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Mixed race


New member
Apr 21, 2007
I've been doing some research and trying to wrap my head around the reasons why each Race should stick to its own. It is to preserve the culture, remembering ancestors and to keep diversity. The melting pot and the one race that would result would be easy for filthy kikes to manipulate. If you have no culture, nothing passed down to you from your ancestors, you're obviously going to believe the mainstream lies. But what about the people and children who are half one culture and half another? Do they walk with one foot in each world? Do they choose to accept the culture of one side or the other?

Ave Satanas
It's also for Genetic reasons. When the races mix, it's really bad (genetically) for the posterity. 
Anyway, as you meditate, your genes purify and clear of any other race in you (because we're all at least a little mixed). Each person of a mixed race will always be genetically more of one race than another, not exactly 50% of each. So, whichever race you (just being general lol) are more of, that is the race that your genes will gravitate towards as you cleanse your DNA. Does that make sense?
The children of mixed pairings are both a punishment from Satan to be born from mixed unions, and punishments for the children of mixed unions because the mixed race body that they are given the choice to incarnate into is a result of the child or children's fuck-ups from their previous lives in the sense of race-betrayal and such.  This means that the children of mixed pairings are not simply what the parents, alone, have to suffer for their mistakes, but that the children have to suffer for their past life mistakes.  The same goes into heterosexual unions that bring sickness and disease into this world isn't always simply the parents' fault, but is the result of the children's past life.  I know this is hard to grasp for some, but this is the answer that Satan and the Powers of Hell have given me to my own questions that I've had about this subject matter in the past.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
High Priest, would you say that the same goes for children that are part of a family that has been mixed-race for several to many generations?
One slight disagreement I would pose, although I agree with HP Jake, is only due to the layout this answer was given. Because of course people like to lack insight especially when things do not confrom to their comfort zone, I will have to explain this. Not because what HP Jake said is wrong.

To understand this concept a bit more accurately and to understand that this is not "punishment". Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else. Then, this shortly, starts manifesting down in clashes, Race Mixing and such.

The outcome of such is the Mixed Race person, which inside both these things clash to themselves. This also shows that inside this consciousness, both Races dabble with one another. This is why there is apparent confusion. Most of the time people tend to align with their lower culture or Race of the two. This is what HP Jake put on as "punishment" but this is more, you reap what you sow and doesn't have anything to do with Satan "punishing" anyone. More accurately, its the punishment for not listening, disregarding Nature and such. If this process keeps escalating, then even more serious problems ensue.

For instance you have people that have become so guilty about being White that they Race mix with Blacks. Then, not only the sexual union brings parts of this thing within them (the other Race) but this produces a living life based on their choice. Conscious or not, its a choice. They have to deal with it and the consequences. Since people then become mingled, this manifests in their reincarnation and they reincarnate into a Race Mixed offspring.

This happens while they retain the basic strands of what "they" are, but other parts will stick too which nevertheless they will own. This down the road forms them. This is the Metagenics thing HP Don talked on about. With meditation, one can return to a clear state and become healed again.

Meditation heals this and allows the positive aspect for the being to re-emerge, as thus allowing them to make a choice and re-exercise their right to get into their Racial line. This is what the enemy tries to destroy. This if not followed gets to a point where two or more Races co exist under the same line. Ine child can be African looking, the other like a Chinese man with Black, the other White, the other for all 3 together. The list goes...Confusion and lack of roots. No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part. This is why jews too are jews no matter if they are mixed, but there are Racial degrees in their racial lines.

The main theme is, while the body dies, part of the consciousness/soul remains, especially for those who have lived a lot of lifetimes. This can be imprinted whatever and most of the time, this part reincarnates through an unconscious process and choice. Deeply ingrained choices, like "handing over your soul to jesus christ", openess to enemy philosophies and such, all that crapcan guide anyone wherever. Racial guilt and hate of one's biological existence is also tying into this and the jews know this quite well. This is falsely what the enemy calls as "Sin" because they are low level feces and they cannot understand reality otherwise.

The thing I wanted to be clearing up is that Satan does NOT punish anyone, about this, as in Satan doing anything to punish them. This is more like what one reaps, one sows. Satan heals and teaches the Truth and if people want to align, that's good. If not, then they can take the roadtrack to disaster. This is how Nature works. To some they might say this is punishment, but Satan is not some savior coming from the skies.

People have free will and they are supposed to have the ability to comprehend the laws of their environment.

If they choose to understand the kike dialectic more, blow ideologically the jews and die due to this, or act lower than animals (animals try not to Race Mix) . One is punishing themselves. The purpose of all this is to create a hybrid upon which the jews will rule.

Race is the first part where people can have a common coming and a common purpose. Then they can turn to common enemies. This is hard and biological and ties into the highest spheres of existence, which the higher up pure jews are trying to attack the people from.

Race Mixing is this result of these attacks. Its not history, neither anything else. Until recently went on until now without all this serious Race Mixing as of the recent times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Yes, we definitely do not want anyone, new members especially, thinking that Satan punishes people.
Except for when he helps his people exact justice on those who have wronged another.
 Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 1:17 PM, "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  One slight disagreement I would pose, although I agree with HP Jake, is only due to the layout this answer was given. Because of course people like to lack insight especially when things do not confrom to their comfort zone, I will have to explain this. Not because what HP Jake said is wrong.

To understand this concept a bit more accurately and to understand that this is not "punishment". Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else. Then, this shortly, starts manifesting down in clashes, Race Mixing and such.

