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What's Currently Still Being Fixed After Migration

Can you send me the links that don't work?
Hi. It is these two

in particular, but I tested it with random links below (including the link provided in the quote feature (https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?goto/post&id=485431)) and it appears to be the same for all.

Others I tested -

I have come across one link before somewhere that didn't work without the / at the end, so that's why I am including that.

Maybe it's just for me but email notifications seems not to work. They did work first few days of new forums but recently whenever I receive private dm the notification either doesn't arrive or arrive couple of hours later. I tried resetting my settings but it's still the same. Is it an issue with forums or is it on the mail end?
Just a minor thing, doesn't bother me at all. :)
I'm still having a hard time downloading music on here
Maybe it's my computer not cooperating? And I probably need just to go on settings and figure out what it is. Something really simple!? As to how I can do this properly? Without being a pesky fly on here. Just to figure out why every time I go to download music? It doesn't pop up like it's supposed to I end up on youtube? But when I go to share for some reason I don't end up back on here? Laugh out loud along with the song I'm trying to download? I did this website so that I can share music with whoever wants to listen to any of my songs?
How do you create polls? I think i saw this option somewhere, but I can't find it.
And is there any way we can get back or recreate this thread?

Runes with AU Form
I would also like to inform you that once profile posts have been approved,
they can be changed to anything else infinitely without approval.
Whenever I used to put links in a comment, I would always Preview and then click the links to verify that they are working correctly, then click Back once to go back to the preview page, and then post my comment.

This is not possible anymore with the comment and preview now being in the same page as the topic. I see there is some form of a preview now, and it displays the comment. When I click my links to verify they work, then I click back once to the comment posting page, now that there is no comment posting page this just reloads the page for the whole topic. The page loads up for the whole topic, and everything that I have written is lost.

How it worked before, it used to load the page containing only the text box for writing the comment, and a preview above this. And everything that I wrote would still be inside both the preview and the text box. So I could preview the comment, verify all links are correct, and then immediately be able to post a good and functional comment.
Pretty sure that thread was deleted accidentally, thanks. No issues with the URLs.

Than there was not only one thread deleted accidentally.

I was browsing HPS Maxine Threads:

All alien:

Highly Recommended:
(this one does not show the whole thread, there is a ton of these, I won't link them)

Many Joy of Satan Webpages down:

Than there was not only one thread deleted accidentally.

I was browsing HPS Maxine Threads:

All alien:

Highly Recommended:
(this one does not show the whole thread, there is a ton of these, I won't link them)

Many Joy of Satan Webpages down:


Yes, Xenforo was treating threads with any deleted posts in them, to instead delete the entire thread. I have no idea why. Everything is safely there, and just needs to be undeleted. Thank you, let me know if you find more.
No issues with the URLs.
This is from the first video I uploaded to my account.
(I don't want to show the .gif because it's quite large at 8.11MB.)

I checked on a different browser and it's still the same problem. The old links, however, actually work, but I don't know the thread numbers to link to, to try and convert them manually.
This is from the first video I uploaded to my account.
(I don't want to show the .gif because it's quite large at 8.11MB.)

I checked on a different browser and it's still the same problem. The old links, however, actually work, but I don't know the thread numbers to link to, to try and convert them manually.
Remove the equals sign at the end, it works fine.
Remove the equals sign at the end, it works fine.
I know, but a lot of people i.e. on Bitchute in this case won't click a link then delete a rogue character in the link. They're so used to clicking links and going directly to the page the link goes to. On Bitchute, I wouldn't say, "Open this link, then delete the rogue equals sign that appears magically at the end of the link", for every link, or "Open these links, then delete the rogue equals sign that appears magically at the end of the links". That's unprofessional.


P.S. Maybe I should migrate away from Bitchute. Saying that, I don't know if links to here work on other video platforms, or if those other sites are any good.
I know, but a lot of people i.e. on Bitchute in this case won't click a link then delete a rogue character in the link. They're so used to clicking links and going directly to the page the link goes to. On Bitchute, I wouldn't say, "Open this link, then delete the rogue equals sign that appears magically at the end of the link", for every link, or "Open these links, then delete the rogue equals sign that appears magically at the end of the links". That's unprofessional.


P.S. Maybe I should migrate away from Bitchute. Saying that, I don't know if links to here work on other video platforms, or if those other sites are any good.
So... removing the equals sign at the end of a URL is considered too scary? Why do you not just remove it before posting the link? in the first place? Are you not allowed to post links on Bitchute without an equals sign at the end?
Is there a way to know what topics are missing either completely or partially? Or is this only known when somebody tries to go to it and sees it isn't there?
The problem is not just with these. When the other forum was still working, I wanted to log in to reply, but just then the new forum came up. As soon as I saw it, WTF? Style takes priority over anonymity and security? People who stumble onto the Forum don't look at it and say "Wao, how nice it looks!", they come for wisdom and Knowledge.

