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[Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.


New member
Mar 3, 2023
So I signed up around a week ago to learn about some of the ideas here.

I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?

I got a lengthy response, which I'll break down, having had some days to think about it.

"Please make a post where you do not call for people to end their life or other self-destructive behaviors."
I don't advocate self-harm at all. I'm saying that women do. There's a clear difference there.

"No, women are not evil and this is a totally anti-life mindset. Instead of thinking that this must be the case, you should instead realize that everyone in this world has been subject to spiritual degeneration, resulting in all sorts of problems."
I get that this world's been through shit, which in turn has made some people quite awful, but it's hard to deny basic philosophy: Men are fundamentally good, distracted into evil, whereas women are fundamentally evil, using good acts in a Machiavellist way.

"Yet, we are all capable of divinity IF we chose to advance our souls with meditations, under the Gods. Look to the Gods of the expression of a truly positive female, rather than assuming women are evil by default. Women represent the planets of Venus and the Moon, among other attributes. There is nothing inherently evil here."
If women represent Venus and The Moon, then doesn't it make more sense to say that those planets and moons are inherently evil? Doesn't it make more sense then, to say, until Satan restores Good Everywhere, that humanity is cursed to both Sun (Male/Good) and Moon (Female/Evil)?

"Someone could make the claim that men commit huge amounts of violent crime and war, and are therefore evil, but this is not the case either."
Yes, because not all men are evil on the actions of a few. That's plainly evident: masculinity is not defined as "the diehard zeal to commit evil", as femininity is. The matter is, the definition itself.

"An element of compassion and a focus on the future is needed for success, rather than assumptions of negativity or other self-destructive behavior, like killing yourself for not having a driver's license."
I'm not telling anyone to kill themselves for not being able to drive, that's what women do.

Again, as a Vaishnavite, I swear to Vishnu, I'm not here to troll. If I've said anything wrong, please do let me know. But I don't think it's fair that we continue the way we do.

Let me know your thoughts on this matter.
I cannot find the original post.
If the quotes are correct, then the post was deleted.

RepSel1001 said:
I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?
RepSel1001 said:
Again, as a Vaishnavite, I swear to Vishnu, I'm not here to troll. If I've said anything wrong, please do let me know.
RepSel1001 said:
So I signed up around a week ago to learn about some of the ideas here.

I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?

I got a lengthy response, which I'll break down, having had some days to think about it.

"Please make a post where you do not call for people to end their life or other self-destructive behaviors."
I don't advocate self-harm at all. I'm saying that women do. There's a clear difference there.

"No, women are not evil and this is a totally anti-life mindset. Instead of thinking that this must be the case, you should instead realize that everyone in this world has been subject to spiritual degeneration, resulting in all sorts of problems."
I get that this world's been through shit, which in turn has made some people quite awful, but it's hard to deny basic philosophy: Men are fundamentally good, distracted into evil, whereas women are fundamentally evil, using good acts in a Machiavellist way.

"Yet, we are all capable of divinity IF we chose to advance our souls with meditations, under the Gods. Look to the Gods of the expression of a truly positive female, rather than assuming women are evil by default. Women represent the planets of Venus and the Moon, among other attributes. There is nothing inherently evil here."
If women represent Venus and The Moon, then doesn't it make more sense to say that those planets and moons are inherently evil? Doesn't it make more sense then, to say, until Satan restores Good Everywhere, that humanity is cursed to both Sun (Male/Good) and Moon (Female/Evil)?

"Someone could make the claim that men commit huge amounts of violent crime and war, and are therefore evil, but this is not the case either."
Yes, because not all men are evil on the actions of a few. That's plainly evident: masculinity is not defined as "the diehard zeal to commit evil", as femininity is. The matter is, the definition itself.

"An element of compassion and a focus on the future is needed for success, rather than assumptions of negativity or other self-destructive behavior, like killing yourself for not having a driver's license."
I'm not telling anyone to kill themselves for not being able to drive, that's what women do.

Again, as a Vaishnavite, I swear to Vishnu, I'm not here to troll. If I've said anything wrong, please do let me know. But I don't think it's fair that we continue the way we do.

Let me know your thoughts on this matter.

So which synagogue worships Vishnu?

How the hell can you characterize men as 'less machiavellian' than women? Machiavelli was a man. This is so braindead it's hilarious. If you aren't a psychotic jew, all of this is a very good way to get yourself completely fucked by your own sex.

We don't believe in 'good' or 'evil' either, we believe in enlightenment and stupidity. The latter of which - your post shows in abundance.
Not here to troll yet you're over here making vile statements and outlandish claims about women. What a warped mindset you have. Who hurt you?

Women and men are two sides of the same coin, the yin and yang. Both are essential for life, We need each other. In a poetic sense we represent a physical manifestation of the twin serpents, male and female energy, which are both needed to raise the Kundalini and reach magnum opus. Combined we are truly powerful, this is why the enemy tries so hard to keep us at odds against each other. They want us to be divided.

We don't believe in your concepts of evil here. The closest thing we perceive as evil are the heinous acts of the jews and their pawns towards our world and our people.

A person has free will to do good for humanity or to be a degenerate it's not reserved to just only one gender.
RepSel1001 said:
So I signed up around a week ago to learn about some of the ideas here.

I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?


I've stopped reading your post from the underlined point.

First, we do not worship the Gods, we work with them.

Second, who told you women are evil? Was it Rabbi Yeshua or some incel or MGTOW forums?
RepSel1001 said:

It sounds like your question was answered, but you continue to falsely associate an entire gender with "evil" without even trying to explain yourself.

It sounds like you have some sort of hangs up surrounding the idea of femininity itself. Instead of grace, you see scheming. Instead of compassion, you see manipulation, and so on.

Yet, everyone person and gender is subject to faults which are unique to them. Rather than be brave, men can be brutal. Instead of ethical, they may be stubborn or cruel.

We stand for the advancement of everyone, rather than trying to claim our wives and mothers are somehow out to get us.
When you adfirm a thesis, you have to argue the reasons that support it. Why do you think women are the evil?
RepSel1001 said:
So I signed up around a week ago to learn about some of the ideas here.

I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?

Yeah... we're SO evil that we gave birth to men. Seriously, dude. Burn your bible already.
"Evil" (although we don't believe in absolute evil) in one sense can be imbalance. Imbalance can cause many undesirable and bad things. What you are suggesting here is to pit one sex against the other, which causes imbalance and therefore "evil". Men and women complement each other and one can't live without the other. You were born from a woman, by your twisted logic you're "evil" too. Without women, men wouldn't exist. In addition to that, male and female are parts of your soul, and by attacking the female you're creating imbalance and therefore "evil". Satanism is about balancing both. One is not better than the other, because both are equally important parts of the whole.

RepSel1001 said:
If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?
You came out of your mum's cunt, so that means you are also evil. PMSFL, lol. If your mum had a cesarean, then you were still in your evil mum; therefore, you're also evil, having been made from her blood and other bits and pieces. Lol. (If you're a jew, then replace "her" with "its".)

Regarding the jew's retardedity (hehe) - all Males were Females until [something-something, androgen, something-something] in the womb. No wonder the jew thinks Nature is evil, when Nature gives birth to all... The jew hates Nature, yet She birthed the jew and its overlords. The jew is so retarded. How could there possibly be a more fucked-up bunch? Fighting against the very Overlord; rather, Overlady under Whom we are all bitches/slaves, inescapably. Stupid jew. While I might say "our Overlady Nature", it is more like that we are Hers. Overlady Nature (ON); the jew - very much OFF (off, for emphasis). The jew is so stupid. Stupid jew.

As for more-directly replying to your "Women clearly are evil" - either "god" or Overlady Nature decided that Women (of various Species) must bleed. If you have a problem with that, and don't want to hire a cleaner to keep "your" mansion spick and span, then go to "god" or Mother Nature and... whatever floats your boat.
I believe that if this guy is a Hindu or in some Hindu group.

