare. Next you will say that all left legs are evil, or whatever.

We are not going to deem women as evil just because human relationships have had obstacles at one point in history. We already explained how we can move past such obstacles, so there is no cause for concern. You recognize that men can build feminine qualities, but so too can women build masculine qualities, such as by chanting Sowilo or Surya.

You can continue to live in a cave if that is what you desire. The only essential part is that everyone does their Satanic meditations in order to better sense the truth of the world.


Wait, I'm kind of confused:

If, as you say, things were the way I said they were at another point in history, then why, just because there's some engineered solution which forcibly tears people away from their real nature, as you say, should we give up and buy into it?

No matter how many cages, for example, you put a usurer in, that won't change what's really in their heart. You've just made it hard for the usurer to do usury. Likewise, this "engineered solution" doesn't change the real nature of women, it only hides it better. When given the chance, the usurer will still try usury, and the woman will still enact their own horrible acts.

Similarily, isn't this "solution" not all that integrity-respecting? I mean, you really expect us to act like there's no evil in women just because we've engineered a very specific case where it's well-hidden?

However, I'm at least glad you acknowledge that The Blackpill is at least somewhat true. That's an improvement we like to see! :mrgreen: :cool: ;)

Abyssos said:
Read what I said again. I said that we should transfer all the positive aspects to masculinity first. We won't lose anything.
RepSel1001 said:

Let me clarify: Satanists do recognize reality as we see it. We recognize gender differences and the types of problems that can be associated with each, both men and women. This is the extent to which we align with the "Blackpill".

However, the critical part is that we make use of meditations and other activities of spiritual advancement which result in permanent changes to the soul, therefore permanent physical and mental changes to the person. This is why everyone can move past their karma, which could be criminal intentions, for example, but only if they meditate consistently.

The above is the absolute critical piece of information, and why I wanted you to start focusing on your spiritual actions, not badgering us incessantly about this topic.

Humans are able to self-direct their evolution through the application of energy onto the soul. That is the foundational nature of Satanism, and also why Christians and other enemies sought to censor and attack us, as people would grow too strong by their own will.

For this same reason, I ask feminists to give up their notions of men being all evil, which is the same reason why you will give up your classification of women as evil.

If a man commits violence because he lacks compassion, then he needs to balance his soul with feminine energy. If a women commits an act of deception, due to a lack of self-confidence, then she needs to balance herself with masculine energies. This is the solution right in front of you.

Please say something if this does not make sense, as we are reaching the end of time that should be spent going back and forth on this.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431573 time=1679332175 user_id=21286]
RepSel1001 said:

Let me clarify: Satanists do recognize reality as we see it. We recognize gender differences and the types of problems that can be associated with each, both men and women. This is the extent to which we align with the "Blackpill".

However, the critical part is that we make use of meditations and other activities of spiritual advancement which result in permanent changes to the soul, therefore permanent physical and mental changes to the person. This is why everyone can move past their karma, which could be criminal intentions, for example, but only if they meditate consistently.

The above is the absolute critical piece of information, and why I wanted you to start focusing on your spiritual actions, not badgering us incessantly about this topic.

Humans are able to self-direct their evolution through the application of energy onto the soul. That is the foundational nature of Satanism, and also why Christians and other enemies sought to censor and attack us, as people would grow too strong by their own will.

For this same reason, I ask feminists to give up their notions of men being all evil, which is the same reason why you will give up your classification of women as evil.

If a man commits violence because he lacks compassion, then he needs to balance his soul with feminine energy. If a women commits an act of deception, due to a lack of self-confidence, then she needs to balance herself with masculine energies. This is the solution right in front of you.

Please say something if this does not make sense, as we are reaching the end of time that should be spent going back and forth on this.

Alright, you can clear this up then:

1) You say that you acknowledge the differences and problems in men and women. Do you, therefore, acknowledge what I'm saying that ALL women, without the engineering you're suggesting, in pure nature-as-is, select a possible mate ONLY off of The Three Absolutes, using The Three Amplifiers to subsearch and Three Anointments to create additional suffering, AND that this is fundamental to their nature and very being, being the 'evil' polarity?