This is the decline of the Ancient Forum. I don't plan to reply on this Forum anymore, I will only come up when I have an announcement about the Kundalini-Project. I have my own website in Tor or I2P, I will post there.

Cockflare, JavaScript, Cookies, jewgle-fonts on this Forum - decline [The old forums had jewgle-fonts too, sadly - block in uMatrix]. I'm not assisting with this bullshit. I'll always be loyal to JoS, that hasn't changed, but since Soaring left things have gotten shittier. It's one thing for Cockflare to block Tor 90% of the time, but it's another for the Forum to collect IP addresses and who knows what else.

The Forum takes about 5 minutes to load. Fuck, 5 minutes to load this shit? I was afraid in advance that this Forum would turn into what I didn't want it to be, but it did. "Enable JavaScript", what the fuck? Good luck in the future, dear family, and I'm really sorry.

Maybe I will change my opinion at some point, I don't know. One thing's for sure - I'm walking my Path the same way, meditating and improving myself, doing my Projects, whether with other SS or alone, but neglecting the Forums.

Note: This forum is not what it used to be. If you can, use Tor [if cockflare allows you to use it -> HAHA] or I2P Outproxy or a strong VPN [Like Riseup or Mullvad], or it is more secure, if you use this Forum through VirtualBox. This forum is no longer secure. In uMatrix, you can block Cockflare & other bullshits permamently.
So... removing the equals sign at the end of a URL is considered too scary? Why do you not just remove it before posting the link? in the first place? Are you not allowed to post links on Bitchute without an equals sign at the end?
I know how to copy and paste links and not add anything else to the links. I've been doing it for many years, as proven in my video descriptions which I've added links to (excluding this one I mentioned here). As seen in the .gif I shared, and also the video I linked to, there aren't any equals signs in the links, yet when opening those links without equals signs in them, equals signs are added somehow after they're opened and the URL remains in the address text field with the post-added equals signs but the homepage of the forum is displayed instead of the relevant thread. People won't be bothered to delete irrelevant things in URLs in order to view respective threads, nor search for and try to find those threads, especially when there are links that are supposed to go directly to those threads. With links to the threads directly, users can go in to the threads directly, quickly and easily. Links to https://satanisgod.org and others on there go to the relevant pages directly (which I have now added 2 examples of to the video description I mentioned), instead of not going to them and instead of people having to search and find what I'm trying to link to. I think it's either a browser problem (which I tried on 2 different browsers, so maybe not), a Bitchute problem, or a forum coding problem. The URLs for the forum before this recent change all worked, and they still do work now. It's something to do with the new type of URLs now.

Apparently, I'm the only one having this problem because no-one else seems to be mentioning it. I'd like to ask anyone else to visit the video (https://www.bitchute.com/video/UJDSv2gwC3nO) on my Bitchute account and open the URLs in the description and reply with the results here, if anyone would. I don't know how to fix or prevent the adding of both = and %2F= (and anything else, for that matter) to the ends of URLs from happening.

Please and thanks.
The link with "=" does not work. Manually removing it helps.
I know...

Somewhere between
  1. the links being on Bitchute,
  2. clicking on them, and
  3. them showing this forum
equals signs become added. This didn't happen before this upgrade. People will not click links and enjoy being forced to delete extraneous, irrelevant characters from them, more than a few times - if any at all. They'll remember that the links to this forum don't work and ignore it and not bother coming here...
I know...

Somewhere between
  1. the links being on Bitchute,
  2. clicking on them, and
  3. them showing this forum
equals signs become added. This didn't happen before this upgrade. People will not click links and enjoy being forced to delete extraneous, irrelevant characters from them, more than a few times - if any at all. They'll remember that the links to this forum don't work and ignore it and not bother coming here...
Yes, I simply reported my experience since you asked for others to report their findings.

And I agree with the point that you make. I wonder what makes it so. I have not come across something like that before.
The problem is not just with these. When the other forum was still working, I wanted to log in to reply, but just then the new forum came up. As soon as I saw it, WTF? Style takes priority over anonymity and security? People who stumble onto the Forum don't look at it and say "Wao, how nice it looks!", they come for wisdom and Knowledge.

This is the decline of the Ancient Forum. I don't plan to reply on this Forum anymore, I will only come up when I have an announcement about the Kundalini-Project. I have my own website in Tor or I2P, I will post there.

