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1.000 Messages - Forevermore


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2019
I have accomplished for the past year what I haven't done in many many years [I am referring to my activity here]. In a year , I have done what I haven't done in 7-12 , I don't even recall anymore the time but it's been long. [ Obviously , back then I was still learning and going trough with my own life , as I do now and as we all do ] but I can confirm, the more I have done , not only for myself only but the others, the more blessed my life has had become.

I am very happy and proud of myself and everything that I have ever done was for the Gods with pure intent to help Them and the Humanity , for my own sake as well , for a better world/worlds , without expecting nothing in return, but in the same time , being very grateful for all of the gifts and blessings that I have received from the Gods. Eternal and Divine Beings!

I am glad that I have awaken more and that I have contributed as much as I could and will continue to do so , not just with information's but also from many other levels.

I just hope, truly , that somewhere there , in this world that I have awaken and helped , those a few lives and I know I changed and directed them to the better [ to their greatest possible existence's], someday , somebody , would look upon at the sky and say "I don't know who that person who guided me to enlightenment was , but I am truly grateful for the opportunity given" and every time this happens , I always felt it , like a warmth in my heart and soul.

At my time, I was being helped and there's also names that I cannot recall, but I hope that the God's blessed and are blessing those very people who truly not just helped me but also saved me with the information's needed to evolve , I know They do this , it is a continuous repetitive cycle towards good , eternal and infinitum cycle of divine and enlightenment.

I also want to thank to JOS which is now ToZ , to all of the forums and groups and everywhere where I have been in with , to all it's members who helped me becoming and being a better person!

People deserve to be free , WE DESEREVE TO BE FREE, To know and to Understand the TRUTH , Satya!

I wish you all the best [ To my Brothers/Sisters and to those who are yet not dedicated but looking towards for the 'right time' I am telling you that, there's no better time then when you're heart is calling it. And may the Gods bless us all , for ,we are the ones working towards the highest possible form of enlightenment and divinity.


Thank you so much for your dedication to this path and your unwavering years of service to Father Satan. May you continue to be blessed and protected by the God's.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
