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Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...


Active member
Feb 19, 2021
Hello everyone, brothers and sisters. This is my new personal advancement program. Could you check it for me? The main news is that I use the energy of meditation to also obtain desires. HPS Maxine, the noblest, I think once said that it is important to direct energy for our desires and not waste it.

So I made this new program:

1) Soul cleansing with sexual energy + pre-spell trance state

2) Void Meditation + order aloud to my brain in this condition of "empty" to concentrate only on the program until it is finished (a technique suggested by HPS Maxine, the most noble, to concentrate was precisely that of ordering the brain to do so; it is also a known technique in psychology).

3) Cleansing of the soul with the SURYA mantra ×36 + in this condition of a newly cleansed soul, liberation spell with the UR Rune ×90; with the aim of freeing myself from obstacles to my desire

4) Advanced rotation of the chakras at the speed of light + now that they rotate generating so much energy, I take advantage of this to put a powerful energy in a girl's aura so that she falls in love with me (Other people's aura programming)

5) Breathing exercises + now that my bioelectricity has increased thanks to the breathing exercises, I program my aura whose energy is raised. I visualize my aura and affirm that it does certain things (in this case; be pleasant)

6) Breathing (energetic) of the chakras. + after inspiring energy into the chakras, the full version of this meditation ends up with inspiring energy from both in front and behind the chakras and then doing the basic meditation, which is breathing energy into the soul. Here, when I inspire energy into the soul, I visualize my aura and affirm: "I breathe in powerful energy that programs my aura to constantly make extremely positive impressions" (obviously not with these words).

7) Complete meditation on the chakras in Sanskrit with mudras and bandhas + with the newly strengthened chakras I also vibrate VUVAVO and cast a spell with GEBO ×49

8) Yoga Hatha + in this condition of increased bioelectricity I program my aura again during the savasana position to be attractive and romantically and sexually irresistible

Note: This program follows the 8 steps of the Goddess Astarte. In fact, the Yantra step is also included (the Runes are a form of Yantra), so all the steps are respected. This is an example, my goals that I want to achieve will vary, but this is how my program will always be structured.

The question I wanted to ask is: am I meditating enough? In the program: meditation on the void is two minutes, SURYA to cleanse the vibration 36 times. The rotation of the chakras is at the speed of light. The complete Yogi breathing is for 10 times, the breath is held for 10 seconds too. Chakra energy breathing is 20 breaths per chakra (I plan to increase this number). The Sanskrit mantras are 40 vibrations per chakra for complete meditation (I count them mentally because my hands are busy with the mudras and therefore I am not very precise). Then yes, Yoga Hatha. Is it okay anyway? My timer says it takes 40 minutes for the whole program, but of course that includes the affirmations part for my desires.

I also wanted to ask you if it is good as a scheme to make my wishes come true.

In short, is all this good for being a better person?

Thank you so much and sorry if it's a long question...
It's just that recently life knocked me down, and when you suffer you either die or you get back up with the idea of becoming stronger and not dying. And I survived. Suffering taught me that I have to work hard and find better strategies to accomplish things.

At first I just wanted to escape from my problems, but then I thanked the Gods for these new opportunities to grow. Mediocrity accomplishes nothing.

Obviously love is my first desire.

I also wanted to cast different spells on things like: beauty, charm, intellect, athleticism, trust and esteem from others, authority, honor, etc. but always, I repeat, following this pattern, which is why I am so interested in knowing if the program is good.
There is no “mediator” in this. You need to seek guidance from the gods.

This is very personal, and outside people do not know what you need, and your real level.

I can only add this advice, add AoP, I don't seem to see this. This is the basic foundation of a routine.
Everyone needs a Basic Spiritual Routine to cover the following :

- Pranayama
- Void Meditation
- Cleansing
- AoP
- Yoga
- Energy Breathing (Foundation Meditation)
- Working on the Chakras

Then the rest, such as working on a specific chakra, working on a specific goal, such as clairvoyance let's suppose, is the personal part.
I call those goal oriented meditations/skill work.

About meditating enough, or not meditating enough, you'll have to see about that, it depends on your time, goals and capacity.

The program is good, don't stress yourself about it, improve it with time. Don't doubt it and keep going.
If you are going to take Hs666s advice and seek the Gods advice you’ll need to add clairvoyance and clairaudeonce meditation to advance the psychic senses.

When it comes to the girls I’d suggest only using those techniques on the ones that smile at you when you interact with them , wave, and try to talk to you when you walk past. These are choosing signals and suggests maybe they’d be interested. If you try to manifest them falling in love with you you’re taking the path of least resistance.
with the aim of freeing myself from obstacles to my desire
Do you have a specific desire that you direct this to? Because if you want to do a general freeing working, it might be better to aim it against all of your negative karma, or direct it to one specific negative karma, or one specific desire, but if you direct it against obstacles to "your desires", this is not really a concrete thing. Because maybe your desires change from a time to another.
So unless you specify certain obstacles to desire(s) with your intent, I would change the affirmation.
Everything takes you 40 minutes to complete? How is that possible? A short hatha yoga session is like 20 minutes at least.

