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Morality Cannot Be Eaten

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I do not know how many times I see this mistake done and done again with people who think that not having wealth or money is some sort of moral thing, and a good thing for your idealism. Like these hobos that call everyone 'rich' a thief, or a usurer etc. I know Gentiles who have ascended by labors and pains of generations to the level of wealth they have.

Others have had a curse on their generations, where children squandered wealth of generations, rather than increasing it. There are curses like that in the bible. There is also a book of Eshter in the bible which is all about instructions on how jewesses can open their legs to dumb Goy kings and rich people to usurp their wealth, and elevate jews with the use of it. Long story short, there is a whole game involved here.

The same is the situation in Europe, wealth did not come out of nowhere, it's the accumulation of many dead and sacrificed generations of knowledge and labor. The same street that african prison-released hordes and muslims shit into today, took 10 years to be developed and thousands of hours of working force to be created, and more than likely thousands of years of knowledge in architecture and anything else to manifest. And now the jew says that shitting in the creation of your great-racial-grandparents is moral. And letting any monkey come in there to kill you with a machete on this very street and spill your blood in the very same street.

The jew manages to do this because he hides reincarnation. It could have been YOU or your FAMILY working on this very street, but you will not remember this - you will be amnesiac. Therefore, nothing belongs to "YOU" or your "RACE" anymore, it belongs to some random citizens of this world. Oh and of course, jews.

Then jewish 'teachers' in Unversities just come and brush it of (typical of the lazy races and those who never work) as something that simply came from 'theft' or 'exploitation' or slavery. Not one black person worked on any European monument. You cannot pull up people randomly and tell them how to create the Opera in Paris. And they cannot execute it perfectly even if you did.

This is all clearly of a lie and useless to do, to have 'slaves'. You can just raise people from your own nation to do this, easily and effectively, and without fearing the risk of armed Machette uprising to take "Muh iPhone 10 from Whitey" in the process. Other races know this very fact too.

The same jews don't go to Asia to tell them the palaces of emperors and everything else was simply a result of some 'magical' usury and how they stole people from other lands to work on these. Because this did not happen. The jew is again projecting: a race who has never worked, always believes, that things come out of some butthole as a huge turd from Jehova's ass - If you just make believe, as something 'that just is', shows how unaware the jewish race is of any true production. The only thing they are aware of is the fact of theft, that after a thing is produced, you can steal it from the producer. All the theories of exploitation and 'wealth' and the theories of many economists related, do reflect this jewish understanding.

Rabbi Karl Marx was the first person with Rabbi Engels to focus on the stealing of the production from Gentiles and Workers. This is because this was what the jews always did. They were experts. When a system came about (Capitalism) that did exactly the same, but in a more 'humane' fashion than jews, the jews found the opportunity to blame the Goyim for...Inheriting what is in the bible and drummed on the minds of Gentiles for thousands of years.

Capitalism and Communism, same as 'Socialism' (the stolen promise), are all in the bible, for different people, races and teams of humans. The jews for example, practice Capitalism on the heads of the masses with lenting, usury etc. Communism is their higher objective. Socialism is the promise of Rabbi Jesus, where you can gain 'free salvation' simply because you kissed a jewish Rabbi's Jewish ass.

I will tell you what this is: Bullshit. Same as all wealth hating ideas.

These ideas come from three types of people. On one hand, those who cannot understand wealth, and therefore, relinquish it. Two, from people who are rich and never had to worry about anything, or always had for their needs. Three, from jews who just push these on the goyim to make them poor and dumb.

The reality of the financial situation is that if more people were doing financial workings, rather than stealing and so forth, these things would only manifest in massive wealth for a whole society. Ancient Egypt is an example here.

But let's face it to attain wealth, in any system of life that has ever existed, one needs two things: to be laborious, and to be clever. The alternations of how much wealth can be attained come down to these two. Now, all the people on the 'laborious' part are kept on the low and cannot ascend, and all the people on the 'clever' part are also kept low.

The jewish element has inserted in this sequence a third option, which is how much of a usurer and deceitful of a person you are. This is because their very own existence in a society terraformed it into a place of their own rules.

However those who fundamentally understand wealth and being clever with your dealings and not dumb, you can attain financial security and abundance without having to resort to the third option. This is the basis of attaining wealth, not usury. Usury is just stolen matters. In the same way a thief can only wear a ring but never make another one, the thief is always dependent on the producer.

Same is the relationships between Gentiles and Jews. Gentiles pour the cleverness and labor in the system, the jew just sucks the blood. But it appears that more and more that economy is diversified and expands, aside with knowledge, people are also becoming cleverer. This comes from the higher living demands that people have, which is a double edged sword. On one hand it makes mentally stunted who are ungreatful, and behave like worthless beings, on the other hand, in their minds hovers some sort of new morality about wealth management that is based more on better values.

To name one example many people in the new generation do not want to work for 200 bucks a month like in many European countries, and work 10 or 12 hours a day. These reluctancies and distates when they reach to logical extremes, they create breakdowns and cracks in society.

The jews try to amend for this by inserting foreign labor 3rd world labor to take over the host countries in an unholy alliance with these people who are in severe needs, but without Whites, the cleverness and inventiveness aspect will be out of the window, same as everything else such as 'rights' and anything else will be off the table.

It's predicted already the financial situation in Sweden and many other 'baseline decent' countries, will become shittier as time progresses. And you will have two things only, labor, and parasitism. This is exactly the values of the jewish system. Cleverness is going to have to be removed, as this creates needs of rights, and the need of a person to stop being exploited.

Progression in wealth building and labor for one's family, and based on how one has their life in mind, is a great thing and people should care for this. It's not superior to the higher chakras we possess, like Spiritual understanding, or anything else, and it's always by nature a transient practice. But transient as it is, it's extremely necessary for life, the life of descendants etc. For this reason nobody here must aim.

This is why many people do workings for money and the only thing they get is knowledge, or other things. This is because fundamental flaws in their understanding have to be solved before any proper rising in finances can happen. One can win the lottery and go broke in a year because of mismanagement or lack of understanding of how wealth works.

This is the same like nutrition. If you are hungry and someone comes and gives you a huge supply of chocolate for a year, this isn't gonna help you in any valuable way. You cannot survive in chocolate.

Any morality that tells you to starve, die etc, is out of Satanism and Spiritual Satanism. We are based about life. Any system that there is, we have to work with it to live and survive. The Russians eventhough half exterminated by Stalin, they had to persist in Communism to keep the Russian race alive. This is life, this is not a joke. And it must not be treated as a joke. You do not just die and respawn in 10 seconds like a video game.

