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Preparedness: 30 January 2020

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Several people here have stated they are in poverty and can't afford to stock up, etc.

Satan and our Gods understand this. They told me they will definitely help our people who are financially disadvantaged. 

I spent most of my life in abject poverty. I know all too well how this is. The thing to remember here is Satan provides us with what we need. Since coming to Satan, I have never gone without anything I needed.

Many people are deluded by what the enemy claims regarding Satan and believe sacks of cash are supposed to rain down over anyone who dedicates their soul. This is not so. Satan will protect us and see to it we have what we need. We need to do our part as well. 

I've written about this several times. When I was totally new to Satanism,  I remember I was hungry, and absolutely penniless (literally). I was walking down the street and right in front of a restaurant,  there was a wad of money stuck to the sidewalk.  It was enough for me to go inside and have a hot meal. I was deeply touched by this kindness from Satan. I will never forget this. I have never gone hungry since coming to Satan. 

The Gods have stated several times this situation will get much worse. In addition, it isn't difficult to see this will lead to long term economic collapse. 

The time is now to prepare. 

For those of you who are really strapped financially, use every charity outlet you can. Sadly,  nearly all are run and controlled by Christians. 

Azazel  told me to tell everyone that the Gods understand and for our people who are in a bad financial situation,  to go ahead and get whatever they can. This is a serious emergency situation. 

Always remember to check the dates on anything you get from a free food shelf. 
Anyone in poverty should have every right to use these places. 

Also, if you have any access to free meals,  this is another money saver. Free meals will free up money so you can go to the market and buy nonperishable to stock up on. 

Take advantage of anything you can.  Again,  it is a sad fact that Christians run most of these places. Keep a low profile,  keep your mouth shut and just get in and get out. Never get involved in any conversations, don't expose any tattoos you might have,  don't wear any revealing jewelry or noticable clothes that attract attention. When you get home,  clean your aura real good. 

This is an emergency situation. Again,  our Gods will help those of you who really need it. We will all be protected through this,  but we need to do our part to help ourselves. 

Go through everything you spend your money on and prioritize. Anything you can cut out, do so and put your money towards stocking up as much as you can. 

I will be writing more here soon with tips on preserving food,  cooking and more. 

Look to the internet, and your local library to gather more tips on stocking up on food,  lists of nonperishables, budgeting your money and preparing to survive. 

Also, making the most of limited space.

Anyone who has a list of good websites for the above,  please post them here.

As always,  think for yourself and consider before taking any advice. Does it apply to you? Will it work for you? Etc.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 
In light of this response, should we not prioritise the final RTR to reverse thevJewish Kabbalistic tree. I am referring to reversing and destroying the 10 Sephiroth a d associated names to destroy the Jewish Consciousness grid around the earth with the 10 Sephiroth corresponding to the 10 planets and Chakras.
There is a pagan one here but not like ss Paganism it's more like the watered down stuff but that's still way better than xtian. However other than that they are all churches or xtian. I thought about volunteering at it and meeting interesting people awhile back but I work now anyways I will see about going to one of these things I am not that well off financially but I don't like feeling like a parasite fully either. That is what prevents me from going to these places.

However I will try to set up an appointment with somewhere soon.

How bad are things going to get anyways I was hoping soon to better my situation financially somehow and get a nicer job eventually I hope things don't collapse before I even get a chance to actually enjoy life sigh
Anyone who has a list of good websites for the above, please post them here.

This is weird because I started perusing survivalist articles online out of the blue a week ago and I do suggest looking up doomsday prepper websites (don't panic though!), there are lots of articles with very useful tips on survival in all sorts of situations (economic collapse, basic safety/self defence and even sickness pandemics, etc.), take notes and keep vigilant everyone!

NB: a good website I found would be " http://www.happypreppers.com ", but let me know if this suggestion is a bit over the top. I do think it's important to have this knowledge in case you might find it handy someday though.
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.
These are different emergency foods for 3 days to 1 year, they all have a shelf life of 25 years: https://buyersguide.org/emergency-food-supply-reviews/t/best?kw=8751843946999619775&m=b&d=c&c=414533423000&p=1t1&oid=kwd-308440013958&lp=9030164&li=&nw=g&nts=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmsrxBRDaARIsANyiD1qf_adT-JNr1wJSobS415sPFHQpI5BhkVRgbSD6VdaRpiNGKXEarKUaAkN1EALw_wcB&tdid=7974461&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmsrxBRDaARIsANyiD1qf_adT-JNr1wJSobS415sPFHQpI5BhkVRgbSD6VdaRpiNGKXEarKUaAkN1EALw_wcB
Academic Scholar said:
These are different emergency foods for 3 days to 1 year, they all have a shelf life of 25 years: https://buyersguide.org/emergency-food-supply-reviews/t/best?kw=8751843946999619775&m=b&d=c&c=414533423000&p=1t1&oid=kwd-308440013958&lp=9030164&li=&nw=g&nts=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmsrxBRDaARIsANyiD1qf_adT-JNr1wJSobS415sPFHQpI5BhkVRgbSD6VdaRpiNGKXEarKUaAkN1EALw_wcB&tdid=7974461&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmsrxBRDaARIsANyiD1qf_adT-JNr1wJSobS415sPFHQpI5BhkVRgbSD6VdaRpiNGKXEarKUaAkN1EALw_wcB
I strongly suggest buying food at markets if at all possible. Never buy anything you or your family might not eat. If you buy foods you or your family might not like or readily eat, this is wasted money. Also, when market shopping, you have more control. Also be aware some of these packs, even sold at stores can be a ripoff.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Yes this is due to astrological and planetary karma. Also due to such one might unknowingly get stuck in a job that is astrologically not compatible to you and not make much money (and struggle hard.)
Here's a comprehensive list of emergency preparedness food ideas with tips and suggestions to make the most of your stockpile along with plenty of alternatives to accommodate everybody. Many of these foods can be quite inexpensive depending on which brand you buy and which country you live in. Just choose what works best for you.

37 Foods to Hoard
Survival food storage you can get from the grocery store https://www.happypreppers.com/37-food-storage.html

37 Foods to Hoard
Survival food storage you can get from the grocery store:

#1: Distilled water and seltzer water.
Water isn't a food to hoard, but you certainly can't live without it, which is why water is #1 on this prepping list. Distilled water is the most pure form of water. Get water now and make plans to get more water. Consider adding canned seltzer water to your
pantry as well. Canned seltzer water lasts indefinitely, adds a fizzy pep to your water supply and even helps relieve constipation! Avoid seltzer if you have acid reflux.

Want to know the #1 food to hoard? Skip to #6. Canned and dried meats. Set aside your rice and beans for now,
because the best food to stock for crisis is meat (canned and dried). Meat is the best prepper protein and with so many
options available from dried and dehydrated, freeze dried and canned, you have no excuses (other than if you are a vegetarian).

#2: Canned liquids.
It's important to stock up on canned foods with high liquid content. Two excellent (and often overlooked) examples are canned pineapple juice and vegetable juice available on the
bottom shelves of your grocery store. These foods will provide nutrition and hydration simultaneously. Look also for evaporated milk, condensed milk, and canned coconut milk. Coconut milk will
help you cook rice faster! Stewed tomatoes, and vegetable, beef or chicken stock can also help you cook rice without depleting your drinking water. It's also a great excuse to stock up on canned beer, which you can use to cook!

