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On Criminality

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
If one pays close attention especially with the 'culture' exported by the Jews ruling the USA, they just keep instructing young people to become criminals, lead a criminal lifestyle, and all these people are glamorized. This is nothing else other than jews blessing their own tribe as the race of many of the 'top guys' in criminality, as always by coincidence, is just jews.

The glamorization of crime is also very necessary so that drug cartels and many other inferiors on the planet do have an advertising and marketing network. Migos is not sitting there telling you how good drugs are, for no reason. They are promoting and advertising for those that probably pay him, in the form of 'art', and yes, of course, some of their songs have vibes, but this topic is not about 'art'. These songs don't even up in Ellen Degenerate Kikess in TV by coincidence either. In other words all these 'rap videos' and cocaine ads are not about simply promoting a lifestyle, but are actual advertising of those in power who want to advertise this lifestyle to the masses. And to naive children as well.

This is done on purpose so that these rotten people always have a steady supply of followers and young ones deceived in order to run their agendas. As with regular advertising, this works on some people, and on some, it does not. But it's proven this type of thing actually affects people whether they like it or not, in a subconscious level.

The Social Marxist dialectic and many other people, foolishly claim that criminality is caused by poverty and many other things. If this is the case, why in Eastern Europe and in many other territories where White people are hungry in the literal sense, they do not commit all this endless criminality? Because they are homogenous, and because they innately are not criminal elements. And this is a reality proved by it's own reality.

The argument of "hunger is criminality" as a sole causative reason of criminality self collapses. Places like Serbia are highly impoverished and crime rates are very low? Why isn't it like the US? Simply because different demographics. If hunger was the case there wouldn't exist all these Mafias, simply because, a little heist could solve their hunger problem for a month or a few weeks, based on mathematics. But this is not the case.

The Social Marxist observation that people do criminality just because they are hungry is a lie. Others unfortunately in leftism and some socialists who want to provide social help, or who do analyze these situations, have also absorbed the above lie and they believe that providing help and provision for the vague category of the poor people, will just also solve crime. But many people in the category of the poor are also honorable people who do not want free gurbs to compensate for this situation, they just want better job opportunities.

Nor being poor means you will become a mafia member or a criminal, either. It's actually quite different in reality. Most of the gangs are not formed because they want to make a farm and escape hunger, but because they want to take it way further, by the simple use of violence against productive elements in society. The argument of the 'good boi jus poor boi' just collapses on it's own head. You can have a normal job and survive if you discipline yourself. But guess what some people don't wanna do this.

Leftist Academia was conducting a research on Spain about the legalization drugs and how it helped an X city in Spain. They literally blessed and eulogized the legalization of drugs. Later on Canada decided to go for legalization of weed, this happened recently. Of course Canadians believed this would curb the illegal trade, happy them. They are too White to understand how these situations of 'social help' will turn on in the longterm, and too hopeful. So what happened out of this legalization? Nothing changed. The people still use drugs, the illegal drugs still pour in Canada. The people do not like the 'regulated' aspect of Weed, and do not consider it 'effective' or to their liking. So now the problem is doubling. On one hand, weed is becoming streamlined, and on the other hand, those in the 'know' in regards to weed, just look for different ways for getting 'weed' that is rendered illegal. Just wait 5-6 years and you will see the problem will only have doubled. This is already the case, nothing has changed.

But I will tell you what truly happened because of this. I was receiving updates from a Capitalist Con online informing site, and I was checking out how the matter with weed was proceeding. 3 months prior to legalization, the firm advised to 'invest' in a few upcoming 'legal' weed startups. Some of which grew to 900 or upwards to 3800% in power and capital during to legalization. I do not recall but I think in one case the rising of the stock value of some of these literally soared to 7100-7200%, which is literally batshit insane.

So putting one and one together what happened. Some people wanted to make money. So what they did was legalize drugs in Canada, opened startups, became super rich in the interval of a few months, in what changed nothing for the better of Canada, but actually made the situation which was already bad, worse. Congrats guys, you got jewed again. Smoke your puffy puff and think the Government cares for you, and all your millions of now-to-be-fried braincells.

The governments of the world care only about one thing: Maintain their power. Everything that weakens people is welcome to them, simply because, strong people threaten those in authority with replacement. The more fried and beaten down the populace, the better. Welcome to the Jewish Era of politics, where Hitler who said "Let's make people the strongest and the healthiest in the world" is a threatening statement. While poisoning your own people with drugs is welcomed with open arms.

Returning to the topic of criminality...

The majority of criminals do not have the mentality of the hungry guys who just look for bread, they could solve this by having a any other job and working for their bread somehow by serving the needs of others. Most of these people are just greedy. The caravans who will bring the mafias in the USA aren't here because they want a loaf of bread, they are going there because they want rolex and the rolly's.

The west has understood this simple reality such as in the UK where London is only compromised of 'foreigners' who are there to 'work', and where percents of being gutted in the middle of the street for a few bucks is reaching 30% in many areas. The fact you bring people to earn their bread through honest work, it doesn't mean they will wanna do it. Actually, they have all reasons to NOT want to do it. They want nothing to do with you, or your culture either.

All criminals also report that they really like the criminal lifestyle simply because you gain things quickly, and for free, and you have to do literally nothing in order to gain, just do heists and shit. In other words the issue is psychological such as gambling, and they enjoy what they do. This is why most criminals do not just do petty crimes all their life but later they join criminal conglomerates in order to further build up towards their goals. Their 'hunger' problem is solved quite easily, but this is not the initial problem. Many just enjoy criminality.

Another thing in regards to criminality is people hate these people way too much, the "Criminals" (Or rather, the convicted ones) while they turn a blind eye to the criminals that run countries and literally rule this world. Let me tell you at least half of these people behind bars they have hardly done any major crime compared to politicians who engage in state treason, or are part of Pizza gate and other similar pedo and crime rings, or opening borders to exterminate their own living populace, or give intel to Israel based on state secrets.

The only difference between the two is that the politicians and other rotten individuals are rarely caught as they are beyond the scope of the law. So someone being branded as a criminal and going behind bars is not always a straight indicator of their dishonesty or 'proven evil'. There are people who got locked behind bars because of true issues like hunger, and most of the time, it's these people who will pay the bills. A strong percent of all prison population is people who have done minor crimes. Most of the criminals that are dangerous, are in reality operating freely and out there.

Because either they cannot catch them, or they pretend they cannot catch them. So in essence we have the same issue many philosophers like Nietzche and others debated about in the 18th and 19th centuries, people who just were behind bars for doing petty crimes, being political dissidents, and other sorts of things, which do not compare in anyway with true criminals, who are walking around and operating about freely.

