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Open Letter to the American Embassy - Translated in English

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
The following is a letter written by a Romanian businessman called Primo Laurentiu and posted on Facebook and intended for the American Embassy. I cannot post the Facebook link with the letter since I have no access to Facebook from where I post but if you have a Facebook account and search on `Primo Laurentiu` you will find his account and if you scroll down you will also find the letter in Romanian.

Why is this letter special? The aforenamed businessman is an active and known voice in Romania on Facebook and Youtube against `The Great Reset` and has exposed for over 10 years the global elites and their actions all over the world. After Primo posted the letter, all his Facebook and Youtube accounts were shut and he was denied access to any Facebook feature (posting, liking, commenting etc) on the reason that the letter `incites to hatred`. However, Primo claims that his letter was highly spread and popularized by thousands of people and it made its way in Russia to a proffesor at Moscow State Institute of International Relations who contacted and congratulated him for this letter, and promised to discuss it with her students and to spread it in the Russian media. After those behind Facebook Romania learned of this information, they decided to lift the 30 day ban on Primo's Facebook and Youtube accounts after only 2 days, in an attempt to sweep under the rug the fact that those who claim to be `democratic` and to allow freedom of expression are censoring people for merely asking questions on a public platform, while they accuse Russia of censoring people and pushing state propaganda to their citizens. Keep in mind these above are the words of Primo Laurentiu, who was not told by Facebook why the ban on his accounts was lifted but tried to understand and spoke his mind in a Facebook live stream.

If this letter truly will become popular in Russia then I see no reason why it shouldn't be translated into English and spread in the Western social media as well, and eventually it can be shared on other platforms so as many people as possible find about the comparisons explained in the letter.

Now here is the letter translated word by word exactly as it is from Romanian:

The Romanian nation, `the strategic ally`, as any other vassal and less instructed and civilized nation*, does not understand some matters on geostrategy and international affairs and would like to be enlightened by the high wisdom and knowledge of the great american nation...

This is why I wish to politely address you through this letter a few questions to help us understand better the happiness of being guided and defended under your protective wing:

1. Why the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is more serious and worse than the invasion of Irak by US?
2. Why the detachment and independence of Kosovo from Serbia is legal, but the detachment and independence of Donbas from Ukraine is illegal?
3. Why your 20 years war of „de-talibanization” of Afghanistan was legal, but the „de-nazification” of Ukraine is illegal?
4. Why the death of over 1 million civilians in the Iraki war did not represent a tragedy, but the death of a few hundred civilians in Ukraine is treated like the end of the world?
5. Why United States did not face any sanctions for bombing Yugoslavia and Belgrade, but Russia faces never seen before on Earth sanctions for bombing Ukraine?
6. Why the bombing of hospitals by Americans is much less serious than bombing of hospitals by Russians?
7. Why you are allowed to own mass-destruction weapons while others are not allowed?
8. Why US and the Ukrainian friends are allowed to own factories and labs of bio-weapons but Syria (for example) is not allowed?
9. Why Israel is allowed to own the atomic bomb, while US considers that Iran is not allowed?
10. Why the Palestinian children who die under destroyed buildings are not a tragedy, while the Ukrainian children are?
11. Why you impose sanctions for the occupation of Crimea, but impose no sanctions for West Bank and other territories occupied by Israel?
12. Why the Syrian emmigrants, women and children, were bad and undesirable, but the Ukrainian emmigrants are great people?
13. Why the Russian oligarchs are bad, while the American oligarchs are good?
14. Why would you destroy the poor country roads of Romania under the wheels and tracks of American tanks and millitary vehicles and you wouldn't use the Bechtel highway for which the Romanian government paid billions of dollars?**
15. Why Romania has to pay billions of dollars to United States for some `virtual` millitary technique*** to defend us against extra-terrestrials, but we cannot find 0.5 billion to save the lives of thousand of children who suffer from cancer?
16. Why for the war crimes commited by Americans in Vietnam, Corea, Yugoslavia, Irak, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria etc. nobody was held accountable, but for the crimes in Ukraine there shall be found as soon as possible the responsibles from among the Russians?

I am sure you will appreciate these questions as a mean of manifesting the highest ideals of freedom of expression and knowing about the truth behind the actions of United States of promoting fundamental human rights in the world!

The Romanian people wait with interest your answers, to have reasons to love you always and more and more****, as it is normal and how we have been taught by the great Soros foundations to love our masters!
Laurentiu Primo

End of Letter and Translation

*Primo considers Romania became a colony and vassal state of United States

**The American Corporation Bechtel was paid around $2.5 billion by the Romanian Government to build a 400 km highway but only finished around 50 km of it and ran away from the country with the money. Primo knew this and said that sentence as a form of sarcasm towards the US corporation Bechtel

***Primo consider that Romania pays yearly around $5 billion to United States for millitary technique but only on paper, as he considers that in reality the weaponry is never delivered to Romania.

****Sarcasm towards US and their policies

Now given the context with the war, I wanted to share something interesting that most people outside don't notice at all.

Hundreds of businesses are withdrawing from Russia due to invasion of Ukraine


The most sounding companies: American Airlines, Asda, BlackRock, BP, eBay, Electronic Arts, Eurovision, Exxon, Fifa, Formula One, Netflix, Nasdaq, Rolex, Uefa, Uber, Tripadvisor, Vanguard are apparently leaving Russia completely according to mass-media (subject to accuracy of information),
While other names: Adidas, Amazon, American Express, Bank of China, Aston Martin, Boeing, Deutsche Bank, Disney, FedEx, Intel, most car companies, Mastercard, Microsoft, Twitter, Western Union etc. are apparently leaving a door open for a possible future return (again subject to information accuracy considering that it comes from mass media)

If this information is true then as said in the letter we are witnessing the biggest sanctions even seen on the face of Earth. Most corporations are literally isolating Russia from the rest of the world.

