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Purim: The Type Of Spells They Do To The Goyim - Explained

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Nobody ever really sat down there, to understand why the jews even "Celebrate" certain things. First, they name a goat after Azazel, throw it off cliffs. Then, they celebrate killing the Egyptians or the Akkadians. Then, they write lengthy celebrations about the genocides of their enemies.

That's a literal religion that just boastfully writes all day and celebrates deaths of enemies, enslavement, and so on, so forth.

Tell me really, why do the jews even "Celebrate" these things? Because they are nuts.

Why do they write about pseudohistory that never really occurred ever? Because it's a spell.

Purim, has yet another strange story. A top jew of the time was whoring his cousin, to a Persian king [none of this really ever happened, its pseudohistory], using this to manipulate the king, and then using this as leverage in exterminating their enemies.

What a story to celebrate nationally right? I mean except of shitting and praying your enemy's "Pagan Gods name be blotted out from under heaven" and so on.

Well, that is simple. They aren't celebrating. They are doing spells to the Goyim, that is all. And they collectively do spellwork to make certain things happen.

Jews typically stage assassinations of their enemies and do death spells on them on Purim. Murder attempts are their favorite on Purim.

Sacrifices like this take place in and around Purim. Targets can be unknown, or known enemies of the Jews.

Further, some Spiritual Satanists are posing to me questions such as: There is this pretty "hot" jewish chick at work, and she is always trying to get me, and so on, so forth.

A quick recap therefore about "Purim" has to follow. It will answer your concerns, in regards to why you are having this happen, and how this relates to "Purim".

This weird and odious book of "Esther" is actually a "book" that is a spell with a few purposes. First, it has to do with getting their enemies to marry Jews. Many people here have told me again and again, that some jewess sicced on you, and later on you were let known they are jews.

Let me tell you, this is spellwork from the Jews.

The aim here is to deceive, manipulate, and lead you down the cliffs by the use of pussy and what they hope would be jewish female enticement. They will bring this hag from their "people" that had a lot of plastic surgery, or alternatively, a huge nosed one, if that's in your tastes. She will try to attract you with her huge beak.

And they hope you won't be able to resist that giant nose, because Rabbi Mordechai did a spell to steal your fortune or something.

That pussy is going to also be covert. At the worst time possible, they will hang you in, or keep you as a slave to neutralize you. That's the book of Eshter. And then of course steal your lot, your wealth, essentially everything you are and own, and just instate themselves in your lot or something.

In the "Book of Esther", the book Jews recite on Purim, we have the following nonsensical story that the jews pretend is a "celebration" while it's just another spell for the goyim:

Chapter 1, we have this spell: A king of Persia becomes really angry at his wife, because his wife refuses certain things. Then the King of Persia deposes and executes her. [Destruction of the household of a Gentile]

Chapter 2: The King of Persia needs a new queen, and the Torah Sage and Priest Mordechai, dresses up his whore cousin to send her to the palace, to seduce the king, without letting him know she is a jewess [Infiltration].

Chapter 3: The King of Persia, had a person in his staff who knew how evil the jews were, and wanted to actually to depose them and harm them in the Persian Empire. He justified this to the king, but of course, the book of spells here says that the jews are marked for death on the 13th of "Adar", based on that counsel.

Chapter 4: Mordechai, the Torah Jew, convinces his prostitute whore cousin to finally whore for the benefit of the Jewish people. [Oy vey, make her nose not appear so big, so King likes her]

Chapter 5: The whore, blessed by the kikes, intercedes and meets with Hamam into his private dinner with the King. The Hamam here is a symbol for those who oppose and hate jews, and have power in governments or the like [Oy vey, 60 trillion of innocents again].

Chapter 6: The king is caused nightmares by jewish spells, because Mordechai and his whore cousin actually staged a fake assassination against the king, who wants to reward them, thinking this was good. Because the King is supposedly touched, Hamam who hates the Jews is enforced to actually give Mordechai Royal blessings and Robes [Goat Ritual, essentially].

Chapter 7: After Esther sucks the dick of the King of Persia, she reveals to him that she is a jewess, and using emotional coercion, tries to talk ill of Hamam, who dislikes the jews and wants to drive them off for the 10000th time out of a Nation.

Chapter 8. Now, the King, dumbfounded by the whore, decides to kill all those who would "kill the jews", a clear verse of occult nonsense, where the jews try to reverse things because as we all know everyone who dislikes jews is aiming at a holocaust of at least 60 trillion of them, and they are always innocent, and they never do anything like using occult books like the book of Eshter to get away with literally stealing everything from Kings and the like.

Chapter 9: Instead of the jews dying on the 13th of Adar, they are given free range killing and looting of all of their enemies, and they kill all their enemies, on the King's orders. Hamam and his whole family line is exterminated, oy vey, and oy gevalt, what a nice spell by the dumb kikes again.

Then because the jews are good people they do a large holocaust on their enemies instead, and since they are so against mass genocide and holocaust which they never were victims of, but claim they were in a kabbalistic spell, they then as innocents throw parties after they kill their enemies.

Chapter 10. Mordechai, the Torah Jew, is now the King's right hand, and oy vey, how powerful he is now. Jews are super super successful and they are dropping a party on the corpses of their enemies.

