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Astrology #308 Transiting pluto fears

This question pertains to astrology


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
What should I do to prepare for this pluto entering into the sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years. Aquarius is my chart ruler, with the planets Uranus and Neptune residing in it, based on this I know these next two decades are going to be quite intense for me, in what way can I prepare for what's coming?
Meditate, raise your energies, see which planets Pluto will touch in your birth chart. If Aquarius is your rising sign, Uranus is your chart ruler.
Pluto will probably be in your 12th house (unless you have the Ascendant at 0 in Aquarius). If this is the case, this is a good time to develop intuitive powers and psychic energy.

As it says in Azazel's Astrology: meditation, metaphysical pursuits, psychic empowerment exercises and other forms of occult study application should be consistently worked on.

Be open-minded, Pluto can bring drastic changes, don't be afraid but analyze what is going on around you, the opportunities and challenges you encounter. Never stop meditating.

If Pluto will cross your Neptune, see which house it rules so you can see where the changes are likely to take place. Pluto transiting Neptune also in the 12th house can lead you to have powerful dreams, perhaps about the affairs of the house that Neptune rules.

In the case where Pluto is about to cross the Ascendant and enter the first house (again from Azazel's Astrology):

Pluto crosses the Ascendant-
There will be major changes. A long distance move, changes in relationships, a career break, attainment of power/position. One's life will never be the same again.

Pluto through the first house- Pluto remains in this house anywhere from 12- 31 years. During this time, drastic changes in self can occur. Physical changes such as weight loss, self-improvement, obsession with one's self and goals, personal accomplishments.This transit is usually positive, but in rare cases, the life altering changes can be for the worst.
The only and best way to prepare yourself for a particular transit and life in general is power meditation. When you are cleaning your soul, you are re-aligning your life in every single aspect of it.
Sometimes we think that there is a best and immediate solution for a particular matter (transits, etc...); it is not like that. You must endure in life to achieve anything significant.
Keep meditating, as it is the only way to discover yourself and the true roots of your problems and tensions in life. Just keep going, keep working on whatever aspect of your life you want to improve, in this way any energy related to the transit of Pluto will naturally be realigned to work in your favor. Often one problem is related to another.
Pluto brings change, but many of these changes can be for the better
#315 Pluto transit Grand Cross

Same person with the question about pluto earlier I just found out that i have Grand Cross between Jupiter in 15 Leo, Venus in 12 Scorpio,
Ascendant in 19 Aquarius, and Moon in 15 Taurus. All the fixed signs and 15 degrees on two important planet. What is in store for me in the future?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