The law has collapsed under the rules of it's own Talmudic hatred and irrationality. In Muslim countries one can get their hand cut off for stealing an apple, but one is not punished, but PRAISED for doing Jihad. One can be thrown off a roof for being gay, but one can daily beat their wife to death and be praised for it. All "Legal".

While the jews pretend they don't see all the narcos going through all the borders in the US. Oh my 50 tons of Cocaine, we literally missed this through the border goyim...Now let's imprison this guy without a hearing because he stole an apple from a store to eat...This is the mentality of the jewish system.

Lastly kids pay close attention here. You see these three cases, XXXtentacion, he died at 21. Drug user, hate mongering, and the related. Mac Miller, a jewish promoter of the 'drug culture', got high on his own supply and died like a cockroach, eventhough he was 'rich' from promoting social corrosion, and happily did do his racial mission of making his race more influential on the goyim through the use of drugs. 6ix9ine a latino guy who was going all out in songs on how he will kill people, and that he was the dope king of New York, is now facing a lifetime in prison at around 20 years old. "King of New York".

Lil Peep who actually made some decent tracks, also promoted the druggie lifestyle and dope, but not from the criminal side, but the user side and abusive side. Equally deadly. He died too due to overdose as well. He died in his 20's only to have a full lifetime of constant depression before this. In other words, the road to criminality is paved with endless corpses that fill the streets, and the jews still insist on the Gentiles and especially children that this lifestyle is true, viable, and also leads to 'riches' or even happiness. All the outcomes from this just prove the contrary, and this is being reaffirmed everyday.

No kids, it leads only to death, incarceration, and social decay like never before, and permanent depression. Do not get fooled from lies in your TV.

Those who engage in these behaviors should change their ways rapidly, the Gods frown upon these social destroyers, and sooner or later, there will be punishment. People are crying on the death of Lil Peep or Mac Miller, but as to how many people these guys have killed with their promotion of drugs, nobody will ever know in accuracy. As for the 'lifestyle' aspect of it like movies and such, well, this is called 'art and entertainment' and nobody can blame this with accuracy at this point, so it cannot be blamed.

Also as a final note, see in TV (We know (((Who))) runs all of this) people are constantly exposed in criminality How To's. Many of these shows are literally giving instructions to people and giving them things to do. People have learned to enjoy criminality by programming as some sort of entertaining thing.

Criminality and the perversion of laws are instructed in the bible as a form of conquering and taking over the goyim. Just check all the stories of Stan Lee and you will see what the jew envisions, civilizations bathed in criminality, where jews can play the 'hero' through being grey characters. A never ending world of suffering just so that jews can be satisfied on it.

The real question is how much of this is happening in Israel? Because last time I checked the Rabbinate commaned politicians to not take 'criminal tribesmen' in Israel, to avoid all of the above. I guess, Stan Lee Crime Cities for the Goyim, and Idyllic homogenous, low crime civilizations for the jews.

This is the story of promotion of "Criminality".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.
The way criminals and even serial killers are portrayed in media is absolutely astonishingly ridiculous and the exact opposite of what it's actually like in the real world. They're made to look 'cool' or 'sexy' or 'having the time of their life' when no this is not the case at all and I know this for a fact. It's degrading of your own ego, it's 24/7 paranoia, it's simply waiting for the inevitable moment you are caught and everything goes downhill.

I find it difficult to understand where this basis of criminals and killers on TV being cool even came from. If you see somebody killing some innocent person on your street right in front of you you don't think "What a cool guy", but you see some attractive individual committing the same murder on television with suave charm and that's exactly what goes through their heads.

And as a Canadian, I can assure you it has been an absolute mess up here since the legalization of weed. It's obvious that so many sane people don't agree with it as many places still don't even allow it on their property, etc. It was such a dumb idea and one I dreaded upon hearing about. They claimed it was for medicinal purposes but that is not what the youth are using them for. Now you have every Jane, John Doe and their brainwashed parents pretending to have epilepsy or severe arthritis just to get their hands on that 'dope shiz'. They need some kind of diagnosis or a physicians' approval and guess who practically runs the medical system here? Filthy jews. So you know how that's gonna work out.

They're ending conversations with 'peace and pot, yo' now for fucks sake!
Aquarius said:
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.

Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.

Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.

I can admit to being quite the gamer and I can tell you that games can only negatively impact you if you let them. The lot of us are far better educated and we are more aware than any average person would hope to be, this makes it far more difficult to ever be influenced by such things as we also work to protect ourselves.

If it's out of a moral ground, that's completely your decision and I'll respect it. But personally for me there's nothing wrong with enjoying games so long as you know that's all it is and they don't hinder your spiritual progress or prevent you from doing the RTRs.
Video games aren't so bad by themselves, but they work together with the drugs to have a much worse effect. Weed basically pries the subconscious wide open so it's much more easy to be deeply programmed. Then the negative influences of the video games are able to take full hold. I know with the new grand theft auto, they made all these upgrades to make it look and "feel" so realistic. I saw pictures of some of the pc versions of the game that looked like they could be actual photographs, and I think the xbox 1 and ps4 were made similarly realistic. Then they made the "first person" view in the game so it looks like you're really doing it. Marijuana mixed with this more realistic version of the game, I've heard people say how they get sucked into the game totally when playing and feel like they are actually living it. So in a case like this, which is exactly what millions of young people have been doing, it really would be a dangerous thing to their subconscious. I've personally seen in a few of my friends how much the combination of marijuana and GTA really does some damage.

I think GTA is really the worst in this way. I don't think anything like Call of Duty would really have anything bad enough in it to cause any harm. It's more reaction than anything else. I know I used to love one of the multiplayer modes in Battlefield 4, there wasn't anything bad in there. And a game like Portal 2 actually helps the mind by making you solve problems and puzzles. I never cared much about video games to know what other ones there are, but I assume there's probably many others just as bad as GTA.

There were a couple games I used to like and sometimes I think I would like to play one, but in the past couple years whenever I tried to play them I had to stop in a few minutes because all I could think is what a waste of time it is. I'm sitting here pushing buttons on a computer that was designed specifically just to make me sit here and push buttons. Do I want to spend all my time just sitting here watching these shapes move, or would it be better for me to be learning and building myself up in this time? Plus they want me to pay a monthly subscription to microKIKErosoft just to spend a few minute playing a game that I already own.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.

Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.

I can admit to being quite the gamer and I can tell you that games can only negatively impact you if you let them. The lot of us are far better educated and we are more aware than any average person would hope to be, this makes it far more difficult to ever be influenced by such things as we also work to protect ourselves.

If it's out of a moral ground, that's completely your decision and I'll respect it. But personally for me there's nothing wrong with enjoying games so long as you know that's all it is and they don't hinder your spiritual progress or prevent you from doing the RTRs.

