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Possible issues with the trancendental planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who contributed info for the usage of runes for the transcendental planets! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=348966#p348966

The transcendental planets are the higher octaves of our personal planets, as their energies transcend the 7 chakras. The energies of these planets are generally dangerous to work with, and so squares and the mantras even by themselves, are generally strongly discouraged!! (unless you like the idea of your life being razed and turned upside down.) Being the higher octaves of Venus, Mercury and Mars, the planets Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are their energies refined and magnified. Neptune and Uranus can generally weaken and cause inconsistency, while Pluto, like Jupiter can also magnify with its intensity, bringing out the affairs of a planet to the extreme in some cases, or a part of it at least very intensely, or on the other extreme, alienate and estrange. These planets, however, also bestow a lot of upsides, just like the others if properly sublimated. The influences of their aspects and their signs are generally generational, but can affect someone more personally if one of these planets is their chart ruler or in the 1st house.

Uranus is the planet that rules the odd and bizarre, eccentric and weird, things and people that are unconventional, or who follow unconventional roles and patterns. People who often have a line of work not typical for their gender, or one that is otherwise odd or unique, often have a 6th house Uranus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and rules inventors, people with very hi IQs, and geniuses. This planet represents freedom of expression, technology, and anything new. It is the representation of uniqueness, the uniqueness of everything in nature. Uranus stands for true diversity, allowing every living thing to be as they are, everyone to be themselves. Uranus, like Mercury, rules all electronics and technology, the sciences, and the media. It also rules Chaos, sudden changes, erratic behavior and thinking, anarchy, radical ideas and thinking, revolutions, drastic change, and distrust of authority. Uranus rules humanitarianism and the human aura. It is in detriment in Leo and its fall in Taurus.

If Uranus is your chart ruler and is aspected by someone's Saturn, this person may at best be merciless and cruel towards a perceived eccentricity from you they either fear or look down on. You could end up meeting this person through unusual circumstances that turn out for the worse, or they could cause freak accidents to happen to you, or cause you to be a victim of unusual or odd circumstances. They could be a detriment to your technology, steal your intellectual property, or smear your name in the media in strange ways that hurt you significantly.

Uranus actually can help one with self-confidence issues created by a weak sun, if it is prominent as the chart ruler, or co-ruler, as Uranus can give one a strong will and sense of independence wanting to stand out from others. On the downside, it can make one high-strung and nervous Afflictions or weaknesses with Uranus physically often manifest, as diseases of the nervous system brain, or thought processes. Aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained and especially with air emphasis can manifest in ADHD. There can be illnesses or physical problems that happen all of a sudden, and leave just as quickly. If either Uranus or Pluto is the chart ruler, and they aspect one another, this sudden illness may be drastic and life-changing, especially if either is on a bad degree or on an unfortunate fixed star. The same goes for Neptune, allowing possible allergies to manifest suddenly in life or other problems with sudden weakness. Accidents may occur suddenly that can leave someone with tragic brain or spinal cord damage. A weakened or afflicted Uranus will give problems to the house cusps containing Aquarius, and the house the planet itself is in.

Saturn can restrict one's form of self-expression if aspecting Uranus. With little to no Saturnian influence in the chart, an afflicted Uranus can amplify health and psychological issues, as well as an unstable life. Constant moving house or changing spouses may be common, with a constant inability to make up one's mind about anything. Everything may be in shambles when it comes to getting priorities straight. If other aspects support this, Someone with a prominent Uranus or Aquarius emphasis could make a point of being “the weirdo” to rebel against perceived oppression or to stand out for attention, and this sadly often ends up being the wrong kind, further supporting their notion that they have to be “non-conformists” and that “no one understands.” This leads to another nature of Uranus, which is alienating others and keeping them at a distance, especially if it aspects someone's chart ruler, which oftentimes is what they are bound to attract, in friendships and relationships also. A high-strung temperament with nervousness might be common with outbursts, along with coordination issues. Uranus being retrograde can make all of these things more pronounced, and further give the affairs within the house cups with Aquarius possible delays or issues.

Hangups about(non)conformity, restrictions, and personal freedoms can be resolved by removing negative karma related to Uranus, with munka or ansuz, which can be used with Lapiz Lalusi. The dagaz rune is also useful for giving heightened intuition and strengthening one's sense of individuality and uniqueness that can be hindered by a weakened Uranus. Amethyst or even a crystal connected to mercury could work well. Solar energies in general, especially working with the sol rune can help with vitality and health issues. Other runes can be used with stones that are connected to Saturn, like nauthiz with obsidian to help bring endurance and structure through the anxiety brought on by constant chaos that may be caused by Uranus.

Uranus can manifest extreme humanitarianism and intelligence as well as heighten intuition. It is the planet, communication as well as advancement and uniqueness, and standing up for injustices. People with Aquarius emphasis often are overly concerned with the affairs of humanity and its progression, and with strong Uranian influence, are often able to make very significant and great contributions.

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, Ruling extreme compassion and altruism and self-sacrifice and service. It rules anything having to do with sea creatures, the sea, ocean, or any bodies of water and liquid. It rules espionage, deception in all its forms, illusions, insanity, and all forms of mental illness, suffering, and victimization, along with Saturn. Things too good to be true, catfish on dating sites, and all kinds of con men and scams. everything to do with meditation, the occult, and spirituality. Neptune rules the abstract, ethereal beauty and all forms of art, dancing and theater, music, as well as the unconscious and dreams, along with the Moon. It also rules platonic Love and celibacy. Neptune represents our addictions, or predisposition to such, all forms of poisons and gas, escapism, and where we are weak. Along with the Moon and Saturn, it is the planet that can contribute to inciting phobias, irrational paranoia, and fears based on illusions or mental illness.
Neptune rules the pineal gland.

If Neptune is your chart ruler and is aspected by someone's Saturn, this person can significantly be of harm to you by either by some form of espionage or deception, by playing on your worst fears in order to get something to play out, not for the better for you, or in some extreme cases can cause you to drown, or be poisoned. You may be very badly influenced by someone who practices the occult that brings out the worst in you or makes you see things on the astral that are not so. They may lie to or cheat you in a way that significantly can ruin your life

A weak Neptune may be in its fall of Capricorn or detriment of Virgo. There may be issues with the affairs of the house cusps containing Pisces. One may lack imagination, a sense of giving and charity, and may be very materialistic, especially if there is earth emphasis. Neptune will especially be weak if it is in a debilitated sign with little to no aspects, but can still cause problems within its own respective house's affairs, which will often manifest as some form of weakness, undoing, addiction, loss, or being let down. People with Neptune as their chart ruler or in the first house can have problems with addictions, be unreliable financially, and emotionally, (as well as very unstable) and be habitual liars.

If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets, either toning down a manifestation of a planet that would be otherwise either too excessive or weakening it too much. In the case of an extremely prominent sun, Neptune tones down the ego to give a sense of kindness, compassion, and sensitivity to others. In not-so-great cases, this can cause allergies and health issues, depending on what planet Neptune aspects. The natural psychic ability Neptune gives can be weakened by its own manifestations of paranoia and insanity, especially if one cannot emotionally detach. Emotional bias distorts what Neptune lets one see and hear on the astral considerably, as a result, delusion manifests and falsehoods.

I think everyone is familiar with the famous manifestations of what a prominent but afflicted Neptune can look like. Insanity and psychosis, murderous tendencies at its worst, or at the very least, Problems with addiction, escapism, constant self-pity and victimization, and over-sensitivity, which will especially manifest strongly if water is dominant, with cancer or Pisces emphasis, or worse...both. A retrograde Neptune can often manifest as a prominent one.

Couple this with a seesaw chart that has 2 stelliums in opposite signs or a bucket configuration, and you will have someone bipolar, schizo, or otherwise somehow severely mentally ill or delusional. Look at the planets and what they rule that Neptune is aspecting to see how they are being weakened. Propensities to addictions can be worsened by planets on bad degrees or in conjunction with unfortunate fixed stars. Victimization may be common, especially with Zosma, and other stars causing disgrace and ruin. Lack of earth can worsen one's sense of being grounded and further amplify the malefic influences of Neptune. These people are often paranoid, insecure, fearful, and generally mentally or even physically weak in some way. A prominent Neptune that manifests badly can be hard to sublimate, but with enough effort put in it can be done, especially with meditation, what Neptune rules in the first place.

Laguz is a good rune for working with bringing out some positive aspects of someone's weak Neptune. Aquamarine works well with this rune as well as any gem that can be found in the sea (barring coral and ivory, as these are not only illegal but unethical to harvest and buy) Working with invoking water if one is lacking may also help, as well as getting into art, music, even if it's just listening to it. Sound meditation is a great way to work on the astral senses and a good way to sublimate Neptune's energies. It's like not working out enough or expending enough energy or satisfying a need. If the good aspects of a planet are not satisfied, it will only help them come out in bad ways. Focusing energy on the positives of a planet's affairs helps empower them and lessen the bad. Freeing the soul from negative karma related to Neptune is also very helpful and of course...Meditation.