2) If so, how do you plan on clearing up the quality of a large mass of people without compromising your own integrity or being tyrannical upon the rights and freedoms of women? I have, for example, defended the rights of women here nonetheless. I don't want anything which may harm that. My beliefs are mine, but they should not harm others.
RepSel1001 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431573 time=1679332175 user_id=21286]
RepSel1001 said:

Let me clarify: Satanists do recognize reality as we see it. We recognize gender differences and the types of problems that can be associated with each, both men and women. This is the extent to which we align with the "Blackpill".

However, the critical part is that we make use of meditations and other activities of spiritual advancement which result in permanent changes to the soul, therefore permanent physical and mental changes to the person. This is why everyone can move past their karma, which could be criminal intentions, for example, but only if they meditate consistently.

The above is the absolute critical piece of information, and why I wanted you to start focusing on your spiritual actions, not badgering us incessantly about this topic.

Humans are able to self-direct their evolution through the application of energy onto the soul. That is the foundational nature of Satanism, and also why Christians and other enemies sought to censor and attack us, as people would grow too strong by their own will.

For this same reason, I ask feminists to give up their notions of men being all evil, which is the same reason why you will give up your classification of women as evil.

If a man commits violence because he lacks compassion, then he needs to balance his soul with feminine energy. If a women commits an act of deception, due to a lack of self-confidence, then she needs to balance herself with masculine energies. This is the solution right in front of you.

Please say something if this does not make sense, as we are reaching the end of time that should be spent going back and forth on this.

Alright, you can clear this up then:

1) You say that you acknowledge the differences and problems in men and women. Do you, therefore, acknowledge what I'm saying that ALL women, without the engineering you're suggesting, in pure nature-as-is, select a possible mate ONLY off of The Three Absolutes, using The Three Amplifiers to subsearch and Three Anointments to create additional suffering, AND that this is fundamental to their nature and very being, being the 'evil' polarity?

2) If so, how do you plan on clearing up the quality of a large mass of people without compromising your own integrity or being tyrannical upon the rights and freedoms of women? I have, for example, defended the rights of women here nonetheless. I don't want anything which may harm that. My beliefs are mine, but they should not harm others.

It's not a gender problem, it's a human problem. How many times do you need to have this explained to you? Stop wasting time.
When the society creates the conditions that allow for a group such as a sex group (male/female) to act like degenerate scum, you're going to see the degenerate scum surface in waves and thrive. There are many degenerate male scumbags, but things aren't in their favor right now. As soon as the leash is removed, you will see the degenerate ones acting and behaving just like the degenerate female ones. The floodgate for the female degenerates in society is currently wide open, while the floodgate for the male degenerates is closed tight. Society enabling only one at a time might give ignorant people like yourself the false impression that this is an inherent problem in females, when actually you're just not able to see the male degenerates acting out like the female ones right now. That's all it is. Jews do this on purpose, and then they delude people like yourself into fighting on any of the various ideological sides of war that appeal to you. Choose your camp, but it's all jewish, and only the jews benefit.

Women are not evil, men are not evil. The only ones as a group who could be said to be inherently evil are the jews. Everyone else is just unwittingly following them, or acting out of self interest, or both. Give the degenerates an incentive to be honorable, and they might be more likely to act honorably. For the moment, they have free reign because the jews have engineered a society that rewards criminals. Our rituals are reversing this.
Jrvan [Library Chief said:
" post_id=431627 time=1679346027 user_id=46372]
RepSel1001 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=431573 time=1679332175 user_id=21286]

Let me clarify: Satanists do recognize reality as we see it. We recognize gender differences and the types of problems that can be associated with each, both men and women. This is the extent to which we align with the "Blackpill".

However, the critical part is that we make use of meditations and other activities of spiritual advancement which result in permanent changes to the soul, therefore permanent physical and mental changes to the person. This is why everyone can move past their karma, which could be criminal intentions, for example, but only if they meditate consistently.

