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Leniency and Tolerance on the Forums?

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
The Ancient Forums, is the only place on Earth where people from all wakes of life, all backgrounds, can freely come to discover Spiritual Satanism, discuss it, ask questions.

Due to the enemy abrahamic stains on our world, all people who first come here will take with them preconceived notions, ignorance and even delusions as they enter the door.

We do not expect people to come here in full understanding, full knowledge and awareness of Spiritual Satanism, and even all of us here do still learn and advance daily.

Therefore, generally we advocate for a certain level of tolerance and leniency when answering posts by people new to this path, or answering people who may be experiencing troubles due to having fallen in one of the many pitfalls that those without may experience in their pursuit of spirituality.

Even when dealing with trolls or enemies, rather than to reduce ourselves to their levels, we advocate to keep to the high road, to stick to quality ideals and rejections towards them.

Yes, as people in pursuit of Godhood, there are certain standards which should be sought after.

The Ancient Forums exist also as a place of study, all of us are students in this together. Newcomers especially are to be given leniency as they adapt to this place in their first few months, or years, here.

To facilitate this environment of advancement, we advocate too for constructive posts to be made by our members, to not stoop to the level of our enemies and merely kick anyone out the door on a whim because one may not agree with what is being said.

This kicking people out, or attacking others in posts does not solve any of the issues that may be causing this reaction from people.

Be they merely trolls, giving them such attention only gives them what they desire, and these people will return with dozens of accounts to continue receiving that attention and reaction they seek.

If it concerns people who have legitimate queries but do not respond well to advices or other help offered, inflammatory responses only further trigger such people and would worsen both their situation and reflect poorly upon the quality of our forum as a whole.

If topics are already answered, but a confused person (or someone pretending to be confused to continue getting reactions) keeps posting the same things again and again, rather than play into that behavior or attacking these people, you must learn to ignore this.

Things that are ignored will dissipate on their own, usually this situation resolves by the person leaving it for a while and privately mulling over the advice that was given.

Letting things run their course when we have done what we should, is often the best answer to situation as that.

The person can be kindly reminded of what we have advised them, and new queries can be answered as normal by our members who are able to.

For trolls, if we all reduce ourselves to their level and attack in return, the forum will reduce to a level of worthlessness similar to other enemy clown forums out there.

The Joy of Satan has much higher vision and ideals to allow such a thing, therefore a certain conduct which is constructive to the continued expansion and elevation of the Joy of Satan to a highest place of advancement this world has ever seen, is necessary to be adopted by members.

It is not immediately expected from everyone, however this idea that one should attack and trounce others over disagreements or over perceived whining from someone would only exacerbate any present issue, which is better if avoided.

Hail Satan!
Excellent said, Voice of Enki!

People seem to neglect that not everything is equally comprehensible for all people in understanding our principles, morals, values, philosophy, the spiritual, the occult, meditation, witchcraft and the application of natural laws.

I have seen many in the forums acting out over what seems to be of a trivial, or even frivolous nature.

When I was a newbie, there were many things that was not clear to me; partly because of limited vocabulary and understanding in English, and partly because all of this was a new world entirely, which was hard to grasp due to educational conditioning.

Joy of Satan is backwards in regards to nowadays educational programs. It is left brained and filled with Judaic dogma. Many people have deprogramming of the mind, cleansing of the soul, and needing of time to mature into the principles of Joy of Satan.

To some people this fall very naturally, like a duck going for a swim in the lake for the very first time, as was for my case. This is not for all, although they are guided here and strongly drawn to Satanism, some still need maturing into our ways of life. We should learn to be more respectful and act with leniency. It will indeed create a better community altogether.

I fully agree with what Voice of Enki said. A good speech indeed.
Newcomers will always need to adapt here and they should be given a chance. People come here from all walks of life and might say or ask things that can appear downright outlandish but it will not always necessarily say that they are trolling. They do have to adapt eventually and advance while patience is given to them (to a point, if they are serious.)

As for people who have been here longer they know better. There have been useless outbursts, name-calling, and basically downright shit-tier type of posting that, indeed, belongs on 4chan or some other normie board that is not even worthy of a serious SS caliber. There have been people here who have caused a lot of drama, some of it was malicious and other times it was simply a matter of different personality clashing, which is inevitable. Although this cannot be avoided, as I have said before what needs to change is how those differences are expressed. Outright attacking someone or emotional outbursts or downright useless banter and baiting someone is below our level. If more people are to be drawn here and take this place seriously and all of us here, It's time to have more patience with one another. It's time to start being assertive instead of aggressive. It's time to stop name-calling, shitposting, and arguing for the sake of arguing for stroking one's ego and simply for the sake of winning just to be right. If you are going to argue a point, do it assertively and with respect and to share knowledge and valuable information for the good of all, not just for the sake of being right. Thats what a child does. We are all here for the same reason and mission and are on the same team. Act like it.

I know everyone here has hangups and social issues etc. This is not the place to shit on and take them out on. These forums are a temple of the Gods and need to be treated with respect.

As for actual trolls and jews, it's time to completely ignore them, especially after their intent has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt. The very reason these people keep coming back is that they know you will respond and give them just what they want. the problem isn't the failure to moderate them so much as it is them knowing they will get a response from people hereignore them.
VoiceofEnki said:
If it concerns people who have legitimate queries but do not respond well to advices or other help offered, inflammatory responses only further trigger such people and would worsen both their situation and reflect poorly upon the quality of our forum as a whole.
Completely agree with the post. I definitely don't want to "dictate" how others should write but I think many of us would benefit a lot from some more diplomacy and professionalism when conceiving our replies first and foremost to new people as our reactions to their questions might decide whether they want to remain on the forums or not, but even to the trolls as a more formal approach to their attempts of trolling and wasting time might discourage them since they are therefore unlikely to get the reaction they expect from us, which are insults, long and useless rants, engaging in discussions that are below our standards of content as this will bring us to their level of communication and perception.
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

Totally agree with this comment, I have been in this walk for a year and I have only asked about three questions, this due to the fear that has been presented before, where I was just starting and had an ignorance to the surface. I asked about twice something and I really regretted it and I never did it again. What I really did was find out for myself and not rely on this. It sounds harsh, yes of course, but this is the reality that I lived and to this day I prefer to keep finding my stuff than to ask in these forums. I help and contribute what I can, but of other things like feeling support without the need to feel attacked. Well, the truth is, I don't.
AWESOME read! VoiceofEnki 🔥 I usually treat people pretty well on here.
I want to make people feel like they're at home. And to let people know that they can always get help if needed. And I don't hesitate to help people..unless someone is being rude to me? And then usually I just let that person go. Allowing them a moment to sit down and think about things! If not then I let other group members deal with this individual. And I know that I had a couple of glitches in the past myself over a misunderstanding. With a couple of people on here myself. And I kind of caught myself repeating as well..and it didn't make me look good. And I know that wasn't even posted and it got to the point that I was ignored for a while. And I didn't want it to get worse! Taking the time reading what I had posted and remembering what the person had said? I took the initiative to take a step forward.. and use the advice! And improve myself in my actions! And decided to let people on here now that I'm not a tyrant! By being a better person.. instead of a butthead,.. BECAUSE I didn't get on here for that purpose! I got on here just the same as everybody else to learn. And there is no reason to fight in bicker! There is always room for improvement! And it doesn't matter how old you are! Nobody laugh out loud should be offended when somebody reaches out to try to help the other person and people should not take offense when it comes to help and a little advice! We are all on here as a family working with Satan and his gods and demons .. I don't want to give them the impression that I'm some kind of an idiot! That is not a good introduction of myself or anybody else to behave in such a childish way! Anyway to make the long story short! And to get back under the subject! I have found myself making mistakes here and there as well! In the same and I took the time to learn! That we are all on here for the same reason and everybody has their day and has their moment and to allow themselves to step back and take a good look at the picture and learn a lesson and move on! That is what being a Satanist is all about! And to be able to take the time to notice the struggles that other people are having and to take the time to read their work and to give them the help when it is needed and recognized! And to be patient with those that are having a struggle! Because I know that I had my struggles on here as well just the same as the next person and every day is going to be a challenge to some people! When it comes down to learning new lessons and self improvement! And it doesn't matter how smart you are and it doesn't matter what kind of a disability you have! Everybody has their handicaps and everybody has their crap! And it depends on how they handle it especially around other people and being on a website! Where there's others that are having their struggles and looking to learn things and to improve themselves as well! And that is what is so fun about being on this website and that is what makes me feel at home here! And what I love and enjoy about it is the fact that you can be yourself learn from your mistakes and move on and accept who and what you are! People learn from their mistakes and that is where people grow is by looking at their mistakes and their actions and see where they have gone wrong! And embrace the fact that they are here to learn and not judge one another or put each other down! ❤️ people have a tendency to make things harder than what things really seem! And I want people to feel comfortable! And I know that I want to feel comfortable and appreciate it as well! And that is why I'm going to take the time to thank everyone on here for putting up with me when I had my bad days! And I do my very best to show my patience to others on here! Especially to the SS and HP HoodedCobra666 and HPS Maxine Detrich for being patient and recognizing that I had my own problems as well! Which made it easier for me to work with them and maintain them! We all have those moments and I admit that I have them too! There is no need to make things worse and I don't intend to make things worse! I am a grown ass adult.. and I take care of my own responsibilities and I own up to my mistakes and if I have a problem I will talk about it. And usually take care of it on my own! 🔥 asking for help with something. I am not ashamed of! Especially when it's necessary! And I tend to do the same thing for others on here as well. And to let them know that they can come to me for help if needed. And I am more than happy to give advice to those that need it and to take the time to get to know others on here just the same. And I want to keep this place friendly and happy! And to make everybody feel at home and appreciated! After all you made me feel happy and you made me feel like I was at home! You tolerated me and you put up with me and I will do the same thing to you and many others on here! And let you know how much I appreciate this group and all of you!! ❤️🙏 Thank you!! And THANK YOU VoiceofEnki for sharing this information. Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
The Ancient Forums, is the only place on Earth where people from all wakes of life, all backgrounds, can freely come to discover Spiritual Satanism, discuss it, ask questions.

Due to the enemy abrahamic stains on our world, all people who first come here will take with them preconceived notions, ignorance and even delusions as they enter the door.

We do not expect people to come here in full understanding, full knowledge and awareness of Spiritual Satanism, and even all of us here do still learn and advance daily.

Therefore, generally we advocate for a certain level of tolerance and leniency when answering posts by people new to this path, or answering people who may be experiencing troubles due to having fallen in one of the many pitfalls that those without may experience in their pursuit of spirituality.

Even when dealing with trolls or enemies, rather than to reduce ourselves to their levels, we advocate to keep to the high road, to stick to quality ideals and rejections towards them.

Yes, as people in pursuit of Godhood, there are certain standards which should be sought after.

The Ancient Forums exist also as a place of study, all of us are students in this together. Newcomers especially are to be given leniency as they adapt to this place in their first few months, or years, here.

To facilitate this environment of advancement, we advocate too for constructive posts to be made by our members, to not stoop to the level of our enemies and merely kick anyone out the door on a whim because one may not agree with what is being said.

This kicking people out, or attacking others in posts does not solve any of the issues that may be causing this reaction from people.

Be they merely trolls, giving them such attention only gives them what they desire, and these people will return with dozens of accounts to continue receiving that attention and reaction they seek.

If it concerns people who have legitimate queries but do not respond well to advices or other help offered, inflammatory responses only further trigger such people and would worsen both their situation and reflect poorly upon the quality of our forum as a whole.

If topics are already answered, but a confused person (or someone pretending to be confused to continue getting reactions) keeps posting the same things again and again, rather than play into that behavior or attacking these people, you must learn to ignore this.

