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Question #1237: friendship with other Races


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Is it true that you cant even be friends, but friendly with other Races?
So can't a genuine soul to soul friendship exist? Not even when the person is mixed, so they resemble one's Race? The place where I live has many mixed people, it's harder to not get attached especially when you crave deep kinship.
When I went to middle school there was a black girl in our class. The other girls were not willing to be her friend and even refused to go on the school trip because she was going too (I am from a white country).

In high school I wanted to make friends with a girl in my class who was Asian, but I had an internal block and simply couldn't do it.

Deep friendship is also some form of connection with another person. Every race has to stick to its race.
You can be friendly. You can get along well as coworkers and friends. There is nothing wrong with this.

Just be careful and always protect yourself. Because certain populations do have much higher percentages of violent crimes, so it is more dangerous to interact with some of these populations for that reason.
Nobody really says you can't have friends from other races. Subhas Chandra Bose was a friend of Adolf Hitler, and said Hitler helped him and India to become independent from British rule. Many Indians today honor Hitler and consider him a great person for that reason. Contrary to the enemy lies about Hitler, even Hitler was friendly with leaders of other races: the Japanese are the most prominent example.

What people say instead is that race mixing is bad and people generally want to be with the ones who look and think like them, and lumping them all together in a multicultural society causes much conflict and makes it dangerous. Multicultural societies are low trust. Separated racial ethnostates can still be friendly and trade with each other as it has been done many times in the past. The Japanese traded with the Dutch and the Portuguese and absorbed much of their technology and customs without feeling the need to bring millions of Dutch or Portuguese immigrants into their country.
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.

I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
MiniMe3388 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.

I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
That should've been a serious red flag and I can't believe you trusted someone that behaves like this as a reliable source of information just because he is an "SS with many years in satanism".

Please don't be naive and do your own thinking, always and with everyone I don't care who he is or what position he has or experience he claims. I have been a victim of this I will tell you one thing most people are trash and people don't look how they seem.

If someone says something that doesn't make much sense. Then it is something that doesn't make much sense.

People who are of worth and value are apparent not by their claims, "position", or "credentials". Only by their honesty, care and honest advancement and it shows. You know people by their fruits and nothing else.
MiniMe3388 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.

I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
I personally see it very badly when people are too friendly with people of other races, especially White women. I'm not speaking about being respectful or just simply having conversations from time to time, but full blown going out with other races and "hanging out" with them.

Also, why would you want a black friend? What is the thought process that makes you specifically want a black friend? It's very strange.
MiniMe3388 said:
I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
Which is why these forums are important because of peer review. Without it confusion and misdirection has greater potential.
Aquarius said:
MiniMe3388 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.

I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
I personally see it very badly when people are too friendly with people of other races, especially White women. I'm not speaking about being respectful or just simply having conversations from time to time, but full blown going out with other races and "hanging out" with them.

Also, why would you want a black friend? What is the thought process that makes you specifically want a black friend? It's very strange.
I don't mind having SS asian or black friends. They can be super inspiring, wise and strong.
Aquarius said:
MiniMe3388 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.

I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
I personally see it very badly when people are too friendly with people of other races, especially White women. I'm not speaking about being respectful or just simply having conversations from time to time, but full blown going out with other races and "hanging out" with them.

Also, why would you want a black friend? What is the thought process that makes you specifically want a black friend? It's very strange.

I wanted a black friend. That was some time ago.
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it true that you cant even be friends, but friendly with other Races?
So can't a genuine soul to soul friendship exist? Not even when the person is mixed, so they resemble one's Race? The place where I live has many mixed people, it's harder to not get attached especially when you crave deep kinship.
I believe it's unnatural. There will always be an adversarial element when people of different races are mixed together, especially when the pressure is on. Not to mention the jewish brainwashing in race politics that tries to convince nonwhite people that whites are out to persecute and oppress them at every turn.

Multi racial relationships can be cordial or professional, but can never reach the level that racially homogenous relationships can. Even in the wild, distinct but related species will tolerate each other's existence, but only up to a point.

The only truly unifying force between the races is Satanism, but I think that even between SS, whether the bond can reach the same level as with a person of your own race is very debatable.