He might get the wrong impression that Women are responsible for bad things from the very judeo-bolshevism implanted in him.

Women in most mythologies have a bad side or dark side like the Shakti. Most people are Shakti they are asleep they aren't awakened to the higher realms.

Men allow women to be this negative but as an alchemical or spiritual allegory.

For example excessively breathing from the right nostril i.e. the Pingala female side, masculine nadi. Your going to have problems even in modern science training on meditation and Yogis and Rishis. State the Pingala when over active i.e. right nostril breathing your going to cause issues with heat and affect many people in negative ways like worry or ruminations. It's okay to breath through this nostril but the over breathing of it does induce some negatives in the subtle properties of the Sympathetic system.

The Parasympathetic system or Left side male side, feminine nadi. Allows a cool down and produces a lot of calmness. This reduces a lot of modern life stress and issues with people.

Of course the entire point is to balance the breath and breath exhale and inhale from both nostrils equally.

Still in many myths they rarely if ever talk about the male supporting the women and letting her rampage. In essence like the kundalini it is a female or hermaphrodite technology it's meant to be controlled i.e. slain to control or keep under control.

But the understanding is eventually the man is in control of the Shakti to calm her down. And perform further augmentation for eventual Hermaphrodite mastery of energies.

Sheer fact is I wouldn't be surprised if in literal the Gods do mention when we express the alchemical function we are expressing how negative wild energies can be especially female energies. But some male energies can be harmful such as superfluous solar energy example you breath in or do some logical/masculine energy and you stay awake for two hours without falling asleep.

Male and females can show both against, together, or separately destructive sides. For example Satan is Zeus in certain properties and hurls lightning at his enemies and even arrows down his own like Valefor to teach him the lesson that just because your a fully kundalini risen person doesn't make you my level. Your a God I respect but your still dipping your toes in the vast Universe of what a God is supposed to be.

Again in reality it's both together, separately, and between each other.

These are simply very high language to engage in discussion on meditation or planets or sensations or energy patterns.

For example Queen of Heaven Sahasrara is a female chakra and wants to connect with Muladhara base the male chakra.

Cosmic opposites but wanting to procure the hermaphroditic element and advance the soul further in the realms of both male and female.

In real life men and women especially women are brainwashed by society to act out exactly like a spiritual technology harnessed to inflict mass damage a 5th and 6th generational warfare weapon.

So it's no surprised most feeble people out there with their feeble KSVM(Kosher Supervised Mind) are incapable of seeing the forest nor the trees nor smell the shit on their knees.

Many of these Male and Female principles or Females gone berserk and men letting do it. Are simply the progression of vast categories of spiritual procedures and processes.

If anything you can make the argument that women acting like how the yehudim want is a mythological degradation hijacking the culture and turning it into culturalkamp or cultural weapon. Use the culture and counter-culture to create warfare and crush both sides against not just the middle but against the opposites. Think like the war in Ukraine, it's a very feminine outcry but logically as masculine wise it's a perfect storm to kill two birds with one stone.

Kill off all the good white people and all the remaining Nazis and all the White power, White Supremacy, and White Nationalists.

Take them out in the chaos of femininity with logical masculine hints of destruction of their enemy.

You gotta think at a 300IQ level like Tasteless and Artosis states in Starcraft casting. The 300IQ question. It's meant to be a spiritual allegory and your gotta think more artistically and procure logic from illogic. Just like we get illogic from logic.

For example Truth is stranger than fiction. Or why does that happen that has no explanation. Eventually we find one.
Gear88 said:
I believe that if this guy is a Hindu or in some Hindu group.

He might get the wrong impression that Women are responsible for bad things from the very judeo-bolshevism implanted in him.

Women in most mythologies have a bad side or dark side like the Shakti. Most people are Shakti they are asleep they aren't awakened to the higher realms.

Men allow women to be this negative but as an alchemical or spiritual allegory.

For example excessively breathing from the right nostril i.e. the Pingala female side, masculine nadi. Your going to have problems even in modern science training on meditation and Yogis and Rishis. State the Pingala when over active i.e. right nostril breathing your going to cause issues with heat and affect many people in negative ways like worry or ruminations. It's okay to breath through this nostril but the over breathing of it does induce some negatives in the subtle properties of the Sympathetic system.

The Parasympathetic system or Left side male side, feminine nadi. Allows a cool down and produces a lot of calmness. This reduces a lot of modern life stress and issues with people.

Of course the entire point is to balance the breath and breath exhale and inhale from both nostrils equally.

Still in many myths they rarely if ever talk about the male supporting the women and letting her rampage. In essence like the kundalini it is a female or hermaphrodite technology it's meant to be controlled i.e. slain to control or keep under control.

But the understanding is eventually the man is in control of the Shakti to calm her down. And perform further augmentation for eventual Hermaphrodite mastery of energies.

Sheer fact is I wouldn't be surprised if in literal the Gods do mention when we express the alchemical function we are expressing how negative wild energies can be especially female energies. But some male energies can be harmful such as superfluous solar energy example you breath in or do some logical/masculine energy and you stay awake for two hours without falling asleep.

Male and females can show both against, together, or separately destructive sides. For example Satan is Zeus in certain properties and hurls lightning at his enemies and even arrows down his own like Valefor to teach him the lesson that just because your a fully kundalini risen person doesn't make you my level. Your a God I respect but your still dipping your toes in the vast Universe of what a God is supposed to be.

Again in reality it's both together, separately, and between each other.

These are simply very high language to engage in discussion on meditation or planets or sensations or energy patterns.

For example Queen of Heaven Sahasrara is a female chakra and wants to connect with Muladhara base the male chakra.

Cosmic opposites but wanting to procure the hermaphroditic element and advance the soul further in the realms of both male and female.

In real life men and women especially women are brainwashed by society to act out exactly like a spiritual technology harnessed to inflict mass damage a 5th and 6th generational warfare weapon.

So it's no surprised most feeble people out there with their feeble KSVM(Kosher Supervised Mind) are incapable of seeing the forest nor the trees nor smell the shit on their knees.

Many of these Male and Female principles or Females gone berserk and men letting do it. Are simply the progression of vast categories of spiritual procedures and processes.

If anything you can make the argument that women acting like how the yehudim want is a mythological degradation hijacking the culture and turning it into culturalkamp or cultural weapon. Use the culture and counter-culture to create warfare and crush both sides against not just the middle but against the opposites. Think like the war in Ukraine, it's a very feminine outcry but logically as masculine wise it's a perfect storm to kill two birds with one stone.

Kill off all the good white people and all the remaining Nazis and all the White power, White Supremacy, and White Nationalists.

Take them out in the chaos of femininity with logical masculine hints of destruction of their enemy.

You gotta think at a 300IQ level like Tasteless and Artosis states in Starcraft casting. The 300IQ question. It's meant to be a spiritual allegory and your gotta think more artistically and procure logic from illogic. Just like we get illogic from logic.

For example Truth is stranger than fiction. Or why does that happen that has no explanation. Eventually we find one.

I'll say it again, brother. You could make a lot of money doing podcasts, especially with magick bolstering the success and attracting people to it. If you do it, then when you succeed, if you want to thank me you can make donations to the JoS with the money you earn ;)
I'll reply shorter to make it easier.

For the one who says, yes Machiavelli was a man, well that means nothing here, since it's a description of behavior. You can't deny that some women at least act Machiavellistic, even if he was a man, so why not all of them?

Also, for the yin/yang arguments, doesn't that just prove my point more? If there's a yin and yang in everyone, and if there's masculinity and femininity in everyone, doesn't it make sense to say that men are fundamentally good and women are fundamentally evil, the "evil in the good" being a lack of enlightenment, and the "good in evil" being Machiavellianism? Yes, it's unfortunate that we have to rely on women so much, like for even being born. But if we're here to improve and enlighten, doesn't that inevitably mean we'll reach a point where we don't need the female sex at all, and should therefore strive for it?

