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Pure Lust / Sex Rune Working

jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
jrvan said:
The application of a working like this doesn't seem all that malevolent to me when you take certain situations into consideration. For example, you're with a girl who won't put out as often as you like but you still want to be with her. This could get your sexual needs met so you can continue the relationship. Or you score with a 10/10 who has an incredible sex drive and wants sex all the time, and you want to ensure that she only has sex with you.
Just off the top of my head.

Why? She's not a sex toy. If she doesn't want to have sex as often as you'd like, she shouldn't be forced to. Everyone has different needs in terms of sex. In a relationship, both people compromise to a degree. Otherwise, it's no relationship, it's slavery. Both persons need to understand each other needs and compromise to meet them in the middle.

If her sex drive is 2/10 and yours is 10/10, you can meet at 6. For the rest, just go wank or you'll be damaging her psychologically.

Other examples: if you both like bananas, then obviously you can use bananas. If one of you likes apples and the other is indifferent to apples, then it's a fair compromise to use them in a minor way. If one of you likes artichokes but the other is against artichokes, then no artichokes are going to used, as they would not be pleasurable for the other person.

Always thinking of both in a relationship is key, rather than being selfish. Using this in the way you imagined, is akin to the abrahamic religious value of considering women inferior and your own personal properties/objects without a voice/choice. It's the same as raping them. Thankfully, many countries have upgraded to the fact that it is possible to rape your spouse. Previously, any sex between spouses was considered legitimate, even if one of them was forcing themselves upon the other, which is basically what this application you mentioned is all about.

If your wife doesn't want to have sex in a certain moment or as often as you'd like, that's her business and she's free to say no, as she has her own will and identity that is separate from yours. Same if the situation is reversed and it's the wife who wants it and husband doesn't.

Why are you bringing my wife into this? Mind your own fucking business. This has nothing to do with us, and you don't know a thing about our relationship. You have some nerve.

And again, you're drawing your own moral lines and seeking to impose them on others. Comparing it to rape is childish. If you have sexual needs and you do magick on another person to influence their emotions and get them in the mood more often, and to desire you more often then I don't see it as any different from all the other thousands of things that influence one's emotions every single day. Maybe all the subtle little things in the universe as well as all the events happening in the world all around me every day are raping me to feel a certain way. Grow up or else go be a saint somewhere else. You're just harassing people at this point over your difference of views.

You do know in English "you" as pronoun is used to refer to the general crowd, not just to a specific person? Try to re-read my post keeping that in mind, obviously after you cleaned your aura. You may read it from another perspective. Again, I am not talking about Tabby. I'm speaking in general. Don't worry. Ol Argedco understood it pretty well. Obviously, I am also not saying that he agrees 100% with what I said, as I cannot speak for him.

If after doing that, you still think that raping other people is correct and that you have the right to decide what's best for the other person, then it's beyond me to make you understand how wrong that sounds. There may be astrological reasons why someone has low or high sex drive, and they may not want to change it. Why would you want to force that change upon them? In doing so, you are harming them psychologically, taking the power to make their own decisions away from them, essentially slowly creating a slave to your will. Someone like that is obviously self-centred and cannot see deeper than their own whims.

What someone thinks is best for their loved one, it isn't necessarily best for them. It may be unwanted and their loved one may actually be wiser, know best. Yet, lack the power the back it up, as wisdom and power in most people are misaligned in growth. So you may end up forcing on themselves something that is going to set them back in advanced just because you want to and you think your will is supreme.

Thinking things through is important, and considering other people in your decisions is also important. That is all I am trying to say. You can drag this out longer if you want, but I have said everything I needed.

Fuchs said:
3. Is there free will? If marriages and other good working love relationships can break, just because a planet does spin the other way (Venus retrograde)? If a planet is allowed to influence people so is every SS.

Yes, but one must also consider consequences of their actions. That's the difference between a child and an adult. Adults are held accountable for their actions. If you are damaging someone else that doesn't deserve (so, we're not talking about justice/revenge workings here), you are responsible for the damage you cause. You will understand this at some point.

So, yes, you are allowed to influence other people of course, but you should think about who gains benefit from your influence, who is harmed and so on. If you are dealing with a loved one, you obviously don't want to do anything that harms them.

We may unintentionally harm love through our decisions, and through experiences and growing in awareness we can evolve into better people that understand better the consequences of our actions.

I can make an example of something that seems totally harmless, but has unforeseen ripple effects. Let's take alcohol again, since later it is my prime example. Alcohol, even one sip, damages you on many levels. Prolonged use and greater quantities have worse effects. Now, people may think it's their choice and it doesn't affect other. But when something impacts you psychologically like this or a poor diet or sleep deprivation and so on, your impaired psychology is going to affect other people because your actions and behaviour become impaired. It affects your relationships, your work performances, your goals... everything in a domino effect.

There is no decision that affects exclusively the individual.

So, one should ask themselves a lot of questions when they want something. Do I really want it? Why do I want? Why is why? etc. After the root cause has been established, one should ask themselves if what they want to do is really the best way to do it or even a good way. Just because you decided on a course of action, it doesn't mean it is the most appropriate for your situation. After you have explored that line of thought, you need to consider how your plan will affect you and it will affect others. Are you really doing something that is beneficial for your loved one? Why is it beneficial? Why is why? etc. Are you harming them? What is happening? Carelessness has a price.

It seems to me that some people here lack basic understanding of psychology and personal responsibility. Not thinking things through. Seems like some people's conception of freedom means doing whatever they want without any responsibility and accountability whatsoever, just because they can. That is called chaos, not freedom.

Just because you have a tool at your disposal, it doesn't mean it is appropriate for all occasions, just like you wouldn't show up in a pyjamas at a black tie party.

Next, then let's make a ritual to dampen someone's sex drive because they cannot stop texting you all the fricking day and you have Venus in Capricorn (hypothetical). Is that okay?

FancyMancy said:
Stormblood said:
If her sex drive is 2/10 and yours is 10/10, you can meet at 6.
Depending on why her (or his) sex drive is 2/10, it may be impossible for them to meet you at 6/10. Probably, the best they could do is 3 or 3.5/10. I am considering those who may have been abused/raped... which makes it extremely difficult to be intimate with anyone. If they haven't been, then would the 10/10 person want the 2/10 person to lay there bored shitless, uncomfortable, concentrating on Coronation Street, while the 10/10 person goes to town on them?

Yeah, that is true. I was using the wrong example. My bad.

Also, you misremembered: I am not heterosexual.
Fuchs said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
I respect your concern, but I don't think you need to worry this much before knowing for sure. From what I understood by reading his OP, it was taking certain passages from different pages and posts to explain the thinking process behind the working, like why each rune was considered for the particular goal. It seemed like quoting the energy ripping passage was the same, just explaining his thought process for the working.

I thought the emoji would convey that I was joking since I don't use emojis that often when I'm being serious. Oh well.

The application of a working like this doesn't seem all that malevolent to me when you take certain situations into consideration. For example, you're with a girl who won't put out as often as you like but you still want to be with her. This could get your sexual needs met so you can continue the relationship. Or you score with a 10/10 who has an incredible sex drive and wants sex all the time, and you want to ensure that she only has sex with you.
Just off the top of my head.
Any newbie reading this is going to understand that he needs to break the other person's aura and direct the energy when they're completely exposed to any and all spiritual and mental hazards.

Did I write with one word kill her aura before doing so? No, I quotet the part because it said female chakras absorb, male chakras direct energy. Why would you want to endanger the person?
Your mistake was quoting the Entire Energy Ripping page instead of just the part you highlighted within it. That could have been taken anyway by a newbie. So I was making sure people got the memo. From next time just quote the portion you want to highlight and leave everything else. But it's probably too late because some sick freak already got the idea that Energy Ripping can be used in that way and even with my warning they'll go ahead and do it.
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Karma is a psycho spiritual imprint that links an action to a user ,creating an Acknowledgement of the event. For example if I punch someone in the face when they didn't do anything to me I feel guilt and those emotions are registered in my karma as "I felt bad because I punched someone in the face with them not deserving it." It could then manifest in any way depending upon how bad you feel or how good you feel about the event. Whatever the unconscious feelings you have ,God or the Brahman responds to instructions similar to how Magick is performed.

For example the instruction could be "I feel pretty guilty about punching that person in the face and now you have to do something to elevate this feeling of pain." That instruction could manifest in Any way in the next life - maybe someone punches you in the face ,maybe you have to save someone whose under the threat of being beaten up. It could be anything. The Planetary placements and the particular place and time of birth is because of the Universe creating the life that you requested not directly but due to your unconscious memories and the resulting karma.

It generally is seen when comparing the North Node and South Node in Astrology. There are sometimes some specific areas that you want to do in life but if you do it ,you won't be able to achieve the goals you have in life.

For example a person gives his entire life to other people and living in relationship and Service to other people. He didn't focus on himself or his own personal development. He feels sad and is constantly bothered by this issue. In the next life that issue could manifest in the universe Making him born poor or placements that favor personal success but at the same time he can't be too invested in other people's lives. So then he has a choice to make if he struggles hard enough Alone he'll be able to complete his life's mission I.e to experience the personal transformation through struggles which he couldn't experience in his past life.

It's basically a situation where you get whatever the Universe decides for you, because you gave up that deciding power unto it during the reincarnation process. It's not an affirmation about a specific thing. It's basically the Universe responding to the sum total Karma of your lifetime and what it entails.

If a person strongly believes that he deserves extreme riches and power the universe could give him an opportunity to get that in the next life.

This is the reason for the cyclical creation of Planetary placements ,which are really restrictions in a Sense. Once a person is beyond karma ,his Planetary placements do not affect him and he's not restricted within that realm. He can then do whatever he wants to do.

The Karma is mostly if not all present in the Chakras and it can be burnt when the Kundalini rises and the transformation of fire occurs. The Kundalini fire burns all the Karmic Bonds in the chakras and frees one from Planetary restrictions. There are other techniques given in Yoga books saying that you have to become selfless and be devoid of an identity so that Karma cannot attach to you but that is practically not possible in real time and is a moot point. In my understanding only the Kundalini Rising can clear out the Karma completely.
Thanks! It seems a bit contradictory. Before in another thread, it seemed more like the momentum one builds-up through a life, and through many lives, pushes that person forward into whichever direction and the momentum doesn't stop, or it stops very slowly; like a freight train keeps going, putting the brakes on does not happen immediately. Here, you said if given oneself entirely to someone else, then next time they may either be poor or successful. It's not really clear-cut. Presumably, the early-bloomer or late-bloomer aspect would come into it, e.g. from rags to riches or from hero to zero.
newbie40 said:

Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch?

Im all ears.

In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time.
Stormblood said:
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
Why? She's not a sex toy. If she doesn't want to have sex as often as you'd like, she shouldn't be forced to. Everyone has different needs in terms of sex. In a relationship, both people compromise to a degree. Otherwise, it's no relationship, it's slavery. Both persons need to understand each other needs and compromise to meet them in the middle.

If her sex drive is 2/10 and yours is 10/10, you can meet at 6. For the rest, just go wank or you'll be damaging her psychologically.

Other examples: if you both like bananas, then obviously you can use bananas. If one of you likes apples and the other is indifferent to apples, then it's a fair compromise to use them in a minor way. If one of you likes artichokes but the other is against artichokes, then no artichokes are going to used, as they would not be pleasurable for the other person.

