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Odinism Question


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2005
This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that means spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a jewish corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that means spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a jewish corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
I am glad you both liked it.    With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"  Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.  Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche. I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's. The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination. In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.    
From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question

  This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that means spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a jewish corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@...
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.

It pisses me off about what the enemies of Satan have done to the term "Aryan," as well. CHRISTIANITY will accept ANYONE as an elite. However, Satanism follows the Laws of Nature. All anyone needs to do is read the Nineteenth Enochian Key. It is about survival of the fittest. These are Nature's ETERNAL Laws. Nature's religion is Might Is Right/Survival of the Fittest.

When I say "fittest," I am not denying non-Aryan races, as the Jews promote the idea that the Aryans are after all non-Aryan races, when it is the JEWS who are after ALL other races. The reality is that we who are Aryan are here to enlighten the world and set an example to its peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot grasp the fact that Nature is Hierarchical, though, as in communism/socialism, where everyone is treated equally, no matter how much people are different, their incomes, their lots in life, private property, etc. This is the entire theme of the Christian Bible- fight against Natural Law, in favor of Jewish synthetic "law" which was given to the Jews by their artificial "god."

Satan created the first civilized Aryan man to set a strong example to the world to those who can follow it. Unlike Nature's Laws, which Satan and his Demons follow, the despicable program of Christianity does NOT discriminate against right or wrong. Christians may discriminate against others, but CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT! Christianity latches its teeth onto any soul it can get its hands on, gay or straight. While being a GBLT person and a Christian is an obvious oxymoron, the existing "GBLT Christian Churches" are a testament to how Christianity really works. Just because fellow Christians may not approve of homo/bisexuality, does NOT stop Christianity from doing its work, EQUALLY, on ALL people.

Satan says the following in the Al-Jilwah:

"Be obedient to my servants and listen to what they communicate
to you of that knowledge of the unseen which they receive from me." - Satan

This does not equate slavery. The Jews want slavery of all other races that exist. This means that Satan's blood-line has been chosen as messengers to the world. The sooner we destroy Christianity, the sooner the entire Jewish slave system over humanity goes down.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

I am glad you both liked it. 
With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"
Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.
Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol
We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche.
I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's.
The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination.
In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.

From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question


This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that means
spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a jewish
corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
You have made a bench-mark. Keep up the good work. You have to be very patient. This sort of thing doesn't always happen overnight. People are expected to keep working on their souls, considering the damage that Christianity has done to the collective unconscious. Also, a lot of times when you see and hear Satan and his Demons, it won't always be blatantly obvious on the physical level, but on a more subtle, psychic level. Satan lives far away from us and communicates via telepathy. However, one must first train themselves to learn the difference between the Truth, which Satan speaks to you, versus enemy impersonation and astral deception. Satan communicates astrally. So do the enemies of Satan. None of this is to discourage you, but to help motivate you in empowering your soul on a daily basis. You will *know* when it's Satan or any of his Demons.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "alandaleb10" <alandaleb10@... wrote:

i opened my all chakras but i not can't see my gd or any thing
what i do
hail lucifer
The jews really are the masters of projection.

The White race to this day is the one race that its members will drop their whole lives to travel across the planet to help bring medical aid, food and even just to dig a water well for people they never ment before in the 3rd world and save their lives by the thousands doing so. I remember after Hati had the harpquake. People around here where pooling their last dollar together, food anything to send to Hatians out of a sense of real care. This is common for our race and its example goes on for centuries. We freely give our technology and knowledge to the other races to help them improve their quality of life. And ask nothing from them in return.

You can see the jews know we are a idealistic, caring very alturist race so they attack on based on this fact. The entire jewish psychological warfare tactic against our race is based on this fact.

Even the ancient non-White races records of the Aryans mention the same. Aryans where a race of caring people who gave them civilization building sciences, taught them to care for each other and end pointless wars and violence to each other. And improved their quality of life forever after.

The only reason the jews get away with their bold faced lies about us is because people are so disconnected from their own ancestors and spirit.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote:

It pisses me off about what the enemies of Satan have done to the term "Aryan," as well. CHRISTIANITY will accept ANYONE as an elite. However, Satanism follows the Laws of Nature. All anyone needs to do is read the Nineteenth Enochian Key. It is about survival of the fittest. These are Nature's ETERNAL Laws. Nature's religion is Might Is Right/Survival of the Fittest.