The outcome of such is the Mixed Race person, which inside both these things clash to themselves. This also shows that inside this consciousness, both Races dabble with one another. This is why there is apparent confusion. Most of the time people tend to align with their lower culture or Race of the two. This is what HP Jake put on as "punishment" but this is more, you reap what you sow and doesn't have anything to do with Satan "punishing" anyone. More accurately, its the punishment for not listening, disregarding Nature and such. If this process keeps escalating, then even more serious problems ensue.

For instance you have people that have become so guilty about being White that they Race mix with Blacks. Then, not only the sexual union brings parts of this thing within them (the other Race) but this produces a living life based on their choice. Conscious or not, its a choice. They have to deal with it and the consequences. Since people then become mingled, this manifests in their reincarnation and they reincarnate into a Race Mixed offspring.

This happens while they retain the basic strands of what "they" are, but other parts will stick too which nevertheless they will own. This down the road forms them. This is the Metagenics thing HP Don talked on about. With meditation, one can return to a clear state and become healed again.

Meditation heals this and allows the positive aspect for the being to re-emerge, as thus allowing them to make a choice and re-exercise their right to get into their Racial line. This is what the enemy tries to destroy. This if not followed gets to a point where two or more Races co exist under the same line. Ine child can be African looking, the other like a Chinese man with Black, the other White, the other for all 3 together. The list goes...Confusion and lack of roots. No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part. This is why jews too are jews no matter if they are mixed, but there are Racial degrees in their racial lines.

The main theme is, while the body dies, part of the consciousness/soul remains, especially for those who have lived a lot of lifetimes. This can be imprinted whatever and most of the time, this part reincarnates through an unconscious process and choice. Deeply ingrained choices, like "handing over your soul to jesus christ", openess to enemy philosophies and such, all that crapcan guide anyone wherever. Racial guilt and hate of one's biological existence is also tying into this and the jews know this quite well. This is falsely what the enemy calls as "Sin" because they are low level feces and they cannot understand reality otherwise.

The thing I wanted to be clearing up is that Satan does NOT punish anyone, about this, as in Satan doing anything to punish them. This is more like what one reaps, one sows. Satan heals and teaches the Truth and if people want to align, that's good. If not, then they can take the roadtrack to disaster. This is how Nature works. To some they might say this is punishment, but Satan is not some savior coming from the skies.

People have free will and they are supposed to have the ability to comprehend the laws of their environment.

If they choose to understand the kike dialectic more, blow ideologically the jews and die due to this, or act lower than animals (animals try not to Race Mix) . One is punishing themselves. The purpose of all this is to create a hybrid upon which the jews will rule.

Race is the first part where people can have a common coming and a common purpose. Then they can turn to common enemies. This is hard and biological and ties into the highest spheres of existence, which the higher up pure jews are trying to attack the people from.

Race Mixing is this result of these attacks. Its not history, neither anything else. Until recently went on until now without all this serious Race Mixing as of the recent times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

If I am right they just choose whichever culture/race suits them. And with prolonged meditation I hear people with their preference tend to change their genetics to more suit the race they feel like they belong to.

It was the nordic superior gods who came to earth and had children with the earthly women, not the nordic goddess who fell in love with earthly men. so when a white woman have sex with a black it´s like a slap in the face of the natural order, it all gets bacwards, it´s jewish, I want to burn them alive
A punishment? In what way is it a punishment? Do mixed people have less power spiritually? And the parents suffer for their mistakes as well?

Ave Satanas
...Punishment? I don't recall myself having the choice to incarnate into my current self, who has an Asian father and a White mother. I am of mixed races, and have done zero things against Father Satan and been harassed by derisible jews all my life, and according to what you have stated, my current existence is -punishment-? You also say that this punishment is inflicted upon people of mixed races (e.g., myself) in response to the wrongdoings they might have enacted in their past lives. However, in my current life, I was never attached to any religion and neither of my parents cared about such matters either. So I don't understand, is my life which has thus far been heavily berated by jews a rebuke from Father Satan because I was inevitably born into a mixed-race body? I could not have a choice over my ethnicity, so why must I receive punishment? A moderately friendly explanation is highly appreciated, and sorry if I sound too angry.
Did you not understand the message? 
A race mixed offspring is a result of past lives fuck ups. 
The level of impurity does not matter.
A race mixture is a race mixture.
Ever heard of the One Drop rule? 

---In [email protected], <hailourtruegod@... wrote :

High Priest, would you say that the same goes for children that are part of a family that has been mixed-race for several to many generations?
That answered some of my questions. Thank you HP Jake Carlson.

I am of the white race, somehow the purest in my family as I was born with blond hair. Rest of them have brown or black hair.

I was born with a cronic disease though. And there are other serious problems in my life.
I wonder what the heck I was doing in my previous life!? Seriously...I must have been the greatest douchebag, slut, reckless idiot in one or several of them.

My consequences now are, no sex life, single bitch, bad health, lack of capacity (intelligence), natural at attracting dreadful people into my life etc. etc.

Sooo...well. At least I meditate which helps putting the negative people away and so I advance. And study, which also helps tremendously.

I must say I love my morals my parents gave me through my childhood now. And greatful for always been racially aware. Damn.
Can someone inbox me please i need some help but feel stupid to let everyone hear Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

---- hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote ----

  One slight disagreement I would pose, although I agree with HP Jake, is only due to the layout this answer was given. Because of course people like to lack insight especially when things do not confrom to their comfort zone, I will have to explain this. Not because what HP Jake said is wrong.

To understand this concept a bit more accurately and to understand that this is not "punishment". Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else. Then, this shortly, starts manifesting down in clashes, Race Mixing and such.

The outcome of such is the Mixed Race person, which inside both these things clash to themselves. This also shows that inside this consciousness, both Races dabble with one another. This is why there is apparent confusion. Most of the time people tend to align with their lower culture or Race of the two. This is what HP Jake put on as "punishment" but this is more, you reap what you sow and doesn't have anything to do with Satan "punishing" anyone. More accurately, its the punishment for not listening, disregarding Nature and such. If this process keeps escalating, then even more serious problems ensue.

