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Must Read: Understanding The Gods - Esoteric & Exoteric Knowledge Of The Gods

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Now moving aside from recent posts on jokes and related, we are embarking on a very serious topic for consciousness expansion. This is about the nature and essence of the Gods, so we can together, reach a better understanding.

The Gods represent many things. This is why they are Gods, they are supposed to encapsulate in them complex realities of life.

Externally from man:

1. They represent universal forces; thunder, aether, elements (fire, water, earth or air)
2. Universal concepts such as gravity, attraction, light, darkness.
3. Real beings who exist independently of man.
4. Multi-layered Beings.
5. Creators of the Universe.
6. Laws of the Universe that are deeper (such as Justice, Karma, Magickal Laws etc)

Each of these layers, has a depth to it. When humanity makes studying, research, and connects to the Gods, they can understand better about these areas.

Esoterically in man:

1. Parts of the areas of their mind, conscious or unconscious.
2. Archetypes within man
3. Parts of the soul of man, by extension of the above
4. Parts of the human brain, areas of the brain
5. Man "himself", as a whole.
6. Internal Laws of the Universe (such as those that appear within man himself, in his body, mind or soul)
7. The Gods are very widely called Progenitors of the human species, very directly, and the Ancients do not cut corners in actually saying that they literally seeded humanity.

How does the upper External category connect to the Esoteric one?

Through Symbols = meaning, "these which aid in understanding".
For the updated Symbols page [it was updated twice, finalized now] refer to here:

I know, this is a long way from where we are before. It is truly. Some of you are not yet settled into this new understanding (It will all unfold, do not worry) and rather, you will need some time to adapt. It's normal, because as the knowledge is being expanded, enlightenment can come in and enlightenment can in some cases be a bit non pleasant.

A lot of misunderstandings arise when Ancient Texts are read, since the above have to be understood, over what is being referred to at each time, for each God. For example, Zeus can be used interchangeably with the Aether or the source of the Cosmic existence.

Simultaneously, in other texts, Zeus might be referred as a Being in Himself. In another text, He can be referred to as "All the Beings", and in another, as the independent figure of the leader of the Gods. In another text, as an essence that encompasses all the Gods (And therefore, their father). The level of power, complexity and "everything-ness" of Zeus, is actually leading most authors to call Him also the "One God". This is not to defy other Gods, but to show massive prominence of His powers. Marduk is referred to in similar terms and Amun in Egypt, same as Odin and the general notion of the All-Father.

Highest spirituality is complex and is not always very simple. In the JoS prior, there was only focus on some areas and not many clarifications. Everything else existed in latent form, and I need to clarify these things for the evolution of the people in our family. This is not enough or sufficient to focus on them. This is an aspect of external worship and very important. From the second list, we have a focused on mostly the parts of the soul (and not many explanations to that end).

This process adapted to an example:

Let's take the God Thoth.
  1. For example, the God Thoth, appears also to be the "Ruler" of the 3rd eye.
  2. Thoth is a Being in Himself.
  3. However, esoterically in man, Thoth is also your 3rd eye.
  4. On a level of Archetypical, Thoth rules over knowledge, intuition and understanding and the person invested in these to a maximum extent.
  5. And on the level of the natural forces, He represents Mercury and the Moon.
  6. Thoth appears in many cultures; Mercury, Nebo or Ninghizzidha. Fundamentally, we will call Him Thoth as it's a most accurate name.
  7. The real Name of Thoth, is TEHUTI from the deeper initiation about the God. To the Ancient Greeks for example, they can call him HERMES [all the Ancient Priesthood's surviving documentation prove this 100%].
  8. Thoth was also called an Ancient alien, who, alongside others, arrived here to create and instruct humanity in letters, writing, reading and transmission of communication.
  9. Psychologically & Mentally, Thoth represents the ability of man to learn and keep learning.
  10. At some point during his aeons long history, where the above notions were to be removed and reduced to borderline non-existent, Thoth ended up as a Demon in the enemy grimoires. Irrelevant, so this cannot be the "core" of our knowledge, as we predate the enemy by thousands of years. To accept this limited perception, we also limit Thoth himself. Therefore, we also limit our own understanding. Solution: limited context had to go and Thoth had to emerge fully, like the other Gods.

Still, this is just Thoth. He is all the above.
  1. When the Ancients for exampled referred to writing, they could have said "The art of Thoth".
  2. When they referred to Thoth as the real being in the context of History, as an Annuaki.
  3. When they refer to the Moon, they could have said "The domain of Thoth".
  4. In an esoteric text, they could say "To awaken Thoth".
  5. Initiatory texts could write in them "To wake up Thoth, do this." - This is advice on how to awaken the Chakra.
  6. "Thoth Eats, Thoth Sleeps" - these mean the state of the chakra, or the state of a function. For example, if Thoth "sleeps", either the Chakra is not functional and if "Thoth needs to eat", this means to empower the chakra.
  7. People who do not know about Initiation or what things are, they will literally pick the text and read it literally: "So Thoth was sleeping and eating Baklava, like me on friday". This is not actual interpretation of the text, it's surface level nonsense that is the awareness level of animals. Many of these people are also in academia and albeit they make very systematic efforts to understand the Ancient Texts, they do so from a materialistic or figurative standpoint, being led nowhere.

Thoth as a God, is an anchor and encapsulation of all the above terms.

If Thoth was not all of the above, he wouldn't be a God and wouldn't be Thoth.
If Thoth was not all these things above, they would not be a high ranking being worthy of reverence or respect.