Cockflare, JavaScript, Cookies, jewgle-fonts on this Forum - decline [The old forums had jewgle-fonts too, sadly - block in uMatrix]. I'm not assisting with this bullshit. I'll always be loyal to JoS, that hasn't changed, but since Soaring left things have gotten shittier. It's one thing for Cockflare to block Tor 90% of the time, but it's another for the Forum to collect IP addresses and who knows what else.

The Forum takes about 5 minutes to load. Fuck, 5 minutes to load this shit? I was afraid in advance that this Forum would turn into what I didn't want it to be, but it did. "Enable JavaScript", what the fuck? Good luck in the future, dear family, and I'm really sorry.

Maybe I will change my opinion at some point, I don't know. One thing's for sure - I'm walking my Path the same way, meditating and improving myself, doing my Projects, whether with other SS or alone, but neglecting the Forums.

Note: This forum is not what it used to be. If you can, use Tor [if cockflare allows you to use it -> HAHA] or I2P Outproxy or a strong VPN [Like Riseup or Mullvad], or it is more secure, if you use this Forum through VirtualBox. This forum is no longer secure. In uMatrix, you can block Cockflare & other bullshits permamently.

You know Cockflare is the only reason the forums dont get DDoS'd anymore, right? Do you think all the complaining will just make HP and I go "hm, let's just go back to the old forums and drop what we have made." I am aware of the terrible Google fonts, such a tragedy really. Cookies?? On a forum??? Oy vey..... Javascript as well??? Oy fucking vey!!! I get so many countless emails about everyone complaining about... the javascript...! We were already looking into a lite theme where the extra shit is stripped down, and maybe I'll even custom make a theme that resembles the old forums, just for the complainers.

I don't know what to tell you. I am even more sad that you completely ignored my emails trying to reach you, and invite you to help us out. You could have been working alongside me to fix this "mess" that we are in. Since you have already thrown your hands up in the air about this, I will have to rescind the invitation.
You know Cockflare is the only reason the forums dont get DDoS'd anymore, right? Do you think all the complaining will just make HP and I go "hm, let's just go back to the old forums and drop what we have made." I am aware of the terrible Google fonts, such a tragedy really. Cookies?? On a forum??? Oy vey..... Javascript as well??? Oy fucking vey!!! I get so many countless emails about everyone complaining about... the javascript...! We were already looking into a lite theme where the extra shit is stripped down, and maybe I'll even custom make a theme that resembles the old forums, just for the complainers.

I don't know what to tell you. I am even more sad that you completely ignored my emails trying to reach you, and invite you to help us out. You could have been working alongside me to fix this "mess" that we are in. Since you have already thrown your hands up in the air about this, I will have to rescind the invitation.
People prefer taking the anime ending exit rather than be supportive. You really don't expect this from SS.
This is from the first video I uploaded to my account.

I don't know if you guys are talking about the same thing/aware about this, but linking to a specific message to our forum in Bitchute will link to the homepage instead, so I figured out link shorteners work just fine.
Also a bump to the matter of adding Bitchute and Odyssee - and I also forgot to mention Altcensored, in the ability for us to embed playebale media. Not to mention link to direct video files like mp4 or mkv.
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666
I don't know the details of the situation, but I think that BrightSpace's reaction stems from the fact that the forum was moved/changed without anyone asking his opinion about it. He showed that he's very knowledgeable in this field with his contributions. This is just my guess and I don't even know the situation. You're a valuable member BrightSpace, please reconsider this choice.

I take this opportunity to remind people that enemy attacks/spells are not always "direct" and "aggressive", but many times they are very subtle and they play with your own thoughts and emotions. The enemy is very good at this and the fact that people are unaware makes it even more powerful. Their energies will adapt to you and they will find every possible thought, reason, idea, emotion to make you leave and not do your duty. They do this with Meditation and RTRs as well.

Writing a post a day here literally takes 5 minutes, but the enemy will give you a "reason" why you can't, why you should be "tunnel focused" on something else. Meditating can take only 15/30 minutes, but they will give you another reason why you should skip it, or "do it later", and then later becomes never. I know this because they did this to me as well, I was totally convinced that those were my thoughts, but it was just the enemy and their energies manipulating me. Like I said, it can be very subtle.

The enemy creates this resistence when you do things against them, but if you are aware of these "tricks" and this "resistence" they can do nothing to stop you. The enemy can do nothing if you are focused and determined.

This is a post I wrote about all of this some time ago, read it and read HPS Lydia response as well: https://ancient-forums.com/index.ph...ou-have-to-understand-how-energy-works.87096/
I don't know if you guys are talking about the same thing/aware about this, but linking to a specific message to our forum in Bitchute will link to the homepage instead, so I figured out link shorteners work just fine.
Yes, that's what I mean. The homepage of the forum is shown (and an equals sign is added to the link, or the other 'URL code' is added, which also includes the equals sign, if the link has a forward-slash at the end), instead of the thread that the link goes to being shown.

