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On Taking Care Of Youth, Children and Young Adults

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In our day and era we are living in a totally unethical and imbalanced society, where children are told all sorts of lies that are inconsistent with life that lead them to disrespect and inner torment.

Some of these lies are in particular that you are "equal" to everyone else, that you have "justified opinions" and that you are "free to do as you please". Reality goes forward to say to everyone that this is not the case.

Many of these delusions powerfully persist in young adulthood, or even later in life. The case that the Japanese had strict norms when it came to social respect, is testament for this tendency for human nature to completely ruin it's own self when left unattended.

Eventually, as seed values such as respect or other things that will be mentioned later are put early on in people, what one can expect henceforth is the grow of negative weeds. Unattended weeds, like children, have an overwhelming tendency to become negative weeds. If you have been abandoned as a child and you found your way here, then you know Spiritual Satanism is like a paternal and maternal home, where one will learn how to properly exist.

It's true if we say that the above is no longer even existing in the external world, where one literally can spend all their life never having even engaged in these thoughts. Except of certain particular shocks one might receive in job or other related matters, or even relationships, one slowly understands in life that one simply is not given any guidance in regards to what to do.

This attending of bringing out the "Man" or "Woman" from a human being, starts early, when people are young. All of us having being in that state, we know that serious parental or otherwise deficiencies, cost us endless amounts of time, energy and direction later on when this was not done.

In contrast to the moral norms of today, where young people attack elders, or when there is a lack of proper culture, manners and respect, many of these behaviors were considered an atrocity for our Ancestors, and one of the highest caliber.

In all the ethical codes left by the Ancients, they kept reiterating the same message: The young must receive the knowledge, wisdom and protection of the elders. Simultaneously, they have to be seen and they have to see themselves in accordance to the real state of affairs, which can only be given to them by those who actually see it clearly.

To make this clearer, everyone has had a phase in their earlier life where stupidity might have led to rampant delusions, which have wasted someone valuable time, energy and strayed them off from meaningful things. The importance of the connection with the Elders is that based on a formal bond of respect, the above can be avoided.

For this, the show of willingness in the part of the younger people had to exist in order for a formal growth relationship to take place.

Ancient Greeks also had a formal Ritual where one transitioned from a child and a teenager [where one was not entitled to any opinion], to fully grown men. Men were supposed to display responsibility, respect, noble qualities, a proper taming of the blind and foolish urges of ignorance underlying their previous state of being.

They went as far as to differentiate children, young adults and actual adults by each wearing different clothes. When you did not wear the clothes of the adults in the assembly, you were categorized not as adult.

As our society rides on the delusion that differentiation does not exist [nor in races, nor in growth, nor in anything], we simply have a situation where there is consistent imbalance.

In the 1960's, teenagers and young adults would enter the classes with formal respect and some respectful norms. While we might say that this was a little bit too much, I don't even want to bring your attention to how jews or any self respecting whole of people treats these matters, in contrast to how we treat this all today.

Rebellion and all of this is part of human nature, yet the current state of affairs right now solely represents full on lawlessness and lack of anything respectful, loyalty based or even borderline moral.

In fact, right now, of all times, the fall of the youth to lesser states of consciousness is very much obvious. While we tell ourselves that we are creating "strong children" by giving them the loose hand, we are actually creating lawless humans that cannot even control their most basic drives, let alone higher malfunctions when it comes to lack of guidance.

The above severely depresses children, who withdraw in an area of isolation instead of in an area where the control of those grown ups takes them by the hand in a bond of trust and tells them "That is the world", and "Here is how you can find your place in it".

We are also at an all time high of abandonned, angry, depressed and lost children, more than ever before likely in history. Therefore, people seeking to rectify their childhood, can spend even up to 50 years of their life trying to figure out even the most basic things of being an adult.

As Spiritual Satanists we have to observe this and not allow this to happen, especially to our children and offspring. Children must be allowed to be children that will eventually become adults.

As a result, we have droves of disrespectful, alone, isolated and abandonned children and many more grown up kids that have never grown up. Nobody took them by the hand to show them how it is to be an adult. The automatic response right now is for them to also react: most people want to remain in the childish state for life.

Nowadays as anarchy rules the consciousness of people, the "opinion" of people and in particularly children has been to where you have Greta Thunberg and other 8 year olds making protests. As much as we should formally respect these expressions, these are inconsistent with the reality of universal affairs in existence.