Morality cannot be eaten, but also, as Lilith once said to HPS Maxine, money cannot be eaten: it's not always about money but how you life, how you live, your health, your relationships, your spiritual level, so remember this is also part of wealth. Gods shower us with all kinds of wealth, open your arms and accept it, without ever forgetting that the most important wealth is the spiritual wealth, the physical and mental health, and then everything else.

Morality cannot be eaten, but without morality, you will always be hungry and never fulfilled.

Meditate on the above quote from a Spiritual Satanist standpoint and you will understand clearly it's meaning for you.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Marxist Socialism is in the Bible...… However I doubt National Socialism is... in fact its not.

No mistake the only place Socialism won was German Socialism under Hitler. They created a Democratic Socialist Workers State like the title of the name of their party..... National Socialist German Workers Party.

In the end the monetary system will have to be abolished, manual and menial labour and other labour automated. This provides for all basic and advanced needs. and society freed to obtain Gnosis and spend their life in meaningful creation based on the realized talents of their soul nature.

Money does not equal wealth it was a medium of exchange for wealth. Most societies used actual physical material wealth and not money for much of their history. Till money became wealth on its own and thus supplant the whole point of labour which is to create actual material wealth. What good is money if there is nothing to buy.... Just pull the money out and produce the actual wealth. With the automation happening with the Tech revolution we will either move into a different society based on resource based economy or a population reduced to the violence of poverty in a system of inequality with just the rich and the poor. And the world will be destroyed anyway by the violence towards the eco system and humans. We might have till 2050 before the destruction of the eco system by the monetary global market systems is beyond the point of no control.

Money is the paper jew they even have their star of david on it.
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxist Socialism is in the Bible...… However I doubt National Socialism is... in fact its not.

No mistake the only place Socialism won was German Socialism under Hitler. They created a Democratic Socialist Workers State like the title of the name of their party..... National Socialist German Workers Party.

In the end the monetary system will have to be abolished, manual and menial labour and other labour automated. This provides for all basic and advanced needs. and society freed to obtain Gnosis and spend their life in meaningful creation based on the realized talents of their soul nature.

Hitler made real the "Capitalist" aim of people ascending in Society in 12 years. That Capitalists claim it has been their 'goal' for like...220 years.

You can't even make shit straight with jews anyone who loves wealth has to accept this very fact.
The aim of the German People was to abolish the capitalist system they made no mistake about this. The Nazi's even put out propaganda calling capitalism Jewish. Capitalism literally is Jewish it was created by Jews and Protestants who believed they were Jews out of the old testament in the Bible. This is why capitalism allowed for the slave trade, the return to feudalism with indentured serfs and all such. Capitalism is a system that was set up from the start to build a new class of Oligarchs based on usury, wage serf labour, monopoly. This is all in their own writings. And if one studies the last seven hundred years of the rise of Capitalism the first Socialist Workers revolt was in Italy in the fourteen century against the Capitalist Oligarchs.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxist Socialism is in the Bible...… However I doubt National Socialism is... in fact its not.

No mistake the only place Socialism won was German Socialism under Hitler. They created a Democratic Socialist Workers State like the title of the name of their party..... National Socialist German Workers Party.

In the end the monetary system will have to be abolished, manual and menial labour and other labour automated. This provides for all basic and advanced needs. and society freed to obtain Gnosis and spend their life in meaningful creation based on the realized talents of their soul nature.

Hitler made real the "Capitalist" aim of people ascending in Society in 12 years. That Capitalists claim it has been their 'goal' for like...220 years.

You can't even make shit straight with jews anyone who loves wealth has to accept this very fact.
HP Mageson666 said:
The aim of the German People was to abolish the capitalist system they made no mistake about this. The Nazi's even put out propaganda calling capitalism Jewish. Capitalism literally is Jewish it was created by Jews and Protestants who believed they were Jews out of the old testament in the Bible. This is why capitalism allowed for the slave trade, the return to feudalism with indentured serfs and all such. Capitalism is a system that was set up from the start to build a new class of Oligarchs based on usury, wage serf labour, monopoly. This is all in their own writings. And if one studies the last seven hundred years of the rise of Capitalism the first Socialist Workers revolt was in Italy in the fourteen century against the Capitalist Oligarchs.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxist Socialism is in the Bible...… However I doubt National Socialism is... in fact its not.

No mistake the only place Socialism won was German Socialism under Hitler. They created a Democratic Socialist Workers State like the title of the name of their party..... National Socialist German Workers Party.

In the end the monetary system will have to be abolished, manual and menial labour and other labour automated. This provides for all basic and advanced needs. and society freed to obtain Gnosis and spend their life in meaningful creation based on the realized talents of their soul nature.

Hitler made real the "Capitalist" aim of people ascending in Society in 12 years. That Capitalists claim it has been their 'goal' for like...220 years.

You can't even make shit straight with jews anyone who loves wealth has to accept this very fact.

some inmates get paid a dollar an hour for working along their jobs or whatever. an article about the situation in prison actually uses the term indentured servants. so that's already here in america as it was before some think of the start of slavery in america. using the prison population so that they can pay these guys a dollar instead of minimal wage. cheap labor.
When Hitler came to power, he appointed Hjalmar Schacht as the head of the Reichsbank. The end of the
Gold Standard helped Schacht create a paperless trail to fund Hitler's government. He formed a limited liability company Metallurgische Forschungsgesellschaft, or
MEFO for short. The company's "mefo bills" served as bills of exchange, convertible into Reichsmark upon demand.
MEFO had no actual existence or operations and was solely a balance sheet entity.
This was a big kick in butts to the international jewed banks as Hitler was exercising his right to sovereignty "creating money out of nothing", as if this isn't what the international jews does and then loan it out to country. Countries these days are just big banks owned by the big brother jewed bank.

Entrepreneurs could then cash in these MEFO bills and have them discounted to pay workers, enabling Hitler to put the unemployed back to work.
Mefo bills were issued to last for six months initially, but with the provision for indefinite three-month extensions. The total amount of mefo bills issued was kept secret, that was immoral right?..lol

Essentially, mefo bills enabled the German Reich to run a greater deficit than it would normally have done. By 1939, there were 12 billion Reichsmark of mefo bills, compared to 19 billion of normal government bonds. This enabled the government to reinflate their economy, which culminated in its eventual development.
To combat the effects of the Great Depression, inherited economic policies that included a large public works
programs supported by deficit spending –such as the construction of the Autobahn network – was implemented to stimulate the economy.

Hitler's Reich owned 66% and Golddiskontbank owned 22% of Dresdner Bank shares.
He closed down the indebted economy by privatizing the banks to strong supporters of the Nazi Party to generate profits, then from his capital creating machine (exercising natural rights of sovereignty) he stimulated the economy to gain profits and resold the share of Golddiskontbank back to Deutsche bank..lol...releasing the government’s burden of bank related operational expenses.

