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On male genital organs

Jul 1, 2013
I see people having always somehow slightly asymmetrical
face components or slightly disproportionate body parts and I always wondered why ,
for instance the majority of men have
Slightly inclined penises on upward or to the left,
now excluding the curvatures which are well known being the result of traumas , why aren't we completely symmetrical and proportionate ?
I've always understood that it's because the heart is slightly on the left side of the body, so more and stronger blood flow goes to the left side of the body, resulting in the left side being larger.

However, perhaps if people do yoga from an early age (prepubescent) their bodies will be symmetrical?
I'm 90% sure it's because of some kind of imbalance thats caused by the bullshit that the jews put into food, water, etc. So if you are advanced far enough, the body should restore full symmetry basically on it's own. I doubt that unsymmetry is intentional, as I don't see any benefit in it. I might be wrong though, as this is purely my gut-feeling about it. 

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 5:46, coxok54jtqrztg62nblbft7yc6s54bcbujadvkur@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I see people having always somehow slightly asymmetrical
face components or slightly disproportionate body parts and I always wondered why ,
for instance the majority of men have
Slightly inclined penises on upward or to the left,
now excluding the curvatures which are well known being the result of traumas , why aren't we completely symmetrical and proportionate ?
My left feet is slightly larger than the right. :-/ maybe leg too. 

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 7:24 pm, lydia_666@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I've always understood that it's because the heart is slightly on the left side of the body, so more and stronger blood flow goes to the left side of the body, resulting in the left side being larger.

However, perhaps if people do yoga from an early age (prepubescent) their bodies will be symmetrical?
I think youre right shael. Any unstmmetries in babies are marked too if they could have complications or whatever.

A leg thats longer causes your hips to be uneven which gives a spine inbalancement. And it just has to do with weight as well. More weight on one side means you have to compensate on the other.

Given thise facts Id say youre darn right about it.

However the veins of the left hand and of the right hand are not always in the same mirrored position. I dont think the hart being on the supposedly wrong side that it should be more in the middle is correct if you just look at basic anatomy.

Unless all that is jewish corruption too.
Thank you everyone for replies

So spiritual degeneration plus all the shit jews push on the food can definitely be the cause of asymmetry and disproportionate bodies
Which sadly in these days are considered to be" normal"
But aren't
I couldn't disagree with this more.

Life is not symmetrical.

When was the last time anyone saw a perfectly symmetrical tree, that wasn't pruned by a person to be that way?

Or a symmetrical cat or dog?

The very idea that we should be symmetrical and aren't is more a result of jewish attitudes designed to make us feel bad about who and what we are as people with no real reason.

Symmetry in a person is unnatural, hence why they are always editing and photoshopping pictures of models in magazines and people sit for hours in front of a mirror trying to get every strand of hair in the right place before church.

And just further to that, I have never met a woman whose breasts were exactly the same size and shape - unless there were implants and these are obviously artifical.

Symmetry in people is artificial and expecting it is unreasonable and chasing an unobtainable goal.
First off, since the retrograde is still going on, I'll explicitly say this in advance -- this is not intended to be insulting/offensive to you and/or anyone else reading it. 

You say life is not symmetrical. I say you are correct about this. I have never said that trees and/or animals were supposed to be symmetric. This kind of symmetry would be bullshit. Humans, however, are a completely different thing in that regard. Your argument was that you have yet to see a perfectly symmetric human (/ a woman with equal breasts, etc.). I say, have you ever actually seen a perfected being physically, such as one of our gods?I doubt so, as we wouldnt be in this situation if we had the gods here physically. My whole point was that through the completion of the magnum opus, aka the perfection of body, mind and soul, this symmetry would be attained. In other words, it is highly unlikely that a human who is not highly (and I mean HIGHLY)  advanced would have attained physical symmetry. As to why people photoshop models, this is also easily explainable. With the above stated kept in mind, it's apparent that said "models" are either normal gentiles (with - likely - a very low level of advancement) or jews (and we all know that jews look like shit, even after countless plastic surgeries). So, as you said, the pictures would get edited for hours on end, to artificially create symmetry and perfection. Now why do you think that these editors try to create symmetry in the pictures? Because it symbolizes phyiscal perfection. And nearly every gentile is attracted to this, as it symbolizes advancement and attaining of the magnum opus. They use this to even make some jews look attractive to deluded gentiles. It's one of their underhanded tricks.Additionally, non-symmetry can (and fairly often is) due to energy imbalances that need to be balanced out by breathing exercises and meditation. Energy balances are definetly not something you want to have, after all. 