The grown ups of society had to have it on them to secure and guarantee a better future for these children, but this can never be achieved without an ethical compass that is centered on each understanding their place. Alternatively, societal collapse would be the only consequential result.

While now everyone is "opinionated", in the proper context of culture and reality, the reality is that opinion is reserved for those who understand matters or have an understanding of affairs. In contrast to the world today where every "opinion counts", the Ancients followed an aristocratic system of valuing opinion that had to do with, as one would guess, elderly status. Clarity arrives from knowledge, empowerment, trial and error, life experience.

One the receiving end of the children, they were expected to harbor only three qualities: Loyalty, respect and bravery. An applied hole into all of this, can only have catastrophic consequences that stem only from improper action.

Further, as I see constant delusion and self delusion in regards to status of development, or mental maturity, it is further important to mention that true spiritual knowledge was not given to people below the age of at least after their first Saturn Return.

More serious knowledge arrived only after the age of 40 years old, when the ground of maturity has been marked. The above was not violated even in rare exceptions, yet, the people of prominence that could properly handle certain abilities were of course guided to such, by the existence of an extremely solidified teacher / student relationship.

Granted the above, we have to understand that present day delusions will always actively lead us nowhere.

As there will be ever many forgotten sons and daughters that will come to us, we must remember that based on the formal bonds of loyalty, respect and mutual support, these bonds must be up-kept by Spiritual Satanists. Knowing this, we will know that we are growing a next generation of powerful individuals who can truly embark on the journey of existence in a dignified manner.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This sermon made my perception different. Thank you for clarifying such things.
Thank you dear High Priest.

This was needed very much… things I am now in was driving me mad about what I am facing now, this made it more clear.

Sadly, but I am now calmer about it.

Thank you.
This is why I was told when I was younger to not have kids until you're ready, mentally sane enough, and capable enough to handle the long process of raising one. There will be issues besides money, livelihood, and more workload of keeping a kid growing up the right way instead of some future TikTok electronic smashing degenerate or some promiscuous and insanely disrespectful 'campus jumping' queen bitch(I've seen them come and have seen them go even before colleges, reasons are complicated and have to do with spiritual factors before attracting lots of enemies).
It is very nice that you wrote and shared such a long article for all SS. And you are so right that, as someone who has worked in various fields of teaching and seen the mistakes of parents, I agree with every word you say. I hope we will have a better society and witness the raising of more righteous individuals.

Thank you very much for this informative and instructive article and for working tirelessly for us 🙏
Beautiful and much needed sermon.
Thank You HPHC,
It seems like most parents these past few decades just let their kids stay in their bedrooms playing video games all the time. My parents were somewhat old fashioned and had more intrinsic values as parents. Whenever they had company over, I was forced to stop doing what I was doing (even if it was very important to me) and I had to socialize, have polite manners, let the adults ask me lame questions yet reply nicely. I had to do this for at least 5-20 minutes (depending on various factors), and then I was dismissed.

I hated it at the time, but I understand now that it was important. People need to know how to socialize, and to learn what is acceptable in society and what isn't.

Most children and teenagers don't realize that most of their "wants" and "opinions" aren't even real, or valuable. They are programmed, or random impulses from emotions or hormones acting up, or issues from past lives or childhood. And they are lacking actual experience in life, and do not consult those who have the experience; instead, they go according to what they want, instead of what is actually important and good for their development as a human.

Most parents for the past few decades are failing, because they are doing the opposite of their own parents, who also failed them but in different ways.

Once Spiritual Satanism has more influence in the world, and people start cleaning their souls, opening and unblocking their chakras, advancing their souls, and training their minds, then we will start having an ideal society.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clarity arrives from knowledge, empowerment, trial and error, life experience.
So true. It all comes down to this.
So what should we do when our elders let us down?
Are things as bad as we think?
Have we let them down, or have they let us down?
The Saturn Return is very pivotal to any being, but many people continue to be broken children into their twenties and beyond which can lead to issues with this. And most of the fixations people have on age seem to be generated from xianity abusing children's rights and now people go to the opposite extreme of passively rendering children into tyrants.