Please, stop being retarded. We people here KNOW. The dumb masses do not know. Stop thinking like a dumb fuck.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, some Spiritual Satanists are posing to me questions such as: There is this pretty "hot" jewish chick at work, and she is always trying to get me, and so on, so forth.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

learning about the basics of true worldly power, contacts and relationships are of EXTREME importance to cultivate, don't be a man or woman who represents an entire army looking for the best, even if in SPIRITUAL POWER you guarantee yourself, save yourself

I never thought like a dumb one and never will.

People need to understand once and for all that the Jews haven't done anything bad to them nor they will ever will. In fact, what am I saying, the Jews didn't do anything good ever to humanity.

After all, people need to stop this worshipping of false Xian gawd as it only brings disaster to them like, you see the Ohio chem disaster because of the train explosion, you see the mechanically caused earthquakes in Turkey and Siria, the war behind the two Jews in Russia and Ukraine. And, where is the Xian gawd to do it? Answer nowhere.

I always thought that the jews would always be the ones to preach disaster, ie disaster with serious consequences in the future.

Pulsa Denura, Yom Kippur, Kol Nidrei and other nefarious enemy programs have a grotesque energetic impact on us.

So, children and adults of Satan, please at once receive the wake up call of doing the rituals and to stop the blaspheming our Gods.

Thank you a lot HP for those words, they really helped me to continue to fight for the good cause.

Ave Satanas
Fuck the book of esther, fuck the esther and fuck the jews. I want to see them ////.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is all very true.

I also have had a few crypto jewesses try to sic on me over the years, the influence of these creatures is apparent over time, and they typically try to come to you at your worst, to really fuck your life sideways.

I've never had to deal with blatant, full blooded ones, was always the crypto lizard cunts, who would be very mixed and have a nasty energy that gave them away, along with their sick motives.

The reality here is as you describe, this is jewish trickology and magick at play, and people need to be on the defensive and be smart about this avoid these creatures in how they like to sic onto people so that they can ruin them.

Jews and Jewesses always try to get close to the bright and shining Gentile, so they can snuff their light out in the dead of night...

It's absolutely appalling and disgusting.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The jewess thing is very, very eerie and that is EXACTLY what happened to me. This thing sicced itself on me and my friends for years, causing us endless problems and expecting us to fix those problems. Every person she came in contact with, she just loaded with her issues which were practically endless despite how wealthy she was. She would even spam nude photos at us [thankfully no one took the bait on that level, ever].

As you indicated before, her advice to female friends was always particularly toxic and poisoning the well, despite being promiscuous and endlessly 'raped' herself. Any step forward anyone took, she either tried to take control of that 'forward' (i.e. by offering the person a job with her wealthy family) or tried to push it backwards two steps by loading someone with her issues. I always hated these creatures, but I didn't know at that point any amount of jew is poison, I only knew it was one sixteenth-jewish technically and it was mixed with a non-White race so that made me less wary (unfortunately). After I stated doing FRTR, thankfully this thing left us all alone forever.

This is why I keep mentioning Esther sometimes in my posts.

Another case involved my friend being manipulated by this jew. GIRLS, BE AWARE, MALE JEWS ALSO DO THIS. By this point I was fully aware and warned her, the pics of this thing (despite its blond hair and blue eyes, and 'mostly' looking Gentile to anyone whose senses are not open) disgusted me. Although she has some anti semitic viewpoints (not from a cuck country) she made the same mistake as me as a kid: 'oh, he is only a quarter'. Like the female I mentioned, his background was also very, very fucked up and involved childhood incest with his jew relatives, which he manipulated to make her feel sorry for him.

What happened in the end was that he spread intimate things about her to other people and also made threats against her. On top of that he started stalking her and sendng her creepy messages via phone. This did not really have the intended effect, as she went apeshit rather than suicidal. One day she looked up his insta and found so many weird posts like a drawing of 'girls I've made commit suicide :)' AND HER NAME WAS ON IT. Needless to say I lobbed some FRTRs for this rat and you can imagine the rest.

I was reading the Danny Masterson case files [crypto jew] and this thing seems to do the same routine. He chooses Aryan young women with their star on the ascendant and pulls them into total depravity on all levels. The details of the case are too vile. You can see this all over Hollywood actually.. Naomi Watts, plenty of others pulled into the matrix of these scum. Female jew being sicced on the powerful male Gentile is more common however, and from what I know is a major part of how Rome was actually subverted. With the Trump family it appears to be going in both directions, likewise Kennedys.

As far as the JoS is concerned, we have the saga of the South Africa scammer rat to ponder on here, although it was a bit before I started posting on the forums. This grandma yenta was doing the full-on Esther routine. People, be careful with whom you converse with here sometimes.
Gear88 said:
Thanks for posting this, I miss this site and the main link was most likely attacked and has been down awhile.
I have pdf version, but links are more effective at spreading truth I think.
I'm happy it was archived.
Thank you for the enlightenment on the enemy High Priest. I'm relieved that I don't live near any jews. I've only met two, and it was before I was awoken to them. They were toxic at best personality wise, and I only met them fleetingly.
Thank the Gods for the SS who woke me up to their evil race and led me to JOS!
I'm relieved that none of the worms live near me, and I feel for the SS who have to look at them regularly.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nobody ever really sat down there, to understand why the jews even "Celebrate" certain things. First, they name a goat after Azazel, throw it off cliffs. Then, they celebrate killing the Egyptians or the Akkadians. Then, they write lengthy celebrations about the genocides of their enemies.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I actually looked up if there was a jewish holiday coming up since someone I know mentioned the alarms were raised in all the schools in Kansas (false alarms) last wednesday.

