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On Criminality

My suggestion for people who struggled/struggle with addiction is learn how to cook. You can go out and get the ingredients to satisfy the dopamine rush from picking up, and then spend the day cooking something and stuff your face. It's way easier said than done but a lot of addiction comes from just feeling emotionally "safe" after you actually go out and buy the product to get high off of. The actual drugs are making kids throw up and get sick and cry in panic attacks, so half if not more of the real high is the ritual.
T.A.O.L. said:
Though the families living on 1100 a month or so probably get some additional fund once a year for health insurance.. and maybe rent too. (but idk anything about the usa so how can one compare that?)

In the USA you may be having a private company doing that, which will close down, and swindle millions, in which case, you and your family, just stay on the street afterwards. The same thing goes for pensions and many other things, there are private pension firms who have been swindling people of their life's gatherings for decades.

The USA is far more open to profiteering and racketeering criminal schemes than Europe. Europe however has a lot of state issues, which do create a lot of other problems, but less compared to the US. Europe in the financial normalcy is humane to an extent. The EU is trying to curb this down and change this for years now.
StraitShot47 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:

Please be informed High Priest, the American healthcare system will take care of you. They just put it on a credit card for you to pay down.

Do you feel the compassion?

This is just criminal. They have also been trying to adopt this in Europe as well but in the form of other ways. The system is essentially telling you to fuck off or get in permanent debt if you cannot pay it back through the credit. And what if someone has bad credit I guess they are left to die.

Then people whine oh muh Nazis had free healthcare goyim with the latest advances in medicine...evil Mengele.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
Though the families living on 1100 a month or so probably get some additional fund once a year for health insurance.. and maybe rent too. (but idk anything about the usa so how can one compare that?)

In the USA you may be having a private company doing that, which will close down, and swindle millions, in which case, you and your family, just stay on the street afterwards. The same thing goes for pensions and many other things, there are private pension firms who have been swindling people of their life's gatherings for decades.

The USA is far more open to profiteering and racketeering criminal schemes than Europe. Europe however has a lot of state issues, which do create a lot of other problems, but less compared to the US. Europe in the financial normalcy is humane to an extent. The EU is trying to curb this down and change this for years now.

I had typed an entire reply which may not have went through.

I said therein, among a few other things, that incomes are taxed, along with the food and all other things you buy basicly. Income tax goes from 1 month a year of labor to half a year of labor depending on how high your income is.
The buy things tax is 21% (used to be 19%) and I think they upped the tax on groceries too (was 6%). There is a huge tax on fuel as well. Electricity is taxed quite high as well, can be double the cost of the actual use of the electricity.

And I was wondering.. because people day that obamacare has a high monthly fee, but I was wondering how much is much. Because no one types actual numbers.

You can ask for unemployment payment here if you lose your job. But if you own a house, they want you to sell it. Since the economic crisis a few years ago, thousands of people lost their jobs since some major companies closed with financial debt.
It is not something you can really live well from either. The unemployment payment is usually a bit more than to make sure you can pay your rent, buy some food and pay the compulsory health insurance. And then you may have a bit left over to save up for something you need or to take the public transit to visit a relative or something.
The health insurance things are stripped down a lot nowadays too. They allow less and less to be covered. Medicines are also starting to be regulated through ones health insurance.
Like, more expensive pills with a certain compound which are manufactured differently than others with the same certain compound are not usually covered anymore. There have been serious notices in people that react to the change in brand with allergies in example. Makes one wonder why they are different..

And that before the health insurance system in NL there was a health fund. Which was cheaper than the compulsory health insurance. Which back then only some of the rich had and it was an optional thing..

Regarding pensions I had said that aside from what you typed.. the ones that started their own business as a result from the unemployment from the economic crisis do not have any right or contract with any pension saving people. It is those that work for a company that can get this through their boss.
But the self employed do not have anything to make up for this.
Its literally their own savings.
If you have some money saved up as an elderly person, some cities refuse to give them the 65+ discount on things like, taking a tour through the city, the entrance fees to things like the zoo or something..
That would ensure that the next generation would have less to inherit too, I think.

