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Nazi spaceships and the welfare (the lack of) regarding earth in the 2040s


New member
Aug 14, 2021

Since nobody has answered questions #3000, #3028, #3089, and #3332, I will instead just elaborate on why I plan to leave earth.
The Raven said:
According to archaix, a man that spent much time in prison and made full use of that time by studying and compiling ancient manuscripts so he formulated a clear picture of history. He has a youtube channel where he presents all his finding, all of his info comes from his studies, none from the internet. https://www.youtube.com/@Archaix138/videos https://archaix.com Throughout history the calendars have been changed, so the timing of much of history is fragmented. He put it all together in a continuous time line. there are regularly spaced events that happen repeatedly.
He has some great info on the gods as well, as he translates and cross references ancient texts.
Events like the great flood and similar things happen on a regularly scheduled timing. the next big event is in may 2040, which he calls the phoenix event where much or all of the surface of the earth is destroyed. Many times what happens before that event is Mankind goes underground. there are vast cities there now and one can live there until the event passes and then come out to restart the surface civilization. Before the last event there were giants on the earth, there were a few left that made it through and have been seen even recently. Look at some of the architecture with huge tall doors, there are artifacts of very large books also available. Who killed the giants. After the phoenix reset the white gods came out from under the ground and restarted civilization providing all sorts of technology to the surface inhabitants. Some of these events happed within the last few hundred years. Mud floods wipe out much of humanity, and look at all the architecture that is buried under 9 feet of soil with windows and stairs going down that far. there are pictures of huge empty cities and how they were repopulated and the people had horse drawn carriages and picks and shovels in a city with huge cathedrals that they could not possibly have created. This is around the world to see. the history we have been taught in school is a total lie.
Here is a video someone put together revealing some of that. I am not saying everything in the video is true but there is much evidence that is useful for putting together a different picture of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDLRDYMN0bg
I made rather little progress regarding something I call electromagnetic implosion, but enough to ask if anyone could post an advanced celestial map regarding other habitable planets safer than earth, and yes I know that Adebaran is a sun with a solar system named after it so excuse my mistake in Q#3332.

I tried to post the question anonymously only to fall on deaf ears, so I ask you to please answer my posted questions before it's too late.

Please show me a terrarium planet that doesn't have a scheduled destruction cursed into it nor has been successfully invaded by a technologically advanced invasive species because if it has been, then chances are it will happen again.

On another note, I think it interesting that Ruam literally means space in German IE; "Ruamschiff" (Spaceship) and also the fact that German seems to have ternary logic - "Der" (Masculine), "Die" (Feminine) and "Das" (Neuter), but that is for another post.

With much desperation reserved only for times nearing May 2040,
~ Ludwick
People have not answered you for various reasons. The main reason being that your plan is ridiculous to say the least. We are here to advance and build our societies, not to run away from problems. As for "the end" you seem to project, it is not real, except maybe for you and for whoever spreads such lies. The important thing is to advance yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. What makes you think you are fit to leave this planet, to begin with?
I'm afraid you have exposed me, I have no idea what other civilizations are like, and I'm not sure if I'm Super Soldat enough - not necessarily to leave earth but to adapt to other civilizations outside of earth.

According to what I've read, Vikings wages are based on a shit ton of physical strength, I wouldn't make it back then with what I have now.
Maria Orsic was a psychic medium who communicated with the gods, and me? Just another wannabe Focalor who isn't sure he can adapt to life on a new planet or even know what other far-enough planet makes a good terrarium.
On top of that, my job dragging me through shit again. (Fuck sagittarius)

And I most certainly don't have an advanced SHTF plan.

And screw those plenty-incremental advances on V2 rocketry, they're just for show.

This desire to escape earth actually predates my dedication because of the "illuminati".

If you have any counter-evidence to Archaix' claims, do present them but until then, I will take every opportunity to progress towards leaving this planet that literally has a scheduled "reset" period. (or so it seems)

I hope he's wrong, I hope dearly to the gods that he's wrong, but I don't really think it so.