Also, people are much less empathetic to people who are not of the same race. So if you decide to associate with people who are not like you, be careful. Don't count on them to be there for you too much, especially if they are without.
mercury_wisdom said:
MiniMe3388 said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes you can have friends of other races. There is no restriction or rule against this.

The only rule is no romantic or sexual relations, because this is harmful for all who engage in this. It is destructive and very unhealthy.

I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
That should've been a serious red flag and I can't believe you trusted someone that behaves like this as a reliable source of information just because he is an "SS with many years in satanism".

Please don't be naive and do your own thinking, always and with everyone I don't care who he is or what position he has or experience he claims. I have been a victim of this I will tell you one thing most people are trash and people don't look how they seem.

If someone says something that doesn't make much sense. Then it is something that doesn't make much sense.

People who are of worth and value are apparent not by their claims, "position", or "credentials". Only by their honesty, care and honest advancement and it shows. You know people by their fruits and nothing else.

I can't go into details, because we also talked about personal things.
He is a real SS and really has experience. He is really a great person and has helped many people who had various problems. He only insulted me in the way that he compared me to Generation Z people who support race-mixing. It was offensive to me, but I am not angry about it.

To be honest, the only thing I regret is that from the very beginning when I wanted to be friends with him, he never wanted it.

But you have to fight on and go ahead!
You can and the Joy of Satan is an example of this, that different races and sub-races can be friends.
It depends on the person as well. Respect and maturity are important.
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it true that you cant even be friends, but friendly with other Races?
So can't a genuine soul to soul friendship exist? Not even when the person is mixed, so they resemble one's Race? The place where I live has many mixed people, it's harder to not get attached especially when you crave deep kinship.

Absolutely, people can be friends and be on friendly terms. Mutual respect is required here, and a higher level of operation past the very basic instincts which often-times bring hazardous situations.

Friendships of that nature can exist even between man and animals, so certainly, these can exist between people of other races. We are social creatures.

The element that we are different can also be a cause of respect and also we can form bonds based on our differences. The reason we don't want full race mixing to take place is that all these differences aren't lost but in fact continue in time so that life keeps on being interesting.

It's a good world if there are many different people to meet, and a world that we are not like the greys without any identity or difference. It makes life interesting.

The sign of Sagittarius and Aquarius are powerful in that regard, because we get to know other people who are different than us, and we form bonds of respect and friendship with foreigners and other cultures.

You can have any friends you want, and if they are loyal and legitimate, then it is what it is.

The situation of the "multicultural" society of the enemy is that it's a trojan horse, where respect doesn't exist on any side. The word "Multicultural" implies that people maintain their...Culture. Culture arises out of...People of a same blood, religion and language, forming something named...their culture.

"Their" culture is why we find travel interesting. That culture was generated out of these people building civilization and not assimilating with others for a given time. Different things arise as we go. We go to places to see how other different civilizations have behaved and what they have built, what foods they eat, and what their songs are.

On merits of respect, we learn respect for others, and we understand how rich life can be.

The word "Multicultural" right now has nothing in it of content, as it effectively implies that all cultures are put there so they will eventually be brutalized to become a single mass of assimilated people without any roots whatsoever.

This process naturally creates violence, hate and division, as the parties involved try to maintain their culture. It's also nothing sort of "multi-cultural" when you look at it. It's just applied force to assimilate and ruin people with zero regard for their culture or what they are.

Everytime someone does not want this, they call them "racist" and an enemy. Meanwhile, the logical end of all this mixing, is the result of a "uni-creature" which will have no real race or identity, and will not really have many divisions in it. In the future where all people had mixed themselves entirely, we would have only one type of people on earth.

That's clearly not "multicultural" whatsoever.

The enemy imports all people without values and conflicts arise based on brutish instincts, instead of finer instincts of self respect, respect of race, or respect of another culture in which one lives, or in respect to those who keep you in their territory and respect your own culture so that you two make agreements to live together.

Without this respect, societies dwindle in chaos and the enemy tries to profit from this chaos.

Therefore, civilizations eventually collapse as they fan the flames of racial hate, for profit.

The moment people try to admit that they have racial urges or whatever, and that people look after their own, the enemy confuses people and tells them it's "racism" in order to ruin the balances and respect inside a society, and not out of goodness of heart or recognition of differences. The enemy then profits when racial wars of interest take place.

