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Question #2734: You are neo-conservatives

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I'm aware the O.P. on A-S isn't knowing of conservatives in such manner. Neo-Con and Neo-Libs = the same coin i.e. communists.

Although conservatism is for losers I believe that is the caveat with xtianity and not our system. Again Conservatism seems to evoke in many people this traditional old-school stuff and it brings in a lot of ideas on proper civilization. Again the civilization means a limited way. I'm reminded of Abyssos mentioning a traditional-conservative reality brings in more sex and freedoms.

But honestly unless it's NS style at the very least politically. It just doesn't work and conservatism delves back into this xtian bullshit. I'm on the side that NS = every political front a full-wing and uses anything and everything to improve society. Even shithole communism had laws that improve society. Unfortunately we do not posses the hands of the Gods on the planet and it seems like everything is going to shit. I will say Apollo is probably the best example of a proper God who explains stuff. As Cobra put it on the Hieretic section of Apollo.

Apollo founded cities/towns and applied the law of justice. Neither too strict as to be unjustly but neither too unjust as to allow injustices to occur. A happy medium. As the famous black anti-slave lady stated "An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere".

I guess she is speaking very Atlas-like and mentioning that Humans being a mass conscious and mass existence on a planet. There is a domino effect, much akin to if nation X goes to shit the other nations will have Y consequences. I'm aware we've spent the last solid century turning us into a bunch of socialist goobers "spreading" but if returned back to an NS style self-governance and industry i.e. Sovereign Existence things seem to improve.

Albeit remember what it means if the internet exists and people talk stupid shit and stupid shit spreads humans will do stupid shit. There is a fine balance between freedom, justice, and injustice. Again look at the shit the internet spreads in certain cases. People in various parts of the World emulating this or that. Look at rap and hiphip music it's terrible I hear people in Russia listening to that crap. Great now we got some dumb fucks who listen to degenerate gansta rap and want to go pop some people for listening to a stupid song.

I'm much reminded of the 2nd Amendment and it's arms/weapons plus militia system. In fact the 2nd Amendment is also affecting police officers who can be shot by people due to the interpretation of the 2nd Amendment these last few years. Particularly with historical revisit which Bruen and other laws have implemented.

I'm gonna post a video recently of Styxhexenhammer666 (a.k.a. Tarl Warwick). Who sums up how stupid neo-con is and proper conservatism.

I'm aware he promotes some understanding of the general system. I'm looking at Styx kinda like HP.Cobra, Cobra stating you must look at realism and pragmatism when understanding history and reality.

For example we don't know much of NS it's been buried and destroyed a lot. So we have to sadly make up ideas on it. In fact I would not be surprised like HP.Myla Limlal's 2014 booklet/pamphlet stating NS stayed behind and was not Upgraded.

For example the Germans hated the 4 big scourges especially if explained; Market Speculation, Currency Speculation, International Speculation, and Big Loan Capital. If 245-345 billion dollar industry of Germany was sending over 15 billion dollars to a select few peoples pocket how exactly do you fucking run the country and improve it. Clearly the people were being fleeced by big loan capital the select few who deem themselves high and mighty and want billions and trillions.

What I'm talking about is PMEX or Private Market Exchange. I site CartaX and others whereby people invest in their company and the company grows and they are paid back a dividend of gains. You invest 12,750 dollars and 5 years later decide to retire it plus your gains and you make 80,000 dollars.

I'm aware I'm over simplifying it if anyone has time check out CartaX on Youtube and check out some of the things. Very interesting technology. You pay your company money to improve it and build up and if the company is successful you can withdraw your gains and buy a house or a nice car. The one catch is money is only collected and given to thee, during each financial day. So like funding rounds or something in many cases the money has to remain with the company for a period of time and on top of that the system works in a manner of requiring a grace period whereby say you work for 2 years your given permission to invest and they might state a grace period to withdraw.

If your paying your company to improve it and gaining money from the financial burst increase and your money is going to improve not just the economy but your own company. Then the obvious is it sounds very NS.

As HP.Cobra said A National-Socialist is a person who cares neither about the creed nor financial status of a person.

But I'll say this PMEX sounds very NS or at least very anti-Capitalist particularly of the section of Speculation and how abhorrent and terrible that system is. Look at how anyone especially the big shots in Government or people working abuse the system and steal money from speculation. Your making money from nothing and nothing gets improved it's the same schlock of shit country. We could have had colonies on Mars or cured cancer or regrown human body parts with the trillions stolen by a select few over the century+ that market speculation came to existence in mass markets like NYCE or Nikkei.

