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Lords of Covid World Order - exposing video

Aug 22, 2018
Please, put it into global announcement:


Laszlo Toroczkai, the president of Our Homeland Movement party (Mi Hazank Mozgalom) and the mayor of Asotthalom, in Hungary, our next prime minister candidate continued his exposing video series about covid dictature and Great Reset.
He travelled to Swiss to try to ask questions from Klaus Schwab himself...

The video has english sub too.
The earlier exposing video about the topic:


For those who do not know who is Toroczkai, please see my earlier topic...

Thank you!

For Hungarians: let's meet on 3rd of April and let's chase away this filthy betrayer jewish gypsy Orban, the student of Klaus Schwab. Let's change government! Vote for Mi Hazank!
I put this in Announcement but I wanted to specify that it's not clear to me what the situation with Orban or the internal politics are. I trust the video is great but unfortunately I have no time to watch it right now.

We have no knowledge of the internals of Hungaryan politics and therefore it shouldn't be taken as an endorsement or not.

Regardless, because Klaus is mentioned and his agenda is a global threat, the thread is up so everyone can see and make up their minds.
Thank you!

Orban is the pseudo right wing for 12 years now. He was the student of Klaus Schwab. He is actually on the same side as the rainbow coalition on the left side whose candidate now Marki Zay Peter who partly was chosen by that Momentum party which relates to Macron and Rothschilds and who wanted to create a mini gypsy state inside of Hungary.

Now Orban totally takes our country into the new world order. They forced people to take the vaccines and it is only few steps to make the vaccine mandatory.
The only real national party presently is Our Homeland Movement with Toroczkai. He and some other patriots exited from the corrupted Jobbik party years ago and created their own new movement and party.
They are far from the perfect party of course but true people who are really fighting in their level and as they can.
I'm just wondering why we can't have a Passive rtr schedule that can be done whenever someone feels like or gets sudden free time.

To hasten the fall of the Jewish reptilians?

And, Satanic wealth building rtrs as a bonus!.
Toroczkai's movement is independent!
Unfortunately they are not yet familiar with Catholic Christianity and the Bible,but I hope that sooner or later they will face up to this.
The Hungarian people must break free from Christian influence.

The Toroczkai's are moving on many topics,it is worth considering the other videos.

Their goal: a government of their own for Hungary.
Lasollor said:
I'm just wondering why we can't have a Passive rtr schedule that can be done whenever someone feels like or gets sudden free time.

To hasten the fall of the Jewish reptilians?

And, Satanic wealth building rtrs as a bonus!.
Perhaps you missed that the Final RTR +Tetragrammaton and shattering jewish soul are to be done everyday regardless of any schedule.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I put this in Announcement but I wanted to specify that it's not clear to me what the situation with Orban or the internal politics are. I trust the video is great but unfortunately I have no time to watch it right now.

We have no knowledge of the internals of Hungaryan politics and therefore it shouldn't be taken as an endorsement or not.

Regardless, because Klaus is mentioned and his agenda is a global threat, the thread is up so everyone can see and make up their minds.

Orban is, in short, a sociopathic gypsy.
It seriously supports xians.
They also robbed the country on a serious level.
Oh great Gods, grant me the strength to take action against my enemy everyday.

Lift me from these curses and bestow me the same Bravery my Ancestors showed when they stood against the enemy.

Teach me what it takes to follow through on my goals completely. With wisdom and discipline.

Fill me with truth and light, make me into the Warrior you have showed me in my dreams.

