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Question #5257: Two months


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Two months left to live. Some background, years back I was diagnosed with leukemia, got it treated, as well as meditating on the daily to try to get rid of it. It went into remission, and now its back, and its terminal. I don't have the energy to function, or fight anymore. All I want to know is if I will be with the gods in death? And what is it like in Du'at? Its been nice serving with you all.
I am so sorry to hear this. Have you tried Valefor's Ritual?

But regardless, yes, the Gods will absolutely be with you. If you have any fear, do Anubis's ritual, or the ritual of any God you feel drawn to. Stay mentally strong, do what you feel you need to do, try to become as close to our Gods as you can so you will have a better start in your next life.

Duat is lovely. I've been shown it, and taken there in meditation. You will feel at peace there. And then you will be back here, hopefully to a better world, and join us again. ♥️
Two months left to live. Some background, years back I was diagnosed with leukemia, got it treated, as well as meditating on the daily to try to get rid of it. It went into remission, and now its back, and its terminal. I don't have the energy to function, or fight anymore. All I want to know is if I will be with the gods in death? And what is it like in Du'at? Its been nice serving with you all.

If you have strength left, try to do Valefor's Ritual as HPS Lydia suggested. Keep the Gods close in your heart and mind, imagine Their sigils inside yourself, make a strong connection to Them. If you can't call upon Them anymore with your voice, then call upon Them with your mind and heart. Keep Them close to you, as They have brought you close to Them.

To live, to pass, to reincarnate and live again, is the cycle we all go through. Unfortunately, passing comes early for some, yet existence continues, therefore, please try not to fear in so far that is possible. Allow the Gods within yourself, and allow Their embrace. What you do now, the battle you have fought to live, the bravery and honor you have shown to be with the Gods in your circumstances and not give up on life all along, all of this sets you up for a strong reincarnation into a better life.

Be proud of yourself for the will and strength you have shown.

Du'at is very tranquil, very beautiful. There is no place more pleasant that I have seen. Yes, you will be there with the Gods.
When you return, we will be here, and finding Spiritual Satanism is easier than ever.

Death is the pitstop between lives.
Be at peace and be blessed forever, Before long, you will see us all again ❤️
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I agree with JG Power of Justice a lot. I heard of many cases where people lived much more than what Doctors said.

If you can, do Valefor's ritual rather than meditations. You have to believe in yourself rather than giving up, this way, you will have a chance.

On the other hand, you should completely be devoid of any fear about death. It isn't really death. If you have successfully astral projected, well that's almost the same thing or at least will feel the same.

Good luck brother, the Gods are with you. The Gods have complete power over the astral so you have nothing to fear.
Two months left to live. Some background, years back I was diagnosed with leukemia, got it treated, as well as meditating on the daily to try to get rid of it. It went into remission, and now its back, and its terminal. I don't have the energy to function, or fight anymore. All I want to know is if I will be with the gods in death? And what is it like in Du'at? Its been nice serving with you all.
Do a formal ritual to Father Satan, and ask him if it is truly your time, he will surely let you know, as he is a loving and compassionate father.

Find solace in the Gods if it is as they are the most loving and beautiful of beings, but if there's another way, see if Father Satan can help and guide you to that other outcome.

The Duat is very beautiful. You will be with the Gods in death. They are there for you even now.

Satanic Blessings to you in whatever happens from here. May you find some peace from this suffering.

May the Gods help lift you to great heights, in either this life or the next. You are loved and we are here for you. ❤️
i Feel Divinely Commanded to do the Ritual of ANUBIS, NOW, in your Honour, of course ☥

in the Worst Case Scenario, i'm Sure He'll Guide you Kindly and Lovingly through The DUAT , and You get ready for a "Respawn", Almost Assured to Be Way Better than what you have Experienced So Far ☥

Best case Scenario, as others have pointed out,Partially Wrong Diagnosis does frequently Happen...Doctors said "Two months", and then it might turn out to be a Temporary Issue which Doesn't Bring a Premature Demise Upon You... And That's the Scenario which i Do hope that actually Turns out to Be REALITY ☥

Either way, at this point, for now, it doesn't matter whether it's gonna be a Best Case Scenario or Worst... Try to do your Best to Connect to the Gods that are Specifically related to Healing, and the Underworld ☥

Whatever the Final Outcome is, You Show your Potential and Dedication to the Gods, no matter how Bad the Situation Might Currently Be...it's almost Assured that You Get Rewarded in the Future, if you do So ☥

and Even if you don't manage to do What i have previously mentioned, that doesn't change the Fact that you seem to be Actually Dedicated,and that Already Bestows you with a Heightened Level of Protection, For this Current life, and the Next ones,and therefore you're gonna Be Saved
Anyway, even if you don't put anymore efforts for the time being... you Already Fully Deserve it ☥

and that's all i Could Say... it's time for me NOW to Send Serious Blessings to You, through the Ritual Dedicated to "The Foremost of the Westerners" and "Master of the Scales" , which also Happens to be my Spiritual Father ☥
Brother, I understand the gravity of the situation. The Gods are going to be with us every step of the way, even if our bodies fail or not. What is going to be left here is only the body, and you will be lifted out of it after the body passes on. You, the consciousness will continue.