Unfortunately Neo-Cons and especially Neo-Libs promote this capitalist schlock of shit. I site Powell a Supreme Court judge for promoting the idea of Neo-Libralism and creating the Liberal World Order.

They believe in THEIR liberal property. But Liberalism is a left-wing doctrine that originally was good and hijacked. Look at the Democrats they went from the party of the people to being the very communists we fought for the last nearly two centuries.

Unfortunately conservatism and liberalism are one in the same using the modern day systems.

I'm reminded of Team Ukraine vs Team Russia or Team Israel vs Team Palestine.

If I were to speak to these people and tell them I'm a National Socialists and believe in certain things cause I'm shaky grounds(Sadly NS was destroyed). They'll say OMFG your worse than Hitler and Satan put together your worse than Russia and Palestine combined.

The sheer fact is I don't know what HP.Cobra's main opinion on NS is. I believe he has given a rational to study as best as possible. But we can't implement NS or at least we don't know what NS truly is like HP.Cobra said, We never heard THEM tell us what it is it's all the shabbos and kikes promoting kosher lies and bullshits to demean and the victors of war write history.

Sadly we must live with this system this split system. This back and forth, sadly we gotta live divided.

I'm reminded of Goethe's meme statement akin to Clausewitz's meme statements.

Goethe: Divide and Conquer is a sound motto. Unite and lead is a better one.

I do have my hope the Gods come in and go "Humans want to know what National Socialism really is?"

I'm aware NS is a Earth-Human-German-Central European party that succeeded where others failed. I'm aware since the Greenback and other historical people this particular party succeeded even though sadly snuffed out. But I'm not sure what the Gods call their political party. For all intents and purposes the Gods might state we study politics and expand on it for civilizations that are growing. But we Orionites have gone past political parties and we are apolitical. We just do the right thing at the right time in the right place and or places.

Sadly I'm afraid the Gods even Satan himself might state. If NS survived and worked with us we'd ensure it's mark in history. But we are past political parties we are past any divide. Again I don't know what the Gods think I'm just making shit up but I would not be shocked if even Satan goes the NS existed we worked with them now it's time to implement our system.

I'm not saying we should hate NS or disrespect clearly the enemy is scared 'shitless' of what Hitler and company did. But National Socialism might be an outdated and outmoded way of running a Nation. Again I'm not saying NS = bad. No I've considered myself NS since 1997 and even my good buddy who I email when we ran back to each other in Middle School, even he was shocked at my love of NS. He'd only recently been studying it from playing Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and feeling bad about shooting sharp dressed men. He began to question why am I killing these people? why am I watching history channel and they state "Oy vey bad Germ ans" etc.etc.

But unfortunately I have a strange feeling the Gods are past NS and past whatever we have and it's simply the way of Immaculate Sovereign Rule.

As Cobra mentioned many years ago. You can't imprison Gods or do anything to them. Even if you locked them up they'd just become more powerful. They might not have the freedom, food, and or water to consume but they'd just meditate all day and become insanely more powerful.

Excuse my long post and potential ramblings I'm unsure what NS is I guess I overcomplicate stuff. I simply wish to have a proper nation and a proper place for people. So the World is a lot less if not completely not fucked up.

As everyone in these forums knows the World is in fuck up mode. Countless people live in Thralldom and it's like motherfuckers wake the fucking, fuck up.

I'm reminded of Republican's they are winning and they are such losers that they grab defeat from the jaws of victory cause they are so used to losing they don't know what winning is.

In the end I'm not saying Anarchy as that is communism. But like Hitler said in collected writings of Gottfried Feder. When NS gets established en mass properly entrenched we disband the Government.

Weird. I guess Hitler wanted nay...demanded freedom. I plan on taking mankind to the next stage of evolution as Hitler professed in his discord.
Xenophon said:

These are your own assumptions that you have made, which is to assume that we are not doing enough just because we are not doing it your way, or the way you think is correct. However, through spiritual experience with these rituals, as well as contact with the Gods on these matters, you can be assured that such actions are not just impactful, but also essential to victory.

It is very arrogant of you to come here and try to "teach everyone" before you have done any learning on the matter. I looked at your post history and did not see any obvious signs of you attempting to ask questions about the RTRs or anything like that, just as you did not now. You simply jumped to a wrong conclusion, then started insulting everyone when they rightly refused to accept it.

I can empathize with your concern about making sure that a difference is being made, but I can't sit here and let you steer the forums away from the RTRs or other elements of this path which are essential. You need to be willing to trust both the authorities in charge, as well as your own experiences with magic.

