ApolloAbove [TG]
Head of IT
There are some concerns regarding the site, particularly the search query restrictions. Currently, I am unable to search for common 3-character words, a functionality that was available before the forum changes. Is it possible to reduce this restriction to 2-3 characters, with a preference for the former? This adjustment would be beneficial due to the prevalence of abbreviations, including those with such low character counts like "SS" and "HPS".
Another issue involves clicking on any image within the featured content section, which results in a logout from the redirected page. Consequently, I need to switch back to the previous page to remain logged in. This complicates my search process as I must either manually navigate the forums or use specific keywords for searching.
Lastly, is there a setting in the profile that allows for hiding the buttons covering part of the banner? This issue prevents me from viewing my full banner, and I would appreciate guidance on resolving this matter. If that feature is not implemented as of now, I am willing to wait for its inclusion.
1. Sure, can be changed.
2. Not sure what is going on with your browser, does not log me out at all. Perhaps you are preventing your login session cookies from being stored?
3. There is no setting for this, and will take time to implement. I am the only person who is currently fixing bugs for this migration.
This update is like if I burned down your home, then I say it's okay look at this new shed I got for you. Look at the bright paint on the new shed, isn't it more colorful looking?
Meanwhile everything you owned that was in your home was all lost and gone. And the new shed has no electricity, no water, no heat, no air conditioner, no way to cook food. But it has some small feature added like a welcome mat to clean your shoes, so you're told it is a great improvement.
I think you are overreacting. We discovered that the original forum software was simply not up to code to handle huge influxes of new users. We were dealing with constant spambots from the failing captcha, and other issues began culminating in a slowness of the forums. Moderating it took significant amounts of time, due to software limitations. Many times in life, as you must know, you need to take a few steps back, cut out what isn't working, and rebuild a stronger foundation.
HP and I personally decided on the software and the changes to make, and I personally handled the importing of the data. It is very easy to complain, but much harder to step up and carry responsibilities on your shoulders to drive JoS forward. We are moving JoS from just a forum community, to a real, living community that will exist outside of just a forum. We are going to need to attract newbies from all over the world, and the old forum was not capable of doing this.
If you are desperate to make these changes, please contact me ([email protected]) and we can work to program these new features together. Otherwise if you are just going to throw your hands up and complain, then things will remain as they are.