For instance you have people that have become so guilty about being White that they Race mix with Blacks. Then, not only the sexual union brings parts of this thing within them (the other Race) but this produces a living life based on their choice. Conscious or not, its a choice. They have to deal with it and the consequences. Since people then become mingled, this manifests in their reincarnation and they reincarnate into a Race Mixed offspring.

This happens while they retain the basic strands of what "they" are, but other parts will stick too which nevertheless they will own. This down the road forms them. This is the Metagenics thing HP Don talked on about. With meditation, one can return to a clear state and become healed again.

Meditation heals this and allows the positive aspect for the being to re-emerge, as thus allowing them to make a choice and re-exercise their right to get into their Racial line. This is what the enemy tries to destroy. This if not followed gets to a point where two or more Races co exist under the same line. Ine child can be African looking, the other like a Chinese man with Black, the other White, the other for all 3 together. The list goes...Confusion and lack of roots. No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part. This is why jews too are jews no matter if they are mixed, but there are Racial degrees in their racial lines.

The main theme is, while the body dies, part of the consciousness/soul remains, especially for those who have lived a lot of lifetimes. This can be imprinted whatever and most of the time, this part reincarnates through an unconscious process and choice. Deeply ingrained choices, like "handing over your soul to jesus christ", openess to enemy philosophies and such, all that crapcan guide anyone wherever. Racial guilt and hate of one's biological existence is also tying into this and the jews know this quite well. This is falsely what the enemy calls as "Sin" because they are low level feces and they cannot understand reality otherwise.

The thing I wanted to be clearing up is that Satan does NOT punish anyone, about this, as in Satan doing anything to punish them. This is more like what one reaps, one sows. Satan heals and teaches the Truth and if people want to align, that's good. If not, then they can take the roadtrack to disaster. This is how Nature works. To some they might say this is punishment, but Satan is not some savior coming from the skies.

People have free will and they are supposed to have the ability to comprehend the laws of their environment.

If they choose to understand the kike dialectic more, blow ideologically the jews and die due to this, or act lower than animals (animals try not to Race Mix) . One is punishing themselves. The purpose of all this is to create a hybrid upon which the jews will rule.

Race is the first part where people can have a common coming and a common purpose. Then they can turn to common enemies. This is hard and biological and ties into the highest spheres of existence, which the higher up pure jews are trying to attack the people from.

Race Mixing is this result of these attacks. Its not history, neither anything else. Until recently went on until now without all this serious Race Mixing as of the recent times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Still doesn't soften the fact that racial mixtures have betrayed their own race in the past. 

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :

One slight disagreement I would pose, although I agree with HP Jake, is only due to the layout this answer was given. Because of course people like to lack insight especially when things do not confrom to their comfort zone, I will have to explain this. Not because what HP Jake said is wrong.

To understand this concept a bit more accurately and to understand that this is not "punishment". Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else. Then, this shortly, starts manifesting down in clashes, Race Mixing and such.

The outcome of such is the Mixed Race person, which inside both these things clash to themselves. This also shows that inside this consciousness, both Races dabble with one another. This is why there is apparent confusion. Most of the time people tend to align with their lower culture or Race of the two. This is what HP Jake put on as "punishment" but this is more, you reap what you sow and doesn't have anything to do with Satan "punishing" anyone. More accurately, its the punishment for not listening, disregarding Nature and such. If this process keeps escalating, then even more serious problems ensue.

For instance you have people that have become so guilty about being White that they Race mix with Blacks. Then, not only the sexual union brings parts of this thing within them (the other Race) but this produces a living life based on their choice. Conscious or not, its a choice. They have to deal with it and the consequences. Since people then become mingled, this manifests in their reincarnation and they reincarnate into a Race Mixed offspring.

This happens while they retain the basic strands of what "they" are, but other parts will stick too which nevertheless they will own. This down the road forms them. This is the Metagenics thing HP Don talked on about. With meditation, one can return to a clear state and become healed again.

Meditation heals this and allows the positive aspect for the being to re-emerge, as thus allowing them to make a choice and re-exercise their right to get into their Racial line. This is what the enemy tries to destroy. This if not followed gets to a point where two or more Races co exist under the same line. Ine child can be African looking, the other like a Chinese man with Black, the other White, the other for all 3 together. The list goes...Confusion and lack of roots. No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part. This is why jews too are jews no matter if they are mixed, but there are Racial degrees in their racial lines.

The main theme is, while the body dies, part of the consciousness/soul remains, especially for those who have lived a lot of lifetimes. This can be imprinted whatever and most of the time, this part reincarnates through an unconscious process and choice. Deeply ingrained choices, like "handing over your soul to jesus christ", openess to enemy philosophies and such, all that crapcan guide anyone wherever. Racial guilt and hate of one's biological existence is also tying into this and the jews know this quite well. This is falsely what the enemy calls as "Sin" because they are low level feces and they cannot understand reality otherwise.

The thing I wanted to be clearing up is that Satan does NOT punish anyone, about this, as in Satan doing anything to punish them. This is more like what one reaps, one sows. Satan heals and teaches the Truth and if people want to align, that's good. If not, then they can take the roadtrack to disaster. This is how Nature works. To some they might say this is punishment, but Satan is not some savior coming from the skies.

People have free will and they are supposed to have the ability to comprehend the laws of their environment.

If they choose to understand the kike dialectic more, blow ideologically the jews and die due to this, or act lower than animals (animals try not to Race Mix) . One is punishing themselves. The purpose of all this is to create a hybrid upon which the jews will rule.

