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On Celibacy

Sex is very depleting (especially for men). Not saying this out of a moralistic perspective but simply a biological/scientific one: the vast, vast majority of people today are too depleted/weak to have regular orgasms and still advance at the same time. There is a huge difference between the people of today and the spiritual elite of ancient Greece/India/Egypt/etc. And even they would be very careful about how they use their sexual energy: mostly with a loving partner (not necessarily married, my guess is we are meant to be serial monogamists), as opposed to masturbation/one night stands.

Again, I am speaking from a scientific perspective in terms of energy. I do definitely agree that feeling guilty about having sex for moralistic reasons and blaming yourself for having fetishes is counterproductive and will lead to neurosis.
I am replying to the following in this post -

HP. Hoodedcobra666
Aldrick Strickland
Legendary Creature

These were just caught in the net -

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
I disagree with the Liberal tone of this post. But then again who am I to know anything? You probably understand the Nazis better than anyone.
If you are of the belief you need to monitor people and where they put their gentials and pretend this is some sort of national purpose,
then you are a fucking pervert and you need to keep your fucking neb out!

Oh, sorry. I couldn't help mesen! :p

Seriously, though (although, I was being serious already) - what business is it of yours where anyone puts their anything? No bullshit about "god said" or "goddidditt", please; why is it your business - and more to the point, why do you think it is your business?!

These are rhetorical questions; I used to be a nearly-fundy christian, so I know what (any christian thinks) business it is of theirs, and also generally why people can think it is their business, as well.

Aldrick Strickland said:
Aquarius said:
occultumlapidem said:
I wanna be veg. I read in the greco Roman magical papyrus if u eat meat u become unfit and unclean for many magical operations.
After all the numerous articles about the dangers of veganism you say this? you're a retard.

See and THIS, this right here is why these seemingly pointless posts have to be written in the first place. I dunno if I just have common sense or a very high intelligence. But most of this shit is so simple its rediculous. I was reading the comments about porn lately, that was another one.

I am not addicted to porn. But do I like to watch Hot European Guys with wash board abs smash each other every now and then? Duh. Do I care if others do not approve? I am a fucking Satanist so I didnt get here seeking retards approval for what I do.

Put it on the main JOS page, dont watch porn. Guess what, still gonna watch it.
On the topic of watching questionable (as according to whom?!) and other-Race porn - if you are able to not be duped (juped) into being a sheep and acting on it, then perhaps it is not bad, or OK, or fine... However, that focusses on other-Race persons, not your own, which then would be in your Soul and which would influence you in future times and lives.

I eat organic vegetables, organic nuts and some grass fed organic meats. Then filtered water.
You eat filtered water?

Legendary Creature said:
Certain types of pornography would be considered bad though wouldn't they? Like interracial pornography. I've had issues with such things in my past and am working on destroying that aspect of my being, but I do sometimes wonder if I can be a Satanist, having looked at such things. It is heavily pushed and I can be rather obsessive, so I'm not sure
I'm going to say something else perhaps controversial which I was told before I decided to be a jew-arse-sucking slave retard - "you don't change then become a christian; you become a christian then you change"; you don't have to worry about being right or wrong; just be. Get on with the workings and meditations and developing a proper relationship with Satan, or at least your Guardian Daemon/s/Daemoness/es, and things will correct themselves Naturally. (It could be possible that consciously and/or unconsciously you might oppose, resist these Natural changes, though.) As for the christian having "just bed" and allegedly "getting on with it", as I just said here to you to do - 2000 years of things hasn't helped them! We, on the other hand, can do things in short order - much shorter order. Consider what I say below regarding from the beginning of the millenium!

If you want to be a Spiritual Satanist and genuinely you believe that it is for you, that it is correct and true and real, that Satan is real and not the, nor any, devil, that the jew shit which has raped this Planet for so many centuries needs to be eradicated 100%, etc... then be a Spiritual Satanist. If you are doing "wrong"*, wrong*, or wrong* things**, then you can still be a Spiritual Satanist, probably. I say "probably" because this is not definite nor absolute; if you are not a jew, but you love the jew and help the jew then you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist; if you do some shit things, then you can stop and change and do cool things instead. Man is judged by his actions, not by his lip-service; the jew is master of lip-service and clandestine anti-Human, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific, anti-Natural, anti-Earth-and-Her-Inhabitants actions. Nearly all politicians are dirty, and they pretend to have Article 50 to leave the European jewnion, which might be revoked as the dirty who wrote it said it was not meant to be used... They give lip-service and no actions. theresa may, dirty unelected PM, lost its voice and used that to say it knows the voice of the Country. christians are idiots, as well - they give lip-service that "'god' is good" and "this is this" and "that is that", and say "Amen" at the end of prayers which references Amon Ra... with all of this lip-service for many centuries, Africans are still dirt poor as shit and Children are starving to death - and oh!, priests/bishops/what-the-fuck-evers, "god"'s chosen, appointed, annointed, ordained workers, are raping nuns and Children left, right, and centre worldwide! Lip-service is nothing; actions are everything. (Look in my posts for more about these things...)

Say that you are consciously willing to be a Spiritual Satanist, do the workings and mediations and develop a proper relationship with Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, and better Yourself and the Universe, and you are trying to do these things, but also you are doing X thing which is fucking shit, in one way which may be terribly shit (but not quite wrong, as below) - you can still change to do productive, beneficial, helpful things. It's quite impossible to change at the click of anyone's fingers, at the drop of a hat. Processes exist and in a sense preside. You can't escape processes - and look at the jewed world; it's full of processes which fuck us up and fuck us over and fuck us around! We have "cheats" (although, it's more like we are restoring these things which were taken away from us by force and usurpation/appropriation) which we can use to win quicker. See any and all things which take time and have to "go through the proper channels" and which make you wait and go all round the houses to get anywhere, etc. - we can use Magick to do things in a more overall, direct and efficient way, with fuller and lasting results.

  • after we reach a certain level, amount of advancement and empowerement, we could manipulate energy to keep us healthy and not needing to eat (but just eat for pleasure); at the moment, we have to work/get benefits and go to the shop and buy things and prepare/cook them then eat them and exercise, etc.
  • we need to go to the doctor's for diagnoses and prescriptions and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and ingest them for a number of days and possibly have repeat prescriptions and possibly pay for them... - and there are billions and trillions and quadrillions of different "medicines" for different things; we, on the other hand, can use healing Magick, simply brilliant bright white-gold light, to heal things in a non-toxic, non-zombifying way, non-impotent way, and we can do this at home and anywhere.
  • we have to earn money from work/government and wait for the gym to be open, drive/walk there, be registered and inducted, and use the machines...; if advanced enough, we could use Magick at home and anywhere at any time to give us sexy, big muscles and lose weight to have a nice BMI.
  • World War Two, the Nazis used very powerful weaponry and ships and things to get somewhere, but that still wasn't enough; we know (some of) what happened with that. (Check our sites for more accurate information about those things...) We, the Joy of Satan Ministries, now, since about 2001 or 2002, have managed to begin to rape the jew back for all of its shit. It was necessary to do some RtRs before the Final RtR was done; this is a process in and of itself, but also the RtRs as a whole, as Magick, are much quicker and broader and less constricted into processes.
    • if it was not for Lord Hitler and the Nazis, then we wouldn't have sped-up in advancing technologically in the last century or so; then we wouldn't have the 666 WWW Internet, which is difficult to control and regulate (despite the jew's repeated and repeated attempts to do so); while WW2 was its own process, that was also a part of the same other process to give us the Internet now so we can spread the truth about things. A heck of a lot of things have happened since the 1900s and advancement has exploded - and along with it, the jew is losing so, so painfully!
  • there are more examples that you and anyone could think of.

The jew knows that Physicality, this Physical Realm, is as slow as fuck, and the jew goes slower still deliberately to be in control, whereas in literal and actual terms, if we project Astrally and visit the Astral and Higher Dimensions (either by going there with our Astral Body, or indirectly by raising our vibrational levels), then there is no need nor limit for time and space/distance/travel there; it is instantaneous. We can raise energy and give it to Satan to use; visualise the ball of energy before Him and it would appear there instantaneously, despite LORD Satan's Physical abode being thousands of light-years away. Like pathways within our Souls (144 000 nadis), the jew created "pathways" to slow things down Physically so it could be in control; the jew is a parasite and it rotted us from within. If the jew is at the top - and only a fool would deny such - then we can use a business term to explain things in a fashion - a fish rots from the head down.

In and amongst this, you must work within the processes and improve yourself Spiritually/Metaphysically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally/Psychologically. Once you get on well with advancing and empowering yourself, you may just find that any and all of these crappy, shitty things you do - porn and anything else - become the verbal shrug - meh - in your life, that you don't care about them anymore, that you're not interested in them anymore, that there are more important (rather, actually important) things to do. Porn, and a lot of things, are "entertainment" - escapism from the shit that the jew thrust upon you relentlessly (if you'll mind the pun here, but in fact rape is thrust against one without permission, and the jew rapes (in non-sexual, but also sexual, ways) us, so...). Don't let the jew win; don't be jewed! The best escapism is Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism is your(true)self-ism. That way, you can be whomever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, live your life however you want to live it, have your world however you want it - and if some of these things that you decide to do and be are "wrong", then fine; if they are wrong, then...that's up to you; if they are wrong then you'll be rebuked surely.

e.g. if you were a lower Nordic and you decided to oppose Satan by siding with the jew's overlords against us, then you'll be (more than) rebuked in due course (I can only guess that there might be some lower Nordics who decided to remain loyal to Satan but that is wild speculation). As such - there is a line not to be crossed; can any of these defected lower Nordics repent and return? Would Satan, and any other God or Goddess...not welcome but allow them back?! At what point did they cross the point of no return, at what point did they cross the line and go too far? Is there any possibility for them to come back? i.e. Satan says, I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. Satan also says, No god has a right to interfere in my affairs... If you do your own and have your own affairs, then who's to stop you - as long as they do not conflict with Satan's affairs? It just so fecking 'appens that I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody - Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me. LORD Beelzebub is one who can, and if necessary will, punish! Any and all Gods and Goddesses can and do punish if need-be, of course, but He is a more prominent God to sort out conflicts - but not petty squabbles, though, of course.