Things that are ignored will dissipate on their own, usually this situation resolves by the person leaving it for a while and privately mulling over the advice that was given.

Letting things run their course when we have done what we should, is often the best answer to situation as that.

The person can be kindly reminded of what we have advised them, and new queries can be answered as normal by our members who are able to.

For trolls, if we all reduce ourselves to their level and attack in return, the forum will reduce to a level of worthlessness similar to other enemy clown forums out there.

The Joy of Satan has much higher vision and ideals to allow such a thing, therefore a certain conduct which is constructive to the continued expansion and elevation of the Joy of Satan to a highest place of advancement this world has ever seen, is necessary to be adopted by members.

It is not immediately expected from everyone, however this idea that one should attack and trounce others over disagreements or over perceived whining from someone would only exacerbate any present issue, which is better if avoided.

Hail Satan!
My main issue with people like this(trolls) is that they make honest newcomers feel weird and insecure.
Imagine dedicating to Satan and the first thing you see on the forums are people arguing with each other. Yeah good luck explaining to him why this situation exists in a place where SS meet .
As the post says, ignore, if the crackhead can't feed with energy, <given by attention > , he/she will leave and probably never return .
If there are some new people reading this, don't worry! You are on the right track! You will find many wise members here ,such as VoiceofEnki for example . Don't take into consideration the lifeless idiots that don't have anything to do with their time but try to piss us off .

Hail Satan!
Abyssos said:
You guys are applying this tolerance incorrectly, which I will say in no uncertain terms is demoralizing. It demoralizes me, and it demoralizes more people outside of Ancient Forums than you think. There are a lot more people who know about Ancient Forums and are disgusted and infuriated by the lack of political uniformity that you think. For the love of Satan, I implore you to listen to the voice of reason. If you increase your vigilance against bogdowns, bad actors and FBI agents, you will increase the morale and vigor of everyone here, and will make these Forums an appealing place for a lot of very intelligent and responsible National Socialists who would be highly effective members here.

Compared to your other posts, this is written significantly better. You give actual feedback/criticism and reasonable concerns.

Rather than merely complaining, you elaborate on your points. It is good, and these are things which can actually be worked with, rather than merely complaints about mysterious mistakes that go unnamed.

About meteor, it was known a very long time about this disgusting creature.

You may ask, why was such a person only banned recently?

I think this is actually a strong example of what I try to indicate to all our members:

"Letting things run their course when we have done what we should, is often the best answer to situation as that."

If you take a look at how I answered this person, I basically ignored them, and stepped in to tell them a few things when they went out of line, and before I knew the full story with them I had tried to help them a few times, but even then I never gave them endless attention.

Rather than give endless attention to them, I didn't go into discussion, merely told them what they should hear and left it at that.

If people follow suit with that idea and no longer entertained their constant rants and bullshit, this meteor wouldn't have had any presence at all on the forum.

I think people gave them too much attention, and that is the lesson to learn here.

Rather than ban and silence/censor all the people who have different opinions from us or who say strange things, we as a community should learn to handle them better, not wasting our attention on them.

Only when they try to subvert or needlessly insult our legitimate members, doing actual harm, we need to proactively silence them.

He was left to be as long as he was, because him posting some garbage does not reflect on the JoS, since these are not our words.

This is an important distinction which must be made, the forum is a place of open discussion for the most part.

This is why ranks are being introduced by HP HoodedCobra, the people given the JG position or higher would be considered to represent the official stance of the Joy of Satan, verified by HP HoodedCobra in front of the Gods.

Even I myself, while I do my utmost to have all my words be truly representative of the JoS, at the present I could at most be considered a well established, trustworthy member, or some may call this advanced member.

The posts of people on the open forum should not be considered at reflecting the Joy of Satan in any way, as this is an open forum.

What people write on here is in no way representative of the Joy of Satan. The people you mention having such thoughts, are looking at this very wrong.

Would they actually come here and take a look at how the majority of the forum operates, they may find it much more agreeable than their preconceived notions have them believe.

Not to mention, one can study the Joy of Satan without joining the forum.

They could practice Spiritual Satanism and gain all the benefits in their life regardless of anything else, but it appears they are purely interested in the political ideals, and you also may have the misconception that the forum is supposedly political, when it is more than that.

It is an open forum for people of all wakes of life to learn and advance on the path of Spiritual Satanism. Not a political NS forum.

As for our "political unity", if you observe the unity on the forum, we are exceptionally unified in our beliefs and knowledge. Any member who practices SS in earnest for a few years is with absolute unity with the JoS.

Besides that, we discuss things without the rigidity of left-right political thought as we pursue truth and seek answers which often lie outside our individually established notions, but nowhere do I see a lack of unity among our serious membership.

Moderation is more so there to prevent utter garbage, spam and to prevent the forum from dropping in quality due to people en mass lowering their standards for posting, shit posting all day, etc.

Us SS would recognize when someone comes here spewing garbage, and would put forward our views to show that.

In that sense, the SS here self regulate the forum, rather than all speech being controlled by a select few.

I also believe you give meteor or people like him far too much credit. As if his voice was ever heard by anyone.

Before he could harm anyone with his garbage, people had corrected him already, and as far as I see, nobody was really confused by his claims.

Regardless if people believed he was androgene or not, none of that has ever harmed anyone, as androgene people can exist anyway, even if it is abundantly clear that meteor purely used this as an excuse to escape reality and vindicate his lies and delusions.

His claims never once reflected Spiritual Satanism, it was purely personal claims by a deranged person.

This distinction between personal claims and words in alignment with the Joy of Satan should be made very clear, and should be understood by all, which is one of the reasons HP HoodedCobra implements the titles for respected and worthy members.

New people would know at a glance the most respected members who's words can be trusted, that these are the members with guarantee from the Joy of Satan.

Then as members stay here longer, they would get to know the other voices of our community, and find that most members are very unified and on the same page about most topics.

You would familiarize with the general atmosphere, and naturally come to recognize who would be considered advanced members even if they do not have a title.

If then someone like meteor comes in, even new members would never be confused by what such a person may say, as the JG's and other members from all levels except the absolute most beginner levels would speak out against it, therefore none of the crap spoken by such idiots would ever poison the Joy of Satan or our membership.

Then there is the final point, which is most difficult to understand, but also one of the most important reasons why we sometimes appear to have excessive tolerance to certain people.

If someone is a gentile, then regardless of extreme mistakes(unless absolutely irredeemable criminal offense), people have the ability to advance.

The main reason someone like meteor appeared such a big problem, was because they were given attention they didn't deserve.

Next someone like that appears, people should set their words straight courteously and leave it at that.

Then either such a person gets to advance and get over it thanks to the advices we gave, or they will leave us alone when they notice they aren't given the attention they crave as their continued parroting of themselves goes unanswered.

Meteor was kicked out eventually because this person was being increasingly antagonistic against our members. From merely whining, they went to attacking us and attempting subversion of Spiritual Satanism, this we don't tolerate and as such he was banned.

That ban would have happened regardless of their past or not. Anyone else doing the same behaviors would also be banned, and has been banned all along.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Abyssos said:
You guys are applying this tolerance incorrectly, which I will say in no uncertain terms is demoralizing. It demoralizes me, and it demoralizes more people outside of Ancient Forums than you think. There are a lot more people who know about Ancient Forums and are disgusted and infuriated by the lack of political uniformity that you think. For the love of Satan, I implore you to listen to the voice of reason. If you increase your vigilance against bogdowns, bad actors and FBI agents, you will increase the morale and vigor of everyone here, and will make these Forums an appealing place for a lot of very intelligent and responsible National Socialists who would be highly effective members here.

Compared to your other posts, this is written significantly better. You give actual feedback/criticism and reasonable concerns.

Rather than merely complaining, you elaborate on your points. It is good, and these are things which can actually be worked with, rather than merely complaints about mysterious mistakes that go unnamed.

About meteor, it was known a very long time about this disgusting creature.

You may ask, why was such a person only banned recently?

I think this is actually a strong example of what I try to indicate to all our members:

"Letting things run their course when we have done what we should, is often the best answer to situation as that."

If you take a look at how I answered this person, I basically ignored them, and stepped in to tell them a few things when they went out of line, and before I knew the full story with them I had tried to help them a few times, but even then I never gave them endless attention.

Rather than give endless attention to them, I didn't go into discussion, merely told them what they should hear and left it at that.

If people follow suit with that idea and no longer entertained their constant rants and bullshit, this meteor wouldn't have had any presence at all on the forum.

I think people gave them too much attention, and that is the lesson to learn here.

Rather than ban and silence/censor all the people who have different opinions from us or who say strange things, we as a community should learn to handle them better, not wasting our attention on them.

Only when they try to subvert or needlessly insult our legitimate members, doing actual harm, we need to proactively silence them.

He was left to be as long as he was, because him posting some garbage does not reflect on the JoS, since these are not our words.

This is an important distinction which must be made, the forum is a place of open discussion for the most part.

This is why ranks are being introduced by HP HoodedCobra, the people given the JG position or higher would be considered to represent the official stance of the Joy of Satan, verified by HP HoodedCobra in front of the Gods.

Even I myself, while I do my utmost to have all my words be truly representative of the JoS, at the present I could at most be considered a well established, trustworthy member, or some may call this advanced member.

The posts of people on the open forum should not be considered at reflecting the Joy of Satan in any way, as this is an open forum.

What people write on here is in no way representative of the Joy of Satan. The people you mention having such thoughts, are looking at this very wrong.

Would they actually come here and take a look at how the majority of the forum operates, they may find it much more agreeable than their preconceived notions have them believe.

Not to mention, one can study the Joy of Satan without joining the forum.

They could practice Spiritual Satanism and gain all the benefits in their life regardless of anything else, but it appears they are purely interested in the political ideals, and you also may have the misconception that the forum is supposedly political, when it is more than that.

It is an open forum for people of all wakes of life to learn and advance on the path of Spiritual Satanism. Not a political NS forum.

As for our "political unity", if you observe the unity on the forum, we are exceptionally unified in our beliefs and knowledge. Any member who practices SS in earnest for a few years is with absolute unity with the JoS.

Besides that, we discuss things without the rigidity of left-right political thought as we pursue truth and seek answers which often lie outside our individually established notions, but nowhere do I see a lack of unity among our serious membership.

Moderation is more so there to prevent utter garbage, spam and to prevent the forum from dropping in quality due to people en mass lowering their standards for posting, shit posting all day, etc.

Us SS would recognize when someone comes here spewing garbage, and would put forward our views to show that.

In that sense, the SS here self regulate the forum, rather than all speech being controlled by a select few.

I also believe you give meteor or people like him far too much credit. As if his voice was ever heard by anyone.

Before he could harm anyone with his garbage, people had corrected him already, and as far as I see, nobody was really confused by his claims.

Regardless if people believed he was androgene or not, none of that has ever harmed anyone, as androgene people can exist anyway, even if it is abundantly clear that meteor purely used this as an excuse to escape reality and vindicate his lies and delusions.

His claims never once reflected Spiritual Satanism, it was purely personal claims by a deranged person.

This distinction between personal claims and words in alignment with the Joy of Satan should be made very clear, and should be understood by all, which is one of the reasons HP HoodedCobra implements the titles for respected and worthy members.

New people would know at a glance the most respected members who's words can be trusted, that these are the members with guarantee from the Joy of Satan.

Then as members stay here longer, they would get to know the other voices of our community, and find that most members are very unified and on the same page about most topics.

You would familiarize with the general atmosphere, and naturally come to recognize who would be considered advanced members even if they do not have a title.

If then someone like meteor comes in, even new members would never be confused by what such a person may say, as the JG's and other members from all levels except the absolute most beginner levels would speak out against it, therefore none of the crap spoken by such idiots would ever poison the Joy of Satan or our membership.