Neptune when rid of all the negative karma, and delusion Neptune may produce, it has great manifestations. Untold manifestations of beauty, compassion, and psychic ability. Extreme creativity can manifest in art or music, producing ethereal tier works. Especially with aspects from Mercury to Neptune, or a strong Neptune in the chart, There can not only be a knack for telepathic communication if this part of the chart is empowered enough but one may also be spoken to through music often as a means of divination, omens or form of communication to convey a feeling or idea or answer to a question, based on the mood or the lyrics of the music. If some of you identify with this, this may very well be a means you feel the Gods can communicate with you at times, as this is often done in ways we individually best understand, which can be in a variety of ways. With music, the feeling it can give that it is conveying something will feel like the “feeling” one gets from awakening from what might be a foretelling dream or a flash of intuition. This music may either be heard somewhere or even in your head all of a sudden. When working on your clairaudience points, you can hear beautiful music in your life that you never even heard before, or even someone singing.

Pluto is the higher octave of mars and rules extremes. Pluto rules death and rebirth, our intensity and obsessions. All views that are 'black and white” are Plutonian in nature, and Pluto is an all-or-nothing planet. Either 100 percent or not at all. Love or hate. No in-between. Extreme depths, heights, and extreme violence, Pluto rules all manifestations at their maximum level. Gangs, hit men, power in general, the mafia and secret societies, the black market, all things taboo, black magick, and transformation. The intensity of one's will and use of force. Pluto along with Neptune rules the pineal gland.

If Pluto is your chart ruler and is aspected by someones Saturn look out! You may be intense and extreme and it probably creeps out and scares a whole town worth for the faint of heart. But some of the extremes you yourself may go to may attract you people who can run you into extreme poverty, and overall attract very dangerous and powerful enemies, especially if you have aspects to a fixed star that support this, or have Leo at 25 or 15 degrees on your descendant. The same goes for the violent degrees of Taurus, especially on Algol. If there is anyone who has their Saturn aspecting your ruling Pluto and they are out to do you in, they are probably a gang member, a mafia member, a hit man, or anyone having to do with the underworld or taboo, that ends up seeing you as a thread or dangerous to them or their agenda. At best this aspect can manifest in extreme alienation, estrangement and spurn from this person's Saturn in a way that ends up being a significant hindrance to you. They may cause you to be separated or cut off from important resources or someone important, and this may significantly impact your life, not for the better. This person can cause you to be obsessed or addicted even to something that ends up ruining you.

Pluto is weakened in the signs of Taurus and Leo, although since this is generational, look to the house Pluto is in. Because of the intensity of Pluto, oftentimes aspects with Pluto that are soft at a looser orb can produce positive manifestations vs the tight orbs, which are more prone to bringing out the intensity and extremes.

Some aspects can be troublesome regardless, and cause either obsession, or some form of extreme, whether it be extreme gain or loss, or swinging back and forth between the two. Pluto can also showcase death and estrangement, or extreme domination and closeness, to a situation or a person. Look to the affairs of the planets that Pluto aspects to see where any of all this might take place and the house of Pluto. A retrograde Pluto can influence someone to be a recluse or a loner, if Saturn emphasis is also present, which may not always be ideal. Problems with the house cusps containing Scorpio may prove to be problematic.

A problematic Pluto, especially with harsh aspects to the sun and mars, can manifest in health issues, as these two planets play a role in health and vitality as well. There can be diseases like cancer, hemorrhoids, (piles), or sexually transmitted diseases, especially if Venus is afflicted or on a bad degree or a fixed star. Any form of problem with tumors can manifest either from genetic disorders or even disease. Genetic predisposition to lipomas (benign fat tumors), can also be a result of a problematic Pluto, especially if there are many at a time. Especially if Jupiter is afflicted or on 6 degrees of cancer or another cardinal sign, There can be metabolic disorders or insulin resistance. Rheumatoid arthritis may be a concern, especially with an aspect to Saturn. Hemophilia or other blood diseases may be present, either from birth or come later in life, also with hard aspects to Mars and the Sun. On the flip side, a problematic Pluto may also contribute to strokes with the case of extreme clotting, especially if the sun has hard aspects from Saturn, and Pluto, with the Sun ruling the blood vessels.

Behaviorally a problematic Pluto can also show up as an obsessive personality, someone who sees in nothing but black and white all the time and takes things to extremes always, and takes extreme risks, even at the expense of others. Especially if Saturn is weak or retrograde, or if Mars aspects Jupiter, this person will know no limits or boundaries when it comes to taking things to the next level, which can even lead them to their death, or extreme poverty. An extreme display of emotion at best can be common. A prominent Pluto that manifests badly like the other 2 transcendental planets will often either be the (co)ruler and/or have many aspects in the chart to several different planets.

A problematic but prominent Pluto can cause an upbringing where one is raised in extremely dire situations, and therefore ends up always being in fight or flight mode. This person is liable to end up coming in contact with criminal organizations or joining a gang. Gang violence may be the center of their life, one that may get them killed. Indirect involvement, like being a random target of gang problems or violence is also a possible outcome. These people may often be in taboo circles, the dark web (the very dangerous and bad parts), and attract dangerous enemies or competition. They may be surrounded by power-hungry people, or have propensities themselves towards megalomania.

Getting mixed up with the wrong powerful people, especially with a prominent Sun, can prove fatal for these people, and their families. It can cause extreme hatred and estrangement from certain family members or others, depending on what planet it aspects. Pluto can manifest in extreme financial loss, especially in the 5th or 8th house. If Saturn is involved, this can turn to extreme debt, to the point of bankruptcy and ruining your credit.

A major loss that comes from extreme weather natural disasters or wars might occur in someone's life. Depending on what generational sign their Pluto is in, they may have lived in an era during an intense major war, one of these was WWII when nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. Extreme violence on a microcosmic scale, such as witnessing a murder, or constant involvement in violent acts, especially as the victim causes lasting problems and damage to the psyche.

Pluto can bring about drastic transformation in life, in body, mentality, belief, etc for better or worse. Pluto on the upside can bring one strength and resolve with the do-or-die mentality to be strong in extreme and dire emergencies or situations. The influence of Pluto in someone's chart, depending on where it is placed can also serve as a powerful protector. This planet gives vast intensity of emotion and depth in personality and thought process and utter unquestioning devotion to a cause for good or ill. Pluto either does it the best or the absolute worst. The strongest or the weakest. Complete intense love and devotion, smothering even...or complete coldness. Extreme beauty that is otherworldly..or unimaginable ugliness. Pluto, along with Saturn, makes or breaks you, depending on your chart.

Using munka or the Ansuz rune with lapiz laluzi are good for freeing the soul of negative karma related to Pluto. The Eihwaz rune is connected to Pluto, representing death and transformation as well as necromancy. It may be used to properly channel the energies of a prominent Pluto to strengthen one's resolve and will, especially with hardship and loss related to Pluto. Smoky quartz may be used with this rune or onyx. It may be used to sublimate the Plutonian energies in the chart to bring about necessary transformation from stagnation, and drastic change for the better.
Pluto gang stronk :twisted:

Thank you for writing this and also to JG Blackdragon666 and JG Blitzkrieg.

Now onwards to very dangerous stuff (for the enemy) and as always, may Pluto wish them goodnight, forever.
NakedPluto said:
Pluto gang stronk :twisted:

Thank you for writing this and also to JG Blackdragon666 and JG Blitzkrieg.

Now onwards to very dangerous stuff (for the enemy) and as always, may Pluto wish them goodnight, forever.

Yes, extreme rage make rats dead! :lol: :lol: :D
Pluto is epic when it comes out just right. Extreme awesomeness of everything. It's actually why I get along with Scorpio and pluto emphasis, deepness, and intensity. I hate shallow people. Mercury in Scorpio is one of my favorite placements in friends and in general.
Shadowcat said:
If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets, either toning down a manifestation of a planet that would be otherwise either too excessive or weakening it too much...
Mars in quintile Neptune aspect how would you see it? Mars is in domicile.
According to Jos's description, Mars/Neptune aspects cause problems with vitality and energy, but on the other hand it increases psychic sensitivity.
The quintile should be a hard aspect but I don't know if there is anything particular about it
I was thinking if it would decrease the tendency to take risks ( considering Jupiter-Mars aspect) or in any case the negative sides of the Martian nature but maybe I'm wrong.

And can anything be said about a soft Pluto/Uranus aspect?


Thanks for all this information by the way.
Thank you very much, those planets are very important to me.

Shadowcat said:
Neptune rules the pineal gland.
That might explain why the first time ever I tried a Venus square it gave me a severe headache.

If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets
What of a weakened Neptune aspecting those planets? If Neptune is aspecting Saturn, whichever one being weak or strong, how will they affect one another?
Egon said:
Thank you very much, those planets are very important to me.

Shadowcat said:
Neptune rules the pineal gland.
That might explain why the first time ever I tried a Venus square it gave me a severe headache.

If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets
What of a weakened Neptune aspecting those planets? If Neptune is aspecting Saturn, whichever one being weak or strong, how will they affect one another?

