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On Celibacy

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
There are a lot of different posts, opinions, etc, in the e-groups and the forums.

I can't impress this enough:

This also includes watching and/or reading pornography, and related. Your sex life is your own personal business and you are free to indulge yourself.

Enforced celibacy has caused the human race extreme damage and atrocious harm. It is a sad fact that humanity has huge hangups regarding sex.

Forced celibacy is extremely unhealthy, mentally, physically, psychologically, and is very harmful to one's overall being. The repressed sex drive comes out in very warped and unhealthy ways. Repressing the sex drive is against nature. This just doesn't go away.

In a healthy society, there should be government controlled brothels. Nazi Germany knew this and had a government controlled Red Light District in Berlin, and provided special brothels for the SS.

With brothels, there are trained professionals who have experience in indulging fetishes and providing satisfying sex.

The sex drive is the life force. It must be relieved. Suppressing the sex drive will cause all kinds of both physical and psychological problems. If one cannot find a partner, then masturbation is essential. If the sex drive is not relieved, then it will manifest in ones sleep. It doesn't go away.

In Satanism, you are free to be yourself. Satan accepts us as we are. He is interested in our spiritual development and the evolution of our souls.

I know of cases where there are a few people with very low sex drives. No one should be forced into anything sexual. To each his/her own. We are all individuals.

Now, on another note, before closing, I also want to add here that pedophilia is not exclusive to the Catholic Church. There are those who will (as always) try to make excuses for Christianity. In the Protestant sects where marriage is permitted, there is still prolific rape and sexual molestation of children, animals, and much more than likely, worse.
This also includes Jewish rabbis who are encouraged to marry.

The deal with the above is followers of these most hideous, odious and nefarious programs tie into evil energies. The Christian is forever preying upon innocent victims. Especially children and teens. Islam, as we know is even more rotten.

These programs are designed to impress extreme guilt among their followers. Sex, being the most powerful component of life after air, food and water, is intentionally manipulated.

It is very normal to have frequent sexual thoughts. Of course with these programs, just for the thoughts alone, one is a "sinner" and guilt is impressed upon the individual.

This bleeds over into feeling sorry. When one feels sorrow and guilt, one opens the door to successfully being cursed and damned. I already wrote an article on this a while ago. Feeling sorry and guilt opens the door to be accepting of punishment.

Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.

Then, of course, homosexuality is a serious "sin" with these programs. More guilt. More being sorry.

It's all to get victims under control, so the Jews can be "God." They throw a curse at the sorry one, it hits easily and hard.

Again, your sex life is your own business. No one should have to slavishly worship anyone or anything. Satan doesn't expect slavish worship.

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Again, all consenting sex between 2 or more adults is totally permissible.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
To everyone, this cannot overstated enough.

The same goes for diets, how you dress, the list goes. There is NO "HOLY" CONSENSUS and no "RULES" on how you are "SUPPOSED" to be there. Of course in regards to diet, there is healthy and unrevealing, fitting and unfitting, but then again, you have to decide based on your own tastes and goals.

Attempts have been made before to put on the wall specific diets and so forth, and that is alien to Satanism. One can eat, dress, and have sex, and anything else, as they see fit.

Strange things have been written before about how for example everyone that likes to eat 'raw' meat is this or that. In many countries of Europe, certain types of meat, and ONLY them (as with others you will die) are essentially able to be eaten raw. The meat is never really "raw", as it goes through at least three days in specific fridges that make it in a sense tougher, and not 'raw'. Eating one piece of 'blue' beef or certain other things, does not make you bad or evil. In many southern European cultures this is still looked upon as some sort of weird thing to do. If one however eats "raw" chicken, one is at high chances of getting poisoned and will die.

Pushing veganism from the backdoor and then denouncing it has been another virulent problem. If you eat only weeds and greens, you are bound to destroy yourself, the health deteriorates.

Supplements that are hypocritically used by Vegans, always have their roots in some sort of animal abuse or testing, or a tanker shit transferring their "coleslaw" which half of the year is off season, same as their "Strawberry Salad" from another continent, that pollutes the whole sea as it goes. Veganism is unhealthy, deadly, and a hypocrisy. Regardless, one CAN follow this diet, there is no "RESTRICTION" here, yet, there are consequences to be expected.

The same goes if you neglect carbohydrates, fats, meat and fish protein. A lot of people forget to eat fruits or greens, which is equally a disaster. Diets centered on only one thing can be highly problematic.

If one eats all their life only MacDonalds and bags of sweets, you can still "do" it, but from a natural and holistic health perspective, that is dumb. With that being said, you will not get tormented in a lake of fire for doing the above by any "God", but your life will realistically suffer, same as your health, if you follow the road above.

Balance and being open is the key. One is free to follow their own path, but one can never seek to 'impose' it as a standard forced upon others. Do what is best for yourself. Others may resonate, others not. Another thing that has been written is regards to alcohol.

Drinking a pint or a glass isn't going to kill you or destroy you, but done systematically, in certain people can cause alcoholism, the list goes. Drinking your brains out is stupid, can cause accidents etc. Is it forbidden in Satanism to drink Alcohol? Will a pint drag one in hellfire, or a glass or wine? Of course not.

To even imply these 'prohibitions' is stupid. If you are a grown up, make your decisions in how you want to be. If you always want to be at odds with your health, nerves, etc, you can take this road. If not, you can take a healthier road. You will not burn in any jewish lake of fire because of this.

Satanism is the only 'religion' that gives you your freedom of handling yourself in your hands, instead of some random jew coming to dictate how you should eat, drink, and if you will go to heaven for this. Jewish and other so called "Eastern" faiths enforce diets and all sorts of alien shit, because people there are living cattle and not recognized as freely thinking individuals.
Thank you High Pristess Maxine Dietrich for reminding us the importance of individuality and that everyone has different needs. Not everyone is the same. Everyone should act based on what he needs in order to stay healthy and advance.
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,
Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.
What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?
Jack said:
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,
Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.
What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?

In many places segregation of the sexes in schools and also public life was done constantly. Schools, even religious spaces, even workplaces etc.

One example here is also the church which was made 'men only' and men are constantly engaging in homosexuality, or prisons, where even people who are not really homosexual under conditions of their own nature will engage in homosexuality anyway.