I'm reluctant to use redirect links. They can point anywhere, have adverts included with them - "JoS just wants your clicks for advertising revenue", even though we don't add the adverts - and it would also mean relying on the link redirecting site to 1) not delete the JoS links and 2) remain online... meaning having to mess about with replacing all the redirecting links if it goes offline... One can use "where does this link go" in a search, but that is also too much messing around. Direct and clear links to directly and precisely what we're linking to is, as far as I am concerned, the only option.

I think I figured out how to make the links work, like the previous version of the forum had. Needless to say, Bitchute doesn't like this forum's new style of links, so instead of adding my thread 'Mr Bates vs the Post Office' to a video description to show again that it doesn't work, we can use this -

CURRENT STYLE OF URL: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/mr-bates-vs-the-post-office.93613

OLD STYLE OF URL: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=xxxxxx#pxxxxxx

(this doesn't work, and you'll see why, but for educational purposes) take the 93613 from this forum's new link style and replace both sets of xxxxxx with it -


being careful to keep the ?p= and the #p where necessary.

Bitchute loves those links; however, this won't work. This one goes to a post within one of majewson's threads. puke*. If we open the thread in this example

and hover the mouse cursor over (or long-press, on mobile devices, on) "Jan 22, 2024" and copy that link -


and paste it somewhere, then copy and paste the 485415 in-place of both sets of xxxxxx -

then it should work. Bitchute loves these links - and this is what we want.

On this page here, in my reply here, check both of the links to the thread. The first one is the new style of forum link; the second is the old style, and both work on this forum - if it isn't broke, then don't try to fix it - but only the second, old style of link works on Bitchute.

CURRENT STYLE OF URL: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/mr-bates-vs-the-post-office.93613

OLD STYLE OF URL: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=485415#p485415

You may know already, or have noticed/figured it out, that some links go to the thread or thread page, while others go to posts. Two different links can go to the same OP. Open both of the links here and see the difference in position shown in the thread. One goes to the thread page, the other goes to the post. In what I think I have figured out above, I have given an example for using links to the posts, for it to work, not links to threads. This should suffice for any and all posts (that we have access to) in different areas of the forum.

*coincidence? The jew and its dirty system hates Humans, as shown in that 4-part docudrama and some related news/factual programmes I've collected, and the exact link for the thread, trying to use the numbers in the link to work with the old links, goes to a jew's post, lol
Yep, she seems to work.

P.S. Ages ago, a user mentioned me using capital letters in the formatting code of my posts. Now the new style of this forum does that automatically (use the 'code' tags). I knew I was on to something!
I have a question. Recently I saw that my total posted messages went to over 1500. But now that I checked today it only said there were 1445. Whats going on?
Are my (old) messages being deleted?
I have a question. Recently I saw that my total posted messages went to over 1500. But now that I checked today it only said there were 1445. Whats going on?
Are my (old) messages being deleted?
It is not just you. Others have less posts than earlier as well.

@ApolloAbove [JG] What is going on?
Why is there a large amount of posts deleted? I had something like 500 removed.
A lot of members had quoted in replies to posts that were then deleted, so the replies had to be deleted too. If someone quoted an infiltrator's post, or quoted sensitive information someone else had posted, and so on. I remember having to delete a bunch of yours over the years because you quoted posts that had to be deleted, so your replies had to be deleted too. Nobody but HPHC can edit other member's posts, so it meant I had to delete to protect other members. (It would be helpful if people didn't quote actual information from other members.)

And sometimes entire threads were deleted, so all posts were deleted as well.
A lot of members had quoted in replies to posts that were then deleted, so the replies had to be deleted too. If someone quoted an infiltrator's post, or quoted sensitive information someone else had posted, and so on. I remember having to delete a bunch of yours over the years because you quoted posts that had to be deleted, so your replies had to be deleted too. Nobody but HPHC can edit other member's posts, so it meant I had to delete to protect other members. (It would be helpful if people didn't quote actual information from other members.)

And sometimes entire threads were deleted, so all posts were deleted as well.
That's interesting because I remember these sort of posts still been posted after OP was deleted. The same with topics.
That's interesting because I remember these sort of posts still been posted after OP was deleted. The same with topics.
From what I know (I never deleted any threads until the recent one by phi3), there have been some that were entirely deleted with no new replies.
I had a list of posts on the previous forum which I went through to make sure they were deleted on this forum. This was attempted previously but had to be rolled back. It may seem surprising, but the two databases match 1:1 now.
There are still topics with missing pages. Like my topic here, most of it is missing. There were some replies from rat jew mageson that may have been deleted, but there is much more missing than his comments.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