Like any weakened or debilitated planet, a weakened Neptune will have a weaker effect, but still an effect to some extent. Saturn can weaken in the way Neptune does but also brings out the dark side of a planet's traits in general. They are similar in that way but different.
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets, either toning down a manifestation of a planet that would be otherwise either too excessive or weakening it too much...
Mars in quintile Neptune aspect how would you see it? Mars is in domicile.
According to Jos's description, Mars/Neptune aspects cause problems with vitality and energy, but on the other hand it increases psychic sensitivity.
The quintile should be a hard aspect but I don't know if there is anything particular about it
I was thinking if it would decrease the tendency to take risks ( considering Jupiter-Mars aspect) or in any case the negative sides of the Martian nature but maybe I'm wrong.

And can anything be said about a soft Pluto/Uranus aspect?


Thanks for all this information by the way.

the quintile is a very minor aspect, and some of these are negligible but others like the inconjunct, semisextile, sesisquare, and semi-square, can manifest in a way that they apply only half or some of the time depending on the rest of the chart. Any Mars/Neptune aspect will do this, but if this is a minor aspect, it will have an even weaker influence than a major aspect. Major aspects like trine, sextile, square, etc are less intense and strong than the conjunction and opposite aspects which are the strongest, with conjunction being number one.

"Soft" aspects aren't always good and "hard" aspects are not always bad, and every aspect has positives and negatives.

As for the Pluto/Uranus aspect, or with any transcendental planet/transcendental planet aspect, for example, Neptune/ Uranus or Pluto/Neptune, these are generational and do not affect us much personally.
Shadowcat said:
Pluto is weakened in the signs of Taurus and Leo

Isn't Pluto exalted in Leo?
Schwarze Sonne said:
Shadowcat said:
Pluto is weakened in the signs of Taurus and Leo

Isn't Pluto exalted in Leo?

No. It is exalted in Aquarius and in its fall in Leo.
Shadowcat said:
but others like the inconjunct, semisextile, sesisquare, and semi-square, can manifest in a way that they apply only half or some of the time depending on the rest of the chart...
Got it, I have two of these with tight orbs.
Shadowcat said:
"Soft" aspects aren't always good and "hard" aspects are not always bad, and every aspect has positives and negatives.

As for the Pluto/Uranus aspect, or with any transcendental planet/transcendental planet aspect, for example, Neptune/ Uranus or Pluto/Neptune, these are generational and do not affect us much personally.

Shadowcat said:
the quintile is a very minor aspect
I thought quintile was a hard aspect because of this:
[especially with the hard aspects- the conjunction, square, opposition and inconjunct]
[specialmente in caso di aspetti duri, congiunzione, quadratura, opposizione e quintile]
translated: [especially with hard aspects, conjunction, square, opposition and quintile]

The Italian version of this description implies that the quintile is a hard aspect, which is a mistake, but checking the English version it actually says inconjunction.

Thank you for correcting me. Otherwise I would have kept thinking it was a hard aspect like opposition etc.I actually thought perhaps inconjunction and quintile were the same aspect. :/
Shadowcat said:
Schwarze Sonne said:
Shadowcat said:
Pluto is weakened in the signs of Taurus and Leo

Isn't Pluto exalted in Leo?

No. It is exalted in Aquarius and in its fall in Leo.

Thank you, I was in doubt cause here it is said that Pluto is exatled in Leo, it has to be corrected so.
Schwarze Sonne said:
Shadowcat said:
Schwarze Sonne said:
Isn't Pluto exalted in Leo?

No. It is exalted in Aquarius and in its fall in Leo.

Thank you, I was in doubt cause here it is said that Pluto is exatled in Leo, it has to be corrected so.

Interesting ..Some things still have to be updated. Tbh it makes more sense that it would be exalted in Leo since it is the higher octave of mars and Leo is a fire sign. Wonder who else has any input on this. Everything has to be revised also anyhow.
TheAbyss said:
Shadowcat said:
but others like the inconjunct, semisextile, sesisquare, and semi-square, can manifest in a way that they apply only half or some of the time depending on the rest of the chart...
Got it, I have two of these with tight orbs.
Shadowcat said:
"Soft" aspects aren't always good and "hard" aspects are not always bad, and every aspect has positives and negatives.

As for the Pluto/Uranus aspect, or with any transcendental planet/transcendental planet aspect, for example, Neptune/ Uranus or Pluto/Neptune, these are generational and do not affect us much personally.

Shadowcat said:
the quintile is a very minor aspect
I thought quintile was a hard aspect because of this:
[especially with the hard aspects- the conjunction, square, opposition and inconjunct]
[specialmente in caso di aspetti duri, congiunzione, quadratura, opposizione e quintile]
translated: [especially with hard aspects, conjunction, square, opposition and quintile]

The Italian version of this description implies that the quintile is a hard aspect, which is a mistake, but checking the English version it actually says inconjunction.

Thank you for correcting me. Otherwise I would have kept thinking it was a hard aspect like opposition etc.I actually thought perhaps inconjunction and quintile were the same aspect. :/

Hard/soft aspects are present in major and minor aspects.

A harsh aspect generally means the energies conflict. A soft aspect is the opposite. Major/ minor just means how much this aspect counts. I think some major aspects also have more influence than others.
Shadowcat said:
Schwarze Sonne said:
Shadowcat said:
No. It is exalted in Aquarius and in its fall in Leo.

Thank you, I was in doubt cause here it is said that Pluto is exatled in Leo, it has to be corrected so.

Interesting ..Some things still have to be updated. Tbh it makes more sense that it would be exalted in Leo since it is the higher octave of mars and Leo is a fire sign. Wonder who else has any input on this. Everything has to be revised also anyhow.

Also, I thought Pluto was exalted in Leo cause the latter is the home sign of the Sun which ties to the father, wealth and power just like Pluto.

can i do ANSUZ for NEPTUNE also in negative karma?
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
nebu said:
can i do ANSUZ for NEPTUNE also in negative karma?

Yes you can. Ansuz or munka are great for freeing the soul.

What happens when Pluto is chart ruler in the 1st house and conjucts Mercury and Sun (who are Co-Rulers). I also have all 3 aspect Saturn Retrograde

Be careful, don't share too much of your chart here. But your pluto is obviously strongly placed especially if in the first house and the chart ruler both. (if you are a Scorpio ascendant, Mars is also another co-ruler). This in general can give a do-or-die type of personality someone who is all or nothing. At worst it can provide situations for extreme loss, addiction (especially if there are aspects with Neptune) or some forms of obsession. In the case of mercury and sun, it can mean alienation from the father or that he dies early, as well as a tendency to snoop or probe into others' private business, or just in general have a tendency to want to deeply investigate things. Just don't go beyond personal boundaries.

At best, These things provide a strong will as well as situations for extreme gain and abundance, as well as an intensely close relationship with the father. These placements can give a desire for constant self-transformation which is very suitable for an SS :). You feel your emotions passionately and intensely. With these planets, aspecting Saturn retrograde the influence of Saturn maybe felt less as far as external manifestation, as well as the limits Saturn would normally impose being lessened. This can be either good or bad, depending on if your Pluto manifests a lot of positives or negatives in your chart, as you want the positives to be unhindered, but do not want the negatives to go unchecked. Meditate on this and see which applies to you, and then apply the necessary workings.

If you for example find that your Pluto/Mercury aspect manifesting in probing and investigation might land you in some trouble or complications, this might be an instance where it would be better for Saturn to restrict that where it might not currently. Pluto, Sun and Mercury in a conjunction especially with these planets all being co rulers as you mentioned, will make the aforementioned things here more pronounced and can be a main focus in your life. You are intellectual and love to learn and with pluto involved as well as being the main chart ruler next to mercury and the sun this can be to the extreme, and you are probably quite intelligent. On the downside, you might have a tendency to being nervous and high strung and to fidget, which pluto might intensify. mild to moderate OCD may or may not provide irritation for you in some way.
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Yes you can. Ansuz or munka are great for freeing the soul.

What happens when Pluto is chart ruler in the 1st house and conjucts Mercury and Sun (who are Co-Rulers). I also have all 3 aspect Saturn Retrograde

Be careful, don't share too much of your chart here. But your pluto is obviously strongly placed especially if in the first house and the chart ruler both. (if you are a Scorpio ascendant, Mars is also another co-ruler). This in general can give a do-or-die type of personality someone who is all or nothing. At worst it can provide situations for extreme loss, addiction (especially if there are aspects with Neptune) or some forms of obsession. In the case of mercury and sun, it can mean alienation from the father or that he dies early, as well as a tendency to snoop or probe into others' private business, or just in general have a tendency to want to deeply investigate things. Just don't go beyond personal boundaries.

At best, These things provide a strong will as well as situations for extreme gain and abundance, as well as an intensely close relationship with the father. These placements can give a desire for constant self-transformation which is very suitable for an SS :). You feel your emotions passionately and intensely. With these planets, aspecting Saturn retrograde the influence of Saturn maybe felt less as far as external manifestation, as well as the limits Saturn would normally impose being lessened. This can be either good or bad, depending on if your Pluto manifests a lot of positives or negatives in your chart, as you want the positives to be unhindered, but do not want the negatives to go unchecked. Meditate on this and see which applies to you, and then apply the necessary workings.

