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Proof The Aryan Race Is From Satan

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Proof The Aryan Race Is From Satan

The Hindu text the Deva Samhita states the White Race were called the Saka's.

"Sanskrit root sat, which can mean "truth, reality, essence", and saint is derived from Latin sanctus, which means "holy, sacred",from Indo-European root sak-, "to sanctify."

Saka or Sak comes from Sat in the Indo European this is also Satanam and Satanama. Sata and then hail to the God Sata which is what the nama, nam means. All are mantra's which praise Satan as the creator God. The Aryan races original name is the Sat's, Sata's. Aryan is a title relating to this. Satanama is the highest name of God in Sanskrit the original language of the Aryan race and the mother language of all European languages.

"Sat or "truth, reality", in the sense of "'one who knows the truth' or 'one who has experienced Ultimate Reality', that is a person who has achieved a state of spiritual enlightenment or mystical self-realisation."

The Deva Samhita states the Saka Aryans were born to be leaders they are called like gods and of all the kshatriya's the royal warrior class the best and most powerful and destined to lead the world. They are called the greatest of warriors.

The Matsya Purana states the Jat-Sakas Aryans ruled the world for a period of seven thousand years. The Puranas state the Aryan Saka homeland was the continent of Sakadwipa in Central Asia. Which the Mahabharata states was at the north-west part of ancient Bharata, modern India. The Hindu texts stated Sakadwipa was populated with Maha Siddha's, The ancient cities found along the Silk Road are larger then those of Mesopotamia and the burial sites show the inhabitants cities of the Silk Road were all ancient Aryan Peoples just as the Tocharians whom the Greek histories mention as Scythians, the Tocharians burial grounds show the outer regions of Sakadwipa.

Sakadwipa went through Central Asia across to Europe of when the Aryan Saka's came into Europe they became the Saxon's. Sarmatians, Hungarians, Germans, Dacian's the Romanians, Slav's, Greeks and the entire racial nation of the European People across all the different regions even the Gaels. Just as they were the Aryan Parthians and Persians further east.

The Path Of The Dragon, Mark Pinkham
All quote are from wiki
Thank you for sharing this, HP Mageson :)
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?
We will survive. We will endure. We will thrive.
The Jewish parasite is not long for this world.
Now I'm proud to be aryan.


I have a question: the physical aspect is karmatic? I mean the conjunct of it. For sure there is a explanation about why someone is who is today.
Larissa666 said:
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?
That's like the curse of the Tower of Babel. To make their kundalini crash and fall apart, and ruin their soul. Then all the people who used to be the same, they are now different from each other. They can't understand each other anymore, and they fight against each other.
Larissa666 said:
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?
My question is, what exactly is the Aryan race? Are the original Aryan breed the Nordic ones? Or the Aryan breed is a breed of white humans both with blond hair and blue eyes and either with dark hair and dark eyes or blue. The Nordics have blond hair and blue eyes. What they are and/or happened to most whites who, are with white skin and are mostly with dark eyes and dark hair. I don't think it's a cross between Nordic and black. Because if so, the skin in a generation or two between crossings would turn either brown or black. Surely there is an explanation for all this. Either it's evolution, or it's crossing, or our gods have created different whites besides the Nordic ones. Sorry for the questions, I would like to know more about the white race.
Larissa666 said:
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?

Life and the reality of things. In regards to other explanations, many people do not want to accept life and they therefore create a situation where they just create fancy lying.

Few people are born in the very same family without relation to their own brother or sister. To accredit this to aliens always creates a serious refusal of reality and therefore creating an actual solution in regards to anything.

Enemy curses reinforce natural negativity, and they cause problems. What people forget to say is why all these people aforementioned were great? Many reasons are not surmised over being peaceful pacifist retards, nor universalists. Spiritual ignorance plays a part in all this, and life plays the other part.
Master Darkness said:
Larissa666 said:
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?