I'm not sure if you do this or not, it's not very clear to me from what you wrote, you don't have to do everything in "separate parts" or just for the sake of adhering to every one of the 8 paths. For example, for the full chakra meditation, doing the specific chakra breath before vibrating its mantra counts as a breathing exercise. You don't have to do the chakra breathing separately from everything else, do it on the inhale before vibrating each chakra mantra.

I would say, forget the "soul cleansing with sexual energy", if you want to cleanse you will have much greater success taking some time every Saturday (Saturday is best for cleaning specifically) and cleaning your chakras with a solar mantra.

For the void meditation, I guess everyone is unique here but I hate "ordering" myself to do anything, kind of like saying "don't think of a pink elephant" and suddenly that's all you're thinking about. The way I do it is I just relax and let my thoughts run like a river. If something comes up, I don't judge it or "order it" to go away, I just let it go. But if that works for you already it's fine too.

What's enough is different for everyone, as long as you don't feel burned out from it, my only concern is that all that somehow takes you 40 minutes. Maybe you can do a 3 part RTR in 40 minutes, but the whole routine seems like it's getting done too fast.

It's always a good idea to do Kundalini Yoga as well.
Everything takes you 40 minutes to complete? How is that possible? A short hatha yoga session is like 20 minutes at least.

I'm not sure if you do this or not, it's not very clear to me from what you wrote, you don't have to do everything in "separate parts" or just for the sake of adhering to every one of the 8 paths. For example, for the full chakra meditation, doing the specific chakra breath before vibrating its mantra counts as a breathing exercise. You don't have to do the chakra breathing separately from everything else, do it on the inhale before vibrating each chakra mantra.

I would say, forget the "soul cleansing with sexual energy", if you want to cleanse you will have much greater success taking some time every Saturday (Saturday is best for cleaning specifically) and cleaning your chakras with a solar mantra.

For the void meditation, I guess everyone is unique here but I hate "ordering" myself to do anything, kind of like saying "don't think of a pink elephant" and suddenly that's all you're thinking about. The way I do it is I just relax and let my thoughts run like a river. If something comes up, I don't judge it or "order it" to go away, I just let it go. But if that works for you already it's fine too.

What's enough is different for everyone, as long as you don't feel burned out from it, my only concern is that all that somehow takes you 40 minutes. Maybe you can do a 3 part RTR in 40 minutes, but the whole routine seems like it's getting done too fast.

It's always a good idea to do Kundalini Yoga as well.
I'll be honest about the duration: my Yoga session is rather hasty, both because I don't perform the asanas inverted (it scares me to do the upside down positions... I know, it's stupid, but it's true), and because it's actually rushed. The main problem is that I don't remember well whether I actually counted the duration of the Yoga in the time measurement, or just the meditation part. I've had this program for a few days, and I didn't pay attention to timing the Yoga part or not, but regarding the meditations I'm sure that they last at least 40 minutes.

The undeniable fact is that I feel that my Yoga does not last long. I know I do it correctly because I feel lighter and feel increased bioelectricity, but I am aware that it doesn't last the right amount of time. I don't measure myself or even count the seconds while doing Yoga positions, I count the breaths more than anything else.

Regarding the thing about complete meditation on the chakras, I simply mean that in each chakra I vibrate the Sanskrit word of power. I actually made a mistake in calling it "complete" meditation because the completeness is also given by the specific breathing exercises of the chakra.

However, yes, I can stay focused on the program, strangely I don't think about other things. I usually get distracted when I try to do too many vibrations for magical workings, but while I meditate, I am always alert and never distracted... In fact, I admit that I have no proof that ordering myself to stay focused is the reason why I am actually concentrated, I just know that I can not get distracted.

However, yes, even for Kundalini Yoga, I have to decide to adjust the Yoga part in my program. Thank you!
I'll be honest about the duration: my Yoga session is rather hasty, both because I don't perform the asanas inverted (it scares me to do the upside down positions... I know, it's stupid, but it's true), and because it's actually rushed. The main problem is that I don't remember well whether I actually counted the duration of the Yoga in the time measurement, or just the meditation part. I've had this program for a few days, and I didn't pay attention to timing the Yoga part or not, but regarding the meditations I'm sure that they last at least 40 minutes.

The undeniable fact is that I feel that my Yoga does not last long. I know I do it correctly because I feel lighter and feel increased bioelectricity, but I am aware that it doesn't last the right amount of time. I don't measure myself or even count the seconds while doing Yoga positions, I count the breaths more than anything else.

Regarding the thing about complete meditation on the chakras, I simply mean that in each chakra I vibrate the Sanskrit word of power. I actually made a mistake in calling it "complete" meditation because the completeness is also given by the specific breathing exercises of the chakra.