The best societies and safer ones are those who tend to be almost entirely homogeneous, without this meaning that people can't "co-exist". Large empires constantly bring many people together, yet the enemy preaches full on forced racial assimilation - which brings out the worst in all parties involved including violence, power struggles and major disputes.

Yet the enemy uses this slang as a term to destroy all of us and assimilate us, which is an illogical extreme.

The enemy never really wanted any unity of us or any respect, or any friendship. Their plan is simply, assimilate everyone, throw them in the pot, and press the grinder button on - hate, division, attacks, disrespect, lack of ethical values, it doesn't matter - just press the button and claim it's all for a "multicultural" future.

In fact, they are trying to build one heap of greys without cultural, blood or any differences, which will serve under the borg, while they pretend this process will breed anything else but a "uni-race" which is just a clamp of all people on earth without any roots or origins that make it interesting whatsoever.

The United States reached decades ago a golden node of having enough different people, but having them in respect of one another, living under the same Empire. Given the jews however, they opened the slippery slope of death and they kept all the gates open irrespectively of what an Empire could hold together or not.

Then they kept harping in powerful messages to enforce literal assimilation, instead of a sense of common culture. Soros was seen somewhere financing all the racial hate, and here we are now.

"Multiculturalism" now doesn't mean anything in regards to respect, it means to become a grey, die outnumbered in your homeland, allow yourself to be ransacked, and be hated while this happens by all those that you brought in to live with you, because jews made up a story that while you gave them the best life on earth arguably or the best opportunities, you somehow "hate" them too, because jews and Don Lemon told them so in TV.

As most people don't sit down to think, this works. This creates a divisive situation that takes down an Empire.

What we are living into right now has been for decades the opposite of any diversity, "multi-culturalism", but also against life, which dictates beings must keep becoming unique, have their own modes of life and culture, and becoming more interesting in the passing of time.

Multiculturalism under the jews means that everyone is a goy - no language, no blood, no tenets, no right to any future but that of a goy - whomever objects to this, must perish in slander under the false label of a "racist".

Spiritual Satanism teaches spiritual knowledge and ethical behavior, but also elevates spiritually people. Spiritually elevated people do act more in accordance to divine Rita or Sanatana Dharma, and therefore, know how to form relations of respect, or at least, that is the aim.

Ancient Civilizations used to travel, exchange, and truly "co-exist" with one another, while simultaneously retaining their interesting homogeneity and their blood into the future. The reason Spiritual Satanism exists today is because the higher ups and spiritualists of all Ancient Civilizations, had like mindedness, and clearly respected the norms of each other, but also their biological entity.

On a higher scale, this allows for understanding, which is the core element that is missing from relations of both races and people nowadays.

That's actually what we could call as real "Multiculturalism" which is based on respect and co-operation. That is rare and difficult to achieve, but it has happened before.

Currently, gone are these days of any of this. The instating of Abrahamism essentially destroyed the foundations of recognizing differences, which was a most important part of the religions of the past.

As ethics went, with it respect disappeared, so did everything else, wars and competition to no end on a sheer materialistic environment took place, and lesser laws way below the Divine Rta or Truth took place - that is part of the fall from the Golden Age.

Jews as heralds of the falling aeon impressed strongly on everyone these false and deadly values, which are anti-life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I didn't know it was possible to be friends with someone from another race. I talked about it with SS, who is many years in Satanism, and he told me that you can't.
When I told him that I wanted a friend who is black he started calling me names and blocked me and I couldn't send messages to him anymore.
I personally see it very badly when people are too friendly with people of other races, especially White women. I'm not speaking about being respectful or just simply having conversations from time to time, but full blown going out with other races and "hanging out" with them.

Also, why would you want a black friend? What is the thought process that makes you specifically want a black friend? It's very strange.
I don't mind having SS asian or black friends. They can be super inspiring, wise and strong.
What I said is not about SS people.
I like more the mentality of Lydia's dad, which is "avoid them blacks", lol. I'm gonna teach the same to my kids.
Aquarius said:
What I said is not about SS people.
I like more the mentality of Lydia's dad, which is "avoid them blacks", lol. I'm gonna teach the same to my kids.