I agree. You just need to have discernment and bsically not get addicted and lose too much time playing. besides... you cand use a bit of your imagination when playing a game and imagining the game enemy as a real enemy ... if you know what i mean ;) But still we should not loose ourselves in games LOL
Ghost in the Machine said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.

Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.

I can admit to being quite the gamer and I can tell you that games can only negatively impact you if you let them. The lot of us are far better educated and we are more aware than any average person would hope to be, this makes it far more difficult to ever be influenced by such things as we also work to protect ourselves.

If it's out of a moral ground, that's completely your decision and I'll respect it. But personally for me there's nothing wrong with enjoying games so long as you know that's all it is and they don't hinder your spiritual progress or prevent you from doing the RTRs.

Allow me to contradict you. I used to believe the same thing. But I have come to understand that games sap your will. On the better side, they are a minor drug, you can recover better and faster than booze or weed for instance. But trust me, they affect you and they lower your resistance. The best vice I have found so far is reading. Almost anything helps you, it enlarges your vocabulary and gives you ideas in life. My 2 cents.
Ghost in the Machine said:
They're ending conversations with 'peace and pot, yo' now for fucks sake!

Wednesday Addams!

But regarding the criminal series on tv.. how about the so called 'action movies' and 'scifi movies' ? And all those police series.. crime scene investigation, ncis, etc etc ... ? They have been broadcastes regurlarly for far over a decade now.

I do think it's odd that there are those criminal series on tv. They interview people in prisons. Series about how drugs smugglers (which are normal desperate people) get caught on airports.
But this was even worse what I saw the other day on Nat Geographic I think it was (if not it was Discovery) where they viewed masked people and how they live in the drug cult or what a robbery is. The one I saw was about stealing cars. How they have to take guns with them to steal the car because they can't get it to drive without the key.
Why on earth is that trash on tv?
Or how about the moonshiners. The making of 'illegal' alcohol in the USA.

And the series called golddiggers. Season one.. k. But now its just yuck move on with something else already. Season one was somewhat interesting to see something about how they delve for gold but other than that its just the same story all over again.

The tv is on way too much here as you can see from this comment.. (I spend my time elsewhere in the house though most of the time so I dont see a lot of it).
The entire social hierarchy at the top is built on legalized criminality the entire geo political, global monetary system is all a jewish led mafia that runs the world. Its designed for a abnormal selection of the worst criminal elements in the political, media and business, military, academia to go the top levels. This is nothing new either this has been on going for centuries. This system they have set up is a form of systematic violence against Gentiles its built right into the system on physical and psychological levels. The Jews run a global economic and political system that murders 18 million innocent humans a year just by the structural violence its set up on.

Poverty is a form of violence that when inflicted on vast populations major amounts of social data has proven contributes to criminal behaviour by developing sociopathic traits or anti-social behaviour in populations. Australia was created for a place mainly to ship vast amount of prisoners to, they were criminals who's criminality was a need to survive in a society in which the ruling class had created so much poverty by robbing the population to the point they had to steal just to live. In Britain they were sending ten year old children to the gallows for stealing a loaf of bread to eat, this is England run by the Jews. To witness how bad this was just read Swifts' "A Modest Proposal". While satire many in the ruling class thought this was a good idea. This comes out of the feudal, classist mentality set up by the Jewish run planation state of the Church its all platformed on the Jewish ideology of the Bible.

Same with many immigrants from Ireland that came into New York they formed gangs some just to survive as they had no social support some of them where orphans. This dysfunctionality creates dysfunctional behaviours in individuals and forms society. There is built in systematic violence inherent in the current system that has drastic toxic effects.

Societies that are rural people can provide for themselves each and have social intergeration and stability and get by they are not conscious of their proverty in that sense don't have these issues. There issue is just more economic development and access to some social services Where socities and communities that have been turned dysfunctional within and by poverty do have them. It depends on the social psychology and the environmental issues that influence it. This is beyond a small group of bad elements forming together this is a social collapse. This is on the rise in America the heroin epidemic is just one manifestation of it. And its hand in hand with the collapse of the economy and social stability. Toxic society creates toxic individuals.

Then you have in the rare cases like the Jews who's criminality is just inherted in their psyche and their criminality is enforced by their racial religion. They are an alien race who are here to prey on Gentiles. They can't be considered within the realm of Gentile psychology and social structures.
The Military used video games to condition and desensitize troops. They will in time create new neurological pathways in the brain. So it does nudge people in that direction then dump the SSR drugs into the population which increase violent thoughts and behaviours even can also create psychosis. Then dump that in with the violent religions like Christianity and all the violence in media. There is an attitude in the population that is someone upsets you on any meaningless thing your entitled to physically harm them. Hence the insane amounts of violence just over road rage. This all plays into each other. And its all jewish.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.

Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.
In National Socialist Germany they eliminated poverty and the social causes of criminality thus they eliminated the crime rates. The psychologically damaged criminal elements of the population where then put into rehab centers to under go a psychological healing by a type of ascetic life style and therapy to resocialize them back into society it worked well. You can have a crime free society.

The big step to creating a crime free society is after eliminating the social causes of crime. Consciousness has to be put back into the equation in India and African nations they have rehabilitated some of the worst criminal cases on earth in the worst prisons by teaching them basic Yogic meditations such as vapassania. Just as instead of giving people psych drugs just teaching them meditation and putting them into clam environments having them do gardening and such has cured them.
Lil Peep has a yod and I wondered what it signifies, I had seen someone on here write that all the people who have yods are with us, but that doesn't necessarily mean we all have yods (not sure on that second part, could've been different)

Its from 0' Uranus in Aquarius (which is why I find it interesting) in his second house to 1' Saturn in Aries in the fourth. Then both Quincunx to Mars in 1' Virgo in the ninth house.

What I gathered from the 0' Uranus placement in the second, he worked with computer technology and managed to create this new sound of "emo blended hip-hop" that others had failed to really nail down, but ultimately the big thing in general is how he came to fame and wealth using only Soundcloud and his own/his friend's advertising- most artists have to sign to record labels and other big kike companies in order to attain any recognition and reward for their work. He worked that out mostly by doing these online streams and interviews across social platforms, coupled with the intensive touring and self marketing (t-shirt brands and things) that worked out for him. I don't really know, but I've been to a few of these newer, "underground" gigs and it seems as though a new appreciation for art is rising amongst the youth- perhaps if I were in the US I could see more directly how this changed, the connection between the fans and the musicians is growing and I think that culturally, this is where our revolution is going to emerge (they all have a secretive obsession with Satanism, "the devil" and so forth anyway, but sometimes it gets blended with the Jesus stuff- everyone including older people know the truth anyway, but they aren't going to glamorise dwelling on occult subjects and intensive things on Instagram like kids nowadays.)