Whatever path is necessary, let the waves wash over me, inasmuch as I am capable.
Hae there.happens that I've been hearing voices in my head and I'm been told it's schizophrenia.please help me by putting an aura of protection on me an who I love.
lain said:
you are not exposing anything with this video lol

just because the prices went up in your country doesnt mean there is a new world order. it has logical reasons why the prices went up and you cant mix two things with eachother and claim its a new world order or something and act like everything is coming from there. inflation happens once in a while it happened so many times in the past. the prices went up and that has logical reasons which can be explained. there is no such thing as covid world order. the vaccine is free they end up spending money to give us free vaccines. you are so delusional. if it really was about profit then they wouldnt give them out for free. and in many countries everyone still has the free will to take the vaccine or not. its funny because 1 year ago many here claimed that it will get mandatory and people have to do it and concentration camps will come and stuff like that but as future shows those people claiming all the things all the time look completely stupid in the end. your video i have watched a little of it and its stupid and far away from reality.
News flash, vaccines are paid by public spending. They are not free even if you do not directly pay for them. Loans have increased, thus the money supply diluted, which means our purchasing power has gone down. Combine this with increased public spending and yeah there is a pretty good mixture for financial hardship.
Lasollor said:
I'm just wondering why we can't have a Passive rtr schedule that can be done whenever someone feels like or gets sudden free time.

This is the Final RTR + Shattering + Tetra destruction. That is something that is a given for when there is no "Schedule".

Schedules also are for times of power within the year, and not necessary to run for the whole year. The maximum of their effectiveness is achieved in this way.
lain said:
you are not exposing anything with this video lol

just because the prices went up in your country doesnt mean there is a new world order. it has logical reasons why the prices went up and you cant mix two things with eachother and claim its a new world order or something and act like everything is coming from there. inflation happens once in a while it happened so many times in the past. the prices went up and that has logical reasons which can be explained. there is no such thing as covid world order. the vaccine is free they end up spending money to give us free vaccines. you are so delusional. if it really was about profit then they wouldnt give them out for free. and in many countries everyone still has the free will to take the vaccine or not. its funny because 1 year ago many here claimed that it will get mandatory and people have to do it and concentration camps will come and stuff like that but as future shows those people claiming all the things all the time look completely stupid in the end. your video i have watched a little of it and its stupid and far away from reality.

Go away from here libtard troll!
Vagy inkább írjak magyarul, te zsidó? :) Vagy csak szimplán zsidóbérenc vagy? Mindegy...

It is obvious that you are here to troll and attack our movement.
There is nothing in the video which would be far from reality. We also had a main post about rising prices, written by HP Cobra, where the artificial shortage was explained.
But yeah you are not a satanist obviously, so of course you do not know anything.

You just registered here not long ago. You claimed you are a new member but instead of asking normal questions and read everything recommended writing you started to troll and criticized and attacked people.
If you wanna love jews so much then do it. But not here.

A normal person would argue normally and would ask questions normally. But you, as usually jews and other liberal tards do, immediately criticized our community in your very first posts.
But even if you were not a paid troll then you are deluded and heavily brainwashed. You are thinking based on what you have learnt in the jew ruled educational system and what you were watching in the jew ruled media...
It is obvious this place is NOT for you.
I just can't get anyways how could you call yourself "new member" when you have nothing to do with Satan.
If you were a satanist you would know that true national socialism is political satanism and all top nazis were satanists. We, dedicated satanists, are nazis and the two are unseparable.
There are many deep writings about it. If you were really interested you would read these posts and writings instead of trolling.

I do not care if you are Hungarian, or rather "Hungarian" , living in Hungary. Anyone who has no double digit IQ can see what is happening.
And do not say there is no mandatory vaccine at all, there fucking is in many fields! Policemen, teachers, health care workers etc all of them were and are forced to take the vaccine. If they did not take they were fired or they had to go home without payment. It is FORCING. And the present government used the mandatory word literally! They said it is mandatory! So stop bullshitting now.
Anyways Mi Hazank party also meant that they want to refuse the possible future mandatory vaccines too. They are against to make the vaccines mandatory especially when now they started to vaccine our children...

What you wrote about new world order, I should not even react on it. Anyone who has a half brain already can see the truth. Anyways those globalist bitches also already admitted themselves. And yes, we can call the jew world order and great reset shit "covid world order" too as they use this virus and their filthy vaccine to create their fucking new world order.
These are all proven facts so it absolutely does not matter what you say or believe or try to spread here.