As for where I'm from, yes I got it from MGTOW and Incel forums. The rough draft of Part 1 of a manifesto I'm working on is in my signature.
RepSel1001 said:
Again, as a Vaishnavite, I swear to Vishnu, I'm not here to troll.

Vaishnavists are the most Christian sect of Hinduism. Some of them even honor Jesus who believe he was an avatar of Vishnu. It's no surprise that your ideas about women are exactly the same as the enemy Abrahamic religions.

In Satanism, women and men are equal. Not equal in the false feminist sense that they are the same and gender is just a social construct, but that even though they are biologically different they are both equally important parts of humanity and both are honored. Goddesses are equally important to Gods, but there's no blind worship in Satanism.

The only people who believe that women are inferior or sinful or evil are those of the enemy Abrahamic religions who have caused most of humanity's problems. This false view about women comes from the enemies of Satan and the whole humanity. And they do this deliberately: because most occult power comes from the feminine/female side while the masculine side helps direct that power. The feminine side which women have most developed has to do with psychic power, intuition and the hidden powers of your soul. Suppressing it causes humanity to be powerless so they can be easily enslaved, which is what the enemy wants to do.
RepSel1001 said:
I'll reply shorter to make it easier.

For the one who says, yes Machiavelli was a man, well that means nothing here, since it's a description of behavior. You can't deny that some women at least act Machiavellistic, even if he was a man, so why not all of them?

Also, for the yin/yang arguments, doesn't that just prove my point more? If there's a yin and yang in everyone, and if there's masculinity and femininity in everyone, doesn't it make sense to say that men are fundamentally good and women are fundamentally evil, the "evil in the good" being a lack of enlightenment, and the "good in evil" being Machiavellianism? Yes, it's unfortunate that we have to rely on women so much, like for even being born. But if we're here to improve and enlighten, doesn't that inevitably mean we'll reach a point where we don't need the female sex at all, and should therefore strive for it?

As for where I'm from, yes I got it from MGTOW and Incel forums. The rough draft of Part 1 of a manifesto I'm working on is in my signature.

You continue not to show any reason about your point of view, so it has no value. Why do you think women are the evil?
RepSel1001 said:
For the one who says, yes Machiavelli was a man, well that means nothing here, since it's a description of behavior. You can't deny that some women at least act Machiavellistic, even if he was a man, so why not all of them?

Because 1st of all, the machiavellian character type is part of the Dark Triad (machiavellian, psychopathic and narcissistic), and studies show that men are more machiavellian and psychopathic than women, although women are be more narcissistic. You have zero evidence that women are more machiavellian, and it's even more farfetched to claim that all women are machiavellian, when all the studies show the opposite.

RepSel1001 said:
Also, for the yin/yang arguments, doesn't that just prove my point more? If there's a yin and yang in everyone, and if there's masculinity and femininity in everyone, doesn't it make sense to say that men are fundamentally good and women are fundamentally evil, the "evil in the good" being a lack of enlightenment, and the "good in evil" being Machiavellianism? Yes, it's unfortunate that we have to rely on women so much, like for even being born. But if we're here to improve and enlighten, doesn't that inevitably mean we'll reach a point where we don't need the female sex at all, and should therefore strive for it?

No, it actually refutes your point. There is yin and yang in everyone, but women are usually more yin and men are more yang. Especially if you think women are bad, then it shows that you're not in touch with your feminine side at all. So if you are a man, to reinforce your yin you need to contact and have relationships with women. That's the fastest way to get in touch with your inner feminine. If you say women are fundamentally evil you say that the yin is evil and therefore you want to cause an imbalance.

Not only does it cause imbalance but it's also wrong, as women are not evil. Most of the "evil" acts through history like mass murders are caused by men. Women don't commit even the half of the crime that men commit. Go look at the crime stats. Men commit most of the violent crimes and through history they have commited most atrocities. Now, I'm not bashing men, just saying that feminists use these stats and claim that men are evil in the same way and should be gotten rid of, which is equally wrong. They are exactly like you, but on the opposite side.
Your original question is also based on a strawman:

RepSel1001 said:
I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?

You have to truly understand what the JoS site means when it says that we're not evil:

You see, there are many lies and slander about Satanism and Satanists: that we sacrifice animals or children or harm people for no reason or enjoy watching people suffer. The intention of that statement was to refute all these these lies about us, since we don't do such things: we don't harm people for no reason and we don't sacrifice animals as they are sacred to Satan and the Gods.

It was intended to refute what a normal person thinks is "evil".

It was not intended as a response to crazy incels who think women are evil, obviously. It was 100% meant for the normal average person (usually coming from Christianity) who knows that women are not bad.

It was also not intended to mean that Satanists believe in absolute good and evil or that we believe Satan is the absolute good, as there are no such things.

You are not a normal person but a woman-hating incel, so the statement on ethics wasn't meant for you because your ideas don't represent the average person's ideas in any way.

By the way: The JoS organization was founded by a woman.
RepSel1001 said:
So I signed up around a week ago to learn about some of the ideas here.

I posted a simple question: If JoS stands for ethics, then why do they also worship Goddesses, when women are a clear manifestation of Evil?

I got a lengthy response, which I'll break down, having had some days to think about it.

"Please make a post where you do not call for people to end their life or other self-destructive behaviors."
I don't advocate self-harm at all. I'm saying that women do. There's a clear difference there.

"No, women are not evil and this is a totally anti-life mindset. Instead of thinking that this must be the case, you should instead realize that everyone in this world has been subject to spiritual degeneration, resulting in all sorts of problems."
I get that this world's been through shit, which in turn has made some people quite awful, but it's hard to deny basic philosophy: Men are fundamentally good, distracted into evil, whereas women are fundamentally evil, using good acts in a Machiavellist way.

"Yet, we are all capable of divinity IF we chose to advance our souls with meditations, under the Gods. Look to the Gods of the expression of a truly positive female, rather than assuming women are evil by default. Women represent the planets of Venus and the Moon, among other attributes. There is nothing inherently evil here."
If women represent Venus and The Moon, then doesn't it make more sense to say that those planets and moons are inherently evil? Doesn't it make more sense then, to say, until Satan restores Good Everywhere, that humanity is cursed to both Sun (Male/Good) and Moon (Female/Evil)?

"Someone could make the claim that men commit huge amounts of violent crime and war, and are therefore evil, but this is not the case either."
Yes, because not all men are evil on the actions of a few. That's plainly evident: masculinity is not defined as "the diehard zeal to commit evil", as femininity is. The matter is, the definition itself.

"An element of compassion and a focus on the future is needed for success, rather than assumptions of negativity or other self-destructive behavior, like killing yourself for not having a driver's license."
I'm not telling anyone to kill themselves for not being able to drive, that's what women do.

Again, as a Vaishnavite, I swear to Vishnu, I'm not here to troll. If I've said anything wrong, please do let me know. But I don't think it's fair that we continue the way we do.

Let me know your thoughts on this matter.

I will try to break this up for you.

Women are not evil and they are the founding principle of Venus union with Mars so you can't say that Satan wants something bad to us based on a wrong supposition only you have about women.

We are not incels and we will never be an incel group / group of blackpilled individuals.

So, take the criticism and slowly try to move away from the toxic ways of mentality and evolve on the path of Spiritual Satanism.
May you never connect with the Goddesses you ignorant pleb.

I didn't even need to read more than 3 sentences to know you are an idiot.

Women, but more specifically, the women in the JOS, are of the highest quality that humanity at large has to offer.

They shouldn't even bother looking at your filth, go jerk off into the sink and cry afterwards ya weirdo

Machiavelli literally spent the entire book describing Mars energies which are masculine energies. He never instructed any type of feminine energy, or any planetary energy other than Mars.

Of course Masculine and Feminine in this case is not really talking about male or female. But it is talking about two opposite polarities of specific energy currents. Instead of Masculine and Feminine, the same energy currents could be called Electric and Magnetic, or Expansive and Contractive.

But most men have more masculine energy, and most women have more feminine energy. I am not talking about every little personality trait with this, but just generally in their bodies. Testosterone is a masculine energy, and estrogen is a feminine energy.