As for myself, i want to be rich and wealthy with a super energetic and luxurious lady for a partner, it's not too much to ask for. Is it?
When a person realizes the entire money economy is held up by artificial scarcity and planned obsolesce not just usury. If the artificial scarcity and planned obsolesce was ended tomorrow literally the prices would crash and the entire global corporate system would be broke and out of business. Hundreds of tons of food produced is literally destroyed by American law passed by corporate lobbies to jack the prices up on your food up and up by creating artificial scarcity. They do this everywhere with everything. Without planned obsolesce they couldn't even keep the car companies going. They are charging you thousands of dollars for shit they built to break down on purpose costing you thousands of dollars to get it fixed or have to buy another one. The fact they forced out free energy a hundred years ago is just a small amount of what is done. Just like they created the FDA to push out affordable and working cures so they could make the trillion dollar industry around sickness and charge people millions they don't have by exploiting their sickness for profit. That is the real nature of the money system the paper jew.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Morality cannot be eaten, but also, as Lilith once said to HPS Maxine, money cannot be eaten: it's not always about money but how you life, how you live, your health, your relationships, your spiritual level, so remember this is also part of wealth. Gods shower us with all kinds of wealth, open your arms and accept it, without ever forgetting that the most important wealth is the spiritual wealth, the physical and mental health, and then everything else.

There is a saying in my country about health; "A healthy man has a thousand wishes, a sick man has only one."
How will you aquire a product without an established currency? Registered currency also facilitates trading in foreign lands for travellers. Products in high demand from distinguished minds also require credit, and I believe this is only ensured by the act of payment, as this is done to an entity. A society with a registered currency also promotes the necessary bureaucracy needed for sophisticated institutions such as specific restaurants or public events by private institutions like concerts. I really cant see how one can mantain a society without a currency. Trading is as old as existence, at one point salt was used as currency, eventually it evolved into paper and metal. A highly technological society would mainly facilitate security, tranportation, end delays, and bring prosperity.

I believe the real discussion for now is the work schedule. 8 hours 5 days a week is a crime against humanity in my opinion.
And the way to combat this is by doing the final RTR? Are there also other ways to combat the system that the jooz set up to keep us down?
HP Mageson666 said:
The aim of the German People was to abolish the capitalist system they made no mistake about this. The Nazi's even put out propaganda calling capitalism Jewish. Capitalism literally is Jewish it was created by Jews and Protestants who believed they were Jews out of the old testament in the Bible. This is why capitalism allowed for the slave trade, the return to feudalism with indentured serfs and all such. Capitalism is a system that was set up from the start to build a new class of Oligarchs based on usury, wage serf labour, monopoly. This is all in their own writings. And if one studies the last seven hundred years of the rise of Capitalism the first Socialist Workers revolt was in Italy in the fourteen century against the Capitalist Oligarchs.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Marxist Socialism is in the Bible...… However I doubt National Socialism is... in fact its not.

No mistake the only place Socialism won was German Socialism under Hitler. They created a Democratic Socialist Workers State like the title of the name of their party..... National Socialist German Workers Party.

In the end the monetary system will have to be abolished, manual and menial labour and other labour automated. This provides for all basic and advanced needs. and society freed to obtain Gnosis and spend their life in meaningful creation based on the realized talents of their soul nature.

Hitler made real the "Capitalist" aim of people ascending in Society in 12 years. That Capitalists claim it has been their 'goal' for like...220 years.

You can't even make shit straight with jews anyone who loves wealth has to accept this very fact.

That's not entirely true bro. Capitalism was the system of the Nazis. Their socialism was quite different from Jewish socialism. Their capitalism was equivalent to the capitalism of the founding fathers. With a socialistic turn as to not let it turn into a centralized banking monopoly type of crony capitalism.
The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to give debt free monetary notes to the private industry so they could start public works en mass and the money generated would later be used and stimulated the economy. They privatized public works, railways, ports etc. Even the word "Privatization" was coined by looking at the Nazi economy.
The only difference in the capitalist economy of the founding fathers which failed due to Jewish takeover was that in the case of Nazis they controlled who gets to trade with who as to not let any corruption or problems with monopoly take place. They had complete control over the free trade. Making a safety vault as to no one overtakes the economy or try a Jewish takeover.
So Nazis economic policy can be called "Capitalist Socialism".
Since the 70's most people have been living on credit because inflation in the cost of living that is why people need usury to live now. Thanks jews.

The fact is manufacturing will have to be done locally in communities or with the current tech coming out like printing a person can make most of what they need themselves. The fact is most things people buy are not important to anything and are the result of being tormented in a market economy by consumerist propaganda to keep consuming pointless goods at highly marked up prices and go into debt while doing so. Most of this is status seeking.

The fact right now everyone could have free energy and food supplied to them with the basic tech system we have now.... Not to mention the kind of medical treatments they could get for free or cheap with bringing out the held back cures and medical tech and not charging a person twenty thousand dollars for a five dollar item with some meds they mass produce for dirt cheap just to stay alive.

We have enough tech we don't need to live in the previous era of thinking. In fact our earth might have a century left like the song..... "We are never going to survive if we don't get a little bit crazy".

What we need is a new spiritual, political movement that can reorganize society and transform it into a new utopian model that lives in harmony with the spiritual natural laws.

Its when you examine the cost of the currency systems and the market ideology to everyone that is when a person understands the we need to change the system. We don't need to be Golem clutching the ring as our world goes off the edge of the cliff for the gold of Judah.

We need to free People to live a spiritual human life where they can create and live their own soul nature. Not have to slave away for pay that is undercut and scheme news ways of getting shekels. We have the tech to automate all this but we need to abolish the system of profit to bring it about.

Bull Gotze said:
How will you aquire a product without an established currency? Registered currency also facilitates trading in foreign lands for travellers. Products in high demand from distinguished minds also require credit, and I believe this is only ensured by the act of payment, as this is done to an entity. A society with a registered currency also promotes the necessary bureaucracy needed for sophisticated institutions such as specific restaurants or public events by private institutions like concerts. I really cant see how one can mantain a society without a currency. Trading is as old as existence, at one point salt was used as currency, eventually it evolved into paper and metal. A highly technological society would mainly facilitate security, tranportation, end delays, and bring prosperity.

I believe the real discussion for now is the work schedule. 8 hours 5 days a week is a crime against humanity in my opinion.
Yes it is entirely the truth they worked to abolish capitalism in their society which was one of their platforms. The act of kicking the private sector out of banking and abolishing usury is the anti-thesis of all capitalist theory. The creating the democratization of the industrial sector and putting in Worker councils and nation labour unions thus forcing the returning of the value of labour to the workers and out of the capitalists hand and forcing owners to ethic's imposed by the state is the anti-thesis of capitalist theory. They also shadowed banned the private property of the industrial owners by enforcing ethic's on them that removed private controls to great limits. Thus destroying the free market nonsense. Hitler spoke many times about how capitalism will be the end of the Germans.

