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Magnum Opus

Demonic Tech

Active member
Feb 12, 2020
Satan's Empire
Magnum Opus is the greatest and the final goal of any SS (besides destroy the enemy, of course) and it's what Father Satan wants for us all.

Then I am wondering, there is any SS, maybe one of the HPs who accomplished that? Do you need more lives to reach it, or is it possible to get it just in one lifespan? I still haven't read the article/instructions about it since it's definitely too early for me to even start thinking about this, but I was just wondering if there is any human who can tell to have achieved that, just to understand how near are we to accomplish Satan's original goal.

It would be great for us if someone already accomplished that, especially if he/she could tell us what it feels like
Listening to others won't help you as much as you think in particular because many people exaggerate, not understand, lie, or misunderstand.

You'll feel better making your own progress than listening to that of others, because if you haven't done any, all their words will be in vain anyway, and you will understand them through your own lack of awareness, create wrong expectations, and this only creates more problems.

Everyone is different so there is no magic elixir in how much time it takes. It takes however much is necessary for the soul doing it. This is not a moto GP race where you have to finish first, one is only walking with themselves there.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Listening to others won't help you as much as you think in particular because many people exaggerate, not understand, lie, or misunderstand.
Thank you HP for the answer, I totally agree with you, infact, my primary goal when asking this was just to know more or less how many people made it, just to see how much the liberation of the world is near to its accomplishment.
Young Faith said:
Magnum Opus is the greatest and the final goal of any SS

No it is not. This is very naive almost human way of thinking. It's kinda like in India or SEA nations whereby they mention Kundalini is the highest principle or highest work. Yes Kundalini and the to the topic Magnum Opus are very high works but they are just tools to evolution.

Recently on a sermon by Maxine albeit though he is right to HIS perspective on HIS level of development. I believe the chakras are more important as humans have them bound and not working on them. But Azazel mentioned Kundalini is more important than chakras due to being a tool of evolution and protection. He is right don't get me wrong but that doesn't work well if humans have their chakras totally neglected and poisoned by curses and bindings.

With that said "Yes" Magnum opus is a high working. It's the completion of a free-energy immortalization circuit and the completion of the final stages of alchemical works i.e. Gold in the works or Goldening of chakras. But that doesn't mean it's the ultimate final evolution. It's also apparently the primary alchemical immortalization system whereby while other immortal spiritual tools are used non-the less the M.O. is the primary system especially working with the mercurial system.

Spirituality speaking there is no limit to spirituality. It's kinda like power the Universe is eternal and unlimited, infinite distances. Well the question becomes can anyone really poses both spiritually and physically truly unlimited power? I'm sure it's kinda like a peacock mentality, you can seem to poses unlimited but is it truly unlimited.

This isn't some magickal thinking, this the reality of the Universe. So it's possible at some point in time some meditation or some energy source provides more than the Magnum Opus. In reality the Magnum Opus is just one piece of the puzzle to attain primarily eat from the tree of Immortality, achieve more power, golden the chakras, utilize mercury as a source of immortality hence the anahata chakra, and finally build the free energy circuit. But other than that and other than a rise in power, development, and consciousness. What else or what is ultimate about M.O. other than being the primary ultimate immortality system for the development of a being of higher power or someone about to perform the first stages of completion of the Godhead through Godhood but like I said non-the less that isn't the end goal and there is no end goal or final ultimatum.

So think about it Young Faith is it really the final goal?
Tho I didn't understand if the Magnum Opus is something you accomplish during in one life or multiple lives
And it seems like you have to die before (?)
Gear88 said:
Young Faith said:
Magnum Opus is the greatest and the final goal of any SS

No it is not. This is very naive almost human way of thinking.

If it's not the "end" that doesn't mean you should undermine the extremely high state of the individual that achieves MAGNUM OPUS. It is not naive this way of thinking, it is respectful as one who didn't even meditate has the respect due to what is said, but how can one who meditates ..say it is not the greatest. You should first attain a deep trance, then figure out if Magnum Opus is or not great or the greatest...after many years of facing the truth you may find some respect to what means things to propagate to others.

As one is subjected again and again to mortality, It is the greatest and the final goal of any SS here to any lifetimes of being, as after in between before, people do what their nature dictates, and spirituality never has an end. Stop this madness of not having a hold of reality and values.

