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On doubts and what is to come

Unfortunately I've lost access to my old account so I'm posting from here.
I'm sure the latest re branding has caused a lot of confusion among both new and longstanding members, so I am here to address things as someone who's been here since the yahoo groups days.

This is the reasoning-meme "believe me! I lost my original account, but I am a very old member from a long time ago. Unfortunately I lost the account, but since I have been here since 2002 I can assure you that what I say is true."


A large amount of confusion comes from people who don't have astral senses and/or are unable to communicate with the gods directly, unfortunately this is a gift that is locked away in some people still due to the veil and the current state of the world.

Here instead it is, "I have a lot of compassion for your low level, I don't blame you for it, and precisely because I have compassion, I invite you to consider that you might believe me."

LOGICAL FALLACY: condescending fallacy

For those of you that are able to talk to your guardian demons, I am sure that you already know the answer to most of these questions.

"The only ones who are able to do certain advanced things can see that I am right because they know."

FALLACY USED: No True Scotsman

I'm going to redact certain things, but what I was told is the following -

"Someone who you don't know who he is and who I won't even venture to say who he is because it's so anonymous the thing that everyone would know I'm a liar told me I'm right."

FALLACY: Anonymous Authority

Temple of Zeus will not be endorsed by Satan anymore
people that come through the temple will be welcomed in Satanism

"What you are doing is wrong, but you can still do the right thing if you follow me."

FALLACY: Appeal to Moral Superiority

however, dedicating your soul to Zeus WILL NOT WORK
even though that is one of his names, dedicating the soul to Satan means taking risks

"Doing this doesn't work. You have to take responsibility to authorities who are not there. If you refuse to take these false responsibilities, you are doing harm even though these authorities no longer have value in our society."

FALLACY: False Obligation

Temple of Zeus is a cowards attempt

"If you do this you are cowards. So it is wrong."

FALLACY: Appeal to Ridicule

Maxine did leave information before she left, however a certain someone did not care to listen beyond his own ego.

"People who can see beyond their egos know that those who do really good things had other intentions. You, however, cannot see these intentions so let me decipher for you what she actually wanted."

FALLACY: Mind Reading Fallacy

The same person hails self praise over actual work, and made this entire thing about himself as is evident with the current state of the forum.

"It is evident that if your boss shows in every way that he really cares about you and this place, it is because he actually wants to take possession of it all in order to make himself adored."

FALLACY: Straw Man

Although Satan does have other names, the focus for the current age is defiance and fighting the enemy.

"We have to stay behind. This is right regardless."

FALLACY: Bare Assertion Fallacy

The work of the Joy of Satan will be carried through individuals and those that are close to Satan. Most of us already left this place.

"I assure you that many have already begun to think like me, and we will bring the very real truth here."

FALLACY: Bandwagon Fallacy

Hope this clears up confusion people might be having about this whole thing

You made an entire post solely based on fallacies. And to think that Jews are supposed to be the smartest lol. Imagine if they had cognitive deficits!
And to think that Jews are supposed to be the smartest lol. Imagine if they had cognitive deficits!
Jews' entire existence is deficient. To stray away from the True Path is an automatic downgrade to one's existence.
Bunch of basement drama queens.
"drama queens"? And exactly who are you referring to?!

I suppose you are comfortable with someone coming in and making an overt attack on JoS spiritual knowledge passed down by the Gods (Temple of Zeus)?
Someone who is obviously a troll, trying to cause confusion, division by directly making misleading remarks about HPS Maxine, and subtle attacks on the HP Cobra.
Having the arrogance and affront to directly question and challenge recent spiritual policy changes.

Perhaps you are a "spineless queen" for not having the courage and conviction to stand up for JoS and your family here???
Damn Is literally the same thing with a different name.. why Is everybody going crazy..
Damn Is literally the same thing with a different name.. why Is everybody going crazy..

No. It is still the same Rabbi who for some reason is discrediting HP HoodedCobra666, but with two different accounts. I don't know exactly where this hatred for HP HoodedCobra666 comes from. Maybe the Jews gave him a few shekels and told him, "defame HPHC and bring confusion among the Children of theGods!" Or maybe HPHC was "so bad" that when he started to bring back to the world the religions of the Gods as the Gods had originally thought of them regardless the medieval Jewish/Salomonic grimoires, that "bad guy" HPHC did not foresee that he would hurt the sensibilities of the nearest synagogue. Lol
It is still the same Rabbi who for some reason is discrediting HP HoodedCobra666, but with two different accounts
Yeah, quite likely. I love your take on it @SeguaceDiSatanas xD.