My question is, what exactly is the Aryan race? Are the original Aryan breed the Nordic ones? Or the Aryan breed is a breed of white humans both with blond hair and blue eyes and either with dark hair and dark eyes or blue. The Nordics have blond hair and blue eyes. What they are and/or happened to most whites who, are with white skin and are mostly with dark eyes and dark hair. I don't think it's a cross between Nordic and black. Because if so, the skin in a generation or two between crossings would turn either brown or black. Surely there is an explanation for all this. Either it's evolution, or it's crossing, or our gods have created different whites besides the Nordic ones. Sorry for the questions, I would like to know more about the white race.

The "Aryan" race is a blanket term for spiritually adept people, which also has a racial connotation of having a White lineage, being descended from the many branches of White people, which later gave rise to many different racial subgroups. The racial seed of the Aryan blood is a clear blooded "Present day" Nordic, Scandinavian or broadly Germanic person, with many alterations along this line.

To avoid problems, we should just call this the White Race, as this is what it is.

Aryan is used inter-changeably in some contexts as a term for spiritual advancement, not related to race directly, as such, Hitler called many "Honorary Aryans", for showing the spiritual and mental levels similar or higher to the Aryan Race, the Japanese are an example here.

The Arab Mufti, Japanese Leaders and others were branded as Honorary Aryans. This is only a point to that they may do possess some White blood, but this does not matter nor is taken as a first measure, because one is not White. First here is taken the moral level and disposition of a person. In the same context, India's spiritual class was called "Aryan", both due to reasons of a great heredity from a very long time ago, but also, spiritual level.

Within this context, some "Whites" may not be Aryan, as Aryan is not only a racial term, but a term of a people in regards to value and spiritual rank. This is why the Japanese were called Honorary Aryans, which was believed is the case both due to having White Blood from a very long time before historically, and be created by the same Gods, and have the same ideology like National Socialism, and a Pagan religion, even-though they were Asians.

Ie, many people who are White today, do classify as White or "Aryan" by blood, but do not testify even for flies as White in regards to their actions in the least.

Subversives and confusers such as Blavatsky, promote a confusion to promote the opposite of what should happen, discrediting the racial dimensions, and pretending otherwise, promoting bastardization and mixture until people completely perish.
Thanks HP mageson666, this has been up before, but it's great to see the White Aryan race being recognized.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?

Life and the reality of things. In regards to other explanations, many people do not want to accept life and they therefore create a situation where they just create fancy lying.

Few people are born in the very same family without relation to their own brother or sister. To accredit this to aliens always creates a serious refusal of reality and therefore creating an actual solution in regards to anything.

Enemy curses reinforce natural negativity, and they cause problems. What people forget to say is why all these people aforementioned were great? Many reasons are not surmised over being peaceful pacifist retards, nor universalists. Spiritual ignorance plays a part in all this, and life plays the other part.

I see. Thanks!
I am from south saudi arabia (will not name the city or villiage) but i look white and my tribte fought alonge side the royal family against the turkish ottmans invaders and i heard somewhere that these turkish scums raped our grandmas and we are actually mixed with them anyway i will give you an example of people from my same tribe...

















And my quastion is after you saw these pictures is my tribe considered turkish or arab? Or what race are we exactly? And the most importent are we considerd white? And Anyway i read somewhere that a man will be attracted naturally and spiritualy to a woman from his own race only and i personaly feel attracted to white women from my race i dont have hate against blacks or asians but i dont have a connection with them however don't remove this comment because it doesn't countain any sensitive informations and its fine to be shown here the fourms, these people are from my tribe but they are not my close relatives, they are actually famous figures in social media, so there is no danger or risk of showing these pictures and i am full aware and i know what i say and what i write and i take the full resbonsiblity of my actions. So dont remove this comment please.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Master Darkness said:
Larissa666 said:
What caused us to fragment into so many groups, instead of sticking together as one Aryan nation? Wars and enemy?