And yes, when the "Hardcore Muslim Man" with 5 or more wives is out of home, all these women are probably hitting it with one another or other women, as it's only sensible for them to do so. In more than one ways their sex drives are totally pent up. Of course this is also a punishable offense. If one woman cheats in Islam they are to be killed. Still, under this threat, women do this anyway. So to play it safer they engage in relations with others women unbeknownst to their husbands.

In Islam pedophilia is extremely common, same as incest relationships. To find women is difficult, and to meet women outside can be impossible, as most women go around with a 'guide' or a family member, and if you hit on the woman which is taken, this can cause serious issues with the woman. Even in more open minded places like UAE, this can still prove deadly for the woman. Women are forced to marry whom their family wants, in many cases, a first or second grade cousin.
Jack said:
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,
Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.
What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?
Do some research on Islam. Islam is depraved and rotten beyond words. Women are forced to wear garments of shame. Covered head to toe, even their faces and strictly kept segregated from men. Islam is thoroughly mysoginistic (women hating). There are so-called "honor killings" where a male family member will murder a female relative for many different reasons. One being having sex outside of marriage. The marriages are arranged and forced. One incident, a young girl was doused with gasoline and set on fire, as her family saw she was pregnant. Other women drove her to a local hospital. She ran from her relative attacker and survived. At the hospital, she was left to die. There were others in the same situation. The hospital staff didn't even bother to treat her. I wrote an article about this titled "Islam."

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,
Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.
What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?

In many places segregation of the sexes in schools and also public life was done constantly. Schools, even religious spaces, even workplaces etc.

One example here is also the church which was made 'men only' and men are constantly engaging in homosexuality, or prisons, where even people who are not really homosexual under conditions of their own nature will engage in homosexuality anyway.

And yes, when the "Hardcore Muslim Man" with 5 or more wives is out of home, all these women are probably hitting it with one another or other women, as it's only sensible for them to do so. In more than one ways their sex drives are totally pent up. Of course this is also a punishable offense. If one woman cheats in Islam they are to be killed. Still, under this threat, women do this anyway. So to play it safer they engage in relations with others women unbeknownst to their husbands.

In Islam pedophilia is extremely common, same as incest relationships. To find women is difficult, and to meet women outside can be impossible, as most women go around with a 'guide' or a family member, and if you hit on the woman which is taken, this can cause serious issues with the woman. Even in more open minded places like UAE, this can still prove deadly for the woman. Women are forced to marry whom their family wants, in many cases, a first or second grade cousin.

In Islam, all married women are not allowed to live together. Say if one was married to four women, each one of them has to stay with her own kids away from the other women. They can meet and speak, but generally they can't have foursomes or nothing like that.

Also in Islam, forced marriage is not allowed. You can't force a woman to marry a man just because he's her cousin or whatever, she can always say no, it's just that Muslims are always guilt tripping weak and insecure women they raise and so the women end up making a decision that isn't their own because they're weak.

I once was a Muslim, and I read into the Quran every chance I get. I simply love educating myself on matters like these.
Sero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,

What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?

In many places segregation of the sexes in schools and also public life was done constantly. Schools, even religious spaces, even workplaces etc.

One example here is also the church which was made 'men only' and men are constantly engaging in homosexuality, or prisons, where even people who are not really homosexual under conditions of their own nature will engage in homosexuality anyway.

And yes, when the "Hardcore Muslim Man" with 5 or more wives is out of home, all these women are probably hitting it with one another or other women, as it's only sensible for them to do so. In more than one ways their sex drives are totally pent up. Of course this is also a punishable offense. If one woman cheats in Islam they are to be killed. Still, under this threat, women do this anyway. So to play it safer they engage in relations with others women unbeknownst to their husbands.

In Islam pedophilia is extremely common, same as incest relationships. To find women is difficult, and to meet women outside can be impossible, as most women go around with a 'guide' or a family member, and if you hit on the woman which is taken, this can cause serious issues with the woman. Even in more open minded places like UAE, this can still prove deadly for the woman. Women are forced to marry whom their family wants, in many cases, a first or second grade cousin.

In Islam, all married women are not allowed to live together. Say if one was married to four women, each one of them has to stay with her own kids away from the other women. They can meet and speak, but generally they can't have foursomes or nothing like that.

Also in Islam, forced marriage is not allowed. You can't force a woman to marry a man just because he's her cousin or whatever, she can always say no, it's just that Muslims are always guilt tripping weak and insecure women they raise and so the women end up making a decision that isn't their own because they're weak.

I once was a Muslim, and I read into the Quran every chance I get. I simply love educating myself on matters like these.

And also, what's next from Sero, is that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, the Quran said so, and it's followed to the letter. No, it's really not.

This is why for example, in Islamic countries that are deep into Islam, women are stacked all into the same house, including cousins etc. Despite what the Peaceful Quran of Mr Sero says. The 'better' conditions are only practiced in UAE and other places like that. Also the stoning for adultery is not practiced there, but that is one of the very few places.

People that I have spoken with (defectors of Islam from numerous Islamic countries) say that most of these laws are not really 'upheld' with women and anything else. And other places know way less than people who have read the "Quran" and took it at face value.

You can't FORCE a woman to marry a man, but you can brainwash her since infancy to marry her own cousin, and that's not FORCING, that's blame on the woman, it's her weakness. It's all due to her being weak and all.

You can't force people but to practice brainwashing techniques and forced coercion on them is not forcing by any means. Let us also remind us that it's the wrong of the woman cause "she is weak willed", lol.

In regards to men, they are also 'coerced' to marry, based on some trivial penalties aka they will excommunicate you from your own family, or your own inheritance if you do not marry the 'recommended' cousin or girl.

Do you still read the Quran and decided to practice some Taqiyya here just to make sure?

I know Muslims who say the Quran doesn't even talk about killing infidels either. They read it too. It's probably sending them with love into the afterlife with the smooth edge of a blade, that's all. It's all a humane practice for the bettermen of mankind.
I'm sure sero has read the talmud as well, which is of course so peaceful and healthy for everyone. Doesn't talk about enslaving all of mankind, cannabalism, pedophilia, endless murder and blood sacrifice at all of course, this is all just anti-semitism and bigotry of course.