Again to be a bit controversial, I, at least partly, agree with Aldrick Strickland - but there has to be caution taken so as to not go too far and say "Fuck you all" to everyone and everything, just so we can do our own things all willy-nilly. For some, once we advance to a certain point or points, we can become very arrogant and perhaps also pious to our own holier-than-thou delusions of grandeur. I'm not accusing Aldrick Strickland of that, but it just reminded me of it.

*meaning -
  • "wrong"
    • as according to whom?,
  • wrong
    • incorrect/bad/destructive... things, and
  • wrong
    • things which are very and seriously wrong/bad/evil...
**I might say all things, in one way, on one side, in one bias, fall into these 3 categories

mercury_wisdom said:
Also what does a beginner need to do first to be able to connect to my succubus ex: Chakra openings?
Advance very far out of beginnerhood.

Aldrick Strickland said:
I just want all sexuality to be free. Where Aryans March naked and bisexual orgies occur for celebration. Not this aversion to oh dear theyre naked. Or oh no there can't be to much gay stuff going on, that would be a tragedy.
As you mentioned Ancient Greece, I think I know where you're coming from. Regrettably, your ideal here is quite a far way away. Realistically, it wouldn't be happening any time soon, but you're not the only person who has had this wish or fantasy - sorry, but it is a fantasy at the moment. I also presume and infer that when you said "march naked and bisexual orgies occure for celebration" you meant more like a flash mob, a flash-orgy, in the middle of wherever, randomly and unprepared, lol. That would be...interesting to witness...more than a few...dozen times!

Further to be controversial - you could go sleeping with other-Races[/controversy], but where would that get you and what would it get you? How could you possibly advance and empower yourself properly when mixing with energies which are just not of you nor for you? Not only would you be affecting your own Soul, you'd also be affecting the Soul of the other person/s who you slept with, both other-Race and same-Race, as well - regardless of whether you used protection/contraception or not. Please do a little exercise - get some brown tape (or whatever you might call it) and cut off two strips. Put the two strips sticky-side facing each other and press them together. Now try and tear them apart oh!, so very carefully. This = Souls becoming intermingled and joined and connected. If there was such things as other-coloured tape, of the same quality and consistency, etc., then get some of those other colours and add them into the mix. Then recall (if you read it) where I mentioned about us being a big pot of mixed coloured paint, with no individuality nor uniqueness nor intelligence, which the jew wants, yahugh! It 'urts when aye stick muy finguh in muy aye! Yahugh! 'Elp me; muy aye 'urts! Yahugh! [insert picture of Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel here, and picture of broken-leg toy from Toy Story trying to walk here]
this is the joy of satan of which this satan I called upon last night in my dreams and he did appear he said the tongue was made at noon from a beast and a snake I could only see his legs. I just want someone to tell me "stick that in your pipe and smoke it"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sero said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
And also, what's next from Sero, is that Islam is a religion of peace. After all, the Quran said so, and it's followed to the letter. No, it's really not.

TLDR: Blame the Muslims in this regard, not Islam.

And here it goes exactly as I told you.

It seems to skip yours and many other people's attention that what books say in these religions are only injections for further issues.

For example, Americans claim to be "christians". Christianity preaches chastity and suppression, and this leads them elsewhere in revulsion. Christianity "washes its hands" but it is Christianity that is the root of the social chaos with the "thou shall nots" that it instated. On the floor level it makes it look like it told them to not do that, but it did.

Islam instates first that women are swine and that the prophet married a 9 year old, then taking 10 year old boys in hotels in Islamic countries becomes normalized. But Islam is not about pedophillia, cause yadda yadda lawyer shit.

Then the jews who created all this "wash the hands" and blame the Muslims, and they the people do it. But they gave them the basis for it. But its the "peoples fault".

This "not all muslims" theme is getting rotten old.

In addition to what you and others already said, the functionality of the religion speaks louder than what some editor does to make the jewish cults more "digestible" for useful idiots.

The jewish cults fail natural growth, and so regardless of what is or is not said to the letter, the results of decadence are there and cannot be undone.

I'm not sure if I've ever posted this, but I'd written about people taking the luke warm claims with modern christianity.

The fact is it was once boiling, and if I recall you even wrote about this recently, the whole "christianity is better than islam" thing people claim.
FancyMancy said:
Syt said:
Hi HPS Maxine,
Thank you very much for sharing and guiding us on sexuality.

I have a question on something you said regarding spirit sex:

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Are you referring to having an Incubus/ Succubus and sex via astral projection?
Or is there a specific working/ meditation for spirit sex?
Yes, Incubus/Succubus.

Below I am speculating and imagining what might (or might not) be possible with the use of Elementals.

Presumably, you could also create an Elemental, who is like a Thoughtform but more advanced, like a mini-Soul or lesser-Soul, with an actual level/amount of intelligence and who has less than all of the Elements (for example one or two) which you can use for a purpose. Presumably this could be used to have a sexual 'companion' or perhaps an actual sexual companion - but Element work is very advanced work and can be quite dangerous if you are a n00b to it.

This way, you could connect with the Elemental sexually and a part of this sexual energy could keep the Elemental empowered and under your control. Perhaps (if possible) this Elemental could learn and grow - but then you'd have to be his/her/its(?) master/mistress at least until s/he/it can gain proper consciousness and decide to remain loyal to you, or if you decide to give him/her/it 'free will' and a choice... Many amounts of much time later, perhaps you could impregnate this much-more-advanced Elemental into a Physical Body and have your Physical love of/from/with this Elemental.

Notice that I am speculating about this because it might not be possible due to not being advanced enough, or maybe this amount of advancement and interaction is not possible with Elementals; full Souls might be required instead.

I've seen you write plenty of things before, but you really have a lot of similarity to my own thinking and ideas.

"Get out of my head" lmao
FancyMancy said:
I am replying to the following in this post -

HP. Hoodedcobra666
Aldrick Strickland
Legendary Creature

These were just caught in the net -

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
I disagree with the Liberal tone of this post. But then again who am I to know anything? You probably understand the Nazis better than anyone.
If you are of the belief you need to monitor people and where they put their gentials and pretend this is some sort of national purpose,
then you are a fucking pervert and you need to keep your fucking neb out!

Oh, sorry. I couldn't help mesen! :p

Seriously, though (although, I was being serious already) - what business is it of yours where anyone puts their anything? No bullshit about "god said" or "goddidditt", please; why is it your business - and more to the point, why do you think it is your business?!

These are rhetorical questions; I used to be a nearly-fundy christian, so I know what (any christian thinks) business it is of theirs, and also generally why people can think it is their business, as well.

Aldrick Strickland said:
Aquarius said:
After all the numerous articles about the dangers of veganism you say this? you're a retard.

See and THIS, this right here is why these seemingly pointless posts have to be written in the first place. I dunno if I just have common sense or a very high intelligence. But most of this shit is so simple its rediculous. I was reading the comments about porn lately, that was another one.

I am not addicted to porn. But do I like to watch Hot European Guys with wash board abs smash each other every now and then? Duh. Do I care if others do not approve? I am a fucking Satanist so I didnt get here seeking retards approval for what I do.

Put it on the main JOS page, dont watch porn. Guess what, still gonna watch it.
On the topic of watching questionable (as according to whom?!) and other-Race porn - if you are able to not be duped (juped) into being a sheep and acting on it, then perhaps it is not bad, or OK, or fine... However, that focusses on other-Race persons, not your own, which then would be in your Soul and which would influence you in future times and lives.

I eat organic vegetables, organic nuts and some grass fed organic meats. Then filtered water.
You eat filtered water?

Legendary Creature said:
Certain types of pornography would be considered bad though wouldn't they? Like interracial pornography. I've had issues with such things in my past and am working on destroying that aspect of my being, but I do sometimes wonder if I can be a Satanist, having looked at such things. It is heavily pushed and I can be rather obsessive, so I'm not sure
I'm going to say something else perhaps controversial which I was told before I decided to be a jew-arse-sucking slave retard - "you don't change then become a christian; you become a christian then you change"; you don't have to worry about being right or wrong; just be. Get on with the workings and meditations and developing a proper relationship with Satan, or at least your Guardian Daemon/s/Daemoness/es, and things will correct themselves Naturally. (It could be possible that consciously and/or unconsciously you might oppose, resist these Natural changes, though.) As for the christian having "just bed" and allegedly "getting on with it", as I just said here to you to do - 2000 years of things hasn't helped them! We, on the other hand, can do things in short order - much shorter order. Consider what I say below regarding from the beginning of the millenium!

If you want to be a Spiritual Satanist and genuinely you believe that it is for you, that it is correct and true and real, that Satan is real and not the, nor any, devil, that the jew shit which has raped this Planet for so many centuries needs to be eradicated 100%, etc... then be a Spiritual Satanist. If you are doing "wrong"*, wrong*, or wrong* things**, then you can still be a Spiritual Satanist, probably. I say "probably" because this is not definite nor absolute; if you are not a jew, but you love the jew and help the jew then you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist; if you do some shit things, then you can stop and change and do cool things instead. Man is judged by his actions, not by his lip-service; the jew is master of lip-service and clandestine anti-Human, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific, anti-Natural, anti-Earth-and-Her-Inhabitants actions. Nearly all politicians are dirty, and they pretend to have Article 50 to leave the European jewnion, which might be revoked as the dirty who wrote it said it was not meant to be used... They give lip-service and no actions. theresa may, dirty unelected PM, lost its voice and used that to say it knows the voice of the Country. christians are idiots, as well - they give lip-service that "'god' is good" and "this is this" and "that is that", and say "Amen" at the end of prayers which references Amon Ra... with all of this lip-service for many centuries, Africans are still dirt poor as shit and Children are starving to death - and oh!, priests/bishops/what-the-fuck-evers, "god"'s chosen, appointed, annointed, ordained workers, are raping nuns and Children left, right, and centre worldwide! Lip-service is nothing; actions are everything. (Look in my posts for more about these things...)