When I say "fittest," I am not denying non-Aryan races, as the Jews promote the idea that the Aryans are after all non-Aryan races, when it is the JEWS who are after ALL other races. The reality is that we who are Aryan are here to enlighten the world and set an example to its peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot grasp the fact that Nature is Hierarchical, though, as in communism/socialism, where everyone is treated equally, no matter how much people are different, their incomes, their lots in life, private property, etc. This is the entire theme of the Christian Bible- fight against Natural Law, in favor of Jewish synthetic "law" which was given to the Jews by their artificial "god."

Satan created the first civilized Aryan man to set a strong example to the world to those who can follow it. Unlike Nature's Laws, which Satan and his Demons follow, the despicable program of Christianity does NOT discriminate against right or wrong. Christians may discriminate against others, but CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT! Christianity latches its teeth onto any soul it can get its hands on, gay or straight. While being a GBLT person and a Christian is an obvious oxymoron, the existing "GBLT Christian Churches" are a testament to how Christianity really works. Just because fellow Christians may not approve of homo/bisexuality, does NOT stop Christianity from doing its work, EQUALLY, on ALL people.

Satan says the following in the Al-Jilwah:

"Be obedient to my servants and listen to what they communicate
to you of that knowledge of the unseen which they receive from me." - Satan

This does not equate slavery. The Jews want slavery of all other races that exist. This means that Satan's blood-line has been chosen as messengers to the world. The sooner we destroy Christianity, the sooner the entire Jewish slave system over humanity goes down.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I am glad you both liked it. 
With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"
Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.
Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol
We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche.
I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's.
The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination.
In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.

From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question


This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that means
spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a jewish
corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
So basically the Aryan race is the only race who are civilized...? Other races aren't advanced enough to be civilized?

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 11:50 PM EDT Don wrote:

The jews really are the masters of projection.

The White race to this day is the one race that its members will drop their whole lives to travel across the planet to help bring medical aid, food and even just to dig a water well for people they never ment before in the 3rd world and save their lives by the thousands doing so. I remember after Hati had the harpquake. People around here where pooling their last dollar together, food anything to send to Hatians out of a sense of real care. This is common for our race and its example goes on for centuries. We freely give our technology and knowledge to the other races to help them improve their quality of life. And ask nothing from them in return.

You can see the jews know we are a idealistic, caring very alturist race so they attack on based on this fact. The entire jewish psychological warfare tactic against our race is based on this fact.

Even the ancient non-White races records of the Aryans mention the same. Aryans where a race of caring people who gave them civilization building sciences, taught them to care for each other and end pointless wars and violence to each other. And improved their quality of life forever after.

The only reason the jews get away with their bold faced lies about us is because people are so disconnected from their own ancestors and spirit.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@... wrote:

It pisses me off about what the enemies of Satan have done to the term "Aryan," as well. CHRISTIANITY will accept ANYONE as an elite. However, Satanism follows the Laws of Nature. All anyone needs to do is read the Nineteenth Enochian Key. It is about survival of the fittest. These are Nature's ETERNAL Laws. Nature's religion is Might Is Right/Survival of the Fittest.

When I say "fittest," I am not denying non-Aryan races, as the Jews promote the idea that the Aryans are after all non-Aryan races, when it is the JEWS who are after ALL other races. The reality is that we who are Aryan are here to enlighten the world and set an example to its peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot grasp the fact that Nature is Hierarchical, though, as in communism/socialism, where everyone is treated equally, no matter how much people are different, their incomes, their lots in life, private property, etc. This is the entire theme of the Christian Bible- fight against Natural Law, in favor of Jewish synthetic "law" which was given to the Jews by their artificial "god."

Satan created the first civilized Aryan man to set a strong example to the world to those who can follow it. Unlike Nature's Laws, which Satan and his Demons follow, the despicable program of Christianity does NOT discriminate against right or wrong. Christians may discriminate against others, but CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT! Christianity latches its teeth onto any soul it can get its hands on, gay or straight. While being a GBLT person and a Christian is an obvious oxymoron, the existing "GBLT Christian Churches" are a testament to how Christianity really works. Just because fellow Christians may not approve of homo/bisexuality, does NOT stop Christianity from doing its work, EQUALLY, on ALL people.