Purim is when only the women also read the torah. Theyre only allowed to read the book of Ester.

Thats how much I found with just a google search.
I did see them mentioning winning over x and y about the holidays. Sick Fucks.
Karnonnos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The jewess thing is very, very eerie and that is EXACTLY what happened to me. This thing sicced itself on me and my friends for years, causing us endless problems and expecting us to fix those problems. Every person she came in contact with, she just loaded with her issues which were practically endless despite how wealthy she was. She would even spam nude photos at us [thankfully no one took the bait on that level, ever].

As you indicated before, her advice to female friends was always particularly toxic and poisoning the well, despite being promiscuous and endlessly 'raped' herself. Any step forward anyone took, she either tried to take control of that 'forward' (i.e. by offering the person a job with her wealthy family) or tried to push it backwards two steps by loading someone with her issues. I always hated these creatures, but I didn't know at that point any amount of jew is poison, I only knew it was one sixteenth-jewish technically and it was mixed with a non-White race so that made me less wary (unfortunately). After I stated doing FRTR, thankfully this thing left us all alone forever.

This is why I keep mentioning Esther sometimes in my posts.

Another case involved my friend being manipulated by this jew. GIRLS, BE AWARE, MALE JEWS ALSO DO THIS. By this point I was fully aware and warned her, the pics of this thing (despite its blond hair and blue eyes, and 'mostly' looking Gentile to anyone whose senses are not open) disgusted me. Although she has some anti semitic viewpoints (not from a cuck country) she made the same mistake as me as a kid: 'oh, he is only a quarter'. Like the female I mentioned, his background was also very, very fucked up and involved childhood incest with his jew relatives, which he manipulated to make her feel sorry for him.

What happened in the end was that he spread intimate things about her to other people and also made threats against her. On top of that he started stalking her and sendng her creepy messages via phone. This did not really have the intended effect, as she went apeshit rather than suicidal. One day she looked up his insta and found so many weird posts like a drawing of 'girls I've made commit suicide :)' AND HER NAME WAS ON IT. Needless to say I lobbed some FRTRs for this rat and you can imagine the rest.

I was reading the Danny Masterson case files [crypto jew] and this thing seems to do the same routine. He chooses Aryan young women with their star on the ascendant and pulls them into total depravity on all levels. The details of the case are too vile. You can see this all over Hollywood actually.. Naomi Watts, plenty of others pulled into the matrix of these scum. Female jew being sicced on the powerful male Gentile is more common however, and from what I know is a major part of how Rome was actually subverted. With the Trump family it appears to be going in both directions, likewise Kennedys.

As far as the JoS is concerned, we have the saga of the South Africa scammer rat to ponder on here, although it was a bit before I started posting on the forums. This grandma yenta was doing the full-on Esther routine. People, be careful with whom you converse with here sometimes.

You think that's bad: before I became an SS, I had a relationship with a Jewess, with sex and the works. Of course, at the time I didn't know, nor did I piece it together until recently. All I can say is that before dating her, I was a normalish 17/18 kid, next thing I knew, I was slitting my wrists and becoming suicidal/delusion. I am not going to get into detail on what she was like. 

Before that, coincidentally, my best friend from grade 10 to 12 was half Jewish on his father's side. During our friendship, he would go to great lengths to keep me to himself, although I had other peers. Without getting into 3 years of content, he sabotaged be socially on several occasions, but my self-esteem issues always made me crawl back to him to seek "absolution". I am beginning to understand why these things happened to me; my soul has been cursed more than the average person due to its past experience, age, and associative ancestry: Jewish Step Family(Mother Married into it after she left my BIO Dad).

I don't think many SS here know what it's like to have Jews crawling around your life, posing as family unknowingly. Whats worse, I have had traumatizing sexual experiences growing up, and all of them involve a Jew.

I had to get all that off my chest, must be my Munka working.
I remember when I was a teenager and I was 16 and 17 years old, there was a girl 2 or 3 years older than me who harassed me and wanted me to date out with her, but I found her unpleasant and whenever I saw her I stayed as far away as possible and she screwed me for purpose a possible relationship with another girl I was interested in, much later I found out that her family on her mother's side are jewish.
Wotanwarrior said:
I remember when I was a teenager and I was 16 and 17 years old, there was a girl 2 or 3 years older than me who harassed me and wanted me to date out with her, but I found her unpleasant and whenever I saw her I stayed as far away as possible and she screwed me for purpose a possible relationship with another girl I was interested in, much later I found out that her family on her mother's side are jewish.

While some bad behavior can happen by anyone [product of immaturity] jewish females are a whole other level of a manifestation of a very negative part of what we refer to as "corrupt".

Endless stories have been written about crazy jewesses, even by the jews.