Race is the first part where people can have a common coming and a common purpose. Then they can turn to common enemies. This is hard and biological and ties into the highest spheres of existence, which the higher up pure jews are trying to attack the people from.

Race Mixing is this result of these attacks. Its not history, neither anything else. Until recently went on until now without all this serious Race Mixing as of the recent times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
High Priest HoodedCobra already cleared up what HP Jake said about punishment. As HP hoodedcobra mentioned and I agree, HP Jakes layout was wrong. Satan does not punish anyone. It doesnt matter if you are mixed race or not. The goal is to overcome that now and realize why race mixing is wrong. it destroys the races and their unique characteristics.

Here in spiritual satanism the goal is to purify the soul and body and to reach that of the godhead. Satan teaches and guides us to truth and enlightenment. If you are mixed race, it is not ideal but you are still a gentile and you should lean towards the race you are genetically closer to. You still have power and can reach the godhead. Being mixed race doesnt rid of your spiritual power, you are still a gentile and have a soul.
Just continue to meditate and guide your self to elevation. That is what we are all doing.
 Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 2:23 PM, "moekcrocell@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  ...Punishment? I don't recall myself having the choice to incarnate into my current self, who has an Asian father and a White mother. I am of mixed races, and have done zero things against Father Satan and been harassed by derisible jews all my life, and according to what you have stated, my current existence is -punishment-? You also say that this punishment is inflicted upon people of mixed races (e.g., myself) in response to the wrongdoings they might have enacted in their past lives. However, in my current life, I was never attached to any religion and neither of my parents cared about such matters either. So I don't understand, is my life which has thus far been heavily berated by jews a rebuke from Father Satan because I was inevitably born into a mixed-race body? I could not have a choice over my ethnicity, so why must I receive punishment? A moderately friendly explanation is highly appreciated, and sorry if I sound too angry.

High Priest Hooded Cobra just cleared up my mistake.  A mistake occurred on my part when I was trying to find the correct words to say but ended up sounding in a way that I had not intended.  My thanks goes to Satan speaking through Hooded Cobra and Hooded Cobra taking the time to clear up any misunderstandings that I may have laid out, although it was unintentional.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Thank you for the clarification, High Priest. The only things I bothered to look up on the website were information about power meditations, opening chakras, and learning about the Demons. I didn't know that race had anything to do with Satanism. As an Asian mother of half Asian, half Aryan children, this is just something I'm struggling to come to terms with. It makes sense in my head, but my heart is uneasy, probably from the xian influences that have been around me for most of my life. As a mother, I would do anything for my kids. I understand my mistake now, and that I have failed my ancestors. However, I love my children and cannot think badly of them. Regardless of their choices in a past life, in this life they are my babies. Is there anything I can do to help mitigate the damage I've done? Should I introduce them to power meditations and help them open their souls when they are older?
 High Priest HoodedCobra already cleared up what HP Jake said about punishment. As HP hoodedcobra mentioned and I agree, HP Jakes layout was wrong. Satan does not punish anyone. It doesnt matter if you are mixed race or not. The goal is to overcome that now and realize why race mixing is wrong. it destroys the races and their unique characteristics.

Here in spiritual satanism the goal is to purify the soul and body and to reach that of the godhead. Satan teaches and guides us to truth and enlightenment. If you are mixed race, it is not ideal but you are still a gentile and you should lean towards the race you are genetically closer to. You still have power and can reach the godhead. Being mixed race doesnt rid of your spiritual power, you are still a gentile and have a soul.
Just continue to meditate and guide your self to elevation. That is what we are all doing.
Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 2:16 PM, "midnightoceanstar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  A punishment? In what way is it a punishment? Do mixed people have less power spiritually? And the parents suffer for their mistakes as well?

Ave Satanas

In situations like these, when you look at a half white and half asian person they have more so of the asian genes dominant. You should encourage your children to stay with their own race (asian) as to continue their existence and culture.

Naturally since you are a satanist, your children should follow this path and elevate and empower their souls and this will help and correct any dross. Having them meditate and empower their souls will help them greatly. Try not to let this get to you to the point of messing with your functionality.
 Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 2:13 PM, "midnightoceanstar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Thank you for the clarification, High Priest. The only things I bothered to look up on the website were information about power meditations, opening chakras, and learning about the Demons. I didn't know that race had anything to do with Satanism. As an Asian mother of half Asian, half Aryan children, this is just something I'm struggling to come to terms with. It makes sense in my head, but my heart is uneasy, probably from the xian influences that have been around me for most of my life. As a mother, I would do anything for my kids. I understand my mistake now, and that I have failed my ancestors. However, I love my children and cannot think badly of them. Regardless of their choices in a past life, in this life they are my babies. Is there anything I can do to help mitigate the damage I've done? Should I introduce them to power meditations and help them open their souls when they are older?

Thank you, High Priestess Shannon. Above all, I know that I will continue to empower my soul to reach the Godhead as well as guiding my kids to our path, if that's what they choose. It was just something I was wondering, after seeing posts about race. I'm honored that so many of the clergy have taken the time to enlighten me. It makes sense, it's not that people of mixed races are bad. It means that mistakes were made in a previous lifetime that only dictated how this lifetime started. It also means that more healing is likely necessary, and that with dedication, one can set oneself up better for the next time one reincarnates.

Ave Satanas
Good day High Priestess Shannon.i want to now more about SATAN and wat must i do to speak to SATAN 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, 4 Feb, 2016 at 21:11, Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Yes, we definitely do not want anyone, new members especially, thinking that Satan punishes people.
Except for when he helps his people exact justice on those who have wronged another.
 Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 1:17 PM, "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  One slight disagreement I would pose, although I agree with HP Jake, is only due to the layout this answer was given. Because of course people like to lack insight especially when things do not confrom to their comfort zone, I will have to explain this. Not because what HP Jake said is wrong.