"Men are from Mars and women are from Venus."
If you believe that planets and/or their energies are inherently evil then I don't think you are currently capable of understanding the criticism you received. You are free to hold strange beliefs like this, but it does not reflect science, the occult, nor the teachings of our Gods.
I do not believe womanhood is inherently evil. Much of the evil that modern women possess boils down to one fatal flaw that was bred into them.

When men went to war they killed other men or impoverished them and captured the women. This means that the vary best survival strategy for men was to fight to the very end because anything less would destroy their genetics. Women on the other hand got to breed with the winners so the very best thing they could do for survival was to not fight and breed with the winners.

Women hate losers and love winners, that’s why the white men have a hard time getting any love and affection in this culture is because they lost. Women know that white man are in a bad place fighting for their very survival and losing so they simply go over to the winners.

Womanhood has a natural charm about it, the way they smile at you, the way they light up when you make them happy, the way they show concern and consideration for your needs almost like you're their baby. Being sensitive to the needs of others is an aspect of the feminine. Seeking the spiritual aspects of life is a feminine trait. I can go on if you wish but I'm sure others on this post will make the point for me so I'll be brief here and get to the meat of your question.

It's not that womanhood is bad, under jewish rule their goodness in inaccessible to most men, the men who have it are the lucky few and it's too easy for them to put the blame on other men who don't have it, since they live the good life and can't imagine how bad things are for us.

The only way we can ever experience the wonderful aspects of femininity is to win, that or there are rare cases of women strong in the sun aspect who view themselves as part of the team rather then simply waiting to get with the winners.

Some women see the white man's struggle and believe it's their struggle too, some women want to build a life with a man rather then just date a rich old man and will team up with a guy just starting out in life, they have an instinct to get in the trenches and do the work to win along side him rather then just party after the victory. Dietrich Maxine, our founder was such a woman and we recognize her as a Goddess for that along with her mystical power.

It is not womanhood that is evil, it’s female cowardice and being lazy.
Honestly, I don't even know where all these crazy incels come from. What do they think, that this is a men's only or incel only club?

Don't they know that about half of JoS members are women and High Priestess Maxine who founded JoS is a woman, so that making posts like these are disrespectful to half of the members as well as the JoS founder?

Or maybe they think that just because it's pro-NS it will also espouse their retarded ideas? The National Socialists respected women, they were very far from these incels.

GoldenxChild1 said:
May you never connect with the Goddesses you ignorant pleb.

I didn't even need to read more than 3 sentences to know you are an idiot.

Women, but more specifically, the women in the JOS, are of the highest quality that humanity at large has to offer.

They shouldn't even bother looking at your filth, go jerk off into the sink and cry afterwards ya weirdo
Abyssos said:
I will fight to restore the Primordial Archetype of the Evil Temptress.

I would be careful about associated the Gods with anything that you deem as "evil", "wicked wiles", "traps", etc especially Lilith who has been specifically slandered by the enemy in this way. Maybe you have associated positive connotations with it, but the majority of people have not, and therefore your message may not reach them as intended. Personally, I don't know why you had written this, knowing that.

What you describe as an evil temptress sounds like a woman who has a plutonian nature, which can certainly be "taught", as can any other aspects of our nature. The same goes for your description of women being permanently broken, which counters the very idea of advancement of the soul, as this includes repairing past trauma.

Wow, such passion. I'm glad there are people like you present here. The ideas behind what you wrote are as much as I understood very close to reality and the sad truth of this world. However as an intellectual trying to bring those ideas to some people here (because most won't be able to process them anyway) I'd suggest that you try and make them more accessible by providing a clear structure with more focus on the priority points and be careful of the terminology used.

Having said that, I applaud your determination and fanaticism, they are much needed in these critical times. Your great love for your race and humanity can be falsely interpreted as misanthropy and misogyny if your expression is not adjusted to be decipherable to the average human of today. Those that understand need no explaining but the rest have to be approached with the loving patience of an understanding parent.

I wish you success and also peace some day because that would mean that we have won.
I almost let a certain group of men talk me into that "women are inherently evil" lie. Same as some other members here, I stopped reading after that sentence. Asking honestly, are you bitter? I went through that phase too.
Abyssos said:
This is exactly the kind of misunderstanding that I was thinking of when I gave the clarification in the Blue Paragraph. I assumed people wouldn't get it, but you may possibly have understood, but it's not likely. Still, you might have. Strong words like that are the only way I can think of to describe such a sublime conception. As for more on that and other matters, I will patiently refrain from saying more.

Korpi said:
I understand the jest in your use of "Evil Temptress", but I think you've taken it too far.
The positive implication isn't entirely overt, either. I mean this respectfully.
You think it was a joke? My choice of wording serves two purposes. I want to know that someone actually understood, and those strong words in this case are the only way to be sure. It filters out those who don't have that sublime quality to understand. A breathtaking work of art of this caliber cannot possibly be joked about. The work of art is not my words. Mere words will never do justice to what I tried to describe. If you didn't immediately understand the concept in it's totality the very second you read the words "Evil Temptress," then you didn't get it. If that is the case, I'm sorry. I don't know if it's something to mourn for that someone didn't get it, or a bittersweet relief that they are blissfully ignorant of what has been lost. As for me, I know what was lost, and that loss is unbearable.

Why would your purposely write something in a manner which could possibly cause confusion? This defeats the point of education in the first place.

It sounds as if you are simply describing an advanced woman who is balanced with higher degrees of masculine characteristics, including a strong sexuality. Tying this into concepts of evilness only distracts from this.

In this case, this calls for women to balance themselves with Martian energy, which can be done at many points throughout the year. The nature of our path allows for everyone, including women, to grow in these ways, including the reparation of past damage.

I do not believe anyone is disagreeing with your view that both genders of the white race need help. Yet, we are already on the path of fixing this, which includes plenty of spiritual growth to promote for the deficient characteristics.

I think you are becoming too quick to assume nobody knows what you are talking about. Even if that were the case, then this is not reason to despair.
Abyssos said:

Does this address the problem which you are trying to solve?

Your upbringing clearly damaged you, so you need to heal from it. You can't try to force everything to be how your want it based on your damage, you need to heal yourself.

Not all people are supposed to be the exact same. This goes against nature and the universe. Not all men want the type of woman you want.

Don't spread damage around. Heal yourself.

And no, vegetables are not a worse drug than meth or cocaine.

I am a millennial, So therefore I use certain phrases I grew up using. I am aware it wasn't the best choice of words, however, I didn't post the above to be graded on my reply. I will though accept criticism and will also offer my own. I feel your points could have been made in a less egotistical manner. You may be coming from a good place but you swooped in here with an attitude that makes you seem arrogant in your approach. I can tell you mean well, but you might want to tone that down a little, even if you may not have meant it as such. Be a little more grounded in your approach, I can see you probably are aware of this now which is good.

We are all learning here, and we are all a part of this family. Family looks out for each other, So I do thank you for at least trying to be helpful, and trying to offer advice even if it was given in a way that was a little bit extreme. I understand we all have different factors in our charts. Some people have a lot of fire in their charts that causes them to come off as a bit vain, but it's with noble intentions. So because I understand this, no hard feelings.

I will keep some of what you said in mind.
Abyssos said:
...My worldview is largely centered around making everything accessible to everyone by the imposition of order and tradition. By technical definition, I am a Leftist. I believe in State control of the economy, of the press, and of other institutions and social functions. I do not believe in lolbertarian or anarchistic ideas. I believe in the authority of the State. Besides every other thing, I want everyone to be able to bask in the glory of the Evil Temptress, but maybe Her qualities are exclusive. Perhaps I have violated a divine concept by even mentioning it here. If that is the case, then just forget about it. But if the reader doesn't forget about it, I will only use the words Evil Temptress, I will not use any other words, for those words are the only words in the English language that come even close to describing such a wonderful thing. The word Evil is largely aesthetic, and is meant as a feeble attempt to convey something sublime. Sublime is the only technical word I can think of, as the concept appears to be beyond the scope of being able to be described in any word in any language that can ever do it justice....