My question is, what exactly is the Aryan race? Are the original Aryan breed the Nordic ones? Or the Aryan breed is a breed of white humans both with blond hair and blue eyes and either with dark hair and dark eyes or blue. The Nordics have blond hair and blue eyes. What they are and/or happened to most whites who, are with white skin and are mostly with dark eyes and dark hair. I don't think it's a cross between Nordic and black. Because if so, the skin in a generation or two between crossings would turn either brown or black. Surely there is an explanation for all this. Either it's evolution, or it's crossing, or our gods have created different whites besides the Nordic ones. Sorry for the questions, I would like to know more about the white race.

The "Aryan" race is a blanket term for spiritually adept people, which also has a racial connotation of having a White lineage, being descended from the many branches of White people, which later gave rise to many different racial subgroups. The racial seed of the Aryan blood is a clear blooded "Present day" Nordic, Scandinavian or broadly Germanic person, with many alterations along this line.

To avoid problems, we should just call this the White Race, as this is what it is.

Aryan is used inter-changeably in some contexts as a term for spiritual advancement, not related to race directly, as such, Hitler called many "Honorary Aryans", for showing the spiritual and mental levels similar or higher to the Aryan Race, the Japanese are an example here.

The Arab Mufti, Japanese Leaders and others were branded as Honorary Aryans. This is only a point to that they may do possess some White blood, but this does not matter nor is taken as a first measure, because one is not White. First here is taken the moral level and disposition of a person. In the same context, India's spiritual class was called "Aryan", both due to reasons of a great heredity from a very long time ago, but also, spiritual level.

Within this context, some "Whites" may not be Aryan, as Aryan is not only a racial term, but a term of a people in regards to value and spiritual rank. This is why the Japanese were called Honorary Aryans, which was believed is the case both due to having White Blood from a very long time before historically, and be created by the same Gods, and have the same ideology like National Socialism, and a Pagan religion, even-though they were Asians.

Ie, many people who are White today, do classify as White or "Aryan" by blood, but do not testify even for flies as White in regards to their actions in the least.

Subversives and confusers such as Blavatsky, promote a confusion to promote the opposite of what should happen, discrediting the racial dimensions, and pretending otherwise, promoting bastardization and mixture until people completely perish.
Thank you very much for your answer. I needed this clarification. Now everything is clear to me about the white race. You are adorable HP Hooded Cobra 666.
How do I start a new post. I can’t find an icon for it. Thank you
I want to know, if one keeps having sex with the same person continuously only on a void moon, will there be any connections between the two on the soul. Thank you

Hail Satan
I'll reply to you in a separate post.

ArabKnight said:
I am from south saudi arabia (will not name the city or villiage) but i look white and my tribte fought alonge side the royal family against the turkish ottmans invaders and i heard somewhere that these turkish scums raped our grandmas and we are actually mixed with them anyway i will give you an example of people from my same tribe...

















And my quastion is after you saw these pictures is my tribe considered turkish or arab? Or what race are we exactly? And the most importent are we considerd white? And Anyway i read somewhere that a man will be attracted naturally and spiritualy to a woman from his own race only and i personaly feel attracted to white women from my race i dont have hate against blacks or asians but i dont have a connection with them however don't remove this comment because it doesn't countain any sensitive informations and its fine to be shown here the fourms, these people are from my tribe but they are not my close relatives, they are actually famous figures in social media, so there is no danger or risk of showing these pictures and i am full aware and i know what i say and what i write and i take the full resbonsiblity of my actions. So dont remove this comment please.
Yes, you are White in that case.

Romanian Waffen SS Troop said:
Hail Satan! When i was 4 years old, i was blonde, now i have black hair. I am Aryan? Sorry for my bad english ;)
Do not write this info on public forums.

Yes, you could be a Gentile as many African people were enforced into Judaism and hebrew culture which caused them to change their surnames in all sorts of things such as Israel and so forth.

SatansChildz said:
Am I a Jew if my last name is ...t
ArabKnight said:
I am from south saudi arabia (will not name the city or villiage) but i look white and my tribte fought alonge side the royal family against the turkish ottmans invaders and i heard somewhere that these turkish scums raped our grandmas and we are actually mixed with them anyway i will give you an example of people from my same tribe...

