Also savings are taxed here but I mentioned that in the past too. I have like 0 knowledge on other countries in the EU though. I just think that we have way too many taxes here (in short).
Mageserpent 5666 said:
Hail Satan please if you have time send link to returning curses 1 and 2 Thanks Mageserpent 5666
Go to http://www.joyofsatan.org go to the Satanic Meditations page. You can find them there, and you have to read through everything else in there also. If you feel any urge or interest in doing any of these meditations, that is your soul telling you that this is what will help you and make you stronger. So just read everything and try out whatever you want.
The thing if the held back medical tech and cures the Jewish monopolies keep out of the public so they can charge millions of dollars where allowed out to the public, medical expresses would be so cheap anyone could afford them.
HP Mageson666 said:
Inflation has already been going on forever since the 70' most American's started to live on credit to meet this. This is why UBI is needed because there has not been a wage increase to meet inflation in decades. UBI can be adjusted to meet inflation rates and this takes the heat off the employers and the cost to them trying to pay higher wages.
Do the gods and I mean the planet orion have any kind of economy ? Or are they way past that point in time ? What kind of system should we strive to achieve that resembles the Gods.
Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Do the gods and I mean the planet orion have any kind of economy ? Or are they way past that point in time ? What kind of system should we strive to achieve that resembles the Gods.

Their system of exchange is based on energy, not on finances directly. Explaining anything like that to us right now would only pervert and confuse us. We are nowhere near close to this. They are on a different level than we are. Not like the next level either, many levels beyond our civilization. Essentially also people will troll any such explanation and try to pass down their own 'ideals' which will only create more confusion. The Gods relate to the material different than we do as well. Our financial system is based on an imposition of our relation with materialism in general.

The thing they do not have for sure is a microchip system of communism, nor a bug system where people beg the central brain to give them bug food. They are also against this form of dealing, this is even in the bible, the Gods oppose this excrement system where the central borg feeds the hive mind slaves equally and steals their energy and labor. This is what the enemy does with the "Mark of the Beast" where everyone who is not microchipped is excluded from the ability to buy and sell. Grey corpses are found with all sorts of implants inside them which are part of the borg hive mind, probably amongst other things, to do transactions.

In their civilization you do not pay, all you have to do is you have to advance, and devote energy and labor in their own level, and get whatever you need/want in return within a reasonable time spectrum. This energy is then used in the form of energy in order to advance their society. They are also immortal so they do not lose their time in the pursuit of materialism only to die and reincarnate pointlessly later.
I will tell you something about earth..... The entire monetary system will have to be abolished and the entire artificial, materialistic system of thought order will dissolve and be in its place a system that is simply the pure manifestation of the Eternal Truth of soul of the individual and race. Don't try and sperg this just realize this. No argument matters this is the flow of existence.

Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Inflation has already been going on forever since the 70' most American's started to live on credit to meet this. This is why UBI is needed because there has not been a wage increase to meet inflation in decades. UBI can be adjusted to meet inflation rates and this takes the heat off the employers and the cost to them trying to pay higher wages.
Do the gods and I mean the planet orion have any kind of economy ? Or are they way past that point in time ? What kind of system should we strive to achieve that resembles the Gods.
HP Mageson666 said:
I will tell you something about earth..... The entire monetary system will have to be abolished and the entire artificial, materialistic system of thought order will dissolve and be in its place a system that is simply the pure manifestation of the Eternal Truth of soul of the individual and race. Don't try and sperg this just realize this. No argument matters this is the flow of existence.

Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Inflation has already been going on forever since the 70' most American's started to live on credit to meet this. This is why UBI is needed because there has not been a wage increase to meet inflation in decades. UBI can be adjusted to meet inflation rates and this takes the heat off the employers and the cost to them trying to pay higher wages.
Do the gods and I mean the planet orion have any kind of economy ? Or are they way past that point in time ? What kind of system should we strive to achieve that resembles the Gods.
Nice assessment. And no I won't "sperge" this. That's an interesting word lol
Zerohedge.com posted this article which lays it on the line, even mentions all the stuff about Jews. That took some brass cojones imho.


