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Question #2734: You are neo-conservatives


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
The people on the forums sometimes seem to behave much more like neo-conservatives, like someone who just wants to put an end to Zionism, and the accumulation of Jewish capital, and continue living in capitalism.
And we also support things like abortion.
And gay marriage
The things that are saved are too much nationalism.
Neo-con is judaism which we are diametrically opposed to.

Sure just snap your fingers and end capitalism and communism. Whether you agree with capitalism or not is irrelevant as we have to live with it for the time being, and you live in the real world where this is the current other option is global jewish communism - you can go live in a cave and imagine you live in Disneyland but anyone who wants to carry on living and doing the workings that actually matter on real planet Earth must endure capitalism, buy their PC's, pay Internet and be up to date with the real world, maybe even infiltrate mainstream politics.

Abortion is a good form of Eugenics to keep low quality humans from procreating. Only christ-cuck neo-cons and their islamists brothers want to let as many low quality sluts procreating, since for them the more dumbass retarded kids being raised by retarded parents, the better will be for their christ-cuck/islamic/judaic cults.
Satanas/Óðinn/Wōdanaz cares about quality not quantity: https://altcensored.com/watch?v=F5m95nj-SmI

Where does anyone here said they support gay marriage? The institution of marriage is a heterosexual activity to raise family, gay people don't need to get married and no one here are deluded by this political LGBT scam, including gays.
AskSatanOperator said:
The people on the forums sometimes seem to behave much more like neo-conservatives, like someone who just wants to put an end to Zionism, and the accumulation of Jewish capital, and continue living in capitalism.
And we also support things like abortion.
And gay marriage
The things that are saved are too much nationalism.

That's silly, neocons are the exact opposite. They are zionists, they support the Jews and endless wars for Israel and capitalism, they oppose abortion and homosexuality and are for open borders for everyone.

We are not "conservatives", not neo or whatever, because "conservatives" are just trying to conserve jewish power and christinsanity. We are ancient Pagans. Ancient Pagans did not see homosexuals or women as inferior and they were tribal and did not support multiculturalism.

Hitler and the National Socialists supported abortion for eugenic purposes, like preventing retarded babies from being born, or aborting babies which are the result of race mixing or rape by non-whites. So eugenic abortion is a "Nazi" thing.

We don't support gay marriage because marriage is a sacred union between the opposite sexes, and it predated Christianity. LGBT is a cult too, especially the "T" part. Homosexuality is normal and natural though, and was accepted in ancient times.
Egon said:
The institution of marriage is a heterosexual activity to raise family, gay people don't need to get married and no one here are deluded by this political LGBT scam, including gays.

Says you. Marriage is a necessary type of legal relationship for couples who are committed to each other. It gives you several necessary privileges for partners, privileges that are necessary regardless of sexual orientation.

:arrow: spousal privilege, which in many jurisdiction allows you to legally withhold information about your spouse in a court of a law and similar. This is necessary to protect against legal persecution from the enemy.

:arrow: the ability to be able to see your partner in the hospital when there is a restriction to "family only".

:arrow: the ability of your partner to make decisions on your behalf if you are in a coma or otherwise unconscious

:arrow: and many others.

Marriage is more than just raising children. You can raise children without being married...
Stormblood said:

Those are irrelevant tangents that are already covered in stable union laws, depending on the country - for one that people can prove family serious ties for such rights which may include even polygamous people.
Sure even a single gay dad can raise a kid if the situation is impossible otherwise, I'm not talking about exceptions, I'm talking about the actual meaning of marriage which has to do with the union of two sexes and raising of a stable family. And the obvious that the LGBT lobby is seizing heterosexual institutions that are otherwise irrelevant for gays such as adoption, to make it one all sizes fit all genders BS.
Egon said:
Stormblood said:

Those are irrelevant tangents that are already covered in stable union laws, depending on the country - for one that people can prove family serious ties for such rights which may include even polygamous people.
Sure even a single gay dad can raise a kid if the situation is impossible otherwise, I'm not talking about exceptions, I'm talking about the actual meaning of marriage which has to do with the union of two sexes and raising of a stable family. And the obvious that the LGBT lobby is seizing heterosexual institutions that are otherwise irrelevant for gays such as adoption, to make it one all sizes fit all genders BS.