Say that you are consciously willing to be a Spiritual Satanist, do the workings and mediations and develop a proper relationship with Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, and better Yourself and the Universe, and you are trying to do these things, but also you are doing X thing which is fucking shit, in one way which may be terribly shit (but not quite wrong, as below) - you can still change to do productive, beneficial, helpful things. It's quite impossible to change at the click of anyone's fingers, at the drop of a hat. Processes exist and in a sense preside. You can't escape processes - and look at the jewed world; it's full of processes which fuck us up and fuck us over and fuck us around! We have "cheats" (although, it's more like we are restoring these things which were taken away from us by force and usurpation/appropriation) which we can use to win quicker. See any and all things which take time and have to "go through the proper channels" and which make you wait and go all round the houses to get anywhere, etc. - we can use Magick to do things in a more overall, direct and efficient way, with fuller and lasting results.

  • after we reach a certain level, amount of advancement and empowerement, we could manipulate energy to keep us healthy and not needing to eat (but just eat for pleasure); at the moment, we have to work/get benefits and go to the shop and buy things and prepare/cook them then eat them and exercise, etc.
  • we need to go to the doctor's for diagnoses and prescriptions and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and ingest them for a number of days and possibly have repeat prescriptions and possibly pay for them... - and there are billions and trillions and quadrillions of different "medicines" for different things; we, on the other hand, can use healing Magick, simply brilliant bright white-gold light, to heal things in a non-toxic, non-zombifying way, non-impotent way, and we can do this at home and anywhere.
  • we have to earn money from work/government and wait for the gym to be open, drive/walk there, be registered and inducted, and use the machines...; if advanced enough, we could use Magick at home and anywhere at any time to give us sexy, big muscles and lose weight to have a nice BMI.
  • World War Two, the Nazis used very powerful weaponry and ships and things to get somewhere, but that still wasn't enough; we know (some of) what happened with that. (Check our sites for more accurate information about those things...) We, the Joy of Satan Ministries, now, since about 2001 or 2002, have managed to begin to rape the jew back for all of its shit. It was necessary to do some RtRs before the Final RtR was done; this is a process in and of itself, but also the RtRs as a whole, as Magick, are much quicker and broader and less constricted into processes.
    • if it was not for Lord Hitler and the Nazis, then we wouldn't have sped-up in advancing technologically in the last century or so; then we wouldn't have the 666 WWW Internet, which is difficult to control and regulate (despite the jew's repeated and repeated attempts to do so); while WW2 was its own process, that was also a part of the same other process to give us the Internet now so we can spread the truth about things. A heck of a lot of things have happened since the 1900s and advancement has exploded - and along with it, the jew is losing so, so painfully!
  • there are more examples that you and anyone could think of.

The jew knows that Physicality, this Physical Realm, is as slow as fuck, and the jew goes slower still deliberately to be in control, whereas in literal and actual terms, if we project Astrally and visit the Astral and Higher Dimensions (either by going there with our Astral Body, or indirectly by raising our vibrational levels), then there is no need nor limit for time and space/distance/travel there; it is instantaneous. We can raise energy and give it to Satan to use; visualise the ball of energy before Him and it would appear there instantaneously, despite LORD Satan's Physical abode being thousands of light-years away. Like pathways within our Souls (144 000 nadis), the jew created "pathways" to slow things down Physically so it could be in control; the jew is a parasite and it rotted us from within. If the jew is at the top - and only a fool would deny such - then we can use a business term to explain things in a fashion - a fish rots from the head down.

In and amongst this, you must work within the processes and improve yourself Spiritually/Metaphysically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally/Psychologically. Once you get on well with advancing and empowering yourself, you may just find that any and all of these crappy, shitty things you do - porn and anything else - become the verbal shrug - meh - in your life, that you don't care about them anymore, that you're not interested in them anymore, that there are more important (rather, actually important) things to do. Porn, and a lot of things, are "entertainment" - escapism from the shit that the jew thrust upon you relentlessly (if you'll mind the pun here, but in fact rape is thrust against one without permission, and the jew rapes (in non-sexual, but also sexual, ways) us, so...). Don't let the jew win; don't be jewed! The best escapism is Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism is your(true)self-ism. That way, you can be whomever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, live your life however you want to live it, have your world however you want it - and if some of these things that you decide to do and be are "wrong", then fine; if they are wrong, then...that's up to you; if they are wrong then you'll be rebuked surely.

e.g. if you were a lower Nordic and you decided to oppose Satan by siding with the jew's overlords against us, then you'll be (more than) rebuked in due course (I can only guess that there might be some lower Nordics who decided to remain loyal to Satan but that is wild speculation). As such - there is a line not to be crossed; can any of these defected lower Nordics repent and return? Would Satan, and any other God or Goddess...not welcome but allow them back?! At what point did they cross the point of no return, at what point did they cross the line and go too far? Is there any possibility for them to come back? i.e. Satan says, I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. Satan also says, No god has a right to interfere in my affairs... If you do your own and have your own affairs, then who's to stop you - as long as they do not conflict with Satan's affairs? It just so fecking 'appens that I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody - Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me. LORD Beelzebub is one who can, and if necessary will, punish! Any and all Gods and Goddesses can and do punish if need-be, of course, but He is a more prominent God to sort out conflicts - but not petty squabbles, though, of course.

Again to be a bit controversial, I, at least partly, agree with Aldrick Strickland - but there has to be caution taken so as to not go too far and say "Fuck you all" to everyone and everything, just so we can do our own things all willy-nilly. For some, once we advance to a certain point or points, we can become very arrogant and perhaps also pious to our own holier-than-thou delusions of grandeur. I'm not accusing Aldrick Strickland of that, but it just reminded me of it.

*meaning -
  • "wrong"
    • as according to whom?,
  • wrong
    • incorrect/bad/destructive... things, and
  • wrong
    • things which are very and seriously wrong/bad/evil...
**I might say all things, in one way, on one side, in one bias, fall into these 3 categories

mercury_wisdom said:
Also what does a beginner need to do first to be able to connect to my succubus ex: Chakra openings?
Advance very far out of beginnerhood.

Aldrick Strickland said:
I just want all sexuality to be free. Where Aryans March naked and bisexual orgies occur for celebration. Not this aversion to oh dear theyre naked. Or oh no there can't be to much gay stuff going on, that would be a tragedy.
As you mentioned Ancient Greece, I think I know where you're coming from. Regrettably, your ideal here is quite a far way away. Realistically, it wouldn't be happening any time soon, but you're not the only person who has had this wish or fantasy - sorry, but it is a fantasy at the moment. I also presume and infer that when you said "march naked and bisexual orgies occure for celebration" you meant more like a flash mob, a flash-orgy, in the middle of wherever, randomly and unprepared, lol. That would be...interesting to witness...more than a few...dozen times!

Further to be controversial - you could go sleeping with other-Races[/controversy], but where would that get you and what would it get you? How could you possibly advance and empower yourself properly when mixing with energies which are just not of you nor for you? Not only would you be affecting your own Soul, you'd also be affecting the Soul of the other person/s who you slept with, both other-Race and same-Race, as well - regardless of whether you used protection/contraception or not. Please do a little exercise - get some brown tape (or whatever you might call it) and cut off two strips. Put the two strips sticky-side facing each other and press them together. Now try and tear them apart oh!, so very carefully. This = Souls becoming intermingled and joined and connected. If there was such things as other-coloured tape, of the same quality and consistency, etc., then get some of those other colours and add them into the mix. Then recall (if you read it) where I mentioned about us being a big pot of mixed coloured paint, with no individuality nor uniqueness nor intelligence, which the jew wants, yahugh! It 'urts when aye stick muy finguh in muy aye! Yahugh! 'Elp me; muy aye 'urts! Yahugh! [insert picture of Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel here, and picture of broken-leg toy from Toy Story trying to walk here]

We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.
ASQV13886662080 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

And here it goes exactly as I told you.

It seems to skip yours and many other people's attention that what books say in these religions are only injections for further issues.

For example, Americans claim to be "christians". Christianity preaches chastity and suppression, and this leads them elsewhere in revulsion. Christianity "washes its hands" but it is Christianity that is the root of the social chaos with the "thou shall nots" that it instated. On the floor level it makes it look like it told them to not do that, but it did.

Islam instates first that women are swine and that the prophet married a 9 year old, then taking 10 year old boys in hotels in Islamic countries becomes normalized. But Islam is not about pedophillia, cause yadda yadda lawyer shit.

Then the jews who created all this "wash the hands" and blame the Muslims, and they the people do it. But they gave them the basis for it. But its the "peoples fault".

This "not all muslims" theme is getting rotten old.
There very well may be some individuals who do not do this or do not do that, but islam is evil and rotten, also, to the core, and any and all muslims, from the very low to the very high, are promoting and encouraging and endorsing and helping and proliferating islam, which is anti-Satan and is pro-jew. If you're a muslim but you don't go around raping White girls in a Child rape gang, you are still sucking the Child-rapist dick of muh-feelz-ham-and-pork-mud...no? "Yeah, but..." But nothing. jewish islam rapes Children, jewish christianity rapes Children, jewish jew rapes Children. WtF does that say?

A muslim leader explaining the myth of "moderate islam"

Hello? Otherwise, they are blaspheming against "allah" and must be stoned to death. Hello?!

ASQV13886662080 said:
FancyMancy said:
Syt said:
Hi HPS Maxine,
Thank you very much for sharing and guiding us on sexuality.