Always thinking of both in a relationship is key, rather than being selfish. Using this in the way you imagined, is akin to the abrahamic religious value of considering women inferior and your own personal properties/objects without a voice/choice. It's the same as raping them. Thankfully, many countries have upgraded to the fact that it is possible to rape your spouse. Previously, any sex between spouses was considered legitimate, even if one of them was forcing themselves upon the other, which is basically what this application you mentioned is all about.

If your wife doesn't want to have sex in a certain moment or as often as you'd like, that's her business and she's free to say no, as she has her own will and identity that is separate from yours. Same if the situation is reversed and it's the wife who wants it and husband doesn't.

Why are you bringing my wife into this? Mind your own fucking business. This has nothing to do with us, and you don't know a thing about our relationship. You have some nerve.

And again, you're drawing your own moral lines and seeking to impose them on others. Comparing it to rape is childish. If you have sexual needs and you do magick on another person to influence their emotions and get them in the mood more often, and to desire you more often then I don't see it as any different from all the other thousands of things that influence one's emotions every single day. Maybe all the subtle little things in the universe as well as all the events happening in the world all around me every day are raping me to feel a certain way. Grow up or else go be a saint somewhere else. You're just harassing people at this point over your difference of views.

You do know in English "you" as pronoun is used to refer to the general crowd, not just to a specific person? Try to re-read my post keeping that in mind, obviously after you cleaned your aura. You may read it from another perspective. Again, I am not talking about Tabby. I'm speaking in general. Don't worry. Ol Argedco understood it pretty well. Obviously, I am also not saying that he agrees 100% with what I said, as I cannot speak for him.

If after doing that, you still think that raping other people is correct and that you have the right to decide what's best for the other person, then it's beyond me to make you understand how wrong that sounds. There may be astrological reasons why someone has low or high sex drive, and they may not want to change it. Why would you want to force that change upon them? In doing so, you are harming them psychologically, taking the power to make their own decisions away from them, essentially slowly creating a slave to your will. Someone like that is obviously self-centred and cannot see deeper than their own whims.

What someone thinks is best for their loved one, it isn't necessarily best for them. It may be unwanted and their loved one may actually be wiser, know best. Yet, lack the power the back it up, as wisdom and power in most people are misaligned in growth. So you may end up forcing on themselves something that is going to set them back in advanced just because you want to and you think your will is supreme.

Thinking things through is important, and considering other people in your decisions is also important. That is all I am trying to say. You can drag this out longer if you want, but I have said everything I needed.

Don't forget to smile for the camera, Stormblood.

Stormblood said:
Fuchs said:
3. Is there free will? If marriages and other good working love relationships can break, just because a planet does spin the other way (Venus retrograde)? If a planet is allowed to influence people so is every SS.

Stormblood said:
There may be astrological reasons why someone has low or high sex drive, and they may not want to change it. Why would you want to force that change upon them? In doing so, you are harming them psychologically, taking the power to make their own decisions away from them.
Still don´t get why it would harm a person if you boost there sex drive? If the person would be polygamous and you only bind them to have sex with you ok, this might hurt them. All the person will do is out of there "Free Will". If like in a Scenario someone else did mention prior in this topic: Like a person was raped and you do increase there sex drive overruling there problem, so they can have sex again, why is this bad? In this case I would rather use this:
Deletion of unwanted memories.

Also are we allowed to do magic/ love spells etc?
If you do a love spell on a person maybe the person would have otherwise found a better partner. Same goes with empowering our auras to attract a good partner. Maybe the time the person does spend with us, they would have found the person they would have married had kids with? Are we on the level of gods to see the future clearly before our eyes? No, so what ever we do with magic influencing other people can result in harm or a disadvantage for them. As long someone does no unjustice from there fathomabel perspective /seeabel future/etc one is free to do what they want. Even if we do the RTRS, this might hurt some gentile in short terms, if a jewish company goes out of buissness and they loose there job.

Stormblood said:
Next, then let's make a ritual to dampen someone's sex drive because they cannot stop texting you all the fricking day and you have Venus in Capricorn (hypothetical). Is that okay?

I had this problem when I could do nothing about it, she did text me not out of sexual desire, it was because she was borderline and needed me to value herself, no amount of time spend with her was enouth, if I leaved she was sad. So no matter what I did, I did harm her. If I had done back then a working to make her feel loved by her self, I didn´t had to ignore her texts, so I could do my daily tasks and she would had been happy and not sad all the time not getting a reply every hour. Asuming I may have a other one, don´t love her, the list goes on...
Stormblood said:

If after doing that, you still think that raping other people is correct and that you have the right to decide what's best for the other person, then it's beyond me to make you understand how wrong that sounds. ….

Seems you need some reading comprehension skills of your own. Not once has jrvan ever stated or suggested that rape is fucking correct.

If you are not strong enough or have enough power to stop someone from harming you, you will be harmed. There’s no correctness about it. People can and will do whatever they want to you if you can’t fight back or stop them. That’s how life works.

People act all the time as if they know what’s best for others. Sometimes people legitamently do know, and others are just full of themselves. Not everyone can look in the mirror and know what they need. We decide what’s best for our children all the time until they’re old enough to know themselves, and even when they become adults, why do you think people ask for advice and help? You tell them what you believe is the best thing for them to do based on the information you know of them and their situation.
Fuchs said:
newbie40 said:

Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch?

Im all ears.

In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time.

Was not a joke my friend, I am real my gf is ninfo.
Thanks for the info.
FancyMancy said:
I wonder how long it will be before you fools realize how fruitless and pointless it is. Whatever, I'm not needed. Truth speaks for itself.

I've played my role so I'm out of here.
OK... and the point of this was...? This is a forum. You just said about those who don't know their own religion and tenets... and then you leave, while either ignoring or forgetting Hitler's statement - the eternal struggle. Whoops. Laterino!

This discussions are not pointless, however. People need to go through discussions, thought, etc., so as to maybe check themselves, etc. It is important for some people to go through different topics, maybe multiple times - and with billions of people potentially knowing about and joining the JoS, (say) each and every single one of them would need to go through these things 5, 10, 100 times each - hence a forum, where they can post, etc. It's not really pointless, but it might get over-repetitive and mundane, though, but it is necessary to help others' thought processes, Soul-searching, etc.

Yeah and they can go listen to self-described mister perfect over there if they want moral advice. Peace out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HTsGBChFEs
Fuchs said:
newbie40 said:

Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch?

Im all ears.

In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time.

Didn't find the `multiorgasmic men' by Mantak Chia. Do u have it?
newbie40 said:
Fuchs said:
newbie40 said:

Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch?

Im all ears.

In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time.

Didn't find the `multiorgasmic men' by Mantak Chia. Do u have it?

No, not digital, but you can order it online for around 15 USD.
newbie40 said:
Fuchs said:
newbie40 said:

Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch?

Im all ears.

In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time.

Didn't find the `multiorgasmic men' by Mantak Chia. Do u have it?

jrvan said:
FancyMancy said:
I wonder how long it will be before you fools realize how fruitless and pointless it is. Whatever, I'm not needed. Truth speaks for itself.

I've played my role so I'm out of here.
OK... and the point of this was...? This is a forum. You just said about those who don't know their own religion and tenets... and then you leave, while either ignoring or forgetting Hitler's statement - the eternal struggle. Whoops. Laterino!

This discussions are not pointless, however. People need to go through discussions, thought, etc., so as to maybe check themselves, etc. It is important for some people to go through different topics, maybe multiple times - and with billions of people potentially knowing about and joining the JoS, (say) each and every single one of them would need to go through these things 5, 10, 100 times each - hence a forum, where they can post, etc. It's not really pointless, but it might get over-repetitive and mundane, though, but it is necessary to help others' thought processes, Soul-searching, etc.

Yeah and they can go listen to self-described mister perfect over there if they want moral advice. Peace out.
I must have missed it because I don't know who has described himself or herself as Mr Perfect. You must be on about yourself, because someone didn't mention your own partner and you continue to behave immaturely as if they did.

Lol. Drama queen.
Fuchs said:
Still don´t get why it would harm a person if you boost there sex drive? If the person would be polygamous and you only bind them to have sex with you ok, this might hurt them. All the person will do is out of there "Free Will". If like in a Scenario someone else did mention prior in this topic: Like a person was raped and you do increase there sex drive overruling there problem, so they can have sex again, why is this bad? In this case I would rather use this:
Deletion of unwanted memories.

Can you explain your thought process? Why do you think increasing some's sex drive is going to overrule their psychological issues derived from rape?

tabby said:
If you are not strong enough or have enough power to stop someone from harming you, you will be harmed. There’s no correctness about it. People can and will do whatever they want to you if you can’t fight back or stop them. That’s how life works.

People act all the time as if they know what’s best for others. Sometimes people legitamently do know, and others are just full of themselves. Not everyone can look in the mirror and know what they need. We decide what’s best for our children all the time until they’re old enough to know themselves, and even when they become adults, why do you think people ask for advice and help? You tell them what you believe is the best thing for them to do based on the information you know of them and their situation.

Advices, tips, suggestions... those do not force anything on to anyone, unlike things like this working. Children are also unrelated, as they usually don't have enough maturity to make healthy decisions on their own.

As for the question of strength, if something works like that, it doesn't mean it's right. The Gods gave us a civilisations, laws, wisdom, awareness and knowledge. None of them would apply, if it was supposed to leave everything as is.

It's also in the spirit of meditation which is spiritual alchemy. Advancement is refining what helps you grow. Refinement leaves a by-product, otherwise known as dross. Dross is what you don't need and what has been discarded: the chaotic/titanic elements, the lower expressions of one's being. You always leave something behind. Should you remain always the same person because "that's how it works"? If that was the case, advancement and progress wouldn't exist and the universe would a wasteland where the Reptilians reign supreme and everyone of high rank is affiliated to them.

FancyMancy said:
I must have missed it because I don't know who has described himself or herself as Mr Perfect. You must be on about yourself, because someone didn't mention your own partner and you continue to behave immaturely as if they did.

Yet, she came anyway. He passed baton.
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
I must have missed it because I don't know who has described himself or herself as Mr Perfect. You must be on about yourself, because someone didn't mention your own partner and you continue to behave immaturely as if they did.

Yet, she came anyway. He passed baton.
"She"? Mr Perfect? I am going to go away now, because I am lost.
FancyMancy said:
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
I must have missed it because I don't know who has described himself or herself as Mr Perfect. You must be on about yourself, because someone didn't mention your own partner and you continue to behave immaturely as if they did.

Yet, she came anyway. He passed the baton.
"She"? Mr Perfect? I am going to go away now, because I am lost.
The partner lol Let's leave together.
Stormblood said:
tabby said:
If you are not strong enough or have enough power to stop someone from harming you, you will be harmed. There’s no correctness about it. People can and will do whatever they want to you if you can’t fight back or stop them. That’s how life works.

People act all the time as if they know what’s best for others. Sometimes people legitamently do know, and others are just full of themselves. Not everyone can look in the mirror and know what they need. We decide what’s best for our children all the time until they’re old enough to know themselves, and even when they become adults, why do you think people ask for advice and help? You tell them what you believe is the best thing for them to do based on the information you know of them and their situation.

Advices, tips, suggestions... those do not force anything on to anyone, unlike things like this working. Children are also unrelated, as they usually don't have enough maturity to make healthy decisions on their own.