Satan says the following in the Al-Jilwah:

"Be obedient to my servants and listen to what they communicate
to you of that knowledge of the unseen which they receive from me." - Satan

This does not equate slavery. The Jews want slavery of all other races that exist. This means that Satan's blood-line has been chosen as messengers to the world. The sooner we destroy Christianity, the sooner the entire Jewish slave system over humanity goes down.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I am glad you both liked it. 
With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"
Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.
Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol
We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche.
I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's.
The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination.
In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.

From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question


This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that
spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a
corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
Depends on your perception of civilized.

The non-White races originally where mainly hunter gather types. One thing Aryans did was teach them the science of farming, crops and animal raising, cloth making, house building, better tool making.etc This allowed the basis for civilization to be laided. Without that a people will be normadic. They also gave them laws which allowed for situations to be handled among themselves with better ethics allowing a social order to appear, a greater knowledge of healing.etc Such things are mentioned by the Amerindians and Far East Asians.

The Chinese mention they got their culture from Aryans and they did over time intermix blood with them. The current Japanese are a race of Asian-Aryan blood and culture on many levels going back thousands of years. The same for the N.Chinese. Those are your highest branches of the East basically. Korea is also included in that reality by its real history.

It should be noted the Aryan race is the race with the highest level of civilization. The great evidence is the large amount of the second and thirdworld are running, swimming and flying by the millions to come live in the White Nations. But its never the otherway around.

If White people did not exist this whole planet would live primitive in the stone age or pre-stone age. That is the level of impact the White race has had and has on this planet.

This reality is a denial of the jewish-liberal lies of course. But the jewish-liberal lies are a denial of reality.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

So basically the Aryan race is the only race who are civilized...? Other races aren't advanced enough to be civilized?

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 11:50 PM EDT Don wrote:

The jews really are the masters of projection.

The White race to this day is the one race that its members will drop their whole lives to travel across the planet to help bring medical aid, food and even just to dig a water well for people they never ment before in the 3rd world and save their lives by the thousands doing so. I remember after Hati had the harpquake. People around here where pooling their last dollar together, food anything to send to Hatians out of a sense of real care. This is common for our race and its example goes on for centuries. We freely give our technology and knowledge to the other races to help them improve their quality of life. And ask nothing from them in return.

You can see the jews know we are a idealistic, caring very alturist race so they attack on based on this fact. The entire jewish psychological warfare tactic against our race is based on this fact.

Even the ancient non-White races records of the Aryans mention the same. Aryans where a race of caring people who gave them civilization building sciences, taught them to care for each other and end pointless wars and violence to each other. And improved their quality of life forever after.

The only reason the jews get away with their bold faced lies about us is because people are so disconnected from their own ancestors and spirit.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@ wrote:

It pisses me off about what the enemies of Satan have done to the term "Aryan," as well. CHRISTIANITY will accept ANYONE as an elite. However, Satanism follows the Laws of Nature. All anyone needs to do is read the Nineteenth Enochian Key. It is about survival of the fittest. These are Nature's ETERNAL Laws. Nature's religion is Might Is Right/Survival of the Fittest.

When I say "fittest," I am not denying non-Aryan races, as the Jews promote the idea that the Aryans are after all non-Aryan races, when it is the JEWS who are after ALL other races. The reality is that we who are Aryan are here to enlighten the world and set an example to its peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot grasp the fact that Nature is Hierarchical, though, as in communism/socialism, where everyone is treated equally, no matter how much people are different, their incomes, their lots in life, private property, etc. This is the entire theme of the Christian Bible- fight against Natural Law, in favor of Jewish synthetic "law" which was given to the Jews by their artificial "god."

Satan created the first civilized Aryan man to set a strong example to the world to those who can follow it. Unlike Nature's Laws, which Satan and his Demons follow, the despicable program of Christianity does NOT discriminate against right or wrong. Christians may discriminate against others, but CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT! Christianity latches its teeth onto any soul it can get its hands on, gay or straight. While being a GBLT person and a Christian is an obvious oxymoron, the existing "GBLT Christian Churches" are a testament to how Christianity really works. Just because fellow Christians may not approve of homo/bisexuality, does NOT stop Christianity from doing its work, EQUALLY, on ALL people.

