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Partition of Ukraine


New member
Jan 9, 2024
Russia, Moscow
First of all, do you believe in the partition of Ukraine?

Secondly, this is how I think it will happen: Malorossya will go to Russia, which is already half there. Mariupol, Donetsk, Zaporozhye are already in Russia. The Spirit of Catherine the Great told me that 8 regions of Ukraine would join as a result of SWO. So this Malorossya turns out. Western Ukraine… Lviv will go to the Poles. Romania will eat the Bessarabia of Ukraine. Why not Moldova? Moldova may not become... Romania will swallow it up. As a result, only 40% of Ukraine will remain. From Kiev to the Dnieper.
You're probably trolling, but I will answer seriously.

Russia is a jewish state, top to bottom. For some reason you insist on supporting Putin and Russian expansion, judging from other posts you have made, even though these are to the detriment of the White race and Spiritual Satanism. Ukraine is jewish too, but at least the population is more white than the race-mixed Russia. This whole war was made to kill whites from both sides. Your ambitions are on par with jewish ambitions. Reconsider some things.
You're probably trolling, but I will answer seriously.

Russia is a jewish state, top to bottom. For some reason you insist on supporting Putin and Russian expansion, judging from other posts you have made, even though these are to the detriment of the White race and Spiritual Satanism. Ukraine is jewish too, but at least the population is more white than the race-mixed Russia. This whole war was made to kill whites from both sides. Your ambitions are on par with jewish ambitions. Reconsider some things.
I doubt he's a troll. I think he is a genuine Z-tard Russophile.
Are you sure that you communicated with the spirit of Catherine the Second? She could have been reborn long ago by our time. Also, how does she know exactly how a fight between two jews will end? There are sermons on the site about why people communicating with spirits or even leaving the body can see non-existent things, this probably happened to you.

And as for partition of Ukraine. Since this is a jewish war, any end of it, what planned according to the jewish scenario, will bring a lot of problems, since that is what they are doing everything for. The people who commented on your post before me do not fully understand the scale of the Russian national tragedy. Whatever the outcome of the war, it will only make the situation worse. Putin has strong control and I personally don’t see people who could interfere with this in the near future.

In general, there is no point in discussing this on the forum, since it can provoke unnecessary disputes here and is generally pointless. We must remember that with each of our RTRs, zelensky and putin have more and more problems.
ukraine is full of mutants with 00.1...% Jewish blood, these "people" succumb to slavery and their collective idiocy affects everyone else. No... ukraine is a bad country with horrendous, I repeat, horrendous corruption. ukraine hides the extent of this horror from the world community. The people have become slavish and mean. This is a very bitter truth, ukraine is a fake state, many people here have no life, no life... but this is only a fraction of people, as if there were no counterbalance of normal personalities, ukraine would have rotted long ago....((
If I was head of the Russian state I’d annex the entire country, no reason to give any of it to the Pols who worked against Russia.

Russia is being vary smart by slowly advancing rather then just rolling thunder through Ukraine. They are minimizing the civilian casualties and destroying the Ukrainians over and over.

If Russia had advanced rapidly and bombed out the entire county they would have to deal with a cia backed insurgence and a population hostile to them. By extending the war they’ve made Ukrainians hate their government and can brake the Ukrainians will before annexing them.

Western jews where a little too full of themselves when they poked the Russian bear now they are tied down and have lost manpower and mercenaries that would have been useful for pissreal and they brought Russia and Iran closer together.
Russia is a jewish state, top to bottom.
Russia is really Jewish.

Good thing the USA exists,
because the USA is not Jewish and has never served Israel.

By the way, it is important to remember that those who helped Greece get rid of the Ottoman Empire were the Americans and Great Britain in the name of saving the white race. Is not true?

On April 23rd, the Russian Senate approved sending 95 billion dollars to Israel. Is not true?

Putin's electoral campaign promised to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Is not true? Because Putin is a Jew, and only Jews would do that.

Those Russian mixed bastards...

Putin is not Jewish.
Putin is a Russian patriot.
Russia is not Jewish.
(Nowadays it is much less influenced by Jews than the US and UK)

Russia was stigmatized by Western imbeciles.
It was these imbeciles who forced her to fight against Europe in the last decades.

