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Other #76775 VERY IMPORTANT (Millions $ to the ToZ)


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Please read until the end.

Do the Gods agree with "the ends justify the means" or will they be mad at me for going about helping the ToZ in this way...

There is someone I can tell is tied to my fate, however, I know it doesn't end well, but it is rather good until then.

Is it always a bad idea to get into a "karmic relationship" or soul tie?

I will grow and learn a lot as a result, and it will do a lot to shape my destiny, however I don't know if I should allow the relationship to happen or avoid it entirely.

Where my trajectory/fate ends up afterwards (based on Tarot and Astrology) is actually a very good place... I don't want to fuck that part up by avoiding the relationship, but I already know it will end negatively—not catastrophic, but still.

Would I ruin the "good ending" if I were to avoid this relationship?

It will bring me A LOT of money, power, influence, and also genuine friendships/camaraderie if I pursue the person.

Within a relatively short period I'd be within the tens of millions net worth range, which I also planned to funnel into the ToZ as a primary goal... The World and Ten of Pentacles showed up - themes supported by both my own readings, astrological analysis, and a talented Tarot reader friend about the situation.

I will suffer the negative end of the relationship if it means our organisation will benefit, and thus humanity as a whole, but I also feel conflicted about the situation.

I don't plan on deliberately hurting her, but I've thought of every possible way to preserve the relationship and it ends badly every time. We are just not "meant to be"... (NOTE: the girl is the one who betrays me, not the other way around, and probably rightfully so tbh)

You will wonder how I know with such certainty, and it's because I've researched the situation and analysed her psychology and astrology intensely everyday for the past 5 months. It has been my one dominating thought/goal. My intuition has also always been very accurate. I've thought of every measure and I don't think anything can save the relationship, not even magick—nor should it. But I am also reluctant to let go after this massive investment and what waste of time it will have been.

So again I ask, do the Gods agree with "the ends justify the means" or will they be unhappy with me for going about it in this way...

If the answer is no, I will not do it. I prefer to be in the good graces of the Gods... but your answer will dictate my next actions and whether or not I cut my losses short or go through with it, so please advice me properly.
Please read until the end.

Do the Gods agree with "the ends justify the means" or will they be mad at me for going about helping the ToZ in this way...

There is someone I can tell is tied to my fate, however, I know it doesn't end well, but it is rather good until then.

Is it always a bad idea to get into a "karmic relationship" or soul tie?

I will grow and learn a lot as a result, and it will do a lot to shape my destiny, however I don't know if I should allow the relationship to happen or avoid it entirely.

Where my trajectory/fate ends up afterwards (based on Tarot and Astrology) is actually a very good place... I don't want to fuck that part up by avoiding the relationship, but I already know it will end negatively—not catastrophic, but still.

Would I ruin the "good ending" if I were to avoid this relationship?

It will bring me A LOT of money, power, influence, and also genuine friendships/camaraderie if I pursue the person.

Within a relatively short period I'd be within the tens of millions net worth range, which I also planned to funnel into the ToZ as a primary goal... The World and Ten of Pentacles showed up - themes supported by both my own readings, astrological analysis, and a talented Tarot reader friend about the situation.

I will suffer the negative end of the relationship if it means our organisation will benefit, and thus humanity as a whole, but I also feel conflicted about the situation.

I don't plan on deliberately hurting her, but I've thought of every possible way to preserve the relationship and it ends badly every time. We are just not "meant to be"... (NOTE: the girl is the one who betrays me, not the other way around, and probably rightfully so tbh)

You will wonder how I know with such certainty, and it's because I've researched the situation and analysed her psychology and astrology intensely everyday for the past 5 months. It has been my one dominating thought/goal. My intuition has also always been very accurate. I've thought of every measure and I don't think anything can save the relationship, not even magick—nor should it. But I am also reluctant to let go after this massive investment and what waste of time it will have been.

So again I ask, do the Gods agree with "the ends justify the means" or will they be unhappy with me for going about it in this way...

If the answer is no, I will not do it. I prefer to be in the good graces of the Gods... but your answer will dictate my next actions and whether or not I cut my losses short or go through with it, so please advice me properly.