Congratulations you just admitted your a National Socialist. IF anything National Socialism is more Leftists and Liberal then even Liberterians and is completely 100% against Anarchism as that is Communism for people who seem to believe life operates that way.

I'll post my thoughts on Black-Spectrum Political opposition i.e. National Socialism below. IF anything your more leaning towards Hitler and Feder's understanding that National Socialism is more Revolutionary and is meant to be Triple-A(Against All Authority) except it's own with a degree of fairness for non-NS, friendly for example as Hitler puts it. If a Nation wishes to be National Socialist give them all the assistance to make them such. If they wish to remain a Democracy that is up to them. UNLESS they are communist or some sort of socialist particularly the marxist-capitalist friendly socialism like Spain, Socialist but contains certain Capitalist properties to not outright collapse into financial oblivion.

Gear88 said:
For the people who don't delve too much into National Socialism.

Conservatism serves the enemy with (((Xtianity))) or (((Judeo-Bolshevism))) as Hitler puts it. If conservatism works to conserve as above Paganism/Satanism. No issues, as a matter of fact conserving the past is Orwellian/Kane technology.

As Orwell and Kane from Command and Conquer state: He who controls the Past, commands the Future. He who controls the Future commands the Present.

We National Socialists are three political categories. Revolutionary i.e. Liberal/Left wing towards Social policies and keeping society, racial/nation, improved through various means. As Hitler puts it we are more revolutionary to overthrow. Kinda for example how National Socialism is Triple-A(Against All Authority).

Conservative is a core Gold sphere of 3-Dimensional Politics to conserve the Ancient past. Everyone runs away from their past or the past so they don't think about their future and present. Look at some men and women acting like a bunch of teenagers even if they are in their 40s or dressed up young and acting like teens.

Our past is extremely important. For example a being of higher power might state in the past a psychic transmitter emits voices when directed. But in modern times you have a smartphone both are the same just technological routes took a different way.

Remember the enemy is a rainbow of colors and 2-Dimensional X/Y grid technology. Fascism is merely a Anti-Communist Block and serves State-First hence totalitarian merely a grey-spectrum political opposition for furthering our cause.

National Socialism is 3-Dimensional, it posses a Black spectrum Socialistic nigredo stage technology for the present and future of mankind. It posses a Gold-Core which is both our evolution, revolution, and conservatism of Ancient Paganism/Satanism. A property of Social Justice through our National Socialism i.e. anti-Marxist socialism.

AND on top of that besides being Black/Gold Spectrum political opposition towards other political entities. We are most important Proactionaries. We proactively help our people think about the future and bring it to the present. Imagine Satan peering 30 million years into the future and building a Superbuilding that brings about trillions of dollars over the years to help society. It has myriad of Satanic symbols of the Occult to improve reality.

Revolutionary, Conservative, and Proactionaries. We are not cuckservatives like the Republicucks or anything.

Think outside the box. Think the 300IQ strategy think like Orion think like our Gods.

Black spectrum 3-Dimensional Socialistic with Conservatism and Proactionary principles. Fix the mistakes before they get out of hand. Don't move the hand to doom and gloom people like capitalism and communism do. Why?

Why should people be DOOMED and GLOOMED. For example risky loans that yeah you get money but you gotta pay a shitload of interest and whatnot. Taxes? Why not a taxless society not a Liberterian, income tax removal. No like Gottfried Feder states, Direct and Indirect taxes are abolished along with income tax. Hence taxless society we pay face value.

Why not Zero-Interest Loans so people aren't perpetual loan slaves. Like Libya under Ghaddafi, ZI-Loans.

A National Socialists is someone who wants to improve society and see a better reality. Like Hitler's Theoretician vs Politician in Mein Kampf or Marathon Runners of their Civilization.

National Socialists = I care for my people and society regardless of wealth or financial creed.

Life is already Saturnian as fuck. We don't have to promote eternal suffering .The Eternal Struggle is good but not the eternal suffering.

All the enemy things can be sublimated into neutral and positive factors through National Socialism. They say communism works on paper. Well if communism has principles that help the economy why not implement it in National Socialism sublimated. For example the German Institute of Business Germany economic principle: Directing Economy. Not quite planned economy but not quite free market. Through careful metric and calculation we construct a bit more to serve the people but not an open free market to power bomb everything.

For example your nation needs 35,000tons of toilet paper. A directing economy might produce 38,000tons not quite the 80,000tons for free market but not quite the 20,000tons of planned economy to fuck shit up and who gives a shit they are goyim let them wipe their shit with leaves.

So we are Revolutionaries, Conservatives, and Proactionaries.

The enemy just hijacks these narratives for (((THEIR))) (((Revolution))), (((Conservatism))), and (((Deproaction))). In other words as Gottfried Feder puts it, Mammonistically poisoned Spiritual Yehudim. All the goyim work for the wet dream of the enemy not realizing they are Gentiles and not yehudims.

Anyways Abyssos Liberal/Leftist, Conservatist/Right, and Proactionary.

We should just identify that while National Socialism was in the early 20th Century seen as Revolution. Once the revolution is successful it's over not unlike the retard Fidel Castro and his communist style. If your against me in any way no matter how small your against the revolution. Or more specifically keeping mankind down and goying shit up and killing and just making society into shit.

We need to expand our Reactionary Right/Conservatism for example 2A second Amendment is a good example. A proper Azazel Apollo Helios Law not inciting injustice. For example 2A is basically give me the military weapons and best of the best weapons and I'll bear arms. In fact with Bruen and SCOUTS historical revisionism. Like Styxhexenhammer666 Bruen is not just for 2A but has application for 1A, 4A, and 10A. Due to Historical Overseeing of SCOTUS, hell I'd like to hear Clarence's historical review on his decision for Bruen.

And finally Proactionary. Why incite doom and gloom. Why have myriad of people in think tanks creating destruction and doom and gloom for Humanity. Why not fix the problems and carry on. Why should people suffer?

Leftist/Revolutionary, Right/Conservatist, and Proactionary. We solve it before shit hits the fan to minimize or learn. Hence why we have Pagan Gods to peer into the future and download and create better realities.

Your statements and posts show someone who is in the Leftist/Revolutionary Mode Hitler in Dr.Dalton's '39 literally admits we are more revolutionaries. Liberal but not negative liberal like the enemy. More of how the precursor to the sexual revolutions of the 1960s and 1970s were done in 1930s and 1940s Germany under proper controlled condition. To avoid backlash and negatives.

The enemy wants hostile sexuality not the Tantric Remastering Regeneration.

I think Abyssos since Sex is so important after all it's one of the ultimate activities a Human can perform. You should do a freeing the soul working to remove negative sexual karmic principles.

This week as of the time of this posting, March 2023. March 18, 2023. Moon in Aquarius, Saturday Freeing the Soul, breaking free from restrictions. You might want to consider doing a 40-90 day working.

Sexual hangup working

BTW in historical context evil does not equal bad. Bad and Good are represented.

But in the past EVIL in historical documentation meant Uppity.

So your saying the Uppity Temptress. Don't you mean the Bad Temptress. In modern lingo Evil has devolved into being bad when evil is the improper word. It's simply Good and Bad.

But there is nothing wrong with the temptress like you said, These judeo-bolsheviks told me to study communist propaganda of the enemy. And I got more intrigued and fell head over heals for the awesomeness of National Socialists and Spiritual Satanists. If anything these Pagans lived life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

It's almost like judeo-bolsheviks hate their own lives. Might as well suicide out since they are basically suicide bombers with social marxist terminology.

I hate sex. Why? and then they go on a social marxist rant explaining why. And it's all stupid. I agree sex should be more controlled to avoid race mixing, retards, and other stigmas.

Funny Pagans control sex everything good. Judeo-bolsheviks do stupid shit and attack it all the time and then poof everyone is turned into a melange of shit. Eqwalitiz 'n' sheit and muh ruppressed sux drive.