The National Socialists openly stated they are anti-free market capitalism and capitalism. It destroyed their nation. That is why you are not offering an argument your making up new terms which are the extent of saying your a Christian-Atheist.

The National SOCIALISTS openly call capitalism Jewish and you come and call the National SOCIALISTS......Capitalist Socialists...…

There is a reason the capitalist class and the Junkers conspired to get rid of National Socialism.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
That's not entirely true bro. Capitalism was the system of the Nazis. Their socialism was quite different from Jewish socialism. Their capitalism was equivalent to the capitalism of the founding fathers. With a socialistic turn as to not let it turn into a centralized banking monopoly type of crony capitalism.
The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to give debt free monetary notes to the private industry so they could start public works en mass and the money generated would later be used and stimulated the economy. They privatized public works, railways, ports etc. Even the word "Privatization" was coined by looking at the Nazi economy.
The only difference in the capitalist economy of the founding fathers which failed due to Jewish takeover was that in the case of Nazis they controlled who gets to trade with who as to not let any corruption or problems with monopoly take place. They had complete control over the free trade. Making a safety vault as to no one overtakes the economy or try a Jewish takeover.
So Nazis economic policy can be called "Capitalist Socialism".
The word play debates on capitalism comes down to true capitalism in the book can never be achieved because its not meant to be achieved the capitalist oligarchs themselves where behind Adam Smith and putting their money into his pockets to write what they want. This has always been the way it is from the Medici's to Fugger and on. Its a cloak to hide the dagger.

The capitalism we have is the real capitalism. Just as communism we had was the real communism the debate that communism is not be achieved is out the window because the jews who where behind that book never had any intent of doing such they put in the book it was a cheap feel good trick to con the Goyim into a state capitalist dictatorship with. The communism they brought was the plan all along thus the real communism. These books are not well intentioned and thought out systems of life. They are lies that hooked noses swindlers are telling you as pillow talk. If you understand the USSR was a state capitalist dictatorship run by jews as the owners of the state....You have the blue print for the future of where global capitalism is designed to take us.

Its time to simply get real and discuss the real system and not play around with the soft lies.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
That's not entirely true bro. Capitalism was the system of the Nazis. Their socialism was quite different from Jewish socialism. Their capitalism was equivalent to the capitalism of the founding fathers. With a socialistic turn as to not let it turn into a centralized banking monopoly type of crony capitalism.
The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to give debt free monetary notes to the private industry so they could start public works en mass and the money generated would later be used and stimulated the economy. They privatized public works, railways, ports etc. Even the word "Privatization" was coined by looking at the Nazi economy.
The only difference in the capitalist economy of the founding fathers which failed due to Jewish takeover was that in the case of Nazis they controlled who gets to trade with who as to not let any corruption or problems with monopoly take place. They had complete control over the free trade. Making a safety vault as to no one overtakes the economy or try a Jewish takeover.
So Nazis economic policy can be called "Capitalist Socialism".

2. Is National Socialism capitalist?
“We therefore call for:
11. The abolition of money obtained without work or effort.
12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of war requires that all assets of the
people, personal enrichment in the war must be regarded as a crime against the people. Therefore demand the confiscation of all war profits.
13. We demand the nationalization of all monopolies.
14. We demand a share in the profits of big business.
15. We demand a generous extension of social assistance to the elderly
17. Demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the creation of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of the common good. Abolition of the agrarian interest and disabling all speculation with land.
18. We demand the ruthless struggle against those who with their activity detrimental to the common interest. Criminals of the people, greedy speculators, etc... Will be punished with the death penalty, irrespective of their religion or race.
19. We demand the replacement of Roman Law serving a materialistic world order by a German Community Law
The common interest comes before the particular interest!"

Adolf Hitler and Gottfried Feder - The 25 points of the German National Socialist Workers Party (1920)

Blood Against Gold
National Socialism understands that the welfare of the community comes before individual interests of any other group. To National Socialism, money is merely a factor of exchange of material goods, a way to mathematically evaluate the work of man for the realization of future exchanges - what we call trade.

All have the right to reap the benefits of their work, provided it is productive and honest.

In National Socialism, there is no difference between manual and intellectual labor, no labor divisions when it is honest.

We are totally against large corporations that aim to rampantly profit through cruel and immoral ways before the good of the people. We are against companies that destroy the environment because they are more concerned with money than with the future and the world welfare. We, National Socialists, were the first environmentalists in history!

Globalization is a phenomenon that marks the strength of usury and selfishness. It's the end of borders to the deployment of a global economic system that favors only large elites and not aimed at cultural preservation or the people, but only profit. The internationalism, by overcoming borders, destroy the national culture and promotes a consumerist Yankee anticulture totally à la McDonald's. The TV, an alienating instrument discloses this materialistic lifestyle and numbs society with futile and stupid fun, diverting their attention from the decay of reality.

The system, as a capitalist agent, promotes mass immigration in order to acquire the provision of manpower for the employers that intend to reduce expenses and increase profits with no concern for the workers. Prejudice against national workers devalue the work quality, impoverishes the working class, increases crime, and deploys foreign cultures in nations that should be preserved.

“The struggle against international finance capital and the loan has become the most important point of the fight in the nation for its independence and freedom.” - Gottfried Feder

Financial speculation is not intended for production, just unbridled profit without any kind of contribution to society. In National Socialism, just the job can be a source of wealth. Money cannot create money, money is not the product, and it is the exchange factor. The capital only fulfills the role as intermediary, it has no value alone.

National Socialism supports free enterprise, provided that it is applied in accordance with the principles of the National Socialists. In contrast, big capitalists will use cheap labor from people outside the community – which harms it - for a cost reduction. Also we do not be hesitate to give the due rights of workers or to treat them in a malevolent manner to benefit us. The NS believes that the honest employer and employee can work together in mutual respect in a healthy and balanced environment.

Marxists deny culture and race as immutable identity, replacing them by social class, but there is no such thing as a social class. The worker is not and never was an internationalist by nature, he is patriotic – he lives in a community, and has a bond with the land they work. Internationalists are the agents of globalization, bankers, businessmen explorers who cannot see country or nation, but only money.

The spirit of National Socialism is a violent and radical opposition to the spirit of capitalism. It is the rebellion of the creative spirit and sincere human nature against exploitation of power and money. We are engaged in a struggle against capital and financial speculator. National Socialism is the sense of spiritual unity and cultural identity against the forces of greed and selfishness.