I have a question on something you said regarding spirit sex:

As for teens who are mature enough, spirit sex is highly recommended. All you have to do is meditate and open your mind. This also includes adults who would like to have, but can't find a partner. With spirit sex, one does not have to worry about STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc.

Are you referring to having an Incubus/ Succubus and sex via astral projection?
Or is there a specific working/ meditation for spirit sex?
Yes, Incubus/Succubus.

Below I am speculating and imagining what might (or might not) be possible with the use of Elementals.

Presumably, you could also create an Elemental, who is like a Thoughtform but more advanced, like a mini-Soul or lesser-Soul, with an actual level/amount of intelligence and who has less than all of the Elements (for example one or two) which you can use for a purpose. Presumably this could be used to have a sexual 'companion' or perhaps an actual sexual companion - but Element work is very advanced work and can be quite dangerous if you are a n00b to it.

This way, you could connect with the Elemental sexually and a part of this sexual energy could keep the Elemental empowered and under your control. Perhaps (if possible) this Elemental could learn and grow - but then you'd have to be his/her/its(?) master/mistress at least until s/he/it can gain proper consciousness and decide to remain loyal to you, or if you decide to give him/her/it 'free will' and a choice... Many amounts of much time later, perhaps you could impregnate this much-more-advanced Elemental into a Physical Body and have your Physical love of/from/with this Elemental.

Notice that I am speculating about this because it might not be possible due to not being advanced enough, or maybe this amount of advancement and interaction is not possible with Elementals; full Souls might be required instead.

I've seen you write plenty of things before, but you really have a lot of similarity to my own thinking and ideas.

"Get out of my head" lmao
:lol: That's nice to know. :)
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.

For all I can see you are only a little bitch that is here to argue, and especially, argue on a vague basis of things seldom understood.

*Hasn't even read shit, and just posts provocateur aka trying to attack everyone posts, but judges everyone, puts things in people's mouth of things never said about Hitler, and rubs his hands*

You are just answering your own cognition problems or lack of understanding problems of this place, and an aggressive manner. The situation is, people are gonna do sexually what they want, despite of if you tell them to not do it.

What one can do is emphasize the correct and non degenerate things. Aside scat, pedophilia is to be punished by execution, and a very few other marginal things, which are evidently diseases, instating laws or norms about things always backfires socially.

If you want to understand anything of what culture is, of what Hitler was, or how nature operates, as you are totally RETARDED on these subjects, I suggest starting to meditate, or if you want the normal terminology, do what the SS of Himmler did, and then your mind will start opening up, and you will stop whining like a little Islamic boy in regards to you not imposing some sort of Quran or people and letting things take their natural course.

You haven't even read or practiced anything, and you're a blind animal. Why do you even try to argue or cause a provocation, let alone try to 'define' morals based on whatever basis? You can't see beyond your own nose. Have some humility and start advancing if you want to be around here.

The National Socialists did not have sexual policing around, or a fetish police, what they did have around, was education of what is proper by natural standards, such as motherhood, focus on national births, sustaining the blood, etc. Your bullshit arguments of enforcing moralities on people are just what Christianity does. This backfires later and creates all the "Cultureless" shit you whine upon, but seem to be ingested into pretty well.
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
....How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.
So this is basically National Socialism and Hitler according the holy words of the apostles in "Table Talks" and the Chosen Neanderthals of Varg that by no means can be disputed:

Obergruppenfuhrer said:
We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.
It's nice to be called weak by someone online who cares enough about me. I suppose I should thank you...

If you know anything about me, then you should know I like to play devil's advocate, I ask/say things which I hope would cause discussion or debate and at least cause the readers to think; I don't necessarily agree with/share the opinions of some of the things I post when I do this. I had thought about one or two other particular topics, but I don't think muh feelz peoplez are quite ready for the shock which they would receive from such provocative posts yet, so those posts have to wait. Notice my repeated use of the word "controversial" in the context of me being controversial deliberately. If my ideals and opinions are not 100% aligned with other SSs and NSs, then that's my business/problem (though it is appreciated to point it out in a helpful manner) and I have to work on them.

I haven't been reading all of your posts so I don't have an opinion about your demeanour here, but calling someone weak who is an individual trying to not only survive but increase him/herself beneficially is...yeah... What about you?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
people are gonna do sexually what they want, despite of if you tell them to not do it.
As Aldrick Strickland said - based on what I am inferring what I think he meant - then take him as an example! "Tell me to not watch porn - fuck you, I still will, biatch!" (in a more colourful way than he actually typed above, lol.)

You might go through these properly -


Seriously, do and understand it. (I find it much harder to understand the Politics of the things, so I focus more on the Spiritual things instead.)
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
FancyMancy said:
I am replying to the following in this post -

HP. Hoodedcobra666
Aldrick Strickland
Legendary Creature

These were just caught in the net -

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If you are of the belief you need to monitor people and where they put their gentials and pretend this is some sort of national purpose,
then you are a fucking pervert and you need to keep your fucking neb out!

Oh, sorry. I couldn't help mesen! :p

Seriously, though (although, I was being serious already) - what business is it of yours where anyone puts their anything? No bullshit about "god said" or "goddidditt", please; why is it your business - and more to the point, why do you think it is your business?!

These are rhetorical questions; I used to be a nearly-fundy christian, so I know what (any christian thinks) business it is of theirs, and also generally why people can think it is their business, as well.

Aldrick Strickland said:
See and THIS, this right here is why these seemingly pointless posts have to be written in the first place. I dunno if I just have common sense or a very high intelligence. But most of this shit is so simple its rediculous. I was reading the comments about porn lately, that was another one.

I am not addicted to porn. But do I like to watch Hot European Guys with wash board abs smash each other every now and then? Duh. Do I care if others do not approve? I am a fucking Satanist so I didnt get here seeking retards approval for what I do.

Put it on the main JOS page, dont watch porn. Guess what, still gonna watch it.
On the topic of watching questionable (as according to whom?!) and other-Race porn - if you are able to not be duped (juped) into being a sheep and acting on it, then perhaps it is not bad, or OK, or fine... However, that focusses on other-Race persons, not your own, which then would be in your Soul and which would influence you in future times and lives.

I eat organic vegetables, organic nuts and some grass fed organic meats. Then filtered water.
You eat filtered water?

Legendary Creature said:
Certain types of pornography would be considered bad though wouldn't they? Like interracial pornography. I've had issues with such things in my past and am working on destroying that aspect of my being, but I do sometimes wonder if I can be a Satanist, having looked at such things. It is heavily pushed and I can be rather obsessive, so I'm not sure
I'm going to say something else perhaps controversial which I was told before I decided to be a jew-arse-sucking slave retard - "you don't change then become a christian; you become a christian then you change"; you don't have to worry about being right or wrong; just be. Get on with the workings and meditations and developing a proper relationship with Satan, or at least your Guardian Daemon/s/Daemoness/es, and things will correct themselves Naturally. (It could be possible that consciously and/or unconsciously you might oppose, resist these Natural changes, though.) As for the christian having "just bed" and allegedly "getting on with it", as I just said here to you to do - 2000 years of things hasn't helped them! We, on the other hand, can do things in short order - much shorter order. Consider what I say below regarding from the beginning of the millenium!

If you want to be a Spiritual Satanist and genuinely you believe that it is for you, that it is correct and true and real, that Satan is real and not the, nor any, devil, that the jew shit which has raped this Planet for so many centuries needs to be eradicated 100%, etc... then be a Spiritual Satanist. If you are doing "wrong"*, wrong*, or wrong* things**, then you can still be a Spiritual Satanist, probably. I say "probably" because this is not definite nor absolute; if you are not a jew, but you love the jew and help the jew then you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist; if you do some shit things, then you can stop and change and do cool things instead. Man is judged by his actions, not by his lip-service; the jew is master of lip-service and clandestine anti-Human, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific, anti-Natural, anti-Earth-and-Her-Inhabitants actions. Nearly all politicians are dirty, and they pretend to have Article 50 to leave the European jewnion, which might be revoked as the dirty who wrote it said it was not meant to be used... They give lip-service and no actions. theresa may, dirty unelected PM, lost its voice and used that to say it knows the voice of the Country. christians are idiots, as well - they give lip-service that "'god' is good" and "this is this" and "that is that", and say "Amen" at the end of prayers which references Amon Ra... with all of this lip-service for many centuries, Africans are still dirt poor as shit and Children are starving to death - and oh!, priests/bishops/what-the-fuck-evers, "god"'s chosen, appointed, annointed, ordained workers, are raping nuns and Children left, right, and centre worldwide! Lip-service is nothing; actions are everything. (Look in my posts for more about these things...)

Say that you are consciously willing to be a Spiritual Satanist, do the workings and mediations and develop a proper relationship with Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, and better Yourself and the Universe, and you are trying to do these things, but also you are doing X thing which is fucking shit, in one way which may be terribly shit (but not quite wrong, as below) - you can still change to do productive, beneficial, helpful things. It's quite impossible to change at the click of anyone's fingers, at the drop of a hat. Processes exist and in a sense preside. You can't escape processes - and look at the jewed world; it's full of processes which fuck us up and fuck us over and fuck us around! We have "cheats" (although, it's more like we are restoring these things which were taken away from us by force and usurpation/appropriation) which we can use to win quicker. See any and all things which take time and have to "go through the proper channels" and which make you wait and go all round the houses to get anywhere, etc. - we can use Magick to do things in a more overall, direct and efficient way, with fuller and lasting results.