The jews have attacked their own women and they forced this negative paradigm, in order to literally ruin their own selves, due to fear of their own women. They then exported the mind virus to other Nations and Gentiles.

Eventually, the plague should remain where it should, and that is on their evil women, for whom this nonsense was written.
I curse the ''Seed'' of Esther to their lake of fire. I curse the "Seed" of Mordachai to their lake of fire.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me really, why do the jews even "Celebrate" these things? Because they are nuts.

Why do they write about pseudohistory that never really occurred ever? Because it's a spell.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Jews celebrate such shit because they are the ones who have no culture at all. We Gentiles have a great culture that was damaged for 2000 years but is still there. Jews on the other hand have an "holiday" where they smash chickens against the rock and other retarded shit.

Anyway, I've already knew the story and its not surprise that a Jewish woman was able to be the deceiver. After all, Jews tend to be very effeminate, especially the secular ones.

I guess that, even tough its not a real story, may be the beginning of the decline of the Persian Empire (later via Zoroastrianism).
This clears a lot of things, and why even some SS due to their weak AoP can suddenly become a target of jewish magic.

I remember this one question from AskSatan thread, where the dude said he was very fine and happy as a an SS for some years but suddenly he started jerking off to interracial porn and even to jewish pornstars, and due to this he was very ashamed, basically he went on a guilt trip, which stopped him from contacting the Gods and also doing meditations, I think he said he was feeling undeserving[or maybe something similar].

Deep down he knew why he became like this, he knew he had to ask for help, he knew he had to work on himself, he knew the solution as well I believe, but he couldn't face it. I think self doubts can be harsh sometimes, especially the ones that are enforced by black magic and even other programing. I mean, we can clearly see guilt is a big weapon of Christianity, and it is programed in many Christians to feel guilt for every 'sin', "Jerking off r we goy? Jebus sees all goy, now suffer, and no heaven for u". The people affected by this begin to attract bad on their own, no one punishes them but they themselves. The most common is that they begin to feel and think they are going to be punished and judged, and so they attract the 'punishment', the bad; on their own.

This is why AoP[Aura of Protection] is very important for every SS. The jewish magic can stagnate your spiritual progress by introducing unnecessary crap in your mind and life, such as guilt; as stated above with a real life example.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Please, stop being retarded. We people here KNOW. The dumb masses do not know. Stop thinking like a dumb fuck.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this post, I've had this before, and I knew it was a kike and dodged her like a plague, she wasn't 'hot' though I don't see how any jew could be, no matter how much plastic they put on.
This story reminds me of something from my own life. My father was, during his young years, the archetypical image of the "strong man". He was into kickboxing, among other things. A very confrontational guy, but, to his credit, never an abusive one to my mother. He simply seemed to enjoy picking fights with any guy who looked her direction. Pretty well-liked guy, lots of friends, blue-eyed, blonde haired, decent looker.

Some weird woman, began following him around, like a lost dog. Had a nose like you wouldn't believe, practically the cartoonish Jew nose you see on caricatures. That wasn't even the weirdest part. She began stalking my mother, slowly driving past, staring at her through windows. Just absent, vacant, hateful staring. Obsessive and frankly bizarre. She'd dated people in my Dad's circle, seemingly in an attempt to grow closer to him, breaking up with them each time. By all accounts, she was a psycho.

My Mum was already pregnant with me at this time, and my Dad was starting to fall into organized crime and "Neo-Nazism" (the goyim stooge variety, and this will be particularly ironic later) and she didn't want me growing up in that world, so they were already starting to distance, albeit, not completely. They still still together, to some degree, and he was still being at least somewhat supportive. However, the news broke he'd cheated on my mother with this aforementioned woman. My Mum at the time, the typical picture of what someone would consider white female beauty. This other woman, looked every part a strange, ugly Jewess. My Mum of course, broke it off with him at this point. He went further into organized crime, of course, eventually was even arrested for a time.

He did maintain some presence in my life in my early years, but eventually trailed off and stopped supporting us altogether, even stopped with the child support. He ended up marrying this other woman, started a family with her. My Mum was warned by relatives of my father "not to allow me around her". She didn't really know what they meant, but she already had bad vibes, so didn't. Later on, she named her own children after famous, notorious murdered children. I think I dodged a bullet, don't you?

Of course there are some other funny stories. She tried to burn down the house, when my father got a tattoo with my mother and our names. She got him to pay for her supreme nose job (using the proceeds of crime no less). But the point to this narrative is this. How stereotypical is this story, of everything Cobra spoke of regarding the Book of Esther? Ultimately, I have not seen my father in over 20 years. All the difficulties my mother had raising a child as a single parent, and he was nowhere, off with his Jewess. She didn't even seem to do it out of love for him, but an obsession she had with my mother. Why would he do this? It's simple. Behind the veneer of an alpha male, was insecurities. She propped up his ego, pretended to worship him, warped his mind. He was too weak to resist her "spell", and here we are.