Satan says the following in the Al-Jilwah:

"Be obedient to my servants and listen to what they communicate
to you of that knowledge of the unseen which they receive from me." - Satan

This does not equate slavery. The Jews want slavery of all other races that exist. This means that Satan's blood-line has been chosen as messengers to the world. The sooner we destroy Christianity, the sooner the entire Jewish slave system over humanity goes down.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I am glad you both liked it. 
With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"
Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.
Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol
We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche.
I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's.
The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination.
In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.

From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question


This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that
spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a
corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
I will also add the middle east, N.Africa, India. Are today the result of former Aryan civilizations and blood lines that mixed over time with other races to some degree. Those areas at one time where as White as Ireland. Today one can see many White people still literally exist from the ME across India into Asia as a whole.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

Depends on your perception of civilized.

The non-White races originally where mainly hunter gather types. One thing Aryans did was teach them the science of farming, crops and animal raising, cloth making, house building, better tool making.etc This allowed the basis for civilization to be laided. Without that a people will be normadic. They also gave them laws which allowed for situations to be handled among themselves with better ethics allowing a social order to appear, a greater knowledge of healing.etc Such things are mentioned by the Amerindians and Far East Asians.

The Chinese mention they got their culture from Aryans and they did over time intermix blood with them. The current Japanese are a race of Asian-Aryan blood and culture on many levels going back thousands of years. The same for the N.Chinese. Those are your highest branches of the East basically. Korea is also included in that reality by its real history.

It should be noted the Aryan race is the race with the highest level of civilization. The great evidence is the large amount of the second and thirdworld are running, swimming and flying by the millions to come live in the White Nations. But its never the otherway around.

If White people did not exist this whole planet would live primitive in the stone age or pre-stone age. That is the level of impact the White race has had and has on this planet.

This reality is a denial of the jewish-liberal lies of course. But the jewish-liberal lies are a denial of reality.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

So basically the Aryan race is the only race who are civilized...? Other races aren't advanced enough to be civilized?

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 11:50 PM EDT Don wrote:

The jews really are the masters of projection.

The White race to this day is the one race that its members will drop their whole lives to travel across the planet to help bring medical aid, food and even just to dig a water well for people they never ment before in the 3rd world and save their lives by the thousands doing so. I remember after Hati had the harpquake. People around here where pooling their last dollar together, food anything to send to Hatians out of a sense of real care. This is common for our race and its example goes on for centuries. We freely give our technology and knowledge to the other races to help them improve their quality of life. And ask nothing from them in return.

You can see the jews know we are a idealistic, caring very alturist race so they attack on based on this fact. The entire jewish psychological warfare tactic against our race is based on this fact.

Even the ancient non-White races records of the Aryans mention the same. Aryans where a race of caring people who gave them civilization building sciences, taught them to care for each other and end pointless wars and violence to each other. And improved their quality of life forever after.

The only reason the jews get away with their bold faced lies about us is because people are so disconnected from their own ancestors and spirit.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@ wrote:

It pisses me off about what the enemies of Satan have done to the term "Aryan," as well. CHRISTIANITY will accept ANYONE as an elite. However, Satanism follows the Laws of Nature. All anyone needs to do is read the Nineteenth Enochian Key. It is about survival of the fittest. These are Nature's ETERNAL Laws. Nature's religion is Might Is Right/Survival of the Fittest.

When I say "fittest," I am not denying non-Aryan races, as the Jews promote the idea that the Aryans are after all non-Aryan races, when it is the JEWS who are after ALL other races. The reality is that we who are Aryan are here to enlighten the world and set an example to its peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot grasp the fact that Nature is Hierarchical, though, as in communism/socialism, where everyone is treated equally, no matter how much people are different, their incomes, their lots in life, private property, etc. This is the entire theme of the Christian Bible- fight against Natural Law, in favor of Jewish synthetic "law" which was given to the Jews by their artificial "god."