#3: Dehydrated powdered milk, whey and eggs. Milk does a body good (or so say the commercials) and we have a
list for preppers on the 12 reasons to stock powdered milk in your pantry. Indeed milk is a versatile food well worth stockpiling if you don't have a cow or a goat. Bob's Red Mill dehydrated milk lasts, pictured right, up to two years, and is an excellent natural
creamer for coffee. Skip the non-dairy creamers made of hydrogenated oils and use powdered milk instead.

Powdered Milk. The best milk to buy at the grocery stores if it's available is Bob's Red Mill Dry Milk powder, pictured right. However for economical value, buy dehydrated powdered milk by the bucket and in #10 cans as it will have the longest shelf life.

Whey powder. You know that Little Miss Muffet ate her curds and whey, and so should you. In cheese making, curds are the thick part of the milk that's separated from the liquid when the milk turns sour. Whey is the watery part that's cloudy and yellowish. Whey is highly nutritious! Bob's Red Mill offers an all natural whey protein concentrate. Whey contains a high quality complete protein containing all of the essential amino acids required by the body for strength and muscle development. It is a great way of increasing protein intake without adding excessive carbohydrates and fat. It dissolves instantly so it's great for making high protein shakes and smoothies. In survival times, mix it with dehydrated milk for an extra frothy and satisfying nutrient!
So while this isn't the first thing that will fly off the shelves in the event of a crisis, it's one Happy Preppers should have on their list.

Eggs and Powdered eggs. Ova Easy dehydrated eggs, pictured right, are 100% all-natural with no preservatives or chemicals. Look also to Harmony House for freeze dried egg powders as well as Honeyville Farms for powdered eggs in #10 cans. Eggs generally can last a long time and don't need to be refrigerated, however having egg powders on hand is peace of mind.

#4: Hard cheeses encased in wax.
Waxed hard cheeses are not so easy to find, but they are available, and Parmesan, swiss, sharp cheddar or Gouda encased in wax is a very "Gouda" thing to find! Wax prevents cheese from growing mold and bacteria, and it also keeps moisture in your cheese, so it can store for a very long time without refrigeration.
Parmesan is a hard cheese, and in the powder form has a four month expiration date, but encased in wax it can last up to 25 years! Consider buying cheese wax and even a basic hard cheese kit to make your own delicious cheeses. Wax will keep hard
cheeses moist during the aging process, and also prevent unwanted mold growth on your aging cheeses. Here's more about prepper cheese.

#5: Protein bars and protein drinks.
Ideal for a bug out bag, food bars are compact nutrition and should be part of your everyday food storage. Sure, some food bars are a sort of cross between chocolate candy bars and
vitamins, others more of a granola, but they are often high in protein. Food bars can provide a satisfaction for a morning meal or an addition to your other rations. Look for coconut bars too!
Another food bar that often goes under the radar with Prepper's (but shouldn't) is Pemmican, pictured below, which contains complete protein and gives energy. Free of isolates, fructose,
sugar and cholesterol, Pemmican is a concentrated food bar that offers quick energy.

#6: Canned & dehydrated meats, poultry, seafood. What's the #1 food to hoard? The best prepper protein source is meat. Go for the jerky! If you had to stockpile just one kind of food you'd want to stockpile meat in cans. Go ahead and Tune-in to the tuna. Stack up on the Dak! Why? Because meats provide humans with around 90% of sustenance needed to survive; and
90% of plants are deadly to humans. Man must eat meat!

When possible, look for grass-fed meats, like Yoder's brand. Canned salmon, canned sardines, canned mackerel and canned tuna are rich in necessary Omega 3 oils. Stock your refrigerator with meats too. Smoked salmon, sausages and hot dogs can last a long time in your refrigerator. Store organic hot dogs and sausages, such as Applegate Farms Uncured Beef Hot Dogs, which are made from organic, grass-fed beef. Consume them first in a power failure.

#7: Drink mixes: Coffee, bouillon, tea, Ovaltine, Tang Stock your prepper's pantry with drink mixes:

Coffee for survival purposes provides the primary benefit of increased mental alertness, but as a morale boost it's good too.

Tea for survival is important too, and has been around for 5,000+ years for a reason! Water quality of our ancestors wasn't very good, so tea helped it taste better and boiling water killed bacteria. In an emergency situation, tea can help you hydrate quickly when you can't wait for the boiled water to cool. Caffeinated teas provide a burst of additional energy; while other teas can provide a calming and soothing effect, which you may need. Additionally, many kinds of tea have anti-cancer properties (polyphenols), and reduce the risk of blood clotting and even lowers cholesterol levels. Consider adding echinacea, peppermint and chamomile teas to help combat the common cold, naturally, too!

Powdered drink mixes:

Tang is a prepper classic to enhance the water supply. Nasa flew astronauts to the moon and back with Tang. It has Calcium and Vitamin C to help avoid scurvy!

Gatorade powder has a boost of electrolytes.

Wylers, Koolaid or whatever tickles your sweet tooth.

Bouillon cubes are compressed stock. This salty essential will help you flavor soups, rices, ramen style noodles and

#8: Oils (butter, lard, olive oil, organic shortening).
Cooking oil is extremely important to stockpile. You can't cook much without an oil or fat! Buy oil small containers and look for the word "virgin" which means that they are the first press and
have the most nutritive value. Cooking oil won't last long, but even if your oil becomes rancid, you can use it as fuel!

Butter. You can freeze butter and buy butter in a can. Pure Creamery Butter by Red Feather has a long shelf life. Look also into butter powder.

Coconut oil. Shortening usually has trans fats, so consider coconut oil as cooking lard to replace Crisco or other
vegetable shortening, which is made of dangerous trans fats. Coconut oil is very heat stable, and because it's low to oxidize, it means that it won't go rancid as quickly as other oils. It can last up to two years, and it provides fast energy.
Read more about storing coconut in your preps!

Ghee. Gee, here's something to consider, Ghee! What's that? Ghee is butter that's been melted and simmered down until all the water has evaporated and the milk solids have settled at the bottom. It has a long shelf life.

Lard. Surprisingly, new studies show lard is a healthful cooking fat! It's versatile too.

Olive oil. Olive oil is an ideal oil, but can quickly go rancid, thought it may have a shelf life up to two years.

Organic shortening. Many preppers stock Crisco, which is definitely not organic,but really it's better to make a candle from Crisco than it is to eat the heart clogging stuff. Organic shortening is a good alternative to hydrogenated Crisco, because it's made healthier and it lasts indefinitely. Try Nutiva or Spectrum brands of organic shortening.

Other oils. If possible, look for a NON-GMO corn oil, as 86% of corn has been genetically modified. Whatever oil you buy, be sure to buy them in small containers as the minute you open, they oxidate and begin deteriorating quickly. Avoid anything made with Soybean oil as 90% of soybean products are genetically modified or cross-contaminated.

# 9: Whole wheat flour, bread and pancake mixes. Many preppers grind their own wheat into flour, but if you're new to prepping, ensure you have some flour on hand. In the category
of flour, you could stock bread mix, such as Krusteaz or Bisquick. Wheat is a basic food product that's chock full of fiber, protein, vitamins and even minerals, like selenium. If you stock white flour in your daily pantry, be sure to stock wheat flour in your Prepper's pantry because it has more nutritive value when it has the whole grain (bran, germ and endosperm). White flour has
only the endosperm.

You may also need flour for thickening gravies, or coat and fry, such things as freshly caught fish. If you have whole wheat flour, you won't have to stock genetically modified corn starch, which is also used for thickening. Consider Bob's Red Mill Whole Wheat flour because it comes wrapped in plastic, rather than a paper bag which is more susceptible to pest invasions. Ultimately, you should store whole wheat flour in your every day pantry. Your long term pantry should include whole grain wheat and you should have a grain mill.

