Young Faith said:
Gear88 said:
So think about it Young Faith is it really the final goal?
Probably not then, I just wondered (and still wondering) about some technicalities, like
1. May you need more lives?
2. Do you need to die before? This question comes from this quote:
The Skull and Bones is symbolic of the Nigredo [transformation] stage of the Magnum Opus (The transformation of the soul into the godhead). This is the death stage in the work, before the soul is purified into the godhead. The dross is separated from the pure.
Here it's all
You do realize "Nigredo death" is just a spiritual concept. Since when is it literal. The problem is your taking it just like xtians and other judeo-bolsheviks.
"If placed in book then believe it literally" or in this case "If it says death believe you need to die".
It's a spiritual death or to be even more specific it's when the dross starts to be eliminated or sublimated.
Your not thinking kabalistically your being literal. For example the word permanent which is a word used in affirmations means literally something that last a long time indefinite period of time but has ending(at some point it'll end like a human building). But when viewed alternatively it can also mean you "lock" the energy from a pathway such as a love spell you order the energy to create a permanent effect but also create a permanent lock whereby it only works as a love spell and due to locking it may or may not really merge with other spells or kabalistic imprints to generate realities.
Think of it like this there is a physical and a spiritual concept for everything.
Shiva and or the Gods and or Guru/Rishi/Yogi state "Preserve your seed or preserve your semen".
Since most people have been "goy'ed up" they literally believe you shouldn't ejaculate due to corruption. Which further produces hangups i.e. lack of full release. Medical problems i.e. mental health issues. And also most important lack of reproduction due to withholding and thus limiting eugenics.
The actual answer is because sexual energy is very powerful you should either use the sexual energy by yourself or with a partner and or program the energy at impending climax particularly during the end result. In other words cycle the sexual energy in a tantric manner or program the energy and use that as a reality molder.
As much as I hate to state this lets look at the enemy paradigm. There is a biblical, talmudic, and kabalistic interpretation.
In other words basic, intermediate, and advanced concepts for us Satanist to kinda remove the xtianity out of the interpretations.
You read "Death by Nigredo" and automatically assume death of the body i.e. reincarnation. That is a biblical or more precisely literal interpretation or a basic understanding.
If we extract it into talmudic and kabalistic understanding or more precisely intermediate and advanced understanding. We get this "Nigredo stage causes a spiritual death during the alchemical process by which it eliminates dross from the soul perhaps not EVERY ounce of dross but the dross that is required to be removed for the process".
This "death" is kinda like a snake shedding it's skin your eliminating an older self. This does not mean we kill the "ego" or "kill the personality" i.e. the construct that is your self. No this means we eliminate what makes us spiritually weakened or spiritually degenerated. IF ANYTHING the dross elimination stage i.e. Nigredo improves the soul.
Now what about the advanced or kabalistic understanding.
Well think of it like this Satan in his Shiva template states "I die each day and reborn". I don't remember the exact quote but it's a Adi Yogi quote from performing Yoga. In yoga you perform a snake shedding routine. You perform a series of asanas and or positions to advance the mind, body, and soul. But when it comes to the soul you are performing a sort of spiritual suicide. Why because savasana or corpse pose. You lie in corpse post waiting for the energy buzz thus just as you try and "kill" yourself performing the "sacrifice" i.e. asanas when the final and perhaps seemingly insignificant but important savasana you die you lie in corpse pose then you resurrect and return to life.
The stages of the Magnum Opus is really just a big "Yoga" session that produces various effects like goldening of chakras, free-energy circuit, and other benefits aside from some main points. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the Magnum Opus has a lot more understanding to the Gods they probably realized it isn't as simple as a few key bullet points.
With that said your being biblical or literal best example "When jews promote the lucifer agenda with JNWO personnel people pump the kaballah they literally act like psychic batteries attacking these people but funny enough not a single attack reaches them they just harness all their energy for an attack". Think of Kavenaugh hate pump back late last year.
So because they don't have any further knowledge they believe lucifer = Satan when in fact it's lucifer-christos and Lucifer-Satan. Obviously xtians aren't gonna understand this so they live like sheep and promote a sheep mentality.
So think outside the box is probably a very broad spiritual saying from the past.
Another example is hebrew it has all three aspects. It's a witchcraft language it has a basic normal alphabetical understanding for the construct of a language. But when you go deeper it has a talmudic and kabalistic understanding.
For example Zayin basic(biblical): number 7 and on top of that it has it's specifics used in the language. Talmudic: we extract zayin and study the individual letter and state it's sevenness or numerological paradigm is used for offense to kill, it has offensive properties also has biblical properties for relating to the higher Saturnian principle of 7. Kabalistic: offensive because it's the sword of zion, it has a connection to the jesus-st.michael i.e. defending the tribe, it has offensive status because it is saturnian in nature and they kill with saturn in other words curse their enemies with suffering and especially suffering of old age, sickly grim reaper style. And on top of that numerologically it is the highest principle in judiasm of the 777 aspect.
So notice how this goes I went a little far so if that is too much. But think basic, intermediate, and advanced.
For example a book states a paragraph, someone extracts the paragraph and begins to research hardcore the paragraph of information, and then in advanced manner discovers a science.
So again think basic, intermediate, and advanced. Being literal is not bad, it's good cause it raises questions but there is a physical literal and a spiritual literal. For example telepathy being transmuted physically to a cellphone. Both are comparable i.e. transmit data but are they doing the same exact thing no not even just one is biological the other is artificial reproduction of biological. Similar don't get me wrong but operate totally different.
So again think basic, intermediate, advanced.