On the notion of him having anything to do with us, Pluto in the 12th house and Moon in the 8th. He also said that he had some experiences seeing the dead in some interviews so there's some contextual weight to his power houses I can personally share. If anyone else knows any deeper context or heard things regarding him being involved in things- share it on here.
I know in one of his songs he has referenced himself having a mission or being ((chosen)) :lol: so there's that. As well from the synastry of the 2 people he was with when he died, I found they had Saturn towards his ascendant, 1 within 4 degrees and the other dude within 2 if I remember correctly, which would indicate potential foul play in my eyes.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Military used video games to condition and desensitize troops. They will in time create new neurological pathways in the brain. So it does nudge people in that direction then dump the SSR drugs into the population which increase violent thoughts and behaviours even can also create psychosis. Then dump that in with the violent religions like Christianity and all the violence in media. There is an attitude in the population that is someone upsets you on any meaningless thing your entitled to physically harm them. Hence the insane amounts of violence just over road rage. This all plays into each other. And its all jewish.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Games like grand theft auto, I just cant play them anymore, I used to play it since I was like 5 now it makes me disgusted the fact you can run over and kill people casually and be a criminal, playing these kind of games is not the same anymore.

Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.

The percent of people boozed out or drugged out consistently is just absurd in the west, it's out of control. Too many people are on drugs on a consistent basis. Mix this with some drug and crime culture and it goes from there.

The situation is also Whites are also in the whole jewish system promoting these things and enforcing them from all sides and still people are not engaging in such massive crimes compared to other groups of people. Which explains a lot of other things by itself.
In America there has been the problem of pill mills in which doctors will set up a clinic just to prescribe opiates to thousands of people and make millions of dollars doing this. The opiates has caused a lot of the Heroin problems as when the pill mills get shut down the now addicted turn to heroin for a substitute. The opiate crisis of prescription drugs was created by Jewish oligarch families like the Sackler's and run by Jewish doctors for the most part. Its so bad one State in American filed a State law suit against the Sackler's.

The Heroin flooding American streets is shipped in by the Rothschild's run CIA assets out of Afghanistan. Just as Escobar's son told the press in an interview his father Pablo Escobar the biggest cartel boss of his day was a CIA AGENT.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Military used video games to condition and desensitize troops. They will in time create new neurological pathways in the brain. So it does nudge people in that direction then dump the SSR drugs into the population which increase violent thoughts and behaviours even can also create psychosis. Then dump that in with the violent religions like Christianity and all the violence in media. There is an attitude in the population that is someone upsets you on any meaningless thing your entitled to physically harm them. Hence the insane amounts of violence just over road rage. This all plays into each other. And its all jewish.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
Games are games. I do not believe playing Call of Duty makes you want WW3 the next day personally.

However, looking at Instagram on how random x 'rapper' who says 'kill whitey' is in a lamborghini and stepping on hundred dollar bills, you can see why some people would really fall to do the same.

The percent of people boozed out or drugged out consistently is just absurd in the west, it's out of control. Too many people are on drugs on a consistent basis. Mix this with some drug and crime culture and it goes from there.
13th_Wolf said:
Lil Peep has a yod and I wondered what it signifies, I had seen someone on here write that all the people who have yods are with us, but that doesn't necessarily mean we all have yods (not sure on that second part, could've been different)

Erm...No they are not with us.

Statistically there are millions of people with Yods, equal to the amount of those more highly succesful than them without Yods. There are more people without Yods doing equally succesful tasks in life without these.

The Yod has been over-idealized as an aspect.

As for this guy he just fucked up with his drug pushing and doing. Whatever he may have been before this, he was very weak, and he didn't give a fuck to find about what was going on with him but just keep promoting this deadly crap, which eventually also consumed him.

The rest of your reply is also answering to your own misinterpretation and falsification of something that was never said.
Lil Peep would have turned out as a musical genius if it were not for the decay to catch him early on and fuck him up. This is probably the expression of this Yod as well. His music is unique, it's a genre on it's own, whether one likes the guy or not.

He was also a very sensitive person as well. Good material for the kikes to make profits on. Now all his royalties probably are pocketed by jews.

A whole culture rose also around Lil Peep.

XXXTentacion also had musical talent, but he was a far more fucked up character in the head. He also felt like a social outcast to an extreme extent and it seems he made a lot of hateful stuff in order to be 'accepted' by his own people as well. He was also the overly sensitive type, but frequently not on the good side of this either.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
13th_Wolf said:
Erm...No they are not with us.

Statistically there are millions of people with Yods, equal to the amount of those more highly succesful than them without Yods. There are more people without Yods doing equally succesful tasks in life without these.

The Yod has been over-idealized as an aspect.

As for this guy he just fucked up with his drug pushing and doing. Whatever he may have been before this, he was very weak, and he didn't give a fuck to find about what was going on with him but just keep promoting this deadly crap, which eventually also consumed him.

The rest of your reply is also answering to your own misinterpretation and falsification of something that was never said.

I suppose the only reason I found it worthy to bring up was that Uranus at the start of Aquarius, but you are right- if he cared about what was going on he could've just sorted himself out and done better, Pluto in the 12th isn't such a "protector" after all then, Cobain also had that and it didn't really work out too well even for him.

It goes to show that astrology doesn't account for someone's own personal fuckups and lack of awareness.
13th_Wolf said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
13th_Wolf said:
Erm...No they are not with us.

Statistically there are millions of people with Yods, equal to the amount of those more highly succesful than them without Yods. There are more people without Yods doing equally succesful tasks in life without these.

The Yod has been over-idealized as an aspect.

As for this guy he just fucked up with his drug pushing and doing. Whatever he may have been before this, he was very weak, and he didn't give a fuck to find about what was going on with him but just keep promoting this deadly crap, which eventually also consumed him.

The rest of your reply is also answering to your own misinterpretation and falsification of something that was never said.

I suppose the only reason I found it worthy to bring up was that Uranus at the start of Aquarius, but you are right- if he cared about what was going on he could've just sorted himself out and done better, Pluto in the 12th isn't such a "protector" after all then, Cobain also had that and it didn't really work out too well even for him.

It goes to show that astrology doesn't account for someone's own personal fuckups and lack of awareness.

It does account. With Pluto Uranus and also the 12th involved he longed for extreme experiences and extreme amounts of mental stimulation in his case, which happened, but because he did too many drugs, and eventually killed himself, in an overdosing. The 12th house also has to do with death and self undoing. His need to 'buzz' essentially killed him.

Pluto in the 12th protected him from others to some extent but it appears it did not protect him from something sly such as assassination from laced drugs, also falling under Pluto, the 8th and 12th house.

Not sure about his birth time (I do not have time to even open his chart) but anything would definitely show.
Playing games is for children and people with lots of spare time on their hands. I personally see that as a waste of time and effort.

But lucky for those who have the time and energy to enjoy it I guess.