And my quastion is after you saw these pictures is my tribe considered turkish or arab? Or what race are we exactly? And the most importent are we considerd white? And Anyway i read somewhere that a man will be attracted naturally and spiritualy to a woman from his own race only and i personaly feel attracted to white women from my race i dont have hate against blacks or asians but i dont have a connection with them however don't remove this comment because it doesn't countain any sensitive informations and its fine to be shown here the fourms, these people are from my tribe but they are not my close relatives, they are actually famous figures in social media, so there is no danger or risk of showing these pictures and i am full aware and i know what i say and what i write and i take the full resbonsiblity of my actions. So dont remove this comment please.
Some of them look White but I don't consider them such. They are Arabs which is a race with its subraces.
Brilliant HP Love this.
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

Except race is not just about melanin content in the skin. On the physical level, it's bone structure, certain sets of illnesses, physical capability, brain composition. On the mental level, there are differences when it comes to culture, intelligence, tastes, drives and desires. Spiritually, race is in the soul just as much as sex and sexual orientation and allows to connects us to our racial consciousness, and to the templates we are manifested from. Races are not all equal just like individuals are not all equal. As HPS Shannon stated already, there are divisions in life and there a hierarchy of being. Denying won't make it change just like denying the chair you're sitting on exists won't make you fall and hit your backside on the floor. Sermons like this are useful because they shed more light on the history and culture of our race, just like sermons in the racial-specific subforums uncover knowledge of the history and culture of other races, allowing everyone to reconnect with their roots and their ancestral knowledge.
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist. We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

This is a series of projections of your own worries, misunderstandings and trolling. Most of your questions are answered in your very own post, which shows you know the answers, but you just feel uneasy.

Nobody said that White people are whatever because whatever. Refer to my reply above, on what Aryan means. Aryan is a spiritual term, also, not solely a racial one. Ancient Mexicans of the higher order were also Satanic, in the spiritual sense, and Pagans.

Race is very important because it's physical and metaphysical. It's easy to say all races are equal from a smartphone, telephony, wireless, and many other things invented by a specific people that one tries to equalize themselves with. You mention it yourself, race is literally about survival, such as where one can live and cannot live, this doesn't sound like an unimportant thing. And that is the atheistic and simple approach to the subject.

Race is not skin deep, so our "skin color" is not unimportant either, but part of a larger spectrum of racial and metaphysical characteristics.

Spiritual growth may be on the individual, but connecting to one's roots is important for this. Whites are the only race that is being guilt tripped for going for our roots and remembering our origins. Indeed, a post on Paganism on Latin America would work more to uplift people of their origins [other great members have done this] rather than this rainbow equality talk.
AlexElPM said:
Now I'm proud to be aryan.


I have a question: the physical aspect is karmatic? I mean the conjunct of it. For sure there is a explanation about why someone is who is today.

Within the spectrum of the general racial category, yes, the physical aspect can be "karma" related or affected by these types of energies.

However, due to "karmic" reasons, a person who has a White parents cannot be born Black, because the "karmic" or just causality for such to happen simply does not exist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist. We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

This is a series of projections of your own worries, misunderstandings and trolling. Most of your questions are answered in your very own post, which shows you know the answers, but you just feel uneasy.

Nobody said that White people are whatever because whatever. Refer to my reply above, on what Aryan means. Aryan is a spiritual term, also, not solely a racial one. Ancient Mexicans of the higher order were also Satanic, in the spiritual sense, and Pagans.

Race is very important because it's physical and metaphysical. It's easy to say all races are equal from a smartphone, telephony, wireless, and many other things invented by a specific people that one tries to equalize themselves with. You mention it yourself, race is literally about survival, such as where one can live and cannot live, this doesn't sound like an unimportant thing. And that is the atheistic and simple approach to the subject.

Race is not skin deep, so our "skin color" is not unimportant either, but part of a larger spectrum of racial and metaphysical characteristics.

Spiritual growth may be on the individual, but connecting to one's roots is important for this. Whites are the only race that is being guilt tripped for going for our roots and remembering our origins. Indeed, a post on Paganism on Latin America would work more to uplift people of their origins [other great members have done this] rather than this rainbow equality talk.