Almost 1 million Ukrainian men are dead for idiotic beliefs like yours!

Since you don't know the history of Greece and
You don't even know what's happening in the world,
I need to clarify that the part in red is irony.
Are you sure that you communicated with the spirit of Catherine the Second? She could have been reborn long ago by our time. Also, how does she know exactly how a fight between two jews will end? There are sermons on the site about why people communicating with spirits or even leaving the body can see non-existent things, this probably happened to you.

And as for partition of Ukraine. Since this is a jewish war, any end of it, what planned according to the jewish scenario, will bring a lot of problems, since that is what they are doing everything for. The people who commented on your post before me do not fully understand the scale of the Russian national tragedy. Whatever the outcome of the war, it will only make the situation worse. Putin has strong control and I personally don’t see people who could interfere with this in the near future.

In general, there is no point in discussing this on the forum, since it can provoke unnecessary disputes here and is generally pointless. We must remember that with each of our RTRs, zelensky and putin have more and more problems.
Obviously not, one does not remain so long without reincarnating, in more than 200 years that have passed she may have reincarnated another 2 or 3 times.
You're probably trolling, but I will answer seriously.

Russia is a jewish state, top to bottom. For some reason you insist on supporting Putin and Russian expansion, judging from other posts you have made, even though these are to the detriment of the White race and Spiritual Satanism. Ukraine is jewish too, but at least the population is more white than the race-mixed Russia. This whole war was made to kill whites from both sides. Your ambitions are on par with jewish ambitions. Reconsider some things.

i guess this explains why many "Russian ultranationalists" promote Eurasianism, a race-mixing agenda between Slavs and Asians. other Slav countries like Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, they're very aware of their White origin. they don't hide the fact that most of Russia's elite are Jews, or at least Russian-Jewish admixtures, the only one they hide is Putin himself, but if you look up billionarie Mikhail Prokhorov, the so-called "opposition" leader Ksenia Sobchak, and the late wagner leader Yevegeny Prigozhin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky (deceased) and Alexander Dugin, as well as Russia's oil tycoons, even those who claim a "Completely Russian identity", you'll see Jewish origins in their biographies or at least jewish features in the case of Dugin.

The so-called "collapse of the USSR" was a hoax to begin with and orchestrated by the kikes themselves.

Putin likes to act like the "savior of the Orthodox Christian world" or whatever.....yet, he's been caught red-handed so many times supporting Russia's enemies, like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and China, especially during the entire S-400 debacle in 2018.....the same country that shot down Russian jets in Syria who were fighting Islamic terrorists. like really...since when the fuck were Russians and Ottomans allies and why would you sell your enemy's backers your best air-defense weapons? He also backstabbed Serbs, Bulgarians and Armenians, traditional "allies" of Russia.

And somehow....someway....all the "ultranationalists" in Russia that were hating on Turkey just "went along with it" and started claiming Turkey as an "important strategic ally".

although "territorial borders" issues are beyond the concerns of SS, other than keeping illegal immigrants out, but the only "Russian expansion" id ever support is under the constitutional ruler of the Romanovs, and under a practicing Perunist and install a Satanist to infiltrate the Russian Orthodox Church and put a Satanic patriarch. They may have to fake a Orthodox Christian face or whatever, silence is golden. then again, this "monarchial dream" of mine will only work with Satanism, they could be a republic so long as they do away with the jewish tyranny.
Putin is not Jewish.
Putin is a Russian patriot.
Russia is not Jewish.
(Nowadays it is much less influenced by Jews than the US and UK)

Russia was stigmatized by Western imbeciles.
It was these imbeciles who forced her to fight against Europe in the last decades.

Almost 1 million Ukrainian men are dead for idiotic beliefs like yours!