Gods are very complex beings and they are not just simple nonsense like figurines that you bow in front, never were in the Ancient Religions. They are not also characters with very limited identities. The Gods are not satisfied merely by empty worship, they instated a culture for the growth of man, not merely for slavish worship.

About their Names which are different, these represent in each culture a linguistical structure that is meant to describe the notion behind the being. Names have to be reflective of essence in the given language. Not all languages are created "equal". However, in all serious spiritual cultures that have advanced past the state of primitive condition, there is a lot of depth about the choice of names.

To reach full understanding of the Gods, esoterically for us, means to also deify our own selves and reach the Godhead. These processes are not simple and certainly don't just involve worship.

Worship in itself, has the purpose of focusing the mind on certain things, to unlock the mind, besides of giving glory to the Gods themselves. As we give this glory, we also glorify ourselves and our internal potential that is there by the Gods, unlocking it.

The previous lenses of all of these were rather limited; the aliens that exist in other planets are just one thing, same as the "Satan" from the Bible or the more esoteric notions of Lucifer. These have a limit and would not lead nobody to enlightenment on their own. These are not fully sufficient to explain the Divine. If these are not expanded, one cannot fully understand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Now moving aside from recent posts on jokes and related, we are embarking on a very serious topic for consciousness expansion. This is about the nature and essence of the Gods, so we can together, reach a better understanding.

The Gods represent many things. This is why they are Gods, they are supposed to encapsulate in them complex realities of life.

Externally from man:

1. They represent universal forces; thunder, aether, elements (fire, water, earth or air)
2. Universal concepts such as gravity, attraction, light, darkness.
3. Real beings who exist independently of man.
4. Multi-layered Beings.
5. Creators of the Universe.
6. Laws of the Universe that are deeper (such as Justice, Karma, Magickal Laws etc)

Each of these layers, has a depth to it. When humanity makes studying, research, and connects to the Gods, they can understand better about these areas.

Esoterically in man:

1. Parts of the areas of their mind, conscious or unconscious.
2. Archetypes within man
3. Parts of the soul of man, by extension of the above
4. Parts of the human brain, areas of the brain
5. Man "himself", as a whole.
6. Internal Laws of the Universe (such as those that appear within man himself, in his body, mind or soul)
7. The Gods are very widely called Progenitors of the human species, very directly, and the Ancients do not cut corners in actually saying that they literally seeded humanity.

How does the upper External category connect to the Esoteric one?

Through Symbols = meaning, "these which aid in understanding".
For the updated Symbols page [it was updated twice, finalized now] refer to here:

I know, this is a long way from where we are before. It is truly. Some of you are not yet settled into this new understanding (It will all unfold, do not worry) and rather, you will need some time to adapt. It's normal, because as the knowledge is being expanded, enlightenment can come in and enlightenment can in some cases be a bit non pleasant.

A lot of misunderstandings arise when Ancient Texts are read, since the above have to be understood, over what is being referred to at each time, for each God. For example, Zeus can be used interchangeably with the Aether or the source of the Cosmic existence.

Simultaneously, in other texts, Zeus might be referred as a Being in Himself. In another text, He can be referred to as "All the Beings", and in another, as the independent figure of the leader of the Gods. In another text, as an essence that encompasses all the Gods (And therefore, their father). The level of power, complexity and "everything-ness" of Zeus, is actually leading most authors to call Him also the "One God". This is not to defy other Gods, but to show massive prominence of His powers. Marduk is referred to in similar terms and Amun in Egypt, same as Odin and the general notion of the All-Father.

Highest spirituality is complex and is not always very simple. In the JoS prior, there was only focus on some areas and not many clarifications. Everything else existed in latent form, and I need to clarify these things for the evolution of the people in our family. This is not enough or sufficient to focus on them. This is an aspect of external worship and very important. From the second list, we have a focused on mostly the parts of the soul (and not many explanations to that end).

This process adapted to an example:

Let's take the God Thoth.
  1. For example, the God Thoth, appears also to be the "Ruler" of the 3rd eye.
  2. Thoth is a Being in Himself.
  3. However, esoterically in man, Thoth is also your 3rd eye.
  4. On a level of Archetypical, Thoth rules over knowledge, intuition and understanding and the person invested in these to a maximum extent.
  5. And on the level of the natural forces, He represents Mercury and the Moon.
  6. Thoth appears in many cultures; Mercury, Nebo or Ninghizzidha. Fundamentally, we will call Him Thoth as it's a most accurate name.
  7. The real Name of Thoth, is TEHUTI from the deeper initiation about the God. To the Ancient Greeks for example, they can call him HERMES [all the Ancient Priesthood's surviving documentation prove this 100%].
  8. Thoth was also called an Ancient alien, who, alongside others, arrived here to create and instruct humanity in letters, writing, reading and transmission of communication.
  9. Psychologically & Mentally, Thoth represents the ability of man to learn and keep learning.
  10. At some point during his aeons long history, where the above notions were to be removed and reduced to borderline non-existent, Thoth ended up as a Demon in the enemy grimoires. Irrelevant, so this cannot be the "core" of our knowledge, as we predate the enemy by thousands of years. To accept this limited perception, we also limit Thoth himself. Therefore, we also limit our own understanding. Solution: limited context had to go and Thoth had to emerge fully, like the other Gods.