One question, are these ideas what underpins parts of the Oikonomikos by Xenophon? The bride is taught by Ischomachus how to run a household but I never comprehended whether this is meant to be a satire or not.
This is why it's very important to have youth organizations, very much akin to Hitler Youth. Not only does it allow for the sate to rectify any failures the parents might have instilled upon their children, it can pretty much stop them from happening in general. Youth organization can also be used to filter out very mature children and group them together so they don't feel out of place.

Personally, I would also allow for children to join the organization permanently and without their parents consent, especially if the parents are subhumans. Why should a child suffer for 18 years before being allowed to leave? It's a waste of 18 years plus however long it will take to sort out all the crap their parents left them with. Even if some emotional pain happens due to separation, it can always be used as a fuel to better oneself if the child is properly taught how to deal with such problems.

Besides, how exactly do people expect to be good parents when they never even read a book on parenting or got rid of any hang-ups their parents left them with? At best they will repeat the same mistakes their parents did (stagnation), at worst they will screw up even more. Stagnation means death.

If we ever hope to steer Humanity out of it's degraded and very much 3rd dimensional existence, we need to take the future into our hands and mold it into something better than us. With all the technology we have, we can organize like never before. Food, water and shelter/security are no longer a problem(if we put aside the meddling of the Jews, who won't be here for much longer). Therefore, it's about time we utilize this fact and start creating a positive loop where each generation will be better than the last, instead of stagnating or being worse, like Boomers. [Death be upon them].
Unwise older generations will generally raise unwise youth. There are of course, exceptions for those who are able to learn what NOT to do. Speaking in regards to males specifically, I grew up with a single mother, for instance, but I was still surrounded by various male family members. In saying that, it'd be untrue to say I grew up around 'men'. Most of what I learned about being a man came from my mother or simple lessons on what not to be.

This topic is particularly pertinent to the state of affairs as they are now. There's a generation of young boys and men who feel completely disenfranchised with society. This status quo does not suddenly appear overnight. What's ultimately happened is that 'incel' behaviours have taken a hard root within this vacuum of morality and ethics, and you're left with two contrasting castes of males who are either growing up complete wimps or thinking you need to be an abusive, emotionless wife beater to be a 'man'. The truth is these two variety of people are really just the same person with slightly different wrapping. There's a reason why grifters like Tate and Peterson have taken off and have been able to sell their falsehoods, and it comes back to the failures of society in raising its young men. It's all too common for one to be poisoned, only to be given more poison and told it's a cure. This is why you have so many idiots trying to shill Xianity all over again, as an answer to the ills, perceived and otherwise, with western society now. Yes goyim, revert to the medieval age, that will be wise indeed.

Moving away from men in particular, my point is here, topically in regards to the instilling of youth in a younger generation, I once raised a point about my own generation, which primarily has Boomer age parents. Since the 1960s in particular was pointed out, there's a great irony in Boomers acting self-righteous now when Woodstock era degeneracy was considerably worse than what most youth is partaking in these days. Lo and behold, people who are inherently hypocrites by nature are incapable of instilling good values in the subsequent generation.

One thing that's eternal as water being wet is the old blaming the young for everything to do with society. As a rogue example:

“Whither are the manly vigour and athletic appearance of our forefathers flown? Can these be their legitimate heirs? Surely, no; a race of effeminate, self-admiring, emaciated fribbles can never have descended in a direct line from the heroes of Potiers and Agincourt…”

This, in particular, is a quote from the 1700s. There are ones progressively centuries or more older. During the 1700s, people were routinely being keelhauled out on ships at sea. But yes, obviously, it's the ones that came later during the enlightenment which were 'evil and immoral' and were a pox on 'good society'.

I guess the point I'm illustrating here is, the best parents and teachers I've seen are ones that have learned from the experiences of their time truly and were able to break the mould, so to speak. These are the ones that are able to know where they went not only right, but have the humility to know where they went wrong as well. Children after all, do not pass through the membrane from another dimension. They are products of nature and nurture.

Nostalgia is of course one thing. Blindness, another. Society never evolves unless there's an awareness of both the good and the bad of any era. Very few people among the older generations seem capable of that, in my experience. Moreover, to those who deny youth to be incapable of wisdom, historically, the worst damages to our great enemy the Church have not come at the hands of the old, but the young.