Yes it is criminal what the jews are doing behind the scenes. The UK voted for Brexit and to leave the EU. But I can see all these Eurocrats are rat ugly like they're from the same family. Apparently they are in the process now of trying to push through a deal that still takes away the UK's Sovereignty. Brexit is Brexit and that means no deal. And is what the people voted for. Hopefully people will see how they're not getting what they voted for and look at why their so called leadership is back stabbing them.

And with this Brexit thing the establishment has pulled on so many heart strings. Used carrot and stick. But with all of this fear mongering I hope people start seeing through all of the governments spin. And smoke and mirrors. And wondering just what's going on really and why? And start awakening that it's a criminal clique of jews.

Well we know Nationalism is the answer. And I remember I was too young to vote when that YES/ NO vote on the abolishment of Apartheid in South Africa came round.

But they got their Yes vote in through fear mongering....Oh we will be cut off from the rest of the world. We'll be behind with technology and medical advances. Oh woe to SA. The cars will all become old bangers with no new upgrades and technological advancements. SA will become poor....Blaady bla bla.

Well the world can see now how that fear mongering turned a paradise into a junk status run down crime ridden shanty town.

Oh please don't get me wrong. I love South Africa, my homeland. It's such a beautiful place with a lovely hot and sunny climate. And the people are amazing.

I've actually been conditioned to explain the crime in South Africa by saying that the people want to work but there just isn't any jobs.

South Africa has so many problems now that I don't really feel qualified now to talk about it. But all I know is that when I was young it was a paradise. It was wealthy with lots of luxury motor vehicles. Posh old ladies with large Diamond and Ruby or whatever precious stone rings on each finger. All blinged up and walking around the streets like that.

My point is that there was corruption there for the jews to get what they wanted. We were promised a 'Rainbow Nation.' But we came to realise that there is no white in a rainbow.

The ANC (African National Party) inherited a Rolls Royce economy. South Africa was quite a rich and prosperous country. I hear that the South African Rand was even as strong as the UK Pound Sterling at one point.

But they immediately implemented racist employment policies which caused a brain drain in the country. Affirmative Action and BEE (Black Economic Empowerment). My father is deaf in one ear and he attributes it to the stress caused by them all being called into the office and told they're getting retrenched because the company needs to get it's racial quota right. And knowing that would be him not able to find another job his stress was so high it caused the deafness in one ear.

Alright but these policies are still heavily in force some twenty four years after being implemented and it's damaging the economy by strangling businesses to employ on merit not only race. And so these economic challenges are manufactured.

And of course the people are conditioned by gangs and the media/ Rap culture that crime and drugs are cool.

But it's not rocket science now is it...If the authorities were really interested in clamping down on narcotic use. They could implement measures at ports and other channels where the drugs enter the city. Customs with sniffer dogs etc. type of stuff. To stop it coming in. And obviously you'd tackle all areas of source, the drug dealers etc.

I once said that I can't understand how people would want to kill themselves by taking drugs. And someone said, that people take drugs to escape reality. Well okay that as well as some peer pressure and media conditioning. And the powers that be could clamp down on the media promoting drugs and crime. But we know why that doesn't happen now. It's all engineered and part of a plan to degenerate humanity as much as possible.

The answer has been stated here before. That it's the lack of Spirituality that causes a void people look to fill with hallucinating on drugs with.

And a person with a clean soul and spirit will not have it in them to stoop so low to be a cold blooded heart of stone criminal. That sells their soul to get money and stuff fraudulently.

The answer is Spirituality and the consciousness and awareness that narcotics and crime is not something a person should want to get involved with.

But we're not there yet and the world is still going through the birth pains of the beautiful new world we're all working to achieve here.

Viva the Resistance. The jews are exposing themselves by pushing through with their plans regardless of what the people think and can see something dodgy is going in. Stupid jews. Gentiles awake and see your enemy!
The Canadian Government is now saying they are planning to use the money they get from the tax revenues received from regulated weed and online casinos to pay for Universal Basic Income.

Frinnis said:
The Canadian Government is now saying they are planning to use the money they get from the tax revenues received from regulated weed and online casinos to pay for Universal Basic Income.


"Goyim trust me, by legalizing this, it's all part of a greater plan to end poverty, plus, give you free printed shekels to spend it back on this system. Good will come out of it. We always intend good for our Goyim, with the best thoughts in mind."

So they turn the vice and weakness of people to gambling and weed, into free money for all random hobos. Very good to know. Another step in the proper direction.
I know those fucking lazy hobo's why can't they just get by on twenty hours a week a Walmart and enjoy living in their car...… UBI...…Let them eat cake and sleep in the parking lot behind Wally, Wally, Wally World.....boi.
HP Mageson666 said:
I know those fucking lazy hobo's why can't they just get by on twenty hours a week a Walmart and enjoy living in their car...… UBI...…Let them eat cake and sleep in the parking lot behind Wally, Wally, Wally World.....boi.

I think we both know to whom there will be priority there in the so called dreamy UBI, but I say, let's just wait and see for the implementation and how it's turned out. It seems they will go for it anyway.

As to 'where' the money will come from. I guess things like breaking your own population mentally with drugs and casinos. As to where this is going, since it's gonna be implemented by the same people who 'gathered' this money in such case, I have to be too optimistic to believe it will actually go to the people who live in their cars.

For whatever reason I "suspect" some certain people the government likes such as the new 'Canadians' will be getting this. But well no reason to debate, let's sit back and see where this whole thing goes.

When I say hobos I don't mean the "unemployed", I mean these new...Kalergi's. Given Canada has done at least SOME decent social policy, it may be good in the end. May. Did anything in history start with evil intentions for the public anyway...

I don't hate on the UBI, but I am aware on whose hands these policies are right now. And to where these will be aimed. And this cannot be ignored.

Kikes aren't really renown for helping those in need without wanting to gain something back in return, and some people here are from places in Europe have witnessed ((('socialism'))) and it's welfare promises, and are past the rainbow in regards to where it 'should' go, where it was 'promised' it should go, where people 'thought' it was going and it would go, and where it actually went in the end, and to what collateral damage to the nation and the people around this.

The situation is critical with wages and other things. Only worker's revolution would solve anything at what seems to emerge in the next decades. The situation will be worse than the industrialization era in England.
Jews are also preparing to curb the UBI through inflating the economy adjusting the price of goods as well to be past the UBI spectrum. They are a fucking cancer. So even if the UBI was successful, they would still try to fuck it up.

"Muh Inflation", same shit they did to Germans after WW1, so you had hundreds of thousands marks and couldn't buy a loaf of bread. Speculators are already 'preparing' on how to mine the UBI out of the populace.