"With that said "Yes" Magnum opus is a high working" - yeah..some pocket change, want some? Just tools man, just a hocus pocus tool for your evolution.

.....insane. You need to first have the apples to sell them.
Gear88 said:
So think about it Young Faith is it really the final goal?
Probably not then, I just wondered (and still wondering) about some technicalities, like
1. May you need more lives?
2. Do you need to die before? This question comes from this quote:
The Skull and Bones is symbolic of the Nigredo [transformation] stage of the Magnum Opus (The transformation of the soul into the godhead). This is the death stage in the work, before the soul is purified into the godhead. The dross is separated from the pure.
Here it's all
Young Faith said:
Gear88 said:
So think about it Young Faith is it really the final goal?
Probably not then, I just wondered (and still wondering) about some technicalities, like
1. May you need more lives?
2. Do you need to die before? This question comes from this quote:
The Skull and Bones is symbolic of the Nigredo [transformation] stage of the Magnum Opus (The transformation of the soul into the godhead). This is the death stage in the work, before the soul is purified into the godhead. The dross is separated from the pure.
Here it's all
It depends on how already open is your soul and on the quality and quantity of work you put in improving it.
Young Faith said:
Gear88 said:
So think about it Young Faith is it really the final goal?
Probably not then, I just wondered (and still wondering) about some technicalities, like
1. May you need more lives?
2. Do you need to die before? This question comes from this quote:
The Skull and Bones is symbolic of the Nigredo [transformation] stage of the Magnum Opus (The transformation of the soul into the godhead). This is the death stage in the work, before the soul is purified into the godhead. The dross is separated from the pure.
Here it's all

You do realize "Nigredo death" is just a spiritual concept. Since when is it literal. The problem is your taking it just like xtians and other judeo-bolsheviks.

"If placed in book then believe it literally" or in this case "If it says death believe you need to die".

It's a spiritual death or to be even more specific it's when the dross starts to be eliminated or sublimated.

Your not thinking kabalistically your being literal. For example the word permanent which is a word used in affirmations means literally something that last a long time indefinite period of time but has ending(at some point it'll end like a human building). But when viewed alternatively it can also mean you "lock" the energy from a pathway such as a love spell you order the energy to create a permanent effect but also create a permanent lock whereby it only works as a love spell and due to locking it may or may not really merge with other spells or kabalistic imprints to generate realities.

Think of it like this there is a physical and a spiritual concept for everything.

Shiva and or the Gods and or Guru/Rishi/Yogi state "Preserve your seed or preserve your semen".

Since most people have been "goy'ed up" they literally believe you shouldn't ejaculate due to corruption. Which further produces hangups i.e. lack of full release. Medical problems i.e. mental health issues. And also most important lack of reproduction due to withholding and thus limiting eugenics.

The actual answer is because sexual energy is very powerful you should either use the sexual energy by yourself or with a partner and or program the energy at impending climax particularly during the end result. In other words cycle the sexual energy in a tantric manner or program the energy and use that as a reality molder.

As much as I hate to state this lets look at the enemy paradigm. There is a biblical, talmudic, and kabalistic interpretation.

In other words basic, intermediate, and advanced concepts for us Satanist to kinda remove the xtianity out of the interpretations.

You read "Death by Nigredo" and automatically assume death of the body i.e. reincarnation. That is a biblical or more precisely literal interpretation or a basic understanding.

If we extract it into talmudic and kabalistic understanding or more precisely intermediate and advanced understanding. We get this "Nigredo stage causes a spiritual death during the alchemical process by which it eliminates dross from the soul perhaps not EVERY ounce of dross but the dross that is required to be removed for the process".

This "death" is kinda like a snake shedding it's skin your eliminating an older self. This does not mean we kill the "ego" or "kill the personality" i.e. the construct that is your self. No this means we eliminate what makes us spiritually weakened or spiritually degenerated. IF ANYTHING the dross elimination stage i.e. Nigredo improves the soul.

Now what about the advanced or kabalistic understanding.