To be a truly great guide to the young requires a confidence yet a lack of hubris seen in few in any recent era. Hierarchy can only truly exist when it's based on genuine wisdom and power, and not self-delusion that the circumstances of your own upbringing are beyond inspection.
I was bullied all throughout my childhood, hence my aversion towards interacting with other kids or attending social events during my youth. Respect is earned, yes, but it seems treating others with basic human decency is becoming rarer and rarer among youths these days due to the collapse in community and traditional values.
After all that has happened, I will not sit and waste time all day thinking that there is something wrong with me and that my existence is a mistake.
I don't care how it ends. I will always be loyal to you.
Fuck their Right-handed shitty sense of justice. I will fight for those like us. My loyalty to your decisions is eternal.

I don't care what body I'm in, I don't care what day it is. I will always be loyal to you, Lord Cobra!
Because you have already proven your allegiance to Satan.
Spartan system of growth for children, perhaps with some modifications to introduce basic spiritual training?

With regard to respect for the elderly nowadays, at least in Italy the majority is closed in on itself and christianity, moreover many do not understand progress, then there are also many of them and they have very little to offer society.
They are more of an obstacle.

In a different society they would be of much greater value.
Yes. As part of the lost generation 90's and after it's amazing to see these differences first hand. It's also scary to realize that I wasn't taught the kind of things you find in my grandmothers time. But also saddened to see that the dream my grandmother and my mother were taught is almost impossible for this current time- the "American Dream"-. I'm only speaking from my lens and not trying to shove my view on the world- best get that statement out of the way before some idiot trys to accuse me of it which that in itself is a shame to have to point out in this day and age.
I was rasied to respect my elders but at the same time those elders shoved me aside leaving me bitter and hollow. With that it's hard to trust people in general now a days. This might be due to so many being raised with this odd lack of respect and dignity. It might also explain why I and so many others flock to self help books. Since my grandmothers generation screwed up their own children who turned around and shit on their kids and parents in turn.

Anyone else find that those raised in the 60's, 70's, and 80's turned out to be an odd generation or is that just me?

Going with HP Cobras wisdom I still struggle to find my way as an SS.
Beyond rereading the JOS site itself is there any HP that may give me some advice?

As always thank you HP Cobra for your posts. I know I'm not the only one who has a little brighter day reading your words.

Hail Father Satan
Thanks for this great post HP¡ :mrgreen:

The absence of a paternal figure is very common here in South America, it's one of the main causes of the inappropriate behavior of the young ones. And one can notice that the other extreme, creates the same. When parents are only a sort of "laws providers" it's normal that the young ones want to break them. Balance is key, because an "only love" doctrine neither works.

I think that digital world is playing (now more than never) an important role in our societies, being a catalyzer of that inappropriate behaviors (taking advantage of the base problems on background, ie, low self-steem). Today, social networks are full of all type of "influencers" being nothing more than a bunch of idiots that pretends show that life is just a game that turns around an unethical social approval.

The problem is that adult ones aren't wise for many reasons, mainly social and economical (ie, the people that need to work all the day in a bad paid job, that here in South America is a day by day reality), and one ov them that I consider of a great relevance is that the world is changing so fast, we are living in a many aspects unexpected global transition, that as expected on these cases is a bit chaotic.

I think that this is a real challenge. We have much to do for the future of the new generations, but that's a good thing, because indeed, a life without challenges can't be create the heroes that will incarnate the glory of the ancients, what the world needs :mrgreen: .
Granted how fucked my life has been, I truly only want better for my children and raise them properly.

I don't want them to spend endless days and nights sick with very hard to treat diseases, unable to hold down jobs, jump from one thing to another and be at the point where homelessness is far too close on their heels... they must never experience this as I have.

I will have to make sure to raise them properly and guide them strongly in gaining skills for a profession, or a family buisness to offer and pass down to them, so that they will be secure and mature as proper adults with the skills needed to face just about the most crushing of things in life... not just sitting there with a very difficult road ahead of them with dread and fear on the mind as the obstacles are too much.

This is the one thing that sits on my mind the most.

Seemingly hopeless circumstances and issues with health and employment I want to see improve in the worlds youth. I want this to improve in the world. No one deserves this.

I'd give anything to see this lessen in the world.

I'd get so close to completely falling apart in all aspects of my life, and it's only through the Gods and our Father Satan being there for me that I've stayed on my feet and alive as long as I have. I owe them everything in this regard.

Far too many dark nights without a solution or way out of this, just can break a person. Our father has great kindness and love, to an extent humanity must wake up to this.