It's a sad reality that woman are forced to marry men in pisslamic countries, and pedophilia runs rampant there. Any so called laws that might be said to exist are not followed in most those places and woman are incessantly mistreated, raped and killed for insane reasons such as not wanting to marry their 40 years older cousin.

Very commonly woman even get their clits removed completely there, to further dehumanize them, as sex in any form is seen as sinful and disgusting, and enjoying such things is considered a sin as well, even though you cannot do without it.

The amount of sexual repression in pisslam is even more insane than in xianity. Woman are treated worse than property. What is commonly practiced and thought by western mysoginists is nothing compared to the extreme woman hating attittude practiced by the pisslamic belief.

Pisslamic filth is just as vile, disturbing and alien as judaism. All the abrahamic filth is the same in this regard and all must be rejected completely and totally, because if they are accepted in any form they destroy everything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As you say, campylobacter from chicken is very dangerous.

As for beef - I believe it can be eaten raw (or uncooked, at least). I read or saw something on TV which said (and if you'll forgive this thought being put into your head) that people used to "have sex with" or "masturbate with" slices/cuts of beef. I'm not going to recommend doing this, but I certainly wouldn't with chicken - the juices of these meats that you are...using...would end up going inside your body, and these juices of uncooked chicken can cause serious health problems or worse; as I say, I think beef is more or less fine. (The other arguments of...using...meat in such a way may or may not be quite as fine!)

I suppose if anyone has any food fetishes, then knock yourselves out! I'm not here to judge you! :lol: (To be honest, a nice bit of chocolate sauce on...!)

Regarding the alcohol - (I am still :? like crazy about Astrology, but...) based on what I think I know about it regarding myself and my past life or lives, I think I could have been one to go to the bottle or substance to "handle" problems. Blah, blah, blah; I look at some people, say 18 years old, who are on drink and/or drugs and wonder what they think is shit in their lives. (Of course, some would have had serious shit happen against them...) Some seem to be OK, and then I look at myself and consider that I must be tougher than I realised. I do expect, quite strongly (albeit quite ignorantly and confusedly regarding Astrology) that I "should" give in to drink and/or drugs. Sometimes I drank a bit with some mates once or twice per month, but I don't go over-the-top; although, seemingly, it takes quite a bit to get me drunk, apparently - considering I don't drink generally! This is part of a reason I expect I did last-life or lives..., because my Soul must have 'become used to it', in a sense. Of course, eating also helps to slow down being drunk.

Regardless, the amazing feeling I get simply and merely from focussing on either my Third Eye or my Crown Chakra feels soooo much nicer than any somewhat tipsy/drunk/light-headed feeling, and it doesn't hurt/make me feel dizzy or sick. It feels a lot better. The feeling I can best describe like a tingling down my spine...but in my head, towards my Crown and/or Thir Eye (depending). If I do it enough, it becomes so much that I actually have to shudder and move, because it feels so good! It can also seem like it tingles down my back a bit, as well. I haven't much experience with it tingling down my back, because as I just said it becomes a bit too much (in a good way) so I have to stop. Oh - hah. Did I mention? It's free, non-toxic, available 24/7/365! Substance use is useless and pointless. Just the mere, simple focus and attention opon these 2 Chakras is mind-tinglingly lovely!

Ooh. Now if I could only remember to engage this positive mind-tingling sensation at the point of orgasm - that would be amazing! :lol:
Hi HPS Maxine,
Thank you very much for sharing and guiding us on sexuality.

I have a question on something you said regarding spirit sex:

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Are you referring to having an Incubus/ Succubus and sex via astral projection?
Or is there a specific working/ meditation for spirit sex?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
There are a lot of different posts, opinions, etc, in the e-groups and the forums.

I can't impress this enough:

This also includes watching and/or reading pornography, and related. Your sex life is your own personal business and you are free to indulge yourself.

Enforced celibacy has caused the human race extreme damage and atrocious harm. It is a sad fact that humanity has huge hangups regarding sex.

Forced celibacy is extremely unhealthy, mentally, physically, psychologically, and is very harmful to one's overall being. The repressed sex drive comes out in very warped and unhealthy ways. Repressing the sex drive is against nature. This just doesn't go away.

In a healthy society, there should be government controlled brothels. Nazi Germany knew this and had a government controlled Red Light District in Berlin, and provided special brothels for the SS.

With brothels, there are trained professionals who have experience in indulging fetishes and providing satisfying sex.

The sex drive is the life force. It must be relieved. Suppressing the sex drive will cause all kinds of both physical and psychological problems. If one cannot find a partner, then masturbation is essential. If the sex drive is not relieved, then it will manifest in ones sleep. It doesn't go away.

In Satanism, you are free to be yourself. Satan accepts us as we are. He is interested in our spiritual development and the evolution of our souls.

I know of cases where there are a few people with very low sex drives. No one should be forced into anything sexual. To each his/her own. We are all individuals.

Now, on another note, before closing, I also want to add here that pedophilia is not exclusive to the Catholic Church. There are those who will (as always) try to make excuses for Christianity. In the Protestant sects where marriage is permitted, there is still prolific rape and sexual molestation of children, animals, and much more than likely, worse.
This also includes Jewish rabbis who are encouraged to marry.

The deal with the above is followers of these most hideous, odious and nefarious programs tie into evil energies. The Christian is forever preying upon innocent victims. Especially children and teens. Islam, as we know is even more rotten.

These programs are designed to impress extreme guilt among their followers. Sex, being the most powerful component of life after air, food and water, is intentionally manipulated.

It is very normal to have frequent sexual thoughts. Of course with these programs, just for the thoughts alone, one is a "sinner" and guilt is impressed upon the individual.

This bleeds over into feeling sorry. When one feels sorrow and guilt, one opens the door to successfully being cursed and damned. I already wrote an article on this a while ago. Feeling sorry and guilt opens the door to be accepting of punishment.

Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.

Then, of course, homosexuality is a serious "sin" with these programs. More guilt. More being sorry.

It's all to get victims under control, so the Jews can be "God." They throw a curse at the sorry one, it hits easily and hard.

Again, your sex life is your own business. No one should have to slavishly worship anyone or anything. Satan doesn't expect slavish worship.