  • after we reach a certain level, amount of advancement and empowerement, we could manipulate energy to keep us healthy and not needing to eat (but just eat for pleasure); at the moment, we have to work/get benefits and go to the shop and buy things and prepare/cook them then eat them and exercise, etc.
  • we need to go to the doctor's for diagnoses and prescriptions and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and ingest them for a number of days and possibly have repeat prescriptions and possibly pay for them... - and there are billions and trillions and quadrillions of different "medicines" for different things; we, on the other hand, can use healing Magick, simply brilliant bright white-gold light, to heal things in a non-toxic, non-zombifying way, non-impotent way, and we can do this at home and anywhere.
  • we have to earn money from work/government and wait for the gym to be open, drive/walk there, be registered and inducted, and use the machines...; if advanced enough, we could use Magick at home and anywhere at any time to give us sexy, big muscles and lose weight to have a nice BMI.
  • World War Two, the Nazis used very powerful weaponry and ships and things to get somewhere, but that still wasn't enough; we know (some of) what happened with that. (Check our sites for more accurate information about those things...) We, the Joy of Satan Ministries, now, since about 2001 or 2002, have managed to begin to rape the jew back for all of its shit. It was necessary to do some RtRs before the Final RtR was done; this is a process in and of itself, but also the RtRs as a whole, as Magick, are much quicker and broader and less constricted into processes.
    • if it was not for Lord Hitler and the Nazis, then we wouldn't have sped-up in advancing technologically in the last century or so; then we wouldn't have the 666 WWW Internet, which is difficult to control and regulate (despite the jew's repeated and repeated attempts to do so); while WW2 was its own process, that was also a part of the same other process to give us the Internet now so we can spread the truth about things. A heck of a lot of things have happened since the 1900s and advancement has exploded - and along with it, the jew is losing so, so painfully!
  • there are more examples that you and anyone could think of.

The jew knows that Physicality, this Physical Realm, is as slow as fuck, and the jew goes slower still deliberately to be in control, whereas in literal and actual terms, if we project Astrally and visit the Astral and Higher Dimensions (either by going there with our Astral Body, or indirectly by raising our vibrational levels), then there is no need nor limit for time and space/distance/travel there; it is instantaneous. We can raise energy and give it to Satan to use; visualise the ball of energy before Him and it would appear there instantaneously, despite LORD Satan's Physical abode being thousands of light-years away. Like pathways within our Souls (144 000 nadis), the jew created "pathways" to slow things down Physically so it could be in control; the jew is a parasite and it rotted us from within. If the jew is at the top - and only a fool would deny such - then we can use a business term to explain things in a fashion - a fish rots from the head down.

In and amongst this, you must work within the processes and improve yourself Spiritually/Metaphysically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally/Psychologically. Once you get on well with advancing and empowering yourself, you may just find that any and all of these crappy, shitty things you do - porn and anything else - become the verbal shrug - meh - in your life, that you don't care about them anymore, that you're not interested in them anymore, that there are more important (rather, actually important) things to do. Porn, and a lot of things, are "entertainment" - escapism from the shit that the jew thrust upon you relentlessly (if you'll mind the pun here, but in fact rape is thrust against one without permission, and the jew rapes (in non-sexual, but also sexual, ways) us, so...). Don't let the jew win; don't be jewed! The best escapism is Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism is your(true)self-ism. That way, you can be whomever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, live your life however you want to live it, have your world however you want it - and if some of these things that you decide to do and be are "wrong", then fine; if they are wrong, then...that's up to you; if they are wrong then you'll be rebuked surely.

e.g. if you were a lower Nordic and you decided to oppose Satan by siding with the jew's overlords against us, then you'll be (more than) rebuked in due course (I can only guess that there might be some lower Nordics who decided to remain loyal to Satan but that is wild speculation). As such - there is a line not to be crossed; can any of these defected lower Nordics repent and return? Would Satan, and any other God or Goddess...not welcome but allow them back?! At what point did they cross the point of no return, at what point did they cross the line and go too far? Is there any possibility for them to come back? i.e. Satan says, I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. Satan also says, No god has a right to interfere in my affairs... If you do your own and have your own affairs, then who's to stop you - as long as they do not conflict with Satan's affairs? It just so fecking 'appens that I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody - Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me. LORD Beelzebub is one who can, and if necessary will, punish! Any and all Gods and Goddesses can and do punish if need-be, of course, but He is a more prominent God to sort out conflicts - but not petty squabbles, though, of course.

Again to be a bit controversial, I, at least partly, agree with Aldrick Strickland - but there has to be caution taken so as to not go too far and say "Fuck you all" to everyone and everything, just so we can do our own things all willy-nilly. For some, once we advance to a certain point or points, we can become very arrogant and perhaps also pious to our own holier-than-thou delusions of grandeur. I'm not accusing Aldrick Strickland of that, but it just reminded me of it.

*meaning -
  • "wrong"
    • as according to whom?,
  • wrong
    • incorrect/bad/destructive... things, and
  • wrong
    • things which are very and seriously wrong/bad/evil...
**I might say all things, in one way, on one side, in one bias, fall into these 3 categories

mercury_wisdom said:
Also what does a beginner need to do first to be able to connect to my succubus ex: Chakra openings?
Advance very far out of beginnerhood.

Aldrick Strickland said:
I just want all sexuality to be free. Where Aryans March naked and bisexual orgies occur for celebration. Not this aversion to oh dear theyre naked. Or oh no there can't be to much gay stuff going on, that would be a tragedy.
As you mentioned Ancient Greece, I think I know where you're coming from. Regrettably, your ideal here is quite a far way away. Realistically, it wouldn't be happening any time soon, but you're not the only person who has had this wish or fantasy - sorry, but it is a fantasy at the moment. I also presume and infer that when you said "march naked and bisexual orgies occure for celebration" you meant more like a flash mob, a flash-orgy, in the middle of wherever, randomly and unprepared, lol. That would be...interesting to witness...more than a few...dozen times!

Further to be controversial - you could go sleeping with other-Races[/controversy], but where would that get you and what would it get you? How could you possibly advance and empower yourself properly when mixing with energies which are just not of you nor for you? Not only would you be affecting your own Soul, you'd also be affecting the Soul of the other person/s who you slept with, both other-Race and same-Race, as well - regardless of whether you used protection/contraception or not. Please do a little exercise - get some brown tape (or whatever you might call it) and cut off two strips. Put the two strips sticky-side facing each other and press them together. Now try and tear them apart oh!, so very carefully. This = Souls becoming intermingled and joined and connected. If there was such things as other-coloured tape, of the same quality and consistency, etc., then get some of those other colours and add them into the mix. Then recall (if you read it) where I mentioned about us being a big pot of mixed coloured paint, with no individuality nor uniqueness nor intelligence, which the jew wants, yahugh! It 'urts when aye stick muy finguh in muy aye! Yahugh! 'Elp me; muy aye 'urts! Yahugh! [insert picture of Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel here, and picture of broken-leg toy from Toy Story trying to walk here]

We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.

I have no idea who you are even insulting ober. Perhaps adding something of value next time. If you have something intellectual to say, then say it. I'm not attacking you btw, just correcting you. Telling people they are weak because they will never understand your great wisdom but adding nothing of value results in more name calling, nothing else.

As for the porn fancy mancy, again this applies to my no shit policy. Why the fuck would I watch interracial porn? Your strange well it could be OK, I guess its FINE.

Maxine has said numerous times she has her own porn stash. Normal people dont react to simple porn this way. This is just Christian programming. All of it is, the jews told everyone sex is a no go, so everyone is still trying to defend the words of the chosen here.
adovenuto said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Oh poor adovenuto, you probabily didn’t become a kundalini ascended master in 2 days and now you are angry with the person who created the Joyofsatan. How pathetic lol
indrasoma said:
Sex is very depleting (especially for men). Not saying this out of a moralistic perspective but simply a biological/scientific one: the vast, vast majority of people today are too depleted/weak to have regular orgasms and still advance at the same time.

If sex ever feels depleting, you are probably deficient in essential vitamins/minerals. The reasons most people these days are depleted/weak are from overwork, long-term stress, lack of proper nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.

For all I can see you are only a little bitch that is here to argue, and especially, argue on a vague basis of things seldom understood.

*Hasn't even read shit, and just posts provocateur aka trying to attack everyone posts, but judges everyone, puts things in people's mouth of things never said about Hitler, and rubs his hands*

You are just answering your own cognition problems or lack of understanding problems of this place, and an aggressive manner. The situation is, people are gonna do sexually what they want, despite of if you tell them to not do it.

What one can do is emphasize the correct and non degenerate things. Aside scat, pedophilia is to be punished by execution, and a very few other marginal things, which are evidently diseases, instating laws or norms about things always backfires socially.

If you want to understand anything of what culture is, of what Hitler was, or how nature operates, as you are totally RETARDED on these subjects, I suggest starting to meditate, or if you want the normal terminology, do what the SS of Himmler did, and then your mind will start opening up, and you will stop whining like a little Islamic boy in regards to you not imposing some sort of Quran or people and letting things take their natural course.

You haven't even read or practiced anything, and you're a blind animal. Why do you even try to argue or cause a provocation, let alone try to 'define' morals based on whatever basis? You can't see beyond your own nose. Have some humility and start advancing if you want to be around here.

The National Socialists did not have sexual policing around, or a fetish police, what they did have around, was education of what is proper by natural standards, such as motherhood, focus on national births, sustaining the blood, etc. Your bullshit arguments of enforcing moralities on people are just what Christianity does. This backfires later and creates all the "Cultureless" shit you whine upon, but seem to be ingested into pretty well.

I was waiting for people to snap.

I noticed how restrained the initial responses were to this person's blatantly aggressive sarcasm and all.
Aldrick Strickland said:
As for the porn fancy mancy, again this applies to my no shit policy. Why the fuck would I watch interracial porn? Your strange well it could be OK, I guess its FINE.

Maxine has said numerous times she has her own porn stash. Normal people dont react to simple porn this way. This is just Christian programming. All of it is, the jews told everyone sex is a no go, so everyone is still trying to defend the words of the chosen here.
I'm strange? Thanks! I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me - I find "normal" boring, lol.
Lydia said:
indrasoma said:
Sex is very depleting (especially for men). Not saying this out of a moralistic perspective but simply a biological/scientific one: the vast, vast majority of people today are too depleted/weak to have regular orgasms and still advance at the same time.