The above is the absolute critical piece of information, and why I wanted you to start focusing on your spiritual actions, not badgering us incessantly about this topic.

Humans are able to self-direct their evolution through the application of energy onto the soul. That is the foundational nature of Satanism, and also why Christians and other enemies sought to censor and attack us, as people would grow too strong by their own will.

For this same reason, I ask feminists to give up their notions of men being all evil, which is the same reason why you will give up your classification of women as evil.

If a man commits violence because he lacks compassion, then he needs to balance his soul with feminine energy. If a women commits an act of deception, due to a lack of self-confidence, then she needs to balance herself with masculine energies. This is the solution right in front of you.

Please say something if this does not make sense, as we are reaching the end of time that should be spent going back and forth on this.

Alright, you can clear this up then:

1) You say that you acknowledge the differences and problems in men and women. Do you, therefore, acknowledge what I'm saying that ALL women, without the engineering you're suggesting, in pure nature-as-is, select a possible mate ONLY off of The Three Absolutes, using The Three Amplifiers to subsearch and Three Anointments to create additional suffering, AND that this is fundamental to their nature and very being, being the 'evil' polarity?

2) If so, how do you plan on clearing up the quality of a large mass of people without compromising your own integrity or being tyrannical upon the rights and freedoms of women? I have, for example, defended the rights of women here nonetheless. I don't want anything which may harm that. My beliefs are mine, but they should not harm others.

It's not a gender problem, it's a human problem. How many times do you need to have this explained to you? Stop wasting time.
When the society creates the conditions that allow for a group such as a sex group (male/female) to act like degenerate scum, you're going to see the degenerate scum surface in waves and thrive. There are many degenerate male scumbags, but things aren't in their favor right now. As soon as the leash is removed, you will see the degenerate ones acting and behaving just like the degenerate female ones. The floodgate for the female degenerates in society is currently wide open, while the floodgate for the male degenerates is closed tight. Society enabling only one at a time might give ignorant people like yourself the false impression that this is an inherent problem in females, when actually you're just not able to see the male degenerates acting out like the female ones right now. That's all it is. Jews do this on purpose, and then they delude people like yourself into fighting on any of the various ideological sides of war that appeal to you. Choose your camp, but it's all jewish, and only the jews benefit.

Women are not evil, men are not evil. The only ones as a group who could be said to be inherently evil are the jews. Everyone else is just unwittingly following them, or acting out of self interest, or both. Give the degenerates an incentive to be honorable, and they might be more likely to act honorably. For the moment, they have free reign because the jews have engineered a society that rewards criminals. Our rituals are reversing this.

Now you're just trying to insult me while admitting that what I'm saying is true. Why do you create a hostile behavior to me, all while admitting that unless all women are in chains, that all women will be as degenerate as possible? You know, we can agree on topics without being rude to one another for no reason. Here,

You believe that all women are inherently degenerate and evil and the only way to control them is to chain them up (not literally, but).

I believe that all women are inherently degenerate and evil and the only way to control them is to chain them up (not literally, but).

When we agree with each other word for word, can't we be friends and work towards a Satanic Future together? Here, I'll even extend the olive branch a bit more and add you as a friend.
RepSel1001 said:
Now you're just trying to insult me while admitting that what I'm saying is true. Why do you create a hostile behavior to me, all while admitting that unless all women are in chains, that all women will be as degenerate as possible? You know, we can agree on topics without being rude to one another for no reason. Here,

I believe that all women are inherently degenerate and evil and the only way to control them is to chain them up (not literally, but).

I didn't insult you. If you take offense to being called ignorant about a topic when you are, that's not my responsibility. You are ignorant about this as many others are too, and that's simply a fact. No, I do not agree with your views on women.

I suggest you use your time and energy more wisely. This is the last time I'm going to reply to you, as you have received more than enough answers to satisfy your original question. If you don't like the answers you have been given then you are free to seek elsewhere.
Abyssos said:

I cannot, and will not, support your agenda. What you're suggesting is not only wildly immoral, the very fact alone that these are the people who agree with me, combined with my own conscience and the continual stream of facts, I think it's time I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

It's Eostre today, The Mother-Goddess seems to have "gotten through" to me. I can see that my thinking was not only fundamentally flawed, it was so opposite to reality that it is miraculous that I have made it as far as I have now.