So stop attacking us! And get the fuck out of here!
Lightningsnake said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I put this in Announcement but I wanted to specify that it's not clear to me what the situation with Orban or the internal politics are. I trust the video is great but unfortunately I have no time to watch it right now.

We have no knowledge of the internals of Hungaryan politics and therefore it shouldn't be taken as an endorsement or not.

Regardless, because Klaus is mentioned and his agenda is a global threat, the thread is up so everyone can see and make up their minds.

Orban is, in short, a sociopathic gypsy.
It seriously supports xians.
They also robbed the country on a serious level.

Exactly! Thank you!
On the problem of discord between the Hungarian and the Gypsy!

The Hungarians had their own house, their own land, created everything they could for themselves.
The Hungarian had his own property!

But the Jews destroyed it!

The Jews, as we know, are out to exterminate the white race.

Most of all they want to destroy the Germanic peoples and the Hungarians!

The Jews have used the Gypsies (Immigrant India people), against the Hungarians.
This is exactly the tactic they use everywhere. The non-white gentiles are incited against the whites.

The Jews have used gypsies to promote the Jewish plan, and preach things to the gypsies to incite them to anger, to revolt against the Hungarians. Furthermore, the Jews instilled false hopes in the gypsies, and other similar things.

The Jews, meanwhile, infected the Hungarians also!

They pushed them into fear, helplessness, humiliation, and also aroused resentment towards the Gypsies.
Not to mention the fact that the Jews got hold of the Gypsies under communism and took everything from the Hungarians. They took their own homes to settle the Gypsies there. Similar to what happened in Palestine!

Why are gypsies primitive? Because they are under the influence of Christian ideology!
Just like the Hungarians!

But now at the present moment it is constantly programming people through media.
And what he has created is a horror for the Hungarians.

The Jews let crime run rampant, especially in the 80's and 90's, with the gypsies, which they did and still do against the Hungarians.
But even against their own!
There are many gypsies who hate their own kind precisely because of their primitiveness.
And there are those who explain the truth, like Attila Lakatos

The point is: the Jews exploited the Gypsies to destroy us Hungarian Aryans.
There is no way the Kampo Nose shitheads can achieve their goal.

We can't just be destroyed!

That Viktor Orban is a gypsy?
Somehow his genetics tell us otherwise.
And there is no such thing as a Jewish gypsy.
A person is either a Jew or a Gypsy, you can't be both.

The source of the problem is the Jews!
Fire Kobra, bro, I agree with you but you said some serious bullshit too. Anyone, from any race and subrace can be jew if he/she also has jewish genes. Jews could infiltrate many races and subraces, it is proven.
And as the oldest jews were living in Kerala, maybe the first jews were brought there or "were created" there, if course there are some gypsy subrace/group who have jewish dna too.
And anyways if a jew and a non-jew gypsy person have a child then the child will be mixed, I should rather say it will be a jewish gypsy hybrid. But it is obvious.
So please do not say nonsense things.

Yes Orban is a gypsy and a jewish-gypsy one. He has many cousins and of his cousin is Szava Vince who is a gypsy and who is against the national side in Hungary.
Orban's mother is Sipos Maria but her real name was Racz and she was a jewish gypsy as one of her parents was a jew. There is jewish blood too in their gypsy family. It is a well known fact.

Those gypsies who has no jewish blood are gentiles of course. Some of such gypsies are normal and claim Hungarian identity, and even have a job and respect Hungarians and the laws. We are not against such gentile gypsies who are law abiding and do not cause harm to us.
But these kind of gypsies are more less in number...

The other things you said is true, jews always used the gypsies as a biological weapon and a tool against us.
There is something you don't know!

I'll give you the gist!

When the gentile is mixed with the Jew, then we can't talk about him being a gentile, but he is already a Jew, and it doesn't matter to what extent he is a Jew.

Why is that?

Jewish blood = Poison
Gentile blood = Pure, healthy natural blood

It's like pouring mercury into a glass of water, then you can't talk about it being water /health/.