If you for example find that your Pluto/Mercury aspect manifesting in probing and investigation might land you in some trouble or complications, this might be an instance where it would be better for Saturn to restrict that where it might not currently. Pluto, Sun and Mercury in a conjunction especially with these planets all being co rulers as you mentioned, will make the aforementioned things here more pronounced and can be a main focus in your life. You are intellectual and love to learn and with pluto involved as well as being the main chart ruler next to mercury and the sun this can be to the extreme, and you are probably quite intelligent. On the downside, you might have a tendency to being nervous and high strung and to fidget, which pluto might intensify. mild to moderate OCD may or may not provide irritation for you in some way.

Thank you so much. Actually this makes sense as I wanted to be a detective growing up. I've grown up wanting to read and piece ancient history mysteries and stuff like that.
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
What happens when Pluto is chart ruler in the 1st house and conjucts Mercury and Sun (who are Co-Rulers). I also have all 3 aspect Saturn Retrograde

Be careful, don't share too much of your chart here. But your pluto is obviously strongly placed especially if in the first house and the chart ruler both. (if you are a Scorpio ascendant, Mars is also another co-ruler). This in general can give a do-or-die type of personality someone who is all or nothing. At worst it can provide situations for extreme loss, addiction (especially if there are aspects with Neptune) or some forms of obsession. In the case of mercury and sun, it can mean alienation from the father or that he dies early, as well as a tendency to snoop or probe into others' private business, or just in general have a tendency to want to deeply investigate things. Just don't go beyond personal boundaries.

At best, These things provide a strong will as well as situations for extreme gain and abundance, as well as an intensely close relationship with the father. These placements can give a desire for constant self-transformation which is very suitable for an SS :). You feel your emotions passionately and intensely. With these planets, aspecting Saturn retrograde the influence of Saturn maybe felt less as far as external manifestation, as well as the limits Saturn would normally impose being lessened. This can be either good or bad, depending on if your Pluto manifests a lot of positives or negatives in your chart, as you want the positives to be unhindered, but do not want the negatives to go unchecked. Meditate on this and see which applies to you, and then apply the necessary workings.

If you for example find that your Pluto/Mercury aspect manifesting in probing and investigation might land you in some trouble or complications, this might be an instance where it would be better for Saturn to restrict that where it might not currently. Pluto, Sun and Mercury in a conjunction especially with these planets all being co rulers as you mentioned, will make the aforementioned things here more pronounced and can be a main focus in your life. You are intellectual and love to learn and with pluto involved as well as being the main chart ruler next to mercury and the sun this can be to the extreme, and you are probably quite intelligent. On the downside, you might have a tendency to being nervous and high strung and to fidget, which pluto might intensify. mild to moderate OCD may or may not provide irritation for you in some way.

Thank you so much. Actually this makes sense as I wanted to be a detective growing up. I've grown up wanting to read and piece ancient history mysteries and stuff like that.

Excellent! Sublimate the energies this way and it will make you quite happy in this area :D. You might be of big help to JOS in the future even as far as uncovering more lost knowledge! Do humor this predisposition.
Thank you for this article.

I realised from the article that I need to work on my Neptune. When should you start this kind of work?

Also, I would like to ask what does the Uranus, Neptune conjunction in the first house mean?
Because I know that Neptune is bad in the first house. But what properties they have together, I don't know.
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Be careful, don't share too much of your chart here. But your pluto is obviously strongly placed especially if in the first house and the chart ruler both. (if you are a Scorpio ascendant, Mars is also another co-ruler). This in general can give a do-or-die type of personality someone who is all or nothing. At worst it can provide situations for extreme loss, addiction (especially if there are aspects with Neptune) or some forms of obsession. In the case of mercury and sun, it can mean alienation from the father or that he dies early, as well as a tendency to snoop or probe into others' private business, or just in general have a tendency to want to deeply investigate things. Just don't go beyond personal boundaries.

At best, These things provide a strong will as well as situations for extreme gain and abundance, as well as an intensely close relationship with the father. These placements can give a desire for constant self-transformation which is very suitable for an SS :). You feel your emotions passionately and intensely. With these planets, aspecting Saturn retrograde the influence of Saturn maybe felt less as far as external manifestation, as well as the limits Saturn would normally impose being lessened. This can be either good or bad, depending on if your Pluto manifests a lot of positives or negatives in your chart, as you want the positives to be unhindered, but do not want the negatives to go unchecked. Meditate on this and see which applies to you, and then apply the necessary workings.

If you for example find that your Pluto/Mercury aspect manifesting in probing and investigation might land you in some trouble or complications, this might be an instance where it would be better for Saturn to restrict that where it might not currently. Pluto, Sun and Mercury in a conjunction especially with these planets all being co rulers as you mentioned, will make the aforementioned things here more pronounced and can be a main focus in your life. You are intellectual and love to learn and with pluto involved as well as being the main chart ruler next to mercury and the sun this can be to the extreme, and you are probably quite intelligent. On the downside, you might have a tendency to being nervous and high strung and to fidget, which pluto might intensify. mild to moderate OCD may or may not provide irritation for you in some way.

Thank you so much. Actually this makes sense as I wanted to be a detective growing up. I've grown up wanting to read and piece ancient history mysteries and stuff like that.

Excellent! Sublimate the energies this way and it will make you quite happy in this area :D. You might be of big help to JOS in the future even as far as uncovering more lost knowledge! Do humor this predisposition.

I already have humored it. Entertaining and feasting it actually
Shadowcat said:
Kavya Shukra said:
Shadowcat said:
Be careful, don't share too much of your chart here. But your pluto is obviously strongly placed especially if in the first house and the chart ruler both. (if you are a Scorpio ascendant, Mars is also another co-ruler). This in general can give a do-or-die type of personality someone who is all or nothing. At worst it can provide situations for extreme loss, addiction (especially if there are aspects with Neptune) or some forms of obsession. In the case of mercury and sun, it can mean alienation from the father or that he dies early, as well as a tendency to snoop or probe into others' private business, or just in general have a tendency to want to deeply investigate things. Just don't go beyond personal boundaries.

At best, These things provide a strong will as well as situations for extreme gain and abundance, as well as an intensely close relationship with the father. These placements can give a desire for constant self-transformation which is very suitable for an SS :). You feel your emotions passionately and intensely. With these planets, aspecting Saturn retrograde the influence of Saturn maybe felt less as far as external manifestation, as well as the limits Saturn would normally impose being lessened. This can be either good or bad, depending on if your Pluto manifests a lot of positives or negatives in your chart, as you want the positives to be unhindered, but do not want the negatives to go unchecked. Meditate on this and see which applies to you, and then apply the necessary workings.

If you for example find that your Pluto/Mercury aspect manifesting in probing and investigation might land you in some trouble or complications, this might be an instance where it would be better for Saturn to restrict that where it might not currently. Pluto, Sun and Mercury in a conjunction especially with these planets all being co rulers as you mentioned, will make the aforementioned things here more pronounced and can be a main focus in your life. You are intellectual and love to learn and with pluto involved as well as being the main chart ruler next to mercury and the sun this can be to the extreme, and you are probably quite intelligent. On the downside, you might have a tendency to being nervous and high strung and to fidget, which pluto might intensify. mild to moderate OCD may or may not provide irritation for you in some way.

Thank you so much. Actually this makes sense as I wanted to be a detective growing up. I've grown up wanting to read and piece ancient history mysteries and stuff like that.

Excellent! Sublimate the energies this way and it will make you quite happy in this area :D. You might be of big help to JOS in the future even as far as uncovering more lost knowledge! Do humor this predisposition.

I do intend to help. I'm just wondering how. What I can give that can really help.
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you for this article.

I realised from the article that I need to work on my Neptune. When should you start this kind of work?

Also, I would like to ask what does the Uranus, Neptune conjunction in the first house mean?
Because I know that Neptune is bad in the first house. But what properties they have together, I don't know.

Neptune in the first house doesn't have to be bad, there are good and bad manifestations for every placement and aspect.
aspects between these two planets are generational and do not mean much individually, but if they are both in the first house they are your co-rulers.

If you want to remove negative karma related to Neptune, it is best to do so during a waning moon, ideally Capricorn, Scorpio, or somewhere towards the last 10 degrees of Pisces. Using the Ansuz rune or Munka for at least 40 to 90 days is a start, along with finding positive ways to bring out and sublimate your Neptune energy.
Shadowcat said:
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you for this article.

I realised from the article that I need to work on my Neptune. When should you start this kind of work?

Also, I would like to ask what does the Uranus, Neptune conjunction in the first house mean?
Because I know that Neptune is bad in the first house. But what properties they have together, I don't know.

Neptune in the first house doesn't have to be bad, there are good and bad manifestations for every placement and aspect.
aspects between these two planets are generational and do not mean much individually, but if they are both in the first house they are your co-rulers.

If you want to remove negative karma related to Neptune, it is best to do so during a waning moon, ideally Capricorn, Scorpio, or somewhere towards the last 10 degrees of Pisces. Using the Ansuz rune or Munka for at least 40 to 90 days is a start, along with finding positive ways to bring out and sublimate your Neptune energy.