Satan created the first civilized Aryan man to set a strong example to the world to those who can follow it. Unlike Nature's Laws, which Satan and his Demons follow, the despicable program of Christianity does NOT discriminate against right or wrong. Christians may discriminate against others, but CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT! Christianity latches its teeth onto any soul it can get its hands on, gay or straight. While being a GBLT person and a Christian is an obvious oxymoron, the existing "GBLT Christian Churches" are a testament to how Christianity really works. Just because fellow Christians may not approve of homo/bisexuality, does NOT stop Christianity from doing its work, EQUALLY, on ALL people.

Satan says the following in the Al-Jilwah:

"Be obedient to my servants and listen to what they communicate
to you of that knowledge of the unseen which they receive from me." - Satan

This does not equate slavery. The Jews want slavery of all other races that exist. This means that Satan's blood-line has been chosen as messengers to the world. The sooner we destroy Christianity, the sooner the entire Jewish slave system over humanity goes down.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I am glad you both liked it. 
With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"
Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.
Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol
We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche.
I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's.
The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination.
In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.

From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question


This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that
spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a
corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.
I agree with you on this one. I am mixed race, and my mother and her family are white. They are somewhere from North Africa, but her dad was blue eyed and white hair, her mother, white and light brown eyes. Also, people in ME countries (especially that of Lebanon) are full Aryan. Most Egyptians are a slight tan colour, coloured eyes and long straight brown to blonde hair.  
Weird, my dad isn't black, he is brown?? Yeah I know, it's weird, but he has brown eyes. Race mixing can sure fuck people over. My youngest brother is darker than me, he has slightly blonde hair (his arm hairs are almost all blonde), and his hair is curly. I am the lightest skin tone of all my siblings, and my hair is dark brown and curly. Also, a lot of feeling left out, around people. Especially the fact that I live in Ireland currently, and boy are these people white. So white actually they are almost pink. 
But thank you for the information HP Don :)

Hail the Almighty Gods of Duat!
On 7 Jul 2012, at 06:10, "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:
  I will also add the middle east, N.Africa, India. Are today the result of former Aryan civilizations and blood lines that mixed over time with other races to some degree. Those areas at one time where as White as Ireland. Today one can see many White people still literally exist from the ME across India into Asia as a whole.

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

Depends on your perception of civilized.

The non-White races originally where mainly hunter gather types. One thing Aryans did was teach them the science of farming, crops and animal raising, cloth making, house building, better tool making.etc This allowed the basis for civilization to be laided. Without that a people will be normadic. They also gave them laws which allowed for situations to be handled among themselves with better ethics allowing a social order to appear, a greater knowledge of healing.etc Such things are mentioned by the Amerindians and Far East Asians.

The Chinese mention they got their culture from Aryans and they did over time intermix blood with them. The current Japanese are a race of Asian-Aryan blood and culture on many levels going back thousands of years. The same for the N.Chinese. Those are your highest branches of the East basically. Korea is also included in that reality by its real history.

It should be noted the Aryan race is the race with the highest level of civilization. The great evidence is the large amount of the second and thirdworld are running, swimming and flying by the millions to come live in the White Nations. But its never the otherway around.

If White people did not exist this whole planet would live primitive in the stone age or pre-stone age. That is the level of impact the White race has had and has on this planet.

This reality is a denial of the jewish-liberal lies of course. But the jewish-liberal lies are a denial of reality.

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

So basically the Aryan race is the only race who are civilized...? Other races aren't advanced enough to be civilized?

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 11:50 PM EDT Don wrote:

The jews really are the masters of projection.

The White race to this day is the one race that its members will drop their whole lives to travel across the planet to help bring medical aid, food and even just to dig a water well for people they never ment before in the 3rd world and save their lives by the thousands doing so. I remember after Hati had the harpquake. People around here where pooling their last dollar together, food anything to send to Hatians out of a sense of real care. This is common for our race and its example goes on for centuries. We freely give our technology and knowledge to the other races to help them improve their quality of life. And ask nothing from them in return.

You can see the jews know we are a idealistic, caring very alturist race so they attack on based on this fact. The entire jewish psychological warfare tactic against our race is based on this fact.

Even the ancient non-White races records of the Aryans mention the same. Aryans where a race of caring people who gave them civilization building sciences, taught them to care for each other and end pointless wars and violence to each other. And improved their quality of life forever after.

