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Question #5271: Jewish blood


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Greetings, it has been six years since I discovered JOS, I didn't know much about my origin, so I decided to do a DNA test for my ancestry (j spend 200 dollars on it), of course there are no Jews on my mother's side, but on my father's side it showed 13% similarity to Jews. It became shoked for me and I do not know now whether I should stop in my spiritual development or not. I have not been able to answer this question on my own, and therefore I am looking for help from you, I ask you to answer as seriously as possible, since this concerns my further spiritual path.

I had never communicated with the gods before, all I did was practice meditation and sometimes participated in a spiritual war, sometimes I felt their strong presence in my life during meditation. I need an answer from an experienced person who could resolve this controversial issue regarding these 13%. Am I a mudblood and how do the gods treat people like me?

Ave Satvrnvs, Heil Kronos!
With 13%, that is saying one of your great grandparents is 100% jewish. Which would mean you are a jew.
Greetings, it has been six years since I discovered JOS, I didn't know much about my origin, so I decided to do a DNA test for my ancestry (j spend 200 dollars on it), of course there are no Jews on my mother's side, but on my father's side it showed 13% similarity to Jews. It became shoked for me and I do not know now whether I should stop in my spiritual development or not. I have not been able to answer this question on my own, and therefore I am looking for help from you, I ask you to answer as seriously as possible, since this concerns my further spiritual path.

I had never communicated with the gods before, all I did was practice meditation and sometimes participated in a spiritual war, sometimes I felt their strong presence in my life during meditation. I need an answer from an experienced person who could resolve this controversial issue regarding these 13%. Am I a mudblood and how do the gods treat people like me?

Ave Satvrnvs, Heil Kronos!
No Jew will be accepted.
Greetings, it has been six years since I discovered JOS, I didn't know much about my origin, so I decided to do a DNA test for my ancestry (j spend 200 dollars on it), of course there are no Jews on my mother's side, but on my father's side it showed 13% similarity to Jews. It became shoked for me and I do not know now whether I should stop in my spiritual development or not. I have not been able to answer this question on my own, and therefore I am looking for help from you, I ask you to answer as seriously as possible, since this concerns my further spiritual path.

I had never communicated with the gods before, all I did was practice meditation and sometimes participated in a spiritual war, sometimes I felt their strong presence in my life during meditation. I need an answer from an experienced person who could resolve this controversial issue regarding these 13%. Am I a mudblood and how do the gods treat people like me?

Ave Satvrnvs, Heil Kronos!

The best way to find out if you are a jew is to do the FRTR, if it hurts you then we all know that you're a jew.

Those DNA sites are nothing but a Jewish rip off
dna tests are known to be a scam sometimes. they plant a jewish anccectry to whites to prevent us from be proud.

want to know if your a jew? vibrate satanama into your entire soul for high amount of reps before going to sleep. then visualize satan's sigil and ask yourself if your a jew, how you feel about satanism in general.

a jew will knows hes a jew. a gentile will know hes a gentile.
It is a fact that these DNA companies lie to people, and they say that white people are a couple percent jew or african when it really is a lie. If it said you are 1% or 2% jewish, it could possibly be a lie.

13% is much more than I would believe to be fake. 13% is probably really 12.5% that is rounded up to 13%. Which is 1/8, meaning one of your great grandparents. I don't believe they would lie about one of your great grandparents being a jew, because this is a recent enough generation that you could possibly know about your family history to know it is not true.
Investigate your bloodline, most genetic tests are garbage and entirely unreliable. They are a waste of money and a waste of time. You have crypto-jews, full blown and half kikes take the test and be deemed non jewish with these tests, and others who are blatantly nordic and very clear blooded gentiles, told they have a quarter, 15%, 20% jew blood and everything else. I'm skeptical these tests are useful in the slightest and they all seem to be just scams.

Go to Satan directly with a formal ritual. He will give you an answer on these circumstances. Chances are you aren't jewish.

If you are a frankenstein though, face your fate head on, don't be a bitch about it. As the Gods see all.
Keep doin FRTR for 40 days .If you are very fine ,then you are NOT a jew .DNA tests are biggest scam .Do not believe in that .Vibrate satanama for a high reps also everytime .If you are fine ,you are not a jew .
DNA testing is a scam organized by the Jews themselves, for obvious purposes. And I do not advise you to share your biological information with them unnecessarily, as it can be used to do a lot of things, especially in terms of Magic.

Most likely you are not Jewish. If you're dedicated, if your life has improved since your Initiation, if you feel that you are willing to sacrifice something for the good of Satan and the Gods, then this is a significant indicator. Often Jews do not worry about their origins, moreover, they are proud of them, it is embedded in their culture. If a Jew were to undergo the Rite of Dedication, his life would be greatly deteriorated for such a «courageous» step.

Indeed, you can perform the FRTR and verify this. You can also go to Satan through the Standard Ritual and ask him.

I also highly recommend that you read these important articles, they are very helpful: DNA Testing Is Mostly A Fraud and The "Am I Jewish?" Attack.
It is a fact that these DNA companies lie to people, and they say that white people are a couple percent jew or african when it really is a lie. If it said you are 1% or 2% jewish, it could possibly be a lie.