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Again, all consenting sex between 2 or more adults is totally permissible.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In many places segregation of the sexes in schools and also public life was done constantly. Schools, even religious spaces, even workplaces etc.

In Islam, all married women are not allowed to live together. Say if one was married to four women, each one of them has to stay with her own kids away from the other women. They can meet and speak, but generally they can't have foursomes or nothing like that.

Also in Islam, forced marriage is not allowed. You can't force a woman to marry a man just because he's her cousin or whatever, she can always say no, it's just that Muslims are always guilt tripping weak and insecure women they raise and so the women end up making a decision that isn't their own because they're weak.

I once was a Muslim, and I read into the Quran every chance I get. I simply love educating myself on matters like these.

And also, what's next from Sero, is that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, the Quran said so, and it's followed to the letter. No, it's really not.

People that I have spoken with (defectors of Islam from numerous Islamic countries) say that most of these laws are not really 'upheld' with women and anything else. And other places know way less than people who have read the "Quran" and took it at face value.

You can't FORCE a woman to marry a man, but you can brainwash her since infancy to marry her own cousin, and that's not FORCING, that's blame on the woman, it's her weakness. It's all due to her being weak and all.

You can't force people but to practice brainwashing techniques and forced coercion on them is not forcing by any means. Let us also remind us that it's the wrong of the woman cause "she is weak willed", lol.

In regards to men, they are also 'coerced' to marry, based on some trivial penalties aka they will excommunicate you from your own family, or your own inheritance if you do not marry the 'recommended' cousin or girl.

VoiceofEnki said:
I'm sure sero has read the talmud as well, which is of course so peaceful and healthy for everyone. Doesn't talk about enslaving all of mankind, cannabalism, pedophilia, endless murder and blood sacrifice at all of course, this is all just anti-semitism and bigotry of course.
Pisslamic filth is just as vile, disturbing and alien as judaism. All the abrahamic filth is the same in this regard and all must be rejected completely and totally, because if they are accepted in any form they destroy everything.

This is a shortened docu version of the documentary called Eerwraak (literally translated: Honorrevenge) of which I couldn't find a version with english subtitles (but you can turn them on on this video and set them to auto translate - it wont be accurate though) and it is about the girls that are threatened to be killed by their family for various reasons.
Honor killings are outlawed in NL, yet those girls have to face these problems in our country. This is an European country that this documentary has been made in, and thus is not a 'muslim of the middle eastern only problem'.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

This should be common sense, why people lose sight of this im not sure. The diet thing confuses me. You are free to do whatever, however this does not make you free from consequences. Like eating healthy is just so some sort of fetish, because science and reality be damned.

You are free to choose your choices but you are not free to choose your consequences. If science says sugar is bad and stevia works better with the body or just avoiding both. To reduce inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. Then choosing to eat sugar doesnt make you cool or a rebel, it makes you a dumbass.

On one hand, You are free to enjoy the life of being a fat ass who cant think or gets Diabetes. However, just choosing ahh im free lets eat sugar, doesnt suddenly grant you the power to be immune of its affects.

Please live your life how you want. Very far away from me. Humanity has not yet come back to common sense and intellectual reasoning. So I will raise my own life stock and food, way away from other people.

Let us also remember Hitler pushed anti smoking campaigns, was a vegetarian and wanted a people in great physical shape. Which in America can not occur just through exercise, thanks to the posions in the food.

Now im not a vegetarian, keto blah blah whatever. But if one is smart they will study what they put in their mouth, before devouring it like a mindless american. Thats just my two cents on the topic of common sense....which should just be understood...in the first place....lol
Syt said:
Hi HPS Maxine,
Thank you very much for sharing and guiding us on sexuality.

I have a question on something you said regarding spirit sex:

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Are you referring to having an Incubus/ Succubus and sex via astral projection?
Or is there a specific working/ meditation for spirit sex?
Yes, Incubus/Succubus.

Below I am speculating and imagining what might (or might not) be possible with the use of Elementals.

Presumably, you could also create an Elemental, who is like a Thoughtform but more advanced, like a mini-Soul or lesser-Soul, with an actual level/amount of intelligence and who has less than all of the Elements (for example one or two) which you can use for a purpose. Presumably this could be used to have a sexual 'companion' or perhaps an actual sexual companion - but Element work is very advanced work and can be quite dangerous if you are a n00b to it.

This way, you could connect with the Elemental sexually and a part of this sexual energy could keep the Elemental empowered and under your control. Perhaps (if possible) this Elemental could learn and grow - but then you'd have to be his/her/its(?) master/mistress at least until s/he/it can gain proper consciousness and decide to remain loyal to you, or if you decide to give him/her/it 'free will' and a choice... Many amounts of much time later, perhaps you could impregnate this much-more-advanced Elemental into a Physical Body and have your Physical love of/from/with this Elemental.

Notice that I am speculating about this because it might not be possible due to not being advanced enough, or maybe this amount of advancement and interaction is not possible with Elementals; full Souls might be required instead.
Sero, you have got some nerve to promote and defend Islam here. You can simply use the excuse of women being weak when it comes to any mistreatment at the hands of men; even if a woman is beaten, one can use the excuse the woman was just "too weak" to fight back. That is a really weak line of defense, because the point at large here is that those family members shouldn't pressure young girls and brainwash them into making decisions they do not want- that is the same thing as being forced. This is a flaw in your logic that is preventing you from seeing the truth.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Jack said:
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,
Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.
What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?
Do some research on Islam. Islam is depraved and rotten beyond words. Women are forced to wear garments of shame. Covered head to toe, even their faces and strictly kept segregated from men. Islam is thoroughly mysoginistic (women hating). There are so-called "honor killings" where a male family member will murder a female relative for many different reasons. One being having sex outside of marriage. The marriages are arranged and forced. One incident, a young girl was doused with gasoline and set on fire, as her family saw she was pregnant. Other women drove her to a local hospital. She ran from her relative attacker and survived. At the hospital, she was left to die. There were others in the same situation. The hospital staff didn't even bother to treat her. I wrote an article about this titled "Islam."