The only solution is for them to just get to alien land and let us be. Then any policy would more than likely work just fine. And effortlessly.
UBI is nationalized income and its for the situation the working class has been destroyed by globalization and automation which is the logical end of capitalism. So I seem to know who UBI is for where you complain about what again...… The migrants and illegals who are already on welfare and all kinds of government subsidises anyway.

I already showed in the UBI thread how properly run UBI can be the functional key and ace in the hole for the Economic Nationalism of Trump and away to bridge something with the corporations and restart the economy. This solves the economic mess within the system we actually have over here. This has already been demonstrated with a decent model and the arguments with merit addressed.

Your argument does not work because those people already have the incentives. 43% of the homeless in America are working full time UBI can get them off the street. Maybe White People with more money can have bigger families......

Workers Revolution...… Ok so where is your twenty million party members and several million storm troopers...… Yeah in the current practical world people need UBI to eat. Without UBI I suspect Economic Nationalism will fall flat as it can't compete. Until the Workers Revolution people are going to need UBI.

And if people don't get some help now..... Your going to have Workers Revolution a Communist one.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I know those fucking lazy hobo's why can't they just get by on twenty hours a week a Walmart and enjoy living in their car...… UBI...…Let them eat cake and sleep in the parking lot behind Wally, Wally, Wally World.....boi.

I think we both know to whom there will be priority there in the so called dreamy UBI, but I say, let's just wait and see for the implementation and how it's turned out. It seems they will go for it anyway.

As to 'where' the money will come from. I guess things like breaking your own population mentally with drugs and casinos. As to where this is going, since it's gonna be implemented by the same people who 'gathered' this money in such case, I have to be too optimistic to believe it will actually go to the people who live in their cars.

For whatever reason I "suspect" some certain people the government likes such as the new 'Canadians' will be getting this. But well no reason to debate, let's sit back and see where this whole thing goes.

When I say hobos I don't mean the "unemployed", I mean these new...Kalergi's. Given Canada has done at least SOME decent social policy, it may be good in the end. May. Did anything in history start with evil intentions for the public anyway...

I don't hate on the UBI, but I am aware on whose hands these policies are right now. And to where these will be aimed. And this cannot be ignored.

Kikes aren't really renown for helping those in need without wanting to gain something back in return, and some people here are from places in Europe have witnessed ((('socialism'))) and it's welfare promises, and are past the rainbow in regards to where it 'should' go, where it was 'promised' it should go, where people 'thought' it was going and it would go, and where it actually went in the end, and to what collateral damage to the nation and the people around this.

The situation is critical with wages and other things. Only worker's revolution would solve anything at what seems to emerge in the next decades. The situation will be worse than the industrialization era in England.
Personal Growth said:
Playing games is for children and people with lots of spare time on their hands. I personally see that as a waste of time and effort.
Something like a mundane job can be a kind of a waste of time if that keeps you from advancing spiritually and materially. I think I'd like to make money with games myself but these kinds of things are not always what a person really wishes. I apreciate gamers like LobosJr who raised thousands of dollars to help kids with cancer, that's for sure uniting the pleasant with the useful.

I'm a fan of the Dark Souls franchise as well, that level of quality can only be achieved by the genius of Gentiles behind it.
HP Mageson666 said:

I don't have anything to disagree or to dislike about these points. However, the jews are onto the subject, and they are already trying to fuck it up. Anyone trying to see to a better world has to be aware of the jews at this point. Trump himself had all the jews assault him and destroy him constantly. He should at least be suspicious by now.

The American landscape is vastly different than the American one. First of all, America controls the world's strongest currency. You could have had UBI (or a conjunction of all welfare measures as a safety net) for all people, way before these cataclysmic events such as so many unemployed and stuff like that. Nobody would or should disagree to this model either. Ironically in the long term it would also make Americans healthier and even richer as a country.

Europe is vastly different of a landscape. However, if America did the act properly, and somehow managed the jews and profiteers who will try to ruin this incentive (They already plan on this), then others would also follow, and it could actually help the global economy and the fight against poverty in general.

Then if the UBI was instated and the jews created an inflatory situation out of greed, then this would only fuck them over once and for all, since people would see them for what they are. So yes in the end I don't disagree, but those who go for this implementation, they need to come in terms to manage the kikes and cutthroat profiteers if they want to make it work flawlessly. And go down strong on state regulation of businesses essential to life etc. Even major tech ones.

Soros is on one hand in Europe promoting his pawns who take their own form of perverted UBI in their mouth, on the other hand, he is the biggest profiteer ever. As far as Europe is concerned, and it's financial landscape, but also the Eurozone, I cannot believe UBI could be plausible.

Europe would have to break down in National States again and the states would have to be put somehow to provide for their own people, WITHOUT reservations, sort of like a universal standard for the new emerging world. The other way a Europe-like structure based on European values should impose this standard to never allow people to die from hunger again.

National states tend to revert back to cutthroat capitalist competition, and this is one reason I do not think that "Nationalists" could be able to implement this ever. In the mind of Nationalists the Warburg capitalist model is somehow entwined with one's "National Value".
Inflation has already been going on forever since the 70' most American's started to live on credit to meet this. This is why UBI is needed because there has not been a wage increase to meet inflation in decades. UBI can be adjusted to meet inflation rates and this takes the heat off the employers and the cost to them trying to pay higher wages.
If Trump fails.....Bernie is next to be president. Bannon stated in his conversation that they need at least 25% of the Bernie Bro's to succeed for their platform. As Bannon stated the goal of Trump's movement is two things really Economic Nationalism the rebuilding of the American working and middle class. And taking on the left and dismantling their platforming of globalist policies and ideology. Bannon pointed out if something is not done its going to be total collapse. That is why a proper UBI policy can shore a lot of this up and kick start things I already went over this in depth in the UBI thread. They had seven trillion dollars for wars in the middle east they can do UBI. The money given to Israel alone yearly could pay for health care for America.

If they don't get enough of the Left they understand what that will mean in the future. That is why the Jews want Trump gone.
Immortal said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I can admit to being quite the gamer and I can tell you that games can only negatively impact you if you let them. The lot of us are far better educated and we are more aware than any average person would hope to be, this makes it far more difficult to ever be influenced by such things as we also work to protect ourselves.

If it's out of a moral ground, that's completely your decision and I'll respect it. But personally for me there's nothing wrong with enjoying games so long as you know that's all it is and they don't hinder your spiritual progress or prevent you from doing the RTRs.

Allow me to contradict you. I used to believe the same thing. But I have come to understand that games sap your will. On the better side, they are a minor drug, you can recover better and faster than booze or weed for instance. But trust me, they affect you and they lower your resistance. The best vice I have found so far is reading. Almost anything helps you, it enlarges your vocabulary and gives you ideas in life. My 2 cents.