In a way, you could almost say I lived and survived Purim. I tell this story, because these spells are very real, and they can manifest in such literal ways. So never doubt it. My Mum, was born with minor psychic gifts she eventually passed down to me, so it's of no surprise the Jewish spellwork came down so hard on her. Make no mistake, Jewish magic most of all, by its nature, hates the purest of gentiles most of all. My story is not even a unique one. The more of the Gods I see someone is, the more likely it is I see that their early years were regrettably mournful ones. But that's why we're here, to make that right, and to find happiness in spite of it all. Never forget that.
Lol 😂 the sexual instinct can be difficult especially where most are very attached to their physical bodies and identify with them.
They are great Yogins who are able to dance around naked maidens and not lose their composure. But such are rare especially in this Kali Yuga.
Personally I always emphasis Atma Meditation within oneself. You know subdue the self by the SELF.
People will do want they want anyway. The world ,Maya is the classroom and karma is the teacher.
Nothing is actually lost or gained. Lose or gain is just change in Maya.
The motion picture (creation) doesn't not affect the Light that produces and displays it. The Source remains unchanged.
Jewish chick's are not hot to me....🤣🤣🤣... and quite frankly neither are the guys.... I don't see how anybody could be attracted to a Jew..?
They are hairy and they are disgusting! They are stuck on themselves and proud of who and what they are? When they know very well that they are fucking predators! They look like animals they smell like animals! Sad part about is that most animals are smarter and cleaner than most Jews and Muslims put together! The southern baptist which is the closest thing to Islamic living! Also live like pigs! And the way they think and the way they live? These particular people who call themselves religious!? Are not attractive people! Especially since all they can do is engage in Warfare with other people! Teaching others to turn against themselves because of their ways of looking at things! That all you have to do is take a look at a jew? And run! You can tell that they're full of shit and you can tell that they're nothing but trouble just by looking at a jew! And Christians are no more different! There's really nothing attractive about Christians and there's nothing attractive about people who have no consideration for others! Laugh out loud the whole world is being run and controlled by Jews and they all look the same to me! It doesn't matter what kind of plastic surgery they had it still makes them look jewish! If it hasn't changed anything about their face all it did was add to their fake personality! Especially when it comes to ugly Jewish girls and ugly Jewish women laugh out loud you can never get rid of that jew! It is a part of their complexion no matter how many times they get under the knife! It is a part of who and what they are from the inside out! There's no way in hell anybody can turn a Jew into a regular person? I've met a lot of people that have 2% Jewish blood in them Living in America you can expect people to have Jewish blood in them! And they stand out like baby shit all over a baby's ass from Clear across the fucking yard of a million people! A Jew has got the most distinctive features! Just like the typical smell of human shit! Anybody can recognize the smell of an outhouse! It's pretty much the same thing when I look at a Jewish person from Clear across the crowded restaurant! That they are easy to spot! And when some rich girl or Hollywood celebrity of a Jewish family tries to comb it down and calm it down by bleaching her hair blonde putting in at the fake blue contact lenses and doing whatever else they can do to make themselves look perfect and fit in Among Us Gentiles they stand out more and more like the joke they are! There's nothing worse and there's nothing more uglier than a Jewish woman! They don't look hot to me! Especially the weenie face and the big nose of a lot of the Hollywood jews! They can have all the plastic surgery they can and still they're going to be as Jewish as the shit that drops out of their ass! They look it better as ugly as they talk and sound! Doesn't matter how attractive a Jew tries to be laugh out loud they're still going to stand out like rotting shit in the middle of a fucking sewage bin. Christians on the other hand they look like regular people! The only thing that stinks about them is their attitude towards life! The Muslims on the other hand all you have to do is take a look at them.. and anybody can tell that they're up to no good! Todd and trained from the very beginning and passed down from generation to generation the words of hatred and malice! Brought on and taught by the brother and the fellow rabbi jew! There is nothing attractive about religion! And those that fucking follow these aromatic religions! And it doesn't matter if you were born into any of those religions or not? It follows you everywhere you go! It's easier to walk away from a Christian family and to tell your parents that you're going to be I'm showing your interest in something else and follow what you believe in as a human being! Even if you were born into a Mormon or family! You can still walk away and go live your own life! And be whatever the hell you want to be! Even a Muslim knows that! But when it comes down to juice? Whether you were born into a Jewish family or not? And it doesn't matter if your daddy was part jewish! Or if your mom and married into a Jewish family? That doesn't make her any more jewish? Then the shoes that she wears on her feet! But if she's showing an interest that she wants to be jewish? That is a slap across the face to her people! And it doesn't matter what religion she started out with? Whether she was born into whether or not whether her family were converts into that religion or not those people still stand out! And a lot of these mixed breed people have 3% Jewish blood in them or 10% Jewish blood in them! And it doesn't matter how American they are or try to be white! That Jewish blood is still going to linger Within and it doesn't matter how many people these people breed with! That Jewish blood will always be in there in that particular person! And you can tell just by looking at their eyes! The shape of their faces! If It Isn't So Much the first name or the last name? Because when it comes down to nip and Tuck some celebrities and some juice can go the while in the distance to really change their faces if they want to except for the remaining personality and their attitude and the way they think is about as pure Jewish as Jewish can get! Nobody can really change or get rid of the Jewish blood or the Jewish personality! It's always good or remain! There's nothing more ugly than a Jew then Jewish blood itself and there's nothing more uglier than a jew! I don't think there's any Jewish women out there that are considered hot chicks to me! It doesn't matter how talented or sweet they may seem! And it doesn't matter how smart they are! A Jew is a Jew as a Jew is a Jew and they will always remain the same and look the same from Generations on down! And it doesn't matter who their kids meet with and screw in the future! Even their little kids and their babies are going to have those Jewish qualities and features! Considering these Hollywood celebrities that would jump in bed with anybody at the drop of a hat? Looking at how ugly and pathetic these people are the older they get! They obnoxious names they come up with when they have children! Doing everything they can to look so innocent! It does not hide the fact that their jewish! It just makes them stand out more and more is the disgusting Jewish kikes they are everyday! Trust me there is nothing hot and sexy about any kike! They put on at the attraction to attract a gentile person? And get lead into a relationship that is poisonous!..... :D Adding to the problem... they try to convince other people around that there are no gay people when they're not! They are always full of tricks and surprises and always have something of their sleeve! Jews and Christians are always up to no good! And you can tell just how full of shit they are just by looking at their big nose and their big beady eyes!....lol... and who is this so-called hot Jew chick?...🤣🤣🤣🤣... I would drive by and throw a pie in her face
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me really, why do the jews even "Celebrate" these things? Because they are nuts.