Since you don't know the history of Greece and
You don't even know what's happening in the world,
I need to clarify that the part in red is irony.
Stick with your beliefs, the fact that we have all tried to help you get closer to Satan and you're being ironic says a lot. I know my history well, I don't need a putin sympathiser to tell me about my own country's history. Putin wants you dead, he's former KGB, and his entire government is jewish. I have all the evidence one needs, but you're too arrogant for that. Go fight the Nazi Satanists in Ukraine and preserve your christian communist identity, since that's what Russia's whole identity is about. The only reason the jewish red empire survived was because of rabbis cursing the top Wehrmacht generals, making them betray Germany. Had this not happened, the world wouldn't host the ignorance that you do 80 years later.
Russia is not Jewish.
One more thing, your country is doing the preparations for their celebration of winning the "great patriotic war". It's your problem if you want to live in a race-mixed society with illiterate apes stabbing white children.
although "territorial borders" issues are beyond the concerns of SS, other than keeping illegal immigrants out, but the only "Russian expansion" id ever support is under the constitutional ruler of the Romanovs, and under a practicing Perunist and install a Satanist to infiltrate the Russian Orthodox Church and put a Satanic patriarch. They may have to fake a Orthodox Christian face or whatever, silence is golden. then again, this "monarchial dream" of mine will only work with Satanism, they could be a republic so long as they do away with the jewish tyranny.
Russia is infested with all three abrahamic programs to her core. Most Russians identify as xians first and then as Russians. Islam is also popular among tens of millions, and is the "motivation" for inbred mixed mongoloids to islamify Europe. I don't even need to talk about judaism. Russia is the most judified nation in the world, ever. Our fellow SS in Russia are uncertain whether they will wake up in their bed or in jail tomorrow morning. They're literally living under the nose of the red beast, it's sad to see.
In any case, I don't insist on my beliefs. We can just wait a little longer and see what happens. I'm sure of it, because what I thought two years ago happened now
To be honest - your answers look very alarming. Basically, most of the people answering in this thread were influenced by very disgusting examples of communist propaganda of the right/wrong division in politics. As if some of the modern politicians really stand for pro-human values, or even more so pro-divine interests on Earth.

I will not respond to every message, but I will answer the author of the topic - what exactly did the voices in your head tell you? If your Satanic position is the destruction and pitting of two white nations for the sake of dividing zones of influence and cash flows, testing weapons and restoring the mythical “greatness of Russia in the world” - you probably did not read the site very carefully and have a poor idea of what people are doing here.

I saw the events of 2014 with my own eyes, just like the war that is going on now. There were actually rockets and other things exploding near my house. Many of my friends died. Some were captured. They are all white. The well-being of the people of Ukraine has fallen, people are forced to flee and hide not only from an external threat but also an internal one with mobilization and threats of shelling. And after that you say something like “Russia is right”? Fuck you.


The main part of the neo-KGB beliefs about the “Greatness of Russia” is just a bluff and an attempt to set the Russian (white) part of society against the West, once again the Jews are pitting the patriots of the USA, Russia, Ukraine and Europe against each other. If you play these games, be patient and study the history and carefully read the site exposing communism - a lot will become clear to you.
Russia is really Jewish.

Good thing the USA exists,
because the USA is not Jewish and has never served Israel.

By the way, it is important to remember that those who helped Greece get rid of the Ottoman Empire were the Americans and Great Britain in the name of saving the white race. Is not true?

On April 23rd, the Russian Senate approved sending 95 billion dollars to Israel. Is not true?

Putin's electoral campaign promised to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Is not true? Because Putin is a Jew, and only Jews would do that.

Those Russian mixed bastards...

Putin is not Jewish.
Putin is a Russian patriot.
Russia is not Jewish.
(Nowadays it is much less influenced by Jews than the US and UK)

Russia was stigmatized by Western imbeciles.
It was these imbeciles who forced her to fight against Europe in the last decades.

Almost 1 million Ukrainian men are dead for idiotic beliefs like yours!

Since you don't know the history of Greece and
You don't even know what's happening in the world,
I need to clarify that the part in red is irony.
Putin wants you dead, he's former KGB, and his entire government is jewish. I have all the evidence one needs, but you're too arrogant for that
No, man.
It's not arrogance.
It's just that the things you claim don't match up with events in the real world.

I am not committed to defending any ideology or thesis. If he's a Jew, he's a Jew!
If the real world showed that he is Jewish, I would have no commitment to denying that he is Jewish.