I'm not trolling. But thanks for the feedback. At the end of the day we are all just humans no matter what part of the world you are in or race or culture or anything. Just like their isn't only one type of animal in the same specie's. We have different breeds of dogs,cats,dolphins, monkeys, and so forth. So it make sense for humans to all be different as well. All races are equal as long as you are a living human it's people that creat division.
Stormblood said:
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

Except race is not just about melanin content in the skin. On the physical level, it's bone structure, certain sets of illnesses, physical capability, brain composition. On the mental level, there are differences when it comes to culture, intelligence, tastes, drives and desires. Spiritually, race is in the soul just as much as sex and sexual orientation and allows to connects us to our racial consciousness, and to the templates we are manifested from. Races are not all equal just like individuals are not all equal. As HPS Shannon stated already, there are divisions in life and there a hierarchy of being. Denying won't make it change just like denying the chair you're sitting on exists won't make you fall and hit your backside on the floor. Sermons like this are useful because they shed more light on the history and culture of our race, just like sermons in the racial-specific subforums uncover knowledge of the history and culture of other races, allowing everyone to reconnect with their roots and their ancestral knowledge.[/qq

I appreciate you both taking the time to answer and clear my question :). I will for sure do more research on this topic.
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

Hello hermana, welcome to the forums. On one side I understand where you come from being uneasy. It's years of brain washing of us non whites being told that whites are always acting superior and we should hate them for it because they are proud "evil things they've done" when in reality it's the ones who started these lies about the white race that have done and still do these evil things and project them unto not just Gentiles but the white race mostly. The enemy even has a yearly holiday where they do rituals to push all their criminal acts onto others and even onto our gods. (Use the search function and look up the curse on the goat which is a symbol of Satan.)

On the other hand I can only give so much empathy to those who fall for these lies. People need to learn to go and look at things for themselves instead of believing everything the mainstream tells them. I say this with all due respect to the ones who are new to all this but are willing to learn.

High Priest Hooded Cobra gave an excellent reply and I'm just here to back this up as years being part of the JoS added with my own personal experineces can say he's 100% right. If my signature hasn't made it clear then allow me to mention I'm Mexican as well and no not a "White Mexican" either.

There's nothing wrong for the High Priest/ess who are white to express pride when writing post about their race. Our black High Priestess Shannon does show her pride in her race when she writes about important issues concerning her own. It was pretty obvious you are feeling uneasy that this pride was shown by whites. Besides the good replies explaining that race isn't something to ignore I'll add that you should work on deprogramming yourself and open up your soul. As time passes you'll see that race is very deep and important.

If you read thru http://www.exposingchristianity.com you will see that the enemy pushes this one race nonsense while they themselves have their top leaders go around telling their own younger ones to marry within their own. It's in their made up biblical scriptures that goy should all mix because they know this will cause destruction. Even the founder of DNA was stripped of his honors for admitting racial DNA is different between all races and affects intelligence and other things.

Eventually as science progresses it crosses with spirituality. Quantum science is but a stepping stone to prove this. So when we say race is in the soul then yes this too is part of science. The ancients knew this but much was wiped by the xian conquistadores who burned nearly all if not all ancient Mexican (Aztec) books. All around the ancient world knowledge was way ahead than now and we slowly but surely getting back there but we can only do this for sure and been at a faster pace if the enemy wasn't working non-stop to keep all this in the dark so to say.
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás
I'm not even sure white skin can evolve naturally on this planet.
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American.......

After identifying as your ethnic-racial person. Then asks....

Daniela182 said:
Why is race even a thing of importance?

The confusion is why do you identify as your ethnical-racial person and then continue on with a long post about how race is not important.....

This is the Judeo-Marxist induced political schizophrenia of the modern world total double think and contraction.