The youth must be guided and shown the way to be part of this world. That way they learn from these mistakes and see the proper way to be, not ending up with no money in their pockets or constantly sick.
Honestly, I joined the JOS at the age of 18-19 and this place is the only place where I am actually learning how to be a man, a human even.

Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the JOS and its priesthood and hierarchical members.

I have question regarding what you said HP: More serious knowledge arrived only after the age of 40 years old, when the ground of maturity has been marked. The above was not violated even in rare exceptions, yet, the people of prominence that could properly handle certain abilities were of course guided to such, by the existence of an extremely solidified teacher student relationship.

Is it safe to assume that the circumstances have changed? Including others, I have not been through my first Saturn return, and we have free access to much knowledge that is otherwise hidden from npcs.
Vira_ said:
Spartan system of growth for children, perhaps with some modifications to introduce basic spiritual training?

With regard to respect for the elderly nowadays, at least in Italy the majority is closed in on itself and christianity, moreover many do not understand progress, then there are also many of them and they have very little to offer society.
They are more of an obstacle.

In a different society they would be of much greater value.

Thank you for the response, yes, the conversation here is rather long. It's a complicated subject.

About Spartans, the Spartans certainly had very important elements in growing the youth. But people cannot solely grow with a spear on the hand. This whole Spartan thing is just based on severity claims past a point which largely don't even stem from actual training courses or the reality about the Spartans but mostly about the 300 or related movies.

The stories about the Spartans of Thermopylae was about a higher fighting unit, even higher than present day Navy Seals or higher forces of the time, and not everyone was on that level, despite of how they would be raised. Most people cannot take this presently and most humans cannot really fight wild boars.

Also, in contrast to rumors about Sparta, things were not as severe as claimed. Stories like how they threw deficient children from cliffs are also a hoax. The Spartans had an interesting school system as well, in contrast to claims that they were just illiterate and carrying a spear. There is more to life than just waging wars. Sparta got defeated by better empires like the Athenians and the Macedons, because primarily, this way of life has been very firm, and life also requires a degree of flexibility.
Thank you for writing this for all of the lost children out there. All of this explains the actual neglect and carelessness that massively goes into creating and raising children and this contributes to a lot of ailments in our society, ones that are much worse today than ever before. Of all the things to actually be screened for, it has never occurred to most to actually go through passing a test to prove to actually be fit to breeding and raising children. Commies will, of course, scream muh literal Hitler because,
As our society rides on the delusion that differentiation does not exist [nor in races, nor in growth, nor in anything], we simply have a situation where there is consistent imbalance.
As stated here everyone is the same apparently and should be treated as such and have the same entitlements. The problems happening as explained in this sermon are what happens when natural law is disobeyed and no hierarchy is respected and followed.

Many parents today opt for playing the "cool one" in terms of bonding with children thinking that if they try to be a friend to their child they will gain recognition closeness and respect. Although this can happen in adulthood to a point, when a child is young they need someone to guide them and to basically show them how the world works which will not always be how they want. A girl I knew recently that I briefly spent time with actually told me that her mom bought weed for her a long time back and she still does it. I tried getting her off that shit, as I saw that it deeply affected her memory and incited extreme paranoia to the extreme. She literally smoked every night. I tried to show her alternatives to this such as meditation and yoga and her direct response was "Are you trying to change me?" She acted like she had been there done that got the t-shirt already with so many things in life (to be fair she grew up too fast in a way due to a crappy home environment) and was damaged and so jaded for someone her age.

This is what happens when parents do not do what they should or too much of what they should not. This continuation of bad parenting is continuing to create more and more broken and inept people, some having it much worse than others, ultimately negatively affecting society as a whole, and the way people relate because no, not everyone is equal. Children will never be equal to adults and cannot be just thrown into the deep sea without learning how to swim.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
About Spartans, the Spartans certainly had very important elements in growing the youth. But people cannot solely grow with a spear on the hand. This whole Spartan thing is just based on severity claims past a point which largely don't even stem from actual training courses or the reality about the Spartans but mostly about the 300 or related movies.

The stories about the Spartans of Thermopylae was about a higher fighting unit, even higher than present day Navy Seals or higher forces of the time, and not everyone was on that level, despite of how they would be raised. Most people cannot take this presently and most humans cannot really fight wild boars.