Well think of it like this Satan in his Shiva template states "I die each day and reborn". I don't remember the exact quote but it's a Adi Yogi quote from performing Yoga. In yoga you perform a snake shedding routine. You perform a series of asanas and or positions to advance the mind, body, and soul. But when it comes to the soul you are performing a sort of spiritual suicide. Why because savasana or corpse pose. You lie in corpse post waiting for the energy buzz thus just as you try and "kill" yourself performing the "sacrifice" i.e. asanas when the final and perhaps seemingly insignificant but important savasana you die you lie in corpse pose then you resurrect and return to life.

The stages of the Magnum Opus is really just a big "Yoga" session that produces various effects like goldening of chakras, free-energy circuit, and other benefits aside from some main points. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the Magnum Opus has a lot more understanding to the Gods they probably realized it isn't as simple as a few key bullet points.

With that said your being biblical or literal best example "When jews promote the lucifer agenda with JNWO personnel people pump the kaballah they literally act like psychic batteries attacking these people but funny enough not a single attack reaches them they just harness all their energy for an attack". Think of Kavenaugh hate pump back late last year.

So because they don't have any further knowledge they believe lucifer = Satan when in fact it's lucifer-christos and Lucifer-Satan. Obviously xtians aren't gonna understand this so they live like sheep and promote a sheep mentality.

So think outside the box is probably a very broad spiritual saying from the past.

Another example is hebrew it has all three aspects. It's a witchcraft language it has a basic normal alphabetical understanding for the construct of a language. But when you go deeper it has a talmudic and kabalistic understanding.

For example Zayin basic(biblical): number 7 and on top of that it has it's specifics used in the language. Talmudic: we extract zayin and study the individual letter and state it's sevenness or numerological paradigm is used for offense to kill, it has offensive properties also has biblical properties for relating to the higher Saturnian principle of 7. Kabalistic: offensive because it's the sword of zion, it has a connection to the jesus-st.michael i.e. defending the tribe, it has offensive status because it is saturnian in nature and they kill with saturn in other words curse their enemies with suffering and especially suffering of old age, sickly grim reaper style. And on top of that numerologically it is the highest principle in judiasm of the 777 aspect.

So notice how this goes I went a little far so if that is too much. But think basic, intermediate, and advanced.

For example a book states a paragraph, someone extracts the paragraph and begins to research hardcore the paragraph of information, and then in advanced manner discovers a science.

So again think basic, intermediate, and advanced. Being literal is not bad, it's good cause it raises questions but there is a physical literal and a spiritual literal. For example telepathy being transmuted physically to a cellphone. Both are comparable i.e. transmit data but are they doing the same exact thing no not even just one is biological the other is artificial reproduction of biological. Similar don't get me wrong but operate totally different.

So again think basic, intermediate, advanced.
Gear88 said:
So again think basic, intermediate, advanced.
Alright, thank you very much
I noticed that you answer my questions often
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now
You are a jackass.
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.
Or not
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

But satan himself told me im immortal
Hyperactive Melon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

But satan himself told me im immortal
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to link this for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmFesJJKlE0
Hyperactive Melon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

But satan himself told me im immortal
Stop lying. You just make yourself look dumb.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

But satan himself told me im immortal
Stop lying. You just make yourself look dumb.
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

But satan himself told me im immortal
Stop lying. You just make yourself look dumb.

He is either attention seeking, deluded, insane or on drugs. Or a troll, lol.
I will definitely not reach the Magnum Opus in this lifetime. Unless i get a hot disciplined SS to meditate with me every day for the rest of my life to push me through.i read that Gods only give the Magnum Opus to the real true worthy satanists and i am by far not worthy yet
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I will definitely not reach the Magnum Opus in this lifetime. Unless i get a hot disciplined SS to meditate with me every day for the rest of my life to push me through.i read that Gods only give the Magnum Opus to the real true worthy satanists and i am by far not worthy yet

Don’t set yourself an limits. Look at Sundara and NakedPluto for example. They are seriously strong and I respect both heavily for that. But it took both of them a lot of hard work, effort, energy, discipline and TIME, to get there.

Your journey has just started, just imagine where you will be, after you dedicated to Satan, our Gods and Goddesses and this spiritual path for a decade... now imagine where you are after two decades...