Race for Goyim does not matter because we are all Goyim cattle equally and only Jews are human and only Jewish identity exists and has signification as the chosen people. That is what the Jewish invented Political Correct doctrine comes from its Jewish racism against non-Jews.
ArabKnight said:
I am from south saudi arabia (will not name the city or villiage) but i look white and my tribte fought alonge side the royal family against the turkish ottmans invaders and i heard somewhere that these turkish scums raped our grandmas and we are actually mixed with them anyway i will give you an example of people from my same tribe...

















And my quastion is after you saw these pictures is my tribe considered turkish or arab? Or what race are we exactly? And the most importent are we considerd white? And Anyway i read somewhere that a man will be attracted naturally and spiritualy to a woman from his own race only and i personaly feel attracted to white women from my race i dont have hate against blacks or asians but i dont have a connection with them however don't remove this comment because it doesn't countain any sensitive informations and its fine to be shown here the fourms, these people are from my tribe but they are not my close relatives, they are actually famous figures in social media, so there is no danger or risk of showing these pictures and i am full aware and i know what i say and what i write and i take the full resbonsiblity of my actions. So dont remove this comment please.

The average Turk looks whiter than the Arabs.
Native person talks about their heritage - Praise the Native People!

Indian person talks about their heritage - Praise the People of India!

Black person talks about Africa - African power!

Chinese person talking about China - Praise China!

Mexican person talks about being Mexican - Praise Mexico.

White person makes a remote statement about themselves - You are a racist stop this this is very bad, does that mean you hate everyone? Who do you think you are? Why are you racist? KKK member much? Do you hate everyone else on earth right?

If you pay attention all these strange reactions are just emotionally programmed by the jews. Moreso than anyone into White people also.

The above is just a program of jewish insanity. Jews have a threatening and hatred based notion of race. They believe in exterminating all other living beings over them being different.

We are being systematically programmed to extinct, and this is one of the reason everyone else also is programmed to react in a certain way.

Loving yourself and believing in your heritage is healthy and important in all ways.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Native person talks about their heritage - Praise the Native People!

Indian person talks about their heritage - Praise the People of India!

Black person talks about Africa - African power!

Chinese person talking about China - Praise China!

Mexican person talks about being Mexican - Praise Mexico.

White person makes a remote statement about themselves - You are a racist stop this this is very bad, does that mean you hate everyone? Who do you think you are? Why are you racist? KKK member much? Do you hate everyone else on earth right?

If you pay attention all these strange reactions are just emotionally programmed by the jews. Moreso than anyone into White people also.

The above is just a program of jewish insanity. Jews have a threatening and hatred based notion of race. They believe in exterminating all other living beings over them being different.

We are being systematically programmed to extinct, and this is one of the reason everyone else also is programmed to react in a certain way.

Loving yourself and believing in your heritage is healthy and important in all ways.

All over Hollywood, books, media etc white people are never shown in a good light as a race but non whites are constantly are. On the contrary whites are openly attacked in all these areas but idiots still insist on calling the western world white-supremacist and white patriarchal and that it's all owned by white people. Even business give more opportunities to non whites than whites. I'm still waiting on proof that white supremacy reigns here and no saying, "just cause you don't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist" that idiots spew out isn't a viable answer either. I get flustered by how easy it is notice these things and how it just goes over the average person's head.

I can't wait for when we SS take our world back, get rid of all the enemy influence on our societies and see all the white sjws and racist non whites lose their minds. I'll be with my prideful Mexican people laughing at the insecurities of those fools. SJW meltdown videos will be 100s times funnier. :D
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Native person talks about their heritage - Praise the Native People!

Indian person talks about their heritage - Praise the People of India!

Black person talks about Africa - African power!

Chinese person talking about China - Praise China!

Mexican person talks about being Mexican - Praise Mexico.

White person makes a remote statement about themselves - You are a racist stop this this is very bad, does that mean you hate everyone? Who do you think you are? Why are you racist? KKK member much? Do you hate everyone else on earth right?

If you pay attention all these strange reactions are just emotionally programmed by the jews. Moreso than anyone into White people also.

The above is just a program of jewish insanity. Jews have a threatening and hatred based notion of race. They believe in exterminating all other living beings over them being different.