You will at this time be absolved of the issue related to the body, which is the only good news.

Yes, the Gods will greet you lovingly, take care of you, and you will reincarnate. All your experiences and everything will be in your soul to carry on. We are all going there, and some of us who had near-death experiences know this to be a fact. It will be as if you slept and woke up elsewhere, and you will be perfectly fine and safe.

Pythagoras once stated that those who are alive are in the realm of the dead, and those who are dead are in the realm of the living. That is a metaphor, which was said to deep initiates to understand that the life here, is only a part of life. This is because when one passes on, they are with the Gods, who are far higher in the essence of existence.

I send to you much love and appreciation, and as about our service to the Gods, it will continue until our mortal husks fall apart. And after this, we will continue again and again into eternity joyously.

Know you have been loved by everyone here and by the Gods, and do not worry about anything else, just let it go. I don't know who you are or what you have done, but it is not necessary to know. As a spiritual family with the Gods, they will help you. The Gods are also aware of your situation. Pray lovingly to them and tell them all the things you want to tell them or feel like telling them; they will listen and take care of you.

I will pray for you when I press send reply here, may the Gods bless you and keep you safe.
I would mirror others suggestion about Valefor's ritual and if you a physically able also do KY yoga you never know you might get a few more good months at a bare minimum and the Gods will no doubt be proud of you for not giving up regardless of outcome.

I dont know if its any consolation but you have died before, as have we all, its not something to fear although thats much easier said than done, but your going to live again and experience another life just like this one only better as now you have earned the favor of the Gods.

I have no experience with Duat but I do have experiences with the Gods my strongest experience in fact was when I asked if the Gods would protect my family when they die, never before had I felt such an incredible energy in response, the Gods take care of their own in death, you will be very well taken care of, the caretaking of souls is something they take extremely seriously.

I wish you luck and strength, I hope you recover and find yourself in Duat later rather than sooner.

Dont give up, even if it does all end dont give up, bare minimum you might buy yourself some precious few more months with loved ones. I also want to say you can heal and rest at the same time, while laying down breathe in vibrant white healing energy and let it fill your being that way your not "fighting" your simply resting while also giving yourself a chance, you can do this while enjoying yourself with loved ones also, it may not fix it but it might and its worth a shot IMO and I know "distracted" meditation isnt ideal but dont let perfect be the enemy of good.

(This information may be wrong but I want to post it just in case it helps you if I am wrong feel free to correct me anyone reading this): There is also Aum Klim Kamadevaya Namah this mantra while usually used for romantic purposes from my understanding its purpose is more akin to physical need/desire not neccesarily sexual desire, as such if you desire to heal it may work, I suggest it only because its very powerful and I think it might work sexual energy is also fantastic for healing and the energy certainly relates to sex but I want to say this is an assumption on my part that it can be used for healing I might be completely wrong and I am just trying to help.
I was thinking that the JoS is getting older, and some less young people might die due to aging, so we would have some funerals in the community in the next years, when I found your thread.
What to say. I am sorry for the way you know of this, for illness, I do not know if you are old or young but this doesn't matter too much as in any case I feel sorry, I feel at a loss, like a bolt keeping the Eiffel Tower of our global power as Satanists will be shortly removed. Whoever you are, what is sure is you left a FOOTPRINT on Earth, whatever your Spiritual accomplishments are, even if you simply existed as an SS among an hostile world, this left a permanent sign in this world. Our meditations, rituals, actions on here are much more valuable and permanent of how we may perceive them.
I am sure you have been of value, worthy and needed here.
I think it's not easy to face incoming death, or the thought of it coming.
Just be proud of having chosen Satan in this life! Your next life will maybe have better health, thanks to your fight (I am sure you fought with sickness, so put many energies against any kind of karma that may have damaged you).
No more words... goodby whoever you are...
I'm not standing around and watching anyone suffer and die like this. Don't know if it's Satan's plans for you to die and reincarnate, but I'm still going to try and help.

All of these people here giving you this somewhat depressing speech that the gods are there for us and we'll reincarnate into a better life when you were hoping to be healed has probably destroyed you on the inside.

These are separate workings:
Uruz rune up to at least x80 or x111 or more. Use the AU form: Auruz. Affirm it to heal you're physical health and vitality.
Wunjo Rune up to at least x80 or x111 or more. Affirm it to heal and ward off the disease.
The Sun enters Leo soon, so if you can hold on until then, it can be a very powerful tool to heal yourself it. You don't have to do a full square. You can use the shortened Sun Square mantra 'Aum Surya Svaha' up to x111 reps and then affirm this to heal or restore your health.