As for the question of strength, if something works like that, it doesn't mean it's right. The Gods gave us a civilisations, laws, wisdom, awareness and knowledge. None of them would apply, if it was supposed to leave everything as is.

It's also in the spirit of meditation which is spiritual alchemy. Advancement is refining what helps you grow. Refinement leaves a by-product, otherwise known as dross. Dross is what you don't need and what has been discarded: the chaotic/titanic elements, the lower expressions of one's being. You always leave something behind. Should you remain always the same person because "that's how it works"? If that was the case, advancement and progress wouldn't exist and the universe would a wasteland where the Reptilians reign supreme and everyone of high rank is affiliated to them.

FancyMancy said:
I must have missed it because I don't know who has described himself or herself as Mr Perfect. You must be on about yourself, because someone didn't mention your own partner and you continue to behave immaturely as if they did.

Yet, she came anyway. He passed baton.

You whined a while back at me for being "beyond good and evil" and you called me a "moral relativist." Well our founder, Maxine, also preached moral relativism and stated many times that Father Satan is beyond good and evil. Read it and weep:
There are people who talk the talk and want to play at being "bad" and "evil." These people are intent on going on about how "evil" Satan is, yet they don't know him, nor do they have any idea of what real Satanism is. Their ideas of so-called evil are nothing more than cultural concepts. Few have understanding of the meaning of the word “evil” and are simplistic in their thinking. Satan transcends "good" and "evil." What is perceived as “evil” in one culture may be considered favorable in another.

These individuals firmly adhere to the Christian teachings concerning Satan. Deep down, they are really Christians, not Satanists, as they follow the teachings of Christianity. They rigidly live their lives according to their own specific cultural taboos. True Satanism is freedom, Satanism is not living according to the restrictions of the Christian teachings of what is *supposed* to be evil. People who are deceived into believing Satan is evil lack perspective and understanding.

Satanism is deep, transforming spirituality that transcends the human concepts of good and evil. People who are hung up on Halloween, the boogey man, spooks, corpses and monsters have no understanding of Satan or true Satanism.

In order to be free, one must deprogram one’s mind. Only when one is able to see life through one’s own eyes, can one ascend to a higher level of understanding. Too many people are still carrying around the values society has programmed into them rather than seeing things through their own eyes and being their own person.

When we give our souls to Satan [for those of us who choose to do this], a door is opened. This is a major step beyond the conformity that has been heaped upon us by society. This is where we transcend the black and white simplistic thinking and begin to see things through our own eyes.

And from wikipedia:
Moral relativism or ethical relativism is a term used to describe several philosophical positions concerned with the differences in moral judgments across different peoples and their own particular cultures.

We didn't say anything about rightness or wrongness of actions. You're the only one who is obsessed with the rightness of actions as if it's all-important and nothing else matters (when actually you're just afraid of the mere thought of any mage ever doing these things to you, such as even a simple love spell written and shared by Maxine herself). Here's some easy philosophy for you since you enjoy philosophy so much...

All moral absolutists are retards. Therefore, Stormblood is a retard.

See? I can frame things in a convenient way too. Get fucked you politician. You're the kind of person who holds back advancement, not me. You aren't committed to Truth at all. You're only committed to your own stupid ideas for your worthless vanity! You're a sneaky, cunning coward and you disgust me. Your insidious influence is a toxin that threatens to erode the spirit of these forums. I'm committed to the truth no matter what it is even if it's uncomfortable and conflicts with personal values.

If my last act is shattering and exposing that influence of yours for what it really is so others can see through it then I'll be proud. You're despicable.

How could I possibly leave without telling you how I really feel?
Stormblood said:
Fuchs said:
Still don´t get why it would harm a person if you boost there sex drive? If the person would be polygamous and you only bind them to have sex with you ok, this might hurt them. All the person will do is out of there "Free Will". If like in a Scenario someone else did mention prior in this topic: Like a person was raped and you do increase there sex drive overruling there problem, so they can have sex again, why is this bad? In this case I would rather use this:
Deletion of unwanted memories.

Can you explain your thought process? Why do you think increasing some's sex drive is going to overrule their psychological issues derived from rape?

If someone was raped, they see sex as something bad, it creates a obstacle/resistance in them against sex, getting touched. But this does not mean they don´t want to have sex/ be touched /have a love relationship. They need something to overcome this obstacle/resistance.

If the sex drive is increased /fire element. Chances are they use this energy to overcome this obstacle for the right caring/loving partner. Same applys for a love spell or cleaning workings, what ever does either clear or overrule the resistance.

Now answer my Question:

Are we allowed to do magic/ love spells etc?

If you do a love spell on a person maybe the person would have otherwise found a better partner. Same goes with empowering our auras to attract a good partner. Maybe the time the person does spend with us, they would have found the person they would have married had kids with? Are we on the level of gods to see the future clearly before our eyes? No, so what ever we do with magic influencing other people can result in harm or a disadvantage for them. As long someone does no unjustice from there fathomabel perspective /seeabel future/etc one is free to do what they want. Even if we do the RTRS, this might hurt some gentile in short terms, if a jewish company goes out of buissness and they loose there job.
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
Stormblood said:
Yet, she came anyway. He passed the baton.
"She"? Mr Perfect? I am going to go away now, because I am lost.
The partner lol Let's leave together.
holds Stormblood's hand, swinging arms, skipping into the sunset
Fuchs said:
newbie40 said:

Hey, I got a ninfo. gf... so she wants to fk a lot so I was wondering is there a spelling or working for me to get a long hard lasting erection and fk hard mi btch?

Im all ears.

In case this was no joke, look up "Multiorgasmic Men" by Mantak Chia just do the excercises, don´t follow the mindset. Like not ejaculate over a longer time.

Are you talking about Kegel exercises ?
Fuchs said:

Now answer my Question:

Are we allowed to do magic/ love spells etc?

If you do a love spell on a person maybe the person would have otherwise found a better partner. Same goes with empowering our auras to attract a good partner. Maybe the time the person does spend with us, they would have found the person they would have married had kids with? Are we on the level of gods to see the future clearly before our eyes? No, so what ever we do with magic influencing other people can result in harm or a disadvantage for them. As long someone does no unjustice from there fathomabel perspective /seeabel future/etc one is free to do what they want. Even if we do the RTRS, this might hurt some gentile in short terms, if a jewish company goes out of buissness and they loose there job.

Theres a few things wrong with this question.

1. This isnt a love spell. Its essentially a binding to make someone only want you for sex forever. I dont know if you think love and sex are the same but theyre not

2. Programming your aura is different. You dont select a specific person to attract as in this case. You program your aura to attract a perfect partner. It goes both ways, youre perfect for them and them for you.

Therefore this would not cause any problems and there is no way they "could have found someone better" as you programmed the energy to find someone compatible with you in every way possible.

We are of course free to do magic and love spells, but theres a way to do them safely and theres spells like this with no thought about anyone involved except for ones self.

Your heart may be in the right place but your head isnt.

Just like your spell to "delete memories." I can't emphasize enough how harmful that will be. Youre supposed to face trauma head on so you can heal and advance, not run away and "delete" them. This wouldnt solve anything and one would have to do regression to remember the issue and then face it anyway.

I'd take a step back from creating all of these workings for others and do one to increase your own wisdom and then come back and understand why people are saying the things theyre saying so you can create better ones in the future that actually help rather than harm
jrvan said:
Stormblood said:
tabby said:
If you are not strong enough or have enough power to stop someone from harming you, you will be harmed. There’s no correctness about it. People can and will do whatever they want to you if you can’t fight back or stop them. That’s how life works.

People act all the time as if they know what’s best for others. Sometimes people legitamently do know, and others are just full of themselves. Not everyone can look in the mirror and know what they need. We decide what’s best for our children all the time until they’re old enough to know themselves, and even when they become adults, why do you think people ask for advice and help? You tell them what you believe is the best thing for them to do based on the information you know of them and their situation.

Advices, tips, suggestions... those do not force anything on to anyone, unlike things like this working. Children are also unrelated, as they usually don't have enough maturity to make healthy decisions on their own.

As for the question of strength, if something works like that, it doesn't mean it's right. The Gods gave us a civilisations, laws, wisdom, awareness and knowledge. None of them would apply, if it was supposed to leave everything as is.

It's also in the spirit of meditation which is spiritual alchemy. Advancement is refining what helps you grow. Refinement leaves a by-product, otherwise known as dross. Dross is what you don't need and what has been discarded: the chaotic/titanic elements, the lower expressions of one's being. You always leave something behind. Should you remain always the same person because "that's how it works"? If that was the case, advancement and progress wouldn't exist and the universe would a wasteland where the Reptilians reign supreme and everyone of high rank is affiliated to them.

FancyMancy said:
I must have missed it because I don't know who has described himself or herself as Mr Perfect. You must be on about yourself, because someone didn't mention your own partner and you continue to behave immaturely as if they did.

Yet, she came anyway. He passed baton.

You whined a while back at me for being "beyond good and evil" and you called me a "moral relativist." Well our founder, Maxine, also preached moral relativism and stated many times that Father Satan is beyond good and evil. Read it and weep:
There are people who talk the talk and want to play at being "bad" and "evil." These people are intent on going on about how "evil" Satan is, yet they don't know him, nor do they have any idea of what real Satanism is. Their ideas of so-called evil are nothing more than cultural concepts. Few have understanding of the meaning of the word “evil” and are simplistic in their thinking. Satan transcends "good" and "evil." What is perceived as “evil” in one culture may be considered favorable in another.

These individuals firmly adhere to the Christian teachings concerning Satan. Deep down, they are really Christians, not Satanists, as they follow the teachings of Christianity. They rigidly live their lives according to their own specific cultural taboos. True Satanism is freedom, Satanism is not living according to the restrictions of the Christian teachings of what is *supposed* to be evil. People who are deceived into believing Satan is evil lack perspective and understanding.

Satanism is deep, transforming spirituality that transcends the human concepts of good and evil. People who are hung up on Halloween, the boogey man, spooks, corpses and monsters have no understanding of Satan or true Satanism.

In order to be free, one must deprogram one’s mind. Only when one is able to see life through one’s own eyes, can one ascend to a higher level of understanding. Too many people are still carrying around the values society has programmed into them rather than seeing things through their own eyes and being their own person.

When we give our souls to Satan [for those of us who choose to do this], a door is opened. This is a major step beyond the conformity that has been heaped upon us by society. This is where we transcend the black and white simplistic thinking and begin to see things through our own eyes.

And from wikipedia:
Moral relativism or ethical relativism is a term used to describe several philosophical positions concerned with the differences in moral judgments across different peoples and their own particular cultures.

We didn't say anything about rightness or wrongness of actions. You're the only one who is obsessed with the rightness of actions as if it's all-important and nothing else matters (when actually you're just afraid of the mere thought of any mage ever doing these things to you, such as even a simple love spell written and shared by Maxine herself). Here's some easy philosophy for you since you enjoy philosophy so much...

All moral absolutists are retards. Therefore, Stormblood is a retard.

See? I can frame things in a convenient way too. Get fucked you politician. You're the kind of person who holds back advancement, not me. You aren't committed to Truth at all. You're only committed to your own stupid ideas for your worthless vanity! You're a sneaky, cunning coward and you disgust me. Your insidious influence is a toxin that threatens to erode the spirit of these forums. I'm committed to the truth no matter what it is even if it's uncomfortable and conflicts with personal values.