Thank you for the useful information.

I will look for a start date in the next year. Because as I looked at retrograde Neptune until December 4. But I didn't add that my natal Neptune is in Capricorn. I just didn't want to reveal too much information.
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who contributed info for the usage of runes for the transcendental planets! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=348966#p348966

The transcendental planets are the higher octaves of our personal planets, as their energies transcend the 7 chakras. The energies of these planets are generally dangerous to work with, and so squares and the mantras even by themselves, are generally strongly discouraged!! (unless you like the idea of your life being razed and turned upside down.) Being the higher octaves of Venus, Mercury and Mars, the planets Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are their energies refined and magnified. Neptune and Uranus can generally weaken and cause inconsistency, while Pluto, like Jupiter can also magnify with its intensity, bringing out the affairs of a planet to the extreme in some cases, or a part of it at least very intensely, or on the other extreme, alienate and estrange. These planets, however, also bestow a lot of upsides, just like the others if properly sublimated. The influences of their aspects and their signs are generally generational, but can affect someone more personally if one of these planets is their chart ruler or in the 1st house.

Uranus is the planet that rules the odd and bizarre, eccentric and weird, things and people that are unconventional, or who follow unconventional roles and patterns. People who often have a line of work not typical for their gender, or one that is otherwise odd or unique, often have a 6th house Uranus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and rules inventors, people with very hi IQs, and geniuses. This planet represents freedom of expression, technology, and anything new. It is the representation of uniqueness, the uniqueness of everything in nature. Uranus stands for true diversity, allowing every living thing to be as they are, everyone to be themselves. Uranus, like Mercury, rules all electronics and technology, the sciences, and the media. It also rules Chaos, sudden changes, erratic behavior and thinking, anarchy, radical ideas and thinking, revolutions, drastic change, and distrust of authority. Uranus rules humanitarianism and the human aura. It is in detriment in Leo and its fall in Taurus.

If Uranus is your chart ruler and is aspected by someone's Saturn, this person may at best be merciless and cruel towards a perceived eccentricity from you they either fear or look down on. You could end up meeting this person through unusual circumstances that turn out for the worse, or they could cause freak accidents to happen to you, or cause you to be a victim of unusual or odd circumstances. They could be a detriment to your technology, steal your intellectual property, or smear your name in the media in strange ways that hurt you significantly.

Uranus actually can help one with self-confidence issues created by a weak sun, if it is prominent as the chart ruler, or co-ruler, as Uranus can give one a strong will and sense of independence wanting to stand out from others. On the downside, it can make one high-strung and nervous Afflictions or weaknesses with Uranus physically often manifest, as diseases of the nervous system brain, or thought processes. Aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained and especially with air emphasis can manifest in ADHD. There can be illnesses or physical problems that happen all of a sudden, and leave just as quickly. If either Uranus or Pluto is the chart ruler, and they aspect one another, this sudden illness may be drastic and life-changing, especially if either is on a bad degree or on an unfortunate fixed star. The same goes for Neptune, allowing possible allergies to manifest suddenly in life or other problems with sudden weakness. Accidents may occur suddenly that can leave someone with tragic brain or spinal cord damage. A weakened or afflicted Uranus will give problems to the house cusps containing Aquarius, and the house the planet itself is in.

Saturn can restrict one's form of self-expression if aspecting Uranus. With little to no Saturnian influence in the chart, an afflicted Uranus can amplify health and psychological issues, as well as an unstable life. Constant moving house or changing spouses may be common, with a constant inability to make up one's mind about anything. Everything may be in shambles when it comes to getting priorities straight. If other aspects support this, Someone with a prominent Uranus or Aquarius emphasis could make a point of being “the weirdo” to rebel against perceived oppression or to stand out for attention, and this sadly often ends up being the wrong kind, further supporting their notion that they have to be “non-conformists” and that “no one understands.” This leads to another nature of Uranus, which is alienating others and keeping them at a distance, especially if it aspects someone's chart ruler, which oftentimes is what they are bound to attract, in friendships and relationships also. A high-strung temperament with nervousness might be common with outbursts, along with coordination issues. Uranus being retrograde can make all of these things more pronounced, and further give the affairs within the house cups with Aquarius possible delays or issues.

Hangups about(non)conformity, restrictions, and personal freedoms can be resolved by removing negative karma related to Uranus, with munka or ansuz, which can be used with Lapiz Lalusi. The dagaz rune is also useful for giving heightened intuition and strengthening one's sense of individuality and uniqueness that can be hindered by a weakened Uranus. Amethyst or even a crystal connected to mercury could work well. Solar energies in general, especially working with the sol rune can help with vitality and health issues. Other runes can be used with stones that are connected to Saturn, like nauthiz with obsidian to help bring endurance and structure through the anxiety brought on by constant chaos that may be caused by Uranus.

Uranus can manifest extreme humanitarianism and intelligence as well as heighten intuition. It is the planet, communication as well as advancement and uniqueness, and standing up for injustices. People with Aquarius emphasis often are overly concerned with the affairs of humanity and its progression, and with strong Uranian influence, are often able to make very significant and great contributions.

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, Ruling extreme compassion and altruism and self-sacrifice and service. It rules anything having to do with sea creatures, the sea, ocean, or any bodies of water and liquid. It rules espionage, deception in all its forms, illusions, insanity, and all forms of mental illness, suffering, and victimization, along with Saturn. Things too good to be true, catfish on dating sites, and all kinds of con men and scams. everything to do with meditation, the occult, and spirituality. Neptune rules the abstract, ethereal beauty and all forms of art, dancing and theater, music, as well as the unconscious and dreams, along with the Moon. It also rules platonic Love and celibacy. Neptune represents our addictions, or predisposition to such, all forms of poisons and gas, escapism, and where we are weak. Along with the Moon and Saturn, it is the planet that can contribute to inciting phobias, irrational paranoia, and fears based on illusions or mental illness.
Neptune rules the pineal gland.

If Neptune is your chart ruler and is aspected by someone's Saturn, this person can significantly be of harm to you by either by some form of espionage or deception, by playing on your worst fears in order to get something to play out, not for the better for you, or in some extreme cases can cause you to drown, or be poisoned. You may be very badly influenced by someone who practices the occult that brings out the worst in you or makes you see things on the astral that are not so. They may lie to or cheat you in a way that significantly can ruin your life

A weak Neptune may be in its fall of Capricorn or detriment of Virgo. There may be issues with the affairs of the house cusps containing Pisces. One may lack imagination, a sense of giving and charity, and may be very materialistic, especially if there is earth emphasis. Neptune will especially be weak if it is in a debilitated sign with little to no aspects, but can still cause problems within its own respective house's affairs, which will often manifest as some form of weakness, undoing, addiction, loss, or being let down. People with Neptune as their chart ruler or in the first house can have problems with addictions, be unreliable financially, and emotionally, (as well as very unstable) and be habitual liars.

If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets, either toning down a manifestation of a planet that would be otherwise either too excessive or weakening it too much. In the case of an extremely prominent sun, Neptune tones down the ego to give a sense of kindness, compassion, and sensitivity to others. In not-so-great cases, this can cause allergies and health issues, depending on what planet Neptune aspects. The natural psychic ability Neptune gives can be weakened by its own manifestations of paranoia and insanity, especially if one cannot emotionally detach. Emotional bias distorts what Neptune lets one see and hear on the astral considerably, as a result, delusion manifests and falsehoods.

I think everyone is familiar with the famous manifestations of what a prominent but afflicted Neptune can look like. Insanity and psychosis, murderous tendencies at its worst, or at the very least, Problems with addiction, escapism, constant self-pity and victimization, and over-sensitivity, which will especially manifest strongly if water is dominant, with cancer or Pisces emphasis, or worse...both. A retrograde Neptune can often manifest as a prominent one.

Couple this with a seesaw chart that has 2 stelliums in opposite signs or a bucket configuration, and you will have someone bipolar, schizo, or otherwise somehow severely mentally ill or delusional. Look at the planets and what they rule that Neptune is aspecting to see how they are being weakened. Propensities to addictions can be worsened by planets on bad degrees or in conjunction with unfortunate fixed stars. Victimization may be common, especially with Zosma, and other stars causing disgrace and ruin. Lack of earth can worsen one's sense of being grounded and further amplify the malefic influences of Neptune. These people are often paranoid, insecure, fearful, and generally mentally or even physically weak in some way. A prominent Neptune that manifests badly can be hard to sublimate, but with enough effort put in it can be done, especially with meditation, what Neptune rules in the first place.

Laguz is a good rune for working with bringing out some positive aspects of someone's weak Neptune. Aquamarine works well with this rune as well as any gem that can be found in the sea (barring coral and ivory, as these are not only illegal but unethical to harvest and buy) Working with invoking water if one is lacking may also help, as well as getting into art, music, even if it's just listening to it. Sound meditation is a great way to work on the astral senses and a good way to sublimate Neptune's energies. It's like not working out enough or expending enough energy or satisfying a need. If the good aspects of a planet are not satisfied, it will only help them come out in bad ways. Focusing energy on the positives of a planet's affairs helps empower them and lessen the bad. Freeing the soul from negative karma related to Neptune is also very helpful and of course...Meditation.