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Oh your talking about that kind of segregation. I have read about it in my studies about the mosque thing and other misogynistic stuff. Thanks for clearing this up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
I couldn't understand what you meant by this ,
Another tactic these programs use is segregation of the sexes. This encourages homosexuality. Unbeknownst to many, homosexuality is rampant in Islam, as women are off limits. The Islamic women also indulge in same sex relations.
What does "women are off limits" means ? Do you mean at home ? Are you hinting that when the men are out, the women (multiple wives of the man) have same sex relations ?

In many places segregation of the sexes in schools and also public life was done constantly. Schools, even religious spaces, even workplaces etc.

One example here is also the church which was made 'men only' and men are constantly engaging in homosexuality, or prisons, where even people who are not really homosexual under conditions of their own nature will engage in homosexuality anyway.

And yes, when the "Hardcore Muslim Man" with 5 or more wives is out of home, all these women are probably hitting it with one another or other women, as it's only sensible for them to do so. In more than one ways their sex drives are totally pent up. Of course this is also a punishable offense. If one woman cheats in Islam they are to be killed. Still, under this threat, women do this anyway. So to play it safer they engage in relations with others women unbeknownst to their husbands.

In Islam pedophilia is extremely common, same as incest relationships. To find women is difficult, and to meet women outside can be impossible, as most women go around with a 'guide' or a family member, and if you hit on the woman which is taken, this can cause serious issues with the woman. Even in more open minded places like UAE, this can still prove deadly for the woman. Women are forced to marry whom their family wants, in many cases, a first or second grade cousin.
That's a very bad situation to be in if your a woman.
Syt said:
Hi HPS Maxine,
Thank you very much for sharing and guiding us on sexuality.

I have a question on something you said regarding spirit sex:

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Are you referring to having an Incubus/ Succubus and sex via astral projection?
Or is there a specific working/ meditation for spirit sex?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Yes,succumbus and incubus
Islamic Republic of Iran sentences lawyer who defends women who don’t wear hijab to 38 years prison, 148 lashes

Iranian human rights lawyer Sotoudeh sentenced to 38 years in prison, 148 lashes, says family,” ANI, March 13, 2019
Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has been sentenced to serve 38 years in prison and 148 lashes, according to her family.
Sotoudeh was convicted of “gathering and colluding to commit crimes against national security” and for “insulting the Supreme Leader,” according to IRNA.
She is renowned for representing human rights defenders, dissidents, and women who protested against the compulsory wearing of a headscarf in the country.
Nasrin Sotoudeh’s husband, Reza Khandan, wrote in a Facebook post that she has been sentenced to 33 years and 148 lashes. Stating that she was awarded five years in prison in absentia, her punishment now amounts to a total of 38 years in prison.
Contradicting Khandan, the state media, citing the judge in the case, Mohammad Moghiseh, stated that Sotoudeh has been sentenced to seven years in prison.
However, the reason for the discrepancy in the reports was not immediately clear….
Aldrick Strickland said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

This should be common sense, why people lose sight of this im not sure. The diet thing confuses me. You are free to do whatever, however this does not make you free from consequences. Like eating healthy is just so some sort of fetish, because science and reality be damned.

You are free to choose your choices but you are not free to choose your consequences. If science says sugar is bad and stevia works better with the body or just avoiding both. To reduce inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. Then choosing to eat sugar doesnt make you cool or a rebel, it makes you a dumbass.

On one hand, You are free to enjoy the life of being a fat ass who cant think or gets Diabetes. However, just choosing ahh im free lets eat sugar, doesnt suddenly grant you the power to be immune of its affects.

Please live your life how you want. Very far away from me. Humanity has not yet come back to common sense and intellectual reasoning. So I will raise my own life stock and food, way away from other people.

Let us also remember Hitler pushed anti smoking campaigns, was a vegetarian and wanted a people in great physical shape. Which in America can not occur just through exercise, thanks to the posions in the food.

Now im not a vegetarian, keto blah blah whatever. But if one is smart they will study what they put in their mouth, before devouring it like a mindless american. Thats just my two cents on the topic of common sense....which should just be understood...in the first place....lol

I wanna be veg. I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus if u eat meat u become unfit and unclean for many magical operations.
occultumlapidem said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

This should be common sense, why people lose sight of this im not sure. The diet thing confuses me. You are free to do whatever, however this does not make you free from consequences. Like eating healthy is just so some sort of fetish, because science and reality be damned.

You are free to choose your choices but you are not free to choose your consequences. If science says sugar is bad and stevia works better with the body or just avoiding both. To reduce inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. Then choosing to eat sugar doesnt make you cool or a rebel, it makes you a dumbass.

On one hand, You are free to enjoy the life of being a fat ass who cant think or gets Diabetes. However, just choosing ahh im free lets eat sugar, doesnt suddenly grant you the power to be immune of its affects.

Please live your life how you want. Very far away from me. Humanity has not yet come back to common sense and intellectual reasoning. So I will raise my own life stock and food, way away from other people.

Let us also remember Hitler pushed anti smoking campaigns, was a vegetarian and wanted a people in great physical shape. Which in America can not occur just through exercise, thanks to the posions in the food.

Now im not a vegetarian, keto blah blah whatever. But if one is smart they will study what they put in their mouth, before devouring it like a mindless american. Thats just my two cents on the topic of common sense....which should just be understood...in the first place....lol

I wanna be veg. I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus if u eat meat u become unfit and unclean for many magical operations.
After all the numerous articles about the dangers of veganism you say this? you're a retard.
I disagree with the Liberal tone of this post. But then again who am I to know anything? You probably understand the Nazis better than anyone.
occultumlapidem said:
I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus
The christians burnt more roman books than you could ever imagine. And the christian monks (who copied and translated everything that we have left from the roman times) proudly bragged they they twisted and changed every single thing that they didn't just burn completely. This is why you see so many "greek and roman" books that look like chapters straight from the bible. You need to think for yourself from a true Satanic perspective, not just blindly trust whatever crazy shit you dig up from christian sources. While at the same time actively ingesting more and more christian sources and getting worse.

It's honestly getting harder to tell if you are completely lost in some kind of planet transit effect (neptune making you crazy?) Or if you are an enemy infiltrator getting more bold in spreading dumb shit on purpose.
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
I disagree with the Liberal tone of this post. But then again who am I to know anything? You probably understand the Nazis better than anyone.