If my last act is shattering and exposing that influence of yours for what it really is so others can see through it then I'll be proud. You're despicable.

How could I possibly leave without telling you how I really feel?
That sermon was written around 2003 or something. That was just the beginning stages of the movement and a large portion of the philosophy were taken from anti Christian Anton Lavey type Satanism. The movement has since evolved a lot with the discovery of Tantric Texts from where the Sanskrit Mantras come from.

HPMaxine is not talking about a specific action and then saying Satan is Beyond Good and Bad. She is talking about cultural differences between American Christians and the Pagans around the world. This has nothing to do with Moral Relativism. Satan which can be abbreviated as Satanama which is a concept of Cyclical reincarnation and the Superconciousness of the Brahman is beyond Good and Evil as known by Humans because it is beyond Duality and separation of Energy and Consciousness. That is not to say that Satan himself is beyond good and evil. Ofcourse he is good in a universal way. She is saying that the Aryan God has been inverted as Evil in the Christian religion.

If there was no Good and Evil then the concept of Arya would not make sense which translates to someone of high moral character. If morality doesn't exist then there would be no Arya and no civilization whatsoever.

You need to get over this childish phase which everyone goes through in their lives which says anything can be beyond Good and Evil. Ofcourse this isn't true. And I'm not talking about Human Interpretations of these things. There is Universal rules which you are not supposed to cross. Moral Relativism is a particularly Jewish idea which is transmitted in Academic circles to justify Mass Genocide through Malthusian Depopulation ,Child trannies ,Pedophilia and taking away the rights of everyone.

Taking someone else's will away forcefully is one of those things that are bad. Which is the reason the jews use bloodmagick to remove the negative karma away from them. If there was no Good and Bad the jews wouldn't need that ritual. The entire conversation is based around the portion of Energy Ripping that was pasted into the working not anything else. That confusion has been cleared out.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
That sermon was written around 2003 or something. That was just the beginning stages of the movement and a large portion of the philosophy were taken from anti Christian Anton Lavey type Satanism. The movement has since evolved a lot with the discovery of Tantric Texts from where the Sanskrit Mantras come from.

HPMaxine is not talking about a specific action and then saying Satan is Beyond Good and Bad. She is talking about cultural differences between American Christians and the Pagans around the world. This has nothing to do with Moral Relativism. Satan which can be abbreviated as Satanama which is a concept of Cyclical reincarnation and the Superconciousness of the Brahman is beyond Good and Evil as known by Humans because it is beyond Duality and separation of Energy and Consciousness. That is not to say that Satan himself is beyond good and evil. Ofcourse he is good in a universal way. She is saying that the Aryan God has been inverted as Evil in the Christian religion.

If there was no Good and Evil then the concept of Arya would not make sense which translates to someone of high moral character. If morality doesn't exist then there would be no Arya and no civilization whatsoever.

You need to get over this childish phase which everyone goes through in their lives which says anything can be beyond Good and Evil. Ofcourse this isn't true. And I'm not talking about Human Interpretations of these things. There is Universal rules which you are not supposed to cross. Moral Relativism is a particularly Jewish idea which is transmitted in Academic circles to justify Mass Genocide through Malthusian Depopulation ,Child trannies ,Pedophilia and taking away the rights of everyone.

Taking someone else's will away forcefully is one of those things that are bad. Which is the reason the jews use bloodmagick to remove the negative karma away from them. If there was no Good and Bad the jews wouldn't need that ritual. The entire conversation is based around the portion of Energy Ripping that was pasted into the working not anything else. That confusion has been cleared out.

*Oh I don’t need to stop you from hurting me because later you’re just going to get struck by lightning!*

"Evil" or "bad" people don't get punished unless someone has the power to do so. Why do you think we do RTR's?

This is the second time someone has pulled the "HPS Maxine's writing is outdated" card in a controversial argument lately. How convenient.
Fuchs said:

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

jrvan said:
The application of a working like this doesn't seem all that malevolent to me when you take certain situations into consideration. For example, you're with a girl who won't put out as often as you like but you still want to be with her. This could get your sexual needs met so you can continue the relationship. Or you score with a 10/10 who has an incredible sex drive and wants sex all the time, and you want to ensure that she only has sex with you.
Just off the top of my head.

What you describe can be done in a healthy way, and relatively easily. What this working does is create an unhealthy obsession.

This is much different than simply stimulating a nearby person for sex, which can be done in a manner that is healthy and harmonious for everyone. In regards to making someone attached to you, again this can be done in an actually healthy manner.

Pluto aspecting venus can create a beautiful relationship, but a hard aspect will create tension and stalking. The Ehwaz rune can also create a great friendship or companionship as well, but it can also enslave someone.

For anyone with even basic skills, doing this in a way that doesn't violate another person is easy. In fact, I would argue that using this energy to attract a perfect person may be even easier than trying to brute force some unwilling target.

For all these reasons, there is just no reason to do this working.


In regards to morality and so forth, simply ask yourself if you want someone doing this to you or your own loved ones. I know we all care for people who are not SS, so are they simply a fair game for another mage to play with? If you felt emotional about this, then you can see why society builds laws to prevent this from happening.

Currently, the spiritual realm may seem like the wild west, but this is not to be forever. Eventually, people will be able to see what is occurring, and they will want justice for any crimes. Let us not forget that the Gods do watch what we do, and may become apprehensive to help if you use your power irresponsibly.

I read what you describe on other threads, and what Tabby has described on this thread as well. Yes, we do live in a realm that is chaotic, but that does not mean you have to inflict more chaos on others. If we are to consider ourselves just, then we need to be fair, which does not always come with revenge.

There is a reason that justice is traditionally handed out by a third-party, such as a Judge or Jury. It is not always easy to seek fairness when emotions are involved.


You seem like someone who has a desire for personal freedom and so forth, but none of that is incompatible with moral structures. Civilization is meant as a tool to facilitate advancement that cannot be possible through just one person alone. Like everything else, the enemy has made us wary of power and structure, but these are not inherently bad or limiting.

People like Stormblood seek to create the beautiful world of the future. Although a discernment for beautiful things may come with vanity, this does not have to be the case. Just like all of us, he will continue to advance, eventually incorporating the concepts that you seek to have him understand.

We are all born with different configurations and so we understand or operate more naturally through certain signs or planets. However, as SS we have a duty to expand and balances ourselves with all energies, not just what we started with. Until that point though, you may clash with others unlike you. That is how I view your conflict with Stormblood.
tabby said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
That sermon was written around 2003 or something. That was just the beginning stages of the movement and a large portion of the philosophy were taken from anti Christian Anton Lavey type Satanism. The movement has since evolved a lot with the discovery of Tantric Texts from where the Sanskrit Mantras come from.

HPMaxine is not talking about a specific action and then saying Satan is Beyond Good and Bad. She is talking about cultural differences between American Christians and the Pagans around the world. This has nothing to do with Moral Relativism. Satan which can be abbreviated as Satanama which is a concept of Cyclical reincarnation and the Superconciousness of the Brahman is beyond Good and Evil as known by Humans because it is beyond Duality and separation of Energy and Consciousness. That is not to say that Satan himself is beyond good and evil. Ofcourse he is good in a universal way. She is saying that the Aryan God has been inverted as Evil in the Christian religion.

If there was no Good and Evil then the concept of Arya would not make sense which translates to someone of high moral character. If morality doesn't exist then there would be no Arya and no civilization whatsoever.

You need to get over this childish phase which everyone goes through in their lives which says anything can be beyond Good and Evil. Ofcourse this isn't true. And I'm not talking about Human Interpretations of these things. There is Universal rules which you are not supposed to cross. Moral Relativism is a particularly Jewish idea which is transmitted in Academic circles to justify Mass Genocide through Malthusian Depopulation ,Child trannies ,Pedophilia and taking away the rights of everyone.

Taking someone else's will away forcefully is one of those things that are bad. Which is the reason the jews use bloodmagick to remove the negative karma away from them. If there was no Good and Bad the jews wouldn't need that ritual. The entire conversation is based around the portion of Energy Ripping that was pasted into the working not anything else. That confusion has been cleared out.

*Oh I don’t need to stop you from hurting me because later you’re just going to get struck by lightning!*

"Evil" or "bad" people don't get punished unless someone has the power to do so. Why do you think we do RTR's?

This is the second time someone has pulled the "HPS Maxine's writing is outdated" card in a controversial argument lately. How convenient.
"Evil" or "bad" people do get punished ,most brutally in this life or the next. They live horrible destitute lives. The only way they don't is when they can use blood magick to transfer the karma, which is a particularly Jewish ability that is somewhat applicable to certain African voodoo cultures too.

The purpose of the RTRs is to remove the spiritual protections so that the negative karma can actually manifest against the jews. If there was no Good or bad there would be no positive or negative karma. HPMaxine has herself written how the RTRs are removing the spiritual protection and that she has seen how negative karma of the jews is on the astral level.
Fuchs said:
If someone was raped, they see sex as something bad, it creates a obstacle/resistance in them against sex, getting touched. But this does not mean they don´t want to have sex/ be touched /have a love relationship. They need something to overcome this obstacle/resistance.

If the sex drive is increased /fire element. Chances are they use this energy to overcome this obstacle for the right caring/loving partner. Same applys for a love spell or cleaning workings, what ever does either clear or overrule the resistance.

Now answer my Question:

Are we allowed to do magic/ love spells etc?

If you do a love spell on a person maybe the person would have otherwise found a better partner. Same goes with empowering our auras to attract a good partner. Maybe the time the person does spend with us, they would have found the person they would have married had kids with? Are we on the level of gods to see the future clearly before our eyes? No, so what ever we do with magic influencing other people can result in harm or a disadvantage for them. As long someone does no unjustice from there fathomabel perspective /seeabel future/etc one is free to do what they want. Even if we do the RTRS, this might hurt some gentile in short terms, if a jewish company goes out of buissness and they loose there job.

Seems like your question has been answered by someone and I don't have anything to add or change.

As for the psychological base of someone who has been raped in the past, it is not that simple. People with a damaged psychology often tend to develop a mental illness of some kind, as their energy structures in a certain pattern that is not comparable to someone who is 'normal' or healthy. For example, we know enemy priests repress their sexuality (especially in catholicism) and end up becoming paedophiles and also raping nuns.

People from a repressive background in sexuality generally develop one or more sets of fetish from the unhealthy type; while people from a chaotic background (new generation GLBTs for example and people who watch a lot of porn) develop comparable mechanisms.

You are not programming your energy in the same pattern of a freeing the soul meditation and neither a healing meditation. You are simply increasing their sex drive. This does not force open anything because the energy goes through the path of least resistance unlike warriors. Since their mind has not healed from the previous experience and still dwells it, it may be amplified and create a giant obsession. Dwelling on that with increased sexual energies which are the most powerful energies, may cause the traumatic situation to keep repeating itself over and over.

This working done this way is akin to Pluto aspecting Venus in synastry, like Blitkreig mentioned. Only, the way it is set up it generates a very hard aspect. The domineering/overbearing, obsessive-compulsive one.

His post has explained things quite well.
Jihiji12 said:
Fuchs said:

Now answer my Question:

Are we allowed to do magic/ love spells etc?

