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Nope, there isn't any (((pattern or trend))) here, honestly!


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Jennifer Aniston says "A whole generation of Kids" finds Friends offensive - "you have to be very careful" with comedy now


Dermot and Molly Murnaghan were celebrity contestants who appeared on series 29 of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? on the 26th August 2012. They won £50,000. Molly said something along the lines of "I have seen every episode of Friends". Knowing it's basically about getting laid, it's interesting that no-one cared about that back then. Welp -


It Was Alright in the... '70s.


Various authours being cancelled; their works being destroyed, effectively
The jew basically admits re-writing history, trying to force you to think the way it wants; wronging rightthink
Rewriting Roald Dahl - the hundreds of changes made to suit a new "sensitive" generation


Schools, Colleges and Universities are jewish poison grounds and jail/indoctrination centres
Dozens of children walk out of school to protest new barriers outside toilets


(when Children are older, but not quite independent yet)
Universities can cancel your degree for wrongthink – and there's no real right to appeal

Who decides the way Humans should live? TPTB? The "man"? The secret cabal? The establishment? Those who you're not "allowed" to talk about nor question (credit: Voltaire or Kevin Alfred Strom)? The jew?!

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

It might be important and interesting to remember (or know) that the 2 verses just before and just after this one are rather relevant, as well -

In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls, but those who would preserve their life stay far from them.

Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; he who guards his soul will be far from them.

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

The jew created a plutocracy or plutarchy on Earth. The jew tries to make Democracy not exist. Not to mention, as others state, America is a business, as well. I would extend that to say the jew wants Planet Earth to be a manufactory, to be manufactory.

Just like a coincidence I screenshotted about 5 years ago -


this shows Children being taught/brainwashed/mind-raped/lied to, in the middle of those two verses. The rich (oh, and just who is it that is very, very, rich?!) rule over the poor - and the rich decide what's what, fund education, fund media, fund politics/parties, fund what it wants; and you are supposed to be taught as the rich wants, and you are to have Childlike faith and you are to be as the little ones...

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.

Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

Proverbs 22:15

Children are not mature... yet we have to be as Children are. Again, either side of this verse is the same pattern as above. The previous verse has a negative, the following verse has a mention of class/caste/politics -

The mouth of an adulterous woman is a deep pit; a man who is under the LORD's wrath falls into it.

The mouth of strange women is a deep pit; he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein.

One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty.

He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want.

The jew seems to be benefiting from exploiting the poor, though... and yes, of course, from the abuse of Children in many ways. Oh, and In the middle... yep... is the Child again. We are "supposed to be" like Children. We are "supposed to have" immature faith like Children have. It's like a binding. We're "supposed to be" bound by bad things, dangerous things, scary things on one side, and being ruled over, taught/brainwashed/mind-raped/lied to by those with power on the other side.

Regarding the jew money-lust which I quoted above, this post here got onto that. The rest of this post is better-suited in a thread I started previously, completely unintentionally regarding this one.

Yknow, your right about the "supposed to be like children". The way the enemy attempts to sexualize children and young adults, causes these same young adults to want to be more "childlike". This is the (((Beauty standards))) of our time.

Having no proper role models, young adults do not aspire to take on Responsible roles, or even to take care of the older generations.

Having low birth rates, and a strong separation between the generations, when the opposite would encourage the older ones to be responsible and further, the older generations would not want to be as "irresponsible" as the younger ones.
Can we assume our ancestors had Clans and Guilds and Communities that were not separated, that did have Elders, that did have "Youth Leaders". They would have seen how the Older Generations had Power, Strength, Wisdom, Wealth, etc. That was Greater than their own. And they surely would have aspired to achieve an even greater status when they did reach that same Age.

As I Age, my "youthful" appearance begins to dissapear, and it has been difficult for me to come with terms with, what I believed as "Ugly and Aged", is actually something that should be praised by the younger generations, as a sign of a Human being that has endured Many Years.

I personally find women older than myself much more attractive than the younger ones. Yes the younger ones might have the "youthful image", but that's all they really got over the older ones.