Hoodedcobra666 said:
If one pays close attention especially with the 'culture' exported by the Jews ruling the USA, they just keep instructing young people to become criminals, lead a criminal lifestyle, and all these people are glamorized. This is nothing else other than jews blessing their own tribe as the race of many of the 'top guys' in criminality, as always by coincidence, is just jews.

The glamorization of crime is also very necessary so that drug cartels and many other inferiors on the planet do have an advertising and marketing network. Migos is not sitting there telling you how good drugs are, for no reason. They are promoting and advertising for those that probably pay him, in the form of 'art', and yes, of course, some of their songs have vibes, but this topic is not about 'art'. These songs don't even up in Ellen Degenerate Kikess in TV by coincidence either. In other words all these 'rap videos' and cocaine ads are not about simply promoting a lifestyle, but are actual advertising of those in power who want to advertise this lifestyle to the masses. And to naive children as well.

This is done on purpose so that these rotten people always have a steady supply of followers and young ones deceived in order to run their agendas. As with regular advertising, this works on some people, and on some, it does not. But it's proven this type of thing actually affects people whether they like it or not, in a subconscious level.

The Social Marxist dialectic and many other people, foolishly claim that criminality is caused by poverty and many other things. If this is the case, why in Eastern Europe and in many other territories where White people are hungry in the literal sense, they do not commit all this endless criminality? Because they are homogenous, and because they innately are not criminal elements. And this is a reality proved by it's own reality.

The argument of "hunger is criminality" as a sole causative reason of criminality self collapses. Places like Serbia are highly impoverished and crime rates are very low? Why isn't it like the US? Simply because different demographics. If hunger was the case there wouldn't exist all these Mafias, simply because, a little heist could solve their hunger problem for a month or a few weeks, based on mathematics. But this is not the case.

The Social Marxist observation that people do criminality just because they are hungry is a lie. Others unfortunately in leftism and some socialists who want to provide social help, or who do analyze these situations, have also absorbed the above lie and they believe that providing help and provision for the vague category of the poor people, will just also solve crime. But many people in the category of the poor are also honorable people who do not want free gurbs to compensate for this situation, they just want better job opportunities.

Nor being poor means you will become a mafia member or a criminal, either. It's actually quite different in reality. Most of the gangs are not formed because they want to make a farm and escape hunger, but because they want to take it way further, by the simple use of violence against productive elements in society. The argument of the 'good boi jus poor boi' just collapses on it's own head. You can have a normal job and survive if you discipline yourself. But guess what some people don't wanna do this.

Leftist Academia was conducting a research on Spain about the legalization drugs and how it helped an X city in Spain. They literally blessed and eulogized the legalization of drugs. Later on Canada decided to go for legalization of weed, this happened recently. Of course Canadians believed this would curb the illegal trade, happy them. They are too White to understand how these situations of 'social help' will turn on in the longterm, and too hopeful. So what happened out of this legalization? Nothing changed. The people still use drugs, the illegal drugs still pour in Canada. The people do not like the 'regulated' aspect of Weed, and do not consider it 'effective' or to their liking. So now the problem is doubling. On one hand, weed is becoming streamlined, and on the other hand, those in the 'know' in regards to weed, just look for different ways for getting 'weed' that is rendered illegal. Just wait 5-6 years and you will see the problem will only have doubled. This is already the case, nothing has changed.

But I will tell you what truly happened because of this. I was receiving updates from a Capitalist Con online informing site, and I was checking out how the matter with weed was proceeding. 3 months prior to legalization, the firm advised to 'invest' in a few upcoming 'legal' weed startups. Some of which grew to 900 or upwards to 3800% in power and capital during to legalization. I do not recall but I think in one case the rising of the stock value of some of these literally soared to 7100-7200%, which is literally batshit insane.