The situation is while non race mixing is the case for anyone involved, there is nothing of liberalism here. Non Race Mixing is our eternal default. Other than that, people can and will do anything they please whether you or anyone else tries to complain about it or not.

Nor you, nor anyone else should decide who will have sex with whom. At best any state authority or any other authority can only put forth, hopefully, proper knowledge and recommendation. Even the people in the "Lebensraum" houses were on their own consent, and because they wanted to.

To those who think they can 'tame' nature, try again what the BS of Christianity says, and then this is how you will end up with a second round of boundless race mixers and people pent up to the brim, going to Congo to have 'what they want' and taking in all foreigners to fulfill fantasies.

Christianity burned gays and created all sorts of laws to stop them from existing. But nature also creates a small percent of people naturally gay, and also hermaphrodite etc. The ethics of "Christianity" also say one will go to hell if they have 'extramarital' affairs, but guess what, people have these ANYWAY and they aren't going to ask you or anyone else about it. Because this is none of your business.

Deprogramming from xianity is a necessity in order to understand National Socialism in anyway, shape or form. The Nazis didn't bust anyone's door down for sexual preferences or over if they cheated or had an extramarital affair or not. No serious government or grand authority has any time for this foolery and low level action. The only reason for this to concern a state if is one is to serve in a public office, and even then, only in cases of severity.

By natural course 97% of people will be simply 'heterosexual' and all that this entails for the procreation of a race. Instating a proper culture guarantees beyond any doubt any necessary birthrates.

Only dumb celibate christians and communists have the mental illness and the time to do this worthless drivel, such as busting people's doors and attacking them over their so called 'sexuality'.

Anything between consenting adults of the same race, that agree on the things they are to do goes.

If you are of the belief you need to monitor people and where they put their gentials and pretend this is some sort of national purpose, I suggest you throw the bible out the window. Nature has you 'covered' here already. There is no need for a ghoul to impose anything. Natural order decides these on her own.
Aquarius said:
occultumlapidem said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
This should be common sense, why people lose sight of this im not sure. The diet thing confuses me. You are free to do whatever, however this does not make you free from consequences. Like eating healthy is just so some sort of fetish, because science and reality be damned.

You are free to choose your choices but you are not free to choose your consequences. If science says sugar is bad and stevia works better with the body or just avoiding both. To reduce inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. Then choosing to eat sugar doesnt make you cool or a rebel, it makes you a dumbass.

On one hand, You are free to enjoy the life of being a fat ass who cant think or gets Diabetes. However, just choosing ahh im free lets eat sugar, doesnt suddenly grant you the power to be immune of its affects.

Please live your life how you want. Very far away from me. Humanity has not yet come back to common sense and intellectual reasoning. So I will raise my own life stock and food, way away from other people.

Let us also remember Hitler pushed anti smoking campaigns, was a vegetarian and wanted a people in great physical shape. Which in America can not occur just through exercise, thanks to the posions in the food.

Now im not a vegetarian, keto blah blah whatever. But if one is smart they will study what they put in their mouth, before devouring it like a mindless american. Thats just my two cents on the topic of common sense....which should just be understood...in the first place....lol

I wanna be veg. I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus if u eat meat u become unfit and unclean for many magical operations.
After all the numerous articles about the dangers of veganism you say this? you're a retard.

See and THIS, this right here is why these seemingly pointless posts have to be written in the first place. I dunno if I just have common sense or a very high intelligence. But most of this shit is so simple its rediculous. I was reading the comments about porn lately, that was another one.

I am not addicted to porn. But do I like to watch Hot European Guys with wash board abs smash each other every now and then? Duh. Do I care if others do not approve? I am a fucking Satanist so I didnt get here seeking retards approval for what I do.

Put it on the main JOS page, dont watch porn. Guess what, still gonna watch it. As for diet and exercise I work relentlessly at it and guess what, I have the results. Still not where I want to be, I have abs but not wash board yet. You cant look like me or better yet some of my friends by sitting on your ass eating potato chips and then magically because law of whatever you look good. Also, if you eat like a vegetarian you will look like one, a stick. That being said I dont eat alot of meat or alot of anything as I dont get that hungry.

I eat organic vegetables, organic nuts and some grass fed organic meats. Then filtered water. I eat Fruit in the summer if its in season. Basically I eat how they did 100 years ago and beyond. I dont eat grains because my research and experience says theyre shit.

But do your own research. Point is yes there is no dogma. THINK FOR YOURSELF.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
I disagree with the Liberal tone of this post. But then again who am I to know anything? You probably understand the Nazis better than anyone.

The situation is while non race mixing is the case for anyone involved, there is nothing of liberalism here. Non Race Mixing is our eternal default. Other than that, people can and will do anything they please whether you or anyone else tries to complain about it or not.


Lets just take into consideration cities today. 15.4% of the population in los angeles is admitted homo Sexual. Thats not including bisexuals and those in the closet. When the pagan world returns and it looks like ancient greece again. It is quite foolish if one wants to make up incredibly low numbers of statistics to believe in when speculating prevelence of Sexuality too come.
Certain types of pornography would be considered bad though wouldn't they? Like interracial pornography. I've had issues with such things in my past and am working on destroying that aspect of my being, but I do sometimes wonder if I can be a Satanist, having looked at such things. It is heavily pushed and I can be rather obsessive, so I'm not sure
Hey, Hps, I want to ask a question about summoning a succubus when writing a letter to father and stating my needs do i write if i want multiple partners or if it is a love/sex relationship only and father satan well get the right one for me or do i state what i want in her personality too. Also what does a beginner need to do first to be able to connect to my succubus ex: Chakra openings?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


And also, what's next from Sero, is that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, the Quran said so, and it's followed to the letter. No, it's really not.

This is why for example, in Islamic countries that are deep into Islam, women are stacked all into the same house, including cousins etc. Despite what the Peaceful Quran of Mr Sero says. The 'better' conditions are only practiced in UAE and other places like that. Also the stoning for adultery is not practiced there, but that is one of the very few places.

People that I have spoken with (defectors of Islam from numerous Islamic countries) say that most of these laws are not really 'upheld' with women and anything else. And other places know way less than people who have read the "Quran" and took it at face value.