Also, in contrast to rumors about Sparta, things were not as severe as claimed. Stories like how they threw deficient children from cliffs are also a hoax. The Spartans had an interesting school system as well, in contrast to claims that they were just illiterate and carrying a spear. There is more to life than just waging wars. Sparta got defeated by better empires like the Athenians and the Macedons, because primarily, this way of life has been very firm, and life also requires a degree of flexibility.

As usual, (((historians))) attempts to portray ancient world as "illiterate" and "uncivilized", while they ignore or deny all the shit done by stone age-minded abrahamists.

This reminds me how they constantly brainwash people by making them think that any person with muscles is an "idiot". We have to thank media such as Johnny Bravo from (((Hanna-Barbera))) for this.
let us HAIL SATAN!!!

I sent you an e-mail. Can I ask you to take a look?
I don't want to keep you busy with everything, but I'm a little worried.
Purified666 said:
This is why it's very important to have youth organizations, very much akin to Hitler Youth. Not only does it allow for the sate to rectify any failures the parents might have instilled upon their children, it can pretty much stop them from happening in general. Youth organization can also be used to filter out very mature children and group them together so they don't feel out of place.

Personally, I would also allow for children to join the organization permanently and without their parents consent, especially if the parents are subhumans. Why should a child suffer for 18 years before being allowed to leave? It's a waste of 18 years plus however long it will take to sort out all the crap their parents left them with. Even if some emotional pain happens due to separation, it can always be used as a fuel to better oneself if the child is properly taught how to deal with such problems.

I would have loved to be able to go to such a place when I was younger. I am not sure I would have, but if I could / was allowed to go a bit further away from home, and I knew what help it brought me, I probably would have been found there every single day.
Purified666 said:

What do mean the Jews "won't be here for much longer?"
Satan's Crow said:
So what should we do when our elders let us down?
Are things as bad as we think?
Have we let them down, or have they let us down?

The situation is that most people, no offense, generally just bring an irrational standard when it comes to having been left down, and one that is not generated by life or it's reality. That's common when you are very young. It's like expecting a castle "just because" or because of how one felt. The sense of reality comes later. Therefore the feeling has to be examined for it's validity.

Things are not as bad as most people think in these matters.

Generally failure can come from both sides but only the elders carry the "responsibility", yet this feeling of having none when you are younger is just false. Because there are some things one must follow irrespective of age.

Sir, can you tell me about Maxine?
I wish I'd been SS earlier. Sometimes I wish I could thank her.
What was she like spiritually?
Karnonnos said:
The Saturn Return is very pivotal to any being, but many people continue to be broken children into their twenties and beyond which can lead to issues with this. And most of the fixations people have on age seem to be generated from xianity abusing children's rights and now people go to the opposite extreme of passively rendering children into tyrants.

One question, are these ideas what underpins parts of the Oikonomikos by Xenophon? The bride is taught by Ischomachus how to run a household but I never comprehended whether this is meant to be a satire or not.
hi brother ..how are you???when saturn returns to the ascendant of the natal chart after 30 years(just a probablity) ,then does that mean that it is a worst time of a person's life??
Shadowcat said:

I had wanted to leave this off the forums but I was not left with a choice since you blocked my email.

I want you to know that there was a misunderstanding because I never could finish explaining myself. And it was VERY important. This was back in June / July.
Because of what you said the day(s) after, I have racked my brain ever since to figure out & ask you what was wrong. I could not find the words.

You've not been available so I could ask, either. We really needed to have a proper conversation.

This is what I had been trying to find out that Saturday too.

I have not been under the impression that you had any interest into anything else that didn't immediately have to do with your own things (ego & fantasy). Based on the few questions you asked and how you've been acting (out).

I don't think you've even bothered to check if what you thought was correct.

There have been multiple instances over the past 2 years where you've said things to me that of which I had no choice but to defend myself from. And you critized me for things that are NOT for you to judge.
I have not been under the impression that I could speak my mind to you, nor did I felt like I have been respected, nor my situation, at all.

From anything else that has been said:
You've been aggressive in your replies to me. And I've been fed up with all of it.
Matters that are of an emotional nature should not be completely objectified. And cannot be treated as such.

You've gone WAY too far.

You talked in Lydia's topic about how SS family should not fight yet you can't even solve your own conflict.