Then there is the final point, which is most difficult to understand, but also one of the most important reasons why we sometimes appear to have excessive tolerance to certain people.

If someone is a gentile, then regardless of extreme mistakes(unless absolutely irredeemable criminal offense), people have the ability to advance.

The main reason someone like meteor appeared such a big problem, was because they were given attention they didn't deserve.

Next someone like that appears, people should set their words straight courteously and leave it at that.

Then either such a person gets to advance and get over it thanks to the advices we gave, or they will leave us alone when they notice they aren't given the attention they crave as their continued parroting of themselves goes unanswered.

Meteor was kicked out eventually because this person was being increasingly antagonistic against our members. From merely whining, they went to attacking us and attempting subversion of Spiritual Satanism, this we don't tolerate and as such he was banned.

That ban would have happened regardless of their past or not. Anyone else doing the same behaviors would also be banned, and has been banned all along.

Hail Satan!

I agree with many facts that were stated VoE. There is a issue that may need to be addressed.

I know that we SS argue as that can’t be necessarily avoided but can be toned down to a minimum. However that can be a bit difficult as in the past although being a third party, the said two parties that are arguing kind of ignore the advice as it was presented multiple times in different post.

Diplomatic solutions may sound great, but not everyone is always on board for a diplomatic solution. You stated this in your post indirectly referring to social backgrounds we all come from that it can be difficult. Should there be a sit down to hash out the problems with said parties?

I ask this because this would be the most obvious solution but only in theory more than practicality. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t. This is difficult, because if the said two parties agree to disagree, what happens when one says something the next time and spark another seething useless argument?

In retrospect, third parties are necessary if it escalates heavily. Outside of that, the said two parties need to mature up. Blatant cursing up a storm and insults get one nowhere but a roundabout way of continuing the vendetta.

What do you think of this. Maybe I’m a bit off, so if so let me know.
Abyssos said:
My worst fear is that I am only person on Earth that knows the entire truth, and that the entire world will go extinct in the name of tolerance, love, egalitarianism, acceptance, and diversity. Don't render my fear realized. I am mentally preparing myself for this incomprehensible horror under the assumption that it is true, and will rigidly discipline myself to become the necessary one-man-army. I don't like it, but it has to be done.

You're not the only person on Earth that knows the entire truth, nor are you the only one willing to do anything about it. It's taken a long time for things to become this fucked, and it's going to hypothetically take just as long to unfuck it. The "unfucking" isn't an overnight process. A lot of damage has been done and it's going to take time to recover. You see the melt now, so you also see how catastrophic our losses have been.

In fact, it's a miracle we're even here. WE STILL STAND!!! Isn't that amazing? Despite every attempt to defeat us, to wipe us out in cataclysmic events, to pollute and corrupt our minds and subvert our efforts WE'RE STILL FUCKING HERE. Yeah, we may have fallen far from our former glory as a whole, BUT WE CAN REBUILD. And so long as any single one of us is still breathing, THE WAR IS NOT LOST.

You're not carrying this burden alone as it falls upon us all. Even the unaware and those still under enemy hypnosis/mind control bear this burden alongside us even though they've been incapacitated and subdued in many ways.

There is nothing in this Universe or any other Universe that could ever succeed in vanquishing the Aryan soul. We are the sons and daughters of the Gods. We're the rightful architects, inheritors and stewards of creation and one way or another, we will rid ourselves of all enemies and reclaim all that is rightfully ours.
Brother Abyssos. Who is this Meteor Prisma.? I have never heard of him up Intel now... was he a member on here. ? And can you feel me in on more of his background history? From what you have posted? It sounds like he is a billionaire of some kind question mark who was going to help with the website the joy of Satan and ancient forums?
Dragonheart666 said:
Brother Abyssos. Who is this Meteor Prisma.? I have never heard of him up Intel now... was he a member on here. ? And can you feel me in on more of his background history? From what you have posted? It sounds like he is a billionaire of some kind question mark who was going to help with the website the joy of Satan and ancient forums?

He isn't a billionaire.

He is a troll that told people to cut their own genitalia.

Pretty gross stuff that happened.

He mentally manipulated a millionaire in order to listen to a lot of jewish tips he, the Meteor was giving, and the millionaire lost all of jis business and social status due to that.
Abyssos said:
Everyone here is saying what I'm trying to say in different words. However, I don't expect people to get it, even when they read it in Voice of Enki's words.

Whenever I see others not understanding critical facts, I will become even more steadfast, and will rigidly emulate the necessary characteristics in myself in order to compensate for others.

If no one else will do it, I will. Such is my attitude on all fronts. Everyone here is already doing a fantastic job in many ways, but there are harmful bottlenecks that you guys are placing on yourselves that is limiting the number of people that will join JoS. I am speaking from direct observation. The lack of political understanding and organizational discipline is an active repellent against some of the more intelligent people out there who would otherwise join JoS in a heartbeat. I repeat, I speak from direct observation.

Fortunately, I have succeeded in helping Blitzkreig understand this point in this discussion here at this topic.

Arguing with the apathetic: a complete waste of time?

People can disagree with me all they want, but the fact that people here are taking the position that they are against my advice is making these Forums look bad to some very intelligent, reliable, and politically active people.

Joy of Satan Ministries has the truth. Ancient Forums is a priceless space for sharing critical spiritual knowledge, and mobilizing towards spiritual efforts. You guys are doing a fantastic job on this front.

It is for this exact reason that is extremely important that I give this helpful advice, even if it hurts.

The moderation policy, lack of political unification and moral doctrine on certain subjects is an optics failure, and is one of the biggest bottlenecks preventing the membership of Ancient Forums from rising as fast it would otherwise.

I will not allow derailment of the point I'm making, and I will address the strawman that will thrown against me ahead of time to show that I know what I'm talking about, and that I already know what you're thinking.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Most people who join here for the first time are new, and have a lot to learn. Yes, I too was new, everyone is new when they join, that's how it works. It is a very good thing for lots of brand people to be exposed to the truth at Ancient Forums and JoS. I have absolutely no problem with this. No one should have to fear the idea of me being condescending to them just because they're a brand new account and have a lot of questions that regulars here already know as basic knowledge. I don't expect people to arrive here already being a literal encyclopedic archive of JoS knowledge. Everyone here does a great job of answering questions, and this is where our openness and tolerance should be directed. You guys are incorrectly applying a strawman scenario to what I'm saying.

I have decided I will go ahead and drop the anvil.


Typing that name alone makes my point with more severity than I'm trying to project. I don't know how to cushion the blow or make this point hurt less.

In the name of tolerance, the moderation staff put up with the presence of a degenerate like Meteor for a very long time, even after they blatantly argued and strawmanned, soapboxed, and bogged down some of our more intelligent members. I would be embarrassed to tell people online about Ancient Forums only for them to go to the active topics and observe the dumpsterfire of posts being approved and tolerated by accounts like Meteor.

The only reason why Meteor/Prisma got banned is because they blatantly ruined the life of a millionaire who was going to help Ancient Forums. If Meteor hadn't done that, he would still be here to this day, and would continue to issue tantrums and ultimatums and would grandstand against anyone that said anything politically important that he didn't like. Everyone listened to Meteor here, that is an extremely bad reflection on these forums. Meteor boiled the water too fast, that's why some people here started waking up to Meteor's bullshit. In the name of tolerance, Meteor could have simply remained patient, and could have continued to do unspeakable damage to the minds of millions of people in the forums, all in the name of love, tolerance, and acceptance. Everyone would feel great about being openminded to degeneracy, and would be afraid to question the claim that Meteor was born in several lifetimes as an androgyne, because after all, he said that he was spiritually advanced, had contact with the Gods, and did RTRs, and typed Hail Satan in his posts.

If anyone disagreed with Meteor, he would be extremely harsh and condescending with them, but that's not all, a lot of other people would join in and dogpile the person speaking the truth, and would bog them down on Meteor's behalf. This is because there is no political unification here. Most people here are egalitarianists, and are easily won over by moral platitudes. The only way to improve humanity is to actually do it, it's not going to happen unless someone takes the responsibility on their shoulders and just does it, even if the entire world protests against them. I can see that this is my fate, and I must accept it.

For the love of Satan, yes, give your tolerance, love, attention, and help to the millions of newcomers who will arrive here in the future, by all means, this is a wonderful thing. In fact, I hope that this forces you guys to stop being tolerant to bad actors. I hope that the numbers here increase so fast that you will be forced to decide between approving the posts of degenerates, and thus allowing everyone to have the distraction of arguing with them, or even worse, be influenced by them, which in fact does happen, or just cut the degenerates off and give that extra time and effort to helping Satanists here.

You guys are applying this tolerance incorrectly, which I will say in no uncertain terms is demoralizing. It demoralizes me, and it demoralizes more people outside of Ancient Forums than you think. There are a lot more people who know about Ancient Forums and are disgusted and infuriated by the lack of political uniformity that you think. For the love of Satan, I implore you to listen to the voice of reason. If you increase your vigilance against bogdowns, bad actors and FBI agents, you will increase the morale and vigor of everyone here, and will make these Forums an appealing place for a lot of very intelligent and responsible National Socialists who would be highly effective members here.

Please refer to High Priest Hooded Cobra's 10 Year Plan.

How do we make this happen faster, and with greater effect?

If no one listens to me, I'm going to have to shoulder the burden myself, and I will do it. I am going to put my own advice into practice, whether anyone here gets it or not. I must, therefore I will.


I was going to work on the Lookism longpost first, but I have decided that this is the most important subject for me to address first. I will not stop, no matter how much people bitch at me. I will be relentless until the objectives are completed, one way or another.

My worst fear is that I am only person on Earth that knows the entire truth, and that the entire world will go extinct in the name of tolerance, love, egalitarianism, acceptance, and diversity. Don't render my fear realized. I am mentally preparing myself for this incomprehensible horror under the assumption that it is true, and will rigidly discipline myself to become the necessary one-man-army. I don't like it, but it has to be done.

I will patiently work on my longpost regarding this subject. It will include numerous citations and sources, and will be as comprehensive as can be possibly managed.

Hail Satan!

Fs i stopped at the millionaire let down no way.

Read rest soon bro.
But in my opinion firstly it is a psychological question, about how you talk in a certain place. Let me explain, people speak from what they know, conditioned by the place where they are or where they think they are. And the thing to know about these forums is that they are serious places and not places to just waste some of your time.
Nice post, Brother/Sister. Very strong HP Cobra vibes there too, someone's been soaking in his sermons. :D

I haven't seen much newbie hazing back in my day, and today too, it's not really bad. But I also see why you may have felt the need to make such a post.
Abyssos said:
I really hope that I have gotten through.

Hail Satan!

What you write is properly explained and therefore deserves a reply. The problem here lies in not that "we" are fooled, as this has not been the case. Yet, people who may not have many clues in regards to what is positive or negative, are in that category. They need a learning process here.

Dangerous or semi-dangerous or actual infiltrators with an agenda, are always weeded out one way or another. It does not serve them properly to just keep doing the "Right things" to appear positive, and doing this for a long time will have a net gain for us, not for them, who merely seek to subvert.

People without experience, almost always will flock to the wrong side. For example, any "Meteor type" needs only to play the victim, despite of any evidence and knowledge provided, or even despite the obvious, and then they can re-roll it again. Yet they do this again and again and eventually people get it.

Lastly, cases of infiltrators like Meteor and other creatures, are different types of cases, they are serious about destruction.

If anyone wants to take actual action, then they should. Theorems here do not help. This is like writing discourses on viruses but not helping get them out. Active protection is what matters the most, because infiltration is like that, a plan to get in and subvert purposefully. Active, as in actually doing something.