I think many people are gonna have to spend a tremendous amount of time doing freeing the soul, cleaning, and reprogramming to solve their pathetic sexual world view.

It's almost like they are wanting to have sexual activities and get involved but their parents and adults in their life turned them into a melange of communist shit. No surprise the World is fucked up.

SapphireDragon said:
I am a millennial

Most people in this organization are Millennials so am I by definition. Not that I ascribe to the actions of GenZ or Millennials or post-Millennials but if it serves as a useful weapon you bet your ass I'm gonna research it and employ it. For example Memes are post-Millennials because even though Memes date back since ever with historical revisionism in modern perspective.

As George Orwell and Kane from Command and Conquer state, "He who controls the Past, commands the Future; He who controls the Future, commands the Present."

But modern memeing came from the 1960s-1970s culture. For example one of the first major memes in Black Metal is IIRC, Dimmu Borgir's "I like my coffee black like my metal meme". Or for example the Raptor Jesus meme big in 2003-2004+ era when Gif technology was mass employed. Sure you can argue some 1982+ users were on it. But most likely they got the idea from an older generation. Or from the boomer generation of advertisement. Like for example when the first radio and television broadcasts for ads were coming out and people began the psychological warfare of ad bombing to create the perfect slave a boobtube watching person who spends their entire freetime just on TV.

In fact considering Millennial are nothing more than 1982-1995 Pluto in Scorpio. Something like 55-65% of JoS are Plutonic Nuclear weapons walking around. So no don't think of this as bad. If anything should state, I'm a Millennial from the turn of the 20th to 21st Century and we still gotta deal with judeo-bolshevism.

For example Salty Crackers despite any negatives people have on him including some stating Salty Jew. Sheer fact is he barely reaches Pluto in Scorpio if anything if he is born within 1982 he would classify as an early Pluto in Scorpio person. I think he was born mid-late 70s so just by a hair. But he does perform nuclear annihilation strikes and does meme and troll not unlike the revolutionaries such the generation.

Sheer fact is like I said before as of the time of this post it's 2023. And we still have a doomsday cult wanting to doom and gloom. We shouldn't even be like this kinda like Age of Pisces either it's the age of communism or the age of glorious spiritual progression. And that has never materialized. IF anything people are still stubbornly unable to see the trees nor the forest nor smell the shit on their knees.

It's 2023 and we still gotta deal with political groups called religions that masquerade as positive. At least in 2nd and 3rd World societies people get pissed off a firebomb shit like the Muzzie center in Nigeria largest if not top 5 largest Muzzie temple and education facility the Al-Massjid facility completely firebombed and burnt to the ground.

Hopefully the internet remains the staple of 5th Generational Information Warfare and 6th Generational Spiritual Warfare.

Think of yourself as a Freedom Fighter, Revolutionary. There is nothing wrong with GenZ or Millennial or Post-Millennial or whatever they are hijacked cultures of people believing in falsified theology of the enemy. IF anything I'm sure the Gods had an image of mind for the culture warriors who need to understand we are under hostile threat and people literally believe in castles in the sky.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430092 time=1678691578 user_id=57]

Your upbringing clearly damaged you, so you need to heal from it. You can't try to force everything to be how your want it based on your damage, you need to heal yourself.

Not all people are supposed to be the exact same. This goes against nature and the universe. Not all men want the type of woman you want.

Don't spread damage around. Heal yourself.

And no, vegetables are not a worse drug than meth or cocaine.

You know what?

I could simply show you the evident reality behind the blackpill. But that would be of no learning value, and I'm here to learn.

Therefore, the better option is to ask the question:

If I really do need "healing", then what do you suggest for healing me? If I am "damaged", what will "fix" me?

(If you can, be a bit more specific, only saying "just meditate" apparently hasn't worked for me and clearly hasn't worked for the user you've quoted. For example, what meditations in specific do you suggest will heal/fix/help me?)

As for @Abyssos' post,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but by chance, do you mean, like, a "Femme Fatale" or something? Cuz from what I see, that is an archetype The Goddesses take, and restoring that imo would prolly help. But let me know if I'm not exactly understanding it, and correct me on it.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=430035 time=1678647925 user_id=21286]
Abyssos said:
This is exactly the kind of misunderstanding that I was thinking of when I gave the clarification in the Blue Paragraph. I assumed people wouldn't get it, but you may possibly have understood, but it's not likely. Still, you might have. Strong words like that are the only way I can think of to describe such a sublime conception. As for more on that and other matters, I will patiently refrain from saying more.

Korpi said:
I understand the jest in your use of "Evil Temptress", but I think you've taken it too far.
The positive implication isn't entirely overt, either. I mean this respectfully.
You think it was a joke? My choice of wording serves two purposes. I want to know that someone actually understood, and those strong words in this case are the only way to be sure. It filters out those who don't have that sublime quality to understand. A breathtaking work of art of this caliber cannot possibly be joked about. The work of art is not my words. Mere words will never do justice to what I tried to describe. If you didn't immediately understand the concept in it's totality the very second you read the words "Evil Temptress," then you didn't get it. If that is the case, I'm sorry. I don't know if it's something to mourn for that someone didn't get it, or a bittersweet relief that they are blissfully ignorant of what has been lost. As for me, I know what was lost, and that loss is unbearable.

Why would your purposely write something in a manner which could possibly cause confusion? This defeats the point of education in the first place.

What he describes as an "Evil Temptress" is an archetypal notion of a female which he does his best to pinpoint, and he believes that's extremely worthwhile to look as a thing which is a mental exploration, with limited social or other function.

That's because there's no point besides emotional points in most of what is observed, except of a couple of paragraphs. There is a chain of issues that require addressing yet while simultaneously this person has the character that they do, they will walk around feeling these are permanently unaddressed, something which has to do with internal dispositions and not external.

Abyssos said:

I hope that you don't see any of what I have typed above as "unloading on you." I hope that you found it informative and helpful. Thank you for your patience.

Hail Satan!

Essentially most of this mentality is borne out of larping, not understanding the real function of a "Superman", and being on the loose grounds where this ignorance brings someone, combined with inner wounds that one tries to parade as a form of supreme power.

You haven't paid the costs you think you have. You decided to pretend you are way harder than in the past, not that long ago. Then you started pretending you are Atlas or something and that you have a uniform understanding of opinion on subjects that aren't understood in their entirety or not at all.

The real level of any demand, or what the Gods or anyone else have "demanded" out of you, isn't even related to this. While the power to endure is an admirable quality [same as duty] there are also other things which one must have.

I will not comment what these might be, as everyone will of course know after I will say, and then pretend they are very intelligent again to lecture myself as a teacher on my lesson again.

Most of this is a psychological approach you have from a Saturnian landscape and wanting to pretend that this is somehow imbued with certain qualities that you think that you serve or "are". Yet the reality is that most of this is far further distanced and away from both your claims or how these will originate and create any "Superman".

These are only parts of another thing, which you are now only "understanding". This limited understanding creates rampant arrogance, an overly critical nature, and essentially the perception that this is somehow very much so, because you are that effective and smart with everything, while it's all just emotionally based and not reality based conclusions.

You also think that since you are "hated", this makes you "truthful", or a holder of a more "important" viewpoint, but the reality is you have a lot of inner work to do and many things to work on, before you even start comprehending any layers of the higher things you boastfully declare you are walking around in a formal antithesis.

All of this bullshit is inherently just your own need to feel "important" and put yourself on the "camel" level, which is elementary and early. At this level you want to feel burdened and maybe even hated, and detested, because you think that will give you the rights to your power of beliefs.

Further this leads to further delusions of one's functions and what one can do, which life will prove to you on your own, or rather, if you paid attention, you might have seen these already. However, the "pain-authority-domination-muh superman" spiral is keeping you from doing so, while simultaneously making you think that this is the way to higher consciousness while it's only just a foundation for fixation upon current ignorance.