Thankfully, "There is not currently, nor has there ever been, any genetically engineered wheat on the market," according to the Non-GMO project, so stock up! Read more about grains for

#10: Cereals Shredded Wheat, corn or rice. Stockpile whatever cereals your family eats oat, corn, rice, or wheat-based. We recommend Shredded wheat! The first edition
of the Boy Scout Manual in 1911 highlights the best food for Boy
Scouts is Shredded Wheat, "because it has all the muscle- building material in the whole wheat grain prepared in a
digestible form, supplying all the strength needed for work or play." If refrigeration isn't an issue, pack wheat germ, which has high levels of fiber and vitamin E to boost your immune systems. Wheat germ is the center of the seed. Packed with protein and fiber, wheat germ also has folate, magnesium, zinc, manganese, selenium and vitamin E. It's considered "nutrition in a crunch." It's not really a meal, but one you can add to your hot cereal.

#11: Potato flour.
Potato flour might not be at the top of your list, but potato flour is good to have. Consider adding potato flakes and potato flour to your Prepper's Pantry! Why potato flour? Potato flour is
wonderful, gluten-free addition to the pantry to make breads, pancakes and waffles, potato soups and much more.

It's better way to eat your veggies! Potato flour is the entire potato (skin and all) dehydrated.

Thickener. You can use potato flour as a thickener to add body to broths stews and gravies. Using potato flour as a thickening agent, will help you avoid GMO cornstarch. It's the starch in the potato that holds water.

Natural dough conditioner. As a baking ingredient to mix with other flours, potato flour will add moisture. Potato flour really does make the yeast dough easier to handle!

Binder. Potato flour will add creaminess to frozen desserts because it holds the moisture and the fat. It also helps bind
meats, such as hamburger patties, meatloaf or fish patties, so they're more juicy and flavorful.

Breading. Potato flour is a gluten free breading for frying. It provides a golden crunchy crust

Extender. Potato flour will add shelf life to foods you bake because it's a moist yeast bread with an excellent shelf life.

Consider also sweet potato flour, which is incredibly versatile and can be used for baked goods such as breads, cookies, muffins, pancakes, crepes, cakes and doughnuts. It can also be used in soups, as a thickener for sauces and gravies, and in breading.

#12 Corn as a grain (dried).
Did you know corn is both a grain and a vegetable? As a grain, corn is dried into flour to bake and make a variety of foods from cornbread to cornflakes. Corn as a grain is an essential prepper
food and there are many kinds of dried corn.

Cornmeal. Pioneers packed cornmeal as part of their provision list, a half a bushel!

Corn starch. Corn starch is a basic ingredient in baking.

Grits. There are 101 things you can do with grits, America's most basic food!

Popcorn. We wrote an entire article touting the benefits of storing Popcorn because it's a grain that can be ground into flour!

Masa harina. Spanish for "dough," masa is the flour of finely ground maize, hominy or corn. It's basically been dried, cooked, ground, soaked in lime and then dried again. It reconstitutes easily with warm water and salt to make corn tortillas. Masa harina is the dough flour for empanadas, papusas and tamales. Look for organic brands, which will ensure you're not getting a dangerous genetically modified food products. While Masa Harina is a finely ground meal, corn grits is more versatile, hearty and nutritious basic food. Nothing satisfies like the savory experience of Bob's Red Mill gluten-free corn grits (also called polenta). For breakfast, you will love it with milk and honey. Grits left in a pot to cool become polenta. In this way, you can serve it for dinner with butter, cheese, marinara or gravy. You can also purchase alkali-treated corn (actually dried maize kernels) known as hominy, which is largely popular in Southern and Mexican cuisine. Popular in the South, you can also find this product out West if you look for it in cans in the Mexican
food isles. Hominy is high in calcium content.

#13: Corn as a vegetable.
Corn as a vegetable is also an important pantry essential. (Corn
is both a grain and a vegetable: the only difference is that as a grain it's dried before harvesting.) Buy organic corn in cans to help ensure it's not genetically modified as most corn is GMO.

In stores, look for the "Non-GMO project verified" label to avoid buying genetically modified corn. Steer clear of GMO corn products by purchasing organic (shockingly, 86% of the world's
corn is GMO).

#14: Oats and Oatmeal.
A favorite of American pioneers, oatmeal is a prepper food that's low in saturated fat, and it's also a good source of fiber, which is especially important during survival times. You'll need to store adequate water as making the porridge requires 4 cups of water for every one cup of oatmeal. A tip for preparing is to soak the
oatmeal over night, so that it takes just 9-12 minutes to boil (instead of a half an hour). Look for John McCann's steel cut oatmeal in a can, which are 100% whole grain and natural Irish oats.

Stock up on emergency buckets of rolled oats and quick oats today, and learn more about why oats are an important part of your food storage.

#15: Bread crumbs and stuffings.
Bread crumbs are a satisfying addition to casseroles, and can also help you make salmon and crab cakes with the cans in your Prepper's food storage. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find Bread
crumbs sealed in plastic for freshness. Usually, they are boxed in waxed paper. Stuffing is a natural accompaniment to your mashed potatoes and will mix nicely with spices and dehydrated
onions. Try also, bread in a can, and pumpernickel.

Learn to like Pumpernickel and make it part of your everyday diet! This amazing whole grain rye bread (enjoyed by Germans and
Scandinavians with cheeses, pates and meats), packs a mighty punch of fiber and has a three or four month shelf life! You can make a satisfying meal with even one slice of bread.

#16: Shelf stable, ready to eat meals.
There are two kinds of shelf-stable, ready to eat meals to include: the kind you eat, and the kind you don't.

Soup is good food and can provide a hearty meal with crackers. For shelf-stable and ready to eat meals, think about how you can add canned meat to boxed meals. Cheeseburger Macaroni for example.

In uncertain times, you can also take comfort in having several shelf-stable, ready to eat meals on hand, which require no cooking. Go Picnic is one of them. They are the grocery store
version of Meals Ready to Eat.

#17: Crackers and cookies.
While crackers have little nutritive value, they do provide a sense
of normalcy to a survival situation and will be a worthy an satisfying accompaniment to soups and tuna salad, and peanut butter stashes in the Prepper's Pantry.

You may find some surprising nutritive benefits such as niacin and iron in flaky flavorful crackers. In your long term food storage you'll need to buy some pilot crackers in a #10 can. There are
many reasons to stockpile crackers.

#18: Potato Flakes and au gratin potatoes. Add potato flakes to your prepper's pantry. If you can find a shelf-
stable variety of au gratin or scalloped potatoes that don't have hydrogenated oils, then go for it. Left is Edward and Sons. Unfortunately, most au gratin potatoes have them (so skip Wegmann's, Betty Crocker and Idahoan until they stop including
hydrogenated oils in their manufacture). Look for au gratin potatoes at organic based food market, like Whole Foods. There are plenty of more reasons why you should make potatoes part of
your long-term food storage plan.

#19: Rice (choose white rice).
Rice is a staple of the prepper diet (along with beans). Sure, jasmine rice is cheap food, and worth storing but you can also store a variety of rice to keep your family interested. Try basmati
rice, Italian arborio rice, short grain Asian rice, wild rice, and brown rice too! Brown rice is a healthy option, but requires more cooking time, which could deplete your cooking resources. It also doesn't store as well. Consider instant rice for this reason alone,
though it's not as healthy as other rice options.

Rice Select has a nice variety of grain rice in nice containers.