You can't FORCE a woman to marry a man, but you can brainwash her since infancy to marry her own cousin, and that's not FORCING, that's blame on the woman, it's her weakness. It's all due to her being weak and all.

You can't force people but to practice brainwashing techniques and forced coercion on them is not forcing by any means. Let us also remind us that it's the wrong of the woman cause "she is weak willed", lol.

In regards to men, they are also 'coerced' to marry, based on some trivial penalties aka they will excommunicate you from your own family, or your own inheritance if you do not marry the 'recommended' cousin or girl.

Do you still read the Quran and decided to practice some Taqiyya here just to make sure?

I know Muslims who say the Quran doesn't even talk about killing infidels either. They read it too. It's probably sending them with love into the afterlife with the smooth edge of a blade, that's all. It's all a humane practice for the bettermen of mankind.

I'm not defending Islam, I'm simply stating that Islam does not instruct you to do such things. You sounded offended because Islam does not permit those things, yet Muslims do it, therefore Islam is not evil in this aspect, Muslims are.

In no way did I say I'm defending Islam, I'm defending the false points you're calling Islam with, because it is an evil religion and that is an indisputable truth, just as all religions, but not in this regard. Are women treated like shit in Islamic countries? Sure they are, but does Islam allow a lot of the ridiculous things that happen? It doesn't, but people follow their pleasures nevertheless.

TLDR: Blame the Muslims in this regard, not Islam.
Sero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sero said:

And also, what's next from Sero, is that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, the Quran said so, and it's followed to the letter. No, it's really not.

TLDR: Blame the Muslims in this regard, not Islam.

And here it goes exactly as I told you.

It seems to skip yours and many other people's attention that what books say in these religions are only injections for further issues.

For example, Americans claim to be "christians". Christianity preaches chastity and suppression, and this leads them elsewhere in revulsion. Christianity "washes its hands" but it is Christianity that is the root of the social chaos with the "thou shall nots" that it instated. On the floor level it makes it look like it told them to not do that, but it did.

Islam instates first that women are swine and that the prophet married a 9 year old, then taking 10 year old boys in hotels in Islamic countries becomes normalized. But Islam is not about pedophillia, cause yadda yadda lawyer shit.

Then the jews who created all this "wash the hands" and blame the Muslims, and they the people do it. But they gave them the basis for it. But its the "peoples fault".
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
I disagree with the Liberal tone of this post. But then again who am I to know anything? You probably understand the Nazis better than anyone.

The situation is while non race mixing is the case for anyone involved, there is nothing of liberalism here. Non Race Mixing is our eternal default. Other than that, people can and will do anything they please whether you or anyone else tries to complain about it or not.


Lets just take into consideration cities today. 15.4% of the population in los angeles is admitted homo Sexual. Thats not including bisexuals and those in the closet. When the pagan world returns and it looks like ancient greece again. It is quite foolish if one wants to make up incredibly low numbers of statistics to believe in when speculating prevelence of Sexuality too come.

I really do not want to open this debate, but I will just say, birds of the same flock do flock together.

The impressionable people are too many in all western countries to argue on any natural basis at this point.

I knew people who fake they are homosexuals merely for benefits or to be distinct or for social recognition, or just plain experimentation.

What HP Jake said who is an expert on these matters said a figure of 3 or 5. This also makes sense from a natural standpoint. Now many people also do just experiment around to "find themselves", which probably adds to this percent.

"I just had to try it" is not the same as "other men attracted me since I was 3 years old".
Sero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sero said:

And also, what's next from Sero, is that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, the Quran said so, and it's followed to the letter. No, it's really not.

This is why for example, in Islamic countries that are deep into Islam, women are stacked all into the same house, including cousins etc. Despite what the Peaceful Quran of Mr Sero says. The 'better' conditions are only practiced in UAE and other places like that. Also the stoning for adultery is not practiced there, but that is one of the very few places.

People that I have spoken with (defectors of Islam from numerous Islamic countries) say that most of these laws are not really 'upheld' with women and anything else. And other places know way less than people who have read the "Quran" and took it at face value.

You can't FORCE a woman to marry a man, but you can brainwash her since infancy to marry her own cousin, and that's not FORCING, that's blame on the woman, it's her weakness. It's all due to her being weak and all.

You can't force people but to practice brainwashing techniques and forced coercion on them is not forcing by any means. Let us also remind us that it's the wrong of the woman cause "she is weak willed", lol.

In regards to men, they are also 'coerced' to marry, based on some trivial penalties aka they will excommunicate you from your own family, or your own inheritance if you do not marry the 'recommended' cousin or girl.

Do you still read the Quran and decided to practice some Taqiyya here just to make sure?

I know Muslims who say the Quran doesn't even talk about killing infidels either. They read it too. It's probably sending them with love into the afterlife with the smooth edge of a blade, that's all. It's all a humane practice for the bettermen of mankind.

I'm not defending Islam, I'm simply stating that Islam does not instruct you to do such things. You sounded offended because Islam does not permit those things, yet Muslims do it, therefore Islam is not evil in this aspect, Muslims are.

In no way did I say I'm defending Islam, I'm defending the false points you're calling Islam with, because it is an evil religion and that is an indisputable truth, just as all religions, but not in this regard. Are women treated like shit in Islamic countries? Sure they are, but does Islam allow a lot of the ridiculous things that happen? It doesn't, but people follow their pleasures nevertheless.

TLDR: Blame the Muslims in this regard, not Islam.
I can see you still need some deprogramming
The qoran states that a man can hit his wife and rape his slave,and let me tell you something,religion is psychology,it affects the peoples mind and soul,so if pedophile Mohammed marries a 10 years old girl it is putting in the mindset of Muslim that it is legal to marry 10 years old and that is why pedophilia is rampant in islam,stop trying to defend islam and say you are not,it is a vile religion and that is what it is,a child can not choose who to marry so saying that Islam allow choice is retarded,even the girls who grow up a little marry because they don't want to be a disgrace to the family not because they love the person they are getting married to,only in few places that you see Muslims marring who they choose and that is if the family are a little bit allowing,still this does not mean any thing to change that Islam is a violent religion and should not be defended in anyway by a spiritual satanist.what you should be thinking about is destroying the influence of Islam not defending it with what and what it does not do.
Aquarius said:
occultumlapidem said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
This should be common sense, why people lose sight of this im not sure. The diet thing confuses me. You are free to do whatever, however this does not make you free from consequences. Like eating healthy is just so some sort of fetish, because science and reality be damned.