In this country it can be beneficial for homosexuals to marry on paper legally especially when it comes to practical matters but only if total trust exists. For example if something happens to one partner ie sudden death the other partner doesn't have to be left hanging financially if they live under a roof that's legally in their spouses name. This depends on the couple and in some states here common law is not recognized not is the community property law in terms of asset distribution if the couple splits but is never married on paper.

I will never marry on paper because I don't want to be thrown out of my house or have someone take half my shit and leave. I have literally spoken to women who were "traditional" and told me explicitly they would do just this.
WhiteDragon666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
The people on the forums sometimes seem to behave much more like neo-conservatives, like someone who just wants to put an end to Zionism, and the accumulation of Jewish capital, and continue living in capitalism.
And we also support things like abortion.
And gay marriage
The things that are saved are too much nationalism.

That's silly, neocons are the exact opposite. They are zionists, they support the Jews and endless wars for Israel and capitalism, they oppose abortion and homosexuality and are for open borders for everyone.

We are not "conservatives", not neo or whatever, because "conservatives" are just trying to conserve jewish power and christinsanity. We are ancient Pagans. Ancient Pagans did not see homosexuals or women as inferior and they were tribal and did not support multiculturalism.

Hitler and the National Socialists supported abortion for eugenic purposes, like preventing retarded babies from being born, or aborting babies which are the result of race mixing or rape by non-whites. So eugenic abortion is a "Nazi" thing.

We don't support gay marriage because marriage is a sacred union between the opposite sexes, and it predated Christianity. LGBT is a cult too, especially the "T" part. Homosexuality is normal and natural though, and was accepted in ancient times.

Says the noob. There is literally no difference in homosexuals being together with or without some piece of paper but the latter has practical perks. Go back to church and stop trolling no one is buying your shit.
I've got another food for thought. My country specifically will not allow someone to permanently immigrate here unless they have someone to work for or...wait for it .they get married. this today also extends to homosexuals and other countries have laws like this as well. What if one of your SS brothers or sisters meet someone compatible or even of of their own in a foreign county? What if this is someone from their past lives and the only way for them to be together is to get married on paper? Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.
Shadowcat said:
Says the noob. There is literally no difference in homosexuals being together with or without some piece of paper but the latter has practical perks. Go back to church and stop trolling no one is buying your shit.

You don't know anything about me. I've been a SS for more than you most likely (if you have been a SS for less than a decade) and what I posted is similar to what Egon posted.

Homosexuals working together is different than a soul contract that is marriage. It's not merely a piece of paper, it's a spiritual bond between opposite energies found in opposite sex that requires a formal ceremony of affirming it. See, that's what happens when you trivialize a sacred thing. Everything in Ancient Paganism was sacred, including marriage.
Shadowcat said:
I've got another food for thought. My country specifically will not allow someone to permanently immigrate here unless they have someone to work for or...wait for it .they get married. this today also extends to homosexuals and other countries have laws like this as well. What if one of your SS brothers or sisters meet someone compatible or even of of their own in a foreign county? What if this is someone from their past lives and the only way for them to be together is to get married on paper? Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.

Sure they can marry on paper but they are not truly married. Again, you trivialize marriage and merely make it a bureaucratic thing, which is not. It's a soul bond, it's more than a piece of paper. It's also an allegory for uniting different aspects of your soul. Find me evidence in the ancient world that homosexuals were allowed to marry like heterosexuals were. There's zero. There were homosexuals in Ancient Greece as Plato states, but they weren't allowed to marry.
Let me explain it real quick for people who support gay marriage because they think it is just a legal contract with the government:

Marriage as a social institution gives you benefits, sure. Do I believe that everyone should have these benefits? Yes. In fact, there shouldn't be any special benefits for married couples. Marriage shouldn't involve the government in any way.

But, however, let's say a country requires to be married to have special benefits. Then gays should be able to get "married".

But no matter the case, homosexuals would never be able to perform a formal Satanic marriage ceremony where the opposite sexes unite and are blessed by the gods, even if they are legally married. A homosexual can never fully experience the union with someone who is unlike him/her and who is complementary to him/her.

That's what true marriage is, not merely a bureucratic thing.