Seems those shekelsteinbergs are that terrified. Such miserable existence. Worry not, chosenites, salvation comes! The cessation of all suffering. When the Truth, the Divine Zeus comes, you will be liberated of your misery that is your own existence! :)
No. It is still the same Rabbi who for some reason is discrediting HP HoodedCobra666, but with two different accounts. I don't know exactly where this hatred for HP HoodedCobra666 comes from. Maybe the Jews gave him a few shekels and told him, "defame HPHC and bring confusion among the Children of theGods!" Or maybe HPHC was "so bad" that when he started to bring back to the world the religions of the Gods as the Gods had originally thought of them regardless the medieval Jewish/Salomonic grimoires, that "bad guy" HPHC did not foresee that he would hurt the sensibilities of the nearest synagogue. Lol
If so, defintely a poor attempt! Somehow i think the Temple of Zeus will survive..
"drama queens"? And exactly who are you referring to?!

I suppose you are comfortable with someone coming in and making an overt attack on JoS spiritual knowledge passed down by the Gods (Temple of Zeus)?
Someone who is obviously a troll, trying to cause confusion, division by directly making misleading remarks about HPS Maxine, and subtle attacks on the HP Cobra.
Having the arrogance and affront to directly question and challenge recent spiritual policy changes.

Perhaps you are a "spineless queen" for not having the courage and conviction to stand up for JoS and your family here???
Mate, the hell are you talking about. I was referring about the OP, not you or anybody commenting here.
If so, defintely a poor attempt! Somehow i think the Temple of Zeus will survive..
“Somehow i think...” Sigh... It's not by sending messages on the forum that they'll achieve anything, try to look at it from a satanic viewpoint rather than from an outsider's perspective.

The thing behind the post is just trying to get attention and say claims for it to act like something, but that's so insignificant that it won't have any effect, members who have really advanced and have real power can just see it and stop something like that from having any real effect

This is more for those who would be unprepared or have no real power or competence to control their own souls yet.

The whole post is suspicious, the name, the way you wrote it, etc. One of the things I've also noticed is when I read something that a Jew has written, they usually hide affirmations or some other form of manipulation within their texts, like for example: every message they send to someone the topic might be to mock the person while the purpose of the message is to make affirmations for them to read.

Let's take the example of this post “I'm an old member who lost his account (But I'm not going to say who it is of course, I'm just saying that to have some relevance here) and the new clergy is bad because it changed the name of the site (Which before we could make this association of Satan with our works and so we could have a connection with our curses), I of course have more authority here so listen to me look at my statement about certain things, oh and don't forget the intention was to use the energy of the logo for certain things"

Here he's clearly using something like: there's been a change and I want you to attack it

Also look at his nickname, it's another statement of how you should act and his message is: leave this place.

For members here you should be aware of this, it's another reason to study the meditations and have a satanic look to see how things really are.

You will also understand from this that just because the enemy posts like this that it will have any real negative effect, you should use this to learn how to defend yourself from posts like this and understand their tactics.
This is the reasoning-meme "believe me! I lost my original account, but I am a very old member from a long time ago. Unfortunately I lost the account, but since I have been here since 2002 I can assure you that what I say is true."


Here instead it is, "I have a lot of compassion for your low level, I don't blame you for it, and precisely because I have compassion, I invite you to consider that you might believe me."

LOGICAL FALLACY: condescending fallacy

"The only ones who are able to do certain advanced things can see that I am right because they know."

FALLACY USED: No True Scotsman

"Someone who you don't know who he is and who I won't even venture to say who he is because it's so anonymous the thing that everyone would know I'm a liar told me I'm right."

FALLACY: Anonymous Authority

"What you are doing is wrong, but you can still do the right thing if you follow me."

FALLACY: Appeal to Moral Superiority

"Doing this doesn't work. You have to take responsibility to authorities who are not there. If you refuse to take these false responsibilities, you are doing harm even though these authorities no longer have value in our society."

FALLACY: False Obligation

"If you do this you are cowards. So it is wrong."

