Hello, I just recently found out that from my husbands side there is an Jewish ancestor. He would be my husband's gran gran dad..he ran away from war and married a non jew. And his kids married with non jews.... I hope that my kids are not Jews because of him, I hope they can be considered as gentiles... I am worried about their souls. I read that many of us are mixed to some extent.. what if someone's ancestor was a jew for example 100 or 200 years ago? That's about 3-4 generations right? What then? Are those people still considered as jews because of that one ancestor? I am really serious about meditating and Gods, about Satanism, just I am so worried about my kid having jewish ties it could tear me apart but I need the truth. I really wanted to introduce my kid to zevism /satanism when ready...
Yes, because blood decides everything, your children are jews.
It's psychologically hard for you to realize, but that's how jews infiltrate bloodlines that know nothing about jews and completely destroy the bloodlines of the white race and other human races.
The maternal instinct is a very strong instinct, but if you can overcome it, you can find the right decision that will change your destiny for the better.
On the other hand, you can do a DNA test of your children's relationship with their father if, for objective reasons that only you can know, you could have become pregnant by another man. If not, I recommend overcoming your maternal instinct and making the right decision in this case.
I hope that you will do the right thing in this situation, which will determine your future, I see many scenarios of how you can act in this case, given the following variants of your reality, which can determine the DNA test of your children for a relationship with their father (provided that you could become pregnant from another man):
1. A DNA test confirms the children's genetic connection with their father, in which case your children are jews (putting aside the maternal instinct, you know what you will need to do);
2. The DNA test confirms the absence of a genetic connection between the children and the father, in this case, you need to do additional tests in other laboratories, as well as a test for a connection with the man from whom you most likely became pregnant (if DNA tests from different laboratories do not confirm the connection of your children with a jew, but confirm the pedigree with another man, then you only need to solve the problem with your husband);
3. You couldn't get pregnant by another man for objective reasons that are known only to you, in which case your children are Jews (putting aside the maternal instinct, you know what you will need to do).
If you are unable to make a decision and do not know what to do in this situation, you can always seek the advice and help of our Gods.:
Welcome to JoS Rituals! Get access to RTRs, Power Rituals and much more. Discover Satan's gifts to Humanity.
You can find the sigils of the Gods on the website at the link and by visualizing the siggil you can ask the Gods to guide you and make the right decision in this situation.
Before that, you can also do the ritual of the corresponding God (highly recommended).
Important note and removal of legal liability:
I am not calling you to any illegal or illegal actions, but you can solve everything very harshly within the framework of the law, including using the Three Steps of Witchcraft. https://templeofzeus.org/ThreeSteps .
You can also resolve the issue with your husband and children using the norms of judicial and family law (through the court, guardianship authorities, or the prosecutor's office). You can create absolutely legitimate situations in an absolutely legitimate way that can lead you to the desired outcome (multi-pass).