Still, this is just Thoth. He is all the above.
  1. When the Ancients for exampled referred to writing, they could have said "The art of Thoth".
  2. When they referred to Thoth as the real being in the context of History, as an Annuaki.
  3. When they refer to the Moon, they could have said "The domain of Thoth".
  4. In an esoteric text, they could say "To awaken Thoth".
  5. Initiatory texts could write in them "To wake up Thoth, do this." - This is advice on how to awaken the Chakra.
  6. "Thoth Eats, Thoth Sleeps" - these mean the state of the chakra, or the state of a function. For example, if Thoth "sleeps", either the Chakra is not functional and if "Thoth needs to eat", this means to empower the chakra.
  7. People who do not know about Initiation or what things are, they will literally pick the text and read it literally: "So Thoth was sleeping and eating Baklava, like me on friday". This is not actual interpretation of the text, it's surface level nonsense that is the awareness level of animals. Many of these people are also in academia and albeit they make very systematic efforts to understand the Ancient Texts, they do so from a materialistic or figurative standpoint, being led nowhere.

Thoth as a God, is an anchor and encapsulation of all the above terms.

If Thoth was not all of the above, he wouldn't be a God and wouldn't be Thoth.
If Thoth was not all these things above, they would not be a high ranking being worthy of reverence or respect.

Gods are very complex beings and they are not just simple nonsense like figurines that you bow in front, never were in the Ancient Religions. They are not also characters with very limited identities. The Gods are not satisfied merely by empty worship, they instated a culture for the growth of man, not merely for slavish worship.

About their Names which are different, these represent in each culture a linguistical structure that is meant to describe the notion behind the being. Names have to be reflective of essence in the given language. Not all languages are created "equal". However, in all serious spiritual cultures that have advanced past the state of primitive condition, there is a lot of depth about the choice of names.

To reach full understanding of the Gods, esoterically for us, means to also deify our own selves and reach the Godhead. These processes are not simple and certainly don't just involve worship.

Worship in itself, has the purpose of focusing the mind on certain things, to unlock the mind, besides of giving glory to the Gods themselves. As we give this glory, we also glorify ourselves and our internal potential that is there by the Gods, unlocking it.

The previous lenses of all of these were rather limited; the aliens that exist in other planets are just one thing, same as the "Satan" from the Bible or the more esoteric notions of Lucifer. These have a limit and would not lead nobody to enlightenment on their own. These are not fully sufficient to explain the Divine. If these are not expanded, one cannot fully understand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this sermon High Priest.

I have a question relating to the Gods and the planets.

My prior understanding before the revelation was that Zeus was Jupiter(or energetically tied to Jupiter) and Satan was Saturn ( or energeticlaly tied to it).

But it seems Zeus/Satya is related to several(if not all?) planets, including the Sun(as revealed by Apollo), Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.

The Planetary energies are clearly seperate and different, but since Zeus and Chronos are the same being, how does this relate to Saturn and Jupiter being clearly separate planetary energies? Is every planet related to several Gods or different sides of the Gods, so Jupiter is the "light" side of Zeus and Saturn is his "dark" side?
so Jupiter is the "light" side of Zeus and Saturn is his "dark" side?
I understand this might be oversymplifying it and it's likely more complicated than "positive" planet and "negative" planet, but both planets are essentially named after Zeus, so perhaps I'm getting something right about them being different aspects of Him.
Thank you for clarifying, High Priest. This is also why certain Gods represent abstract concepts more than being a sculpted idol or picture of an anthropomorphized being that people would pray to in a grand temple.

Eligos for example overwhelmingly represented a certain QUALITY, an idea of cultural conduct, in Roman life. Marbas and Orobas are usually related to occult symbolism and other things.

Members often just want interchangeable Gods that slot into the identity of this-or-that other God from elsewhere, but that is not necessarily always 'there'.
Thank you for this sermon High Priest.

I have a question relating to the Gods and the planets.

My prior understanding before the revelation was that Zeus was Jupiter(or energetically tied to Jupiter) and Satan was Saturn ( or energeticlaly tied to it).

I am the father of my son - and a son to my father. These things are true at the same time. Do I have to be either father or son?

Saturn and Jupiter work synergistically. One enforces advancement and the other allows it to happen. Between the two, one wants to be on the Jupiter side, while having being ironed out by Saturn or Kronus. Without the ironing, the blessings will not arrive.
Very interesting and enlightening.

I knew all the time Gods are much more, In time I started to realize that Gods are everywhere,

Their powers is our lifes, just we have poisoned them, but we are fixing it.

I always satisfied about justice and how it is so deeply rooted in life and that it is a basis of existence and everything in it, simultaneously I know this is Zeus himself, how the things are, their colours, forms, their karma, their past, it is justice of reality, consciousness of Zeus, and extending on justice on all other levels and dimensions up to human behaviour and justice in social life between people...

Gods are everywhere and is a base of reality of ourselves, like a hardwire on which we are living, from "inanimate" to animated things, from highest to lowest...

It is completely not right to think of them not most powerful and creative beings in existence...

Hail Zeus and all the Gods!!!

Hail HP Hooded Cobra!!!

Thanks for bringing everything together.
Now moving aside from recent posts on jokes and related, we are embarking on a very serious topic for consciousness expansion. This is about the nature and essence of the Gods, so we can together, reach a better understanding.

The Gods represent many things. This is why they are Gods, they are supposed to encapsulate in them complex realities of life.

Externally from man:

1. They represent universal forces; thunder, aether, elements (fire, water, earth or air)
2. Universal concepts such as gravity, attraction, light, darkness.
3. Real beings who exist independently of man.
4. Multi-layered Beings.
5. Creators of the Universe.
6. Laws of the Universe that are deeper (such as Justice, Karma, Magickal Laws etc)

Each of these layers, has a depth to it. When humanity makes studying, research, and connects to the Gods, they can understand better about these areas.