To understand this concept a bit more accurately and to understand that this is not "punishment". Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else. Then, this shortly, starts manifesting down in clashes, Race Mixing and such.

The outcome of such is the Mixed Race person, which inside both these things clash to themselves. This also shows that inside this consciousness, both Races dabble with one another. This is why there is apparent confusion. Most of the time people tend to align with their lower culture or Race of the two. This is what HP Jake put on as "punishment" but this is more, you reap what you sow and doesn't have anything to do with Satan "punishing" anyone. More accurately, its the punishment for not listening, disregarding Nature and such. If this process keeps escalating, then even more serious problems ensue.

For instance you have people that have become so guilty about being White that they Race mix with Blacks. Then, not only the sexual union brings parts of this thing within them (the other Race) but this produces a living life based on their choice. Conscious or not, its a choice. They have to deal with it and the consequences. Since people then become mingled, this manifests in their reincarnation and they reincarnate into a Race Mixed offspring.

This happens while they retain the basic strands of what "they" are, but other parts will stick too which nevertheless they will own. This down the road forms them. This is the Metagenics thing HP Don talked on about. With meditation, one can return to a clear state and become healed again.

Meditation heals this and allows the positive aspect for the being to re-emerge, as thus allowing them to make a choice and re-exercise their right to get into their Racial line. This is what the enemy tries to destroy. This if not followed gets to a point where two or more Races co exist under the same line. Ine child can be African looking, the other like a Chinese man with Black, the other White, the other for all 3 together. The list goes...Confusion and lack of roots. No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part. This is why jews too are jews no matter if they are mixed, but there are Racial degrees in their racial lines.

The main theme is, while the body dies, part of the consciousness/soul remains, especially for those who have lived a lot of lifetimes. This can be imprinted whatever and most of the time, this part reincarnates through an unconscious process and choice. Deeply ingrained choices, like "handing over your soul to jesus christ", openess to enemy philosophies and such, all that crapcan guide anyone wherever. Racial guilt and hate of one's biological existence is also tying into this and the jews know this quite well. This is falsely what the enemy calls as "Sin" because they are low level feces and they cannot understand reality otherwise.

The thing I wanted to be clearing up is that Satan does NOT punish anyone, about this, as in Satan doing anything to punish them. This is more like what one reaps, one sows. Satan heals and teaches the Truth and if people want to align, that's good. If not, then they can take the roadtrack to disaster. This is how Nature works. To some they might say this is punishment, but Satan is not some savior coming from the skies.

People have free will and they are supposed to have the ability to comprehend the laws of their environment.

If they choose to understand the kike dialectic more, blow ideologically the jews and die due to this, or act lower than animals (animals try not to Race Mix) . One is punishing themselves. The purpose of all this is to create a hybrid upon which the jews will rule.

Race is the first part where people can have a common coming and a common purpose. Then they can turn to common enemies. This is hard and biological and ties into the highest spheres of existence, which the higher up pure jews are trying to attack the people from.

Race Mixing is this result of these attacks. Its not history, neither anything else. Until recently went on until now without all this serious Race Mixing as of the recent times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Satan doesn't punish anyone. The whole big deal about race mixing is to remove cultural identity. This is what the communists do. They destroy all culture, and create a "worker's" state. Human beings are no longer called "people" but are denigrated into being just "workers" a Jewish term for goyim slave labor.

Step 2, the "worker" becomes just a number. No race, no gender, no individual identity, no culture... Nothing. Just a "worker" with a number. Life becomes meaningless, slave labor only exists to "work" and fully serve Jewish masters.

Step 3, the "worker" is then implanted with a microchip. Step 3 is when there is no longer any more hope, no longer any more chance of freedom or anything to escape the Jewish slave prison for Gentiles.

If you really want to see the future agenda for the enforced race mixing, I strongly suggest you read George Orwell's "1984"
A link to an online copy can be found in this webpage:

This book is a must read. Everyone should be informed concerning what is taking place right now. Satan is about knowledge. Don't be like a stupid Christian!!

Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True
By Mark Dice

And to add, Jews as a rule, especially the orthodox, do NOT race mix. That is a program for goyim.

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True race mixed people are not a punishment, in my experience knowing and working with Racial mixed people its very simple they resemble one race of the parent more then the other and naturally feel stronger kinship to this one and usually date from that race as well. Obama is the most famous example he is half Black, White and married a Black women and had children with her.
The ancient Tradition mentions with race mixing it creates a sub race that the individuals can either join back to one of the original race of their parents or if in larger number form their own new race. The situation is due to the laws of nature their has to be some kind of a generational period of purity within this new subrace  to sort out of the genetic weaknesses and add to any strengths. This is natural selection each pure race has gone thought tens of thousand of years of this within their own gene template. Literally its know hundreds of genetic flaws had been weeded out because of this. All new groups must endure the same. This is beyond the Gods or man its the scientific fact of existence.
As HPS Maxine stated the enemy pushes this for the Goyim to remove our identity. The problem of what is happening its not smaller groups of people doing this. Its being forced on everyone even those who don't want it. And to the point of total extinction of the races.
I have to add something additionally.

There are many people of ethnicities who have came from two other Races. These people are just fine and they form a subcategory of their own.

Contrary and entirely against the stupid thinking that people "don't choose" or that "things just happen", Satan stood fiercly against this. I have had all these years, Satan showing to me, that we aren't just "victims" of fate, and that things don't just come down from the skies. This is just a lie. Humanity, in the personal and whatnot level, is responsible for its own actions. Satan has taught me how deep our choices, actions and mindsets go, and how deeply these affect anything within us and maybe even away from us.