The Social Revolution
“I was and still am a child of the People. Was not by capitalists which I started this fight, but the German workers who took my attitude.” - Adolf Hitler

The National Socialist German government increased the vacation of workers significantly, reduced the working day to eight hours, and applied a policy for welfare officials to give 2 hours a day of rest with play areas. In a year in office, factories and stores were remodeled following the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

Unemployment [was] in [the] millions (Note: Hitler took power in 1933)

In three years, more than 23,000 stores were remodeled, 1,200 sports fields, 13,000 toilets and 17,000 canteens were built. More than 6 million jobs were created in only 4 years and the unemployment problem was totally solved. Every German should pay one year of community work to rebuild the nation. Inflation was controlled. Speculative institutions were closed and the unjust profits of bankers, confiscated.

The historic National Socialism has proved to be on the side of workers. We represent a worldview that believes in man, who believes in honest and productive work, in the sense of civilization - when the individual understands that they are part of a people and working together for posterity.

The determining factor is character, the effort, the work, the individual’s will-power, and not the bank account. Already passed the times that tolerate the big bosses and the shareholders that have the destiny of our lives in their hands.

National Socialism is the rebellion of man against the power of money. National Socialism is the true voice of the working class! National Socialism is socialist!
- Understanding National Socialism by Ação Nacional Socialista, 2006, English Translation by High Priestess Myla Limlal
This book also explains how Nazism is not right-wing, "racist", fascist or a dictatorship.
HP Mageson666 said:
Yes it is entirely the truth they worked to abolish capitalism in their society which was one of their platforms. The act of kicking the private sector out of banking and abolishing usury is the anti-thesis of all capitalist theory. The creating the democratization of the industrial sector and putting in Worker councils and nation labour unions thus forcing the returning of the value of labour to the workers and out of the capitalists hand and forcing owners to ethic's imposed by the state is the anti-thesis of capitalist theory. They also shadowed banned the private property of the industrial owners by enforcing ethic's on them that removed private controls to great limits. Thus destroying the free market nonsense. Hitler spoke many times about how capitalism will be the end of the Germans.

The National Socialists openly stated they are anti-free market capitalism and capitalism. It destroyed their nation. That is why you are not offering an argument your making up new terms which are the extent of saying your a Christian-Atheist.

The National SOCIALISTS openly call capitalism Jewish and you come and call the National SOCIALISTS......Capitalist Socialists...…

There is a reason the capitalist class and the Junkers conspired to get rid of National Socialism.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
That's not entirely true bro. Capitalism was the system of the Nazis. Their socialism was quite different from Jewish socialism. Their capitalism was equivalent to the capitalism of the founding fathers. With a socialistic turn as to not let it turn into a centralized banking monopoly type of crony capitalism.
The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to give debt free monetary notes to the private industry so they could start public works en mass and the money generated would later be used and stimulated the economy. They privatized public works, railways, ports etc. Even the word "Privatization" was coined by looking at the Nazi economy.
The only difference in the capitalist economy of the founding fathers which failed due to Jewish takeover was that in the case of Nazis they controlled who gets to trade with who as to not let any corruption or problems with monopoly take place. They had complete control over the free trade. Making a safety vault as to no one overtakes the economy or try a Jewish takeover.
So Nazis economic policy can be called "Capitalist Socialism".

That's not capitalism. That's Jewish overtaking of capitalism. That's crony capitalism. That's the theory of central banks owned by private sector capitalists is not original capitalism. The founding fathers of america had no central banking. They had impetus on de-centralizarion, low or negligeble taxes,private property and free trade.Andrew Jackson killed the Jewish takeover of the bank at one time. That type of capitalism was real capitalism.
HP Mageson666 said:
Yes it is entirely the truth they worked to abolish capitalism in their society which was one of their platforms. The act of kicking the private sector out of banking and abolishing usury is the anti-thesis of all capitalist theory. The creating the democratization of the industrial sector and putting in Worker councils and nation labour unions thus forcing the returning of the value of labour to the workers and out of the capitalists hand and forcing owners to ethic's imposed by the state is the anti-thesis of capitalist theory. They also shadowed banned the private property of the industrial owners by enforcing ethic's on them that removed private controls to great limits. Thus destroying the free market nonsense. Hitler spoke many times about how capitalism will be the end of the Germans.

The National Socialists openly stated they are anti-free market capitalism and capitalism. It destroyed their nation. That is why you are not offering an argument your making up new terms which are the extent of saying your a Christian-Atheist.

The National SOCIALISTS openly call capitalism Jewish and you come and call the National SOCIALISTS......Capitalist Socialists...…

There is a reason the capitalist class and the Junkers conspired to get rid of National Socialism.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
That's not entirely true bro. Capitalism was the system of the Nazis. Their socialism was quite different from Jewish socialism. Their capitalism was equivalent to the capitalism of the founding fathers. With a socialistic turn as to not let it turn into a centralized banking monopoly type of crony capitalism.
The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to give debt free monetary notes to the private industry so they could start public works en mass and the money generated would later be used and stimulated the economy. They privatized public works, railways, ports etc. Even the word "Privatization" was coined by looking at the Nazi economy.
The only difference in the capitalist economy of the founding fathers which failed due to Jewish takeover was that in the case of Nazis they controlled who gets to trade with who as to not let any corruption or problems with monopoly take place. They had complete control over the free trade. Making a safety vault as to no one overtakes the economy or try a Jewish takeover.
So Nazis economic policy can be called "Capitalist Socialism".

I told you. National socialists did things differently. They controlled who traded with whom as a form of anti - free trade as they acted as a check valve so as to not let Jewish capitalists take over the economy and money supply. That was a awesome add-on which america didn't have and that's why it got taken over by Jews in 1909 when they created central banking.
I understand where you're coming from. Its wrong to call them capitalist socialists. They did things very differently. Capitalists falied. National socialists succeeded.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
The reality of the financial situation is that if more people were doing financial workings, rather than stealing and so forth, these things would only manifest in massive wealth for a whole society. Ancient Egypt is an example here.


This is why many people do workings for money and the only thing they get is knowledge, or other things. This is because fundamental flaws in their understanding have to be solved before any proper rising in finances can happen. One can win the lottery and go broke in a year because of mismanagement or lack of understanding of how wealth works.


Gods shower us with all kinds of wealth, open your arms and accept it,

I have a few questions

- if i do money spells from the money spells pdf, will i grow in wealth untill i become a millionaire? (or more?).

- For money how many repetitions is perfect for the best results 108, 216, 324, 432?