Esoterically in man:

1. Parts of the areas of their mind, conscious or unconscious.
2. Archetypes within man
3. Parts of the soul of man, by extension of the above
4. Parts of the human brain, areas of the brain
5. Man "himself", as a whole.
6. Internal Laws of the Universe (such as those that appear within man himself, in his body, mind or soul)
7. The Gods are very widely called Progenitors of the human species, very directly, and the Ancients do not cut corners in actually saying that they literally seeded humanity.

How does the upper External category connect to the Esoteric one?

Through Symbols = meaning, "these which aid in understanding".
For the updated Symbols page [it was updated twice, finalized now] refer to here:

I know, this is a long way from where we are before. It is truly. Some of you are not yet settled into this new understanding (It will all unfold, do not worry) and rather, you will need some time to adapt. It's normal, because as the knowledge is being expanded, enlightenment can come in and enlightenment can in some cases be a bit non pleasant.

A lot of misunderstandings arise when Ancient Texts are read, since the above have to be understood, over what is being referred to at each time, for each God. For example, Zeus can be used interchangeably with the Aether or the source of the Cosmic existence.

Simultaneously, in other texts, Zeus might be referred as a Being in Himself. In another text, He can be referred to as "All the Beings", and in another, as the independent figure of the leader of the Gods. In another text, as an essence that encompasses all the Gods (And therefore, their father). The level of power, complexity and "everything-ness" of Zeus, is actually leading most authors to call Him also the "One God". This is not to defy other Gods, but to show massive prominence of His powers. Marduk is referred to in similar terms and Amun in Egypt, same as Odin and the general notion of the All-Father.

Highest spirituality is complex and is not always very simple. In the JoS prior, there was only focus on some areas and not many clarifications. Everything else existed in latent form, and I need to clarify these things for the evolution of the people in our family. This is not enough or sufficient to focus on them. This is an aspect of external worship and very important. From the second list, we have a focused on mostly the parts of the soul (and not many explanations to that end).

This process adapted to an example:

Let's take the God Thoth.
  1. For example, the God Thoth, appears also to be the "Ruler" of the 3rd eye.
  2. Thoth is a Being in Himself.
  3. However, esoterically in man, Thoth is also your 3rd eye.
  4. On a level of Archetypical, Thoth rules over knowledge, intuition and understanding and the person invested in these to a maximum extent.
  5. And on the level of the natural forces, He represents Mercury and the Moon.
  6. Thoth appears in many cultures; Mercury, Nebo or Ninghizzidha. Fundamentally, we will call Him Thoth as it's a most accurate name.
  7. The real Name of Thoth, is TEHUTI from the deeper initiation about the God. To the Ancient Greeks for example, they can call him HERMES [all the Ancient Priesthood's surviving documentation prove this 100%].
  8. Thoth was also called an Ancient alien, who, alongside others, arrived here to create and instruct humanity in letters, writing, reading and transmission of communication.
  9. Psychologically & Mentally, Thoth represents the ability of man to learn and keep learning.
  10. At some point during his aeons long history, where the above notions were to be removed and reduced to borderline non-existent, Thoth ended up as a Demon in the enemy grimoires. Irrelevant, so this cannot be the "core" of our knowledge, as we predate the enemy by thousands of years. To accept this limited perception, we also limit Thoth himself. Therefore, we also limit our own understanding. Solution: limited context had to go and Thoth had to emerge fully, like the other Gods.

Still, this is just Thoth. He is all the above.
  1. When the Ancients for exampled referred to writing, they could have said "The art of Thoth".
  2. When they referred to Thoth as the real being in the context of History, as an Annuaki.
  3. When they refer to the Moon, they could have said "The domain of Thoth".
  4. In an esoteric text, they could say "To awaken Thoth".
  5. Initiatory texts could write in them "To wake up Thoth, do this." - This is advice on how to awaken the Chakra.
  6. "Thoth Eats, Thoth Sleeps" - these mean the state of the chakra, or the state of a function. For example, if Thoth "sleeps", either the Chakra is not functional and if "Thoth needs to eat", this means to empower the chakra.
  7. People who do not know about Initiation or what things are, they will literally pick the text and read it literally: "So Thoth was sleeping and eating Baklava, like me on friday". This is not actual interpretation of the text, it's surface level nonsense that is the awareness level of animals. Many of these people are also in academia and albeit they make very systematic efforts to understand the Ancient Texts, they do so from a materialistic or figurative standpoint, being led nowhere.

Thoth as a God, is an anchor and encapsulation of all the above terms.

If Thoth was not all of the above, he wouldn't be a God and wouldn't be Thoth.
If Thoth was not all these things above, they would not be a high ranking being worthy of reverence or respect.

Gods are very complex beings and they are not just simple nonsense like figurines that you bow in front, never were in the Ancient Religions. They are not also characters with very limited identities. The Gods are not satisfied merely by empty worship, they instated a culture for the growth of man, not merely for slavish worship.

About their Names which are different, these represent in each culture a linguistical structure that is meant to describe the notion behind the being. Names have to be reflective of essence in the given language. Not all languages are created "equal". However, in all serious spiritual cultures that have advanced past the state of primitive condition, there is a lot of depth about the choice of names.

To reach full understanding of the Gods, esoterically for us, means to also deify our own selves and reach the Godhead. These processes are not simple and certainly don't just involve worship.

Worship in itself, has the purpose of focusing the mind on certain things, to unlock the mind, besides of giving glory to the Gods themselves. As we give this glory, we also glorify ourselves and our internal potential that is there by the Gods, unlocking it.

