There is something you don't know!
I'll give you the gist!
When the gentile is mixed with the Jew, then we can't talk about him being a gentile, but he is already a Jew, and it doesn't matter to what extent he is a Jew.
Why is that?
Jewish blood = Poison
Gentile blood = Pure, healthy natural blood
It's like pouring mercury into a glass of water, then you can't talk about it being water /health/.
What! Are you saying it's mercury water? If you look at it in terms of wording, yes. You can say Jewish gypsy or yellow Jew.
It's like when someone wants to combine Satanism with Christianity or any other Jewish thing, you can't talk about Satanism.
So only a gentile who is free of Jewish/Reptilian blood!
Gentile = Non-Jew!
This! What I'm telling you, the Jews know!
Jewish blood is not natural, it is foreign!
The evil of the Jews comes from their blood, or "spirit."
And it doesn't matter to what extent Jewish blood flows in the mixed gentile.
Orbán's mother is a gypsy, but she is still a Jew, and you can see the Jewish traits on her.
His father, on the other hand, is Jewish, and more than likely fully Jewish.
Moreover, Viktor Orban is initiated into Judaism, where only Jews are admitted. Look at the pictures when he's there with the rabbis. q=orb%C3%A1n+viktor+Judaism&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi_7cnf8fX1AhVQ8BQKHTRjCF4Q2- cCegQIABAA&oq=orb%C3%A1n+viktor+judsizmus&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEBg6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCxAxBDOgYIABAIEB5QngVYlSpgmSxoAHAAeACAAXKIAegNkgEEMjIuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEAwAEB&sclient=img&ei=82kFYv- nKdDgU7TGofAF&bih=969&biw=1920#imgrc=WPLYiBgQNEGtKM
But he may have just been on a simple rabbinic excursion!
Jews only accept as Jews if the Levi -cohen gene is there, carried by the Jewish mother.
The Jews know that when a Jew mixes with the gentile race, he is not considered a Jew, but is considered a goy as well.
Jews,will only accept pure blood Jews (gentile free) and only if the Levi - cohen gene is present,which is nothing more than reptilian/Jewish blood,which is parasitic.
Here is what I show you in pictures:
Gypsy/Gentile: q=lakatos+attila&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjz8dTC8fX1AhW_8LsIHZYhAGQQ2- cCegQIABAA&oq=lakatos+attila&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBgyBAgAEBg6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToGCAAQCBAeULEGWNUjYIQmaABwAHgAgAFfiAGCCZIBAjE1mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWewAQDAAQE&sclient=img&ei=t2kFYrO6Ar_h7_UPlsOAoAY&bih=969&biw=1920#imgrc=MVcIuZwNbY7JbM
Why is this?
Because if the gentile blood is there,it is a threat to their agenda,so they don't accept their mixed race as Jews. Of course! We are an inactive threat to them in fact,just so you know!
Which is the point:
It's not the amount of blood that is the issue here, it's the origin.
Jews are foreign parasites! In fact, they belong nowhere, they are just moving viruses!
The Jentil/Humans, on the other hand, are descended from the blood of the gods, which is nothing more than the Aryan bloodline.
This blood comes from being, from nature, from life.
That is our home, what we call today spiritual Satanism.