If you do a love spell on a person maybe the person would have otherwise found a better partner. Same goes with empowering our auras to attract a good partner. Maybe the time the person does spend with us, they would have found the person they would have married had kids with? Are we on the level of gods to see the future clearly before our eyes? No, so what ever we do with magic influencing other people can result in harm or a disadvantage for them. As long someone does no unjustice from there fathomabel perspective /seeabel future/etc one is free to do what they want. Even if we do the RTRS, this might hurt some gentile in short terms, if a jewish company goes out of buissness and they loose there job.

Theres a few things wrong with this question.

1. This isnt a love spell. Its essentially a binding to make someone only want you for sex forever. I dont know if you think love and sex are the same but theyre not

2. Programming your aura is different. You dont select a specific person to attract as in this case. You program your aura to attract a perfect partner. It goes both ways, youre perfect for them and them for you.

Therefore this would not cause any problems and there is no way they "could have found someone better" as you programmed the energy to find someone compatible with you in every way possible.

We are of course free to do magic and love spells, but theres a way to do them safely and theres spells like this with no thought about anyone involved except for ones self.

3.Your heart may be in the right place but your head isnt.

4.Just like your spell to "delete memories." I can't emphasize enough how harmful that will be. Youre supposed to face trauma head on so you can heal and advance, not run away and "delete" them. This wouldnt solve anything and one would have to do regression to remember the issue and then face it anyway.

5.I'd take a step back from creating all of these workings for others and do one to increase your own wisdom and then come back and understand why people are saying the things theyre saying so you can create better ones in the future that actually help rather than harm

1. As I already did state, if venus is retrogade you do not do a love spell.

2. I did something similar because of a fix star, relationship did crash regardless. The relationship was overal a good experience. But I´m sure she, may had found a partner she may could have had a child with, instead we had very good and bad times.

3. I´m surely not disturbed, I will write the full story replying to Blitzkreig I do not like to go puplic with my problems, but I also don´t like assumptions on my person that are wrong.

4. If you delete it from your memory and subconcious memory, maybe also remove the energy ties to it. As far as I think this should reverse the problem. I see it similar to ignoring negative thoughts/entitys if you do they loose power.

5. It´s easy to criticise other peoples idears, if you haven´t had any on your own. Alone this Idear brought new wisdom from replys from people on various subjects, the idear can be transformed, so other problems can be solved. As you did state always talk to Satan, the same applys to charing idears.

Just for the record, I do this working for more knowledge memory a idear from me since 2020.09.01 every day:

2. Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow)

MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps

"My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuosly and forever." x 18 reps
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Here is the story:

After I had to move lost 95% of my social contacts, including cutting ties to family by 90%, lived in isolation over many months du to lockdown, I used the time to finish most of the JOS German. After long lonley months, I found the girl, with which I want to spend the rest of my live with, this was also predicted from a solar return by Lydia, as a significant love interest. Everything was fine, she didn´t want to have a relationship first, but after some time she did agree to it. I have a fix star which does lead to relationships end always bad for me, Lydia did suggest to do a venus square, but I kind off did forget about it. I thought this time everything goes well, I helped her with her problems, she did help me with my problems, we did complement each other. We didn´t had one fight. At some point we spend a longer time together, du to this her friendships did suffer which she didn´t liked. I told her that´s no problem for me, we can spend less time together. At the same time her work load did increase like 400%, so I did leave her alone so she could fokus on work and meet her friends. After 2 weeks I did got a message from her that she want´s to break up with me, because she said we do not fit together in the long run. I totaly was crashed and didn´t understand the world anymore. The next day I did visit without telling her before at home, wanted to talk to her, she was mad at me because she did work 12h and now has to talk with me. I did had to take all my stuff from her place and go home. Just before venus did go retrograde I started a love working not the best date, moon in gemini. Prior to this I started the Zasitr working either moon in taurus or gemini. At home desperately, I got a call in the middle of the night supprisingly of someone, which did lead me contacting someone else this person did help me analyse the problem, that she is afraid of to close ties, got the idear to write her a letter. Did write 4 pages explaining why whe are a good couple etc. Because of this she did agree to see me again and did invite me to a party with her friends for new jear. The party was fun, but at some point her best girlfiend did talk to me, how I feel etc, I said I´m here I´m fine. After talking I walked away and suddenly did have this giant feeling of sorrow on me. I´m usually not an empathic person, but this feelings were not from me. My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad, but thought don´t make a cene (she was drunk and the party people overal were rather open people). After the party I drove her back at her place and said to her she is a good girlfriend and there is no reason why I should think otherwise, she kind of did deny this, but didn´t want to talk why she thinks she is not a good girlfriend. I stayed another day at her place. Originaly we sayed I should go home in two days. We live long away from each other. Suddenly the thought in my mind poped up, if I go, I will never see her again, my Body did start shaking, all the negative emotions thoughts did increase after 3 mins, I thought just ask her, if you can stay longer so I asked her, if it is ok if I go in 4 days. She got mad and yelled at me I can go now, because I disturb her from doing things. From feeling sorrow my mood changed to rage: I yelled at her why do you treat me like this? What have I done to you? She was a little scared of me, because she thought, I would hurt her, which I never would. After she did realise I won´t hurt her, she did grab all my stuff and I again did have to go. She did ask me to write a message when I´m home. At the moment we are in contact, she did say we can see each other, but not more. Didn´t see her since then, she was on a longer vaccation.

I can´t afford for my mental wellbeing to lose her, also I don´t want to meet a other girl from which I don´t know what the next big problem will be, that crushes the relationship (have to do that venus square)/also don´t want any other. I don´t like it, if she does racemixing, or sleep with other guys (I don´t know for sure).

Also asked my GD for guidance, how I can make her happy and get her back, my black candle flame did increase and the candle did melt rather quick, within 15 minutes the wax formed a penis like structure.

What would be your solution?
Fuchs said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Here is the story:

After I had to move lost 95% of my social contacts, including cutting ties to family by 90%, lived in isolation over many months du to lockdown, I used the time to finish most of the JOS German. After long lonley months, I found the girl, with which I want to spend the rest of my live with, this was also predicted from a solar return by Lydia, as a significant love interest. Everything was fine, she didn´t want to have a relationship first, but after some time she did agree to it. I have a fix star which does lead to relationships end always bad for me, Lydia did suggest to do a venus square, but I kind off did forget about it. I thought this time everything goes well, I helped her with her problems, she did help me with my problems, we did complement each other. We didn´t had one fight. At some point we spend a longer time together, du to this her friendships did suffer which she didn´t liked. I told her that´s no problem for me, we can spend less time together. At the same time her work load did increase like 400%, so I did leave her alone so she could fokus on work and meet her friends. After 2 weeks I did got a message from her that she want´s to break up with me, because she said we do not fit together in the long run. I totaly was crashed and didn´t understand the world anymore. The next day I did visit without telling her before at home, wanted to talk to her, she was mad at me because she did work 12h and now has to talk with me. I did had to take all my stuff from her place and go home. Just before venus did go retrograde I started a love working not the best date, moon in gemini. Prior to this I started the Zasitr working either moon in taurus or gemini. At home desperately, I got a call in the middle of the night supprisingly of someone, which did lead me contacting someone else this person did help me analyse the problem, that she is afraid of to close ties, got the idear to write her a letter. Did write 4 pages explaining why whe are a good couple etc. Because of this she did agree to see me again and did invite me to a party with her friends for new jear. The party was fun, but at some point her best girlfiend did talk to me, how I feel etc, I said I´m here I´m fine. After talking I walked away and suddenly did have this giant feeling of sorrow on me. I´m usually not an empathic person, but this feelings were not from me. My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad, but thought don´t make a cene (she was drunk and the party people overal were rather open people). After the party I drove her back at her place and said to her she is a good girlfriend and there is no reason why I should think otherwise, she kind of did deny this, but didn´t want to talk why she thinks she is not a good girlfriend. I stayed another day at her place. Originaly we sayed I should go home in two days. We live long away from each other. Suddenly the thought in my mind poped up, if I go, I will never see her again, my Body did start shaking, all the negative emotions thoughts did increase after 3 mins, I thought just ask her, if you can stay longer so I asked her, if it is ok if I go in 4 days. She got mad and yelled at me I can go now, because I disturb her from doing things. From feeling sorrow my mood changed to rage: I yelled at her why do you treat me like this? What have I done to you? She was a little scared of me, because she thought, I would hurt her, which I never would. After she did realise I won´t hurt her, she did grab all my stuff and I again did have to go. She did ask me to write a message when I´m home. At the moment we are in contact, she did say we can see each other, but not more. Didn´t see her since then, she was on a longer vaccation.

I can´t afford for my mental wellbeing to lose her, also I don´t want to meet a other girl from which I don´t know what the next big problem will be, that crushes the relationship (have to do that venus square)/also don´t want any other. I don´t like it, if she does racemixing, or sleep with other guys (I don´t know for sure).

Also asked my GD for guidance, how I can make her happy and get her back, my black candle flame did increase and the candle did melt rather quick, within 15 minutes the wax formed a penis like structure.

What would be your solution?
She literally kissed a black guy when you two were dating?
That would be enough to block her on any social media and never see her again.
You see, here's your problem, you have let this feeling of infatuation cloud your mind COMPLETELY, this you should not have let it happened.
Now that you post this story it's evident that you are obsessed with this girl, you want to bind her to you against her will, this is madness on your part, the feeling of infatuation has clouded any kind of logical judgement. Do you have any kind of self respect for yourself? She kissed a black guy in front of you., Do you realize that this is extremely fucked up?
You need to move on.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]…

If I may, Blitzkreig. Jrvan and I may appear to some as if we’re suggesting we all turn rogue just because we can, but that’s not the case. There’s a reason he presents this in a harsh and chaotic way, and it’s so that people don’t continue to be ignorant of the side of reality that most get sheltered from or refuse to acknowledge because they don’t want to accept that reality is like that.

We’re not advocating people to add chaos to the chaos, just to not be afraid of it. It’s silly to think we can live in unrefined moral bubbles and not be effected by reality. As seen in the world, no amount of what other’s believe is right or wrong changes how energies manifest, or how people exercise their will. You could be an upstanding moral person and do a lot of good in the world and still go through incredible suffering and harm just because of being unprotected from planetary influence. If you have no one to protect you and lack the strength or power to protect yourself, no matter how good of a person you are, you will still be subjected to harm. Being morally upstanding doesn’t guarantee you a safe and comfortable passage in life, and automatically punishes those who hurt you, it’s not a shield against negatives. If you’re lucky with natal placements you may somewhat reduce how much negativity you face by being “good” because you’re not doing things on your own end to place yourself in negative or harmful situations, but that doesn’t do much in the grand scheme of things.

In a perfect world, powerful people of the same civilization and race would naturally protect and help those who can’t do so themselves in a given situation, and teach them what they can do to provide themselves as much personal protection and power as they can manage such as with magick, yoga, AoP’s and aura cleaning, martial arts etc - but we don’t live in such a world. Our own countries are divided and most people don’t have any care for even just the people who live next door, nor care about you as an individual.

Energy doesn’t have reason, and people activate their will positively or negatively. We see it as rather pointless and limiting to go around and implement restrictive moral codes on everyone because you believe certain things are wrong or are afraid of someone doing certain things to you. All that does is deny people the ability to follow their natures or advance past a certain level, and limits the options a person has for any given situation that might require one to be "immoral" in order to survive or save someone. A key part of our perspective that others don’t get is that everyone has a will and everyone can activate it as their nature tells them to do so.