The previous lenses of all of these were rather limited; the aliens that exist in other planets are just one thing, same as the "Satan" from the Bible or the more esoteric notions of Lucifer. These have a limit and would not lead nobody to enlightenment on their own. These are not fully sufficient to explain the Divine. If these are not expanded, one cannot fully understand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So what should be a Zevists opinion on Non human intelligence be,
Things like Greys, Reptilians or previous understandings that still linger,
Is it just Jews,their Jewry and human andrapods plaguing the world,
How do such beings relate to Zeus creator of manifested universe?
Part of his creation or different?

I do completely understand the idea of trying not to dive much into these narratives for they end up seeming like psycheward chatters, I ask solely to know,
Wouldn't hurt a sheep to know of the nature of things outside the confines of its farm
Saturn and Jupiter work synergistically. One enforces advancement and the other allows it to happen. Between the two, one wants to be on the Jupiter side, while having being ironed out by Saturn or Kronus. Without the ironing, the blessings will not arrive.
Saturn forces us to learn and grow, Jupiter rules knowledge (higher education) and growth. Too much Saturn without any Jupiter is harmful, too much Jupiter without Saturn is harmful. Both are needed in balance and harmony... and Venus rules balance and harmony.

All our planets work together in perfect balance, when we understand how they operate and overcome the lower energy and dross. This is why our solar system is so beautiful and rare, and why our souls can be beautiful and rare. Our Gods have high hopes for us and we have so much potential. We can't waste it. We must learn the lessons our Gods want to teach us, they will lead us to true freedom and enlightenment.
So what should be a Zevists opinion on Non human intelligence be,
Things like Greys, Reptilians or previous understandings that still linger,
Is it just Jews,their Jewry and human andrapods plaguing the world,
How do such beings relate to Zeus creator of manifested universe?
Part of his creation or different?

I do completely understand the idea of trying not to dive much into these narratives for they end up seeming like psycheward chatters, I ask solely to know,
Wouldn't hurt a sheep to know of the nature of things outside the confines of its farm

Most of these are not that relevant, it's like asking why worms exist in the planet. They exist because the core mind of existence does create entities all the time. As one does not become a part of the land of worms, what greys and other entities are doing or have done to themselves is not that relevant to the future of the human beings, which can have another future.

Our Gods in the forms of "aliens" are actually the highest and the most capable beings by far. As thus they encapsulate the eternal notions of teaching and sound knowledge.

We approve of their existence but don't consider them positive in all terms and some, are rather negative or even against us based on what we see. Their opposition can be seen as incentive to advance or not to become like them.

Forgive my ignorance, but how is that done? Does it relate to the squares? Should I aim to do a Saturn square to "iron" myself and then do a Jupiter square? More detail on this would be appreciated.

Meditation, removing negative karma, purification and ascent, do ensure that one will be on the good side rather than the "forced to act in the terms of good" side, ie, Jupiter and not Saturn.
I am the father of my son - and a son to my father. These things are true at the same time. Do I have to be either father or son?

Saturn and Jupiter work synergistically. One enforces advancement and the other allows it to happen. Between the two, one wants to be on the Jupiter side, while having being ironed out by Saturn or Kronus. Without the ironing, the blessings will not arrive.
Oh,,I see,,I once made a meme about this but didn't think much of it at the time,
How the community is going through an alchemical process of our own
The first stage was the joy of Satan , approaching the gods from the work of the enemy, judging by previous sermons and members account things were harder back then, rampant attacks and derailment of advancement but yet the most resilient remained: The Nigredo process,the darkening stage

Then currently the Albedo process,
Joy of satan to the temple of Zeus,The whitening stage,where souls are cleansed and an emergence of clarity,and higher states of understanding and awareness,,the dross of the enemy is being completely shed,and we are in the midst of this,

If not then honestly,this was a good meme


  • ZomboMeme 18022025114255.jpg
    ZomboMeme 18022025114255.jpg
    61.7 KB · Views: 24

This is all beautiful.
It's kind of sad that we had to wait 20 years to find out.
But it is really wonderful. I would really like one day for these spiritual expressions to become commonplace among initiates without any doubt about their meaning.
I don't know if it will, but REALLY it would be beautiful if one day the Gods Section will be like this example of Tehuti.
Meditation, removing negative karma, purification and ascent, do ensure that one will be on the good side rather than the "forced to act in the terms of good" side, ie, Jupiter and not Saturn.
In terms of manifestation, let's say I wanted to expand my wealth. While vibrating with being "rich" which I guess is likely different from actually being rich and then feeling being rich for real, how does one properly "breach the barrier" so to speak from the "fake it till you make it" vibe to actually beliving it vibe before it happens.

I mean there are delusional people out there who believe they are rich or a God but just beacause they genuinely believe it, doesn't actually put them in that state. Clearly manifestation isn't about deluding yourself into becoming something you're not but I've also read that if I vibe with wanting something when I don't have it, I'm reinforcing my mind and aura that I don't have it.

So, deluding myself into being rich doesn't work and affirming that I want to be rich doesn't work either. So how is it properly done? How can I state in the present after a working "I am rich" when I am not, I'm affirming something I don't believe because I'm not rich. When I say I'm not rich, I'm stating a fact. But when I say "I'm rich" as an affirmation, I'm stating something subconciously that I know isn't true even if I try to "fake" it. Deluding myself doesn't work obviously so how is it really done? If delusions worked, then we'd see homeless drug addicts who think they're elon musk or whatever suddenly getting rich since they genuinely believe it and "vibe" with the rich feeling at a genuine subconcious level.
What kind of lighting are you talking about?
Is it something special? Or is it simply the awakening of the kundalini?
What can this "enlightenment" bring in an extremely complex and non-simplistic sense?

For example, some people's "enlightenment" is to think in unity, because they can't comprehend all phenomena, so they include everything in the One.