If sex ever feels depleting, you are probably deficient in essential vitamins/minerals. The reasons most people these days are depleted/weak are from overwork, long-term stress, lack of proper nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle.

I'm sure there are exceptions/some males who are very well nourished and can handle having lots of sex and advancing at the same time, but in general, I've noticed that sex is invigorating for women but depleting for men. That's why guys just want to sleep after sex whereas girls want to stay up and talk all night.
FancyMancy said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
As for the porn fancy mancy, again this applies to my no shit policy. Why the fuck would I watch interracial porn? Your strange well it could be OK, I guess its FINE.

Maxine has said numerous times she has her own porn stash. Normal people dont react to simple porn this way. This is just Christian programming. All of it is, the jews told everyone sex is a no go, so everyone is still trying to defend the words of the chosen here.
I'm strange? Thanks! I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me - I find "normal" boring, lol.

What is Varg's line on Neanderthals? We are descended from them? Or Interbred with them? The genetics' have proven that Whites are not descended from Neanderthals.

Egon said:
Obergruppenfuhrer said:
....How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.
So this is basically National Socialism and Hitler according the holy words of the apostles in "Table Talks" and the Chosen Neanderthals of Varg that by no means can be disputed:

The enemy is attempting to use the Right-wing in America, for the reason of bringing in internet censorship and extra taxes and legal penalties. They are using porn as the excuse for this. Its better to keep the legal porn as such and not lose the ability to have freedom of information. The other reason they might want to go after this now, people are uploading all kinds of non pornographic content that is not politically correct onto porn sites. They are becoming strange libertarian platforms.
The Megalith in "2001: A Space Odyssey."

As the apes where fighting. The winning ape with the bone, runs towards the Megalith to reach outwards and touch it. The ape looks in surprise as the Megalith transforms into a sawdust shitter, as the ape touching this, itself turns into a Neanderthal. That mien bro's, is how it really happened.
HP Mageson666 said:
What is Varg's line on Neanderthals? We are descended from them? Or Interbred with them? The genetics' have proven that Whites are not descended from Neanderthals.
That the Neanderthals are the original Nordics and the reason for today's humanity having softer traits is because of interbreeding, having dogs and wolves as the parallel.
Egon said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is Varg's line on Neanderthals? We are descended from them? Or Interbred with them? The genetics' have proven that Whites are not descended from Neanderthals.
That the Neanderthals are the original Nordics and the reason for today's humanity having softer traits is because of interbreeding, having dogs and wolves as the parallel.
His wife's website about this
Thank you, this is proven wrong by genetic study of actual Neanderthal DNA testing from such remains that have been found. Evolutionary theories of transitional forms when it comes to human's, are false. The genetic science has advanced to the point to know this now. Darwin and Wallace even stated their theory had major issues. And it might be proven false down the road. Because science and technology has been held back by the Jews. Naturally they had to start with what they had at the time which was nothing.

Egon said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is Varg's line on Neanderthals? We are descended from them? Or Interbred with them? The genetics' have proven that Whites are not descended from Neanderthals.
That the Neanderthals are the original Nordics and the reason for today's humanity having softer traits is because of interbreeding, having dogs and wolves as the parallel.
Lydia said:
indrasoma said:
Sex is very depleting (especially for men). Not saying this out of a moralistic perspective but simply a biological/scientific one: the vast, vast majority of people today are too depleted/weak to have regular orgasms and still advance at the same time.

If sex ever feels depleting, you are probably deficient in essential vitamins/minerals. The reasons most people these days are depleted/weak are from overwork, long-term stress, lack of proper nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Also mental hangups about sex will make one feel depleted.
Aquarius said:
Lydia said:
indrasoma said:
Sex is very depleting (especially for men). Not saying this out of a moralistic perspective but simply a biological/scientific one: the vast, vast majority of people today are too depleted/weak to have regular orgasms and still advance at the same time.

If sex ever feels depleting, you are probably deficient in essential vitamins/minerals. The reasons most people these days are depleted/weak are from overwork, long-term stress, lack of proper nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Also mental hangups about sex will make one feel depleted.
I mean after the orgasm.
I know it was said that all consenting sex between adults is permissible.

But aren't their some things which should be avoided?
Where do people here stand on such things like BDSM ectra..
e.g What if someone has a fetish for licking feet or something? In these cases should such urges be repressed or not?
The God Set rules over BDSM. https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoyofSatan666/conversations/messages/199791
All what is good or not in sexuality was already covered by the aforementioned answers on the subject.

DeterminedAndStrong said:
I know it was said that all consenting sex between adults is permissible.

But aren't their some things which should be avoided?
Where do people here stand on such things like BDSM ectra..
e.g What if someone has a fetish for licking feet or something? In these cases should such urges be repressed or not?
I like to keep things short and simple and speak in quotes as this is the best thing I like to do cause I have trouble reading a whole book then remembering the whole thing.

What makes your blood flow free?
Because if you are masterbating to a different woman/man every day then you will have issues proven in a scientific studies because our brains are then programmed to look at all these other women.

The way you would stop watching it would be to use sex magic because that's what it is for...:)

Heirogriphs of gods with an erection has refined them and I'm sure while they were doing this they were not thinking about boobs because how could you even use sex magick when you're not thinking fully of what you desire.
Pornography is truly evil as it causes even rape to sexual disfunction which leaves women feeling terrible imagine if you could not turn your woman on. As for rape blame it on porn. And you wonder where all the love went?
Sex for just pleasure would be more euphoric if people knew the sexual life-force is to get what you want in life I keep stressing this because that's what I want for everyone especially here! I remember kissing my girlfriend in high school and I cried it was so euphoric because I wasn't desensitized by porn.
Don't bring yourself down and stay healthy
(((Obergruppenfuhrer))) said:
FancyMancy said:
I am replying to the following in this post -

HP. Hoodedcobra666
Aldrick Strickland
Legendary Creature

These were just caught in the net -

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If you are of the belief you need to monitor people and where they put their gentials and pretend this is some sort of national purpose,
then you are a fucking pervert and you need to keep your fucking neb out!

Oh, sorry. I couldn't help mesen! :p

Seriously, though (although, I was being serious already) - what business is it of yours where anyone puts their anything? No bullshit about "god said" or "goddidditt", please; why is it your business - and more to the point, why do you think it is your business?!

These are rhetorical questions; I used to be a nearly-fundy christian, so I know what (any christian thinks) business it is of theirs, and also generally why people can think it is their business, as well.

Aldrick Strickland said:
See and THIS, this right here is why these seemingly pointless posts have to be written in the first place. I dunno if I just have common sense or a very high intelligence. But most of this shit is so simple its rediculous. I was reading the comments about porn lately, that was another one.

I am not addicted to porn. But do I like to watch Hot European Guys with wash board abs smash each other every now and then? Duh. Do I care if others do not approve? I am a fucking Satanist so I didnt get here seeking retards approval for what I do.

Put it on the main JOS page, dont watch porn. Guess what, still gonna watch it.
On the topic of watching questionable (as according to whom?!) and other-Race porn - if you are able to not be duped (juped) into being a sheep and acting on it, then perhaps it is not bad, or OK, or fine... However, that focusses on other-Race persons, not your own, which then would be in your Soul and which would influence you in future times and lives.

I eat organic vegetables, organic nuts and some grass fed organic meats. Then filtered water.
You eat filtered water?

Legendary Creature said:
Certain types of pornography would be considered bad though wouldn't they? Like interracial pornography. I've had issues with such things in my past and am working on destroying that aspect of my being, but I do sometimes wonder if I can be a Satanist, having looked at such things. It is heavily pushed and I can be rather obsessive, so I'm not sure
I'm going to say something else perhaps controversial which I was told before I decided to be a jew-arse-sucking slave retard - "you don't change then become a christian; you become a christian then you change"; you don't have to worry about being right or wrong; just be. Get on with the workings and meditations and developing a proper relationship with Satan, or at least your Guardian Daemon/s/Daemoness/es, and things will correct themselves Naturally. (It could be possible that consciously and/or unconsciously you might oppose, resist these Natural changes, though.) As for the christian having "just bed" and allegedly "getting on with it", as I just said here to you to do - 2000 years of things hasn't helped them! We, on the other hand, can do things in short order - much shorter order. Consider what I say below regarding from the beginning of the millenium!

If you want to be a Spiritual Satanist and genuinely you believe that it is for you, that it is correct and true and real, that Satan is real and not the, nor any, devil, that the jew shit which has raped this Planet for so many centuries needs to be eradicated 100%, etc... then be a Spiritual Satanist. If you are doing "wrong"*, wrong*, or wrong* things**, then you can still be a Spiritual Satanist, probably. I say "probably" because this is not definite nor absolute; if you are not a jew, but you love the jew and help the jew then you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist; if you do some shit things, then you can stop and change and do cool things instead. Man is judged by his actions, not by his lip-service; the jew is master of lip-service and clandestine anti-Human, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific, anti-Natural, anti-Earth-and-Her-Inhabitants actions. Nearly all politicians are dirty, and they pretend to have Article 50 to leave the European jewnion, which might be revoked as the dirty who wrote it said it was not meant to be used... They give lip-service and no actions. theresa may, dirty unelected PM, lost its voice and used that to say it knows the voice of the Country. christians are idiots, as well - they give lip-service that "'god' is good" and "this is this" and "that is that", and say "Amen" at the end of prayers which references Amon Ra... with all of this lip-service for many centuries, Africans are still dirt poor as shit and Children are starving to death - and oh!, priests/bishops/what-the-fuck-evers, "god"'s chosen, appointed, annointed, ordained workers, are raping nuns and Children left, right, and centre worldwide! Lip-service is nothing; actions are everything. (Look in my posts for more about these things...)