See you next time.
Ludwick said:

Since nobody has answered questions #3000, #3028, #3089, and #3332, I will instead just elaborate on why I plan to leave earth.
The Raven said:
According to archaix, a man that spent much time in prison and made full use of that time by studying and compiling ancient manuscripts so he formulated a clear picture of history. He has a youtube channel where he presents all his finding, all of his info comes from his studies, none from the internet. https://www.youtube.com/@Archaix138/videos https://archaix.com Throughout history the calendars have been changed, so the timing of much of history is fragmented. He put it all together in a continuous time line. there are regularly spaced events that happen repeatedly.
He has some great info on the gods as well, as he translates and cross references ancient texts.
Events like the great flood and similar things happen on a regularly scheduled timing. the next big event is in may 2040, which he calls the phoenix event where much or all of the surface of the earth is destroyed. Many times what happens before that event is Mankind goes underground. there are vast cities there now and one can live there until the event passes and then come out to restart the surface civilization. Before the last event there were giants on the earth, there were a few left that made it through and have been seen even recently. Look at some of the architecture with huge tall doors, there are artifacts of very large books also available. Who killed the giants. After the phoenix reset the white gods came out from under the ground and restarted civilization providing all sorts of technology to the surface inhabitants. Some of these events happed within the last few hundred years. Mud floods wipe out much of humanity, and look at all the architecture that is buried under 9 feet of soil with windows and stairs going down that far. there are pictures of huge empty cities and how they were repopulated and the people had horse drawn carriages and picks and shovels in a city with huge cathedrals that they could not possibly have created. This is around the world to see. the history we have been taught in school is a total lie.
Here is a video someone put together revealing some of that. I am not saying everything in the video is true but there is much evidence that is useful for putting together a different picture of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDLRDYMN0bg
I made rather little progress regarding something I call electromagnetic implosion, but enough to ask if anyone could post an advanced celestial map regarding other habitable planets safer than earth, and yes I know that Adebaran is a sun with a solar system named after it so excuse my mistake in Q#3332.

I tried to post the question anonymously only to fall on deaf ears, so I ask you to please answer my posted questions before it's too late.

Please show me a terrarium planet that doesn't have a scheduled destruction cursed into it nor has been successfully invaded by a technologically advanced invasive species because if it has been, then chances are it will happen again.

On another note, I think it interesting that Ruam literally means space in German IE; "Ruamschiff" (Spaceship) and also the fact that German seems to have ternary logic - "Der" (Masculine), "Die" (Feminine) and "Das" (Neuter), but that is for another post.

With much desperation reserved only for times nearing May 2040,
~ Ludwick
Hi Ludwick
I spent many years of my earlier life designing and researching how to build a space craft. I came to the conclusion that it would not be that hard to do, but it would take massive funding to accomplish. But there is one catch, the space craft is not that hard , but to have a flesh and blood human to be able to ride in it and live, it becomes several orders of magnitude more difficult.

In the past visits of the phoenix object, there were those that survived, Some went under ground and others had some kind of protective field around their town or village and survived it undamaged. So it may be wiser to work on that technology to survive the phoenix event, or go find the underground cities which there are many already setup with advanced technology, and go there, or try to get invited. When 2040 comes there is no way to know how severe it will be. sometimes only part of the earth had damage. So it can be severe or very mild.

But yes you must work on the spiritual development with just as much urgency because that is what will give you the ability to be in the right place at the right time. Its only 18 years away so I dont think there is time to build anything as there is no social space, or economic stability to do that. Everyone is so busy being insane in the world right now.
Henu the Great said:
People have not answered you for various reasons. The main reason being that your plan is ridiculous to say the least. We are here to advance and build our societies, not to run away from problems. As for "the end" you seem to project, it is not real, except maybe for you and for whoever spreads such lies. The important thing is to advance yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. What makes you think you are fit to leave this planet, to begin with?
And who are you to judge???
Ludwick said:
Please show me a terrarium planet that doesn't have a scheduled destruction cursed into it nor has been successfully invaded by a technologically advanced invasive species because if it has been, then chances are it will happen again.
With much desperation reserved only for times nearing May 2040

There's no "scheduled destruction", stop watching stupid New Age jewtube channels. There were doomers predicting the end of the world since Ancient Assyria. It's been 4000+ years of failed doomsday predictions. I was back in 2012 where people where predicting the end of the world or a Russian scientist saying that the comet Elenin would hit the earth in 2011. Guess what? All of them failed. It's all BS. The end of the world will be billions of years in the future when the sun will become a red giant and will devour the earth.

The site A Brief History of the Apocalypse has documented all failed end-times predictions, you should read it.

The reason people didn't answer you is because what you're saying is completely off. If there was some dangerous thing that we should be watching for, then the Gods would have already warned us. But there's no such thing.