That's why it is sacred.
Shadowcat said:
In this country it can be beneficial for homosexuals to marry on paper legally especially when it comes to practical matters but only if total trust exists. For example if something happens to one partner ie sudden death the other partner doesn't have to be left hanging financially if they live under a roof that's legally in their spouses name. This depends on the couple and in some states here common law is not recognized not is the community property law in terms of asset distribution if the couple splits but is never married on paper.

Anybody can leave their things to anybody else in a will. There does not need to be any marriage or any family relation for a will. And if they ever split up, the will can be amended to remove that person. This includes giving somebody a house, vehicles, or any other valuable things.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shadowcat said:
In this country it can be beneficial for homosexuals to marry on paper legally especially when it comes to practical matters but only if total trust exists. For example if something happens to one partner ie sudden death the other partner doesn't have to be left hanging financially if they live under a roof that's legally in their spouses name. This depends on the couple and in some states here common law is not recognized not is the community property law in terms of asset distribution if the couple splits but is never married on paper.

Anybody can leave their things to anybody else in a will. There does not need to be any marriage or any family relation for a will. And if they ever split up, the will can be amended to remove that person. This includes giving somebody a house, vehicles, or any other valuable things.

The will route for me personally is exactly what I was thinking.
WhiteDragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Says the noob. There is literally no difference in homosexuals being together with or without some piece of paper but the latter has practical perks. Go back to church and stop trolling no one is buying your shit.

You don't know anything about me. I've been a SS for more than you most likely (if you have been a SS for less than a decade) and what I posted is similar to what Egon posted.

Homosexuals working together is different than a soul contract that is marriage. It's not merely a piece of paper, it's a spiritual bond between opposite energies found in opposite sex that requires a formal ceremony of affirming it. See, that's what happens when you trivialize a sacred thing. Everything in Ancient Paganism was sacred, including marriage.

Have you now? Where is your other account? You are telling me to prove to you that in ancient times this was not "allowed" yet you won't provide any sources where this says it does not. And even so, how can you be sure these aren't corrupted?

Fantastic that we are on the same page with the legal part.. I am well aware that this is more than a piece of paper I have always seen it as a bond between two souls. Nowadays the "legal" part is just something that takes precedence and is all most have to go off of in terms of "ceremony." I am well aware for example that two SS could organize a satanic wedding ceremony.

As far as a bond I am aware that the bond between homosexuals is not the same as hetero couples. But you seem to imply as well that this ISN'T somehow worthy of the God's blessings which again almost seems to state that this coupling in any form shouldn't occur in the first place yet you agree that it is natural. Would a union with homosexuals NOT have the Gods blessing but just be recognized as a different type of bonding? One might say "well yes it's not a marriage then!" Why can't it be just a different kind of marriage bond? Is this so wrong? If it is why does homosexuality occur in nature in the first place? I can't help thinking that other SS who aren't heterosexual might be inclined to think after reading some of the responses in this thread that they might even feel some sort of rejection for who they are. I can't help but challenge this and have a questioning attitude about this, therefore, and if someone doesn't like this that is too bad. I would actually like to see a sermon on it, or have one from the past posted that i may have missed.

I know that since physically homosexuals are the exact same it's not a bond that is equal to heterosexuals, so this is also something that makes it different. But most often homosexuals are attracted like heterosexuals to others who have the opposite energies to them. Ie, if one is more masculine or dominant they will often like someone who is the opposite and vice versa, or the ratios of the two whatever these will be will look for a ratio of these energies that will compliment them the best in someone else of the same sex. This actually occurs naturally, but many homosexuals that follow the degenerate LGBT fad also try to make a point to deviate from this to spite "oppressive heteronormative rules" (and most of these are not even naturally gay...they are just trying to be "leftist cool") But this is normal and natural. It is still in a sense masculine and feminine energies complimenting and the only level that would not have this is physical since they are the same sex. But even so, once again, why would it not have the God's blessing per se? To me, no, it is not the same as heterosexuals uniting but simply another type of union and bond. Why wouldn't it deserve its own ceremony and blessing, one that is different?