But what proves that he is Jewish?

If Putin is Jewish:

Explain to me why he doesn't let the Syrian government fall, which is a country that is an enemy of Israel?
Explain to me why he supplies weapons to Iran?
Explain to me why he openly defends the creation of the Palestinian state?

Answer me this!
These are not provocative questions!
These are genuine questions!
It's your chance to show me that he's Jewish!

This proves nothing.
Normal photo of every American president.



I have never seen anyone insinuate or claim that Trump is Jewish. And he really isn't. But his daughter is married to a jew and he favors Israel, while Putin does not have a daughter married to a jew and does not favor Israel.

Why do many accuse Putin of being jewish and not Trump?
because Putin is a Russian nationalist.
If Putin were an American nationalist, he would be applauded.
No, man.
It's not arrogance.
It's just that the things you claim don't match up with events in the real world.

I am not committed to defending any ideology or thesis. If he's a Jew, he's a Jew!
If the real world showed that he is Jewish, I would have no commitment to denying that he is Jewish.

But what proves that he is Jewish?

If Putin is Jewish:

Explain to me why he doesn't let the Syrian government fall, which is a country that is an enemy of Israel?
Explain to me why he supplies weapons to Iran?
Explain to me why he openly defends the creation of the Palestinian state?

Answer me this!
These are not provocative questions!
These are genuine questions!
It's your chance to show me that he's Jewish!

This proves nothing.
Normal photo of every American president.



I have never seen anyone insinuate or claim that Trump is Jewish. And he really isn't. But his daughter is married to a jew and he favors Israel, while Putin does not have a daughter married to a jew and does not favor Israel.

Why do many accuse Putin of being jewish and not Trump?
because Putin is a Russian nationalist.
If Putin were an American nationalist, he would be applauded.
Let's start with the fact that Putin is a jew and this is a fact that High Priestess Maxine pointed out. His mother's surname is Shalomova, this is not a Russian national surname.

Further. All of Putin’s friends who, in one way or another, remain in power (and have held it) for almost 25 years are jews. Google these names: Vekselberg, Usmanov, Abramovich, Sechin, etc. It's called the cooperative "Озеро"[Lake] - a gang of jewish St. Petersburg bandits (Putin from St. Petersburg) who usurped power in the Russian Federation in the 90s and still hold it to this day. Its some theory to you.

Regarding your questions, why Russia supports Israel, Syria and Palestine. Let's start with the fact that these countries are also supported by China - will you say that China is a Satanic state? The world is currently polarized into the Hegemon (USA) and the countries that one way or another want to acquire this role. NATO and Europe, together with the United States, represent the forces of a united West, but within them there is also opposition, national and global forces. To say that Putin is a representative of light/national forces is either to not understand the issue at all, or to deliberately cause confusion.

They have no rear, no opportunity to escape anywhere. If the power in Russia changes, then all these oligarchs will lose all their savings, and most importantly, access to the enormous riches of Siberia, oil, gas and metals. These are huge reserves, they will never give up trying to protect their control over it. When the situation became critical and Western pressure increased, Putin and company had to look for ways to mobilize their own people through awakening, otherwise the sabotage would reach enormous limits and they would quickly lose.

The polarization of the world is a tradition dating back to the Cold War, and even earlier. There were countries oriented towards the Soviet Union, and there were those who were more oriented toward the United States. One way or another, we now have the majority of politicians of the old school who act in their understanding of the world and in the categories of the Cold War. They were raised this way and they bring these movements into their leadership style. Tomorrow you can watch the May 9 parade on Red Square, if you want, listen to what Putin will say and you will hear the same rhetoric that was during the Soviet Union and the Cold War.
At the top a typo, I meant Iran and not Israel. Although Putin is certainly supported by Israel. You can read about it on the site: https://www.deathofcommunism.com/en/

You do not need to look at how some country relates to others to solve which government and what it is characterized. This is a foreign policy, and it is a bit more complicated than the principle of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

You need to look at what power makes with its own country inside. It’s good that you gave the US example. How much is the leftist and crazy gender/blm ideology destroy society? The government encourages this. In the same way in Russia, they go by encouraging hatred of Ukraine (which they previously called the fraternal people), importing migrants, anti-Russian domestic policy, problems of drug addiction and much more. Putin runs 24 years, everything that happens now is the fruits of his activity.