You can shape your reality. You can achieve everything if you seriously want it. Others have shown you the way, even if you can not see them clearly in the a snowstorm, you can follow their footprints in the snow.
NinRick said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I will definitely not reach the Magnum Opus in this lifetime. Unless i get a hot disciplined SS to meditate with me every day for the rest of my life to push me through.i read that Gods only give the Magnum Opus to the real true worthy satanists and i am by far not worthy yet

Don’t set yourself an limits. Look at Sundara and NakedPluto for example. They are seriously strong and I respect both heavily for that. But it took both of them a lot of hard work, effort, energy, discipline and TIME, to get there.

Your journey has just started, just imagine where you will be, after you dedicated to Satan, our Gods and Goddesses and this spiritual path for a decade... now imagine where you are after two decades...

You can shape your reality. You can achieve everything if you seriously want it. Others have shown you the way, even if you can not see them clearly in the a snowstorm, you can follow their footprints in the snow.

Thank you :)
Hyperactive Melon said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
But satan himself told me im immortal
Stop lying. You just make yourself look dumb.
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .
If you are not lying, then you are still not telling the truth. Even if you believe it.

You are just talking to yourself. Your own mind is imagining a conversation, and there is nobody answering you other than your own mind. Your own imagination is telling you all of these things.

If you are new, if your focus is not trained, if your psychic senses are not opened (most people don't have much of any working psychic senses), then it causes you to imagine these things. Your senses are not working yet for you to hear anything from the gods, but you are so eager that your mind answers itself.

I am not saying that either of these reasons are what is happening with you, but you should know that 2 reasons that can make this more likely to happen are astrological effects, or use of drugs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

This actually makes me ask an interesting question, aside from this guy :lol: , if Hitler is in actuality the one we know as Ramses II (An already ascended and powerful god) why didn't he have the gifts of a powerful soul for most of his life, only after starting to meditate did he begin to exhibit extreme powers, at least according to some accounts i've read on the forums.

Is such a big part of the soul cut off and denied access after reincarnation? I guess it would be overwhelming for an unprepared body, but still to be cut off spiritually to such a degree with so much power makes me wonder if there are others right now awaiting like sleeper agents to be activated at the right time.
Hyperactive Melon said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
But satan himself told me im immortal
Stop lying. You just make yourself look dumb.
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .

Logically, think about it... if you have done the Magnum Opus, would you need someone else to tell you you did or would you know it on your own because you have consciously done it?
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now
Nice to hear we already have a godman already on the surface : :D
GD. said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stop lying. You just make yourself look dumb.
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .

Logically, think about it... if you have done the Magnum Opus, would you need someone else to tell you you did or would you know it on your own because you have consciously done it?

I definitely felt it. satan just confirmed it for me
Crying baby said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now
Nice to hear we already have a godman already on the surface : :D
Yes my friend together we will usher in heaven on earth by the guidance of satan.Hail Satan!
Powerofjustice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Ok see you in 10 years when you understand just getting a high didn't make you immortal.

This actually makes me ask an interesting question, aside from this guy :lol: , if Hitler is in actuality the one we know as Ramses II (An already ascended and powerful god) why didn't he have the gifts of a powerful soul for most of his life, only after starting to meditate did he begin to exhibit extreme powers, at least according to some accounts i've read on the forums.

Is such a big part of the soul cut off and denied access after reincarnation? I guess it would be overwhelming for an unprepared body, but still to be cut off spiritually to such a degree with so much power makes me wonder if there are others right now awaiting like sleeper agents to be activated at the right time.

Because the Soul is sealed due to reincarnation and it can't be otherwise. Meditation re-opens it up.
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .

I don't think you are lying, but you must understand that the enemy can corrupt your communications with the Gods to give you false. Because both being the God of War and having completed the Magnum Opus (while still being here on earth) are both incredibly, incredibly unlikely to be true, it is more likely you were lied to by the enemy. They did this to ruin your actual advancement.

I am not saying you are not advanced or anything, but you might have a false perception about having completed the MO is all. No offense, but you wouldn't need Satan to tell you that you completed it.

This is not to make you feel bad or upset, but you have to understand how incredibly rare it is to have completed the MO.

At the very least, make sure you continue meditating and advancing like normal. The worst case scenario is that you think you are done and finished. Take care.
Blitzkreig said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .

I don't think you are lying, but you must understand that the enemy can corrupt your communications with the Gods to give you false. Because both being the God of War and having completed the Magnum Opus (while still being here on earth) are both incredibly, incredibly unlikely to be true, it is more likely you were lied to by the enemy. They did this to ruin your actual advancement.

I am not saying you are not advanced or anything, but you might have a false perception about having completed the MO is all. No offense, but you wouldn't need Satan to tell you that you completed it.

This is not to make you feel bad or upset, but you have to understand how incredibly rare it is to have completed the MO.

At the very least, make sure you continue meditating and advancing like normal. The worst case scenario is that you think you are done and finished. Take care.
You seem like a sensible man and yes you may be right but I did feel the magnum opus very much ,I was bedridden for 6 months after it's completion because my body was not ready it's a truly different experience I did not need satan to tell me I'm immortal I already knew it
Hyperactive Melon said:
Blitzkreig said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am not lying why would I lie what will I get out of lying I talk to satan daily he is like a father to me I believe in everything he says to me if you don't want to believe it's ok I'm just answering the question on how it feels after completing magnum opus .

I don't think you are lying, but you must understand that the enemy can corrupt your communications with the Gods to give you false. Because both being the God of War and having completed the Magnum Opus (while still being here on earth) are both incredibly, incredibly unlikely to be true, it is more likely you were lied to by the enemy. They did this to ruin your actual advancement.

I am not saying you are not advanced or anything, but you might have a false perception about having completed the MO is all. No offense, but you wouldn't need Satan to tell you that you completed it.

This is not to make you feel bad or upset, but you have to understand how incredibly rare it is to have completed the MO.

At the very least, make sure you continue meditating and advancing like normal. The worst case scenario is that you think you are done and finished. Take care.
You seem like a sensible man and yes you may be right but I did feel the magnum opus very much ,I was bedridden for 6 months after it's completion because my body was not ready it's a truly different experience I did not need satan to tell me I'm immortal I already knew it
Are you on Level 2 or 3?
Level 2 makes your soul immortal and prolongs your lifespan, level 3 gives you physical immortality. I'm not sure, but you may need to continue the meditations to reach level 3 incase you haven't yet.
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Quit bullshitting. You haven't completed the Magnum Opus because Satan hasn't even revealed the full formula for it. It has 12 steps. The JoS only describes the 3 preliminary steps, which you should do before the 12 steps. You don't gain full immortality after only doing these 3 steps. See, it's a very common newbie mistake to mistake these 3 preliminary steps for the full Magnum opus and you even took it one step further to add that you completed the mistaken version and Satan "confirmed" that you completed all of it. This "Satan" you mention is nothing more than your imagination (or your drugs) because you're not a god, get over it. All Gods are in Duat, some light years away from here and not on earth.

I can see from your description that you only mentioned what is in JoS and nothing more, not anything of the 12 unrevealed steps. This is common to all fake claims of Magnum Opus. Furthermore, HP Maxine years ago made a post in Yahoo Groups about what would happen if you are in your way to Godhood (on a topic titled "Enlightenment") and you mentioned nothing of the extra things she said. If you truly had completed the Magnum Opus you would mention them as well. So you're just an attention-seeking person who only said what is publicly available in JoS site.

To anyone else reading this: Be careful of and stay away from any person who claims that he has completed the magnum opus and/or are an incarnated god. They are delusional and they are either trying to get attention or deceive people and start their own little cult. These people are commonplace in all the fake "Satanic" groups and are trying to cause problems to Genuine Spiritual Satanists.
Rational Satanist said:
on a topic titled "Enlightenment
Do you happen to have that post saved?
Rational Satanist said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
I am ares the god of war (satan himself told me )The Magnum opus has been completed by me and I can tell what it feels like
1)you will always have dripping ambrosia ie your pineal gland will start secreting the female elixer for eternity
2)you might experience pain In weak ares as immortality means perfection it will affect your whole body in my case I got a beard which I didnt have before
3)you will have no more brain problems as it becomea perfect now

Quit bullshitting. You haven't completed the Magnum Opus because Satan hasn't even revealed the full formula for it. It has 12 steps. The JoS only describes the 3 preliminary steps, which you should do before the 12 steps. You don't gain full immortality after only doing these 3 steps. See, it's a very common newbie mistake to mistake these 3 preliminary steps for the full Magnum opus and you even took it one step further to add that you completed the mistaken version and Satan "confirmed" that you completed all of it. This "Satan" you mention is nothing more than your imagination (or your drugs) because you're not a god, get over it. All Gods are in Duat, some light years away from here and not on earth.