Why all these companies act as if they are one entity? Why same or similar decisions are being made by all of them more or less in the same time? Remember that they did exactly the same with covid. What do all these companies have in common? In many if not most of these corporations, the fund management corporations like Vanguard, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs or another related giants are among the top shareholders, meaning that they own in most cases more funds in these corporations than anybody else combined, anybody else meaning thousands of people and companies who own shares in all these corporations. Given the course of action that has happened, it is blatantly obvious that the decision of all these companies to withdraw from Russia, all in the same time, was taken from a central power position. It is hard to believe that thousands of directors and managers and `boards` of these companies decided in the same time but separately to withdraw all from Russia. It is exactly the same like when all these corporations have all taken decisions in the same time to stop the spread of the virus that was killing less people that a normal flu.

The question now is who own the asset management companies like BlackRock and Vanguard? Keep in mind these two alone have in management stock worh around $17 trillion, which is nearly the one year's GDP of US. If you check the market platforms, you will see that most of these giant asset management companies own shares of each other. As a simple example The Vanguard Group, Inc. owns 7.40% shares of Goldman Sachs and this is the case with most major stock management companies. Thefore, this information doesn't lead anywhere. What we need to know is who are the people behind these corporations, because this image of them owning the stocks of each other leads to a never-ending cicle and most likely it was portrayed this way on the internet to hide the names of those who sit at the top of the pyramid, taking the decisions that all major corporations mentionned in the list above are executing, because this is the sort of hierarchy that works in most modern companies, a decision is being taken from the top and all subordinates top-down from directors to managers and so on to those doing the lowest job are putting this decision in motion.

The only realistic conclusion is that these stock management companies can only have behind the richest people or families in the world, since these are officially private and not owned by any government, and also it is well known that these families are not very open to the general public and the activities that directly involve them go unnoticed under the radar and unknown to people and mass media itself, while in many cases people with power positions but limited real power are depicted as scapegoats in front of the masses to take the attention away from the real powerhouses. These companies are even the reason why some of these families became among the richest, as their power kept increasing as they were expanding their influence into new areas of life by buying more and more shares or by speculating from the crisis engineered by themselves using the global bank chains they own.

In reality, we can assume that the owners of Vanguard are among the 0.001% richest people on the planet. According to Forbes, there were 2,075 billionaires in the world as of March 2020. Gielen cites Oxfam data showing that two-thirds of billionaires obtained their fortunes via inheritance, monopoly and/or cronyism.

“This means that Vanguard is in the hands of the richest families on earth,” Gielen says. Among them we find the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few.

Many belong to royal bloodlines and are the founders of our central banking system, the United Nations and just about every industry on the planet.
https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/who-owns-world-blackrock-and-vanguard said:
Who Owns the World?: Blackrock and Vanguard

What is missing from the puzzle is their influence in the political systems and a great example that comes in hand is the influence of BlackRock into the US Government.

BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, has become an increasingly influential Wall Street player in Washington, DC. The firm has hired notable policy-makers over the years, and at least three leaders with the New York-based asset manager on their resumes now hold prominent roles in President Joe Biden's cabinet.

Former BlackRock investment executive Brian Deese leads Biden's National Economic Council, effectively serving as his top advisor on economic matters. Biden also tapped Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo, a former chief of staff to BlackRock chief executive and longtime Democrat Larry Fink, to serve as a top official at the Treasury Department.

Meanwhile Michael Pyle, BlackRock's former global chief investment strategist who had worked in the Obama administration before joining the firm, serves as chief economic advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris.


Another list:

Clinton, for her part, has refused to rule out a Treasury Sec drawn from Wall Street. Fink’s ready-made team available for a move from Wall Street to Washington includes:

Christopher Meade, former general counsel at the Treasury Dept, who now serves in a similar capacity at BlackRock. Meade spent 2010 to 2015 at Treasury, with the last three years as general counsel.

Katheryn Rosen, a managing director at BlackRock, who cut her teeth in government as a senior policy adviser to Barney Frank on the House Financial Services Committee, helping to write Dodd-Frank. Frank is an adviser to the Clinton campaign. Rosen went from Frank’s office to Deputy Asst Sec position at Treasury in Feb 2011, working to build the Financial Stability Oversight Council, the Treasury-led super-regulator monitoring systemic risk. Prior to government work, Rosen spent 14 years as a managing director with Morgan Chase.

Kendrick Wilson, a vice chairman at BlackRock since 2010 who has ties to Goldman Sachs, Lazard, and the Treasury Dept. He advised Treasury while it managed the financial crisis and its fallout in 2008 and 2009, before coming to BlackRock. At Treasury, Wilson brought his experience advising financial institutions to carry out hastily arranged crisis-era deals, like the merger of Bank of America and failed subprime lender Countrywide.

Michael Pyle, who was a senior adviser to Lael Brainard when she served as Treasury Under-Sec for international affairs. He also worked at the White House for the National Economic Council and the Office of Management and Budget. He worked as a director at BlackRock until at least Oct 2015, though he apparently is now an economic policy adviser to the Clinton campaign.
The Rothschilds are behind BlackRock

These people are literally the link between the richest jewish families on earth and the US government, executing decisions with global consequences on their behalf, which is the reason why most people don't see who pulls the strings on the most global affairs. This post is crompressed as much as possible since the infuence of those families extend much more than exemplified here. When the next global terrorist attack happens, people will know who to blame.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