That kind of wisdom doesn't seem so real to me, I want to know about something that brings something close to omniscience, not the simplification of all things.
how does one properly "breach the barrier" so to speak from the "fake it till you make it" vibe to actually beliving it vibe before it happens.
I wonder if affirming I can do something is better since I would genuinely believe that and it’s in the present.

In terms of wealth, the more believeable something is the better. So instead of affirming “I am rich”, I could say “I can increase my wealth by (believable amount for me)” which is far easier for my subconscious to believe and then build up from there.

So instead of jumping from Level 1 to Level 1000, I go from 1 to 2, and perhaps 2 to 4 will be easier and so on, every step less difficult than the last one.
I wouldn't be able to explain this back to someone else but somehow I feel like I've understood the point pretty clearly.
Never take directly what can be read from Ancient texts, particularly know that a God's Name can refer to something else, like the 3rd Eye in Thoth's case.
I hope this sermon will specifically help me in understanding the Greek myths written in a book I recently bought for, how can I put it, "training" in understanding allegories and I feel like you just gave me a "manual" for it, so thank you High Priest.
Now moving aside from recent posts on jokes and related, we are embarking on a very serious topic for consciousness expansion. This is about the nature and essence of the Gods, so we can together, reach a better understanding.

The Gods represent many things. This is why they are Gods, they are supposed to encapsulate in them complex realities of life.

Externally from man:

1. They represent universal forces; thunder, aether, elements (fire, water, earth or air)
2. Universal concepts such as gravity, attraction, light, darkness.
3. Real beings who exist independently of man.
4. Multi-layered Beings.
5. Creators of the Universe.
6. Laws of the Universe that are deeper (such as Justice, Karma, Magickal Laws etc)

Each of these layers, has a depth to it. When humanity makes studying, research, and connects to the Gods, they can understand better about these areas.

Esoterically in man:

1. Parts of the areas of their mind, conscious or unconscious.
2. Archetypes within man
3. Parts of the soul of man, by extension of the above
4. Parts of the human brain, areas of the brain
5. Man "himself", as a whole.
6. Internal Laws of the Universe (such as those that appear within man himself, in his body, mind or soul)
7. The Gods are very widely called Progenitors of the human species, very directly, and the Ancients do not cut corners in actually saying that they literally seeded humanity.

How does the upper External category connect to the Esoteric one?

Through Symbols = meaning, "these which aid in understanding".
For the updated Symbols page [it was updated twice, finalized now] refer to here:

I know, this is a long way from where we are before. It is truly. Some of you are not yet settled into this new understanding (It will all unfold, do not worry) and rather, you will need some time to adapt. It's normal, because as the knowledge is being expanded, enlightenment can come in and enlightenment can in some cases be a bit non pleasant.

A lot of misunderstandings arise when Ancient Texts are read, since the above have to be understood, over what is being referred to at each time, for each God. For example, Zeus can be used interchangeably with the Aether or the source of the Cosmic existence.

Simultaneously, in other texts, Zeus might be referred as a Being in Himself. In another text, He can be referred to as "All the Beings", and in another, as the independent figure of the leader of the Gods. In another text, as an essence that encompasses all the Gods (And therefore, their father). The level of power, complexity and "everything-ness" of Zeus, is actually leading most authors to call Him also the "One God". This is not to defy other Gods, but to show massive prominence of His powers. Marduk is referred to in similar terms and Amun in Egypt, same as Odin and the general notion of the All-Father.

Highest spirituality is complex and is not always very simple. In the JoS prior, there was only focus on some areas and not many clarifications. Everything else existed in latent form, and I need to clarify these things for the evolution of the people in our family. This is not enough or sufficient to focus on them. This is an aspect of external worship and very important. From the second list, we have a focused on mostly the parts of the soul (and not many explanations to that end).

This process adapted to an example:

Let's take the God Thoth.
  1. For example, the God Thoth, appears also to be the "Ruler" of the 3rd eye.
  2. Thoth is a Being in Himself.
  3. However, esoterically in man, Thoth is also your 3rd eye.
  4. On a level of Archetypical, Thoth rules over knowledge, intuition and understanding and the person invested in these to a maximum extent.
  5. And on the level of the natural forces, He represents Mercury and the Moon.
  6. Thoth appears in many cultures; Mercury, Nebo or Ninghizzidha. Fundamentally, we will call Him Thoth as it's a most accurate name.
  7. The real Name of Thoth, is TEHUTI from the deeper initiation about the God. To the Ancient Greeks for example, they can call him HERMES [all the Ancient Priesthood's surviving documentation prove this 100%].
  8. Thoth was also called an Ancient alien, who, alongside others, arrived here to create and instruct humanity in letters, writing, reading and transmission of communication.
  9. Psychologically & Mentally, Thoth represents the ability of man to learn and keep learning.
  10. At some point during his aeons long history, where the above notions were to be removed and reduced to borderline non-existent, Thoth ended up as a Demon in the enemy grimoires. Irrelevant, so this cannot be the "core" of our knowledge, as we predate the enemy by thousands of years. To accept this limited perception, we also limit Thoth himself. Therefore, we also limit our own understanding. Solution: limited context had to go and Thoth had to emerge fully, like the other Gods.