The only reason the jews get away with their bold faced lies about us is because people are so disconnected from their own ancestors and spirit.

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], "hammerofthegods_666" <hammerofthegods_666@ wrote:

It pisses me off about what the enemies of Satan have done to the term "Aryan," as well. CHRISTIANITY will accept ANYONE as an elite. However, Satanism follows the Laws of Nature. All anyone needs to do is read the Nineteenth Enochian Key. It is about survival of the fittest. These are Nature's ETERNAL Laws. Nature's religion is Might Is Right/Survival of the Fittest.

When I say "fittest," I am not denying non-Aryan races, as the Jews promote the idea that the Aryans are after all non-Aryan races, when it is the JEWS who are after ALL other races. The reality is that we who are Aryan are here to enlighten the world and set an example to its peoples. Unfortunately, a lot of people cannot grasp the fact that Nature is Hierarchical, though, as in communism/socialism, where everyone is treated equally, no matter how much people are different, their incomes, their lots in life, private property, etc. This is the entire theme of the Christian Bible- fight against Natural Law, in favor of Jewish synthetic "law" which was given to the Jews by their artificial "god."

Satan created the first civilized Aryan man to set a strong example to the world to those who can follow it. Unlike Nature's Laws, which Satan and his Demons follow, the despicable program of Christianity does NOT discriminate against right or wrong. Christians may discriminate against others, but CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT! Christianity latches its teeth onto any soul it can get its hands on, gay or straight. While being a GBLT person and a Christian is an obvious oxymoron, the existing "GBLT Christian Churches" are a testament to how Christianity really works. Just because fellow Christians may not approve of homo/bisexuality, does NOT stop Christianity from doing its work, EQUALLY, on ALL people.

Satan says the following in the Al-Jilwah:

"Be obedient to my servants and listen to what they communicate
to you of that knowledge of the unseen which they receive from me." - Satan

This does not equate slavery. The Jews want slavery of all other races that exist. This means that Satan's blood-line has been chosen as messengers to the world. The sooner we destroy Christianity, the sooner the entire Jewish slave system over humanity goes down.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- [/IMG][email protected][/email][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

I am glad you both liked it. 
With what you stated about Aya/Arya. I note the same in Egypt Aryan relates to this serpentine energy. We have it meaning "formed by the lady of the house." Meaning the kundalini power and as a title it also means "Twice Born." The risen power and the Ar rune which is solar and relates to the 666 of the solar chakra. And the inner sun. Its a title for our race in its illuminated state. As mentioned before even liberalish, empty heads within the race movement are copying the jew agers "Aryan is not a racial term!" Sing along, cry fest. They state it just means "noble"
Well yeah, it means noble because the original ARI-stocracy where the twice born of our race. Tthe risen or ascended Arya's where the rest where the fallen or unregenerate Arya's. Eitherway from our ancestors record its a racial term.
Their is another section in the racial movement pushing rhp xian-hinduanity as being "Aryan." Which is a joke too. They boil it down to being a deluded idiot who can sit crossed legged and chant "harey, harey, jezzzzussss!!!!", while eating tofu in their bathrobe. Each morning they awake in a cold sweat, near paralyzed by terror. Frevently praying to exorcise the evil spirit from their [tiny] weiner. Normal people call this a moring erection. While these characters actually call this situation " a sex attack." lol
We would not even have to had a serperation of the terms of risen or fallen Arya. If not for the enemy. As we known the concept of fallen is Pagan before xianity. And means the serpent power lays sleeping at the root charka. The texts of our ancestors on the darkage all center on this fact. Humanity as a whole our race included is in this fallen state and naturally the society they exist is built upon this low consciousness factor. As I wrote about in "Enemy Agenda" of why the enemy needs to keep people on that level or their programs can't work on the psyche.
I note the problem is in the racial cause was there is a noted lack of awakened Arya and just a lot of fallen Arya's.
The truth is only Whites who are dedicated SS are Aryan's in the purest sense. Everything we do is aimed to lift humanity as a whole out of the darkage and spiritual ignorance they exist in. To literally lift the veil from their consciousness. Which comes with illumination.
In the future for our People there will be only Arya's in the pure or perfected sense.