:lol: I don't even remember saying this. He wasn't outspoken about it, as we didn't even have blacks in our town anyway, but he told me it's best to stick with my own. He wasn't even raised like that, as both of his parents donated monthly to the "poor blacks of Africa" and his siblings are pro-race mixing. I guess he just had inner wisdom.
MiniMe3388 said:
To be honest, the only thing I regret is that from the very beginning when I wanted to be friends with him, he never wanted it.

This sounds like the core of the issue. He does not sound very personable, and may have had bad synastry with you, as well.
Yes, we can be friends with people, we just have to avoid racemixing. The races are to be allied, which requires friendly relationships.
Aquarius said:
I personally see it very badly when people are too friendly with people of other races, especially White women. I'm not speaking about being respectful or just simply having conversations from time to time, but full blown going out with other races and "hanging out" with them.

Also, why would you want a black friend? What is the thought process that makes you specifically want a black friend? It's very strange.

What "should happen" versus what likely happens currently are different things. Most people cannot handle relationships with the opposite sex without sexual relationships happening. Alternatively, men may pretend to be friends when they really just want sex. Other things could be said about women here, but the point is just that all of these things are not actual friendships or positive connections.

This is different from the Gods' goal for Earth, which is to have allied races of people, which by nature involves friendships, but this would be different than how we currently view friendships.

As you know, we are around different races now due to multiculturalism. It is not totally impossible to find positive friends of other races. We have to use our discretion to avoid all negative people, and unfortunately the black community has a lot of problems right now. That is different than a situation like going to science class and connecting with a black peer, as this environment would filter out negative people.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=439748 time=1682835994 user_id=57]
Aquarius said:
What I said is not about SS people.
I like more the mentality of Lydia's dad, which is "avoid them blacks", lol. I'm gonna teach the same to my kids.

:lol: I don't even remember saying this. He wasn't outspoken about it, as we didn't even have blacks in our town anyway, but he told me it's best to stick with my own. He wasn't even raised like that, as both of his parents donated monthly to the "poor blacks of Africa" and his siblings are pro-race mixing. I guess he just had inner wisdom.
Ha that's great. My father donates too, but hasn't done from quite a long time because I'm tired of it and I just trash those letters as soon as they arrive :lol:

I will have to be very outspoken though when I have kids, we are in a time in which kids can grow extremely degenerate if left to their own, they must know, and must known clearly.
Aquarius said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
I personally see it very badly when people are too friendly with people of other races, especially White women. I'm not speaking about being respectful or just simply having conversations from time to time, but full blown going out with other races and "hanging out" with them.

Also, why would you want a black friend? What is the thought process that makes you specifically want a black friend? It's very strange.
I don't mind having SS asian or black friends. They can be super inspiring, wise and strong.
What I said is not about SS people.
I like more the mentality of Lydia's dad, which is "avoid them blacks", lol. I'm gonna teach the same to my kids.
Well, they are still black/asian. Also, currently yes blacks are on a very low and violent level. But they shouldn't have been that way.

Whites are also on a all-time low. Most are sissies, and cucks. It is not about the race as much as their quality as a human being. Which is why you said I am not talking about SS. Because SS are already on a higher vibrational level.
As long as mutual respect is established in a healthy way there is no issue. I have a friend I've known for about 5 years. We talk close to daily and grown to be very good friends and have a strong mutual respect of eachother.

I am white, this person is black. There is no issue.

Given the context of some posts here that suggestwe are not supposed to have friends of other races. I figured mentioning my own experience in regard to this is important.
My best friend in high school had parents from Mexico and Chile.
The reason for us getting along I think had to do with us being similar in many ways. Similar humor and interests.
Very kind and mellow person but not the brightest.

Despite being similar it though always felt like there were some essential differences between us, probably rooted in being of different races.

The last I heard from him was a long rant on Kikebook about an article I shared that was critical of BLM destroying property and demonstrating during Covid. Being critical of BLM was being against the "good side" here.
Had to remove and block him. Total idiot drone behavior, trying to lecture me up on goodness etc.

The Nordic Resistance Movement and their gatherings, demonstrations etc. is what red-pilled me the MOST on race,
being among other ethnic Swedes with a bit higher IQ than that Mexican.
AskSatanOperator said:
Is it true that you cant even be friends, but friendly with other Races?
So can't a genuine soul to soul friendship exist? Not even when the person is mixed, so they resemble one's Race? The place where I live has many mixed people, it's harder to not get attached especially when you crave deep kinship.
Sounds good to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