Neptune when rid of all the negative karma, and delusion Neptune may produce, it has great manifestations. Untold manifestations of beauty, compassion, and psychic ability. Extreme creativity can manifest in art or music, producing ethereal tier works. Especially with aspects from Mercury to Neptune, or a strong Neptune in the chart, There can not only be a knack for telepathic communication if this part of the chart is empowered enough but one may also be spoken to through music often as a means of divination, omens or form of communication to convey a feeling or idea or answer to a question, based on the mood or the lyrics of the music. If some of you identify with this, this may very well be a means you feel the Gods can communicate with you at times, as this is often done in ways we individually best understand, which can be in a variety of ways. With music, the feeling it can give that it is conveying something will feel like the “feeling” one gets from awakening from what might be a foretelling dream or a flash of intuition. This music may either be heard somewhere or even in your head all of a sudden. When working on your clairaudience points, you can hear beautiful music in your life that you never even heard before, or even someone singing.

Pluto is the higher octave of mars and rules extremes. Pluto rules death and rebirth, our intensity and obsessions. All views that are 'black and white” are Plutonian in nature, and Pluto is an all-or-nothing planet. Either 100 percent or not at all. Love or hate. No in-between. Extreme depths, heights, and extreme violence, Pluto rules all manifestations at their maximum level. Gangs, hit men, power in general, the mafia and secret societies, the black market, all things taboo, black magick, and transformation. The intensity of one's will and use of force. Pluto along with Neptune rules the pineal gland.

If Pluto is your chart ruler and is aspected by someones Saturn look out! You may be intense and extreme and it probably creeps out and scares a whole town worth for the faint of heart. But some of the extremes you yourself may go to may attract you people who can run you into extreme poverty, and overall attract very dangerous and powerful enemies, especially if you have aspects to a fixed star that support this, or have Leo at 25 or 15 degrees on your descendant. The same goes for the violent degrees of Taurus, especially on Algol. If there is anyone who has their Saturn aspecting your ruling Pluto and they are out to do you in, they are probably a gang member, a mafia member, a hit man, or anyone having to do with the underworld or taboo, that ends up seeing you as a thread or dangerous to them or their agenda. At best this aspect can manifest in extreme alienation, estrangement and spurn from this person's Saturn in a way that ends up being a significant hindrance to you. They may cause you to be separated or cut off from important resources or someone important, and this may significantly impact your life, not for the better. This person can cause you to be obsessed or addicted even to something that ends up ruining you.

Pluto is weakened in the signs of Taurus and Leo, although since this is generational, look to the house Pluto is in. Because of the intensity of Pluto, oftentimes aspects with Pluto that are soft at a looser orb can produce positive manifestations vs the tight orbs, which are more prone to bringing out the intensity and extremes.

Some aspects can be troublesome regardless, and cause either obsession, or some form of extreme, whether it be extreme gain or loss, or swinging back and forth between the two. Pluto can also showcase death and estrangement, or extreme domination and closeness, to a situation or a person. Look to the affairs of the planets that Pluto aspects to see where any of all this might take place and the house of Pluto. A retrograde Pluto can influence someone to be a recluse or a loner, if Saturn emphasis is also present, which may not always be ideal. Problems with the house cusps containing Scorpio may prove to be problematic.

A problematic Pluto, especially with harsh aspects to the sun and mars, can manifest in health issues, as these two planets play a role in health and vitality as well. There can be diseases like cancer, hemorrhoids, (piles), or sexually transmitted diseases, especially if Venus is afflicted or on a bad degree or a fixed star. Any form of problem with tumors can manifest either from genetic disorders or even disease. Genetic predisposition to lipomas (benign fat tumors), can also be a result of a problematic Pluto, especially if there are many at a time. Especially if Jupiter is afflicted or on 6 degrees of cancer or another cardinal sign, There can be metabolic disorders or insulin resistance. Rheumatoid arthritis may be a concern, especially with an aspect to Saturn. Hemophilia or other blood diseases may be present, either from birth or come later in life, also with hard aspects to Mars and the Sun. On the flip side, a problematic Pluto may also contribute to strokes with the case of extreme clotting, especially if the sun has hard aspects from Saturn, and Pluto, with the Sun ruling the blood vessels.

Behaviorally a problematic Pluto can also show up as an obsessive personality, someone who sees in nothing but black and white all the time and takes things to extremes always, and takes extreme risks, even at the expense of others. Especially if Saturn is weak or retrograde, or if Mars aspects Jupiter, this person will know no limits or boundaries when it comes to taking things to the next level, which can even lead them to their death, or extreme poverty. An extreme display of emotion at best can be common. A prominent Pluto that manifests badly like the other 2 transcendental planets will often either be the (co)ruler and/or have many aspects in the chart to several different planets.

A problematic but prominent Pluto can cause an upbringing where one is raised in extremely dire situations, and therefore ends up always being in fight or flight mode. This person is liable to end up coming in contact with criminal organizations or joining a gang. Gang violence may be the center of their life, one that may get them killed. Indirect involvement, like being a random target of gang problems or violence is also a possible outcome. These people may often be in taboo circles, the dark web (the very dangerous and bad parts), and attract dangerous enemies or competition. They may be surrounded by power-hungry people, or have propensities themselves towards megalomania.

Getting mixed up with the wrong powerful people, especially with a prominent Sun, can prove fatal for these people, and their families. It can cause extreme hatred and estrangement from certain family members or others, depending on what planet it aspects. Pluto can manifest in extreme financial loss, especially in the 5th or 8th house. If Saturn is involved, this can turn to extreme debt, to the point of bankruptcy and ruining your credit.

A major loss that comes from extreme weather natural disasters or wars might occur in someone's life. Depending on what generational sign their Pluto is in, they may have lived in an era during an intense major war, one of these was WWII when nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. Extreme violence on a microcosmic scale, such as witnessing a murder, or constant involvement in violent acts, especially as the victim causes lasting problems and damage to the psyche.

Pluto can bring about drastic transformation in life, in body, mentality, belief, etc for better or worse. Pluto on the upside can bring one strength and resolve with the do-or-die mentality to be strong in extreme and dire emergencies or situations. The influence of Pluto in someone's chart, depending on where it is placed can also serve as a powerful protector. This planet gives vast intensity of emotion and depth in personality and thought process and utter unquestioning devotion to a cause for good or ill. Pluto either does it the best or the absolute worst. The strongest or the weakest. Complete intense love and devotion, smothering even...or complete coldness. Extreme beauty that is otherworldly..or unimaginable ugliness. Pluto, along with Saturn, makes or breaks you, depending on your chart.

Using munka or the Ansuz rune with lapiz laluzi are good for freeing the soul of negative karma related to Pluto. The Eihwaz rune is connected to Pluto, representing death and transformation as well as necromancy. It may be used to properly channel the energies of a prominent Pluto to strengthen one's resolve and will, especially with hardship and loss related to Pluto. Smoky quartz may be used with this rune or onyx. It may be used to sublimate the Plutonian energies in the chart to bring about necessary transformation from stagnation, and drastic change for the better.

Hello Sister. Thanks for this 😍

Can I ask something? Have Jupiter retrograde forming aspects with Mars, Venus, Sun and Moon. What do you think? How can I tell if it's negative or positive? Are squares and trines positive or negative?
Hypatia666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who contributed info for the usage of runes for the transcendental planets! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=348966#p348966

The transcendental planets are the higher octaves of our personal planets, as their energies transcend the 7 chakras. The energies of these planets are generally dangerous to work with, and so squares and the mantras even by themselves, are generally strongly discouraged!! (unless you like the idea of your life being razed and turned upside down.) Being the higher octaves of Venus, Mercury and Mars, the planets Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto are their energies refined and magnified. Neptune and Uranus can generally weaken and cause inconsistency, while Pluto, like Jupiter can also magnify with its intensity, bringing out the affairs of a planet to the extreme in some cases, or a part of it at least very intensely, or on the other extreme, alienate and estrange. These planets, however, also bestow a lot of upsides, just like the others if properly sublimated. The influences of their aspects and their signs are generally generational, but can affect someone more personally if one of these planets is their chart ruler or in the 1st house.

Uranus is the planet that rules the odd and bizarre, eccentric and weird, things and people that are unconventional, or who follow unconventional roles and patterns. People who often have a line of work not typical for their gender, or one that is otherwise odd or unique, often have a 6th house Uranus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, and rules inventors, people with very hi IQs, and geniuses. This planet represents freedom of expression, technology, and anything new. It is the representation of uniqueness, the uniqueness of everything in nature. Uranus stands for true diversity, allowing every living thing to be as they are, everyone to be themselves. Uranus, like Mercury, rules all electronics and technology, the sciences, and the media. It also rules Chaos, sudden changes, erratic behavior and thinking, anarchy, radical ideas and thinking, revolutions, drastic change, and distrust of authority. Uranus rules humanitarianism and the human aura. It is in detriment in Leo and its fall in Taurus.