#20 Pastas.
Dried pasta is an ideal prep because it has little to no fat or moisture content, so it resists spoilage. Among the most filling and inexpensive foods, store a variety of pastas in addition to
your spaghetti and macaroni noodles including: egg noodles, gnocchi (made with potatoes), dried tortellini (filled with hard cheese), orzo (rice shaped pasta), couscous (wheat-based pasta)
and the other variety of shaped Italian pasta such as lasagna, linguine, rotelle, rotini, rigatoni, orecchiette, penne, mastoccilli etc. Remember Asian pastas too! There are healthier options to the inexpensive ramen style noodles. Try soba (made from buckwheat), rice noodles, udon (wheat flour), bean curd noodles, and chow main noodles (fried noodles made of egg and wheat).
Right, you can make a meal of Annie's cheeseburger macaroni meal starter and Keystone Ground beef.

Use your noodle! Include more pasta in your food storage.

#21 Raisins, dried fruits and fruit strips.
Enhance your supply with dried apricots, dates, cranberries, mangos and whatever your family enjoys. You can make your own trail mix with dried fruits.

Raisins. Just a handful of raisins will provide a full serving of fruit. Raisins have protein, fiber, iron, and Vitamin C. Raisins are loaded with antioxidants and potassium, too. Use them
in your Prepper's pantry to enhance the flavor of rice for dinner and cereals for breakfasts. Remember, raisins are a
dried fruit and not a dehydrated food. There is a difference in how you store each. Organic raisins are the best choice so you can avoid toxic pesticides of commercial farming.
Newmans Own is an excellent choice. These raisins are packed with juicy flavor and a pleasing texture, and are available by the six pack in 15-oz cans for your prepper's pantry and delivered to your door.

Fruit leathers, fruit strips and fruit ropes. Skip the fruit rollups, which are ladened with unwanted high-fructose corn syrups. Instead, look for Simply Fruit twists and high fiber dried fruit strips available in a variety of flavors, such as cherry, grape, and apricot.

The more variety, the better for your family to fight boredom in diet and to get the essential nutrients they each provide

#22: Jams and jellies.
Preppers love to make their own jams and jellies, but if you're new to prepping, you can stock up on ready-made.

Jams and jellies are a canning favorite from blackberry jams, strawberry jams, raspberry jams, grape jellies and also apple butters, your pantry can easily have a variety of fruit spreads to sweeten life.

#23. Canned fruits.
Did you know fruits contain twice as much calories per pound as
veggies? A fruit cocktail will give you about 300-400 calories per pound. Peaches, packed in light syrup offer a tremendous calorie boost to the survival diet. The liquids also provide a valuable
source of hydration, so don't can the juice in the cans! Look for citrus varieties, such as pineapple and mandarin oranges, to give the essential vitamin C. Applesauce too can be a wonderful accompaniment to cereals, and can also serve as a dessert. Canned pumpkin puree will also provide a heavy dose of Vitamin A and you can make a simple soup by adding bouillon cubes and spices, such as garlic.

#24: Canned veggies.
When it comes to veggies, preppers need to think beyond green beans! Unfortunately, green beans do not pack many calories. If you're looking for the ideal veggies to stash, then think about
canned root vegetables, like sweet potatoes and yams. Sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin A, plus they're filling. Add a variety with canned sauerkraut, cabbage and beets, too. If you eat them, carrots, peas and potatoes provide the fixing for a nice stew. Canned olives, asparagus and artichoke hearts will help you make easy pasta dishes. Dried veggies, right are available online. Skip the canned corn (it's likely GMO).

#25: Beans and legumes.
Stock up on beans ~ all kinds of dried beans and canned beans, (including refried beans). The more variety of beans you store, the better as it provides energy and fiber. Beans pack around 1250 calories per pound. Best of all, you can sprout beans -- it as
little as five days you can sprout crunchy, fresh phytonutrients for
your family from dried beans, peas, and lentils. (See the sprouter, immediate right.) Peanuts aren't really nuts (they're
beans, but stock up on those too because they add protein).

#26: Nuts, seeds and nut-butters.
Many preppers stock peanut butter, but sunbutter, made from sunflower seeds, is an excellent item to stock, as is almond butter.

While it's true that nuts can go rancid quickly, nuts are an excellent source of energy, so stock up on them in your Prepper's pantry (provided there are no allergies in your family)! Just be
sure to rotate often if you stock any of the following:

Raw almonds, walnuts and cashews are excellent choices, pistachio's too.
Mixed roasted nuts will also provide varieties, such as hazelnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts. Think sunflower seeds and alfalfa seeds too! Try trail mixes and nut bars.

Nuts are obviously allergens, so avoid giving them to children under 5. Think also canned chestnuts, which are a great source of fiber and found in the Asian section of your supermarket. (They're also an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, iron and
vitamin C.) The healthiest nuts and seeds are in bags, rather than oil filled cans and jars.

Yes, you already knew to stock peanut butter, but did you know that peanut butter is really a bean butter? Look for peanut butters that are simply peanuts, oil and salt (yes, the kind with
oils at the top, which are the natural peanut butters). Skip the peanut butters that have sugars in them or worse yet, those with hydrogenated oils in them. Know that "trans fat free" doesn't
mean that they are free from trans fats, it could mean that there is less than.05 grams of trans fat per serving.

#27: Honey.
Even if you don't use honey, buy some honey, honey! Not only will honey last forever, but you'll use honey in survival times to flavor boring oatmeals and other breakfast grains, as well as
teas. Honey eases sore throats, and more importantly, if you don't have any topical antibiotics, you can use honey as a paste to put on wounds. There are medicinal and other reasons to stock
honey in your preps: here are nine reasons to stock honey, honey! When you learn how to bake breads, you'll realize that many recipes call for honey. So, honey, what are you waiting for?

#28: Iodized salt (and other salts).
There are many reasons to stockpile salt. Look to history and you'll find salt was an important commodity. Salt can kill bacteria! Salt contains chloride and sodium ions, and all living things need these components in small quantities. Not all salt is the same! Humans need iodized salt to avoid thyroid gland
problems and goiter and to help regulate fluid balance in the body.

We also need salt to preserve food. How does salt help preserve food? Salt inhibits growth of germs in a process of osmosis where the salt pushes water out of the microbial cells. Best of all, salt lasts for ever. You can salt everything from salad greens the way
the Roman's did to curing meats and preserving other kinds food. Indeed, salt is very useful to Preppers.

Stock up also on these special salts:

Canning salt and pickling salt: Iodized salt is NOT for canning and pickling, so you'll need canning and pickling salt. Canning and pickling salts are a pure granulated salt, with no added preservatives or free-flowing agents.

Pink Himalayan salt. Himalayan sea salt contains important minerals for health! Rich in trace minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron.

Epsom salt. You may not know that Epsom salt has many health benefits for the skin and can cleanse the colon. It also has a nutritive value.

#29: Sugars and Molasses.
You'll need cane sugar, brown sugar and powdered sugar for your baking needs. We also suggest buying sugar in the raw. Skip the beet sugar and go for the cane, baby! Skip also the sugars that you can buy in boxes and paper bags unless you buy them in bulk
and get them into mylar containers and 5 gallon buckets. Buy your sugars wrapped in plastic, because this helps protect it from insects. As a second step you can buy sugars in cans or
place your own sugar purchase into mylar bags and sealed food-grade plastic buckets sealed with a gamma lid. Look also for sugar in the raw packets.

Learn more about sugar and what kind of sugars to stockpile.