The above is constantly expressed in long chats and spiels about how you "think" everything should be, and what you think that would do or whatever, and what you think is "wrong", while all of this reveals you are at a very poor level of evolution right now on these subjects, or functional realities around these subjects.

To show the lack of understanding, most of this is also based nowhere: Just on your emotions, most of the time. The real world is denied, same as the denial that most "Nat-Soc" people live in, which is a formal denial of reality and a form of diseased asceticism born out of weakness to comprehend reality around someone.

The above has been a problem which is so deep and problematic, because it also makes one recoil at the perception of it's healing.

Further denial arises when you and people like you come from that standpoint in the opposite standpoint territory where "National Socialism" was, not in commenting on what happened, but fantasiacal standpoints which never happened.

This, has turned this whole thing into a total joke, and a place of both incels, people who live in denial of reality, and people who in the end can't even compete in it.

The people whom you are trying to "emulate" aren't speaking or acting or thinking from your perspective, you just try to mirror what you think they have seen. And you have seen few things, and have yet more to see, as you are clearly on a beginner stage of understanding.

It's just you still trying to solve attention seeking issues and resolving internal issues, maybe as part of your evolutionary process.

At some point it will be important to go back at what has been experienced in childhood and these types of things, and start doing some proper inner work.

With that being stated I harbor no personal issues, the overwhelming amount of conversations, "critiques" and so on, are a waste of other people's time in the forums past a point.

RepSel1001 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430092 time=1678691578 user_id=57]


You know what?

I could simply show you the evident reality behind the blackpill. But that would be of no learning value, and I'm here to learn....

The fetish most people have on the "Black pill" is just the same mechanism that whiners and cunts have in this world, who constantly complain, but dignified with more evidence.

You aren't very much heroic or anything like that, just yet. That's because you currently are in love with the black pills on your desk, metaphorically speaking.

The above is just a short circuit mentality that will lead you nowhere, and certainly not to advancement, but to depression and a false sense of reality in itself.

Further, all that you write about "women" is not only inaccurate, but is borne out of the fact that most men including those in the "Blackpill" and "Manosphere" have poor experiences, poor backgrounds, and in general are highly incapable males.

An abusive or mutually disharmonious temperament is formed when people engage in this mentality, manifesting things likewise in the real world.

To earn any attention or love from women, you have to become something in this world. Women can be dangerous, and you also need maturation to treat them, same as one would need to treat other men.

As about "women being evil" or something, none of this is advocated by philosophers or the Aryan religions either. It's all manufactured nonsense out of being an incel or having emotionally unaddressed issues, which also lead you to the gutter of existence.

A better recommendation and alternative would be to apply the knowledge of JoS and start healing.
RepSel1001 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430092 time=1678691578 user_id=57]


You know what?

I could simply show you the evident reality behind the blackpill. But that would be of no learning value, and I'm here to learn....

The fetish most people have on the "Black pill" is just the same mechanism that whiners and cunts have in this world, who constantly complain, but dignified with more evidence.

You aren't very much heroic or anything like that, just yet. That's because you currently are in love with the black pills on your desk, metaphorically speaking.

The above is just a short circuit mentality that will lead you nowhere, and certainly not to advancement, but to depression and a false sense of reality in itself.

Further, all that you write about "women" is not only inaccurate, but is borne out of the fact that most men including those in the "Blackpill" and "Manosphere" have poor experiences, poor backgrounds, and in general are highly incapable males.

An abusive or mutually disharmonious temperament is formed when people engage in this mentality, manifesting things likewise in the real world.

To earn any attention or love from women, you have to become something in this world. Women can be dangerous, and you also need maturation to treat them, same as one would need to treat other men.

As about "women being evil" or something, none of this is advocated by philosophers or the Aryan religions either. It's all manufactured nonsense out of being an incel or having emotionally unaddressed issues, which also lead you to the gutter of existence.

A better recommendation and alternative would be to apply the knowledge of JoS and start healing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RepSel1001 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430092 time=1678691578 user_id=57]


You know what?

I could simply show you the evident reality behind the blackpill. But that would be of no learning value, and I'm here to learn....

The fetish most people have on the "Black pill" is just the same mechanism that whiners and cunts have in this world, who constantly complain, but dignified with more evidence.

You aren't very much heroic or anything like that, just yet. That's because you currently are in love with the black pills on your desk, metaphorically speaking.

The above is just a short circuit mentality that will lead you nowhere, and certainly not to advancement, but to depression and a false sense of reality in itself.

Further, all that you write about "women" is not only inaccurate, but is borne out of the fact that most men including those in the "Blackpill" and "Manosphere" have poor experiences, poor backgrounds, and in general are highly incapable males.

An abusive or mutually disharmonious temperament is formed when people engage in this mentality, manifesting things likewise in the real world.

To earn any attention or love from women, you have to become something in this world. Women can be dangerous, and you also need maturation to treat them, same as one would need to treat other men.

As about "women being evil" or something, none of this is advocated by philosophers or the Aryan religions either. It's all manufactured nonsense out of being an incel or having emotionally unaddressed issues, which also lead you to the gutter of existence.

A better recommendation and alternative would be to apply the knowledge of JoS and start healing.

By "become something", what do you mean by that? Like, fame and money, occult power, personality, or?

Cuz imo wanting someone only for their fame and money's pretty shallow and that's not even real love. Instead of inevitably taking both of you out with heartbreak and only being "famous" for tearing someone else down, you should try to build your fame and fortunes. Like, you'll even be proud of yourself for that decision later on, so it's worth it.

That's just me tho imo, idk about anyone else who isn't blackpill, but yeah no wanting someone only for fame and money's still pretty shallow
I'm not going to attack your person,even though frankly I am disgusted.

assigning qualities of good/bad to feminity or masculinity is a very simplistic thing to do.

also,the idea that women are or represent 'darkness'is a primarily neolithic conjecture,in hunter gatherer societies it was the opposite,the female sun and male moon.

Black actually displays authority,power,heaviness,dominance,coldness and aloofness,all masculine traits.yet it's sensuality,sultry essence and sexual nature are feminine traits.

yet it is likely neither fully masculine or feminine,as is any color.

'Light'(represented by Gold)also has a abundance of qualities many associate with feminity.but being both rational (male)and emotionally(female) joyful,it has elements of both since light is literally the only reality metaphysically.

there is light and absolute perfection,and lesser gradations of such perfection or dimmer lights,but light nevertheless.

Vaishnavism is abrahamic influenced nonsense,no unconditioned being can have a body in space or do temporal and multiple acts.it can desire no thing other than itself,since it is the noblest of realities and has no deficiency.

metaphysical 'evil'is a non-concept,there is only lesser perfection,evil is absolute privation and this means non-existance,so it is a non-concept.

the reality of essential existance cannot have a opposite,since it's opposite would be essential non-reality,which cannot exist.

rather it has a lesser gradation of reality called conditioned reality,or potentiality.

Anyway,as for 'women bad'.

You have never met good women so you assume they do not exist,this is a logical fallacy.

the crap we see today is due to dysgenics and material and social conditioning by the small hatted tribe.

You probabely hate white women and think they're the worst,but if you went to poland you'd see women date average guys readily,and love to be cold approached,and are largely innocent,as are portuguese women,southern italian women,even feministic spaniard women are pleasant to be around and not malicious in their misleading ideas.

they do want you to actually be a man in your behaviour,but white women generally are good-natured outside of the liberal west,and even many country girls still are,and even upper midwest moderate democrat women are pretty nice to interact with(all scandinavian origin).

Dutch and scandinavian feminism,on a general level of the local population and not some fringe political subset are generally just about equality with men,and not misandry.

So you have no excuse other than laziness to not find a good and decent looking white woman.
I spent a lot of time on incel sites years ago, I stopped going because it just made me feel terrible. Overall the level of discourse there is not impressive. They might make a few true points but it's an echo chamber of poor cognition. Not everything can be understood through a purely intellectual lens, sometimes we need to meditate and advance our consciousness for things to make sense. Clinging too fiercely to a worldview that 1) can't be proven, and 2) does not increase predictive value and other measures of understanding is not a good idea. Also, incels are disproportionately non-White and left wing, hardly a good source of ideas to help our Race. There is actually a lot of complaining on those sites that many White women only want to date White men.