What we have is the struggle of two jewish dictatorships for the remnants of influence in the region. The alternate decision of the global "political" projects and affairs, due to hundreds of thousands of deaths of ordinary soldiers and on one and the other. Money spent in the war is an investment in death.

The enemy's control is horrifyingly expansive, hence the obvious controlled opposition between the 'so-called' alt-right movement of Trump and Putin, both which have done far more harm than good in their respective countries. The enemy likes to play both sides to achieve certain ends while making it look as though they are working in opposition to each other. This to me is really becoming clear seeing how immersed they both are in je-wish agendas. Divide and conquer, nothing new here. Oy vey, the goyim are waking up! Shut it down lol! 🤣

I linked a highly informative article from thedeathofcommunism website regarding this topic and I recommend people read it in order to better understand Russia's current political position. As others have said, it goes to show who was behind Soviet Union and how it didn't actually fall in they way that we're told.

I also very much enjoyed reading the comments here! Our brothers and sisters here never cease to inspire and amaze me in both their knowledge and pursuit for truth, self-advancement and righteousness.

When you get a chance I'd recommend reading the section titled 'Heros of the Soviet Union'. There is tons of great information there of which I have yet to finish reading myself.
If I was head of the Russian state I’d annex the entire country, no reason to give any of it to the Pols who worked against Russia.

Russia is being vary smart by slowly advancing rather then just rolling thunder through Ukraine. They are minimizing the civilian casualties and destroying the Ukrainians over and over.

If Russia had advanced rapidly and bombed out the entire county they would have to deal with a cia backed insurgence and a population hostile to them. By extending the war they’ve made Ukrainians hate their government and can brake the Ukrainians will before annexing them.

Western jews where a little too full of themselves when they poked the Russian bear now they are tied down and have lost manpower and mercenaries that would have been useful for pissreal and they brought Russia and Iran closer together.
Sounds like something a jew would do. A human would purge Russia of jews from positions of power and would change the constitution disallowing jews to have any sort of public or private position. Russia does not need more land as they have an abundance of their own as it is, but more freedom.

The forum is being raided by Kremlin shills.
You might not be aware, but Ukraine, much like Poland and Russia hosts a large amount of jewish people and this is most likely what the person you reacted to referred to. Moreover, something to consider is that average Russian speakers (OP and the other one you reacted to are such people) use their English very differently than someone who is more attuned to the English language.
If the leaders of the fascist and national socialist movements of the 21st century are as alienated and self-deceived as you, they will fail again.

His mother's surname is Shalomova, this is not a Russian national surname.
So what?
Her mother's name is Maria Ivanovna Shalomova.
Ivanovna is a Russian surname.
Shaloma is not a jewish surname either.
Further. All of Putin’s friends who, in one way or another, remain in power (and have held it) for almost 25 years are jews.
Your claim is exaggerated.
Dealing with national Jews in positions of power is a matter of internal politics, it does not make anyone jewish.
Boris Berezovsky was a Russian Jewish billionaire who Putin ordered killed.

As I know you are dichotomous, I will clarify the obvious that the murder of some Russian jewish billionaires does not mean that Putin is anti-Jewish, but only that he is not Jewish. But how many American billionaires has Donald Trump murdered? Why do you only consider that it is a sign of being Jewish to do business with Jews when it is Putin, but not Trump?

will you say that China is a Satanic state?
Decontextualized and meaningless parallelism.

China is pro-China.
Xi jing ping is for the Chinese people.

Russia is pro-Russia.
Putin is for the Russian people.

China's leader has nothing to do with the jews.
China's leader did nothing objective to support Israel.

Russia's leader has nothing to do with the Jews.
Russia's leader effectively supports anti-Israel causes.

Unlike you, I can support my claims with effective evidence:

-Was it Russia that sent 17 billion dollars to Israel?

-While the US sends weapons to Israel.
Putin sends Russian weapons to Israel's enemies.