What! Are you saying it's mercury water? If you look at it in terms of wording, yes. You can say Jewish gypsy or yellow Jew.

It's like when someone wants to combine Satanism with Christianity or any other Jewish thing, you can't talk about Satanism.

So only a gentile who is free of Jewish/Reptilian blood!

Gentile = Non-Jew!

This! What I'm telling you, the Jews know!

Jewish blood is not natural, it is foreign!
The evil of the Jews comes from their blood, or "spirit."
And it doesn't matter to what extent Jewish blood flows in the mixed gentile.

Orbán's mother is a gypsy, but she is still a Jew, and you can see the Jewish traits on her.
His father, on the other hand, is Jewish, and more than likely fully Jewish.

Moreover, Viktor Orban is initiated into Judaism, where only Jews are admitted. Look at the pictures when he's there with the rabbis.
https://www.google.hu/search? q=orb%C3%A1n+viktor+Judaism&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi_7cnf8fX1AhVQ8BQKHTRjCF4Q2- cCegQIABAA&oq=orb%C3%A1n+viktor+judsizmus&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEBg6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCxAxBDOgYIABAIEB5QngVYlSpgmSxoAHAAeACAAXKIAegNkgEEMjIuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEAwAEB&sclient=img&ei=82kFYv- nKdDgU7TGofAF&bih=969&biw=1920#imgrc=WPLYiBgQNEGtKM

But he may have just been on a simple rabbinic excursion! :)

Jews only accept as Jews if the Levi -cohen gene is there, carried by the Jewish mother.

The Jews know that when a Jew mixes with the gentile race, he is not considered a Jew, but is considered a goy as well.
Jews,will only accept pure blood Jews (gentile free) and only if the Levi - cohen gene is present,which is nothing more than reptilian/Jewish blood,which is parasitic.

Here is what I show you in pictures:


https://www.google.hu/search? q=lakatos+attila&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjz8dTC8fX1AhW_8LsIHZYhAGQQ2- cCegQIABAA&oq=lakatos+attila&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBg6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToGCAAQCBAeULEGWNUjYIQmaABwAHgAgAFfiAGCCZIBAjE1mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWewAQDAAQE&sclient=img&ei=t2kFYrO6Ar_h7_UPlsOAoAY&bih=969&biw=1920#imgrc=MVcIuZwNbY7JbM

Why is this?

Because if the gentile blood is there,it is a threat to their agenda,so they don't accept their mixed race as Jews. Of course! We are an inactive threat to them in fact,just so you know!

Which is the point:

It's not the amount of blood that is the issue here, it's the origin.

Jews are foreign parasites! In fact, they belong nowhere, they are just moving viruses!

The Jentil/Humans, on the other hand, are descended from the blood of the gods, which is nothing more than the Aryan bloodline.

This blood comes from being, from nature, from life.

That is our home, what we call today spiritual Satanism.
Lasollor said:
I'm just wondering why we can't have a Passive rtr schedule that can be done whenever someone feels like or gets sudden free time.

To hasten the fall of the Jewish reptilians?

And, Satanic wealth building rtrs as a bonus!.
Anytime I get overloaded with sickening JWO agenda info, I RTR, Tetra, and Soul Shatter. Anytime anyplace, even if I can't vibrate it, like in public, I'll RTR in my astral temple. Destroy their reptile "spirit" with the hate they deserve! https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
It's a good stress and anger management tool to me.
Fire Kobra said:
Wtf? You are telling this to me? ME?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SAID BULLSHIT (and/or wrote in a way which can be misunderstood) BUT NOW YOU TRY TO LECTURE ME?!
:lol: :lol:

You said there is no such a thing like a gypsy jew. Yes, it is a jew too but I always like to say what kind of jew the person is...

It is offensive that you wanna lecture me about jewishness and jewish genes and also you twisted my words. You lecture me with what I already said and know well.
Then hello, I also said the fucking same and I am a fucking satanist nazi too. Nice to meet you!