In regards to "people who cannot take it", these are often the weakest links, despite of appearances. The points on tolerance have and leniency have to do with legitimate members, learners and the inner people, not the creatures you mentioned.

To put this in simple terms: Teachers and students must have a peaceful, lenient and accepting co-existence.

That is the INNER side approach.

Your post is trying to argue why public executions do not take place all the time, against anyone, and before any actual evidence is provided. That is irrational and cannot stand for itself. An approach cannot be made more rigid because of this, a rigidity which would affect innocents.

This is like saying that since one bully exists in school, or has existed, we must now create a law that all kids wear heavyweight armor at school to protect themselves. That is very taxing on people who have nothing to do with this.

Before Meteor was exposed, all it would do is essentially whine that it's a victim, and without any evidence by themselves and the contrary, likely they would be believed. Exposure is necessary, same as actual information and knowledge of these cases.

There are different balances, categories, situations and so on. There is no uniform way to act on these cases, especially as many infiltrators oftentimes hold people hostages mentally, or otherwise. Establishing "severity" as a rule does not guarantee success. The premise that improvement will occur from this approach is only emotional.

You further justify this premise by claiming that this wrong approach could be further applied to appease certain "outsiders", so now, I will explain to you about the "outer" approach and these "outsiders" who constantly are "perfection masturbating" when they see something like the JoS, based on their own "perfection" standard which is inapplicable in reality.

On the OUTER side approach...

As a conclusive note, you are also very "lenient" to people who are against us, question us and slander us that we are an "Online cult" or merely act in the same manner of subversiveness such as the channel you tried to recommend.

So let's start your severe treatment that you recommend by removing your own posted channel of a weasel who essentially picked up all JoS info and then because of invented reasons just tries to cast doubt on JoS all the time for no reason, to likely justify himself as actually being a "thinker" and using the "forums" as an excuse to justify both theft and ungreatfulness.

In which "channel" after a quick skim I wasted 5-6 minutes, that's the definition of a thief and ungreatful dude, that essentially just adopts everything that they are given from JoS after laborious research, accepts all of this advances a proper cause, but just has to play the dickhead anyway.

Then like a kike attacks the source, despite of the complete lack of reason on why to do that in the first place. If I go schizoid like them, I can easily attack them of being a misdirection based kike channel, like they tend to do.

But the Joy of Satan does not do that, because we promote acceptance, not consistent and never ending feuds. However, they just love to do that stuff to us all the time, in particular, after generally stealing our information and generally just repeating our points.

This type of psycho mentality is very much present on these idiots who call themselves "Independent", and also have the nerve to use terminologies like "Cult" against us, simply because we are united ourselves. The word "independent" here is a keyword for "slanderer" in general.

These oftentimes are out of jealousy and resentment and nothing else. Certain of these groups go as far as to call Hitler and anyone who literally gave them the mission and the agenda, or who does anything, as a "jew". They are generally schizos and nothing else. There are hundreds of these online.

Ranges here include all the way if you aren't talking about "Nazi UFO all day", that you are a jew, all the way to "Any other human on earth must be removed" and other schizoid fed based points, which are not only unrealistic, but not functional in the real world.

Nobody found a doctrine of elimination from Hitler, but these dudes invented it, as maybe Hitler in their mind was also a Zionist stooge, oy vey, believe that goy. Generally, that is the definition of agencies based subversion.

Over the years, we haven't found one of these that actually wasn't either part of the jews or was not doing work for the enemy. Applying severity, these do not matter at all in the end.

Regardless the JoS takes an open stance and welcomes everyone who has something to say that wakes people up, despite of their spectrum. If we are to apply the schizo criteria which tries to parade itself as successful, then this will strangulate all information.

They also have this other schizo illness where everyone who says anything besides "The Nazi UFO!!" is actually an enemy or a jewish stooge, without wanting to accept anyone else, which they will readily vocalize ad nauseum.

Convincing people with this type of psychology is useless and retarded, it can never happen. They will always invent something else, as they always do, to accuse someone. If this is seen from the severity standpoint, we might as well call this anywhere from ungreatful, to deliberate.

These people are on the level of "I did the RTR without even meditating for 5 days in my life and my stomach hurts because its bad, shoo the Joy of Satan, oy vey", without even knowing this is occult warfare against a fortified enemy, despite of us mentioning all the necessary knowledge and information on this anyway. In other words, these are amateurs and fools.

After theft and desecration, they also turn against you, and catering to their never ending list of irrational demands that borderline total insanity, will always have branded you as a kike over the simplest "mistake", just because they are schizos themselves.

A person from this category entering or leaving this forum is irrelevant, because in the end of the day, it's just one less schizo who only wants to prove themselves "right".

Even if you spent all your life catering to their insanity and speaking always and daily about UFO's and how the vaccine will kill the global world population, and whatever else is current in their head, they will always hate you in the end and eventually want to move out, because of reasons they have invented in their head.

Anyone who ever tries to do anything, is always under their so called "Critical Gaze" that does not even know spiritually if 1 plus 1 equals 2. They aren't here with an open mind in the first place, but to steal and in general to present their stupid selves as a source of "evaluation".

They will go to the deepest recess of the forum, and try to find let's say one Meteor or someone who asked something simple, and declare that 100,000 pages of accurate and most excellent information they received was for nothing. Further, they will accuse you for being an enemy at the whim of a moment.

An enemy to "What"? I guess to their mighty personal self and delusional claims which don't exist anywhere.

These people never believe in anything, except if you give them some confirmational bias about the people that they are jealous of and from whom they steal info, are jews. Tell them that we are jews, and you will actually see how quickly their "independent" brain is warped into believing these lies. Because they are stupid.

I hope this reply makes you understand further about the inner and the outer approach, but also about the recommendations you have for trying to "get" these people to believe in anything.
Abyssos said:

I have read through your two posts out of interest and concern, but I want to say some things about this:

First, I am very interesting in having everyone educated against forum-trolling tactics, which I believe will prevent the problems you have described. If you can make a post about this, that would be great.

Second, JoS did have a problem of people losing patience with genuine newbs. We have to find ways to balance forum security while still allowing the growth of real SS. You are right that someone being friendly and "educated" does not mean they are suddenly an ally.

The main point of VoE's thread is that I do not believe we have to be openly hostile towards people, as this may play into the hands of trolls. At the same time, we can also cut off people who are wasting time or trolling. This does not require a verbal battle.

Third, please try to find a way to make your points more concise. It would be better to segment your ideas separately, then reference them through links. Otherwise, people will get bored from your "long post" and just glance over it.

On a similar note, I don't think most people are disagreeing with you here. The reason that the mods cracked down on some of your posts was just due to the way you expressed your disapproval. I think you can modify that in a better way, but still retain your points here.

Definitely do call out people or posts which you believe to be true threats, either in public or by email, but please try to keep your message concise and not filled with distasteful blackpill terminology, as my honest opinion was that this was killing your otherwise good opinions.

I am definitely willing to work with you on all of these concerns, but I also think the situation is a little more complicated from the positions of the mods and clergy. That does not mean we cannot all benefit here or anything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Abyssos said:
I really hope that I have gotten through.

Hail Satan!

What you write is properly explained and therefore deserves a reply. The problem here lies in not that "we" are fooled, as this has not been the case. Yet, people who may not have many clues in regards to what is positive or negative, are in that category. They need a learning process here.

Dangerous or semi-dangerous or actual infiltrators with an agenda, are always weeded out one way or another. It does not serve them properly to just keep doing the "Right things" to appear positive, and doing this for a long time will have a net gain for us, not for them, who merely seek to subvert.

People without experience, almost always will flock to the wrong side. For example, any "Meteor" needs only to play the victim, despite of any evidence and knowledge provided, or even despite the obvious, and then they can re-roll it again. But this is again limited to an extent.

Lastly, cases of infiltrators like Meteor and other creatures, are different types of cases, they are serious about destruction.

If anyone wants to take actual action, then they should. Theorems here do not help. This is like writing discourses on viruses but not helping get them out. Active protection is what matters the most, because infiltration is like that, a plan to get in and subvert purposefully. Active, as in actually doing something.

In regards to "people who cannot take it", these are often the weakest links, despite of appearances. The points on tolerance have and leniency have to do with legitimate members, learners and the inner people, not the creatures you mentioned.

Your post is trying to argue why public executions do not take place all the time, against anyone, and before any actual evidence is provided. That is irrational and cannot stand for itself. Before Meteor was exposed, all it would do is essentially whine that it's a victim, and without any evidence by themselves and the contrary, likely they would be believed.

There are different balances, categories, situations and so on. There is no uniform ability to act on these cases, especially as many infiltrators oftentimes hold people hostages mentally, or otherwise.

As a conclusive note, you are also very "lenient" to people who are against us, question us and slander us that we are an "Online cult" or merely act in the same manner of subversiveness such as the channel you tried to recommend.

So let's start your severe treatment that you recommend by removing your own channel in which after a quick skim I wasted 5-6 minutes, that's the definition of a thief and ungreatful dude, that essentially just adopts everything that they are given, and then like a kike attacks the source, despite of the complete lack of reason on why to do that in the first place.

This type of psycho mentality is very much present on these idiots who call themselves "Independent", and also have the nerve to use terminologies like "Cult" against us, simply because we are united ourselves. These oftentimes are out of jealousy and resentment and nothing else.

They also have this other schizo illness where everyone who says anything besides "The Nazi UFO!!" is actually an enemy or a jewish stooge, without wanting to accept anyone else. Convincing people with this type of psychology is useless and retarded.

These people are on the level of "I did the RTR without even meditating for 5 days in my life and my stomach hurts because its bad, shoo the Joy of Satan, oy vey", without even knowing this is occult warfare against a fortified enemy, despite of us mentioning all the necessary knowledge and information on this anyway. In other words, these are amateurs and fools.

After theft and desecration, they also turn against you, and catering to their never ending list of irrational demands that borderline total insanity, will always have branded you as a kike over the simplest "mistake", just because they are schizos themselves.

It's actually your own lack of experience which makes you misunderstand the approach that we have, not the other way around.

Would it be fair to state. That even if we were some above ground organization and had major pull. That it isn't going to sway all?

I've been studying Abyssos because he mentioned Tiberian Sun; Anton Slavik. I spent sometime on youtube watching a person pro play the NOD campaign, still haven't finished it.

I do like the message Kane, NOD, and Slavik promote: Peace through Power. It has a very Satanic tone to it something idealistic and ideological not unlike George Lincoln Rockwell's statements.

But to return to the topic. I'm one to talk as I type huge posts and probably waste a lot of time. I just posses less Air and a refined lack of language arts.

But it seems to me like the enemy is in complete freedom to dictate what something is. Ex: Beelzebub is a multi-crown frog creature with flies hanging around him, lulz kekeke.

When anything but from all the Ancients. It seems mankind has metaphorically killed the Ancient World.

I know you mentioned Earth is the second planet that is going to be popped out of kosher supervision. Like your mention of the other Earthican planet that broke out "recently". Recently can mean anything.

But it seems like people are just a bunch of as rappers and black people state "Pussy, ass bitches".

They don't want anything more than their safe religion. They just let the World get destroyed. Or burned as the Jesus and Joker memes from Batman nearly 15 years ago.

I honestly feel bad for the JoS because it seems that sometimes these trolls become members and people who accept us become fanatical and want to do more.

Goblock said it best. I'm A) Acting like a stupid troll and C) I've experienced spiritual properties and it doesn't "wow me". I don't know if he is lying I don't know if he is making shit up.

But I think the problem stems deeper with all these people. Society itself the vast majority of people are just dead and society is dead.

Honestly it's no surprise your not wow'd or scared by spiritual progress. It's scary imagine a person such as myself with many issues and manipulating reality and actually encountering realities.