To follow up on this, and please don't take this the wrong way, I think your attitude is the jewish-influenced one. The attitude of "nobody is perfect", "love your faults", etc. is simply jewish bullshit designed to keep you from chasing perfection. Because it's way "easier" to just come to like ones faults than to want to get rid of them. Ofcourse it would make you feel bad if you don't have perfect physical symmetry. This is a completely natural reaction. It's your inner desire for perfection. Just like people don't want to have acne and feel bad about it. 
If this didn't convince you and you still hold true to your opinion, then I would love to hear what you have to say against the arguments I stated.And I know the retrograde might've made it seem to you like I was rude or whatever, but I really just want a friendly discussion about this. I hope you don't take it the wrong way and that we can continue this peacefully. 

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 21:05, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I couldn't disagree with this more.

Life is not symmetrical.

When was the last time anyone saw a perfectly symmetrical tree, that wasn't pruned by a person to be that way?

Or a symmetrical cat or dog?

The very idea that we should be symmetrical and aren't is more a result of jewish attitudes designed to make us feel bad about who and what we are as people with no real reason.

Symmetry in a person is unnatural, hence why they are always editing and photoshopping pictures of models in magazines and people sit for hours in front of a mirror trying to get every strand of hair in the right place before church.

And just further to that, I have never met a woman whose breasts were exactly the same size and shape - unless there were implants and these are obviously artifical.

Symmetry in people is artificial and expecting it is unreasonable and chasing an unobtainable goal.
Little add-on to my last message:
Considering what taol said, it would make sense that certain aspects of the body like the veins and heart are not supposed to be symmetrical (I'm 99.9% sure that the placement of the organs, as intended by father satan, is not supposed to be changed, and if it's not symmetric at some points then I believe there is a good reason for it). While I'm by far no expert in regards to human biology, I think the structure and especially the prominence (visibility to the outside) of veins, nerves, etc. depends on a lot of personal things like whether one is left- or right-handed, and other habits that might influence those. Whether these habits are healthy or not is a different question that I, honestly, don't feel confident enough to answer.This doesn't change my opinion on the overall physical body being supposed to be symmetrical (atleast to a high degree), though.
On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 21:38, Shael<shael666@... wrote: First off, since the retrograde is still going on, I'll explicitly say this in advance -- this is not intended to be insulting/offensive to you and/or anyone else reading it. 

You say life is not symmetrical. I say you are correct about this. I have never said that trees and/or animals were supposed to be symmetric. This kind of symmetry would be bullshit. Humans, however, are a completely different thing in that regard. Your argument was that you have yet to see a perfectly symmetric human (/ a woman with equal breasts, etc.). I say, have you ever actually seen a perfected being physically, such as one of our gods?I doubt so, as we wouldnt be in this situation if we had the gods here physically. My whole point was that through the completion of the magnum opus, aka the perfection of body, mind and soul, this symmetry would be attained. In other words, it is highly unlikely that a human who is not highly (and I mean HIGHLY)  advanced would have attained physical symmetry. As to why people photoshop models, this is also easily explainable. With the above stated kept in mind, it's apparent that said "models" are either normal gentiles (with - likely - a very low level of advancement) or jews (and we all know that jews look like shit, even after countless plastic surgeries). So, as you said, the pictures would get edited for hours on end, to artificially create symmetry and perfection. Now why do you think that these editors try to create symmetry in the pictures? Because it symbolizes phyiscal perfection. And nearly every gentile is attracted to this, as it symbolizes advancement and attaining of the magnum opus. They use this to even make some jews look attractive to deluded gentiles. It's one of their underhanded tricks.Additionally, non-symmetry can (and fairly often is) due to energy imbalances that need to be balanced out by breathing exercises and meditation. Energy balances are definetly not something you want to have, after all. 