-Who is using the marine force to open the Red Sea for Israeli ships? Is it the Russians?


NATO and Europe, together with the United States, represent the forces of a united West,
NATO was created with 3 objectives.
1-Destroy the Soviet Union.
2-Ensure American control over Europe in the military aspect. (mainly Germany)
3-Submit Germany militarily to the USA and prevent the rise of a new Reich.

Point 3 is well known by a TRUE German National Socialist.
Only the americanized of mediocre intelligence think that NATO favors the "west" or "the white people".

To say that Putin is a representative of light/national forces is either to not understand the issue at all,
Putin is to the Russians what Otto Von Bismarck was to the Germans.

Putin does not represent white nationalism.
Putin does not represent European nationalism.
Putin does not represent National Socialism.

but Putin definitely represents Russian nationalism.


Lying about the Russians and hating them will lead to Europe being destroyed again.

If Europeans and Russians kill each other in wars, they will lose the demographic war against black people.
The fight of the European man against the Russian man is a victory of the black man.

Also, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not written and published by a German, but by a Russian.
If the leaders of the fascist and national socialist movements of the 21st century are as alienated and self-deceived as you, they will fail again.

So what?
Her mother's name is Maria Ivanovna Shalomova.
Ivanovna is a Russian surname.
Shaloma is not a jewish surname either.

Your claim is exaggerated.
Dealing with national Jews in positions of power is a matter of internal politics, it does not make anyone jewish.
Boris Berezovsky was a Russian Jewish billionaire who Putin ordered killed.

As I know you are dichotomous, I will clarify the obvious that the murder of some Russian jewish billionaires does not mean that Putin is anti-Jewish, but only that he is not Jewish. But how many American billionaires has Donald Trump murdered? Why do you only consider that it is a sign of being Jewish to do business with Jews when it is Putin, but not Trump?

Decontextualized and meaningless parallelism.

China is pro-China.
Xi jing ping is for the Chinese people.

Russia is pro-Russia.
Putin is for the Russian people.

China's leader has nothing to do with the jews.
China's leader did nothing objective to support Israel.

Russia's leader has nothing to do with the Jews.
Russia's leader effectively supports anti-Israel causes.

Unlike you, I can support my claims with effective evidence:

-Was it Russia that sent 17 billion dollars to Israel?

-While the US sends weapons to Israel.
Putin sends Russian weapons to Israel's enemies.


-Who is using the marine force to open the Red Sea for Israeli ships? Is it the Russians?


NATO was created with 3 objectives.
1-Destroy the Soviet Union.
2-Ensure American control over Europe in the military aspect. (mainly Germany)
3-Submit Germany militarily to the USA and prevent the rise of a new Reich.

Point 3 is well known by a TRUE German National Socialist.
Only the americanized of mediocre intelligence think that NATO favors the "west" or "the white people".

Putin is to the Russians what Otto Von Bismarck was to the Germans.

Putin does not represent white nationalism.
Putin does not represent European nationalism.
Putin does not represent National Socialism.

but Putin definitely represents Russian nationalism.


Lying about the Russians and hating them will lead to Europe being destroyed again.

If Europeans and Russians kill each other in wars, they will lose the demographic war against black people.
The fight of the European man against the Russian man is a victory of the black man.

Also, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not written and published by a German, but by a Russian.
Let's start with the fact that I never cited Trump as an example and did not present the United States as something more anti-Jewish now than Russia, you yourself came up with this argument in your head to counter your arguments.

Next, let's go over the facts. Have you ever been in Russia? Do you live in Russia or do you know about what is happening there from the news? Your claim that Putin is a Russian nationalist is absurd.

Putin is completely Soviet mentally. The Soviet Union was a melting pot of peoples and sought in every possible way to mix and destroy the continuity, ancestral and clan ties of all peoples (especially such large ones as Russians and Ukrainians). They also resettled a huge number of Tatars and other peoples in far Asia and much more, I’m not talking about the Gulag and the destruction of the white population through war, etc. If you know what you are writing, but don’t know this obvious story that happened quite recently, you should pay a little more attention to these issues.