Please rather do not write to me next time, let's not talk, ok?
Thank you!
Ok then let's GO BACK to the main topic and the person I wanted to intruduce...
Please those who are interested and especially who are involved watch this recent video about the migrants:

ARMED migrants at the Hungaruan border close to Asotthalom town. The police fined our honest and patriotic guard officers (called "mezőőr") instead of catching and stopping the armed migrants:


Toroczkai made a lot of other exposing video about the migration. We can thank the border wall to HIM and not to Orban...
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Fire Kobra said:
Wtf? You are telling this to me? ME?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO SAID BULLSHIT (and/or wrote in a way which can be misunderstood) BUT NOW YOU TRY TO LECTURE ME?!
:lol: :lol:

You said there is no such a thing like a gypsy jew. Yes, it is a jew too but I always like to say what kind of jew the person is...

It is offensive that you wanna lecture me about jewishness and jewish genes and also you twisted my words. You lecture me with what I already said and know well.
Then hello, I also said the fucking same and I am a fucking satanist nazi too. Nice to meet you!

Please rather do not write to me next time, let's not talk, ok?
Thank you!

Nem hiszem hogy ennek a magatartásnak itt bármilyen helye van itt. Csinálnád ezt Hooded Cobra-val!
Kapásból repülnél innen a fórumról!

A helyet hogy kritizálnál,inkább megmondanád szépen hogy mi is volt a hülyeség.Mert itt semmilyen hülyeséget nem beszéltem.

Hogy a zsidó-cigány,ugyanúgy zsidó! Mert ezt mondtam.

Hát erről már tudsz! Nincs jelentősége! ÚÚgye! Nem vesszük komolyan társaink prédikálását,hisz csak halandó értéktelenek.


Ki hitte volna!
Na de hát kérem! Akkor miért volt hülyeség az amit mondtam!

Ha! Krampusz tojás!

És én senkinek a szavát nem forgatom ki! Vetted a lapot öcsém!

És most beszéljünk normálisan!

Dühös vagy?

Nem baj!

Figyelj ide! Ne várd tőlem azt hogy normálisan viselkedjek feléd,ha ilyen viselkedést produkálsz le a saját társaid felé.
Ha ezt a lekezelő viselkedést nem csináltad volna,akkor tiszta sor lenne.
Nem fogom hagyni hogy te vagy bárki más akár engem,akár bármilyen SS-t itt káromoljon,kigúnyoljon,vagy még durvábbakat csináljon bárki.
Aki ezt nem képes felfogni az magával fog kibaszni!
Ebbe a témába nem fogok bele menni,ezt elmagyaráztam a Nincs pogány pornó című történetnél.ott megtekintheted a dolgokat.

Ami a lényeg,és most figyelj ide!

Én fogalmaztam rosszul és így félre értelmezted az írásomat.

Orbán zsidó -cigány, ez így van!

Én csak azt mondtam hogyha valaki ebben a helyzetben van,akkor az ugyanúgy zsidónak minősül.

Mert dzsentil/pogány,csak zsidó mentes lehet.

Tiszta sor?
Fire Kobra, read back that shit you wrote, man!
You admit yourself that you wrote in such way which I misunderstood. But after it you tried to lecture me with the same thing I said.
In the end it turned out that both of us told the same. That everyone who has hewish DNA, even if the person is "only" mixed, is a jew.
What I called bullshit is that when you said that one cannot be both gypsy and jew. Just only one. You only later explained it better how you really meant that.
What I wanted to emphasize is that it is also important what kind of jew is a jew (or mixed jew), as there are jews in many races and subraces too.

Maybe you do not realize it, but it was very annoying how you replied and how you tried to lecture me with what I said too...

And now too, you wrote in Hungarian, but you should have written in English. Also you wrote your Hungarian reply incorrectly and with some grammatical errors and in a weird way...
You also wrote such gibberish that I would be kicked out of here if I talked to HP Cobra in the way like I did to you. First it is bullshit. Second he would never say such or talk bullshit that I or anyone should reply to him in such way...