We are being systematically programmed to extinct, and this is one of the reason everyone else also is programmed to react in a certain way.

Loving yourself and believing in your heritage is healthy and important in all ways.

All over Hollywood, books, media etc white people are never shown in a good light as a race but non whites are constantly are. On the contrary whites are openly attacked in all these areas but idiots still insist on calling the western world white-supremacist and white patriarchal and that it's all owned by white people. Even business give more opportunities to non whites than whites. I'm still waiting on proof that white supremacy reigns here and no saying, "just cause you don't see doesn't mean it doesn't exist" that idiots spew out isn't a viable answer either. I get flustered by how easy it is notice these things and how it just goes over the average person's head.

I can't wait for when we SS take our world back, get rid of all the enemy influence on our societies and see all the white sjws and racist non whites lose their minds. I'll be with my prideful Mexican people laughing at the insecurities of those fools. SJW meltdown videos will be 100s times funnier. :D
FancyMancy said:
hailourtruegod said:
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

Hello hermana, welcome to the forums. On one side I understand where you come from being uneasy. It's years of brain washing of us non whites being told that whites are always acting superior and we should hate them for it because they are proud "evil things they've done" when in reality it's the ones who started these lies about the white race that have done and still do these evil things and project them unto not just Gentiles but the white race mostly. The enemy even has a yearly holiday where they do rituals to push all their criminal acts onto others and even onto our gods. (Use the search function and look up the curse on the goat which is a symbol of Satan.)

On the other hand I can only give so much empathy to those who fall for these lies. People need to learn to go and look at things for themselves instead of believing everything the mainstream tells them. I say this with all due respect to the ones who are new to all this but are willing to learn.

High Priest Hooded Cobra gave an excellent reply and I'm just here to back this up as years being part of the JoS added with my own personal experineces can say he's 100% right. If my signature hasn't made it clear then allow me to mention I'm Mexican as well and no not a "White Mexican" either.

There's nothing wrong for the High Priest/ess who are white to express pride when writing post about their race. Our black High Priestess Shannon does show her pride in her race when she writes about important issues concerning her own. It was pretty obvious you are feeling uneasy that this pride was shown by whites. Besides the good replies explaining that race isn't something to ignore I'll add that you should work on deprogramming yourself and open up your soul. As time passes you'll see that race is very deep and important.

If you read thru http://www.exposingchristianity.com you will see that the enemy pushes this one race nonsense while they themselves have their top leaders go around telling their own younger ones to marry within their own. It's in their made up biblical scriptures that goy should all mix because they know this will cause destruction. Even the founder of DNA was stripped of his honors for admitting racial DNA is different between all races and affects intelligence and other things.

Eventually as science progresses it crosses with spirituality. Quantum science is but a stepping stone to prove this. So when we say race is in the soul then yes this too is part of science. The ancients knew this but much was wiped by the xian conquistadores who burned nearly all if not all ancient Mexican (Aztec) books. All around the ancient world knowledge was way ahead than now and we slowly but surely getting back there but we can only do this for sure and been at a faster pace if the enemy wasn't working non-stop to keep all this in the dark so to say.

Thanks for the info I appreciate everyone who replied. It is something that I was often confused about when I see it on the forums. But I'm so happy I finally said something because I was able to find the answers from many of the responses I got. So thank you and I will for sure see it differently and will inform myself on this more. Well appreciated :)
HP Mageson666 said:
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American.......

After identifying as your ethnic-racial person. Then asks....

Daniela182 said:
Why is race even a thing of importance?

The confusion is why do you identify as your ethnical-racial person and then continue on with a long post about how race is not important.....

This is the Judeo-Marxist induced political schizophrenia of the modern world total double think and contraction.

Race for Goyim does not matter because we are all Goyim cattle equally and only Jews are human and only Jewish identity exists and has signification as the chosen people. That is what the Jewish invented Political Correct doctrine comes from its Jewish racism against non-Jews.