I can understand some of the emotional pain, I don't mean to be flippant towards anyone's suffering. I have spent most of my life very socially isolated, so I'm not saying this as some Chad. But honestly incels obsess way too much about sex and gender relations. It's the hammer-nail fallacy, when your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail. It's like some obsessive who knows a lot about market economics or whatever, they start to see history through a solely economic lens and ignore everything else.

Of course people here are not eager to adopt some radically different worldview without commensurate evidence. It's easy to make a "theory" where the pieces click together and make sense, there are many of those, but proof is another question. Personally, I think people vastly overestimate the importance of gender relations in explaining the current problem. It's not nothing, but it's definitely not evertyhing. I think Goring said that when you remove the Jews most problems work themselves out. There are many "problems" that might seem to warrant individual treatment, but in some cases this might actually make things worse. Rather, what is needed is the common tides of improvement that have lifted so many boats. Returning to racial sanity, spiritual evolution, removing the Jewish element from societies, etc.
Abyssos said:

I could clarify something, but for the purposes of OPSEC, I will be silent on that particular clarification.

You already know what I'm about to say next. I avow everything you have said. You are right. I shoulder the burden of your words for the exact reasons that you have specified.

There is another thing I'll explain about my stance. I have avoided saying this for a long time, but there is a reason why I say that I will be hated, and that I am hated. Is it an emotional thing? It is indeed. How can I not feel such emotions, when I watched members here that I largely agree with get viciously and relentlessly attacked, bullied, name-called, and dogpiled for over a year? I watched in horror and disgust, as my viewpoints were more or less accurately presented here by others, and they were endlessly harassed by others, and couldn't defend themselves or fight back without being punished for it. I know the game, and I do have feelings about it. While my predecessors made several mistakes, the backlash that they got for speaking up for what they believe was unending. Their harassers were able to say whatever they wanted without consequence, while my predecessors had to be on their best behavior. I have refrained from calling anyone out, because that is useless. It is my beliefs that will draw their ire eventually. When the harassment begins, everyone will mobilize against me, and I will experience what my predecessors experienced.

I have different beliefs than the others I'm referring to on many fronts, but my worldview is similar enough, that once the clique of people that endlessly harassed them realize what I fight for, they will target me. When that happens, and it will, I will have had the benefit of the "hindsight" of having watched these scenarios play out for over a year. I won't argue back at all. Responding to them is a mistake. When that time comes sooner or later, rather than engage in polemics, and be punished for 1% of what my opponents will do and get away with, I will strictly regulate my activity, and focus on saying only what needs to be said. I will feel tempted to take a different approach, but when the assault begins, I must steel myself and maintain what could only be called superhuman discipline and self-control. That is not to brag or make myself seem hard. I don't think I'll be able to do it, but I will try.

I will be psychologically analyzed, I will have my manhood criticized, I will be told that I am just speaking from being hurt, I will be called a lunatic and a delusional bigot. I will be the brunt of endless snide remarks, jokes, and accusations. My name will become a swear word used forever by others. This is what already happened to others here, and it's going to happen to me.

If I used the exact same fiery rhetoric for something like women's rights or equality, or how important it is to not be be toxic, or other ear-tickling and pleasant moralisms, I would not be criticized. I would be endlessly praised. I would receive dozens of replies saying how profound I am. Hundreds of users would gush about how much they loved reading my post. I would become a popular and accepted member of the community in less than a month. Everyone would love me.

Alas, I am burdened with convictions, with ideals, with beliefs, and with objective thinking, and unpopular opinions. What I believe in is toxic, bigoted, and is not okay. I'm not supposed to have these ideas, but I do. In speaking up for these ideas, I will get the response that I have described. I know this, because I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. Everything that I have said has already happened to others here.

I understand that you will analyze everything I just typed to you and will have your criticisms, or will say that I'm a waste of time. It is what it is. I'm just delaying the inevitable by not being more specific. To be completely honest, I'm surprised I haven't already been ruthlessly dogpiled. I should have been attacked months ago, but somehow, I have managed to be largely unscathed, so far. This doesn't mean I can relax just yet, but it is a strange surprise.

I understand that merely typing what I have typed above is probably going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. if nothing comes of even this candidness, then perhaps I will risk relaxing a little more. I hope you're relieved to read that.

Whatever you have to say about what I have said in this post, know that I avow it. And whatever you have to say about my avowing it, I avow that as well. I don't deny any accusations. It's all right. We'll have all eternity to enjoy victory, and attaining that victory will more than make up for all that I will have to endure for it. I'm only talking about my fight, not anyone else's fight, just to be sure that there isn't a misunderstanding on that front. There's already going to be tons of misunderstandings, I'd might as well clear whatever ones I'm able to think of ahead of time.

Hail Satan!

I think you need to relax and to understand that nobody is here to hate on you, harm you, or to demean you. However, if you are getting too strung and do certain things, that will be the negative thing, which will create a self-reaffirmation loop of negativity, that will first and foremost affect you and then nobody else.

The reason I replied here is because I see that you are headed to the direction of understanding that it's important to open up and discuss in a real manner for once. Also, I appreciate that you are being forward with all this currently.

What you need to look past is to not sit there and take things for no reason but to actually give yourself, some self care, for once.

You also sound like you have issues with certain members or expecting attacks. Disagreements are what they are in life.

But in the end of the day the people who are better of and really walk towards the improvement which the "Ubermensch" must seek, will eventually see beyond this, and beyond the extreme severities that you describe.

Your ideas are not forbidden or anything. Yet the case is that all of this you must look the source of it. Many people out there have "worse" ideas, and certainly the enemy has "worse" ideas, and there are many control freaks and whatnot, or people who "wanna have it all" and all the other usual dogshit.

If this wasn't the case this wouldn't be a central subject of the real ubermensch like Socrates who was a killing machine, a warrior, a poet, a top philosopher, an instrument player, to converse about how to solve these things in humanity.

Being also with many legs on many boats will act as a confusion factor. If you have divided opinions, or you take the opinion of learners in Spiritual Satanism as serious as those who know, then that is another topic that requires work on your end.
RepSel1001 said:
If I really do need "healing", then what do you suggest for healing me? If I am "damaged", what will "fix" me?

(If you can, be a bit more specific, only saying "just meditate" apparently hasn't worked for me and clearly hasn't worked for the user you've quoted. For example, what meditations in specific do you suggest will heal/fix/help me?)

The state of our soul reflects how we interact with the world, which is why we used to have priest-kings, as opposed to whoever is simply the most popular.

In this case, we know the Venus reflects Women in a general sense, whereas Mars reflects Men. The Moon reflects mothers, and the Sun reflects an aspect of fathers. Looking at one's astrology chart, any negative influence associated with these planets can cause one's opinions to change.

For example, having a negative plutonian aspect with Venus can certainly give fears pertaining to women or romance, like expecting to be cheated on, or other sensitivities.

In this case, we restore health to our soul by repairing our Venusian energies with an energy working that uses similar energies, like the planetary mantra for Venus, or the Gebo rune.

For those who have done such workings, including myself, it is normal to feel a greater attraction to women, both in a romantic sense, but also in a curious or friendly sense. It changes your perception of beauty and your own position within close relationships, with either business or romantic partners.

The same is to be done for women who do not appreciate masculinity. I would ask them to work on their Mars energy. Once they have done so, they will better understand and appreciate why men act the way they do.

Beyond the above actions, general cleaning and empowerment of the soul removes us from any negativity, regardless of who promotes it. See: HPHC: 40 Day Meditation Program

So you can see that nobody is separated on a good/evil dichotomy. Instead, men and women should enjoy each others' company, as naturally occurs between healthy souls who are free of hangups or other strange programming that the enemy likes to promote.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