When I stated I was "quite the gamer" I didn't mean I'm someone who is addicted to video games as regularly throughout the day I can't count a single time that playing my video games comes into mind. Games, primarily on the PC, are just my primary source of entertainment, and even then they're not even the last thing I do in my day and only take up at most 2 hours of it.

I can agree that video game's can and have been used as a weapon many times by the enemy. Just look at Blizzard with it's World of Warcraft and Overwatch as well as Bethesda and it's Skyrim for instance. They're meant to be infinitely replayable so people can continue to waste their lives away. Lack of sleep, solitude that leads to depression, anger and frustration, some people even die from playing videos games too frequently for too long.

I just don't think 30 minutes of Slime Rancher in addition to my meditations to de-stress myself is going to annihilate my defenses, but I get what you're saying and I'm not saying that you're wrong either.
It's kind of tough but I like to believe Im managing trying to help a couple of younger relatives grow up right. I'm leading them to not follow the violent and drug mainstream sub culture but I am also influencing them not to be losers either. The only reason I find it hard is because since I grew up being popular when I was around their age and kind of "ghetto" :s sometimes I get a little worried I might push them too much not to be a normie that they'll end up being weirdos. But I see that's just my own hang ups from growing up and having an older brother that pushed me in an unhealthy way to not be a "lame". So I do my best to carefully say the right things and I have had to go back on a few words already. But since I can realize this that means I have a better chance at influencing them correctly instead of blindly telling them things without thinking of repercussions. I actually might ask the gods to guide me on this especially since one of them is very open minded to what's going on in the world compared to the majority of kids his age. And most of it was on his own time which delightly surprised me.

This post definitely helps me out on this a lot. Thank you.
When there were elections in NL the last time there were parties that were saying things about making an universal basic income for everyone.
Of course those parties policies were heavily cucked with xian mentality or promoting drugs as well, along with the fact that some had ugly kikes upfront.
They were new parties and I dont think they got enough votes to take root and have a say up in the parliament.

I think that this also was too soon of a time to be promoted, but will keep an eye out for it in the future.
T.A.O.L. said:
When there were elections in NL the last time there were parties that were saying things about making an universal basic income for everyone.
Of course those parties policies were heavily cucked with xian mentality or promoting drugs as well, along with the fact that some had ugly kikes upfront.
They were new parties and I dont think they got enough votes to take root and have a say up in the parliament.

I think that this also was too soon of a time to be promoted, but will keep an eye out for it in the future.

The Europeam situation is vastly different from the American one in many countries if you're unemployed or homeless they did until now take good care of you. Especially in the developed countries.

There was not a problem to fix, UBI wasn't and still is not needed in the vastly developed European countries. People did not experience these conditions so badly as in the US. Thing is now this is changing, and shit starts slowly hitting the fan for many.

Now with the strain on the welfare system due to migration this system is collapsing. This creates failure in the prior existing system. So some people are like keep empty all Somalia in Paris and just cross your fingers and give them UBI lolz.

In America there is a serious need for it the whole shit has went too far with exploitation. In Europe all those who are talking of the subject are merely good christard cucks.

In Europe you can be up to 70% disabled and they will still help you find a job etc. The states do take care of the weak, the unemployed, single mothers and all these categories. If one thing worked properly here it was the welfare. Now it's going down the shitter with all the migrants who cashed in 5 years more than people rightfully got in the last 10 years.

Europe also has a geographical problem to the point if such policy was began here we would have all races of earth invade from all sides to cash in free money. Better free gurbs in Venice than working class in wherever else. Europeans especially in the north cannot understand what America is in regards to hardcore poverty. American style poverty is cutthroat poverty. Many things also like health care here are mostly public. In America if you do not pay you may never go to a doctor even if terminally ill.

When people need things like UBI as what appears to be emergency help it means you are one step before social destruction, it means you have ruined many people and left them to rot in the streets. And if you're clever you have to at least give it or compensate strongly with something.

No wonder as stated Bernie Sanders who is a Marxist Socialist is like the left in the USA promoted ad nauseum. Well if you're not willing to address the issue the jew will be rubbing hands in the corner and he will want to do this for you. On the exchange of the bargain being Communism.

Europeans of the UBI are mostly larping on the necessity of it. And jews and christurds. And of course nobody advocates this for poor countries in Europe, just for the richer countries, so they can scatter money on the air and suffer financially on top of all the incessant illegal immigrant situation climaxing.

America needs it and it appears the more time goes the more dire becomes the need. Europe follows straight and back, but it has not reached the point of America. It is getting there.
hailourtruegod said:
I'm leading them to not follow the violent and drug mainstream sub culture but I am also influencing them not to be losers either.

When I say losers here I meant people who are unhealthy total outcasts and have zero social skills. Of course I didn't mean that doing drugs isn't being a loser, because it is.

Felt like clearing that up just in case there was confusion.
hailourtruegod said:
hailourtruegod said:
I'm leading them to not follow the violent and drug mainstream sub culture but I am also influencing them not to be losers either.

When I say losers here I meant people who are unhealthy total outcasts and have zero social skills. Of course I didn't mean that doing drugs isn't being a loser, because it is.

Felt like clearing that up just in case there was confusion.

You're doing the right thing leading others properly.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
hailourtruegod said:
I'm leading them to not follow the violent and drug mainstream sub culture but I am also influencing them not to be losers either.

When I say losers here I meant people who are unhealthy total outcasts and have zero social skills. Of course I didn't mean that doing drugs isn't being a loser, because it is.

Felt like clearing that up just in case there was confusion.

You're doing the right thing leading others properly.

Thank you. It means a lot reading that.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
When there were elections in NL the last time there were parties that were saying things about making an universal basic income for everyone.
Of course those parties policies were heavily cucked with xian mentality or promoting drugs as well, along with the fact that some had ugly kikes upfront.
They were new parties and I dont think they got enough votes to take root and have a say up in the parliament.

I think that this also was too soon of a time to be promoted, but will keep an eye out for it in the future.

The Europeam situation is vastly different from the American one in many countries if you're unemployed or homeless they did until now take good care of you. Especially in the developed countries.

There was not a problem to fix, UBI wasn't and still is not needed in the vastly developed European countries. People did not experience these conditions so badly as in the US. Thing is now this is changing, and shit starts slowly hitting the fan for many.

Now with the strain on the welfare system due to migration this system is collapsing. This creates failure in the prior existing system. So some people are like keep empty all Somalia in Paris and just cross your fingers and give them UBI lolz.

In America there is a serious need for it the whole shit has went too far with exploitation. In Europe all those who are talking of the subject are merely good christard cucks.

In Europe you can be up to 70% disabled and they will still help you find a job etc. The states do take care of the weak, the unemployed, single mothers and all these categories. If one thing worked properly here it was the welfare. Now it's going down the shitter with all the migrants who cashed in 5 years more than people rightfully got in the last 10 years.