One guy will act in his way and another will act in their way depending on the influence of their charts. Joe over there might decide to randomly attack someone just because he can and the victim can’t fend him off alone. Bob over here sees this but he doesn’t tolerate such a thing and has the strength to stop Joe, so he might choose to step in and do something about it. But Bob could also decide he doesn’t feel capable enough of stopping Joe without getting seriously harmed or killed himself, and either 1) walks away, 2) decides to risk his life, or 3) chooses to call another for help (won’t guarantee they’ll help in time to save the person though).

Is Bob more or less morally wrong for making one decision over another? Most would argue yes, many might say he’s morally wrong if he’s choose to let that person get hurt and do nothing about it. Few people will actually analyse deeper why they feel that way and come up with an answer that isn’t auto recorded in their brains. Instead of two or potentially more lives being attacked or destroyed, only one life may have been. Bob could have risked himself potentially preventing harm from coming to that person but that may have resulted in more deaths and the attacker getting away anyway. What if Bob is only a young boy and there’s no one around or doesn’t have a phone to call police?

Why is only one option automatically perceived to be the correct thing to do (stop the attacker) and all others condemn you as immoral and a bad person, instead of all-and-none of them at the same time? Without advanced spirituality, psychic ability, and foresight, you won’t know which action is the best to take and you can only do what you feel you can do regardless of it’s right or wrong in any given moment. Life doesn’t keep it black and white with easy answers. It makes inherent right/wrong and moral absolutism utterly useless and even harmful for innocent or weaker people.

Where some people will follow their nature to harm anyone they feel like harming, others will follow theirs to bring judgement and justice on such people when they cross certain lines, and there will be some who simply don’t care either way, or are unable or too scared to interfere. Laws are made by people who have the power to influence the wills of others and implement said laws over them, and if their nature directs them to do so, create laws that at least save little more than half of occurring incidents while operating within such limited knowledge.

Laws, common moral, and what actions will be punished or rewarded in a given society cannot be made by people who are not strong willed and are willing to influence others. For people to even follow another’s ideas and agree with them, you have to be powerful enough to present and enact these laws, and the power to reinforce them continuously in your society. You will either have people who wish and desire to use that power to create a thriving and safe civilization, while others will use it to bring everything to communistic ruin.

For these reasons and others we discard inherent and absolute morality, and decide to take every situation individually using not a preset of morals to decide if it is wrong or right to make certain actions but act simply on our best judgement and our personal level of what we can/can’t and are willing to do or not do. If one asked us why we committed a specific action we would be able to provide a more truthful answer than default to a lazy brain response such as “it was the right/wrong thing to do” or “just because”.

The more spiritual one becomes the better their judgement to catalyse the best outcome in different situations can be made. One won’t need such heavy reliance on pre-set morals to make decisions, and you would be able to make better decisions with that judgement than someone who continues to follow strict morals codes set by others.

We are taught that lying is wrong, and yet here we are instructed to lie if necessary to avoid potentially being harmed by a without or our identity discovered by enemies. We are taught harming someone is wrong, and yet we are instructed to never take abuse as SS. We are taught that wanting or having money and power is wrong, and yet we are instructed to elevate ourselves in society and gain wealth because wealth and power are both required to live fulfilling and healthy lives. The kinds of morals that are instructed under Satanism is very different from what we have been taught our whole lives to think is right or wrong, and that’s because these teachings don’t come from other humans. As it stands what we know to be right and wrong is little more than a concept made up by people who turned this into a nonspiritual world, and those who continue to use that pre-set code and attempt to force others to abide by it have yet to wake back up to spirituality.

Yes, we seek personal freedom because we see how shackled people have become by following these nonspiritual morals. The lesson we want others to understand is that you should discover for yourself what kind of person you are. How would you think, feel, act, and behave when you’re not bound by the silent fears of adhering to what other’s tell you is the right or wrong thing to do? Do you truly have enough wisdom to know what is inappropriate or appropriate in different situations, if not, what are the gaps in your knowledge, experience, and advancement that you need to fill in order to make better judgements? What are you willing to do or not do? What can you tolerate or refuse to? What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how can you safely work with them to uplift yourself and people you care about?

You can’t really answer these kinds of questions honestly and with truth if you still let withouts define your morals. It’s a way of developing the ability to think for yourself and go over everything you’ve been taught with a finer comb and a wiser mind to discover what is purely dross within your thinking, and discover things you didn’t know about yourself.

I’m not in disagreement with you of what you have written in your comment. Yours stands on its own as is.
tabby said:
There’s a reason he presents this in a harsh and chaotic way, and it’s so that people don’t continue to be ignorant of the side of reality that most get sheltered from or refuse to acknowledge because they don’t want to accept that reality is like that.
Meconfused. He... this what you said here, but he doesn't care anymore and says he is leaving? Yep. Not confused.
Fuchs said:
1. As I already did state, if venus is retrogade you do not do a love spell.

2. I did something similar because of a fix star, relationship did crash regardless. The relationship was overal a good experience. But I´m sure she, may had found a partner she may could have had a child with, instead we had very good and bad times.

3. I´m surely not disturbed, I will write the full story replying to Blitzkreig I do not like to go puplic with my problems, but I also don´t like assumptions on my person that are wrong.

4. If you delete it from your memory and subconcious memory, maybe also remove the energy ties to it. As far as I think this should reverse the problem. I see it similar to ignoring negative thoughts/entitys if you do they loose power.

5. It´s easy to criticise other peoples idears, if you haven´t had any on your own. Alone this Idear brought new wisdom from replys from people on various subjects, the idear can be transformed, so other problems can be solved. As you did state always talk to Satan, the same applys to charing idears.

Just for the record, I do this working for more knowledge memory a idear from me since 2020.09.01 every day:

2. Intelligence and memory working (color visualised runes and aura yellow)

MANNAZ+LÖGR+ODHAL+PERTHRO (Madur+ Lögur+Odal+Pero norwegian spelled one breath together) x111 reps

"My intelligence and memory are increasing in a healthy and beneficial way for me. I am acquiring knowledge about myself, the runes and the universe now, continuosly and forever." x 18 reps

Just because you may not have been powerful enough to manifest your working fully doesnt mean it doesnt work that way. You mentioned lydia said you should do a venus square as relationship problems are in your chart or something along those lines, this is probably a big factor in that. You should do the square and do another working

Second, i wasnt implying you were deranged i was implying youre misguided in your approach to this subject. Which many others have also expressed

Third, you cant erase experiences from existence. It simply doesnt work that way. If it did it would already be on JoS and the entire process mentioned multiple times of people getting intensely angry or sad over past supressed trauma, that is a major step in moving forward would never have been mentioned as you'd be able to "erase" it instead

I don't disagree that ideas should always be shared, but they shouldnt be presented as "here do this its okay" when it infact isn't. I'm not the only one who has critisized it and i didn't do so to make you look bad, i did it to help new people who might read it and go around making people unhealthily obsessed with them, potentially ruining multiple lives.

Instead it should've presented as an idea that can be added to and positively changed, which you havent done you've just argued as far as I've seen.

Lastly, intelligence and wisdom are 2 different things and youre a shining example of that
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

jrvan said:
The application of a working like this doesn't seem all that malevolent to me when you take certain situations into consideration. For example, you're with a girl who won't put out as often as you like but you still want to be with her. This could get your sexual needs met so you can continue the relationship. Or you score with a 10/10 who has an incredible sex drive and wants sex all the time, and you want to ensure that she only has sex with you.
Just off the top of my head.

What you describe can be done in a healthy way, and relatively easily. What this working does is create an unhealthy obsession.

This is much different than simply stimulating a nearby person for sex, which can be done in a manner that is healthy and harmonious for everyone. In regards to making someone attached to you, again this can be done in an actually healthy manner.

Pluto aspecting venus can create a beautiful relationship, but a hard aspect will create tension and stalking. The Ehwaz rune can also create a great friendship or companionship as well, but it can also enslave someone.

For anyone with even basic skills, doing this in a way that doesn't violate another person is easy. In fact, I would argue that using this energy to attract a perfect person may be even easier than trying to brute force some unwilling target.

For all these reasons, there is just no reason to do this working.


In regards to morality and so forth, simply ask yourself if you want someone doing this to you or your own loved ones. I know we all care for people who are not SS, so are they simply a fair game for another mage to play with? If you felt emotional about this, then you can see why society builds laws to prevent this from happening.

Currently, the spiritual realm may seem like the wild west, but this is not to be forever. Eventually, people will be able to see what is occurring, and they will want justice for any crimes. Let us not forget that the Gods do watch what we do, and may become apprehensive to help if you use your power irresponsibly.

I read what you describe on other threads, and what Tabby has described on this thread as well. Yes, we do live in a realm that is chaotic, but that does not mean you have to inflict more chaos on others. If we are to consider ourselves just, then we need to be fair, which does not always come with revenge.

There is a reason that justice is traditionally handed out by a third-party, such as a Judge or Jury. It is not always easy to seek fairness when emotions are involved.


You seem like someone who has a desire for personal freedom and so forth, but none of that is incompatible with moral structures. Civilization is meant as a tool to facilitate advancement that cannot be possible through just one person alone. Like everything else, the enemy has made us wary of power and structure, but these are not inherently bad or limiting.

People like Stormblood seek to create the beautiful world of the future. Although a discernment for beautiful things may come with vanity, this does not have to be the case. Just like all of us, he will continue to advance, eventually incorporating the concepts that you seek to have him understand.

We are all born with different configurations and so we understand or operate more naturally through certain signs or planets. However, as SS we have a duty to expand and balances ourselves with all energies, not just what we started with. Until that point though, you may clash with others unlike you. That is how I view your conflict with Stormblood.

I didn't want to make any more replies that aren't pragmatic, but I'll do it for you Blitzkreig. I hope this will be my last philosophical dance because I've grown so tired from it.

First off, I'm loyal to Father Satan's kingdom. That's what we are seeking to build in the future. I do not have any interest in being part of Stormblood's mythical kingdom of beauty on the outskirts of actual society, where landlords are imprisoned and called criminals. Stormblood doesn't determine the law, he doesn't determine morality and what is standardized right and wrong for everyone else, especially not Satanists. True Satanists use their own judgement and make their own decisions in their lives. Stormblood has no right to tell other Satanists what to do in their lives and with their magick, and telling them that they're going to be arrested in his own version of a NS society which he hasn't built yet. As if he knows the future anyway.

There's this constant attempt to blend and merge the concept of society's rules with some sort of rules for SS in their personal lives and on the forums. I've already argued repeatedly that an individual nation's rules are to be observed and obeyed if one is a citizen of that nation, and if anyone disobeys then it's up to society to punish them. If someone commits a crime against that nation and its laws while not being a citizen, then what follows is usually war.

People should at least have the option to commit crimes, spiritual or not, if they choose to regardless of the consequences and regardless of the punishment (not necessarily FREE from punishment if people are willing to punish them). It doesn't mean they should, or that it will even be in their best interest, but the option is there for those who choose to ignore the law (and again, who is setting the laws for society when it's not the Gods? Those with the power to do so). If there was no option then there wouldn't be criminals anyway. If it's not even considered an option then it's not a choice. It's just doing what you're told, or limiting your options for actions you can take based on what others have said without ever thinking about it on your own. Like "why is it wrong? have I ever thought about what makes it wrong, or why I don't agree with it?" I meditate on why I do or don't do certain things, I don't normally take actions without thinking it through first. And my reasons for doing something, and sometimes even my reasons for not doing something, might not always necessarily have anything to do with the justness of it. It all depends on the circumstances. Life has a way of really greying up your sense of morality. I've found there can be more grey situations in life than there are black/white ones. I guess it depends on who you are and what kind of life you lead.

