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limitations for older members


New member
Jul 27, 2005
Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.
<html/>I am in my 50s. There are times when my self talk is motivated by my physical sensations that do not match my wishes.
I find this to be a great opportunity for strengthening present moment focus to guide me on my chosen path to lovingly live my best life ever.
Enjoying Being Sir Gowin
<hr>From: Brian
Sent: 5/7/2012 10:08 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

  Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.

Greetings  I agree with you Brian I used to do it 10 yrs back (am in my mid forties) did it for 6 months then styop it it is really good. Start with only 5 reps of each.I had a book written by a retired British Colonel who was in Tibet ( he was over 70 when he went and said after he came back to UK he felt and looked half his age)He also says something about diet if i remember right he says we should have only one kind of food at a time.E.g. if for breakfast we are having eggs have only eggs no bread,butter etc.Tea if i remember correctly is black no milk.For lunch if chicken have only that no bread or no desserts after the meal.Wish i could remember the name of the book.Loaned it to a friend of mine more than 5 years back.Never got the book back .My friend is now in states

From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

  Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.
<td val[/IMG]But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki

--- On Tue, 5/8/12, magus <magus_75@... wrote:
From: magus <magus_75@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 9:52 AM

  Greetings  I agree with you Brian I used to do it 10 yrs back (am in my mid forties) did it for 6 months then styop it it is really good. Start with only 5 reps of each.I had a book written by a retired British Colonel who was in Tibet ( he was over 70 when he went and said after he came back to UK he felt and looked half his age)He also says something about diet if i remember right he says we should have only one kind of food at a time.E.g. if for breakfast we are having eggs have only eggs no bread,butter etc.Tea if i remember correctly is black no milk.For lunch if chicken have only that no bread or no desserts after the meal.Wish i could remember the name of the book.Loaned it to a friend of mine more than 5 years back.Never got the book back .My friend is now in states

From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

  Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.
Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc   In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent."   Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: Knowledge which spreads, saves."   Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work.   Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha.etc   The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown.   What happened was during the Raj period of Indian with Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada  Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program  [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there.   For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions]  they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via buddhism centuries before and other  ideals  are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.   So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and the major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also importanted the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East.   As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO sytled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried.   Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate false dichotomy.   On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.]   Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detial of before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this:   With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."   Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance."   With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
<td vAl[/IMG]But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki

--- On Tue, 5/8/12, magus <magus_75@... wrote:
From: magus <magus_75@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 9:52 AM

  Greetings   I agree with you Brian I used to do it 10 yrs back (am in my mid forties) did it for 6 months then styop it it is really good. Start with only 5 reps of each.I had a book written by a retired British Colonel who was in Tibet ( he was over 70 when he went and said after he came back to UK he felt and looked half his age)He also says something about diet if i remember right he says we should have only one kind of food at a time.E.g. if for breakfast we are having eggs have only eggs no bread,butter etc.Tea if i remember correctly is black no milk.For lunch if chicken have only that no bread or no desserts after the meal.Wish i could remember the name of the book.Loaned it to a friend of mine more than 5 years back.Never got the book back .My friend is now in states
From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
  Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.
<td val[/IMG]Good to have a reply from another older member.Wish I would have found the truth much earlier in my life or even ealier incarnations.But still glad I am where I am now.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Mark Sir Gowin <sirgowin@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: RE: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
Sent: Mon, May 7, 2012 7:58:34 PM

<td val[/IMG]   I am in my 50s. There are times when my self talk is motivated by my physical sensations that do not match my wishes.
I find this to be a great opportunity for strengthening present moment focus to guide me on my chosen path to lovingly live my best life ever.
Enjoying Being Sir Gowin
<hr>From: Brian
Sent: 5/7/2012 10:08 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members

  Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.

= [/TD]
<td val[/IMG]So please H P Don what would be the correct name of stretching your spin in poses in Yoga?
I am all for using correct rather corupted terminology.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
Sent: Tue, May 8, 2012 7:31:19 PM