However, yes, I can stay focused on the program, strangely I don't think about other things. I usually get distracted when I try to do too many vibrations for magical workings, but while I meditate, I am always alert and never distracted... In fact, I admit that I have no proof that ordering myself to stay focused is the reason why I am actually concentrated, I just know that I can not get distracted.

However, yes, even for Kundalini Yoga, I have to decide to adjust the Yoga part in my program. Thank you!
Yoga is something to enjoy, don't rush it, don't even keep count, just move on from one asana to the next when you can't go any deeper or it feels right to do so. Breathe slow and deep. It really sucks the first month or two if you are really inflexible, but after that it is very pleasurable. But you gotta go through the uncomfortable period or you will never reap the real rewards.
I think it is a good meditation routine. I like to experiment different meditations in the intermediate and advanced sections. Like pyrokinesis instead of vm.
Do you have a specific desire that you direct this to? Because if you want to do a general freeing working, it might be better to aim it against all of your negative karma, or direct it to one specific negative karma, or one specific desire, but if you direct it against obstacles to "your desires", this is not really a concrete thing. Because maybe your desires change from a time to another.
So unless you specify certain obstacles to desire(s) with your intent, I would change the affirmation.
Yes, it is a preliminary liberation work to free myself from the obstacles that prevent me from achieving the specific desire that I am trying to realize in this period. I used to do liberation work that was too generic, a long time ago, then I realized it was just a waste of time and energy. I have learned that there is no need to rush this, but that we slowly make our progress. :)
Power is built on the intensity of your meditation, not on advanced meditations performed in a short time.

Purification of the aura and chakras and protection. I would continue with Ur the way you are going, if that's something you feel you need. Meditation on the void, and Hatha yoga session.
This routine, without the use of mantras in the purification/protection phase, but the Ur ×90, would take at least 40 minutes-1 hour.

All done slowly, making sure each step is powerful and effective. A good cleanse warms you up, causes a vibration in your ears which is the energetic buzz, and expands your aura. Good energy breathing (for the basic protection meditation) warms you up considerably even after just one breath and results in a high intensity requirement, often a surge of energy with each breath.
Making sure every step is powerful, is how you build power.

The routine is very interesting, but I find a lot of energy directed in too many directions, and just for the vibrations, if I wanted to be very fast, it would take at least 1 hour. After you direct the energy with affirmations, you should take time to feel and intensify it in your aura. This requires time, but is extremely powerful.
Yoga is something to enjoy, don't rush it, don't even keep count, just move on from one asana to the next when you can't go any deeper or it feels right to do so. Breathe slow and deep. It really sucks the first month or two if you are really inflexible, but after that it is very pleasurable. But you gotta go through the uncomfortable period or you will never reap the real rewards.
Brother, I really want to thank you today because I followed your advice. Especially the one about Yoga.
To keep you updated: Regarding my program, I have started to do more.

So instead of 20 energetic breathings per chakra I do 40 and I also increased the number of Sanskrit mantra vibrations. This was because I personally felt it was the right thing for me.

Moving on to your advice on Yoga instead...
I was able, regarding Yoga, to hold the positions and enjoy them without rushing.

I didn't time myself, but Yoga alone lasts me at least a few tens of minutes (about 20 minutes like you said), I still perform each position for at least three minutes. I still don't do inverted Asanas because they scare me.

I'm very happy because NOW I feel like my program is enough. Before, I felt like I was doing too little in terms of what I might be able to do.

So yes, I really wanted to thank you.

Now I'm getting used to this new program and then I'm introducing Kundalini Yoga, thanks again!
Brother, I really want to thank you today because I followed your advice. Especially the one about Yoga.
To keep you updated: Regarding my program, I have started to do more.

So instead of 20 energetic breathings per chakra I do 40 and I also increased the number of Sanskrit mantra vibrations. This was because I personally felt it was the right thing for me.

Moving on to your advice on Yoga instead...
I was able, regarding Yoga, to hold the positions and enjoy them without rushing.

I didn't time myself, but Yoga alone lasts me at least a few tens of minutes (about 20 minutes like you said), I still perform each position for at least three minutes. I still don't do inverted Asanas because they scare me.

I'm very happy because NOW I feel like my program is enough. Before, I felt like I was doing too little in terms of what I might be able to do.

So yes, I really wanted to thank you.

Now I'm getting used to this new program and then I'm introducing Kundalini Yoga, thanks again!
More is not always better, actually in spirituality it is very rarely the case. You will see this as you get more sensitive, but you don't need crazy high numbers of repetitions, you just need to be present and really feel them when you do them.

I suspect you just vibrate the mantras too quickly to feel them, that's why you feel the need to keep increasing the reps. If you do simple math, if a mantra takes you 3-4 seconds to vibrate, and another 3 seconds to inhale after that and combine it with breathing energy into the chakra, that is 280 seconds per chakra (assuming 40 vibrations), or 32 minutes for all 7 chakras.

That is why I don't understand how you can do it all so quickly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