Jews celebrate such shit because they are the ones who have no culture at all. We Gentiles have a great culture that was damaged for 2000 years but is still there. Jews on the other hand have an "holiday" where they smash chickens against the rock and other retarded shit.


All our celebrations were always based on actual events, cosmological events, or natural events that have to do with the real universe.

Meanwhile, the jews have to celebrate randomly sending their whore cousin to suck off a King and then try to gain favors while killing their enemies.

Smashing chicken heads of rocks, celebrating biblical statements of dashing the Assyrian children on rocks, sending whores to kings for infiltration to get gurbs and shekels because they are broke, celebrating genocides of basically everyone else, and then spending all day to attack the Gods, that's what the jewish life looks like.

That should in itself show what kind of low level worthless beings they are. Jews are a lesser level evil and deformed entity that is just misusing occult power that it stole, nothing else.
angramainyu said:
I curse the ''Seed'' of Esther to their lake of fire. I curse the "Seed" of Mordachai to their lake of fire.

These names are jewish alterations of Goddess Astarte and God Marduk. There is no jewish seed here, only jewish perversion.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All our celebrations were always based on actual events, cosmological events, or natural events that have to do with the real universe.

Meanwhile, the jews have to celebrate randomly sending their whore cousin to suck off a King and then try to gain favors while killing their enemies.

Smashing chicken heads of rocks, celebrating biblical statements of dashing the Assyrian children on rocks, sending whores to kings for infiltration to get gurbs and shekels because they are broke, celebrating genocides of basically everyone else, and then spending all day to attack the Gods, that's what the jewish life looks like.

That should in itself show what kind of low level worthless beings they are. Jews are a lesser level evil and deformed entity that is just misusing occult power that it stole, nothing else.
Yeah and they dare, along with their Golem cohort, use this logic:

Esther - basically a kike whore who seduced a Gentile King to enslave his people while causing the death of a righteous counselor: a "godly heroine".

The Goddess - cares about the Gentiles who are willing to help Father Satan and is also a Goddess of Love: "Mother Harlot" of Babylon.

Why would anyone celebrate such holidays where jews eat even human-shaped bread to simulate cannibalism towards their Goyim? Only cucked pro-Zionist Gentile would find "beautiful" such disgusting, anti-Gentile shit.
GoldenxChild1 said:
You think that's bad: before I became an SS, I had a relationship with a Jewess, with sex and the works. Of course, at the time I didn't know, nor did I piece it together until recently. All I can say is that before dating her, I was a normalish 17/18 kid, next thing I knew, I was slitting my wrists and becoming suicidal/delusion. I am not going to get into detail on what she was like. 

Before that, coincidentally, my best friend from grade 10 to 12 was half Jewish on his father's side. During our friendship, he would go to great lengths to keep me to himself, although I had other peers. Without getting into 3 years of content, he sabotaged be socially on several occasions, but my self-esteem issues always made me crawl back to him to seek "absolution". I am beginning to understand why these things happened to me; my soul has been cursed more than the average person due to its past experience, age, and associative ancestry: Jewish Step Family(Mother Married into it after she left my BIO Dad).

I don't think many SS here know what it's like to have Jews crawling around your life, posing as family unknowingly. Whats worse, I have had traumatizing sexual experiences growing up, and all of them involve a Jew.

I had to get all that off my chest, must be my Munka working.

Things like this cropping up are not uncommon Brother. I'm sorry that nastiness happened to you, it's a total battlefield. Part of the enemy's curses is isolating Gentiles with abilities beyond the norm, a lot like a physical manifestation of the verse of the angel with the sword guarding Eden in the Serpent is Free meditation (obviously there's the spiritual meaning here of blocking our Chakras but it manifests as other things too). What you mention about the absolution cycle with your friend is similar to what happened to me with that jewess and several other people she spoke to.

The jew is also designed on a soul level to corrupt via sexual means, as their 'sexuality' is really not like ours metaphysically, and they exploit any and all weaknesses we have in empathy. So all these traumatic things like you experienced are what they enact on people.