- You said "This is why many people do workings for money and the only thing they get is knowledge, or other things. This is because fundamental flaws in their understanding have to be solved before any proper rising in finances can happen.". Kindly give some examples of the fundamental flaws, please

- And "Gods shower us with all kinds of wealth, open your arms and accept it," how can i recognise these gifts. Are they financial or are they gifts from other people?

all answers are greatly appreciated
I was actually just reading up on these kids who blow all their money on shoes and thinking man that would be so fucking embarrassing for your white kids to take all your money and blow it on cool shoes marketed for urban black people. Holy shit that is so embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as being killed by a jewess because you were fiending for some sloppy ol' khazar milkers. Actually I find jewish women are really forward and transparent with their gold-digging and it starts ridiculously young for them... but they also love race mixing in pornos and killing people so I'm starting to think it may have more to do with them being jewish than it does them being women.

I find liberals love immigrants because they just want to live like kings and queens while all the foreigners and right wing people who were raised right are bleeding and sweating to keep them alive. It's so fucked. And then when all the workout jobs are filled by strangers from far-away-lands, the entire moral sense of it all goes to shit because everyone's trying to bully each other constantly into their retarded kangz mindset where anyone who wants to work is seen as some kind of slave and anyone who wants to experience constant pleasure 24/7 is somehow inherently special.

Even charity oftentimes is like buying morality which is something a lot of people don't understand how really evil people constantly buy their way out of their evils. It's like donating over and over again to fix a lake that jews keep poisoning with sludge when you could just build your people's power up and take down the source from within.

Hail Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your situation is you simply don't have a working understanding of the history of this system. Capitalism was not invented by Washington it was created in places like Florence in the `14th century from there it moved across Europe and ruined everything and did just what it does today. Adam Smith stated usury is a natural part of capitalism.....what is usury....The thing the Nazi's were against. Yeah enough already.

People like the Founders of America tried to put ethic's into it....... IT DIDN'T WORK...... By the 1870's America was destroyed in several created Capitalist depressions and already fought a major civil war that killed a million people thanks to the Northern capitalist class attempting to build a monopoly over the Southern capitalist class.

Your argument is actual an argument against Capitalism. YOU CAN'T REFORM IT.

Now enough of the fantasy word play, thanx.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
That's not capitalism. That's Jewish overtaking of capitalism. That's crony capitalism. That's the theory of central banks owned by private sector capitalists is not original capitalism. The founding fathers of america had no central banking. They had impetus on de-centralizarion, low or negligeble taxes,private property and free trade.Andrew Jackson killed the Jewish takeover of the bank at one time. That type of capitalism was real capitalism.
Jews created capitalism from the start and were in bed the major Gentile capitalist Oligarchs from the start of this system in the 14 century. The pillars of Capitalism are Usury, criminal profiteering, wage labour serfdom and private ownership, monopoly which extents to creating a Plutocracy. Capitalism=Plutocracy.

All your arguments amount to attempts to reform capitalism fail. That is why The National SOCIALISTS created a Socialist society which was anti-capitalist.

Don't bother trying to answer me again as your are just moving the goal posts everywhere. And have an Alt-Right level of understanding of this topic. Your literally telling me the National Socialist fucking banned the Capitalist Free Market and you are calling them Capitalists.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
I told you. National socialists did things differently. They controlled who traded with whom as a form of anti - free trade as they acted as a check valve so as to not let Jewish capitalists take over the economy and money supply. That was a awesome add-on which america didn't have and that's why it got taken over by Jews in 1909 when they created central banking.
I understand where you're coming from. Its wrong to call them capitalist socialists. They did things very differently. Capitalists falied. National socialists succeeded.
HP Mageson666 said:
Jews created capitalism from the start and were in bed the major Gentile capitalist Oligarchs from the start of this system in the 14 century. The pillars of Capitalism are Usury, criminal profiteering, wage labour serfdom and private ownership, monopoly which extents to creating a Plutocracy. Capitalism=Plutocracy.

All your arguments amount to attempts to reform capitalism fail. That is why The National SOCIALISTS created a Socialist society which was anti-capitalist.

Don't bother trying to answer me again as your are just moving the goal posts everywhere. And have an Alt-Right level of understanding of this topic. Your literally telling me the National Socialist fucking banned the Capitalist Free Market and you are calling them Capitalists.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
I told you. National socialists did things differently. They controlled who traded with whom as a form of anti - free trade as they acted as a check valve so as to not let Jewish capitalists take over the economy and money supply. That was a awesome add-on which america didn't have and that's why it got taken over by Jews in 1909 when they created central banking.
I understand where you're coming from. Its wrong to call them capitalist socialists. They did things very differently. Capitalists falied. National socialists succeeded.
Wait. I didn't know that capitalism was made in Florence in the 14th century. Thank for this info.
HP Mageson666 said:
Jews created capitalism from the start and were in bed the major Gentile capitalist Oligarchs from the start of this system in the 14 century. The pillars of Capitalism are Usury, criminal profiteering, wage labour serfdom and private ownership, monopoly which extents to creating a Plutocracy. Capitalism=Plutocracy.

All your arguments amount to attempts to reform capitalism fail. That is why The National SOCIALISTS created a Socialist society which was anti-capitalist.

Don't bother trying to answer me again as your are just moving the goal posts everywhere. And have an Alt-Right level of understanding of this topic. Your literally telling me the National Socialist fucking banned the Capitalist Free Market and you are calling them Capitalists.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
I told you. National socialists did things differently. They controlled who traded with whom as a form of anti - free trade as they acted as a check valve so as to not let Jewish capitalists take over the economy and money supply. That was a awesome add-on which america didn't have and that's why it got taken over by Jews in 1909 when they created central banking.
I understand where you're coming from. Its wrong to call them capitalist socialists. They did things very differently. Capitalists falied. National socialists succeeded.

Your literally telling me the National Socialist fucking banned the Capitalist Free Market and you are calling them Capitalists.
No, I literally said it would be wrong because of that. Its undeniable that they took some of the principles from capitalism though.