Next, about Russia. Do you know how many migrants are brought into Russia every year and how many diasporas have already been created and occupy various positions in the government and elsewhere? What does this have to do with the expression “Putin is a Russian nationalist?”

Chabad, Radical Islam, Orthodoxy, Communism - all these things are from the enemy, and they all bloom under Putin. This is what Russia is actually filled with, and not what your altrate speakers tell you.

The entire Russian national movement is being purposefully destroyed by the FSB forces and is being squeezed out of all real centers of government in the country. Can you name at least one REAL national politician from Russia? There are none, there is only “Mr. Putin” and his pocket party. All for the sake of pumping out resources and maintaining power, open your eyes. In the 2000s and even 2010s in Russia there was a really large white nationalist street movement, parties were born and there was hope that it would not collapse. But this was destroyed, the leaders of these movements were compromised/killed/imprisoned. Even the editor of the complimentary to the government, but nationalist newspaper “Sputnik and Pogrom”, Yegor Prosvirin, was killed. After all, even such insignificant figures in the national discourse pose a danger to “their government.” Their style of nationalism is not a genuine awakening of the Russian people, it is an attempt to drag people into a simulation welded together from Imperial/Soviet/Liberal discourses for the sake of an ideology that has mutated into delirium.

Okay, let's go your way of blurring and assume that Putin is a Russian nationalist. How exactly is this expressed? Z patriotism and the party of the Russian government in power for another 12 years? Another 10 million migrants, extinction of the indigenous population, gradual assimilation of the Far East by China? Mobilization of all men for the sake of war against the “collective West”, production of nuclear and other weapons, fighter planes and submarines (of course, at the expense of the resources of the Russian people that do not belong to this “gang in power”), and ultimately even more deaths? Is this your nationalism?

You obviously don’t want to accept any of the facts and studies that have already been described before you; you have the position of a person who stands his ground and is trying to convince people here. But here is a Satanic community that has clear rules - no friendly associations with the enemy. Do you want to believe that the “new Bismarck” will come and restore order in Europe? Fool, this will be USSR 2.0.
Regarding your argument with Berezovsky and the fact that Putin allegedly killed a Jewish billionaire, are you sure that you know all the details and are not simplifying it to the point of absurdity? Berezovsky represented that branch of power in Russia in the late 90s, which struggled with the current one in terms of influence. It was not clear until the end who would be Yeltsin’s successor, and Berezovsky, having the power, wanted them to be his people. Putin was pushed into power by his own forces, which did not need an enemy or competitor. This is a gang war, not a nationalist issue.

In any case, I will read your next replies if there are any. But I’m not going to write any more detailed comments on propaganda level stuff on TV. If this is your only role, then my answer will probably be of interest to other SS.
Let's start with the fact that Putin is a jew and this is a fact that High Priestess Maxine pointed out. His mother's surname is Shalomova, this is not a Russian national surname.

Further. All of Putin’s friends who, in one way or another, remain in power (and have held it) for almost 25 years are jews. Google these names: Vekselberg, Usmanov, Abramovich, Sechin, etc. It's called the cooperative "Озеро"[Lake] - a gang of jewish St. Petersburg bandits (Putin from St. Petersburg) who usurped power in the Russian Federation in the 90s and still hold it to this day. Its some theory to you.
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Regarding your questions, why Russia supports Israel, Syria and Palestine. Let's start with the fact that these countries are also supported by China - will you say that China is a Satanic state? The world is currently polarized into the Hegemon (USA) and the countries that one way or another want to acquire this role. NATO and Europe, together with the United States, represent the forces of a united West, but within them there is also opposition, national and global forces. To say that Putin is a representative of light/national forces is either to not understand the issue at all, or to deliberately cause confusion.

They have no rear, no opportunity to escape anywhere. If the power in Russia changes, then all these oligarchs will lose all their savings, and most importantly, access to the enormous riches of Siberia, oil, gas and metals. These are huge reserves, they will never give up trying to protect their control over it. When the situation became critical and Western pressure increased, Putin and company had to look for ways to mobilize their own people through awakening, otherwise the sabotage would reach enormous limits and they would quickly lose.