The only reason Satan doesn't want Race Mixing, is because for certain reasons that HPS Maxine wrote about and because all the Gentile Races have a Divine and ONE IN THE UNIVERSE blueprint that must be preserved, cultivated and made into a God level. This is for our collective Human survival and the survival of our Planet. This isn't for any other strange reason, to form any "hierarchy" or to make people feel bad, or any other such stupidity. This is to show us we have to save ourselves, our future, our planet, our fates and our creation. We must all together defeat the enemy.

The enemy keeps pure to maintain themselves as clean as possible, while others are being morphed into a "Human Race" without any history, elevated ability or anything special of any sorts, plagued with lack of inteligence, culture, even health and anything else imaginable. If Mixing ensues, this is destroyed and down the many generations, this damage keeps adding up, to the point both Races that partake into this process get destroyed.

Personal perfection can be achieved in its totality with the Spiritual Practices, for all Satanists. As for Satanists specifically, we are also under a same "Satanic" family at the Soul, which is like the inner spirit that runs within us. Aside from this, we have to maintain our differences. Now, because the Gods want us to be strong and sustainable in general as species, they gave us the blueprint on how this will be done. This is NOT for anyone to feel guilty, doubt themselves on anything else- all this is on the PERSONAL level, while about the Race Mixing etc, this is on the impersonal and level of the whole. As Satanists, we must apply what we learn, understand the Truth and see this in the eyes. When one is mature enough they must apply this in their life too.

Satan wants all His followers and people STRONG, HEALTHY, ELEVATED AND TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH!!! He doesn't want to lie, neither he wants the people to deceive themselves. He wants us to inhabit in a great, strong and powerful civilization and to grow the best we can as individuals. The highest expression of his help is that he actively teaches Humanity to take their fate on their own hands. Our fate is in our hands and the Gods only help, if we open the door to them and if there is a real need. They don't do stuff to us, they don't punish us and I know this might strike strange to some, but the Gods are purely good beings.

They can do things out of protection, they favor their own which work for them and the list goes, but they never, ever, inflict un-nessescary suffering or punish us, or do things in unjust manners. Many times especially when I just came into Satanist, I wanted to annihilate others because of trivial reasons, anger, whatever. The Gods stepped in and explained to me the how and why's of being just, so that people can understand that they too teach ethics. Not ethics as in what is written, but deeply, ingrained ethics in the heart, mind and Soul. The Gods are very considerate, respectful and we are very lucky to have the ability to be on their side and pass down their teaching. They are also the only gateway through which people can make the Magnum Opus and elevate themselves above what is the ordinary, cheaply kike infested "human being" of nowadays. The jews hate them because through them, we

Early on in my Satanic journey, Satan emphasized to me that nobody should EVER be blamed for their Nature or what they are, and that nothing that is Natural to us requires any sort of threat, or punishment. The same includes Race. Though in the above ties our responsibility towards ourselves and what we choose to do after and with what Nature has given us. This is when the Race Mixing thing comes in. What is our choice? We want to eradicate the Races where we came from? We want to keep worshipping a fake ass maggot in the sky? Will you listen to the jews and just live your life lowly and sadly due to them? We want to be useless? Or we want to be useful and direct the life we have within us in an intelligent, clever, unbringing manner, which in the end sets the individual to become a God? Do you want to further the damage that Humanity undergoes, or our planet, or be a useful Human being and try to set things in a better path? These are all CHOICES and wether one accepts these or not, these happen. Also, all of us, however we may not like this or not, we reap of such choices and there are times we reap the crap of others too. This is why the enemy teaches people about "set" things, like Karma and all this crap, while they never emphasize

Satan abhors this thing about judging people over what they are by Nature and this is exactly what the enemy jews and beings do. Satan is most tolerant. The enemy beings would kill people and eradicate our whole civilization because they consider us "stupid", "fools", "degenerates" and whatever else. The enemy uses the fact that we may be Race Mixed, or "Non jews" as excuses to wipe us out and enslave us. Satan on the other hand, sees beings individually, carefully and on their real worth.

Being Racially Mixed does not keep anyone in anyway from achieving the highest powers or seeing the Truth. Too many other things factor into this and Satan is the God who is against all this "predestined" crap that focuses on the negative. Satan works to perfect and correct, elevate and dignify. He doesn't spend time on tears, call on predestined crap, consider us lowlifes or anything as such. Never the Gods disrespected anyone and Truth be told, yes, Humanity is way far back compared to these beings. They have always been so respectful to me, to the point of shock.

One last note...Of all the 72 Goetic Demons, the Demons in there have certain and specific Race Groups under their protection. One dear Demon friend of mine, Dagon, had a certain group of people under his protection in the Middle East, for instance and he still does. The enemy's attacks on the Gods are literal and metaphorical, as in wiping out their protected Racial Groups. All Gentiles were guided by these Demons and this is evident in how Amon (Egyptian), Zeus (Greek) and Dagon (Middle Eastern) ended up to be attacked all in one soup in the enemy filth books, bible, Torah and the list goes. This is why Satanism is about what we state. Satan is the head of all of the Gods, same as with the Crowned Princes and other beings who have never being classified, all of which try to help us amend, heal and empower our Civilizations.

There are only two teams: Gentiles and Jews. Don't ever believe this be otherwise.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The child hasn't betrayed nobody by being Race Mixed. This is such a stupid fallacy that it needs no comment. This is the choice of its parents and they are dealing with the consequences, many of the times which pass down to the child as some sort of curse and this has its roots in the bible. "Thou shalt pay for the sins of your parents" etc. Its not like you "owe" anything in that sense.