So putting one and one together what happened. Some people wanted to make money. So what they did was legalize drugs in Canada, opened startups, became super rich in the interval of a few months, in what changed nothing for the better of Canada, but actually made the situation which was already bad, worse. Congrats guys, you got jewed again. Smoke your puffy puff and think the Government cares for you, and all your millions of now-to-be-fried braincells.

The governments of the world care only about one thing: Maintain their power. Everything that weakens people is welcome to them, simply because, strong people threaten those in authority with replacement. The more fried and beaten down the populace, the better. Welcome to the Jewish Era of politics, where Hitler who said "Let's make people the strongest and the healthiest in the world" is a threatening statement. While poisoning your own people with drugs is welcomed with open arms.

Returning to the topic of criminality...

The majority of criminals do not have the mentality of the hungry guys who just look for bread, they could solve this by having a any other job and working for their bread somehow by serving the needs of others. Most of these people are just greedy. The caravans who will bring the mafias in the USA aren't here because they want a loaf of bread, they are going there because they want rolex and the rolly's.

The west has understood this simple reality such as in the UK where London is only compromised of 'foreigners' who are there to 'work', and where percents of being gutted in the middle of the street for a few bucks is reaching 30% in many areas. The fact you bring people to earn their bread through honest work, it doesn't mean they will wanna do it. Actually, they have all reasons to NOT want to do it. They want nothing to do with you, or your culture either.

All criminals also report that they really like the criminal lifestyle simply because you gain things quickly, and for free, and you have to do literally nothing in order to gain, just do heists and shit. In other words the issue is psychological such as gambling, and they enjoy what they do. This is why most criminals do not just do petty crimes all their life but later they join criminal conglomerates in order to further build up towards their goals. Their 'hunger' problem is solved quite easily, but this is not the initial problem. Many just enjoy criminality.

Another thing in regards to criminality is people hate these people way too much, the "Criminals" (Or rather, the convicted ones) while they turn a blind eye to the criminals that run countries and literally rule this world. Let me tell you at least half of these people behind bars they have hardly done any major crime compared to politicians who engage in state treason, or are part of Pizza gate and other similar pedo and crime rings, or opening borders to exterminate their own living populace, or give intel to Israel based on state secrets.

The only difference between the two is that the politicians and other rotten individuals are rarely caught as they are beyond the scope of the law. So someone being branded as a criminal and going behind bars is not always a straight indicator of their dishonesty or 'proven evil'. There are people who got locked behind bars because of true issues like hunger, and most of the time, it's these people who will pay the bills. A strong percent of all prison population is people who have done minor crimes. Most of the criminals that are dangerous, are in reality operating freely and out there.

Because either they cannot catch them, or they pretend they cannot catch them. So in essence we have the same issue many philosophers like Nietzche and others debated about in the 18th and 19th centuries, people who just were behind bars for doing petty crimes, being political dissidents, and other sorts of things, which do not compare in anyway with true criminals, who are walking around and operating about freely.

The law has collapsed under the rules of it's own Talmudic hatred and irrationality. In Muslim countries one can get their hand cut off for stealing an apple, but one is not punished, but PRAISED for doing Jihad. One can be thrown off a roof for being gay, but one can daily beat their wife to death and be praised for it. All "Legal".

While the jews pretend they don't see all the narcos going through all the borders in the US. Oh my 50 tons of Cocaine, we literally missed this through the border goyim...Now let's imprison this guy without a hearing because he stole an apple from a store to eat...This is the mentality of the jewish system.

Lastly kids pay close attention here. You see these three cases, XXXtentacion, he died at 21. Drug user, hate mongering, and the related. Mac Miller, a jewish promoter of the 'drug culture', got high on his own supply and died like a cockroach, eventhough he was 'rich' from promoting social corrosion, and happily did do his racial mission of making his race more influential on the goyim through the use of drugs. 6ix9ine a latino guy who was going all out in songs on how he will kill people, and that he was the dope king of New York, is now facing a lifetime in prison at around 20 years old. "King of New York".