When I see Men older and stronger than myself, I am in great Awe, yes they do not have that "Youthful appearance", but their Grandeur is True and Proven! Let us Praise our Father's and Mothers, our Greater Generations, they have made mistakes just as we have, but had we been in their own shoes in their own times, we likely would have made the same mistakes!
Bravera said:
Yknow, your right about the "supposed to be like children". The way the enemy attempts to sexualize children and young adults, causes these same young adults to want to be more "childlike". This is the (((Beauty standards))) of our time.

Having no proper role models, young adults do not aspire to take on Responsible roles, or even to take care of the older generations.

Having low birth rates, and a strong separation between the generations, when the opposite would encourage the older ones to be responsible and further, the older generations would not want to be as "irresponsible" as the younger ones.
Can we assume our ancestors had Clans and Guilds and Communities that were not separated, that did have Elders, that did have "Youth Leaders". They would have seen how the Older Generations had Power, Strength, Wisdom, Wealth, etc. That was Greater than their own. And they surely would have aspired to achieve an even greater status when they did reach that same Age.

As I Age, my "youthful" appearance begins to dissapear, and it has been difficult for me to come with terms with, what I believed as "Ugly and Aged", is actually something that should be praised by the younger generations, as a sign of a Human being that has endured Many Years.

I personally find women older than myself much more attractive than the younger ones. Yes the younger ones might have the "youthful image", but that's all they really got over the older ones.

When I see Men older and stronger than myself, I am in great Awe, yes they do not have that "Youthful appearance", but their Grandeur is True and Proven! Let us Praise our Father's and Mothers, our Greater Generations, they have made mistakes just as we have, but had we been in their own shoes in their own times, we likely would have made the same mistakes!
Women who have taken care of themselves and age gracefully(and not desperately try to hold onto their youthful sex appeal) retain their natural beauty well into their elder years. There, it transforms into a different kind of beauty.
Dangerous toys that could have killed you
Some rather questionable decisions have been made over the years when it comes to the development of Children's toys. Surely everyone has the Children's best interests (and the bottom line) at heart, but some products clearly just weren't thought through. Whether it be literal spears that you throw through the air or a science kit complete with uranium, some of history's hit toys have turned out to be killer items. Thankfully, most of these have been recalled, and we can now look back on our past mistakes to ensure they aren't repeated.

I would say that they were thought through, and "that's good enough" - or worse "that's too good; let's make it worse". They are also not our past mistakes. They surely are (((their))) deliberate intentions.

Aqua Dots

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When Aqua Dots hit the shelves in 2007, they seemed to be a novel, harmless way for Kids to express their creativity by spraying water on little balls to help them stick together. The only problem is the coating covering the beads somehow contained GHB, a dangerous chemical used to intoxicate and incapacitate people. After numerous Children were poisoned and put into comas, Aqua Dots were quickly recalled.


Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory

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It is truly amazing that we didn't lose an entire generation to this toy. The Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory stayed true to its name - every unit of this toy, popular in the 1960s, really contained four types of radioactive uranium.


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Magnets were once the secret of all the greatest toys. With Buckyballs, the magnets were the toys. While constructing various shapes with these magnetic balls was surely good fun, no less than 1,700 Kids were checked into the emergency room after swallowing these apparently delicious-looking metal beads.


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While they can't actually hover, these 'hoverboards' were at the top of every Kid's presents list in 2015. Unfortunately, lots of Kids who had their wishes granted ended up wishing they hadn't. These hoverboards had a nasty habit of overheating when charging, and burst into flames on more than one occasion. One poor Child even lost their life when a charging hoverboard set their house on fire.


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Jarts, javelin darts, lawn darts - whatever you want to call them, they sound like a bad idea. They're basically spikes that Children are expected to throw around the garden, so it's not too surprising to learn that 6000 Kids were hospitalised for Jart-related injuries during the 1970s and '80s.


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Magnetix seemed like a great idea for a building toy set, and they were immensely popular at first. That is, until the small magnets within the building joints started to come loose, and cost one Child their life and hospitalised 28 others.

Children's hammocks

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It seems like something as tried and true as a hammock would have all of its kinks worked out, but as of 1996 they still had lethal faults. Around three million Child-sized hammocks had to be recalled after 12 Children were strangled to death in the netting.