If anyone else wishes to chime in and give other perspectives I would like to see this as well..
Shadowcat said:
Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.
It is not, it is stating common sense and pratical reality. There's no need for these emotional aggressive responses brother, you're not one of those LGBT paladins out there.
We don't support "equal rights to everyone" just not to make some gay paladins mad. There are things a heterosexual couple can and gays cannot, such as raising kids in a nuclear family which is the actual point of marriage. "Gay marriage" as they call it is a scam invented by the LGBT lobby that has always been ever seen for what it is in the groups/forums. Wheter you can have some gay wedding thing with the Gods or not has nothing to do with the point that we don't support the jewish LGBT lobby hijacking concepts that belong to the traditional nucler family raising the next generation properly which has to be two parents of opposing sexes.
Egon said:
Shadowcat said:
Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.
It is not, it is stating common sense and pratical reality. There's no need for these emotional aggressive responses brother, you're not one of those LGBT paladins out there.
We don't support "equal rights to everyone" just not to make some gay paladins mad. There are things a heterosexual couple can and gays cannot, such as raising kids in a nuclear family which is the actual point of marriage. "Gay marriage" as they call it is a scam invented by the LGBT lobby that has always been ever seen for what it is in the groups/forums. Wheter you can have some gay wedding thing with the Gods or not has nothing to do with the point that we don't support the jewish LGBT lobby hijacking concepts that belong to the traditional nucler family raising the next generation properly which has to be two parents of opposing sexes.

Sister* , and I apologize I've been mentally stretched thin lately. No, I despise the LGBT shit and indeed not everyone is equal.

Wheter you can have some gay wedding thing with the Gods or not has nothing to do with the point that we don't support the jewish LGBT lobby hijacking concepts that belong to the traditional nucler family raising the next generation properly which has to be two parents of opposing sexes.
Thank you for wording it in a way I didn't think to. I agree.
Xenophon said:
I get that vibe from at least some of the clientele here too. They want to abolish a world order run by Jews, BUT they want to do all this without war and within the law (made by those selfsame Jews.) Reminds me of the tired old saw about Voltaire wanting revolution without change.
This comment shows that you don't have much understanding of how occultism works. If the jews tried to do what they have been doing for thousands of years without occult knowledge and powerful magick backing them, they would've been completely eradicated from the earth a long time ago. Less of 1% of the world population would never manage to gain this level of influence and getting away with endless crimes without this knowledge.

By attacking the jews spiritually, we are doing much more damage to them than you can ever imagine, we are removing all their defenses. The jews have had to suffer many persecutions and pogroms in the past, but they always managed to survive and get back in power thanks to their occult knowledge. You have no idea of how many people are aware of them these days, I myself was exremely surprised when I saw comment sections on Jewtube about the jews and 99% of the comment sections were completely aware.

Once enough people will be aware, the jewish spiritual protecion completely gone, the Gods' power fully restored, it's just a matter of lighting the inevitable fuse and it will be over.
The soul union process is not the same thing as the Satanic Marriage, unless the Gods decide to give out the former after doing the latter (but even that is rare). The soul union is at Satan's discretion and He engineers it.

First of all, this is only for the advanced and two soul mates which is rare in the first place. It will merge your mind, your consciousness, your ability to feel pain and other things forever. This deals with the hidden code of Eros which is related to Hermes (Thoth) and the sign of Gemini. It will make you as soul twins, but even moreso than any biological twin. This is also not for everybody, frankly.

Sex is no issue here. This can actually even be with two platonic individuals of the same sex if they are best friends for eternity who do not want to be separated, or even a platonic male and female (this is rare but has happened). Unlike marriage, this has nothing to do with anyone else as it is an internal process. Not society, not 'morals', not other loved ones.

Astarte has stated before, there are many types of eternal love and much of this is not sexual or romantic at all. Enemy gnats of course pervert this idea into legitimizing raping corpses, fucking animals and being a bimbo on the tv marrying a plane.

Also, it is never, ever done for two dumb kids, someone wanting soul union with an ape, two morons, or whatever else, even if they are Satanists.

Marriage is a different (but not any less important) union that relates to material and procreative concerns. The 7th House relates to one's husband or wife, but also others in general (legitimizing a relationship in others eyes) and one's enemies. It forms a sextile to the 5th House (children, eroticism) and 9th House (learning, legalism, religion) because a large part o the purpose of marriage is along these lines. Often marriage has nothing to do with love but even if it is about the truest love possible, it is not wanting to merge internally per se.