The enemy has perverted some fundemental laws of nature to suit their insane jewish matrix, only so that people will suffer. This is the same thing as when one is diseased, they somehow "Deserved" this, which is rarely the case. They would deserve this *IF* they *KNEW* this would lead them where it did, whatever wrong action. Otherwise they don't quite deserve it in that sense. The Gods KNOW where to place responsibility. They aren't like Human beings in this.

The child however, is held as a responsible Human being and they can guide their life and use what they are given as they see fit.

They have the benefit of choice and like any other being they must make this choice. Satan appriciates it when we do choices that are good for us and everyone else. Will they retain themselves and life in the highest possible manner, or will they choose to blow everything up a further a mistake?

This is individual and when one understands this and changes, they get raised highly in the eyes of the Gods, because they adhere to their teachings and they are intelligent enough to see in the long term, more than their own silly "self".

This is a very important quality for anyone wanting to seriously elevate themselves too, especially to the spiritual heights of existence. The Gods respect this a lot. And they understand totally how our lives and choices are shaped, like let's say a marriage. This shouldn't keep one from understanding and spreading the Truth, especially when it comes to the greater whole.

This is no different than how one may spend their lives in the wrong way, but they realize this mistake, do what they can and then they ensure that nobody will do the same shit they did. This is a behavior that most xians and beings NEVER do (see for instance how many sad stupid parents preach xianity to their children, which left them stupid and sad all their lives) and this is a high adage in the eyes of the Gods.
um obama's mother was a JEW not a white woman. Obama has israeli citizenship rights and this proves his ethnic jewishness.http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/20 ... 24AH02.jpg

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:13 PM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  True race mixed people are not a punishment, in my experience knowing and working with Racial mixed people its very simple they resemble one race of the parent more then the other and naturally feel stronger kinship to this one and usually date from that race as well. Obama is the most famous example he is half Black, White and married a Black women and had children with her.
The ancient Tradition mentions with race mixing it creates a sub race that the individuals can either join back to one of the original race of their parents or if in larger number form their own new race. The situation is due to the laws of nature their has to be some kind of a generational period of purity within this new subrace  to sort out of the genetic weaknesses and add to any strengths. This is natural selection each pure race has gone thought tens of thousand of years of this within their own gene template. Literally its know hundreds of genetic flaws had been weeded out because of this. All new groups must endure the same. This is beyond the Gods or man its the scientific fact of existence.
As HPS Maxine stated the enemy pushes this for the Goyim to remove our identity. The problem of what is happening its not smaller groups of people doing this. Its being forced on everyone even those who don't want it. And to the point of total extinction of the races.

You get the point, so what are you exactly arguing here and why?    His mother might have had a Jewish father. But one photo of him being a glove puppet does not show anything other then politicians are owned. 

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:14 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  um obama's mother was a JEW not a white woman. Obama has israeli citizenship rights and this proves his ethnic jewishness.http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/20 ... 24AH02.jpg

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:13 PM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  True race mixed people are not a punishment, in my experience knowing and working with Racial mixed people its very simple they resemble one race of the parent more then the other and naturally feel stronger kinship to this one and usually date from that race as well. Obama is the most famous example he is half Black, White and married a Black women and had children with her.
The ancient Tradition mentions with race mixing it creates a sub race that the individuals can either join back to one of the original race of their parents or if in larger number form their own new race. The situation is due to the laws of nature their has to be some kind of a generational period of purity within this new subrace  to sort out of the genetic weaknesses and add to any strengths. This is natural selection each pure race has gone thought tens of thousand of years of this within their own gene template. Literally its know hundreds of genetic flaws had been weeded out because of this. All new groups must endure the same. This is beyond the Gods or man its the scientific fact of existence.
As HPS Maxine stated the enemy pushes this for the Goyim to remove our identity. The problem of what is happening its not smaller groups of people doing this. Its being forced on everyone even those who don't want it. And to the point of total extinction of the races.

Its true. Politicians and other celebrities are jew owned. I have seen pictures of gentiles doing the same thing that you see Obama doing.
 Hail our Creator God Satan.
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Friday, February 5, 2016 12:50 AM, "Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You get the point, so what are you exactly arguing here and why?    His mother might have had a Jewish father. But one photo of him being a glove puppet does not show anything other then politicians are owned. 

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 8:14 PM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  um obama's mother was a JEW not a white woman. Obama has israeli citizenship rights and this proves his ethnic jewishness.http://cdn.timesofisrael.com/uploads/20 ... 24AH02.jpg

On Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:13 PM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  True race mixed people are not a punishment, in my experience knowing and working with Racial mixed people its very simple they resemble one race of the parent more then the other and naturally feel stronger kinship to this one and usually date from that race as well. Obama is the most famous example he is half Black, White and married a Black women and had children with her.
The ancient Tradition mentions with race mixing it creates a sub race that the individuals can either join back to one of the original race of their parents or if in larger number form their own new race. The situation is due to the laws of nature their has to be some kind of a generational period of purity within this new subrace  to sort out of the genetic weaknesses and add to any strengths. This is natural selection each pure race has gone thought tens of thousand of years of this within their own gene template. Literally its know hundreds of genetic flaws had been weeded out because of this. All new groups must endure the same. This is beyond the Gods or man its the scientific fact of existence.
As HPS Maxine stated the enemy pushes this for the Goyim to remove our identity. The problem of what is happening its not smaller groups of people doing this. Its being forced on everyone even those who don't want it. And to the point of total extinction of the races.