Say that you are consciously willing to be a Spiritual Satanist, do the workings and mediations and develop a proper relationship with Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, and better Yourself and the Universe, and you are trying to do these things, but also you are doing X thing which is fucking shit, in one way which may be terribly shit (but not quite wrong, as below) - you can still change to do productive, beneficial, helpful things. It's quite impossible to change at the click of anyone's fingers, at the drop of a hat. Processes exist and in a sense preside. You can't escape processes - and look at the jewed world; it's full of processes which fuck us up and fuck us over and fuck us around! We have "cheats" (although, it's more like we are restoring these things which were taken away from us by force and usurpation/appropriation) which we can use to win quicker. See any and all things which take time and have to "go through the proper channels" and which make you wait and go all round the houses to get anywhere, etc. - we can use Magick to do things in a more overall, direct and efficient way, with fuller and lasting results.

  • after we reach a certain level, amount of advancement and empowerement, we could manipulate energy to keep us healthy and not needing to eat (but just eat for pleasure); at the moment, we have to work/get benefits and go to the shop and buy things and prepare/cook them then eat them and exercise, etc.
  • we need to go to the doctor's for diagnoses and prescriptions and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and ingest them for a number of days and possibly have repeat prescriptions and possibly pay for them... - and there are billions and trillions and quadrillions of different "medicines" for different things; we, on the other hand, can use healing Magick, simply brilliant bright white-gold light, to heal things in a non-toxic, non-zombifying way, non-impotent way, and we can do this at home and anywhere.
  • we have to earn money from work/government and wait for the gym to be open, drive/walk there, be registered and inducted, and use the machines...; if advanced enough, we could use Magick at home and anywhere at any time to give us sexy, big muscles and lose weight to have a nice BMI.
  • World War Two, the Nazis used very powerful weaponry and ships and things to get somewhere, but that still wasn't enough; we know (some of) what happened with that. (Check our sites for more accurate information about those things...) We, the Joy of Satan Ministries, now, since about 2001 or 2002, have managed to begin to rape the jew back for all of its shit. It was necessary to do some RtRs before the Final RtR was done; this is a process in and of itself, but also the RtRs as a whole, as Magick, are much quicker and broader and less constricted into processes.
    • if it was not for Lord Hitler and the Nazis, then we wouldn't have sped-up in advancing technologically in the last century or so; then we wouldn't have the 666 WWW Internet, which is difficult to control and regulate (despite the jew's repeated and repeated attempts to do so); while WW2 was its own process, that was also a part of the same other process to give us the Internet now so we can spread the truth about things. A heck of a lot of things have happened since the 1900s and advancement has exploded - and along with it, the jew is losing so, so painfully!
  • there are more examples that you and anyone could think of.

The jew knows that Physicality, this Physical Realm, is as slow as fuck, and the jew goes slower still deliberately to be in control, whereas in literal and actual terms, if we project Astrally and visit the Astral and Higher Dimensions (either by going there with our Astral Body, or indirectly by raising our vibrational levels), then there is no need nor limit for time and space/distance/travel there; it is instantaneous. We can raise energy and give it to Satan to use; visualise the ball of energy before Him and it would appear there instantaneously, despite LORD Satan's Physical abode being thousands of light-years away. Like pathways within our Souls (144 000 nadis), the jew created "pathways" to slow things down Physically so it could be in control; the jew is a parasite and it rotted us from within. If the jew is at the top - and only a fool would deny such - then we can use a business term to explain things in a fashion - a fish rots from the head down.

In and amongst this, you must work within the processes and improve yourself Spiritually/Metaphysically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally/Psychologically. Once you get on well with advancing and empowering yourself, you may just find that any and all of these crappy, shitty things you do - porn and anything else - become the verbal shrug - meh - in your life, that you don't care about them anymore, that you're not interested in them anymore, that there are more important (rather, actually important) things to do. Porn, and a lot of things, are "entertainment" - escapism from the shit that the jew thrust upon you relentlessly (if you'll mind the pun here, but in fact rape is thrust against one without permission, and the jew rapes (in non-sexual, but also sexual, ways) us, so...). Don't let the jew win; don't be jewed! The best escapism is Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism is your(true)self-ism. That way, you can be whomever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, live your life however you want to live it, have your world however you want it - and if some of these things that you decide to do and be are "wrong", then fine; if they are wrong, then...that's up to you; if they are wrong then you'll be rebuked surely.

e.g. if you were a lower Nordic and you decided to oppose Satan by siding with the jew's overlords against us, then you'll be (more than) rebuked in due course (I can only guess that there might be some lower Nordics who decided to remain loyal to Satan but that is wild speculation). As such - there is a line not to be crossed; can any of these defected lower Nordics repent and return? Would Satan, and any other God or Goddess...not welcome but allow them back?! At what point did they cross the point of no return, at what point did they cross the line and go too far? Is there any possibility for them to come back? i.e. Satan says, I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. Satan also says, No god has a right to interfere in my affairs... If you do your own and have your own affairs, then who's to stop you - as long as they do not conflict with Satan's affairs? It just so fecking 'appens that I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody - Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me. LORD Beelzebub is one who can, and if necessary will, punish! Any and all Gods and Goddesses can and do punish if need-be, of course, but He is a more prominent God to sort out conflicts - but not petty squabbles, though, of course.

Again to be a bit controversial, I, at least partly, agree with Aldrick Strickland - but there has to be caution taken so as to not go too far and say "Fuck you all" to everyone and everything, just so we can do our own things all willy-nilly. For some, once we advance to a certain point or points, we can become very arrogant and perhaps also pious to our own holier-than-thou delusions of grandeur. I'm not accusing Aldrick Strickland of that, but it just reminded me of it.

*meaning -
  • "wrong"
    • as according to whom?,
  • wrong
    • incorrect/bad/destructive... things, and
  • wrong
    • things which are very and seriously wrong/bad/evil...
**I might say all things, in one way, on one side, in one bias, fall into these 3 categories

mercury_wisdom said:
Also what does a beginner need to do first to be able to connect to my succubus ex: Chakra openings?
Advance very far out of beginnerhood.

Aldrick Strickland said:
I just want all sexuality to be free. Where Aryans March naked and bisexual orgies occur for celebration. Not this aversion to oh dear theyre naked. Or oh no there can't be to much gay stuff going on, that would be a tragedy.
As you mentioned Ancient Greece, I think I know where you're coming from. Regrettably, your ideal here is quite a far way away. Realistically, it wouldn't be happening any time soon, but you're not the only person who has had this wish or fantasy - sorry, but it is a fantasy at the moment. I also presume and infer that when you said "march naked and bisexual orgies occure for celebration" you meant more like a flash mob, a flash-orgy, in the middle of wherever, randomly and unprepared, lol. That would be...interesting to witness...more than a few...dozen times!

Further to be controversial - you could go sleeping with other-Races[/controversy], but where would that get you and what would it get you? How could you possibly advance and empower yourself properly when mixing with energies which are just not of you nor for you? Not only would you be affecting your own Soul, you'd also be affecting the Soul of the other person/s who you slept with, both other-Race and same-Race, as well - regardless of whether you used protection/contraception or not. Please do a little exercise - get some brown tape (or whatever you might call it) and cut off two strips. Put the two strips sticky-side facing each other and press them together. Now try and tear them apart oh!, so very carefully. This = Souls becoming intermingled and joined and connected. If there was such things as other-coloured tape, of the same quality and consistency, etc., then get some of those other colours and add them into the mix. Then recall (if you read it) where I mentioned about us being a big pot of mixed coloured paint, with no individuality nor uniqueness nor intelligence, which the jew wants, yahugh! It 'urts when aye stick muy finguh in muy aye! Yahugh! 'Elp me; muy aye 'urts! Yahugh! [insert picture of Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel here, and picture of broken-leg toy from Toy Story trying to walk here]

We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.

you dont know why some of Us are nazis says the one with the god damn a third reich username get the hell out of here stupid shit wtf is this
satanichonor said:
(((Obergruppenfuhrer))) said:
FancyMancy said:
I am replying to the following in this post -

HP. Hoodedcobra666
Aldrick Strickland
Legendary Creature

These were just caught in the net -

then you are a fucking pervert and you need to keep your fucking neb out!

Oh, sorry. I couldn't help mesen! :p

Seriously, though (although, I was being serious already) - what business is it of yours where anyone puts their anything? No bullshit about "god said" or "goddidditt", please; why is it your business - and more to the point, why do you think it is your business?!

These are rhetorical questions; I used to be a nearly-fundy christian, so I know what (any christian thinks) business it is of theirs, and also generally why people can think it is their business, as well.

On the topic of watching questionable (as according to whom?!) and other-Race porn - if you are able to not be duped (juped) into being a sheep and acting on it, then perhaps it is not bad, or OK, or fine... However, that focusses on other-Race persons, not your own, which then would be in your Soul and which would influence you in future times and lives.

You eat filtered water?

I'm going to say something else perhaps controversial which I was told before I decided to be a jew-arse-sucking slave retard - "you don't change then become a christian; you become a christian then you change"; you don't have to worry about being right or wrong; just be. Get on with the workings and meditations and developing a proper relationship with Satan, or at least your Guardian Daemon/s/Daemoness/es, and things will correct themselves Naturally. (It could be possible that consciously and/or unconsciously you might oppose, resist these Natural changes, though.) As for the christian having "just bed" and allegedly "getting on with it", as I just said here to you to do - 2000 years of things hasn't helped them! We, on the other hand, can do things in short order - much shorter order. Consider what I say below regarding from the beginning of the millenium!