You have written so cryptically and enigmatically that nothing is understood. Lol

But basic:

1) Money from unethical proceeds is not desirable to the Gods.

2) You cannot accuse a person based on astrology and tarot cards. Not even if you feel very very confident that you are the Great God of Divination. The margin of error is too huge even if you think you are one with your tarot deck. Stick to reality and not exaltation. Exaltation stands too high, from there you can't even see this girl.
Please read until the end.

Do the Gods agree with "the ends justify the means" or will they be mad at me for going about helping the ToZ in this way...

There is someone I can tell is tied to my fate, however, I know it doesn't end well, but it is rather good until then.

Is it always a bad idea to get into a "karmic relationship" or soul tie?

I will grow and learn a lot as a result, and it will do a lot to shape my destiny, however I don't know if I should allow the relationship to happen or avoid it entirely.

Where my trajectory/fate ends up afterwards (based on Tarot and Astrology) is actually a very good place... I don't want to fuck that part up by avoiding the relationship, but I already know it will end negatively—not catastrophic, but still.

Would I ruin the "good ending" if I were to avoid this relationship?

It will bring me A LOT of money, power, influence, and also genuine friendships/camaraderie if I pursue the person.

Within a relatively short period I'd be within the tens of millions net worth range, which I also planned to funnel into the ToZ as a primary goal... The World and Ten of Pentacles showed up - themes supported by both my own readings, astrological analysis, and a talented Tarot reader friend about the situation.

I will suffer the negative end of the relationship if it means our organisation will benefit, and thus humanity as a whole, but I also feel conflicted about the situation.

I don't plan on deliberately hurting her, but I've thought of every possible way to preserve the relationship and it ends badly every time. We are just not "meant to be"... (NOTE: the girl is the one who betrays me, not the other way around, and probably rightfully so tbh)

You will wonder how I know with such certainty, and it's because I've researched the situation and analysed her psychology and astrology intensely everyday for the past 5 months. It has been my one dominating thought/goal. My intuition has also always been very accurate. I've thought of every measure and I don't think anything can save the relationship, not even magick—nor should it. But I am also reluctant to let go after this massive investment and what waste of time it will have been.

So again I ask, do the Gods agree with "the ends justify the means" or will they be unhappy with me for going about it in this way...

If the answer is no, I will not do it. I prefer to be in the good graces of the Gods... but your answer will dictate my next actions and whether or not I cut my losses short or go through with it, so please advice me properly.
Hi, firstly that's not how astrology and divination works. You can't know with any degree of certainty that any of that happens. Those are merely pointers and indicators.

Then, if she's rich that doesn't automatically mean that you will become as well by her side. Is there an unethical element in you gaining wealth in whatever ways you plan to? Then just don't, not worth it.

If you have a romantic interest (besides your financial motivation) there's no reason not to try and see what happens. If not then let it go.

You're massively overthinking this and giving yourself unnecessary headaches. Just enjoy your life as you are probably rather young and listen to the directions of your Guardian if you're dedicated.

Just friendly advice, hope some of that helps.
Is it always a bad idea to get into a "karmic relationship" or soul tie?

Why would it be? If you work on it, it can turn out good. You should not steal her money but build a good relationship with her and have a wealthy life.
You can also do wealth work where you emphasize the permanency of your wealth.
I will suffer the negative end of the relationship if it means our organisation will benefit, and thus humanity as a whole, but I also feel conflicted about the situation.

Why are you so confident this would end bad? Again, don't seal anything, if you donate any amount of her wealth she should understand this completely, even if this takes 10 year or something.

Regardless, you could also start a business, as you said you would also gain relationships with this relationship, or something like this. You could make yourself wealthy from her wealth, pay her back, and also donate to ToZ and so on.
The Gods do not advocate for us, or innocents, to suffer in order to benefit yourself or humanity.

A skilled Tarot reader is psychically connected to their cards, which allows them to easily discern events, internal states, and people. An open Sixth Chakra and Third Eye are highly ideal for this, but practice and experience are also essential in refining one’s abilities.