Europe also has a geographical problem to the point if such policy was began here we would have all races of earth invade from all sides to cash in free money. Better free gurbs in Venice than working class in wherever else. Europeans especially in the north cannot understand what America is in regards to hardcore poverty. American style poverty is cutthroat poverty. Many things also like health care here are mostly public. In America if you do not pay you may never go to a doctor even if terminally ill.

When people need things like UBI as what appears to be emergency help it means you are one step before social destruction, it means you have ruined many people and left them to rot in the streets. And if you're clever you have to at least give it or compensate strongly with something.

No wonder as stated Bernie Sanders who is a Marxist Socialist is like the left in the USA promoted ad nauseum. Well if you're not willing to address the issue the jew will be rubbing hands in the corner and he will want to do this for you. On the exchange of the bargain being Communism.

Europeans of the UBI are mostly larping on the necessity of it. And jews and christurds. And of course nobody advocates this for poor countries in Europe, just for the richer countries, so they can scatter money on the air and suffer financially on top of all the incessant illegal immigrant situation climaxing.

America needs it and it appears the more time goes the more dire becomes the need. Europe follows straight and back, but it has not reached the point of America. It is getting there.

I have never been to Amerika, so I wouldn't know.

What I do know though, is that it has become increasingly harder to get an unemployment payment since the time the economic crisis came and thousands of people lost their jobs.
It seems since then there has not been a lot of increase in jobs so quite a few people went self employed with the risk that they have no pension funds at all (which have been stolen from the people that build them up)..
Some people that have a monthly payment that have them on the grounds of mentally not capable to work are forced to check weekly with a psych with all additional problems.
Plus this is not a lot that they'd get.. If you just got an adult you'd get maybe 400 a month, most likely, not even.

If you own a house, you are told to sell your house and go rend a place otherwise you won't get paid a thing when you lose your job. Whilst the monthly cost of living in your house would be less than renting a place.. Basicly they want you to lose EVERYTHING before they give any help.

As for the monthly thing.. its just about enough to live on the edge what they call 'poverty line'. Basicly its enough to pay for food, the rent (electricity bill) and your compulsory insurance. And then you can have some over which you'll have to save up if you want to get anything done. One has to make choices with what to do with what is left. Go visit a relative, or save it up for clothes or something, or something else, like pay for an education.

Though, what you mentioned about living in a car..
The poverty line also hasn't changed much or any at all even with the inflation, even over here. The tax increased to 21% (from 19) and it also includes more than it used to. Plus all the groceries got quite a bit more expensive at the start of the year (though they are lower taxed than the other stuff, they wereon 6% - I think theyre on 9% now). In some cases half an euro a piece. Which means one can spend like 10 euro a week more on groceries alone.. I dont understand though how Germany still has 16% (or maybe they increased it already) tax on everything..
NL also has income based tax.. depending on how much you earn you either give up about a month to half a year of labor earnings.
Do your grocercies get taxed in the USA?

Yes, there is help to pay for the compulsory health insurance. But. The system used to be different. There was a health fund, which was more collective. Most people had it, and it was meant for those that otherwise could not afford healthcare. There was also health insurance at that time, but only the rich (and then even not all) could afford it and some had it.
Over time they made the insurance system compulsory, making one pay sometimes 150 a month, exclusive the own risk which used to start at about 300 I think and now its 385. You can increase the own risk for a lower monthly fee, but, if you calculate it out it is not really that much cheaper.. if you have an accident and lose all the own risk for that year (I think you may the own risk upfront to the health insurance too and they take out from that.. its mean. dentist care is standard under the health insurance but for some reason they'll only pay for 80% of it and the rest goes off your own risk.. was not like that).

Actually Id like to know more about the healthcare system in the USA, and I mean the obamacare one, but I honestly have no idea where to start. I've heard ragings about how much it cost them, but I have never seen actual numbers for comparison.
How much is much, when there is nothing to measure it with?

I probably typed a lot of nonsense.
But just so you know. Yes there are people (families even) here living on around 1100-1200 a month.
Though the families living on 1100 a month or so probably get some additional fund once a year for health insurance.. and maybe rent too. (but idk anything about the usa so how can one compare that?)
Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
When there were elections in NL the last time there were parties that were saying things about making an universal basic income for everyone.
Of course those parties policies were heavily cucked with xian mentality or promoting drugs as well, along with the fact that some had ugly kikes upfront.
They were new parties and I dont think they got enough votes to take root and have a say up in the parliament.

I think that this also was too soon of a time to be promoted, but will keep an eye out for it in the future.

The Europeam situation is vastly different from the American one in many countries if you're unemployed or homeless they did until now take good care of you. Especially in the developed countries.

There was not a problem to fix, UBI wasn't and still is not needed in the vastly developed European countries. People did not experience these conditions so badly as in the US. Thing is now this is changing, and shit starts slowly hitting the fan for many.

Now with the strain on the welfare system due to migration this system is collapsing. This creates failure in the prior existing system. So some people are like keep empty all Somalia in Paris and just cross your fingers and give them UBI lolz.

In America there is a serious need for it the whole shit has went too far with exploitation. In Europe all those who are talking of the subject are merely good christard cucks.

In Europe you can be up to 70% disabled and they will still help you find a job etc. The states do take care of the weak, the unemployed, single mothers and all these categories. If one thing worked properly here it was the welfare. Now it's going down the shitter with all the migrants who cashed in 5 years more than people rightfully got in the last 10 years.

Europe also has a geographical problem to the point if such policy was began here we would have all races of earth invade from all sides to cash in free money. Better free gurbs in Venice than working class in wherever else. Europeans especially in the north cannot understand what America is in regards to hardcore poverty. American style poverty is cutthroat poverty. Many things also like health care here are mostly public. In America if you do not pay you may never go to a doctor even if terminally ill.

When people need things like UBI as what appears to be emergency help it means you are one step before social destruction, it means you have ruined many people and left them to rot in the streets. And if you're clever you have to at least give it or compensate strongly with something.

No wonder as stated Bernie Sanders who is a Marxist Socialist is like the left in the USA promoted ad nauseum. Well if you're not willing to address the issue the jew will be rubbing hands in the corner and he will want to do this for you. On the exchange of the bargain being Communism.

Europeans of the UBI are mostly larping on the necessity of it. And jews and christurds. And of course nobody advocates this for poor countries in Europe, just for the richer countries, so they can scatter money on the air and suffer financially on top of all the incessant illegal immigrant situation climaxing.

America needs it and it appears the more time goes the more dire becomes the need. Europe follows straight and back, but it has not reached the point of America. It is getting there.

Please be informed High Priest, the American healthcare system will take care of you. They just put it on a credit card for you to pay down.

Do you feel the compassion?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