FALLACY: Appeal to Ridicule

"People who can see beyond their egos know that those who do really good things had other intentions. You, however, cannot see these intentions so let me decipher for you what she actually wanted."

FALLACY: Mind Reading Fallacy

"It is evident that if your boss shows in every way that he really cares about you and this place, it is because he actually wants to take possession of it all in order to make himself adored."

FALLACY: Straw Man

"We have to stay behind. This is right regardless."

FALLACY: Bare Assertion Fallacy

"I assure you that many have already begun to think like me, and we will bring the very real truth here."

FALLACY: Bandwagon Fallacy

You made an entire post solely based on fallacies. And to think that Jews are supposed to be the smartest lol. Imagine if they had cognitive deficits!
This was beautifully done, my friend in Satan. To everyone, one of the main tenants of this community is that the old Infernal Gods have multiple aspects and domains. Satan goes by many names depending on the geographical location. People's were separated vast distances, but still communicated with the same deity in ancient times rarely calling a God the same name. I find that a the epithets of the Gods reveal their personal in different cultures. Some example are like Isis (Egyptian) and Demeter (Greek), Odin (Norse) and Woden/Wotan (Germanic), Zeus ( Greek) and Jupiter (Roman) etc.

This post is too vague and shows a very serious lack of theological understanding. Whoever created this, I hope you find your sanity and humility.
“Somehow i think...” Sigh... It's not by sending messages on the forum that they'll achieve anything, try to look at it from a satanic viewpoint rather than from an outsider's perspective.

The thing behind the post is just trying to get attention and say claims for it to act like something, but that's so insignificant that it won't have any effect, members who have really advanced and have real power can just see it and stop something like that from having any real effect

This is more for those who would be unprepared or have no real power or competence to control their own souls yet.

The whole post is suspicious, the name, the way you wrote it, etc. One of the things I've also noticed is when I read something that a Jew has written, they usually hide affirmations or some other form of manipulation within their texts, like for example: every message they send to someone the topic might be to mock the person while the purpose of the message is to make affirmations for them to read.

Let's take the example of this post “I'm an old member who lost his account (But I'm not going to say who it is of course, I'm just saying that to have some relevance here) and the new clergy is bad because it changed the name of the site (Which before we could make this association of Satan with our works and so we could have a connection with our curses), I of course have more authority here so listen to me look at my statement about certain things, oh and don't forget the intention was to use the energy of the logo for certain things"

Here he's clearly using something like: there's been a change and I want you to attack it

Also look at his nickname, it's another statement of how you should act and his message is: leave this place.

For members here you should be aware of this, it's another reason to study the meditations and have a satanic look to see how things really are.

You will also understand from this that just because the enemy posts like this that it will have any real negative effect, you should use this to learn how to defend yourself from posts like this and understand their tactics.
Brother.. It's a figure of speech.
“Somehow i think...” Sigh... It's not by sending messages on the forum that they'll achieve anything, try to look at it from a satanic viewpoint rather than from an outsider's perspective.

The thing behind the post is just trying to get attention and say claims for it to act like something, but that's so insignificant that it won't have any effect, members who have really advanced and have real power can just see it and stop something like that from having any real effect

This is more for those who would be unprepared or have no real power or competence to control their own souls yet.

The whole post is suspicious, the name, the way you wrote it, etc. One of the things I've also noticed is when I read something that a Jew has written, they usually hide affirmations or some other form of manipulation within their texts, like for example: every message they send to someone the topic might be to mock the person while the purpose of the message is to make affirmations for them to read.

Let's take the example of this post “I'm an old member who lost his account (But I'm not going to say who it is of course, I'm just saying that to have some relevance here) and the new clergy is bad because it changed the name of the site (Which before we could make this association of Satan with our works and so we could have a connection with our curses), I of course have more authority here so listen to me look at my statement about certain things, oh and don't forget the intention was to use the energy of the logo for certain things"

Here he's clearly using something like: there's been a change and I want you to attack it

Also look at his nickname, it's another statement of how you should act and his message is: leave this place.

For members here you should be aware of this, it's another reason to study the meditations and have a satanic look to see how things really are.

You will also understand from this that just because the enemy posts like this that it will have any real negative effect, you should use this to learn how to defend yourself from posts like this and understand their tactics.

“Somehow i think...” Sigh... It's not by sending messages on the forum that they'll achieve anything, try to look at it from a satanic viewpoint rather than from an outsider's perspective.