If you want to be a Spiritual Satanist and genuinely you believe that it is for you, that it is correct and true and real, that Satan is real and not the, nor any, devil, that the jew shit which has raped this Planet for so many centuries needs to be eradicated 100%, etc... then be a Spiritual Satanist. If you are doing "wrong"*, wrong*, or wrong* things**, then you can still be a Spiritual Satanist, probably. I say "probably" because this is not definite nor absolute; if you are not a jew, but you love the jew and help the jew then you cannot be a Spiritual Satanist; if you do some shit things, then you can stop and change and do cool things instead. Man is judged by his actions, not by his lip-service; the jew is master of lip-service and clandestine anti-Human, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific, anti-Natural, anti-Earth-and-Her-Inhabitants actions. Nearly all politicians are dirty, and they pretend to have Article 50 to leave the European jewnion, which might be revoked as the dirty who wrote it said it was not meant to be used... They give lip-service and no actions. theresa may, dirty unelected PM, lost its voice and used that to say it knows the voice of the Country. christians are idiots, as well - they give lip-service that "'god' is good" and "this is this" and "that is that", and say "Amen" at the end of prayers which references Amon Ra... with all of this lip-service for many centuries, Africans are still dirt poor as shit and Children are starving to death - and oh!, priests/bishops/what-the-fuck-evers, "god"'s chosen, appointed, annointed, ordained workers, are raping nuns and Children left, right, and centre worldwide! Lip-service is nothing; actions are everything. (Look in my posts for more about these things...)

Say that you are consciously willing to be a Spiritual Satanist, do the workings and mediations and develop a proper relationship with Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, and better Yourself and the Universe, and you are trying to do these things, but also you are doing X thing which is fucking shit, in one way which may be terribly shit (but not quite wrong, as below) - you can still change to do productive, beneficial, helpful things. It's quite impossible to change at the click of anyone's fingers, at the drop of a hat. Processes exist and in a sense preside. You can't escape processes - and look at the jewed world; it's full of processes which fuck us up and fuck us over and fuck us around! We have "cheats" (although, it's more like we are restoring these things which were taken away from us by force and usurpation/appropriation) which we can use to win quicker. See any and all things which take time and have to "go through the proper channels" and which make you wait and go all round the houses to get anywhere, etc. - we can use Magick to do things in a more overall, direct and efficient way, with fuller and lasting results.

  • after we reach a certain level, amount of advancement and empowerement, we could manipulate energy to keep us healthy and not needing to eat (but just eat for pleasure); at the moment, we have to work/get benefits and go to the shop and buy things and prepare/cook them then eat them and exercise, etc.
  • we need to go to the doctor's for diagnoses and prescriptions and go to the pharmacy to get the medicine and ingest them for a number of days and possibly have repeat prescriptions and possibly pay for them... - and there are billions and trillions and quadrillions of different "medicines" for different things; we, on the other hand, can use healing Magick, simply brilliant bright white-gold light, to heal things in a non-toxic, non-zombifying way, non-impotent way, and we can do this at home and anywhere.
  • we have to earn money from work/government and wait for the gym to be open, drive/walk there, be registered and inducted, and use the machines...; if advanced enough, we could use Magick at home and anywhere at any time to give us sexy, big muscles and lose weight to have a nice BMI.
  • World War Two, the Nazis used very powerful weaponry and ships and things to get somewhere, but that still wasn't enough; we know (some of) what happened with that. (Check our sites for more accurate information about those things...) We, the Joy of Satan Ministries, now, since about 2001 or 2002, have managed to begin to rape the jew back for all of its shit. It was necessary to do some RtRs before the Final RtR was done; this is a process in and of itself, but also the RtRs as a whole, as Magick, are much quicker and broader and less constricted into processes.
    • if it was not for Lord Hitler and the Nazis, then we wouldn't have sped-up in advancing technologically in the last century or so; then we wouldn't have the 666 WWW Internet, which is difficult to control and regulate (despite the jew's repeated and repeated attempts to do so); while WW2 was its own process, that was also a part of the same other process to give us the Internet now so we can spread the truth about things. A heck of a lot of things have happened since the 1900s and advancement has exploded - and along with it, the jew is losing so, so painfully!
  • there are more examples that you and anyone could think of.

The jew knows that Physicality, this Physical Realm, is as slow as fuck, and the jew goes slower still deliberately to be in control, whereas in literal and actual terms, if we project Astrally and visit the Astral and Higher Dimensions (either by going there with our Astral Body, or indirectly by raising our vibrational levels), then there is no need nor limit for time and space/distance/travel there; it is instantaneous. We can raise energy and give it to Satan to use; visualise the ball of energy before Him and it would appear there instantaneously, despite LORD Satan's Physical abode being thousands of light-years away. Like pathways within our Souls (144 000 nadis), the jew created "pathways" to slow things down Physically so it could be in control; the jew is a parasite and it rotted us from within. If the jew is at the top - and only a fool would deny such - then we can use a business term to explain things in a fashion - a fish rots from the head down.

In and amongst this, you must work within the processes and improve yourself Spiritually/Metaphysically, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally/Psychologically. Once you get on well with advancing and empowering yourself, you may just find that any and all of these crappy, shitty things you do - porn and anything else - become the verbal shrug - meh - in your life, that you don't care about them anymore, that you're not interested in them anymore, that there are more important (rather, actually important) things to do. Porn, and a lot of things, are "entertainment" - escapism from the shit that the jew thrust upon you relentlessly (if you'll mind the pun here, but in fact rape is thrust against one without permission, and the jew rapes (in non-sexual, but also sexual, ways) us, so...). Don't let the jew win; don't be jewed! The best escapism is Spiritual Satanism. Spiritual Satanism is your(true)self-ism. That way, you can be whomever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, live your life however you want to live it, have your world however you want it - and if some of these things that you decide to do and be are "wrong", then fine; if they are wrong, then...that's up to you; if they are wrong then you'll be rebuked surely.

e.g. if you were a lower Nordic and you decided to oppose Satan by siding with the jew's overlords against us, then you'll be (more than) rebuked in due course (I can only guess that there might be some lower Nordics who decided to remain loyal to Satan but that is wild speculation). As such - there is a line not to be crossed; can any of these defected lower Nordics repent and return? Would Satan, and any other God or Goddess...not welcome but allow them back?! At what point did they cross the point of no return, at what point did they cross the line and go too far? Is there any possibility for them to come back? i.e. Satan says, I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. Satan also says, No god has a right to interfere in my affairs... If you do your own and have your own affairs, then who's to stop you - as long as they do not conflict with Satan's affairs? It just so fecking 'appens that I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody - Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me. LORD Beelzebub is one who can, and if necessary will, punish! Any and all Gods and Goddesses can and do punish if need-be, of course, but He is a more prominent God to sort out conflicts - but not petty squabbles, though, of course.

Again to be a bit controversial, I, at least partly, agree with Aldrick Strickland - but there has to be caution taken so as to not go too far and say "Fuck you all" to everyone and everything, just so we can do our own things all willy-nilly. For some, once we advance to a certain point or points, we can become very arrogant and perhaps also pious to our own holier-than-thou delusions of grandeur. I'm not accusing Aldrick Strickland of that, but it just reminded me of it.

*meaning -
  • "wrong"
    • as according to whom?,
  • wrong
    • incorrect/bad/destructive... things, and
  • wrong
    • things which are very and seriously wrong/bad/evil...
**I might say all things, in one way, on one side, in one bias, fall into these 3 categories

Advance very far out of beginnerhood.

As you mentioned Ancient Greece, I think I know where you're coming from. Regrettably, your ideal here is quite a far way away. Realistically, it wouldn't be happening any time soon, but you're not the only person who has had this wish or fantasy - sorry, but it is a fantasy at the moment. I also presume and infer that when you said "march naked and bisexual orgies occure for celebration" you meant more like a flash mob, a flash-orgy, in the middle of wherever, randomly and unprepared, lol. That would be...interesting to witness...more than a few...dozen times!

Further to be controversial - you could go sleeping with other-Races[/controversy], but where would that get you and what would it get you? How could you possibly advance and empower yourself properly when mixing with energies which are just not of you nor for you? Not only would you be affecting your own Soul, you'd also be affecting the Soul of the other person/s who you slept with, both other-Race and same-Race, as well - regardless of whether you used protection/contraception or not. Please do a little exercise - get some brown tape (or whatever you might call it) and cut off two strips. Put the two strips sticky-side facing each other and press them together. Now try and tear them apart oh!, so very carefully. This = Souls becoming intermingled and joined and connected. If there was such things as other-coloured tape, of the same quality and consistency, etc., then get some of those other colours and add them into the mix. Then recall (if you read it) where I mentioned about us being a big pot of mixed coloured paint, with no individuality nor uniqueness nor intelligence, which the jew wants, yahugh! It 'urts when aye stick muy finguh in muy aye! Yahugh! 'Elp me; muy aye 'urts! Yahugh! [insert picture of Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel here, and picture of broken-leg toy from Toy Story trying to walk here]

We live in a cultureless society. We have to reexamine what we hold up as ideals because right now we hold no ideals. That's the entire point of what I am getting at here. What do we hold close as a culture. What do parents tell their children and teenagers? I don't think you are a good parent if you encourage your sons cock and ball torture fetish for instance. Or just check out and say its not your concern.

Honestly you are weak and will never stand for anything. Some things are degenerate and need to be called out.

How some of you are Nazis is beyond me. Because by your standards Hitler was the worst oppressive bigot to ever live. Just read the Table Talks. And don't give me the "Muh Fake" excuse. You cant prove its fake at all.

you dont know why some of Us are nazis says the one with the god damn a third reich username get the hell out of here stupid shit wtf is this

I thought you were replying to me. Was Very Confused. So hes against our anti Christ? Big surprise from someone with that much of a xian Mentality. Hes need to just go fuck a jew since he loves them so much.
:lol: he must be a very clearheaded individual to admire his third reich username and then defend the jews, this guy knows what he's talking about everyone lmfao! He's/jew is like brad pitt a complete asshole, confused but he is in the closet about that and xian.
no, loll was not talking to you I replied to his post not sure why it would show up noti. to you if it did.
Well what if one chooses to temporarily to refrain from sexual activity simply because one is tired of wanting a woman or a partner that they can touch physically and "feel" it?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