What other cards did you draw besides the World and Ten of Pentacles? While the World and Ten of Pentacles are great cards to see in a reading, how this unfolds may not be exactly as you expect.

Given that you’ve spent months obsessively thinking about wealth, power, and this potential relationship, it’s possible that your intense focus is simply manifesting in the readings.

Tarot often reflects our internal states, desires, and mindsets. The cards might not indicate that riches are guaranteed, but rather that your mind is fixated on them.
Given that you’ve spent months obsessively thinking about wealth, power, and this potential relationship, it’s possible that your intense focus is simply manifesting in the readings.
Indeed. I suspected a confirmation bias, which is why I suggested another opinion on the matter.
I did not know Tarot is so unreliable? But I used mulitple supporting trends, not just Tarot, and there were pretty consistent signs/patterns.

I wouldn't say it's deliberately malicious, more so I am getting a strong indication the relationship will fail and she will feel hurt afterwards, which is what I'd feel regretful of... is it considered unethical to still enter into a relationship *knowing* it's going to fail, for the purpose of monetary gain?

And what is the point of Tarot if not to use the cards as guidance and indicators for how to act in a situation - I'm confused? And who can I contact to do a more professional Zevist reading?

I actually like the girl a lot, but it feels unwise to engage her at this point, but mostly because of the cards... I can just go find someone else or make money some other way to contribute to the ToZ.

I also believe I may not have been seeing her entirely clearly and projecting a fantasy, as indicated by my dreams and various divinations—but I genuinely tried my best to be objective and unflattering as possible in my opinion towards her.

I have done maybe 20 or so readings on the topic asking different questions to get the "full picture" of the situation from various angles, and the overall message is pretty consistent that things will devolve into arguments and deception (swords, hostility, etc) but start off innocent and childlike/youthful (Page of Cups (her) + Fool (me) > The World).

However, when I asked about my future romantic relations (2026-27): 9 of Swords + Queen of Swords, and 5 of wands + 8 of Cups, and elsewhere The Devil specifically related to the girl.

I also kept getting reversed High Priestess indicating I wasn't listening to my inner voice/intuition about the situation.

The Tarot cannot be used in this way???

Saturn and Neptune will also be transiting my 7th/DC and Moon in the 12th in Solar Return, so I won't be having the best of luck romantically during this time.

Question: do Tarot readings showcase what the energies will look like if I intended to do a freeing working or spell at the time beforehand or will it not show this until I actually perform it... I specifically asked "after I remove negative karma and empowered this aspect of my soul"


The problem is we are too similar, we'd perhaps make better friends than lovers...

For example, here's some relevant synastry overlays:

My Sun conjunct her Moon (loose)
My Moon conjunct her Moon
My Sun conjunct her Mars
Her Mars conjunct my AC
Her Venus and South Node conjunct my IC/4th (Capricorn) - her co-ruler
My Mercury conjunct her Mercury (loose - Scorpio)
Her Sun in my 2nd (Sagittarius)
My Venus (Virgo) in her 8th

My Venus (chart ruler) Square her Saturn in 5th.
Her Saturn in my 8th, however I have my Saturn natally in the 8th.
My Saturn in her 5th, however she has her Saturn natally in the 5th
My Mars and Pluto in her 12th, however she has Pluto and Sun natally in the 12th.
My Jupiter in her 4th
Her Jupiter in my 9th

Some of the above we both have afflicted aspects, which I suspect is being exacerbated by the conjunctions. And an overall competitiveness, I think I make her feel inferior or exposed somehow, due to my intelligence/talents. She is a very Capricornian Libran woman and takes pride in her intelligence. She has no water element, with an Air grand trine and can be quite detached due to emotional baggage from past relationships.

It is sort of like putting together two magnets of the same polarity I suppose, but I really did think we were overall compatible, just that there'd perhaps be some arguing and it would not be the most explosive romance, but still something nice and pleasant. But idk, the Tarot stuff threw me off and my own negative transits/karma. Maybe I am overthinking it. But I dislike unnecessarily chaotic romantic entanglements.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