Marriage is about compromise and sacrifice, molding two different people into a cohesive unit through acts.
Xenophon said:

There is a reason that the enemy destroys spiritual knowledge, as this is what prevents one from being a victim. You are basically acting like the material realm acts separately from the astral. A person who has been cleaning and protecting themselves for years is significantly less likely to be ruined by negative circumstances.

On a global level, we also saw how our rituals fought back against Covid; what the enemy thought was going to be a decisive blow to freedom. So that is why you don't panic and assume that, despite your AOP and spiritual warfare, you will suddenly become victimized. It would be the equivalent of a US marine pissing their pants due to Taliban gunfire, despite being backed by higher amounts of training and fire support.

Yes, you should be cautious, but not to the point where you are assuming will become grievously harmed. We do what we can, but then you call us smug, and I assume you are going to suggest we should be out training our guerrilla warfare skills or something.

Even Rabbis have said before that spiritual warfare precedes physical warfare. With China, we see the cultural and espionage occurring before any ground war. Therefore, if an SS becomes seriously maimed by some sort of physical violence, something has gone seriously wrong on the spiritual side.

We operate best away from the front lines, but you are calling us smug because we do not pretend like we are about to be on the front lines. Do you see how this doesn't make sense? It is like calling the Engineering staff smug and lazy because they are working on construction (their job), rather than combat training. Yet, both are part of the war effort.
It is clear to me there's a need to first gain actual spiritual experience into something and communion with the Gods, then come here and talk about specific matters. Spouting either party's propaganda is pointless, as both the left and the right wing are controlled by the enemy. Just because the right wing seems to better than the left wing, it doesn't mean it's right, especially when the claims come directly from the Talmud, like in this instance.

If spouting nonsense continues, don't blame me for being rude.

Other than saying this, I just wanted to thank brother Karnonnos for bringing up a valid point.

Everyone else among those who don't seem to understand the concepts of marriage, love, law and justice, do daily rituals to Lady Inanna and Lord Zeus. After the rituals, focus on their respective sigils and meditate on them. Communicate with them, and ask them to enlighten you on those higher concepts. Do this with an open mind.
Shadowcat said:
I've got another food for thought. My country specifically will not allow someone to permanently immigrate here unless they have someone to work for or...wait for it .they get married. this today also extends to homosexuals and other countries have laws like this as well. What if one of your SS brothers or sisters meet someone compatible or even of of their own in a foreign county? What if this is someone from their past lives and the only way for them to be together is to get married on paper? Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.

Same for the country I live in. It's a good law. Stop whinging. Social order is more important than your personal convenience.
Stormblood said:
It is clear to me there's a need to first gain actual spiritual experience into something and communion with the Gods, then come here and talk about specific matters. Spouting either party's propaganda is pointless, as both the left and the right wing are controlled by the enemy. Just because the right wing seems to better than the left wing, it doesn't mean it's right, especially when the claims come directly from the Talmud, like in this instance.

If spouting nonsense continues, don't blame me for being rude.

Other than saying this, I just wanted to thank brother Karnonnos for bringing up a valid point.

Everyone else among those who don't seem to understand the concepts of marriage, love, law and justice, do daily rituals to Lady Inanna and Lord Zeus. After the rituals, focus on their respective sigils and meditate on them. Communicate with them, and ask them to enlighten you on those higher concepts. Do this with an open mind.

where is zeus ritual in JOS???
WhiteDragon666 said:
Let me explain it real quick for people who support gay marriage because they think it is just a legal contract with the government:

But no matter the case, homosexuals would never be able to perform a formal Satanic marriage ceremony where the opposite sexes unite and are blessed by the gods, even if they are legally married. A homosexual can never fully experience the union with someone who is unlike him/her and who is complementary to him/her.

That's what true marriage is, not merely a bureucratic thing.

That's why it is sacred.

What you say about homosexuals here is plain wrong.

As for the comment regarding anyone here thinking marriage has anything to do as a contract to the government, literally nobody here thinks this way, since we aren't idiots.

Wtf do you even come to this conclusion from reading Shadowcat's post? Please improve your reading comprehension before you comment.

The Union between two souls is indeed sacred, however homosexuals and heterosexuals alike can experience the same depth of Union and both cases can do a Satanic marriage where their Union and even for both cases a choice of eternal bond of monogamy is blessed.

