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Nature and Races ( Re-Post )

Creation is an unfoldment process, everything is already accomplished. God creates in seed form with everything already accomplished in the seed,then creates the illusion of time to unfold it. That's it. Everything is accomplished at the point of conception. It's just that when it comes to the soul seed of humanoids or man being the highest creation to come out of the Aether,we are given free will. Being in the exact image of the Primal Soul,but immature,and God has free will ,so we also have free will. As a result our unfoldment is not fully automated,our actions and therefore compliance to the Cosmic Order also determines the rate of unfoldment. Other creations just fully comply with Cosmic Order ,they don't have cognition as such and free will like man. A tree will always fully function as tree,so will an ant,a dolphin and so on. Man is not always in full compliance. The basis of all existence is an Ocean of God Consciousness,so I repeat everything is already accomplished. Because God is already accomplished. That's why an adept can even unfold a mango seed in 3 hours to full maturity and make it bear ripe fruit when it's not even the season (time) and then reverse the process ,the tree into a seed again. Because everything in the seed is already accomplished. To say any humanoid specie is incapable of being civilised or in the case of Blacks some say we couldn't even invent a wheel (lol 😂)is an impossibility because everything is already accomplished in the soul ,at the very point the soul was conceived
into existence itself,
it just has to be unfolded. And being civilised is already accomplished within any humanoid soul no matter the race,or specie , it's already part of its unfoldment. Everything is already accomplished ,yoga practices and Dharma adherance accelerate the unfoldment process. The path is already set ,the ladder is already there,you as a created being are not the source or creator of the ladder or anything. Created beings can imitate God , because they are God at the root of their being. But all things are already accomplished by God already, always has,is and will always be. It's Eternal that's God, Unchanging, already accomplished. Things , inventions, knowledge and so on come to species arccording to maturity and degree of unfoldment. You are not the actual creater of these things,they where are already there even before you where conceived into existence. The Universe is already accomplished it's just unfolding in time and when it reaches maturity it will be absorbed back into God Consciousness (Mahapralahya) and the process is started again. In an Eternal cycle of creation, preservation (evolution) and destruction. Which has never had a beginning or an end. So while other Universes are being created,others are evolving and others are being absorbed back in. Infinite in number. Accomplished at the point of their conception but unfolding in the illusion Of time. God is truly beyond comprehension. My point is Blacks can be very advanced in technology and so on and bring out innovations and so on because these things are already accomplished in us,even in the most primitive of tribes. That's why things can be accelerated and unfolded ahead of the default time of unfoldment set by the Universe itself. That's actually the good part of having free will and ego ,we can actually unfold ahead of time.
It's spiritual Dharmic culture that needs to be re-introduced and complied to ,then you can unfold at a fast pace ahead of default time of unfoldment. That's what every serious Yoga practicioner is actually doing. When you understand this how can you condescend.
"You think you are the doer so you fall into the trap of bondage,but everything was accomplished a long time ago." - Yogaswami

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