<td val[/IMG]   Hatha Yoga is Tantra Yoga. Frist we have the Vedic Period, then Puranic Period then the Tantra Period. Which means the original spiritual knowledge of the Vedic Arya. Was transmitted down to Tantra this would have been the knowledge of the Naga's, Brahmin's.etc   In the Shatapatha Brahmana it states: "The Veda[True Knowledge] is in fact the wisdom of the serpent."   Tantra in english [remember there are words in sanskirt with no english word translation] means this: Knowledge which spreads, saves."   Which means this is the knowledge to make oneself whole ie Perfected. Its the Great Work.   Hatha Yoga is the name this system took in the Tantric Period in the Puranic and prehaps Vedic period it took another name. Hatha means Union of Sun and Moon basically. And is built upon the 8 fold system you can find on the Advanced Satanism page. If one reads the Hatha Yogic Pradipika you will find this science is to raise the Serpent. And if one reads the Rasarnava Tantra which is on Hatha Yoga. One will find the same the goal of Hatha Yoga is to ascend the Serpent by employing the 8 fold principal and become the Liberated being/ Siddha.etc   The purpose of the postures both seated and moving is to open the channels within the body and circulate prana thought them and create a greater level of conductivity and the transformation it brings. Along with the other 7 points of the 8 limbed path. This in time helps awaken and ascend the Kundalini to the crown.   What happened was during the Raj period of Indian with Rothschild Empire got in there. British gymnasiums where built all over the place and the British imperial system was socially implanted as part of this. So there was a blending of the British gymnastic system and mystic thought of the Indian culture. That started to use these to discipline the body to still the mind. As in the rhp world that is the sole point of meditation nothing more. Its no mistake Theravada  Buddhism which is the orignal current of this program  [Mahayana which is its own subject and the rhp attempt to corrupt the original schools that could not get swept under the rug] is based only on one main point of Dyana or chan as it went East and became known as zen from there.   For some reason this became labelled as Hatha Yoga. Which its not. Hatha Yoga was only practiced by a small groups of Tantric's in remote locations. And handed down from teacher to pupil in secret as by this point their was major persecution by the social authority for such practioners. The Tantric's where literally consider on level as Satanists are by the Christian authority. So this was for their own safety. India changed massive in several periods the last one being after the Islamic invasions. That created the situation for this attitude of repression and negativity. When the Brahmin class became a closed caste system [as a result of the islamic invasions]  they wished to keep this knowledge only for themselves and lord it over others it seems. And used it to maintain themselves. But they themselves by this point where also the result of enemy principals having been injected into their culture via buddhism centuries before and other  ideals  are anti-Vedic that laided the ground work for what is called hinduism today. So this is a long process of downward going to get to the point practitioners outside the Brahmin class [and rhp system they laided down for the masses] are consider heretics.   So when Indians stated showing up in the Western world they brought the bizzare mystic-gymnastic system which is the child of the Raj period. And taught it as "Hatha Yoga" and the major teaching system in America calls itself Ashtanga Yoga. Is not that as Ashtanga means "eight limbed." And its not based on the proper eight limbed path, not even near it. They also importanted the rhp systems and in some cases outright Theosophical doctrines as the Theosophy Society has centers in the East.   As the Eastern commentators stated on the "Six Yoga's of Naropa" all Yoga is based on Kundalini energy. The main 3HO sytled systems today called Kundalini Yoga was put together by its creator on this understanding and created this modality to bypass the top heavy baggage the other systems carried.   Today due to the confusion of the enemy its almost a prerequisite to refer to Hatha and Kundalini Yoga as two different things to explain things so people can understand what you're talking about. Which is a unfortunate false dichotomy.   On diet and Yoga, the rhp Hinduism preaches veganism and vegetarianism. To the point eating meat is consider a sin worthy of hell [yes the rhp path is basically the same the planet over as the same evil intelligence is behind it.]   Know as science has shown us veganism and vegetarianism is unhealthy for humans due to our biological nature and history which I have gone into detial of before. If we look into the early Eastern texts going back into the Vedic period where they where not vegetarian we find this:   With caraka samhita which has been stated to be the oldest Ayurvedic text it state: Sharirabrinhane Nanyat Khadyam Mamsadwishishyate." Which translates to 'For the promotion and nourishment of the body, no other food item is better than meat." Another Ayurvedic text the Bhava Prakash, states 'Sadyohatasya Mamsam Syadbyadhidhatiyathaamritam', which translates to 'the meat of freshly killed animals is like Amirt (the ultimate lifefiving fluid that sustains the Divine)' We have the Bagabhatt (Astanga Samgraha) stating nothing equals meat for promotion of health and substance of the body." The Vedic text Satapatha Brahamana states 'Paramam Annadyam Yan Mamsam', meaning "Meat is the best kind of food."   Meat is listed under the sattvic category. "The life substance."   With navigation of the modern diet climate. Study and use your common sense.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:17:16 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
<td vAl[/IMG]But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki

--- On Tue, 5/8/12, magus <magus_75@... wrote:
From: magus <magus_75@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 9:52 AM