It is different yes, as there is no possibility of starting a family for homosexuals, thus it is a different kind of Union, but the depth of it can be just the same.
Xenophon said:
Same for the country I live in. It's a good law. Stop whinging. Social order is more important than your personal convenience.

I understand reading comprehension is not the forte of many people today, however it would serve you well to read just a little better before replying to someone with an entirely unrelated comment and making a fool of yourself in the process.
WhiteDragon666 said:
Let me explain it real quick for people who support gay marriage because they think it is just a legal contract with the government:

Marriage as a social institution gives you benefits, sure. Do I believe that everyone should have these benefits? Yes. In fact, there shouldn't be any special benefits for married couples. Marriage shouldn't involve the government in any way.

But, however, let's say a country requires to be married to have special benefits. Then gays should be able to get "married".

But no matter the case, homosexuals would never be able to perform a formal Satanic marriage ceremony where the opposite sexes unite and are blessed by the gods, even if they are legally married. A homosexual can never fully experience the union with someone who is unlike him/her and who is complementary to him/her.

That's what true marriage is, not merely a bureucratic thing.

That's why it is sacred.

I don't think any gay person here is claiming that a homosexual relationship is the same as a heterosexual one. However, it would be silly to take this further and say that gays cannot experience a "full union", as their relationships involve the 5th and 7th houses just like anyone.

Nobody is saying gays can have kids like a hetero couple can, but there are different ways in which they could produce value. To say they would possibly not be blessed by the Gods would be silly. It is more likely they would receive a different type of blessing, best suited for their relationship and purpose.

I think the way you wrote your message makes it sound like a punishment for gay people, as if they are missing out on something, despite them not wanting a hetero relationship anyway.

Yes, the polarities are probably different between them and hetero couples, but I don't think that makes them less sacred. Within hetero couples, would we distinguish between degrees of sexual dimorphism? Is an androgynous couple less sacred?

I cannot answer all of this, but I think there is more to this than what the basic conservative philosophy on sexuality states.
Xenophon said:
Shadowcat said:
I've got another food for thought. My country specifically will not allow someone to permanently immigrate here unless they have someone to work for or...wait for it .they get married. this today also extends to homosexuals and other countries have laws like this as well. What if one of your SS brothers or sisters meet someone compatible or even of of their own in a foreign county? What if this is someone from their past lives and the only way for them to be together is to get married on paper? Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.

Same for the country I live in. It's a good law. Stop whinging. Social order is more important than your personal convenience.

Keyboard warriors are amazing....wish I was as brave as you. Lol
Shadowcat said:
WhiteDragon666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Says the noob. There is literally no difference in homosexuals being together with or without some piece of paper but the latter has practical perks. Go back to church and stop trolling no one is buying your shit.

You don't know anything about me. I've been a SS for more than you most likely (if you have been a SS for less than a decade) and what I posted is similar to what Egon posted.

Homosexuals working together is different than a soul contract that is marriage. It's not merely a piece of paper, it's a spiritual bond between opposite energies found in opposite sex that requires a formal ceremony of affirming it. See, that's what happens when you trivialize a sacred thing. Everything in Ancient Paganism was sacred, including marriage.

Have you now? Where is your other account? You are telling me to prove to you that in ancient times this was not "allowed" yet you won't provide any sources where this says it does not. And even so, how can you be sure these aren't corrupted?

Fantastic that we are on the same page with the legal part.. I am well aware that this is more than a piece of paper I have always seen it as a bond between two souls. Nowadays the "legal" part is just something that takes precedence and is all most have to go off of in terms of "ceremony." I am well aware for example that two SS could organize a satanic wedding ceremony.

As far as a bond I am aware that the bond between homosexuals is not the same as hetero couples. But you seem to imply as well that this ISN'T somehow worthy of the God's blessings which again almost seems to state that this coupling in any form shouldn't occur in the first place yet you agree that it is natural. Would a union with homosexuals NOT have the Gods blessing but just be recognized as a different type of bonding? One might say "well yes it's not a marriage then!" Why can't it be just a different kind of marriage bond? Is this so wrong? If it is why does homosexuality occur in nature in the first place? I can't help thinking that other SS who aren't heterosexual might be inclined to think after reading some of the responses in this thread that they might even feel some sort of rejection for who they are. I can't help but challenge this and have a questioning attitude about this, therefore, and if someone doesn't like this that is too bad. I would actually like to see a sermon on it, or have one from the past posted that i may have missed.