To follow up on this, and please don't take this the wrong way, I think your attitude is the jewish-influenced one. The attitude of "nobody is perfect", "love your faults", etc. is simply jewish bullshit designed to keep you from chasing perfection. Because it's way "easier" to just come to like ones faults than to want to get rid of them. Ofcourse it would make you feel bad if you don't have perfect physical symmetry. This is a completely natural reaction. It's your inner desire for perfection. Just like people don't want to have acne and feel bad about it. 
If this didn't convince you and you still hold true to your opinion, then I would love to hear what you have to say against the arguments I stated.And I know the retrograde might've made it seem to you like I was rude or whatever, but I really just want a friendly discussion about this. I hope you don't take it the wrong way and that we can continue this peacefully. 

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 21:05, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   I couldn't disagree with this more.

Life is not symmetrical.

When was the last time anyone saw a perfectly symmetrical tree, that wasn't pruned by a person to be that way?

Or a symmetrical cat or dog?

The very idea that we should be symmetrical and aren't is more a result of jewish attitudes designed to make us feel bad about who and what we are as people with no real reason.

Symmetry in a person is unnatural, hence why they are always editing and photoshopping pictures of models in magazines and people sit for hours in front of a mirror trying to get every strand of hair in the right place before church.

And just further to that, I have never met a woman whose breasts were exactly the same size and shape - unless there were implants and these are obviously artifical.

Symmetry in people is artificial and expecting it is unreasonable and chasing an unobtainable goal.
i completely respect your opinion

Anyway sincerely I do disagree.
this topic started with questioning genital organs now I'm sorry for changing argument ,
Every time I look myself in the mirror or take a photo
Just noticing that my face is asymmetrical
Makes me feel sick and it doesn't matter
if people say it's normal because
I don't find it normal,
It's ugly

Uglyness itself is illness or some kind of disorder
Just to clarify....

I am not saying love your faults etc.

I am stating that the attitude which fosters a disgust at oneself for natural appearance is the same attitude which fosters guilt towards normal human behaviour such as sexuality.

Obviously gross anatomical asymmetry is a sign of disease ie very noticeable.

But just because one part of the body looks the finest bit different to the other is not conclusive evidence of energy imbalance and jewish corruption.

People's arms and legs are frequently slightly different in length.

People's nostrils are frequently slightly different diameters.

The human liver exists only on the right side of the body and the spleen on the left.

The human heart and even lungs are shaped completely different on each side to suit different functions.

Are male and female energies symetrical?

Are any of these things reasons to feel inadequate without some belief that you should be some other way?

I think not...

As for reference to spiritual perfection - make no mistake that even without jewish corruption, people would not be born spiritually perfect unless they were the child of Gods.

Thus, the same asymmetry would be observed until, if what you say is true, the Magnum Optus is complete.

So they should spend that time feeling inadequate, hating themselves and their physical appearance until they become perfect?

That is not a healthy attitude or mental/emotional state by any stretch of the imagination.

Many pagan drawings and pictures of the Gods are as dual beings, look at a traditional picture of Shiva to see what I mean. The drawings are asymmetrical.

Further to this, the jews, despite attractiveness and what one finds attractive being highly individual try to dictate by the alteration of images what is attractive and tell you that everything else is lesser.

They would much prefer we all look the same, no uniqueness, all standing up straight with one generic appearance, as slaves.

You should thank Satan for the asymmetry which makes you unique.
If I may, I think that any asymmetry from one side to the other is actually due to ida and pingala. If one of the two is more developed, the corresponding side will be more developed. This is to say, that in my opinion this stuff is all related to the balance between masculine and feminine energy in one's soul.
Thanks stardust, I didn't even think of that. This should also work with my theory of attaining symmetry through becoming a god (balancing ida and pingala is a part of that as far as I'm aware).
On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 5:12, starduststreakoflightning@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   If I may, I think that any asymmetry from one side to the other is actually due to ida and pingala. If one of the two is more developed, the corresponding side will be more developed. This is to say, that in my opinion this stuff is all related to the balance between masculine and feminine energy in one's soul.
My thoughts exactly. We were not supposed to be ugly, but instead perfected, beautiful beings. And that's what we aspire to become through advancing. 
On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 1:35, coxok54jtqrztg62nblbft7yc6s54bcbujadvkur@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   @centralforce666
i completely respect your opinion

Anyway sincerely I do disagree.
this topic started with questioning genital organs now I'm sorry for changing argument ,
Every time I look myself in the mirror or take a photo
Just noticing that my face is asymmetrical
Makes me feel sick and it doesn't matter
if people say it's normal because
I don't find it normal,
It's ugly

Uglyness itself is illness or some kind of disorder
In many ways perfection is a subjective thing, everyone has their own idea of what perfection is to them, for some it might be symmetry and for others it might be slightly different.