The thing behind the post is just trying to get attention and say claims for it to act like something, but that's so insignificant that it won't have any effect, members who have really advanced and have real power can just see it and stop something like that from having any real effect

This is more for those who would be unprepared or have no real power or competence to control their own souls yet.

The whole post is suspicious, the name, the way you wrote it, etc. One of the things I've also noticed is when I read something that a Jew has written, they usually hide affirmations or some other form of manipulation within their texts, like for example: every message they send to someone the topic might be to mock the person while the purpose of the message is to make affirmations for them to read.

Let's take the example of this post “I'm an old member who lost his account (But I'm not going to say who it is of course, I'm just saying that to have some relevance here) and the new clergy is bad because it changed the name of the site (Which before we could make this association of Satan with our works and so we could have a connection with our curses), I of course have more authority here so listen to me look at my statement about certain things, oh and don't forget the intention was to use the energy of the logo for certain things"

Here he's clearly using something like: there's been a change and I want you to attack it

Also look at his nickname, it's another statement of how you should act and his message is: leave this place.

For members here you should be aware of this, it's another reason to study the meditations and have a satanic look to see how things really are.

You will also understand from this that just because the enemy posts like this that it will have any real negative effect, you should use this to learn how to defend yourself from posts like this and understand their tactics.
I appreciate your point of view Brother.. but mine was obviously sarcasm.
The protection on the JoS has been quadrupled and the Rabbi just whines all the negativity they send to Satan and the Gods hasn't been doing nothing and infact things are only improving.

Rabbi Shmuel had a meltdown that this place will expand his original idea was that we always remained his slaves in the confine and that Father Satan will not like us to:

1. Promote the top tier knowledge
2. Educate as many people as possible
3. Culturally dominate the enemy
4. Replace their worthless Abrahamic hoaxes with something that predates them directly
5. Will be loved by all people
6. Will not be wrongly hated by all people like before
7. Have the most excellent display for our Gods instead of his garbage
8. Will still maintain all of the JoS elements and expand from there into the full version of what the aims of this place were to begin with
9. Stop obsessing over slander against Satan and move on with his identity and reality about Him and the Gods
10. That we removed all the slander and the answers to slander and that we will focus only on the REAL and the PREDATING of his Rabbi works
11. That jews don't matter anymore and that we don't play anti-context games with our own Gods and with the jewish gimmick anymore, because we are SUPERIOR.

And a myriad of other, endless benefits. At literally zero downsides.
All the people who have been seriously with the JoS over the years let alone from 2004 or whatever, they would:

1. Not leave. Who would find a valid reason to leave the JoS after purported 15 years of activity? This place just gets better and better all the time.
2. They would have excessive presence in the community, like many old members of 5+ years.
3. They could message me directly as with all of them we have been together for a decade or more.
4. They would not behave in this way even if they had concerns (privately we went over with everyone on the management before this decision, months in advance).
5. They would be ADVANCED and they would see everything about this move and so on, so forth.

If someone is also here for that amount of years and nothing of the above is consistent they are just someone who either randomly checks or a liar. Either way, they cannot claim nothing past that level.
The protection on the JoS has been quadrupled and the Rabbi just whines all the negativity they send to Satan and the Gods hasn't been doing nothing and infact things are only improving.

Rabbi Shmuel had a meltdown that this place will expand his original idea was that we always remained his slaves in the confine and that Father Satan will not like us to:

1. Promote the top tier knowledge
2. Educate as many people as possible
3. Culturally dominate the enemy
4. Replace their worthless Abrahamic hoaxes with something that predates them directly
5. Will be loved by all people
6. Will not be wrongly hated by all people like before
7. Have the most excellent display for our Gods instead of his garbage
8. Will still maintain all of the JoS elements and expand from there into the full version of what the aims of this place were to begin with
9. Stop obsessing over slander against Satan and move on with his identity and reality about Him and the Gods
10. That we removed all the slander and the answers to slander and that we will focus only on the REAL and the PREDATING of his Rabbi works
11. That jews don't matter anymore and that we don't play anti-context games with our own Gods and with the jewish gimmick anymore, because we are SUPERIOR.

And a myriad of other, endless benefits. At literally zero downsides.
Oh yeah, It's gonna be so good.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