I know that since physically homosexuals are the exact same it's not a bond that is equal to heterosexuals, so this is also something that makes it different. But most often homosexuals are attracted like heterosexuals to others who have the opposite energies to them. Ie, if one is more masculine or dominant they will often like someone who is the opposite and vice versa, or the ratios of the two whatever these will be will look for a ratio of these energies that will compliment them the best in someone else of the same sex. This actually occurs naturally, but many homosexuals that follow the degenerate LGBT fad also try to make a point to deviate from this to spite "oppressive heteronormative rules" (and most of these are not even naturally gay...they are just trying to be "leftist cool") But this is normal and natural. It is still in a sense masculine and feminine energies complimenting and the only level that would not have this is physical since they are the same sex. But even so, once again, why would it not have the God's blessing per se? To me, no, it is not the same as heterosexuals uniting but simply another type of union and bond. Why wouldn't it deserve its own ceremony and blessing, one that is different?

If anyone else wishes to chime in and give other perspectives I would like to see this as well..

I believe the way that love and romantic bonding works between two homosexuals is the same way the bonding works between a man and a woman, only differing in their physical bodies.

the emotions of love, different types of desires an individual may have, the feeling of intimacy, etc, are the exact same.

just like how a living being needs water and is satisfied when it drinks water, because it knows water is good for it and needed for its body, heterosexuals accept the opposite gender, and homosexuals accept the same gender.
Shadowcat said:
Xenophon said:
Shadowcat said:
I've got another food for thought. My country specifically will not allow someone to permanently immigrate here unless they have someone to work for or...wait for it .they get married. this today also extends to homosexuals and other countries have laws like this as well. What if one of your SS brothers or sisters meet someone compatible or even of of their own in a foreign county? What if this is someone from their past lives and the only way for them to be together is to get married on paper? Are you going to tell them it violates some sacred act like a dumbass xtian or muslim would? That's like saying homosexuality is wrong in the first place. Don't be hypocrites please.

Same for the country I live in. It's a good law. Stop whinging. Social order is more important than your personal convenience.

Keyboard warriors are amazing....wish I was as brave as you. Lol

Brave? I said social order is important. I did not say I was out there enforcing it. Learn to read, Missy. Then correct your betters.
Xenophon said:
Brave? I said social order is important. I did not say I was out there enforcing it. Learn to read, Missy. Then correct your betters.

As a race traitor (you've admitted to being married for 20 years to an Asian), you are in no position to consider yourself better than a racially aware member.
Xenophon said:

What are you even saying at this point? Talking about "noticeable actions" while you sit there with an Asian wife, lol.
Your actions have produced a net negative for the races, yet you are trying to attack us for the same.

Why don't you just ask Satan or your GD about the RTRs and their utility, rather than insulting your peers as a result of your own misunderstandings? Just focus on their sigil and speak your mind, as it is important for you to connect to them.

I don't get what just happened? I looked in your post history and I don't see anywhere where you first asked us to explain these rituals to you. Why are you suddenly fighting us?

You chant mantras on your own chakras and notice a difference, so how would an RTR not produce a difference? Similarly, you can see Jews spend entire holidays chanting, despite any material control they have, so this is another indicator of the significance of spiritual action.

Going further, do you believe that everyone here has been simply misled into inaction through relationships with the Gods, or that the Priests are making a mistake by telling us to do rituals? You will also see where HPHC has told us that we need to build our lives and occupy important positions in society, too.

I don't mean to be rude, but these are all important questions and concerns, especially now as you have started fighting us over them.
Xenophon said:
Yawn. Yeah. "Racially aware" Americans cower in their basements reading the Torah backwards and consoling each other that any action more noticeable will upset their Jew overlords.
Listen here, kike. You're just wasting your time, exactly like many other lapdogs did before you. No matter how many accounts you create here, and how much nonsense you want to say, and how much "confusion" you want to create, it simply won't work. You won't get anyone in here to do something illegal and completely stupid and useless like attacking jews in the streets. No matter how much you want to shame us, and use the dumb tactic of "if you don't go out there and murder people in the street, then you are a coward goyim", we aren't stupid.