I'm not saying that uglyness is something to strife for of course, but people are all unique in their own way, in the same way people have their own ideas about what is perfect to them and with advancement this idea of perfection also transforms with them.

For some, minor differences between the left and right sides of their body might be an imperfection, while to others it doesn't matter as much, they can attain perfection regardless of if they have this or not.

When you get advanced enough to change those things you can decide for yourself if you feel it's neccesary to change this or if it's needed to change those things.

In my eyes, perfection is an absolute that manifests to each person according to their personal idea of what it is. There is no set rules as to what perfection should be, perfect symmetry is just one way to look at it.
Voice, I agree with what you said. If an individual wishes to keep asymmetries then ofcourse this is possible, aswell. I mean, in theory, (almost) anything is possible if one has enough energy. Thank you for sharing your opinion. 
On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 11:32, voiceofenki@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   In many ways perfection is a subjective thing, everyone has their own idea of what perfection is to them, for some it might be symmetry and for others it might be slightly different.

I'm not saying that uglyness is something to strife for of course, but people are all unique in their own way, in the same way people have their own ideas about what is perfect to them and with advancement this idea of perfection also transforms with them.

For some, minor differences between the left and right sides of their body might be an imperfection, while to others it doesn't matter as much, they can attain perfection regardless of if they have this or not.

When you get advanced enough to change those things you can decide for yourself if you feel it's neccesary to change this or if it's needed to change those things.

In my eyes, perfection is an absolute that manifests to each person according to their personal idea of what it is. There is no set rules as to what perfection should be, perfect symmetry is just one way to look at it.

I think our views might not actually be that different, then.
I didn't mean that you should hate yourself for being asymmetrical. It's simply something that you would normally want to change/perfect.
By your previous post I got the feeling that you didn't believe in physical symmetry being perfection, which is why I came to the conclusion of you having the mindset of "love your faults". Luckily, it seem that i was wrong about that.

I'm not saying everyone should look the same. I love individuality more than anything else. I'm simply saying that perfection is symmetry, not equality. Every being is unique, even with a symmetric physical body.
[And in regards to organs, see the "add-on" that I wrote to my last post. Taols opinion on this seems to be correct imo. So organs should not be symmetrical as far as I am aware.]

This should best express my opinion without a lot of text:
*As long as one is "human", one has faults. This is normal and nothing to hate yourself for. However, there normally still is a desire to become better, e. g. to ascend from "human" to "god". Physical perfection is a part of this. That's all I meant to say.*

Well.. Considering what is said.. Maybe I was wrong.. But you know.. Tiny differences do not matter but obvious ones I can understand that those are not nice to look at.

Although im not talking about scars here..
to avoid any kind of misunderstanding

I don't mean to change personal members's opinions on what they think about their selves ,if you feel that slight asymmetry isn't a big deal for you

It's fine

As nobody is entitled to say
What's natural or unnatural without ineffable
The name "Shael" has been stolen by the jews and is originally sanskrit. I was called by this name in a dream a while ago, which is why I use it. If you still don't believe me I can dig up an old thread on here where I asked about my name. 

On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 21:16, ed8874@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   Why do you have such username Shael?
No not that one, the post by SSHealth-owner ends with Shael so I suppose that's another of your account (?)
That is my error - I accidentally deleted Shael's post and had to recover the text from another copy and post it under my account.

Yes it is Shael's post but made from another account due to my error - I wouldn't stress over it.
@ivyI was already wondering why it had a different mail. Thanks for clarifying. 
@ed8874Oh, alright. It was just a misunderstanding then. 

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 2:35, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   That is my error - I accidentally deleted Shael's post and had to recover the text from another copy and post it under my account.

Yes it is Shael's post but made from another account due to my error - I wouldn't stress over it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