I believe the Sun will be on the 6th degree of Leo on the first Sunday when the Sun is in Leo, not a good time to do a square or invoke solar energies at the time due to it being on a bad degree and also conjunct with a negative Fixed Star PRAESEPE. (I personally never begin planetary workings when the planets are on bad degrees or conjunct with fixed stars.)

So it'll have to wait until the next Sunday when it's on the 12th degree - which is a positive degree of Leo thats also a degree of beauty.

If I didn't have so much on my plate right now then I would be doing a ritual to Valefor myself to send you healing energies.
Try these Rune Workings if you can.
Two months left to live. Some background, years back I was diagnosed with leukemia, got it treated, as well as meditating on the daily to try to get rid of it. It went into remission, and now its back, and its terminal. I don't have the energy to function, or fight anymore. All I want to know is if I will be with the gods in death? And what is it like in Du'at? Its been nice serving with you all.
I can't do anything else or say anything else that the other brothers/sisters have already said!

However things go, we will always be here and you will return to us, to Father Satan and to all the Gods.

I can't imagine how devastating such important news could be but remember that we are here on a mission. The body is a shell that allows us to advance and enjoy material pleasures. No matter how much you have advanced or not, the progress you have achieved will remain in your soul and in the next reincarnation you will continue to grow. The Gods will take care of your soul.

I will pray for you brother and by all means don't give up. We are with you
Brother, I understand the gravity of the situation. The Gods are going to be with us every step of the way, even if our bodies fail or not. What is going to be left here is only the body, and you will be lifted out of it after the body passes on. You, the consciousness will continue.

You will at this time be absolved of the issue related to the body, which is the only good news.

Yes, the Gods will greet you lovingly, take care of you, and you will reincarnate. All your experiences and everything will be in your soul to carry on. We are all going there, and some of us who had near-death experiences know this to be a fact. It will be as if you slept and woke up elsewhere, and you will be perfectly fine and safe.

Pythagoras once stated that those who are alive are in the realm of the dead, and those who are dead are in the realm of the living. That is a metaphor, which was said to deep initiates to understand that the life here, is only a part of life. This is because when one passes on, they are with the Gods, who are far higher in the essence of existence.

I send to you much love and appreciation, and as about our service to the Gods, it will continue until our mortal husks fall apart. And after this, we will continue again and again into eternity joyously.

Know you have been loved by everyone here and by the Gods, and do not worry about anything else, just let it go. I don't know who you are or what you have done, but it is not necessary to know. As a spiritual family with the Gods, they will help you. The Gods are also aware of your situation. Pray lovingly to them and tell them all the things you want to tell them or feel like telling them; they will listen and take care of you.

I will pray for you when I press send reply here, may the Gods bless you and keep you safe.
Beautiful post, HP. Death is a bit of a taboo subject, at least for us in the west. We need to find a way to create more understanding and life affirming culture around death. To celebrate someone's life and understand it as the closing of a chapter so that one can begin another. Mourning and grieving the loss is necessary, but I think there is also too much of a focus on the loss.
Two months left to live. Some background, years back I was diagnosed with leukemia, got it treated, as well as meditating on the daily to try to get rid of it. It went into remission, and now its back, and its terminal. I don't have the energy to function, or fight anymore. All I want to know is if I will be with the gods in death? And what is it like in Du'at? Its been nice serving with you all.
You could find out the exact date of death so that it would be easier for you and you wouldn't say oh, I'm going to die tomorrow, and you'll live another month. But you know, many people will even envy you. In the next life, your karma may be at 0, and you will live perfectly. In the meantime, meditate a lot, there is an opportunity to strengthen your soul. Talk your Demon
You could find out the exact date of death so that it would be easier for you and you wouldn't say oh, I'm going to die tomorrow, and you'll live another month. But you know, many people will even envy you. In the next life, your karma may be at 0, and you will live perfectly. In the meantime, meditate a lot, there is an opportunity to strengthen your soul. Talk your Demon
Not even newborn souls have zero karma, because they get the karma from their parents. Karma is the psychic imprint of all your experience and potential. It's not something solely negative. Someone with 0 karma is someone who doesn't exist.

To the OP, if you can't vibrate any mantras, you can just do the runes of a ritual mentally. If that's too difficult in your condition, just have a look at the sigil of Lord Anubis, Lord Valefor, or any Gods you wish to get in touch with, and pray to them for your heart's desire.

They always hear you, and they can hear you even without the sigil just by focusing on them Them, or going through Father Satan's.

The Priesthood and Guardians have already told you: you'll be taken care of if you actually die. Do not doubt this in the slightest. You deserve it!

I wish you all the best!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