The polarization of the world is a tradition dating back to the Cold War, and even earlier. There were countries oriented towards the Soviet Union, and there were those who were more oriented toward the United States. One way or another, we now have the majority of politicians of the old school who act in their understanding of the world and in the categories of the Cold War. They were raised this way and they bring these movements into their leadership style. Tomorrow you can watch the May 9 parade on Red Square, if you want, listen to what Putin will say and you will hear the same rhetoric that was during the Soviet Union and the Cold War.
Eeew... they remind me of characters from out of Harry Potter! And they even look like them too...🤢🤮
From my lexicon forever removed the words 'ukraine' and 'russia', as spoiled jewish systems. I do not identify with these systems. I need something else - the present.
There is only the Primordial Pagan Rus and what preceded everything. :devilish:
The entire situation with regards to the Russia-Ukraine War unfortunately cannot be so easily simplified by the notion of "Jewish Putin decided to invade Ukraine to slaughter Whites in a pointless war". This disgusting war was the anticipated product of years of Jewish meddling in the affairs of the Ukrainian people, specifically the Jewish cabal which has usurped power in Washington, and an agenda which left the government and nation of Ukraine unstable and mired in corruption. The Jewish-controlled mainstream media in Europe and America has lied and continues to lie endlessly with regards to the true intent of the Euromaiden, which was planned, organized and funded by the likes of Victoria Nuland, George Soros and countless other Jewish parasites in power. There was a substantial portion of Ukraine, which in 2014 during the Euromaiden, wished to remain politically aligned with Russia, and anyone aware of the history of the primarily Russian-speaking regions such as Crimea and the eastern Donbass will understand why such sentiment was widespread. Unfortunately, the Jewish cabal in Washington would not permit the Ukrainian puppet politicians recently exalted to power by the coup to resolve the situation peacefully, resulting in war with the separatist regions and paving the way, as was fully planned, for the present war. The so-called "Neo-Nazis" in Ukraine serve as little more than tools for the entire agenda, and should not be treated as genuine National Socialists. The likes of Right Sector and Azov are merely a Jewish trap for true National Socialists, no different from certain Neo-Nazi groups in the West such as "Atom-Waffen, which are at any rate all funded by Jews.

As to the outcome of the war itself, it is necessary for Ukraine to make concessions and to put an end to the bloodshed, the Ukrainian Armed Forces at present possess virtually no hopes of turning the tide against the Russian military, and the likes of Zelensky and the Jews in both Washington and Kiev are only interested in prolonging this war as much as possible, sending Ukrainians pointlessly to their deaths, which is observable in the many pointless and costly military operations and tactics the Ukrainian leadership has ordered throughout the course of the war. Zelensky's current Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrski, is notoriously despised by the Ukrainian troops for deliberately wasting lives on costly tactical and operational blunders (such as the massive failures at Bakhmut, Avdiivka and near Belgorod). Furthermore mobilization is forced on Ukrainian society to the extent that young Ukrainian men are beaten and dragged to the frontlines and the European Union wishes to force male Ukrainian migrants to return to Ukraine to perish in the trenches, there is absolutely no freedom within Ukraine to question the war and the decisions of the Ukrainian leadership.

With regards to Russia and Putin, both are essentially the "lesser evil" in this situation. Russia's notion of traditional values is unfortunately deeply corrupted by Xtianity and it is merely one wrong regime away from becoming a Communist state yet again, but the war was largely (and intentionally) forced upon Russia by virtue of the events in the Donbass, alongside NATO expansion and CIA interference. Despite Putin's probable Jewish heritage, his presence and authority has also prevented Russia from descending into further chaos after the collapse of the Soviet Union and likewise preventing an even less mentally-stable individual from seizing power in Russia. The situation in Russia itself is nearly as dire as it is in the United States, and this is precisely why we must focus on our spiritual advancement, the improvement of our Satanic organization, and spiritual warfare as much as possible. There is not a single nation on this Earth at the moment in an ideal situation, entirely free and pure of Jewish control and influence, there are merely varying degrees of such influence and control. Russia is only slightly less dominated by such than America and Ukraine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