Still, this is just Thoth. He is all the above.
  1. When the Ancients for exampled referred to writing, they could have said "The art of Thoth".
  2. When they referred to Thoth as the real being in the context of History, as an Annuaki.
  3. When they refer to the Moon, they could have said "The domain of Thoth".
  4. In an esoteric text, they could say "To awaken Thoth".
  5. Initiatory texts could write in them "To wake up Thoth, do this." - This is advice on how to awaken the Chakra.
  6. "Thoth Eats, Thoth Sleeps" - these mean the state of the chakra, or the state of a function. For example, if Thoth "sleeps", either the Chakra is not functional and if "Thoth needs to eat", this means to empower the chakra.
  7. People who do not know about Initiation or what things are, they will literally pick the text and read it literally: "So Thoth was sleeping and eating Baklava, like me on friday". This is not actual interpretation of the text, it's surface level nonsense that is the awareness level of animals. Many of these people are also in academia and albeit they make very systematic efforts to understand the Ancient Texts, they do so from a materialistic or figurative standpoint, being led nowhere.

Thoth as a God, is an anchor and encapsulation of all the above terms.

If Thoth was not all of the above, he wouldn't be a God and wouldn't be Thoth.
If Thoth was not all these things above, they would not be a high ranking being worthy of reverence or respect.

Gods are very complex beings and they are not just simple nonsense like figurines that you bow in front, never were in the Ancient Religions. They are not also characters with very limited identities. The Gods are not satisfied merely by empty worship, they instated a culture for the growth of man, not merely for slavish worship.

About their Names which are different, these represent in each culture a linguistical structure that is meant to describe the notion behind the being. Names have to be reflective of essence in the given language. Not all languages are created "equal". However, in all serious spiritual cultures that have advanced past the state of primitive condition, there is a lot of depth about the choice of names.

To reach full understanding of the Gods, esoterically for us, means to also deify our own selves and reach the Godhead. These processes are not simple and certainly don't just involve worship.

Worship in itself, has the purpose of focusing the mind on certain things, to unlock the mind, besides of giving glory to the Gods themselves. As we give this glory, we also glorify ourselves and our internal potential that is there by the Gods, unlocking it.

The previous lenses of all of these were rather limited; the aliens that exist in other planets are just one thing, same as the "Satan" from the Bible or the more esoteric notions of Lucifer. These have a limit and would not lead nobody to enlightenment on their own. These are not fully sufficient to explain the Divine. If these are not expanded, one cannot fully understand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
very good sermon Thanks for this
Enlightenment your the best
Have a wonderful day of the
Enchanted! !!!
Hail Zues and the Gods! !!!
Greetings and thanks for the sermon!

Forgive my ignorance, but how is that done? Does it relate to the squares? Should I aim to do a Saturn square to "iron" myself and then do a Jupiter square? More detail on this would be appreciated.

Meditation, removing negative karma, purification and ascent, do ensure that one will be on the good side rather than the "forced to act in the terms of good" side, ie, Jupiter and not Saturn.

I see Saturn also as something internal rather than outer "forcing". For example, very harmonic and very retro Saturn might be felt even as working on behalf of an owner, i.e. it might be felt as something that person themselves strictly want or strictly not want in their life. "Inner power" might be felt by somewhat higher octave Saturn. Lower octave example being, moslens and xians usually get what they strictly believe in: they get treated inhumanly in their own families, get nuked by pissrael etc. But this all is exactly what they affirm in their own prayers day and night, 5 times per day and more. Saturn rules bones meaning Saturn rules hardcore reality that became reality because the Observer was very powerfully aligned with it. Quantum Observer means that: we "make" our reality. Saturn is not outer planet in a sense it is ruled from within not from without. Saturn represents the point where we face what we are strongly aligned with i.e. where our intensive internal forces "form" the reality we meet, i.e. where our Psy wave function collapses and becomes reality - the point where we "make" it a reality. I.e. without Saturn there may be no real magic. Just my theory of this.

On a side note, can you make the image on your signature smaller? It takes up a lot of space.
I was going to say the same thing brother.
Thank you, High Priest. Reading this post makes me want to dive into all the mythologies, but this time with a sharper, deeper understanding. I see things more clearly now and feel more awake.

It’s a shame that some people have misinterpreted so much. Even my literature teacher once told me, “No matter which god you worship, they all end up disappointing us. They’ve all failed. Just look at how the gods behave, don’t even get me started on Yahweh.”

But that’s just not true. Our gods are so much more than that; everything has simply been misunderstood.
Thank you for the sermon HP.

After what seems to be an eternity of spiritual blindness, virtually all people lost track about the Gods and do not have anymore an understanding of the Gods esoteric aspects and allegories. Most people are so "left-brained" and materialistic that their first instinct is to take everything literally.

Even for most Zevists and adepts of spirituality here, these allegories are going to become clearer by reading about them only to a small extent, but in order to decrypt these messages fully the only way is to "decrypt ourselves" first and foremost by advancing and reaching higher states and powers of our souls. Once we have advanced enough we will have developed the necessary experience, skill and understanding to better grasps the mysteries and esoteric allegories of the Gods.
In terms of manifestation, let's say I wanted to expand my wealth. While vibrating with being "rich" which I guess is likely different from actually being rich and then feeling being rich for real, how does one properly "breach the barrier" so to speak from the "fake it till you make it" vibe to actually beliving it vibe before it happens.

I mean there are delusional people out there who believe they are rich or a God but just beacause they genuinely believe it, doesn't actually put them in that state. Clearly manifestation isn't about deluding yourself into becoming something you're not but I've also read that if I vibe with wanting something when I don't have it, I'm reinforcing my mind and aura that I don't have it.