If Uranus is your chart ruler and is aspected by someone's Saturn, this person may at best be merciless and cruel towards a perceived eccentricity from you they either fear or look down on. You could end up meeting this person through unusual circumstances that turn out for the worse, or they could cause freak accidents to happen to you, or cause you to be a victim of unusual or odd circumstances. They could be a detriment to your technology, steal your intellectual property, or smear your name in the media in strange ways that hurt you significantly.

Uranus actually can help one with self-confidence issues created by a weak sun, if it is prominent as the chart ruler, or co-ruler, as Uranus can give one a strong will and sense of independence wanting to stand out from others. On the downside, it can make one high-strung and nervous Afflictions or weaknesses with Uranus physically often manifest, as diseases of the nervous system brain, or thought processes. Aspects to mercury can make one scatterbrained and especially with air emphasis can manifest in ADHD. There can be illnesses or physical problems that happen all of a sudden, and leave just as quickly. If either Uranus or Pluto is the chart ruler, and they aspect one another, this sudden illness may be drastic and life-changing, especially if either is on a bad degree or on an unfortunate fixed star. The same goes for Neptune, allowing possible allergies to manifest suddenly in life or other problems with sudden weakness. Accidents may occur suddenly that can leave someone with tragic brain or spinal cord damage. A weakened or afflicted Uranus will give problems to the house cusps containing Aquarius, and the house the planet itself is in.

Saturn can restrict one's form of self-expression if aspecting Uranus. With little to no Saturnian influence in the chart, an afflicted Uranus can amplify health and psychological issues, as well as an unstable life. Constant moving house or changing spouses may be common, with a constant inability to make up one's mind about anything. Everything may be in shambles when it comes to getting priorities straight. If other aspects support this, Someone with a prominent Uranus or Aquarius emphasis could make a point of being “the weirdo” to rebel against perceived oppression or to stand out for attention, and this sadly often ends up being the wrong kind, further supporting their notion that they have to be “non-conformists” and that “no one understands.” This leads to another nature of Uranus, which is alienating others and keeping them at a distance, especially if it aspects someone's chart ruler, which oftentimes is what they are bound to attract, in friendships and relationships also. A high-strung temperament with nervousness might be common with outbursts, along with coordination issues. Uranus being retrograde can make all of these things more pronounced, and further give the affairs within the house cups with Aquarius possible delays or issues.

Hangups about(non)conformity, restrictions, and personal freedoms can be resolved by removing negative karma related to Uranus, with munka or ansuz, which can be used with Lapiz Lalusi. The dagaz rune is also useful for giving heightened intuition and strengthening one's sense of individuality and uniqueness that can be hindered by a weakened Uranus. Amethyst or even a crystal connected to mercury could work well. Solar energies in general, especially working with the sol rune can help with vitality and health issues. Other runes can be used with stones that are connected to Saturn, like nauthiz with obsidian to help bring endurance and structure through the anxiety brought on by constant chaos that may be caused by Uranus.

Uranus can manifest extreme humanitarianism and intelligence as well as heighten intuition. It is the planet, communication as well as advancement and uniqueness, and standing up for injustices. People with Aquarius emphasis often are overly concerned with the affairs of humanity and its progression, and with strong Uranian influence, are often able to make very significant and great contributions.

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, Ruling extreme compassion and altruism and self-sacrifice and service. It rules anything having to do with sea creatures, the sea, ocean, or any bodies of water and liquid. It rules espionage, deception in all its forms, illusions, insanity, and all forms of mental illness, suffering, and victimization, along with Saturn. Things too good to be true, catfish on dating sites, and all kinds of con men and scams. everything to do with meditation, the occult, and spirituality. Neptune rules the abstract, ethereal beauty and all forms of art, dancing and theater, music, as well as the unconscious and dreams, along with the Moon. It also rules platonic Love and celibacy. Neptune represents our addictions, or predisposition to such, all forms of poisons and gas, escapism, and where we are weak. Along with the Moon and Saturn, it is the planet that can contribute to inciting phobias, irrational paranoia, and fears based on illusions or mental illness.
Neptune rules the pineal gland.

If Neptune is your chart ruler and is aspected by someone's Saturn, this person can significantly be of harm to you by either by some form of espionage or deception, by playing on your worst fears in order to get something to play out, not for the better for you, or in some extreme cases can cause you to drown, or be poisoned. You may be very badly influenced by someone who practices the occult that brings out the worst in you or makes you see things on the astral that are not so. They may lie to or cheat you in a way that significantly can ruin your life

A weak Neptune may be in its fall of Capricorn or detriment of Virgo. There may be issues with the affairs of the house cusps containing Pisces. One may lack imagination, a sense of giving and charity, and may be very materialistic, especially if there is earth emphasis. Neptune will especially be weak if it is in a debilitated sign with little to no aspects, but can still cause problems within its own respective house's affairs, which will often manifest as some form of weakness, undoing, addiction, loss, or being let down. People with Neptune as their chart ruler or in the first house can have problems with addictions, be unreliable financially, and emotionally, (as well as very unstable) and be habitual liars.

If there are aspects to other planets, Neptune generally weakens these planets, either toning down a manifestation of a planet that would be otherwise either too excessive or weakening it too much. In the case of an extremely prominent sun, Neptune tones down the ego to give a sense of kindness, compassion, and sensitivity to others. In not-so-great cases, this can cause allergies and health issues, depending on what planet Neptune aspects. The natural psychic ability Neptune gives can be weakened by its own manifestations of paranoia and insanity, especially if one cannot emotionally detach. Emotional bias distorts what Neptune lets one see and hear on the astral considerably, as a result, delusion manifests and falsehoods.

I think everyone is familiar with the famous manifestations of what a prominent but afflicted Neptune can look like. Insanity and psychosis, murderous tendencies at its worst, or at the very least, Problems with addiction, escapism, constant self-pity and victimization, and over-sensitivity, which will especially manifest strongly if water is dominant, with cancer or Pisces emphasis, or worse...both. A retrograde Neptune can often manifest as a prominent one.

Couple this with a seesaw chart that has 2 stelliums in opposite signs or a bucket configuration, and you will have someone bipolar, schizo, or otherwise somehow severely mentally ill or delusional. Look at the planets and what they rule that Neptune is aspecting to see how they are being weakened. Propensities to addictions can be worsened by planets on bad degrees or in conjunction with unfortunate fixed stars. Victimization may be common, especially with Zosma, and other stars causing disgrace and ruin. Lack of earth can worsen one's sense of being grounded and further amplify the malefic influences of Neptune. These people are often paranoid, insecure, fearful, and generally mentally or even physically weak in some way. A prominent Neptune that manifests badly can be hard to sublimate, but with enough effort put in it can be done, especially with meditation, what Neptune rules in the first place.

Laguz is a good rune for working with bringing out some positive aspects of someone's weak Neptune. Aquamarine works well with this rune as well as any gem that can be found in the sea (barring coral and ivory, as these are not only illegal but unethical to harvest and buy) Working with invoking water if one is lacking may also help, as well as getting into art, music, even if it's just listening to it. Sound meditation is a great way to work on the astral senses and a good way to sublimate Neptune's energies. It's like not working out enough or expending enough energy or satisfying a need. If the good aspects of a planet are not satisfied, it will only help them come out in bad ways. Focusing energy on the positives of a planet's affairs helps empower them and lessen the bad. Freeing the soul from negative karma related to Neptune is also very helpful and of course...Meditation.

Neptune when rid of all the negative karma, and delusion Neptune may produce, it has great manifestations. Untold manifestations of beauty, compassion, and psychic ability. Extreme creativity can manifest in art or music, producing ethereal tier works. Especially with aspects from Mercury to Neptune, or a strong Neptune in the chart, There can not only be a knack for telepathic communication if this part of the chart is empowered enough but one may also be spoken to through music often as a means of divination, omens or form of communication to convey a feeling or idea or answer to a question, based on the mood or the lyrics of the music. If some of you identify with this, this may very well be a means you feel the Gods can communicate with you at times, as this is often done in ways we individually best understand, which can be in a variety of ways. With music, the feeling it can give that it is conveying something will feel like the “feeling” one gets from awakening from what might be a foretelling dream or a flash of intuition. This music may either be heard somewhere or even in your head all of a sudden. When working on your clairaudience points, you can hear beautiful music in your life that you never even heard before, or even someone singing.

Pluto is the higher octave of mars and rules extremes. Pluto rules death and rebirth, our intensity and obsessions. All views that are 'black and white” are Plutonian in nature, and Pluto is an all-or-nothing planet. Either 100 percent or not at all. Love or hate. No in-between. Extreme depths, heights, and extreme violence, Pluto rules all manifestations at their maximum level. Gangs, hit men, power in general, the mafia and secret societies, the black market, all things taboo, black magick, and transformation. The intensity of one's will and use of force. Pluto along with Neptune rules the pineal gland.