Rollerblade Barbie

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There's a Barbie doll for just about every situation imaginable, and rollerblading is no exception. What separated rollerblading Barbie from the rest were the two lighters embedded in her speedy footwear. The idea was for the rollerblades to shoot out sparks as they went forward - and shoot sparks they did, meaning catastrophe was right around the corner if anything flammable was nearby.

Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kid

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In 1996, the popular Cabbage Patch Kids toy line released the Snacktime Kid, with a motorised mouth to munch on the plastic food that came in the box. The problem was the doll didn't know what was food, what wasn't, or when to stop; and there were numerous reports of the dolls eating poor Kids' hair up to their scalps and injuring fingers.


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This one's a no-brainer. Surely just about everyone reading this has been a part of, or has at least heard of, a horrific trampoline-related accident.

'Battlestar Galactica' Viper spaceship

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The original 'Battlestar Galactica' television series was all anyone could talk about in 1978, and the waves of merchandise followed close behind. The big seller was the Viper spaceship replica, that, much to the Children's delight shot out plastic pellets that looked like laser beams. Unfortunately, it didn't take long until Kids started choking on the plastic bits. After the toy's company, Mattel, was sued successfully, it became law that toys of such nature must include a choking hazard warning on their boxes.

Candy cigarettes

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While there might not have been anything immediately dangerous or deadly about candy cigarettes, it does seem to be in awfully bad taste. The last thing we need is to glamourise a habit that could easily cost Children their lives in the future once they swap to the real thing.


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Clackers - every Kid's dream and every parent's worst nightmare. Invented for the sole purpose of making as much noise as possible, they certainly lived up to that promise. Unfortunately, the earlier versions were prone to shattering in Children's faces, creating not only choking hazards but also many chances to get cut.

Slip 'n' Slide

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Slip 'n' Slides are a toy to remind Adults to stay in their lane. While very few incidents have been reported concerning this fun backgarden accessory's target audience, they were forced to recall nine million units in 1999 after some older, larger participants suffered permanent damage to their necks and spines.

The Thingmaker

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It seems like common sense that no Children's toy should be able to heat up to 300°F (149°C) - yet that's exactly what the original Creepy Crawler Thingmaker was capable of. Of course, Kids got burned.


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These colourful trading discs that were used to play a game of chance took over playgrounds in the 1990s; however, just like real gambling, it brought out the worst in its players, causing playground brawls to break-out, and they were quickly banned from numerous schools.

Kinder Surprise

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Kids in the United States were only able to enjoy this treat for a short while before it was deemed too dangerous for American markets; however, plenty of other countries still get to enjoy the little toys hidden inside the delicious chocolate eggs.

Big Thunder Sword Fountain firework

What's the first thing you do immediately after lighting a firework? You run for cover, of course. The Big Thunder fireworks company apparently thought this to not be as important as everyone made it out to be, and decided to develop a fireworks 'sword' that stayed in the hand to be swung around with joy. Predictably, the swords made it through only one fireworks season, after multiple reports of the fireworks blowing up in people's hands.

Burger King Poké Balls

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Just before the turn of the 21st century, Burger King ran a promotion with their Kids meals, including a collectible Poké Ball in each box. Tragically, the cheaply-made plastic balls shattered easily, and numerous Children suffocated on the shards.

Ace Bayou bean bags

Bean bag chairs are a popular and seemingly-simple invention; however, one particular brand, Ace Bayou, somehow got them terribly wrong. The brand's convenient zips and loose interior 'beans' caused two Children in separate events to climb inside their bean bags and suffocate to death, choking on the foam beads inside.

Little Lady Stove

Before the far-less-unhinged Easy-Bake Oven arrived on the scene, the 1960s had their own Children's oven and stove (hob) toy - the Empire Little Lady Stove. For some reason, the manufacturers decided to give this toy the same, if not greater, heating power as a normal cooker. The Little Lady Stove could reach temperatures upwards of 600°F (316°C), and that is certainly a disaster waiting to happen!