Just read back your reply again and see what you wrote. You were also "threatening" that you will not let anyone to behave "badly" to another SS because that person will be fucked then...
Yes I read that earlier topic you made and I did not really understand exactly your post as it was a bit confusing. Whatever.

Actually your last reply here is much more rude than any comment of mine to you.
Anyways I already said I would not like to talk with you again... :roll:

But ok then, SORRY if you were hurt by my reaction.
Arguing about such nonsense. jews and gypsies are related races. They did not come from India, they migrated like the jews. They have been to India, they are not from there.
Lightningsnake said:
Arguing about such nonsense. jews and gypsies are related races. They did not come from India, they migrated like the jews. They have been to India, they are not from there.

Believe me I don't enjoy it!
Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Fire Kobra, read back that shit you wrote, man!
You admit yourself that you wrote in such way which I misunderstood. But after it you tried to lecture me with the same thing I said.
In the end it turned out that both of us told the same. That everyone who has hewish DNA, even if the person is "only" mixed, is a jew.
What I called bullshit is that when you said that one cannot be both gypsy and jew. Just only one. You only later explained it better how you really meant that.
What I wanted to emphasize is that it is also important what kind of jew is a jew (or mixed jew), as there are jews in many races and subraces too.

Maybe you do not realize it, but it was very annoying how you replied and how you tried to lecture me with what I said too...

And now too, you wrote in Hungarian, but you should have written in English. Also you wrote your Hungarian reply incorrectly and with some grammatical errors and in a weird way...
You also wrote such gibberish that I would be kicked out of here if I talked to HP Cobra in the way like I did to you. First it is bullshit. Second he would never say such or talk bullshit that I or anyone should reply to him in such way...

Just read back your reply again and see what you wrote. You were also "threatening" that you will not let anyone to behave "badly" to another SS because that person will be fucked then...
Yes I read that earlier topic you made and I did not really understand exactly your post as it was a bit confusing. Whatever.

Actually your last reply here is much more rude than any comment of mine to you.
Anyways I already said I would not like to talk with you again... :roll:

But ok then, SORRY if you were hurt by my reaction.

At least you have some insight, unlike the others!
I am glad!
However, you must understand that I only bite when I am hurt, and you have put me down nicely with your wow launch.
I should be laughing, but I'm getting annoyed.

And it's not about spelling mistakes, I only have those when I'm not dealing with them.
There are mistranslations here, that's why you can't read what I'm saying.You have to interpret it as much as possible.
A threat? Where do you see threats?
I say what I say because I know it's true.
Hooded Cobra laughs, and shakes his head at such things, because to him it's all in fun, but do you believe me that he would actually would.

Well he would muscle the person off the forum and he is right.
He knows what I'm talking about!
Lightningsnake said:
Arguing about such nonsense. jews and gypsies are related races. They did not come from India, they migrated like the jews. They have been to India, they are not from there.

It's likely India is where they were dropped from the enemy spacecrafts.
Fire Kobra said:
Lightningsnake said:
Arguing about such nonsense. jews and gypsies are related races. They did not come from India, they migrated like the jews. They have been to India, they are not from there.

Believe me I don't enjoy it!

Yes I understand, but unfortunately sometimes it happens.
Stormblood said:
Lightningsnake said:
Arguing about such nonsense. jews and gypsies are related races. They did not come from India, they migrated like the jews. They have been to India, they are not from there.

It's likely India is where they were dropped from the enemy spacecrafts.

They saw a lot of things there that they could steal. And they jumped down to loot.
i have seen ludovic orban being mentioned here several times,yes,he is in the national-liberal party of my country too and yes,he indeed looks like a jew rat.same with florin câțu,another party member.the communist social-democratic party along with this one are the biggest parties for decades,recently the shady save romania union funded by schwartz tried to seize the power during the pandemic but a few peaceful protests here and there scared them away.don't know what to say about the alliance for uniting romanians,they seem to be mere agitators that come and go,if others know better they can share their insights here.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