  Greetings   I agree with you Brian I used to do it 10 yrs back (am in my mid forties) did it for 6 months then styop it it is really good. Start with only 5 reps of each.I had a book written by a retired British Colonel who was in Tibet ( he was over 70 when he went and said after he came back to UK he felt and looked half his age)He also says something about diet if i remember right he says we should have only one kind of food at a time.E.g. if for breakfast we are having eggs have only eggs no bread,butter etc.Tea if i remember correctly is black no milk.For lunch if chicken have only that no bread or no desserts after the meal.Wish i could remember the name of the book.Loaned it to a friend of mine more than 5 years back.Never got the book back .My friend is now in states
From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
  Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.
Remember if you can't do a pose or exercise as it is you can always modify it a bit so it's comfortable. Or do less repetitions. This is pretty much common sense, but many people don't see it and try to do an exercise the exact same way as in the instructions. Yeah, that's what I used to do as well. Not only in yoga, but in power meditations too. For example if a member has ADHD or can't concentrate for 5 mins to do void meditation, just reduce the time and do it for 3 or even 1 minute instead. Again, common sense. Yet I see people who say "i can't do that" and stop completely instead of modifying it a bit to make it comfortable.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki


--- On Tue, 5/8/12, magus <magus_75@... wrote:

From: magus <magus_75@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 9:52 AM


Greetings  I agree with you Brian I used to do it 10 yrs back (am in my mid forties) did it for 6 months then styop it it is really good. Start with only 5 reps of each.I had a book written by a retired British Colonel who was in Tibet ( he was over 70 when he went and said after he came back to UK he felt and looked half his age)He also says something about diet if i remember right he says we should have only one kind of food at a time.E.g. if for breakfast we are having eggs have only eggs no bread,butter etc.Tea if i remember correctly is black no milk.For lunch if chicken have only that no bread or no desserts after the meal.Wish i could remember the name of the book.Loaned it to a friend of mine more than 5 years back.Never got the book back .My friend is now in

From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members


Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.
<td val[/IMG]Good point! I do modify everything I do to a certain extent.But my whole purpose of the post was that even if you modify,something asanas are still not age appropriate in my opinion.But everyone has to make their own call about it.

Hail Enki

--- On Wed, 5/9/12, the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:
From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: limitations for older members
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 11:29 AM

  Remember if you can't do a pose or exercise as it is you can always modify it a bit so it's comfortable. Or do less repetitions. This is pretty much common sense, but many people don't see it and try to do an exercise the exact same way as in the instructions. Yeah, that's what I used to do as well. Not only in yoga, but in power meditations too. For example if a member has ADHD or can't concentrate for 5 mins to do void meditation, just reduce the time and do it for 3 or even 1 minute instead. Again, common sense. Yet I see people who say "i can't do that" and stop completely instead of modifying it a bit to make it comfortable.

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

But keep in mind that as our clergy have stated,diet has nothing to do with it.It is important not to eat only junk food,but other then that it doesn't. I was only doing 4 reps for about 2 months,and even that was too much for me,so I am back to my Hatha stretches only right now.In my opinion exercise is important,but stretching the spine is even more important,as the it allows the Kundalini to be free to move.

Hail Enki


--- On Tue, 5/8/12, magus <magus_75@... wrote:

From: magus <magus_75@...
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members
To: "<a rel="nofollow">[e[/IMG][email protected]
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 9:52 AM


Greetings  I agree with you Brian I used to do it 10 yrs back (am in my mid forties) did it for 6 months then styop it it is really good. Start with only 5 reps of each.I had a book written by a retired British Colonel who was in Tibet ( he was over 70 when he went and said after he came back to UK he felt and looked half his age)He also says something about diet if i remember right he says we should have only one kind of food at a time.E.g. if for breakfast we are having eggs have only eggs no bread,butter etc.Tea if i remember correctly is black no milk.For lunch if chicken have only that no bread or no desserts after the meal.Wish i could remember the name of the book.Loaned it to a friend of mine more than 5 years back.Never got the book back .My friend is now in

From: Brian <briangibbons20@...
To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:07 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] limitations for older members


Since I am one of the older members here in his 50's,I have realized that there are some limitations to being older.Now I am not talking about meditations or warfare,only in Hatha.I started doing the 5 Tibetans,along with my regular Hatha,and I realized that I was dreading having to do them.So anytime you dread something,then it is not enjoyable.So I quit them,but am still doing all my other Hatha poses too.So just a note to other older members here.As one of our members posted already,if it is not enjoyable,then it is hard to dicapline ourselves to do something daily.So just keep that in mind.Programs should not be so grueling,that we are apt to miss them.So put together something that works for you at your age.Remember we can not do what 20 year olds are doing at this point,nor should we.But that is not an excuse to stop all together either.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