#30: Spices and herbs.
Survival spices to consider might include saffron will sure make
that boring old rice more tasty, and chili peppers to add flavor toall those beans you're storing. Buy more of the spices already in your cupboard. Some good basics include dill, red pepper, cumin,
rosemary, oregano, dried mustard, and ginger in addition to the saffron and chili. Skip the strong spices curry! While it tastes wonderful, they may also attract human predators. If you're stocking beans make sure to get pinto bean seasoning, right, to enhance the flavor of your preps.

#31: Condiments.
Your favorite condiments will go a long way towards making foods taste better in uncertain times. Here's a list of some of our favorites:

Pickle relish, mustard and mayo. Buy pickle relish and small cans of mayonnaise for your tuna salad on crackers (because once you open the mayo, it will quickly go bad). If possible look for a mayo that's not made with from deadly soybeans (90% of which are GMO). A variety of mustards can also help spice up your foods. Buy ketchup without deadly high-fructose corn syrup, and keep it in a brown paper bag and store in a dark place so that it will preserve as long as possible.

Tabasco sauce. Tabasco sauce, too can help add flavor to otherwise bland foods.

Soy Sauce. Look for non-GMO soy sauce for all that rice you're amassing.

Worcestershire sauce. Worcestershire sauce will enhance your stews and soups and to help you make gravies.

#32: Chocolates.
Chocolate syrups and cocoa powders will serve you well in your food storage. Store a little chocolate, but not too much. Chocolate chips store relatively well (for about a year.) Remember also, baking chocolate! Not only does chocolate pack loads of antioxidants, but it's a morale booster that could prove essential. What's more the fiber will fill you up.

Pack high quality dark chocolate, like Dove bars, in your Prepper's Pantry. If you look closely at the ingredients, of other chocolates, like Hershey's Kisses, you'll find an unwanted ingredient:
hydrogenated oils. Those do not belong in your chocolate, even during survival times! Besides, chocolate has been known to boost heart health.

Good news about chocolate! Chocolate may help fight urinary tract infections. So be sure to keep chocolate chips
to your food storage! Add chocolate chips to pancakes, muffins, breads, and more to delight kids and help keep the
normalcy as best you can in a disaster situation. Read about morale boosting foods.

#33: Vitamins.
Keeping at peek vitality is crucial during episodes of stress. While multi-vitamins are a great idea, be sure to pack a Calcium with Vitamin D fortified vitamin, as this combination may help your body fight infections. Also, look for magnesium; As an essential stress supplement, magnesium prevents the damage caused by excess adrenaline. Vitamins and pills do not help a
prepper pull weight, but vitamins do help the body use food. Only after eating actual food can a prepper pull more weight or work harder. So in short, the answer is not pills, but good food in plenty of variety is the key! The best option is to have the vitamins in the food. For kids, stock Calcium gummy Bears, right, to help fight infections and stay healthy.

#34: Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.
Stock a couple of bottles of vinegar, specifically apple cider vinegar. Braggs organic apple cider vinegar, pictured left, is so useful you'll want one for your pantry and one for your medicine

Why add apple cider vinegar to your pantry? All you need is apple cider vinegar, oil and salt an pepper to
make a simple salad dressings and marinades. You can add apple
cider vinegar to your morning smoothie for a healthful boost. While Apple Cider Vinegar is the king of vinegars, Stock vinegars (balsamic, cider and rice wine).

Why use apple cider vinegar in prepping? Apple cider vinegar has a multitude of healthful benefits, but
there are plenty of other reasons to stock it with your prepping

*NOTE: Store open bottles in the refrigerator.

#35: Vodka.
Vodka is on the prepper list of morale boosting foods. Why? You can cook with vodka, drink it or barter it. What's more, vodka has a some medicinal value. Use vodka as a mouthwash or help numb the pain of a tooth ache. Apply vodka dabs to cold sores to dry
them out, as an anesthetic for blisters, or to ease poison ivy and as a skin repellent to shoo flies and mosquitoes. Have stinky feet? Wipe the smell clean with vodka. Try vodka too for cleaning
the lenses of eyeglasses. Who knew vodka would be such a versatile pantry item?

#36: Bourbon Vanilla extract.
Vanilla extract is a common ingredient in baking, some might even say it's the most important of flavors. Whether from Tahiti or Madagascar, it's the bourbon part that's most important thing to look for in the flavor. Bourbon vanilla extract lasts indefinitely thanks to the alcohol content.

#37: Leavening Agents: Baking soda and baking powder, dry yeast. Both baking soda and baking powder are leavening agents, which means they produce carbon dioxide to help food rise.

Baking soda. Pure sodium bicarbonate, when you combine
baking soda with honey or an acidic ingredient like buttermilk or yogurt, you'll get a chemical reaction of carbon dioxide bubbles. This causes baked goods to rise. Look for aluminum free baking soda (a good choice is Bob's Red Mill, which is extracted in an all natural process without chemicals. Baking soda can last two years. Learn why you should store baking soda in your preps.

Baking powder. Baking powder has sodium bicarbonate as an ingredient, along with an acidifying agent (cream of tartar for example) and drying agent (such as starch). Baking powder lasts around a year and half.

Dry yeast. Unfortunately, yeast has a very short shelf life, but it's still well worth having on hand. Dry yeast is an essential leavening agent in baking bread, and has a longer shelf life than compressed yeast, but still after several months it loses potency. It's purpose is to convert the fermentable sugars of dough into carbon dioxide and ethanol. Look for Fleishmann's Active Dry Yeast, which is the original active dry yeast, relatively stable and valued for its consistent performance since 1945. It's one of the most essential ingredients to use in your pantry immediately following a survival situation.

So there you have it: the 37 essential food items to stock. Now you are that much more prepared. At HappyPreppers.com we believe the happiest people on the planet will be the ones who've prepared when the unthinkable occurs.

What's the best way to stock up on food? Bring this list of food supplies with you shopping! Your list of foods may vary slightly, but if you have our basic list handy, it's a good starting point as a prepper. Always buy what your family eats and enjoys.

A Word on Junk Food...
Finally, know that it's okay to stock up on a little junk food. Did you know that Cheetos and Pringles can get a fire going? The content of much of the processed foods you buy has the perfect combination of air and fats to make fire. Who knew that your
everyday food storage of junk foods would come in so handy in a disaster?
100,000 are now under observation as the death toll doubled from 106 to 210.
First human-to-human transmission confirmed in US
9,821 confirmed cases worldwide, 213 fatalities
South Korea confirms first human-to-human transmission
China reported largest one-day jump in fatalities on Wednesday with
Hong Kong warns of surgical mask shortage
Russia closes border
6,000 quarantined aboard Italian cruise ship
Thailand leads with most cases outside China (14)
Chinese national hospitalized and quarantined in York
Virus arrives in India, Philippines
Air France suspends flights to/from mainland
IMF now monitoring crisis as economic fears grow
State Department authorizes personnel to evacuate China
WHO declares global pandemic
American Airlines pilots union files lawsuit to end travel to China
First 2 cases confirmed in Italy
Germany confirms 5th case
Turkish Airlines suspends China routes

China in trouble
As we have been warning through 2019 (see, e.g., this and this), China’s economy is ripe for a serious downturn. Beijing used most of its remaining firepower last year, when it desperately tried to postpone the inevitable recession, probably to appear strong in the trade negotiations.

Despite record-breaking stimulus enacted in 2019, the Chinese economy has grown at a sub-par rate of around six percent. And this is according to the official statistics! In reality, the actual Chinese growth rate has probably been much lower.