The Gods only predicted happy things, like them returning back to earth, getting rid of the enemies and creating a new Golden Age on earth.

They also incarnated us here for a reason, to stay and fight.
Ludwick said:
The proof is in the development of yourself and having counsel with our Superiors. Do you think that they would be unaware of future timelines while incarnating us here? Think again.

It seems that whatever you base your ideas on are not aligned with Gods so whatever those sources have to say are greatly misunderstood concepts with your average lies from the jews in the mix.
Henu The Great-- Please expand on the foundational concepts mentioned in your last reply to this thread.
Everything is open and there is no "time where it will all be ruined". These are all nonsense predictions going on for approximately ever sicne the dawn of civilization. Jews do this constantly as well as they have a messianic syndrome and subconsciously hate civilization so they want it to just end.

Civilizations end all the time, likely unpredictably, and constantly doing predictions doesn't mean anything. Also, chances are low for this and then other civilizations are born. The more advanced a civilization, the lower the chances, yet the battle of life goes on. While there is always a chance this or a million other things "could" happen, they generally don't happen.

Natural calamity might end a civilization partly or wholly, and then people rebuild. There is no vanity in all these efforts, it's the way of evolution of species. And it's also the price of having to pay for life to exist. In a sense this risk is normal; same as it's normal to have all these threats in our immediate environment all the time.

Civilization is just managing this chaos of natural life where life can end abruptly and without good reason. It's an attempt of species in alliance to master the problems of life. And that's a very good thing. The universe fights us to survive and so we must fight. It doesn't do it constantly or out of evil reasons however, it just "does".

There is no "set year" for all of this to end. And even if a part of human experience ends another one goes normally. So there is no end. Civilizations rise and fall but life keeps going and rebuilds itself. There is no final end, unless where life is all over. Then the universe will generate life again essentially in its own due course. The universe does not exact active vengeance on species, but it carries on it's events, and when beings are ready, they can survive or fail at it, and life goes on.

People who say it "Ends" on a specific day are mostly just doing this all the time, are attention whoring, and they are giving doomsday prophecy for nonsense needs such as "proving Christianity" or other fears and other bullshit. When it all would end, nobody would truly now. And even then not all of it ends.

Even if life was to end tomorrow, we would have to do what we have to do. Therefore any "it's going to end" scenario is just fear and bullshit. If you also survive in a bunker with some military grade food still life won't have any meaning in there. The element of danger in life has to be approached with honesty, because this is how life is at the core level; death and danger are correlated with it.

Fear that it's all going to end is a constant carrot by the enemy religions so that people run scared all the time, including also a false aftermath of eternal hellfire when it all "finally happens". Spirituality and understanding the multidimensional aspect of the spiritual universe makes a human being understand there is more; here also in this very important earth and elsewhere. Life exists all over the universe, on the material level it's a bit more scarce and distanced. But existence will go on. There is no "definite end" and no "set amount of time".

There is no such thing in Nature as the "end of times" or "set time" or whatever idiocy like that, nor in our Pagan Ancient Religion, i.e. Spiritual Satanism. All things like Rangaryok and related are allegorical and corresponds to spiritual advancement using "the death of Gods" as an allegory for the alcheical death and rebirth or Chakras, because Gods are code words for Chakras and for us ourselves as spiritual beings. In all myths there is such things as ritualistic "death / execution" of some God/dess in order to obtain some knowledge. This is a spiritual guide laid in legends so that we know what to do where to go when we enter spiritual path. We need to go through some process of transformation called Magnum Opus or Great Work during which there are energies of natural cycles and those of death itself being utilized for our advancement instead of staying just natural forces. Via this Work these powers do not destroy us as they would do if they stay just forces, but are transforming us to achieve better state. This is what Rangaryok or related myths are all about.

Kikes stole it and made a lie of "the end of the world" with "set time" out of it. This is their own insanity put into their own mythology they created and forced on us. They themselves know this will never happen, but their eternal love to lie will forever create all kinds of nonsense. Also they just can't handle all these natural forces and challenges life gives everyone themselves because they are too weak and filthy to learn how to use these energies, because this demands qualities they have not. Instead of gaining them they prefer to force their own self-destructive patterns on other peoples around.

I guess your questions were never answered because they were crazy. To build any such technology you have to learn science from zero to Godly extent, it can't just be "passed" upon you in mere post in the internet, first reason being you would never comprehend it even if it have been passed that way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