It's not common knowledge nor common ability nor common workship in reality. The fact of the matter is JoS is triple-A(Against all Authority). And society isn't manipulating reality for the better.

I think the fact of the matter is there seems to be fear and scaredness in all three sectors. Our members, the enemy, and society.

The enemy cause they are cockknockers. The members cause some people believe life isn't a Saturnian/Plutonic property, and society isn't working towards these goals.

I'm one to talk as I don't really feel much or anything never advanced. I do like the fact I keep up with cleaning my soul. But I don't know if it's real or fake or whatever.

But I love this organization. I've probably learned more on National Socialism and Satanism in conjunction than in the entirety of spending my youth obsessed with WW2. Yes I live in a fantasical mentality and I'm basically metaphorically tripping balls Neptune retrograde certainly flows through me.

But it's society, it's not us, it's them. These are the people in life your going to be interacting with and they are braindead asleep not woke no why use waken terms to mean a degenerate or called them lulled to sleep or asleep. It's like Liberal, now a days it means against cuckservatives and other non-degenerates. Since when originally it was against the church.

I think calling ourselves an E-cult or Occult Online. Is nothing wrong on a very deep look.

We are here to change stuff and improve stuff. And yet no one wants to do it. We got 200K+ people no idea maybe not even that.

I think in the future there needs to be a serious shift in mankind to woke, wake, awaken the Amalekian properties.

Society keeps shitting out these people and it's no surprise we got to deal with them. Whether enemy, troll, or hostile, or oppositional force, or just plain not wanting to learn.

No one wants to do anything. Look at coof-19. Shit hit the fan for some people and they went fuck everything about life I'm checking out.

Some people literally checked out of life.

I'm rambling a bit. But I feel it's not us, it's not some people, it's not some enemy. I think the biggest enemy is not the trolls or the enemy which they are and can be annoying.

I think the biggest enemy is the utter lack of societal properties we are dealing with.

I don't know how the Gods are gonna deal with it. I don't know what mass ultra-hyper spiritual beings do to Worlds when they blast their kabalistic properties and improve society.

But mankind is just fucking retarded. We still got people wanting the same shit since childhood. For example I went on a website and people were going, "The Atari VCS emulator shutting down orders and finalizing the last production is good, no one wants it. People want things like Jaguar or Sega Saturn or some other device."

We still got people who want to keep playing in the past and I'm not against that as a cancerian person. But sometimes it's like man people just want to do Same Shit, Different Era.

It's like society has been so distraught that there is no cohesive future. Just a constant now with some future constant past, present, and future.

I'm not saying the enemy won or the members who are bad. I just think the Gods need to come sooner rather than later. Before shit gets worse.

It's societies fault.

And it seems like Hitler's Axis expression could have solved a HUGE issue society has had since the birth of the enemy. The enemy is in essence not just an Anti-Hitler but a reverse-Hitler a reverse-Axis powers. And society eats the shit up by the spoonful.

Sometimes I look at awesome people that I like and dive into their content. For example I like White Zombie/Rob Zombie not everyone does his Nu-Metal/Alt Metal/Groove Metal/Some rap metal isn't their game. But he is a tour de force the man has no doubt.

But he is nearing his 60s. Just recently last year in 2021 L.A. Rats supergroup formed for one song apparently. And they had Nikki Six. I know not the best role model the bassists of Motley Crue. But Nikki Six was born in 1958 he is currently 64 years old.

It's a shame about some of these people getting older, dying, and not living how the Gods intend. I hate to go through life and seeing all this societal build up collapse from destruction metaphorical and literal and the loss of life spectacular people dying.

Society is being built like an Apple computer throw it away two years later and buy a new one.

Concrete only lasts like 200-300 maybe 400 years. Hempcrete lasts just as long 200-300-400. It seems the enemy battle of the generations occurs.

I'd love to see a Orion building that a ultra being can state. This building is built to be anti-enthropic you can come back to this building some 30 million years from now and it'll still be in use and standing.

It's society and the people.

I know not everyone likes the statement, "It's other peoples fault." But in this case it's other peoples fault.

It's like the rotting of christ inside peoples brains and soul is rotting out all that is Human. People are scared.

Scared of what?

We dedicate our soul. Evil and Devil.

We circumcise and baptize. Holy good praise the lawd.

I think Axis power defeat Hitler and company of Nations. Was the single worst thing that could have happened in our lifetimes that still affects us.

As I state WW2 is still going on. Iron Storm a WW2 game set in 1964, 40 years after it started Hitler got in power changed nothing the war is WW1 + WW2 combined.

Like people stated technically WW1 didn't end till Americans left Archsangel in Northern Russia in 1923 nearing 1924.

WW1 + WW2 + Everything never ended.

No war ever ended it's perpetual warfare no peace nor conditions of peace nor anything peaceful. Just continued warfare.

The never ending warfare of a planet that has been demised and doomed by the enemy.

Unfortunately you can't solve neither the enemy nor the cucks that troll around here nor foolish people.

THEY not YOU need to solve it. As Himmler puts xtianity we need to overcome it within ourselves.

As the marine statement, "The few, the proud, the NS/SS".

I apologize if I sound despondent I do posses dark tones in my reality and view things from a negative view. But 1-2-3% of the population is jewish and they dominate and control. These 80-240 million so-called Humans control a slave population of nearly 8 billion.

Not unlike the myriad of people trying to wake people up. People don't want to wake up they just want some orgasms and some sleep, food, shitter, pisser and all good.

People believe life is Same Shit; Different Day. And people are going to have a rude awakening the closer they get to retirement or when life drops coof and your under lockdown for coofy or climate lockdowns.

Lockdowns till 2030 and forever.

The fact of the matter is the mind/minds/mass mind of mankind is utterly pathetic.
Abyssos said:

I agree with a large amount of what you say. And I will be very happy to see you participating more in the future. You clearly do have intelligence and I am happy to see you using it.

In other topics, nobody was really disagreeing with all of your ideas or judgements. But I saw you basically copy/pasting low level sewage from twitter or 4chan and adding nothing to it that is better than sewage. And this is where I saw the most people disagreeing with you. Many people having the idea that just because one person is sick, is not an excuse for you to spray sewage all over the ground because that is only an increase of sickness.

You clearly are smart enough to explain things and accomplish change in a successful and meaningful way. And we will all be much happier to have you work in this way instead of trying to fight a biohazard by creating a larger biohazard.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Abyssos said:

I agree with a large amount of what you say. And I will be very happy to see you participating more in the future. You clearly do have intelligence and I am happy to see you using it.

In other topics, nobody was really disagreeing with all of your ideas or judgements. But I saw you basically copy/pasting low level sewage from twitter or 4chan and adding nothing to it that is better than sewage. And this is where I saw the most people disagreeing with you. Many people having the idea that just because one person is sick, is not an excuse for you to spray sewage all over the ground because that is only an increase of sickness.

You clearly are smart enough to explain things and accomplish change in a successful and meaningful way. And we will all be much happier to have you work in this way instead of trying to fight a biohazard by creating a larger biohazard.

I gotta agree. I don't know about twitter/4chan thing. I know those sites are kinda bi-polar one set of people are happy to fight the culture/jihad war. The others cuck around like a wojack chicken meme.

But I do like Abyssos and I like how he builds his framework. For example thanks to him he stated the 300IQ statement:

I've read Stalag and Ford edition of Mein Kampf and I want to study the E.T.S. Dugdale '36 edition and other versions. Absolutely correct you study ALL versions of Mein Kampf and build a framework of cross information. It's not like the enemy whereby Xtian: Hi fellow christian; I study the NJV version. Other guy: I study the KJV prepare to die heretic.

No we study all. For example in Dr.Dalton's edition my favorite statement is:

"The Goddess of Peace walks along the path. Assured the God of War is ready to bring up his end of the bargain".

I'm sure Hitler would agree with the statement: "If your ready to break the Peace, prepare for War".

Or as Kane|Nod|Anton Slavik rejoice together: Peace through Power. I'm sure Hitler would agree with that statement.

(Abyssos Dugdale is 40% condensed version. The best part of the book is how it goes into detail on the Colburn fight more so than Dr. Dalton's '39 edition. Sheer fact is my favorite kabalistic statement of the Gentile Talmud of Hitler is: If the Government has money in their right pocket. They grab it with their right hand by inserting into their right pocket. They move it to the left hand and place it in their left pocket. How can the Government turn around and go, "We are broke! Give us your money!", "How can the Government go broke that doesn't make any sense.")

E.T.S. Dugdale lacks certain finesse of detail. As Dr. Dalton puts it, "Junger's Storm of Steel is one of the few books translated from German to English that describes in detail this period of time from the late-1800s to the times of Hitler's book development. For example he states the various battles of 1918 Marxist uprising, strikes. And states 1919 Battle by Rosa Luxumberg, Karl Leibnicht, Bela Kun(Bela Cohen 100+ days of terror in Hungary i.e. Battle of Budapest), and one more. He doesn't mention the 1923 Battle of Berlin where Commander Nolski along with 30,000 Freikorps fought nearly 250,000 communist and supporters, 250 maxim-type water cooled machine guns, and 15 artillery pieces and fought 100 blocks straight shooting, stabbing, blowing up, and beating communists down with little to no losses.

Both the Battle of Berlin '23 and 1919 Battles were paid for by the Thule society and potentially other occult fronts in support of Germany. In fact Astrologer Rudolf Hess was involved in 1919 and was acting as an agent for occult front to help in the battles. At least that has been mentioned.

Hitler does indeed in Dr.Dalton's state, "to destroy and root out the jews but at a limited level"

Right then and there all the jews just blot this out of their mind and scream, "bloody red, red murder".

Dr. Dalton's last few pages of the second volume:

If, at the beginning of the war, or even during
the war, 12- or 15,000 of these Hebraic corrupters of the people were held
under poison gas-as happened to hundreds of thousands of our best
German workers in the field-then the sacrifice of millions at the Front
would not have been in vain. 10 On the contrary: If 12,000 of these scoundrels had been eliminated in time, it would have saved the lives of
perhaps a million decent men-men who would have been of great value
for the future. But it was in accordance with bourgeois 'statesmanship' to
subject millions to a bloody end on the battlefield, all without batting an
eye, while they looked upon 10- or 12,000 traitors, profiteers, usurers, and
swindlers as precious national treasures, and thus openly proclaiming their
inviolability. One never knows which is greater in this bourgeois world:
imbecility, weakness, and cowardice, or a thoroughly sleazy attitude. It's a
class that's certainly doomed to go under, but unfortunately it drags the
whole nation down with it into the abyss.
10 As surprising as it may be, this appears to be the only time, in print or speech,
that Hitler explicitly called for the death of Jews. And by poison gas, no less
(recalling the gas attacks of WWI). Notably, it's not all of the Jews, or even
most of them, that he suggests be killed; just one or two percent of the then existing population in Germany. That would have sufficed to strike fear in the
militant Jews, to demonstrate German resolve, and likely to preempt any Jewish
thoughts of revolt-as ultimately happened in 1918. All of Hitler's other
threatening terminology toward the Jews, including vemichten ('destroy') and
ausrotten ('root out'), were expressed in non-lethal or non-genocidal contexts.
For further details, see Dalton (2015: 100-104).

At least Abyssos understands the JoS mentality of Power through Knowledge and doesn't limit himself or place roadblocks in his desire to knowledge.

We certainly aren't trying to repeat the enemy style of "Those xtians are your enemies cause messianic 'n' sheit, these xtians are the enemy cuz they go to church on Saturday rather than Sunday." etc.etc.

In other words as a Satanist you gather new technologies to improve yourself and the World. But do keep the biohazard away.