Thanks for clearing this up. It is something I needed because I was for sure confused on the matter. And I was wrong and will be doing more research to further learn. Being a Satanist has taught me so much already and I appreciate learning even more. Deprogramming myself since becoming a Satanist has been a journey of learning and accepting that things I thought to be are wrong and this is one thing that I have been corrected on and needed it. So thank you . I have come very far but this will for sure be another stepping stone for me. And I thank everyone who replied.
Manofsatan said:
I want to know, if one keeps having sex with the same person continuously only on a void moon, will there be any connections between the two on the soul. Thank you

Hail Satan
Sex is Physical and Mental/Psychological, as well as Spiritual.
Daniela182 said:
hailourtruegod said:
Daniela182 said:
I'm Mexican American and in no way white so when I read articles like this it confuses me. Why is race even a thing of importance? Satan doesn't only have blond hair blue eyed God's by his side. Nor does he have only white dedicated Satanist.We are all different colors none greater then the other. Our skin color is due to the environments we live in. Hence why people have more melanin in their skin then others due to condition of their environment. It's protection from the sun at the end of the day and if your white with blue eyes in the middle of a blazing hot dessert your eyes and skin would suffer terribly. But I'm not saying that people with blue eyes aren't linked to Satan because you are. What I'm saying is that it doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to your spirituality and growth. So to everyone who reads this remember there is a scientific reason on why we are all different colors.

Ave Satanás

Hello hermana, welcome to the forums. On one side I understand where you come from being uneasy. It's years of brain washing of us non whites being told that whites are always acting superior and we should hate them for it because they are proud "evil things they've done" when in reality it's the ones who started these lies about the white race that have done and still do these evil things and project them unto not just Gentiles but the white race mostly. The enemy even has a yearly holiday where they do rituals to push all their criminal acts onto others and even onto our gods. (Use the search function and look up the curse on the goat which is a symbol of Satan.)

On the other hand I can only give so much empathy to those who fall for these lies. People need to learn to go and look at things for themselves instead of believing everything the mainstream tells them. I say this with all due respect to the ones who are new to all this but are willing to learn.

High Priest Hooded Cobra gave an excellent reply and I'm just here to back this up as years being part of the JoS added with my own personal experineces can say he's 100% right. If my signature hasn't made it clear then allow me to mention I'm Mexican as well and no not a "White Mexican" either.

There's nothing wrong for the High Priest/ess who are white to express pride when writing post about their race. Our black High Priestess Shannon does show her pride in her race when she writes about important issues concerning her own. It was pretty obvious you are feeling uneasy that this pride was shown by whites. Besides the good replies explaining that race isn't something to ignore I'll add that you should work on deprogramming yourself and open up your soul. As time passes you'll see that race is very deep and important.

If you read thru http://www.exposingchristianity.com you will see that the enemy pushes this one race nonsense while they themselves have their top leaders go around telling their own younger ones to marry within their own. It's in their made up biblical scriptures that goy should all mix because they know this will cause destruction. Even the founder of DNA was stripped of his honors for admitting racial DNA is different between all races and affects intelligence and other things.

Eventually as science progresses it crosses with spirituality. Quantum science is but a stepping stone to prove this. So when we say race is in the soul then yes this too is part of science. The ancients knew this but much was wiped by the xian conquistadores who burned nearly all if not all ancient Mexican (Aztec) books. All around the ancient world knowledge was way ahead than now and we slowly but surely getting back there but we can only do this for sure and been at a faster pace if the enemy wasn't working non-stop to keep all this in the dark so to say.

Thanks for the info I appreciate everyone who replied. It is something that I was often confused about when I see it on the forums. But I'm so happy I finally said something because I was able to find the answers from many of the responses I got. So thank you and I will for sure see it differently and will inform myself on this more. Well appreciated :)

No problem. It's my pleasure to help out. Always feel free to express any concern as that's the Best way to fix any confusion. Best of luck and good will to you. :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:

I would eliminate "plastics" from the list. It's the worst invention ever. Plastic containers are the worst, as when subjected to heat or cold they make toxic whatever they're contain. I'm thinking water bottle, especially in summer.

Can someone good at editing pictures also replace the striked links?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