From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@
To: [e[/IMG][email protected][/email][/url]
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2012 1:55:48 PM
Subject: [Satanicgaycommunity] Re: Odinism Question


This is an incredible essay with a vast wealth of ADVANCED knowledge. I am enlightened by it. I read it to my partner, and he was entranced by it, and said that this is good to print out and leave in libraries/bookstores for people to learn the truth.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems that every title for Satan/Odin, has to do with the serpentine life-force. Like "En-KI," "OD-in" is Odic force.

Coming from some Irish ancestry, I found it very interesting that the Naddreds knew Satan as Budhaya and Woden, as opposed to only the fabled "Germania" [Ireland/Aryanland, in reality] for Woden, and Budhaya, only in the Far East. In the Far East, "Aya" [Budh-AYA] is a term for En-KI in the Hurrian texts. "Aya," probably pronounced as "Arya," means, you guessed it, life-force. In the Hurrian texts, Anu kept his name, and Enlil/Beelzebub, was called Ellil.



High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In mailto:Satanicgaycommunity%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote:

This is from a question in another egroup:

Its mainly not understood by the neo-Pagans. And was part of a larger Aryan religion.

Woden was also worshipped in Ireland and the British Isle's as celtic's are a mythological construct. There was only the Teutonic world. Germany and N.W, Europe was settled out of Ireland and the Isle's around ten thousand years ago. The Druids [Naddreds] worshipped a Godman named who among many titles was also called Wod or Wodan. Who was hung on a tree, experienced a mystical death and reborn into a full God. The Tara hill was found to have been at one time ringed by three hundred plus Oak tree's as part of its sacred enclosure. In this part Odin is symbolic of the life force and the tree the human soul. This why the other title for Wodan is Budha/Budhaya in Ireland. As it relates to mercury in sanskrit which is the original language of the Aryans. Mercury is symbolic of the life force. The science of Alchemly in the East was literally called Nagara. After the serpent energy. Think sun and serpent as Naga [serpent] and Ra [sun] and what that
spiritually. In many ancient parts of the world it was a literal serpent hung on the sacred tree or Tau cross. The Druids cut a Tau cross into the sacred tree they used to honor Wodan.

This is the meaning behind the Irminsul Pillar that stood at one of the most sacred Druidic sites on the European continent till it was destoryed in a jew backed, xian crusade into the region. The xian crusaders where fought against by Pagan armies for decades in some cases till all the fighters where killed to a man in almost endless war. But it stopped the spread of xianity further into Europe for centuries. The church did not have any real power in N.W Europe till the 14th to late 13th century. History has been rewrote to attempt to cover this up because its the end of the church on many levels. We have evidence of fully functioing Pagan churches in N.W Europe in the 13th century.

It was this act against the Irminsul that sparked the "Viking" period. Which lead to several major xian capitials being razed to the ground in revenge for the Irminsul. This site also contained the history and sacred knowledge of the Aryan race going back over 15,000 years.

The Irminsul is the Mount Meru Axis, the world column or spinial column that connects the earth to the heavens the root charka to the crown and the ascended serpent. The same pillar and religion of the Aryans was the exact same religion of the Innu Pillar in Egypt. For some reason this is lost amongst neo-Pagans who write chapters of meanling nonsense on the subject. This is one reason the Pagan Bon's [Cathars] worshipped a Godess named Mary. Because another title for Astaroth is Isis Meru or Mary. Literally Mary/Meru the Mount Meru axis of the spinal column. The sacred tree in many places was also called Asherah after her for this reason. As symbolically Astaroth represented the Sophia [light of the serpent] or yin aspect of the soul in the ancient world. That rises up the spine to illuminate one to their rebirth or gnosis. This reveals much of the Iss rune. The Bon's also worshipped Lucibel or Lucifier. They noted the catholic church was a
corruption and blasphemy of the Aryan religion and wanted nothing to do with it. The Catholic church waged a 30 year crusade against them wiping most of the area out.