Albeit sometimes it is good to perform examination of biohazards and meme it out of reality. Ex: Adam Kinzinger, "We are gonna storm the White House." "Everyone shouted, "Fed, fed, fed". And memed him out of existence well until the democraps hoisted his petard and are ruining his life by placing federal charges on him.

Either way at least Henu, he is trying to improve. You can't exactly fault him for trying. We are all still learning and this is a good interjection to improve his resolve. If he is open and willing to learn you can interject and develop his framework of reference of mind with improvements.
Abyssos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

We are open to your help in these areas, as we are all on the same side, regardless of having to express our various concerns with each other.

Although we wish to grow alongside other true allies of Satanism, also understand that our emphasis is primarily on spiritual advancement, as this facilitates all other positive development, including political insight and NS behavior. Having political knowledge alone does not give spiritual advancement, and there is only so much time in one day to practice either.

We would claim that these other NS groups are spiritually impotent, in the likely case that they have never cleaned their aura or something. Of course, the contest is not between us, but with our shared enemy.

So there is a reason why we have been pushing for spiritual growth and less upon political efforts. That does not mean that your advice would not be useful and that we cannot grow, so please share.

You would be happy to know that many advanced members are genuinely pretty intuitive about who is trolling and who is not, but perhaps they are not trained on how to react properly.

If you would be willing to jump straight into the education of these topics, I am sure many would listen. Don't let your exasperation about the subject make you neglect the actual content which people would use to evaluate your statements with. Without details, misunderstandings begin to happen about what exactly should be done.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=408182 time=1671639689 user_id=21286]Having political knowledge alone does not give spiritual advancement, and there is only so much time in one day to practice either.

I think most people just want a physical solution as the majority of the Human race is just physical. There is no spiritual no higher aims no nothing.

It's probably why so many get attracted to NS, those that do. And study heavily the politics. Sheer fact is as Feder/Hitler put it in his Collected writings, [paraphrasing] "NS 25-point isn't set in stone. It can be added and improved but the base can never be diluted or eliminated."

I think this is why so many look up to Hitler. He just gave zero fucks about certain things and did what he did while creating a new paradigm of reality.

I can see myself and Abyssos desire that physicality. Me because of my lack of spirituality; various reasons. And Abyssos because he comes from a political background or a background of in depth study.

I notice most people in Spiritual groups just want to learn spiritual stuff. Not unlike myself from time to time for the sake of learning. In other words to study for the sake of study. Most people don't seriously practice spirituality or physical spirituality Yoga and even if they did Yoga = Exercise or Preliminary Warmup session.

Most people just want to live their physicalized life economically and politically in a better way.

Ex: Why should I spend $200 dollars to get a handful of stuff from the market just to feed my family I need to use 500 dollars. Or for example why is it 200 dollars back 20 years ago got me a mountain of supplies for at least two maybe three weeks. And now 200 dollars gets me barely two days of food supplies.

People are sick and tired of being sick and tired. They follow a paradigm and are simply physicalized people. Most people give two shits about spirituality or becoming a God in fact they'd laugh at us and some of the more clever, astute ones would be like, "I prefer your political leanings and study over your spiritual aspect, becoming a God, lol I mean okay it's not being a christ cuck and merging like a buhddist by disappearing into the ever void."

I think the fact Spirituality and religions have harmed rather than helped mankind for the most part. If we got cucks stating, "This grey or reptilian angel told me that Orion constellation is bad 'n' sheit."

Funny for all the people who cult up the enemies side. At what point did you ever step outside yourself and went to these places. Either visually, remote view, astral projection, or physically in a vessel?

Few if not outright very few.

Like the story FancyMancy put, "Lady shot her boyfriend cause they messed with her saying he is an ayylmao".

How stupid are people?

Most are NPCs.

Abyssos saw this and went, "There must be a change" hell anyone in their right judgement would agree.

Again Blitz I respect you cause you handle my baggage. But as a North Node Aquarius and having a very Aquarian simple life in this reality.

Most people simply want a better more financially and entertaining life. Coofy did exactly what happened to me in the previous mid-decade. I broke away from TV, I broke away from video games, I broke away from spending hours on the computer from as early as I awoke to late at night 2-3am.

I've Saturnized myself and belittled my life to a more humbler but less entertaining life.

Coofy for some did this to them and changed them for good or ill. Whether it's more free time to improve their life or more freetime to simply eat shit and binge watch entertainment content.

Most people simply want politics and economics without the bullshit. And I think Abyssos, assuming he is spiritually advancing might change from your statements. But Abyssos can also be another FancyMancy, Southern White Gentile, or the other people.

They simply care about the politics. The religion is just a cultural aspect and it's respected and seen high like in India or other polytheistic places. And most people are just content with the community and the people being in a group a mass. Like Hitler would state, "The Soldier is scared of battle but once he sees how many others are moving towards the same goal. He eases up a bit and realizes he isn't alone, there are more like people".

Unfortunately Blitz I respect your idealism. Like George Lincoln Rockwell states, "We National Socialists are idealist, ideological, and fanatical. Ironically enough the enemy is also fanatical. You will be destroyed, you are being destroyed unless you build a counter-fanatical force to counter their fanaticism."

Abyssos might just be another political fanatical who understands life isn't Cuckservatives and Degenerates, I'm not gonna call them liberal we need to take the word back.

There is no middle ground. Just extremes on both ends smashing or coming in together to smash what good is left of the innocents or the purveyors of a better World.

Most people simply want a break from life. To study and understand their reality. Most aren't gonna give a shit about meditation or lofty goals.

If people have no freedom and their perceived freedom is slavery or slavishness as well. Then obviously they will just sub-, con-, and super- consciously transmigrate that to their entire Worldview.

People simply want to live without paying soon to be 10 dollars for gas. Or having to spend XYZ amount for a hybrid or electric car or batteries for said cares costing a few hundred.

As Satan put it, "Middle class pay attention as this can concern you but you know better the management. Rich and Poor; Poor your not going to robinjew the rich. And rich your not gonna be robin the hood so to speak. Work together, no issues or beef among both of you and focus on making the World better."

People want a better World. They just don't want to live like a meditation machine performing everyday a set of disciplines to by some miracle somehow advance themselves highly all the while realizing everything put inside their brain is false narratives. Even their religion is a falsified matter.

Most people don't posses the plutonic strike to recreate themselves. I know destroying yourself is wrong on some occasions as your hurting your resolve but someone like me. I can change myself on a whim. Not sure why but someone can say something and as gullible and childish as it seems I can understand said person.
Abyssos said:

Ok, I read the thread, which to me appears to me as feminine SS elaborating on the feminine aspects of our path. Yes, there were elements which were depressive, but I don't think anyone assumes these to be permanently fixed in a negative position.

What does politically competent mean to you? Supporting NatSoc views, or also involving a specific manner of discussion? Do people on NatSoc groups not also highlight what is wrong in society? The difference between them and us is that we have the solutions on hand.

Regardless, I am still waiting to hear what you have to say. You seem very alarmed, which is fine, but don't bail before getting out your actual opinion on the matter. I am patiently waiting for whatever you are willing to provide on the subject.
Abyssos said:
This is never going to get fixed. Prove me wrong in that statement for the love of Satan, prove me wrong.

Cobra, myself, and many others are not going anywhere, so yes we will fix it if you can give us further insight.
Abyssos said:
Here, just read this post.


Read the entire thread. I don't know what to say. I don't know how this optics failure will ever be fixed. The rot has set in. This is what I'm talking about.

This is peak DEMORALIZATION. I'm about ready to stop trying to help. I am about ready to conclude that almost the entire Ancient Forums userbase are the enemies of the White Race. What message is being sent? What do you think politically competent people who come to Ancient Forums are supposed to think?

Wake up, for the love of Satan, please wake up. I simply don't know what to say anymore. I cannot in good conscience support the culture of Ancient Forums. I have had no choice but to disavow the general culture at Ancient Forums. I am sickened at what I see. What does this say about spiritual advancement and the Gods? What do you expect intelligent people with a conscience to think when they browse the forums? Don't give me any bullshit about "they aren't ready for spiritual knowledge, they have made their own choice regarding our spiritual knowledge, etc." I'm not talking about people who are not ready for spiritual knowledge, I'm talking about people who appreciate what I have to say to them about the knowledge of JoS, and have even DEDICATED, but are disgusted at what they see at Ancient Forums.

How many people here are FBI assets? You don't even know what a "subversive" is, you guys don't even know what to look for.

This is never going to get fixed. Prove me wrong in that statement for the love of Satan, prove me wrong.

Leave the girls talk and share amongst themselves and the community. "Wrong" or not, you don't have a compass of social direction. Nobody has time to police every thought or every perceptual subjective translation you deem In a certain way. We focus on the essential and guiding forces. This isn't needed and this actually creates the opposite.

Personal is personal and you should understand the intimacy barrier people have which carries a need for respect..as a politician you are, right?

How do you want politics when your whole speech presumes only on emotional incentive and fail to see the actual politics of all of this.

You are arguing with your self and self imposed scenarios.

No you are not the single human who can see the truth of the world. No you are not yet that important to solicit this level of intensity and attention on what you assume is needed, on what you assume it is critical.

If you want social political masturbation you can go and do cosplays in the world and become a small town mayor. That's most where this leads to in a very hopeful scenario.

You have been given allowance of attention without merit up to this point. If I am to get to the brutal level of this, you have to yet understand how the world works, how people work as that's the basis of policies.

Do not associate your dissatisfaction by reflection onto this growing community as something of a necessary transformation or else ...

Or else what? Nothing happens.

This is an entrapped social outcome of a mind without spiritual openness.

Leave people space to breathe, let them manifest. Stop policing and doing stupid inquisition on the wrong subjects, wrong time, wrong people. Learn the space of time, nothing happens in seconds because you have an emotional edge.

If this forum is demoralizing you, what is the natural outcome of this? If this is truly?

Complain complain. On the winter solstice!

Want to be a smart man, go read go make a case. Go write articles that allow from the stupid to the smart understand and accept. Learn how to word, how to rule, how to establish policies don't just bark at the highest tree you ever saw and think you reached an apple and you are already eating.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Abyssos said:

Looks like you are just doing a lot of crying while saying absolutely nothing. At least in your last 2 comments.

My guy wants politics, where you are mauled at every second of a sentence, where you create the greatest adversaries, yet only complains without doing nothing else.

Isn't this for the peasants, to complain? Or have the roles changed since the dawn of time.

Let's get into politics then.
Abyssos said:
Here, just read this post.


Read the entire thread. I don't know what to say. I don't know how this optics failure will ever be fixed. The rot has set in. This is what I'm talking about.

And what exactly do you mean to say? I would think you would agree with things that Brightspace brought up in this post, which is essentially trying to convey the deterioration of the relations between the sexes and how this also goes against the satanic agenda. I think you both would agree on this summary but simply express yourselves differently. I also do not believe he means to bash one sex one-sidedly, aside from explaining how the enemy attempts to suppress femininity. if this is what you are getting at, and no one else in that thread means to either (I even expressed this in my own post explicitly) but people have simply described their own experiences with this.

As far as gender relations or anything related is concerned IMO you really need to stay away from the groups you have been hanging around. Because I guarantee you they will be nothing but a bad influence. Many of those groups today have massive hang-ups about the opposite sex and will do no SS any good by influencing them in nonsatanic ways. You even admitted to the forums yourself in another post how you have developed a hatred for women....I am guessing Brightspace's post pushed a button?

I can tell you right now, those hang-ups aren't getting any better by hanging around the spheres you have been as far as gender and social relations.
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Abyssos said:

Looks like you are just doing a lot of crying while saying absolutely nothing. At least in your last 2 comments.

My guy wants politics, where you are mauled at every second of a sentence, where you create the greatest adversaries, yet only complains without doing nothing else.