I suspect with some people this lasts lifetimes. The jew tends to play 'good cop' to Gentiles who are outside the norm, a little beyond their peers, at a young age etc. it doesn't help that a lot of Gentile andrapoda don't know anything and don't care to know shit so the jew with their high levels of verbal intelligence, professionalism and worldliness instilled into them from a young age (as HPS Maxine said, her Mensa meeting was like a synagogue) can seem appealing. In the past, when one was surrounded by fanatical xians or muslims, a 'worldly' jew would often appear as one's 'confidant'.

Even Nietzsche had the rat Paul Rée functioning as a total distraction. Emperor Julian also had to deal with the rats crawling over his own family. So although your case is severe, you're not alone in this.

This is why feminism can be dangerous as well. Women's rights involving Gentile women like say Susan B. Anthony or Madalyn Murray O'Hair is one thing, but when the yentas get involved they pervert it into all kinds of trash and feints that are hideous. Shulamith Firestone for instance wrote this shit book (The Dialectic of Sex) with an entire segment aabout how men are entitled to have sex with prepubescent children. 'Masculinity experts' can also be poisoned by jews, like the 'Law of Power' by rabbi Greene.
Last night before I saw this thread I was curious about asking if jews use the three steps of witchcraft when they curse us...
do they?
Good lesson as usual.

A friend of mine hook up with a jewess girl . From the first time when he introduced her to us , i see (nose, tattoes) , i kinda feel that she is from the other side :) .
He is such a weak and "thirsty" for a woman that he don't give a damn what a creature is it . Surely its not my problem..

Some time we must to be together and be close to each other so i understand now what it is like to be around a jew...

She kidnaps him , literally she staying at his house .. or live with him over short period of time knowing her .
If he come's to see us , he brings her too.
She let me know first that she will eat my food , then without permission takes a bite and let the meal to "waste"
When I eat it afterwards she told me with smile that she takes a bite from it :)
I dont look in her eyes and she knows that i am a little bit defensive towards her and started to picking on me and gazing at me and touching me stating it is not me , when i ask about what is she talking about, she told me only.. forget about it ..

Second red flag was when she is around our circle of people and every time she speaks with one of us and another person came to join to talk she sends that person away without hesitation.. it is cringe af and not normal . That jew witch literally dont deserve to breath and waste our air ..

I know today that this is not a learned behavior , this is heritage in their genes.
This experience people in the replies are going on about is concerning me. I haven't had a similar thing happen but I feel I am predisposed to this to some extent. I've never had any strong overriding desire to be in a relationship with anyone yet. I would most rather be with someone I can share this part of my soul with and work with them for Satan together than any nonsense.

This kind of talk on the forum has always been weird for me though, feels familiar to my early mental impressions about the world. I might need advice at some point in the future with this, from people who know about how to deal with these situations. I'd rather keep any details personal though. At the end of the day I should be fine anyway, I'm with Satan now and I am dedicating my self to cleaning my negative karma before serious relationship concerns. The only issue would be the fates, and my emotions/drives and what kind of situations might happen where I could be thrown off this? What is unexpected and creeps in from the sides? That's where I could use any guidance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell me really, why do the jews even "Celebrate" these things? Because they are nuts.


Jews celebrate such shit because they are the ones who have no culture at all. We Gentiles have a great culture that was damaged for 2000 years but is still there. Jews on the other hand have an "holiday" where they smash chickens against the rock and other retarded shit.


All our celebrations were always based on actual events, cosmological events, or natural events that have to do with the real universe.

Meanwhile, the jews have to celebrate randomly sending their whore cousin to suck off a King and then try to gain favors while killing their enemies.

Smashing chicken heads of rocks, celebrating biblical statements of dashing the Assyrian children on rocks, sending whores to kings for infiltration to get gurbs and shekels because they are broke, celebrating genocides of basically everyone else, and then spending all day to attack the Gods, that's what the jewish life looks like.

That should in itself show what kind of low level worthless beings they are. Jews are a lesser level evil and deformed entity that is just misusing occult power that it stole, nothing else.

Is there any limit to their desire to destroy humans?They need to pay the consequences for their erroneous actions. I am training myself to distinguish jews from gentiles.i am able to spot the white ones but not able to spot the non white ones and heavily mixed ones.Could anyone give me tips regarding this?

Akay Alaz said:
Fuck the book of esther, fuck the esther and fuck the jews. I want to see them ////.

Brother Akay Alaz, it is good that you are fighting for the spiritual cause, however, don't share any illegal things or some words that may have connotations to illegal activities.

This is what the Enemy wants us to think.

Use your time to do the RTRs and you will see the Jews spiritually destroyed and devoid of power, and we, the Gentiles we will evolve and progress.

That is how the things were, are, should and will go for the upcoming future. Eternally
I curse the Jewish Seed of these people and the Jewish version Seed of King Ahasuerus to their lake of fire. Sorry. I always try to add Jew and jewish to it so the Jews are cursed. Not Gentiles.
Nimrod33 said:
Why would anyone celebrate such holidays where jews eat even human-shaped bread to simulate cannibalism towards their Goyim? Only cucked pro-Zionist Gentile would find "beautiful" such disgusting, anti-Gentile shit.