The mysteries of the Hellenic's [ancient Greeks] as Pike notes where the same as the Druids and Egyptians. Hu another title for Wod was the God who lead the Aryans of the North to their new homelands. Hu was worshipped as Dionysus [ also called Huas, Hyas] one of the main meanings of Dionysus relates to the sacred mount at the top of the spinal column or world column. Dionysus sacred animals are the black goat, snake and peacock and he also carries a spear or staff and its ivy is the symbol of immortality. Further East Dionysus is worshipped as Siva, literally. Even the ancient Greeks mentioned this numerous times as did the Vedic Aryans of the East. Siva's gana's are the Bacchantes, both have the sacred phallus.etc Another title for Wodan was Esus and we look again at Diony-esus.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

As D.M. Murdock notes:

"The word "Buddha" is related to the Egyptian term for the sky-god father-figure, "Ptah" and "Puttha," as well as to "Pytha," as in Pythagoras ("Buddha" + "guru"). "

Churchward also stated:

"Buddha is their representative of Ptah of the Egyptians."

I mentioned before how Buddhism is the xianity of the East, but under the corrupted form some of the origin is laying. Which gives us forensic evidence to view the original if one can dig deep enough. When I state Buddha, Iam not writting about the fiction Gutama. But the original Pagan God and such title.

In Sri-Lanka, Buddha is still also called Wod or Wodan. Just as Christ, Christos was originally the eternal title of the Pagan Sun God which origin is "Karast" or "Krist" the title for the ressurrected Pagan God both spelling meaning "sun/luminous" Budhaya is also for the same reason and holds the same meaning. So we are looking at Wodan on a bigger level. As a note xianity is literally jewish corrupted crap, from the original Aryan religion of which all Aryan regions held the same tradition at the core. In one tale Buddha turns himself into a serpent to heal a person. That tale is ripped right from the pages of the Pagan world. And thus is part of the origin template that stayed around mixed with the enemy lies. Buddha is also crucified on a tree in the oldest texts and reborn three days later.etc This is the remaining parts of the original Pagan mytho's.

We are looking at the grail here as well as Bacchanalian rites had a special cup called the Agathodaemon [good serpent in english]. Of which consercrated whine was drunk form. And Buddha had a serpent chalice that drinking from gave enlightenment and immorality/eternal life. The whine represented the blood of the serpent [kundalini energies, mentioned in some texts mercury/ether]. And the cup the world or human soul. It should be noted Agathodaemon meaning "Good Serpent" what the title Daemon connects to as Serpents. In some texts our Gods where called the blazing Serpents in the sense of Shining Ones. The serpent and the sun are one and the same. So we are back to the Magnum Opus. The grail is the literal symbol of Lucifer.

The warrior must die pierced by a blade[sword mainly] in battle to go to Valhalla. Its an allegory for the chaos stage and the ascent of the kundalini and its piercings aspect. In the ancient world the sword, spear and dagger where also symbols of the serpent power. The valkyrie takes him over the rainbow bridge to Valhalla we are looking at the shaki rising up the spine to the crown chakra. In the East where Bon Po [Po is another name for Budhaya] was its core tradtion was called the Great Perfection and centered on creating the "Rainbow Body." The Veda's hold the same images of the Rainbow and so did the Hellenic schools. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow comes from such schools. Its an allegory that lived on in folktales.

Bon Po was replaced by force by the enemy template of "Buddhism" just as xianity did to the original template in the West.

Woden carries a spear which is the spinal column with the head or tip being the pineal gland it also is as stated a symbol of the piercing aspect of the kundalini. Just as Murrugan carries a spear of which the head also is depicted as a the eye of a Peacock feather and Siva carries the Trident and Ptah the staff. In the Americans where the Aryans went and passed down this culture. The same God [Votan] is literally still called the "Morning Star." Woden also leads the wild hunt as does Siva in the East.

So this is why Wodan rules Valhalla for the same reason in the East He rules Shambhala.

What is today called Odinism was based on the transformation and perfection of the soul to Godhood. God in sanskrit is Deva which is the power of the spiritual sun. The entire texts on Odin in the Saga's are allegories for perfection of the soul. They have been altered by the xians. But enough to the original is within it to the extent of understanding. But its part of a once global Aryan religion.

So to be in acutal Odinism as it really was [not how neo-paganism wishes it]. One would have to be literally a dedicated Spiritual Satanist.

From: Brandon <black_dragon_samurai4564@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:34:33 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Odinism

What are your thoughts on Odinism, and valhalla, odin, etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