13% is much more than I would believe to be fake. 13% is probably really 12.5% that is rounded up to 13%. Which is 1/8, meaning one of your great grandparents. I don't believe they would lie about one of your great grandparents being a jew, because this is a recent enough generation that you could possibly know about your family history to know it is not true.
I personally believe they can make up that high of percentage if someone appears too "pure" of a White, in my opinion.

I took a DNA test too, and it lied. Didn't bring up any kike but it said I'm 99% Italian and 1% mix of Greek, Cypriot, and Turkish. How can you find 1% mix of 3 different ethnicities, I don't know 😂

Regardless, one look at me would tell you the 99% Italian too is completely bogus. Otherwise, I wouldn't look so different from 85-90% of Italians, and would be environmentally adapted (which I'm not).

I made the mistake of uploading my family tree only up to my grandparents before they sent the results. So they took that, and ran with it. Unfortunately for them, I'm familiar with my family tree for several generations older than that.

Either way, they don't lie just about race. They also lie about nationalities.
Speculating on this question is a complete waste of time. Simply perform spiritual practices that are negative for Jews and you will already know the answer according to the feedback you get. It would be good news if you were a true Gentile, but if you are really Jewish, then you know what to do. At least you can have a more "peaceful" ending.
Greetings, it has been six years since I discovered JOS, I didn't know much about my origin, so I decided to do a DNA test for my ancestry (j spend 200 dollars on it), of course there are no Jews on my mother's side, but on my father's side it showed 13% similarity to Jews. It became shoked for me and I do not know now whether I should stop in my spiritual development or not. I have not been able to answer this question on my own, and therefore I am looking for help from you, I ask you to answer as seriously as possible, since this concerns my further spiritual path.

I had never communicated with the gods before, all I did was practice meditation and sometimes participated in a spiritual war, sometimes I felt their strong presence in my life during meditation. I need an answer from an experienced person who could resolve this controversial issue regarding these 13%. Am I a mudblood and how do the gods treat people like me?

Ave Satvrnvs, Heil Kronos!
Do Final RTR as often as possible every day and you will understand who you really are.
It sucks what these filthy Jews will come up with to unsettle someone and stop them from practicing their spirituality. I wouldn't give them a DNA test myself because I know what they can do with it.

I myself did genealogical studies a long time ago and realized that there are only Protestants in my genealogy and all of them have original German first and last names. My own habitus also shows me that I am German.

It was interesting for me that the Polish administration made it really difficult for me to get my original birth and marriage certificates as well as death certificates of my ancestors. Many of my ancestors came from the East German territories, which were later turned into a protectorate by the Poles. The Polish embassy seriously wanted me to communicate with them in Polish. Otherwise they wouldn't give me the papers. On many genealogical websites, these documents are not entered at all.

The German embassy in Berlin even refused to help me and demanded money for the negative certificates. In the end, however, I persisted and was able to get my hands on the original documents after many detours. However, the whole thing took me a little over 2 years. I often had to listen to the arguments that the original documents had been lost in a big fire. But these were all lies.

Since joining JoS and doing regular rituals, chakra work, power meditations and RTRs, I have literally blossomed. I have finally found my true spiritual home and experience every day as a great gift. I wake up in the morning and thank Father Satan for it and I go to bed at night and thank him for it.

Many things that I didn't question before suddenly fall away from me and I don't shed a tear for them. Be it all the Jewish pornography or all the Hollywood films, which are also just Jewish propaganda. I ask Father Satan for guidance every day and he helps me. Thoughts come to me out of nowhere that guide me to action and free me from Jewish bondage. I am so full of happiness and intuitively sense where attacks are being launched against me again. But I can only laugh about it today.

Yes, do the FRTR consistently for 40 days. Vibrate Satanama frequently and do the standard Satan ritual. You will really experience it for yourself if you are a non-Jew. Satan will assist you.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Lucifius Focalor!

Hail Wotan!
If someone lets the Am I Jewish attack stop them they're not serious, and not SS. If you're serious in this path, you don't stop. You couldn't care less if you're of the enemy or not. You'd rather destroy your soul than stop and betray Father Satan and the Gods. That's what it means to be dedicated. Take your dedication seriously!
Your writing is simply outstanding. I see it the same way. Total devotion to Father Satan-Lucifer is absolutely crucial. I consecrate every drop of blood to him. My soul, my life, belongs to him. He will wipe out the whole Jewish brood. Since Father Satan has been consciously in my life, he has been opening my eyes more and more and exposing the lies, the cunning and the evil machinations of this degenerate race. You, Stormblood, are a pure soul! May Satan and all hellish demons bless you forever.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Lucifius Focalor!
Hail Wotan!
Your writing is simply outstanding. I see it the same way. Total devotion to Father Satan-Lucifer is absolutely crucial. I consecrate every drop of blood to him. My soul, my life, belongs to him. He will wipe out the whole Jewish brood. Since Father Satan has been consciously in my life, he has been opening my eyes more and more and exposing the lies, the cunning and the evil machinations of this degenerate race. You, Stormblood, are a pure soul! May Satan and all hellish demons bless you forever.
Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!
Hail Lucifius Focalor!
Hail Wotan!
Thank you. I feel like you're exaggerating though. I still have a very long way to go.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