Damn I never cared to take a look at all that, messed up creatures indeed. I often used to question their way of life as a new SS, "how can someone be so evil", it used to remind me of a dialogue of Arthur Morgan from rdr2, from that murfree mission:

"Some folks is... just evil, ain't no point trying to explain it."

Fits perfectly with jews.
Asterion666 said:
Akay Alaz said:
Fuck the book of esther, fuck the esther and fuck the jews. I want to see them ////.

Brother Akay Alaz, it is good that you are fighting for the spiritual cause, however, don't share any illegal things or some words that may have connotations to illegal activities.

This is what the Enemy wants us to think.

Use your time to do the RTRs and you will see the Jews spiritually destroyed and devoid of power, and we, the Gentiles we will evolve and progress.

That is how the things were, are, should and will go for the upcoming future. Eternally

I'm female :)

Sometimes their schemes are beyond my understanding.

Don't worry, of course ı am doing my FRTR's every day. It's much powerful when you canalize your anger and hatred to to ritiual.

''Bu...bu..but Cobra, can't you see I am irressssisssstible for the gggggoooyeeeeemmm?!''

Now being serious I think I also had these... type of situations, of course I didn't had relationship with her thanks the Gods but ugh... she was so mentally ill.
We already cursed enough by the world please guys dont curse yourself even more!
Also if it's creepy and painful to read all this evil, HP, it's really a good thing to do these kinds of revelatory sermons where you explain the meaning of these Jewish "holidays". This makes better understand what is the urgency of us Gentiles during these abominable times for our Gods of Hell. This is why we must be united and fight the enemy especially during these times.
If I may advise, it is very good during these Jewish "celebrations" to explain what is the truth behind this horror.
So thank you!
jrvan said:
angramainyu said:
I curse the ''Seed'' of Esther to their lake of fire. I curse the "Seed" of Mordachai to their lake of fire.

These names are jewish alterations of Goddess Astarte and God Marduk. There is no jewish seed here, only jewish perversion.

jrvan said:
angramainyu said:
I curse the ''Seed'' of Esther to their lake of fire. I curse the "Seed" of Mordachai to their lake of fire.

These names are jewish alterations of Goddess Astarte and God Marduk. There is no jewish seed here, only jewish perversion.

Correct, yes. This is essentially more stolen Babylonian names. Mordechai is literally stolen from Marduk, and Esther from Astarte, which is slightly changed and put there in a kike stolen form in order to symbolize the supposedly "irresistible" Esther, and the supposedly "All Wise" Mardochai, which is Astarte and Marduk.

This thing clearly appears to be stolen from another and wholly unrelated epic from the Sumerians/Babylonians as per usual, which the jews of course just stole and malformed into more gimmick.

In regards to the real allegory behind this [which is wholly corrupted] this has to do with Chakras and is related to Serpent meditation, essentially.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
angramainyu said:
I curse the ''Seed'' of Esther to their lake of fire. I curse the "Seed" of Mordachai to their lake of fire.

These names are jewish alterations of Goddess Astarte and God Marduk. There is no jewish seed here, only jewish perversion.

Correct, yes. This is essentially more stolen Babylonian names. Mordechai is literally stolen from Marduk, and Esther from Astarte, which is slightly changed and put there in a kike stolen form in order to symbolize the supposedly "irresistible" Esther, and the supposedly "All Wise" Mardochai, which is Astarte and Marduk.

This thing clearly appears to be stolen from another and wholly unrelated epic from the Sumerians/Babylonians as per usual, which the jews of course just stole and malformed into more gimmick.

In regards to the real allegory behind this [which is wholly corrupted] this has to do with Chakras and is related to Serpent meditation, essentially.

Jrvan is very eagle-eyed, I thought this might have been a possibility given the name resemblance. Am I right in thinking they changed the consonant from TTRT or STRT to STR and the vowel to make the name sound like 'hidden, concealed' in semitic languages?

If so, it seems very indicative of jewish psychopathology or rather what they want to do to their abomination 'females', but also the filth and terror they pushed onto Gentile women beginning with defaming Astarte and Lilith, and the other Goddesses.

I watched a documentary and these ultraorthodox jewish sects in pi$$rael had adopted the islamic burqa. Many people are actually aware of this, but what a lot of people don't know is that the fabric they use for these burqas is EXTREMELY THICK, easily ten times thicker than anything you find in Afghanistan and Pakistan, even. They basically asphyxiate and die. Wearing this is 'devotion' to yhvh in their eyes. The rabbit hole with these things is mind boggling, nasty... and endlessly horrifying.
Nikois666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
Why would anyone celebrate such holidays where jews eat even human-shaped bread to simulate cannibalism towards their Goyim? Only cucked pro-Zionist Gentile would find "beautiful" such disgusting, anti-Gentile shit.

Damn I never cared to take a look at all that, messed up creatures indeed. I often used to question their way of life as a new SS, "how can someone be so evil", it used to remind me of a dialogue of Arthur Morgan from rdr2, from that murfree mission:

"Some folks is... just evil, ain't no point trying to explain it."

Fits perfectly with jews.

Although the company behind the game is jewish and exploits its employers via slave work, I agree with the message. After all, the only good jew is the one in the oven. :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