I can see from your description that you only mentioned what is in JoS and nothing more, not anything of the 12 unrevealed steps. This is common to all fake claims of Magnum Opus. Furthermore, HP Maxine years ago made a post in Yahoo Groups about what would happen if you are in your way to Godhood (on a topic titled "Enlightenment") and you mentioned nothing of the extra things she said. If you truly had completed the Magnum Opus you would mention them as well. So you're just an attention-seeking person who only said what is publicly available in JoS site.

To anyone else reading this: Be careful of and stay away from any person who claims that he has completed the magnum opus and/or are an incarnated god. They are delusional and they are either trying to get attention or deceive people and start their own little cult. These people are commonplace in all the fake "Satanic" groups and are trying to cause problems to Genuine Spiritual Satanists.

Those steps will never be available for the public.
NinRick said:
Those steps will never be available for the public.

I think some of it may have been revealed already. There are Mantak Chia's books on Taoist Internal Alchemy, and it sounds as if it is the same as the Magnum Opus (it could be corrupted though). The goal is immortality, there's the male and female elixir and the joining of them same as in JoS and other details on that.

But this wasn't my point. My point is that the person's description of what happened after he completed the Magnum opus didn't go beyond what anyone can find publicly on JoS. Heck, if I want to pretend to have reached Godhood, I can do a better job, I even can add some of the stuff on Mantak Chia's books I have read to make it more detailed.

Aquarius said:
Do you happen to have that post saved?

No, sadly. It was in 2009 or 2010 or 2011 and it was posted in the Advanced Meditation Yahoo group.
Player7 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Blitzkreig said:
I don't think you are lying, but you must understand that the enemy can corrupt your communications with the Gods to give you false. Because both being the God of War and having completed the Magnum Opus (while still being here on earth) are both incredibly, incredibly unlikely to be true, it is more likely you were lied to by the enemy. They did this to ruin your actual advancement.

I am not saying you are not advanced or anything, but you might have a false perception about having completed the MO is all. No offense, but you wouldn't need Satan to tell you that you completed it.

This is not to make you feel bad or upset, but you have to understand how incredibly rare it is to have completed the MO.

At the very least, make sure you continue meditating and advancing like normal. The worst case scenario is that you think you are done and finished. Take care.
You seem like a sensible man and yes you may be right but I did feel the magnum opus very much ,I was bedridden for 6 months after it's completion because my body was not ready it's a truly different experience I did not need satan to tell me I'm immortal I already knew it
Are you on Level 2 or 3?
Level 2 makes your soul immortal and prolongs your lifespan, level 3 gives you physical immortality. I'm not sure, but you may need to continue the meditations to reach level 3 incase you haven't yet.
I'm on level 3 right now
Hyperactive Melon said:
Player7 said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
You seem like a sensible man and yes you may be right but I did feel the magnum opus very much ,I was bedridden for 6 months after it's completion because my body was not ready it's a truly different experience I did not need satan to tell me I'm immortal I already knew it
Are you on Level 2 or 3?
Level 2 makes your soul immortal and prolongs your lifespan, level 3 gives you physical immortality. I'm not sure, but you may need to continue the meditations to reach level 3 incase you haven't yet.
I'm on level 3 right now
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: No, you're not.

If you were, you would not be sharing it here, for starters.
Henu the Great said:
Hyperactive Melon said:
Player7 said:
Are you on Level 2 or 3?
Level 2 makes your soul immortal and prolongs your lifespan, level 3 gives you physical immortality. I'm not sure, but you may need to continue the meditations to reach level 3 incase you haven't yet.
I'm on level 3 right now
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: No, you're not.

If you were, you would not be sharing it here, for starters.
It's like he is choosing the highest level. If that guy asked him if he was on level 3 or 6 he would say level 6. :lol:

He is just pulling shit out of his ass thinking spirituality is some kind of videogame he hacked.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