Lil Peep who actually made some decent tracks, also promoted the druggie lifestyle and dope, but not from the criminal side, but the user side and abusive side. Equally deadly. He died too due to overdose as well. He died in his 20's only to have a full lifetime of constant depression before this. In other words, the road to criminality is paved with endless corpses that fill the streets, and the jews still insist on the Gentiles and especially children that this lifestyle is true, viable, and also leads to 'riches' or even happiness. All the outcomes from this just prove the contrary, and this is being reaffirmed everyday.

No kids, it leads only to death, incarceration, and social decay like never before, and permanent depression. Do not get fooled from lies in your TV.

Those who engage in these behaviors should change their ways rapidly, the Gods frown upon these social destroyers, and sooner or later, there will be punishment. People are crying on the death of Lil Peep or Mac Miller, but as to how many people these guys have killed with their promotion of drugs, nobody will ever know in accuracy. As for the 'lifestyle' aspect of it like movies and such, well, this is called 'art and entertainment' and nobody can blame this with accuracy at this point, so it cannot be blamed.

Also as a final note, see in TV (We know (((Who))) runs all of this) people are constantly exposed in criminality How To's. Many of these shows are literally giving instructions to people and giving them things to do. People have learned to enjoy criminality by programming as some sort of entertaining thing.

Criminality and the perversion of laws are instructed in the bible as a form of conquering and taking over the goyim. Just check all the stories of Stan Lee and you will see what the jew envisions, civilizations bathed in criminality, where jews can play the 'hero' through being grey characters. A never ending world of suffering just so that jews can be satisfied on it.

The real question is how much of this is happening in Israel? Because last time I checked the Rabbinate commaned politicians to not take 'criminal tribesmen' in Israel, to avoid all of the above. I guess, Stan Lee Crime Cities for the Goyim, and Idyllic homogenous, low crime civilizations for the jews.

This is the story of promotion of "Criminality".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hoodedcobra666 said:
In their civilization you do not pay, all you have to do is you have to advance, and devote energy and labor in their own level, and get whatever you need/want in return within a reasonable time spectrum. This energy is then used in the form of energy in order to advance their society. They are also immortal so they do not lose their time in the pursuit of materialism only to die and reincarnate pointlessly later.

This is a very beautiful system.
Spent over 1000 nights in prison in a row, never ticked them off daily :lol: :lol:

Never seen one Jew, Zero

A very noticable minority of Muslims.(Halal)

Anyway now a lot of my freinds have said they are Jewish to get the dearer cleaner food. It made the newspapers Kosher King something like that some screw must have leaked it.

Personally i wasnt aware of this in my time but to get a one up on the system would you do it?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He was also a very sensitive person as well. Good material for the kikes to make profits on. Now all his royalties probably are pocketed by jews.

A whole culture rose also around Lil Peep.

what’s your favorite peep song?
nebu said:
what’s your favorite peep song?

I had a phase when I know nearly all of his 100+ songs and only listened to him :)

I would still listen to his music if needed and vibe to it but I haven't listened to him for years.
White tee is one of my favorites tho.
Too bad he choosed to live like this, I cried a lot on his document film.
The songs after his death is awful especially after 2 years, but as I know its under the family's controll again, because it wasn't? I dont know.

IK you didn't asked me, but still wanted to say this.

Hi, I believe your picture of the Swastika and the rune in your signature is a Blashpheme because they are reversed.
Shadow_666 said:

Hi, I believe your picture of the Swastika and the rune in your signature is a Blashpheme because they are reversed.

The swastika was used both ways. I might change it to the other direction on my next Pfp, I want to add an eagle.

The runes in my signature is Hungarian runes, which looks exactly like this, it is not reversed. It is also written from right to left, just as Sanskrit, so maybe that makes it "reversed".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