As China’s State-Owned Enterprises, or “SOEs”, have become riddled with debt, their ability to increase production has stagnated. This has also contributed to the broader stagnation of productivity growth in China (see Figure 1). After the growth of SOEs faltered in 2017, the Chinese consumer has become an important driver of the economy.

It’s clear that the current coronavirus scare is hitting the Chinese consumer and so affecting the economy as well. The massive plunge in the price of copper—the longest since 1986—implies that the Chinese economy has come to a near-standstill.

If the virus turns into a pandemic(edit:it already has), which is definitely possible, the economic and human costs could become very dire not just for China, but for the whole world.

Virus and the world economy
It is probable that the coronavirus will push Chinese economy into recession sometime this year. As China has led this global cycle (see Figure 2), the rest of the world will follow.

The first shoe to drop outside China is likely to be the export-and China-dependent Eurozone. And, as we have warned on several occasions, many European banks will be unable to withstand a recession (see also Q-Review 3/2019 and Q-Review 4/2019).

When the European banking crisis, driven by the ensuing recession, resumes it will “go-global” fast as Europe holds the biggest concentration of globally systemically important banks, or G-SIBs.

It is also unlikely that hyper-valued U.S. stock markets will be able to endure the impact of a global recession. This is even more the case if the Fed tapers its term repo-operations in February, as planned.

Global recession, a European banking crisis and a crash in the U.S. capital markets will produce a global economic collapse which will almost certainly overwhelm any attempts—massive and coordinated as they may be—to turn the tide by over-stretched central banks and over-indebted governments.

This is, why the coronavirus outbreak should be treated for what it is: a potential harbinger of human and economic calamity.


Men More Prone To Coronavirus Infection Than Women, Study Finds
There were several times when Satan and the Gods intervened for me financially when otherwise I wouldn't be able to even buy my food or was in risk of drowning in debt. Being broken can be desparing. I'm immeasurably thankful to Satan.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Well times are tough. And it’s almost like I hope things do hit the fan if I’m investing what little I have to stock up when I can’t afford it.

I’ve fallowed the jos for nearly a decade. Never I have I seen in a week so many warnings day after day of something , so I take it seriously. But also, I wonder if it’s paranoia. It’s a sacrifice to stock up, I’m a young dude. Don’t make much. To sacrifice and nothing happens, why? I’m American. But do have curiosity to how serious these warnings really are?
The major problem for many is that the Jews have purposely lowered wages so that Gentiles can't earn a living wage and with the manipulation of the money system by the Jewish Fed and general banking systems they own the money is printed in a manner to cause the value of the dollar to drop so the cost of living goes up and the wages don't or they don't print enough which results in the same this also causes economic scarcity and stops economic prosperity from being able to happen for the nations. Then the people are taxed at thirty percent or higher of what little money they make to pay off the criminal usury rates the Fed charges the government on the money they print. That and the shipping of jobs to slave nations the Jews own like China and the mass importing of illegals to work under the table as slave labour which destroys the economy further. Its so bad now many people can't even afford the healthcare plans they paid into their entire live anymore and this is causing people to die from not being able to get medical care this is all because of the Jews. The Jews created the FDA to also stop Gentiles from getting affordable cures that work totality and to make sure there would only be a Jew run monopoly on healthcare with dangerous methods that kill more people then they heal and cost millions of dollars to use. This behaviour is the psychology of the alien soul of the Jews and is ordered in their evil religion to commit. The Jews whine about anti-Semitism but its not enough anti-Semitism that allows them to commit their criminal atrocities against the world.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I am misunderstood, but ok.
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

Please this could help many ss to get fast a little money, if the economy is not rappitly fast decreasing,

How to make fast easy money:

- Paypal acc
- Sales platform (ebay,...) without listing fee

you take something allready listed which is cheap, you just create the same but more expensive ( maybe better description /search words, or instead of worldwide you only sell it in your country[product location] some people forget to search global for goods [ebay])

keep in mind Selling price - (product price + shipping + selling fee + paypal fee[a excel list will help] ) should leave you a profit .

If something is sold and payed with paypal, order the good with the shipping adress of the buyer, with the money of the buyer. Completed you earned your self money.


The 3 main steps: 1 You take someones money , 2. Order something with it , 3 the left over money is your profit. Retail sale without risk.

What you will need:

(If you are abel create anonymus accounts, you have to look for your self about the sales laws in your country [at least until phase 2] if I remeber right there is a 3 country law at least within the eu if you live in one country, work in a other one, and get payed from a other country all your money is tax free which can be the case if you do the above)

Phase 1

- Paypal acc
- Sales platform (ebay,...) without listing fee

Phase 2

- Endurance
- Find cheep online stores / sellers (who do send tracked) maybe products, with which you already have experience
- social media acc (you can find there people/artists who sell/ produce goods cheap in product groups )
- vpn
- tor

Phase 3
- it knowledge

Phase one:

Try to find a product in an online store who does send tracked, which is not on your sales platform ( exampel ebay) or way more expensive. Keep in mind most sales platforms will take fees. try to find one who doesn´t have fees for listing.

extra easy mode:
you take something allready listed which is cheap, you just create the same but more expensive ( maybe better description /search words, or instead of worldwide you only sell it in your country[product location] some people forget to search global for goods [ebay])

keep in mind Selling price - (product price + shipping + selling fee + paypal fee[a excel list will help] ) should leave you a profit .

If something is sold and payed with paypal, order the good with the shipping adress of the buyer, with the money of the buyer. Completed you earned your self money.

please this could help many ss worldwide, if the economy is not rappidly fast decreasing:

easy mode:

1. search for online stores, look on your sales platform if the goods are availabel, if not good, if jes are they more expensive after - (product price + shipping + selling fee + paypal fee[a excel list will help] ) . if also jes. -->

take the pictures of the product from the store, create on the sales platform (exampel ebay) your own sales offer/auction, with it. Decide the price which should leave you at least 10 dollar profit. you can take other products which are allready listed there as exampel how to write the description.

If something is sold and payed with paypal, you have to rember the shop where you got the picture of it(excel list). --> order the good with the shipping adress of the buyer, with the money of the buyer. Completed you earned your self >= 10 Dollar.

If you earned your self enouth money for a vpn in combination with tor. ->

Phase two

For exampel you see a special mug with a unique art. go on social media try to find in a porcelain groop the guy who does produce it (probably someone in china). Ask if he has a online store or if he sells tracked singel items. Argue a good price for the mug. if jes good. Now we have a product for a cheap price (make sure selling price - (product price + shipping + selling fee + paypal fee) = will leave you profit.

paypal has a money cap of around 2000 dollars if you don´t connect it with your phone or bank acc which you should not. I would advice to not just transfer the money on your private bank acc. Just take the money and buy stuff online via paypal not with your main paypal acc--> create more paypal accs transfer the money on a second one then on the one you want to buy something. delete the transfer acc.

When you are total anonymus you can send letters with jos links to your customers maybe include a smal gift (postcard,..). So you earn money and spread the gods knowledge

Phase three

Is phase two, but the ordering is fully done from a programm. Maybe some realy skilled people can even do the listing.
greetings satanic brothers and sisters i wish to ask is it the best time to begin a money working spell today 31 january? also there a money working ritual where you simple breath in colour green in your aura does anyone have info on how to perform that spell as i have forgotten how to perform it .thank you Satanic blessing to all of you
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 

Soo... A worldwide economic collapse is about to come in few years??
Thankfully we live in "country side" so to speak. We have a well system, where we get our water cleanly. The only problem couldBe food. But i think that there are farms pretty close (max 5-10 Kilometres) where we could get it.
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

Yes exactly. No one has to suffer of be without that really is mainly and possibly only a mindset. This is the mindset the enemy religions often program people to be in.