Isn't this for the peasants, to complain? Or have the roles changed since the dawn of time.

Let's get into politics then.

To be fair, he hasn't got into the heart of what he thinks is wrong and what he wants to do. I am still waiting to fully conclude on this.

If he thinks his suggestions will improve how the forum deals with trolls, or in other areas, then I am all for listening. I did mention to him that we are trying to balance this with freedom of expression, however.

I don't exactly like that he seems to value other NatSoc groups at our expense, but I understand that he may be panicked or whatever. For now, I will wait.
Abyssos said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hail Satan!

In general I understand what you mean when you refer to as "politics", but what you refer to ask "politics" isn't really politics, because "political" things deal with political party things or a political agenda.

Anything besides this which has to do with how one perceives life is better.

People will never all have the same political opinions and trying to promote this is false. It also cannot be enforced, and even a government who tries to enforce this, will likely fail miserably.

The JoS doesn't force anyone on their politics and highlights certain things because they are more proper.

All I essentially hear from your replies is that "I know some people and they are too much cucking to the point if they see a post from Meteor they pretend major fire came out of their computer to the point they cannot sit on the forum, because they are that smart and have that proper their priorities, that they preach Rome sucks because they saw one street where something that in their view was unacceptable happened".

I also fail to see how a post from a regular or learning member consists of a great mistake other than a case where one has to receive answers and gain life experience.

As for the "cut your penis" situation which you boastfully cite even though it has never really passed or stayed here, I have cut many...said situations myself.

Most of what you write is an argument to shut down reality, and disapprove of what happens, or that people actually do these things, while it's all around us. The only way to address this is to face it.

People out there do and currently are many of the things you cannot even approve existing and everytime you see, you think this is a demoralizing fed operation or something. That is because you cannot really tolerate reality. These include all the things that are signs that one is on the totally wrong path.

Weird as it might sound, many people who get born today, and grow on the moral and ethical norms that are currently prevailing, might think cutting their genitals is a good thing.

If this is never appearing to be answered, they might assume that cutting them is great, because a Biden sponsored TV show tells them so everyday, and even State policy supports that. The only reason they will know that is not okay, is if they see it answered at, not hidden under the rug.

On the current state of social affairs all these things are promoted as perfectly fine and only people past a certain age consider these "Defacto wrong" and this is where we are with the enemy. Therefore, facing these subjects is needed. The only point I think makes sense is the quickness of intervention, which should be faster.

Essentially these people are making you embarrassed because you think that it's embarrassing to deal with this and not a casual part of life.

Likely, these people don't have children, and have no idea how teaching anyone anything was, and they aren't paying attention to the world, but are just trying to build up a high wall through what they refer to as their "political views" out of sheer neglience and incapacity to answer these things, or to change others positively.

Lastly, the complete lack of females in a place such as the unattractive "National Socialist" groups shows how it's a bunch of disconnected people outside of reality. They don't know how to deal with females, problems, or anything substantial such as children coming to you one day and telling you "I want to cut my dick because I saw this on TV".

Because they cannot deal with anything in their "purism", they cannot actually do much about it, besides whine and have a cringefest of "muh politics" while in fact anything political has to do with REALITY, and moreso a reality they are unwilling to even consider accepting. We have accepted reality and moving forward with what can be done, ourselves.

Please in your next responses, try to minimize and articulate what you mean rather than what X or X did or thinks. Try to really narrow it down.

I tried my best to answer what I think is behind your replies, but the above would help tremendously.

Happy Yule!
I am one of the least egalitarian members here. There is no love for me concerning the continual stupidity of the masses, retards and mental defectives, foreign men aged 18-35 who traipse across 15 countries to seek 'refuge', fanatical trans nutjobs, mask-tards and so on. The biggest and most vicious argument I had here was someone boiling with rage because I didn't get disturbed over a woman being beheaded by a refugee she continually went back to date against the advice of everyone else. Those who have the patience or compassion to deal with these issues often have kind motives, even to the point of such rage, but I personally do not find it desirable to give pity to unlimited practiced stupidity when stronger people are around who need urgent help.

Even when magestein joined the fray on Meteor's behalf and peddled some horseshit about non binary being valid, I did not budge an inch. This was not my first time at the rodeo. I knew Meteor was a pompous individual with all the usual groomer hallmarks and I have my own views about trans that come from direct experience of how they act, having sought out their 'perspective' for years, not mere prejudice. Thankfully, HP Cobra corrected the idiocy on this topic immediately. Shadowcat and Jack can say the same. But whatever people do behind the HPs back in some dark corner somewhere is not possible to rectify. Meteor is far from being the most destructive past member here. There are even pests who have been long banned here and supposedly run weird little parallel networks on other sites.

That said, you have not given us a single reason why incelism is any better than any of the above. Isn't incelism just sexual egalitarianism? Even if it has valid points about how xyz women are retarded, is it not yet another resentment movement hoisted onto the masses about the evils of privilege, just this time with women?

"A dangerous decision. - The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad [i.e. NEVER EQUAL/BORG ENOUGH] has made the world ugly and bad [i.e. A BORG]."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Book III

Nietzsche wrote in Twilight of the Idols that the appearance of ugliness and the demand for recognition resembles putrefaction to any heroic soul. Actually, he goes even further and claims it is the symptom of a society in full spiritual collapse. So what valuable insights can we at JoS gain from those whose identity is based around their self-perceived ugliness with a list of demands they seek from womankind?

I post ugly things here sometimes as fuel against the enemy, because they are our enemy and inflict their neolithic stupidity that is wholly incompatible with our design for life onto us. I do not post them to inspire some kind of world weariness, lamenting how bad and awful the world itself is, or how terrible life itself is. Any Satanist that dwells in that mindset [which was given form by xianity] is going to be hindered in their advancement. HPS Maxine makes it very clear in her writings that life is for LIVING, that we should DELIGHT in life, HP Cobra has also said this countless times. Hence I am careful to post a lot of things that encourage development.

If someone is so angry and full of preconceived ideas they get offended at BrightTruth666's posts for not being resentful enough, perhaps they are not cut out for this path. This is a hard and long path. Anything using the JoS as a resentment vehicle or as if it's a slot machine is going to go badly. Likewise, as much as I find someone like Meteor's actions excrecable, if a millionaire adult male believes some ridiculous fables about some Discord transvestite getting pregnant by immaculate conception, maybe half the problem is that this type of person in our society is the one who has money.

Years ago I was someone who used to seek out certain people to look at their views. One of these was incels. I cannot claim my experience is representative of incels as a whole as this is a heterogeneous movement with a lot of different people, but I went into a supposedly famous incel server and what I basically found was like a synagogue with them openly bragging about their ancestry. In addition to that, I found many invader mongrels asking for tips from their 'superiors' on how to con gullible Aryan goys [this was around the aftermath of the 2014 atrocity onto Europe]. Child grooming and things like this seemed to be abundant, which the controllers of said chat service could give less of a shit about. And of course, there were TOKEN TRANS ON THESE SERVERS flirting and doing the Meteor routine, even though the admins wanted to burn gays alive because muh jeezus, they did nothing because something about the trans pathology [self-nullifcation and fetishism] is appealing to them. The media like elliot's yenta sister pretend these are servers full of "evil White males".

All the trans, radical feminist and incel stuff beyond a certain point begins to blend and blur into each other as being paradigmatic of resentment. A radical feminist space I used to browse had posts about their boyfriends, often complaining about how they transed out or were incels from 4chan, or were some misogynistic Rey-Rey who was an athlete, or whatever. Women who hate men for being the active participle, who hate men for being powerful just because of certain violent or unsavoury behaviors dominated by men, will end up attracting their male equivalent. Many times, they dwell in this stupidity. I have to say, the women I know with 'radfem' viewpoints are often the biggest suckers with men and pay attention to the vilest men. In general, this is due to fear and delusion about one's role, as Lydia pointed out.

The paradigm of the current left instructs anything not-reptile approved to seek power and dominate by castrating themselves. Therefore, trans-hood is quickly becoming the perfecti class of the left wing, it boils down to a desire in liberalism for self-nullification and cutting off the nose of privilege, which only becomes more hysterical and insane the more power the left gains. There is never enough resentment or revenge for the left, period, because they find reality itself utterly intolerable. This is also why idiot feminists spend massive overtime simping for islam in general to the point some idiot antifa group in Austria showed up at a newspaper years ago trying to immolate themselves because it printed how a Muslim refugee raped a six year old boy. People like JK Rowling who are critical of trans but friendly towards every other egalitarian agenda will scarcely understand this is precisely the reason why they are outnumbered on twitter 1 to 10,000 by hysterical pro-trans youths.

None of this is any different to the rise of xianity either. People can tie themselves in knots trying to portray this anti-human program as 'traditional', but it's the same thing, regardless of whether it has Drag Queens reading to kids. Priests molesting boys while telling them they will burn in hell for their 'lust' is the same SHIT. It's the exact same garbage. Just look anywhere around 1 corinthians 20.

The JoS has run for 20+ years. For a modern NS organization this is frankly unheard of. We don't have an infiltrator problem as the Gods have eliminated waves of undesirables in accordance with Their will. The principle of Fuehrerprinzip is STRONG here, unlike other organizations I have seen. Generally speaking, our female members are highly useful and serve the Gods in a proper way. As the Gods indicated to HPS Maxine years ago, this can only happen through open communication and solidarity, weeding out the chaff.
Abyssos said:

I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about. The way I look at it, if I keep doing what is expected of me for my part to win the spiritual war, then when the jews fall then their false empire will fall with them at which point all of these agents will be outed anyway. It's inevitable that these bad actors as you name them will fall in the end, even the ones who for some reason believe they are secure. Satan sees all.

Everyone is going to get what they deserve, good or bad. The naughty ones aren't going to like where they end up.

I too was at one point worried about the image of the forums, but I've learned to let go and relax a bit. Everyone is growing at their own pace, and encouraging the expansion of their consciousness and their spiritual advancement will lead to the result you are looking for as well as much more. The past is the past, and while yes it is archived including many embarrassing moments for many, this is not ultimately important, and the right people who are meant to learn from the JoS and its forums will be willing to look past this. Those with the right mindset will simply look at it as our collective journey of overcoming, and notice how much we have grown together as a community.

Another point to keep in mind is that the 1 billion goal of our charter is not about getting 1 billion registered and participating on these forums, but rather the charter specifically states the goal as being 1 billion people exposed to the JoS content. This is an important difference to understand. I don't believe 1 billion souls are ready to be full fledged Spiritual Satanists at this specific point in time, and that will likely come much later in the future. Exposure is different, and that is fully possible and achievable. Reading the websites or simply hearing of the Joy of Satan from others counts as exposure, and this is talked about in the charter as I remember reading it.

I guess this concludes my "agenda"?

I'm glad this is finally the norm.
Abyssos said:
Happy Yule!

Yes, I am starting to believe we are all acting like your therapists while there is nothing to state besides you talking to morons and transferring improperly placed arguments that you cannot articulate, because the sources are of an emotional nature and not of a logical nature.

Then, the easiest solution to problems likely non existant or already solved, is to then pretend others do not understand your points, while also trying to demean their level of understanding over essentially trying to decipher the nothingness, which sounds a lot like speaking to a confused girl about her first love affair.

In that case the love affair is your love affair with people who say nonsense to JoS and having encumbered in your thought process numerous of their problems, or their "disapprovals" and misplaced opinions about JoS, all based on a primary cocktail of what "was ought to be for JoS" and your own created opinion of what "is the best", which is placed on literally nowhere but notions that arose from association with these people and places, and then trying to bridge gaps between all of this mentally.

It must also be a psyop that you cannot understand that when you make inarticulate arguments and constantly try to pretend others do not understand you, in particular over not making sense over your own unclarified directionless aims [and how everyone is a fool or an FBI agent for not understanding them] are actually very bad premises to begin any form of human interaction and conversation.