Here's an obvious example of why I think of morality as a leash. Let's say a bunch of powerful SS souls would be perfect for politics with their particular knowledge and skillsets. But they don't want to take certain actions, or play the game so to say. Even if doing those things to gain the position would enable them to change so many lives for the better, and even help rescue us from this situation sooner. They just don't want to sully themselves (which makes me even more pissed at someone like Stormblood because he wants to get the government to do dirty things for him that he doesn't want to do himself, like arresting landlords). What's going to result is that ignorant, lesser gentiles (or even jews) are going to fill those positions instead, and they will be the ones ruling our lives when it could have been someone better. All because we weren't willing to do what we needed to do to gain such positions. Who could be faulted after observing that, for arguing that perhaps humanity deserves to go extinct? It's just one example.

I used to be so strict on my morals. I refused to go after a career in psychology even though it was perfectly suited to my talents. Do you want to know why? It's because I saw the majority of people in society in pain, and I felt their pain... but I also saw how stupid they were and how much they were in their own way. I hated the idea of taking peoples' money after listening to them and their problems for an hour, just to know it's a waste of their time and their money because they won't change and I won't be able to reach them no matter what I do or say, or how clever I am in my approach.
Now I look back and laugh at myself because I've changed, and I should have just done it and taken money from those idiots unapologetically. Regardless of whether it's good for them or not, they are determined to throw their money away to pretend that they are getting better. A job is a job, and I may as well take it. They're going to give all that money away to someone anyway so it should have been me. Oh well. I can't change the path I chose back then. I squandered my talents and my potential and my livelihood because I cared too much about spiritually empty husks.

We're not "do no harm" wiccans. Not every SS individual might be concerned with being fair. In regards to your first question about whether I would want it done to me or my family, that's the reason why I take measures to ensure that it doesn't. What matters to me is whether or not they CAN do it to me and my loved ones. Do they have the might to overpower me? That's all I care about. If I fail to protect my wife from others, who do you think I am going to blame more based on what you know of my personality? Do you think I'm going to blame the perpetrators more, or am I going to blame myself more for failing to protect her? For me there's no point in wasting time blaming them and being angry at them because if I could have done something about it then I would have ripped their heads off in the first place to protect her, and then I wouldn't have to blame anyone. If I survive such an encounter and then get stronger then I'll put my anger into getting revenge, and after getting revenge I'll still feel like shit for not being able to protect her.

If people in the future want to seek revenge for spiritual harm I've done against them then they're free to try, but again they will need to be able to overpower me. You don't know for certain if the future society will formally punish spiritual actions. I personally hope not because I don't ever want to see witch trials make a comeback in any time period. People should seek spiritual retaliation of their own accord instead of getting society to do it for them. And how are they going to stop mages anyway? Even if they put them in a jail cell, they can still use the power of their mind.

What I'm so angry about is people like Stormblood playing politics on Father Satan's forums. Stormblood only cares about shoving his ideals down other peoples' throats, telling them what to do, shaming them, and playing this useless petty social game gaining influence, support and alliances. He's a manipulative liar, and others just don't see it yet. They will when it affects them. All someone needs to do to see it for themselves is go against him or step on his toes, even accidentally. He's a bitter, vindictive, sly little prick who plays strategy games against people here and DOES hold grudges despite his denial. Maybe through my efforts of highlighting his bullshit, he will have to keep it hidden a little harder which will be problematic for him and make me feel it was all worth it. I don't trust him anymore, not one bit. I was suspicious of him earlier on every so often, but I usually ignored it and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now I know his intentions and motivations are filthy and counter to the purpose of these forums. He puts his own ideas above truth. When I spoke of his vanity, I mostly meant his own perceived self image on the forums.

To Jack: People aren't punished energetically unless they feel guilty, or someone else decides to punish them. Karma has nothing to do with "good and evil" as you think of them. Self punishment is a choice, and yes it can reflect in the soul later on if people feel guilty. To better understand what good and evil really are, put them on a sliding scale on each far end of the line. Evil on the far left, and good on the far right. Now put a label next to where "evil" is on the sliding scale called "ignorance." And where it says "good," put a label called "Truth and enlightenment." The further left you go on the sliding scale, the more things go against the forward motion of nature, evolution and advancement. It's like going backwards from an evolved state which is what the jews are doing to everyone. The jews are trying to stop the flow of nature which is a crime against existence itself, they want everything to go backwards for their own benefit. That's why Nature itself hates them. The jews are agents of ignorance.
Fuchs said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]
Fuchs said:

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Here is the story:

After I had to move lost 95% of my social contacts, including cutting ties to family by 90%, lived in isolation over many months du to lockdown, I used the time to finish most of the JOS German. After long lonley months, I found the girl, with which I want to spend the rest of my live with, this was also predicted from a solar return by Lydia, as a significant love interest. Everything was fine, she didn´t want to have a relationship first, but after some time she did agree to it. I have a fix star which does lead to relationships end always bad for me, Lydia did suggest to do a venus square, but I kind off did forget about it. I thought this time everything goes well, I helped her with her problems, she did help me with my problems, we did complement each other. We didn´t had one fight. At some point we spend a longer time together, du to this her friendships did suffer which she didn´t liked. I told her that´s no problem for me, we can spend less time together. At the same time her work load did increase like 400%, so I did leave her alone so she could fokus on work and meet her friends. After 2 weeks I did got a message from her that she want´s to break up with me, because she said we do not fit together in the long run. I totaly was crashed and didn´t understand the world anymore. The next day I did visit without telling her before at home, wanted to talk to her, she was mad at me because she did work 12h and now has to talk with me. I did had to take all my stuff from her place and go home. Just before venus did go retrograde I started a love working not the best date, moon in gemini. Prior to this I started the Zasitr working either moon in taurus or gemini. At home desperately, I got a call in the middle of the night supprisingly of someone, which did lead me contacting someone else this person did help me analyse the problem, that she is afraid of to close ties, got the idear to write her a letter. Did write 4 pages explaining why whe are a good couple etc. Because of this she did agree to see me again and did invite me to a party with her friends for new jear. The party was fun, but at some point her best girlfiend did talk to me, how I feel etc, I said I´m here I´m fine. After talking I walked away and suddenly did have this giant feeling of sorrow on me. I´m usually not an empathic person, but this feelings were not from me. My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad, but thought don´t make a cene (she was drunk and the party people overal were rather open people). After the party I drove her back at her place and said to her she is a good girlfriend and there is no reason why I should think otherwise, she kind of did deny this, but didn´t want to talk why she thinks she is not a good girlfriend. I stayed another day at her place. Originaly we sayed I should go home in two days. We live long away from each other. Suddenly the thought in my mind poped up, if I go, I will never see her again, my Body did start shaking, all the negative emotions thoughts did increase after 3 mins, I thought just ask her, if you can stay longer so I asked her, if it is ok if I go in 4 days. She got mad and yelled at me I can go now, because I disturb her from doing things. From feeling sorrow my mood changed to rage: I yelled at her why do you treat me like this? What have I done to you? She was a little scared of me, because she thought, I would hurt her, which I never would. After she did realise I won´t hurt her, she did grab all my stuff and I again did have to go. She did ask me to write a message when I´m home. At the moment we are in contact, she did say we can see each other, but not more. Didn´t see her since then, she was on a longer vaccation.

I can´t afford for my mental wellbeing to lose her, also I don´t want to meet a other girl from which I don´t know what the next big problem will be, that crushes the relationship (have to do that venus square)/also don´t want any other. I don´t like it, if she does racemixing, or sleep with other guys (I don´t know for sure).

Also asked my GD for guidance, how I can make her happy and get her back, my black candle flame did increase and the candle did melt rather quick, within 15 minutes the wax formed a penis like structure.

What would be your solution?
You're so weak that you'd want to go after an unfaithful race mixing slut who kissed a black man infront of you and yet you still want to be with her. I'm feeling angry just reading this and yet you're saying that you need to be with her for your mental wellbeing ?? Wut ?? You should be feeling vitriolic hatred inside of you for this disrespectful bitch. She's not only saying she doesn't love and respect you she's actually a race mixer and would cuck you in your face.

The solution is simple. Tell her that you never want to see her again and then cut off all ties with her. She doesn't deserve to be happy or treated well by you or anyone. She deserves to suffer for her actions.
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
What would be your solution?
You're so weak that you'd want to go after an unfaithful race mixing slut who kissed a black man infront of you and yet you still want to be with her. I'm feeling angry just reading this and yet you're saying that you need to be with her for your mental wellbeing ?? Wut ?? You should be feeling vitriolic hatred inside of you for this disrespectful bitch. She's not only saying she doesn't love and respect you she's actually a race mixer and would cuck you in your face.

The solution is simple. Tell her that you never want to see her again and then cut off all ties with her. She doesn't deserve to be happy or treated well by you or anyone. She deserves to suffer for her actions.

I feel this is necessary to bring up.

The girl in question obviously did an unforgivable and disgusting act, however it is easy to put all the blame on this girl and call her all the names (that she does deserve), while ignoring the reasons for why this happens.

From reading Fuchs's story, it sounds to me he was simply a complete pushover in the relationship with this woman. Never once was he a man to her.

A woman doesn't want a servant or a boy, but a man that can stand with her and take charge if needed.

Fuchs seemed to have just been like a doormat in this relationship, allowing this woman to use him as she has done, or perhaps making this woman frustrated due to a lack of masculinity on his part to where she didn't want him anymore and was desperate to prove that to him since he didn't take the hints she was giving.

It wouldn't surprise me if part of her still hoped he'd actually do something to take charge and act as a man for once as she let herself get played with by some black dude at this party, but even then Fuchs just let it happen and even gave her a drive home, further proving to her how he wasn't at all able to be a man that this woman (and most woman) wanted from this relationship.

Reading that whole story I was baffled by the complete dissonance with his partner and her needs, and the complete lack of sense on how his actions did nothing to fulfill his partner at all, only being compulsive and compliant to her whims and unable to take charge.

This obsession Fuchs has towards her after everything that happened is also born out of a lack of confidence and masculinity in general, combined with an unfulfilled desire for sex and lust towards this person that remains after the "relationship" he had with her.

What I mean to say is, rather than simply put all the blame on this woman for resorting to race mixing and cucking him, Fuchs needs to evaluate how he handled this relationship and his own role in its failure to understand all the many things he has done wrong which lead to this falling apart way before it got to this point at the end of his story.

If he cannot realize his own inadequacy and mistakes in this relationship, his relationships will continue to fail in a similar manner with all the blame put on the woman and he will never learn.

"But I was nice to her, I did so much for her, why didn't she like me? I'm a nice guy!" That sort of deal.

That is how toxic incenls are created in the long run.

As a note, I'm not defending that woman for what she's done, however also, I do not think that woman would have ever done any of the race mixing or cucking if Fuchs had been able to be the man in the relationship and fulfill his partner physically and emotionally.
@Fuchs, you stated something along the lines that keeping her tied to you is intimately linked to your mental health.

I think a better course of action here would be to help to work on your own issues (obliterating Saturn from Lydia has indications on how to do it and how to introspect to go deeper on your issues) and then, when this issues are solved, you can do a work to attract a complete love relationship, instead of sex toy that is completed subjugated by you.