The Economist magazine introduced the term "privatization" (alternatively "privatisation" or "reprivatization" after the German "reprivatizierung") during the 1930s when it covered Nazi Germany's economic policy.[3][4]
The first mass privatization of state property occurred in Nazi Germany between 1933-37: "It is a fact that the government of the National Socialist Party sold off public ownership in several state-owned firms in the middle of the 1930s. The firms belonged to a wide range of sectors: steel, mining, banking, local public utilities, shipyard, ship-lines, railways, etc. In addition to this, delivery of some public services produced by public administrations prior to the 1930s, especially social services and services related to work, was transferred to the private sector, mainly to several organizations within the Nazi Party."[10]

Great Britain privatized its steel industry in the 1950s, and the West German government embarked on large-scale privatization, including sale of the majority stake in Volkswagen to small investors in public share offerings in 1961.[7]

However they had certain principles of economy that were very different from other socialist or capitalist states so its very hard to see when they lie on the economic spectrum. They wouldn't be far left Marxist socialist and certainly not far right capitalist. So you must understand where the problem in understanding such a system comes from.
I don't want to sound confrontational. I just find it confusing to place them in the far left. As you know socialism is a Marxist invention. As you see they were definitely not Marxist socialist. And they did take some policies from capitalism like privatization and did take some policies from socialism as aforementioned workers unions ( with a twist of their own. Their worker unions were only Nazi ). So you must understand where the problem in understanding lies.
This is where I'm coming from

Here degrelle evaluates how capitalism and Nazism are more similar than Marxist socialism.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Yes it is entirely the truth they worked to abolish capitalism in their society which was one of their platforms. The act of kicking the private sector out of banking and abolishing usury is the anti-thesis of all capitalist theory. The creating the democratization of the industrial sector and putting in Worker councils and nation labour unions thus forcing the returning of the value of labour to the workers and out of the capitalists hand and forcing owners to ethic's imposed by the state is the anti-thesis of capitalist theory. They also shadowed banned the private property of the industrial owners by enforcing ethic's on them that removed private controls to great limits. Thus destroying the free market nonsense. Hitler spoke many times about how capitalism will be the end of the Germans.

The National Socialists openly stated they are anti-free market capitalism and capitalism. It destroyed their nation. That is why you are not offering an argument your making up new terms which are the extent of saying your a Christian-Atheist.

The National SOCIALISTS openly call capitalism Jewish and you come and call the National SOCIALISTS......Capitalist Socialists...…

There is a reason the capitalist class and the Junkers conspired to get rid of National Socialism.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
That's not entirely true bro. Capitalism was the system of the Nazis. Their socialism was quite different from Jewish socialism. Their capitalism was equivalent to the capitalism of the founding fathers. With a socialistic turn as to not let it turn into a centralized banking monopoly type of crony capitalism.
The first thing Hitler did when he came to power was to give debt free monetary notes to the private industry so they could start public works en mass and the money generated would later be used and stimulated the economy. They privatized public works, railways, ports etc. Even the word "Privatization" was coined by looking at the Nazi economy.
The only difference in the capitalist economy of the founding fathers which failed due to Jewish takeover was that in the case of Nazis they controlled who gets to trade with who as to not let any corruption or problems with monopoly take place. They had complete control over the free trade. Making a safety vault as to no one overtakes the economy or try a Jewish takeover.
So Nazis economic policy can be called "Capitalist Socialism".

That's not capitalism. That's Jewish overtaking of capitalism. That's crony capitalism. That's the theory of central banks owned by private sector capitalists is not original capitalism. The founding fathers of america had no central banking. They had impetus on de-centralizarion, low or negligeble taxes,private property and free trade.Andrew Jackson killed the Jewish takeover of the bank at one time. That type of capitalism was real capitalism.

It's crazy how that first part literally sounded like what every modern commie says about communism...
The Free Market is the god of capitalism the invisible hand that all capitalist theory rest on. The Nazi's dismantled this you even admitted it. But you then state this as an argument for why they are Capitalist. Its simple you can go one begging the question but in the end you have shown you don't even understand the most basic premise of what your arguing which is why you are making up terms and moving the goal posts.

You simply don't understand the subject. That does not make you stupid or a bad person you need to actually study the subject.

Its been proven beyond doubt the Nationalist Socialist Party even from their own doctrine posted here were anti-capitalist. Hitler himself even condemed capitalism and abolished this system you don't reconigze this because you have proven you don't even understand the basic's of what capitalism is.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Free Market is the god of capitalism the invisible hand that all capitalist theory rest on. The Nazi's dismantled this you even admitted it. But you then state this as an argument for why they are Capitalist. Its simple you can go one begging the question but in the end you have shown you don't even understand the most basic premise of what your arguing which is why you are making up terms and moving the goal posts.

You simply don't understand the subject. That does not make you stupid or a bad person you need to actually study the subject.

Its been proven beyond doubt the Nationalist Socialist Party even from their own doctrine posted here were anti-capitalist. Hitler himself even condemed capitalism and abolished this system you don't reconigze this because you have proven you don't even understand the basic's of what capitalism is.

Jack The GOOD guy said:

You're right. I need to study more deeply about this topic. Sorry for the disturbance I caused in this topic.
The article just states that Hitler used Socialist State polices to rebuild the economy. And that capitalists plundered Weimar collapsed the economy.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
This is where I'm coming from

Here degrelle evaluates how capitalism and Nazism are more similar than Marxist socialism.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
Here degrelle evaluates how capitalism and Nazism are more similar than Marxist socialism.

Hitler bashes both Capitalism and Communism in Mein Kampf.

hailourtruegod said:
It's crazy how that first part literally sounded like what every modern commie says about communism...
The character of his avatar, Pain, in the anime was literarily trying to make a communist revolution through suffering and destruction... Then Naruto convinces him that brother wars are BS and they should instead fight the common enemy who was playing them all along.
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:
It's crazy how that first part literally sounded like what every modern commie says about communism...
The character of his avatar, Pain, in the anime was literarily trying to make a communist revolution through suffering and destruction... Then Naruto convinces him that brother wars are BS and they should instead fight the common enemy who was playing them all along.

Interesting huh? Lol

I would watch Naruto but there's so many episodes and I wouldn't want to start off somewhere where i dont know what's going on. But let's not get into this too much on this thread and move to the games and tv series thread if need be.
Egon said:
Jack The GOOD guy said:
Here degrelle evaluates how capitalism and Nazism are more similar than Marxist socialism.

Hitler bashes both Capitalism and Communism in Mein Kampf.

hailourtruegod said:
It's crazy how that first part literally sounded like what every modern commie says about communism...
The character of his avatar, Pain, in the anime was literarily trying to make a communist revolution through suffering and destruction... Then Naruto convinces him that brother wars are BS and they should instead fight the common enemy who was playing them all along.

Are you saying my anime profile pic is a ruthless communist ?

There are only two possibilities in Germany; do not imagine that the people will forever go with the middle party, the party of compromises; one day it will turn to those who have most consistently foretold the coming ruin and have sought to dissociate themselves from it. And that party is either the Left: and then God help us! for it will lead us to complete destruction - to Bolshevism, or else it is a party of the Right which at the last, when the people is in utter despair, when it has lost all its spirit and has no longer any faith in anything, is determined for its part ruthlessly to seize the reins of power - that is the beginning of resistance of which I spoke a few minutes ago. Here, too, there can be no compromise - there are only two possibilities: either victory of the Aryan, or annihilation of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.
HP Mageson666 said:
The article just states that Hitler used Socialist State polices to rebuild the economy. And that capitalists plundered Weimar collapsed the economy.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
This is where I'm coming from

Here degrelle evaluates how capitalism and Nazism are more similar than Marxist socialism.