I haven't seen Don post in the yahoo groups in a while. I get really excited when I see Don post. Lol. 
Because Don super bro smashes through bullshit and rolls the trash out to his curb every week. He bitch slaps people in the ultimate sloth pwnmenship. ;)
 I have been pwned myself by him a few times. Haha. 
 His use of knowledge and history over emotionalism and egotism is quite impressive. He never even gets thanked. So, I want to say thank you Don for your immense articles that have furthered the JOS immeasurably.  
Could you explain more about Culture? Like how do you mix Cultures?

[...]Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else.[...]

[...]No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part.[...]

Is it like Mixing Confucianism with Taoism?

Or is it like mixing Jewish ideologies and religions with gentile ones?

The reason why I ask is because I like Greek, Japanese and German (NS) Culture for instance. And I am neither.
To clarify that last bit.

For example:
If mixing Ancient Greek, with German (National Socialism), and Pagan Japanese Culture. Being neither Greek, German nor Japanese. (Excluding jewish ideologies and religions.).

Does that become an unconscious thing if you daydream about this, create a philosophy taking bits from these different cultures, making you reincarnate as mixed?

(This might sound really silly to some and confusing. I hope I get my point/question across.)
(I'm unsure of how this works. I believe I have to hit "reply" to notice the commentator. That's the reason for all my spam lol)

Edited Reply:

[...]Race Mixing is the higher manifestation of two Races or individuals of such trying to merge parts that should not be merged, in the higher levels. This includes cultures and anything else.[...]

[...]No matter what, one has a predominant culture within them or Soul part.[...]

How do you mix Cultures in this regard? Could you clarify?

Is it mixing Jewish ideologies/religions with gentile ones?

Mixing Gentile and Gentile?

For example reading a lot of different philosophies and about cultures, combining them to "find your way" or improve yourself and your own culture/community, reading Nietzsche, Hitler, about Japanese society, Ancient Greek society, Taoism, Confucianism. (I know some is corrupted, so extracting from all the bullshit the very essence, the Natural stuff.). Being neither German, Greek, Japanese or Chinese.

Does that become an unconscious thing if you daydream about this, create a philosophy taking bits from these different cultures, making you reincarnate as mixed?

(This might sound really silly to some and confusing. I hope I get my point/question across.)
My 2 cents, I don't think all the problems you are talking about are 100% due to your previous life, nor they should always be seen as your "fault", feeling "wrong" from your own existence is so xian!!! Felling proud of own existence is Satanic!!! I experienced a lot of problems coming from some sort of family Karma, like I was borns in a wrong family for some reasons (probably links at the Soul's level) that put me in some spirituali shit that affected my life and my mind in some ways, until I began the healing process thanks to Satan. As HP Maxine said some problems coming from indoctrination for many centuries become imbedded and might be generational, from father to child.   I was used to imagine this kind of parasitic Karma like this http://bio390parasitology.blogspot.it/2 ... tasty.html Look at this worm infesting the snail, it can control the snail's mind to force the snail to go onto the open sun where predators will eat it, helping the worm to reproduce in some ways. It is acting from the inside, like spiritual problems that comes from relatives and family and/or mind programmin. The snail cannot get rid of it, but WE CAN!!   HAIL SATAN!!!     Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 at 11:42 AM
From: "dark_pagan_666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Mixed race   That answered some of my questions. Thank you HP Jake Carlson.

I am of the white race, somehow the purest in my family as I was born with blond hair. Rest of them have brown or black hair.

I was born with a cronic disease though. And there are other serious problems in my life.
I wonder what the heck I was doing in my previous life!? Seriously...I must have been the greatest douchebag, slut, reckless idiot in one or several of them.

My consequences now are, no sex life, single bitch, bad health, lack of capacity (intelligence), natural at attracting dreadful people into my life etc. etc.

Sooo...well. At least I meditate which helps putting the negative people away and so I advance. And study, which also helps tremendously.

I must say I love my morals my parents gave me through my childhood now. And greatful for always been racially aware. Damn.
I know what I have done wrong in my past life that have caused consequences in this one. Which is why I am glad I am a Satanist so I can fix it.

I do admit I overreacted to HP Jakes post. I didn't even think it through. I know very well that Satan doesn't punish anyone but the jews.

I also know why I got a disease...that is because of the capricorn on my sixth house cusp. Which had a bad transit in my early childhood. I remember everything now. I could have prevented it though, but I was scared to tell my parents something was wrong back then. So it developed to grow worse.

I do appreciate your response though. I know I can overreact and not really just use my head at times. Which I am working on. And lately I've for whatever reason had a very materialistic perspective on the world which I now, no longer have. After I worked upon my crown, third eye and pineal gland, I feel like my self again.

Sorry...this response got long haha.

Hail Satan!!!
dark pagan 666, would you mind telling what have you done wrong, I am curious about this whole systematic, everything has to have a meaning and be a consequence, what about nature doesn´t give a fuck. The problem of miscigenation was that souls of one race incarnate in a mixed body, it is all very confuse this pourpose, I think only satanists souls like mine and people here has a praparation and a meaning, the rest just keep going with the flow

In my past life, the one before the life that I have now. I fell in love very deeply with a man. And I wanted to unite my soul with this man so I gave him my words during sex with him and connected a soulbond from my soul to his. My problem was, I was unaware. He did not feel the same way that I did for him, and I wasn't that strong spiritually.

Later, I put my trust in the wrong people which lead me in a very dark road.

Point is. I was not that strong spiritually and upon my death back then, due to my metaphysical connections to the wrong people and the love-bond-thing. That energy remained in my soul, and brought to this in the way of being born with bad planetary alignments. That is called 'bad seeds' within the chakras. And can trigger the events to happen again. With meditation, one will eventually burn these and gain a more positive path. And with Satans guidance and help, I won't do the same mistakes, as I have way more knowledge now than I had back then.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