I will repeat again that the Gods, and your GD, are always on standby for these very important questions. Focus on their sigil and mentally voice your thoughts, and this is how you can communicate such questions to them. Responses come through environmental signs and thoughts which may enter your head on the matter.

Hopefully you can now understand our position here.
This actually occurs naturally, but many homosexuals that follow the degenerate LGBT fad also try to make a point to deviate from this to spite "oppressive heteronormative rules" (and most of these are not even naturally gay...they are just trying to be "leftist cool") But this is normal and natural. It is still in a sense masculine and feminine energies complimenting and the only level that would not have this is physical since they are the same sex. But even so, once again, why would it not have the God's blessing per se? To me, no, it is not the same as heterosexuals uniting but simply another type of union and bond. Why wouldn't it deserve its own ceremony and blessing, one that is different?

If anyone else wishes to chime in and give other perspectives I would like to see this as well..

I believe the way that love and romantic bonding works between two homosexuals is the same way the bonding works between a man and a woman, only differing in their physical bodies.

the emotions of love, different types of desires an individual may have, the feeling of intimacy, etc, are the exact same.

just like how a living being needs water and is satisfied when it drinks water, because it knows water is good for it and needed for its body, heterosexuals accept the opposite gender, and homosexuals accept the same gender.
Here is some important info on all that. http://www.3rdsex.link/
Here is some important info on all that. http://www.3rdsex.link/

There is no 3rd sex. There is male and female. And regardless of any personality traits, behaviors, or attactions, a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Jake Carlson was a loser who mostly just spread a bunch of insane lies based on his own insecurities and fetishes. He never did any meditations or anything to try to advance in any way. For these reasons, he was removed years ago. But even for a long time before he was officially removed, he was ignored.
Egon said:
Here is some important info on all that. http://www.3rdsex.link/

That is no longer a JoS affiliated link. Jake Carlson was demoted from the clergy and a lot of that nonsense was debunked.

OH , I didnt know.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Here is some important info on all that. http://www.3rdsex.link/

There is no 3rd sex. There is male and female. And regardless of any personality traits, behaviors, or attactions, a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

You are right a man is a man and a woman is a woman. But there are those rare individuals that are born with both in one body they have both male and female genitalia and one I know of even had two full brains in his head as well, so maybe you need to do some more research. Those rare individuals were held in high esteem in ages gone by. But true all that gender crap that is going on in society today has nothing to do with reality, and is an imposed idea, devoid of physical facts.

There is nobody with both genitalia. You are talking about physical deformities, which is still one or the other. The medical terms are Micropenis or Enlarged Clitoris. Both of these deformities make it difficult to tell at first whether the baby is male or female. But the child still is either Male or Female. Just like if you had a deformity in your hand that caused it to only have 4 fingers instead of 5. That would not make you some kind of other species, even though the human species has 5 fingers per hand.

And nobody has 2 brains in 1 skull. This is not possible to survive. If there was a physical mutation and deformity that caused this to happen, the baby would be born already dead.

Who is to say that thousands of years ago, a boy with a micropenis or a girl with an enlarged clitoris were held in high esteem by some random civilization that existed somewhere at some time? I have been learning about ancient history for most of my life, and I have never seen one piece of evidence that this was ever true. All I have seen are lying jews who are purposefully trying to destroy and erase history, and their only source is "please trust me." And Jake Carlson who I believe he was not a jew, but he lied so much he might as well have been one.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

There is nobody with both genitalia.
I guess these people are lying as well.
It's a deformity and extremely rare too. I wouldn't be surprised if these cases are from jewish people, as they have the highest occurrence of deformities among all races.
There are forms of cancer which can grow any type of tissue anywhere in the body. There is a type of cancer which has grown teeth and hair inside of an ovary. I've seen the picture of it, but I won't share it because it's disgusting. But none of these are natural, or to be treated as natural.

It looks like what your link is talking about is men who have testicles and penis. It mentions testicles many times. It also says the most common symptom is Gynocomastia, which by definition is referring to men who have breast tissue that is more enlarged than it should be. But these men have some type of remnant or small piece of tissue inside of them that is usually found within ovaries. Or a testicle which has not descended correctly and has remained inside of the body, and this is deformed with something similar to an ovary. These are just genetic deformities and mistakes. Just like the teeth inside of an ovary.

Even if a person has a genetic mutation to have XXY chromosomes, this results in a female body and not a hermaphrodite. It results as a female who is taller and has more muscle mass than most females.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