Rather, you only instigate to it, to make it worse. Instead of trying to actually fix things. And if you ever thought I treated you coldly, this is exactly why.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our day and era we are living in a totally unethical and imbalanced society, where children are told all sorts of lies that are inconsistent with life that lead them to disrespect and inner torment.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I believe that most of the parents today deserve no respect whatsoever, because they are under the influence of hostile bullshit jewish ideologies (christianity, islam, liberalism, communism) and are basically teaching their children how to tolerate humiliation.

I will never forget that in the past when I got into a fight because I had to defend myself and beat up my attackers, they even tried to blame me at home for the fact that I must have provoked the attacker by dressing in alternative clothes, and that irritated the attacker.
I never received any praise for defending myself.

The other is that I had to beat my own father for the first time when I was 16 to stop him from trying to oppress me.
He tried to oppress me after that, but it often ended up with me beating him up for it.

And yes, I'm proud that I did it, because if I hadn't done it, I would be a mentally wounded person now.

I really had no one to rely on but myself, so I had to start training myself in martial arts and exercise early enough to be able to defend myself.
I don't regret that I have been training intensively since I was 10 years old, because I owe a lot to that.

I think that since Kali Yuga started with the hostile Abrahamic religions and ideologies, unfortunately, you can't really say that many adults deserve respect, because all you see is destruction everywhere.
Not only are many people destroying themselves physically and spiritually, but unfortunately Nature as well.

In the ancient world, adults were respected because they had wisdom.
Just because someone was not respected for being an adult, respect had to be earned.
satanachia said:
Karnonnos said:
The Saturn Return is very pivotal to any being, but many people continue to be broken children into their twenties and beyond which can lead to issues with this. And most of the fixations people have on age seem to be generated from xianity abusing children's rights and now people go to the opposite extreme of passively rendering children into tyrants.

One question, are these ideas what underpins parts of the Oikonomikos by Xenophon? The bride is taught by Ischomachus how to run a household but I never comprehended whether this is meant to be a satire or not.
hi brother ..how are you???when saturn returns to the ascendant of the natal chart after 30 years(just a probablity) ,then does that mean that it is a worst time of a person's life??

It does not have to be the worst time of your life. It can be difficult, if you have unresolved issues, so it manifests different for all people depending on Saturn's placement, life management, and how willing one is to accept the change into going into full mature adulthood. A lot of this is in the mind as well and is individual.

Saturn is not to be feared, it's to be actually used as a compass on where you need to correct. Saturn enforces this, and most people hate this. It can also bring things outside of your control, sudden full on changes of life, dissolution and other problems.
Shadowcat said:

Not sure what has happened between you Sisters but please try to resolve matters peacefully and privately. It's bad to see that relations have escalated to this, but the reality is that there are incompatible people here and there is no need to cause major friction between yourselves in this manner.

Just move on and other relations which have more compatibility and less friction can form. The thread here is not appropriate. Also please let's not bash each other on JoS grounds as both of you have been very longterm members in long standing without any real problems towards JoS. Hope all it goes well for you both.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Not sure what has happened between you Sisters but please try to resolve matters peacefully and privately. It's bad to see that relations have escalated to this, but the reality is that there are incompatible people here and there is no need to cause major friction between yourselves in this manner.

Just move on and other relations which have more compatibility and less friction can form. The thread here is not appropriate. Also please let's not bash each other on JoS grounds as both of you have been very longterm members in long standing without any real problems towards JoS. Hope all it goes well for you both.

Cobra is right.... something that helps the enemy tremendously is indeed conflicts of that kind over possibly trivial matters... the end result is wasting energy fighting eachothers instead of using said energy against the hostile thoughtforms ^

i don't exclude the possibility that said conflicts might be instigated by enemy entities themselves, i definitely think they have the capability to do so, either with certain technologies or psychic attacks and manipulation,getting through by exploiting our weaknesses ^

still, that shouldn't be used as an excuse, if the hatred is really out of control, then keep it private at least...damage control indeed ^

..otherwise,if exposed in public, it might spread even more,which would definitely be beneficial for the enemy, exactly what they want and need...chaos rather than order ^
This has been most eye opening sermon yet High Priest!

I was wondering if in the Satanic World we shall have, will this rule still apply or because it is of the past we are going to know better and educate our young so they don't have to waste half of their life before they can begin their meditations, like say if they were a young soul or something?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