Your people are getting crushed on all fronts, just look at what is happening in your motherland, kike. There is nothing you can do about it too, that's what upsets you so much. Lol
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=466468 time=1696679908 user_id=21286]
I don't get what just happened? I looked in your post history and I don't see anywhere where you first asked us to explain these rituals to you. Why are you suddenly fighting us?
It seems that having his posts unapproved triggered him.
Xenophon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=466448 time=1696667424 user_id=57]
Xenophon said:
Brave? I said social order is important. I did not say I was out there enforcing it. Learn to read, Missy. Then correct your betters.

As a race traitor (you've admitted to being married for 20 years to an Asian), you are in no position to consider yourself better than a racially aware member.

Yawn. Yeah. "Racially aware" Americans cower in their basements reading the Torah backwards and consoling each other that any action more noticeable will upset their Jew overlords.

And what the fuck do you do, exactly? Enlighten us.

If we are as pathetic as you claim, then you are even more pathetic because youre constantly talking big shit here.

Get a life.
Xenophon said:
Shadowcat said:
Xenophon said:
Same for the country I live in. It's a good law. Stop whinging. Social order is more important than your personal convenience.

Keyboard warriors are amazing....wish I was as brave as you. Lol

Brave? I said social order is important. I did not say I was out there enforcing it. Learn to read, Missy. Then correct your betters.

*Looks at Lydia's comment* wow you really are some disgusting piece of shit. How's the cheesy poofs you useless neck beard bitch? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=466468 time=1696679908 user_id=21286]
I don't get what just happened? I looked in your post history and I don't see anywhere where you first asked us to explain these rituals to you. Why are you suddenly fighting us?
It seems that having his posts unapproved triggered him.

It probly did. Let the disgusting insects keep reeing we are doing our jobs.
phi3.14infinity said:
Stormblood said:
It is clear to me there's a need to first gain actual spiritual experience into something and communion with the Gods, then come here and talk about specific matters. Spouting either party's propaganda is pointless, as both the left and the right wing are controlled by the enemy. Just because the right wing seems to better than the left wing, it doesn't mean it's right, especially when the claims come directly from the Talmud, like in this instance.

If spouting nonsense continues, don't blame me for being rude.

Other than saying this, I just wanted to thank brother Karnonnos for bringing up a valid point.

Everyone else among those who don't seem to understand the concepts of marriage, love, law and justice, do daily rituals to Lady Inanna and Lord Zeus. After the rituals, focus on their respective sigils and meditate on them. Communicate with them, and ask them to enlighten you on those higher concepts. Do this with an open mind.

where is zeus ritual in JOS???

Ol argedco luciftias said:
This is obviously just some fed "honeypot" kike rat that is just mad because it is unable to convince any of us to participate in any illegal actions.

I believe the same, especially as he ignores my other genuine attempts to help him understand things, which I have noticed various trolls or other malicious people usually do. No growth, no serious discussions, just shit flinging.

In the below quote, he talks about his perceptions of the astral's influence on his life, but now he pretends like the impact of the spiritual on material is not enough to manifest desired change, despite this violating a core law of reality.

Rabbis spend lots of time chanting curses, yet he is trying to tell us to not do anything to counter this, going so far as to actually insult us as well. Who does this?

Xenophon said:
I had a heart attack earlier this year. I WAS doing a rite those days that could definitely have invited backlash. On the other hand, I also had a lifetime of eating heavy cookery and drinking assorted hard liquor until fairly recently. It MIGHT have been sorcery that laid me low (I have taken more painstaking precautions of late.) Odds are my erstwhile habits are to blame.

Moral of the story: if you hear hoof-beats in the street, sure go look. But it's probably not a zebra.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=466669 time=1696760136 user_id=21286]
I believe the same, especially as he ignores my other genuine attempts to help him understand things, which I have noticed various trolls or other malicious people usually do. No growth, no serious discussions, just shit flinging.
It's a dead giveaway when their 'energy signature' sucks. Intuition can sometimes be off, but when you see the pattern repeating over and over again it becomes quite obvious what's going on. At first, they do their usual stuff trying to seem like a legit member, and after a frustration or two, they throw a hissy fit while also trying to undermine our validity after which that's that as they gain no traction over here. The same pattern has become all too familiar over the time I have been observing posts here.
Conservatives are Losers. I believe in the Accelerationism and Dark Enlightenment. Look it up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