You know what search things on Google where people complain about the costs of living and stuff (easy to do) on places like reddit. Notice it all sounds the same has the same vibe. All these people that struggle and have to work slave like hours and many jobs just to survive have a poor mindset and programming and don't know about the spiritual aspect of things. I would bet a lot of money each and every one of these people could live comfortably and not suffer if they got rid of their programming and did money workings.

It really is not that hard. I myself never had a lot at least as of yet but I never suffered or went without basic needs or a place to stay or food or any of that.

No one needs too in today's world only the slave does.

Now people need to take some time to really think and reflect on their situation either what they are spending and where. OR what Job they have or maybe they need to get a job even or change it.

We have the means to be comfortable. It's not like many of us are going to right away be in a mansion or luxury surroundings but we probably all can end so much struggle within a few months if we apply spiritual means to it and think and reflect.

There is no need for anyone here to be poor.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
They have riches actors, singers, people who play sports, but these will not save the world. You can do without things like that, but you can't do without spiritual warfare. And the worst thing is that, those who want to enslave and destroy this world have almost all the riches, the Jews. We are not asking for wealth but only financial freedom so that we can meditate and not work all day and almost every day as slaves. We who save this world are treated like shit. If anyone really deserves wealth, it's us. And not the enemy and their puppets. I can't blame people because they are just as unconscious as animals. If people were aware of the truth, they would support and respect us.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Yes but does this apply to all poor people?

Those you refer to are responsible and aware people, those are the ones struggling to find a time window between jobs so they can meditate, they know what they have to do and do it without complaining

but unfortunately not all of them are, look at Lordbahomed666 post


because of your topic now he thinks maybe he should get a job, he is just waiting for the topic "How to complete a resume"

There are other members like him, some after doing the ritual of dedication consider that the Gods must help them with everything including transferring money to their bank account

Then what can we expect from those who are outside

In many cities in Europe there is a shortage of workforce many companies need staff in many areas, however the shelters for street people are full

What I'm trying to say is that maybe just maybe in some cases poverty is a choice, because some people are very lazy and very careless
Exactly this is the reason i was writing posts too about saving money.
But the HPs always explain things better :)
Hail Satan
Hail Gods of Hell
Hail SS
Thank You HPS Maxine

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HPS Maxine, is the situation really THAT bad to the point that we have to stock up? (I ask since stocking up/survivalism, culturally, is more of an American thing, here in Italy/Europe we proceed with such measures only if we are going to face extreme dangers).
The point is, can we, according to the Gods, define the entity of the danger of this virus?
What possible scenarios can we say that WILL happen for sure?
Is stocking up (in personal goods, foods, pharmaceuticals, gasoline) also functional to a price spike caused by a possible economic collapse?
About the pandemic, I bet many of us were young during other pandemics such as the swine influence or the Sars. How dangerous is this virus actually?
In the news I heard just yesterday that the virus is now in EVERY region of China, and experts talk about 100.000 infected (a number which is much higher anyway, which the Chinese Gov hides).
Are Europe/US going to be affected as China where everything is shutting down and cities are completely empty?
What HPS Maxine said is correct. Nobody makes a conscious choice to be "poor". However, as you say Larissa, those who never apply the spiritual means and Satan's knowledge to get better, are losing out big time.

For one, most people in poverty, especially in the West, are not there because they are lazy or they don't work, but because of purposeful circumstances created by modern society to keep them down in this way. There is careful calculation so that people cannot advance in that regard, and in how everything will be so that people life uncomfortable or in fear. Unfortunately, this is the reality - Jews created this all very deliberately.

In the East many people work long hours and many are not "Lazy", but they are siphoned and by circumstances beyond control, such as Jewish speculators or Jewish financial boycotting and attacks.

The stereotype that many people are just "lazy" where work is concerned is false. Even the most severely programmed people don't really want poverty. Some may choose to not press themselves to gain more, but nobody wants to not have money to go to a hospital so to say.

The spiritual means can be used for someone to get a better life. This is why we do what we do with the Wealth rituals instated. So people can get out of this.

Jews tell people poverty is normal and justified, but the reality is, it is not justified in many cases. Many people bust their asses off working more than any jew has ever even remotely imagined of working, and they get nothing. On the other hand, jews are on the gravy mainly due to deception in many cases.

The RTR also helps with this aspect as with everything else.

Larissa666 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
With means at our disposal, poverty is a choice.

You are not the NPC. Please use magick and other occult means to help yourself. You don’t need to be poor.

There are a lot of uncontrollable circumstances for many people. Nobody needs or wants poverty.

The Jews look down on poor people.

I've personally seen Satan knock a couple of people down REAL hard who
were condensing towards people in poverty. There are a lot of really decent people who are poor and work extremely hard. They are stuck in unfortunate circumstances. Some work 2 or even 3 jobs and have little or no time to even meditate.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I am misunderstood, but ok.
Eric13 said:
Well times are tough. And it’s almost like I hope things do hit the fan if I’m investing what little I have to stock up when I can’t afford it.

I’ve fallowed the jos for nearly a decade. Never I have I seen in a week so many warnings day after day of something , so I take it seriously. But also, I wonder if it’s paranoia. It’s a sacrifice to stock up, I’m a young dude. Don’t make much. To sacrifice and nothing happens, why? I’m American. But do have curiosity to how serious these warnings really are?

Nobody told you to go buy a boat and go in the middle of the sea to save yourself from doomsday.

Spending 20$ to have some supplies for calamity somewhere [yes, to live for around 10 days, 20$ on emergency situation supplies will suffice, canned food and water will cost as little as 20 bucks, maybe even lower, survival can happen at 1$ if you know how], is not a bad idea. And because of what is going on now, it's a good idea to open this topic.

Especially people with families, that is something they need to know and not neglect.

Despite the specific care of the Coronavirus or whatever else, its part of standard procedure to know these things and you don't have to have Doomsday in order to prepare. This is part of general sensibility.

Most people are NEVER told any of these things. This is necessary knowledge for life, as is any other knowledge.

Anything as little as 20$ a month into this is not a big deal. This is how many parents never tell their children to save any money. This is bound to fuck someone at some point in their life.
Thank you for the information HP Maxine but how much food should one stock up? Like, for how long should my stock last? for 1 month? 6 months? 1 year?

Does this apply outside the US and Europe? I believe it does or at least for my country because my country is densely populated, plus not many people follow rules here and chances of an outbreak spreading are more than any other country. But I still want to confirm it from our SS family.
Nikois666 said:
Thank you for the information HP Maxine but how much food should one stock up? Like, for how long should my stock last? for 1 month? 6 months? 1 year?

Does this apply outside the US and Europe? I believe it does or at least for my country because my country is densely populated, plus not many people follow rules here and chances of an outbreak spreading are more than any other country. But I still want to confirm it from our SS family.

2 weeks is the minimal that should exist in any house, sort of how every house has to have a small first aid kit in it, or every car does.

1 month should be fine, ie, 30 days, can be achieved with as little as 60$ if you know what to buy and don't want anything too fancy, just necessities. People have posted plenty of information. A lot of that stuff is also stuff you buy and forget about, and have it there to either consume it regularly, or eat it later as part of normal food.