This is my opinion. You are free to make your decisions. I told you everything I needed to say. Others are trying to help you see the matter in a different way too, then there is the usual disruptive elements with a much lower morality than most long-time members here that can be ignored as they add nothing of value and just want to bicker with me endlessly.

I am here only as an element of guidance to make people go into deeper introspection, which is why I am hated by shallow people and people influenced by the enemy. Providing guidance doesn't mean I am going to force you to do whatever. The choice and the consequences of said choices are yours. Obviously, if you follow advice from me or someone else, the responsibility is shared by me/them as well, as I/they gave you that idea. If that turns out to be negative for you, it's obviously because we are not infallible nor Deities.

Best of luck with your decision.
Jihiji12 said:
Lastly, intelligence and wisdom are 2 different things and youre a shining example of that

You can shove your insults ride up your monkey ass, I´m done listening to your worthless crap, you will be the first person I block here on the forums.
Stormblood said:
@Fuchs, you stated something along the lines that keeping her tied to you is intimately linked to your mental health.

I think a better course of action here would be to help to work on your own issues (obliterating Saturn from Lydia has indications on how to do it and how to introspect to go deeper on your issues) and then, when this issues are solved, you can do a work to attract a complete love relationship, instead of sex toy that is completed subjugated by you.

This is my opinion. You are free to make your decisions. I told you everything I needed to say. Others are trying to help you see the matter in a different way too, then there is the usual disruptive elements with a much lower morality than most long-time members here that can be ignored as they add nothing of value and just want to bicker with me endlessly.

I am here only as an element of guidance to make people go into deeper introspection, which is why I am hated by shallow people and people influenced by the enemy. Providing guidance doesn't mean I am going to force you to do whatever. The choice and the consequences of said choices are yours. Obviously, if you follow advice from me or someone else, the responsibility is shared by me/them as well, as I/they gave you that idea. If that turns out to be negative for you, it's obviously because we are not infallible nor Deities.

Best of luck with your decision.

You may be saving your public image by showing a contrast to what I said about you, but you're still submitting to my leash by reigning in your behavior like this. That's exactly what I wanted. I don't care if you make me seem absurd or crazy, and the record of your behavior from before is still there for anyone else to see. As long as you're less of a problem to the forums and the spirit of the forums then I'm satisfied.

My work is finished. I feel much better now about resigning. Now don't go picking any more cat fights with Dahaarkan when I'm gone, you hear?
Jack said:
Fuchs said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Here is the story:

After I had to move lost 95% of my social contacts, including cutting ties to family by 90%, lived in isolation over many months du to lockdown, I used the time to finish most of the JOS German. After long lonley months, I found the girl, with which I want to spend the rest of my live with, this was also predicted from a solar return by Lydia, as a significant love interest. Everything was fine, she didn´t want to have a relationship first, but after some time she did agree to it. I have a fix star which does lead to relationships end always bad for me, Lydia did suggest to do a venus square, but I kind off did forget about it. I thought this time everything goes well, I helped her with her problems, she did help me with my problems, we did complement each other. We didn´t had one fight. At some point we spend a longer time together, du to this her friendships did suffer which she didn´t liked. I told her that´s no problem for me, we can spend less time together. At the same time her work load did increase like 400%, so I did leave her alone so she could fokus on work and meet her friends. After 2 weeks I did got a message from her that she want´s to break up with me, because she said we do not fit together in the long run. I totaly was crashed and didn´t understand the world anymore. The next day I did visit without telling her before at home, wanted to talk to her, she was mad at me because she did work 12h and now has to talk with me. I did had to take all my stuff from her place and go home. Just before venus did go retrograde I started a love working not the best date, moon in gemini. Prior to this I started the Zasitr working either moon in taurus or gemini. At home desperately, I got a call in the middle of the night supprisingly of someone, which did lead me contacting someone else this person did help me analyse the problem, that she is afraid of to close ties, got the idear to write her a letter. Did write 4 pages explaining why whe are a good couple etc. Because of this she did agree to see me again and did invite me to a party with her friends for new jear. The party was fun, but at some point her best girlfiend did talk to me, how I feel etc, I said I´m here I´m fine. After talking I walked away and suddenly did have this giant feeling of sorrow on me. I´m usually not an empathic person, but this feelings were not from me. My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad, but thought don´t make a cene (she was drunk and the party people overal were rather open people). After the party I drove her back at her place and said to her she is a good girlfriend and there is no reason why I should think otherwise, she kind of did deny this, but didn´t want to talk why she thinks she is not a good girlfriend. I stayed another day at her place. Originaly we sayed I should go home in two days. We live long away from each other. Suddenly the thought in my mind poped up, if I go, I will never see her again, my Body did start shaking, all the negative emotions thoughts did increase after 3 mins, I thought just ask her, if you can stay longer so I asked her, if it is ok if I go in 4 days. She got mad and yelled at me I can go now, because I disturb her from doing things. From feeling sorrow my mood changed to rage: I yelled at her why do you treat me like this? What have I done to you? She was a little scared of me, because she thought, I would hurt her, which I never would. After she did realise I won´t hurt her, she did grab all my stuff and I again did have to go. She did ask me to write a message when I´m home. At the moment we are in contact, she did say we can see each other, but not more. Didn´t see her since then, she was on a longer vaccation.

I can´t afford for my mental wellbeing to lose her, also I don´t want to meet a other girl from which I don´t know what the next big problem will be, that crushes the relationship (have to do that venus square)/also don´t want any other. I don´t like it, if she does racemixing, or sleep with other guys (I don´t know for sure).

Also asked my GD for guidance, how I can make her happy and get her back, my black candle flame did increase and the candle did melt rather quick, within 15 minutes the wax formed a penis like structure.

What would be your solution?
You're so weak that you'd want to go after an unfaithful race mixing slut who kissed a black man infront of you and yet you still want to be with her. I'm feeling angry just reading this and yet you're saying that you need to be with her for your mental wellbeing ?? Wut ?? You should be feeling vitriolic hatred inside of you for this disrespectful bitch. She's not only saying she doesn't love and respect you she's actually a race mixer and would cuck you in your face.

The solution is simple. Tell her that you never want to see her again and then cut off all ties with her. She doesn't deserve to be happy or treated well by you or anyone. She deserves to suffer for her actions.

I will just do the working, make her my sex slave and use her for the rest of her live. No racemixing, any more, everyone is fine. Thanks for helping me decide what to do Jack.
Aquarius said:
Fuchs said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=318176 time=1642842477 user_id=21286]

As others have stated, there is no reason to go through all this trouble. You can simply use Gebo and Kenaz to attract a perfect sexual partner(s) to you. This would be much easier than trying to change someone in such a way, plus it would avoid all the moral implications of doing so, as well.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is: either you simply want a lot of sex in general, or you want someone obsessed with you. In this case, you should do a working to find this person, in a way that is healthy for everyone, rather than picking a target and forcing them to be this way. Like I said before, this would be more energy-efficient, anyway.

If you already have a partner, then there are also safe and healthy ways you can use to increase their desire for sex. There shouldn't be a real need to bind or create unhealthy obsessions like this.

Here is the story:

After I had to move lost 95% of my social contacts, including cutting ties to family by 90%, lived in isolation over many months du to lockdown, I used the time to finish most of the JOS German. After long lonley months, I found the girl, with which I want to spend the rest of my live with, this was also predicted from a solar return by Lydia, as a significant love interest. Everything was fine, she didn´t want to have a relationship first, but after some time she did agree to it. I have a fix star which does lead to relationships end always bad for me, Lydia did suggest to do a venus square, but I kind off did forget about it. I thought this time everything goes well, I helped her with her problems, she did help me with my problems, we did complement each other. We didn´t had one fight. At some point we spend a longer time together, du to this her friendships did suffer which she didn´t liked. I told her that´s no problem for me, we can spend less time together. At the same time her work load did increase like 400%, so I did leave her alone so she could fokus on work and meet her friends. After 2 weeks I did got a message from her that she want´s to break up with me, because she said we do not fit together in the long run. I totaly was crashed and didn´t understand the world anymore. The next day I did visit without telling her before at home, wanted to talk to her, she was mad at me because she did work 12h and now has to talk with me. I did had to take all my stuff from her place and go home. Just before venus did go retrograde I started a love working not the best date, moon in gemini. Prior to this I started the Zasitr working either moon in taurus or gemini. At home desperately, I got a call in the middle of the night supprisingly of someone, which did lead me contacting someone else this person did help me analyse the problem, that she is afraid of to close ties, got the idear to write her a letter. Did write 4 pages explaining why whe are a good couple etc. Because of this she did agree to see me again and did invite me to a party with her friends for new jear. The party was fun, but at some point her best girlfiend did talk to me, how I feel etc, I said I´m here I´m fine. After talking I walked away and suddenly did have this giant feeling of sorrow on me. I´m usually not an empathic person, but this feelings were not from me. My Girlfriend (white) was approched by a black guy, asking her if everything between them is fine and if they stay in contact, my girlfriend did reply jes. After some time a other friend of her did ask me if I´m jealous. I replyed as I was young, crazy, nowadays middle level, he walked away. During the party she was dancing with the black guy, after some time they started kissing each other, the black guy did say: not infront of your boyfriend. I was a little mad, but thought don´t make a cene (she was drunk and the party people overal were rather open people). After the party I drove her back at her place and said to her she is a good girlfriend and there is no reason why I should think otherwise, she kind of did deny this, but didn´t want to talk why she thinks she is not a good girlfriend. I stayed another day at her place. Originaly we sayed I should go home in two days. We live long away from each other. Suddenly the thought in my mind poped up, if I go, I will never see her again, my Body did start shaking, all the negative emotions thoughts did increase after 3 mins, I thought just ask her, if you can stay longer so I asked her, if it is ok if I go in 4 days. She got mad and yelled at me I can go now, because I disturb her from doing things. From feeling sorrow my mood changed to rage: I yelled at her why do you treat me like this? What have I done to you? She was a little scared of me, because she thought, I would hurt her, which I never would. After she did realise I won´t hurt her, she did grab all my stuff and I again did have to go. She did ask me to write a message when I´m home. At the moment we are in contact, she did say we can see each other, but not more. Didn´t see her since then, she was on a longer vaccation.

I can´t afford for my mental wellbeing to lose her, also I don´t want to meet a other girl from which I don´t know what the next big problem will be, that crushes the relationship (have to do that venus square)/also don´t want any other. I don´t like it, if she does racemixing, or sleep with other guys (I don´t know for sure).

Also asked my GD for guidance, how I can make her happy and get her back, my black candle flame did increase and the candle did melt rather quick, within 15 minutes the wax formed a penis like structure.

What would be your solution?
She literally kissed a black guy when you two were dating?
That would be enough to block her on any social media and never see her again.
You see, here's your problem, you have let this feeling of infatuation cloud your mind COMPLETELY, this you should not have let it happened.
Now that you post this story it's evident that you are obsessed with this girl, you want to bind her to you against her will, this is madness on your part, the feeling of infatuation has clouded any kind of logical judgement. Do you have any kind of self respect for yourself? She kissed a black guy in front of you., Do you realize that this is extremely fucked up?
You need to move on.

She is the last person who I care about and cares about me, I will just do the sex binding. If the gods punish me for this, I don´t care. I can´t just meditate, I need atleast one person close to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