So, deluding myself into being rich doesn't work and affirming that I want to be rich doesn't work either. So how is it properly done? How can I state in the present after a working "I am rich" when I am not, I'm affirming something I don't believe because I'm not rich. When I say I'm not rich, I'm stating a fact. But when I say "I'm rich" as an affirmation, I'm stating something subconciously that I know isn't true even if I try to "fake" it. Deluding myself doesn't work obviously so how is it really done? If delusions worked, then we'd see homeless drug addicts who think they're elon musk or whatever suddenly getting rich since they genuinely believe it and "vibe" with the rich feeling at a genuine subconcious level.

Affirmations are your focus point as well as the direction you are programming the energy you raised to go in. You are over analyzing it. It's stated in the most basic instructions on performing magick. You raise energy, Program Energy, Direct energy.

With Step Two, you must program the energy. By "program", I mean you must tell it what you want it to do. Energy all by itself is pretty much neutral and inert. With step two, you must use what are called "affirmations". "Affirmations" are short, to the point phrases in the present tense that are repeated to program the energy. The present tense must be used because energy does not have the reasoning power to understand "will happen". "Will” can be at any time. To make something manifest, you must visualize and direct it as if it is already here and happening.

If you believe you are "faking it" then the energy will be disrupted by it. If you believe its "a lie" then the energy will be disrupted by it. Affirmations are orders telling the energy what to do. This is the spiritual side of things. You need to make physical acts as well. The energy is moving but if you aren't acting in the physical sense where and how will the manifestation occur? Energy takes the path of least resistance and doesn't reason. If you want to be rich but you constantly tell yourself you aren't rich (even subconsciously) then which do you think will manifest more easily?

Delusions are when one doesn't align their perception of reality with actual reality. Energy work is real and when you perform a working you are taking action in reality. But if you want a physical manifestation of your working then you need to give the energy the easiest way to manifest by doing physical acts as well.
Obrigado por este sermão, Sumo Sacerdote.

Tenho uma pergunta relacionada aos Deuses e aos planetas.

Meu entendimento anterior antes da revelação era que Zeus era Júpiter (ou energeticamente ligado a Júpiter) e Satanás era Saturno (ou energeticamente ligado a ele).

Mas parece que Zeus/Satya está relacionado a vários (se não todos?) planetas, incluindo o Sol (como revelado por Apolo), Júpiter, Saturno e Vênus.

As energias planetárias são claramente separadas e diferentes, mas já que Zeus e Chronos são o mesmo ser, como isso se relaciona com Saturno e Júpiter sendo energias planetárias claramente separadas? Cada planeta está relacionado a vários Deuses ou lados diferentes dos Deuses, então Júpiter é o lado "claro" de Zeus e Saturno é seu lado "escuro"?
Saudações, sei que a pergunta era para o Sumo Sacerdote, mas gostaria de explicar um pouco do que aprendi sobre as faces de Lúcifer. Zeus, Júpiter, Satã, Saturno, você consegue entender a energia? São 2 lados da mesma moeda que na verdade acabam se tornando 4 lados, sendo 2 positivos luz anima e animus, e 2 positivos sombra anima e animus, como o Sermão de HP sobre a dualidade dos Deuses, mas Zeus como o TODO, tem vários outros conceitos e não apenas luz e sombra, então há mais aspectos de Deus como os 4 elementos fogo, terra, água e ar, estão fora de Deus mas estão contidos em Deus, as energias do Sol lado luz o polo positivo o animus, o fecundidade, o sêmen, e Vênus também lado luz, fertilidade, concepção, o gerador, a anima, daí nascem os filhos de Deus que são suas extensões e representam outros planetas sistemas galáxias estrelas, também contendo mais aspectos de Deus como Mercúrio governa a mente e o pensamento, Hermes com o governo do terceiro olho e a glândula pineal, então como os chakras são governados por planetas, eles também são governados por aspectos de Deus e então o TODO é Deus, mas subdividido. em energias, planetas filhos, então sabemos que há mais aspectos, Deus encontra mais maneiras de se manifestar.

Saudade Zeus Lúcifer
I am the father of my son - and a son to my father. These things are true at the same time. Do I have to be either father or son?

Saturn and Jupiter work synergistically. One enforces advancement and the other allows it to happen. Between the two, one wants to be on the Jupiter side, while having being ironed out by Saturn or Kronus. Without the ironing, the blessings will not arrive.
The great and incredible reaction. In fact, the response has answered my question in advance.
Thanks HP.
Ah, entendo, uma vez fiz um meme sobre isso, mas não pensei muito nisso na época.
Como a comunidade está passando por um processo alquímico próprio
O primeiro estágio foi a alegria de Satanás, aproximando-se dos deuses a partir do trabalho do inimigo, a julgar pelos sermões anteriores e relatos dos membros, as coisas eram mais difíceis naquela época, ataques desenfreados e descarrilamento do avanço, mas ainda assim os mais resilientes permaneceram: o processo Nigredo, o estágio de escurecimento

Então atualmente o processo Albedo,
Alegria de Satanás ao templo de Zeus, O estágio de clareamento, onde as almas são purificadas e surge a clareza e estados mais elevados de compreensão e consciência, a escória do inimigo está sendo completamente eliminada, e estamos no meio disso,

Se não, honestamente, esse foi um bom meme
Será que Satã, no começo, seria uma mortificação? Eu não tinha pensado nisso, o nigredo onde nos esvaziamos do ego, rastejamos e comomos pó, agora vemos a luz e precisamos nos encher de luz, nos tornando brancos, (Zeus/Lúcifer) mas logo chegará a cor avermelhada, que seria a iluminação, o próprio elemento fogo da nossa alquimia, transformando nossa alma impura (chumbo) em ouro (iluminada). Parece quase poesia, de tão lindo!

Da-nos oh Deus Shaitan a Sabedoria
Da-nos Luz Portador Lúcifer

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