The beautiful, life sustaining, truly compassionate and motherly entity of femininity, and yet for so long, I have regarded it as 'evil'. I have not only spoken such nonsense against it, I wrongly credited my self-improvement to misogyny, when it should've ironically gone to femininity, because it is from here the motherly and compassionate qualities needed for half of all my Self-Improvement, the "rest and digest" fundamental to any self-improvement, happened.

If you must be my worst nightmare, than let it be. You and I both need extensive therapy. I declared you my friend once, and I will not back on that. Therefore, I will lead the way and heal myself, and encourage you to do the same.

To the women, not only in JoS, but of this world:

I apologize dearly for my words and actions. I'm sorry that I was this stupid or evil enough to say such things. Femininity, this great feeling of happiness and piety, only a truly brutal, evil, and heartless, individual could see, such a beautiful fairy prancing, or The Great Warrior-Mother-Goddess caring for every last one of her children, or the inquisitive pious soul, and declare it as 'evil'. As such, I must work hard and ceaselessly to excise this evil of myself.

To The Goddesses: May you forgive me for the slander I have committed against you. For too long, The Supreme Divine has been put upon the worst insults. It hurts that this must happen, it hurts more when it comes from someone who claims to fight for Dharma. To Lakshmi Mata, as a Vaishnavite, I apologize that I have slandered you so. You have always cared for all with such motherly compassion. It's time that you be recognized as the Supreme Mother you are, who provides Her Children with everything needed not only to survive, but to thrive. You are The Goddess of Money, not only literal, but of all things 'wealth'. I apologize that I associated you with such opposites. I can, will, and must, fight my battles in the name of Piety and ensure Dharma wins.

To the Clerics and Laity here: I'm sorry that I wasted your time as such. There's a million problems we face, and I shouldn't have added onto them. Nonetheless, I thank you for having the Supreme Patience you did, and providing invaluable resources for me. Don't get me wrong: You're by no means perfect. But many of you still have beautiful hearts, and must live to see a Satanic Future. To people such as Britkreig, Jrvan, Lydia, etc, you have my thank-you from the deepest part of my heart. I by no means see you as perfect, but I see you as Satanists worthy of The Satanama Name, even if flawed.

I plan on going on a path of Self-Healing. It seems that I am of dire need of it, and so are many Brothers and Sisters. If I plan to lead, I must lead the way.

It is Eostre, and despite my incessant slander, I have seen the true nature of femininity today, as something Supremely Moral and Righteous. I used to think of femininity as the "elusive gremlin coming to take my life", now I know it as "the mother-sun which shines under any condition to provide nourishment for all of her children, including her little baby fairies, which in their own works, contribute to Dharma". Don't get me wrong: There's bad women and men out there. But not only do both of them form a minority, both Femininity and Masculinity I argue are not defined as "fundamental evil", but "fundamental good". Both men and women are beautiful beings, and we must ensure the moral happiness of both.

Again, I thank all of you for your supreme help and support. It is now time that I contribute equal in turn to the great amount given to me.

Ave Satanas, Jai Shri Hari!

Ave Lilith, Jai Mata Di!
Abyssos said:
Let it be noted by all witnesses to this topic that I literally out-power-leveled a "misogynistic" incel into appreciating femininity. I wasn't exactly expecting this kind of a response from Repsel, but I'm not going to hate on it.

This topic has been quite the meme factory. I was of course deadly serious in everything that I said here, even if I could have perhaps used other terms for many things I said, but I am inclined toward radical rhetoric as a matter of principle.
No, I'm seriously concerned if you're the type of people I attract.

Dude, a salad isn't a deadly weapon. It's a salad. Stop being scared of it. And as for taking away everyone's rights to everything except for 'primordial violence', dude not even the feudal monarchies of Europe's Medieval Age would go nearly that far, and they burned people at the stake for being Satanists...