Epidemics are all scientifically projected to peak within 1 month time, if they actually break out, then the situation starts to normalize. There are prediction models online for this, which explain all the details. This is not fear mongering or negative prophecy, that is only PREPARATION. Have a first aid kid just in case, type of thing.

Even if nothing happens, which is the best and most desirable scenario, you just have this just in case. And you know these for the future.

After all is said and done, comments and post can be assembled as a handy survival guide, so that we have this on the library. Whomever wants to do this, please go for it, and I'll upload it. I'd do it myself but my time is really crammed and limited lately.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
$20 a month? Okay so it’s not that serious then. And opening like two new threads a day on this topic and stressing everyday to everybody to not a waste a moment and stock up while you can causing excessive worry is overboard as I hoped. Got it. Thanks.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
$20 a month? Okay so it’s not that serious then. And opening like two new threads a day on this topic and stressing everyday to everybody to not a waste a moment and stock up while you can causing excessive worry is overboard as I hoped. Got it. Thanks.

I brought this up as an example. Yes, there are guides online that explain 1 dollar per day or 2 dollars per day diets for such situations.

I said 20$ for 10 days, not twenty bucks a month. I only brought this as an example to illustrate.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Larissa666 said:
I actually agree a lot with Larissa's statement here. The thing is that it's just not an absolute, and that there are different people who have different circumstances. But I think she already knew that when writing.

Her statement, when read in regards purely to SS on here, is true in many cases in my opinion. We have the tools to get out of poverty, and in the long-term, poverty would indeed be a "choice" for SS. In the immediate, there can be circumstances like bad planetary influences and other things (kids, illness, debt, etc. etc.) that make poverty something that cannot reasonably be escaped for a while (in some cases for many years). But in the long-term any SS here has the ability to get out of this if consistent effort is applied. If one chooses to not apply this effort out of laziness, delusion, or anything else, then this is equivalent to "choosing" poverty. I think this is what she was trying to say.

Of course it's worth noting here that if there are big planetary influences on someone, that are just very harsh for a long time, this can break one's will to do anything for a while. Especially if this happens before one even found Satanism, this can create damage that takes a long time to fix before serious effort can be put into something again. These things also vary heavily depending on the person. I'm not an astrology expert, but I believe that one example are those people who had their Saturn hit the 1st house and/or chart ruler during their childhood or teenage years. People with lots and lots of retrogrades may also be another example.
siphephile13 said:
greetings satanic brothers and sisters i wish to ask is it the best time to begin a money working spell today 31 january? also there a money working ritual where you simple breath in colour green in your aura does anyone have info on how to perform that spell as i have forgotten how to perform it .thank you Satanic blessing to all of you
Check the 2020 calendar, if you don't know what it is use the search function.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What HPS Maxine said is correct. Nobody makes a conscious choice to be "poor". However, as you say Larissa, those who never apply the spiritual means and Satan's knowledge to get better, are losing out big time.

For one, most people in poverty, especially in the West, are not there because they are lazy or they don't work, but because of purposeful circumstances created by modern society to keep them down in this way. There is careful calculation so that people cannot advance in that regard, and in how everything will be so that people life uncomfortable or in fear. Unfortunately, this is the reality - Jews created this all very deliberately.

In the East many people work long hours and many are not "Lazy", but they are siphoned and by circumstances beyond control, such as Jewish speculators or Jewish financial boycotting and attacks.

The stereotype that many people are just "lazy" where work is concerned is false. Even the most severely programmed people don't really want poverty. Some may choose to not press themselves to gain more, but nobody wants to not have money to go to a hospital so to say.

The spiritual means can be used for someone to get a better life. This is why we do what we do with the Wealth rituals instated. So people can get out of this.

Jews tell people poverty is normal and justified, but the reality is, it is not justified in many cases. Many people bust their asses off working more than any jew has ever even remotely imagined of working, and they get nothing. On the other hand, jews are on the gravy mainly due to deception in many cases.

The RTR also helps with this aspect as with everything else.
And how would you describe a man who has no income and does not want to work?
there is a big difference between working and wanting a better job / a bigger check and not working at all and complaining that you have no money

Maybe we have different notions about laziness and poverty or maybe you like to interpret and twist the meaning of the words

A person who has no income and doesn't want to work, does nothing to improve his situation but complains that he has no money = lazy and careless

A person who works and has one or more incomes and wants a better job / a bigger check and does everything he can to improve his situation is NOT poor and certainly NOT lazy.

See the difference
Was it clear enough now?
slyscorpion said:
There is a pagan one here but not like ss Paganism it's more like the watered down stuff but that's still way better than xtian. However other than that they are all churches or xtian. I thought about volunteering at it and meeting interesting people awhile back but I work now anyways I will see about going to one of these things I am not that well off financially but I don't like feeling like a parasite fully either. That is what prevents me from going to these places.

However I will try to set up an appointment with somewhere soon.

How bad are things going to get anyways I was hoping soon to better my situation financially somehow and get a nicer job eventually I hope things don't collapse before I even get a chance to actually enjoy life sigh

I feel the same :lol:

I just have 2 decades.My life just started to have meaning and be something definite after being a broken sleepy npc :cry: .

But it's life and I'll do my best.What depend on me and I can do I'm doing.What depend on time it is done.
I live near the poverty line myself. I trust that the gods are gonna place me in situations where I can get what I need.

The only great concern in my situation are the people I live with. More as to the kind of person that they are on the inside. Majority of the people in my living quarters are very selfish, tend to do "dishonorable" things out of anger and have a bad habit of telling house hold business and secrets when they get pissed off over the most simplest things (ex. Having to place something a certain way so it doesn't break. Can't use something at the moment for personal usage because it's being saved for dinner, cleaning, whatever.) I fear that during a dark time that someone will get pissed off, go outside and tell about our stockpile, and then my living quarters will be a target by outsiders.

My physical strength is poor to where someone with average strength can easily strong arm rob me. I currently don't have any firearms in my personal possession. The only suspected firearm in my living quarters is a .38 that one of the household members tend to bring up every now and then. I am now within age to purchase guns of any kind.

A lot of people already show signs of giving up on life through their own actions and dialogue. Hell the head of the household reminds me of a careless, commie thumping, weed head who's easily influenced by the media and what the Jews put out. I always try to talk with the Head about things mentioned here in a very subtle manner and all of the answers I usually get are "I don't give a fuck about that", "it's not affecting me now so I'm not worried", "we all gotta die soon anyway", "oh I don't care if I live or die. It's whatever to me".

Based off of these, I'm not so sure if I should stay put where I'm currently at or if I should relocate to ensure my own survival. My first thought is to stay here and do all that I can to help everyone survive but as soon as their selfishness and other detrimental ways starts to override my efforts then I'll have no other choice but to leave to ensure my survival. But then if I do have to leave my other question would be "where do I go?" and being geared up with bags only makes one a walking target during these times.
Get a 20 pound bag of dry rice, a 20 pound bag of dry beans, $5 for a big bottle of Cholula hot sauce. Add some eggs, fish, meat, whatever you want, for protein and vitamins. Eggs got a huge amount of vitamins, almost everything you need. Mix it all together, that's like a month of food, maybe more, for very little money.
You straw man repeatedly and put words in people's mouths that they never said just because you are too lacking in English to understand it, but too eager to pointlessly argue. It has been going all this time, for months.

Not even you understand what you say, and if the other party doesn't accept what you misunderstood and put as a word in their mouth [made up on your own], you throw a tantrum with yourself, because of what you thought the other person said.

I understand what you may mean sometimes, but you seriously straw man people a lot. Maybe without wanting to, not sure.

Syd Silver said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