Hitler believed in the importance of individual creative imagination and dynamism, in the need for every person of superior ability and skill to assume responsibility.

He also recognized the importance of the profit motive. Deprived of the prospect of having his efforts rewarded, the person of ability often refrains from running risks. The economic failure of Communism has demonstrated this. In the absence of personal incentives and the opportunity for real individual initiative, the Soviet "command economy" lagged in all but a few fields, its industry years behind its competitors.

State monopoly tolls the death of all initiative, and hence of all progress.

For all men selflessly to pool their wealth might be marvelous, but it is also contrary to human nature
. Nearly every man desires that his labor shall improve his own condition and that of his family, and feels that his brain, creative imagination, and persistence well deserve their reward.

Because it disregarded these basic psychological truths, Soviet Communism, right to the end, wallowed in economic mediocrity, in spite of its immense reservoir of manpower, its technical expertise, and its abundant natural resources, all of which ought to have made it an industrial and technological giant.

Hitler was always adverse to the idea of state management of the economy. He believed in elites. "A single idea of genius," he used to say, "has more value than a lifetime of conscientious labor in an office."

Since Hitler, only Ronald Reagan has seemed to understand this. As President, he realized that to restore prosperity in the United States meant boldly stimulating the economy with credits and a drastic reduction in taxes, instead of waiting for the country to emerge from economic stagnation on its own.

Everywhere industry was hiring again, with some firms -- like Krupp, IG Farben and the large automobile manufacturers -- taking on new workers on a very large scale. As the country became more prosperous, car sales increased by more than 80,000 units in 1933 alone. Employment in the auto industry doubled. Germany was gearing up for full production, with private industry leading the way.

The new government lavished every assistance on the private sector, the chief factor in employment as well as production. Hitler almost immediately made available 500 million marks in credits to private business.

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak,with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
-Adolf Hitler May 1,1927

If you're referring to this quote to say Hitler was against capitalism in his own words. I hate to break it down to you but this quote is fake.

This quote was written by Hitlers enemy Gregor Strasser in Thoughts about the tasks of the future 1926 June 15. Who was later executed during Rohms Purge in 1934.

Hitler was most certainly not capitalist as he had a definite hold over private monopoly and he was against Marxist socialism completely. Nevertheless the Nazis took elements of capitalism and socialism and were against other elements in the respective systems. So stating Hitler was only capitalist or socialist would be wrong. He was neither completely capitalist, nor completely socialist but his economic policy had both elements of socialism and capitalism and was as a whole opposed to both systems. As I said in an above post rectifying my statements. It couldn't be right to call them either. They were National Socialists with their unique type of economic policy.

And as I said before I need to study more deeply on this subject. So I stop here.
I am referring to you know..... National ummmmm…...SOCIALIST party as to why Hitler was a Socialist and ummm you know the Socialism in the Nazi doctrine that was already posted here and discussed numerous times and the fact the Nazi's openly stated they disliked capitalism and that Hitler stated capitalism ends the same way Marxism does in his own works...…

Degrelle talks about Hitler abolishing capitalism in Germany in the quote you posted and you argue this is somehow for capitalism then

But it must be that one quote you state is fake...…..

Hitler uses Socialist economic policies to rebuild Germany and that makes him Ronald Regan...… Regan destroyed the American economy by just handing everything over to the capitalist class and globalization at the top of American society. Where he used state intervention things worked but in the end he was a just a capitalist that is not Hitler. Hitler didn't hand Germany over to private Jewish banks and global corporations while giving some tax breaks to others on the bottom. That is Ronald Regan.

Jack The GOOD guy said:
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak,with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
-Adolf Hitler May 1,1927

If you're referring to this quote to say Hitler was against capitalism in his own words. I hate to break it down to you but this quote is fake.

This quote was written by Hitlers enemy Gregor Strasser in Thoughts about the tasks of the future 1926 June 15. Who was later executed during Rohms Purge in 1934.
Someone told me that a rich Jew could survive in Germany so long as they paid a large sum of their wealth to the Nazis.
Is this true?
Great sermon. People need to balance financial wealth with other aspects. Alot of people truly are brainwashed to be hippie festival going hobos. Born from middle class families, squandering opportunities from a cemented foundation of previous genrations. I like to visualize myself when mediating or projecting my will as a viking trader of goods along the Volga lol.
HauptSturm said:
Someone told me that a rich Jew could survive in Germany so long as they paid a large sum of their wealth to the Nazis.
Is this true?
Probabily no. I'm sure Hitler didn't care for the money that much to let a jew live in Germany.

By the way not saying that money is bad, what i mean is Hitler did care more about their people more than to let a jew live in Germany just for the money...
HauptSturm said:
Someone told me that a rich Jew could survive in Germany so long as they paid a large sum of their wealth to the Nazis.
Is this true?
Dunno but I was thinking. Know how people love animals and enviroment now and shit, kinda like Hitler? Well I was thinking, after the Antichrist comes back & such, I was thinking it would be badass if He had like 2 trillion dollars or something somehow and offered to totally fix the entire world through charity if only he could be elected to completely remove the Jews from the nation. That would be quite nice. I was thinking that because no human person could ever possibly believe that six million jewish lives are worth more than six million Gentile lives. That's too retarded even if some people do literally think that Germans should be exterminated because of WW2.
Godmode said:
HauptSturm said:
Someone told me that a rich Jew could survive in Germany so long as they paid a large sum of their wealth to the Nazis.
Is this true?
Dunno but I was thinking. Know how people love animals and enviroment now and shit, kinda like Hitler? Well I was thinking, after the Antichrist comes back & such, I was thinking it would be badass if He had like 2 trillion dollars or something somehow and offered to totally fix the entire world through charity if only he could be elected to completely remove the Jews from the nation. That would be quite nice. I was thinking that because no human person could ever possibly believe that six million jewish lives are worth more than six million Gentile lives. That's too retarded even if some people do literally think that Germans should be exterminated because of WW2.

There is NO reason to spend loads amounts of money just to get a country back on its feet. That is utterly and totally ridiculous.
I agree haha, I was making a really weird joke, like a theoretical "what if we out-Jew'd the Jews?"
HauptSturm said:
Someone told me that a rich Jew could survive in Germany so long as they paid a large sum of their wealth to the Nazis.
Is this true?

I see it very unlikely, what many rich and influential Jews did when the Nazi party came to power was to leave Germany and move to the United States.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