You are free to choose your choices but you are not free to choose your consequences. If science says sugar is bad and stevia works better with the body or just avoiding both. To reduce inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. Then choosing to eat sugar doesnt make you cool or a rebel, it makes you a dumbass.

On one hand, You are free to enjoy the life of being a fat ass who cant think or gets Diabetes. However, just choosing ahh im free lets eat sugar, doesnt suddenly grant you the power to be immune of its affects.

Please live your life how you want. Very far away from me. Humanity has not yet come back to common sense and intellectual reasoning. So I will raise my own life stock and food, way away from other people.

Let us also remember Hitler pushed anti smoking campaigns, was a vegetarian and wanted a people in great physical shape. Which in America can not occur just through exercise, thanks to the posions in the food.

Now im not a vegetarian, keto blah blah whatever. But if one is smart they will study what they put in their mouth, before devouring it like a mindless american. Thats just my two cents on the topic of common sense....which should just be understood...in the first place....lol

I wanna be veg. I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus if u eat meat u become unfit and unclean for many magical operations.
After all the numerous articles about the dangers of veganism you say this? you're a retard.

I only eat food because I have too. I wanna be like a hindu God-man standing one foot on a pole without moving or eating for 6 months!
When you consider that the chromosomal structure of a girl is XX and the chromosomes of a boy is XY, then homosexuality or bisexuality doesn't seem so outlandish. Every boy is derived from technically a half female chromosomal set, and a Y half; all men are half female by this argument. It's also true that all embryos are able to differentiate into either a female or a male. You gestate in utero for the first 12 weeks with no penis or vagina, and then what your body can differentiate into either of the two from the same progenitor sexual organs. Males and females really must serve two sides of the same coin. To condemn homosexuality is like saying we are wrong for finding attraction in simply our own species which started off as a undifferentiated. Our souls and so forth develop us further, but we are all derived out of Satan's own genetic compounds which I assume he used to create man, and woman, all from his own male genes. As men carry X and Y, perhaps it isn't at all that hard to create XX from yourself, and then the XY too, and walah, Satan has fostered humanity from his own male genetic material, and whatever else existed to couple with it (some slaves with no reproductive organs or something).


Any species that uses sexual reproduction between two genders to breed does it primarily for the genetic diversity in offspring. All the social brainwashing about what's masculine, what's feminine, what's hetero, what's homo, it's all a distortion of normal human behavior in my opinion. The Gods are the only beings I've come into contact with that have demonstrated what I've instinctively always felt was a no nonsense, normal, healthy and humane way to live and be.

Only in the lunatic teachings of a dew religious sect would you find insanity and depravity so insurmountable that the most natural and instinctual human behaviours of fornication and sexual reproduction are rife with endless variants of psychological trauma, crippling neurosis, pedophilia, genital mutilation, rape, and common found fear of love and intimacy.

Great Sermon.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The situation is while non race mixing is the case for anyone involved, there is nothing of liberalism here. Non Race Mixing is our eternal default. Other than that, people can and will do anything they please whether you or anyone else tries to complain about it or not.


Lets just take into consideration cities today. 15.4% of the population in los angeles is admitted homo Sexual. Thats not including bisexuals and those in the closet. When the pagan world returns and it looks like ancient greece again. It is quite foolish if one wants to make up incredibly low numbers of statistics to believe in when speculating prevelence of Sexuality too come.

I really do not want to open this debate, but I will just say, birds of the same flock do flock together.

The impressionable people are too many in all western countries to argue on any natural basis at this point.

I knew people who fake they are homosexuals merely for benefits or to be distinct or for social recognition, or just plain experimentation.

What HP Jake said who is an expert on these matters said a figure of 3 or 5. This also makes sense from a natural standpoint. Now many people also do just experiment around to "find themselves", which probably adds to this percent.

"I just had to try it" is not the same as "other men attracted me since I was 3 years old".

Yes everyone in the West is stupid and cannot reach logical common sense. All that shows is a self entitlement issue. But thats okay.

The rest was very coherent and concise. I'll accept that. I suppose we shall see when the day comes. I'm not sure what the aversion here is.

I just want all sexuality to be free. Where Aryans March naked and bisexual orgies occur for celebration. Not this aversion to oh dear theyre naked. Or oh no there can't be to much gay stuff going on, that would be a tragedy.

If its only a small percentage then so be it. The point is no one will care either way. Which is truly the main argument I pose.

Its an unimportant issue, it just cracks me up the reactions I get.
occultumlapidem said:
Aquarius said:
occultumlapidem said:
I wanna be veg. I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus if u eat meat u become unfit and unclean for many magical operations.
After all the numerous articles about the dangers of veganism you say this? you're a retard.

I only eat food because I have too. I wanna be like a hindu God-man standing one foot on a pole without moving or eating for 6 months!
Bro get the fuck out your becoming annoying
occultumlapidem said:
I only eat food because I have too. I wanna be like a hindu God-man standing one foot on a pole without moving or eating for 6 months!
Not that you'll heed what I'm about to tell you, but it makes little sense that you're here, with the ability to study Satan's Library and Joy of Satan, and despite all of that, you've been parroting around corrupted knowledge, Jewish dogma, saying you want to smoke, reading from this "wizardology" book, and continuing to post utter nonsense. What all of this leads to ultimately is your own self-destruction as you go down the rabbit hole of a drugged up New Ager. The clergy has warned about the kind of thinking you're exhibiting lately countless times before, attempting to prevent people from caving in to stupidity and destroying themselves, but you've chosen to ignore those warnings, therefore you can kiss real spiritual growth good bye and say hello to continued degeneration of your soul. Pretending you're Gandalf isn't going to help at all, Gandalf is a fictional character.
I kept the fellow around to help him out to study, but if this weird stuff continues, he will have to develop Gandalf Theory in his personal notes, as people here are getting really disturbed. People tried again and again to help.

We are not a New Age Kosher group, our agenda is arrayed clearly for all. If one feels 'uncomfortable' and wants to become a mermaid, this is not the group to do this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