You really need some help, dude. You have a lot of creative talent, I see, being able to write a lot. Let's put this on a hiatus and seek some help, no? I think it would help us.
Most of this thread is an attack to our rituals and very important spring equinox, Astarte rituals. If you cannot ignore, consider so,
As these are rants of sociopathic values and jewish spells.
NakedPluto said:
Most of this thread is an attack to our rituals and very important spring equinox, Astarte rituals. If you cannot ignore, consider so,
As these are rants of sociopathic values and jewish spells.

It honestly did run through my mind that all this anti-woman and anti-life shit that is designed to nauseate and sap the will of everyone here keeps being plastered during (the real) Easter. But I also just realized the OP posted this thread a mere DAY after Purim (14 and 15 Adar), where the scum mass-recites its cursed 'book of esther' who brings down the Persian Empire by its 'feminine' wiles...

This should be a caution to people here about how curses kick in VERY quickly.
Karnonnos said:
NakedPluto said:
Most of this thread is an attack to our rituals and very important spring equinox, Astarte rituals. If you cannot ignore, consider so,
As these are rants of sociopathic values and jewish spells.

It honestly did run through my mind that all this anti-woman and anti-life shit that is designed to nauseate and sap the will of everyone here keeps being plastered during (the real) Easter. But I also just realized the OP posted this thread a mere DAY after Purim (14 and 15 Adar), where the scum mass-recites its cursed 'book of esther' who brings down the Persian Empire by its 'feminine' wiles...

This should be a caution to people here about how curses kick in VERY quickly.

The name is from "Rephaim" which represents something of their own ritual invocation of "ancestors" so the jews living benefit by invocation, and Sel which is a hebrew word for "forever", tying to the "Sheol" (their underworld) as well.

Basically enforcing a spell of empowering and of replacing. The idea is that as they have killed for their "promised land", they now enforce this in attacks such as the above, injecting and corrupting themselves while wearing simple links by curses and gematria, like the 1001, which is simply an opposite of the 666 number in jewish gematria, and simply relates to actual "binding against", in this case us the humans and the Earth, but of a feminine value, trying again in to the subject.
NakedPluto said:
The name is from "Rephaim" which represents something of their own ritual invocation of "ancestors" so the jews living benefit by invocation, and Sel which is a hebrew word for "forever", tying to the "Sheol" (their underworld) as well.

Basically enforcing a spell of empowering and of replacing. The idea is that as they have killed for their "promised land", they now enforce this in attacks such as the above, injecting and corrupting themselves while wearing simple links by curses and gematria, like the 1001, which is simply an opposite of the 666 number in jewish gematria, and simply relates to actual "binding against", in this case us the humans and the Earth, but of a feminine value, trying again in to the subject.

If this is the case, then that means this person is a conscious infiltrator, not just an unconscious vessel for curses. They should just be banned, then.

I am suspicious how they suddenly resolved all their programming within a matter of days, yet before this they were acting like a broken record and stating "women are evil because they are evil".
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=432251 time=1679620258 user_id=21286]
NakedPluto said:
The name is from "Rephaim" which represents something of their own ritual invocation of "ancestors" so the jews living benefit by invocation, and Sel which is a hebrew word for "forever", tying to the "Sheol" (their underworld) as well.

Basically enforcing a spell of empowering and of replacing. The idea is that as they have killed for their "promised land", they now enforce this in attacks such as the above, injecting and corrupting themselves while wearing simple links by curses and gematria, like the 1001, which is simply an opposite of the 666 number in jewish gematria, and simply relates to actual "binding against", in this case us the humans and the Earth, but of a feminine value, trying again in to the subject.

If this is the case, then that means this person is a conscious infiltrator, not just an unconscious vessel for curses. They should just be banned, then.

I am suspicious how they suddenly resolved all their programming within a matter of days, yet before this they were acting like a broken record and stating "women are evil because they are evil".

Most revealing is the no replies after my statements from this person, that's why I waited. Either way conscious or not, in the best case scenario, the individual is of no concern to "save" from anything, since this would be impossible by words addressed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