Bird of Paradise slingshot

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Not much is known about this slingshot toy from the 1960s, which apparently shot pellets that were "razor sharp". The Bird of Paradise slingshot quickly became one of the first toys recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Leatherman for Kids

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While creating a multi-tool for Kids to use with parental supervision, added safety should definitely be the number-one focus. This wasn't the case with the Leatherman multi-tool designed for Kids. In fact, they reported a "fault in the locking mechanism" for the knife, causing it to snap open unexpectedly.

Razor Jetts

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The name Razor carried quite a bit of weight around the school yard back in the day. Everyone knew they made the best scooters around. When they came out with the new Razor Jetts, two sets of wheels you could simply strap onto your shoes, the Kids went crazy. The parents and the safety organisations, not as much. The new Jetts featured spark pads on the heels that sent fire hazards flying all over the place.

'CSI' fingerprint kit

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The 'CSI'-branded fingerprint kit was meant to give every Kid a taste of what it was like to be a forensic investigator. Unfortunately, what most Kids got was a taste of cancer-causing asbestos, which was included in the kit as a fine powder for fingerprint dusting.

Toxic 'Hannah Montana' cards

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'Hannah Montana' was one of the most beloved Disney Channel programmes of the 2000s. What didn't work out very well was the card game based on the semi-fictional pop star. It quickly became apparent that the cards contained over 75 times more lead than was permitted legally; however, due to a loophole in the law, since the lead was present in the vinyl coating instead of the paint on the cards, the government had no legal grounds to force a recall.

Alien Wiggle toy

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Thankfully, the Alien Wiggle toy barely saw the light of day before it was recalled and discontinued. The hard gel that coated the alien toy was found to have E. coli, most likely from contaminated water that was used during production.

Frozen Treats Slime Kit

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One shudders to think of how many people gave this idea the green light before it reached shelves. A product truly built to fail, the Frozen Treats Slime kit (not pictured) allowed Kids to take the inedible, unsafe, iconic Nickelodeon slime and colour, shape, and even scent it until it was indistinguishable from real ice cream - and they really expected Children to not eat it and get sick.

Toys with phthalates

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Similar to lead, a major product used in the vast majority of plastic toys, phthalate was discovered to pose serious health risks. Exposure to phthalates was linked to conditions ranging from infertility to breast cancer.

Sources: (List25) (The Talko) (Good Housekeeping)


(The page has these above in slides. I saved it from slide 1 (without the extra bit in the URL) but it decided to archive it at slide 27. I tried again and it didn't make a difference.)

Granted, some of these require actual Adult-supervision. For the other obvious ones... :eyeroll:

Rollerblade Barbie
Is that just marketting/targeted advertising? They don't contain blades - I doubt they'd be sold if they did. Then again...

'Battlestar Galactica' Viper spaceship
"Yep. We know that Children can choke on these. Meh. No choking hazards on the packaging, please - not until some Children choke on them and we get sued and laws demand that we add hazard labels!"

Slip 'n' Slide
That's ridiculous that they had to recall that because of large, old Adults. Maybe they should recall pint glasses because idiots be idiots on Friday and Saturday nights...

Kinder Surprise
When I found out about these being banned in America a few years ago, I thought it was really stupid. Don't let little Children and Babies have the toys in the eggs... :eyeroll: It's hardly a surprise if there isn't a surprise in them... Are they still sold in America just without the surprise? If so, I wonder what the contract renegotiations stated.

Burger King Poké Balls
The cheap, weak plastic - all for profit. Not for you, Goy.

Toxic 'Hannah Montana' cards
"Law" "definitions". jew-created Futurama lols at this - technically correct is the best type of correct. The point is not it having lead, the point is the lead being in whatever the "law" has been written as and "defined". That is hilarious -

Isaiah 55:11
so is my word that goes out from my mouth - it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it

so is my word that goes out from my mouth - it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it

Frozen Treats Slime Kit
jew Friends decided to take the piss likewise - Joey ate some plastic toy fruit. The jew loves to hurt Humans and take the piss. This might actually be a reference to Children eating non-food things; Joey is immature/idiotic in some ways; he represents Humans in some ways, from the jew's perverse perspective.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