Thanks also for pretending nobody has understood or has readily applied any of "your solutions" while you likely read these from here, and understood them from here, from writings or work of others, which you later on invented these others were conveniently against to your line (which was originally theirs that woke you up), just in a pointless attempt to likely gain likely clout or a useless affirmation to even more useless and obtuse insecurities that are still not clarified even to you.

I think you should relax on four fronts before engaging further conversation if you want it to be constructive and fruitful.

1. Do not engage into insecurities created by anti-JoS or other people and ingest their "judgements", which are oftentimes totally misplaced.

2. Fix a little big that pessimism that has everyone as a fool and psyope'd here, and if you plan to make a case about for example, "A problem", make sure it's backed up by an existing problem and properly clarified.

3. The point of "austerity" which you are so keen onwards can make a point where there is essentially a forcible exercise to sound austere and smart without really providing any nominal value on a conversation or problem spacing. Or maybe to alleviate concerns of another nature.

4. Learn to really divide thoughts more clearly, to give yourself clearer thinking.

For example, every "Meteor" is not "JoS". Illogical thoughts like the equalization of a hierarchy and pretending this dross is the norm, is likely born out of a pessimism, likely the result of worry that the mere existence of this is actually a sign of ill performance, while it's actually a sign of...just existing in 2022.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=408302 time=1671670156 user_id=21286]
NakedPluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Looks like you are just doing a lot of crying while saying absolutely nothing. At least in your last 2 comments.

My guy wants politics, where you are mauled at every second of a sentence, where you create the greatest adversaries, yet only complains without doing nothing else.

Isn't this for the peasants, to complain? Or have the roles changed since the dawn of time.

Let's get into politics then.

To be fair, he hasn't got into the heart of what he thinks is wrong and what he wants to do. I am still waiting to fully conclude on this.

If he thinks his suggestions will improve how the forum deals with trolls, or in other areas, then I am all for listening. I did mention to him that we are trying to balance this with freedom of expression, however.

I don't exactly like that he seems to value other NatSoc groups at our expense, but I understand that he may be panicked or whatever. For now, I will wait.

If I may butt in this specific section.

As a disclaimer I have very lightly skimmed thru this post but I'm more invested in this part and want to say that it seems the problems stems from this individual not taking SS seriously. Not saying they're a troll here to waste our time, no, but I can understand having trouble having it ingrained in your mind and soul that Spiritual Satanism is the real deal and everyone here including the ones just reading but not dedicated yet (legit curious Gentiles) are of utmost importance.

One cannot just lie to themselves about this until they believe it. But luckily it's super easy to finally break free from the ignorant mind by just reading, experiencing and then sitting ones ass down and take in the reality of what's going on here granted said person is doing their spiritual workings daily.

It's obvious this person still doesn't get it when they're telling HP HC it's ironic that he said NatSoc groups are bad with women when only less than a handful of legit members have acted in bad manner towards women but have since grown out of it and it's only a specific person who is known in the past to have trouble with other members in this specific area and this is who most people with these complaints point towards to most of the time.

Relevant or not this person in my opinion has at least been growing slowly but surely. I can understand why there's some who disagree though.

The point I'm making is like HP HC just told them that this isn't deriving from a place of logic but emotions instead.

Besides that there's literally no consensus here where we have a bad view of women and if the OP wants to compare us to the ugly and fat masochists in those groups then it's obvious projection on their part and it seems they are doing this in other parts too.

I'm not trying to attack them. Just giving my evaluation of a problem I see.
hailourtruegod said:
As a disclaimer I have very lightly skimmed thru this post

hailourtruegod said:

Yes I am aware of this. It seemed like he was severely undervaluing the benefits of Satanism, especially its influence on the mind of people. For this reason, at least in part, he seemed to want to overly control discussions of people who are already advancing SS. In this case, it was not the discussion which was driving their advancement as much as their meditations, so there is less reason to stress about the discussion.

Yet, if he has suggestions and strategies for dealing with real trolls, then this would still prove useful. That is why I am waiting patiently, despite the above observation and other minor annoyances.
Abyssos said:
I am simply astounded at what I'm seeing here. Never in my life have I seen such an inability to grasp the basic concepts that I have put such excruciating effort to explain. This is a scientific psychological anomaly that I have never seen in my life, and I'm not sure what to think.

In my personal life. I do this, hugely.

My best reasoning is JoS was not founded on basic, intermediate properties but rather advanced properties. I posses a difficult astrological property that states,"Understands advanced concepts easily." My friend says it best. You dig a hole so far down in advanced concepts the pre-basic, basic, and intermediate properties become a blur to you. You are so deep the basics bore the crap out of you.

Do you think we are built from the ground up from the basics of the Ancient World or NS itself? We don't have the Ancients nor the Gods nor the manpower nor the NS themselves describing reality. I'm sure as hell the first thing the Gods intend is teaching Humans no matter how old the very basics like when the first Humans came when they birthed the first Humans.

Mankind is not even a baby it's a sperm cell duking it out with other sperm cells i.e. kamakazi sperm and trying to just propagate in a World that is under an negative influence.

Let me ask you a question:

Except for a few potential properties. Can you really explain National Socialism? If so are you the type of person that requires such as myself and my friend. A computer or electronic device to explain to people. You seem like Hitler's politician when you should act more like the Theoretician.

We can state National Socialism is socialism without the marxist nor capitalist leaning i.e. slightly better socialism or slightly worse socialism in modern times i.e. swing the pendulum away from the middle ground. We can state racial principles, national, economic, political, spiritual reasons(NS itself/Paganism/Satanism).

But honestly asking the question can you define what NS or SS is? I've been here since the early dawn of JoS 2003 back when I was 12 years old. And I still don't know my own philosophy either of the religion or the politics. In fact the extreme freedom we are given is downright slavish. If anything I feel like a prisoner involved with freedom.

I don't know if it's a Saturn-style build walls or restrictions artificial or actual. But genuinely can you explain the politician property wouldn't you rather be in your way the theoretician.

I can theorize NS and SS. I'm currently on the first or second chapter of Collected Writings of Feder, your post a few threads ago. Excellent book seems like a nugget of gold found in your backyard.

But like Hitler states in Dr. Dalton's Mein Kampf:


It isn't the task of the theoretician to explain the various ways in which
something can be put into practice. His task is to deal with the problem as
such; he has to look to the end rather than the means. The important
question is whether an idea is fundamentally correct, not whether it can be
carried out. When a man whose task is to lay down the principles of a
program or policy begins to busy himself with so-called 'usefulness' or
'reality' instead of the absolute truth, his work will cease to be a guiding
star to those who are looking for enlightenment. It will become a mere
recipe for everyday life. The theoretician must consider only the goal; the
politician must then strive for its fulfillment. The thought of the former
will, therefore, be determined by eternal truths, whereas the activity of the
latter must always be guided by the practical reality of the moment.
The greatness of the one will depend on the absolute truth of his idea;
whereas that of the other will depend on whether or not he correctly judges
the given realities and their advantageous application. In this sense, the
theoretical goal is his guiding star. The test of a politician's greatness is the
success of his plans and enterprises-in other words, his ability to reach
his goal. Conversely, the theoretician's final goal can never be reached;
human thought may grasp truths and envision ends that it sees with crystal
clarity, even though such ends can never be completely fulfilled because
human nature is weak and imperfect. The more correct an idea is in the
abstract, and therefore, the more powerful, the smaller the chance of putting
it into practice-at least as far as this depends on human beings. The
significance of a theoretician doesn't depend on the practical success of his
plans, but rather on their absolute truth and the influence they exert on the
progress of humanity.

If it were otherwise, the founders of religions could never be considered
the greatest men who have ever lived, because their moral aims would
never be completely or even partially carried out in practice. Even the
Religion ofLove3 is really no more than a faint reflection of the will of its
sublime founder. But its significance lies in the orientation that it attempted
to give to human civilization, ethics, and morality.
This vast difference between the functions of a theoretician and a
politician is the reason why the necessary qualifications for both functions
are rarely ever found in the same person. This applies especially to the socalled 'successful' politician of the smaller kind, whose activity is indeed hardly more than practicing 'the art of the possible, ' as Bismarck modestly
defined politics in general. If such a politician resolutely avoids great ideas,
his success will be all the easier to attain; and it will be quicker and more
tangible. By reason of this very fact, however, such success is doomed to
futility, and sometimes doesn't even survive the death of its author.
Generally speaking, the work of politicians is insignificant for following
generation, because their temporary success is based on the expediency of
avoiding all truly great and profound problems and ideas-the very things
that would have been valuable to future generations.

To pursue ideals that will still be of value and significance for the future is
generally not a very profitable undertaking. He who follows such a course is
only very rarely understood by the masses, who find beer and milk a more
persuasive index of political values than far-sighted plans for the future-which
are realized only much later, and whose benefits are reaped only by posterity.
Because of a certain vanity-which is always a cousin of stupiditythe general run of politicians will always avoid those schemes for the future that are very difficult to put into practice. And they will practice this
avoidance so as to not lose the immediate favor of the mob.

The success and importance of such politicians belong exclusively to the present; they
will be of no consequence for the future. But that doesn't worry smallminded people, who are quite content with momentary results.
The position of the theoretician is quite different. The importance of
his work must always be judged from the standpoint of the future. He is
frequently described by the word weltfremd, or unworldly. While the art of
the politician is the art of the possible, the theoretician belongs to those
who are said to please the gods, only because they demand the impossible.
Such men will always have to renounce present-day fame; but if their ideas
are immortal, posterity will grant them its reward.
Over long spans of human progress, it may occasionally happen that
the politician and theoretician are one. The more intimate this union, the
greater the obstacles that the activity of the politician will have to face.
Such a man doesn't labor for the purpose of satisfying demands that are
obvious to every shopkeeper, but he reaches out towards ends that can be
understood only by the few. His life is thus tom apart by hatred and love.
The protest of his contemporaries, who don't understand him, is in conflict
with the recognition of posterity, for whom he also works.


The greater the work that a man does for the future, the less he will be
appreciated by his contemporaries. His struggle will be all harder, and his
success rarer. If, in the course of centuries, such a man appears who is blessed
with success, then, towards the end of his days, he may have a faint vision
of his future fame. But such great men are only the marathon runners of
history. The laurels of contemporary fame are only for the brow of the dying
The great warriors are those who fight for their ideas and ideals, despite
the fact that they receive no recognition from their contemporaries. They are
the men whose memories will be enshrined in the hearts of future generations.
It almost seems as if each person felt a duty to atone for the wrongs
committed against such great men. Their lives and their work are then studied
with admiring gratitude and emotion. Especially in dark days of distress, such
men have the power to heal broken hearts and elevate despairing souls.
To this group belong not only the genuinely great statesmen but all the
great reformers as well. Beside Frederick the Great we have such men as
Martin Luther and Richard Wagner.

Ignore the religion of love statement i.e. xtianity.

Anyways I like your posts. You post long posts like me although with *much* better grammer. I'm assuming you educated yourself well and study at a high level. You keep a simple concise grammar properties and know the hidden of reading and can proofread on-the-fly and learn others uses of grammar and language arts. i.e. you studied it very in-depth or have a natural penchant intuition for applying grammar.

I don't know what to think except.You seem like a person that understands the pre-basic, basic, and intermediate AS WELL as advanced principles. And types it up properly.

People like it no one is saying it's bad. Just the reality is Humanity is heavily materialistic and physicalized.

I'm still forming an opinion of you. I appreciate the content though you might want to shrink down some of your answers as not everyone wants to read so many paragraphs. Maybe if the person is a heavy computer user or something but other than that, keep up the posts.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