If Pluto is your chart ruler and is aspected by someones Saturn look out! You may be intense and extreme and it probably creeps out and scares a whole town worth for the faint of heart. But some of the extremes you yourself may go to may attract you people who can run you into extreme poverty, and overall attract very dangerous and powerful enemies, especially if you have aspects to a fixed star that support this, or have Leo at 25 or 15 degrees on your descendant. The same goes for the violent degrees of Taurus, especially on Algol. If there is anyone who has their Saturn aspecting your ruling Pluto and they are out to do you in, they are probably a gang member, a mafia member, a hit man, or anyone having to do with the underworld or taboo, that ends up seeing you as a thread or dangerous to them or their agenda. At best this aspect can manifest in extreme alienation, estrangement and spurn from this person's Saturn in a way that ends up being a significant hindrance to you. They may cause you to be separated or cut off from important resources or someone important, and this may significantly impact your life, not for the better. This person can cause you to be obsessed or addicted even to something that ends up ruining you.

Pluto is weakened in the signs of Taurus and Leo, although since this is generational, look to the house Pluto is in. Because of the intensity of Pluto, oftentimes aspects with Pluto that are soft at a looser orb can produce positive manifestations vs the tight orbs, which are more prone to bringing out the intensity and extremes.

Some aspects can be troublesome regardless, and cause either obsession, or some form of extreme, whether it be extreme gain or loss, or swinging back and forth between the two. Pluto can also showcase death and estrangement, or extreme domination and closeness, to a situation or a person. Look to the affairs of the planets that Pluto aspects to see where any of all this might take place and the house of Pluto. A retrograde Pluto can influence someone to be a recluse or a loner, if Saturn emphasis is also present, which may not always be ideal. Problems with the house cusps containing Scorpio may prove to be problematic.

A problematic Pluto, especially with harsh aspects to the sun and mars, can manifest in health issues, as these two planets play a role in health and vitality as well. There can be diseases like cancer, hemorrhoids, (piles), or sexually transmitted diseases, especially if Venus is afflicted or on a bad degree or a fixed star. Any form of problem with tumors can manifest either from genetic disorders or even disease. Genetic predisposition to lipomas (benign fat tumors), can also be a result of a problematic Pluto, especially if there are many at a time. Especially if Jupiter is afflicted or on 6 degrees of cancer or another cardinal sign, There can be metabolic disorders or insulin resistance. Rheumatoid arthritis may be a concern, especially with an aspect to Saturn. Hemophilia or other blood diseases may be present, either from birth or come later in life, also with hard aspects to Mars and the Sun. On the flip side, a problematic Pluto may also contribute to strokes with the case of extreme clotting, especially if the sun has hard aspects from Saturn, and Pluto, with the Sun ruling the blood vessels.

Behaviorally a problematic Pluto can also show up as an obsessive personality, someone who sees in nothing but black and white all the time and takes things to extremes always, and takes extreme risks, even at the expense of others. Especially if Saturn is weak or retrograde, or if Mars aspects Jupiter, this person will know no limits or boundaries when it comes to taking things to the next level, which can even lead them to their death, or extreme poverty. An extreme display of emotion at best can be common. A prominent Pluto that manifests badly like the other 2 transcendental planets will often either be the (co)ruler and/or have many aspects in the chart to several different planets.

A problematic but prominent Pluto can cause an upbringing where one is raised in extremely dire situations, and therefore ends up always being in fight or flight mode. This person is liable to end up coming in contact with criminal organizations or joining a gang. Gang violence may be the center of their life, one that may get them killed. Indirect involvement, like being a random target of gang problems or violence is also a possible outcome. These people may often be in taboo circles, the dark web (the very dangerous and bad parts), and attract dangerous enemies or competition. They may be surrounded by power-hungry people, or have propensities themselves towards megalomania.

Getting mixed up with the wrong powerful people, especially with a prominent Sun, can prove fatal for these people, and their families. It can cause extreme hatred and estrangement from certain family members or others, depending on what planet it aspects. Pluto can manifest in extreme financial loss, especially in the 5th or 8th house. If Saturn is involved, this can turn to extreme debt, to the point of bankruptcy and ruining your credit.

A major loss that comes from extreme weather natural disasters or wars might occur in someone's life. Depending on what generational sign their Pluto is in, they may have lived in an era during an intense major war, one of these was WWII when nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. Extreme violence on a microcosmic scale, such as witnessing a murder, or constant involvement in violent acts, especially as the victim causes lasting problems and damage to the psyche.

Pluto can bring about drastic transformation in life, in body, mentality, belief, etc for better or worse. Pluto on the upside can bring one strength and resolve with the do-or-die mentality to be strong in extreme and dire emergencies or situations. The influence of Pluto in someone's chart, depending on where it is placed can also serve as a powerful protector. This planet gives vast intensity of emotion and depth in personality and thought process and utter unquestioning devotion to a cause for good or ill. Pluto either does it the best or the absolute worst. The strongest or the weakest. Complete intense love and devotion, smothering even...or complete coldness. Extreme beauty that is otherworldly..or unimaginable ugliness. Pluto, along with Saturn, makes or breaks you, depending on your chart.

Using munka or the Ansuz rune with lapiz laluzi are good for freeing the soul of negative karma related to Pluto. The Eihwaz rune is connected to Pluto, representing death and transformation as well as necromancy. It may be used to properly channel the energies of a prominent Pluto to strengthen one's resolve and will, especially with hardship and loss related to Pluto. Smoky quartz may be used with this rune or onyx. It may be used to sublimate the Plutonian energies in the chart to bring about necessary transformation from stagnation, and drastic change for the better.

Hello Sister. Thanks for this 😍

Can I ask something? Have Jupiter retrograde forming aspects with Mars, Venus, Sun and Moon. What do you think? How can I tell if it's negative or positive? Are squares and trines positive or negative?

Squares are considered harsh aspects but don't always have to have negative manifestations and this also depends on the nature of the planets. The same goes for trines, which are considered generally softer aspects, their manifestations aren't always positive. Look at the aspects between the planets as well as the affairs of the planets and focus on how the affairs of these planets and the houses they are in are manifesting in your life. Is there too much or too little of anything at all? Do you feel restricted in some way, stuck, or wish you would not attract a certain something? Or are the affairs of the planets and their houses mostly manifesting in positive ways in your life? Those are the things to look out for and put all together. Look at your whole chart.
Thank you for the post.
I am a Plutonian person, but I see that my Pluto is not properly sublimated.

I wanted to start transformational/sublimation work and the 25th of this month seems to be perfect for this kind of magical work.
New Moon in Scorpio, but also the Sun and Venus in Scorpio, with the eclipse adding a plus.

I was thinking of vibrating Ansuz and Eihwaz x 40 times.
With an affirmation such as "In the most positive way for me, I now sublimate Plutonian energies and fortify and enhance my willpower, now and forever."

But my intuition, or perhaps my GD, is suggesting that something is missing.
So I am here to ask for your advice on how I could better set up the magical work.
Shadowcat said:
Hypatia666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Special thanks to Blackdragon666 for his collaboration, as well as to Blitzkrieg who contributed info for the usage of runes for the transcendental planets! https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=348966#p348966

Squares are considered harsh aspects but don't always have to have negative manifestations and this also depends on the nature of the planets. The same goes for trines, which are considered generally softer aspects, their manifestations aren't always positive. Look at the aspects between the planets as well as the affairs of the planets and focus on how the affairs of these planets and the houses they are in are manifesting in your life. Is there too much or too little of anything at all? Do you feel restricted in some way, stuck, or wish you would not attract a certain something? Or are the affairs of the planets and their houses mostly manifesting in positive ways in your life? Those are the things to look out for and put all together. Look at your whole chart.

Thanks for your help, sister. :)
SaqqaraNox said:
Thank you for the post.
I am a Plutonian person, but I see that my Pluto is not properly sublimated.

I wanted to start transformational/sublimation work and the 25th of this month seems to be perfect for this kind of magical work.
New Moon in Scorpio, but also the Sun and Venus in Scorpio, with the eclipse adding a plus.

I was thinking of vibrating Ansuz and Eihwaz x 40 times.
With an affirmation such as "In the most positive way for me, I now sublimate Plutonian energies and fortify and enhance my willpower, now and forever."

But my intuition, or perhaps my GD, is suggesting that something is missing.
So I am here to ask for your advice on how I could better set up the magical work.

Basically, you are trying to do two things at once. With the goal of sublimation, Ansuz is good for removal. In this case, Eihwaz would be used to enhance or improve Pluto by adding in positive energy.

However, if you use Eihwaz itself for both goals, it might take more effort than removing any negative karma within a separate working. This is especially true when you consider that two separate workings can make use of two uniquely beneficial astrological conditions.

In your case, your affirmation is fine, but including Ansuz does not seem as conducive to completing that goal as Eihwaz would be.

Also, look at your chart and where Pluto is aspecting. If it makes a negative aspect to something, fixing that part of your soul will also negate the downsides of Pluto. For example, if it is disturbing your Mercury, a Mercury square would fix that area of stress, although this still falls under the situation I described above.

Furthermore, there is a difference between Scorpio and Pluto itself, where a Pluto aspect is a direct interaction of Plutonian energy, but a planet in the sign of Scorpio means that the energy is only acting in a Plutonian fashion. A Scorpio Sun is still solar energy. This is different from an Aries Sun aspecting Pluto.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
